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Page 1: Thinking about a PhD? Finding a Research PhD Program

Thinking About a PhD?Finding a Research PhD Program

This presentation has been compiled andadapted from Schuele and Bacon (2001) andseveral presentations at the ASHA Conventionfrom 1999 to 2003. Appreciation is expressed toall who have participated in the ASHA sessions.Permission is granted to individuals to use oradapt this presentation in their recruitingefforts.

Credit this source as appropriate:Schuele, C. M. (2004). Thinking about a PhD? Finding aresearch PhD program [Presentation prepared for the AmericanSpeech-Language-Hearing Association]. Available

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Which PhD program is for me? Thispresentation was designed for persons who areconsidering obtaining a PhD and need toidentify programs that will meet their academicand professional objectives.

The purpose of this presentation is to provide aframework that can be used as one searchesfor a suitable PhD program.

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This presentation provides guidelines that willhelp you identify potential programs andmentors. The guidelines also will help youevaluate the potential experiences andresources available in doctoral programs ofinterest to you.

If you are unsure of whether you want topursue a PhD, then you may find theaccompanying presentation, Thinking About aPhD? Deciding to Pursue a PhD, helpful.

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If you have viewed Thinking About a PhD? Decidingto Pursue a PhD, please note that a few of the slidesat the beginning of this presentation are redundantwith the content of that presentation.

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Shortage of PhDs in CommunicationSciences and Disorders

There is a documented shortage of personswith PhD degrees to assume academic andresearch positions in communicationsciences and disorders (CSD). Thisshortage is likely a result of growth withinthe professions and anticipated facultyretirements in the years ahead.

Thus, there are currently (and areanticipated to be in the future as well)many opportunities available for personswith PhD training in CSD.

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Academic and Research Careers inCSD

Persons who have academic and researchcareers in CSD typically have their PhD trainingin speech-language pathology, audiology, orspeech, language, or hearing science.

However, it is not uncommon for CSD facultymembers to have their PhD in related fieldssuch as linguistics or psychology, or to have aninterdisciplinary degree. Thus, you may wish toexplore PhD training programs in relateddisciplines as well as CSD.

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PhD training involves research training thatleads to a research degree. PhD trainedpersons engage in the generation anddissemination of knowledge. This stands incontrast to the role of clinicians, who primarilyengage in the application of clinical knowledgeto meet the communication needs ofindividuals with communication disorders.

A research PhD is not a degree that preparesyou for clinical practice.

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A PhD prepares you for…

An academic career where you engage inteaching and research.

A research career where you engage inresearch.

A clinical research career where youengage in clinical research alongsideclinical practice.

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Which universities offer the PhD?

The Carnegie Foundation for theAdvancement of Teaching( classifiesuniversities into categories based on themission of the university.

This classification is relevant when choosingan institution in which to pursue a PhD andwhen choosing an employment setting.

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Which universities offer the PhD?

On their Web site you can find theclassification for each institution of highereducation. For category

See the ASHA Web site for CSDdepartments that award PhD

Some universities offer interdisciplinaryPhD programs that are relevant for thoseinterested in CSD. Consult individualuniversities.

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Universities and Colleges:Differentiating Types

Doctoral/ResearchUniversities - Extensive:Research PhD education is integralto the mission of the university, with50 or more doctoral degreesawarded per year across at least 15disciplines.

Master’s Colleges andUniversities, BaccalaureateColleges, Associate’sColleges: Primary focus is teaching,minimal expectation of researchproductivity

Doctoral/ResearchUniversities - Intensive:Research PhD education is integral tothe mission of the university, with atleast 10 doctoral degrees awarded peryear across at least 3 disciplines or atotal of 20 doctoral degrees per year.

Source: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

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What type of university?

The majority of doctoral programs in CSD,and other fields, can be found at Research-Extensive Universities. Doctoral programsin CSD may also be found at Research-Intensive universities. You will want toexplore how doctoral training fits into theuniversity mission as this will influence theresources available to you as a PhDstudent.

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Which universities have PhD programs?

A good place to start looking for PhDprograms is on the ASHA Web site.

On this Web site, programs that offer thePhD are listed and you can link to theprogram Web sites.

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Which universities have PhD programs?

Next we provide an overview of issues youwill want to consider in selecting aprogram. Some of the information you willwant to gather can be gained fromliterature searches and Web sites, whereasother information may be gained moreeasily by visiting the prospective programand/or talking directly to the prospectiveadvisor/mentor.

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You will want to evaluate prospectiveprograms for the resources offered at threelevels: University Department Mentor/advisor

In the following slides we discuss general issuesrelative to university and department resources. Wethen consider issues relative to selecting a mentoror advisor for your doctoral study. Lastly, weconsider the application process.

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ISSUE: Is research training a primary educational goal?

Look at the Carnegie Classification for the University. Isdoctoral education a primary goal of the institution? Arethere doctoral programs in fields related to CSD (e.g.,psychology, linguistics)?

Universities that have doctoral education as a primarygoal have an array of resources that support doctoraltraining.

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UNIVERSITY In your master’s or AuD program, you probably

spent most of your time within the CSDdepartment. In your doctoral program, much ofyour coursework, for example, will be takenwithin other departments. Faculty from otherdepartments may be part of your dissertationcommittee.

University-wide resources may include centers orprograms that support your development as aresearcher and teacher.

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ISSUE: Is there general support forstudent research?

Are there university-wide scholarships ortraineeships for doctoral students?

Are there university-wide travel awards?

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UNIVERSITY ISSUE: Are there any special programs for

doctoral students?

Some universities have programs that preparedoctoral students for careers inacademe/research. For example, manyuniversities offer a program called PreparingFuture Faculty (PFF). You can learn more aboutthis program at the national PFF Web site( Many universitieshave very explicit support for graduate teachingassistants, helping them to develop theirteaching skills.

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ISSUE: Are there relevant courseofferings outside CSD? For example,neuroscience, physiology, computerscience, physics, electrical engineering,statistics, linguistics, child development,psychology

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Between the course offerings in CSD and courseofferings in other departments, will you be ableto develop expertise in the content area(s) ofinterest to you.

You may look at the CSD course offerings andrealize you have taken most of the classes. Thus,a good bit of your coursework may be obtained inother departments. You particularly want to knowwhat statistics and research coursework isavailable.


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ISSUE: Are there opportunities for cross-disciplinary interactions?

Are there opportunities to engage inresearch experiences with faculty anddoctoral students from other departments?As research becomes increasinglycollaborative and interdisciplinary, researchexperiences outside CSD may providecritical learning experiences.


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Are the CSD faculty actively engaged inresearch with colleagues across campus?If your mentor is involved in researchwith other faculty members, you’ll havea chance to participate in collaborativeand cross-disciplinary research.

Are there seminar experiences that bringtogether doctoral students and facultyfrom various departments?


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Are there visiting lecturers who bringtogether doctoral students and facultyfrom various disciplines? Universitiestypically have visiting scholars that cangreatly enhance your exposure toresearch.

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ISSUE: Course OfferingsWhat general courses are offered

within the department that appeal toall doctoral students?These classes might include research

design, grant writing, the publicationprocess, ethical issues in the use ofhuman subjects in research, and soon.

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What courses do doctoral studentstypically take outside thedepartment?The statistics sequence, for example,

may be taken in psychology.

What specific courses and seminarsare offered in your area of interest? Itis important to explore this within thedepartment and across the university.


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Are faculty available for independentstudy experiences?

What courses are required fordoctoral students? What flexibility dodoctoral students have in choosingcoursework?


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Issue: Core Faculty Do the teaching and research interests of the faculty

cover your areas of interest? A PhD program istypically strong in one or a few areas, but not in allareas of CSD. You will want to find a program that isstrong in your area of interest.

Is their breadth in your area of interest? In order tohave breadth in your PhD program, you may want tobe in a program that has more than one facultymember in your area of interest. This breadth willexpose you to a range of perspectives, researchefforts and styles.


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Are the faculty productive in research? You willwant to study with a mentor who is activelyinvolved in research – one who is publishingarticles, presenting at conferences.

To obtain a picture of a person’s researchproductivity and interests, you can visit theirWeb site, do searches on PsycINFO or Medline,for example, and peruse the ASHA ConventionProgram. The Convention Program and aperson’s Web site may be particularly importantto identifying current research efforts.


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DEPARTMENT How does research doctoral training fit into

the overall department mission? Is researchdoctoral training a priority in thedepartment?

Do the faculty collaborate with each other?With others at the university? Withcolleagues at other universities? Do facultyco-author publications with students?

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Do the faculty have research grants? Research grants provide funds to conduct

research. Part of these funds often supportdoctoral students as they work on facultymembers’ research projects. Faculty withresearch grants will have the resources availableto conduct their research and provide a lab thathas resources you will need to complete yourresearch and academic training.

Grants can include federally funded, privatelyfunded, or university funded grants. A mentorthat is actively involved in writing grants andconducting grant-funded research will also beable to mentor you in grant preparation.


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Do the faculty have training grants? Training grants are different from research

grants. Training grants, typically from federalfunds, provide financial support for students intheir academic training. This support caninclude tuition, stipends, and travel toconferences. Often training grants providestudents with research experiences in aparticular area of need. Students on traininggrants may have extensive interactions withother students on the training grant. Sometraining grants include students from severaldepartments.


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Physical Facilities

Issue: What research laboratoriesare available?

Research training requires resources;thus, you will want to know whatresources are available to conductresearch. What lab space is there? Isequipment available to conduct the typeof research that you are interested in?

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Physical Facilities

Issue: Are research participantsaccessible?

Given your own research interests, will you beable to locate research participants for yourstudies, particularly for your dissertationresearch? Some universities have extensivesupport for research participant recruitment. Inaddition, the nature of the clinical populationserved by the department’s clinical activities maybe a source of research participants.

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Physical Facilities

Issue: Is there space for you?

You will want to know what office spacethere will be for you as a doctoralstudent. There may be dedicated officespace for doctoral students or doctoralstudents may have office space withintheir mentors’ labs.

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Physical Facilities

Issue: Computer facilities

What computer access will you have as adoctoral student? Does your advisorhave adequate computers available inthe lab? Is there a computer lab in thedepartment? What software is availableon the lab and department computers?

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Research-Relevant TrainingExperiences

Issue: What is the requiredresearch training experience? Some programs have very clear expectations of

first and second year projects, or lab rotationswith faculty members. You will want to knowwhat research experiences are required and whatare typical. The research experiences in the first couple of years of

your doctoral program will establish skills so that you canconduct your dissertation at the required level ofindependence.

What other research experience can one expectto obtain prior to the dissertation?

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Research-Relevant TrainingExperiences

Will you be involved with programmaticresearch? Beyond required projects, you may participate

in the research projects of your advisor orother faculty members.

Participation in programmatic research (i.e., aline of research studies) will enable you toexperience the development and unfolding ofresearch across time.

These types of experiences may beparticularly important if you plan to pursue acareer at a large research university whereyou will develop your own programmaticresearch.

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Research-Relevant TrainingExperiences

What is the expected role for students? You willwant to learn the roles that students take onrequired research projects as well as ongoingresearch projects in the lab.

In required research projects, what level ofindependence is expected? What faculty supportis provided?

What level of independence is expected in theyour mentor’s lab?

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Research-Relevant TrainingExperiences

Are students expected to collect new data for allof their projects or are archival databasesaccessible to students? Data collection is time consuming and if there

are archival databases available, studentresearch experiences can be enhanced.

Is student participation acknowledged? You willwant to know whether students are included asco-authors on conference presentations andjournal articles.

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Research-Relevant TrainingExperiences

In addition, you will want to know how studentsare mentored in the publication process. Dostudents have opportunities to participate in thewriting of manuscripts with their mentors? Arethere opportunities to prepare journalsubmissions as well as book chapters?

What professional development activities exist?You will want to know whether students areencouraged to attend research conferences, inaddition to the ASHA Convention, and whetherfinancial support for conference attendance isavailable.

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Research-Relevant TrainingExperiences

Does your mentor review for the ASHA journalsand will you have an opportunity to participate inthe peer review process through your mentor?

Will you participate in grant writing activities withyour mentor (e.g., new grant submissions,annual review reports)?

Is there support if you choose to write a grant tosupport your dissertation research?

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Peer Groups

Issue: Are there other doctoralstudents in the lab? in thedepartment or program?

How many doctoral students are in thelaboratory? Choosing a strong mentor and astrong doctoral program are important. Buthaving peers is usually equally important.

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Peer Groups

A good bit of the learning in doctoral programs isa result of peer interaction. You may workcollaboratively with another doctoral student onyour advisor’s research project.

Peers are important to bounce ideas off of and toprovide you with critical feedback on your work,not to mention the emotional support peersprovide as you share the doctoral experience.

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Peer Groups

Are there others in the laboratory?

Will you have an opportunity to work withpostdoctoral students?

Will there be master’s students andundergraduate students in the lab who you willsupervise and mentor?

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Peer Groups

How many other doctoral students are in thedepartment, and what are their interests?

It is important that you don’t feel isolated in yourdoctoral program. Peers can be an importantsource of intellectual stimulation and emotionalsupport. Your peers can have similar interests, aswell as very different interests.

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Peer Groups

Are there opportunities for formal and informalinteractions with the doctoral students andfaculty?

Are there formal and informal mechanisms thatbring doctoral students and faculty together todiscuss research, for example, departmentalcolloquia or proseminars, journal seminars, andlab meetings (and happy hours!)?

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In a PhD program you will work veryclosely with your advisor/mentor. Think ofthe PhD program as an apprenticeshipand your mentor as the person youapprentice with. The relationship of thePhD student and faculty advisor/mentor isquite different than the relationship youhad with faculty in your MA, MS, or AuDprogram. Thus, you will want to carefullychoose your mentor/advisor.

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MENTOR/ADVISOR Issue: Will the faculty member be a good

mentor and advisor?

As a researcher

Is the faculty member an active researcher? Is thefaculty member actively publishing his or herresearch findings?

Does the faculty member attend conferencesfrequently? Does he or she take graduate studentsto conferences (and pay their way!)?

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MENTOR Does the faculty member have a record of

funded research?

Is the faculty member currently funded?

Can the faculty member offer financial support?If not, is there other financial support?

Does the faculty member have undergraduate,graduate, and postdoctoral students in his or herlaboratory?

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Mentor: Finding a Good Match

Suggested Steps

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Step 1: Identify the broad area inwhich you want to study.

In your clinical training program, breadthacross the field of speech-languagepathology or audiology was emphasized.You were expected to gain knowledge andclinical competencies across the many areasof clinical practice.

In your doctoral program, depth is now thefocus. Thus, you will want to identify yourarea of interest.

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This does not mean that you need toidentify a dissertation research question.Rather, you need to identify the contentarea that you choose to spend youracademic and research life focusing upon.

Thus, you have begun to identify thecontent area in which you plan to developan expertise.

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Step 2: Identify professors working in yourarea of interest.

Now that you have identified your area ofintended expertise, you want to identifyresearchers who are active in that area andwho may be able to serve as amentor/advisor to you in a doctoralprogram.

Conduct literature searches, peruse scholarlyjournals, attend conferences to identify thoseworking in your area of interest.

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Talk to former professors and ask for theirsuggestions.

Visit departmental Web sites. Visit the labWeb sites of potential mentors.

You might ask former professors torecommend doctoral programs that arestrong in your area of interest, and beginyour search there. Look for faculty atthese programs who are conductingresearch that interests you.

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Step 3: Narrow the list to includethose who are actively conductingresearch and publishing in your areaof interest and then contact thoseresearchers/faculty members.

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You will want your research training tobe mentored by someone who isactively engaged in productiveresearch. Once you have narrowedyour list, begin to contact thoseresearchers. You might begin to visitprograms or ask to meet with thefaculty members at the ASHAConvention or another conference.

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Step 4: Gather detailed informationabout potential mentors and doctoralprograms.

Address all of the issues that have beenraised in Department and UniversityResources.

Meet with the potential mentor to discussyour own area of interest and how it mightinterface with the mentor's researchprogram and interests.

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Find out if the researcher is interestedand able to take on a new doctoralstudent.

Find out how many doctoral studentsthe researcher is currently advising andask to meet (or e-mail or phone) thecurrent doctoral students. They’ll likelybe a great source of information!

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Ask where the mentor’s former doctoralstudents are employed. Are they working injobs/careers that you see yourself in?Contact some of them.

Find out the types of financial support thatare available. Ask current students what typeof funding they have received.

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Step 5: Pause to consider thebenefits of a “good fit”, of a strongmentor relationship.

You’ll be guided by someone who spendshis/her time thinking about that which youwant to be thinking.

You’ll work with someone who has currentknowledge of the critical issues in your areaof interest.

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You’ll get experience running a lab,managing research projects, and conductingresearch on a day-to-day basis.

You’ll gain access to archival databases.

You’ll gain (much needed) professionalcontacts with other researchers and doctoralstudents in your area of interest. Thesecontacts will form your professional network.

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You’ll develop a line of research that willcontinue to unfold after you complete yourPhD program and as you begin your firstacademic position.

You’ll set yourself on a path toward asuccessful and satisfying career.

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Step 6: Consider the pros andcons of your options.

You may find a faculty member whoseinterests are very narrow. Will you be ableto pursue your interests in this situation?

What if your interests shift once you get inyour doctoral program? How much wiggleroom will there be?

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What if your mentor leaves (i.e., goes toanother university) after you matriculate inthe program? Will you follow? Is theresomeone else you might work with?

If the faculty member cannot take a studentthis year, will you consider waiting anotheryear to begin doctoral study?

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Remember that the ultimate goal is toidentify a program and mentor that willprovide you with the best PhD education youcan get. (And the best for you may be theworst for someone else.)

It is difficult, if not impossible, to repair abad educational experience at this level. The“best PhD education for you” will provide youwith the skills and knowledge to pursue theacademic/research career that is a good fitfor you.

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Preparing Your Application Allow yourself plenty of time to

prepare your application.

Ask for letters of reference frompersons who are familiar withyour academic skills and canaddress your potential as adoctoral student. Make sure atleast some of your letters arefrom current or formerprofessors who are familiar withyour academic ability andpotential.

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Be sure to include a curriculumvitae. Click on CV for an example.

Be sure that your statement ofpurpose clarifies why you areinterested in a career inacademe/research.

Be sure that you have talked to afaculty member in the program(s)to which you are applying.

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If you are not accepted, ask for clarification. Therecan be many reasons for denial, such as lack ofmatch with faculty interests, lack of funding,applicant’s academic credentials are not sufficient,faculty member does not have space for anotherstudent.

Understanding why your application was denied canenable you to make wiser choices and make astronger application if you choose to reapply toprograms in the future.

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Issue: Paying for a PhD

What are your expenses: Tuition and fees Books, copying costs, and resources (e.g.,

computer for home) Living expenses Travel expenses to conferences

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Should I expect to pay for thismyself?

No, doctoral students should expect toreceive funding that covers the costs oftheir education in exchange for theirparticipation typically as a researchassistant. No one ever got rich on adoctoral student stipend, but certainlymany doctoral students have survived justfine on the resources provided.

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What are the sources of funding?

grant funding

Grants typically include researchassistantships. In exchange for tuitionbenefits and a stipend, you work on afunded research project.

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There is also grant funding forpredoctoral traineeships. Somepredoctoral traineeships are awarded tothe university, which then chooses tosupport you, whereas other traineeshipsare awarded to the student, based on acompetitive grant application process(e.g., [F31]).

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University fundingUniversities often support doctoral

students with internal funds andstudents are expected to be teachingassistants, for example.

Scholarships or fellowships may beavailable from the university.

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Foundation grant support Private foundation funding can

provide additional options for funding.For example, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation offerscompetitive grant and scholarshipawards.

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For more information …

American Speech-Language-HearingAssociation. (1994). Selecting adoctoral research educationprogram in communicationdisorders. Rockville, MD: Author.

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Start early! It may take you more than a year to finda doctoral program that meets your needs.

Shop! Find out as much as you can about eachdoctoral program you are considering – visit the Website, talk to faculty, visit the program, talk to PhDstudents.

Apply! Allow yourself enough time to prepare athoughtful application.

If you are not accepted, explore the reasons. Get the best education you can! The skills you

obtain in your doctoral program will set the stage forsuccess in your academic/research career.

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