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Page 1: Three Guiding Principles to Ensure Success with QuickBase

Three Guiding Principles to

ensure ongoing success

Page 2: Three Guiding Principles to Ensure Success with QuickBase


Working on QuickBase Team since 2010

● Enterprise Sales Engineer (2010-2014)

● Sales Engineering Manager (2014-present)

Worked on QuickBase Team from 2003-2010. Roles included:

● Engineering Manager (2003-2006)

● Sales, Marketing and Support Manager (2007-2009)

● Business Leader (2010)

Been a QuickBase customer since…

● Director of Innovation @ Fay School (2010-2014)

● VP of Business Applications & Analytics @ STAG Industrial (2015-present)

Who are we?

10+ years of helping

people be successful

building and rolling

out apps...

we’ve seen it all!

...and we’re cousins!

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You can’t ignore the barriers to heavy adoption…

So what can you do?

Why it matters...

New to QuickBase? New Process? New Habits?

1. Start in the


2. Start


1. Add Value

from the get-go

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Start in the TrenchesYou need understand what is important to your end users because they are the key to success


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Start in the Trenches

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User adoption!

● Users expect to get out what they put in

● Users know what is important to them

● Users know the process

● Garbage in garbage out

● Net promoter score

Why is it important?

It’s the users that make or

break an app...

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• Visibility into work

• Report up

• Better data, better insights

• More efficiency

• Save time

• Reduce rework

• Limit duplication of effort

• Improve communication

• Better coordination with peers

Managers / Team LeadersTeam Members

Team member vs. manager needs?

If solve for users first, the managers will ultimately get what they want!

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• Visibility into work

• Report up

• Better data, better insights

• More efficiency

• Save time

• Reduce rework

• Limit duplication of effort

• Improve communication

• Better coordination with peers

Managers / Team LeadersTeam Members

Team member vs. manager needs…

Domino Effect…If solve for users first, the managers will ultimately get what they want!

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Identify roles and key needs of individuals

● Recruit influential users and work hard to make their lives better

● Understand what is most important

● Do “follow me homes”

● Quarterly check-ins

In app feedback and change management

● Collect issues/enhancements in app

● Provide visibility and collaboration

● Let the documentation happen

How to make sure you’re in the trenches?

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① Say they only had a printout of a map to figure out who is responsible…

…make a formula that calculates ownership by state

② Say they liked Bing more than google...

…make a formula url to take them right to map

③ Say they always looked at another service for information (e.g. stock tickers)…

…give them a link into that service

④ Navigable dashboards

…give them a navigation menu leveraging multiple dashboards and buttons

⑤ Build workflows into reports and dashboards

…give them buttons in key reports to update the underlining data

Examples of how can make team members lives better...

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Start Simple2 It’s better to learn as you go and iterate. You’re going to make

mistakes, so make them in small easy to change chunks…

Fail Fast!

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“Complexity Kills. It sucks the life out of developers, it make products

difficult to plan, build and test, it introduced security challenges, and it

causes end-user and administrative frustration.”

- Ray Ozzie (Lotus Notes creator and Chief Software Architect @ Microsoft)

Why it matters...

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Most fields in a table 16,389

Most tables in an app 205

Most roles in an app 597

Most records in an app 7,238,406

Most recently used apps in an account 452,523

Most recently used apps in a paying account 1,126


What do we mean by complexity?

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Are your apps too complex?

How many people

are involved in

determining initial


How quickly are you

iterating on your


How “cluttered” are

your apps?

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How can you minimize complexity?

● Start with one team/function

● Find key players & “follow them”

- Influencers

- People excited/open to change

● Find ways to say no…

- “There’s a cost to tracking…”

- “That will come, but later…”

● “Hide” irrelevant data/tables

○ “My…” reports

○ Removed “completed”

● Purge (fields, reports, etc)`

● Constantly evaluate ecosystem

- Separate apps by team

- Centralize key data when can

● Focus on small wins

- Break apps into small projects

- Get “right” before move on

● Setup “in app” feedback

- Will give you small quick wins

● Do you do quick tests before deploy?

How “cluttered” are

your apps?

How quickly are you

iterating on your


How many people

are involved in

determining initial


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Add value from the get go..Focus on what is most important first and sweat the details later3

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Have you made repetitive tasks easier?

Have you saved people time (e.g. automated emails they were manually sending)?

Have you given people access to information they could not easily get before?

Are you making people’s lives better?

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You / Your Organization Publicly Available Domain Specific

● Use Formulas to Segment

- Use user formulas

- Managers for team

● Brute force cleanup

- Grid Edit is your friend

- Manually leverage tools

● Find internal sources of data

and integrate them

Clean and augment data

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Integrate other data

QuickBase Sync itDuzzIt













QuickBase Partners

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Save People Time... Offer New Ways of

Seeing Information

● Formula URLs to other services (e.g. Bing)

- Saves browsing time

● Create tools that replace spreadsheets

- Calculators that generate

- “Exact Forms” like mail merges

● Snapshotting data

- Give people a view of change over time

Examples: Pipelines, Project statuses

● Leverage “New” kinds of reporting

- Summary / Map reports / Calendar

Give people better ways of working

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It is all about building confidence in you, QuickBase and the

applications you build.

Small, Incremental “Wins”

Add Value from the get go...

Start Simple

Start in the trenches...

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