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Tutorial 25. Parallel Processing


This tutorial illustrates the setup and solution of a simple 3D problem using FLUENT’sparallel processing capabilities. In order to be run in parallel, the mesh must be dividedinto smaller, evenly sized partitions. Each FLUENT process, called a compute node,will solve on a single partition, and information will be passed back and forth across allpartition interfaces. FLUENT’s solver allows parallel processing on a dedicated parallelmachine, or a network of workstations running Linux, UNIX, or Windows.

The tutorial assumes that both FLUENT and network communication software have beencorrectly installed (see the separate installation instructions and related information fordetails). The case chosen is the mixing elbow problem you solved in Tutorial 1.

This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:

• Start the parallel version of FLUENTusing either Linux/UNIX, or Windows.

• Partition a grid for parallel processing.

• Use a parallel network of workstations.

• Check the performance of the parallel solver.


This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the menu structure in FLUENT and thatyou have completed Tutorial 1. Some steps in the setup and solution procedure will notbe shown explicitly.

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Parallel Processing

Problem Description

The problem to be considered is shown schematically in Figure 25.1. A cold fluid at20◦C flows into the pipe through a large inlet, and mixes with a warmer fluid at 40◦Cthat enters through a smaller inlet located at the elbow. The pipe dimensions are ininches, and the fluid properties and boundary conditions are given in SI units. TheReynolds number for the flow at the larger inlet is 50,800, so a turbulent flow model willbe required.

= 4216 J/kg−KpC

= 8 x 10 Pa−sµ −4

k = 0.677 W/m−K

= 0.4 m/sxU4" Dia.



3"1" Dia.



Viscosity:Conductivity:Specific Heat:

T = 20 CI = 5%

= 1.2 m/syUT = 40 CI = 5%

Density: = 1000 kg/m3ρ



Figure 25.1: Problem Specification

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Parallel Processing

Setup and Solution


1. Download from the Fluent Inc. User Services Center orcopy it from the FLUENT documentation CD to your working folder (as describedin Tutorial 1).

2. Unzip

elbow3.cas can be found in the parallel process folder created after unzippingthe file.

You can partition the grid before or after you set up the problem (define models,boundary conditions, etc.). It is best to partition after the problem is set up, sincepartitioning has some model dependencies (e.g., sliding-mesh and shell-conductionencapsulation). Since you have already followed the procedure for setting up themixing elbow in Tutorial 1, elbow3.cas is provided to save you the effort of re-defining the models and boundary conditions.

Step 1: Starting the Parallel Version of FLUENT

Since the procedure for starting the parallel version of FLUENT is dependent upon thetype of machine(s) you are using, four versions of this step are provided here. Follow theprocedure for the machine configuration that is appropriate for you.

• Step 1A: Multiprocessor Windows, Linux, or UNIX Computer

• Step 1B: Network of Windows, Linux, or UNIX Computers

Step 1A: Multiprocessor Windows, Linux, or UNIX Computer

You can start the 3D parallel version of FLUENT on a Windows, Linux, or UNIX machineusing 2 processes by performing either of the following steps:

• At the command prompt, type

fluent 3d -t2

See Chapter 31 of the User’s Guide for additional information about parallel com-mand line options.

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Parallel Processing

• For Linux or UNIX, at the command prompt, type fluent.

For Windows, type fluent -t2.

! Do not specify any argument (e.g., 3d).

1. Specify the 3D parallel version.

File −→Run...

(a) Enable the 3D and the Parallel options in the Versions group box.

(b) Set Processes to 2 in the Options group box.

(c) Retain the selection of Default in the Interconnect drop-down list.

(d) Click Run.

Step 1B: Network of Windows, Linux, or UNIX Computers

You can start the 3D parallel version of FLUENT on a network of Windows, Linux, orUNIX machines using 2 processes and check the network connectivity by performing thefollowing steps:

1. Start parallel FLUENT.

• At the command prompt, type

fluent 3d -t2 -cnf=fluent.hosts

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Parallel Processing

where -cnf indicates the location of the hosts text file. The hosts file is a textfile that contains a list of the computers on which you want to run the paralleljob. If the hosts file is not located in the directory where you are typing thestartup command, you will need to supply the full pathname to the file.

For example, the fluent.hosts file may look like the following:



See Chapter 31 of the User’s Guide for additional information about hosts filesand parallel command line options.

• For Linux or UNIX, at the command prompt, type fluent.

For Windows, type fluent -t2.

! Do not specify any additional arguments (e.g., 3d).

(a) Specify the 3D network parallel version.

File −→Run...

i. Enable the 3D and the Parallel options in the Versions group box.

ii. Retain the default value of 1 for Processes in the Options group box.

iii. Specify the name and location of the hosts text file in the Hosts Filetext box.

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Parallel Processing

iv. Retain the selection of Default in the Interconnect drop-down list.

v. Click Run.

2. Check the network connectivity information.

Although FLUENT displays a message confirming the connection to each new com-pute node and summarizing the host and node processes defined, you may find ituseful to review the same information at some time during your session, especiallyif more compute nodes are spawned to several different machines.

Parallel −→Show Connectivity...

(a) Set Compute Node to 0.

For information about all defined compute nodes, you will select node 0, sincethis is the node from which all other nodes are spawned.

(b) Click Print.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ID Comm. Hostname O.S. PID Mach ID HW ID Name------------------------------------------------------------------------------n1 mpich2 another_computer Windows-32 21240 1 1 Fluent Nodehost net my_computer Windows-32 1204 0 3 Fluent Hostn0* mpich2 my_computer Windows-32 1372 0 0 Fluent Node


ID is the sequential denomination of each compute node (the host process isalways host), Comm. is the communication library (i.e., MPI type), Hostnameis the name of the machine hosting the compute node (or the host process),O.S. is the architecture, PID is the process ID number, Mach ID is the computenode ID, and HW ID is an identifier specific to the communicator used.

(c) Close the Parallel Connectivity panel.

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Parallel Processing

Step 2: Reading and Partitioning the Grid

When you use the parallel solver, you need to subdivide (or partition) the grid into groupsof cells that can be solved on separate processors. If you read an unpartitioned grid intothe parallel solver, FLUENT will automatically partition it using the default partitionsettings. You can then check the partitions to see if you need to modify the settings andrepartition the grid.

1. Inspect the automatic partitioning settings.

Parallel −→Auto Partition...

If the Case File option is enabled (the default setting), and there exists a valid parti-tion section in the case file (i.e., one where the number of partitions in the case filedivides evenly into the number of compute nodes), then that partition informationwill be used rather than repartitioning the mesh. You need to disable the Case Fileoption only if you want to change other parameters in the Auto Partition Grid panel.

(a) Retain the Case File option.

When the Case File option is enabled, FLUENT will automatically select apartitioning method for you. This is the preferred initial approach for mostproblems. In the next step, you will inspect the partitions created and be ableto change them, if required.

(b) Click OK to close the Auto Partition Grid panel.

2. Read the case file elbow3.cas.

File −→ Read −→Case...

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Parallel Processing

3. Display the grid (Figure 25.2).

Display −→Grid...




GridFLUENT 6.3 (3d, pbns, rke)

Figure 25.2: Grid Along the Symmetry Plane for the Mixing Elbow

4. Check the partition information.

Parallel −→Partition...

(a) Click Print Active Partitions.

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Parallel Processing

FLUENT will print the active partition statistics in the console.

>> 2 Active Partitions:P Cells I-Cells Cell Ratio Faces I-Faces Face Ratio Neighbors0 11329 1900 0.168 37891 2342 0.062 11 11329 359 0.032 38723 2342 0.060 1

----------------------------------------------------------------------Collective Partition Statistics: Minimum Maximum Total----------------------------------------------------------------------Cell count 11329 11329 22658Mean cell count deviation 0.0% 0.0%Partition boundary cell count 359 1900 2259Partition boundary cell count ratio 3.2% 16.8% 10.0%

Face count 37891 38723 74272Mean face count deviation -1.1% 1.1%Partition boundary face count 2342 2342 2342Partition boundary face count ratio 6.0% 6.2% 3.2%

Partition neighbor count 1 1----------------------------------------------------------------------Partition Method Principal AxesStored Partition Count 2


Note: FLUENT distinguishes between two cell partition schemes within a par-allel problem—the active cell partition, and the stored cell partition. Here,both are set to the cell partition that was created upon reading the case file.If you repartition the grid using the Partition Grid panel, the new partitionwill be referred to as the stored cell partition. To make it the active cellpartition, you need to click the Use Stored Partitions button in the PartitionGrid panel. The active cell partition is used for the current calculation,while the stored cell partition (the last partition performed) is used whenyou save a case file. This distinction is made mainly to allow you to par-tition a case on one machine or network of machines and solve it on adifferent one.

See Chapter 31 of the User’s Guide for details.

(b) Review the partition statistics.

An optimal partition should produce an equal number of cells in each parti-tion for load balancing, a minimum number of partition interfaces to reduceinterpartition communication bandwidth, and a minimum number of partitionneighbors to reduce the startup time for communication. Here, you will be

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Parallel Processing

looking for relatively small values of mean cell and face count deviation, andtotal partition boundary cell and face count ratio.

(c) Close the Partition Grid panel.

5. Examine the partitions graphically.

(a) Initialize the solution using the default values.

Solve −→ Initialize −→Initialize...

In order to use the Contours panel to inspect the partition you just created,you have to initialize the solution, even though you are not going to solve theproblem at this point. The default values are sufficient for this initialization.

(b) Display the cell partitions (Figure 25.3).

Display −→Contours...

i. Enable Filled in the Options group box.

ii. Select Cell Info... and Active Cell Partition from the Contours of drop-downlists.

iii. Select symmetry from the Surfaces selection list.

iv. Set Levels to 2, which is the number of compute nodes.

v. Click Display and close the Contours panel.

As shown in Figure 25.3, the cell partitions are acceptable for this problem.The position of the interface reveals that the criteria mentioned earlier will be

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Parallel Processing

Contours of Active Cell PartitionFLUENT 6.3 (3d, pbns, rke)






Figure 25.3: Cell Partitions

matched. If you are dissatisfied with the partitions, you can use the PartitionGrid panel to repartition the grid. Recall that, if you wish to use the modifiedpartitions for a calculation, you will need to make the Stored Cell Partition theActive Cell Partition by either clicking the Use Stored Partitions button in thePartition Grid panel, or saving the case file and reading it back into FLUENT.

See Section 31.5.4 of the User’s Guide for details about the procedure andoptions for manually partitioning a grid.

6. Save the case file with the partitioned mesh (elbow4.cas).

File −→ Write −→Case...

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Parallel Processing

Step 3: Solution

1. Initialize the flow field using the boundary conditions set at velocity-inlet-5.

Solve −→ Initialize −→Initialize...

(a) Select velocity-inlet-5 from the Compute From drop-down list.

(b) Click Init.

A Warning dialog box will open, asking if you want to discard the data generatedduring the first initialization, which was used to inspect the cell partitions.

(c) Click OK in the Warning dialog box to discard the data.

(d) Close the Solution Initialization panel.

2. Enable the plotting of residuals during the calculation.

Solve −→ Monitors −→Residual...

3. Start the calculation by requesting 200 iterations.

Solve −→Iterate...

The solution will converge in approximately 180 iterations.

4. Save the data file (elbow4.dat).

File −→ Write −→Data...

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Parallel Processing

Step 4: Checking Parallel Performance

Generally, you will use the parallel solver for large, computationally intensive problems,and you will want to check the parallel performance to determine if any optimization isrequired. Although the example in this tutorial is a simple 3D case, you will check theparallel performance as an exercise.

See Chapter 31 of the User’s Guide for details.

Parallel −→ Timer −→Usage

Performance Timer for 179 iterations on 2 compute nodesAverage wall-clock time per iteration: 0.574 secGlobal reductions per iteration: 123 opsGlobal reductions time per iteration: 0.000 sec (0.0%)Message count per iteration: 70 messagesData transfer per iteration: 0.907 MBLE solves per iteration: 7 solvesLE wall-clock time per iteration: 0.150 sec (26.1%)LE global solves per iteration: 2 solvesLE global wall-clock time per iteration: 0.001 sec (0.1%)AMG cycles per iteration: 12 cyclesRelaxation sweeps per iteration: 479 sweepsRelaxation exchanges per iteration: 141 exchanges

Total wall-clock time: 102.819 secTotal CPU time: 308.565 sec

The most accurate way to evaluate parallel performance is by running the same par-allel problem on 1 CPU and on n CPUs, and comparing the Total wall-clock time

(elapsed time for the iterations) in both cases. Ideally you would want to have the Total

wall-clock time with n CPUs be 1/n times the Total wall-clock time with 1 CPU.In practice, this improvement will be reduced by the performance of the communicationsubsystem of your hardware, and the overhead of the parallel process itself. As a roughestimate of parallel performance, you can compare the Total wall-clock time with theCPU time. In this case, the CPU time was approximately 3 times the Total wall-clock

time. For a parallel process run on two compute nodes, this reveals very good parallelperformance, even though the advantage over a serial calculation is small, as expected forthis simple 3D problem.

Note: The wall clock time, the CPU time, and the ratio of iterations to convergence timemay differ depending on the type of computer you are running (e.g., Windows32,Linux 64, etc.).

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Parallel Processing

Step 5: Postprocessing

See Tutorial 1 for complete postprocessing exercises for this example. Here, two plots aregenerated so that you can confirm that the results obtained with the parallel solver are thesame as those obtained with the serial solver.

1. Display an XY plot of temperature across the exit (Figure 25.4).

Plot −→ XY Plot...

(a) Select Temperature... and Static Temperature from the Y Axis Function drop-down lists.

(b) Select pressure-outlet-7 from the Surfaces selection list.

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Parallel Processing

(c) Click Plot and close the Solution XY Plot panel.




Static TemperatureFLUENT 6.3 (3d, pbns, rke)

Position (in)














Figure 25.4: Temperature Distribution at the Outlet

2. Display filled contours of the custom field function dynam-head (Figure 25.5).

Display −→ Contours...

(a) Select Custom Field Functions... from the Contours of drop-down list.

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Parallel Processing

The custom field function you created in Tutorial 1 (dynam-head) will be se-lected in the lower drop-down list.

(b) Enter 80 for Levels.

(c) Select symmetry from the Surfaces selection list.

(d) Click Display and close the Contours panel.

Contours of dynamic-headFLUENT 6.3 (3d, pbns, rke)





Figure 25.5: Contours of the Custom Field Function, Dynamic Head


This tutorial demonstrated how to solve a simple 3D problem using FLUENT’s parallelsolver. Here, the automatic grid partitioning performed by FLUENT when you read themesh into the parallel version, was found to be acceptable. You also learned how to checkthe performance of the parallel solver to determine if optimizations are required.

See Section 31.6 of the User’s Guide for additional details about using the parallel solver.

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