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Page 1: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

Page 2: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the course of 21 Hardcore Upper Body Challenges, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. By beginning and participating with 21 Hardcore Upper Body Challenges / workouts, you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of The Forged Athlete LLC, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against The Forged Athlete LLC or their respective affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of your program. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced (by

any means) without the expressed written permission of Travis Stoetzel and The Forged Athlete LLC.

This manual is being offered for education and information purposes

only. There is inherent risk with any physical activity.

Please consult your physician before starting this (or any) exercise program.

The Forged Athlete, LLC or Travis Stoetzel cannot be held responsible

for any injury that may occur while participating in this program.

Copyright 2013 The Forged Athlete, LLC

Page 3: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

What is it with people and their fascination with upper body training these days? You know what I’m talking about… Bench on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s with tricep work, curls, and the like Ha ha! I can remember when my “upper body training” was like that… When most people think about upper body training, that’s what they tend to think about… bench press, curls, tricep work, ect. I want you to stop thinking about upper body training in that way. Instead we’re going to be taking more of a functional / athletic based approach to our Upper Body Training. No more days of doing strict curls or DB tricep extension kickbacks…

Forget that stuff! I know that back when I was young I was always cranking out sets of curls and and tricep extensions… I was an upper body training freak… Here’s a little story about how I used to train my “Upper Body”… When I got into middle school, I can remember going into the gym right after lunch to get in a few extra sets of curls in. I would always do a preacher bar curl routine that I learned from my buddy Brian, who’s dad was a college basketball coach. Brian was always around older, high level athletes and the routine he shared with me he learned from some college football player, or at least that’s what he said ;)

Page 4: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

All I know is that he showed me this routine one-day in weights class and for years I would do that same routine weekly. We would train arms all the time! Presently, I haven’t done ANY direct arm work for biceps or triceps for YEARS as itt’s literally been well over 4 maybe even 5 years since the last time I can remember I did some curls or direct tricep work. That was back when I was still thinking about competing in a second bodybuilding show. Either way, when I decided to drop strict bodybuilding for a more athletic / performance based training style, that’s when I stopped all types of direct arm work and started training the upper body right. Luckily, I’ve become a bit smarter as time has gone by and have figured out much better and effective ways to train the upper body instead of just hitting curls and tricep extension... Of course, I as lucky to of started doing the basics of Upper Body Training via push ups and pull ups as I was constantly cranking out those movements as a kid starting at a young age. That’s helped a ton in building up more Now, some of my favorite ways I’ve used in the past can be found below within these 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will forever be changed as well. I know you’ll dig these challenges and they’ll help you build an upper body like a freak. How to use these Upper Body Challenges? It’s to my belief that wen ever there’s a bit of a challenge involved with any type of training you do, your results are sure to be increased and when you use strategically planned out challenges, it’s even better. Plus, adding in these challenges is a great way to spice up your training. The best way to utilize these Upper Body Challenges would be to throw them into the END of your main STRENGTH focused workout or use them as a short “go-to” upper body workout for when you’re short on time. Your #1 priority is to first make sure to get in your main strength and conditioning work in and then after you’ve completed that, you can have your fun with these challenges.

Page 5: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

I can’t stress this enough. If you’re lacking in overall strength and efficiency with your upper body movements such as push ups and pull ups, make sure that you properly build up a fair amount of strength with those basic movements first before jumping head-on into these challenges. These challenges, while they’ll assist you in getting STRONGER are not geared towards specifically building strength. Now, don’t get me wrong in thinking these challenges won’t get your better results, it’s just that these challenges are taking in account that you have already built up a solid base level of strength first. YES, you can use these challenges to help build your strength, but they are more focused in on “finishing off” your upper body focused sessions. In regards to where I think you should be as far as your BARE-minimums strength levels would are: Push Ups – 30 non-stop Pull Ups – At LEAST 5 non-stop HSPU – 5 non-stop Recline Row – 20 non-stop Please note that these are very LOW minimums. If you’re not quite up to these minimums yet, it’s time to get your butt there. FOCUS on quality strength work and follow the progressions laid out in Warrior Upper Body. That program will surely help you get to those minimums and beyond + when you combine these challenges, you blow past them.

Page 6: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

Does it matter which one Challenge you do? Each challenge hits different planes of motion and movements so what you’ll want to do is to try and mimic what you did in your main strength session (if you’re really trying to focus in on that area). Another option would be to simply grab a challenge and crank it out. If you have some seriously lagging body parts that you want to focus in on improving, select and target the challenges that hit those areas as I stated above. That would be the best way. It’s like I always say… Attack your weaknesses and challenge yourself! Don’t always do the stuff that you find easy or enjoyable. If you want to improve, do what you’re not good at. Are there Progressions? You’ll notice for most of the Upper Body Challenges there will be a list of progressions next to the different movements. Obviously there are tougher and easier progressions you can use for the different movements listed, but you’ll want to make sure you first master the easier progressions first before moving onto the tougher progressions. The MOST IMPORTANT Tip is to make sure to progress at your difficulty level to avoid possible injury. The video demos will supply further details in regards to the what and how of each movement, progression, plus how to score each challenge. Regarding Going To FAILURE. The last tip I want to go over is in regards to going to failure. Under each challenge I note either a set amount of reps, a time interval, or to go to “submax”. Submax is easy to monitor as with those sets, you simply stop a few reps short of total failure.

Page 7: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

When it comes to doing timed sets or intervals, if you get to the point at which you start to really grind reps out or your movement slows quite noticeably, stop and rest for a few quick seconds, then crank some more reps. Those short breaks will help keep the quality of movements up. Main thing is to avoid pushing that limit of failure. Even if I list that you do a 1 Min AMRAP set, this doesn’t mean you have to crank out pull ups for that whole min. When you need to take a quick break, do so in order to keep your form and technique in check. ALWAYS avoid technical break down. Bottom line, in order for you to keep your progress moving forward, I want you to AVOID going to failure, especially during these challenges. Instead, focus on keeping a few reps left in your tank. It’s hard to think about it in those terms, but trust me as you’ll get a whole lot more out of your training doing it this way. And with that, have fun with these and make sure to go 110% H.A.M. ALSO, make sure to stop by my Facebook Fan Page and let me know which one of these HARDCORE Upper Body Challenges is your favorite! I look forward to hearing about your results! Here’s to getting a STRONG, ATHLETIC, and JACKED Upper Body! Live and Train Aggressive! Travis

Page 8: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

Cash It Out 2 Rounds:

Plyo Push Ups x submax

Pull Ups (any grip) x submax

Push Ups x submax

Recline Rows x submax

***Rest Only 60 Secs Between Rounds

***Score = TOTAL reps completed

***DO NOT go to complete failure, stop short with two reps left in tank

Dip N’ Pull Till You Die Ring OR Suspended Dips x submax

Rest 30 secs

Pull Ups x submax

Rest 30 secs

Bar Dips x submax

Rest 30 secs

Suspended Pull Ups w/ Feet Elevated

Page 9: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

***Score = TOTAL reps completed

***DO NOT go to complete failure

At All Angles HSPU x submax

Rest 15-30 secs

Pull Ups x submax

Rest 15-30 secs

Feet Elevated Push Ups x submax

Rest 15-30 secs

Recline Rows x submax

Rest 15-30 secs

Push Ups x submax

Rest 15-30 secs

Feet Elevated Recline Rows x submax

***Score = TOTAL reps completed for ALL movements

***Optional – Rest 1 min and then go back up the ladder in reverse order

The Snatch / Push Up Ladder 6 Min AMRAP Of:

1 Arm DB Power Snatch x 1, 2, 3, 4…

1 Arm Push Up / Suspended 1 Arm Assisted Push Up x 1, 2, 3, 4… / side

***Regress to regular push ups if need be, but increase reps to x 2, 4, 6, 8, ect if you do so. ***Score – # of rounds + weight used for snatches completed in 6 mins

Page 10: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

From Far To Close Submax reps in each:

Wide Grip Pull Ups

30 secs Rest

Wide Grip Push Ups

30 secs Rest

Normal Grip Pull ups

30 secs Rest

Normal Grip Push Ups

30 Secs Rest

Close Grip Pull ups

30 Secs Rest

Close Grip Push ups

***Score – Total amount of reps for Pull Ups, and Total Amount of Push ups completed for all variations

***Go from Close to Far if desired for more challenge

Page 11: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

Iron and Straps – Bicep Attack 1A) Barbell Cheat Curls 3 x 5-8 (HEAVY)


1B) Suspended Recline Bicep Curls 3 x submax

REST 60 secs and repeat

***Score – total amount of suspended curls completed + weight used for cheat curls

***HARDCORE Recommendation - The Jungle Gym XT Suspension Straps***

Iron and Straps – Tricep Attack 1A) Close Grip Bench Press 3 x 5-8 (HEAVY)


1B) Suspended Skull Crushers 3 x submax

REST 60 secs and repeat

***Score – total amount of suspended skulls completed + weight used for close grip bench

Iron and Strap – Back Attack 1A) Bent Barbell Rows 3 x 5-8 (HEAVY)


1B) Feet Elevated Recline Rows / Recline Rows 3 x submax

REST 60 secs and repeat

***Score – total amount of recline rows + weight used for bent rows

Page 12: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

Iron and Straps – Chest Attack 1A) Bench Press OR HEAVY DB Bench Press 3 x 5-8


1B) Feet Elevated Suspended Push Ups / Suspended Push Ups 3 x submax

REST 60 secs and repeat

***SCORE – total amount of suspended push ups + weight used for Bench Press / DB Bench

Iron and Straps – Shoulder Attack 1A) Barbell Military Press OR DB Neutral Grip Military Press @ 5-8

1B) Suspended HSPU (Foot In Straps) / HSPU no straps x submax / HSPU hold x time

***SCORE – total amount of HSPU done OR total time for holds completed + weight used for Military Press

Page 13: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

Bi and Tri Band Attack Finisher Perform a Tabata Set of the following:

1A) Banded Power Hammer Curls x 20 secs

REST x 10 secs

1B) Band Overhead Tricep Extensions x 20 secs

REST x 10 secs and repeat x 4 total rounds

***Score – Total amount of reps completed during work sets

***HARDCORE Recommendation – Performax Bands – Resistance Bands***

Chest and Back Band Attack Finisher Perform a Tabata Set of the following:

Perform a Tabata Set of the following:

1A) Banded Push Ups x 20 secs

REST x 10 secs

1B) Banded Bent Rows x 20 secs

REST x 10 secs and repeat x 4 total rounds

***Score – Total amount of reps completed during work sets

Page 14: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

Chest and Back Band Attack Finisher I

Perform 2 Tabata Sets of the following:

1A) Banded Single Arm Punch R/L x 20 secs

REST x 10 secs

1B) Banded Single Arm Power Pull x 20 secs

REST x 10 secs and repeat x 8 total rounds switching arms each round

***Score – Total amount of reps completed during work sets

***Perform 4 total sets of both for each arm

Walls and Rows 1 Mins AMRAP

a) Feet Elevated Recline Rows / Recline Rows REST – 30 secs


a) Nose and Toes Wall Walks + Push Up @ Bottom


REST – 30 secs

a) Feet Elevated Recline Rows / Recline Rows

***Score – total amount of reps done for wall walks and recline rows for ALL AMRAPS

Page 15: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

Just Give Me 2 Mins 1 Mins AMRAP

a) Pull Ups / Assisted Pull ups – Any Variation


a) Feet Elevated Suspended Push Ups


a) Pull Ups / Assisted Pull Ups – SAME variation as before

***Score – total amount of reps done for push ups and pull ups for ALL AMRAPS

***Rest 30 secs between AMRAPS

Just Give Me 2 Mins (Reversed) 1 Mins AMRAP

a) Feet Elevated Suspended Push Ups / Suspended Push Ups / Regular PU’s


a) Pull Ups / Assisted Pulls Ups – Any Variation Ups


a) Feet Elevated Suspended Push Ups / Suspended Push Ups / Regular PU’s

***Score – total amount of reps done for push ups and pull ups for ALL AMRAPS

***Rest 30 secs between AMRAPS

Page 16: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

DB Upper Body Press Complex Challenge 1A) 8 Min AMRAP Of:

a) 1 Arm Snatch x 1 b) 1 Arm Strict Press x 2 c) 1 Arm Push Press x 3 d) 1 Arm Push Jerk x 4

***Do full complex on one arm before switching to other arm

***Score - total rounds completed + weight used

DB Upper Body Pull Complex Challenge 1A) 8 Min AMRAP Of:

a) 1 Arm Snatch x 1 b) 1 Arm Power High Pull x 2 c) 1 Arm Strict High Pull x 3 d) 1 Arm Bent Row x 4

***Do full complex on one arm before switching to other arm

***Score - total rounds completed + weight used The DB Renegade Suicide Ladder 1A) 5 X Renegade Push Ups 1B) Farmer Walk x 50ft 1C) 4 x Renegade Push Ups 1D) Farmer Walk x 50 ft 1E) 3 X Renegade Push Ups 1F) Farmer Walk x 50ft 1G) 2 X Renegade Push Ups 1H) Farmer Walk x 50ft 1I) 1 X Renegade Push Ups 1J) Farmer Walk x 50ft ***Score - Total time taken to complete ladder + weight used ***For more challenge, go back up the ladder

Page 17: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

Upper Body Carry Complex Challenge Complete 3 Rounds Of: 1A) OH Walk x Max Distance 1B) Front Rack Walks x Max Distance 1C) Farmer Carry x max Distance REST x 60 secs and repeat x 3 total rounds ***Score total distance covered + weight used ***Use either a set of DB's or KB's Upper Body Carry Complex Challenge - 1 Arm Version Complete 3 Rounds Of: 1A) 1 Arm OH Walk x Max Distance 1B) 1 Arm Front Rack Walks x Max Distance 1C) 1 Arm Farmer Carry x Max Distance REST x 60 secs and repeat x 3 total rounds ***Score total distance covered + weight used ***Use either a DB or KB BONUS CHALLENGE – The Press N’ Pull Champ 10 Min AMRAP Of:

a) Bench Press @ Bodyweight (or heaviest you can handle) x 5 b) Pull Ups x 5

***Score = Total rounds / reps complete + weight used on bench press ***Use either a DB or KB

Page 18: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

The Aggressive Strength Training Guide

Travis Stoetzel is a hardcore and aggressive strength coach located in Omaha, NE where he owns and operates The Forged Athlete Gym, which caters to highly dedicated athletes and serious lifters. Below you can gain knowledge insight on the various tools and resources he uses to help turn his clients and athletes into strong, jacked, and athletic soldiers. The section below showcases the other various strength and conditioning programs and products he has created and uses to help people all across the world get


Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / Lean And Mean Blueprint

Page 19: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

This manual is by far one of my BEST creations ever as this collection of 31 HARDCORE Workout Finishers can be implemented into any training program out there. Hardcore Workout Finishers are the BEST way to “finish” off your workouts by using quick and effective circuits, supersets, and other combos of high impact movements to help shred fat, increase conditioning, build power, and build muscle. Ion addition to the 31 Hardcore Workout Finishers, there’s a ton of bonus finishers that include sleds, prowlers, sandbags, and other hardcore tools.


Page 20: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

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Page 21: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

The Jungle Gym is your all around NO EXCUSES Bodyweight Strength gym in a bag!

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Page 22: TravisStoetzel - Train · 2013-03-02 · 21 HARCORE Upper Body Challenges. The way you train your Upper Body will

Performax Bands will take your normal bodyweight exercises and turn them into complete full body reactive athletic movements. Bands offer a great way to increase any and all bodyweight exercises, plus you can take them anywhere you go to get strong!

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