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Page 1: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

First Edition

Twitter Fitness10 Day Guide

To Increase Your Interaction on Twitter

Page 2: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

1 “Never answer the question What do you do?

with a job title and a company, but rather

something interesting that guarantees the answer, How do you do that? ” --

Patricia Fripp

Day 1

Page 3: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction


1. Follower Count

2. Following Count

3. Tweet Count

4. Member of List Count

5. Klout Score


Any good fitness program requires that you measure where you are before starting up; this is no exception. A blank Fit Test form can be found at the end of this eBook. Make note of your current stats:

Follower CountHow many followers do you currently have?

Following CountHow many users are you currently following?

Tweet CountHow many tweets have you tweeted so far?

Member of List CountHow many lists are you listed on?

Klout ScoreHead to sign in with Twitter and get your score.


Fit Test

Page 4: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

Review And Modify

1. Profile Settings

2. Email Notifications

3. Design

4. App Access


Most diets will have you go through your cupboards and toss all your junk food. We'll need to do that with your Twitter account as well.

Profile Settings! 1.! Profile Picture

Your profile picture says a lot about you. Make sure it's saying what you want.

! 2.! Name

Use your actual name. You want people to find you when they Google your name.

! 3.! Location

Put your city and state.

! 4.! Website

Put the URL to your blog. If you don't have one use the url to your Facebook or Linkedin.

! 5.! Bio

Use third person when describing yourself and be sure to type your name in the bio. This will also help for Google results. Be



Page 5: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction


sure to give potential followers a reason to follow you. Give them an idea of what you might be tweeting about.

! 6.! Facebook

If you have a Facebook it can be nice to link them to save time. However this is really meant for casual users. Twitter and Face-book are different beasts and what will make you a Power User on Twitter will make you an annoying jerk on Facebook. So what I'm saying is keep this feature turned off while on the Twit-ter Fitness Program.

Email Notifications! 1.! Activity on you and your Tweets

Check mark all of these. You are in extreme growth mode. You need to be notified when someone is interacting with you so you can respond and engage.

! 2.! Activity from your network

These settings are up to you.

! 3.! Updates from Twitter

These settings are up to you.

Design! 1.! Change Your Background - Use themealon

! ! or

! 2. Use Custom Background

! 3.! Use A Custom Header Image

Apps! 1.! Revoke

Get rid of any apps you allowed access in the past and do not use anymore

Page 6: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

2 “It’s all about people. It’s about networking and

being nice to people and not burning any bridges.”

-Mike Davidson

Day 2

Page 7: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

Complete The Following

1. Follow 10 Solid People

2. Share Quality Content x 5

Total Tweet Count = 5


Follow Solid PeopleDo a search for hashtags in your industry. You can use to get an idea for the users who use this hashtag the most. Check out their profiles and examine their posts. You want to find users who are having conversations with other Twitter users and sharing quality links.

You can also look at the lists these users have created. This is a great way to find users that have already been deemed worth following by someone you deem worth following. It saves you work.

Sharing Quality ContentCompose a tweet with content that fits your target market. This can be sharing a resource via a link or by sharing an opinion about a hot topic in your field.


Start It Up

Page 8: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

3 “The bigger your rolodex, the bigger your business.”


Day 3

Page 9: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

Complete The Following

1. Follow 10 Solid People

2. Share Quality Content x 5 with 1 Hashtag

3. Retweet x 2

Total Tweet Count = 7


HashtagsAgain use to find popular hashtags for your field and use one in your tweet.

RetweetFind two tweets by the new users you are following and retweet them.


It’s Not So Hard

Page 10: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

4 “Position yourself as a center of influence, the one who knows the movers and

shakers. People will respond to that, and you’ll

soon become what you project.” -Bob Burg

Day 4

Page 11: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

Complete The Following

1. Follow 20 Solid People

2. Share Quality Content x 10 with minimum 3 Hashtags

3. Retweet x 2

4. Mention x 5

5. Build Lists

Total Tweet Count = 17


Get RetweetedStart thinking about trying to get retweeted from now on. Leave at least 20 characters on some of your tweets so there is room if someone wants to retweet you.

MentionsReply to some of the new users you are following. Answer a question if they asked one. Thank them for sharing a resource. Ask them a question. Be sure to have text before using their @username, this will make sure everyone can see your tweet, even if it is just a period.

ListsCreate lists for the users you are following. You can group them into different industries or by region. However you feel works best. Remember that they can see the lists they are on so try to use list names that are flattering. For example, "Industry" or "Re-gion" Leaders, "Industry" or "Region" Influencers.


Keep It Up

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5 “No one lives long enough to learn everything they

need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who

have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.” -Brian Tracy

Day 5

Page 13: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

Complete The Following

1. Follow 20 Solid People

2. Share Quality Content x 10 with minimum 5 Hashtags

3. Retweet x 2

4. Mention x 5

5. Maintain Lists

Total Tweet Count = 17


ListsKeep organizing any new users you start to follow

Follow BackYou will start to gain followers naturally from this process. Take a look at their profile and if they do not appear to be spam then follow them back and engage with them.


Half Way

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6 “If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there.” -

Robert Kiyosaki

Day 6

Page 15: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

Complete The Following

1. Follow 30 Solid People

2. Share Quality Content x 15 with minimum 7 Hashtags

3. Retweet x 4

4. Mention x 7

5. Maintain Lists

Total Tweet Count = 26


Twitter Stats

340,000,000 Tweets Per Day

140,000,000+ Active Users


Don’t Stop Now

Page 16: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

7 “Think about it: everybody you know, everyone that

you meet, also know about 250 people. So every time

you cultivate a relationship with one new person, you have actually expanded

your personal inventory by 250 people - every single

time.” -- Bob Burg

Day 7

Page 17: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

Complete The Following

1. Follow 30 Solid People

2. Share Quality Content x 15 with minimum 7 Hashtags

3. Retweet x 4

4. Mention x 7

5. Maintain Lists

Total Tweet Count = 26


Twitter Fun

“Google before you tweet is the new think before you speak.”

– Unknown


Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Page 18: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

8 “The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else

looks for work.”- Robert Kiyosaki

Day 8

Page 19: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

Complete The Following

1. Follow 30 Solid People

2. Share Quality Content x 15 with minimum 7 Hashtags

3. Retweet x 4

4. Mention x 7

5. Maintain Lists

Total Tweet Count = 26


Twitter Fun

“Facebook = Where I lie to my friends. Twitter = Where I’m hon-est with strangers.” – Unknown


The Force Is Strong With This One

Page 20: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

9 “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” -- Jane


Day 9

Page 21: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

Complete The Following

1. Follow 30 Solid People

2. Share Quality Content x 15 with minimum 7 Hashtags

3. Retweet x 4

4. Mention x 7

5. Maintain Lists

Total Tweet Count = 26


Top 5 Twitter Users (Followers)

1. Lady Gaga @ladygaga - 29,503,343

2. Justin Bieber @justinbieber - 27,957,851

3. Katy Perry @katyperry - 26,598,965

4. Rihanna @rihanna - 25,814,875

5. Britney Spears @rihanna - 20,417,730

September 2012


99 Problems And A Tweet Ain’t One

Page 22: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

10 None of us is as smart as all of us.

- Ken Blanchard

Day 10

Page 23: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

Complete The Following

1. Follow 50 Solid People

2. Share Quality Content x 20 with minimum 10 Hashtags

3. Retweet x 5

4. Mention x 10

5. Maintain Lists

Total Tweet Count = 35



You have completed the Twitter Fitness Program! Use the hash-tag #twitterfitness and let everyone know about your accom-plishment!

Fit TestAllow a few days to pass and take the fit test again. Take note of the changes in your stats!


I Am Winning, All The Sports

Page 24: Twitter Fitness: 10 Day Guide to Increase Twitter Interaction

Followers Following Tweets Lists Klout

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 13

Fit Test

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