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Page 1: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware (Tiki 9.x)

Tiki for Dummies Smarties ( is © by Rick Sapir (based on content originally published by (and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Some rights reserved. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

The complete guide, in additional languages and covering multiple versions of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is available online at This guide is designed to be an easy-to-read book that will get new Tiki administrators up and running.

• For complete information about Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, please visit

• For the official Tiki documentation, please visit

• To take your site to the next level, try Tiki Essentials,

Tiki for Dummies Smarties is a collaboratively written guide. You are encouraged to contribute. Please see for more information.

This edition was automatically generated from the Tiki for Dummies Smarties web site on Oct 15, 2012. Be aware that there may be formatting errors or inconsistencies with this automatically generated documentation. To purchase the complete Tiki for Dummies Smarties as a paperback or ebook, please visit

Image by Marc Garrido ( Page 1 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 2: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies SmartiesWhat all Smarties need to know about Tiki Wiki CMS GroupwareBe sure to review the Essential Questions (FAQs) for answers to common questions about this guide.

Table of Contents

Welcome to Tiki......................................................................................................14Disclaimers..........................................................................................................................................14Copyright.............................................................................................................................................15Contributions.......................................................................................................................................15About the Author.................................................................................................................................16Using this Guide..................................................................................................................................16

Navigation.......................................................................................................................................17Printing...........................................................................................................................................18Conventions....................................................................................................................................20Translations.....................................................................................................................................21Rating Pages...................................................................................................................................22Multiple Versions............................................................................................................................23

Get Smart.............................................................................................................................................24Facebook.............................................................................................................................................24Twitter.................................................................................................................................................25

Tiki for Smarties.............................................................................................................................25Scribd...................................................................................................................................................28Google+ Page......................................................................................................................................29The Tiki Daily Paper...........................................................................................................................29

Getting Started with Tiki.........................................................................................31Installing Tiki from Fantastico............................................................................................................31Installing Tiki Manually......................................................................................................................33

Downloading Tiki...........................................................................................................................33Copying the Files to Your Web Host..............................................................................................36Creating the Database.....................................................................................................................38Running the Installer.......................................................................................................................41

Upgrading Your Tiki............................................................................................................................51Update the Tiki Files.......................................................................................................................51Update your Database.....................................................................................................................51

Initial View of Tiki..............................................................................................................................55Parts of Tiki....................................................................................................................................57Your First Login..............................................................................................................................59 Page 2 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 3: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Using the Administrator Pages................................................................................63Configuring General Admin Options..................................................................................................65Configuring User Logins.....................................................................................................................73

Registering as a New User..............................................................................................................76Understanding Groups....................................................................................................................80

Configuring Tiki Features...................................................................................................................89Using Tiki Webmail.............................................................................................................................94Configuring General Layout Options..................................................................................................94

Adding Modules.............................................................................................................................97

Configuring the Features.......................................................................................103Configuring Wiki Options.................................................................................................................104

Creating a Wiki Page....................................................................................................................109Understanding Wiki Syntax..........................................................................................................117First level heading.........................................................................................................................118Adding Pictures............................................................................................................................124Adding Links................................................................................................................................128

Configuring the Blogs.......................................................................................................................133Listing the Blogs...........................................................................................................................135Create a New Blog........................................................................................................................136Creating a Blog Post.....................................................................................................................138Displaying Blogs in Modules.......................................................................................................140Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages...................................................................................................143

Configuring the Forums....................................................................................................................146Create a New Forum.....................................................................................................................149Creating a Forum Thread..............................................................................................................153Moderating Forums......................................................................................................................160Displaying Forums in Modules....................................................................................................162Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages................................................................................................164

Configuring the Articles....................................................................................................................167Creating Article Topics.................................................................................................................170Creating Article Types..................................................................................................................171Creating an Article........................................................................................................................174

Configuring File Galleries.................................................................................................................183Creating a File Gallery..................................................................................................................188Uploading a File...........................................................................................................................190Browsing File Galleries................................................................................................................192

Configuring Image Galleries.............................................................................................................195Creating an Image Gallery............................................................................................................197Uploading Images.........................................................................................................................198Browsing Image Galleries............................................................................................................200Displaying an Image in a Module.................................................................................................201Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page.............................................................................................202 Page 3 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Configuring Polls..............................................................................................................................204Creating a Poll..............................................................................................................................205

Configuring Group Permissions........................................................................................................223Understanding Permissions..........................................................................................................224Assigning Anonymous Permissions.............................................................................................225Assigning Registered Permissions................................................................................................231Global (Group) vs Category Permissions.....................................................................................235

Configuring Menus............................................................................................................................235Creating a Menu...........................................................................................................................236Creating Menu Options.................................................................................................................239Adding a Menu to a Module.........................................................................................................247

Taking Stock.........................................................................................................252

Using the Features................................................................................................254Using the Wiki...................................................................................................................................254

Listing Wiki Pages........................................................................................................................255Viewing Page History...................................................................................................................261Adding Comments........................................................................................................................263Using Attachments........................................................................................................................268Watching Pages.............................................................................................................................271Using the Sandbox........................................................................................................................274Linking to Wiki Pages..................................................................................................................275

Using Blogs.......................................................................................................................................276Reading a Blog.............................................................................................................................278Adding Comments........................................................................................................................282Using Trackbacks and Pings.........................................................................................................283Linking to Blogs...........................................................................................................................283

Using the Forums..............................................................................................................................284Adding New Topics Types............................................................................................................284Moderating Topics........................................................................................................................286Linking to Forums........................................................................................................................294

Using Polls........................................................................................................................................294Viewing Poll Results.....................................................................................................................295Using Polls as Ratings..................................................................................................................297

Using Image Galleries.......................................................................................................................302Creating Subgalleries....................................................................................................................302Viewing Gallery Slideshows.........................................................................................................304

Using the Articles..............................................................................................................................312Listing Articles.............................................................................................................................313Submitting Articles.......................................................................................................................315

Using the File Gallery.......................................................................................................................319Moving files within the File Gallery............................................................................................319 Page 4 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 5: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Replacing (Updating) Files...........................................................................................................321Linking to Files.............................................................................................................................323Using Files in Wiki Pages.............................................................................................................324

Using RSS Feeds...............................................................................................................................326Configuring Tiki's RSS Feeds.......................................................................................................327Syndicating Other Sites' Feeds.....................................................................................................331

Customizing Tiki Style..........................................................................................337Using the Layout Options..................................................................................................................337

Changing Themes.........................................................................................................................338Editing Templates.........................................................................................................................342

Customizing Menus...........................................................................................................................347Creating Dynamic Menus.............................................................................................................348Creating a Site Menu Bar.............................................................................................................353

Creating Custom Modules.................................................................................................................356Using HTML................................................................................................................................364Including Smarty..........................................................................................................................367Using Modules Settings................................................................................................................367

Using Profiles....................................................................................................................................369Applying a Profile........................................................................................................................370

Customizing Toolbars........................................................................................................................374Selecting a Toolbar to Customize.................................................................................................381Customizing Toolbar Buttons.......................................................................................................382Adding Custom Buttons...............................................................................................................383

Hacking Tiki..........................................................................................................386Using Plugins....................................................................................................................................386

Installing and Accessing Plugins..................................................................................................388Verifying Installation....................................................................................................................388Enabling Plugins...........................................................................................................................392Approving Plugins........................................................................................................................394

Using Mods.......................................................................................................................................396Installing Mods Automatically.....................................................................................................397Installing Mods Manually.............................................................................................................398

Using Tiki's Advanced Features.............................................................................399Using Categories...............................................................................................................................401

Creating Categories......................................................................................................................403Categorizing Objects....................................................................................................................405Displaying Categories...................................................................................................................411

Using Structures................................................................................................................................422Creating Structures.......................................................................................................................425Adding Pages to Structures...........................................................................................................427 Page 5 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Reorganizing Pages in Structures.................................................................................................439Automatic Table of Contents........................................................................................................443

Configuring the Look & Feel (Site Identity).....................................................................................444Adding a Site Logo.......................................................................................................................446Adding a Search Bar.....................................................................................................................452Using Custom Code......................................................................................................................456

Using Permissions.............................................................................................................................459How Tiki's Permissions Work.......................................................................................................459Adding Permissions to Wiki Pages...............................................................................................466Adding Permissions to Other Objects...........................................................................................469

Configuring the Home Page..............................................................................................................473Using a Different Wiki Page.........................................................................................................474Using a Different Feature.............................................................................................................475Using a Custom Page....................................................................................................................477

Configuring the Search......................................................................................................................478Adding the Search Module...........................................................................................................480

Configuring Content Templates........................................................................................................481Creating Content Templates..........................................................................................................483Using Content Templates..............................................................................................................485

Using Trackers...................................................................................................................................487Creating a Tracker.........................................................................................................................489Creating Tracker Fields.................................................................................................................493Entering Tracker Items.................................................................................................................498Displaying Trackers......................................................................................................................504

Using Tags.........................................................................................................................................507Configuring Freetags....................................................................................................................509Adding a Tag to a Wiki Page........................................................................................................511Adding Tags to Blog Posts............................................................................................................513

Using Surveys....................................................................................................................................513Creating Surveys...........................................................................................................................513Taking Surveys.............................................................................................................................516Reviewing Survey Results............................................................................................................516

Creating a Menu from a Wiki Page...................................................................................................517Creating a Menu from a Wiki Structure............................................................................................522

Troubleshooting...................................................................................................523Other Places to Go.............................................................................................................................523Top Troubleshooting Tips..................................................................................................................524

I added a new module, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page..........535I added Custom Code on the Look and Feel page, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page............................................................................................................................536I enabled a specific feature, but none of my users can see it or use it..........................................537I created a module and assigned it to a specific group, but everyone can see it; or Page 6 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

I created a module and assigned it to Anonymous, but now my other groups cannot see it........537I keep receiving Forbidden errors when I try to access specific pages, perform specific functions, or install Tiki.................................................................................................................................538I keep receiving "Memory Exhausted" errors and blank screen when I try to access specific pages......................................................................................................................................................539I keep receiving "Cannot Write File" errors when I upload a file or attachment.........................540

Resolving Installation Issues.............................................................................................................540Tiki cannot find a database connection.........................................................................................552Tiki reports that it cannot write to specific directories.................................................................552Tiki reports a SAFEMODE violation during installation.............................................................553Tiki reports an OPEN_BASEDIR restriction...............................................................................553The installer stops before completing the installation..................................................................553The installer is gone!....................................................................................................................554The installer is locked!..................................................................................................................554Tiki Installer reports a Security Precaution..................................................................................555Tiki reports a Database Version Problem......................................................................................555Tiki reports a System Driver Problem..........................................................................................555Tiki reports a Database Encoding Issue........................................................................................556

Fixing Login Problems......................................................................................................................556The login module is gone.............................................................................................................568I cannot log in as the Admin.........................................................................................................568When logging in, users are told that their account has not been verified.....................................569

Fixing Display Problems...................................................................................................................570I made a change (such as editing a module or a template), but Tiki is not showing the change.. 582When I try to add a script or other HTML element to a page, Tiki inserts ‹ x › and breaks the page.............................................................................................................................583

Fixing Plugin Problems.....................................................................................................................583I added a plugin to a page or module, but Tiki says the plugin is disabled..................................595I added a plugin to a page or module, but Tiki says the plugin execution pending approval.......596

How Do I...........................................................................................................................................596Remove the Page Name from the Top of Each Wiki Page?.........................................................608Create Wiki Links and Pages in non-English Languages?...........................................................609Edit the Default Administration Menu?........................................................................................611Reset an option to its default value?.............................................................................................611Set the home page for my site?.....................................................................................................611Make the CAPTCHA easier to read?............................................................................................612Turn on Tiki's error reporting and logging option?......................................................................614Require that wiki pages belong to a specfic category?.................................................................615

Epilogue................................................................................................................617Colophon...........................................................................................................................................617 Page 7 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 8: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Welcome to TikiTiki Wiki CMS Groupware (Tiki) is a web-based application that you can use to build a website—any type of website that you want, for working collaboratively with others. The content management system at the heart of Tiki powers wikis, forums, blogs, map servers, and more. You can configure the various tools and customize the appearance of the website from Web-based Administration pages. This guide steps you through the basics for understanding Tiki.

Throughout this guide (and in the user community in general) we refer to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware as simply Tiki. This guide is intended for folks who are either new to Tiki as an administrator or new to wikis and CMS (content management system) products in general. We hope to provide enough perspective and procedures to get you up and running with Tiki in a way that is quicker than if you had to figure out the software on your own with only the official documentation.

This version of the guide is based on Tiki version 9.x. In fact, this reference (the entire website) is built using Tiki. Complete information on Tiki can be found at the Tiki Community portal: .


• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions • About the Author • Using this Guide

DisclaimersThis guide is not a replacement for the official Tiki Documentation . Instead it will walk you through some of the more common procedures and help get your Tiki up and running and quickly as possible. Tiki has more than 50 core features (more than other CMS applications) — this guide focuses only on a few of the more common items. You should explore the documentation and community portal for complete information on everything that Tiki has to offer. Page 8 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 9: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

This document is not related to the For Dummies series of books.

The author and other contributors make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any information presented here. By using this guide, you agree to do so at your own risk. You further agree not hold the author or any contributors liable for any results that occur from use of the products mentioned in this guide.

CopyrightThis guide is published by .

This guide is Copyright © by Rick Sapir and others under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License . Some rights reserved. Please see the copyright page for details of this license.

Fair attribution includes a return link to (for online use) and mention of primary author (Rick Sapir) and original publisher (

Some pictures and images are from stock.xchng and are subject to the Image license agreement . Cover picture by Marc Garrido , used with permission.

Tiki®, TikiWiki®, and the Tiki logo are trademarks of the Tiki Software Community Association , used with permission. and Tiki for Dummies Smarties are unaffiliated with the Tiki Software Community Association.

Other product names mentioned in this guide may be trademarks, or registered trademarks, of their respective holders, and are used herein for identification purposes only.

ContributionsThis guide and website is based on a wiki. By contributing to this website (through comments, wiki pages, or feedback) you agree to allow the use of your contribution in this, or future versions, of this website and the Tiki for Dummies Smarties guide. Page 9 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 10: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

About the AuthorMy name is Rick Sapir. I have been developing technical content for software and other industries for over 15 years.

I have used Tiki for a variety of web projects (including ) since early 2005. I originally choose Tiki as my CMS platform because of its large feature set. Sure, there are other (some may argue better) applications for wikis, forums, blogs, and such, but none are as fully integrated as Tiki.

After clogging the Tiki forums with lots (and lots) of questions, I finally became familiar enough to start customizing Tiki to make it my own. My initial customizations primarily focused on user interface (UI) modifications. Eventually I began making actual code changes and working with the CVS source files.

Today, you can find me, using the handle ricks99, on the Tiki IRC channel (#tikiwiki ), answering forum questions , tweeting , and doing what I can to improve the Tiki community . You can also contact me at .

Of course, just as Tiki is a tool for collaboration, so this book is a collaborative effort. While I am the primary author, I would like to thank the others who contributed. For a full list of authors, reviewers, and translators, please see the Contributors page.

Using this GuideThis Tiki guide is created using Tiki. Many of the features that you will learn about in this guide, are actually implemented on this site. In order to get the most out of this guide, you should read this section first because it explains how to find the information that you may be looking for.

This guide is written by a Windows user, and this is reflected in the terminology and screen shots. But because Tiki is a browser-based, web application, you should be able to transfer this information to your operating system.

IN THIS SECTION• Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions Page 10 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 11: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

Be sure to review the Smart Questions (FAQs) for answers to common questions about this guide.

NavigationThere are four primary ways to navigate through the content in this guide:

• The Contents menu provides direct links to the primary sections of the guide. Think of this as a book's table of contents. The menu is always available, on the left side of every page.

The Contents menu is a simplified table of contents.

• The Search bar, located at the top of the screen, provides a full-text search of all the pages in this guide. For best results, try searching for only one or two words instead of a full sentence or phrase.

Use the Search box to search for particular terms throughout the entire guide.

• The Structure bar, located above the content area provides an easy way to "page" through each section. This is sometimes also called "bread crumbs" because it shows a trail of links like bread crumbs to show how you got to this page. Page 11 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The Structure bar, at the top of each page, provides direct links to the prior sections.

At the top and bottom of each page are links to to go the Next ( )and Previous ( ) pages, as well as the beginning of the current section ( ).

• The Related Topics links, when available, provides direct access to related (or similar topics). Using these links makes it easy to move through different (but related) sections in the guide.

Use the Related Topics list to quickly jump to similar pages.

PrintingYou can always create "printer-pretty" versions of any page for offline reading. Simply click the Print ( ) icon, located at the top of each page.

Tiki's multi-print ( ) feature allows you select multiple pages to print. This way you can create printer-pretty versions of an entire section or chapter.

You can also purchase the printed, paperback edition of Tiki for Dummies Smarties from LuLu, Amazon, and others! I will also produce an Ebook version (in ePub and Kindle formats) of Smarties. See Buy the Book for more information. Page 12 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Object 1


To convert a single page from Tiki Essentials to PDF format, simply click the PDF icon at the top of the page. I use the free, hosted, HTMLtoPDF service provided by

It may take several seconds to produce the PDF, so please be patient!

I also provide periodic "snapshots" of Smarties (in PDF and TXT formats) on Scribd, if you want the complete guide.Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Page 13 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Object 2

ConventionsThroughout this guide, you will find tips, notes, and warnings:

Warning Page 14 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

This is how a warning appears. Pay close attention to each warning. There aren't many, but they are important. You could crash your Tiki or corrupt the database, making your site inaccessible

TipThis is how a tip appears. Tips are helpful hints that will make your Tiki experience easier, such as providing alternate ways of accomplishing a task.

NoteThis is how a note appears. Notes are secondary information that you may (or may not) need.

There are two types of links used in this guide:

• Internal links (that is, links to other sections of this guide) are simply underlined.

• External links (that is, links to other websites) include the external link icon ( ).

External links to the official TikiWiki documentation are identified with the documentation icon ( ). These links contain detailed information and are highly recommended.

TranslationsI speak, read, and write in English. If you are multilingual, you can help translate this guide into other languages. Tiki has significant i18n (internationalization) capabilities.

Use the Translate this Page icon at the top of the page to translate the content of any wiki page into your language. Page 15 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Select your language.

• Human translations are are written by actual people, so the quality is very good.

• Machine translations are handled through Google Translate.

Changing the page's language will also change the interface language (for things like menus, prompts, and buttons). Tiki includes more than 30 interface languages!

WarningThe information on some translated pages may be out-of-date.

Why not help improve (or create new) translations in your native language by becoming a contributor.

Rating PagesYou, as a reader of this guide, can help improve it! Use the Rate this page widget (available at the top of most pages) to tell us how useful you found the page. Page 16 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Select the star to rate the page.

We'll work to improve pages with low ratings!

You can also use the Feedback Form to send us detailed comments. Of course, the best way to provide direct feedback is to become a contributor.

Multiple VersionsTikiWiki undergoes continual development. Use the Multiple Versions information area to select the Smarties page for a specific Tiki release.

Selecting a version-specific page.

The currently selected release is highlighted; simply click a release number to view the associated Smarties page.

NoteThese links are available only for specific pages — some of the information in Smarties is applicable for all Tiki releases.

By default, the information in this guide is for the current Tiki release. Page 17 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Get Smart

You can become a fan of Smarties on these social networking sites:

JOIN US ON...• Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper

and don't forget to become a fan of Tiki Essentials , too!


Tiki Wiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to using Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

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TikiForSmarties Newly updated: Advanced Tiki Features: #tikiwiki 14 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties Did you know.... The Tiki for Smarties and Tiki Essentials #ebooks are both #DRMfree :-) 48 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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TikiForSmarties Newly updated: Getting Started: #tikiwiki 19 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite Page 19 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

TikiForSmarties Way cool! Smarties is listed as a @css3pie example site: 19 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiWiki Have you voted for Tiki yet in the @cmscritic CMS Awards? #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties I just updated Fixing Display Problems #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties I just updated Using Modules #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties I just updated Top Tips #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties Newly updated: Fixing Display Problems: - I made a change (such as editing a module or a template), bu... #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties Newly updated: Using Modules: #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite Page 20 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

TikiForSmarties Newly updated: Top Tips: - I added a new module, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a... #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties RT@TikiWiki Did you vote for us at the @cmscritic awards? Please re-submit your vote: Thanks! #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties RT @TikiWiki: Show your support! Vote for Tiki as Best Free CMS in @cmscritic awards #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties Newly updated: Videos para Listos: - <table class="normal" id="fancytable_3"><tr><td class="odd"... #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties I just updated Videos para Listos #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties Check out these great Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware demo videos: #tikiwiki #wiki #cms #opensource 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TikiForSmarties Newly updated: TikiWiki for Smarties, pt-br: #tikiwiki 2 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite Page 21 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Tiki Daily PaperThe #tikiwiki DailySunday, October 14, - Web hosting for your TikiWiki CMS/Groupware - Web hosting for your TikiWiki CMS/Groupware - Next Tiki Webinar to be held on October 18 | Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - Software made the wiki way. - Vote for Tiki: Best Free CMS | Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - Software made the wiki way. - Getting Started | Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

TikiForSmartiesToday's contentTechnology3Education2Read it now!Updated dailyby Page 24 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Getting Started with TikiThis section explains how to install Tiki on your Web server, create and configure your database connection, and run the Tiki installation script.

For more information, be sure to review:

• The Smart Questions (FAQs) • The Welcome page (which has important information about the guide)

NotePlease contact us if you have any questions or comments.

TipYou can use the Tiki Server Check to confirm that your web environment meets the Tiki requirements. See "Checking the Server " in Tiki Essentials for details.


• Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• Downloading Tiki • Copying the Files to Your Host • Creating the Database • Running the Tiki Installer

• Upgrading Tiki • Initial View of Tiki

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login

Installing Tiki from FantasticoFantastico is a cPanel (control panel) application that your web host may make available for you. This provides a graphical user interface that simplifies installation. With Fantastico, Tiki installation is a snap!

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Your web host may (or may not) have the latest version of Tiki available from Fantastico. It is important to keep your Tiki up-to-date. The community is continually making improvements to features and security.

So even if you use Fantastico, it is a good idea to review the Manual Installation steps.

In addition to Fantastico, Tiki is also included in many other cPanel installers, such as SimpleScripts , JumpBox , and more. Check with your hosting provider for details. Although this document illustrates installing with Fantastico, the other process for other installers is similar.

1. Log into your web host's cPanel. Your cPanel URL is probably similar to:

2. Click the Fantastico icon. 3. The Fantastico Home lists the available application on your web host.

The list available applications will vary, depending on your web host.

4. In the Wiki area, select TikiWiki. Page 26 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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On the Tiki install page, be sure to review the version that is being installed -- make sure it is current.

5. Click New Installation. Page 27 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Select your installation location.

6. Enter the following information in each field on the page: • Install on Domain: Select the domain (if you have multiple domains

with this web host) in which to install TikiWiki. • Install in Directory: Select a sub-directory (of the domain) in which

to install Tiki

NoteYou can place the files in any directory on your web host, but the directory name will become part of the URL. For example, if you create a directory on your web host named tikiwiki and copy the files to it, your URL will be: .

If you are going to use Tiki to power everything on your site, you can simply copy all the files to your root directory and leave the Directory field blank. Page 28 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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7. Click Install TikiWiki.

Confirm that the information is correct.

8. Click Finish Installation. The cPanel installs Tiki.

Confirming a successful installation.

You're done. You can log out of the cPanel and access your Tiki at the URL indicated in the final installation screen.

Continue with Welcome to Tiki. Page 29 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Installing Tiki ManuallyIf your web host does not have Fantastico, or if you want to install a specific Tiki version, you need to download all the Tiki files (in a ZIP or TAR archive) to your computer, then copy the files (via SFTP) to your web host manually, before running the Tiki Installer.

IN THIS SECTION• Downloading Tiki • Copying the Files to Your Host • Creating the Database • Running the Tiki Installer

Downloading TikiThe Tiki download is hosted on, a repository for many open source projects. You can link to it from the Tiki Homepage — just look for the Download button. Page 30 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The download button on

TipYou should take a moment to read the Tiki Requirements and Setup document . It contains valuable information on how to successfully install Tiki on your server.

1. From the SourceForge download page, select your Tiki download.

Select the Tiki version... Page 31 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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and archive format, from the download page.

Be sure to select the correct version. The download page lists all Tiki releases.

2. Start the download

Downloading the Tiki archive.

NoteYou can also get the Tiki files, including developer and pre-release versions, directly from the development environment (code repository). Refer to the Tiki Developer's Corner for details.

WarningIf you are using WindowsT82; Vista (or above), don't forget to right-click the downloaded archive, select "Properties" and "Unblock" before unpacking.


After you've downloaded the Tiki archive, you need to unzip the archive to your PC. You should create a new directory (such as c:\tiki\) and unzip the files to this location.

Go get another cup of coffee, this will take a while. Page 32 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Copying the Files to Your Web HostNow that you have the files on your computer, you need to move them to your web host. For this, you will need an SFTP application (such as FileZilla ). To configure the SFTP application, you will need:

• your domain's login information (username and password) • your domain's FTP location

Simply copy (by using SFTP) all of the previously unzipped Tiki files on your computer to your web host.

NoteYou can place the files in any directory on your web host, but the directory name will become part of the URL. For example, if you create a directory on your web host named tiki and copy the files to it, your URL will be: .

If you are going to use Tiki to power everything on your site, you can simply copy all the files to your "root" directory. This "root" may be named public_html or www, depending on you web host and server.

Go get another cup of coffee, this will take a while.

TipYou can customize some of the links and URLs that Tiki produces in order to create "search engine friendly" links. Tiki includes a htaccess file that takes advantage of the webserver's rewrite rules.

To enable this feature, simply rename the -+htaccess+- file to .htaccess. See the Tiki documentation for details.


By default, directories you create on your web host are not writable � that is, they are read-only. If you have a set static HTML files, this works fine; you would just use FTP to add files and directories.

But Tiki is a dynamic application. All of your file functions are handled through Tiki, and Tiki needs to be able to create and write new files and directories. Page 33 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• If your web host grants command line access, use the file to configure the necessary permissions for each directory.

• If you don't know what an SH file is, or do not have command line access to the web server, you need to manually change the directories. You can use the web host's cPanel application (look for the File Manager) or the same FTP application that you used earlier to copy the files.

Your FTP application may also provide the ability to set directory permissions. In FileZilla, you can simply right-click the directories and select File Attribute.

Changing the attributes for a directory with FileZilla.

DirectoriesTiki needs write access to these directories. You will need to set the permission to 7-7-5 for the following:

• backups • db • dump • img/wiki • img/wiki_up • img/trackers • modules/cache Page 34 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• temp • temp/cache • temp/public • templates_c • templates • styles • maps • whelp • mods (for backwards compatibility for pre-Tiki5 only) • files • tiki_tests/tests

NoteIn some instances, depending on your web host's restrictions, you may have to set the permission to 7-7-7.

Creating the DatabaseNow that you have the Tiki files on the web server, you need to create a database for Tiki to use. Tiki supports different types of databases (MySQL, Postgress, Oracle, etc.) through ADOdb , a database extraction library.

NoteThis guide uses MySQL, the most common database used with Tiki. The Tiki documentation site contains complete information on other databases. Starting with Release 4, Tiki supports only MySQL databases.

This procedure assumes that you are using phpMyAdmin , a popular application used to help administer MySQL databases.

1. Access your phpMyAdmin control panel. 2. In the Create New Database area, enter a name for your database and click

Create. Page 35 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Creating a database.

TipBy default, Tiki uses UTF-8 for your database encoding. If you select a different encoding method, you may need to manually update your ../db/local.php file.

WarningUse only alpha-numeric characters for the database name. Do not include any spaces in the name.

3. phpMyAdmin creates the database.

Your new database.

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Write down the name of your database — you will need it later.


Now you need to create a user account that Tiki will use to access the database. This user is different than the users for your Tiki — this user will be used by Tiki.

1. Return to the phpMyAdmin Home page. 2. Click Privileges.

3. Click the Add a new user link.

4. Enter the following information in each field on the Add a New User page. Page 37 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding a new database user.

• User name: Enter a username for this database user. • Password: Enter a password for this user name. • Re-type: Repeat the password.

WarningSelect a strong password to protect your Tiki

NoteWrite down your database username and password — you will need them later.

5. In the Global privileges area, select the following: • Data: Select all. • Structure: Select all: • Administration: Select LOCK TABLES.

6. Click Go to create the database user. Page 38 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Now you need to give the database user (that you just created) access to the database (that you created earlier).

1. On the MySQL Databases page, find the Add Users to Database area.

The Add User to Database area of the MySQL databases page.

2. Enter the following information in each field: • User: Select the database username that you created earlier. • Database: Select the database that you created earlier.

3. Select All privileges. Tiki will need full accesses to the database in order to run your website.

4. Click Submit.

Congratulations! your database is now ready for Tiki.

NoteDepending on how you access your database information (through your web host's control, phpMyAdmin application, or some other program), your actual screens may vary from those shown here. However, the basic process will be the same:

1. Create a database 2. Create a database user. 3. Assign the user to the database. 4. Grant the user all privileges to the database.

Refer to the Tiki documentation for details.

Running the InstallerUse the Tiki Installer to finalize the installation on your server.


You can watch a short video that demonstrates this procedure.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x Page 39 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Tiki installer allows you to:

• Test your system for the minimum requirements. • Configure the database connection. • Configure general site settings.

1. Open your web browser to: Note

If you copied the Tiki files to a subdirectory, include it, too. For example:

On some servers using PHP5, when you access tiki-install.php, you may receive an Internal Server Error. To fix this, you must connect to the server with SSH, access the www/tiki directory, and issue the following command: sh The Tiki Installer screen appears.

TipTiki has been translated to more than 40 different languages. To access the installer in your language, use, where XX is the two-letter ISO code for the language.

Welcome to the Tiki Installer.

Tip Page 40 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The first page of the installer contains a link to the Release Notes for this version. Take a moment to review the Release Notes — they contain lots of useful information.

2. Select your installation language and click Continue. The License page appears.

Read the license.

3. Tiki is available under the LGPL license Read the license and click Continue. The System Requirements page appears. Page 41 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Test your system.

4. Tiki can test your web server for some basic requirements. Confirm that you system meets the minimum requirements.

• To confirm that Tiki can send mail (such as the registration notification), enter your address and click Send Test Message.

You can also send a test message to Tiki. You will receive an automated response if the test was successful.

5. Click Continue. The Database Connection page appears. Page 42 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Set your database connection.

NoteIf you are upgrading an existing site, Tiki will detect the exiting connection information.

Tiki says that it "cannot find a database connection." Let's fix that right now. 6. Here is where you add your database information. Enter the following

information in each field: • Database type: Select your specific database (if you're following

along with this guide select MySQLi). • Host name: If your database is in the same location as your web

server (as it is for most web hosts), simply keep this as localhost. • Database name: The name of your database.

Tip Page 43 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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If the database does not exist, Tiki will create it.• User name: The database user that has admin access to the database. • Password: The password for the database user.

NoteMany shared web hosts require that you preface your user and database name with your web host's account name.

• Select the Always force connection to use UTF-8 option if your database was created with a UTF-8 collation.

You can also send a test message to Tiki. You will receive an automated response if the test was successful.

7. Enter the information and click Connect. The Tiki Installer screen appears.

Install (or upgrade) the database.

NoteThe Upgrade option appears only when upgrading an exiting Tiki.

8. Select your datbase engine and click Install. • MyISAM: Default storage engine prior to MySQL 5.5 • InnoDB: Default storage engine for MySQL 5.5 and later

This should take only a few moments, as Tiki busily creates the necessary database tables. Upon completion, the final installer screen appears. Page 44 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki creates (or updates) your database.

9. Click Continue. The Configure General Settings page appears. Page 45 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use this page to configure general setting for your site.

Complete the following fields on the screen: • Browser title: Enter the name of your website here. This will display

in the web browser's title bar. • Sender email: Enter the email address to be used by your Tiki. Any

emails from your site (such as registration confirmations), will be sent from this address. If you leave this blank, emails from your Tiki may use your web host provider's name instead of yours. This could confuse your visitors.

NoteSome web hosts may require that this be an actual email address. Check with your web host provider.

• Secure login: If your host provides secure logins (HTTPS), you can enable it for your website.

• Logging and Reporting: Specify if Tiki should report any PHP or Page 46 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Smarty errors. You can select to have these warnings appear only for the Administrator.

• Administrator email: Enter your email address. This can be used to recover your admin password and account information.

TipIf you do not enter an Admin email here, Tiki will ask again, during your initial login.

10.Click Continue. The Enter Your Tiki page appears.

You are now ready to enter your Tiki!

11.Click Enter Tiki and Lock the Installer. The Tiki Home Page appears. Warning

If you do not lock the install script, anyone could re-run the installation program... wiping out your database. You can always re-enable the install script, if necessary.


First (and most importantly), don't panic.

If you get an error message, take a good hard look at it — it's trying to tell you Page 47 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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what's wrong. Here are some common messages you could encounter:

Can't connect to server on 'localhost' orAccess denied for user username to database databaseTiki could not connect to your database.

• Did you enter the correct information (database name, database username, and password) on the Tiki Installer screen?

• Are you using exact same names and passwords that you selected when you created the database?

• Is the database up and running?

Tiki Installer cannot proceed: The directory '/somedirectory' is not writableTiki is unable to write information to a specific directory. Remember, Tiki needs read and write access to directories on your web server. Review the list of directories that require permission changes and try again.

Nothing Happens — Blank Screen

Make sure that your database and web server meet the minimum

requirements . The most common problem is insufficient memory

allocated for PHP scripts. The TikiWiki documentation site lists the recommended settings for your php.ini file.

The Installer "Loops" and Starts AgainConfirm that your server session data is accessible to tiki. Consult your host for details.

See the Fixing Installation Problems pages for additional help. Page 48 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Upgrading Your TikiIf you already have a Tiki site, upgrading to the current release is easy. Be sure to read the release notes for complete information about the new release, including any specific migration issues.

TipFor detailed information, see upgrading Tiki in Tiki Essentials.

NoteIf you installed Tiki from an automated installer or CPanel application, you may be to upgrade automatically. Check with your specific application for details.

Update the Tiki Files1. Backup your database. 2. Backup any Tiki files that you customized. This includes any theme or style

customizations. Tip

If you customize any Tiki templates (TPL files) or styles (CSS files) you should do so in your own theme — not by changing existing theme files. This will make the upgrade process much easier.

3. Download the latest Tiki archive (or patch set, if available). See Downloading Tiki for details.

4. Copy the Tiki files to your web host. See Copying the Files to your Web Host for details.

5. Reapply any Tiki customizations (from the files you backed-up in step 2). For themes and styles, simply copy the files to the appropriate Tiki directory:

• Place your custom style (CSS) in: ../styles/YOURSTYLE.CSS • Place your custom theme (TPL) in:


9.x 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

Update your DatabaseNow that the new Tiki files are on your web host, you can use the Tiki installer to upgrade your database.

1. Open your web browser to: Page 49 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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NoteIf you copied the Tiki files to a subdirectory, include it, too. For example:

TipTiki has been translated to more than 40 different languages. To access the installer in your language, use, where XX is the two-letter ISO code for the language.

If the message Installer disabled. Remove 'db/lock' to enable the installer. appears instead of the Tiki installer screen, that means you locked the installer. See this troubleshooting page for information on re-enabling the installer.

2. On the Tiki installer Security Precaution screen, enter your Database administrator password and click Validate and Continue.

Before upgrading, you must log in as the database administrator.

NoteThis is the database username and password that you used when you configured the database connection. If you have forgotten this information, it is located in your ../db/local.php file.

3. On the Tiki installer page, go directly to Step 5. Install Upgrade Page 50 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Selecting the upgrade step.

4. On the Tiki installer screen, in the Upgrade area, click Upgrade to upgrade your database to the current Tiki version.

Select the upgrade script.

NoteTo completely reinstall the database (that is, remove your existing database and start with a brand new install), click Reinstall The Database in the Installation area.

This should take only a few moments, as Tiki busily upgrades your database Page 51 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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tables. Upon completion, the final installer screen appears.

After a successful upgrade, you can enter your (new) Tiki.

NoteReview any warnings or notices that Tiki displays. Especially important is the PHP Memory notice. Tiki requires at least 32MB of PHP memory.

Review the Tiki Installation Requirements document for details.

5. Click Continue. The General Settings page appears.

When upgrading from some older versions, you may need to apply the Admin user fix.

6. Update the information, or click Continue. The Enter Your Tiki page appears.

7. Click Enter Tiki and Lock the Installer. Warning

If you do not lock the install script, anyone could re-run the installation program... wiping out your database. You can always re-enable the install script, if necessary.

You should be greeted by your Tiki's home page. Be sure to review the release notes for the new version (available on the Tiki Community Portal ) for details on the Page 52 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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new features available in this release.Tip

You should always clear the Tiki cache after performing an upgrade.

Initial View of Tiki

To access your Tiki, point your browser to: 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

By default, a brand new Tiki uses the FiveAlive theme. A "theme" is a set of cascading style sheets (CSS) and template files that control the look and feel of your Tiki. Like so much else about Tiki, the theme is fully customizable. Later, you will learn how to modify the theme to make Tiki your own. Page 53 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The default FiveAlive theme.

TipThe TikiWiki Themes website is a good place to start, if you're interested in changing the look of your site. It offers lots of well-made themes that are ready to be used, as well as hints and help for creating your own theme.

IN THIS SECTION• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login Page 54 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Parts of TikiRelease 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

Take a moment to look at your Tiki. Let's explore the parts that make up a Tiki Site

The default Tiki Home Page, as seen by an Anonymous visitor

NoteThis guide (and all figures) are based on the latest Tiki. If you are using a different release version, your screens may vary.

Your newly installed Tiki has these parts:

1. Top Right now, the top contains the Tiki logo and a login button. Later, you'll replace this with your own logo and a site title Page 55 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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2. Top Bar Currently, the top bar is empty. Websites traditionally use this area for logos and banner ads, as well as navigation features (such as a search box or menu). Tiki makes it easy to add items to the top bar.

3. Content Here is the "meat" of your Tiki. The content in this area will vary, depending on what features you're using. It might show blogs, forums, or images. Right now, you're looking a wiki page — the HomePage.

4. Bottom Bar The bottom bar contains a "Powered by Tiki" notice and theme credits. Like everything else, this area is fully customizable. For example, you could add a copyright statement, a link to to a "Contact us" form, or anything else you want here.

Additionally, you can configure your Tiki with left and right columns, as shown here:

A sample Tiki with columns

The left column and right column can each contain modules. A module is simply a box of information. For example, in the previous image, the left column has two modules: the Menu and Another Menu modules; the right column has a three module: Last Articles, Last Forum Posts, and Please Vote. Page 56 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The top bar also contains a module for the menu and search bar.

Now that you're familiar with the parts of Tiki, it is time to get started making Tiki what you want.

Your First LoginThe first thing you need to do, is log in as the Admin and change your password. By default, Tiki sets the initial password to admin.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

TipRemember, you created a new Admin password as part of the installation process.

1. Click the Log In button at the top of the page. 2. In the Login box at the top of the page, type admin as the username and your

administrator password.

The Login module allows users to log into your site.

NoteFor security, the password is not shown.

TipIf you forget your password, don't panic. The I forgot my password feature Page 57 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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can be used to recover a lost password. You can also reset passwords directly from the database.

The admin login is a special user account — it includes full administration rights to every Tiki feature. You cannot change the name of this account (for example, to make it your name), but you can create other accounts and then give these new accounts administrator rights.

We'll discuss this later in the Configuring User Logins section.

Now that you're logged in as the admin, notice that new menu options in the Menu module are available:

The Menu module now contains additional options.


The (Toggle) icon allow you to "roll up" the menu. Later, when adding modules, you'll see how to configure this option. Notice that the Menu module contains this button.


• Additional buttons were added to the bottom of the Home Page. As the Admin, you have the ability to edit, remove, or lock the page. You can also assign specific permissions to the page.

• The Login module (at the top of the page) changed — there's now a Logout button.

• Notes and links have been added above the logo. These notes are visible only to the Administrator.

• Additional help information has been added explaining how to use Profiles. Page 58 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The home page for the administrator (you), after logging in. Page 59 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki's robust group and permission settings allow you to control who sees what. This makes it easy to give users who visit your Tiki a unique experience depending on their account.

We'll discuss this later in the Using Permissions section.

Now that you're logged in (as the admin), you can start customizing Tiki to add the features you want. Let's begin by exploring the Administration pages. Page 60 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Using the Administrator PagesRelease 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

To access the Administration page, select the Admin > Admin Home option in the Menu module.

Selecting the Admin option in the Menu.

TipYou can also access the Administration page by typing in your web browser or by clicking

Admin Home ( ) in the Quick Admin links.

The Administration page provides links to each section's own administration page. Features that have not been turned on are shown "grayed out" (such as the Blogs, in the example below). Page 61 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Administration page. Unavailable items are grayed out.

TipUse the Configuration Search to quickly find any Tiki setting or option on any administration page.

Use the Preference Filters to filter (that is, show) only preferences of a specific type. This can be extremely helpful, since Tiki has more than 1,000 configurable preferences!

TipBy default, Tiki uses an English language interface. However, Tiki has been Page 62 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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translated into more then 40 languages. To use Tiki in your language:

1. Click the i18n button. 2. On the Administration: i18n page, use the Default Language field to select

your language. 3. Click Save.


• Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins

• Registering as a New User • Understanding Groups

• Creating Groups • Assigning Users to Groups

• Configuring Tiki Features • Webmail • Configuring the Layout

• Adding Modules

Configuring General Admin OptionsIf you did not enter your site's title on the installer, notice that the title bar in your browser simply says "Administration." Tiki will automatically put the title of the current content page here, but you should also add the name of your website. You can add your website's name on the Administration: General page.


You can watch a short video that demonstrates this procedure.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration page:

1. Click General . Page 63 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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TipYou can also access the Administration page by typing in your web browser.

2. The Administration: General page contains general Tiki options that apply to your entire site. The Administration: General page contains the following tabs:

• General Preferences • General Settings • Navigation • Date and Time Formats • Change Admin Password

TipUse the No Tabs button to show all the options from all the tabs on a single page.

3. Click the General Preferences tab. Page 64 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Administration: General page, General Preferences tab contains the primary, site-wide options.

4. In the Release Check section confirm that the Check for updates automatically option is enabled.

NoteBy default, Tiki will automatically check for updates each week. If a newer release is available, the following message will appear at the top of the Administration pages: Page 65 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You should always upgrade your Tiki to the current release.5. Scroll down to the Site Identity section. This field includes the Browser

Title and Sender email that you entered as part of the installation process. You can change it here, if necessary.

NoteSome web hosts may require that the Sender Email be an actual email address. Check with your web host provider.

6. Click the General Settings tab. Page 66 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Administration: General page, General Settings tab contains additional, site-wide options.

7. This tab includes options to control site access and performance. Leave these options as their defaults for now.

Note Page 67 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Confirm that Tiki has full access to write to the Temporary directory on your web server.

TipNotice that Tiki automatically informs you if a prerequisite for an option, such as the Multidomain feature, has not been selected. This helps avoid configuration errors.

8. Click the Navigation tab. Page 68 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Administration: General page, Navigation tab contains settings for menu and folder formats.

9. This tab includes options for creating dynamic menus and configuring your Page 69 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki's home page. Leave these options as their defaults for now. 10.Click the Date and Time Formats tab.

The Administration: General page, Date and Time tab contains settings for the date and time formats.

11.Select your Default timezone. Tiki will use this as the default when showing timestamps.

12.Leave the other options as their defaults and click Change Preferences. Tiki saves the changes and reloads the page.


Use the Reset button ( ) to undo any customizations and return an option to its default value.

NoteYou may need to empty your browser's cache to immediately see the updates.

For complete details on all of the options, refer to the TikiWiki

documentation . Page 70 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring User LoginsRight now, your Tiki has only one user — you, as the system administrator (admin). If you want more users, you need to allow visitors to registerRelease 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration page:

1. Click Login . Tip

You can also access the Administration page by typing in your web browser.

2. The Administration: Login page contains the options to allow users to login, register, and maintain their identity on your Tiki. Page 71 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Administration: Login page configures how users will access your Tiki. 3. Click the General Preferences tab. 4. Tiki supports several types of user authentication (such as CAS, PEAR and

OpenID). For now, we will simply use Tiki's own database. In the Authentication method field, select Tiki.


Refer to the Tiki documentation for details on the different authentication methods.

5. In the Registration & Login area, enable the Users can register option. This will add a registration link in the Login module, to let visitors register at your site.

6. Enable the following registration options: • Validate users by email: This will cause Tiki to send a registration

email to new users. The email will contain a link that the user must click in order to complete their registration.

NoteThis option requires the use of the PHP @mail() function. Check with your web host provider for details. Make sure you correctly supplied a Sender email, on the Administration: General page.

By default, Tiki will add a CAPTCHA to the registration form to help eliminate false registrations and spam. You can disable this feature or use a ReCaptcha instead of the default.

NoteUsing the Tiki CAPTCHA requires the PHP GD Library to be installed on your web server and accessible by Tiki. Check with your web host provider for details.

7. In the Password section, enable the Forgot password option. This will allow Tiki to automatically reset a user's account if a user has forgotten their password.

8. Click Change Preferences. Tiki saves the changes and reloads the page.

For complete details on all of the options, refer to the Tiki

documentation .

Now you can test the registration process, as a new user. In the Login module, click Logout. Page 73 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Logging out.

Tiki logs you out, and displays the home page.

• Registering as a New User • Understanding Groups

• Creating Groups • Assigning Users to Groups

Registering as a New UserSince you logged out as the admin, the contents of the modules has changed. Remember, Tiki only shows users what they have permission to see. Since you are now visiting the site as an Anonymous visitor, you can't see the Admin menu.

NoteBe sure that you have logged out.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

Notice that the Login module now includes a Register link.

1. Click the link. Page 74 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Login module, showing the Register link.

2. The Registration page appears.

Registering as a new user.

NoteIf the Anti-bot verification code does not appear, you do not have the PHP GD Library installed on your web server. Login again as admin, go to the Admin: Security page and disable the CAPTCHA option.

3. Complete the following fields on the page: • Username: Enter your name (no spaces).

By default, the username is cAsE sEnSiTiVe. You can change this by enabling the Force lowercase option in the Username section of the Administration: Login page. You can also set the minimum and maximum username length. You can also let users use the email Page 75 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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address as their username, by enabling the Use email as login option. • Password: Enter an alphanumeric password (no spaces).

By default, the minimum password length is 1 character. You can change this by using the Minimum length field in the Password section of the Administration: Login page. You can also enable options to force users to include both numbers and letters in their password, for added security.

TipTiki will help you select a secure password by alerting you if your password is too weak.

For improved security, use a strong password.

• Repeat password: For confirmation, enter your password a second time.

• Email: Enter your full email address. • Anti-bot verification code: Enter the numeric CAPTCHA.

TipIf the CAPTCHA is too difficult to read, click Try another code to load a different code. See How do I... for more information on selecting different CAPTCHAs.

4. Click Register. Tiki displays the following message: You will receive an email with the information needed to log into this site the first time.

If the registration fails, Tiki will tell you why (such as an incorrect registration code or passwords not matching). If you receive the message Unable to send email. Contact the administrator then your Tiki is unable to access the PHP @mail() function. Check your web server configuration, or contact your web host for details.

NoteStarting in Tiki 4.0, you can use SMTP mail server instead of PHP's sendmail function. On the Admin: General page, use the Mail Sender field on the General tab to select which mail application to use: Page 76 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Selecting the mail application.

In a few moments, you should get an email that looks like this:

Hi Username,

You or someone registered this email address at you want to be a registered user in this site you will have to use the following link to login for the first time: user=username2&pass=d7c0fa196d0965db421027d3a98c2542

Enjoy the site!

The email will come from the Sender email that you entered on the Administration: General page.

NoteYou can customize this email for your site by editing the ../templates/mail/user_validation_mail.tpl template. See Editing Templates for more information.

Click the link and you'll be logged in as a new user. Later, you'll learn how to set specific permissions for Registered users.

Your Tiki is now configured to allow new users to register. Log off, then log in as the admin. Page 77 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You're now ready to continue configuring your Tiki.

IF YOU DON'T GET THE EMAIL:• Do you use an email spam filter? Check your "junk mail" area. You may need

to configure your filter to allow email from your domain. • Check the email log on your web server. Confirm that the email was, in fact,

sent. • Did you include a valid Sender email address on the Administration: General


Understanding GroupsTiki uses "groups" to categorize different user types. Initially, there are the following user groups:

• Admins: Users with administrator access. • Anonymous: Public users who are not logged in. • Registered: Registered users who are logged in.

When you successfully completed the registration process, your user name was automatically added to the Registered group.

Groups allow you to assign different permissions to different users. As administrator, you can create new groups and then assign privileges to those groups. For example, if you want to give users the ability to monitor your Tiki forums (which means give them more capability than just add to the forums), you would:

• Create a new group named Forum Admins for example. • Grant the forum administrator permissions to this group.

NoteTiki's permissions will be covered later, in the Using Permissions section.

• Assign the users to this new group. Page 78 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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In this section

• Creating Groups • Assigning Users to Groups


In this section you will create a new group. This group will be for users who will help you monitor and administer your site's forums. Yes, I know... you haven't configured the forums yet — you will.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Admin menu in the Menu module:

1. Select Admin > Groups.

The Groups option in the Admin menu.

TipYou can also access the Admin Groups page by clicking the Groups

button in the Quick Admin area.2. The Admin Groups page lists the existing groups: Admins, Anonymous, and


Displays the current groups and allows you to create new groups.

3. Click the Add a new group tab. Page 79 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding a new group.

4. Enter the following information in each field in the Add New Group area: • Group: Enter Forum Admins. This will be the name of the new

group to moderate the forums. • Description: Enter a short description of the group. This will help

you keep track of each group's purpose. • Inherit: Select Registered. This will let Forum Admins inherit all of

the permissions that registered users have. Later, we'll add additional permissions to allow Forum Admins to moderate the forum.

5. Click Add. Tiki saves the new group and reloads the page. 6. Click the List tab. Page 80 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The List of Existing Groups area on the Admin Groups page now shows the new group: Forum Admins.

TipNotice that only the newly added Forum Admins can be deleted (as noted by the

Delete icon ). You cannot remove the three Tiki standard groups: Admin, Registered, and Anonymous.

ASSIGNING PERMISSIONSRight now, the Forum Admins group has the same permissions as a regular Registered user. You need to add additional permissions to the group: to moderate the forums.

1. In the List of Existing Groups area of the Admin Groups page, click the

Permissions icon for the Forum Admins group. Page 81 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The List of Existing Groups area on the Admin Groups page, showing the Forum Admins group.

2. In the Permissions area, expand the Forums permissions.

The Assign Permissions area of the Assign Permissions to Group page, showing only the forum-specific permissions.

TipUse the Select Features tab to select which features appear. Because you have not (yet) enabled the Forum feature, you'll need to enable the Show permissions for disabled features, too. Page 82 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Selecting only the Forum feature.

3. For the Forum Admins group, select the tiki_p_admin_forum and click Assign. The tiki_p_admin_forum permission automatically inherits all of the forum permissions. Page 83 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Assigning permissions to the Forum Admin group.

4. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. 5. Click Back. The Admin Groups page appears.

The Group Information Area of he Assign Permissions to Group page now shows that the Forum Admins group has one additional permission. Page 84 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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TipReview the How Permissions Work section for additional information on Tiki permissions.


Now that you have created the group Forum Admins, you will assign a user to that group. Let's assign the user that you created when you registered as a new user.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Admin menu in the Menu module:

1. Select Admin > Users.

The Users option in the Admin menu.

TipYou can also click the Admin users button at the top of the Assign

permissions to group page or the Users button in the Quick Admin area.

2. On the Users tab of the Admin users page, click the Permissions icon (

) for the user that you created earlier. Page 85 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Admin users page lists the registered users for your Tiki.

TipAs the admin, you can create accounts for new users by using the Add a New User area or uploading a pre-defined file. This allows you to create an account for a new users, without that user having to complete the registration process. It is an easy way to "pre-populate" your Tiki's user base. Refer to the

Tiki Documentation for details.

3. On the Assign user to groups page, click the Assign icon ( ) to assign the user to the Forum Admins group.

Assign the user to the Forum Admins group.

Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. In the User Information area, the Forum Admins group is now listed for the user. Page 86 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Forum Admins group is now listed in the User Information area.

NoteYou cannot remove a user from the Anonymous group. All visitors belong to the Anonymous group. Additionally, any validated user is automatically a member of the Registered group.

Configuring Tiki FeaturesOne of the best things about Tiki is the number of features that it includes... right out-of-the-box. Even better, these features are all unified under a single product — Tiki.

Now that your site is configured to allow new users to register, you can add features to your site. By default, Tiki starts with only one feature turned on - the wiki feature. Let's look at what other features are available.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration page:

1. Click Features . Tip Page 87 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can also access the Administration page by typing in your web browser.

2. The Administration: Features page, appears. Page 88 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Administration: Features page lists all Tiki features.

Tip Page 89 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Select the No tabs option to display all the features on a single page, instead of on separate tabs.

TipUse the Configuration Search option to quickly find a specific feature or option. This is especially helpful since Tiki contains more than 1,000 different settings!

Let's turn some of Tiki's features on. 3. On the Global Features tab, select the following Main features and click

Apply: • Wiki • Blog • Forums • Polls • Search • File Gallery

TipEarlier versions of Tiki used a separate gallery (the Image Gallery) to store images. In this release the File Gallery can store any type of file, including images.

• Articles

NoteThe File Gallery and Wiki features should be enabled, by default, for a new Tiki default profile installation.

4. In the Watches area, select User Watches and click Apply 5. Tiki saves the changes and reloads the page, confirming that the features are

now enabled.

Tiki enables the selected features.

6. From the Administration page, click Community . 7. The Administration: Community page, appears. Use this page to enable

specific user features. Page 90 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Administration: Community page lists all user-specific features.

8. On the User Features tab, select the following features and click Change Preferences:

• Display MyTiki in the application menu • User Watches

Notice that Menu module now has additional options (for each of the newly activated features).

The main menu. Notice that the newly added options are shown.

NoteYou may need to empty your browser's cache to immediately see the updates. Page 91 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Using Tiki WebmailWebmail is a new feature for TikiWiki. You can find it at: /tiki-admin.php?page=features

Interesting link:

Configuring General Layout OptionsRelease 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration page:

1. Click Look &amp; Feel . Tip

You can also access the Look &amp; Feel page by typing in your web

browser or by clicking the Look & Feel button in the Quick Admin area.

2. The Administration: Look &amp; Feel page appears. Page 92 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Administration: Look and Feel page lists the Tiki layout options.

3. On the Theme tab, use the Theme to select the theme (or "skin") for your Tiki.

NoteSome themes, such as Strasa, include additional theme options that you can configure.

You can also select the specific theme for jQuery elements. 4. Click Apply to change your site Theme. 5. Click the General Layout Options tab. Page 93 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The General Layout tab lists the Tiki layout options.

TipYou can also access the General Layout Options tab by using the Look &

Feel button ( ) in the Quick Admin area.6. Here you can:

• Enable (and add modules to) any of Tiki's additional content areas: • Topbar • Page top • Left and right columns Page 94 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Page bottom • Bottom module zone

• Add your own logo and site name in the Site Logo and Title area. Warning

The Site Logo and Title options will be replaced by additional module areas in later Tiki releases.

• Enable (or disable) the Site Search Bar and Login Bar. • Enable (or disable) the icons and debugging information in the

Bottom bar. Note

The "debug" bar displays information about your Tiki's performance, such as the amount of time it takes to load a page or the number of database queries that were issued. While this information may be useful (and interesting), it is not especially helpful to a new visitor.

7. Click Change preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Later, you will use the other Look and Feel options to further customize your Tiki.

Adding ModulesIf you recall the parts of Tiki, you'll remember that modules are the small boxes of information that appear in the left and right columns of every page. These modules are a great way to have important information available to your visitors.


You can watch a short video that demonstrates this procedure.

Tiki's base installation includes more than 80 pre-configured modules

. Let's add one now:Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

To begin:

1. From the Admin menu in the Menu module, select Admin > Modules. Page 95 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Select the Modules option.

TipYou can also access the Admin: Modules page by using the Modules button

( ) in the Quick Admin area.2. On the Admin: Modules page, select the Assigned modules tab, then click

Add Module.

Use the Assigned Modules tab to add a new module.

3. In the Assign new module area, use the Module Name field to select the Online Users module. This module will display the names of all currently logged in users. It is a nice way to let your site's visitors see who else is online.

Selecting the Online Users module.

Tiki loads the module information reloads the page, showing a preview of the module. Page 96 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can now configure the module.

4. Enter the following information in each field on the Basic tab: • Position: Select left. You will add this module to the left column. • Order: Select 5. This will place the new module above the menu. • Groups: Select Registered, so that only visitors who have logged in

will be able to see the module.

NoteYou can use the other fields to customize the module. For example, to change the title of the module to something else, use the Module Title field. See the

TikiWiki documentation for details on the available parameters.

5. Enter the following information in each field on the Appearance tab:

• Flip: Type y. This will include the (Toggle icon) in the module, allowing you to "rollup" the module.

NoteThis is identical to the functionality on the Menu module. Page 97 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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6. Click Assign. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

The Online Users module now appears in the left column.

The Online Users module lists the name of each currently logged in user.

Right now, only the admin (that's you) is shown.Note

If the module does not appear, you may need to clear your browser's cache, or click Clear cache to clear Tiki's cache. Then refresh the page.

Notice that your username (admin) is a link. Clicking it will display your User Information page. Each registered user can configure their profile to be public or private.

TipRemember, you assigned the Online Users module for Registered users. If you log out, you'll see that the module is no longer visible. By assigning modules to specific groups, you can restrict which groups see which information.

Tiki also has an option to override the group assignment of modules and, instead, show all modules to all groups...always.


Removing modules is easy.

1. On the Admin: Modules page, click the Assigned modules tab. 2. Click the tab of the area that contains the module to remove (such as Top,

Left, or Right. Tip

Use the No tabs button to show all module locations at once. Page 98 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Assigned modules are of the Admin: Modules page shows currently displayed modules (for the left and right columns).

3. Click the for the module to delete.


By clicking up ( ) or down ( ) for a specific module, you can re-order the visible modules.


To move a module, simply click-and-drag the module to its new location. Page 99 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Starting in Tiki 7, you can add modules to:

• Top or bottom bars • Top or bottom of pages • Left or right columns

Later, you will learn to create custom modules. Page 100 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the FeaturesNow that you have enabled several Tiki features for your site, it is time to configure them.


• Wiki • Blogs • Forums • Articles • File Galleries • Image Galleries

WarningStarting in Tiki 3.x, the Image Gallery has been replaced by the File Gallery. You can use a File Gallery to store any type of file: a document, an image, a video, and so on. You should use File Galleries instead of Image Galleries, as the Image Gallery functionality may be removed in future releases.

• Polls • Permissions • Menus

This represents a small set of Tiki's features. See the TikiWiki

documentation for a complete list of features.Note

Since this guide (and site) is a wiki, I hope to continually add additional features to this section. Be sure to check out my other Tiki guides for help with other features.

Additional features are covered in the Customizing Tiki Style and Advanced Tiki Features sections.

TipYou can use Tiki Profiles to quickly and easily configure a group of features, called a profile. Page 101 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring Wiki OptionsTiki's wiki is fully customizable. There are more than 75 different wiki options that you can turn on or off.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

To begin:

1. From the Administration page, click Wiki . Tip

You can also access the Administration page by typing in your web browser.

2. The Administration: Wiki page contains all of the options for your wiki pages. Page 102 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the wiki options on the Administration: Wiki page. 3. If your Tiki is non-English, you must change the Wiki link format to select

the proper character set for internal wiki links. 4. In the Edit area, enable the following options:

• Warn on Edit Conflict: If two (or more) users attempt to edit the same wiki page at the same time, there could be problems. Tiki will warn each user if they try to edit a wiki page that someone is already editing.

5. Click the Features tab. Page 104 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the wiki options on the Administration: Wiki page. 6. In the Wiki Features area, enable the following options:

• Sandbox: The Sandbox is a special wiki page. You (and your users) can edit this page to learn the Tiki wiki syntax. No versions of the page are retained, so you don't have to worry about spam.

• Comments below Wiki pages: This allows registered users to add comments to the page (without actually editing the wiki page). You can further customize Tiki by specifying if the comments should be displayed by default and how they are ordered. You can override this setting on a page-by-page basis.

• Pictures: This allows you to upload pictures and images to a wiki page. By default, uploaded pictures will be stored in the File Gallery.

• Backlinks: "Backlinks" are a list of wiki pages that link to a specific page. Tiki can automatically keep this list of incoming links up-to-date. You can customize the length (number of characters) displayed in the backlink drop list. This can be useful if you have very long page names.

Leave the remaining options as their default. 7. Click Change Preferences. Tiki saves the settings and reloads the page.


You can use the Admin: Text Area page to configure additional features for all wiki text areas.

NoteRefer to the TikiWiki documentation for complete information on all the wiki configuration options.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating a Wiki Page

• Creating Pages from Links • Using the List Wiki Pages Page • Using the Quick Edit Module

• Understanding Wiki Syntax • Adding Pictures Page 106 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Adding Links

Creating a Wiki PageCurrently, your Tiki has a single wiki page (named HomePage). This page was created automatically when you used the TikiWiki installation program.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

The initial, system-system created, HomePage page, as an Anonymous visitor.

This default page contains useful information and links for new sites.

Your site's visitors (those with the necessary permissions) can create additional wiki Page 107 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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pages. Since you are currently logged in as the admin you can also create new wiki pages.

There are multiple methods to create a new wiki page:

• Creating Pages from Links • Using the List Wiki Pages Page • Using the Quick Edit Module


You can watch a short video that demonstrates these methods.


Wiki pages are all about links — it is one of the primary ways of navigating a website: hyperlinks. You can create new wiki pages simply by creating a link from any existing page.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

To begin:

1. Click Home in the Menu module to return to Home page.

2. Click the Edit icon ( ). Note

Be sure to click the Edit icon ( ) at the top of the page — this

allows you to edit the entire page. The other Edit buttons ( ) will

edit only the specific section. See the Tiki Documentation

for more information on this feature. Page 108 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Be sure to select the correct Edit button.

The Edit page appears. Tip

You can also edit a wiki page by clicking the Edit this page button at the bottom of the page.

3. Delete all of the text in the Edit Page tab, then type: ((MyNewPage)) Note

The use of parenthesis around a word, tells Tiki to make that word a link. You'll learn more, later, about adding links.

TipNotice that the Tiki colorizes the text you added. By default, Tiki will automatically highlight all wiki syntax and codes. Click Change Highlighter to change this behavior.

Editing the HomePage page.

4. In the Describe the changes you made field, enter a short description of your edit such as: Testing the wiki. Page 109 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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This information is helpful when viewing page history. Note

The Monitor this page option appears because you enabled the Watches feature. If you select this option, Tiki will send you an email notification each time someone edits the page.

5. Click Save. Tiki saves the page and reloads the Home page.

The HomePage with a newly created link.

NoteThe Note that appears at the top of the page is for information only and will not display for the next visitor who views the page.

Because there is no actual page named MyNewPage, it is a broken link. Tiki indicates broken links by the ? (question mark).

Oh no! Your brand new website already has a broken link! It is a good thing that it is easy to fix.

Click the ? on the Home page. Tiki automatically creates a page named MyNewPage and displays its Edit page.

Type some text in the Edit area and click Save. Tiki saves the page and reloads the MyNewPage page.

The newly created page: MyNewPage.

NoteCreating new wiki pages by using this method (creating links from exiting pages) avoids the problem of orphan pages. An orphan is a wiki page that is not linked to any other page.

BACKLINKSRemember the Backlinks option that you enabled when configuring the Wiki Page 110 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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"Backlinks" are exactly what they sound like — links back to different wiki pages. Tiki automatically keeps track of every wiki link.

See the Backlinks drop-down list at the top of the MyNewPage page?

The Backlinks button is maintained automatically by Tiki.

From this Backlinks list, select HomePage. Tiki loads the HomePage page. Notice that the question mark is gone. Since you created the page, the link is no longer broken!

The link to MyNewPage is no longer broken; the question mark is gone.

NoteThe style of the link is determined by the theme. See Changing Themes for more information.


You can also create a new wiki page by using the Create Wiki Page tab on the List Wiki Pages page.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Page 111 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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To begin:

1. From the Admin menu, select Wiki > Create a Wiki Page. The Create a Wiki Page tab of the Wiki Pages page appears.

TipYou can also access the this tab by selecting Wiki > List Pages from the menu.

The Create a Wiki Page tab.

2. Enter the name of the page to create and click Create Page. Tiki displays the Edit page, as before.

NoteTiki allows page names to contain spaces (such as Another Page. Tiki automatically encodes the space, as needed, for use in the page's URL. In fact, you can use nearly any character, except &amp; (ampersand), in a page name.

To use non-English characters in wiki page names, change the Wiki Link Format option on the Administration: Wiki page. Page names can be up to 160 characters long.

TipIf you enter the name of a page that already exists, Tiki will allow you to edit the page (instead of creating a new page). Page 112 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Creating another wiki page.

3. Type some text in the Edit area and click Save. Tiki saves the page. Note

Notice that the Tiki code highlighter automatically bolds the text indicated by the wiki syntax.

The newly created wiki page.

Notice that there is no Backlink list on this page. This page is an orphan — there are no incoming links to this page. You fix this in a few moments by Adding Links.


Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

Another method of creating wiki pages is by using the Quick Edit module.

You can add this module to the left column, using the same procedure as before, when you added the Who Is There module. Page 113 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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NoteAssign the Quick Edit module to the Registered user group — unless you want anonymous visitors to be able to create new wiki pages.

The Quick Edit module, in the left column.

1. In the Quick edit a Wiki page module, type: Another Page and click Edit.

NoteTiki allows page names to contain spaces (such as Another Page. Tiki automatically encodes the space, as needed, for use in the page's URL. In fact, you can use nearly any character, except &amp; (ampersand), in a page name.

To use non-English characters in wiki page names, change the Wiki Link Format option on the Administration: Wiki page. Page names can be up to 160 characters long.

TipNotice that as you type the name of the page, Tiki displays a list of similarly named pages. If you enter the name of a page that already exists, Tiki will allow you to edit the page (instead of creating a new page).

2. Tiki creates the page Another Page and displays its Edit page. Again, type some text in the Edit area and click Save. Tiki saves the page and loads the Another Page page.

The Another Page wiki page, created from the Quick Edit module. Page 114 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Notice that there is no Backlink list on this page. This page is an orphan — there are no incoming links to this page. You fix this in a few moments by Adding Links.

Understanding Wiki SyntaxTo format and style the text in a wiki page, you use wiki syntax. This syntax is similar to HTML or other markup languages.

NoteStarting in Release 4.x (and improved with each release) Tiki also includes a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor that can be enabled on the Admin: Text Area page. For earlier versions, additional customization is required to implement WYSIWYG capabilities.

Starting in Release 7x, Tiki includes wiki syntax code highlighting (via CodeMirror). This provides near-WYSIWYG display when using wiki syntax.

IN THIS SECTION• Wiki Syntax • Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help


The Tiki wiki syntax consists of special notation that must be placed before and after the words that you want to format.

The following table lists the wiki syntax for some common text formatting:

Format Wiki Syntax

Bold __text__ (two underscores)

Italic ''text'' (two single quotes)

Underline ===text=== Page 115 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can use Tiki's wiki syntax to maintain complete control over how your text will look.

You can also create heading levels by using !. For example:!First level heading

!!Second level heading

will produce:

First level heading


You can create collapsible headings by by placing + (opened by default) or - (closed by default) in front of the heading text. For example:

!!!+Heading openThe heading is open, by default.

!!!-Heading closedThe heading is collapsed (closed) by default.

will produce:


The heading is open, by default.


The heading is collapsed (closed) by default. Page 116 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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A complete list of Tiki's wiki syntax is available from the Tiki online help and in the Tiki documentation . In addition to the standard wiki syntax, you can use Tiki Plugins to create custom formats.

NoteYou can also include some standard HTML codes in Tiki wiki pages if you have enabled the Allow HTML option on the Administration: Wiki page. However, enabling this option may present a potential security liability to your site — users could potentially inject HTML functions into your website.

Release 8.x Release 7.x



By default, Tiki enables the code highlighter for wiki syntax. You can change this by use the Change Highlighter button when editing a wiki page.

1. While editing a wiki page, click Change Highlighter.The Change Highligher popup window appears Page 117 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Changing the highlighter

2. Use the following table to enter information in each field on the window. Field Description Default

Mode tikiTheme defaultLine numbers Line wrapping enabled

3. Click Update

To disable the code highligher, click Toggle Highligher on the edit page.

NoteFor complete details on Tiki's code highlighter, see Tiki Documentation .


With the Tiki Toolbar, you can quickly apply wiki formats to your text. The Toolbar appears in the Edit area of the Edit page. Page 118 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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NoteIn earlier Tiki releases, these buttons were called Quicktags.

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Click Edit. The Edit page appears. The toolbar appears above the Edit area.

The Toolbars appear in the Edit area.

NoteYou can optionally configure additional rows of toolbars and customize which buttons appear in each toolbar on the Admin: Toolbars page. See Customizing Toolbars for more information.

Try using the Quicktags to add wiki syntax. Click the Bold button . Tiki automatically adds the wiki syntax to the Edit area: __text__.

You can also use the Quicktags buttons to apply wiki syntax to selected text:

1. In the Edit area, type: This is italic

2. Highlight the word italic and click the Italic quicktag button.

Tiki automatically applies the wiki syntax for underline to the word: ''italic''.

When using the code highlighter, Tiki will highlight the wiki syntax and display the resulting code in the edit window: Page 119 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The code highlighter displays wiki syntax and WYSIWYG representation.


Tiki includes a help system that explains each of the Quicktags, as well as the available plugins.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

Click the Wiki Help button ( ) on the Toolbar.

Accessing the Editing help.

The wiki help displays in a pop-up window with two sections:

• Wiki help: Displays a list of the available Toolbar buttons and other common formatting syntax.

• Plugin help: Displays the available plugins. See Using Plugins for details on Page 120 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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using the Edit Help to easily add plugins to wiki pages.

The Wiki help defines each button on the Toolbar and other common wiki syntax.

TipYou can customize the available Quicktags, as well as create your own tags. Page 121 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding PicturesRemember enabling the Use pictures option as part of configuring the wiki? Let's add a picture to the Home page.

NoteOnly users with the necessary permission can add pictures to wiki pages. More on configuring user permissions later.

Since you are logged in as the Admin, you have the necessary permission.

In addition to adding pictures by uploading them (as described here), you can also select files that have already uploaded. See Using Files in Wiki Pages for more information.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

To begin:

1. On the Home page, click Edit. The Edit page appears.

2. Click the Choose or upload images button ( ). The Upload File window appears.

NoteStarting in Tiki 3.x, uploaded images for wiki pages are stored in a File Gallery by default. You can change this behavior by changing the Use File Galleries to store pictures option on Features tab of the Administration: Wiki page.

Select a picture to upload.

TipClick Advanced Mode to include additional a custom title or description for the image file.

3. Click Browse and select an image from your PC. 4. Click Upload. After successfully uploading the file, Tiki shows you a

thumbnail of the image (generated automatically). Page 122 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Your uploaded picture

TipYou can specify the size of the thumbnail when Configuring File Galleries.

Click Additional Info to display the necessary HTML and wiki code to use this image in a page.

5. Click the Click here to insert link. Tiki closes the Upload window and automatically inserts the necessary wiki syntax to the Edit area: {img fileId="1" thumb="y" alt="" rel="box[g]"}

6. On the Edit page, click Save. Tiki saves the information, and reloads the page with the picture.

The HomePage page, with the newly added picture.

NoteRemember, only user groups with the correct permissions will be able to view images from the file gallery. See Anonymous Permissions for more information. Page 123 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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After adding a picture, you can customize how the image appears on the wiki page.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the HomePage:

1. Click the Plugin edit button ( ). The Image Plugin window appears.

NoteIf the Plugin edit button is not visible, click the Toggle edit icons button at the top of the page.

Editing a picture.

2. Use the Image Plugin window to edit any of the attributes for the image. Page 124 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Editing the picture.

3. In the Align image block field select Right. 4. Click Submit. Tiki reloads the HomePage — notice that the image is now

aligned to the right side of the page.

Now the picture is on the right side.

See Installing and Accessing Plugins for more information on using the Plugin editor and help.

See the Tiki documentation for complete information (including available options) for using images in wiki pages.


Browse the Preloaded Images listing for many useful icons and images preloaded in Tiki that you can simply use. Page 125 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding LinksHypertext links are the primary method of navigating a web page.

NoteTiki can also create semantic links (relationships) between wiki pages. See the

Tiki Documentation for details.

Do you remember how you added a link from HomePage to MyNewPage?

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x, 2.x Release 1.9.x

Instead of explicitly adding the parenthesis around the page name, you can use Tiki's WikiWords option (which you can enable on the Administration: Wiki page) to automatically create links to wiki pages by using "WikiWords."

NoteTiki's "WikiWords" syntax is sometimes called "Camel Case." It means writing words with upper- and lower-case letters; with no space between the words, as you did when typing MyNewPage.


The page Another Page has a space in its name — you cannot use wiki words to create the link. To create a link to this page:

1. Click Home in the Menu module to return to the HomePage. 2. Click Edit to edit the HomePage. 3. In the Edit area, after the text MyNewPage, press Enter and type: ((Another Page)) Page 126 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding a link to another page.


Use the Wiki Link button to add a link by using the Tiki help interface.

Adding a link by using the Wiki Link button.

4. Click Save. Tiki saves the page, and reloads the HomePage.

The HomePage page now has a link to the Another Page page. Page 127 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Click the link to go to the Another Page. Notice that the Another Page now has a backlink — it is no longer an orphan. Remember, Tiki does this automatically. Use the backlink to return to the Home page.

LINK DESCRIPTIONSBy default, the page name (in this case, Another Page) is the name of the link. But you can easily change this link description.

1. Click Edit to edit the HomePage. 2. In the Edit area, after the text Another Page, press Enter and type: ((Another Page|Click Here)) to visit another page.

3. Click Save. Tiki saves the page, and reloads the HomePage.

The HomePage page now has another link to the Another Page page.

The words Click Here are now the link to the page Another Page.

TipThe ((pagename|description)) is the Tiki wiki syntax for creating a wiki link.


You can also link to pages that are anywhere on the internet. The AutoLinks feature (enabled by default) allows Tiki to automatically turn text that starts with http:// or www into a link.

NoteBy default, Tiki assumes the link to be http://. If you want to use a different type of link (such as an FTP location), you must explicitly include the ftp://. Page 128 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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1. Click Edit to edit the HomePage. 2. In the Edit area, type: This is a link to Google:

3. Click Save. Tiki saves the page, and reloads the HomePage.

The HomePage page now has a link to Google.


Notice that TikiWiki adds the External Link icon ( ) to the link. You can configure this behavior by with the Use external link icons option on the Administration: Wiki page.

You can add a link description to an external link in the same way that you added one to a wiki link.

1. Click Edit to edit the HomePage. 2. In the Edit area, type: [|Click Here] to visit Yahoo!

3. Click Save. Tiki saves the page, and reloads the HomePage. Page 129 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The HomePage page now has a link to Yahoo!

The words Click Here are now the link to the

TipThe [url|description] is the Tiki wiki syntax for creating an external link.

See the Tiki documentation for complete information on creating links in wiki pages.


To create a link to your wiki page from another source (such as another website or an email) use this format page name

For example, to create a link to the Another Page wiki page, use

NoteIf you use Tiki's default .htaccess file to create SEFURL (Search Engine Friendly URLs), you can construct your incoming links as simply: page name Page 130 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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See the Tiki Documentation for details.

Configuring the BlogsLike its other features, Tiki's blogs are fully customizable. You can have as many different blogs on your site as you want.


You can watch a short video that demonstrates this procedure.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration page:

1. Click Blog . Tip

You can also access the Administration: Blog page by typing in your web browser.

2. The Administration: Blogs page lists all the options to customize your Tiki blogging system. Page 131 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the blog options on the Administration: Blog page.

3. On the General Settings tab, in the Comments area, enable the Comments on blog posts feature. This will allow visitors to post comments to each of your blog entries. You can also specify the maximum number of comments to show per page and default sorting order of the comments. Leave the other options as their default setting.

NoteRefer to the TikiWiki documentation for complete information on all the blog configuration options.

4. On the Blogs Listing tab, you can specify which fields appear, when listing the blogs on your site. Page 132 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the blog listings

5. Leave the options as their default setting. 6. Click Change Preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Listing the BlogsTo view all of the blogs on your site:Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the menu:

1. Select Blogs > List Blogs.

Select List Blogs from the Blog menu in the Menu module.

2. The List Blogs page shows the current blogs. Page 133 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The List Blogs page shows the blogs on your site. Right now there are none!

The visible columns in the listing are determined by the options you selected on the Blog listings tab.

Let's create a new blog.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating a Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs to Wiki Pages

Create a New BlogBefore you can start writing blog posts, you have to create... a blog.Release 9.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9

From the List Blogs page:

1. Click Create new blog. Tip

You can also create a new blog by selecting Create/Edit Blog in the Blog menu of the Menu module.

2. Use the Create Blog page to create a new blog. Page 134 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Create Blog page configures the settings for this specific blog.

3. Enter the following information in each field: • Title: Enter a name for the blog. • Description: Enter a more detailed description of your blog. • Allow search: Enable this option to include a blog-specific search

field for the blog. • Allow Comments: Enable this option to allow visitors to post

comments to the blog posts.

Leave the other options as their defaults. 4. Use the Display Options to specify additional options for the blog, including

custom headers for the blog and its posts. Note

If you enabled the Custom blog headings option on the Configuring Blogs page, you can add additional Smarty and XHTML markup.

By default, Tiki shows: • The name of the blog and its description • The date of the blog's creation and last post • Some stats including total number of posts and visits

WarningYou can also include Smarty markup in the blog header as well. However, if your Smarty markup is invalid, your blogs may not appear properly and you will have to edit the database, directly, to fix the problem. Use Smarty markup with care. Page 135 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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5. Click Save to save the blog.

Now that you have a blog, you can post to it.

Creating a Blog PostUse this procedure to create a blog post. Remember, your Tiki must have at least one blog before you can create a blog post.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the List Blogs page:

1. Click the Post button

The List Blogs page now shows your newly created blog.

2. Use the New Post page to create your blog entry. Page 136 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Now you can write your blog post.

3. Enter the following information in each field on the page: • Title: Enter a title for this blog post. • Body: Type your blog entry here. You can use the same wiki syntax,

including the Quicktags you used previously in the wiki.

4. To add an image click the Choose or upload images button ( ). This procedure is identical to adding an image in a wiki page.

NoteIn prior Tiki versions, you must first Save the blog post, then upload images using the blog-specific image uploader. You can still use this process if you are not using the File Gallery feature. See Release 3.x for details.

5. After adding an image, click Save. Tiki saves your entry and displays the blog post. Page 137 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Congratulations! Here is your first blog post, with an image.

Displaying Blogs in ModulesYou can display lists of blogs (such as the the most recently blog entry and most popular blog) in a module. This provides visibility to new items on your website.

Here, you will create a list of the last (most recent) blog posts, so visitors can see your active blogs.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Menu:

1. Select Admin > Modules. Tip

You can also access the Admin Modules page by clicking Modules

in the Quick Admin area.2. On the Assigned Modules tab, click Add Module. Page 138 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding a new module.

TipYou can also add a new module by clicking the All Modules tab, then dragging the selected module into position.

3. In the Assign new module area, select Newest blog posts as the Module name. This module will display the newest (most recently added) blog posts.

The Assign new module area of the Admin Modules page.

Tiki reloads the page, showing the options for the selected module. Page 139 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Basic tab of the Assign new module area of the Admin Modules page.

4. Enter the following information in each field on the Basic tab: • Position: Select right. You will add this module to the right column. • Order: Select 1. The Login module is already on the right column in

the top-most position. • Groups: Select Anonymous, so that all visitors can see the module.

TipYou can use this setting to "hide" modules and make them visible only to selected groups.

5. Enter the following information in each field on the Appearance tab: • Rows: Enter 5. Now the module will display the 5 most recently

added blog posts. 6. Click Preview. Tiki reloads the page and shows you a preview of the module

This is what the module will look like. Page 140 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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NoteSince you only have 1 blog post, the module only lists 1 item.

7. If everything looks good, click Assign. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

The Newest Blog Posts module now appears in the right column, under the Login module.

The Newest Blog Posts module in the right column.

NoteYou may have to click clear cache on the Admin Modules page.

See the TikiWiki documentation for information on all the available blog modules.

Displaying Blogs in Wiki PagesIn addition to showing blogs on the main blog listing page, you can also display blogs directly in a wiki page. Here, you will add links to the "top" blogs (based on number of posts) to a wiki page.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Home page:

1. Click the Another Page link. You will add articles to this page. 2. Click Edit. The Edit page appears. Page 141 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use the MODULE plugin to add the Top Active Blogs module.

3. On the Edit page, in the Edit area type: {module module="top_active_blogs"}


This is an example of using the Tiki MODULE plugin

. The MODULE plugin allows you to embed any module into a wiki page. {MODULE} is a Tiki plugin to display a module. module=>top_active_blogs specifies to embed the Top Active Blogs module.

TipYou can use the Plugin help to easily customize the MODULE plugin: Page 142 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Using the Plugin help to insert the MODULE plugin.

4. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the Another Page.

The Another Page page now includes a list of the top blogs.

NoteIf Tiki displays the Plugin execution pending approval message, you must approve the plugin before it can be show. See Approving Plugins for more information.

Only one blog is shown, because you have only created one blog. Page 143 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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See the Tiki documentation for complete information on using the MODULE plugin.

Configuring the ForumsLike its other features, Tiki's forums are fully customizable. You can have as many different forums on your site as you want.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration page:

1. Click Forum . Tip

You can also access the Administration: Forums page by typing in your web browser.

The Administration: Forums page contains all the options to customize your Tiki forums. These options apply to all forums on your Tiki.

2. Click the General Settings tab. Page 144 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the forum options on the Administration: Forum page. 3. In the Features area, select the following options:

• Accept wiki syntax: This will allow you to use the same wiki syntax (that you used when creating a wiki page) in the forums.

• Quick jumps: This allows you to quickly move between different forums and threads.

4. In the Threads area, select the following options: • Default style: Change to Threaded. This will cause Tiki to show

forum replies indented under its parent. • Default sort mode: Select Newest first.

5. In the Searches area, enable the following options: • Forum name search • Forum content search.

6. Leave the other options as their default setting. Note

Refer to the TikiWiki documentation for complete information on all the forum configuration options.

7. Use the Forums Listing tab to specify what properties appear, when Tiki lists the forms.

Configuring the forums listing.

8. Click Change Preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

The forums are now configured.

1. Open the Forum menu in the Menu module and click List Forums. Page 146 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Select the List Forums option in the Forums menu.

2. The List Forums page shows the current forums.

The List Forums page shows the forums on your site. Right now there are none!

NoteUse the Forums Listing tab to determine which columns appear when listing the forums.

Let's create a new forum.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating a Forum • Creating a Thread

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums • Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wikis Pages

Create a New ForumBefore you can start writing forum threads and messages, you have to create.... a forum.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Menu:

1. Select Forums > Admin Forums. Tip Page 147 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can also click the Admin Forums button on the Forums listing2. On the Admin Forums page, click the Create/Edit Forums tab. 3. Use the Create Forums tab to create a new forum. Page 148 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Create New forum page configures the setting for this specific forum. 4. Enter the following information in each field:

• Name: Enter a name for the forum. • Description: Enter a more detailed description of this forum. • Show Description: Select this option. Now the forum's description

will appear when users display the list of forums on the site. • Prevent Flooding: Select this option, then select 2 min. This requires

users to wait at least two minutes between posts. This will help reduce automated postings from spammers.

• Moderator Group: Select the Forum Admins group that you created earlier. Remember, you gave that group the necessary permissions to administer the forum.

TipAs you type the group name, Tiki will attempt to find all groups that match.

Leave the remaining options as their default. 5. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. Your newly

created forum is listed on the Forums tab:

Your new forum is shown at the bottom of the page. Page 150 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Creating a Forum ThreadA "thread" is a group of forum messages about a topic — a post and its replies.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Menu:

1. Select Forums > List Forums. Right now there is only one forum — the one you just created.

2. On the List forum page, click the forum name.

The list forums page shows the forum you just created.

3. The Forum page lists all the topics (and their threads) in the forum. Since this is a new forum, Tiki tells you that there are no topics to display.

The Forum page lists all topics in the forum and allows you to create new topics.

NoteThe Moderator Actions toolbar appears because you are logged in as the Admin. Regular users will not see this area.

4. Click New Topic to create a new topic. Page 151 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use the form to create a new forum post.

5. Enter the following information in each field on the page: • Title: Enter a title for the post. • Edit: Enter the body of the post here. Remember, you enabled the

Use wiki syntax option earlier. You can use the regular wiki syntax, including Quicktags, when writing a forum topic.

• Watch for replies: By default, the Send me an e-mail when someone replies to my topic option is selected. This allows you to monitor the thread. Tiki will send you an email each time another user responds to your post.

NoteYou will learn about thread types later.

6. Click Post. Tiki saves the posts and displays the Forum post page. Page 152 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Your post is shown on the forum page.

The post contains the following icons/options:

• Edit the post.

• Delete the post.

• Report the post to the moderator.

• Stop watching (monitoring) the post. If you did not select the

Watch for replies option, you would be able to select the (Monitor) icon to begin monitoring the post.

You can also Print this post ( ) or Print the entire thread ( ).

In this section

• Replying to Topics Page 153 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Now that you have a topic (a single post) in the forum, you can add a reply and create a "thread."Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Menu:

1. Select Forums > List Forums. 2. The List Forums page appears, showing the existing forum and its latest

(most recent) post.

The post you created is shown on the Forums page.

3. Click the name of the forum. The Forum page shows all the posts in the forum.

All posts in the forum.

4. Click the title of topic. Tiki displays the complete post. Page 154 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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This forum has only a single post.

5. To reply to this post (and create a thread), click Reply. Page 155 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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When posting a reply, Tiki automatically quotes the original message.

6. Enter the following information in each field in the Post a reply area: • Title: By default, all the title for a forum post reply will be Re: the

original title. You can change the title. Note

Use the Do not prefix message titles with Re: option on the Administration: Forums? page to control this feature.

• Reply: By default, Tiki will quote (that is, include) the original post in your reply. You can edit or trim the original message in your reply, as needed.

NoteUse the Reply posts are empty option on the Administration: Forums Page 156 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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page to control this feature.

As before, you can use the wiki syntax and Quicktags when creating your reply.

7. Click Post. Tiki saves your reply and reloads the page.

The Forum page now shows the original post and your reply.

Use the Threads Preferences options on the Administration: Forums page to specify the default listing options for the replies (such as newest first).

The Moderator Actions toolbar appears because you are currently logged in as the administrator. These options allow you to moderate the thread, or move the replies to a different topic. Page 157 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Moderating ForumsSometimes, you may need to moderate a forum. This may involve removing off topic or inappropriate posts, or moving posts from one forum to another.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

Log out as the admin, and log back in as the user you created earlier (and assigned to the Forum Admins group).

1. From the Menu, select Forum > List Forums. 2. Select the forum you created. 3. The Moderator actions area, contains special features for forum moderators.

Select a topic, then click a moderator action.

Using this toolbar, you can select topics in the forum and:

• Move ( ) a topic from one forum to another. Note

This button appears only if you have more than one forum.

• Lock ( ) (or unlock, ) a topic

• Delete ( ) a topic.

• Merge ( ) two (or more) topics into a single topic. Page 158 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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As a forum moderator, you can also control specific posts and threads.Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Forum page:

1. Click the topic title. Tiki displays the topic and its reply.

You can moderate specific posts and replies.

2. You can use the Moderator actions toolbar to delete a specific post or move it to a different forum.

3. As the forum administrator, you can also edit (or delete) any topic or reply.

6 Page 159 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Displaying Forums in ModulesDo you remember how you added a module to display blog posts in the right column? You can do the same thing for forum posts. This allows your site's visitors to quickly see new topics and threads.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9

From the Menu:

1. Select Admin > Modules. Tip

You can also access the Admin Modules page by clicking Modules

in the Quick Admin area.2. On the Assigned modules tab of the Admin Modules page, click Add

Module. 3. In the Assign new module area, select the Newest Forum Posts module as

the Module Name. This module will display the newest (most recently added) posts to the forums.

The Assign new module area of the Admin Modules page.

Tiki reloads the page. The Assign new modules area now shows additional options, specific to the selected module. Page 160 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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After selecting the module, Tiki displays additional, module-specific options.

4. On the Basic tab, enter the following information in each field: • Position: Select Right. You will add this module to the right column. • Order: Select 10. The blog module that you added earlier is in

position 5. This will place the forum module under the blog module.

TipAlways give yourself extra spaces between module ordering. This will help if you later want to insert a new module.

• Groups: Select Anonymous, so that all visitors can see the module.

TipYou can use this setting to "hide" modules and make them visible only to selected groups.

5. On the Appearance tab, enter the following information in each field: • Rows: Enter 5. Now the module will display the 5 most recently

added forum posts. Page 161 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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6. Click Preview. 7. If everything looks good, click Assign. Tiki saves the information and

reloads the page.

The Newest Forum Posts module now appears in the right column, under the blog module.

The Last Forum Posts module appears in the right column, below the blog module.

NoteYou may have to click clear cache on the Admin Modules page.

See the Tiki documentation for information on all the available forum modules.

Displaying Forums in Wiki PagesYou can use the Module plugin to display forum information in a wiki page (just like you did with the blog).

Here, you will add a list of the top forum posters (the users who have posted the most topics to the forum) to a wiki page.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Home page:

1. Click the Another Page link. You will add articles to this page. 2. Click Edit. The Edit page appears. Page 162 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use the MODULE plugin to add the Top Forum Posters module.

3. On the Edit page, in the Edit area type: {module module="top_forum_posters"}

NoteThis is an example of using the Tiki MODULE plugin . The MODULE plugin allows you to embed any module into a wiki page. {MODULE} is a Tiki plugin to display a module. module=>"top_forum_posters" specifies to embed the Top Forum Posters module.

TipYou can use the Plugin help to easily customize the MODULE plugin: Page 163 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Using the Plugin help to insert the MODULE plugin.

4. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the Another Page.

The Another Page page now includes a list of the top users.

NoteIf Tiki displays the Plugin execution pending approval message, you must approve the plugin before it can be show. See Approving Plugins for more information.

See the Tiki documentation for complete information on using the MODULE plugin. Page 164 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the ArticlesTiki's Article feature allows you to post date-sensitive material (such as news items or notices). You can control when the article appears and when it is removed.

TipThe Article feature is sometimes called CMS in some of Tiki's administration pages, such as when configuring permissions.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration page:

1. Click Articles . Tip

You can also access the Administration page by typing in your web browser.

2. The General Settings tab of the Administration: Articles page contains the site-wide options for the articles system. You can also configure the article information to display when users list the available articles. Page 165 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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3. Enable Submissions in the CMS features area. This will allow visitors to submit new articles to your site. Leave the other options as their default.

4. Click Change preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. 5. From the menu, select Articles > List Articles. The Articles page appears.

The Articles page lists the current articles. Right now there are no articles.

TipThe columns that appear in the table (such as Title, Type, Topic, etc.) are determined by the selections in the Fields to display on page List articles area on the Administration: Articles page. By default, all fields are shown. Since you left the defaults, Tiki shows all the fields.

Each Tiki article can be grouped by type (such as a review or advertisement) and topic.

NoteThe article's Type and Topic is different (and in addition to) Tiki's Category feature. You will learn about categories later, in the Using Advanced Features section.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating Topics • Creating Types • Creating an Article

• Displaying Articles in Modules • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages Page 167 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Creating Article TopicsAn article "topic" is a way for you to group articles that are about a similar subject. A brand new Tiki installation, like yours, contains no article topics.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Menu:

1. Select Articles > Admin Topics. The Admin Topics page appears. The Admin Topics page appears.

The Admin Topics page list the article topics and allows you to create new topics.

2. Right now there are no topics. Use the Create a New Topic form to create a new article topic. Enter the following information in these fields:

• Topic Name: Enter a topic for your articles. For example, you can create a topic named Sports for all sports-related articles on your site.

• Upload Image: Click browse and select an image (in GIF, JPG, or PNG format) from your PC to represent this topic. This is optional, but will help your website's visitors.

TipFor best results, use an image that is approximately 100x100 pixels.

3. Click Add to create the topic. Tiki saves the information, uploads the image you selected, and reloads the page. Page 168 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Admin Topics page, with your newly created article topic.

Now that you have created a topic, you should configure the article types.

Creating Article TypesThe article "type" defines the overall settings for a specific article; things like:

• Can visitors post comments to articles? • Does the article "expire" after a specific date. • And more.

A brand new Tiki installation, like yours, contains these default article types:

• Articles • Reviews • Events • Classifieds

Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Menu:

1. Select Articles > Admin Types. The Admin Article Types page appears. The Admin Article Types page appears. Page 169 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Admin Article Types page list the article types and allows you to create new types.

Here, you will create a new article type. You can control many of the article's default actions (such as what type of information appears), by configuring the type.

TipClick Show Help to display detailed information about each option.

2. Click the Create new type tab to create a new article type. 3. Create a new article type (such as News Items) and click Create new type. Page 170 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Your newly added article type appears in the list.

Tiki adds the type and reloads the page. 4. Click the List of Article Types tab.

Configuring options for your newly created article type.

5. Select the following options for the new article type: • Comments: This allows visitors to post comments to articles of this

type. • Show Image: Remember the image you added when creating the new

topic? This allows the topic's image to appear in the article. • Show Author: The user who submitted the article will be listed as the Page 171 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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author. • Show Publish Date: Tiki will display the date that the article was

submitted. 6. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Creating an ArticleNow that you have article types and topics configured, you can create your first Tiki article.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Menu:

1. Select Articles > New Article. The Edit Article page appears.

NoteDon't be confused by the Submit Article (which allows you to review articles before they become live). Submitting Articles is discussed later in this guide.

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Use the Edit Article page to create a new article. Page 173 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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1. Enter the following information in each field on the Edit Article page: • Title: Enter a title for your article. • Author Name: Since you are currently logged in as the Admin, Tiki

uses the name System Administrator. You can change this to your name.

• Topic: Select the new article topic that you created earlier. • Type: Select Article. • Heading:Enter a short description or introduction to the article. • Body: Enter the main article text.

TipIn the Heading and Body areas, you can use the same wiki syntax in articles that you used in other Tiki features.

• Published: Enable the Published option. You can use the Published Date to specify a date in the future (or past!) on which to make the article "live."

NoteIf you do not Publish the article, no one can see it — even if the Published Date has occurred.

2. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and displays the main article.

Your completed article.

Notice that the article Heading is more like an intro or excerpt; different than the Title. When viewing multiple articles on a single page, Tiki displays only the Heading information and includes a Read More link for the rest of the article, as shown with the Articles plugin.

In this section

• Displaying Articles in Modules • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages Page 174 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Do you remember how you added a module to display blog posts in the right column? You can do the same thing for articles. You can display lists of articles (such as the the most recently posted and most poplar) in a module. This provides visibility to new items on you website.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Main menu:

1. Select Admin > Modules. Tip

You can also access the Admin Modules page by clicking Modules

in the Quick Admin area.2. On the Admin Modules page, click the Assigned Modules tab. 3. On the Assigned Modules tab, click Add Module.

The Assign new module area of the Admin Modules page.

4. In the Assign new module area, select the Articles module as the Module Name. We will configure this module to display the last (most recently added) articles. Tiki reloads the page. The Assign new modules area now shows additional options, specific to the selected module. Page 175 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Assigning the Articles module

5. On the Basic tab, enter the following information in each field: • Module name: Select the Articles module. • Position: Select Right. You will add this module to the right column. • Order: Select 10. The Newest Blog Posts and Newest Forum Posts

modules are already on the right column. This will place the articles module under the Login module.

• Groups: Select Anonymous, so that all visitors can see the module. Tip

You can use this setting to "hide" modules and make them visible only to selected groups.

6. On the Module tab, enter the following information on each field: • Sort: Enter created.

7. On the Appearance tab, enter the following information on each field: • Rows: Enter 5. Now the module will display the 5 most recently

added articles. • Module Title: Enter Last articles. Page 176 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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8. Click Preview. Tiki reloads the page and shows you a preview of the module.

This is what the module will look like.

NoteSince you only have 1 article, the module only lists 1 item.

9. If everything looks good, click Assign. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

The Last Articles module now appears in the right column.

The Last Articles module in the right column.

NoteYou may have to click clear cache on the Admin Modules page.

See the TikiWiki documentation for information on all the available article modules.


In addition to the main article listing page, you can also display articles directly in a wiki page.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

1. From the Home page, click the MyNewPage link. You will add articles to Page 177 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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this page. 2. Click Edit. The Edit page appears.

Use the ARTICLES plugin to add articles to a wiki page.

3. On the Edit page, in the Edit area type: {articles max="5"}

Note{ARTICLES} is a Tiki plugin to display articles.

max=>5 specifies to list only 5 articles on the page.

TipYou can use the Plugin help to easily customize the MODULE plugin: Page 178 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Using the Plugin help to insert the ARTICLES plugin.

4. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the MyNewPage.

The MyNewPage page now includes the articles.

Only one article is shown, because you have only created one article.Tip

If your site had many articles, you could add additional parameters to display only articles of specific topics or types.

NoteNotice that the body of the article is not shown. Instead, Tiki added a Read More link. By default, when using the ARTICLES plugin, Tiki shows only the article's heading.

See the Tiki documentation for complete information on using the ARTICLES plugin. Page 180 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring File GalleriesLike the previous features, the file gallery is fully customizable. You can have as many different galleries (and sub-galleries) on your site as you want, and restrict access to each gallery based on user group. You can store any type of file in a file gallery, such as PDF, MP3, or AVI.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x

From the Administration page:

1. Click File Galleries . Tip

You can also access the Administration: Image Galleries page by typing in your web browser.

2. The File Galleries page contains all the options to customize your Tiki galleries. These options apply to all file galleries on your Tiki. Later you will customize the options that are specific to each gallery. Page 181 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the General Settings on the File Galleries page.

NoteTiki requires a PHP image library in order to correctly process images that you upload to an image library. Tiki supports two popular libraries: GD and Imagick . Check with your web host to verify that either (or both) is installed.

The Tiki Installer can check this requirement automatically, during the installation process.

TipDatabase or Directory?Tiki can store your gallery files either in the database or directly on your web server.

The database may be more secure, since web surfers would not be able to edit or change the file unless they had access to your database. The directory option may be better for performance, since Tiki would not have to issue a database query each time a file was displayed.

If you use a directory, you must make the directory writable. See Set Directory Permissions for more information. You also need to protect the directory and ensure that users cannot directly access the files. You can accomplish this by using a directory outside your Tiki root (make sure your PHP script can access the directory) or by using an .htaccess file to prevent users from listing the directory's contents.

WarningIf you store files in the Directory, do not change the directory location after you have updated files to the gallery. If you do, you must manually move the files to the new location — Tiki does not store the directory location at the time of the upload. Therefore, if you change the directory location after uploading several files, Tiki will be unable to locate the older files.

3. Use the Gallery Listing tab to specify the information that displays when visitors browse and list the files in each gallery. Page 183 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the file gallery listing options on the File Galleries page.

NoteUse the Admin Gallery Listing tab to specify which information displays when a gallery administrator browses the gallery.

4. Use the Search Indexing tab to specify if the content of the files in the galleries is "searchable" by the Tiki search feature.

Configuring the 'searchability' of files on the File Galleries page.

NoteAdditional PHP libraries and handlers may be required to search all file (MIME) types. Check with your web host to verify that the necessary items are available.

For now, let's leave all options as their defaults. Let's create a new file gallery.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File • Browsing File Galleies

Creating a File GalleryBefore you can start uploading files, you must create file gallery that will contain the Page 185 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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files.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x

To begin:

1. From the File Galleries menu in the Menu module, click List Galleries.

The List Galleries option in the File Galleries menu.

2. The Galleries page lists all of the galleries on the site. Currently, there are none — let's create one now.

There are no galleries... yet!

3. Click Create a file gallery. 4. Use the Create a File Gallery page to create a new gallery.

The Create a Gallery page allows you to specify the options for a specific file gallery.

5. Enter the following information in each field on the Properties tab: • Name: Enter a name for this gallery. • Description: Enter a detailed description of this gallery. • Wiki markup to enter...: Use this field to configure the default wiki

syntax that Tiki will use when importing an image (or any file) from this gallery).

Leave the other fields as their default. Note

Be sure that Type is set as Any file — this will allow you to upload images, documents, etc. If you want to store podcasts (audio or video), you must select the specific Type.

6. Click the Display Properties tab. Page 186 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use the Display Properties tab to specify the information that appears when viewing the gallery.

7. Click Save. Tiki saves the information, then displays the gallery (because the View Inserted Gallery option was selected, by default.)

Your first file gallery!

Now let's add a picture to the gallery...

Uploading a FileYou've already uploaded several files for wiki pages and the blog. Uploading files to a specific file gallery is a similar process.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 4.x

From the Galleries page:

1. From the File gallery page, click Upload File. Tip

You can also select File Galleries > Upload File from the menu..2. Use the Upload Image page to add a new image to the gallery. Page 188 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Uploading a new file to the gallery.

3. Enter the following information in each field: • File title: Enter a name for the image. If left blank, Tiki will use the

file's actual filename instead. • File Description: Enter a meaningful description of the image. • Upload from disk: Click browse and select an image (in GIF, PNG,

or JPG format) to upload from your PC to the website. • File Gallery: Select the file gallery you created, earlier.

If you enabled the Upload files from remote source on the General Settings tab of the Admin: File Galleries page, the Upload from URL field appears.

TipThe maximum upload size is configured in the php.ini file on your web server.

4. Click Upload. Note

You can upload multiple files at once by clicking Add File. Tiki will display an additional upload form. See the Tiki documentation for details.

Tiki uploads the image and adds it to the gallery. Page 189 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki shows a thumbnail of the uploaded image.

When uploading images (such as GIF, PNG, or JPG files), Tiki will create a thumbnail of the image (as defined by the Max thumbnail size field on the Gallery Listing tab of the Admin: File Galleries page. If the uploaded file is not an image, Tiki displays the appropriate icon (in this example, a PDF file) for the file.

TipClick Additional Information to display the URL and wiki syntax to use in order to include this image in an email, wiki page, or HTML web site.

IF IT DOESN'T WORK:• Was the image too large? You may need to modify the upload_max_filesize

and post_max_size options in your php.ini configuration file. • Do you have the GD or Imagick library installed on your web server? If not,

Tiki will not be able to create thumbnails or different scales.

Browsing File GalleriesBecause Tiki creates a thumbnail of each image you add to a gallery, visitors can quickly browse a complete gallery.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 4.x Page 190 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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1. From the File Galleries menu, click List Galleries. 2. On the Gallery page, Tiki displays a list of all files (images) in the gallery.

This is the ''top'' level of the file gallery.

3. Click Browse Images to display the thumbnail for each image (that you uploaded earlier). Page 191 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Here are the images in your gallery.

Notice that the file gallery you created earlier is shown as a folder. Click the folder to display its files.

You can sort the images and "page" through the gallery (if there are multiple pages).

The size of the thumbnails, number of thumbnails shown per page, and the information displayed for each image was configured when you created the gallery. Page 192 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Additional informtion appears when you mouse-over an image

Configuring Image GalleriesLike the previous features, the image gallery is fully customizable. You can have as many different galleries (and sub-galleries) on your site as you want, and restrict access to each gallery based on user group.

WarningStarting in Tiki 3.x, the Image Gallery has been replaced by the File Gallery. You can use a File Gallery to store any type of file: a document, an image, a video, and so on. You should use File Galleries instead of Image Galleries, as the Image Gallery functionality may be removed in future releases.

Release 2.0 Release 1.9 Page 193 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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From the Administration page, click Image Gallery .

TipYou can also access the Administration: Image Galleries page by typing in your web browser.

The Administration: Image Gallery page contains all the options to customize your Tiki galleries. These options apply to all image galleries on your Tiki. Later you will customize the options that are specific to each gallery.

Configuring the image gallery options on the Administration: Image Galleries page.

Enable the Uses Slideshow option. You can leave the other options set as their defaults.

NoteTiki requires a PHP image library in order to correctly process the images that you upload to an image library. Tiki supports two popular libraries: GD and Imagick. Check with your web host to verify that either (or both) is installed.

TipDatabase or Directory?Tiki can store your gallery images either in the database or directly on your web server.

The database may be more secure, since web surfers would not be able to edit or change the image unless they had access to your database. The directory option may be better for performance, since Tiki would not have to issue a database query each time an image was displayed.

If you use a directory, you must make the directory writable. See Set Directory Permissions for more information.

Let's create a new image gallery. Page 194 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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IN THIS SECTION• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading an Image • Browsing Galleries

• Browsing Images • Displaying Images in Modules • Displaying Images in Wiki Pages

Creating an Image GalleryWarning

Starting in Tiki 3.x, the Image Gallery has been replaced by the File Gallery. You can use a File Gallery to store any type of file: a document, an image, a video, and so on. You should use File Galleries instead of Image Galleries, as the Image Gallery functionality may be removed in future releases.

Before you can start uploading pictures, you must create an image gallery that will contain the pictures.

1. From the Image Galleries menu in the Menu module, click Galleries.

The Galleries option in the Image Galleries menu.

2. The Galleries page lists all of the galleries on the site. Currently, there are none — let's create one now.

3. Click Create new gallery. 4. Use the Create a Gallery page to create a new image gallery.

The Create a Gallery page allows you to specify the options for a specific image gallery.

5. Enter the following information in each field: • Name: Enter a name for this gallery. • Description: Enter a detailed description of this gallery. • Fields to show during browsing the gallery: This controls what

information will be visible when users view each image. Select only Page 195 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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the following fields: • Name • Description • Creation Date • Hits

• Add scaled images: Enter 500. Tiki can automatically create multiple, scaled versions, of each image you upload. This is especially nice for users — they can view whichever scale they want.

6. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and loads the Galleries page, showing you newly created image gallery.

The Galleries page, with your new gallery.

Now that you have a gallery, you can add an image.

Uploading ImagesWarning

Starting in Tiki 3.x, the Image Gallery has been replaced by the File Gallery. You can use a File Gallery to store any type of file: a document, an image, a video, and so on. You should use File Galleries instead of Image Galleries, as the Image Gallery functionality may be removed in future releases.

Release 2.0 Release 1.9

1. From the Galleries page, click the Upload icon ( ) for your image gallery.

TipYou can also upload images by selecting the Upload image option in the Image Galleries menu.

2. Use the Upload Image page to add a new image to the gallery.

You can select a single or multiple images to upload to the gallery.

3. Enter the following information in each field: • Image Name: Enter a name for the image. If left blank (or if you Page 196 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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select the use filename option, the image's full filename will be used instead.

• Image Description: Enter a meaningful description of the image. • Upload from disk: Click browse and select an image (in GIF, PNG,

or JPG format) to upload from your PC to the website.

TipThe maximum upload size is configured in the php.ini file on your web server.

4. Click Upload. Note

You can upload multiple files at once by using the Upload from disk fields to select up to six different images, or by uploading an archived ZIP file that contains multiple images. Refer to the TikiWiki documentation for details.

Tiki uploads the image and adds it to the gallery.

Tiki shows the uploaded image (thumbnail and full-size), as well as its image-specific URL.

TipNote the two URLs shown at the bottom of the page (under the thumbnail). You can use these link links in emails, HTML, or wiki pages to display the picture from the image gallery.

IF IT DOESN'T WORK:• Was the image too large? You may need to modify the max-filesize option in

your php.ini configuration file. • Do you have the GD or Imagick library installed on your web server? If not,

Tiki will not be able to create thumbnails or different scales.

Browsing Image GalleriesWarning Page 197 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Starting in Tiki 3.x, the Image Gallery has been replaced by the File Gallery. You can use a File Gallery to store any type of file: a document, an image, a video, and so on. You should use File Galleries instead of Image Galleries, as the Image Gallery functionality may be removed in future releases.

Because Tiki creates a thumbnail of each image you add to a gallery, visitors can quickly browse a complete gallery.

1. From the Image Galleries menu, click Galleries. 2. On the Available Galleries page, click the name of the gallery to browse.

Select the gallery that you created earlier.

3. On the Browsing Gallery page, Tiki displays a thumbnail for each image in the gallery.

Here are the images in your gallery.

You can sort the images and "page" through the gallery (if there are multiple pages).

The size of the thumbnails, number of thumbnails shown per page, and the information displayed for each image was configured when you created the gallery.

in this section

• Browsing Images


From the gallery, you can select a specific image.

1. From the browsing image galleries page, click an image. 2. The Browsing Image page lists complete information about the image.

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Browsing a specific image.

You can:

• Display the previous ( ) or first ( ) image in the gallery.

• Display the next ( ) or last ( ) image in the gallery.

• Display the image in a pop-up window ( ).

• Watch a slideshow ( ) of all the images in the gallery. Note

The Slideshow option is available only if you enabled the Uses slideshow feature when configuring the image galleries.

NoteYou can use the URLs shown at the bottom of the page to include this image in other wiki pages or other websites.

Displaying an Image in a ModuleJust like all the other features, images and information from image galleries can be displayed in a module.

1. Open the Admin menu and click Modules. 2. On the Admin Modules page, click Assign modules.

The Assign new module area of the Admin Modules page.

3. In the Assign new module area, enter the following information in each field: Page 199 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Module name: Select the top_images module. This module will display the most popular (based on number of "hits") images.

• Position: Select right. You will add this module to the right column. • Order: Select 15. This will place the module under the Last Forum

Topics module. • Rows: Enter 5. Now the module will display the 5 top images. • Groups: Select Anonymous, so that all visitors can see the module.

TipYou can use this setting to "hide" modules and make them visible only to selected groups.

4. Click Assign. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

The Top Images module now appears in the right column, under the Forum module.

The Top Images module in the right column.

NoteYou may have to click clear cache on the Admin Modules page.

See the TikiWiki documentation for information on all the available image gallery modules.

Displaying an Image in a Wiki PageThere are two ways to display a picture from an image gallery in a wiki page:

• You can use a module (in the same way that you added blog and forum information to a wiki page)

• You can use the image's URL (in the same way that you added a picture to a wiki page. Page 200 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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1. From the Home page, click the Another Page link. You will add articles to this page.

2. Click Edit. The Edit page appears.

Use the MODULE plugin to add the Random Image module.

3. On the Edit page, in the Edit area type: {MODULE(module=>random_images) /}

NoteThis is an example of using the Tiki MODULE plugin . The MODULE plugin allows you to embed any module into a wiki page. {MODULE} is a Tiki plugin to display a module. module=>random_image specifies to embed the Random Image module.

4. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the Another Page.

The Another Page page now includes a random image.

If you refresh/reload the page a different, random image will display.Note

If you uploaded only a single image to the gallery, the same image will be shown each time you refresh the page.

See the TikiWiki documentation for complete information on using the MODULE plugin.


Do you remember when you uploaded an image to the image gallery? After the upload, Tiki displayed the image, its thumbnail, and an image URL. Page 201 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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After a successful upload, Tiki displays an image-specific URL.

You can use this URL to display the image in a wiki page.

1. From the Home page, click the MyNewPage link. You will add an image from the image gallery to this page.

2. Click Edit. The Edit page appears. 3. On the Edit page, in the Edit area, type: {img src=show_image.php?id=1 }

NoteUse the id number from your actual image.

4. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

The page now includes the image from the image gallery.

Configuring PollsPolls are a great (and easy) way to interact with your site's visitors. You can create polls that let visitors "voice" their opinion on any number of topics.

Just like image galleries and forums, Tiki's polls are completely customizable.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration page, click Polls .

TipYou can also access the Administration: Polls page by typing in your web browser.

The Administration: Polls page contains all the options to customize your Tiki polls. These options apply to all polls on your Tiki. Later you will customize the options that are specific to each poll. Page 202 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the polls on the Administration: Polls page.

Enable the Allow Anonymous Voting option, and click Change Settings. This will encourage participation by allowing any visitor (even those who have not logged in) to vote.

Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating Polls

• Creating Poll Options • Displaying Polls in Modules • Displaying Polls in Wiki Pages

Creating a PollRelease 9.x Release 8.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

1. To create a new poll, select Admin > Polls from the Admin menu. Page 203 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Select the Polls option in the Admin menu.

2. On the Admin Polls page, click the Create Polls tab to create a new poll. Page 204 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Create Polls tab of the Admin Polls page.

3. Enter the following information in each field on the page: • Title: Enter a title of the poll. This title will appear on the poll, when

users vote. • Options: Click Toggle Quick Options. This allows your to create the

poll options while creating the poll. Alternatively, you can create poll options after creating the poll. In the Option field, type the first poll option. Click Add Option to add a second option.

• Publish Date: Make sure the date and time reflects the current date and time.

TipYou can use the Publish Date field to create a poll today, but make it active some time in the future.

Leave the other fields with their default value. 4. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. Page 205 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Your newly created poll appears on the Polls tab of the Admin Polls page.

Now that you have a poll, you can add options to the poll

in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Displaying Polls in Modules • Displaying Polls in Wiki Pages


Now that you have created a poll, you can easily add additional options for users to vote for.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

1. On the Polls tab of the Admin Polls page, click the Options link for your newly created poll. Page 206 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Polls area of the Admin Polls page. 2. The Admin Polls page shows a preview of the poll and its current options.

You can review your poll and add new options on the Admin Polls page.

3. Enter the following information in the fields in the Add poll option area: • Option: Enter Maybe. This will allow users to vote that "yes" they do

like Tiki. • Position:Enter 2. This will place the "Maybe" option at the bottom of

the list. Tip

If you leave the Position blank, Tiki will automatically add the option in the next available location.

4. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. Page 207 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The poll preview now includes the Maybe option.


You guessed it... Just like all the other features, polls can be displayed in a module.

However, since you created a custom poll, there is no pre-defined module to use. In this section, you will create a new module in which to display the poll.

In this section

• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author • Using this Guide

• In this section • Navigation • Printing Page 208 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Join us on... • Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work?

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups

• In this section Page 209 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Create a New Group • Assigning Permissions

• Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules

• Configuring the Features • In this section

• Configuring Wiki Options • In this section

• Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links

• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links Page 210 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums

• in this section

• Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section Page 211 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

CREATING A MODULERelease 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

To begin:

1. Select Admin > Modules from the Admin menu. Tip

You can also access the Admin Modules page by clicking Modules {img src="pics/icons/module.png " alt="Modules} in the Quick Admin area.}

2. On the Admin Modules page, click Custom Modules tab. Page 212 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Create New User module area of the Admin Modules page.

3. In the Create New User module area, enter the following information in each field:

• Name: Enter a name for the module. This name will be used, internally, by Tiki and you (as the admin) only. Users will not see this name.

• Title: Enter a name to appear as the title of the module. This is the title that users will see.

• Must be wiki parsed: Enable this option to use the POLL wiki plugin in the module.

• Data: Here is where you need to identify which poll to add. Simply enter {poll pollId="XX"} where XXis the ID of the poll to Page 213 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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What? You don't remember the ID number of the poll you created? That's OK. In the Objects That Can Be Included area, select the poll

(from the Available Polls list) and click use poll ( ). Tiki automatically adds the necessary code to the Data area.

Select an exiting poll (or other object) to add to the module.

4. Click Create. Tiki saves the module and reloads the page. Page 214 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Now that you have created the poll module, you need to assign it to a column (just like you did previously with the other modules).


Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 2.x

1. From the Admin Modules page, click the Custom Modules tab.

Your poll module appears on the Custom Modules tab.

2. Click Assign ( ). Tiki loads the Edit Module tab, with the My Poll module selected.

Assigning the My Poll module.

3. Click Module Options. Page 215 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki loads the My Poll module.

4. Enter the following information in each field: • Position: Select Right. You will add this module to the right column. • Order: Select 25. This will place the poll module at the bottom of the

right column, under all the other modules. • Groups: Select Anonymous, so that all visitors can see the module. Page 216 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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NoteDo you remember when you configured the polls that you enabled the Allow Anonymous Poll Voting option? Selecting the Anonymous group here will allow visitors to actually view the poll.

5. Click Preview. Tiki reloads the page and shows you a preview of the module.

This is what the module will look like.

6. If everything looks good, click Assign. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

The poll now appears in the right column. Page 217 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Poll module in the right column.

NoteYou may have to click clear cache on the Admin Modules page. Page 218 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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No surprise here, polls (like everything else) can be added to a wiki page.

You already have the a poll in the right column. Go ahead and create a new poll that you will add to the home page... you already know how!

TipWhen you create the poll, record the ID number. You will need it in order to add the poll to the wiki page.

Now that you have a new poll, you can add it to the home page.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 2.x

1. On the Home Page, click the Edit button. Note

Because the registered user you created earlier has permission to edit wiki pages, you can perform this action using that login, or as the administrator.

2. On the Edit page, in the Edit area type: {poll pollId="XX"} Where XX is the ID of the poll you created.

Adding the poll to the home page.

Note Page 219 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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If you omit an ID number, such as {poll}, Tiki will display a random, active poll.

TipYou can use the Tiki plugin help to easily add available options for the poll:

Using the Poll plugin help.

3. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. Page 220 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You now have a poll on your home page.

In addition to polls, you can also create quizzes and surveys with Tiki. Refer to the TikiWiki documentation for information on these features.

Configuring Group PermissionsNow that you have configured several Tiki features for your site, you need to give users permission to view an use the feature. Since users belong to groups, the easiest way is to set permissions for an entire group.

NoteReview the How Permissions Work for additional, detailed information on configuring Tiki's permissions. Page 221 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Understanding PermissionsSince you have been logged in as the Administrator, you have had full access (permission) to every Tiki feature. Let's see what a typical visitor would see.

Log out as the admin.... Woah! What happened? Your Home Page now looks completely different:Release 9.x Release 7.x

This is how the Home Page looks to an Anonymous (non-logged in) visitor.

A few things you should notice:

• The Menu module shows links only for Home and the Wiki options. But you enabled the blogs, forums, articles, and image galleries. Where did those options go?

• Some of the modules are missing information. The Last Articles and Last Forum modules are both empty... even though you created an article and a forum topic.

• Some modules (such as the Quick Edit a Wiki Page module) are completely Page 222 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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gone. • The Poll module no longer has a vote button — even though you configured

the poll to allow anonymous visitors to vote. • A lot of the buttons at the top and bottom of the Home Page (such as Edit)

have disappeared. How are users supposed to edit pages? • Even though the Blog module is shown, try reading the blog. Tiki displays a

Permission denied error if you try to read the blog post.

What happened?

Tiki has a very powerful permissions management system. You can assign permissions to individual objects and items (as you did when configuring the features) as well as specific groups and users.

Do you remember configuring specific permissions for the Forum Admin group that you created? Now you need to configure permissions for the Anonymous and Registered groups.

IN THIS SECTION• Assigning Anonymous Permissions • Assigning Registered Permissions • Group vs Category Permissions

Assigning Anonymous PermissionsVisitors to your site who have not yet logged in belong to the Anonymous group. By default, the Anonymous group has only permission to view specific parts of the wiki — nothing else.

Let's update this group's permission to allow anonymous users to view the other features that you configured.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

Log in as the admin.

1. From the Menu, select Admin > Groups. Tip Page 223 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can also access the Admin Groups page by clicking the Groups

icon i nthe Quick Admin area.

You can also manage global permissions by selecting Admin > Permissions

from the menu or using the Permissions icon in the Quick Admin area .

2. On the List tab, in the List of Existing Groups area, the Admin Groups page list the existing groups: Admins, Registered, Forum Admins (that you created earlier) and Anonymous.

The List of Existing Groups area on the Admin Groups page, showing the 4 groups.

3. On the Admin Groups page, click the Manage Permissions button ( ) for the Anonymous group. The Assign Global Permissions page appears. Page 224 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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This page shows the current global permissions for the Anonymous group.

4. The Permissions area of the Assign Permissions tab displays the currently assigned permissions to this group:

• tiki_p_view: Allows visitors to view wiki pages.

Right now, Tiki is showing only the Wiki permissions. Let's display the Blog-specific permissions and give the Anonymous group permission to read the blog.

1. On the Assign Permissions to Global page, click the Select Features tab. Page 225 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Features tab lists the currently enabled features.

2. Enable the Blogs feature and click Select. 3. Tiki saves the information and reloads the Assign Permissions to Global

page, showing the Assign Permissions tab. Page 226 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki now includes Blogs in the list of features.

4. Select the Can read blogs (tiki_p_read_blog) permission and click Assign.

Your anonymous visitors (and, by extension, all visitors) now have permission to read the blogs. Try it.

Log out as the admin. Now click the link in the Last Blog Posts module. Tah-dah! Page 227 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Visitors can now read your blog.

Reading the blog, as an anonymous visitor.


Now that you have assigned the blog permission, you need to repeat the process to assign the permissions for the other features. The following table details which permissions, for which features, that you need to add to the Anonymous group.

Log back in as the admin and add the following permissions to the Anonymous group, in order to give Anonymous visitors read-only access to all the features.

Feature Permission Details

Articles tiki_p_read_article Allows visitors to read posted articles.


Allows visitors to submit new articles. The articles will have to be approved by the Administrator before they become "live."

Comments tiki_read_comments

Allows visitors to read comments that have been posted to wiki pages.

Forums tiki_p_forum_read Allows visitors to read topics and threads in the forum.


Allows visitors report spam, off-topic, or inappropriate posts to the Administrator.

File Galleries tiki_p_view_file_gallery Allows visitors to view the file galleries. Page 228 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Feature Permission Detailstiki_p_download_files Allows visitors to download and view images from the file galleries.

Poll tiki_p_vote_poll Allows visitors to vote in polls.

Wiki tiki_p_view_backlink View page backlinks

Tiki (site wide) tiki_p_search Can search the site.

You are now able to read the blog, forum, and articles, as well as view the image gallery. You can also vote in the poll.

Next, you will assign permissions for Registered (logged in) users.

Assigning Registered PermissionsA registered user is a user who has completed the registration process and logged in. Remember, you created a registered user earlier. Users in the Registered group will automatically inherit the permissions you assigned to the Anonymous group (read-only permissions for each feature). Now you can give Registered users permission to create and edit content.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

1. Log in as the Administrator and access the Admin Groups page. Click the List tab.

TipYou can also access the Admin Groups page by clicking the Groups Groups

button in the Quick Admin area.2. In the List of Existing Groups area of the Admin Groups page, click the

Permissions icon for the Registered group. Page 229 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Assigning permissions to the Registered group.

3. On the Assign Permissions to Global page, notice that some permissions (such as tiki_p_blog_read) are already selected. Page 230 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Registered group has inherited the permissions from the Anonymous group.

Do you remember how you assigned permissions for the Anonymous group, earlier? Use the same procedure to add the following permissions to the Registered group:

Feature Permission DetailsBlog tiki_p_create_blogs Registered users can start their own blog.

tiki_p_blog_post Registered will be able to post items in their blog (or other Page 231 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Feature Permission Detailsblogs, if the blog's creator allows it).

Articles tiki_p_autoapprove_submission

Articles submitted by Registered users will automatically become "live."

Comments tiki_p_post_comments Allows Registered users to post comments posted by other users.

File Galleries tiki_p_upload_images Allows Registered users to upload images to an existing gallery.

Forums tiki_p_forum_post Allows Registered users to post replies in the forum.

tiki_p_forum_post_topic Allows Registered users to post new topics (start a new thread) in the forum.

Log out as the admin and log back in, using the registered username that you created previously. Registered users (just like Anonymous users) can see all the features on your Home Page.

However, Registered users have some additional options available. For example, expand the Blogs menu.

For Registered users, the Blog menu includes Create and Post options.

Because registered users have permission to create blogs and posts, the additional menu options are available.

As the Registered user, explore each feature. Page 232 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Global (Group) vs Category PermissionsGlobal permissions set what a member of a group can do in general, i.e. globally. Category permissions over-ride Global permissions.

NoteSee How Permissions Work for detailed information on Tiki permissions.

Here's a simple example where two people are both members of the Registered group, and one of them is also in the Chapter Canada group. Both people attempt to view the Canada Chapter forum, which has a Category called Chapter Canada.

Now, as Registered users, neither of them could see or post to any forums at all as the global group does not have the permission to view forums. But, watch what the Category does.

Note that the same objective could be achieved by using the Object permissions directly. However, this would mean every single Canada-related forum would have to have individual permissions set.

By using the Category, we only have to set the perms once, then just give any forum the category to have the standard Canada permissions apply.

Also note that a Category can carry specific permissions for everything, not just for forums. So we also define permissions regarding blogs, wiki pages, calendars, etc. for the category. Then ANY object (wiki page, calendar, blog etc.) can be given the category and the applicable part of that category's permissions will apply to that object.

Configuring MenusMenus are one of the primary methods that visitors will find their way through your website. Menus are typically shown within a module (as in the Menu Module) in your Tiki. Later, you will learn how to include menus elsewhere. Page 233 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can watch a short video that demonstrates this procedure.

By default, Tiki includes a single menu that includes all options. Visitors are automatically shown only the options to which they have access.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options • Adding a Menu to a Module

Learn MoreLearn more at Tiki Series: Using Menus .

Creating a MenuCurrently your Tiki has a single menu (shown in the Menu module). For anonymous and registered visitors, they'll see:

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 1.9.x

The menu for anonymous and registered visitors.

Notice that even though you earlier gave Anonymous users read-only permission to Page 234 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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all the features, there are no menu options for those features. For registered users, there are quite a lot of options — many are hidden inside of folders, plus there's a lot of redundancy.

Let's build a new menu to present a "cleaner" structure that will be visible to all visitors.


You can watch a short video that demonstrates this procedure.

NoteIn addition to creating a navigation menu using the procedure described in this section, Tiki has a Page menu module that can create a menu from a wiki page. See Creating a Menu from a Wiki Page for more information.

1. Log in as the admin. 2. From the Main menu, select Admin > Menus.

TipYou can also access the Admin Menus page by clicking the Menu

button in the Quick Admin area.

The Admin Menus lists the current menus

TipBy default, Tiki includes the complete Application menu (ID 42). Rather than modifying that menu (and possibly removing items that you, as the administrator will need), you should create a new menu or use the Clone

button to copy the menu.

If you accidentally modify this default menu, use the Reset button on Admin: Menu page to reset the menu. Page 235 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Resetting the menu.

3. Use the Create/Edit Menu tab to create a new menu.

Here, you can create a new menu.

4. In the Create New Menu area, enter the following information in each field: • Name: Enter the name of your new menu. This name is used

internally by Tiki and visible only to the administrator. • Description: Enter a detailed description of the menu. • Type: Select dynamic collapsed. You'll learn more about the

different menu types later.

TipYou can use the Icons field to select a custom icon to show your menu's open and closed states. By default, Tiki will identify "opened" menus with:

and "closed" menus with: . To use different icons, enter the path to the "closed" menu folder. Tiki will automatically look for the "open" icon in the same location, with the letter o pre-pended to the filename. Page 236 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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These options are used only with the Tiki non-CSS menus'.5. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the screen.

The Menus area now shows your new menu.

Now that you have an (empty) menu, you can add options to it.

Creating Menu OptionsNow that you have a new menu, you can add options to it.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x, 2.x Release 1.9.x

In the Menus area of the Admin Menus page:

1. Click the Configure Options button ( ) for the menu you created.

Configuring options for your new menu. Page 237 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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2. On the Admin Menu page, click the Create menu option tab.

Managing the newly created menu.

3. In the Edit Menus Options of the Admin Menu page, click the Show Quick URLs link.

The Quick URLs are common, pre-configured menu options that you can quickly add to you menu.

4. The Edit Menu Options area expands, showing the Some Useful URLs area. Page 238 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use the Some Useful URLs area to add common options to the menu.


You are ready to create the first menu option. Every menu needs a way back home, right?

1. In the Some Useful URLs area, from the Home field, select Home Page. Page 239 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding a link to the home page

2. Tiki automatically adds the following information to the fields in the Edit Menu Options area.

• Name: This is the name of the option that will display. • URL: This is the actual URL to the page.

NoteBy default, your site's home page is the wiki page named HomePage. You can change this to be any wiki page that you want — or even a different feature (such as a blog or article). Later you will learn how to configure a custom home page.

• Group: Select Anonymous to make this menu option visible to all visitors.

• Type: This is a menu option (as opposed to a section or divider). • Position: This will be the first option in the menu.

3. Click Save. Tiki saves the menu option and reloads the page. 4. Click the Preview tab to display a preview of the menu: Page 240 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The preview shows the menu title and the link to the home page.

NoteUse the Appearance options to simulate the menu with different Tiki options.

TipTiki includes the Smarty code that you'll need in order to display the menu in a module or page.


You can group similar menu options in a single section. Let's create a section that will contain a link for each feature.

1. Enter the following information to the fields in the Edit Menu Options area. • Name: Enter the name Features. This is the name of the section that

will display. • Group: Enter Anonymous. This menu section will appear for all

users. • URL: Leave this blank. • Type: Select section level 0. • Position: Enter 5.

TipAlways give yourself extra "space" between menu options. This is helpful if you need to add or move options later.

2. Click Save. Tiki saves the menu option and reloads the page. Page 241 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The preview now shows the section, Features


Now, add a menu item to the section.

1. Enter the following information to the fields in the Edit Menu Options area. Page 242 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding a menu item to list the wiki pages.

• Name: Enter the name Wiki Pages. This is the name of the section that will display.

• Group: Enter Anonymous. This menu section will appear for all users.

• URL: Type tiki-listpages.php. This is the actual URL to the page. • Position: Enter 10.

TipYou can use the Some Useful URLs area to automatically enter this information. From the Wiki field, select List Pages.

2. Click Save. Tiki saves the menu option and reloads the page. Again, if you look on the Preview tab, you should see the following: Page 243 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Features section now contains the option Wiki, which will list all of the wiki pages.

NoteYou may need to move your mouse to the Features option in order to dsiplay its sub-option, Wiki pages.

Repeat this procedure to add the following options under the Features section:

• News (URL = tiki-view_articles.php) • Submit News (URL = tiki-edit_submission.php) • File Galleries (URL = tiki-list_file_gallery.php) • Blogs (URL = tiki-list_blogs.php) • Forums (URL = tiki-forums.php}

If you look on the Preview tab, your Main Menu should look similar to this: Page 244 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Your completed, new Main Menu.

NoteAt this point, the menu is still not visible outside of the menu admin preview. For that, you need to add the menu to a module (that's the next page in this tutorial)...

Adding a Menu to a ModuleNow that you have built your new menu, you need to create a module that will contain the menu. You must create a new module (similar to what you did when you created a module for the poll ).Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x

From the Menu:

1. Select Admin > Modules. 2. On the Admin Modules page, click the Add Module on the Assigned

Modules tab. IMAGE

3. On the Edit Module tab, use the Module Name field to select the Menu module. IMAGE

4. On the Basic tab, enter the following information in each field: IMAGE

• Position: Select Left. Page 245 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Order: • Groups:

5. On the Module tab, enter the following information in each field: IMAGE

• Menu: Enter43. 6. On the Appearance tab, enter the following information in each field:

+IMAGE**Module Title: Enter a name to appear as the title of the module. This is the title that users will see. Type Main Menu.

1. Click Assign. Tiki saves the module and reloads the page. The new Main Menu module appears in the left column.


Now that you have created the menu module, you need to assign it.Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x, 2.x

In the User Modules area:

1. Click Assign for the Main Menu module you created.

Assign the Main Menu module you created.

2. Enter the following information in the Assign Modules area. Page 246 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Module Name: Select the main menu module that you created • Position: Select left to place the module in the left column. • Order: Select 1 to make this the first module at the top of the left

column. • Groups Select Anonymous so all users can see this module.

3. Click Assign. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. The new Main Menu module appears in the left column.

However... we have a problem. The default Tiki module is there too. Let's change it to only appear for administrators.

1. In the Assigned Modules area, click Edit for the Application Page 247 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Menu module.

Editing the Application Menu module.

2. In the Edit Assigned Modules area, for the Groups select only Admins.

Change the Group selection so that only Admins can view the mnu_application_menu module.

3. Click Assign. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Now log off as the administrator. As an anonymous user, the only module you see in Page 248 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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the left column is the new Main Menu that you created.

You've given your visitors a clean, easy-to-navigate menu. Page 249 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Taking StockAt this point, if you've completed each section in this guide you should have a very functional site. Your home page looks similar to this:Release 6.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

A typical Tiki home page.

Your site includes the following features:

• Wiki • Blogs • Forums • Articles • File galleries Page 250 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Polls

You also have a custom menu and three types of user groups with custom permissions. Additionally, new users can register as members of your Tiki.

Until now, you've been working on configuring the features as the administrator. Now, let's explore how your users will be actually using the features. Page 251 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Using the FeaturesIn this section, you'll learn how visitors to your site will use and interact with some of Tiki's popular features (the same features that you have already configured).


• Wiki • Blogs • Forums • Articles • File Galleries • Image Galleries

WarningStarting in Tiki 3.x, the Image Gallery has been replaced by the File Gallery. You can use a File Gallery to store any type of file: a document, an image, a video, and so on. You should use File Galleries instead of Image Galleries, as the Image Gallery functionality may be removed in future releases.

• Polls • RSS Feeds

This represents a small set of Tiki's features. See the TikiWiki documentation for a complete list of features.

For these sections, you'll need to use the registered username that you created previously (or create a new user — you already know how!).

Using the WikiYou have already seen how to create wiki pages, add pictures, and build links.

In this section, you will learn to use some of the other, common wiki features Page 252 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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IN THIS SECTION• Listing Pages • Viewing Page History • Adding Comments • Using Attachments • Watching Pages • Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages

Listing Wiki PagesHow are users going to find specific wiki pages? Sure, you could create a menu option for every single page — but that is impractical. Tiki gives users a way to list all (or specific wiki pages).

NoteThe "List Pages" feature is available because it is enabled (by default) on the Administration: Wiki page.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9

From the Menu module:

1. Select Wiki > List Pages. Page 253 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The List Wiki Page list all wiki pages -- only the pages that you have permission to view.

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The Category filter appears only if you have enabled Tiki categories.

TipYou can configure which columns appear in this list by enabling (or disabling) specific items on the Page Listing tab on the Administration: Wiki page. Page 255 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring which columns to display.

2. You can click the column heading to resort the list, by that heading. For example, click the Last mod column once to sort the list by the date the page was last modified (in ascending order). Click it again to sort in descending order.

Sorting by the Page name column.

3. Use the Find box to search for specific wiki page name. Note

This searches only the wiki page names. This is not a site-wide search. Searching is covered later in this guide, in the Configuring the Search section.

4. You can click on a page to display the wiki page. Tip

By default, Tiki will show 25 items at a time. You can change this (global, site-wide) by configuring the Maximum number of records in listings option on Pagination Links tab of the Administration: Look and Feel page.

Configure the number of items to display.

Or, use the Number of Displayed Rows on the List Wiki Pages tab to change this value only for this tab.

5. You can perform actions on several wiki pages at once by selecting the pages and using the Perform action with checked" option to:

• Delete the pages Page 257 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Download a ZIP file of the pages • Automatically insert a Level 1 Heading (of the page name) at the

beginning of each page.


In addition to listing all pages, you can also list only wiki pages that have changed or been updated within a specific time.Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x

NoteThe "Latest Changes" feature is available because it is enabled (by default) on the Administration: Wiki page.

From the Menu module:

1. Select Wiki > LastChanges. 2. As on the List Pages page, can click the column heading to resort the list by

that heading. 3. Use the links at the top of the page to filter the list by a specific time frame.

For example, click Last 2 days to show only pages that were edited during the past two days..

The Last Changes page lists the wiki pages that have changed within the selected time frame.

TipYou can configure which columns appear in this list by enabling (or disabling) specific items on the Page Listing tab on the Administration: Wiki Page 258 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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page.4. You can view a specific version (history) of a page by clicking Page history

button ( ). You can also diff or compare the page. See the Viewing Page History? section for more information

Viewing Page HistoryEvery wiki page in your Tiki is stored in the database — not as separate HTML files. Each time you update or edit a page, Tiki adds a new record in the database. This makes it very easy to view a page's "history" and review all changes.

TipYou can configure how many versions of each page Tiki should retain in the database (the default is all pages), which types of edits trigger a "history change," and other options on the Administration: Wiki page.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 2.x

From the Home Page

1. Click the History button at the bottom of the page. Note

The "History" feature is available because it is enabled (by default) on the Administration: Wiki page. Page 259 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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History of the Home Page.

2. In the Compare column select any two version and click Compare.

Showing a side-by-side comparison of two versions of the Home Page.

Items that were added are shown in green; items that were deleted in red.

Tiki has several ways to show the differences between two versions of a page. This is called diffing1. Only users with the necessary permission (tiki_p_view_history) can view a page's history. Page 260 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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1. Diff: A way to calculate differences.

Adding CommentsComments are messages that can be "posted" to specific wiki pages (and other objects such as blogs). Comments allow users to interact with pages without actually editing them.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 3.x


Tiki includes several additional settings for further configuring the comments feature.

1. From the Administration page, click Comments . Tip

You can also access the Administration page by typing in your web browser. Page 261 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring global comment options 2. Enable the following fields on the General Preferences tab:

• Allow posting of comments as Anonymous: Allows Registered users who are logged in to post a comment without using their username

• Website field: Adds an optional field for commentors to include their web or address

• Email field: Adds an optional field for commentors to include their email address. The Comments below wiki page option was previously enabled, when you enabled it on the wiki features.

• Allow comments per wiki page : Select Enable (default on). This allows you to enable the comments for wiki pages. By default, all pages will allow comments, but you can override this on a page-by-page basis.

3. Click Change preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Now you're ready to add a comment. To add a new comment:

1. Log in as the registered user you created earlier. 2. At the bottom of the page, click Add comment.

The Post New Comment area appears on the Home Page.

NoteBecause you selected allow Anonymous visitors to post post comments, Tiki includes options for you to hide your idenentity when posting comments.... even if you're logged in.

3. In the Comment area, enter your comment. You cannot use HTML syntax, Page 263 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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but you can use the same wiki formatting that you use in wiki pages. Tip

You can configure comments to require a Title, if desired. You can also customize the toolbar that appear when posting comments.

4. Click Post. Tiki saves your post and reloads the page.

The Comment button now indicates that the page has a comment, and the comment is shown.

Now log off. As an Anonymous user you can read the comment, but you cannot reply or post a new comment.


Just like in the forum, users can reply to specific comments (to create a "thread") in addition to posting new comments.

1. Log in as the admin. The Home Page appears, with the comment you added earlier.

2. In the Posted Comments area, click Reply. Tiki displays the Comment on Selected Post form to allow you to write a response.

You can reply to any posted comment to create a thread.


Tiki identifies the post that you are replying to with the icon. Tiki also automatically includes (or quotes) the original post for you.

3. In the Comment area enter your text. By default, Tiki quotes the original Page 264 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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post, inserting > before each line. 4. Click Post. Tiki saves your post and reloads the page.

The Home Page shows the original post and its reply as a thread.


By default, Tiki shows comments in a threaded view — replies are indented under the original comment (as shown in the prior figure). But you can easily change how the comments are shown.

Use the message bar to customize how Tiki shows the comments.

Use the message bar to configure the style, sorting order, and number of comments shown.

Use the following drop-lists to customize the view. You can even use the Find box to search for specific comments (on the current page) or Hide all the comments.

• Style: You can view the comments as: • Threaded: Replies are shown indented, below the original post. • Plain: Each comment is shown independently — as determined by

the Sort order. Page 265 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Headers: The replies are threaded, but Tiki displays only the comment title.

• Sort: You can sort the comments and replies by score (rating) or date posted. • Threshold: Specify how many levels of threaded comments to display. Tiki

will inform you if there are comments that are "hidden" due to your threshold setting.

You can also use the Find field to search the comments for a specific word or term.

Using AttachmentsWith Tiki, you can add any type of file (such as an HTML page or MS-Word document) to a wiki page as an attachment. Visitors (with permission) can add new attachments or view/download existing attachments.


Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x

From the Wiki: Administration page:

1. Click the Features tab. 2. On the Features tab, enable the Attachments option.

Enabling the Wiki Attachments.

3. You can specify if attachments should be displayed automatically and where Page 266 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki should store the attachments. Tip

To edit individual attachments, or to change storage locations, click Manage Attachments.

4. Click Change preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

TipDatabase or Directory?Tiki can store your attachments either in the database or directly on your web server.

The database may be more secure, since web surfers would not be able to edit or change the attachment unless they had access to your database. The directory option may be better for performance, since Tiki would not have to issue a database query each time an attachment was displayed.

If you use a directory, you must make the directory writable. See Set Directory Permissions for more information.


As the admin you have full access to add or delete attachments. For other users and groups, you must grant the necessary permission. See Configuring Group Permissions for more information.Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x,1.9.x

On the HomePage, notice that there is now an Attach file button.

The Attach files button on the Home Page. Page 267 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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1. Click Attach file. The Upload File area appears.

The Upload File area, below the Home Page.

NoteIf you enabled the Show by default option when enabling the Wiki Attachments feature, the Upload File area is displayed automatically.

2. Click Browse and select a file from your PC. Tip

You can attach any type of file to the page. The maximum filesize is specified by your php.ini file.

3. In the Comment area, enter a brief description of the image. 4. Click Attach. Tiki adds the file to the wiki page. The number of files

attached to the page is shown in the button at the bottom of the wiki page.

The Attach files button.

Visitors (with permission) who click the button 1 File attached button will see a table showing the attachments: Page 268 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The files attached to the Home Page.

If it doesn't work:If Tiki displays a Cannot write to this file error message, Tiki was unable to upload the file. You enabled the Store in directory option, but Tiki could not save the file.Make sure that:

• The path is correct. • The directory's permissions allow Tiki to read, write, and update files.

If Tiki displays a white screen while attempting to upload the file, the filesize may be too large. Try increasing the upoad_max_filesize and post_max_size parameters in your php.ini file to allow large attachments.

Watching PagesDo you remember the User Watches feature that you enabled when configuring Tiki features? This allows you to "watch" (or monitor) a part of your site (such as a wiki page). Then, if that item changes (such as another user edits the page), you will receive an email, informing you of the change.

NoteThe "Watches" feature is available because you enabled the User Watches option in the User Features area of the Administration: Features page.

NoteWatching pages requires that each user has valid email address, and that your Tiki is configured properly to send email.

1. Log in as the registered user you created earlier.

2. From the Home Page, click the Monitor this Page button ( ). Page 269 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Watching the Home page.

3. Tiki saves your selection and reloads the page. Tip

Notice that the icon changes to . This option can be toggled on and off. If you click the icon again, you will stop monitoring the page.

4. Now log off, and re-log in as the admin. 5. Edit the Home Page (add some text, create a link, or upload a new picture —

you already know how!).

In a few moments, you should receive an email (to the address of the registered user) that looks like this:

The page HomePage was changed by admin at Aug 14, 2007.

You can view the page by following this link:

You can view a diff back to the previous version by following this link:

If you don't want to receive these notifications follow this link:

Note Page 270 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The email also contains the actual changes and a copy of the complete, current page.

TipYou can also watch a page by enabling the Monitor this page option when editing a page:

Watching a page, while editing.

Users can watch nearly any Tiki object (such as blogs and forums) — not just wiki pages. Watches are a great way for users to automatically receive notification each time you update the site.


Do you remember seeing the minor option when you were editing a wiki page? Page 271 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Minor option on the Edit page.

If you indicate that an edit is a "minor" edit, Tiki will not send notices to other users who are "watching" the page.

You should consider using the minor option when making small changes (such as correcting typographical errors) to avoid sending too many notifications to page watchers.

Using the SandboxDo you remember enabling the Sandbox feature when you configured the wiki? The sandbox is a special wiki page that can be used by visitors to practice their wiki skill and learn the wiki syntax.

NoteThe "Sandbox" feature is available because you enabled it on the Administration: Wiki page. Page 272 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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When editing the Sandbox, only the Administrator can SAVE the page.

All of the enabled wiki options (such as QuickTags and Plugins) can be used in the Sandbox.

TipIf you are logged in as the admin, there is a Save button. This allows you to customize the default text that appears on the Sandbox page.

Want to play in the sandbox right now? You can use the wiki sandbox at .

Linking to Wiki PagesYou've already learned how to add links from one wiki page to another, but what if you want to link in to your Tiki from another website?

To create a link to a wiki page from another source (such as another website or an email) use this format

Where XXX is the full name of the wiki page. In place of spaces, use either %20 or +. Page 273 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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NoteIf you use Tiki's default .htaccess file to create SEFURL (Search Engine Friendly URLs), you can construct your incoming links as simply:

For example, to link to this wiki page, you could use:

See the TikiWiki Documentation for details.

TipIf your page names contain non-English or "special" characters, be sure to set the Wiki link format option on the Admin: Wiki page.

Using Blogs

From the Menu module:

1. Select Blogs > List Blogs.

The List Blogs page lists all of the available blogs.

TipYou can configure which columns appear in this list by enabling (or disabling) specific items in the Page Listing area on the Administration: Blog page. Page 274 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

2. You can click the column heading to resort the list, by that heading. For example, click the Title column once to sort the list by each blog's title (in ascending order). Click it again to sort in descending order.

3. You can click on a blog title to view the blog.

Reading a blog to read.

4. If you have permission, the Action column contains additional links:

Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x

• Configure ( ) the blog's heading

• Post ( ) a new entry in the blog.

• View Comments ( ) from the blog. Page 275 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Assign permissions ( ) to the blog.

• Delete ( ) the entire blog.

IN THIS SECTION• Reading Blogs • Adding Comments • Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs

Reading a BlogWhen you select a blog from the Blogs list page, Tiki displays the blog's header information and a full page of posts.Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

g fileId=481 thumb=y rel=boxg width="450 px"Tip

By default, Tiki will show 10 posts at a time. You can change this by configuring the Number of posts to show option on the Create Blog page. Page 276 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configure the number of items to display.

This section includes information on the following blog functions:

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink • Emailing Blog Posts


Use the Find box to perform a text search within this blog's posts.

Searching for the word HELLO in the blog.

NoteThis searches only the blog's post. This is not a site-wide search. Searching is covered later in this guide in the Configuring the Search section. Page 277 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Only blog posts that contain the search text will be displayed.Tip

You can specify if the blog has its own search feature by selecting the Allow Search option on the pagename? page when you create a new blog.

Configuring the blog for searching.


Tiki can automatically create an RSS feed for each blog, if configured. The RSS link will appear in the blog's header.

Click the RSS link to subscribe to the RSS feed for the blog.

NoteSee the "Configuring Tiki RSS Feeds" section for more information on configuring Tiki's RSS feeds. Page 278 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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A permalink is the permanent, complete, URL for a specific blog post. Tiki automatically creates permalinks for every blog post.

When viewing a blog, the permalink appears at the end of each post.

The permalink for a blog post.

Click Permalink to display only the selected blog post.

Viewing the blog post -- its permalink.


You can easily send blog posts to other people. Tiki includes a "Send to Friend" feature for every blog entry. Page 279 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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1. Click the Email This Post ( ) link at the bottom of the blog entry.

Send this post to a friend.

2. On the Send Blog Post page, enter the email address of people that you want to to send the post to.

You can enter multiple email address. Separate each with a comma.

3. Click Send. Tiki will send the following email to each person: Hi, ''YOUR USERNAME'' has sent you this link:Blog post: ''TITLE OF THE BLOG POST''at: ~np~

NoteThe email will come "from" the Sender Email address that you entered on the Administration: General page.

Adding CommentsYou can add comments to blogs using the same process that you did for wiki pages.

For blogs, you can place comments on a specific post or the complete blog. Use the Blog Features area of the Administration: Blogs page to configure the comments.


A blog post with a comment. Page 280 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware


A blog with a comment.

Using Trackbacks and Pings

This page has not been started. You can help.

Linking to BlogsTo create a link to your blog from another source (such as another website or an email) use this format

Where XXX is the ID of the blog.

To create a link to a specific blog post, use this format

Where YYY is the ID of the post.

NoteIf you use Tiki's default .htaccess file to create SEFURL (Search Engine Friendly URLs), you can construct your incoming links as simply: or

See the TikiWiki Documentation for details. Page 281 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Using the ForumsYou have already learned how to create a new forum and create a forum post. You have also seen how to create a new forum topic, as the admin.

In this section, you will learn other common forum features.

IN THIS SECTION• Adding Topics • Moderating Topics • Linking to Forums

Adding New Topics TypesEach topic in a TikiWiki forum can be designated as a specific type. Each topic type is identified by a different icon:

• Normal

• Sticky When visitors display the list of topics in a forum, the "sticky" topics will always be shown at the top of the list, regardless of how visitors sort the list.

• Announcement

• Hot

• Locked Visitors cannot reply to any topic that is "locked."

You can use the different types to help site visitors identify important or new forum threads. Page 282 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki shows the topic type icon is shown when listing the forum's topics.

By default, when you create a new topic, Tiki uses the Normal topic type. You can easily change this to any other topic type:

Selecting the forum topic type. Page 283 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Try creating a thread for each different topic type.

Moderating TopicsAs the administrator, you can edit or delete any forum post. Any other group with permission (such as the Forum Administrator group that you created) can also moderate threads and posts.

But what if another visitor finds a post offensive, or wants to report a spam post?

When you added permissions to the Anonymous group, you added the tiki_p_forums_report. This allows visitors to report (or flag) a post that they consider inappropriate. You can then review the post and edit it, if necessary.

• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author • Using this Guide

• In this section • Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Join us on... • Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki Page 284 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work?

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups

• In this section • Create a New Group

• Assigning Permissions • Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules

• Configuring the Features • In this section

• Configuring Wiki Options Page 285 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• In this section • Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links

• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums

• in this section

• Create a New Forum Page 286 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module Page 287 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions

• Understanding Permissions • In this section

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus

• In this section

• Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module

• Taking Stock • Using the Features

• In this section

• Using the Wiki

• in this section Page 288 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments • Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs

• in this section

• Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink • Emailing Blog Posts

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums

• in this section

• Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics

• Reporting Posts • Reviewing Reported Posts Page 289 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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If a visitor finds a post in a thread to be inappropriate, off topic, or spam, they can

report the post to the forum moderator by clicking the Report button.

Reporting a forum post to the moderator for review.

Tiki indicates that the post has been reported and will be reviewed by a moderator. Page 290 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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After visitors report posts, you can review each post.

1. Log in as the administrator (or a forum administrator). 2. From the Main Menu, select Features > Forum. 3. From the Forums page, click the name of the forum.

At the top of the page, Tiki indicates that a message has been reported.

You have one message that has been reported to you.

4. Click Manage Reported Messages. The Reported Messages page appears.

Here, you can review the message and un-report it.

NoteTiki indicates that the message was reported by Anonymous. This is because you were not logged in as a particular user when you reported the post. If a registered user was logged in, their username would be listed.

Here you can click the message name to review (and edit, if necessary) the reported message.

After reviewing the message (and editing it, if necessary), you can "unreport" the message. Page 291 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Linking to ForumsTo create a link to your forum from another source (such as another website or an email) use this format

Where XXX is the ID of the forum.

To create a link to a specific forum thread, use this format

Where AAA is the ID of the first post in the thread, and XXX is the ID for the forum.

NoteIf you use Tiki's default .htaccess file to create SEFURL (Search Engine Friendly URLs), you can construct your incoming links as simply:

See the Tiki Documentation for details.

Using PollsYou have already learned how create a poll and add it to a module or wiki page. Let's explore a bit more...

When you created the poll, you made the Publish Date the current date — this made the poll active immediately. You can also use the Active field, when creating a poll, to configure when the poll is "votable."

Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 3.x Page 292 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.





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When creating a poll, you can specify if the poll is:

• Active: Users can vote in the poll (based on the Publish Date). • Current: The poll is considered to be the current (primary) poll. • Closed: Users cannot vote in the poll, but it is retained for historical


NoteThe Template and Object options are not covered in this guide. See the TikiWiki documentation for details.

Viewing Poll ResultsHaving polls is great, but eventually you need to know the results.

1. From the Admin menu, click Polls. 2. The Admin Polls page lists all the current polls. Click the name of a poll to

view its results.

Select a poll to view its results.

3. The poll page displays the total number of votes and the current results. Page 293 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Only two users have voted, so far.

4. Click Votes to show which users have voted in the poll, and how they voted.

NoteNotice that only 2 users (admin and rick) are shown, yet the poll has a total of 5 votes. This is because 3 anonymous users have also voted. Since anonymous users are not logged in, Tiki cannot track their votes.

Selecting the ACTIVE options for a poll. Page 294 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Using Polls as RatingsIn addition to creating and using polls, you can create a special type of poll (a template) to be used as way to let visitors rate specific wiki pages. For example, the Rate this Page option at the bottom of this page allows you to rate the quality of this page. See Using this Guide for more information.Release 8.x Release 2.x


A poll template is a poll that can be re-used on multiple wiki pages.

1. Create a new poll . In the Active field, select Template.

Creating a poll template.

2. Create poll options . For example, you could add two options to let readers "vote" if the page was helpful to them. Page 295 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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A sample page rating poll.


To allow polls ratings to be added to wiki pages, you must enable the Rating feature.

On the Administration: Wiki page, enable the Rating feature. Page 296 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Enabling the wiki Rating feature.

TipStarting in Tiki 6.0, you can use the Simple Wiki rating feature to automatically add a simple, numeric rating scale to all wiki pages.


Now that you have a poll template and have enabled the wiki Rating option, you can add the poll to the page. Let's add the poll rating to the HomePage.

1. Click Home in the Menu module to return to the Home page. 2. Click the Edit icon. The Edit page appears. Notice that the Edit page now

includes a new field: Use rating. Page 297 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Adding a poll rating to a wiki page.

3. For the Use rating, select the following options: • Type: Select the poll template that you created earlier. • Title: Enter a name for this rating. This is the title that will be

displayed on the rating poll. 4. Add some text to the page, asking users to please rate the page.

Inform your visitors of the new page rating poll.

5. Save the page.

Your Home page should now have rating poll attached to it: Page 298 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The rating poll has been added to the page.

NoteIf you use the Simple Wiki rating feature, Tiki asdds the numeric rating scale to the page:

Simple wiki rating

NoteBe sure to include the tiki_p_wiki_view_ratings and tiki_p_wiki_vote_ratings Page 299 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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permissions to the groups that you want to allow to view and rate pages. See Configuring Group Permissions for details.

WarningStarting in Tiki 3.x, the Image Gallery has been replaced by the File Gallery. You can use a File Gallery to store any type of file: a document, an image, a video, and so on. You should use File Galleries instead of Image Galleries, as the Image Gallery functionality may be removed in future releases.

Using Image GalleriesYou have already learned how to create an image gallery and upload a new image. You have also seen how to browse images and galleries and display images in modules and wiki pages.

In this section, you will learn other common image gallery features.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating Subgalleries • Viewing Slideshows

WarningStarting in Tiki 3.x, the Image Gallery has been replaced by the File Gallery. You can use a File Gallery to store any type of file: a document, an image, a video, and so on. You should use File Galleries instead of Image Galleries, as the Image Gallery functionality may be removed in future releases.

Creating SubgalleriesYou can use subgalleries to better organize your images. Let's create a gallery for landscape pictures of the USA. We will make this a subgallery of the existing Page 300 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

landscape gallery (that you created earlier).

1. From the Image Galleries menu in the Menu module, click Galleries.

The Galleries option in the Image Galleries menu.

2. The Galleries page lists the galleries on the site.

The Galleries page, with your new gallery.

3. Use the Create a Gallery page to create a new image gallery.

The Create a Gallery page allows you to specify the options for a specific image gallery.

4. Enter the following information in each field: • Name: Enter a name for this gallery. • Description: Enter a detailed description of this gallery. • Fields to show during browsing the gallery: This controls what

information will be visible when users view each image. Select only the following fields:

• Name • Description

• Parent Gallery: Select the gallery that you created earlier. • Add scaled images: Enter 500. Tiki can automatically create

multiple, scaled versions, of each image you upload. This is especially nice for users — they can view whichever scale they want.

5. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and loads the Galleries page, showing you newly created image gallery.

The Galleries page, with your new gallery.

6. Now upload images to the new gallery.


You can browse the images in a subgallery in the in the same way that you browsed images in any other gallery. Page 301 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can also access the subgallery from the parent gallery.

1. From the Image Galleries menu, click Galleries. 2. On the Available Galleries page, click the name of the parent gallery.

{img src="img/wiki_up/galleries_4_22.png" alt="Galleries page." desc="Select the PARENT gallery that you initially created.}

3. On the Browsing Gallery page, Tiki displays a thumbnail for each image in the gallery.

Notice that the first image in the gallery is a link to the SUBgallery.

4. Click the image labeled as the Subgallery. Tiki displays the images in the subgallery.

These are the images in the subgallery.

TipYou can configure which image Tiki uses to identify the subgallery by using the Gallery Image field when you created the subgallery. By default, Tiki will use the first uploaded image to identify the gallery.

WarningStarting in Tiki 3.x, the Image Gallery has been replaced by the File Gallery. You can use a File Gallery to store any type of file: a document, an image, a video, and so on. You should use File Galleries instead of Image Galleries, as the Image Gallery functionality may be removed in future releases.

Viewing Gallery SlideshowsTiki can automatically create a slideshow, using the images in a gallery. Tiki will rotate through the available images.

NoteThe image gallery slideshow is different from a wiki slideshow. Refer to the TikiWiki documentation for information on converting a wiki page into a slideshow. Page 302 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author • Using this Guide

• In this section • Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Join us on... • Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work? Page 303 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups

• In this section • Create a New Group

• Assigning Permissions • Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules

• Configuring the Features • In this section

• Configuring Wiki Options • In this section

• Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading Page 304 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links

• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums

• in this section

• Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types Page 305 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions Page 306 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 307: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Understanding Permissions • In this section

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus

• In this section

• Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module

• Taking Stock • Using the Features

• In this section

• Using the Wiki

• in this section

• Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments • Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits Page 307 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs

• in this section

• Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink • Emailing Blog Posts

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums

• in this section

• Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics

• Reporting Posts • Reviewing Reported Posts

• Linking to Forums • Using Polls

• Viewing Poll Results

• Using Polls as Ratings

• Create the Poll Template • Enable Wiki Page Rating • Add Polls to Wiki Pages

• Using Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating Subgalleries

• Browsing Galleries and Subgalleries

• Viewing Gallery Slideshows Page 308 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Basic Slideshow • Fancy Slideshow


1. When browsing an image, click the Slideshow forward button ( ) to begin a slideshow.

Starting a slideshow of images in a gallery.

2. Use the following buttons to control the slideshow:

Viewing a slideshow of images in a gallery.

• — Stop the slideshow and return to the image.

• — Reverse the direction of the slideshow

• • Click Return to gallery to return to the image's gallery page.


If you use the Popup button ( ) when viewing the image, you can start the slideshow in a separate window — without the other parts of the Tiki website.

Viewing the image slideshow in a popup window. Page 309 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki uses Shadowbox to create a fancy slideshow of images.

First, you need to enable the Shadowbox feature:

1. From the Administration page, click Features . The Administration: Features page, appears.

The Administration: Features page lists all Tiki features.

2. On the User interface enhancement features tab, enable the Shadowbox feature and click Apply.

Enabling Shadowbox and Mootools on the Administration: Features page.

NoteThe Shadowbox feature requires Mootools , a set of Javascript enhancements included with Tiki. If you do not have the Mootools feature enabled, you must enable it first, then enable the Shadowbox.

3. When browsing an image, Tiki uses the Shadowbox feature.

Browsing images with Shadowbox

To navigate through the gallery, use Next and Previous. The close the image browser and return to the gallery, click Close__.

Using the ArticlesYou have already learned how to create new topics and article types, which are used to categorize articles. You have also seen how to create a new article, as the admin. Page 310 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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In this section, you will learn other common article features.

IN THIS SECTION• Listing Articles • Submitting Articles

Listing ArticlesJust like wiki pages, you can easily list all of the current articles. You can sort and search the list, too.Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 3.x

To list the articles:

1. Expand the Articles menu in the Menu Module and click List articles.

The Articles page lists all Tiki articles that are currently published.

TipYou can configure which columns appear in this list by enabling (or disabling) specific items in the Fields to Display area on the Administration: Articles page. Page 311 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring which columns to display.

2. You can click the column heading to resort the list, by that heading. For example, click the Publish Datecolumn once to sort the list by the date the article was published (in ascending order). Click it again to sort in descending order.

3. Use the Find box to search for specific articles. You can filter your search by type and topic. Page 312 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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NoteThis searches only the articles. This is not a site-wide search. Searching is covered later in this guide, in the Configuring the Search section.


Tiki automatically tracks the number of times your visitors read each article. You can quickly display a list of the most popular articles (based on "reads").Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 3.x

To list the articles:

1. On the General Settings tab of the Administration: Articles page, enable the Rankings option.

2. From the Menu, select Articles > Rankings. 3. On the Rankings page, use the Top Articles drop-list to display the top

articles or authors, based on the number of reads or submissions.

Listing articles by their rank (number of reads).

4. Use the Top 10 drop-list to display the top 10, 20, 50, or 100 articles.

Submitting ArticlesWhen you created an article earlier, it became "live" immediately. As the admin, any articles that you create are automatically approved.

Do you remember enabling the Submissions options on the Articles: Administration page? You also granted Anonymous users permission to submit articles This allows other users to submit articles for publication.Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 2.x Page 313 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can test this submission process now:

1. Log out as the admin. You are now viewing the site as an Anonymous visitor.

2. From the Main Menu (that you created earlier), select Submit News. This page is identical to the Edit Article page that you used earlier, to create a new article. Page 314 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Submitting an article. 3. Enter the following information in each field on the Edit Article page:

• Title: Enter a title for your article. • Author Name: Since you are viewing the site as an Anonymous

visitor, this field is blank. Enter your name here. • Topic: Select the new article topic that you created earlier. • Type: Select Article. • Heading: Enter a short description or introduction to the article. • Body: Enter the main article text.

4. Click Submit Article. Tiki saves the information. Note

Because you are viewing the site as an Anonymous visitor, you must enter the CAPTCHA before submitting the article.

Your article is not visible because it has not been published. Only users with permission can see and approve submitted articles.


1. Log in as the admin. The Administrator has permission to approve article submissions.

2. From the Menu, select Articles > View Submissions. Tiki displays the submitted articles:

The submitted articles.

3. Select one of the following options:

• Click Edit ( ) to review or edit the article before approving it.

• Click Approve ( ) to approve the article.

• Click Remove ( ) to delete the submission. Page 316 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Upon approval, the article will be "live" for all visitors (with permission to read published articles).

Using the File GalleryIn this section, you will learn other common file gallery features.

• Moving Files within the File Gallery • Replacing (Updating) Files • Linking to Files • Using Files in Wiki Pages

Moving files within the File GalleryLet’s move the files that you uploaded earlier (for the wiki and blog) into the new file gallery you created.Release 8.x Release 7.x

1. From the Menu, select File Galleries > List Galleries. The Galleries page lists the new gallery you created and the files uploaded earlier. Page 317 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Your file gallery and files

2. Select the images that you previously uploaded, and click Move . The Move to field appears.

Moving files

3. Select you new file gallery, and click Move. Tiki moves the selected files to the file Page 318 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The root file gallery

The root file gallery no longer contains the files. They have been moved into the sub-gallery that you created.

The files have been moved!

Replacing (Updating) FilesBecause Tiki automatically manages all links to files in the gallery, it is easy to replace or update files without affecting any links! Page 319 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Let's replace the image that you added to the home page... without editing the HomePage.IMAGE

Release 7.x Release 6.x

1. Access the file gallery that you created previously.

File gallery with several files and images.

2. Click Actions for the image to update. Tiki displays the Actions popup menu.

3. Select Upload New Version. Tiki uploads and replaces the file in the gallery.

IMAGE 4. Return to the HomePage. Tiki has replaced the image.

IMAGE Page 320 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Linking to FilesWhen you upload files to the file gallery, Tiki displays additional information upon a successful upload.

Additional file information.

Click Additional Info to display tips for linking to and displaying the image, including:

• how to link (that is, download) the image from a wiki page (or any wiki text area)

• how to display the image or its thumbnail

To download or display (images only) a file from another source (such as another website or an email) use these formats, respectively: where XX is the ID of the file.

If you use Tiki’s default .htaccess file to create SEFURL (Search Engine Friendly URLs), you can construct your incoming links as simply: (to download), or Page 321 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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See Tiki documentation for details.

Using Files in Wiki PagesIn addition to uploading new pictures for use in a wiki page, you can easily add any image or file from a file gallery.

1. On the Home page, click Edit. The Edit page appears.

2. From the toolbar, click the Images button ( ). The Image window appears.

Images button on the toolbar.

3. On the image window, in the File ID field, click the Image button ( ). The File Gallery appears. Page 322 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding an image

4. Select (click) an image from the file gallery. Tiki closes the file gallery

Select an image from the gallery.

On the Image window, Tiki automatically adds the ID of the file. Page 323 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki adds the correct ID.

5. Configure any additional options and click Insert Tiki adds the necessary wiki code to the page. Wiki IMG code

{img fileId=1 thumb=y rel=box[g] alt="My new image"}

6. Save the page. IMAGE

Using RSS FeedsTiki can create RSS (really simple syndication) feeds for all of your content features (wiki pages, blogs, forums, and so on). In addition to the RSS 1.0 and 2.0 specifications, Tiki can also generate feeds that are compliant with ATOM 0.9 and OPML.

Tiki can also import (syndicate) RSS feeds from other site and display them in pages and modules. Page 324 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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IN THIS SECTION• Configuring Tiki RSS Feeds • Syndicating Other Feeds

Configuring Tiki's RSS FeedsTiki can automatically generate an RSS feed for each feature that you have enabled.Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration page:

1. Click RSS . Tip

You can also access the Administration:RSS page by typing in your web browser.

2. The Administration: RSS page, General Preferences tab appears.

The Administration: RSS page lists the options for generating Tiki RSS Feeds.

3. Enter the following information in each field in the Defaults area: • For both Editor and Webmaster, enter the same email address you Page 325 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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used as the Sender email on the Administration: General? page. • For the Image path, enter the path to your logo.

4. Click the Feeds tab. Page 326 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Administration: RSS page lists the options for generating Tiki RSS Feeds.

5. Enable the following RSS feeds: • Feed for Articles • Feed for Wiki • Feed for individual File Galleries • Feed for individual Blogs • Feed for individual Forums

NoteBy selecting the Individual option, Tiki will create a different RSS for each file gallery, blog, and forum.

6. Enter a Title and Description for each feed. Leave the other fields as their defaults.

7. Enter the following information in each field in the Defaults area: • For both Editor and Webmaster, enter the same email address you

used as the Sender email on the Administration: General page?. • For the Image path, enter the path to your logo.

8. Click Change Preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Notice that Tiki has added links for the Wiki and Articles RSS feeds at the bottom of the page.Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

The site-wide RSS feed links.

These links represent the site-wide feeds (for the Wiki pages and Articles).

The RSS feeds for the individual items (such as the blog) are available from the feature's specific page. For example, if you read the blog you created earlier,=img/wiki_up/footer_1.png alt="RSS links." desc="The site-wide RSS feed Page 328 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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These links represent the site-wide feeds (for the Wiki pages and Articles).{VERSIONS}The RSS feeds for the individual items (such as the blog) are available from the feature's specific page. For example, if you read the blog you created earlier, you'll see the RSS link.

The RSS feed for an individual blog .

NoteTo make RSS feeds publicly available, you must assign the read permission for the feature to the Anonymous group, as explained in the Assigning Anonymous Permissions section.

Syndicating Other Sites' FeedsIn addition to creating RSS feeds from your content, you can also syndicate content from other sites. You can syndicate any content from any site that produces an RSS feed. You can add that content to a wiki page or a module.

In this section, you will syndicate the news feed from the Tiki community portal.Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 5.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x Page 329 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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From the Admin menu:

1. Select Admin > External Feeds. 2. On the Admin RSS modules page, click the Create Feed tab. 3. Complete the following information in the Create new RSS module area:

Creating an RSS module from the news feed.

• Name: Enter the name for the feed module, such as News from

• Description: Enter a description of the feed module. • URL: Enter the full URL of the TikiWiki news feed:

NoteThe URL must be a valid RSS XML source.

• Refresh rate: Specifies how often Tiki should check the feed for updates. Leave this as 30 minutes.

• Show feed title: Specifies to include the title of the RSS feed (as defined by the feed itself).

• Show publish date: Specifies to include the time and date of each post in the RSS feed.

4. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. Page 330 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Your newly created feed module is now listed on the External Feeds tab.

5. Click Refresh to load content from the RSS feed.

TipBe sure to note the ID of the newly added feed. You'll need it in order to display the feed on a page or module.


Do you remember how you created a custom module, in order to place a poll in the right column? You can follow the same procedure to add an RSS module.Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x

From the Admin menu:

1. Select Admin > Modules. 2. Click the Custom Modules tab. 3. On the Custom Modules tab, in the Create New User module area, enter the

following information in each field: Page 331 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Creating a module for the RSS feed.

• Name: Enter a name for the module. This name will be used, internally, by Tiki and you (as the admin) only. Users will not see this name.

• Title: Enter a name to appear as the title of the module. This is the title that users will see.

• Data: Here is where you need to identify which RSS feed to to add. Simply enter where XX is the ID of the RSS to add. What? You don't remember the ID number of the RSS feed you Page 332 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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created? Thats OK. In the Objects That Can Be Included area, select

the RSS module (from the RSS Modules list) and click Use . Tiki automatically adds the necessary code to the Data area.

Now simply assign the module to the left or right column. Here, we are adding the module to the bottom of the left column:

Assigning the RSS module.

And here is the final module, as it will appear on the site:

The TikiWiki feed being syndicated in your site. Page 333 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Customizing Tiki StyleAt this point, you should have a fully functional Tiki. In this section, you'll learn how to perform some basic customizations for your site.


• Using the Layout Options • Changing Themes • Editing Templates

• Customizing Menus • Creating Dynamic Menus • Creating Site Menu Bars

• Creating Custom Modules • Using Modules

• Using Profiles • Applying a Profile

• Customizing Toolbars • Adding Custom Buttons

TipAdditional information on how to customize your Tiki is available in Tiki Essentials: What all Smarties needs to know about Tiki .

Using the Layout OptionsBy now, you should be able to customize the layout of your Tiki. You know how to:

• Use the General Layout options to turn on (or off) the different parts of Tiki. • Add and remove modules to the left and right columns of your Tiki, as well

as how to re-order the modules and configure which modules appear for which users.

• Create menus to help users navigate your site. Page 335 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

In this section, you will change the theme (sometimes called a "skin") of your TikiNote

You can further customize your Tiki by using the Look and Feel feature, which will be discussed later.

IN THIS SECTION• Changing Themes • Editing Templates

Changing ThemesRelease 8.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

You can use the Administration: Look and Feel page to configure the default theme for your Tiki.

1. From the Administration: Administration page, click Look & Feel

. Page 336 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use the Administration: Look and Feel page to select the overall theme and style.

2. On the Theme tab, use the Theme list to select the default theme for your Tiki and click Go. Some themes include an additional Theme Options field that you can use to modify the base theme.

3. Click Apply. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page, with the new theme.

NoteYou may have to clear your browser's cache to display the new theme.

Refer to the TikiWiki documentation for complete information on all of the theme options.

For detailed information (including live samples) of the available Tiki themes, visit .

TipIn addition to selecting an overall, default theme for your Tiki, you can let users choose their own theme. Enable the Reg. users can change theme option on the Administration: Login page. Page 337 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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WarningSome themes may not be compatible with your Tiki version. Review the Tiki release notes and Theme-specific readme files for details.


Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

Tiki includes a Switch Theme module that lets users switch to different themes on-the-fly.

Use the Switch Theme module to let users create their own Tiki-experience.

You must enable the Users can change theme option on the Admin: Look and Feel page to allow users to switch the theme. Page 338 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Allowing users to switch the theme.

You can also specify specific themes to allow users to select.

Refer to Adding Modules for more information.


Here are just a few of the themes available from .

A sampling of the themes that are available. Page 339 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can watch the Many Faces of TikiWiki video for even more inspiration!

TipNeed more information on customizing themes? See "Customizing Tiki Themes" in Tiki Essentials for additional details.

Editing TemplatesYou can easily edit the templates that define the look-and-feel of your Tiki.

NoteDon't confuse these Tiki/Smarty templates (TPL files) with your content templates (that is, pre-defined Wiki, Article, or HTML pages). See Configuring Content Templates for details.

TipNeed more information? See "Modifying Templates" in Tiki Essentials for additional details.

Release 8.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

1. On the Customization tab of the Administration: Look & Feel page, enable the Edit Templates and View Templates options. Page 340 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Enabling the Edit Templates option.

2. Click Save. Tiki Saves the information and reloads the page. 3. In the Editing area, click Edit templates. Tiki lists all of the Smarty

templates. Page 341 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Select a template to edit.

4. Select a template to edit. Page 342 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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All of the templates in use by your site.

TipIf you decide to customize your template files, you should create your own theme instead of changing an existing theme's template files. This will make future Tiki upgrades easier — you don't want to overwrite your customizations each time you upgrade! See "Getting Started on a New Theme " in the Tiki Themes website for details.


WarningDo not use Tiki's template editor to edit header.tpl or any other template file that includes JavaScript. For security, the Tiki template editor will remove all JavaScript from the template files (this is to ensure that a hacker does not inject malicious Page 343 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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scripts into your site.

If you accidentally select a file that includes a script element, do not save the template.

To edit a template that uses javascript:

1. FTP the template file from your web server to your PC. 2. Edit the template file using a text editor. 3. FTP the edited template to your web server.

Do you remember the registration page that you completed when creating a new user? You can update the page's template to include a custom message for you website.

TipUse the Smarty template usage indicator option to determin which template to edit. See Modifying Templates in Tiki Essentials for more information.

1. On the Edit template page, find the tiki-register.tpl file and click the link. Tiki opens the file for editing.

Edit the registration page and add a customized welcome.

2. Directly before the <br /> code, type: <p>Thanks for registering at my site. I hope you find it useful.</p>

3. Click save only in the theme: tikineat. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

NoteIf you are using a different theme, its name will appear.

The registration template now includes your custom message.

TipTo facilitate internationalization and translation, you should enclose your text in {tr} Page 344 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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... {/tr} tags. Refer to the TikiWiki documentation for more information.

NoteTiki pages should validate as XHTML 1.0. If you include any markup codes in your templates, be sure it validates correctly. You can use the W3C Validator to check your code.

WarningIf you include Smarty coding in you templates, it must validate properly, or your pages will not display.

Now log off as the admin and register as a new user. Your custom message is included in the registration page.

You can customize the Tiki templates as much, or as little, as you desire.

Customizing MenusYou have already seen how to create and configure a menu. In this section, we will explore multi-level options and dynamic menus.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating Dynamic Menus • Creating Site Menu Bars Page 345 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Creating Dynamic MenusTiki can create dynamic "drop-down" and "fly-out" menus, by using CSS and PHP Layers .

WarningStarting with Tiki 5.0, CSS Menus are used by default in place of PHP Layers. The PHP Layers feature will be deprecated and removed in later releases — you should use CSS instead.

Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x, 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration: General page:

1. Enable the CSS menus option on the Navigation tab and click Change Preferences. Page 346 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Enabling the Meu options. 2. Expand the Admin menu and select Modules. 3. Click the User Modules tab.

4. On the User Modules tab, click Edit ( ) for the menu module you created earlier.

Edit your custom menu module.

5. In the Edit This User Module area, replace the {menu id=43} with {menu id=43 css=y type=vert}

Replacing the standard menu with a PHP layers menu.

TipYou can use the CSS Menus option in the Objects that can be included area to automatically add this code.

6. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the Admin Modules page. Page 348 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Notice that your Main Menu module has changed. Instead of the suboptions for the Features being in a folder, they are now in a dynamic "flyout" menu.

The dynamic Main Menu.

NoteIf the module does not appear, you may need to clear your browser's cache, or click Clear cache to clear Tiki's cache. Then refresh the page.


Tiki includes support for several types of dynamic menus. You can specify the menu type when assigning the menu to a module:

Menu Type Syntax Sample

Default PHP {phplayers id=XX}

Default CSS {menu id=XX css=y} Page 349 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Menu Type Syntax Sample

Vertical PHP {phplayers id=XX type=vert}

Vertical CSS {menu id=XX css=y type=vert}

Horizontal PHP {phplayers id=XX type=horiz}

Vertical PHP {menu id=XX css=y type=horiz}

TipReplace the XX with the ID for your menu. The menu's ID is shown on the Admin Menus page. Page 350 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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NoteThe PHP menus are obsolete, in Tiki 7.x and newer.

Later, you'll learn how to use a dynamic menu with the Look & Feel feature to create a drop-down menu in the Tiki top bar.

Creating a Site Menu BarInstead of placing the Main Menu in a module in the left column), you may prefer to place the menu at the top of the page. Tiki's Site Menu Bar feature makes it easy!Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x

The process for adding a Site Menu Bar is similar to adding a module — you'll add the Menu module to the TopBar area.

1. From the Admin menu, select Admin > Modules. Tip

You can also access the Administration: Modules page by using the Modules

button ( ) in the Quick Admin area.2. On the Admin: Modules page, select the Assigned modules tab, then click

Add Module.

Use the Assigned Modules tab to add a new module.

3. In the Assign new module area, use the Module Name field to select the Menu module. This module will display the custom menu that you created earlier. Page 351 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Select the Menu module.

Tiki loads the module information reloads the page, showing a preview of the module. Page 352 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can now configure the module.

4. Enter the following information in each field on the Basic tab: • Position: Select Topbar. • Groups: Select Anonymous, so that all visitors will be able to see the

module. 5. Enter the following information in each field on the Module tab:

• Menu: Enter the ID of the Main Menu that you created earlier. • Type: Enter horiz.

6. Enter the following information in each field on the Appearance tab: • NoBox: Enter y so that Tiki will not display the standard module box

lines around the menu. 7. Click Apply.

Tiki now displays your custom Main Menu at the top of the page. The sub-options Page 353 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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are available as drop-down options.

Your new site menu bar.

Creating Custom ModulesWhen you added a poll to a module and included a menu in a module, you created a custom (albeit simple) module (i.e., a user module) instead of selecting a pre-defined module. In addition to adding Tiki objects (such as polls and menus) to modules, you can use HTML or Smarty syntax as well.

TipFor detailed information on user modules, see Tiki Essentials .

• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author Page 354 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Using this Guide • In this section

• Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Join us on... • Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work?

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins Page 355 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Registering as a New User • If you don't get the email:

• Understanding Groups • In this section

• Create a New Group • Assigning Permissions

• Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules

• Configuring the Features • In this section

• Configuring Wiki Options • In this section

• Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links Page 356 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums

• in this section

• Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File Page 357 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions

• Understanding Permissions • In this section

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus

• In this section Page 358 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module

• Taking Stock • Using the Features

• In this section

• Using the Wiki

• in this section

• Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments • Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs

• in this section

• Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink Page 359 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Emailing Blog Posts

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums

• in this section

• Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics

• Reporting Posts • Reviewing Reported Posts

• Linking to Forums • Using Polls

• Viewing Poll Results

• Using Polls as Ratings

• Create the Poll Template • Enable Wiki Page Rating • Add Polls to Wiki Pages

• Using Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating Subgalleries

• Browsing Galleries and Subgalleries

• Viewing Gallery Slideshows

• Basic Slideshow • Fancy Slideshow

• Using the Articles

• in this section

• Listing Articles

• Listing Popular Articles

• Submitting Articles Page 360 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Approving Submissions

• Using the File Gallery • Moving files within the File Gallery • Replacing (Updating) Files • Linking to Files • Using Files in Wiki Pages • Using RSS Feeds

• In this section

• Configuring Tiki's RSS Feeds • Syndicating Other Sites' Feeds

• Adding Feeds to Modules

• Customizing Tiki Style

• In this Section

• Using the Layout Options

• in this section

• Changing Themes

• Using the Switch Theme Module • Theme Samples

• Editing Templates

• Using Tiki's Template Editor

• Customizing Menus

• in this section

• Creating Dynamic Menus

• Types of Dynamic Menus

• Creating a Site Menu Bar • Creating Custom Modules

• Using HTML • Including Smarty Page 361 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Using HTMLYou can add custom HTML to a module. This allows you to add widgets, application, and scripts from other sources. For example, you can add an automatic weather forecast (from ) to a Tiki module. Simply create a new module and add the HTML code:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2" src=""></script><div><a href=""><small>Free Weather Reports</small</a></div>

Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x Page 362 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use the User Modules tab on the Admin: Modules page to create a new, custom module.

We'll convert this HTML to wiki syntax by using the JavaScript plugin.

1. In the Data area, enter the following: {JS(file=>"") /}[|] Page 363 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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2. Enable the Must be wiki parsed option. 3. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and displays the newly created

module in the Custom Modules list.

Your custom module.

4. To display the module in a column, click the Assign button( ). The Assign/Edit modules tab appears.

5. Complete the fields as shown in the Adding Modules section.

NoteAfter assigning the module, if Tiki displays the message WARNING: JS Plugin disabled, you must first enable the JavaScript plugin. See Enabling Plugins for more information.

If Tiki displays the message Plugin execution pending approval, you must approve the Javascript plugin. See Approving Plugins for more information.

The module includes the weather report for Washington, DC Page 364 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Including SmartyYou can include Smarty syntax in your modules to do all sorts of neat things, such as displaying Tiki variables. For example, using this code:

Hello {if $user}{$user}{else}anonymous visitor{/if}!

will create a module that:

• If the user is logged in, the module will show: Hello the user's name!

• If the user is not logged in, the module will show: Hello anonymous visitor!

WarningIf you include Smarty coding in you templates, it must validate properly, or your pages will not display.

Refer to this troubleshooting tip if Tiki displays a message indicating a Fatal Smarty error.

Using Modules SettingsWhen Adding Modules or Creating Custom Modules, use the Administration: Module page to specify global settings for the modules.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration: Administration page, click Modules . Page 365 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the global module settings.

TipYou can also access the Administration: Module page by typing in your web browser.

The Show module controls, Users can configure modules, and Users can shade modules options allow you site visitors to customize the modules.

This module shows the available module controls.

Users can:

• Move the module up (or down ) within the column. Page 366 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Move the module to the left (or right) column.

• Remove the module .

See the Tiki documentation for details.

Use the Display modules to all groups always and Hide anonymous-only modules from registered users options to override any specific group setting that you included when applying the module.

Using ProfilesProfiles, first introduced in Tiki 3.x, make it easy to build and customize your Tiki. Each "profile" contains a set of configurations that can be applied to your site. Since Tiki contains hundreds of features, preferences, modules, and permissions, using a profile is an easy way to configure multiple features in a single process.

Applying a profile to your site does not erase your data. This means you can apply profiles to your site at any time. Profiles can even be installed "on top of" one another. You can even create your own profile!

NoteStarting in Tiki 4.x, profiles can be applied only after successfully installing Tiki.

TipLearn more about using profiles in "Using Profiles " in Tiki Essentials .

Refer to the Tiki Profiles Repository for more information.

IN THIS SECTION• Applying a Profile Page 367 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Applying a ProfileTo apply a profile to your site, Tiki must contact a profile repository and download the configuration information. By default, Tiki is configured to use the official Tiki Profiles repository at .Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x

1. From the Administration page, click Profiles .

TipYou can also access the Administration: Profiles page by typing in your web browser.

1. On the Profiles page, click the Apply Profiles tab.

Selecting a profile to apply.

TipUse the Advanced tab to configure additional profile repositories and data channels.

2. Click Featured Profiles to display a list of the top profiles. Tiki offers additional lists of profiles (Full, Mini, and Learning) as well as customizable filters to help you select a profile. Page 368 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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3. Tiki contacts the profiles repository and displays a list of profiles that match your filters. If Tiki is unable to contact the repository:

• Test your connection. In the Status area, click Refresh ( ) and Tiki will attempt to contact the repository.

• Check the Repository URL. On the Advanced tab, confirm that the

Repository URL is correct.

Displaying the available profiles.

4. Click a profile name. Tiki displays the release information for the selected Page 369 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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profile. Page 370 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Customizing and applying the profile.

Some profiles allow you to customize the installation. For example, you can configure the Name or Title of your site.

5. Read the profile information then click Apply Now to apply the profile to your site.

6. Tiki prompts for confirmation before installing the profile. Click OK.

After installing the profile, Tiki displays a list of all configuration changes that have been made.

Tiki shows the changes made by the profile.

You can now explore your new site. Depending on the profile you selected, you may notice:

• A different theme • New menus, modules, and pages • Additional features

NoteYou may need to log out or clear the cache before the changes take affect.

Customizing Toolbars


• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Welcome to Tiki

• Disclaimers Page 372 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author • Using this Guide

• Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work?

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups Page 373 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Create a New Group • Assigning Permissions

• Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules

• Configuring the Features • Configuring Wiki Options • Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links

• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs Page 374 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums • Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread • Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles • Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article • Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries • Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries • Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing Image Galleries • Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls • Creating a Poll • Creating Poll Options Page 375 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions

• Understanding Permissions

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus • Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module

• Taking Stock • Using the Features • Using the Wiki • Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments • Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits Page 376 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs • Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink • Emailing Blog Posts

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums • Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics

• Reporting Posts • Reviewing Reported Posts

• Linking to Forums • Using Polls

• Viewing Poll Results

• Using Polls as Ratings

• Create the Poll Template • Enable Wiki Page Rating • Add Polls to Wiki Pages

• Using Image Galleries • Creating Subgalleries

• Browsing Galleries and Subgalleries

• Viewing Gallery Slideshows

• Basic Slideshow • Fancy Slideshow

• Using the Articles • Listing Articles

• Listing Popular Articles Page 377 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Submitting Articles

• Approving Submissions

• Using the File Gallery • Moving files within the File Gallery • Replacing (Updating) Files • Linking to Files • Using Files in Wiki Pages • Using RSS Feeds • Configuring Tiki's RSS Feeds • Syndicating Other Sites' Feeds

• Adding Feeds to Modules

• Customizing Tiki Style • Using the Layout Options • Changing Themes

• Using the Switch Theme Module • Theme Samples

• Editing Templates

• Using Tiki's Template Editor

• Customizing Menus • Creating Dynamic Menus

• Types of Dynamic Menus

• Creating a Site Menu Bar • Creating Custom Modules

• Using HTML • Including Smarty

• Using Modules Settings • Using Profiles • Applying a Profile • Customizing Toolbars

• Selecting a Toolbar to Customize • Customizing Toolbar Buttons

• Moving Buttons • Adding Buttons • Removing Buttons Page 378 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x

Selecting a Toolbar to CustomizeTo select a toolbar:

1. From the Admin menu, select Admin > Toolbars. 2. Use the Section drop-list to select which toolbar from which Tiki feature

(section) to customize. Tiki allows you to have custom toolbars for each section.

NoteTiki displays only the features that you have already enabled.

TipSelect Global to configure toolbars that are available for all sections.

Select the Wiki Page section to customize the toolbar for editing wiki pages.

3. Tiki reloads the page, showing the toolbars from the selected section. Note

Use the Auto Reloading option to control this behavior. When disabled, you must manually select Load to load different toolbars.

4. Use the View Mode option to select the wiki syntax or WYSIWYG toolbars (or both). This option is available only for sections that implement the WYSIWYG editor, and only if you have the WYSIWYG feature enabled. Page 379 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Customizing Toolbar ButtonsNow that you have selected which toolbars to customized, you can begin customizing the toolbar.


To move a button, simply click-and-drag the button from its old location to its new location.

Select the button and drag it...

... to its new location.

Tiki will insert the button in its new location.


The Formatting Tools, Plugin Tools, and Custom Tools boxes are "libraries" of buttons that you can add to toolbars.

• Formatting Tools — These are "standard" Tiki functions. • Plugin Tools — These are buttons to add plugins to wiki pages. Only plugins

that have been enabled are available. Page 380 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Custom Tools — These are buttons that you have created and defined. See Adding Custom Buttons for more information on creating your own buttons.

The toolbar libraries.

To add a button to a toolbar, simply click-and-drag the button from the library to the toolbar.


To remove a button, simply click-and-drag the button from the toolbar to its library.

Adding Custom ButtonsFrom the Admin Toolbars page:

1. Click the Add new custom tool button ( ) in the Custom Tools library. The Edit Tool window appears. Page 381 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Create a new button.

2. Enter the following information in each field in the window: • Name: The name of your new button. This name is used internally by

Tiki. • Label: The name of the button that users will see. This name will

appear as the ALT text and description of the button. • Icon: The image to use for the button. By default, Tiki uses images in

the ../pics/icons/.. directory. Page 382 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Syntax:

Leave the other fields as their default. 3. Click Save. Tiki adds your custom button tot he Custom Tools library.

Your custom button.

4. To add the button to a toolbar, simply click-and-drag the button, as shown in Adding Buttons. Page 383 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Hacking Tiki

hack --An interesting technical achievement (Source: Wiktionary )

Now that you've learned how to configure and use some of Tiki's primary features, you're ready to see how to customize some of the inner-workings of TikiWiki.

There are two primary ways to make Tiki do what you want it to do:

• Mods • Plugins


• Using Plugins • Installing and Accessing Plugins • Enabling Plugins • Approving Plugins

• Using Mods • Installing Mods Automatically • Installing Mods Manually

Using PluginsPlugins are the way to extend Tiki's wiki functionality to do anything (and

everything) that you want. A complete list of plugins is available in the

TikiWiki documentation . Plugins can be included anywhere in Tiki that you can use wiki syntax. This includes blogs, forums, and articles — not just wiki Page 384 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware


The basic syntax for using a plugin is:

Tiki Plugin{PLUGIN(option=>value, option=>value)}...{PLUGIN}

You can also "self close" the plugin by using:

Tiki Plugin{PLUGIN(option=>value, option=>value) /}

Starting in Tiki 3.x, you can use the help system's pop-up editor to easily add or edit plugins. See Using Plugins for more information.

Some useful plugins include:

• module : Add any module to a page. • alink and aname : Create named destinations for hypertext links. • fancytable : Create "fancy" tables with headers and alternate-row shading. • js : Include JavaScript (or an external .JS file). • group : Customize a page's content, based on the visitor's group. Show one

thing to Anonymous visitors; something else to Registered visitors — on the same page.

• flash : Embed a Flash movie in a page. • html : Include any HTML coding in a wiki page.

TipYou can use the HTML plugin to add anything to page, including Flash videos, Javascripts, and Frames. Because of this, you can use the HTML plugin in place of many of the specialized Tiki plugins.


Tiki Essentials and the Tiki documentation include information on creating your own, custom plugin. Page 385 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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IN THIS SECTION• Installing and Accessing Plugins • Enabling Plugins • Approving Plugins

Installing and Accessing PluginsThe standard Tiki installation includes more than 100 plugins. However, there is continuous development of new plugins — you can even create your own! There are two methods to install additional plugins:

• Manually: Simply add the plugin's PHP file to your Tiki's ../lib/wiki-plugins/ directory.

• Automatically: Use the Mods feature to download and install new plugins.


The TikiWiki documentation also includes information on creating your own, custom plugin.

Verifying InstallationRelease 7.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x

There are several methods to verify (or check) which plugins are installed:

• The Plugins tab of the Administration: Text Area page shows all installed plugins. Page 386 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The currently available plugins.

TipUse the Filter field to quickly find a specifc plugin. Use the Enable option to use the plugin on a wiki page.

• The Wiki Help window shows all installed (and enabled) plugins.

The Plugins section of the help window.

• Each plugin should have its own PHP file in the ../lib/wiki-plugins/ directory. Page 388 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Release 7.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x


It is a snap to insert Tiki Plugins into your wiki pages with the Help system:

1. When editing a page, click the Help button ( ). 2. In the Help window, access the Plugins section.

The Plugins section of the help window.

3. Click the Add button ( ) for the plugin to add. Tiki displays a window that allows you to add the necessary parameters.

TipUse the Filter field to quickly find any filter. Page 389 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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4. Tiki displays an window for the plugin. In this example, we are adding the Category plugin to a wiki page:

Adding the Category plugin to a wiki page.

5. Enter the necessary information in each field and click Insert. Tiki adds the necessary plugin code to the wiki page.

Enabling PluginsEven though the full installation of Tiki includes more than 100 plugins, for enhanced security only a few are enabled (activated) on a new installation. Starting with Tiki 3.1, plugins must be enabled before they can be used.

Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x

To enable a plugin:

1. From the Administration page click Text Area . 2. On the Plugins tab, click Enable for each plugin to enable. Page 390 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use the Plugins tab to enable (or disable) specific plugins.

3. By deault, Tiki allows you to edit plugins without having to edit the complete

wiki page. For example, clicking the allows you to edit the ARTICLES plugin that you created earlier without editing the wiki page. Page 391 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Editing the plugin on a wiki page.

To override this behavior, enable the Disable edit plugin icon option for the specific plugin.

4. Click Change Preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the Administration: Text Area page.

Approving PluginsStarting in release 3.0, Tiki provides additional security for plugins. Some plugins must be approved before becoming active. You can approve plugins as they appear on each wiki page, or from the Plugin Approval page.Release 6.x Release 4.x



1. When Tiki discovers a newly added plugin that requires approval, the following message appears:

A newly added plugin awaiting approval.

2. Click View Details to review the plugin. Tiki displays detailed information regarding the plugin, including its name and parameters Page 392 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Details of the plugin.

3. Select one of the following options: • To approve the plugin, click Approve. • To reject the plugin, click Reject. • To preview the plugin output, click Preview.


The Plugin Approval page lists all pending plugins.

1. From the Administration page, click Editing and Plugins . The Text Area page appears.

2. Click the Plugins tab. 3. On the Plugins tab, click the tiki-plugins.php link.

Accessing the Plugin Approval page.

4. On the Plugin Approval page, select the specific plugins to approve and select Approve. Page 393 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Approving plugins

Using ModsMods (or modifications) are Tiki "add ons" that have been developed by members of the Tiki community . These mods (such as customized avatars, wiki plugins, and new modules) are not included as part of the base Tiki installation, but you can easily add them to your site.

The Mods repository also allows the Tiki community to share components released under a GPL license, which cannot be redistributed within Tiki's LGPL license.

WarningThe Tiki Mods system and repository is undergoing extensive modification, starting with the Tiki 4.0 release. Some older mods may not be compatible with the current Tiki release — others may work perfectly.

See the Tiki Developer's Site for details (or to help!).

For complete information, see the Tiki Mods repository.

IN THIS SECTION• Installing Mods Automatically • Installing Mods Manually Page 394 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Installing Mods AutomaticallyTiki includes an administrator feature that will allow you to automatically browse and install mods.

NoteBy default, your Tiki is configured to install mods from the Tiki Mods repository ( ). You must have an active internet connection in order to successfully install a mod.

Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration page:

1. On the Administration page, click the Mods link in the Crosslinks to other features area.

Accessing the Mods page.

2. The Tiki Mods page appears, listing the all the current mods.

Browsing the available mods.

TipYou can also access the Tiki Mods page by typing in your web browser.

NoteIf no mods are shown, click Update Remote Index to reload the page. If Tiki reports problems connecting to or accessing the mods repository, check your internet connection and proxy settings, if applicable.

3. Use the Type and Version drop-lists to filter the types of mods that are shown (such as wiki plugins or modules). You can also use a keyword search to find specific mods.

4. To install a mod, simply click Install.

Installing the JS wiki plugin.

5. Click Install to confirm the installation. Tiki installs the mod and reloads the page. Page 395 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You have installed the JS wiki plugin mod.

The page now shows the currently installed version of the mod, and includes a link for you to uninstall the mod.

You can now use the JS wiki plugin!

Installing Mods ManuallyInstead of installing mods automatically, you can download the individual package from , then add them to your Tiki site (via FTP).

1. Browse the Tiki Mods site to find a mod to install.

2. Click the package icon ( ) for the mod to download.

Downloading the JS wiki plugin mod.

Download the mod to your PC. 3. Unarchive the downloaded package. The mod will include an info.txt file

that explains: • How to use the mod. • Which files (included in the archive) need to be added to your Tiki

installation, and in which directories to place the files.

Add the files to your Tiki site, as indicated. 4. Log into your Tiki site. The newly installed mods should be available

immediately. Note

You may need to clear the Tiki cache or your browser's cache. Page 396 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Using Tiki's Advanced FeaturesAt this point, you are well on your way to becoming an experienced Tiki administrator. In this section, you will learn how to enable, configure, and use, some of Tiki's advanced features. By using these features, you can truly make your Tiki your own.

TipLooking for additional advanced help? Try Tiki Essentials: What every Smarty needs to know about Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware .


Tiki Essentials: What every Smarty needs to know

• Using Categories • Creating Categories • Categorizing Objects • Displaying Categories

• Using Structures • Creating Structures • Adding Pages to Structures • Reorganizing Pages in Structures • Structure TOC

• Configuring Site Identity • Adding a Logo • Adding a Search Bar • Using Custom Code

• Using Permissions • How Permissions Work • Adding Permissions to Pages • Adding Permissions to other Objects

• Adding Permissions to Blogs • Adding Permissions to Forums • Adding Permissions to Article Topics • Adding Permissions to File Galleries • Adding Permissions to Image Galleries Page 397 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Configuring the Home Page • Using a Different Wiki Page • Using a Different Feature • Using a Custom Page

• Configuring the Search • Adding the Search Module

• Configuring Content Templates • Creating Content Templates • Using Content Templates

• Using Trackers • Creating a Tracker • Creating Tracker Fields • Entering Tracker Items

• Using the Tracker Page • Using Tracker Forms

• Displaying Trackers • Displaying and Editing Trackers • Displaying Trackers in Wiki Pages

• Using Tags • Configuring Freetags • Adding Tags to Wiki Pages • Adding Tags to Blog Posts

• Using Surveys • Creating Surveys

• Adding Questions to Surveys • Taking Surveys • Reviewing Survey Results

• Creating a Menu from a Wiki Page • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Structure

This represents a small set of Tiki's features. See the Tiki documentation

for a complete list of features. Page 398 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Using CategoriesYou can use categories to organize the items (such as wiki pages or images) in your site. With Tiki, you can put any item into one or more categories. Your visitors can then browse all of the items in a specific category.

To use categories you must first enable the Categories feature.Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration: Features page:

1. Enable the Categories check box on the Global Features tab. Click Apply. Tiki enables the Category feature and reloads the Administration page.

Global Features tab of the Admin: Features page.

2. In the Features area at the top of the page, click the Category icon.

TipYou can also access the Administration: Category page by typing in your web browser. Page 399 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Page 400 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Enabling the Category Path. 3. On the Administration: Category page, enable the following options:

• Category Path: For each categorized object, Tiki will display the category path (breadcrumbs) so that users can see to which category the object belongs.

NoteYou can use the Exclude these categories field to add the ID of a category that Tiki should not display.

4. Click Save Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Now, let's create a category...

IN THIS SECTION• Creating Categories • Categorizing Objects • Displaying Categories

Creating CategoriesBefore you can start placing items in categories, you must create a category.Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

TipRemember, if you want other users to be able to view categorized objects and browse the category, you need to assign the category permissions to the group.

For example, if you want all users to be able to view categories, you must assign the tiki_p_view_categories permission to the Anonymous group. See the Configuring Group Permissions for details.

1. From the Administration Category page, click Administer Categories. Page 401 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Selecting the Categories option.

2. The Admin Categories page appears.

Creating a new category.

3. Enter the following information in each field in the Add New Category area: • Parent: Top • Name: Web 2.0 • Description: Cool new web technologies.

NoteNotice that the Current Category is Top. This means that the newly added Page 402 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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category will be a child (or subcategory) of the Top category.

4. Click Save. The newly created category appears as a child of the Top category.

All categories appear as a child of the Top category.

Now that we have created a category, let's put an object in the category...

Categorizing ObjectsNow that you have created a category, you can start adding objects to the category. With Tiki, you can categorize just about anything: wiki pages, blogs, images, etc. There are two methods of categorizing objects:

• Selecting a category while editing the object • Using the Category Administration page

NoteAfter creating categories and adding objects, you might want to create a new menu option to allow users to browse the category. You can use the same menu that you created earlier. Add a new menu item with the URL tiki-browse_categories.php.


Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

Let's categorize the HomePage:

1. From the HomePage, click Edit. The Edit Page appears. Notice that there is a Page 403 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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new Categories tab.

Showing the categories

2. Click the Categories tab. Tiki displays the list of categories.

Select a category for the page.

3. Select the category that you created and click Save. 4. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Notice that the page's category is now shown, because you enabled the Show category path option on the Administration Category page.

Tiki displays the category of the page.

When editing wiki pages, you can require that users select a specific category for the page. Enable the Force and limit categorization to within subtree of option on the Page 404 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Admin: Wiki page.

Requiring a category for wiki pages.

When you select a category, Tiki will require that all wiki editors select the category (or its subcategories) for the page.

If the category had sub-categories, Tiki would have shown the complete path.

An example path with sub-categories

You can categorize other objects (such as blog posts and articles) while editing them, too. Page 405 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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In addition to categorizing objects by editing the individual object, you can also add multiple objects to category by using the Admin Categories page.

Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Admin menu:

1. Select Admin > Categories. 2. On the Admin Categories page, click the category in which to add an object.

Select the category you created earlier.

Additional tabs appear. 3. Click the Objects to Category tab. Tiki displays the current objects in the

category (the Home Page that you added previously. Page 406 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Home Page is in the Web 2.0 category.

4. Click the Add Objects to Category tab. Page 407 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding other objects to the category.

5. Select an object (such as another wiki page, an article, and image, etc.) to add to the category and click Add.

TipIf your site has too many wiki pages to show at once, use the Find field as a filter for specific pages. For example, finding "Home" will display only wiki pages with Home in their name.

Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. This figure shows 3 items in the Web 2.0 category.

• The wiki page: HomePage • The wiki page: MyNewPage • The blog: My TikiWiki Blog Page 408 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Objects in Category tab, after adding two more objects.

Displaying CategoriesNow that you have categorized Tiki objects, you need to let your users know when they are viewing an object that has been categorized. There are a few ways to accomplish this:

• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author • Using this Guide

• In this section • Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations Page 409 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Join us on... • Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work?

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups

• In this section • Create a New Group

• Assigning Permissions • Assign a User to a Group Page 410 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules

• Configuring the Features • In this section

• Configuring Wiki Options • In this section

• Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links

• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section Page 411 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums

• in this section

• Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work: Page 412 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions

• Understanding Permissions • In this section

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus

• In this section

• Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module Page 413 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Taking Stock • Using the Features

• In this section

• Using the Wiki

• in this section

• Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments • Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs

• in this section

• Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink • Emailing Blog Posts

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums Page 414 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• in this section

• Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics

• Reporting Posts • Reviewing Reported Posts

• Linking to Forums • Using Polls

• Viewing Poll Results

• Using Polls as Ratings

• Create the Poll Template • Enable Wiki Page Rating • Add Polls to Wiki Pages

• Using Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating Subgalleries

• Browsing Galleries and Subgalleries

• Viewing Gallery Slideshows

• Basic Slideshow • Fancy Slideshow

• Using the Articles

• in this section

• Listing Articles

• Listing Popular Articles

• Submitting Articles

• Approving Submissions

• Using the File Gallery • Moving files within the File Gallery • Replacing (Updating) Files • Linking to Files • Using Files in Wiki Pages • Using RSS Feeds

• In this section Page 415 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Configuring Tiki's RSS Feeds • Syndicating Other Sites' Feeds

• Adding Feeds to Modules

• Customizing Tiki Style

• In this Section

• Using the Layout Options

• in this section

• Changing Themes

• Using the Switch Theme Module • Theme Samples

• Editing Templates

• Using Tiki's Template Editor

• Customizing Menus

• in this section

• Creating Dynamic Menus

• Types of Dynamic Menus

• Creating a Site Menu Bar • Creating Custom Modules

• Using HTML • Including Smarty

• Using Modules Settings • Using Profiles

• In this section

• Applying a Profile • Customizing Toolbars

• Selecting a Toolbar to Customize • Customizing Toolbar Buttons

• Moving Buttons • Adding Buttons • Removing Buttons

• Adding Custom Buttons • Hacking Tiki Page 416 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• in this section

• Using Plugins

• In this section

• Installing and Accessing Plugins • Verifying Installation

• Using Plugins

• Enabling Plugins • Approving Plugins

• Approving Plugins on Wiki Pages • Using the Plugin Approval Page

• Using Mods

• In this section

• Installing Mods Automatically • Installing Mods Manually • Using Tiki's Advanced Features

• In this section

• Using Categories

• in this section

• Creating Categories • Categorizing Objects

• Editing the Object • Using the Category Administration page

• Displaying Categories

• Displaying the Category Path • Displaying Category Objects • Using the Category Plugin


Do you remember turning on the Show Category Path option? Tiki will display the full path (the object's category and its parent categories) at the top of each page. Page 417 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Each category in the path is linked, allowing visitors to quickly view all the objects in a specific category.Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x

1. On the Home Page, click the category name in the path.

The category path provides a quick link to all items in the category.

If the page is in a subcatgeory, Tiki will show the full path of the object. For example, if you created a new category as a child of the Web 2.0 category,

The category path with a subcategory.

NoteWhen categorizing objects, if you place an object in both the parent and child category, Tiki will display both category paths as shown here:

Selecting the parent and child category results in two paths.

2. The category page appears, listing all items in the category. Page 418 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Browsing all the items in the Web 2.0 category.

You can use PHPLayers to display the category tree using dynamic menus. Enable the Use PHPLayers for category browser option on the Administration: Category page.

Displaying the category tree with PHPLayers.


Tiki can automatically display a list of all items in the same category as a specific page. This makes it very easy to have a list of "related items" on a wiki page.

1. Enable the Show category objects option on the Administration: Category page.

2. Navigate to the HomePage. At the bottom of the page, Tiki shows all the objects in the same category as the HomePage (that is, the Web 2.0 category). {img src="img/wiki_up/homepage_13_40.png" alt="HomePage" desc="Displaying all the items in the Web 2.0 category.} Page 419 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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As with the Category Path, visitors can click the category name to display the category browser.


But what if you want to show a list of items in a category on a page that is not in the category? You can use the Category Plugin to accomplish this! Let's create a list of Web 2.0 wiki pages on the AnotherPage.

1. From the HomePage, click the AnotherPage link.

The AnotherPage wiki page.

Notice that the AnotherPage is not part of the Web 2.0 category. It does not have the category path at the top of the page, nor does it have the list of category objects at the bottom of the page.

2. Click the Edit button. 3. Enter the following in the Edit area:


This will generate a list of objects in category 1 (Web 2.0), but only wiki pages. Remember, we also added the blog into the category.

TipYou can use the Tiki Help System to add the Category plugin.

4. Click Save. Tiki saves the page. Now there is a list of wiki pages in the Web 2.0 category.

The page now includes a list of wiki pages in the Web 2.0 category.

Using StructuresA structure is method to organize a group of wiki pages into a book. Tiki automatically adds navigation aids (such as next and back links, breadcrumbs, and Page 420 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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sections) to wiki pages that belong to a structure. Structures allow you create a specific browse sequence for your site's visitors

NoteThe pages in this guide, Tiki for Smarties, belong to a structure.

Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

Before you begin using structures, you must enable the feature.

1. From the Administration: Wiki page, click the Features tab. 2. On the Features tab, enable the Structures option. Page 421 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Enabling the Structures feature.

3. Also enable the Open pages as structures option. This tells Tiki to include the structure-specific navigation aids when displaying a page that belongs to a structure.

4. Click Change Preferences. Tiki saves the changes and reloads the page. Page 422 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can watch a short video that demonstrates using structures.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating Structures • Adding Pages to Structures • Reorganizing Pages in Structures • Structure TOC

Creating StructuresLet's create a structure for an online book of wiki pages.Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x

From the Admin menu:

1. Select Wiki > Structures. 2. On the Structures page, click the Create new structure tab.

Creating a wiki structure. Page 423 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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3. In the Create new structure area, enter the following information in each field:

• Structure ID: Enter a name for the structure, such as My Tiki Book. You can have multiple structures, but each ID must be unique.

TipUse the Alias field to create a "display" name for the page. This allows you to create pages that appear to have the same name, even though Tiki requires a unique page name for each wiki page.

• Tree: When you create a new structure, you can have Tiki automatically create a set of wiki pages in the structure. (Later, you will learn how to add existing wiki pages to the structure, or create new pages in the structure.

For now let's populate the new structure with some pages. In the Tree area type:

OverviewChapter One IntroductionChapter Two

NoteBe sure to indent the Introduction — this tells Tiki that the Introduction is a child page of Chapter One.

4. Click Create new structure. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Your new structure is now listed on the Structures tab.

Your newly created structure. Page 424 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Remember the four sections (pages) you included in the Tree area when you created the structure? Tiki has automatically created a wiki page for each item.

This is the quickest (and easiest) method to create new wiki pages — create the pages when you create the structure.

But what if you want to add pages to an existing structure...

Adding Pages to StructuresYou have already seen how to add wiki pages to a structure when creating the structure. This is the quickest way to build a structure and create the necessary wiki pages.

However, if you already have a structure, you can also:

• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author • Using this Guide

• In this section • Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Join us on... • Facebook • Twitter Page 425 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work?

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups

• In this section • Create a New Group

• Assigning Permissions • Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules Page 426 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Moving Modules • Configuring the Features

• In this section • Configuring Wiki Options

• In this section • Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links

• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages Page 427 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Configuring the Forums

• in this section

• Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image Page 428 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions

• Understanding Permissions • In this section

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus

• In this section

• Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module

• Taking Stock • Using the Features

• In this section Page 429 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Using the Wiki

• in this section

• Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments • Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs

• in this section

• Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink • Emailing Blog Posts

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums

• in this section

• Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics Page 430 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Reporting Posts • Reviewing Reported Posts

• Linking to Forums • Using Polls

• Viewing Poll Results

• Using Polls as Ratings

• Create the Poll Template • Enable Wiki Page Rating • Add Polls to Wiki Pages

• Using Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating Subgalleries

• Browsing Galleries and Subgalleries

• Viewing Gallery Slideshows

• Basic Slideshow • Fancy Slideshow

• Using the Articles

• in this section

• Listing Articles

• Listing Popular Articles

• Submitting Articles

• Approving Submissions

• Using the File Gallery • Moving files within the File Gallery • Replacing (Updating) Files • Linking to Files • Using Files in Wiki Pages • Using RSS Feeds

• In this section

• Configuring Tiki's RSS Feeds • Syndicating Other Sites' Feeds

• Adding Feeds to Modules Page 431 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Customizing Tiki Style

• In this Section

• Using the Layout Options

• in this section

• Changing Themes

• Using the Switch Theme Module • Theme Samples

• Editing Templates

• Using Tiki's Template Editor

• Customizing Menus

• in this section

• Creating Dynamic Menus

• Types of Dynamic Menus

• Creating a Site Menu Bar • Creating Custom Modules

• Using HTML • Including Smarty

• Using Modules Settings • Using Profiles

• In this section

• Applying a Profile • Customizing Toolbars

• Selecting a Toolbar to Customize • Customizing Toolbar Buttons

• Moving Buttons • Adding Buttons • Removing Buttons

• Adding Custom Buttons • Hacking Tiki

• in this section

• Using Plugins Page 432 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• In this section

• Installing and Accessing Plugins • Verifying Installation

• Using Plugins

• Enabling Plugins • Approving Plugins

• Approving Plugins on Wiki Pages • Using the Plugin Approval Page

• Using Mods

• In this section

• Installing Mods Automatically • Installing Mods Manually • Using Tiki's Advanced Features

• In this section

• Using Categories

• in this section

• Creating Categories • Categorizing Objects

• Editing the Object • Using the Category Administration page

• Displaying Categories

• Displaying the Category Path • Displaying Category Objects • Using the Category Plugin

• Using Structures

• In this section

• Creating Structures • Adding Pages to Structures

• Adding Existing Pages • Creating New Pages

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In this section, you will add an existing page (the Another Page page that you created earlier) to the wiki structure. You can use this procedure to add any existing wiki page.

1. From the Structures page, click the name of the structure (use the My Tiki Book that you created earlier) in which to add a page. The Modify Structure page appears. Page 434 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding an existing page.


use the Monitor Structure button to "watch" the entire structure, or sub-set of the structure.

2. Enter the following information in each field in the Add pages to current node area:

• After page: Select Overview. We will add a page between the Overview and Chapter One pages.

• Use pre-existing page: Select Another Page.

NoteIf your site has lots of wiki pages, you can use the Filter area to list only specific wiki pages.

3. Click Update. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. Notice that the Structure Layout now includes Another Page after the Overview.

You have added Another Page to the structure.


You can also add a brand new page to a structure…while viewing the structure. If you permission (and you do, because you are logged in as the Administrator), the structure bar at the top of the page contains a text box for you to create a new the child of the existing page. Page 435 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Chapter Two wiki page, created by Tiki when you built the structure.

Let's add an introduction to chapter two:

1. Navigate to the Chapter Two wiki page. Tip

From the Structure Layout, click View for the Chapter Two page.

2. In the Add Page area, type Another Introduction, select the Child check box, and click Add Page.

Adding a child to the Chapter Two page.

NoteIf you do not select the Child option, Tiki will create the new page as a sibling (that is, at the same level) as the Chapter Two page.

3. Tiki displays the Edit: Another Introduction page. Add some text to the page and click Save. Tiki adds the page as a child of the Chapter Two page (as shown in the Page 436 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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structure bar at the top of the page):

Editing the Another Introduction page.

If you review the structure of the My New Book structure, you'll see Tiki has added the Another Introduction page:

The updated My New Book structure.

Reorganizing Pages in StructuresTiki makes it easy to move or re-order pages within a structure. You can also easily change the parent-child relationship between pages.Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x Page 437 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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1. Return to he Structures page and review the My New Book structure.

The updated My New Book structure.

Notice that the My Tiki Book page is selected. This is the Current Node. 2. Let's move the Another Page to appear after Chapter One. 3. Select the Another Page in the Structure Layout area. Tiki reloads the

structure page, with Another Page as the current node.

Selecting the Another Page in the structure.

4. In the Current Node area, click the down arrow to move the page "down," to the next section.

Note Page 438 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can also use the down arrow in the Structure Layout Area.

Tiki reloads the structure page. Notice that the Another Page has moved after Chapter One. It is now item 3 in the structure.

The Another Page, in its new location.


In addition to moving pages forward or backwards within the structure, you can also promote (i.e., become a parent) or demote (i.e, become a child) pages.

Let's demote Another Page and make it a child of Chapter One.

1. Confirm that Another Page is the Current Node.

The Another Page, as the current node.

2. In the Current Node area, click the right arrow to make the page become a "child" of Chapter One. Page 439 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Move the current node to the next section.


You can also use the down arrow in the Structure Layout Area.

Tiki reloads the structure page. Notice that the Another Page has become a child of Chapter One, after Introduction. It is now item 2.2 in the structure. Page 440 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Another Page, as a child of Chapter One.

Automatic Table of ContentsOne benefit of using structures is that Tiki can automatically include a table of contents for the structure (for example, an entire book including all chapters) or a single sub-structure (for example, only the sections within a specific chapter). This beginner's guide uses the structure's table of contents on several different pages.

Use the {toc} plugin on any wiki page in a structure to automatically include the content listing for that page and all pages "deeper" in the structure. If you use it on the home page of a structure, you get the whole book (or structure). If you use it further down, just that section and its subsections below are shown.

• The main contents page includes the table of contents for the entire book. • Each major section (such as Getting Started) includes a table of contents only

for that specific section.

NoteThis plugin is similar to the {maketoc} that will generate a table of contents for a single wiki page.

There are parameters that you can use with the {toc} plugin to customize how Tiki generates the table of contents. Some of the most common are: Page 441 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• shownum=y: Tiki will automatically number each heading (sometimes called "legal" or "military" style headings).

• maxdepth=#: Use a number (#) to indicate the maximum "depth" (that is, how many subheading ) to include in the table of contents. The default is 0 which will show all subheadings.

An example of the {toc} with these parameters would be:{toc maxdepth=2 shownum=y}


Refer to the Tiki Documentation for complete details.

As you add or change pages in the structure, Tiki will automatically update the table of contents for you! Everything will always be up-to-date.

Automatically generating a table of contents for the structure, with shownum=y

Configuring the Look & Feel (Site Identity)One of the easiest ways to customize your Tiki is by using the Site Identity options Page 442 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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in Look and Feel feature. This allows you to make several style changes without having to edit the template or CSS files.Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Administration page:

1. Click Look & Feel . Tip

You can also access the Administration: Look and Feel page by typing in your web

browser or by using the Look and Feel link in the Quick Admin area.

2. The Administration: Look and Feel page contains all the options to customize the look of your Tiki.

Configuring the site identity and logo options on the Administration: Look and Feel page.

3. The Look and Feel page contains the following tabs: • Theme: Select the Tiki theme for your site. • General Layout: Customize the site logo, search bar, banner ads, and Page 443 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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more. • Shadow layer: • Pagination links: Specify how Tiki displays Next/Previous and other

pagination links for content that spans multiple pages. • UI Effects: Specify settings for JQuery plugins and effects. • Customization: Include custom CSS and JS scripts • Miscellaneous: Contains additional user interface settings.

IN THIS SECTION• Adding a Logo • Adding a Search Bar • Using Custom Code

NoteThe placement of each Site Identity element (such as the logo, banners, search bar) may vary, depending on your selected theme. See Customizing Tiki Style for more information.

Adding a Site LogoRelease 8.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x, 2.x Release 1.9.x

By default, Tiki includes the Tiki logo at the top of your site. You can easily replace this with your logo by using one of the following procedures:

• Using a Logo module • Using the Look & Feel page

NoteThe fields on the Look & Feel page will be removed in future releases and replaced by modules.


1. From the Admin menu in the Menu module, select Admin > Modules. Page 444 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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TipYou can also access the Admin: Modules page by using the Modules

link in the Quick Admin area.2. Create a new module that contains your custom logo.

Using an alternative logo.

NoteYou can FTP your logo to any accessible location on your web server. You can also upload the logo to a Tiki file gallery.

3. Click Assign to assign the custom module you created. Page 445 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Assigning the new logo.

4. Click Module Options for the module.

5. Use the Edit Module tab to configure the options for the module.

Setting the module options.

6. Enter the following information in each field on the tab: Page 446 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• Position: Top • Order: 1 • Groups: Anonymous • Parameters: nobox=y

7. Click Assign . Tiki adds the new logo to the Top area... but there's a problem. The old (original) logo is still there!

Ooops! Your site now has *2* logos!

We can easily fix this by removing the Logo module.

8. On the Assigned Modules tab, click the Top tab, then Remove the Logo module.

Removing the default logo module.

Tiki now shows only the new logo: Page 447 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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NoteThis process was deprecated in Tiki 7 and will be removed in future releases. Starting in Tiki 7, you can create custom modules and assign them to the site header area, top of page, and more. See Configuring the Layout and Adding Modules for more information.

1. From the Administration: Look and Feel page, click the General Layout options tab.

2. Enable the Site Logo and Title options 3. Enter the following information in each field in the Logo and Title areas: Page 448 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Specify your site logo.

• Logo source: Enter the URL (absolute or relative) of an image (in GIF, JPG, or PNG format) to use as your logo. You can either copy (FTP) the file to your webserver, or use a File Gallery to store your logo.

• Logo title: Enter the name of your website. • Alt description: Enter a short, alternate description for your logo. • Site title: Enter the name of your website. • Subtitle: Enter the tagline of your website.

NoteIf you install a Tiki Profile, some of these fields may be pre-defined.

4. Click Apply. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. Your logo and site title now appears at the top of the page. Page 449 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The logo image appears at the top of the page.

TipYou may need to resize the logo, depending on your selected theme.

Tiki automatically makes the logo a link to your site's home page.

Adding a Search BarIf you remember, you enabled the search feature when you configured the Tiki features.Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

You can add the search module to the Top Bar area of Tiki, just like adding any other module.

1. From the Admin menu in the Menu module, select Admin > Modules. Tip

You can also access the Admin: Modules page by using the Modules

link in the Quick Admin area.2. On the Assigned Modules tab, click Add Module. 3. In the Assign New Module area, select the Search module and click Module

Options. Page 450 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Selecting the Search module.

4. In the Edit this module, click the Basic tab. Page 451 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the Basic options.

5. Enter the following information in each field on the Basic tab: • Position: Topbar • Groups: Anonymous

6. Click the Appearancetab. Page 452 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the Appearance options.

7. Enter the following information in each field on the Appearance tab: • No Box: y

8. Click Assign. Tiki adds the search module to the top bar area: Page 453 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The search module is now in the top bar area.


The Search module is highly configurable. Refer to the Tiki

Documentation for complete details.

NoteYou can also add a search box by using a module. Tiki includes several types search modules:

• search_box • search_new

Refer to Adding the Search Module for information on using on the search modules.

TipRemember, only groups with the correct permission can use (or even view) this search bar. If some users cannot see the search bar, you will need to add the tiki_p_search to their group.

Using Custom CodeIn addition to (or instead of) using the Site Logo feature, you can use any custom HTML code for the header (that is, Top area).Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

You can add the search module to the Top area of Tiki, just like adding any other module. Page 454 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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By default, a new Tiki includes the following modules in the Top area:

• logo: The default Tiki logo. You can easily add your own logo to the Top area.

• login_box: The login and registration button and form.

The login_box module.

• quick_admin: The Quick Admin links:

The quick_admin module.

TipUse the Custom HTML <head> Content area on the Customization tab to add additional content to your Tiki's HTML <head> element, such as custom <meta> information or <script> elements: Page 455 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Customization tab

WarningIf you include Smarty coding in you templates, it must validate properly, or your pages will not display. See the Troubleshooting section if your Tiki displays blank pages after updating the Custom code.

Tiki pages should validate as XHTML 1.0. If you include any markup codes in your templates, be sure it validates correctly.

This Custom Code area allows you to add content to the top of every Tiki page. This could be used for site logo, banner advertisements, or anything else.

NoteIf you add a site logo or search bar in the Custom code area, be sure to disable the Site Logo and Site Search options on the Administration: Site Identity page — Page 456 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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there's no need to duplicate the content.

TipLearn more about using custom code in Customizing Tiki Themes in Tiki Essentials


Using PermissionsYou've already seen how to configure permissions for groups to use specific features. Tiki's security model is very extensive. In this section you'll learn how to assign permissions to specific wiki pages and other Tiki objects.


Refer to the complete TikiWiki documentation for full details on the different permissions settings.

IN THIS SECTION• How Permissions Work • Adding Permissions to Pages • Adding Permissions to other Objects

• Adding Permissions to Blogs • Adding Permissions to Forums • Adding Permissions to Article Topics • Adding Permissions to File Galleries • Adding Permissions to Image Galleries

How Tiki's Permissions WorkIt is important to understand that Tiki uses several types of permissions:

• Group permissions: This is also called global permission. Each site visitor belongs to a Group (such as Anonymous or Registered). The permissions you assign to the group define the global permissions for that user.

• Category permissions: These permissions define the actions that users can Page 457 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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take for objects in a specific category. • Object permissions: These permissions define the actions that user can take

for an individual object.

Permissions are inherited from from the top-down, but override from the bottom-up.

This image illustrates the relationship among Group, Category, and Object permissions.

Tiki's permissions model may be very complex... but it is also very customizable.

TipStarting with Release 4.x, Tiki has a dramatically different (and friendlier) method of assigning permissions than earlier versions.


Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 3.x, 2.x

Consider the following example for a company using Tiki:You have the groups:

• Anonymous • Registered • Admins • Employees • Board of Directors Page 458 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Groups for ABC Company

Notice that some groups include other groups. For example, members of the Board of Directors group will include, in addition to their own permissions, the permissions from the Employees, Registered, and Anonymous groups.

You have the categories:

• Financial Information • Press Releases

You want to give:

• Everyone permission to read most pages • Employees permission to edit most wiki pages • Board Members only, access to the company's financial information.


First, you need to define the global permissions for each group. Page 459 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Defining the Global permissions for each group.

ANONYMOUS• To let the general public (that is, anonymous visitors) view wiki pages, assign

tiki_p_view to Anonymous. Page 460 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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EMPLOYEES• The Employee group includes the Anonymous group (that is, everyone) and

Registered group (that is, users who are logged in). Therefore, the Employee group inherits the tiki_p_view permission from these groups.

• To let employees edit pages, assign tiki_p_edit to Employees.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS• The Board of Directors group includes the Anonymous, Registered, and

Employees groups. Therefore, the Board of Directors group inherits the tiki_p_view and tiki_p_edit permission from these groups. This group does not require any additional permissions.


Now that the Global permissions are set, you need to adjust the permissions for each category. These settings will override the Global permissions.

PRESS RELEASESCurrently, Anonymous can view press releases, and Employees can edit them (as defined by the Global permissions). To allow only the Board of Directors to edit press releases, you must assign permissions to the category. This will override the default group (global) permissions:

• For the Press Releases category, remove tiki_p_edit from Employee. Now only the Board of Directors group can edit wiki pages in the category.

• Anonymous visitors (and all groups that inherit the Anonymous group's permissions) can still view the pages. Page 461 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Defining the Category permissions for the Press Releases category.

FINANCIAL INFORMATIONCurrently, Anonymous can view Financial Information, and Employees can edit them. But we want only the Board of Directors to have access (both view and edit) to these pages. You'll need to make the same adjustments to the Financial Page 462 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Information category's permissions:

• Remove tiki_p_edit from Employee. Now only the Board of Directors group can edit wiki pages in the category.

• Remove tiki_p_view from Employee, Registered, and Anonymous. Now only the Board of Directors can see the pages.


But what if you want one item in the Financial Information category, to be visible to the public? You can override all other permissions, by assigning specific permissions to the object itself. For example, the ABC Company may have a public disclosure form, issued by the government, that it needs to make public (but that only the government can change or update):

• For the individual item, remove tiki_p_edit from the Employee and Board of Directors group. Since this form is issued by the government, no one should be able to change it.

• Anonymous visitors (and all groups that inherit the Anonymous group's permissions) can still view the pages. Page 463 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Assigning object-specific permissions to the PublicDisclosure page.

NoteSee Group vs Category Permissions for additional information on Tiki permissions.

Adding Permissions to Wiki PagesTiki's security model allows you configure page-specific permissions. For example Page 464 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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if you have several wiki pages on your site that are "private" and should be visible to Registered (logged in) users only, you can change the pages' permission so that Anonymous visitors cannot view the page (even if the Anonymous group has the tiki_p_view permission), because the object's permissions override the group's permissions.

Let's change the permissions on the MyNewPage so that is:

• Visible only to Registered users • Editable only by the Administrator

Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x,1.9.x

As the Admin:

1. Access the MyNewPage page.

The Perms button on MyNewPage

2. At the bottom of the page, click the Permission button. The Assign Permissions page appears. Page 465 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Assigning permissions to MyNewPage 3. On the Assign Permissions tab, unselect the Can view page/pages option

for the Anonymous group. Notice that Tiki automatically unselects the option for the other groups, too, because these groups all inherit permissions from the Anonymous group. See Configuring Group Permissions for details on how groups inherit permissions from other groups.

4. Now select the Can view page/pages option for the Regiseterd group. Notice that Tiki automatically enables the permission for all groups that inherit permissions from the Registered group.

5. Click Assign. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

If you log off and try to access the MyNewPage page, Tiki will prompt you to login. Remember, only registered users can now view the page.

The page is visible only when logged in.

TipUse the On permission denied... options on the Navigation tab of the Admin: General page to configure additional what Tiki displays in this "Permission Denied" message.

Adding Permissions to Other ObjectsIn the same way that you added permissions to a wiki page, you can assign custom permissions to most most other Tiki objects.

in this section

• Adding Permissions to Blogs • Adding Permissions to Forums • Adding Permissions to Article Topics • Adding Permissions to File Galleries • Adding Permissions to Image Galleries Page 467 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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WarningStarting in Tiki 3.x, the Image Gallery has been replaced by the File Gallery. You can use a File Gallery to store any type of file: a document, an image, a video, and so on. You should use File Galleries instead of Image Galleries, as the Image Gallery functionality may be removed in future releases.


Let's change the permissions to allow Registered users to create their own blog.Note

Some permissions can be configured on the Create/Edit Blog page:

• If you want to allow other users to post entries to your blog, enable the Allow other user to post in this blog option.

• If you want to allow other users to post comments to your blog, enable the Allow comments option.

Release 6.x Release 4.x

From the List Blogs page:

1. Click the Permissions button for a blog.

Change the permissions of the blog.

2. The Assign Permissions page appears. Page 468 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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3. Use the Assign Permissions page to assign the blog-specific permissions to

each user group. Tip

Use the Select Groups tab to select which groups appear on the Assign Permissions tab.

4. Select the Can post to blog option for the Registered group. Notice that Tiki automatically enables the permission for all groups that Page 469 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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inherit permissions from the Registered group, such as the Forum Admins. 5. Click Assign. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Now, registered users can create a blog post.

This page has not been started. You can help.



When you configured the permissions for the Anonymous group, you added the tiki_p_read_article permission. This allows anonymous visitors to read articles.

Tiki's robust permissions system makes it easy to add different permissions to different article topics.

1. From the Articles menu in the Menu module, click Admin Topics.

The Admin Topics option in the Articles menu.

2. The Admin Topics page appears. Click the Permissions icon ( ) for the article topic that you created earlier.

The Admin Topics page list the article topics and allows you to create new topics.

3. The Assign permissions to topic page appears. Click the Edit Permissions tab.

4. In the Assign permission to this object area, assign the tiki_p_read_article permission to the Registered group and click Assign. Page 470 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Making the article topic readable only to Registered users.

Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Now only Registered users can read the topic.

Now log off as the admin. As an anonymous user, if you try to list the articles, TikiWiki shows that there are no articles available:

Anonymous users cannot access the article.

Table of contents:

This page has not been started. You can help.


Configuring the Home PageBy default, the home page of your Tiki is a wiki page named HomePage. This page is created automatically when you install Tiki.

You can easily change your site's home page to be anything you want.

IN THIS SECTION• Using a Different Wiki Page • Using a Different Feature • Using a Custom Page Page 471 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Using a Different Wiki PageIn this section you will create a new wiki page and use this page as your site's Home page.Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

To use a different wiki page:

1. Create a new wiki page named Welcome. You can use the either method of creating a wiki page, do you remember how?

The new home page, named Welcome. Notice that I have included a link to the old home page by using ((HomePage|This)) .

2. From the Admin menu, click Admin home. Tip

You can also access the Administration page by using the Admin home link in the Quick Admin area.

3. From the Administration: Home page, click Wiki . Tip

You can also access the Administration page by typing in your web browser.

4. On the General Preferences tab, in the Home Page field to type the name of the page you created (Welcome) and click Change Preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. Page 472 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Specifying a different wiki page to use as the home page.

Now log out. Tiki displays your site's home page by default: the Welcome page.

But what if you do not want to use a wiki page as your home page...

Using a Different FeatureTiki is very flexible. You can use any of the features you enabled as your site's home page. For example, maybe you want your site's home page to display the news items (the articles) instead of a wiki page.

Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 5.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

1. From the Admin menu, click Admin home.


You can also access the Administration home page by using the Admin home link in the Quick Admin area.

1. From the Administration page, click General . Tip

You can also access the Administration page by typing Page 473 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware in your web browser.

2. On the Admin: General page, click the Navigation tab. 3. On the Navigation tab, in the Home Page area, use the Use Tiki feature as

homepage field to select Articles.

You can only select from the features you have enabled to be your Home Page.

4. Click Change preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Now log out. Tiki displays your site's home page by default: the Articles home page.Tip

Use the Title of Articles home page option on the Admin: Articles page to specify the page's heading: Articles, the specific Topic, or the specifc Type.

NoteBe sure to give the Anonymous group permission to view the feature that you selected to use as the Home Page. If not, visitors will receive an error when they try to access your home page.

But what if you want to use a page or feature not created by Tiki... Page 474 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Using a Custom PageTiki also allows you to use any valid web page as the Home Page. This could be a static HTML page, a Flash-based video, or anything else.

First you need to create a simple HTML file that will become your site's home page. Here is an example:

New Home Page<html> <head> <title>Welcome</title> </head> <body> <h1>My Site</h1> <p>Welcome to my web site.</p> <p><a href="tiki-index.php?page=HomePage">Click Here</a> to enter.</p> </body></html>

This is a very simple page that contains a link to the wiki page named HomePage.

Name this HTML page new_home.html and copy it to your web host. Place the new_home.html in the same directory in which you originally installed Tiki.

Now let's set this new page as the site's home page:Release 8.x Release 7.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x

From the Navigation tab of the Administration: General page:

1. Enable the Use different URL as home page option, and enter the name of the HTML file you created (new_home.html). Page 475 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Selecting the new_home.html files as your new Home Page.

2. Click Change preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Now logout. Tiki automatically displays your new home page.

This is your new Home Page. Click the link to enter Tiki.

Configuring the SearchYou can easily allow users to search your Tiki by adding a search module. Tiki has two basic search module types:

• search_box: Uses the database's internal mechanisms to index the text and perform the search

• search_new: Uses Tiki to index the text and perform the search.

Refer to the TikiWiki documentation for full details on these two types of searches.

You have already enabled the search option, now you need to configure its options. Page 476 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Release 5.x Release 1.9.x

1. From the Admin menu, click Admin home.

2. From the Administration: Administration page, click Search . Tip

You can also access the Administration page by typing in your web browser.

3. The Administration: Search page appears.

Configuring the search options.

4. Enable the following options: • MySQL Full-Text Search: Specifies that Tiki should perform a full

text search. This option applies only when using the database search (search_box) type.

• Search stats: Specifies that Tiki should record each search term that users query.

• Referrer Search Highlighting: Tiki will highlight each search match in the resulting pages.

Leave the other options as their defaults. 5. Click the Search Results tab to specify what options Tiki will include on the

results page.

Configuring the search results page.

6. Enable the Object filter option. This will allow users to filter their search results by Tiki object (that is, show only wiki pages, or articles, or trackers, etc.)

7. Click Change settings. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Now that you have configured the search options, you can add the search module to your site.

IN THIS SECTION• Adding the Search Module Page 477 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding the Search ModuleInstead of adding a search bar to your site with the Site Identity feature, you could use a module to add the site-wide search feature.

Tiki includes two basic search modules:

• search_box: This search module uses the database's functionality to perform text searches. The actual search features and capabilities may vary, depending on your database. You can use the search_box with full-text capability.

• search_new: This search module is maintained by Tiki and is database independent.

1. Expand the Admin menu in the Menu module, and select Modules. 2. On the Admin: Modules page, click Administer modules. 3. In the Assign new module area, select the Search Box module. Tiki reloads

the page showing the module.

Add the Search New module.

4. In the Assign new module area, enter the following information in each field: • Position: Select left. You will add this module to the left column. • Order: Select 10. This will place the new module under the Quick

Edit module. • Groups: Select Anonymous, so that all visitors will be able to search

the site.

NoteDon't worry — Since you did not enable the Ignore individual object permissions option on the Administration: Search page, Tiki will only display results for pages that users have access to view.

5. Click Assign. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page. The Search module now appears. Page 478 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The TikiWiki search module.

TipUse the Advanced Search option to enable boolean logic (using AND, OR,

subexpressions, and more) in your searches. Click the Help button ( ) for complete information on using Tiki's advanced search."

NoteThe Tiki search module allows you to filter searches to a specific feature (such as wiki or blog), based on:

• Which features have been enabled • Which permissions the current user has

Configuring Content TemplatesAs the Administrator, you can provide templates (predefined pages) for your users. These pages can be used for nearly any Tiki feature (such as wiki pages, articles, and blogs). Using templates helps you create a consistent look-and-feel to your pages.

NoteDon't confuse these content templates with your Tiki/Smarty templates (TPL files) that define the overall look and feel of Tiki. See Editing Templates for details.

To start using the content templates, you must enable their use for each specific feature.

Release 9.x Release 5.x Release 4.x, 3.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x

To enable wiki templates, enable the Content Templates option in the Edit area of the General Preferences tab on the Administration: Wiki page. Page 479 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Enabling templates for the wiki

NoteContent templates cannot be used with the WYSIWYG wiki editor.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating Content Templates • Using Content Templates Page 480 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Refer to the Tiki documentation for complete details on using content templates.

Creating Content TemplatesRelease 9.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x

1. From the Admin menu, select Admin > Content templates. The Admin templates page appears.

TipYou can also access the Admin: Templates page by typing in your web browser. Page 481 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Creating a template.

• Name: Enter the name of the template. Your users will see (and select) the template based on this name, so make it useful.

• Use in Wiki: Select this option to make this template available for wiki pages.

NoteOnly features for which you enabled the use of Content Templates will be listed. Right now, only the Wiki can use templates.

• Template: Using wiki syntax, create a default page that will become the template. For example:

!Enter the Page Title Here

''Enter the page description here, in italic''


!!Secondary Heading Page 482 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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TipThe {maketoc} is a special wiki plugin that will automatically create a table of contents based on the headings used on the page. There are several options that you can include to control the formatting, depth, and title of the list.

Refer to the Tiki Documentation for complete details. This plugin is similar to the {toc} used in Wiki Structures.

2. Click Preview to review the template. Continuing editing the template and click Save when you're done.

A preview of your new wiki template.

Tiki saves the template and adds it to the list of available templates:

Your new template.

You can repeat this procedure to create a new template for the articles (or use this same template for both features). Be sure to first enable the Template option on the Administration: Articles page.

NoteThe maketoc built-in plugin can actually take parameters to make your page look nicer. See the Tiki docs page for more info.

Using Content TemplatesNow that you have a wiki template, you can create a new page that uses the template.

NoteRemember to add the necessary permission (in this case, tiki_p_use_content_templates to any group that you want to be able to use content templates. Page 483 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Release 9.x Release 4.x Release 2.x, 1.9.x

1. Create a new wiki page. You already learned how, remember? 2. On the Edit page, click the Tools tab. 3. On the Tools tab, use the Apply template drop-down list to select the

template you created.

Selecting a wiki template.

Tiki reloads the page, adding the template. 4. Click the Edit tab.

Your wiki page with the template. Page 484 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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5. Add your text to the page, then click Save. Tiki saves the page.

NoteYou can also apply templates to existing wiki pages. Tiki will simply add the template content to the top of the page.

Using TrackersIn Tiki, trackers are a way to collect, store, and organize data. You might think of trackers as a mini database or spreadsheet that runs inside your Tiki site. The Bug and Wishlist system used on the TikiWiki Developer website is a tracker.

Trackers are also especially useful for creating forms that your site's visitors can complete. By using trackers, Tiki will create the necessary HTML form elements and record the results.


For complete information on trackers, see the TikiWiki documentation

. For information on dynamic trackers and pretty trackers, see Tiki Essentials .

To use trackers, you must first enable the Trackers feature.Release 9.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

To enable Trackers:

1. Enable the Trackers feature on the Main tab of the Administration: Features page.

2. From the Administration page, click the Trackers button. Tip

You can also access the Administration: Trackers page by typing in your web browser. Page 485 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the global tracker options.

The Administration: Trackers page contains the options that apply to all trackers on your Tiki. Later you will customize the options that are specific to each tracker.

For now, you can leave the options as their defaults. Let's create a new tracker.

IN THIS SECTION• Creating a Tracker • Creating Tracker Fields • Entering Tracker Items

• Using the Tracker Page • Using Tracker Forms

• Displaying Trackers • Displaying and Editing Trackers • Displaying Trackers in Wiki Pages Page 486 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Creating a TrackerThe first step to using TikiWiki trackers is to actually create the tracker. You can think of the tracker as the individual database or spreadsheet that holds the information.


You can watch a short video that demonstrates this procedure.

In this section we will create a new tracker to collect some basic information (such as name, address, and telephone number) from the site visitors.Release 9.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Admin menu:

1. Select Trackers > List Trackers. 2. The Trackers page lists all of the trackers on the site. Currently there are none

— let's create one now. 3. Click the Create Tracker button. The Create Tracker window appears. Page 487 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The General tab of the Create Trackers window.

4. On the General tab, enter the following information in each field. • Name: Enter a name for the tracker (such as Visitor Information).

• Description: Enter a detailed description for the tracker. Tip

Select the Description text is tiki-parsed option to use wiki syntax in the description.

5. On the Display tab, enter the following information. Page 488 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Display tab of the Create Trackers window.

• Show status to tracker admin only: Enable this option. For some trackers (such as if collecting bug reports) you may want to use a specific status (open, pending, or closed). For this tracker, however, we are only collecting user information — there is no need to show the status to other users.

• Show lastModif date when listing tracker items: Enable this option. This will allow you (as the admin) to see (and sort) when visitors complete each tracker form.

TipYou can specify a custom time and date format, or use the default that you configured earlier.

6. On the Notifications tab, enter the following information. Page 489 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Notificationstab of the Create Trackers window.

• Send copies of all activity to this email address: Enter you email address. Tiki will send you an email alert each time a user adds a new tracker item.

7. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and loads the Admin: Trackers page. The Trackers tab shows the newly created tracker. Page 490 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Trackers page, with your new tracker.

Now that you have a tracker, you need to add fields to it. These fields determine the information that users will complete.

Creating Tracker FieldsUse this process to create fields for a tracker. The fields determine the type of information (such as text an email addres) that visitors must complete.

Release 9.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

From the Admin trackers page:

1. Click the Trackers tab.

2. On the Trackers tab, click the Fields button for the tracker you created. Page 491 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding fields to your new tracker.

3. The Admin Tracker page appears for your tracker. The Tracker Fields tab shows the fields for the tracker — currently there are none.

Use this form to create a tracker field.

4. Click the Add Field button. The Add Field window appears. Use this window to create the actual tracker fields. Page 492 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use this form to create a tracker field.

5. Enter the following information in each • Name:Type Your name. This is field in which the site visitors will

type their name. • Type:Select text field from the droplist.

NoteFor each Type, you can use additional options to control the

formatting or validation of the field. See the

documentation for full details..

6. Click Add field. Tiki adds the new field to the tracker. Page 493 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use these tabs to enter additional ifnormation.

7. Enable the following options for the field: • List: Enable this option. When listing all the tracker items at once,

you will be able to see each visitor's name. • Title: Enable this field. This will allow you to click on the field title

(Your name) field when listing the tracker, in order to edit the information.

• Public: Enable this option. This will allow you to display the Your name field when displaying trackers in wiki pages.

• Mandatory: Enable this option. This forces users to enter a name. 8. Select Save All and click Go. Tiki saves the information and reloads the


This list of tracker fields now includes the You Name field.

NoteThe ID field is a system-generated field, used internally by Tiki to record each field's unique ID. Page 494 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Visitor Information tracker now contains a single field (Your name) that will be used to collect each visitor's name. Let's add additional fields to collect each visitor's email address, telephone number, and mailing address.

Repeat the steps from Creating Tracker Fields and add the following fields:

Name Type Is column visible...

Column links to... Field is public Mandatory

Email email Enabled Enabled Disabled EnabledPhone number text field Enabled Enabled Disabled DisabledMailing address textarea Disabled Enabled Disabled DisabledCity text field Enabled Enabled Enabled DisabledState or Province text field Enabled Enabled Enabled DisabledCountry country selector Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Release 9.x Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

The Tracker Fields tab of the Admin tracker: Visitor information should look similar to this:

All of the fields for the Visitor Information tracker. Page 495 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Entering Tracker ItemsYou now have an empty tracker, configured with 7 fields. Let's add the first item (that is, populate) the tracker.

NoteAs the administrator, you have permission to add items to any tracker. If you want other users (such as Anonymous or Registered users) to complete the Visitor Information form, you must assign the tiki_p_create_tracker_items permission to the group.

Refer to the Configuring Group Permissions section, for details.

There are two methods of adding items to trackers:

• Using the Tracker Page • Using Tracker Forms


Use this procedure to add a new item (that is, a visitor) to the tracker:Release 9.x Release 7.x Release 2.x

1. Select Trackers > List trackers from the Menu module.{REMARKSBOX} The Trackers page lists your Website Visitor information tracker. Page 496 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Trackers page lists the available trackers. Currently there is only one tracker.

2. Click the Website Visitor Information tracker. The Tracker: Website Visitor Information page appears. This page lists the items in the tracker (currently there are none).

Tiki displays the current items for the tracker (none)

3. Click the Insert New Item tab. Tiki displays a form to add a new item. Page 497 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Use this form to add a new tracker item.

4. Complete each field in Insert new item area of the page. Note

Notice the following features of the form: The Your name, Email, and Country fields are requried (as signified by the *). If you try to save the form without entering information in these fields, Tiki displays an error message. Tiki also attempts to validate the email address; it must be in the [email protected] format.

The list of countries (and their flags) is generated automatically by Tiki.5. Select the View inserted item option, and click Save. Tiki saves the

information. 6. Click the Tracker Items tab. Page 498 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Your newly created tracker item.

Notice that:

• Not all fields are listed. Only the fields for which you enabled the List option are listed.

• Fields that are not mandatory (such as the City field) can be left blank. • Tiki added a lastModif field, as you selected when you created the tracker. • Clicking a field displays the View and Edit item page, because you enabled

the Title option.

Check your email, too! Because you added your email to be notified (when you created the tracker, Tiki will send you an automated email each time a tracker is created or update.

Try adding adding additional items to your tracker.


In addition to using the Insert new item area of the Tracker page to add new tracker items, you can create a standard HTML form on any wiki page by using the

1. Create a new wiki page named Visitor Information Form. You already know how.

2. In the Edit area type: Page 499 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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!My Site VisitorsPlease use this form to add detailed information about yourself:

{TRACKER(trackerId=>1, fields=>1:2:3:4:5:6:7, action=>Add Me, showmandatory=>y)}Thank you!{TRACKER}

This example uses the Tracker plugin to create a form. The options used: • trackerId: The ID of the tracker. • fields: The fields from the tracker to include in the form. Here, we

have included all the available fields, in order, but you could change this.Be sure to use the field's ID and not its order.

• action: The name of the submission button. If left blank, Tiki will use Submit.

• showmandatory: Tiki will display a * next to each field that is required (such as the Your name, Email, and Country fields).

• The text Thank you! will be shown to visitors after they submit the form.


See the TikiWiki documentation for complete information on the Tracker plugin and all available options.

3. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Release 9.x Release 7.x Release 2.x Page 500 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The Visitor Information wiki page now contains a form that will automatically add items to the tracker.

Use the wiki page to add additional items to the tracker.

Because you added your email to be notified (when you created the tracker ), Tiki will send you an automated email for each item you add. Page 501 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Displaying TrackersNow that you have a tracker with several items, let's view the information. You can list all of the items in the tracker, or view individual items.

NoteAs the administrator, you have permission to list and view items to any tracker. If you want other users (such as Anonymous or Registered users) to see the information, you must assign the tiki_p_view_trackers and tiki_p_list_trackers permission to the group.

Refer to the Configuring Group Permissions section, for details.

in this section

• Displaying and Editing Trackers • Displaying Trackers in Wiki Pages


Release 9.x Release 3.x


1. From the Menu, select Trackers > List Trackers. The Trackers page lists your Visitor information tracker.

Your tracker.

2. On the Trackers page, click the Visitor information tracker. Tiki displays the items in tracker. Page 502 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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The items in the Visitor Information tracker.

Tiki lists only the fields that you indicated (by enabling the Is column visible... option when you created the tracker field).

3. Click the Your name field of the first tracker item. Note

The field is "clickable" because you enabled the Title option when creating the tracker field.

Tiki reloads the pages; displaying only the selected tracker item.

The first item in the tracker..

Tiki displays the Edit/Delete tab because, as the admin you have permission to edit tracker items.

4. Click View Items to return to the list of items in the tracker and select a different item. Page 503 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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In addition to using the Trackers page to display tracker items, you can display trackers items in wiki pages.


In addition to using the tracker interface, you can list tracker items directly in wiki pages.

Release 9.x Release 3.x

On the Visitor Information page, let's add a list of the

1. Edit the Visitor Information Page that you created earlier. 2. In the Edit area, type:

!!List of visitors{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>1,fields=>1:7, showtitle=>n, showfieldname=>y, sort_mode=>lastModif_desc, status=>opc)}Notice{TRACKERLIST}

This example uses the Trackerlist plugin to list the tracker items. The options used:

• trackerId: The ID of the tracker. • fields: The fields from the tracker to include in the form. Here, we

have included all the available fields, in order, but you could change this.Be sure to use the field's ID and not its order.

• showtitle: Specifies if Tiki will display the tracker's name before the table.

• showfieldname: Tiki will include a column heading for each field, based on the tracker item's name.

• sortmode: By default, Tiki will sort the list by the Last Modified Date (in ascending order). You can click any column heading to resort the table.

• stats: Tiki will include all items with the status of O (open), P (pending), and C (closed).

Note Page 504 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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See the TikWiki documentation for complete information on the Tracker list plugin and all available options.

3. Save the page. The Visitor Information Page should now look similar to this:

The Visitor Information wiki page now lists the items in the tracker.

Each time you add a new tracker item, it will be added to the List of Visitors.

Using TagsSimilar to categories, you can use tags (or freetags) to organize the items (such as Page 505 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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wiki pages or images) in your site. With Tiki, you can put any item into one or more categories. Your visitors can then browse all of the items in a specific category.

Refer to the TikiWiki Documentation for complete details on Tiki's tagging system.

TipDo not confuse these tags with the Tiki Keyword feature.

To use tags you must first enable the Freetags feature.Release 7.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x

1. From the Administration: Features page, click the Global Features tab. 2. On the Global Features tab, in the Main area, enable the Freetags feature

and click Apply.

Enabling freetags.

Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Now that you've turned the feature on, let's configure it... Page 506 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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IN THIS SECTION• Configuring Freetags • Adding Tags to Wiki Pages • Adding Tags to Blog Posts

Configuring FreetagsTikiWiki's tagging system allows you to identify items (such as wiki pages or blog posts) with keywords... tags. Like its other features, Tiki's folksonomy tags are fully customizable.Release 7.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x

1. From the Administration page, click Freetags . Tip

You can also access the Administration: Freetag page by typing in your web browser.

2. The Administration: Freetags page all the options to customize your Tiki blogging system. Page 507 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Configuring the freetags options on the Administration: Freetag page.

3. Edit the following fields: • Disable the Preload freetag random search when arriving... field. • Change the Maximum number of tags in cloud field to 10.

Leave the other options as their default setting.

NoteRefer to the TikiWiki documentation for complete information on all the wiki configuration options. Page 508 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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4. Click Change Preferences. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

TipYou can use the Cleanup unused tags button to remove any tags that are not assigned to an object.


To view all of the tags in use on your site:

1. From the Main menu, click Freetags.

Select Freetags from the Main menu in the Menu module.

2. Tiki displays an error message, telling you that there are no tags yet.

Let's start adding tags to some pages.

Adding a Tag to a Wiki PageOne way to add tags to a wiki page is to specify the tags from the edit page. Let's add some tags to the HomePage page.Release 7.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x

1. Click Home in the Menu module to return to Home page.

2. Click the Edit icon ( ). The Edit page appears. Tip

You can also edit a wiki page by clicking the Edit button at the bottom of the page.

3. Click the Properties tab. Page 509 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding the tags wiki, homepage, and welcome to the HomePage. 4. In the Folksonomy Tags field, enter a few key word (or terms) to use as tags

for this page. Note

By default, multiple word terms (such as "online help" or "home page") are treated as separate tags. Enclose multiple word terms in quotes, as shown in the example, above.

5. Click Save. Tiki saves the page and displays the Home page, showing your tags.

The tags for this page are shown at the top of the page.


Release 7.x Release 5.x Release 4.x Release 3.x Release 2.x

In addition to adding tags to pages by editing the page, you can use a module to tag pages. The Freetags and Freetags editor module allow you to easily "tag" pages without having to edit them.

Tagging a page with the Freetags Editor module.

The module also displays the existing tags for the page and allows your to remove (that is, "un-tag") them.

This page has not been started. You can help. Page 510 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding Tags to Blog Posts

Using SurveysSimilar to polls, are a great way to interact with your site's visitors. You can create surveys to collect opinions and information from visitors. Unlike polls, which allow visitors to "vote" on single topic, surveys can contain multiple questions and allow visitors to respond in different methods.

To use surveys, you must first enable the Survey feature.Release 4.x Release 3.x

1. From the Administration:Features page, click the Global Features tab. 2. On the Global Features tab, in the Additiona area, enable the Surveysfeature

and click Apply.

Enabling surveys.

Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Now that you've turned on the feature, let's configure it...


• Creating Surveys • Adding Questions to Surveys

• Taking Surveys • Reviewing Survey Results

Creating SurveysTo create a new survey: Page 511 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Release 4.x Release 3.x

1. From the Menu, select Surveys > Admin Surveys. The Admin Surveys page appears.

The Survey menu.

2. On the Admin Surveys page, click the Edit/Create Survey tab.

The Admin: Survey page lists the existing surveys.

3. Use the Create New Survey tab to create a new survey.

Use this tab to create a new survey.

4. Enter the following information in each field on the page: • Name: Enter a name of the survey. • Description: Enter a detailed description of the survey. You can use

wiki syntax in the description. • Status: Select open. Later, you can close the survey (which makes it

inaccessible to visitors, but Tiki retains the data. 5. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Your survey is now listed on the Surveys tab of the Admin: Surveys page.

Here is your newly created survey:

Now that you have a survey, you can add questions to it!


A newly created survey is "empty" — there are no questions for visitors to answer. After creating a new survey, you need to add questions to it.Release 4.x Release 3.x

1. From the Admin: Surveys page, click the Questions button ( ). Page 512 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Adding questions to your survey.

2. Let's add our first question to the survey: a multiple answer question.

Add a question to the survey.

3. On the Edit Survey Questions page, enter the following information in each field in the Add a New Question to this Survey area:

• Question: The survey question that users will see and respond to. • Position: The order in which the questions are displayed. By default,

Tiki will add the question into the next available position. • Type: Select Multiple Choices. This will present the possible

answers as check boxes and allow users to select multiple answers. • Options: Enter Facebook,MySpace,LinkedIn,Ning

Leave the other fields as their defaults. 4. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Your first survey questions is now listed in the Questions area of the page.

Your survey question:

ADDING ADDITIONAL QUESTION TYPESRepeat this procedure to add additional questions to the survey.

• To create a radio button selection (where the user select a single response from a list):

• Change the Type to One Choice Page 513 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• In the Options field, type the possible responses, separated by a comma. +For example, to have the user select one of the following selects for the question How often to do you visit social networking sites?, type:

multiple times a day,once a day,a few times a week,less than once a week

• To create a text box (where the user can type a short response): • Change the Type to Short text

This allows the user to answer a question such as What other social networking sites do you visit?. To create a text area that allows multiple lines for a response, use the Wiki textarea type.

• To create a rating (where the user can use a scale to rate their agreement with a statement)

• Change the Type to Rate (1..5). This allows the user to answer a question such as __Please rate how much you enjoy (where 1=I hate them/never visit to 5=I love them/visit all the time) visiting social networking sites. To create a 10 point scale, use the Rate (1..10) type. To create a custom scale, use the Rate type. In the Options field, enter the maximum value (Tiki will automatically start the scale at 1.)

Your survey should now have several questions:

The survey now includes a question.

This page is in progress. — Content may not be complete. You can help.

Taking Surveys Page 514 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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This page is in progress. — Content may not be complete. You can help.

Reviewing Survey Results

Creating a Menu from a Wiki PagePreviously, you learned how to create a menu and add options to the menu. You can also use the Page menu module to create a menu from a wiki page.Release 7.x Release 6.x Release 5.x

To create a menu from a wiki page:

1. Create a new wiki page named My Menu. See Creating a Wiki Page for details.

2. Edit the page and add several links to some of the pages you created earlier. You can also add links to external web sites.

Tiki will transform the wiki page into a menu.

For example: *((HomePage))*[|Tiki Documentation]*[|Tiki Release Notes]

This wiki page contains a link to the HomePage and two external links to the sites. Page 515 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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You can use the Wiki syntax when creating the links and editing the page. 3. Save the page. 4. On the Admin: Modules page, on the Assigned modules tab, click Add


Select the Menu Page module.

5. On the Admin: Modules page, in the Assign new module area, select Menu Page as the Module Name.

Select the Menu Page module.

6. Tiki reloads the Admin: Modules page, displaying additional options for the module. Page 516 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Specify the options for the Menu Page module.

7. On the Basic tab, enter the following information in each field: • Position: Right • Order: 1 • Groups: Anonymous

8. On the Module tab, enter the following information in each field: Page 517 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Specify the options for the Menu Page module.

• Page: My Menu

NoteThis should be the name of the page that you created in step 1. If you used a different page name, enter it in the Page field.

9. On the Appearance tab, enter the following information in each field: Page 518 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Specify the options for the Menu Page module. • Module Title: Another menu

NoteIf you do not specify a title for the module, Tiki will use the name of the wiki page.

10.Click Assign. The menu appears in the Another Menu module in the right column

The Another Menu module contains the links (menu) from the wiki page.

Anytime you edit the wiki page Menu Page, the changes will automatically be reflected in the Cool Links module!


See the Tiki documenation for detailed information on all of the parameters of the Menu Page module.


Creating a Menu from a Wiki StructurePreviously, you learned how to create a menu and add options to the menu, as well as creating a menu from a wiki page. You can also use the Structure menu module to create a menu from a wiki structure. Page 520 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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TroubleshootingThis section includes basic troubleshooting information. Here you will find solutions to some common problems. Whatever your issue, be sure to clear the Tiki cache first. Clearing the cache will resolve many issues.


Complete troubleshooting information can be found in the Tiki

documentation .


• Top Tips • Fixing Installation Problems • Fixing Login Problems • Fixing Display Problems • Fixing Plugin Problems • How Do I...

Other Places to GoIn addition to the troubleshooting information in this guide, you can try:

• Tiki Documentation — This should be the first place you look. There is an unbelievable amount of information available. Try searching for a specific feature or error message.

• Tiki Support Forums — You can post your question in any of the support forums (there are several). Be sure to include as much information as possible, including your Tiki version and URL (if possible). Page 521 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• IRC Channel — Tiki developers and users hang out on the IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel: #tikiwiki. You can talk, in real-time, with folks who may be able to help.

• Google Tiki Search Engine — This is a Google CSE (Custom Search Engine) that searches all of the relevant Tiki community sites... with the power of Google. Personally, I find the results much better than the standard Tiki search engine. Rick's Tiki CMS/Groupware Search Engine

Top Troubleshooting TipsHere is list of common problems, and how to fix them.

• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author • Using this Guide

• In this section • Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Join us on... • Facebook • Twitter • Scribd Page 522 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work?

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups

• In this section • Create a New Group

• Assigning Permissions • Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules Page 523 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 524: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Configuring the Features • In this section

• Configuring Wiki Options • In this section

• Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links

• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums Page 524 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• in this section

• Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module Page 525 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions

• Understanding Permissions • In this section

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus

• In this section

• Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module

• Taking Stock • Using the Features

• In this section

• Using the Wiki Page 526 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 527: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• in this section

• Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments • Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs

• in this section

• Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink • Emailing Blog Posts

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums

• in this section

• Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics

• Reporting Posts Page 527 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Reviewing Reported Posts

• Linking to Forums • Using Polls

• Viewing Poll Results

• Using Polls as Ratings

• Create the Poll Template • Enable Wiki Page Rating • Add Polls to Wiki Pages

• Using Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating Subgalleries

• Browsing Galleries and Subgalleries

• Viewing Gallery Slideshows

• Basic Slideshow • Fancy Slideshow

• Using the Articles

• in this section

• Listing Articles

• Listing Popular Articles

• Submitting Articles

• Approving Submissions

• Using the File Gallery • Moving files within the File Gallery • Replacing (Updating) Files • Linking to Files • Using Files in Wiki Pages • Using RSS Feeds

• In this section

• Configuring Tiki's RSS Feeds • Syndicating Other Sites' Feeds

• Adding Feeds to Modules Page 528 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 529: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Customizing Tiki Style

• In this Section

• Using the Layout Options

• in this section

• Changing Themes

• Using the Switch Theme Module • Theme Samples

• Editing Templates

• Using Tiki's Template Editor

• Customizing Menus

• in this section

• Creating Dynamic Menus

• Types of Dynamic Menus

• Creating a Site Menu Bar • Creating Custom Modules

• Using HTML • Including Smarty

• Using Modules Settings • Using Profiles

• In this section

• Applying a Profile • Customizing Toolbars

• Selecting a Toolbar to Customize • Customizing Toolbar Buttons

• Moving Buttons • Adding Buttons • Removing Buttons

• Adding Custom Buttons • Hacking Tiki

• in this section

• Using Plugins Page 529 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• In this section

• Installing and Accessing Plugins • Verifying Installation

• Using Plugins

• Enabling Plugins • Approving Plugins

• Approving Plugins on Wiki Pages • Using the Plugin Approval Page

• Using Mods

• In this section

• Installing Mods Automatically • Installing Mods Manually • Using Tiki's Advanced Features

• In this section

• Using Categories

• in this section

• Creating Categories • Categorizing Objects

• Editing the Object • Using the Category Administration page

• Displaying Categories

• Displaying the Category Path • Displaying Category Objects • Using the Category Plugin

• Using Structures

• In this section

• Creating Structures • Adding Pages to Structures

• Adding Existing Pages • Creating New Pages

• Reorganizing Pages in Structures

• Moving Pages Page 530 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Promoting and Demoting Pages

• Automatic Table of Contents • Configuring the Look & Feel (Site Identity)

• in this section

• Adding a Site Logo

• Using a module • Using the Look &amp; Feel page

• Adding a Search Bar • Using Custom Code • Using Permissions

• in this section

• How Tiki's Permissions Work

• Permissions Example • Global (Group) Permissions

• Anonymous • Employees • Board of Directors

• Category Permissions • Press Releases • Financial Information

• Object Permissions

• Adding Permissions to Wiki Pages • Adding Permissions to Other Objects

• in this section

• Adding Permissions to Blogs • Adding Permissions to Forums • Adding Permissions to Article Topics • Adding Permissions to Image Galleries • Configuring the Home Page

• in this section

• Using a Different Wiki Page • Using a Different Feature • Using a Custom Page • Configuring the Search Page 531 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 532: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• in this section

• Adding the Search Module • Configuring Content Templates

• In this section

• Creating Content Templates • Using Content Templates • Using Trackers

• In this section

• Creating a Tracker • Creating Tracker Fields

• Creating the other fields

• Entering Tracker Items • Using the Tracker Page • Using Tracker Forms • Displaying Trackers

• in this section

• Displaying and Editing Tracker Items • Displaying Trackers in Wiki Pages • Using Tags

• In this section

• Configuring Freetags

• Listing the Tags

• Adding a Tag to a Wiki Page

• Using Modules

• Adding Tags to Blog Posts • Using Surveys

• In this section

• Creating Surveys • Adding Questions to Surveys

• Adding Additional Question Types

• Taking Surveys • Reviewing Survey Results Page 532 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 533: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Creating a Menu from a Wiki Page • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Structure • Troubleshooting

• in this section • Other Places to Go

• Top Troubleshooting Tips

• I added a new module, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I added Custom Code on the Look and Feel page, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I enabled a specific feature, but none of my users can see it or use it. • I created a module and assigned it to a specific group, but everyone can see

it; or I created a module and assigned it to Anonymous, but now my other groups cannot see it.

• I keep receiving Forbidden errors when I try to access specific pages, perform specific functions, or install Tiki.

• I keep receiving "Memory Exhausted" errors and blank screen when I try to access specific pages

• I keep receiving "Cannot Write File" errors when I upload a file or attachment

I added a new module, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.Most likely, you added invalid Smarty code to the module. To remove the offending module you will need to access your Tiki database directly.

1. Using your database tool (such as phpAdmin), log into your Tiki database. Note

This is the same database that you created when you installed Tiki. If you installed Tiki from Fantastico, the database was listed on the final installer screen.

2. Display the tiki_modules table. Page 533 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Select the tiki_modules database table.

3. Click Browse to display all of the currently active modules.

Browse the list of modules, then delete the offending module.

4. Click Delete to remove the module that you added previously (that caused the problem).

Now, as the admin, log into your Tiki.Tip

When creating custom modules, you should always preview the module first, before assigning it.

NoteThe problem may also occur if you edit a template (TPL) file and add invalid code.

Refer to the Smarty documentation for complete information on valid Smarty syntax.

I added Custom Code on the Look and Feel page, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.Most likely, you added invalid Smarty code to the Custom Code. To remove the offending module you will need to access your Tiki database directly.

1. Using your database tool (such as phpAdmin), log into your Tiki database. Note

This is the same database that you created when you installed Tiki. If you installed Tiki from Fantastico, the database was listed on the final installer screen.

2. Display the tiki_preferences table.

Select the tiki_preferences database table.

3. Click Browse to display all of the current Tiki settings and preferences. Page 534 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Browse the list of Tiki preferences and find the SITEMYCODE row.

4. Click Edit to edit the sitemycode preference. 5. Delete the code that you added from the Administration: Site Identity page.

Edit the custom code.

NoteDo not delete the database row — only the custom code.

Now, as the admin, log into your Tiki.

Refer to the Smarty documentation for complete information on valid Smarty syntax.

I enabled a specific feature, but none of my users can see it or use it.Most likely, you enabled the feature but did not give users permission to actually use the feature. Remember, Tiki's permission control is very fine-grained — you can explicitly specify which users can use which functions. To grant permission to a specific feature, just add the permission to the necessary group.

Refer to Configuring Group Permissions for more information.

I created a module and assigned it to a specific group, but everyone can see it; or I created a module and assigned it to Anonymous, but now my other groups cannot see it.Tiki has two special features that can override the group-specific settings when adding modules.

• Display modules to all groups always: If selected, everyone (all groups) will see all modules — regardless of the module's specific Group setting. Page 535 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Hide anonymous-only modules from registered users: If selected, modules that are assigned to only the Anonymous group will be visible only to Anonymous users. Other users (even if they inherit the Anonymous group) will not see the module.

Defining the visibility of modules.

Use the Administration: Module page to specify these settings.

I keep receiving Forbidden errors when I try to access specific pages, perform specific functions, or install Tiki.

The exact message may be similar toForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /tiki-xxxxxxxx.php on this server.

Your server's security setting are not allowing Tiki to execute specific scripts and files. Have your server administrator modify the mod-security settings. You may also need to "whitelist" the Tiki application files. Page 536 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

I keep receiving "Memory Exhausted" errors and blank screen when I try to access specific pages

The exact message may be similar toFatal error: Allowed memory size of XXXXXXX bytes exhausted.

You server has not allocated enough PHP memory to your site. Tiki requires a minimum of 32MB PHP memory; 64MB (at least) is recommended. Use the Admin > phpinfo option to display the memory_limit value for your webserver. Page 537 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Depending on your webhost configuration, you may be able to increase your PHP memory by adding the following line to your php.ini file:

memory_limit = 128M

See the Tiki documentation for details.

I keep receiving "Cannot Write File" errors when I upload a file or attachment

The exact message may be similar toCannot write to this file 4385974hf9e832318879

You enabled the Store in directory option, but Tiki could not save the file or attachment. Make sure that:

• The path is correct. • The directory's permissions allow Tiki to read, write, and update files.

Resolving Installation IssuesThis section includes information on resolving issues that you may encounter when installing TikiWiki. Be sure to review the information in the What if it doesn't work section for additional information.

NoteAlways review the Release Notes before installing Tiki. You'll find most of your questions answered. There is a link to the Release Notes on the first page of the Installer.


• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents Page 538 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 539: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author • Using this Guide

• In this section • Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Join us on... • Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work?

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section Page 539 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 540: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups

• In this section • Create a New Group

• Assigning Permissions • Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules

• Configuring the Features • In this section

• Configuring Wiki Options • In this section

• Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar Page 540 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 541: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links

• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums

• in this section

• Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages Page 541 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 542: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions

• Understanding Permissions • In this section

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions Page 542 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 543: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus

• In this section

• Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module

• Taking Stock • Using the Features

• In this section

• Using the Wiki

• in this section

• Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments • Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs Page 543 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 544: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• in this section

• Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink • Emailing Blog Posts

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums

• in this section

• Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics

• Reporting Posts • Reviewing Reported Posts

• Linking to Forums • Using Polls

• Viewing Poll Results

• Using Polls as Ratings

• Create the Poll Template • Enable Wiki Page Rating • Add Polls to Wiki Pages

• Using Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating Subgalleries

• Browsing Galleries and Subgalleries

• Viewing Gallery Slideshows

• Basic Slideshow • Fancy Slideshow

• Using the Articles Page 544 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 545: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• in this section

• Listing Articles

• Listing Popular Articles

• Submitting Articles

• Approving Submissions

• Using the File Gallery • Moving files within the File Gallery • Replacing (Updating) Files • Linking to Files • Using Files in Wiki Pages • Using RSS Feeds

• In this section

• Configuring Tiki's RSS Feeds • Syndicating Other Sites' Feeds

• Adding Feeds to Modules

• Customizing Tiki Style

• In this Section

• Using the Layout Options

• in this section

• Changing Themes

• Using the Switch Theme Module • Theme Samples

• Editing Templates

• Using Tiki's Template Editor

• Customizing Menus

• in this section

• Creating Dynamic Menus

• Types of Dynamic Menus

• Creating a Site Menu Bar • Creating Custom Modules

• Using HTML Page 545 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 546: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Including Smarty

• Using Modules Settings • Using Profiles

• In this section

• Applying a Profile • Customizing Toolbars

• Selecting a Toolbar to Customize • Customizing Toolbar Buttons

• Moving Buttons • Adding Buttons • Removing Buttons

• Adding Custom Buttons • Hacking Tiki

• in this section

• Using Plugins

• In this section

• Installing and Accessing Plugins • Verifying Installation

• Using Plugins

• Enabling Plugins • Approving Plugins

• Approving Plugins on Wiki Pages • Using the Plugin Approval Page

• Using Mods

• In this section

• Installing Mods Automatically • Installing Mods Manually • Using Tiki's Advanced Features

• In this section

• Using Categories

• in this section

• Creating Categories Page 546 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 547: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Categorizing Objects

• Editing the Object • Using the Category Administration page

• Displaying Categories

• Displaying the Category Path • Displaying Category Objects • Using the Category Plugin

• Using Structures

• In this section

• Creating Structures • Adding Pages to Structures

• Adding Existing Pages • Creating New Pages

• Reorganizing Pages in Structures

• Moving Pages • Promoting and Demoting Pages

• Automatic Table of Contents • Configuring the Look & Feel (Site Identity)

• in this section

• Adding a Site Logo

• Using a module • Using the Look &amp; Feel page

• Adding a Search Bar • Using Custom Code • Using Permissions

• in this section

• How Tiki's Permissions Work

• Permissions Example • Global (Group) Permissions

• Anonymous • Employees • Board of Directors

• Category Permissions Page 547 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 548: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Press Releases • Financial Information

• Object Permissions

• Adding Permissions to Wiki Pages • Adding Permissions to Other Objects

• in this section

• Adding Permissions to Blogs • Adding Permissions to Forums • Adding Permissions to Article Topics • Adding Permissions to Image Galleries • Configuring the Home Page

• in this section

• Using a Different Wiki Page • Using a Different Feature • Using a Custom Page • Configuring the Search

• in this section

• Adding the Search Module • Configuring Content Templates

• In this section

• Creating Content Templates • Using Content Templates • Using Trackers

• In this section

• Creating a Tracker • Creating Tracker Fields

• Creating the other fields

• Entering Tracker Items • Using the Tracker Page • Using Tracker Forms • Displaying Trackers

• in this section

• Displaying and Editing Tracker Items • Displaying Trackers in Wiki Pages Page 548 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 549: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Using Tags

• In this section

• Configuring Freetags

• Listing the Tags

• Adding a Tag to a Wiki Page

• Using Modules

• Adding Tags to Blog Posts • Using Surveys

• In this section

• Creating Surveys • Adding Questions to Surveys

• Adding Additional Question Types

• Taking Surveys • Reviewing Survey Results • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Page • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Structure • Troubleshooting

• in this section • Other Places to Go

• Top Troubleshooting Tips

• I added a new module, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I added Custom Code on the Look and Feel page, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I enabled a specific feature, but none of my users can see it or use it. • I created a module and assigned it to a specific group, but everyone can see

it; or I created a module and assigned it to Anonymous, but now my other groups cannot see it.

• I keep receiving Forbidden errors when I try to access specific pages, perform specific functions, or install Tiki.

• I keep receiving "Memory Exhausted" errors and blank screen when I try to access specific pages

• I keep receiving "Cannot Write File" errors when I upload a file or attachment Page 549 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Resolving Installation Issues

• Tiki cannot find a database connection. • Tiki reports that it cannot write to specific directories. • Tiki reports a SAFEMODE violation during installation. • Tiki reports an OPEN_BASEDIR restriction. • The installer stops before completing the installation. • The installer is gone! • The installer is locked! • Tiki Installer reports a Security Precaution. • Tiki reports a Database Version Problem. • Tiki reports a System Driver Problem. • Tiki reports a Database Encoding Issue

Tiki cannot find a database connection.The actual error message may be similar to

Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Tiki was unable to log into the database using the supplied username, password, and database name. Remember:

• This is the database username and password — not your Tiki username and password.

• This username must have full access to the database. • For shared hosts, you may have to include your hosthame to both the

username and database name.

See Creating the Database and Configuring the Database Connection for details.

Tiki reports that it cannot write to specific directories.The actual error message may be similar to

unable to access yourdomain/yourinstallationdiretory/.... warning/error fwrite() argument is not a valid resource. Page 550 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki requires full write access to specific directories on the web host. Review the Set Directory Permissions section and verify that you have assigned the 7-7-7 (or 7-7-5) permission to all of the required directories.

Tiki reports a SAFEMODE violation during installation.The actual error message may be similar to

SAFE MODE Restriction in effect.

Your webhost is running PHP in safe mode. Refer to the TikiWiki

documentation for details on using Tiki in safe mode.

Tiki reports an OPEN_BASEDIR restriction.The actual error message may be similar to

Warning: tempnam() [function.tempnam]:open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s):

Your webhost is running PHP in safe mode and has restricted your access to specific

directories and folders. Refer to the TikiWiki documentation and this Tiki development page for details on resolving this issue.

The installer stops before completing the installation.The actual error message may be similar to

The Tiki Installer cannot proceed:The directory '.directory/' does not exist. Page 551 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Verify that you successfully copied all files to your web host.

The installer is gone!There is no error message, but when you attempt to load tiki-install.php in your browser, Tiki displays your site's home page instead of the installer. You browser may also report a code 410: Page Gone.

Release 2.x Release 1.9.x

When you initially installed TikiWiki, you selected the Click here to disable the install script and proceed into tiki option (as recommended) on the final installation screen.

Disabling the install script after installing TikiWiki

This disables the install script.

To enable the install script in order to re-run the installer, rename the ../installer/tiki-intaller.done file to:


You can now re-run the installer script.

The installer is locked!When you attempt to load tiki-install.php in your browser, Tiki displays the message:

Installer disabled. Remove 'db/lock' to enable the installer.

When you initially installed TikiWiki, you selected to Lock the Installer as recommended on the final installation screen. This disabled the install script. To re-enable the install script, use your host's file management software to remove the file Page 552 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

lock from your Tiki's ../db/ directory.

You can now re-run the install script.

Tiki Installer reports a Security Precaution.When you attempt to load tiki-install.php in your browser, Tiki displays the Security Alert page:

The Security Precaution protects your Tiki.

To protect your site, if you (or anyone else) attempts to run the Tiki installer on a site that has an existing Tiki database, Tiki displays the security precaution alert and requires you to login using your database's username and password.

Enter the database username and password that you used when creating the database.

TipIf you forgot these items, Tiki has recorded them in the ../db/local.php file.

Tiki reports a Database Version Problem.When you open any Administration page, Tiki displays the following message:

This message may appear if you recently upgraded your Tiki files, but did not upgrade the database. Remember, the final step of any upgrade procedure is to complete the Tiki Installer and select the Upgrade option. See Updating your Database for details.

Tiki reports a System Driver Problem.When installing Tiki 4.x with PHP 5.1.0 (or higher), Tiki may display the following message after completing the installer:

System error: could not find driver Page 553 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

This indicates that PDO driver for your database has not been enabled on your server. Refer to the Tiki Release Notes for more information.

Tiki reports a Database Encoding IssueStarting with Tiki 5.x, the installer will check your database for proper encoding. The actual error message may be similar to:

Encoding Issue Your database encoding is not in UTF-8.

By default, Tiki uses UTF-8 encoding. If your database uses different encoding, you must manually update the ../db/local.php file to match your specific encoding.

Starting with Tiki 5.1, Tiki can attempt to automatically fix your database and change it to the proper encoding.

WarningAlways back-up your database first!

Fixing Login ProblemsThis section includes information on resolving issues that you may encounter when logging into TikiWiki. Be sure to review the information in the Your First Login section for additional information.

• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions Page 554 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• About the Author • Using this Guide

• In this section • Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Join us on... • Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work?

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options Page 555 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 556: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups

• In this section • Create a New Group

• Assigning Permissions • Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules

• Configuring the Features • In this section

• Configuring Wiki Options • In this section

• Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links Page 556 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums

• in this section

• Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File Page 557 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions

• Understanding Permissions • In this section

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus

• In this section Page 558 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module

• Taking Stock • Using the Features

• In this section

• Using the Wiki

• in this section

• Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments • Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs

• in this section

• Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink Page 559 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Emailing Blog Posts

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums

• in this section

• Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics

• Reporting Posts • Reviewing Reported Posts

• Linking to Forums • Using Polls

• Viewing Poll Results

• Using Polls as Ratings

• Create the Poll Template • Enable Wiki Page Rating • Add Polls to Wiki Pages

• Using Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating Subgalleries

• Browsing Galleries and Subgalleries

• Viewing Gallery Slideshows

• Basic Slideshow • Fancy Slideshow

• Using the Articles

• in this section

• Listing Articles

• Listing Popular Articles

• Submitting Articles Page 560 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Approving Submissions

• Using the File Gallery • Moving files within the File Gallery • Replacing (Updating) Files • Linking to Files • Using Files in Wiki Pages • Using RSS Feeds

• In this section

• Configuring Tiki's RSS Feeds • Syndicating Other Sites' Feeds

• Adding Feeds to Modules

• Customizing Tiki Style

• In this Section

• Using the Layout Options

• in this section

• Changing Themes

• Using the Switch Theme Module • Theme Samples

• Editing Templates

• Using Tiki's Template Editor

• Customizing Menus

• in this section

• Creating Dynamic Menus

• Types of Dynamic Menus

• Creating a Site Menu Bar • Creating Custom Modules

• Using HTML • Including Smarty

• Using Modules Settings • Using Profiles

• In this section Page 561 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Applying a Profile • Customizing Toolbars

• Selecting a Toolbar to Customize • Customizing Toolbar Buttons

• Moving Buttons • Adding Buttons • Removing Buttons

• Adding Custom Buttons • Hacking Tiki

• in this section

• Using Plugins

• In this section

• Installing and Accessing Plugins • Verifying Installation

• Using Plugins

• Enabling Plugins • Approving Plugins

• Approving Plugins on Wiki Pages • Using the Plugin Approval Page

• Using Mods

• In this section

• Installing Mods Automatically • Installing Mods Manually • Using Tiki's Advanced Features

• In this section

• Using Categories

• in this section

• Creating Categories • Categorizing Objects

• Editing the Object • Using the Category Administration page

• Displaying Categories Page 562 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Displaying the Category Path • Displaying Category Objects • Using the Category Plugin

• Using Structures

• In this section

• Creating Structures • Adding Pages to Structures

• Adding Existing Pages • Creating New Pages

• Reorganizing Pages in Structures

• Moving Pages • Promoting and Demoting Pages

• Automatic Table of Contents • Configuring the Look & Feel (Site Identity)

• in this section

• Adding a Site Logo

• Using a module • Using the Look &amp; Feel page

• Adding a Search Bar • Using Custom Code • Using Permissions

• in this section

• How Tiki's Permissions Work

• Permissions Example • Global (Group) Permissions

• Anonymous • Employees • Board of Directors

• Category Permissions • Press Releases • Financial Information

• Object Permissions

• Adding Permissions to Wiki Pages • Adding Permissions to Other Objects Page 563 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• in this section

• Adding Permissions to Blogs • Adding Permissions to Forums • Adding Permissions to Article Topics • Adding Permissions to Image Galleries • Configuring the Home Page

• in this section

• Using a Different Wiki Page • Using a Different Feature • Using a Custom Page • Configuring the Search

• in this section

• Adding the Search Module • Configuring Content Templates

• In this section

• Creating Content Templates • Using Content Templates • Using Trackers

• In this section

• Creating a Tracker • Creating Tracker Fields

• Creating the other fields

• Entering Tracker Items • Using the Tracker Page • Using Tracker Forms • Displaying Trackers

• in this section

• Displaying and Editing Tracker Items • Displaying Trackers in Wiki Pages • Using Tags

• In this section

• Configuring Freetags

• Listing the Tags Page 564 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Adding a Tag to a Wiki Page

• Using Modules

• Adding Tags to Blog Posts • Using Surveys

• In this section

• Creating Surveys • Adding Questions to Surveys

• Adding Additional Question Types

• Taking Surveys • Reviewing Survey Results • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Page • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Structure • Troubleshooting

• in this section • Other Places to Go

• Top Troubleshooting Tips

• I added a new module, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I added Custom Code on the Look and Feel page, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I enabled a specific feature, but none of my users can see it or use it. • I created a module and assigned it to a specific group, but everyone can see

it; or I created a module and assigned it to Anonymous, but now my other groups cannot see it.

• I keep receiving Forbidden errors when I try to access specific pages, perform specific functions, or install Tiki.

• I keep receiving "Memory Exhausted" errors and blank screen when I try to access specific pages

• I keep receiving "Cannot Write File" errors when I upload a file or attachment

• Resolving Installation Issues

• Tiki cannot find a database connection. • Tiki reports that it cannot write to specific directories. • Tiki reports a SAFEMODE violation during installation. • Tiki reports an OPEN_BASEDIR restriction. Page 565 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• The installer stops before completing the installation. • The installer is gone! • The installer is locked! • Tiki Installer reports a Security Precaution. • Tiki reports a Database Version Problem. • Tiki reports a System Driver Problem. • Tiki reports a Database Encoding Issue

• Fixing Login Problems

• The login module is gone. • I cannot log in as the Admin. • When logging in, users are told that their account has not been verified.

The login module is gone.If your Login module is not available, you can still log into Tiki directly, by using this URL:

Some reasons why your login module may have disappeared:

• Did you unassign it on the Modules: Administration page? • Did you assign a specific permission or group to the module? To make the

login module visible to all users, be sure to assign it to the Anonymous group.

I cannot log in as the Admin.Remember, the default Administrator password for a new Tiki install is admin. You are prompted to change it upon your initial login.

If you lost your Administrator password, you can reset it by accessing your Tiki database.

1. Using your database tool (such as phpAdmin), log into your Tiki database. Note

This is the same database that you created when you installed Tiki. If you installed Tiki from Fantastico, the database was listed on the final installer screen. Page 566 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

2. Execute the following SQL statement: UPDATE `users_users` SET `password`='MYNEWPASS', `hash`= md5('adminMYNEWPASS') WHERE `login`='admin'; Where MYNEWPASS is a new password.

3. Now log into Tiki, using the new password.

When logging in, users are told that their account has not been verified.The actual message may be similar to:You did not validate your account

You enabled the Validate by email option on the Admin: Login page. This requires that new users first respond to an automatic email message (which contains a special initial login link) before their account can be activated. This helps reduce "false" or "bot" registrations.

Users must validate their account before logging in. If the user cannot find or never received the message, Tiki can resend the validation email message automatically.

To manually validate a user, use the Confirm User button on the Administration: Users page.

Validating a user Page 567 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Fixing Display ProblemsThis page includes some common display problems and how to fix them.

• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author • Using this Guide

• In this section • Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Join us on... • Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User Page 568 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 569: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Add the Database User to the Database • Running the Installer

• What if it doesn't work? • Upgrading Your Tiki

• Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups

• In this section • Create a New Group

• Assigning Permissions • Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules

• Configuring the Features • In this section

• Configuring Wiki Options • In this section

• Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section Page 569 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links

• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums

• in this section

• Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles Page 570 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module Page 571 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions

• Understanding Permissions • In this section

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus

• In this section

• Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module

• Taking Stock • Using the Features

• In this section

• Using the Wiki

• in this section

• Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments Page 572 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 573: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs

• in this section

• Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink • Emailing Blog Posts

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums

• in this section

• Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics

• Reporting Posts • Reviewing Reported Posts

• Linking to Forums • Using Polls

• Viewing Poll Results

• Using Polls as Ratings

• Create the Poll Template • Enable Wiki Page Rating • Add Polls to Wiki Pages

• Using Image Galleries

• in this section Page 573 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 574: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Creating Subgalleries

• Browsing Galleries and Subgalleries

• Viewing Gallery Slideshows

• Basic Slideshow • Fancy Slideshow

• Using the Articles

• in this section

• Listing Articles

• Listing Popular Articles

• Submitting Articles

• Approving Submissions

• Using the File Gallery • Moving files within the File Gallery • Replacing (Updating) Files • Linking to Files • Using Files in Wiki Pages • Using RSS Feeds

• In this section

• Configuring Tiki's RSS Feeds • Syndicating Other Sites' Feeds

• Adding Feeds to Modules

• Customizing Tiki Style

• In this Section

• Using the Layout Options

• in this section

• Changing Themes

• Using the Switch Theme Module • Theme Samples

• Editing Templates

• Using Tiki's Template Editor

• Customizing Menus Page 574 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 575: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• in this section

• Creating Dynamic Menus

• Types of Dynamic Menus

• Creating a Site Menu Bar • Creating Custom Modules

• Using HTML • Including Smarty

• Using Modules Settings • Using Profiles

• In this section

• Applying a Profile • Customizing Toolbars

• Selecting a Toolbar to Customize • Customizing Toolbar Buttons

• Moving Buttons • Adding Buttons • Removing Buttons

• Adding Custom Buttons • Hacking Tiki

• in this section

• Using Plugins

• In this section

• Installing and Accessing Plugins • Verifying Installation

• Using Plugins

• Enabling Plugins • Approving Plugins

• Approving Plugins on Wiki Pages • Using the Plugin Approval Page

• Using Mods

• In this section

• Installing Mods Automatically Page 575 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 576: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Installing Mods Manually • Using Tiki's Advanced Features

• In this section

• Using Categories

• in this section

• Creating Categories • Categorizing Objects

• Editing the Object • Using the Category Administration page

• Displaying Categories

• Displaying the Category Path • Displaying Category Objects • Using the Category Plugin

• Using Structures

• In this section

• Creating Structures • Adding Pages to Structures

• Adding Existing Pages • Creating New Pages

• Reorganizing Pages in Structures

• Moving Pages • Promoting and Demoting Pages

• Automatic Table of Contents • Configuring the Look & Feel (Site Identity)

• in this section

• Adding a Site Logo

• Using a module • Using the Look &amp; Feel page

• Adding a Search Bar • Using Custom Code • Using Permissions

• in this section Page 576 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 577: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• How Tiki's Permissions Work

• Permissions Example • Global (Group) Permissions

• Anonymous • Employees • Board of Directors

• Category Permissions • Press Releases • Financial Information

• Object Permissions

• Adding Permissions to Wiki Pages • Adding Permissions to Other Objects

• in this section

• Adding Permissions to Blogs • Adding Permissions to Forums • Adding Permissions to Article Topics • Adding Permissions to Image Galleries • Configuring the Home Page

• in this section

• Using a Different Wiki Page • Using a Different Feature • Using a Custom Page • Configuring the Search

• in this section

• Adding the Search Module • Configuring Content Templates

• In this section

• Creating Content Templates • Using Content Templates • Using Trackers

• In this section

• Creating a Tracker • Creating Tracker Fields

• Creating the other fields Page 577 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 578: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Entering Tracker Items • Using the Tracker Page • Using Tracker Forms • Displaying Trackers

• in this section

• Displaying and Editing Tracker Items • Displaying Trackers in Wiki Pages • Using Tags

• In this section

• Configuring Freetags

• Listing the Tags

• Adding a Tag to a Wiki Page

• Using Modules

• Adding Tags to Blog Posts • Using Surveys

• In this section

• Creating Surveys • Adding Questions to Surveys

• Adding Additional Question Types

• Taking Surveys • Reviewing Survey Results • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Page • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Structure • Troubleshooting

• in this section • Other Places to Go

• Top Troubleshooting Tips

• I added a new module, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I added Custom Code on the Look and Feel page, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I enabled a specific feature, but none of my users can see it or use it. • I created a module and assigned it to a specific group, but everyone can see

it; or Page 578 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 579: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

I created a module and assigned it to Anonymous, but now my other groups cannot see it.

• I keep receiving Forbidden errors when I try to access specific pages, perform specific functions, or install Tiki.

• I keep receiving "Memory Exhausted" errors and blank screen when I try to access specific pages

• I keep receiving "Cannot Write File" errors when I upload a file or attachment

• Resolving Installation Issues

• Tiki cannot find a database connection. • Tiki reports that it cannot write to specific directories. • Tiki reports a SAFEMODE violation during installation. • Tiki reports an OPEN_BASEDIR restriction. • The installer stops before completing the installation. • The installer is gone! • The installer is locked! • Tiki Installer reports a Security Precaution. • Tiki reports a Database Version Problem. • Tiki reports a System Driver Problem. • Tiki reports a Database Encoding Issue

• Fixing Login Problems

• The login module is gone. • I cannot log in as the Admin. • When logging in, users are told that their account has not been verified.

• Fixing Display Problems

• I made a change (such as editing a module or a template), but Tiki is not showing the change.

• When I try to add a script or other HTML element to a page, Tiki inserts à ¢â‚¬Â¹ x › and breaks the page.

For other display-related problems, see:.]

• I keeping receiving "Memory Exchaused" errors and blank screen when I try to access specific pages.

• I added a new module, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I added Custom Code in the Site Identity, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty Page 579 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 580: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

error" and I only see a blank page. • I enabled a specific feature, but none of my users can see it or use it. • I created a module and assigned it to a specific group, but everyone can see

it; orI created a module and assigned it to Anonymous, but now my other groups cannot see it.

I made a change (such as editing a module or a template), but Tiki is not showing the change.Make sure that you're not looking at a cached version of the page. There are potentially several caches that may need to be cleared:

• Your browser maybe be caching pages. Be sure to empty your browser's cache, usually by pressing Shift + F5.

• Tiki may be caching the wiki pages. If you selected the Wiki cache option

(on the Administration: Wiki page) you will need to click reload ( ), to load the latest version of the page.

• Tiki may be caching the templates. To flush the cache, as the admin:

Release 9.x Release 6.x Release 4.x Release 2.x, 3.x Release 1.9.x

Click the Clear all Tiki Caches button in the Quick Admin area.

Clearing the caches.

Tiki reports the status of all cached content: Page 580 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 581: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Tiki may be caching external pages and images. If you selected the Use cache options on the Administration: General page. To force Tiki not to cache these items, use the nocache parameter:

• {img src=imageurl.png?nocache=1} • [URL|description|nocache]

When I try to add a script or other HTML element to a page, Tiki inserts ‹ x › and breaks the page.By default, Tiki will "sanitize" any potentially dangerous HTML coding that users add to a page. This includes SCRIPT, EMBED, IFRAME, and other HTML elements.

Instead of using raw HTML coding, use the specific Tiki Plugin that meets your needs. Additionally, you can use the HTML and JS plugins to add some raw HTML elements to a page.

Fixing Plugin ProblemsThis page includes information on common problems when using plugins, and how to fix them.


• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author • Using this Guide Page 581 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 582: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• In this section • Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages • Multiple Versions

• Join us on... • Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work?

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User Page 582 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 583: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups

• In this section • Create a New Group

• Assigning Permissions • Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features • Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules

• Configuring the Features • In this section

• Configuring Wiki Options • In this section

• Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links

• Wiki Links Page 583 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 584: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Link Descriptions • External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums

• in this section

• Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File

• If it doesn't work: Page 584 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 585: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions

• Understanding Permissions • In this section

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus

• In this section

• Creating a Menu Page 585 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 586: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module

• Taking Stock • Using the Features

• In this section

• Using the Wiki

• in this section

• Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments • Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs

• in this section

• Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink • Emailing Blog Posts Page 586 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 587: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums

• in this section

• Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics

• Reporting Posts • Reviewing Reported Posts

• Linking to Forums • Using Polls

• Viewing Poll Results

• Using Polls as Ratings

• Create the Poll Template • Enable Wiki Page Rating • Add Polls to Wiki Pages

• Using Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating Subgalleries

• Browsing Galleries and Subgalleries

• Viewing Gallery Slideshows

• Basic Slideshow • Fancy Slideshow

• Using the Articles

• in this section

• Listing Articles

• Listing Popular Articles

• Submitting Articles

• Approving Submissions Page 587 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 588: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Using the File Gallery • Moving files within the File Gallery • Replacing (Updating) Files • Linking to Files • Using Files in Wiki Pages • Using RSS Feeds

• In this section

• Configuring Tiki's RSS Feeds • Syndicating Other Sites' Feeds

• Adding Feeds to Modules

• Customizing Tiki Style

• In this Section

• Using the Layout Options

• in this section

• Changing Themes

• Using the Switch Theme Module • Theme Samples

• Editing Templates

• Using Tiki's Template Editor

• Customizing Menus

• in this section

• Creating Dynamic Menus

• Types of Dynamic Menus

• Creating a Site Menu Bar • Creating Custom Modules

• Using HTML • Including Smarty

• Using Modules Settings • Using Profiles

• In this section

• Applying a Profile • Customizing Toolbars Page 588 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 589: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Selecting a Toolbar to Customize • Customizing Toolbar Buttons

• Moving Buttons • Adding Buttons • Removing Buttons

• Adding Custom Buttons • Hacking Tiki

• in this section

• Using Plugins

• In this section

• Installing and Accessing Plugins • Verifying Installation

• Using Plugins

• Enabling Plugins • Approving Plugins

• Approving Plugins on Wiki Pages • Using the Plugin Approval Page

• Using Mods

• In this section

• Installing Mods Automatically • Installing Mods Manually • Using Tiki's Advanced Features

• In this section

• Using Categories

• in this section

• Creating Categories • Categorizing Objects

• Editing the Object • Using the Category Administration page

• Displaying Categories

• Displaying the Category Path • Displaying Category Objects Page 589 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 590: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Using the Category Plugin

• Using Structures

• In this section

• Creating Structures • Adding Pages to Structures

• Adding Existing Pages • Creating New Pages

• Reorganizing Pages in Structures

• Moving Pages • Promoting and Demoting Pages

• Automatic Table of Contents • Configuring the Look & Feel (Site Identity)

• in this section

• Adding a Site Logo

• Using a module • Using the Look &amp; Feel page

• Adding a Search Bar • Using Custom Code • Using Permissions

• in this section

• How Tiki's Permissions Work

• Permissions Example • Global (Group) Permissions

• Anonymous • Employees • Board of Directors

• Category Permissions • Press Releases • Financial Information

• Object Permissions

• Adding Permissions to Wiki Pages • Adding Permissions to Other Objects

• in this section Page 590 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 591: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Adding Permissions to Blogs • Adding Permissions to Forums • Adding Permissions to Article Topics • Adding Permissions to Image Galleries • Configuring the Home Page

• in this section

• Using a Different Wiki Page • Using a Different Feature • Using a Custom Page • Configuring the Search

• in this section

• Adding the Search Module • Configuring Content Templates

• In this section

• Creating Content Templates • Using Content Templates • Using Trackers

• In this section

• Creating a Tracker • Creating Tracker Fields

• Creating the other fields

• Entering Tracker Items • Using the Tracker Page • Using Tracker Forms • Displaying Trackers

• in this section

• Displaying and Editing Tracker Items • Displaying Trackers in Wiki Pages • Using Tags

• In this section

• Configuring Freetags

• Listing the Tags

• Adding a Tag to a Wiki Page Page 591 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 592: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Using Modules

• Adding Tags to Blog Posts • Using Surveys

• In this section

• Creating Surveys • Adding Questions to Surveys

• Adding Additional Question Types

• Taking Surveys • Reviewing Survey Results • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Page • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Structure • Troubleshooting

• in this section • Other Places to Go

• Top Troubleshooting Tips

• I added a new module, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I added Custom Code on the Look and Feel page, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I enabled a specific feature, but none of my users can see it or use it. • I created a module and assigned it to a specific group, but everyone can see

it; or I created a module and assigned it to Anonymous, but now my other groups cannot see it.

• I keep receiving Forbidden errors when I try to access specific pages, perform specific functions, or install Tiki.

• I keep receiving "Memory Exhausted" errors and blank screen when I try to access specific pages

• I keep receiving "Cannot Write File" errors when I upload a file or attachment

• Resolving Installation Issues

• Tiki cannot find a database connection. • Tiki reports that it cannot write to specific directories. • Tiki reports a SAFEMODE violation during installation. • Tiki reports an OPEN_BASEDIR restriction. • The installer stops before completing the installation. Page 592 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 593: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• The installer is gone! • The installer is locked! • Tiki Installer reports a Security Precaution. • Tiki reports a Database Version Problem. • Tiki reports a System Driver Problem. • Tiki reports a Database Encoding Issue

• Fixing Login Problems

• The login module is gone. • I cannot log in as the Admin. • When logging in, users are told that their account has not been verified.

• Fixing Display Problems

• I made a change (such as editing a module or a template), but Tiki is not showing the change.

• When I try to add a script or other HTML element to a page, Tiki inserts à ¢â‚¬Â¹ x › and breaks the page.

• Fixing Plugin Problems

• I added a plugin to a page or module, but Tiki says the plugin is disabled. • I added a plugin to a page or module, but Tiki says the plugin execution

pending approval

I added a plugin to a page or module, but Tiki says the plugin is disabled.

The actual error message may be similar toWARNING: Plugin disabled plugin name

Although the basic Tiki installation includes 100s of plugins, only the most commonly used ones are enabled by default. To improve security, starting with Tiki 3.1, you must specifically enable each plugin before it can be used.

See Enabling Plugins for more information. Page 593 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 594: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

I added a plugin to a page or module, but Tiki says the plugin execution pending approval

The actual error message may be similar toThis plugin was recently added or modified. Until an editor of the site validates the parameters, execution will not be possible

To improve security, potentially harmful plugins (such as those allowing scripts or database access) must be approved, after being added to a page or module. Depending on their permission, users can view the plugin's details, preview the plugin, or approve it.

NoteUsers with tiki_p_plugin_approve permission can approve plugins.

See Approving Plugins for more information.

How Do I...In addition to the general information in this guide and the Troubleshooting sections, I've tried to collect (and answer!) the most commonly asked, "How do I..." questions.

• Tiki for Dummies Smarties • Table of Contents

• Welcome to Tiki • In this section

• Disclaimers • Copyright • Contributions

• About the Author • Using this Guide

• In this section • Navigation • Printing

• PDF • Conventions • Translations • Rating Pages Page 594 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 595: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Multiple Versions • Join us on...

• Facebook • Twitter • Scribd • Google+ Page • The Tiki Daily Paper • Getting Started with Tiki

• In this section • Installing Tiki from Fantastico • Installing Tiki Manually

• In this section • Downloading Tiki

• Unzip the Files • Copying the Files to Your Web Host

• Set Directory Permissions • Creating the Database

• Create a Database User • Add the Database User to the Database

• Running the Installer • What if it doesn't work?

• Upgrading Your Tiki • Update the Tiki Files • Update your Database

• Initial View of Tiki • In this Section

• Parts of Tiki • Your First Login • Using the Administrator Pages

• In this section • Configuring General Admin Options • Configuring User Logins • Registering as a New User

• If you don't get the email: • Understanding Groups

• In this section • Create a New Group

• Assigning Permissions • Assign a User to a Group • Configuring Tiki Features Page 595 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 596: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Using Tiki Webmail • Configuring General Layout Options • Adding Modules

• Deleting Modules • Moving Modules

• Configuring the Features • In this section

• Configuring Wiki Options • In this section

• Creating a Wiki Page • Creating a Wiki Page by

Creating a Link from an Existing Page • Backlinks

• Using the List Wiki Pages page • Using the Quick Edit Module • Understanding Wiki Syntax

• In this section

• Wiki Syntax • First level heading

• Second level heading • Heading open • Heading •

• Using the Code Highlighter • Toolbar • Getting Help

• Adding Pictures

• Editing Pictures

• Adding Links

• Wiki Links • Link Descriptions

• External Links • Incoming Links

• Configuring the Blogs

• Listing the Blogs • in this section Page 596 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 597: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Create a New Blog • Creating a Blog Post • Displaying Blogs in Modules • Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Forums

• in this section

• Create a New Forum • Creating a Forum Thread

• In this section

• Replying to Topics • Moderating Forums

• Moderating Topics and Threads

• Displaying Forums in Modules • Displaying Forums in Wiki Pages • Configuring the Articles

• In this section

• Creating Article Topics • Creating Article Types • Creating an Article

• In this section

• Displaying Articles in a Module • Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages • Configuring File Galleries

• in this section

• Creating a File Gallery • Uploading a File

• If it doesn't work:

• Browsing File Galleries • Configuring Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating an Image Gallery • Uploading Images

• If it doesn't work: Page 597 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 598: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Browsing Image Galleries

• in this section

• Browsing an Image • Displaying an Image in a Module • Displaying an Image in a Wiki Page

• Using a Module • Embedding an Image Directly

• Configuring Polls

• In this section

• Creating a Poll

• in this section

• Creating Poll Options • Adding a Poll to a Module

• Creating a Module • Assigning the Poll Module

• Adding a Poll to a Wiki Page • Configuring Group Permissions

• Understanding Permissions • In this section

• Assigning Anonymous Permissions

• Other Permissions

• Assigning Registered Permissions • Global (Group) vs Category Permissions • Configuring Menus

• In this section

• Creating a Menu • Creating Menu Options

• Home • Sections • Items

• Adding a Menu to a Module

• Assigning the Menu Module Page 598 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 599: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Taking Stock • Using the Features

• In this section

• Using the Wiki

• in this section

• Listing Wiki Pages

• Listing Recently Changed

• Viewing Page History • Adding Comments

• Configuring comments • Replying to Comments • Changing the Comments View

• Using Attachments

• Configuring Wiki Attachments • Adding Attachments

• Watching Pages

• Minor Edits

• Using the Sandbox • Linking to Wiki Pages • Using Blogs

• in this section

• Reading a Blog

• Searching in Blogs • Using the RSS Feed • Viewing the Permalink • Emailing Blog Posts

• Adding Comments

• Comments on Blog Posts • Comments on the Blog

• Using Trackbacks and Pings • Linking to Blogs • Using the Forums Page 599 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 600: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• in this section

• Adding New Topics Types • Moderating Topics

• Reporting Posts • Reviewing Reported Posts

• Linking to Forums • Using Polls

• Viewing Poll Results

• Using Polls as Ratings

• Create the Poll Template • Enable Wiki Page Rating • Add Polls to Wiki Pages

• Using Image Galleries

• in this section

• Creating Subgalleries

• Browsing Galleries and Subgalleries

• Viewing Gallery Slideshows

• Basic Slideshow • Fancy Slideshow

• Using the Articles

• in this section

• Listing Articles

• Listing Popular Articles

• Submitting Articles

• Approving Submissions

• Using the File Gallery • Moving files within the File Gallery • Replacing (Updating) Files • Linking to Files • Using Files in Wiki Pages • Using RSS Feeds

• In this section Page 600 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 601: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Configuring Tiki's RSS Feeds • Syndicating Other Sites' Feeds

• Adding Feeds to Modules

• Customizing Tiki Style

• In this Section

• Using the Layout Options

• in this section

• Changing Themes

• Using the Switch Theme Module • Theme Samples

• Editing Templates

• Using Tiki's Template Editor

• Customizing Menus

• in this section

• Creating Dynamic Menus

• Types of Dynamic Menus

• Creating a Site Menu Bar • Creating Custom Modules

• Using HTML • Including Smarty

• Using Modules Settings • Using Profiles

• In this section

• Applying a Profile • Customizing Toolbars

• Selecting a Toolbar to Customize • Customizing Toolbar Buttons

• Moving Buttons • Adding Buttons • Removing Buttons

• Adding Custom Buttons • Hacking Tiki Page 601 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 602: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• in this section

• Using Plugins

• In this section

• Installing and Accessing Plugins • Verifying Installation

• Using Plugins

• Enabling Plugins • Approving Plugins

• Approving Plugins on Wiki Pages • Using the Plugin Approval Page

• Using Mods

• In this section

• Installing Mods Automatically • Installing Mods Manually • Using Tiki's Advanced Features

• In this section

• Using Categories

• in this section

• Creating Categories • Categorizing Objects

• Editing the Object • Using the Category Administration page

• Displaying Categories

• Displaying the Category Path • Displaying Category Objects • Using the Category Plugin

• Using Structures

• In this section

• Creating Structures • Adding Pages to Structures

• Adding Existing Pages • Creating New Pages Page 602 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 603: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Reorganizing Pages in Structures

• Moving Pages • Promoting and Demoting Pages

• Automatic Table of Contents • Configuring the Look & Feel (Site Identity)

• in this section

• Adding a Site Logo

• Using a module • Using the Look &amp; Feel page

• Adding a Search Bar • Using Custom Code • Using Permissions

• in this section

• How Tiki's Permissions Work

• Permissions Example • Global (Group) Permissions

• Anonymous • Employees • Board of Directors

• Category Permissions • Press Releases • Financial Information

• Object Permissions

• Adding Permissions to Wiki Pages • Adding Permissions to Other Objects

• in this section

• Adding Permissions to Blogs • Adding Permissions to Forums • Adding Permissions to Article Topics • Adding Permissions to Image Galleries • Configuring the Home Page

• in this section

• Using a Different Wiki Page • Using a Different Feature Page 603 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 604: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Using a Custom Page • Configuring the Search

• in this section

• Adding the Search Module • Configuring Content Templates

• In this section

• Creating Content Templates • Using Content Templates • Using Trackers

• In this section

• Creating a Tracker • Creating Tracker Fields

• Creating the other fields

• Entering Tracker Items • Using the Tracker Page • Using Tracker Forms • Displaying Trackers

• in this section

• Displaying and Editing Tracker Items • Displaying Trackers in Wiki Pages • Using Tags

• In this section

• Configuring Freetags

• Listing the Tags

• Adding a Tag to a Wiki Page

• Using Modules

• Adding Tags to Blog Posts • Using Surveys

• In this section

• Creating Surveys • Adding Questions to Surveys

• Adding Additional Question Types Page 604 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

Page 605: Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

• Taking Surveys • Reviewing Survey Results • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Page • Creating a Menu from a Wiki Structure • Troubleshooting

• in this section • Other Places to Go

• Top Troubleshooting Tips

• I added a new module, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I added Custom Code on the Look and Feel page, and now I get a "Fatal Smarty error" and I only see a blank page.

• I enabled a specific feature, but none of my users can see it or use it. • I created a module and assigned it to a specific group, but everyone can see

it; or I created a module and assigned it to Anonymous, but now my other groups cannot see it.

• I keep receiving Forbidden errors when I try to access specific pages, perform specific functions, or install Tiki.

• I keep receiving "Memory Exhausted" errors and blank screen when I try to access specific pages

• I keep receiving "Cannot Write File" errors when I upload a file or attachment

• Resolving Installation Issues

• Tiki cannot find a database connection. • Tiki reports that it cannot write to specific directories. • Tiki reports a SAFEMODE violation during installation. • Tiki reports an OPEN_BASEDIR restriction. • The installer stops before completing the installation. • The installer is gone! • The installer is locked! • Tiki Installer reports a Security Precaution. • Tiki reports a Database Version Problem. • Tiki reports a System Driver Problem. • Tiki reports a Database Encoding Issue

• Fixing Login Problems

• The login module is gone. Page 605 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• I cannot log in as the Admin. • When logging in, users are told that their account has not been verified.

• Fixing Display Problems

• I made a change (such as editing a module or a template), but Tiki is not showing the change.

• When I try to add a script or other HTML element to a page, Tiki inserts à ¢â‚¬Â¹ x › and breaks the page.

• Fixing Plugin Problems

• I added a plugin to a page or module, but Tiki says the plugin is disabled. • I added a plugin to a page or module, but Tiki says the plugin execution

pending approval

• How Do I...

• Remove the Page Name from the Top of Each Wiki Page? • Create Wiki Links and Pages in non-English Languages? • Edit the Default Administration Menu? • Reset an option to its default value? • Set the home page for my site? • Make the CAPTCHA easier to read? • Turn on Tiki's error reporting and logging option? • Require that wiki pages belong to a specfic category?

Have a question or problem that is not addressed in the Smarties guide or these How Do I... pages? See this FAQ for more help.

Remove the Page Name from the Top of Each Wiki Page?By default, Tiki displays each wiki page's title on the wiki page, as a link.

The wiki page title.

Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 5.x

Use the Display page name as page title and Display page name above page options on the General Preferences tab of the Wiki: Administration page to disable (or enable) this feature. Page 606 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Enable/disable the wiki page title options.

Create Wiki Links and Pages in non-English Languages?By default, Tiki uses English characters for page names and wiki links. If your site's language is not English and your wiki pages contain non-English letters and characters (such as á, ç, and ü) you will need to change the Wiki Link Format option on the General Preferences tab of the Wiki: Administration page.Release 9.x Release 8.x Release 6.x Release 5.x Page 607 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Selecting the Wiki link format. Page 608 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Select one of the following options:

• Complete: Allows any character. • Strict: Allows letters A-Z and digits 0-9 only. • Relaxed:

Edit the Default Administration Menu?You shouldn't edit or delete Tiki's default administration menu. When you upgrade, Tiki will need to update the menu links, as features are added or deprecated in future releases. In order to make your site upgrade as smooth as possible, you should not modify the menu.

Instead you can:

• Make the default Administration menu (and the module that contains it) visible only to the Admin group. This way, other users will not see it.

• Create a custom menu (and module) for your site.

Reset an option to its default value?You can easily reset most options to their default value by clicking the Reset to default button on most Admin pages.

Set the home page for my site?With Tiki, the “home� page for your site can be a specific Tiki feature (such as the wiki or a forum) or any other valid URL.

Use the Home Page area of the Navigation tab on the Administration: General page. Page 609 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Specifying the Home page

To use a non-Tiki page as your site’s home page, enable the Use URL Index option, then specify the specific URL.

TipIf you use Group-specific home pages, these will override the specific home page that you specify.

Make the CAPTCHA easier to read?When using the CAPTCHA option, there are several settings that you can modify to make the CAPTCHA image easier to distinguish. Page 610 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Specifying CAPTCHA settings

• Word length: Number of characters (numbers or letters) of the CAPTCHA image. More characters will result in a more secure image, but may be more difficult for site visitors.

• Width: The overall width (in pixels of the image. Tip

If you set a smaller image width, Tiki does not re-size the actual numbers and letters in the CAPTCHA image – only the overall image. You should reduce the word length accordingly.

• Level of noise: Specifies the distortion level of the image. Higher level is more secure, but more difficult to read.


CAPTCHA samples Page 611 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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From left to right:

1. Tiki CAPTCHA with 100 noise (default) 2. Tiki CAPTCHA with 50 noise 3. ReCaptcha

Turn on Tiki's error reporting and logging option?If you're getting blank pages or experiencing other issues, you can tell Tiki to explicitly report and display all PHP and Smaraty errors.

On the General Preferences tab of the Wiki: Force and limit categorization to within subtree of enable the Logging and Reporting options.

Logging and Reporting options

TipIf you're having problems installing Tiki, you can enable the Logging and Reporting options directly from the Tiki Installer.

Tiki will display all error messages at the bottom of the page. Click Show PHP Error Messages to toggle the display. Page 612 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Logging and Reporting options

Require that wiki pages belong to a specfic category?Use the Force and limit categorization to within subtree of option on the Admin: Wiki page to require that wiki editors select a specfic category (and its subcategories) when editing a page. Page 613 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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Requiring a category for wiki pages. Page 614 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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EpilogueWhile this may be the end of this guide, this is most definitely not the end of your Tiki journey. This guide has covered only a small handful of Tiki's options. Tiki Essentials: What all Smarties need to know about Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a good place to continue learning about Tiki.

I also encourage you to explore the complete Tiki documentation

for information on all of Tiki's features.

Finally, I am curious about what you think of this guide and this site. Please tell me what you think. Any feedback, compliments, or criticism is greatly appreciated. Even better, become a contributor and help improve this guide.


Ready for the next step? Try:

What every Smarty needs to know about Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

ColophonThis site uses Tiki release 8.x (updated from SVN) with the following options enabled:

• Wiki and Structures • Articles • Trackers • Search Page 615 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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• CSS menus • Site logo and identity • RSS feed for articles • Multilingual, Translation, and Best language • Categories • Ajax Page 616 Copyright © by Rick SapirPrint date: Oct 15, 2012 Some rights reserved.

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