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Page 1: Torrance Herald Sept … · 1 Frances 'dark. Lillian Faulk- * * '* ner and Esther Maxwell. . CHRISTIAN CHURCH K * * ' CHICLES TO MEET CIIURCrt LADIES Circle No. 1 6f First Chris-,

TORHANC6 HERALD, Torl-ance, California '- IHURSbAVpEPTEMBER Z\, 1944


' The home of Mrs. George F. Jei Wheeler of 1225 Amapola ave. ~~ was a birthday party setting

yesterday for her grandson, ^ Richard Gordon Case of Bell-

... flower, whose first birthday M/> anniversary was Aug. 23.

Birthday cake and ice, cream ; wcre served to thc honoree

and his brother and sister, Jackie and Jcanncttc Case,

and Billy Sloat . and his mother.

Li ' + -K *


Crowe, associate regent, col- lege of regents, Women of the

^ ~^ Moose,- members of Torrance \ Chapter No. 44 entertained at

a surprise waffle breakfast Sunday morning. Arrange-

ments were completed by Mmes. Ila Mae Ambach and Eve MacArthur.

ri f r


Torrance HeraldPublished Every Thursday

Gruvcr C. Whyte Editor-Publisher

133G El Prado. Phone 444 Torrance, Calif.

__ , Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper IBy Superior Court, Los H! Angeles County. ^^ Entered as second class mat­

ter, January 30, 1914, at post- office, Torrance, Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879.

Official Newspaper of City of Torrance

Subscription Rates Anywhere in Los Angeles County

p- $2.00 per year * " Outside Los Angeles County

$3.00 per year

1 Mr



: C








! Pii




__ VAN 1

WATCH for Special Announcement in the Torrance Herald, and

our Pre-Crmstmas Event!


1335 EL PRADO Torrance

T.H.S. Faculty To be Honored At Annual Tea

Invitations have been Issued this week to all parents .and friends of 'Torrnnce High school to attend a tea In honor of the faculty Tuesday after­ noon, Sept. 26, at 2:30 in the school library. The executive board of the Parent-Teacher Association Will assist Mrs. Irene Davis, hospitality chair­ man, with arrangement^. First Vice President Mrs. E. W. Clark will present a brief mu- .steal program.

* * *


Hal Muldoon and Jimmy Thompson shared birthday honors Saturday afternoon at the ' home of Jimmy's grand­ mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Jack­ son, 20712 N. Royal ave. Fol-

lowing games, with Bob Lee and Eva MoraHg as prize win-

f ners, birthday cake and other refreshments were served. The boys' guests were Nancy and Sally Jones, Ardith, Carol Anne and Bob Lee, Raymond Garner, Eva Morang, Ralph and John Muldoon, Patty and Jimmy Griffin, Paul Alien, Larry Licht and Betty Jean Thompson. Also present were Mrnes. Frank Austin, Hal Mul­ doon and Alex Thompson.

* * -K


Mrs. Hillman R. Lee at­ tended a .two-day trajning course for neighborhood chair­ men given by the Los Ange­ les Council of Girl Scouts last Thursday and today at Ver­ mont Square Library. Mrs. John Kirsch of Lomita, who will serve Lomita and Walte- ria as neighborhood chair­ man; Mrs. Elsie Church of Lomita, who has recently been appointed district commission­ er for the harbor area, and Mrs. Olive Dickson, district di­ rector' of this area, were pres­ ent. Mrs. Dickson is assist­ ing other L. A. Council mem­ bers in the instruction.

-K + *


Hostesses for tonight's Cath­ olic ladies' card party are Mrs. K. McDonald and her commit-

' tee, Mmes. Batsch, Bczich, Co- njon, Rose Jones, Moore, Hor- mell, Schrader, Ella Derouin and Becker. Everyone is cor­ dially invited. The first door. prize_ will bo awarded at 8 o'clock and card play will be­ gin immediately. Games of contract and auction bridge, pinochle and 500 will be in play. Refreshments will be served


Boy Scouts of Troop 241 and their fathers will - enjoy a wiener bake at Torrance City Park this evening. Games will follow, according to Ncal Si-

t V Vy'i.'i*1'

What's the Rush? j|



fjeSuKiiiKiS!?] ITS THC mtPHOHE RUSH.^t^^mMS^^^iJ Every nlftht thousands of lervlce

\I$VL man and women dalh to lhe n«ar" ip^V ^ « telephones to talk with famlllM \k_\ ^ and fr'andi at home. Moit of the *2i Lon° Dlltan<:« eall» from compi and 9B naval stations or* crowded brio a

few short hours.

Many circuits are likely to be crowded at that time arid It helps a lot when you keep the llnet clear from 7 to 10 for lervlce men and

;!;' ' Buy War Bonds for Victory

" SOUTHIRN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY,, r 1286 81. ton Av.nuc .lephooo Tor anc. 600


On Friday evening, Sept. IB, rSeCOttieS rSriCte a group of National Supply At Church Rit6S

known to his fellow workers rmjav evening with Lewis W as "Scotty." Me 'is retiring Lutes a first sergeant US and will move to Beaumont M c ' The ccremonv ' ner- after working at National «J_J,-j »» nhnr^h ^f tho since 1927. Displaying a great (£ ^ '^J^^

ar urton, B nc , junior bridesmaids, wore dain-

p TJU ' v it a F l W 11 'y Pmk. net gowns over or- t/. w. Honana, Jiari Wallace, gandlc. Nosegays of pastel

omer c oo ey c. ar rop, pompom dahlias were carried

Si f i a M °r Th ky a" ^c bride's attendants.

L. Babcock, Joseph Res'0, M-<* lute1? has been ern- Messrs, and Mmes. J. Van . ,' . jj ... . 3^ ,*,,

HarrTMaS^frmynCmi'an/i ar1Vi!iS?no Among the prcnuptlal cour- Mthcr , i-nanes tcsles extended to Miss Schoo-

.j ., ^ ley was a surprise shower

NAVY' MOTHERS MnTlTri" Schooley |" who" was NEED NEW MEMBERS assisted by Mrs. J. P. Fluhrcr

Members of Little Hills anj Miss Dorothy Kopas. Ar- Navy Mothers club No. 157 rangemcnts of asters and meet each Tuesday at the ]ighted tapers enhanced the house in Torrance City Park, buf f e t refreshment table, where they sew on baby lay- where a decoratcd three-tiered ettes and large woolen quilts cako was cut Ttlo c present for Navy relief. Packages and wcre Bea Moorej Betty Mor- boxes for members' sons in rlsl^ Bcttv Knolls, Lillian Wol- service, 66 in all, are now be- {ord Zylphla Garrison, Esther

ing packed. Jensen, Nadlne Norton, Neir- A cordial invitation Is ex- meycr phyms Fluhrcr, Ethel

tended to mothers of sons Wolford; Thelma Sherman, and daughters in naval serv- Jl ac Litt,Ci Iris wild Maude ice to assist with this work. Cncnev> Mmcs . J. D. Riggle.

The ladies meet at V.F.W. M D schooley, Mary Browr* Hall, Lomita, on the first Fri- cl, H s Lutcs_ Misscs Max:- day of each month and a ben- inc schooley, Martha Lutel efit card party is scheduled and Amclia Atterburn. for each first Friday evening. , ^ + ^ .


At a potluck supper at- Society of Methodist church, tended by about 30 members wm meet for a noon luncheon of Rebekah Circle of Lutheran ' 9ld business meeting at the church given last Friday eve- home of Mrs. Harry Brantonr; ning at the home of Mrs. L. Wednesday, Sept. 27. Mrs^ C. Miller, 1317 Beech ave., tola Mae Tomkins will prci» Mrs. Ben F. Hahnebrink, Jr., side, Mrs. Grace Hpoper wilt was a shower honorfe. An lead devotions and Mrs. Annal arrangement of water lilies^ -Budge will': Have 'charge 08 centered the table and baby sewing. P shower favors wcre used. , * (< -K I- Handsome group and indivld- OUT-OF-TOWN FRIENDS ual gifts were presented for AT PICNIC SUPPER the heir-to-be. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fergu-

. * * '* son and Mr. and Mrs. John 'TORRANCE GROUP Fe»guson were hosts at a pici AT DISTRICT MEET nic supper Sunday evening at

Representing Torrance Na- Torrance City park when they tional Business and. Profes-. entertained for Mr. and Mrs. sional Women's club at a dls- Fred McQuarrie of Downey, trict meeting held last Wed- Mrs. Ellie Campbell of Pitts- nesday evening at 'Biltmore . burg, Miss Katherine Fcrgu- Hotel, Los Angeles, were Jean son of Hollywood and HaroldV Davis, president, Arvilla Owen, Miller of Ontario.

1 Frances 'dark. Lillian Faulk- * * '* ner and Esther Maxwell. . CHRISTIAN CHURCH

K * * ' CHICLES TO MEET CIIURCrt LADIES Circle No. 1 6f First Chris-, RESUME SEWING DAY tian church will meet at 1:30

The ladies of First Chris- Tuesflay, Sept. 26, at the home tian church will resume their of Mrs. Virgil Renzelman, Apt. regular sewing day at Tor- 3, 904 Sartori ave. ranee Branch American Red Mrs. B. F. Dye will open her Cross beginning Wednesday, home at 1609 Cota'ave. at 1:30 Sept. 27. Mrs. Cleo Barnett p.m. Monday, Sept. 25, for a will serve as chairman. Thc meeting of Cirlce No. 2. church ladles and others In- * * * terestcd in this splendid work FORMER RESIDENTS arc urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Roberts

* -k * of Los Angeles and formerly VACATION ENDS « of Torrance spent Sunday here

Mrs. Margaret Fordice has with their daughters, Mmes. returned from a month's va- -Mary Day and Jane Holiday, cation at Laguna and Sunset He is convalescing from a re- beaches and Crestline, where cent major operation which he she visited with friends and underwent at a Los Angeles relatives. hospital.


Practical, useful Gifts for Him. You' will find just what he wants at the Torrance Men's Shop!



Moll Between Sept. 15-Oct. 15

The Best In Nationally Advertised Men's Wear

1J25 Sartori Torrance

0m* . Recent Bride r^C&filC Is Honor Guest

' At Club Meetingattei ev/iat t6tM tutt, liafttA The National Business and

^-^--^-.--u^^n_^--L^.wv^J.JVX wvlv, Professional Women of Tor-

AT BIRTHDAY FETE the^home'of Mrs^arrteU V Mrs. William GascolgYH; and Le^h mo Amapola avc;

Messrs, and Mmes Charles wncrc a sa d^nncr wgg Mothersole and W E- Cooper scrved , thc attraa,ve patlo. were entertained at a birthday Guest -, honor on (h,s occa. dinner at Santa M9nlca Sun- s,on ^ Mrg Edna Mu]lln day honoring Mrs Coop*r. - Rccd a cnarter mcmbcr of ^ The party was held at the ,;,, whoSe tnarrlagc to MUo home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred c ^^ occurrc(j recently. Crawtord. Mrs Rec<j waa presented y^th

' ATTEND PICNtC a handsome group gift and a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zuver surprise gift from her "sc.crct

and their guest, Mrs. Nyla Me- " friend." Conahay, attended the Inter- Announcement was made. of state Aircraft and Engineer- coming Bay Section and dls- ng Co. picnic held Sunday at trict meetings and reserva-

Griffith Park. tions taken for attendance. nvvmn I""6 C'UD a'so nas under con-

IN NEW HOME sideration a plan for corre- Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Qulmby spond|ng wlth a dub of the

have moved to their new home international Federation, some at 1444 El Prado. ot wnose mombcr groups are

AT CHINO s"" functioning in spite " of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bartlett thc w81" ln thclr homelands,

and sons were weekend guests T*10 correspondence will have of her parents, Mr. atfd Mrs. M its motive an effort to clar- J. L. Fletchcr of Chlno. lfV po^war alms of the or-

ganKatlons of the countries AT MOUNTAIN RESORT involved' and will be conducted Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fess and by t>ie chairman of interna-

Mrs. Marfeayet Fordice re- tional relations, Mrs. Lottie B. turned last Sunday from a Sowles. two weeks' vacation at the * -K « ( Fred Sever cabin at Crestline. SUNDAY SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lewis and SPONSORS G. S. TROOP

»ti>.n!!Li £££?!* WGrC ° S° Va Troop No. 184, sponsored by cationers tnere. Berean Sunday school class of

AT CHINATOWN F'rst Christian church, will Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Falk en- meet each Saturday morning

joyed a dinner party at China- from 10 until 11 o'clock at town Saturday evening, where Girl Scout House. Mrs. Ed- they were joined by Mr. and ward Pietzschkc will serve as Mrs. 'Walter French and son leader; Mrs. E. L. Snodgrass of Burbank, Mr. and Mrs. will be assistant leader, and Bert Nash of Los Angeles, Mrs. John J. ^MacDonald will Mrs. Loon Hollingsworth of be thc group's committee Pawnee City, Nebr., and Miss chairman. Girl Scout officers Mildrod Falk of .Fullerton. for the ensuing term are:

Beverly Murdock, leader, and AT DINNER PARTY Donna Jean Webber, assistant

Mr. and Mrs. Hillman R. leader of Patrol 1- Nancy Lee entertained at dinner Sun- Prime and Lucetta Wheeler, day for Mr. and Mrs. Fred leader and assistant leader of Lee of Baldwin Park. Patrol 2; Luauana 'Johnson

A T d forme Iv of T °' patro' 3; Barbara Calhoun, ' ranee was a weekend guest of treasurer; Barbara Hof,

Mrs 'F M Clark here scribe; Janet Lee, reporter, and JoAnn Snodgrass, shop-

AT LAGUNA per. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Colombo * * *

and children, Janeene and THURSDAY CLUB Danny, spent Sunday at La- AT rtARK HOME guna Beach. Mrs F H clark was a g^.,.

HAVE HOUSE GUEST clous hostess to members of Mrs. Mary Day and Mrs. the Thursday afternoon club

jane Holiday have been enter- when she entertained at lunch- taining as their house guest «"> for *2 at her home last their cousin, Miss Ada Smith weck- Prt^ winners at con- of Omaha Nebr tract werc Mmes. J. E. Mil­

ler, Fred Knudsen and O. W. WEEKEND TRIP Hudson, while Mrs. F. W.

Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Rogers Mineck was presented with a and son Bill returned 'Monday guest prize, from a weekend at Crestline. * * -fc

* * * NAVY MOTHERS PLANRoholrah 1 Mbia CARD PARTY SATURDAYnCUCTiail LUUIJC Mrs olca Davis will enter-

RlimmanP ^ilk tain at a benefit party for iiummni)c yorc Utt,c Hllls Navy Motners club

IS PmlltliM f°J 157 al *ler home, 2312 Do- ' ^^ . . minguez ave. Saturday eve-

Trio Rebekah lodge will hold ning Scpt 23 Thc flrst dool. a rummage sale In the building lz,; wlu ' be prcscntcd at 8 which was formerly Pilfold's 0,clo(!k and ames of brldgC| Bakciy, 2401 Pacific Coast high- M0 and plnochlc win bcgin way, Sept. 28/29 and 30. immediately. Refreshments

Anyone wishing to donate ar- wil, be scrvcd. The pl,b] ic ls tfclcs for the sale may call Mrs. cordlaliy jnvtted Lockett, Lomita 104B-W, or Mrs. * *' -k Mills, Lomita 1001-J, and ar- v . AVKNUE PTA rangemcnts can be made for ?^s PiSrBJiMR someone to pick up the articles. rlANh ruouK/Mis

Mrs. Retta Nelson Is chair- Fern Avenue P.T.A. will hold man for the rummage sale and thc , fiLst meclln| °f l^c £ear her committee is Vcra Lockett, ""f1 Tuesday, Sept. 26, from Gertrude Kastrup and Clara 2, to 3 p.m in the sc hopl au- Conner ' ditorlum. Mrs. Myrtle Fulton,

D _L /* LI speaker. Refreshments will be DBrDdfd- V>90l6 served in the kindergarten. , B t Fern Avenue will be hostess CnTCrS BUSinCSS to Lomlta-San Pedro Council '

College In LA. Fl'lday' Se * +9 *Miss Barbara Cable, daughter ST. CBCIUA-S GUIU>

*of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cable of OPElfS FALL SEASON26334 S. Western ave., enrolled St. Cecilla's Guild of St. An- at Woodbury College on Wil- drew's Episcopal church enter- shire avc., Los Angeles, last week talned at their first fall party and will begin her studies there Friday evening at Guild Hall, starting Monday, Scpt. 28. Arrangements of asters and

Barbara, who graduated from other colorful garden flowers Narbonne with thc summer class enhanced the setting. Bridge of '44, will take a course In ra- prize winners were Mmcfl. N. dio and motion picture, score- H. Cuccl and J. W. Sullivan, tarlal work. Refreshments were served.





Associate matrons of the~~~. 67th District, Order of the Eastern Star, werc entertained Sunday evening In the rum­ pus room of the J. E. Miller home here when associate pa­ trons of the district were hosts.

The matrons' colors, char­ treuse and fuchsia, were used for floral arrangements at thc attractively appointed buffet table. Cards and vocal and instrumental selections werc enjoyed until a late hour.

Guests of honor were Ethel Gray of 9aYi Pedro, deputy grand matron of the 67th dis­ trict, and Lopan Cotton of Hermosa Beach, grand asso­ ciate patron of the State of California. Other guests were Mrs. Cotton, and Messrs, and Mmes. Emmet Ham, Walter Foster, all of San Pedro; Frank Mickeljohn and Herbert Wese of Redondo Beach; Charles McCune and Mrs. Iris Pnulson and son of Ingle- wood; Ernest Flickcngcr, Art Nelson, Mmes. Grace Wilson and Pearl Jamleson of Her- mosa Beach; Leon Larson of Wilmington; Percy Hazel of Hawthorne; Frank Brown and. J. E.. Miller of Torrance.


In behalf of her organiza­ tion, Mrs. Clara Conner, pres­ ident, V.F.W. Auxiliary, re­ cently accepted a $50.00 war bond presented by Lee Bal­ aam, who had earlier received it as an award from V.F.W. Post. The ladies plan to use- the bond to purchase one of a larger denomination.

Mrs. Conner reports thc names of the following out-of- state guests who attended last auxiliary meeting: Clara M. Gledhlll, Cloud, Fla.; Alice Palmer, Des Moiries, Iowa,

, and Margaret Noah, Pa. Ini- .tiatlon and balloting wcre fea­ tures of the evening's work and a social hour followed.

Representing the unit at Gardena Friday evening on the occasion of the official visit of Hazel Garrety, district president, were: Mrs. Clara Conner, president; Mmes. Katherine Flynn, McKnlght, Thyra Peele, Florence Turner and Minnie May Myers.


. AT HOUSEWARMING FETE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bevor

were delightfully surprised when members of Torrance Breakfast Club arrived at their new home on 236th St., Torrance, for a pollack dinner and housewarmlng Saturday evening. The presentation of two fruit trees for their gar­ den preceded the dinner and later cards were the diversion. Those present werc Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Fossum, Messrs, and Mmes. J. H. Fess, H. A.

- Lewis, Frank Brown, A. Shrin- cr, J. "E. Miller and Joyce Bever. ' .


Honoring her mother, Mrs. Leona Williams, and her grandmother, Mrs. Viola Pric- kett of San Pedro, who leave soon for Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Perry Mcndcnhall enter­ tained Sunday evening at hur home. Those present were Messrs, and Mmes. Hairy Rogers of Los Angeles, Perry Mendenhall, Sr., of Hawthorne, Mrs. Lucille Jetton and daugh­ ter Joan of Los Angeles, and\ W. L. Williams. Lovely gifts were presented.

Clerisse-Lamb Rites * Arc S6lernni2eTl~ v

"A¥ Lutheran Church \First Lutheran churoh was '

thc .setting for the wadding Sunday morning of Miss Alene Alice Lamb to Robert E. Clerisse, a private first class attached to the Medical Corps. The bride, attired In a brown suit complemented by an or­ chid corsage, with matching accessories, was attended by Mrs. Leola Javens Emery, who wore a given suit and carried rosebuds and gardenias. Rev. F. D. Mechllng officiated In the presence of family members and 'Intimate friends of the principals.

A reception followed at the Pasadena home of Mr. and Mrs. John La Fanse, uncle and aunt of the bridegroom. At 7 o'clock the same evening the Javens' home in Lincoln Vil­ lage was the scene of another j reception. Following a honey- % moon the young couple will ho nt home at 1441 Post ave. '

The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alien Lamb of 2223 Gramcrcy ave. .Her .husband Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ocrlsse of Pasadena. , ^

Among thc wedding guests were Berton Lee Lamb, a -pri­ vate, on furlough from Camp Roberts, and his wife, the for­ mer Phyllis' Jean - Schultz, brother and sister-in-law of thc bride.



Following their meeting held last week at St. Andrew's Guild Hall, members of Amer­ ican Legion Auxiliary and^ their guests were delightfully \ ' entertained by vocal selec­ tions by Mrs. Nadlne Nickel; accompanied by Mrs. Carl Lane, and by piano solos by Nancy Ann Whyte,. according to Mrs. LUcllle Lewellen, chair- r man of arrangements for the occasion.


Torrance Chapter, Women of the Moose^annouhces that . a handsome character doll pre­ sented by the organization, was recently awarded to Wil­ liam Ambach, according to Mrs. Eve MacArthur, publicity chairman.



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