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Page 1: The+story+of+troy

The Story of Troy

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Where was Troy and why is it important to us?

Troy really did exist. Her remains have been discovered in present day Turkey.

The Romans believed that they were descendants of survivors of Troy.

Some say Troy was destroyed by the Greeks, while others believe that it was destroyed by an earthquake

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Peleus and Thetis

Zeus was attracted to a nymph named Thetis It was foreseen that Thetis’ son would be

greater than his father. Zeus marries Thetis off to Peleus, an old

mortal. (Son = Achilles) All were invited to the wedding,except for

Eris, the goddess of Discord.

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Apple of Discord

Eris throws a golden apple into the party Three goddesses claim it as theirs: Hera,

Athena and Aphrodite Zeus won’t choose so he orders Hermes to

take them to Earth so that Paris, a sheperd, can choose.

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Judgement of Paris

Paris is a prince of Troy, but is unaware All 3 goddesses offer a bribe

Athena offers wisdom and skill in battle Hera offers political power and control of Asia Aphrodite offers the most beautiful woman in the

world Paris chooses Aphrodite

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Who’s the most beautiful woman?

Helen of Sparta (later know as Helen of Troy) Mother—Leda, Father—Zeus or Tyndareus Zeus seduces Leda and she has two sets of

twins: Helen, Clytemnestra, Castor and Pollux. Helen has suitors and all swear to an oath to

protect and defend Helen’s marriage. Her father choose Menelaus as her husband.

Menelaus’ brother, Agamemnon marries Clytemnestra

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Naughty Paris

Paris now knows that he’s a prince. Diplomatic mission to Sparta Seduces (or kidnaps) Helen They return to Troy Odysseus and Menelaus try to solve the

problem diplomatically All the suitors must fulfill their oath

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I don’t want to go.

Agamemnon declares himself as leader of the Greek army.

Now married to Penelope and father of Telemachus, Odysseus/Ulysses feigns madness.

Achilles pretends to be a girl. 1,000 ships went to retrieve Helen. Therefore,

Helen is known as “the face that launched 1,000 ships.

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House of Atreus

Agamemnon becomes leader of the Greeks. Belongs to the House of Atreus

Tantalus cuts up his son, Pelops, and feeds him to the gods and goddesses.

Endures eternal punishment in the Underworld Sacrifice of Iphigenia

Upsets Artemis No winds to sail Must appease Artemis

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Important Players

Greek Agamemnon—king of

Mycenae Menelaus—King of Sparta Achilles—king of Myrmidons Odysseus—King of Ithaca Ajax the great Ajax the lesser Nestor—Agamemnon’s right

hand man Neoptolemus—Achilles’ son

Trojan Priam—king of Troy Hecuba—queen of Troy Hector—Prince of Troy Andromache—Hector’s wife Aeneas--ancestor of Romans Paris—Prince of Troy Cassandra—Princess of Troy

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The Gods & Goddesses

Greek Supporters Hera Athena Poseidon Hephaestus

Trojan Supporters Aphrodite—mother of

Aeneas Ares Apollo Artemis

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The Wrath of Achilles

Agamemnon receives Chryseis, a priestess of Apollo, as a concubine.

Plague strikes the troops. Agamemnon returns Chryseis to her father and

the plague is lifted. In return, he takes Achilles’ girl, Briseis. Achilles feels disrespected and refuses to fight.

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Death of Patroclus

Patroclus, Achilles’ “cousin”, goes into battle under the guise of Achilles.

Fights like Achilles and takes out several Trojans

Killed by Hector who believes that it is Achilles.

Takes Achilles’ armor as is customary

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Death of Hector

Achilles receives new armor &reconciles with Agamemnon

Briseis is returned to Achilles

Hector is defeated by Achilles.

Body desecrated

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A Humble Request

Hector’s body has been destroyed Achilles takes it back to his camp Ultimate disgrace—not allowing for proper

burial King Priam goes into the Greek camps to

request the return of body Achilles obliges. A temporary truce allows

time for the funeral games.

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Several Shall Fall

Achilles kills many, including children Paris shoots him through his only weak spot

(with the help of Apollo) Paris is killed by Philoctetes (Hercules’ friend) Achilles’ son now joins the battle


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The Trojan Horse

Odysseus has a plan Greeks pretend to flee, but hide on a nearby

island Several of their best warriors hide inside the

horse The horse is supposed to be an offering to Athena

for a safe return home. The Trojans think that they have won and


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Hear Our Warnings

Cassandra advises against taking the horse Has the gift of prophecy No one believes her

because of Apollo’s curse

Laocoon, a priest, and his 2 small sons are eaten by serpents

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Neoptolemus kills King Priam Menelaus kills Helen’s new husband, but

spares her. Agamemnon takes Cassandra, Neoptolemus

take Andromache, Odysseus gets Queen Hecuba

Neoptolemus kills Hector’s infant son

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Importance to Us

Hector appears to Aeneas in a dream Flees with wife, son (Ascanius) and father. Wife disappears Leads the survivors to Italy after having his

own “odyssey” Stops in Carthage along the way (Punic Wars) Unites with the Latins and marries Lavinia His descendents will found Rome.

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What about the rest?

Gods are angry at the actions of the Achaeans Most won’t make it home Nestor makes it home (no looting/ill acts) Ajax the Lesser—killed by Athena (thrown

onto jagged rocks.) Agamemnon—killed by wife and new lover Odysseus—arrives home after 10 years Menelaus—returns to Sparta with Helen

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