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The Doctor’s Theory of Everything Insights into Self-Healing

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The Doctor’s Theory of Everything

Insights into Self-healing

Dr Kunda Silimkhan, M.D.

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© Author

Friends’ Version 2013


Poornam-Centre for Holistic Wellbeing,

Sitara ,C-6, Portais, Panaji-Goa.PIN:403001

Email:[email protected].


Physics may not be your choice subject. Plus I had to keep the notes concise to include all the forces and theories. There is also some repetition where I felt it was needed to emphasize key points.

So, don’t sweat it out with physics. Go straight to Part 2 or read my book on Holonomic therapy.

May be in future, I will write a shorter version of this book.

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The title of the book suggests that I am going to discuss hard core physics and for some it may be surprising that a doctor is trying to discuss physics. I was called M.S. in school, M.S. for mad scientist because I was always asking the question, “But why?” I was so fascinated by the stories of Marie Curie, Homi Bhabha, Vikram Sarabhai and others that I found myself pretending to be a scientist. I didn’t really mind the ‘mad’ as long as the scientist followed. My two real life heroes Albert Einstein and Swami Vivekananda were both scientific in their own way. And though my first choice was atomic physics, I entered medical college by default or so I thought. But now I know why.

In fact, I took up the study of Vedanta only after I learnt that Einstein’s library was stocked with books on Vedanta. I was curious to find out what interested him in Vedanta and whether there were any secrets kept concealed there. I was actually looking for the Sanskrit word for Alchemy and may be some secret formula. I even studied Sanskrit to be certain I got it right. Years ago, while reading commentaries on the Upanishads by Swami Chinmayananda and a contemplation (nididhyāsana) on them, I knew I was on to something big but wasn’t very clear about it. When I learnt about Neils Bohr’s and David Bohm’s interest in Taoism and Buddhism, it sparked a curiosity in these philosophies too.

I don’t know for sure whether Einstein had books on Vedanta because the Indian scholar who had visited him had passed on when I was told about the books. I have checked other sources before writing this book but could not confirm it. In most likelihood, he may have not read the Upanishads but I was

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lucky to have read them any way. More than science treatises they are brilliant works in lucid poetry and I love poetry.

The last century has seen a spurt of literature on quantum healing. The books which inspired me to write about quantum theories and healing is ‘Beyond Einstein’ by Michio Kaku and ‘Genius, the Life and Science of Richard Feynman’ by James Gleick of ‘Chaos’ fame. Rupert Sheldrake’s ‘The Sense of being Stared At’, Fritjof Capra’s ‘Turning Point’ and Gary Zukov’s ‘Dancing Wu Li Masters’ were also intriguing . I haven’t read much from Professor Frawley and Professor Amit Goswami’s works but for their interviews and few presentations which were quite stimulating. Dr Masaru Emoto’s study of ice crystals and more than it other people’s criticism of his study without ever examining any ice themselves, was the last sign for me to tell people to start thinking originally.

This book flowed naturally from my study of theoretical concepts of the subatomic world and regular forays into the higher dimensions during meditation. The experiences came before I learnt the theories or even read other people’s stories. So, I know that I was not hallucinating. I am aware that I have overly simplified all concepts in this book but that was inevitable. This is not a book on physics by a physicist, for the physicist. There are enough high quality books on physics but except for physicists, most people would fall asleep while reading one.

It is a book by a doctor who strongly believes in holistic medicine and has been applying it in practice with amazing results. I have included concepts from psychology, mythology and archetypal elements here because I had wasted a lot of my energies trying to debunk cultural belief systems. It my futile attempt to appear scientific, I had missed the real science in myths. I hope the reader will start looking for truths in myths and mysteries.

Some of the concepts given here have been currently replaced with emerging concepts but I have still listed the older ones because what I see in basic sciences is that there is often a flux in concepts. The new replaces the old only to be replaced again by the old. We are still grappling with our ‘concept of reality’ which is distinct from ‘Real’ity. If something in a description or concept is going to empower you to heal, go for it even if it is not accepted by the scientists. If you succeed, the physicists will be most willing to change their concepts. They do not like anomalies disturbing their hypothesis.

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The purpose of this book is to make people understand that if we have accepted modern technology, an off-shoot of physics in therapy and investigation, then why shy away from the core of physics in order to understand the grand event which goes by the name of human existence?

Lastly, I want to point out that only a paradigm shift in our thought processes is going to change healing outcomes. And for that, we need the critical numbers, 33.33% or the hundredth monkey, if you will not feel offended.

In the first part of the book, I have dealt with concepts in physics and in the second, I have tried to highlight how understanding the concepts of physics can change the way we look at well-being, disease and healing. Most of what is known of healing today is borne out of speculation. But that alone is no cause to worry because sooner or later we will have built enough evidence on healing that we may need to re-write some of our text books in medicine. Lastly, I have added some information on experiments for those who want to revise their basics without having to close this book. I hope this book will stimulate a lot of thinking and help usher in a New Era in healing.

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In all my earlier books, I have tried to include all those people who in some way contributed to the contents of the book. When I was learning physics, I had to read a great number of books and articles. This was supplemented by enlightening programs on Gyandarshan and Discovery Channel and the ever obliging with so many cross references. I am perpetually amazed at the way they give away such authentic information absolutely free. In this age where greed and self-centredness are rampant, there are souls out there who have risen above narrow interests. I send my gratitude to all of you.

In a book on holism, it was impossible to select anyone in particular. Each event that happened in space and across time has had a hand, a foot, a photon, a meson or a string in this book.

So, the easiest thing to do was to pat myself on the back and say “Well done!” The pat will go around.

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Dedicated to All the Masters of Knowledge

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Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 18

Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 20

Classical Physics .......................................................................................................................... 20

Discovering the Forces and The Quest For Unification:.......................................................... 20

The Theory of Everything (TOE) And Man’s Quest for Unification: .................................... 21

The Reductionist Approach: ...................................................................................................... 21

The Holistic View: ....................................................................................................................... 21

Electroweak Force:...................................................................................................................... 22

Grand Unified Theory (GUT) .................................................................................................... 22

Unified Field Theory: Synergy ................................................................................................... 22

The Four Forces of 'ature: ........................................................................................................ 23

The ‘'ature’ of the Forces: ........................................................................................................ 23

The Law of Attraction? ............................................................................................................... 24

The First Alliance: ....................................................................................................................... 25

The Electro-magnetic Force (EMF) in the Atom: .................................................................... 25

The EM Force Field: ................................................................................................................... 26

The EM Wave: ............................................................................................................................. 26

Bioplasma: .................................................................................................................................... 28

Light and EM phenomenon: ...................................................................................................... 29

Is Light Made Up of Particles or Waves? ................................................................................. 29

The Photoelectric Effect: ............................................................................................................ 30

Why is it Red–Hot and not Blue-Hot? ....................................................................................... 32

Black Body Radiation: Planck shocks the world! .................................................................... 32

The Ultra-Violet Catastrophe: ................................................................................................... 33

'uclear Forces: ............................................................................................................................ 33

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Strong 'uclear Forces: ............................................................................................................... 34

'uclear Fusion Reactions: .......................................................................................................... 35

'uclear Fission Reaction: ........................................................................................................... 35

The Weak Force: The 4th Force................................................................................................. 36

Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 37

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity: ................................................................................................. 37

Distortion in Shape: .................................................................................................................... 37

Distortion in Time, the Twin Paradox:...................................................................................... 38

Time-Space- Light Connection: ................................................................................................. 38

The Space-Time Concept ............................................................................................................ 38

What is Time in Physics? ............................................................................................................ 38

The Time called ‘'OW’ .............................................................................................................. 39

Infinitesimal Time: ...................................................................................................................... 40

Time and Space: .......................................................................................................................... 41

Time Dilation: .............................................................................................................................. 41

Is Time Uniform? ........................................................................................................................ 41

Multiple Dimensions and Time: ................................................................................................. 42

The 4th dimension: What happens in meditation? .................................................................... 42

Time and Energy: ........................................................................................................................ 43

Cause and Effect: ........................................................................................................................ 44

Different Kinds of Time: ............................................................................................................. 44

Event based time: ........................................................................................................................ 44

Psychological time: ...................................................................................................................... 44

Time-Atom Relationship: ........................................................................................................... 45

The Space Time Cone: ................................................................................................................ 45

Relationship between Time, Mind and Light ............................................................................ 46

Time Travel and Anti matter: .................................................................................................... 47

Want To Live Longer? Travel Faster! ...................................................................................... 47

Time and Dynamism: .................................................................................................................. 48

Tachyons: ..................................................................................................................................... 48

Space: Big and Small ................................................................................................................... 49

Space –Time Continuum: ........................................................................................................... 50

The Stellar Path: .......................................................................................................................... 51

Space Warps: Curvature of Space-Time ................................................................................... 52

Special Relativity, Joining Time and Space: ............................................................................. 54

The Concept of Continuums: ..................................................................................................... 54

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Law of Relativity: Energy and matter are one! ........................................................................ 55

From matter to energy and vice –versa ..................................................................................... 55

From Gross To Subtle:................................................................................................................ 55

Law of Conservation of Energy: ................................................................................................ 56

The Relativity of Mass: ............................................................................................................... 56

Theory of Everything (TOE): ..................................................................................................... 58

Chapter 3 ........................................................................................................................................... 59

Cosmology .................................................................................................................................... 59

The Big Bang ................................................................................................................................ 59

Quantum Hypothesis: ................................................................................................................. 59

Appearance of Asymmetry: ........................................................................................................ 60

But what caused the clumping or asymmetry? ......................................................................... 60

Echo of big bang---Foot prints in space! ................................................................................... 61

Symmetry to Asymmetry: ........................................................................................................... 61

Symmetry Restoration: ............................................................................................................... 61

Symmetry and Beauty ................................................................................................................. 62

Broken Symmetry: ...................................................................................................................... 62

Hidden Symmetry: ...................................................................................................................... 62

Fractals and our Universe: ......................................................................................................... 62

Fate of the Universe: ................................................................................................................... 63

Will The Universe End? .............................................................................................................. 63

The Omega Point: ........................................................................................................................ 63

Is The Universe Expanding? ...................................................................................................... 64

How does the expanding universe appear? ............................................................................... 64

Red Shifts: The Cosmic Time Keepers!..................................................................................... 65

What are Red Shifts? .................................................................................................................. 65

Missing Mass ................................................................................................................................ 65

What Is Dark Matter? ................................................................................................................ 66

The 'ature of Dark Matter: ....................................................................................................... 66

Why Did The Big Bang Occur? .................................................................................................. 67

Cosmic Strings: ............................................................................................................................ 67

Why is there a clumping of matter in the universe? ................................................................ 67

The End ........................................................................................................................................ 68

A Cosmic whimper or a Big Crunch? ....................................................................................... 68

Multidimensional Universe or Multi-verse: .............................................................................. 68

Journey to Another Dimension: ................................................................................................. 70

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Chapter 4 ........................................................................................................................................... 72

Entropy! Order to Disorder ...................................................................................................... 72

Second Law of Thermodynamics: .............................................................................................. 72

Application of Thermodynamics, Thermography: .................................................................. 73

Boltzman’s Equation:.................................................................................................................. 73

Shannon’s Entropy: .................................................................................................................... 73

Psychological Entropy: ............................................................................................................... 75

The Holographic Bound: ............................................................................................................ 75

Generalized Second Law-- GSL ................................................................................................. 75

I prefer to keep extra info in my books in pdf format! And pick it up when needed ............ 76

Info in a Chip ............................................................................................................................... 76

Chapter 5 ........................................................................................................................................... 77

Black Holes: ................................................................................................................................. 77

History of Black Holes: ............................................................................................................... 77

Death of a Star: ............................................................................................................................ 77

'eutron Star: ............................................................................................................................... 78

Supernova: ................................................................................................................................... 78

Strong 'uclear Force Vs Gravitational Force: ....................................................................... 79

Entropy and Black Holes: ........................................................................................................... 79

Dissipative Structures: ................................................................................................................ 80

'egentropy or 'egative Entropy: .............................................................................................. 80

The IT Universe! .......................................................................................................................... 80

Small but Powerful ...................................................................................................................... 80

Multiple Universes: What Is The Evidence? ............................................................................. 81

The Kerr Metric: ......................................................................................................................... 81

Time and Black Holes: ................................................................................................................ 82

Antimatter: E = - mc2 ................................................................................................................. 82

Positron or Anti Electron: .......................................................................................................... 83

PET Scans: ................................................................................................................................... 83

Chapter 6 ........................................................................................................................................... 84

Atomology: ................................................................................................................................... 84

The Basic Structure of the Atom: .............................................................................................. 84

Subatomic Interactions: .............................................................................................................. 84

Bohr’s Model of Atom: ............................................................................................................... 85

The Elementary Particles: .......................................................................................................... 85

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Emptiness of the Atom and its Implications: ............................................................................ 85

So, vacuum is not empty and what appears solid is empty! .................................................... 86

What is there in the empty space or void? ................................................................................ 86

The Cosmic Dance: ...................................................................................................................... 86

Quantum Field Theory: .............................................................................................................. 86

Chapter 7 ........................................................................................................................................... 88

More about Subatomic Particles: .............................................................................................. 88

Uncertainty… Wave or Particle? .............................................................................................. 88

Wave Particle 'ature of Electron: ............................................................................................. 88

The Wave–Particle Duality: ....................................................................................................... 88

Why cannot we see our wave nature? ....................................................................................... 89

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle:.......................................................................................... 89

Monism: ........................................................................................................................................ 90

Measurement of Matter Wave: .................................................................................................. 91

Schrodinger’s Wave Equation: .................................................................................................. 91

Observer Changes Observation ................................................................................................. 92

Complementarity: ....................................................................................................................... 93

We Create our Destiny- I am Responsible! ............................................................................... 93

Entanglement! .............................................................................................................................. 94

Instantaneous Communication: ................................................................................................. 94

What is the Schrodinger’s cat? .................................................................................................. 95

EPR Paradox: .............................................................................................................................. 95

Einstein –Podolsky- Rosen thought experiment ....................................................................... 95

Arrow of Time/Entropy & the Cat: ........................................................................................... 96

Locality and 'on locality! ........................................................................................................... 96

Alain Aspect: ................................................................................................................................ 97

Quantum Relativity ..................................................................................................................... 98

Probability Waves: ...................................................................................................................... 98

Quantum Dynamism: .................................................................................................................. 99

Space time continuum of the atomic world: ............................................................................ 100

Multiple Universes at the Quantum Level: ............................................................................. 100

Quantum Paradoxes: ................................................................................................................ 101

Indeterminate Theory: The Analogy of the Violin ................................................................. 101

Opposites Attract! ..................................................................................................................... 101

The Quantum Interactions: ...................................................................................................... 102

Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED): ........................................................................................ 102

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Photon: ....................................................................................................................................... 103

The Photon Electron Interaction: ............................................................................................ 103

More on the Wave 'ature of the Human Body: ..................................................................... 104

Morphic Resonance:.................................................................................................................. 105

We Share Our Brains! .............................................................................................................. 105

Superstring Theory (SST): ....................................................................................................... 106

SST-The Analogy of the Violin String: .................................................................................... 107

Is The Body Solid? ..................................................................................................................... 107

Implicate Order, Enfolded Order And Undivided Wholeness: ............................................ 108

Hologram & Implicate Order: ................................................................................................. 108

Chapter 8 ......................................................................................................................................... 109

Hologram: .................................................................................................................................. 109

Holographic Universe- The whole in part ............................................................................... 111

Hologram and the Human Brain: ............................................................................................ 112

Bekesy and the Phantom Limb: ............................................................................................... 113

Dissipative Structures and the Placebo effect: ........................................................................ 114

Holographic Paradigm & Telepathy: ...................................................................................... 115

Gremlin Effect or the Ghost in the Machine........................................................................... 115

Holophonics: .............................................................................................................................. 115

Hologram & Mind: ................................................................................................................... 116

Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) and Hologram: .......................................................... 116

MPD and Ageing: ...................................................................................................................... 117

The Difference between Schizophrenia and MPD: ................................................................ 118

Hologram and Dreams:............................................................................................................. 118

Palmistry and Hologram: ......................................................................................................... 119

Real World Analogy of Hologram: .......................................................................................... 119

Consensus Reality: .................................................................................................................... 119

Personal Resonance:.................................................................................................................. 120

Who am I? .................................................................................................................................. 120

Oneness, Bohm’s Unbroken Wholeness: ................................................................................. 120

The Final Step of Unification: .................................................................................................. 122

Where Failure is Success! ......................................................................................................... 122

The Ever Elusive Theory of Everything:................................................................................. 123

The Creative Observer: ............................................................................................................ 123

Dr Pert’s Contribution .............................................................................................................. 124

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Chapter 9 ......................................................................................................................................... 127

Entry of Consciousness!—Choice ............................................................................................ 127

Hidden Variable Theory: .......................................................................................................... 128

Everything from 'othing? ........................................................................................................ 128

Torsion Wave Theory: .............................................................................................................. 129

John Wheeler’s Participatory Anthropic Principle: .............................................................. 129

Self Awareness: .......................................................................................................................... 130

Upward Causation: ................................................................................................................... 130

Downward Causation: .............................................................................................................. 130

The Hunt for Holy Grail of Science, Search for the God particle... ...................................... 131

The 'ature of Higgs boson: ...................................................................................................... 132

Then, is my God The Higgs boson? ......................................................................................... 132

'o creator, only creation! ......................................................................................................... 133

Chapter 10 ....................................................................................................................................... 135

Differences between Classical and Quantum Physics ............................................................ 135

PART 2 HEALTH ................................................................................................................................. 138

Chapter 11 ....................................................................................................................................... 139

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 139

How does disease occur? ........................................................................................................... 140

Germ theory: ............................................................................................................................. 140

Gene Theory: ............................................................................................................................. 140

Genetic Determinism: ............................................................................................................... 141

Epigenetics: ................................................................................................................................ 142

Stem Cells: ................................................................................................................................. 143

Gene- 'utrient and Gene -Environment Interaction: ........................................................... 144

The Role of Mind in Epigenetics: ............................................................................................. 145

Chapter 12 ....................................................................................................................................... 146

Mind –Matter Connection: ....................................................................................................... 146

Psycho-somatic, Soma-significance and Signa-somatic: ........................................................ 147

Soma Significance ...................................................................................................................... 148

Signa-somatic ............................................................................................................................. 149

Understanding the Interface of Mind-Body: .......................................................................... 149

Energy to Matter Conversion: ................................................................................................. 150

The world is nothing but relationships! .................................................................................. 150

Cell Turnover: ........................................................................................................................... 151

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Mind and Holomovement: ........................................................................................................ 153

Lack of Holomovement: ............................................................................................................ 153

The Web of Causation: ............................................................................................................. 154

Role of the Doctor in Causation and in Cure: ........................................................................ 155

De- Coherence and Disease: ..................................................................................................... 158

The Heart Coherence: ............................................................................................................... 159

Woundology: .............................................................................................................................. 160

Miracles: ..................................................................................................................................... 160

Holography and The Law Of Attraction: ............................................................................... 162

Quantum & Health .................................................................................................................... 162

Diagnosis .................................................................................................................................... 163

Retrospective versus Prospective Analysis: ............................................................................ 163

Uncertainty: ............................................................................................................................... 164

The Human Energy Field-or Urjyavalay: ............................................................................... 165

Kirlian photography: ................................................................................................................ 165

PIP: ............................................................................................................................................. 165

Clairvoyance: ............................................................................................................................. 166

Auriculotherapy: ....................................................................................................................... 167

Asking the Wave Question: ...................................................................................................... 167

Chapter 13 ....................................................................................................................................... 168

What Is Healing? ....................................................................................................................... 169

What is it ..Spontaneous Remissions or Self-healing? ............................................................ 169

Is Healing some kind of a Miracle? ......................................................................................... 170

Distance Healing: ....................................................................................................................... 170

Radionics: ................................................................................................................................... 171

Instant Healing: ......................................................................................................................... 172

SST and Healing: ....................................................................................................................... 172

Sham Surgery: ........................................................................................................................... 172

Can we do Sham Angioplasty? ................................................................................................. 173

Psychic Surgery: ........................................................................................................................ 173

SST and Psychic Surgery: ........................................................................................................ 173

PEMF: Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Force................................................................................... 174

PEMF: Pulsed Electromagnetic Force for different organs. ................................................. 175

MORA device: ........................................................................................................................... 175

CORE machine and LIFE system: .......................................................................................... 176

Spin of Fermions and Sujok therapy: ...................................................................................... 176

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Biofeedback: .............................................................................................................................. 177

What Determines Positive Outcomes?..................................................................................... 177

Individual Responsiveness to Healing: .................................................................................... 178

Role of Healer: ........................................................................................................................... 178

Cancer and Quantum Mechanics: ........................................................................................... 178

'LP and Healing: ...................................................................................................................... 179

'LP and Cancer: ....................................................................................................................... 179

Potential Meaning of Illness: .................................................................................................... 181

Social Health: ............................................................................................................................. 181

Social 'exus in Illness: .............................................................................................................. 182

Spiritual Aspects: ...................................................................................................................... 182

SU(3) Symmetry of the Mind: .................................................................................................. 183

Theory of Everything: ............................................................................................................... 185

Death: ......................................................................................................................................... 185

The ‘I AM’ effect ....................................................................................................................... 186

Bootstrap Philosophy: 'o building blocks! ............................................................................. 187

Good bye to Determinism: ........................................................................................................ 187

Physics- Mind Correlation: ...................................................................................................... 187

The Future of Medicine: ........................................................................................................... 188

Reflections: ................................................................................................................................. 190

Part 3 ................................................................................................................................................... 194

'otes, Experiments and Interpretations ................................................................................. 194

Epilogue: .................................................................................................................................... 215

Glossary: .................................................................................................................................... 218

About the author ....................................................................................................................... 225

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The Theory of Everything in physics is a theory of matter and energy which tries to get all forces of nature on a single page. It is believed that a unitary force existed at the beginning of the universe which diversified into myriad manifestations. Some physicists are now trying to find a common substratum for all apparent asymmetry, with a hope that it will give us a clearer picture of the starting point. Others are studying the starting point of the universe, in order to understand the diversity.

After Maxwell managed to see the symmetry between electricity and magnetism, a serious study of symmetry followed. Einstein had made it a mission of his life to unify the diverse forces and spent his later years trying to evolve a Unified Field Theory which would integrate all the four fundamental forces of nature. He almost succeeded except that gravity was left out. After Einstein, there have been many attempts at unification. Bohm and others even tried to include the observer or consciousness in the system. But for most part, the mind was ignored. Mind could perhaps be called the fifth force, till we have arrived at its true nature, in the mathematical sense. Unifying the mind with quantum mechanics would then be the Doctor’s Theory of Everything which would help in both preventing and healing diseases.

In earlier years, medicine progressed in tandem with the physical sciences but while physics has crossed all boundaries of solid matter and is dabbling into consciousness, we doctors, sad to say, are lagging two centuries behind. Some may have vested interests in remaining so but the majority of us are oblivious to what is happening around. If western trends are any indication, then the next century is going to be the age of energy medicine and quantum healing.

The ‘Cartesian’ division treats the world affairs as that of mind (res cogitans), and that of matter (res extensa). This reductionist approach which we have borrowed from Descartes and Newton has not stood us in good ground. We are

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still struggling to control newer diseases with ever new medicines. Antibiotic resistance and lifestyle diseases have so overwhelmed the Health Delivery System that majority of the world’s population is deprived of their basic needs. The point to be stressed here is that disease is an outcome of various interactions, called the web of causation and reducing it to a unitary cause, defies logic. Hippocrates, Pasteur and Descartes, himself saw more wholeness than today’s medical people are willing to believe. Most importantly, the doctor or his treating system is itself a part of the cause of disease and also its reversal, a fact we cannot afford to ignore.

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Chapter 1

Classical Physics

Classical physics is also called Newtonian Physics after Sir Isaac Newton. Newton saw space as an absolute entity in three dimensions, obeying the laws of Classical Euclidean Geometry. Space was static and resting and events happened against the backdrop of this 3D space-screen. Any change was seen with respect to a fourth entity ‘time’, which was linear, unidirectional and absolute. Time flowed from past to present to future, uniformly across the time scale as well as in space. Objects in this space, moved in time and were composed of matter in its various forms. And between these objects there were forces that acted on or through them.

Discovering the Forces and The Quest For Unification:

The four forces in the universe are:

• Gravity

• Electromagnetic force, EMF

• Strong Nuclear Force

• Weak Nuclear Forces

The question scientists asked was,

Are all these forces entirely different or is there a unifying force joining these four forces - the common factor underlying all these interactions?

That reminds me of the greatest Vedanta question ever asked, “What is that greatest knowledge, knowing which, I will know all?

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The Theory of Everything (TOE) And Man’s Quest for Unification:

The Theory of the Universe or the Theory of Everything tries to explain why matter appears different. Though there was always a possibility that fundamentally all forces were one, scientists now needed to prove this hypothesis. They believed that digging deep into the atom would provide the answer to the ever elusive phenomenon of a single unifying force. They were reflecting every man’s quest for unification, both spiritual and material!

The Reductionist Approach:

To begin with, the scientists were hell-bent (heaven would do) on dividing matter…divide, subdivide, dissect, disintegrate and dismantle. The premise was that if you reduced things to the smallest indivisible particle or concept, you would know the whole. But the universe is not a machine made of parts. Even a machine can’t be known by its parts. It’s the assembly and operation which makes it a functioning unit. Similarly or more so, the universe is not a sum of its parts. It is an integrated whole made up of functioning and working elements and interactions. You cannot know the universe from its parts.

The Holistic View:

When scientists decided to look at fundamental issues concerning forces, they started looking for a common ground for all the forces. The first breakthrough came when the electric and magnetic forces were recognised as one force, now called the Electromagnetic Force. There cannot be magnetism without an electric force around it, the lines and poles of the magnet. There cannot be an electrical field without a magnetic impact borne of it, magnetism around an electric coil.

Put a bar magnet in a coil of wire. Pass a current through the metal coil and there is your magnetic field i.e. an electric field creating a magnetic field. This principle is used in MRI. Electricity in the wire coil induces a magnetic field to align the Hydrogen atoms in the body.

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The next step was joining of the EMF with the Nuclear Forces.

Electroweak Force:

The Electroweak force joins the EMF to the Weak Nuclear Force.

The third step was joining the Electroweak Force with Strong Nuclear Force.

Grand Unified Theory (GUT)

The scientists managed to join the subtle forces in the subatomic realm but what about joining cosmology with atomic science/quantum mechanics (atomology if you will)?

And then of course, joining atomology with mindology to complete the Doctor’s Theory of Everything?

Unified Field Theory: Synergy

Here, was the greatest hurdle. With his General Relativity, Einstein had managed to join matter-energy and space-time. But bridging the microcosm with the macrocosm was a great challenge. He burnt his midnight oil over it and hard-earned the ridicule of his peers. General relativity tells us all about the cosmos. It tells about space warps, black holes and the big bang. It also tells us about the beginning of the world and what is its predictable end, if any. It lays stress on the making or breaking of a star or even a galaxy but we know that without the atoms in the stars there would be no stars in the first place. Though the cosmos is full of atoms we cannot explain the movement of stars or comets from knowledge of the atomic interactions. And on the other hand, we cannot apply the laws of gravity to a sub-atomic quark. It is like saying that a P.R.O. of a large organization cannot manage his three year old baby! So, we have been at a split for too long.

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The Four Forces of 'ature:

1. Force of Gravity

2. Electromagnetic Force

And in the nucleus, we have the

3. Weak Nuclear Force

4. Strong Nuclear Force Let us now discuss cosmological phenomena as well as the fundamentals of atomic and subatomic interactions. The ‘'ature’ of the Forces: A force is characterized by movement and displacement. Any force is a power, a kind of energy to do something or to manifest something. For example, The Gravitational Force pulls the objects towards the centre of gravity. The Electrical Force moves electrons. The magnetic Force deflects a needle. Last but not the least, we have Thought Power which can move people to do something, be it positive or negative. As said, “A thought can move mountains!”

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The Law of Attraction?

Gravitational Force:

Gravitational force would rightly be called the gravitational interaction. We had learnt in school that the Sun exerts a gravitational pull on the Earth and that Earth exerts a gravitational pull on the moon. Then, we learnt at college that both the Sun and Earth exert a gravitational pull on each other, a tug of war ensues and Sun being the stronger one or the one with the greater mass, wins. So, the Earth is pulled towards the Sun.

If there was no gravity, we would fly away from the surface of the Earth, the Earth would fly away from the Sun. Moreover, there would not be a mass of matter- energy interaction called the Sun. And without the Sun, we would not exist. Gravity is the grossest form of force on Earth. Within the star, the gravitational pull keeps the gases within limits of a particular area or the star itself would expand and explode.

(N.B: Sun and other stars exist as a balance between contracting force of gravity and expanding forces like fusion reactions, electron degenerative force etc.)

When we have our feet firmly grounded on the Earth’s surface, we start believing that it is because of the same force that attracts the iron to the magnet or simply our weight bearing us down on Earth. In short, we go to Earth and not that the Earth pulls us. Hence, we refer to people as feather-weight or light as a feather. We have mass, so we go down and not up.

But we do see people performing acrobatics and jumping 5 feet off the ground, purely with the help of their mind-power. The cat is not weightless to fly off in the air but it can easily jump up to the ledge and sometimes the fat tabby is swifter than the skinny one by some strange deviation of its mind–body apparatus. Mankind, the intellectually developed species, has forgotten this skill during evolution.

Now, imagine the Earth and the Sun far, far away from each other, trillions and trillions of miles, light years to be precise. And yet there is this strong attraction. Who or what conveys this message to the Earth? There is no physical or material contact between the two as you can see.

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The apple fell to the Earth but why does the moon not fall to the Earth?

The seventeenth century saw the dawn of Newton and Newtonian physics. “Why does the moon not fall to the Earth?” asked Newton and answered it himself.

“The moon does not fall to the Earth because the Earth’s receding curvature cancels its falling motion.”

In other words, it is like saying that the moon keeps falling but the Earth keeps moving away. Remember, when we played catching cook as children and someone went round and round a pole?

Today, we have artificial satellites which are based on this principle. If a satellite is sent in the orbit fast enough, it will encircle the Earth.

The First Alliance:

We had known electricity and we had known magnetism but they both appeared so distinct by their properties that an alliance seemed unlikely until Maxwell made a breakthrough discovery. Charged bodies create electrical fields around them. These fields act on each other and also on other non-charged bodies which are present within their field of influence. The Matador takes on everything which comes in its way. If these electrically charged bodies are made to move, they generate a magnetic field. And the magnetic fields are not inert. They deflect other moving charges. It was Maxwell who first discovered the Electro-magnetic force, magnetic field changing into electric field and vice -versa.

The Electro-magnetic Force (EMF) in the Atom:

What happens in the microcosm is not different from that in the macrocosm. Inside here, the attractive EMF takes over the role of gravity. We have seen the force fields around a bar magnet with the help of iron filings. In a hydroelectricity plant, a magnetic coil rotates a turbine and the rotation generates electricity.

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1.Michael Faraday showed that when a bar magnet is moved near copper coil, electric current is produced.

Magnetic energy was found to give rise to an electric current.


2. Maxwell discovered that when electric current is passed through a coil, a magnetic field is produced.

In other words, electricity is magnetic.


Combining the two, it was deduced that electricity and magnetism are complementary, giving rise to Electromagnetic force or more properly called an Electromagnetic force field.

The EM Force Field:

For the first time, Faraday and Maxwell replaced the concept of a force by that of a Force Field, thus going away from Newtonian or Classical physics. It was postulated that the presence of a charge on a body or particle, changes or creates a field around it and objects or charges around it respond to this field. Again, field is not a static entity but a dynamic interaction. I want the reader to note that in physics concepts keep changing and scientists are flexible when they see evidence. We do not see the same flexibility in medicine. Doctors ignore facts that are not written in their books.

The EM Wave:

These changing fields create a wave-front à la Mexican wave or a wave of black and white dominos being knocked down in succession. These vibrating electro –magnetic fields travel through space as waves or radiation. Maxwell called it the electro-magnetic wave. He calculated the speed of this wave-front and was surprised to find that the speed of this wave equalled that of light. In retrospection, we learnt that light was an electromagnetic phenomenon.

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It was initially believed that the electromagnetic wave-front needed a medium for propagation and hypothetical medium called ether was proposed. We now know that there is no need of ether or any medium. The electromagnetic wave front can propagate even through vacuum. It is represented as an electric wave along the vertical plane and a magnetic wave along the horizontal axis.

Electro- magnetic Wave

The next step was to find the flow of this force field, which led to the theory of electrodynamics. The EMF is responsible for holding the electrons in apparent orbits in the atom and governs the laws of chemistry. There are EM force fields that penetrate the whole space as infinite arrows from a single electric charge.

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Radio 99.5 FM:

FM is high frequency modulation of EMF at 99.5, meaning thereby that the electric force into magnetic force and vice-versa changes 99.5 million times /sec. Does this ring a bell?

(Range of FM in India is 88-108)


EMF around the human body can be measured and charted with the help of RFI TM(Resonance field imaging). Scientists in Russia have studied bio-plasma and its stimulation by different things. Adrenaline had the weakest effect followed by electrical stimulation and massage of acupressure points. Mild laser light was a strong stimulant. But the most powerful stimulant was human volition or directing the thoughts towards a specific part of body (Ferguson).This is what is relevant to us and stressed upon by proponents of mind- body medicine.

(P.S: I shall post some results of RFI studies shortly)

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Light and EM phenomenon:

In fact, light is the most common EM radiation seen and studied. The speed of light never varies. It is a constant represented by the letter ‘c’. Physicists have discovered that the velocity of light in empty space is always 186,000 miles per second (3x108m/sec).This speed applies to all electromagnetic waves, light being one of them. The other common EM waves are X-rays, radar and microwaves. All light waves (blue ones, green ones, red ones, etc.) have the same velocity as radio waves, X-rays, and all the other forms of electromagnetic radiation. In other words, we have infrared waves, visible spectrum and the ultraviolet rays of light, all travelling at the same speed.

The speed of light is constant in spite of relativity, i.e. whether you are going towards the source or away from it. It does not matter whether light is going up or down, has a high frequency or a low frequency, a large wavelength or a small wavelength or it is coming toward us or going away from us. This fact led Albert Einstein to the theory of special relativity, as we shall see later. What is very interesting is that light waves do not rest. They are never tired. The photons once released will not rest and move at constant speed anywhere in the universe. Does this in any way explain why enlightened people need less sleep? (See my book Demystifying the Chakras)

Is Light Made Up of Particles or Waves?

In1803, Thomas Young through his Double-Slit experiment demonstrated that light, when projected on a screen caused an interference pattern and for some time it was assumed that light was made up of waves just like sound waves (see appendix). It is important to note that Young was a medical practitioner well versed in physics. Later, it was Planck who showed that these light waves are not continuous waves but are made up of discrete packets of energy which are very tiny called quanta (now called the photons). The Planck’s constant h= 6.5x 10-27erg sec. We shall see more about light later.

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What happens when light strikes metal?

The Photoelectric Effect:

In 1905, Einstein demonstrated the Photoelectric Effect. He postulated that when light particles (or photons) strike metal, electrons should bounce off the plate and generate electricity which in fact, they do. They generate energy or waves and because of this phenomenon we can watch television. So, we can conclude that the wave has a particle like character and particle has a wave like character. Light particles or photons are a special kind of particles travelling at a constant speed ‘c’ and without a resting mass. Photons do have mass, but they do not have ‘rest’ mass.

Note: Earlier in 1901, Nikola Tesla working on the basis of previous knowledge that light incident upon metals produced a current, described that this current was a particle phenomenon. He discovered that when a metal was illuminated by high-frequency light (e.g. ultraviolet light), electrons were ejected from the metal at a high energy.

Photo -Electric Effect:

Light waves particles

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When the data from the photoelectric experiment was analysed, it was seen that the energy of ejected electrons increased as the frequency of light wave increased and did not depend on total energy of illumination or intensity, meaning thereby that the illuminating particle gave all its energy to the electron. This satisfied Planck’s hypothesis regarding black body radiation that light in the radiation could exist only as discrete bundles.

'ature of the Photoelectric Emission:

Philipp Lenard proved that subject to conditions, the energy of these ejected electrons did not depend on the intensity of the incoming light, but on its frequency.


Low frequency light –few lower energy electrons

Increase the intensity—more electrons but of low energy

Shine high frequency light—high energy electrons

This effect was not consistent with the wave nature of light.

Moreover, the electrons were emitted immediately – there was no time lag!

All this favoured a particle nature of light energy.


Low- frequency light only ejects low- energy electrons because each electron is excited by the absorption of a single photon. Increasing the intensity of the low-frequency light (increasing the number of photons) only increases the number of excited electrons, not their energy, because the energy of each photon remains low. Only by increasing the frequency of the light, and thus increasing the energy of the photons, can one eject electrons with higher energy. Only photons of a high enough frequency (above a certain threshold value) could knock an electron free. For example, photons of blue light had sufficient energy to free an electron from the metal, but photons of red light did not.

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The Energy of ejected electron is given as E = hν (h= Planck’s constant).

This is very important in healing. When we use light or energy in healing it needs to be at the right frequency. It is said by energy healers that the HIV virus vibrates at a very high frequency and hence is difficult to eradicate. The vibratory frequency of the healer is also important. Definitely, more research is needed in this area.

The time of healing or the number of healers is secondary. One enlightened soul can heal hundreds at one go. A few highly enlightened people are enough to change the dynamics of the world towards a more meaningful existence.

Applications of Photoelectric Effect:


Metals have a lattice pattern which gives it the metallic qualities. Metals have outer electrons which are free to move. Hence, a metal can conduct electricity. On the other hand, we have the semiconductors. These are substances which dampen or direct the free flow of electrons thus controlling the flow of electricity. Furthermore, we have the LASER which gives a coherent radiation i.e. the electrons all moving in tandem. They decay at once and in synchrony.

'eon light:

Electricity excites electrons in the Neon gas. The energy of the excited electrons then tends to decay to reach its original state and while doing so it, emits this energy as light.

Why is it Red–Hot and not Blue-Hot?

Black Body Radiation: Planck shocks the world!

Black body radiation is the radiation that comes from a non-reflecting, perfectly absorbing flat black body or even a blackened hollow box. Actually, black is not a colour. Black means an absence of all colours. And colour essentially means light. So, black means that no light is reflected or emitted.

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Black bodies have no light unless we heat them. If a black body then glows with a certain colour it is obviously due to the energy we have added to it. A black body will either absorb or emit this energy in a specific amount. It was observed that this radiating energy is not a linear graph but occurs in spurts, till no more can be radiated. This defied the long held theory of particle nature of light propounded by Newton.

Planck was himself shocked by this discovery and thought that it was a limitation of his experimental conditions. Nevertheless, he ventured to put it into the public domain, from where Einstein took over.

Remember, colour means light, light means energy and energy means vibrations!

The Ultra-Violet Catastrophe:

A corollary to the above experiment is the ultraviolet catastrophe. We have the visible light spectrum, given by the acronym VIBGYOR, where red is the lowest frequency and violet the highest. Even if you see the chakras in the human body, this colour coding holds true. Ultraviolet rays are the higher frequency rays in the light spectrum to the left of violet. Classical theory expected the energy to go up with increasing frequency of light waves thus ultimately giving infinite energy. But the truth is that when objects are heated, they do not radiate large amounts of energy in the form of ultraviolet light in the way the classical theory predicts. When we work with shorter wavelengths, the energy does increase but when we reach the UV spectrum things change. This aspect is important when we measure the human aura with the RFITM. There is a rotation of colours.

'uclear Forces:

After gravity and EMF, the third force is the strong nuclear interaction.

When we go deeper still, we meet another force, the nuclear force. In the atom, the nuclear forces over powers the EM forces between the electron and proton.

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There are two types of nuclear forces. The weak force and strong force also called the weak and strong nuclear interactions

Strong 'uclear Forces:

The strong force acts at short range, at a distance of only 2-3 times the diameter of the atom and is responsible for the properties of nuclear matter. At short distances, nuclear force is attractive but if distance decreases still further, the positively charged protons come too close together and they tend to repel. The atomic nuclei are 1,00,000 times smaller than the whole atom but contain all of its mass. The strong force binds the protons (p)and neutrons(n) in the nucleus [p=positive charge, n=neutral charge]. These positively charged particles, densely packed in a small area, would have repelled each other if not for the strong nuclear force. Think, what would happen if the world was full of only men!

The repulsive electric force would try to rip apart the nucleus, a phenomenon that actually happens. The nuclear force maintains the stability of the nucleus albeit in a dynamic equilibrium.

Whenever, the number of proton in a nucleus exceeds a certain number (>90), the repulsive force becomes overpowering and the atom can no longer maintain its constituent structure. It disintegrates. If this strong force is allowed to escape, as in the splitting of a uranium atom, it can play havoc (or magic).

This strong nuclear force is like a pent up emotion within us. We can wreck the

world with our hatred or drive the world with our enthusiasm.

The ratio of the diameter of the atomic nucleus to the whole is very small and both are hypothetical entities not measured but arrived at. And generally people accept them as reality. When people ask me about how I can be sure about prāna, chakras or mind, I am surprised. Prāna and chakras can be seen with naked eye and they can be photographed. The mind is as visible as the body in our actions and dreams.

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You might have seen the effects of a dynamite blast in a quarry (mediated by EM force).Within minutes, a whole mountain can be diminished to powder or a whole building can crumple like a card castle. The energy released in the detonation of a nuclear bomb is a million times the energy of a dynamite blast. But what happens at the stellar level is more grand and scarier than all these events.

'uclear Fusion Reactions:

The Sun is continuously detonating and giving us light and heat. A slight change in the strong nuclear forces of the Sun can affect temperature on Earth. Fusion reactions are adding up reactions. Hydrogen atom, which has only one proton combines with 3 more Hydrogen atoms at high speed to give Helium with two protons, generating loads of energy. The protons keep adding up till we get to Uranium with 92 protons. When the atomic number rises above this, the nucleus of the atom becomes so dense that the nucleons touch one another affecting the stability of the atoms, so we reverse from nuclear fusion to fission.

This process is common in the core of stars but is very rare on earth.

The paradox? Helium with two protons has less mass than Hydrogen. The extra mass about 0.7% of the total mass is released as energy through the equation, E= mc2.

'uclear Fission Reaction:

As the process of fusion proceeds the nuclei become heavier. When the nucleons increase to 59, the number in iron, the nuclei start becoming unstable .The positively charged protons tend repel each other. So, the energy required to keep the nucleons together is high. The atomic number increases further till we reach Uranium when it starts the fission reaction.

Nuclei with large number of protons naturally emit a radiation called radioactivity, a kind of energy with both positive and negative effects. With fission, the atomic mass is reduced and we have newer elements with less mass, the mass is again converted to energy given by equation E=mc2. Both

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fission and fusion reactions need only a little mass. This can be very helpful to mankind as in heating of the Sun , the hydrogen car or nuclear electricity or very catastrophic as in the atom bomb.

The question scientists asked was whether it was the lack of enough binding that disintegrated the nucleus or was there another force which regulated this emission?

The Weak Force: The 4th Force

Today, we know that such a force exists, the weak nuclear force which disintegrates the nucleus and governs its laws. This weak force is very subtle. And the more subtle a force, the more powerful it is. It is responsible for nuclear beta decay (Pauli).

The weak force gives mass to gauge bosons, it is the energy of interactions.

Neutron ……….proton +electron + electron anti neutrino

Two nucleons act via a vector boson.

This is a very interesting field. It suggests that interactions create mass. We need to find applicability in the social field.

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Chapter 2

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity:

1905 -The Dawn of Einstein and his Relativity

If two men were walking at the same speed of 2 miles/hour and if each of them could see each other minutely they would feel as though they were not moving forward but the ground below them is moving backwards. Children often feel that way. As adults, our minds are mired in concepts and we conclude rather than observe or feel.

Imagine, a man instead of walking with a man is travelling with a wave of light in an astral vehicle at speed c. He could actually see the EM wave-front with a powerful microscope and for him the light wave should appear stationary. However, this does not happen to be the case. As the man speeds up, his mind (time) slows down and the light still precedes him at speed c. (Einstein by his own admittance, used to ride on waves of light in his reveries).

Man cannot catch up with light. If he wants to, he has to learn to travel faster or enter the 4th dimension as we shall see later.

Distortion in Distance:

Distances contract for speeding bodies. The road appears shorter when the car is speeding. A speeding pencil at velocity c would not be seen.

Distortion in Shape:

When a fan rotates at a high speed, its shape is distorted.

What would happen if a car could travel at the speed of light?

The shape of the car would appear to be distorted. It would be rotated or flat just like mirrors distort us in science museums.

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Distortion in Time, the Twin Paradox:

A 20 year old man, going into space at the speed of light ‘c’ would still look 20 on his return while his twin brother, who stayed back on Earth would age by 20 years. Time slows for speeding bodies, time distorts distances.

Time-Space- Light Connection:

Light is a continuous emission of electro-magnetic radiation and space is that which is observed by light. Distance can be measured as light-seconds (Light-second = travelled in one second).In other words, space can be manipulated by light and time.

Space = time taken for light to travel from A to B

Time = space, as loci between distance travelled by light from beginning to end.

Light travels at a constant and uniform speed c, takes only seconds to go around the Earth. [Circumference of Earth is 40,075.017 km (equatorial) and 40,007.86 km (meridianal).]

The Space-Time Concept

What is Time in Physics?

There are basically two entities in the visible universe, time and space. According to classical physics, time is believed to be unidirectional and space bidirectional. Time is a measure of movement. Early men saw time as when Sun moved from A to B (Sunrise to Sunset).

But today, we know that this apparent motion was with respect to man on Earth. If the man was standing on the face of Sun, he would say that the Earth is moving from B to A. So time is relative to space. And if time is relative to space, then space has to be relative to time. We use time to measure motion and

motion to measure time.

According to the quantum theory, time goes both ways from the zero point “now”, forward and backward. This is not so apparent in the world of our daily

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experience except in our dreams or in fantasy. But in the subatomic realm, it is quite relevant.

The Time called ‘NOW’

Now or Present is infinitely divisible hence cannot exist as a duration or period.

The big question is “Is now the same or does it keep on changing?”

That is, if one ‘now’ ceases for the next ‘now’ to come in?

‘Now’ cannot exist and cease to exist at same time. This is the paradox.

The moment you think ‘now’, it has already become the past. now……

In fact, there is no independent, ‘Now’. Now is the junction of past and future, hence non- existent.

Furthermore, past and future, do they belong to an infinite time scale or to the moment?

This is again a paradox.

�owness = newness

At now, there is neither past nor future, neither on the earth nor in space.

Future exists depending on what is being done ‘now’.

At now or zero time, Space is absolute and Time is absolute.

There is also a need based now…. It comes when needed….. like a point.

According to Greek atomism, ‘nowness’ is the same every time. The same now exists every time.

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NOW or PRESENT is infinitesimal! Most of the things we called present are already the past. ‘Now’ is a point of time so infinitesimal and fleeting that is hard to grasp. We are more often tapping into recorded brain memory like replaying a CD.

Picture a CD, which you can fast forward or rewind and you can change tracks.We hadn’t even thought of such a device a few ago till the CD was invented. So, we can’t think of the possibility of time- reversal in daily life because we have not experinced it.

Infinitesimal Time:

The briefest time intervals ever observed have been clocked in Germany. Ultraviolet laser pulses are used to track the briefest quantum leaps of electrons within atoms. The events last for about 100 attoseconds, or 100 quintillionths of a second. For a little perspective, 100 attoseconds is to one second as one second is to 300 million years.

1 attosecond 10−18 1 femtosecond 10−15 1 picosecond 10−12 1 nanosecond 10−9 1 microsecond 10−6

We measure infinitesimal time in attoseconds but at a temporal realm called the Planck scale, even attoseconds drag by like eons. At this level, the very concepts of time and space start to break down. And this scale is important when we are talking about either the event of big bang or the resonances at the subatomic level. Planck time scale, chronon is at the order 10-43seconds. Resonances in the atoms are at order of 10-23seconds.

When we try to understand time at infinitesimal points, i.e. below the Planck scale, we find that time does not exist…as a fundamental reality. And yet it

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exists in our experience. This is one juncture where physics meets psychology, an untapped field of mysteries and possibilities.

But time has no reality. I mean, no absolute reality. According to the philosopher, Kant ‘Apart from the mind, time is nothing’.

(Planck time—the smallest unit of time that has any physical meaning is 10-43 second, less than a trillionth of a trillionth of an atto-second or beneath that)

When it was superhot, the universe took three minutes to make a nucleus of the atom. At Earth temperatures it will take even shorter time frames. If we change the nuclei of the atoms in our body, we could change our bodies in minutes or lesser time. So, healing is scientifically possible and explainable. What we need to work on is how to make it common-place.

Time and Space:

Time is generally considered the 4th dimension, the first three are the X, Y and Z axis of the three dimensional space in Euclidean frame.

Time Dilation:

Is Time Uniform?

Newton and his followers believed that time pulsed uniformly throughout the universe. A clock on Earth would tick at the same rate if it were to be placed on the moon but things changed with the appearance of satellites and rockets. Maxwell’s equation predicted that the clock would slow down under certain circumstances. The duration of time varies as per the reference frame. On a space ship, atomic clocks slow down.

Now, this is not a theoretical construct or physicists’ dilemma but a practical utility. In my stress management classes for students and executives I have been a witness to hundreds of people learning to expand or contract time. So, that more learning can happen in a briefer time frame of the clock.

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Multiple Dimensions and Time:


Mind = Time

No mind …no Time

A video camera has clicked multiple shots of past, present and future and is running it like a film.

Or that a great drama already exists on the big stage of the universe and a camera with a God’s eye view is scanning the past, present, future in Real time.

So, the future is in the now, the past is also in the now (in God’s eye view!).

What happens when you are not in the 3D or you have lifted yourself above 3D?

That takes us to different dimensions.

Speculative theories such as string theory predict 10 or 26 dimensions (with M-

theory predicting 11 dimensions: 10 spatial and 1 temporal), but the existence

of more than four dimensions would only appear to make a difference at the

subatomic level. String theory hypothesizes that matter and energy are

composed of tiny vibrating strings of various types, most of which are embedded

in dimensions that exist only on a scale no larger than the Planck length. Hence

� = 3 and T = 1 do not characterize string theory, which embeds vibrating

strings in coordinate grids having 10, or even 26, dimensions .Additional

dimensions are normally considered spatial but there exist some speculative

theories that include additional temporal dimensions as well and even some that

include dimensions that are neither temporal nor spatial. This is very true in an

experience of Samadhi.

The 4th dimension: What happens in meditation?

It is well known that time halts in a crisis situation.

There is expansion of self in dimensions higher than the 4th dimension. You lose track of time. You can dilate or contract time. Same thing happens with space. You are no longer a fixed body but a set of vibrations, which are not localized.

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You are neither here nor there. At once, you are everywhere. You are the centre of the universe and also its whole expanse.

NOW HERE = no where ! = everywhere!

This is what is called being in the ‘now’. Actually, in reality there is no absolute time, there is no absolute space…. We have contrived them to suit our purpose!

According to De Broglie, the past, present and future is given en bloc. I discover my present in the window of now. That’s all.

Time and Energy:

If time would exist then it could be converted to energy. In a futuristic world, it is hypothesized that the energy equation of time would be,

E = delta tc2

That is so much untapped energy that it would be enough to solve the energy crisis of the world and cause a crisis for the oil Barons. If there is something hidden in the null and void, why not energy in time?

Only ‘time’ will tell.

past future

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Cause and Effect:

Time is not determined, therefore, there is no before and after and hence there can be no pre-determined cause-effect pairing. Our minds are so conditioned with this cause-effect pairing that I am certain most you reading this page will have to fight your mind to re-think. It is true that all events are interconnected but the connections are not causal. The cause-effect is limited in the classical terms. It applies to certain situations, at certain times, only. Therefore, the cause and effect are not linear, not at least in the higher dimensions. Then, reversal of disease like diabetes is a distinct possibility.

The big question then is, do we have more cancer surgeons because there are more cancer patients or vice versa?

Different Kinds of Time:

So far, we have learnt that time is a continuous variate. Conceptually, it is infinitely divisible into nanoseconds, attoseconds etc. Also, Time can be contorted in space- time continuum.

Clock time: is an artificially created time to meet our needs and set standards for comparisons.

Event based time:

Event based time is time with referral to event, time which is measured with the occurrence of some physical activity.

E.g. Sunrise to sunset; seasons and from birth to death. That is, something has to happen for time to be measured.

Suppose, you are alone, locked in a room lighted artificially, without a clock. You have no way to know about sunrise or sunset. How will you then keep track of time?

Psychological time:

Imagine, you are with your beloved. How does time fly?

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Or doing boring work, how does time drag in your experience?

Is there a distortion of time and space in these two situations?

When speed increases, mind slows, When mind slows, time slows. Also, distances contract for speeding bodies.

Time-Atom Relationship:

The sub atomic particles speak to each other instantaneously!

Here in the atomic space, matter is small, and time is brief too. Many things can happen in attoseconds. In fact, events appear almost instantaneous. Therefore, when people heal, they actually heal instantaneously, as much as our mind may refuse to accept it. We may take a long time to land ourselves at that glorious moment but once there ..there is no more waiting. A lot of communication is possible in infinitesimal time---the parāvāni of the yogis [Krishna recited 18 chapters of the Geeta on the battle front]. At subtler levels, more is done is less time.

The Space Time Cone:

Space - time is a product of limiting thoughts.

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Future cone

Past cone

Space-time represents a right sided cone, where time is its axis, its slope is equal to the size of a ripple cut off in a space-time plane that progresses along the time axis. The widest ripple has a diameter of 2,998 km after one second.{right now we are not considering supra luminal waves}.

Every space-time cone is event specific. No event, no time.

The same thing happens in a 4D experience, meditation.

Here, an event is replaced by a thought.

No thought= (no mind), no time.

At the vortex of this cone, there is zero time. The ripple goes wider and wider covers entire future. Mathematically, a logical cone is inferred on opposite side which represents the past.

Does this explain past life events?

Relationship between Time, Mind and Light

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As far as we can assume, nothing moves faster than light. Time has a functional relationship with light (time, light).

But light does not move linearly, it actually moves with a 3D light spread (space, light).

The unit, light–second is a 2D space model of light, where one dimension is ignored for convenience.

Consider a 2D curved surface, where light is seen as rows and columns of

light –seconds.

Since time is connected with light, a clock on a water reservoir, which is curved runs slower.

N.B: Distance is measured as light-second. 1 light second is the distance travelled by light in one second.

Time Travel and Anti matter:

When one electron goes forward in time, it releases a photon of energy.

If the same electron goes backward in time, it would absorb a photon of energy.

This electron which appears moving back is called the positron (the same positron of a PET scan).

Anti matter travelling forward in time = electrons move backward in time

When we get a precognition it could either be that our mind travels into future or future events travel backwards so that our mind can register them.

In non-linear time which is an accepted fact today both are equally possible.

Want To Live Longer? Travel Faster!

The space-time concept was first introduced in 1908 by Hermann Minkowski. According to him, relativity is important not only in covering large distances but also large velocities (as in measuring light or subatomic realms).

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Particles moving with the speed of light live longer (At 80% of c, 1.7 x longer; at 99% of c, 7 x longer).

Time does not flow at the same rate as in ‘flat space-time’ everywhere. In space, as the curvature varies from place to place, according to the distribution of massive bodies, so does the flow of time. In this space experience, the temporal sequence is converted into a simultaneous co-existence, the side by side existence of things. And this again does not remain static but becomes a living continuum in which time and space are integrated.

In simple language, we have the past; the present and the future at one go. And this is an on-going drama. It is not that future is changing, even the past is changing. This is possible to understand when we understand non-linear time or cyclical time.

Time and Dynamism:

The dynamic nature of the universe is evident both at quantum level and in cosmology. The universe is in constant motion. But sadly, even when we know that things are changing, we are always extrapolating from the past. It is said that you cannot dip into the same river twice. Both I and the river have changed after the first dip.

X patients of diabetes today need not mean 2 X patients tomorrow, unless we want to create them.


In 1967, Gerald Feinberg, based on excitation of mass fields in experiments,

proposed that particles travelling faster than light, tachyonic particles could

exist. However, it was soon realized that excitations of such imaginary mass

fields do not in fact propagate faster than light, but instead represent an

instability known as tachyon condensation. Most physicists think that faster-

than-light particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known

laws of physics. If such particles did exist, they could be used to build a

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tachyonic anti-telephone and send signals faster than light, which (according to

special relativity) would lead to violations of causality. ‘I would receive the call

you are making now one hour back’.

Despite theoretical arguments against the existence of faster-than-light

particles, experiments have been conducted to search for them. �o compelling

evidence for their existence has been found yet.

�ote: Physicists experiment and rule out! That is science.

Space: Big and Small

Imagine a big space, so big as to be ..……infinite

Now, imagine a small space, so small as to be ….non existent

If two things are present one can bigger than the other. In fact, we need two things to even think of size. At least, the measuring instrument and the object being measured. Even for a visual assessment, we need our eyes.

What if only one thing exists?

In his 1895 novel The Time Machine, H.G. Wells wrote, “any real body must have extension in four directions: it must have Length, Breadth, Thickness, and Duration” and that “There is no difference between Time and any of the three

dimensions of Space except that our consciousness moves along it."

Just imagine, how advanced in thinking, he was. He probably would have had an OBE, because one particular description of his is very close to the common description of an OBE (out of body experience).

N.B: My parents and their peers read ‘Time Machine’ as a supplementary reading book in school.

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Space –Time Continuum:

The space-time continuum is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single continuum. Space-time is usually interpreted with space as being three-dimensional and time playing the role of a fourth dimension which is a different sort of dimension compared to the spatial dimensions.

From a Euclidean space perspective, the universe has three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. By combining space and time into a single unit, physicists have significantly simplified a large number of physical theories, as well as described in a more uniform way, the workings of the universe at both the galactic and subatomic levels.

In space-time, a coordinate grid that spans the 3+1 dimensions locates events (rather than just points in space), i.e. time is added as another dimension to the coordinate grid. This way the coordinates specify where and when events occur. A personal experience of space-time continuum is available to mankind in higher dimensional states of consciousness and very much attainable contrary to general belief.

A space-time event itself can be viewed as the union of all events in the same way that a line is the union of all of its points. The space- time continuum is a continuum of events. Though we can speculate that space-time exists independent of any observer, any event in this continuum needs to be observed to be relevant to us. Because events are space-time points, an example of an event in classical relativistic physics the location (x,y,z,t) is the representation of an elementary (point-like) particle at a particular time. For practical purposes, we choose two spatial dimensions for space x and y and time is represented by an axis orthogonal to this plane.

In observing an event, we choose a frame of reference which is relative to us. In the absolute sense, there is no fixed point or fixed time in the universe, so things are changing even when we are observing.

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Maps In 4D ! The Space Time Diagrams

In relativity, the 4th dimension of time is added to the 3D space to give the xyz-t reference frame. To get a space time diagram on paper, we take 3D of space on one axis and time on the axis orthogonal to it. This is called a space-time diagram.

Space time curvature and curvilinear geometry:

The Earth is not flat and neither is the universe!

Space and time is not uniform everywhere. It is curved to different degrees and time flows at different rates in different parts of the universe.

There are no linear relations in space. This is because space is curved. The presence of a massive object (anything with mass) like a star or planet distorts the curve of space-time and the degree of distortion of curvature is proportional to the mass of the object.

Does the universe follows the law of least action(? langrangian function or synchronicity).

The Stellar Path:

Why do stellar bodies (stars, planets etc.) take a particular path?

Is it due to the attracting force of gravity or do they follow the path of least resistance?

In other words is gravity just an illusion? Is this part of the legendary Maya?

Early in the 20th Century, it was postulated that gravity is not a force but bending of the space -time continuum on account of the presence of mass. For example, the presence of the Sun (Sun= matter energy), distorts the fabric of space-time continuum. Earth, which would otherwise travel along a straight line, now starts revolving.

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What would happen if the Sun just disappeared? The Earth would fly or dart away. It should take precisely 8 minutes and 19 seconds the time taken for the Sun’s light to reach the Earth for the Earth to be knocked off from its orbit.

Gravity in the strict sense is not an absolute entity but distortion in the space time continuum due to presence of matter or energy (see warping). According to Bohm, there is another way of looking at the gravitation interaction, the teleological approach.

The teleological approach was suggested by Lagrange and Hamilton in the

�ineteenth century. In this approach, motion is no longer seen as mechanical.

Each object is said to move over a whole period of time in such a way as to

minimize a certain function called a Lagrangian.

In other words, it follows the way of least resistance!... The Middle Way….

Hmm ..So,even stellar motion is very spiritual?

But why does not the Earth fall into the Sun?

After billions of years of rotating and revolving and that too uni-directionally, there should have been a loss of momentum and a point would come when the gravitational pull of the Sun would overcome the momentum of Earth.

Or is it a conscious Earth re-directing itself?

Think of a spinning top made to spin in a circular groove. After some time it has to stop. There has to be a loss of momentum. A battery operated top may last longer but will eventually stop.

Now, think of a Kathak dancer or Sufi dancer, swirling and encircling. She or he is free to choose the movement.

The Earth is supposed to gain momentum from the ZPF which we will say later.

Space Warps: Curvature of Space-Time

Imagine a 2 dimensional net with a ball placed at the centre representing the Sun. Suppose a marble in circular motion moves along an orbit, at a distance away from centre. If we remove the ball from the centre, the motion of the

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marble will change. That is what it would be for the Earth without the Sun in its place.

Space Warping -Space is crooked!

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Special Relativity, Joining Time and Space:

According to relativity theory, space is not a three-dimensional entity and time is not a separate entity. Time and space are relative to each other. There is no absolute time and there is no absolute space. That is, there is no absolute time, separate from space. Both space and time are intimately connected and form a four-dimensional continuum, the ‘space-time’. The three dimensions of space and time as the fourth making up the 4 dimensional universe.

It is like you have sugar, butter, flour mixed together and baked for 20 minutes. Now, you have the whole of a bun. You divide it into four parts. You get a piece of a whole bun and not flour or sugar.

Special relativity measures the space-time-light connection.

The Concept of Continuums:

Continuum means that the parts that make up the whole entity are inseparable.

In the 1D world, the line is a continuum of points, in the 2D, a square is a continuum of line segments, in the 3D, a cube is continuum of planes or at a subatomic level, matter is made up of particles which are in continuum with each other and at the same time in continuum with the space around them.

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Law of Relativity: Energy and matter are one!

From matter to energy and vice –versa

The second aspect of relativity is the conversion of matter to energy. Energy per se is inter-convertible from one form to another. Now, we have two relativities, one joining space and time, the other joining matter to energy and further energy to all other energies. So, there is no fixed thing called matter and there is no fixed thing called a particular energy but something forever and continually changing into other forms. This is given by the equation,

E =mc2

E= energy


c=velocity of light

As seen earlier, the velocity of light remains the same everywhere, c=299,792,458 m/sec. (3x 108m/sec)

From Gross To Subtle:

Ice is converted to water, which in turn is converted to steam; coal can be changed to heat energy and mechanical energy to electrical energy in a dynamo. The potential energy of stored water in the dam is converted to kinetic energy of the rotating turbine giving us electricity.

And the potential energy of my angry state lands as a slap on someone’s cheek! Or stored resentment (energy) manifests as a tumour (matter) somewhere in the body. So, we have the equivalent of matter to energy and energy to energy.

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Law of Conservation of Energy:

It was Einstein who told us that there is no absolute matter. Matter and energy is convertible into each other. What we see as solid matter is energy. And each type of energy is again changed into another form. Matter and energy cannot be destroyed. It can only change forms. The matter-energy equation is easily understandable when we see a fission reaction in the uranium atom in a nuclear reactor whereas the energy to matter equation is more subtle. Einstein conceived it as follows, if a gamma ray collides with an electron it loses energy and the electron gains mass.

Generally, only 10% of matter is converted to energy and the rest is dissipated as heat etc. unless matter reacts with its twin anti matter. In which case, there is 100% conversion and all of the matter is converted to energy. But matter dominates out universe, antimatter is negligible.

What happens when we die? We never really go away. We exist at another level. The body will go to dust but what about our mind and may be even our soul?

The Relativity of Mass:

We assume from common sense, that mass will remain the same in moving and stationary bodies but we know from calculations that motion increases mass. At the speed of light c, mass will be infinite. As of now, nothing can cross the speed of light (?).

Theory of General Relativity:

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The space-time continuity and special relativity was expressed for a frame of reference when bodies were in uniform motion. Einstein wanted to ascertain that this was also true for bodies not in uniform motion.

In 1915, Einstein extended the theory of special relativity to include gravity because at cosmic levels, things happen close to the speed of light.

Einstein managed to join gravity to space-time and matter- energy continuums. Matter and energy are thus seen to be inseparable and interdependent parts of a single whole. Just not energy but energy and matter are interconvertible and time and space are interconvertible. Einstein discovered that Newton’s gravity did not fit into special relativity, so he introduced general relativity.

The General theory of relativity of Einstein studies space, space-warps, big bang and the black holes. General relativity tells us about the beginning of the world and what is the predictable end of the world if any. In general relativity, the gravitational field and the structure/ geometry of space are identical. In Einstein’s theory, then, matter cannot be separated from its field of gravity and the field of gravity cannot be separated from the curved space.

It was Einstein’s great dream to unify all forces of the universe. To find a basic fundamental equation that could be applied to all the cosmic and atomic forces.

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Theory of Everything (T

Electricity + magnetism

= Electromagnetic force

+ weak nuclear force

= Electroweak force

+ strong nuclear force

= Grand Unified Theory GUT

+ gravity

= UFT/ TOE ?-Unified field theory


Gravitation GUT

Strong interaction


Electro-weak SU(2)x U(1)

Weak interaction SU(2)




The Doctor’s Theory of Everything


heory GUT

Unified field theory

weak SU(2)x

Electromagnetisn U(1)


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Chapter 3


The Big Bang theory is the most widely accepted theory for the beginning of the universe.

The Big Bang

In 1920, Einstein calculated that the Earth was born 10-20 billion years ago beginning with a big bang. Meaning, thereby that there was an explosion and heat was generated. Subsequently, the universe cooled down and galaxies were formed. Life slowly appeared on Earth. There was no loud sound, just blowing

up like a balloon.

The big bang theory is speculative as are all the other theories of the beginning

of universe. Since ‘my world’ begins with ‘my first observation’, it matters little

what was happening before that. I can choose any speculation and I will still

reach 2013 in this universe. About other universes, it’s another story. I have

kept big bang because it fits the mainstream flow of ideas till now.

The first atom and appearance of matter

Quantum Hypothesis:

To begin with, the universe was a soup of free quarks, leptons, photons. Then, the Yang Mills particles condensed to form the glue of gluons joining the quarks, together. The quarks combined to form protons and neutron. Lastly, 3 minutes later, stable nuclei formed.

When temperature of the original fireball had cooled to 30 K, which is close to absolute zero. This was a point where H2 atoms could form without being ripped apart by collisions. Matter appeared 10-38 seconds or so after big bang and may disappear 10 40 sec from now.

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It was pitch dark in the beginning. Slowly, the universe became transparent, which means that light could now travel for light- years without being absorbed.

Appearance of Asymmetry:

In the beginning, there was only one force (or should it be two like in the embryo?) but today, 10-20 billion years after the big bang , the universe is asymmetrical, broken by 4 different forces, gravity, strong /weak nuclear forces and EMF.

But what caused the clumping or asymmetry?

According to the String Theory, at 10-43 seconds after big bang, the universe was 10-33 centimetres across, matter and energy consisted of unbroken superstrings. Quantum gravity was the dominating superforce. At 10 32 Kelvin, gravity separated from other GUT forces. The universe was doubling in size every 10 -35 seconds ...exponentially…remember, how fast the embryo grows?

At this point, the strong nuclear force peeled off. The universe was the size of an orange. At 1015 degrees Kelvin, 10-9 seconds later, electro- weak force peeled off breaking into EMF and weak force. There was a quantum soup of free quarks, leptons and photons. As it cooled further the quarks combined to form protons and neutrons with the glue of gluons.

Three minutes after big bang stable nuclei appeared in a process called nucleo synthesis. Three hundred thousand years later stable atoms appeared. The temperatures dropped to 3000 0K and the universe became transparent. Light could travel without being absorbed. At 10 -35 to 10 -33 seconds after big bang, universe expanded exponentially like a balloon, till it reached the present size.

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Echo of big bang---Foot prints in space!

The universe is like a dense super ball which exploded and expanded and is still expanding. In fact, the speed of expansion is increasing. Compare this to the boiling of water. Water does not boil uniformly and instantly. It starts with a few discrete bubbles, then we have more bubbles and ultimately all of water becomes steam.

And how do we know that there was uniformity in the beginning?

When the big bang occurred, it emitted radiations. Original radiation of the big bang is still circulating; the echo is distributed evenly throughout universe.

Symmetry to Asymmetry:

To understand symmetry we have to go back to big bang. To start with, the universe had its symmetries intact. As the universe cooled, the symmetry (uniformity) broke down and we had a manifest universe (see Srividhya). In Embryology too, we see the foetus moving from symmetry to asymmetry. We use the reference beam in our mind, arising either from this life or past life to create our reality of today which again is just an illusion (hologram). The faith in the Guru or an affirmation provides us with a superior reference beam to create a better illusion. To take or not to take, the choice is entirely ours.

Freezing of Water:

Water is symmetrical, its molecules rotate evenly. If the same water is cooled, we have discrete crystals forming in ice in a random manner. Then, we get solid ice. So ours is an old and cold world.

Symmetry Restoration:

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When we heat ice, we get water again, which is symmetrical. What will happen if we reheat the universe, if the temperature becomes high enough, do we go back to big bang (symmetry)?

We moved from order to apparent chaos and then back to order or symmetry. Same is the case with a chaotic mind. It is chaos until you see the Truth/order underlying the mind. Dr Masaru Emoto tried to establish a connection between the human mind and the symmetry of water crystals. His experiments and findings are much criticised by people though they are very interesting. These people haven’t repeated the experiments. I think that more research is needed before we lay the matter aside.

Asymmetry happens because nature prefers to be in the lowest energy state. Water flows down hill. The system started in a false vacuum state, so we have quantum transitions to reach equilibrium. We will return to this topic again later.

Symmetry and Beauty

When researchers studied cross-cultural criteria of beauty, one feature was striking in its appearance, the symmetry of facial features. Symmetry is the essence of physics. Nature demands symmetry. Analysis of the different patterns of particles produced by the atom smashers, reveal a kind of underlying symmetry (oneness) in spite of superficial chaos.

Broken Symmetry:

Humans are created because this symmetry is broken- causing manifestation.

Hidden Symmetry:

At some level symmetry persists though hidden from view.

Fractals and our Universe:

The visible world is a grand graphic display of exotic fractals whether you are looking at the beach, your heart rate variability, your EEG pattern in sleep, the pattern of your intestines and their lining or the cosmos. The pattern in the atom is a repetition of the pattern in the cosmos.

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At the mind level, the pattern of our thoughts reflects the pattern of the larger creative force. Fractally speaking, we are co-creators whether we admit it or not, whether we are ready to take responsibility or not.

The negative aspect of fractals is also important. If you are not happy about how the world appears, just reflect in the fractal in you to see what it is in you that requires a shift. Changing the world is not an easy job but changing ourselves is. Just change your personal pattern and the whole world changes.

For a quick glance at graphic fractals, see the appendix.

Jason Padgett acquired full knowledge of fractals following a head injury, ‘an acquired savant syndrome’ (ref: Explore-The Journal of Science and Healing )

Fate of the Universe:

Will The Universe End?

The Law of the Universe says that whatever has a beginning has to have an end. So, if we believe that creation began with a big–bang, then an end is inevitable, however far-fetched in time. If the world makes a quantum leap to a higher or lower energy state i.e. a quantum transition, the laws of physics as we know now, will cease to apply. We will need a new set of laws. Our medicines will not work. But the universe might not have had a beginning and there is also another law in the universe called ‘the law of uncertainty’. It is like a veto power. You can veto away all that you don’t want to happen or hear. My father used to say, “Throw it out from your other ear, then it is not for you”

The Omega Point:

Omega measures the matter density of the universe. The matter density equals that of 3 H2 atoms /cubic metre.

If omega>1 then it means there is enough matter and the universe will collapse due to gravity.

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If omega <1 then it means gravity too weak to hold the matter. The universe will keep on expanding.

When the omega is near zero, the world will end in a cosmic whimper.

If omega =1, we have a balanced, flat universe.

Current omega = 0.1

Is The Universe Expanding?

Yes, it is and that too at an accelerating pace. Stars and galaxies are moving away from the Earth, an observed fact.

I ask the question... Are they moving away from Earth?

Or is the Earth moving away from them?

Or is the Earth in some way driving them?

Or am I or are we driving them away?

Are we controlling the universe?

Could we?

We are certainly stronger than the butterfly which creates tornados and typhoons aren’t we? [see The Butterfly Effect]

How does the expanding universe appear?

It is like a dotted balloon being blown up, each dot represented a cosmic body. Dots on the balloon will move away from each other as the universe expands.

Sound waves coming towards you have a higher frequency than those going away from you. (Sound from speeding train drops when it approaches you.)

The faster a galaxy is travelling away from Earth, as measured by the Doppler effect of light waves or sound waves, the Doppler will show receding pattern.

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Red Shifts: The Cosmic Time Keepers!

The universe leaves foot prints. All phenomena are recorded somewhere in the skies, the ākāsic records?

The history of universe after the big bang is timed by the distribution of red shifts.

What are Red Shifts?

Light from stars reaches the earth. If more blue is seen i.e. there is a blue shift, it means that stars are coming closer. If there is red shift, it means that stars are moving away.

Missing Mass

The visible universe adds up to less than 5% of the Universe. Everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter is <5%. When mass of the universe is calculated from the visible universe and again from the luminosity of stars, red shifts, etc. there is found to be a definite deficit. This is called missing mass.

Since matter just can’t disappear it would have to be transformed, hence the so called dark matter was postulated. Dark matter has mass and weight but which is invisible, tasteless, odourless with no interaction (inert). Dark matter may contribute greatly to the missing mass. There may be more dark matter in the universe than visible matter. We now know that dark matter makes up only 25% of the missing mass. The rest is due to dark energy. It turns out that roughly 70% of the Universe is dark energy.

So, seeing is not believing! Many invisible things exist and you can’t see them. You have to believe them for now. You can’t see the soul which could mean that the soul does not exist or I am not capable of seeing it. We first need to clear our concepts before looking outside for confirmation.

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There was a sceptic who went to an enlightened soul and said, “There is no God”. The saint asked, “Who is saying that?”

What Is Dark Matter?

We are much more certain about what dark matter is not than we know about what it is.

In vedantic style, neti, neti……not this, not this.

First, it is dark, meaning that it is not luminous in the form of stars and planets that we see.

Secondly, it is not made of baryons. We would detect baryonic clouds by their absorption of radiation that is passing through them.

Thirdly, dark matter is not antimatter. When matter and antimatter meet, gamma radiation is seen which is absent. If 70% was antimatter, matter and antimatter would annihilate each other and there would be no universe!

Finally, it is not up made of galaxy-sized black holes, as inferred on the basis of how much gravitational lensing we see. Black holes show their presence by distorting gravitational fields around them.

In 1917, Einstein found some discrepancies in his relativity equations which he

corrected with the help of a ‘fudge factor’. Later with the advent of the Hubble

telescope the discrepancies were found to be real.

The 'ature of Dark Matter:

Dark matter particles do not carry any electric charge. The non-baryonic dark matter includes neutrinos, and possibly hypothetical entities such as axions, or super-symmetric particles.

Dark matter can bend star light like a convex lens. High concentrations of dark matter bend the light coming from objects further away and passing near them, but we do not see enough lensing effects to suggest that such objects to make up the required 25% dark matter contribution.

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There are different categories, viz. Hot and cold dark matter.

Why Did The Big Bang Occur?

According to superstring theory (SST), the universe has a better mathematical structure in 26 dimensions. The model of universe collapses if not defined in 26 dimensions. The creators of SST theory John Schwarz and Michael Green called it the Theory of Everything. The theory of everything relates to the entire physical universe. SST explains galaxies as well as atoms. SST can explain the transition from 10 D to 4D if we include dark matter as well.

Cosmic Strings:

According to the string theory, during the big bang, the universe was made of giant cosmic strings. These superstrings are incredibly tiny vibrating objects too small to detect. If you land on a cosmic string, you get a tour of heaven, akin to visions of astral travel, dreams or Star Trek. Cosmic strings are like condensed subatomic fields of early universe. They have no ends. They are either closed strings or infinitely long. They vibrate vigorously. As understood by the distribution of their residues, the initial cosmic microwave radiations were uniformly distributed in the universe but as the galaxies formed, the cosmic strings formed clumps. Even 100 million years after big bang, there are voids still present.

Why is there a clumping of matter in the universe?

The atoms formed when the universe was 3, 00,000 years old. The left over radiation travelled uniformly and uninhibitedly throughout the universe. This is the background microwave generation. Clumping began 10 million years after big bang. Clumping would be determined by the temperature and presence of dark matter. Another explanation is that cosmic string underwent a phase transition as the universe cooled. Melting, freezing or boiling of matter is not smooth; these are fault lines like the seeding in ice.

Data from COBE satellites in 1989, detected tiny hot spots, which could have been the seeds for future galaxies like the seeding in ice formation. The previous observations were crude and had not detected this non- uniformity. Presence of dark matter could easily account for the clumping because dark

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matter does not react with ordinary electromagnetic radiation. Visible matter would not be allowed to clump and would be strewn apart. Ordinary matter got attracted to the dark matter seedling as the universe cooled down.

THE E'D……………………………..!

A Cosmic whimper or a Big Crunch?

According to some theories expansion will continue forever, others expect a slow down and contraction. Others predict an oscillating universe spanning billions of years.

Multidimensional Universe or Multi-verse:

Kaluza –Klein theory, a five dimensional cylinder universe

To explained anomalies multidimensional universe were proposed the simplest is the Kaluza Klein Theory. In 1919, Theodore Franz Kaluza proposed that the Unified Field Theory could be written in 5 dimensions, three dimensions of space, fourth of time and the fifth being gravity. The fifth dimension was curled up within the four dimensions like a circle folded on itself. Klein calculated the size of the curled dimension to be 10-23 cm.

The physicists of those days had a hard time accepting a dimension beyond the fourth. If they had read Eastern literature and heard of fourteen dimensions (lokas) they might have not been so reluctant. They had barely recovered from the fall of the geocentric hypothesis. We in India are used to talking about such exotic stuff that even lay people are comfortable. Like the third eye being hidden and opening up or the third petal of the brow chakra being curled up.

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The Big Bang theory was postulated in 1920, but it left as many questions as answers. According to SST, the universe has 10 +1 dimensions. For someone still stuck up in the third dimension, it is very difficult to imagine 10 dimensions. Even when we think of 4D, we consider x,y,z as space and time as the 4th dimension. It is impossible for us to visualize all the four dimensions at once. As we start moving in time, one dimension from space slips away.

One cannot visualize ten dimensions though one can arrive at them mathematically. Most sceptics prefer to give up physics rather than sort out the big bang problem. The 10 dimensional universe present at the time of the big bang subsequently cracked into a more manageable 4 dimensional universe (like soap bubbles breaking up to form smaller bubbles).

What happened to the remaining 6 dimensions?

They collapsed to Planck length.... too small to be observed. They shrunk to a small size near to non existence state (from our point of view). If higher dimensions cannot be seen or visualized, it is because of the limitation of the perception of a three dimensional being. And few would have the mental strength to withstand the impact it can have on the human mind. To borrow from mythology, when Krishna blessed Arjuna with holovision, he literally crumbled and asked to be returned to normalcy.

Why do we not see the other dimensions?

Take the following analogies

1. The story of the elephant and 5 blind men

2. Monocular vision

3. You are in the middle of the ocean with water for miles and miles.

4. You are a resident of Flatland or a 2 dimensional universe.

In each of these cases, the observer gets a limited view of the whole. Same is the case with us, when we try to grasp the multidimensional universe with our 3D mind.

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Journey to Another Dimension:

The maths is true but what about experience? If there are dimensions beyond the 4th dimension, how do we travel there? It is impossible to visualize the 4th dimension with a 3D mind-body apparatus. This paradox is brought about beautifully in the Victorian satire ‘Flatland’ by Edwin A. Abott in 1884. It shows how inhabitants of a 2D world would see the beings and events in the 3D world. Extrapolated from there, we could arrive at conclusion of higher dimensions only by inference.

The size off 5th dimension is 100 billion billionth times smaller than the atom (Planck length 10 -23cm). The higher dimensions are folded on itself, like a the layers of a parāthā or puff pastry.

Visualizing Higher Dimensions:

A cube has 6 squares, a Hypercube or Tesserack …a 4th dimensional cube which is like a cube in a cube.

How does a 2D person see a 3D object?

Today, a 3D construction appears simple. We have 3D movies but in the 16th century, we believed in a flat world. Imagine an insect with only one eye, can it see in 3D?


If a fourth dimensional being had to visit us in our 3D space, it might seem like a sphere of flesh hovering in midair to appear and disappear. Some of the magical tricks of teleportation may possibly be explained scientifically.

Why did the higher dimensions curl up?

To reach the state of lowest energy, the state preferred by nature or a quantum leap to a lower energy state following the principles of entropy. The ten dimension state is not the lowest energy state.

What if our universe is not at the lowest energy state? Is a stable universe possible?

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Compare this to water in a dam, which is in a false vacuum state, not the lowest energy state .Under rising pressures, water will make a quantum leap and penetrate through the dam, tunnel its wave through the barrier. If quantum transition can occur to a lowest vacuum state, laws of physics will change.

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Chapter 4

Entropy! Order to Disorder

Entropy is a measure of equilibrium or homogenization.

It is the thermodynamic property which makes

• Hotter or more dynamic parts of a system lose heat to become cooler and the cooler parts to gain energy.

• Material objects to wear out

• Molecules of a solvent or gas to get evenly distributed

• An organism to wear out and eventually die

In 1862, Rudolf Clausius the originator of science of entropy showed that as ice melts, there is a disintegration of the water molecules. During this work, entropy accumulates in the system, which then dissipates in the form of waste heat. At zero entropy there is perfect order. This state is the measure of unavailable energy. Nothing is colder than -273 0 C or zero degree Kelvin.

Second Law of Thermodynamics:

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In classical thermodynamics, the concept of entropy is defined by the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of an isolated system always increases or remains constant.

The second law of thermodynamics summarizes the familiar observation that most processes in nature are irreversible. A hot body will cool down spontaneously. The second law of thermodynamics forbids the inverse process. Matter can disintegrate but cannot build up again without external application of some work.

In the observable universe, entropy - like time - runs unidirectionally and is not reversible.

Application of Thermodynamics, Thermography:

In recent years, thermography is emerging as a tool for diagnosis of tumours like breast cancer. Increased metabolic activity in cancerous tissues leads to dissipation of heat which is measurable and computable.

Boltzman’s Equation:

What seemed like disorder was given a semblance of order in 1877, by Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann. The Boltzmann equation defines the number of distinct microscopic states in which a chunk of visible matter could be found.

In other words, we can know in how many different ways it is theoretically possible to be in confusion or disorder.

Shannon’s Entropy:

Entropy was then applied to information processes. In 1948, Claude Shannon studied the amount of information lost while transmitting a message. Shannon’s entropy measures only the quantity of information in terms of number of bits or binary digits and not the content or quality of information. The content depends on the context and is hence ignored. This property is useful in cellular phones, modems to compact-discs. There is a correlation between thermodynamic entropy and Shannon entropy and the Boltzmann equation applies to both.

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Energy/temperature vs bits, are all essentially dimensionless. That difference is merely a matter of convention.

To elaborate further,

A silicon microchip with 1 gigabyte of data, has a Shannon entropy of about 1010 bits (one byte is eight bits), whereas the thermodynamic entropy is about 1023 bits at room temperature. The Shannon entropy looks at only a single binary degree of freedom, 0 or 1 in the silicon crystal. In contrast, thermodynamic entropy depends on the states of all the billions of atoms (and their roaming electrons) that make up each transistor.

As miniaturization progresses, we will have more and more getting stored in less and less space and the microchip will come closer to the black hole. Shannon’s entropy will abut on thermodynamic entropy. With miniaturization we cannot ignore the subatomic particles. These same processes happen at the cellular and DNA levels.

We may be storing information in quarks, superstrings or yet unknown structures or in the ākāsic or chidākāshic records…literally, in the void. And then we have subluminal waves and scalar waves giving us information without our knowledge bombarding our fragile system. Can anyone escape from this info load and stress?

To elaborate further we are on the threshold of nano-medicine and some years later we might be drinking plain water created specifically to resonate blissfully with our own plasma . Dr Luc’s searching for it in China.

Dr Luc Montagnier, Nobel Laureate who discovered the AIDS virus is studying the phenomenon of electromagnetic waves produced by DNA in water. Future medicine may focus on giving water which is resonating to the organism (like cures like). The field of small dose effects is called hormesis and has relevance in homeopathy. (see Dana Ullman at

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Psychological Entropy:

It is the distribution of energy in the psyche, which tends to seek equilibrium or balance among all the structures of the psyche.

The Holographic Bound:

The term was introduced in 1995 by Leonard Susskind of Stanford University. It limits how much entropy can be contained in matter and the energy occupying a specified volume or region of space assuming that matter has a roughly spherical distribution and is contained within a surface of area A.

If matter is induced to collapse to form a black hole, the black hole's area must be smaller than A, so its entropy must be less than A/4. Because entropy cannot decrease information, one infers that the original distribution of matter also must carry less than A/4 units of entropy or information. This means that the maximum information content of a region of space is fixed by its area against the commonsense notion that the capacity of a region should depend on its volume.

In short,

More information in more surface area, even if the surfaces are abutting against each other and not in more volume, e.g. the reason why neocortex and its gyri have evolved.

Dr Alexis Carrel, surgeon applied maths to wound healing. He noted that larger the surface area of a wound, faster is the rate of healing. Is it because of more information content in the given area? If we have the right answer to this, it can have tremendous impact in the field of surgery.

Generalized Second Law-- GSL

The Second Law of Thermodynamics can be generalised to include all entropies and is called the Generalised Second Law. In 1972, when GSL was extended to a black hole it was postulated that a black hole has entropy proportional to the area of its horizon.

When matter falls into a black hole, the increase in black hole entropy always compensates or overcompensates for the ‘lost’ entropy of the matter… the sum of black hole entropies and the ordinary entropy outside the black holes cannot

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decrease. The lost energy is reflected in the increased mass of the black hole, given by E=mc2

Just think… if your information increases mass.

For humans, information is thoughts.

The more we store the denser we become.

Let go off all unwanted stuff and returned to lightness.

I prefer to keep extra info in my books in pdf format! And pick it up when needed

Info in a Chip

Imagine that we are piling up computer memory chips in a big heap. The number of transistors--the total data storage capacity, increases with the volume of the heap. So, too, does the total thermodynamic entropy of all the chips. The information content in a certain number of chips will increase as the number or volume increases.

But the Susskind bound says that the information quantity will depend on the area of chips and not the volume. The capacity to store information increases with the increase in surface area and not volume. To say it in simple terms, if we keep them side by side we have more information than if we heap them. As we keep piling chips the volume increases and a time comes when the heap collapses. It collapses under its own gravity/weight like a black hole. Thereafter, each additional memory chip would increase the mass and surface area in a way that would continue to preserve the GSL.

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Chapter 5

Black Holes:

History of Black Holes:

In younger stars, nuclear fusion gives energy and there is a constant outward pressure of fusion forces which is counter-balanced by the inward pull of its own gravity. But eventually stars age. Most luminous stars of smaller mass end up as white dwarfs or neutron stars. The white dwarfs are rich in carbon and oxygen. The high mass stars form black holes.

Black holes are the cold remnants of former stars. The stars burn up Hydrogen and Helium and ultimately most of the ‘star fuel’ is burnt away. The outward thrust of fusion forces is lost and gravity takes over. When gravity overtakes fusion force in a star it is converted into a black hole from which no light can escape. That is, they are so dense that even light cannot escape their strong gravitational pull. Dark holes on account of their strong gravitational pull suck matter which comes close to them.

When they reach a point of no return they are said to have entered the event horizon—the point from which any escape is impossible because it requires moving faster than the speed of light.

To understand black holes let us understand the process of stars.

Death of a Star:

A star is a gigantic atomic furnace which releases energy stored in the strong nuclear forces. It burns hydrogen as fuel and is filled with the ash of helium residue. A star is stable in spite of its dynamism. Stars join together to form galaxies, clusters of galaxies form a super cluster. Gravity holds stars born

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together in one galaxy. A galaxy is basically a gravitational system. The Milky way or Akashganga is a spiral galaxy. The spiral galaxy has a galactic nucleus and spiral arms. The centre is massive while the arms are rarified. Andromeda galaxy our nearest neighbour is also a spiral galaxy but we only get to see its side view and not the spiral arms. A magellanic cloud is an irregular galaxy.

Stars are constantly added to a galaxy as old stars die. The new stars are dense, their gas forming a molecular cloud. The density waves rotate slowly interacting with compressed gas cloud. New stars are unstable. Galaxies are not stationary, the galaxy follows a rotation curve like the planets but galaxies take millions of years for one rotation.

'eutron Star:

A star is held in place by the balance of two forces, gravity that tries to act inward and the internal nuclear forces that work within outward trying to blow up the star. Over billions of years, Hydrogen, Helium and other lighter elements are used up and no more nuclear fuel/force is left, so gravitational force takes over. The atoms draw close together to form a dense ball of neutrons and the star then collapses into neutron-star.


A supernova is a cataclysmic explosion of a star in space that releases a lot of energy. Giant stars explode and detonate to give super novae. The explosion scatters most of a star into the void of space but leaves behind a large ‘cold’ remnant on which fusion no longer takes place. In an exploded supernova, gravity takes over. The star collapses on itself. The volume decreases to near zero.

If the star is big then the neutron star is unstable and gravity pushes the neutrons into each other so the neutron star becomes a point. As the star collapses and becomes denser, the force of gravity on its surface becomes stronger and stronger, and consequently the space-time around it becomes more and more curved. Ultimately gravity takes over as happens inside a black hole.


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Quasar is an acronym for quasi stellar radio source. Quasars are the brightest and most distant stellar bodies which are moving very fast. They have power output greater than an entire galaxy. It is a star re-emerging from a black hole.

Strong 'uclear Force Vs Gravitational Force:

The first is EXPLOSIVE, the latter IMPLOSIVE.

Black holes have great gravitational force, they suck everything in. Even light cannot escape. If you were to fall into a black hole, it might appear that you slow down till you are frozen in time. It takes thousands of years to fall into the centre with slow motion.

Slower, slower, slower, to the centre… till time stops… general relativity breaks down.. and SST or some other equivalent force takes over.

According to Stephen Hawking, when black holes evaporate into mini black holes, some light escapes. There is more than what meets the eye. Light can escape the enormous gravitational pull is because of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (quantum mechanics applied to black holes). Probably the light beam can travel against gravity and leak. This means that there is a loss of energy turning the black hole into a mini black hole which may be as small as a proton. If uncertainty can be applied to black holes why not apply it to heal the so-called incurable diseases?

Entropy and Black Holes:

Studies of black holes have thrown up interesting facts which defies our logical thinking processes. Physicists hope that this surprising finding is a clue to the ultimate theory of reality. For example, the maximum entropy or information content of any region of space is a measure of its surface area and not volume. The entropy of the black hole is proportional to horizon area (Stephen Hawking). Black hole entropy is precisely one quarter of the event horizon's area measured in Planck areas. The entropy of a black hole one cm. in diameter would be about 1066 bits, roughly equal to the thermodynamic entropy of a cube of water 10 billion km. on a side. More is stored in less space.

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Dissipative Structures:

Ilya Prirogine, Nobel Laureate (1980) discovered that some chemicals develop a more ordered structure instead of disorder. Complex systems are highly unstable and a slight change can give a sudden non- linear shift to create a stability which is more coherent. This higher order is very sensitive and responds to still finer tuning to yield a more stable structure.

Every time I edit this book and click the update button on the contents page, the content shifts to another level of order and organization.

'egentropy or 'egative Entropy:

In entropy, information or energy gets stored, from expressed to unexpressed form. In negentropy, the opposite is expected. Energy or information gets created.

The IT Universe!

John A. Wheeler of Princeton University asks us to regard the physical world as made of information, with energy and matter as incidentals. Think nanotechnology ! With newer devices we can store more and in less and less. As this progresses, what happens?

Could we, as William Blake memorably penned, “See the world in a grain of sand”?

By studying black holes, physicists have deduced the absolute limits on how much information a region of space or a quantity of matter and energy can hold. A device measuring a centimetre across could in principle, hold up to 1066 bits, a mind-boggling amount. The visible universe contains at least 10100 bits of entropy, which could in principle be packed inside a sphere a tenth of a light-year across. The maximum possible entropy depends on the boundary area instead of the volume as we have discussed already.

Small but Powerful

Black holes are small in size. A million-solar-mass hole is around three million kilometres, only about four times the size of our Sun. A black hole with a mass

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equal to that of the Sun would have a two-mile (3 Km) radius. Because they are so small, distant and dark, black holes cannot be directly observed. Yet, scientists have confirmed their long-held suspicions that they exist. This is typically done by measuring mass in a region of the sky and looking for areas of large, dark mass. It leaves behind a tell-tale sign, the distortion in the time- space continuum (Gravitational lensing). This is compared to the Cheshire cat of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ disappearing and leaving only its smile.

Multiple Universes: What Is The Evidence?

The black hole is a gateway between 2 entirely different universes. Imagine two gramophones joined. In a black hole, gravity becomes infinite at the centre of the bridge called the Einstein Rosen Bridge. We are not sure whether this bridge exists since communication between the two universes is impossible, in our ordinary states of consciousness. Anything sent perpendicular into a spinning black hole may land in a parallel universe. Alice walks through the mirror into another universe which is reversed. All things appear same in the other universe as ours but for a twist (Lewis Carroll, ‘Through the looking Glass’).

The Kerr Metric:

In 1963, Kerr discovered that a spinning black hole does not collapse to a point but to an infinite small ring- a pancake like configuration.

The black holes are expected to spin rapidly to conserve angular momentum for which a thin ring is more efficient. If you fall into a black hole--- it might appear that you are slowing down till you are frozen in time. It takes thousands of years to fall into centre with slow motion.

Slower, slower, slower to the centre….

And when you reach there.. ..time stops....when speed decreases, general relativity breaks down…..and perhaps SST takes over.

(to recap, relativity here means time and space are relative or one and the same thing)

If a body falls into a black hole perpendicular to its axis, it may land straight into another parallel universe.

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The Kerr Metric may be a significant link in ‘kayakalp’ or rejuvenation in humans. I am trying to work it out!

Time and Black Holes:

In a black hole, gravitational pull is infinite. Time ends, when black hole is reached from without.

If a black hole has no zero entropy then it must radiate energy.

Something comes out from it …cooler and the black hole is destroyed. It is not a black hole anymore, it is a quasar.

From colliding black holes, time re-emerges. So, a black hole is perhaps transient.

Time cannot be destroyed by a black hole. It is kind of stored there.

Antimatter: E = - mc2

When Einstein was working on relativity he had derived the equation E= ±mc2. Since mass/energy, space/time could not be negative; he ignored the negative part of the equation which was a costly decision. This is a lesson for us that in science, nothing can be wished away.

In 1940, Paul Dirac, revived the negative side of it. The negative sign in E= ± mc2, predicted a different kind of matter, the anti-matter which is just like ordinary matter but with an opposite charge and spin. An anti electron (positron) is an electron with a positive charge. An anti-proton is a proton which has a negative charge. If matter and antimatter particles collide, they release energy. It’s like the fights between the surs and asurs. Antimatter going forward in time was indistinguishable from matter going back in time. For every matter particle, there is an antimatter equivalent. The antimatter particles bind to each other.

Antiparticles appear to be moving backward in time (as in past life regression healing). Mixing anti matter with matter leads to explosive annihilation of both and production of high energy photons, gamma rays or others. On the other

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hand, pairs of particles and antiparticles can be created if enough energy is available and can be made to turn into pure energy in the reverse process of annihilation.

In short, the E= - mc2 equation, gave us antimatter, the fudge factor gave us

dark matter and ghost waves gave us ‘non-local communication’. When we

doctors see something beyond our texts, we need to look for answers. The GOK

does not help.

Positron or Anti Electron:

The anti matter partner of electron is the positron. This positively charged particle was discovered two years after Dirac had predicted it. The anti electron has a spin of ½, and has the same mass as an electron and a positive charge +1e, and revolves around negative charged protons. A positron (e+) will bind to anti proton to give anti-hydrogen atom.

PET Scans:

Gamma rays, emitted indirectly by a positron-emitting radionuclide (tracer), are detected in positron emission tomography (PET) scanners used in hospitals. PET scanners create detailed three-dimensional images of metabolic activity within the human body. An experimental tool called positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) is used in materials research to detect variations in density, defects, displacements, or even voids, within a solid material.

The most commonly used radiotracer in clinical PET scans in neurology and oncology is fluorodeoxyglucose (also called FDG), an analogue of glucose that is labelled with fluorine-18.

Cost of Production:

There is very little antimatter in the universe. In 1999, NASA calculated that it costs $62.5 trillion per gram of anti-hydrogen. In 2006, Gerald Smith estimated that it would take $250 millions to make 10 mg of positrons. According to CERN scientists, 100 million Swiss Francs will be needed for a billionth of a gram of anti matter.

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Chapter 6


The Basic Structure of the Atom:

In high school, we learnt that the world is made up matter. Matter is made up of compounds, compounds of molecules and molecules of elements. A single element has an atom as its unit structure. According to the old school, matter is made up of atoms or building blocks of matter which were believed to be indestructible. Atoms are made up nuclei, which are small stable centres around which moves the electron cloud. When two elements share an electron they share a cloud of electro- negative energy, the electron cloud.

At a sub atomic level, the atom has a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons revolving around the nucleus in ascending orbits with increasing energy levels in each orbit . For the atom to be stable, the outermost orbit of an atom has to be complete. If not, it will tend to share electrons with other atoms to complete its requirement thereby forming compounds. Stable atoms like inert gases give the least reactions (stable mind reacts little). Within the nucleus of the atom, there are positively charged protons and neutral neutrons, together called nucleons. The picture of matter which emerges from the study of atoms and nuclei shows that most of it is concentrated in tiny drops separated by huge distances.

Subatomic Interactions:

Feynman discovered that electrons exchange photons between them in order to survive. We could do likewise. In one healing group , I have heard the adherents say, “Send me Green Light”. In 1935, Yukawa proposed that protons and neutron are held together by a new force created by exchange of particles called the pi mesons. In 1947, Cecil Powell discovered the meson in his cosmic ray experiments using photographic plates on balloons.

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Bohr’s Model of Atom:

Atom has a positively charged dense nucleus packed with two types of composite particles neutrons and protons with the electronegative particles, electrons orbiting around the nucleus in fixed orbits. Each orbit has a particular energy level and can hold a particular number of electrons. When an electron jumps it absorbs a quantum of energy and reaches the next orbit. It cannot hang in between.

The proton is positively charged with a mass of 1 amu and the neutron, the neutral particle slightly heavier than the proton and 2000 thousand times heavier than the electron. The neutron is like the non aligned movement ….NAM…it keeps the world in order. The electrons were believed to be the negatively charged particles, moving around the nucleus. With further research, the scientists realised that the electron is not a particle but has characteristics of a matter-wave.

What determines when an electron will manifest as a particle and when it will manifest as wave?

Depends on how we look at it.

The Elementary Particles:

When the atom was further split using a cyclotron, it revealed various particles. These subatomic particles released during explosions, are arbitrary entities, they are in fact probabilities of existence called probability waves. They are not absolute things but interaction between things. They are unreal until we make them so. These concepts look less like physics and more like they have been picked up from a philosophical text like vedanta or a psychology book discussing interpersonal relationships in psychodynamics.

Emptiness of the Atom and its Implications:

Today, we know that atoms are no longer indivisible solid units as was once postulated but are nearly empty.

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The volume of an atom (roughly 1 angstrom, or 10-10 m in diameter) is about 15 orders of magnitude larger than the volume of a nucleon (roughly 1 fm, or 10-15 m in diameter). It is unscientific to express that ratio in percentage, but it would be 99.9999999999999% (13 nines after the decimal point). The diameter of an atom is about one hundred millionth of a centimetre. The electronic size is of the order of 10-16 cm.

However, the radius of a nucleon is not an absolute figure, since there really is no concept of ‘radius’ in quantum mechanics. 1 femtometer is a reasonable value. No one has done a precise measurement of the size of a nucleon.

So, vacuum is not empty and what appears solid is empty!

What is there in the empty space or void?

The Cosmic Dance:

The empty space is not silent but a dynamic entity. The empty space is full of virtual particles which are continuously created and destroyed.

According to Michael Talbot, each region of space is filled with waves of varying length. Each wave has energy. Therefore, every cubic space of empty space has more energy compared to total energy of visible matter in the known universe (Bohm). Arthur Zajonc asserts that quantum electrodynamics is a study of vacuum. Paul Davies states that empty space is filled with virtual particles and is dynamic. Virtual particles come into existence spontaneously from the void and disappear into the void. The void also participates in the cosmic dance. The void is the great potential… the hiranyagarbha where all is possible. Chances are that the void may be the place where we store all our subconscious memories and from where our dreams spring.

Quantum Field Theory:

Quantum field theory says that all matter can be built from elementary particles.

The subatomic realm is made up of basically two types of particles , the composite and the elementary and four type of interactions

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• Interaction between electron and electron via the photon

• Interaction between electron and proton

• Interaction between proton and neutron via the meson

• Beta decay

Particles Galore!

During the last century so many particles have been discovered that some New Agers believe that the physicists are actually creating them.

Now, let us see what these different particles are. The composite particles are the neutron and proton. The proton, the electron and the photon are all stable particles, which means they live forever unless they become involved in a collision process where they can be annihilated.

Beneath the proton and neutron we have the layer of quarks. I have kept the discussion of quarks out of this book because I am not very sure about their wellness or healing correlates.

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Chapter 7

More about Subatomic Particles:

Uncertainty… Wave or Particle?

The particle theory believes that the particle has a well defined position in time, velocity or momentum (mass x velocity), which gives an indication of its motion. Particles moving with higher velocity have higher energy whereas in a wave, the motion is due to an oscillation in the part of the wave measured by frequency /times per second.

The electron and photon are not solids. These sub atomic units are abstract entities, having a dual aspect. Electron is sometimes a wave, sometimes a particle, and there is a continual transformation. Electron has no intrinsic properties independent of its environment or apart from its interaction with environment (Interactive dynamism). Electron is an electron because there is a proton there. Without the proton there would be no electron.

Wave Particle 'ature of Electron:

In 1923, a young prince studying physics, Louis de Broglie, postulated that electron should have frequency and wavelength like light waves. An electron is a wave and particle at the same time. The electron as we know now is not just a particle but has dual existence. It is both a wave and a particle representation.

The Wave–Particle Duality:

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The concept of duality means that all particles in nature exhibit both wave and particle properties. Waves /particles are complementary pictures of the same reality. Both are needed for full description. When we talk of a particle, we see an event in a small space whereas a wave is seen as a spread in space. A central concept of quantum mechanics, this duality addresses the inability of classical concepts like ‘particle’ and ‘wave’ to fully describe the behaviour of quantum-scale objects. According to the Copenhagen interpretation, this phenomenon can be viewed and measured in one way or in another, but not both simultaneously.(see appendix)

Why do we not see this wave phenomenon in our everyday world?

Why cannot we see our wave nature?

The matter wave relationship is no longer a speculation. Hydrogen molecules at velocity of 2200 m/sec has a wavelength 0.909 A0 and a shuttle cock of 4.5 x 10-2 weight at velocity 22 m/sec has wavelength of 6.7 x10 -24 A0.

But we cannot see the wave nature of macroscopic particles because they have large momentum, which decreases their wavelength beyond recognition, so in them classical mechanics holds true.

As matter becomes grosser and wavelengths become shorter, wave form is difficult to discern.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle:

In physics, only those quantities which can be measured accurately have real physical meaning. Otherwise, they are considered hypothetical quantities. Practically, we may not have the refined instruments required for measurement but it should at least be theoretically measurable in mathematical terms.

In 1927, Heisenberg proposed that the property of a subatomic particle depends on the apparatus it is forced to interact with. Earlier, the Copenhagen interpretation had said that it was impossible to know both the location and momentum of the object (e-), simultaneously. We can know both approximately but the more we know about one, the less we know about the other.

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Heisenberg originally explained this as a consequence of the process of measuring. Measuring position accurately would disturb momentum and vice-versa, offering an example of the ‘gamma-ray microscope’ that depended crucially on the de Broglie hypothesis.

If you have to see an object under a microscope, you need to send light. Just keeping it under a high powered microscope will not do. The objects you see under an ordinary microscope are relatively gross. As you observe an object in a subatomic realm, the act of observing itself changes the position and velocity of the object. In short, when you are observing, you are actually sending some energy there to see the object.

At subatomic level, the electron, photon etc. are extremely tiny. Observation or measurement itself alters the state of the system. It is an interacting system. There is no fixed position; everything is relative to each other and you, the observer. It is now thought, however, that this only partly explains the phenomenon. The uncertainty also exists in the particle itself, even before the measurement is made.

Imagine a rope, tied at one end and you are holding the other end. Give it a jerk. This will create a wave front travelling both forward and backward on the rope. It is difficult to locate the precise position of the wave on the rope because it is dynamic. It will also be difficult to measure the amplitude of this wave. If you freeze it in time taking a digital photograph, you could measure the amplitude. But then you are measuring it moments later, not at the time it really occurred. In other words, you are ignoring time while relating to space.

In short,

Elementary particles are not points but blobs that could pulsate and vibrate. i.e is, solid objects have no solidity!! These particles have dual nature, their properties manifesting through their interactions with the system just as in human relationships.


The quantum particles are indeed particles, but behaving in a manner not consistent with classical physics. According to Mead, atoms, with their neutrons, protons, and electrons, are not particles at all but pure waves of matter. Mendel Sachs, working on Einstein’s Unified field theory, propounds

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that there is a single, holistic continuum, in which there are distinguishable entities which represent the particles. Instead of wave-particle dualism, we have wave (continuous field) monism.

So, it is neither a wave, nor a particle but a field.

The act of measurement is an interaction which collapses the wave function. There is no point discussing wave or particle, now. The field gives solutions to all wave functions. The field is both local and nonlocal and yet explains some paradoxes. A particle denotes the irreducible representations of the Lorentz group that are permitted by the field. This is aptly represented in a Feynman diagram graphically, each arm representing a series of interactions. See the Bibliography to read more on it.

Is the field (kshetra) real or hypothetical?

This is discussed very well in Chapter XIII of the Bhagwad Geeta. You will read more about fields when you are read about the God particle. The physicists are not decided on the matter.

Measurement of Matter Wave:

Non-locality is an integral feature of quantum theory (see EPR-B paradox).The wave–particle duality is not a property of matter itself, but an appearance generated by the particle’s motion. Upon measuring the location of the particle, the particle will be forced into a more localized state as given by the uncertainty principle. On measuring, the wave function will randomly ‘collapse’, or rather ‘decohere’, to a sharply peaked function at some location. By recent developments, using coherent laser light and dual pin hole it is possible to simultaneously observe both wave and particle properties of photons (Afshar, 2007).

Schrodinger’s Wave Equation:

In 1926, Schrodinger deduced the complete equation that these matter waves should obey. Based on this equation, the entire equations in chemistry were written involving the elements then known and their properties predicted.

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Scientists further wrote equations for elements not yet discovered. Later, the SST proposed the Schrodinger wave equation for the entire universe.

Observer Changes Observation

There can never be any independent observation (Law of Intention).

According to Bohr's views, observing a quantum object involves an uncontrollable physical interaction with a classical measuring device that affects both systems. According to complementarity, when we observe the position of an object, we affect its momentum uncontrollably. Thus we cannot determine precisely both position and momentum. A similar situation arises for the simultaneous determination of energy and time. Initially, this interference in measurement was thought to be of a physical nature e.g. when a photon is used to observe something big, it matters little but when a photon is used to see something tiny it matters a lot.

To measure the position of electron, we need to see it with light, essentially packets of energy or photons which are going to strike the electron. The photons are not neutral bystanders; they change the location or speed of the electron. One photon of light (packet) is enough to distort your observation. Hence, it is said that observer changes the observation. The theory was simply silent about what, if anything, was likely to be true in the absence of observation.

There can be no neutral observation. Even, when we are standing at the

roadside observing a fight, we are not neutral. We are sending energy there. If

we send positive energy of peace, love etc. the fight will end faster.

Henry Stapp, who is a physicist at the University of California at Berkeley, said this quite explicitly in one of his papers written in 1977, that things outside of space and time affect things inside space and time.

“Whether it’s sub-microscopic or it’s macroscopic, quantum physics is the only physics we've got. So, although it's more apparent for photons, for electrons, for the sub-microscopic objects, our belief is that all reality, all manifest reality, all matter, is governed by the same laws. And if that is so, then this experiment is telling us that we should change our worldview because we, too, are quantum objects.”

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And this includes human beings too, right?

When a physicist is telling us this, we will probably give it more weight. The philosophers have known this all along but nobody cared to stop and listen.

If matter-wave nature is true for subatomic particles, for atoms and molecules can it be untrue for the whole human body?

In more recent times, wave-particle duality has been shown to apply not only to photons but to increasingly massive particles This phenomenon has been verified not only for elementary particles but also for compound particles like atoms and even molecules, even macroscopic ones but wave properties of macroscopic objects cannot be detected due to their small wavelengths. It is easy to will the movement of a single photon but to will the movement of trillions of virtual wave-particles or strings that our body is composed of.. one needs a superior will and a strong belief in oneself.


Niels Bohr considered the particle picture and the wave picture as two complementary descriptions of the same reality, each of them being only partly correct and having a limited range of applications. He introduced the notion of complementarity for a better understanding of this relation between pairs.

Complementarity is similar to the yin-yang of Taoism or the Purusha- Prākriti of Sānkhya. Both are shadows of each other and both are needed for expressing the whole. As far as the mind is concerned, the yin represents the intuitive and integrative mind, the yang the deductive, logical mind.

We Create our Destiny- I am Responsible!

We cannot talk of an event or for that matter reality at any given instant in an absolute manner because there is nothing absolute about space- time or reality which is independent of ‘I’ the observer. Since the outcome of the event depends on the observer as much as anything else, I the observer, order the event depending on how I move /act/think with respect to the movement, action etc. of what I observe.

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Consider a neutral pion at rest in your lab, which decays into a pair of back-to-back photons. The pair of photons is described by a single two-particle wave function. Once separated, the two systems (read: photons) are still described by the same wave function, and a measurement of one observable of the first system will determine the measurement of the corresponding observable of the second system.

N.B: A pion is a neutral particle. It is a scalar quantity, it has zero angular momentum but when it splits into two photons, the two photons must speed off in opposite directions with opposite spin.

If Photon A has a spin up along one axis then its twin photon B has to spin down along that particular axis so that the angular momentum of the system is constant in the beginning and final state. If you measure one photon you can know the spin of the other. Though these photons are not physically linked at the time of measurement.

We can influence the movement of photon A after it is separated from its twin.

We can predict B because we know how the system works but who tells photon B how A had performed?

This is the magic of quantum. Both the photons remain entangled even after

separation , They never can separate. This explains non-local communication.

Instantaneous Communication:

Stapp wondered how information got around so quick (to tell the other photon to spin down) and declared that the world is either fundamentally lawless or fundamentally inseparable. E. H. Walker, went as far as to speculate that photons may be conscious. Another explanation given was synchronicity or Jung’s acausal connecting principle. Bohr postulated that atomic events are non- deterministic, meaning thereby that they have a mind of their own. Einstein disagreed with Bohr and to prove him wrong Einstein derived a thought

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experiment. Einstein was convinced that since no signal could travel faster than light, instant measurement /communication was impossible.

What is the Schrodinger’s cat?

Schrödinger's cat is an imaginary thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. After a lot of discussion with Einstein, Schrodinger wanted to demonstrate the fallacy in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics as applied to everyday objects. Schrödinger coined the term Verschränkung (entanglement).

EPR Paradox:

Einstein –Podolsky- Rosen thought experiment

Einstein was unhappy with the indeterminism quantum mechanics offered as seen with his famous statement, “God does not play dice!” In the May 1935 issue of Physical Review three physicists, Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen criticized quantum mechanics claiming that if it were a complete model of reality, then nonlocal interactions between objects had to exist. Since that was deemed inconsistent with the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics had to be either wrong or at least incomplete. This critique is now known as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox.

To discuss the EPR paradox, one can even set up quite ridiculous cases. A cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat).

In a Geiger counter, there is a tiny bit of a radioactive substance, so small that perhaps in the course of the hour, one of the atoms may or may not decay with equal probability.

If the atom decays, the counter tube discharges, and through a relay releases a hammer that shatters a small flask of hydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire

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system to itself for an hour and the hydrocyanic acid is not released, one would say that the cat still lives. We cannot predict with certainty when a uranium atom will disintegrate or not. So we assume two possibilities.

1. The Uranium atom is intact and the cat is alive. 2. The Uranium atom has disintegrated and the cat is dead.

So, mathematically we have a function that says the cat is both alive and dead.

But once we open the box and see, we know the reality. Even if we get a click on the Geiger counter, we know the outcome.

According to the quantum theory, the measurement process changes the probability of the cat being alive or dead or there is no objectivity to reality, till we observe it. At the sub-atomic level, this can be easily proved in mathematical terms.

Arrow of Time/Entropy & the Cat:

Macroscopic events are irreversible in time but quantum events are reversible. This is also true for humans from the 3D viewpoint but humans need not always remain in 3D.

Further analysis of an actual experiment found that measurement alone (for example by a Geiger counter) is sufficient to collapse a quantum wave function before there is any conscious observation of the measurement.

Are we changing the wave function of health with our measurements/screening?

Locality and 'on locality!

For the western trained physicist, accepting non-locality was very difficult. Despite Bohr's seeming endorsement of nonlocal interactions in his response to EPR, in other places Bohr rejects non-locality in the strongest terms. Before the publication of the EPR paper, Bohr had argued that an electron, passing through one hole, would be affected by whether the other hole was open or closed( see Young below). Yet, he had denied the very existence of non-locality.

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Niels Bohr, was not thinking of an observer-induced collapse of the wave function, so that Schrödinger's Cat did not pose any riddle to him. He argued that the cat would be either dead or alive long before the box is opened by a conscious observer but the actual experiment found that measurement alone (for example- check by a Geiger counter) is sufficient to collapse a quantum wave function before there is any conscious observation of the measurement.

But when we delve deeper, there cannot be a measurement without consciousness initiating it. The Geiger counter is set up by a human being.

Alain Aspect:

In 1982, Alain Aspect and his team at the University of Paris discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons separated from each other are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter how far they are. Somehow, each particle is aware of what other was doing. This conclusion violates Einstein's long-held belief that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light which is tantamount to breaking the time barrier.

Alain’s team produced twin photons from calcium atoms and allowed them to travel in opposite directions for a distance of 6.5 metres then sent them through a polarization filter. The polarisers could shift switch states in10 billionth of a second and were faster than the time required for the photons to travel.

This means that if an atom emits two quanta of light, called photons, going opposite ways, somehow these photons affect one another's behaviour at a distance, without exchanging any signals through space, that too, instantaneously. For anything to travel through space takes time, however infinitesimal. And yet, Aspect's photons were doing it instantaneously or they were doing it faster than the speed of light. And therefore, it followed that the influence could not have travelled through space. Instead, the influence must belong to a domain of reality that we must recognize as the transcendent domain of reality.

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Quantum Relativity

The closer they get, faster they move!

The innermost sanctum sanctorum of the atoms and the outermost border of hyperspace appear to have one thing in common.


The subatomic particles appear to be alive. The electrons are whirling, as if trying to escape.

Between the subatomic particles there is constant movement and interaction but the behaviour of subatomic events is random or acausally related. The quantum effect is that in a smaller space, there is faster movement of subatomic particles, a kind of restlessness. This is in sharp contrast to gross matter e .g. atoms in gas, liquid or solid state.

Probability Waves:

At sub-atomic level matter does not exist with certainty at definite places but rather shows a tendency to occur, a probability. The waves associated with particles, however, are not ‘real’ three-dimensional waves, like water waves or sound waves, but are ‘probability waves’; abstract mathematical quantities which are related to the probabilities of finding the particles in various places and with various properties.

In the atomic realm, particles and waves have a tendency to exist at a particular place (space) and a tendency to occur at a particular time. There is a strong correlation between the properties of wave and particle e.g. the amplitude of the wave front and the chance of finding a particle at the place where the amplitude is measured. Here, we are dealing with duality. If the amplitude is large, we can find the particle but if it is small we are unlikely to find it.

Astrology and quantum physics are both sciences dealing with


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Force and matter, particles and waves, motion and rest, existence and non-existence-these are some of the opposite or contradictory concepts which are transcended in modern physics.

[When matter itself is ‘probabilities’, how can the body which is made up of matter be subject to certainty. How can we ever prognosticate?

How can we say that ‘X’ is not curable without defying physics?

Is it not a medical superstition?

All I can say is, “Sorry, I don’t know the way.”]

There is certainty in this uncertainty! or order in disorder …

This leads to the question of how these definite patterns arise in the dynamic and ever-changing particle-world. It is not all chaos. There is an order to it.

Quantum Dynamism:

Subatomic particles are dynamic patterns which have a space aspect and a time aspect. Their space aspect makes them appear as objects with a certain mass, their time aspect as processes involving the equivalent energy. In modern physics, the universe is thus experienced as a dynamic, inseparable whole which always includes the observer in an essential way. The properties of a particle can only be understood in terms of its activity or its interaction with the surrounding environment and that the particle, therefore, cannot be seen as an isolated entity, but has to be understood as an integrated part of the whole. We cannot separate our welfare from that of our environment. Whatever goes around comes back.

Grossly, forces are not exchanged when there is interaction, attraction or repulsion. No exchange of electrons takes place between atoms. What is essentially dynamic and unstable appears as solid and stable because that is what our eyes are trained to see. That is the limitation of our eyes, the effect of Maya. Deep down there is a continuous dance of energy, the Dance of Nataraja. There is motion but no moving objects; there is activity but no action. What is apparently real is not real. Understanding this is called the drk –drash- vivek in

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the Upanishads. The observer, observed and observation are all interlinked in a probability pattern. Same things happen in the cosmic world too. Stars form, they are sucked into the black holes and released again.

Space time continuum of the atomic world:

Physicists have to take into account the unification of space and time when they study the subatomic world and consequently they view the objects of this world-the particles, not statically but dynamically, in terms of energy, activity and processes.

Multiple Universes at the Quantum Level:

At the quantum level we deal with possibilities or probabilities. When one of the possibilities has occurred, we say that the wave has collapsed.

But what happened to the other possibilities? Did they vanish?

According to the Everett-Wheeler-Graham theory, they all actualize, but in different worlds that coexist with ours. Seen at the mind level, we are eligible to play multiple tracks. The choice is entirely ours. We may be faced with a particular situation now because we have collapsed the wave function there. But we can change this by rewriting the script.

Could disorders like multiple personalities or schizophrenia be explained by this phenomenon? Is the brain retaining memory of the first observation before the reading the second observation?

The observed electron is in the brain and the observer electron is also in the brain. Memory of one universe retains a photographic or holographic image of another parallel universe.

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Quantum Paradoxes:

In the quantum theory, we are faced with many paradoxes.

Atomic events are indeterminate. They do not occur at certain times at certain places and we cannot predict their occurrence with certainty. In that sense, atomic events, weather forecasts, share market indices and astrology are brothers. They can only be predicted with a probability.

Indeterminate Theory: The Analogy of the Violin

The music of the violin is not tangible yet real. The probability waves are not like 3D waves of water or sound waves. They are not probabilities, not of things but of interactions. They have no meaning as individual things but there is meaning in the interaction.

However, atomic events are not arbitrary. At the atomic level, there are local causes present but there is no linear cause-effect relationship. There is only a statistical causality. No fixed outcomes, no Yes/ No or black/white dichotomies.

On a larger scale, we cannot say what a single electron will do. But we can predict the behaviour of a large mass of electrons. What if we learn to talk to these electrons?

We cannot predict individual behaviour but can predict mob behaviour, team behaviour, culture, society etc. We can also say what the leader of the group is otherwise!!!

The behaviour of the whole determines behaviour of the part (Cf Classic mechanics). If I need to heal then others also need to heal with me. If I believe in energy medicine then a critical number needs to believe it possible. The list can go on.

Opposites Attract!

The basic force in the subatomic world is the same as that of the macroscopic universe. It is the force of attraction between the electron and protons, both oppositely charged. This interaction gives all the structure and processes in our world. It is responsible for forming molecules, chemical reactions, formation of different states of matter and all of what happens in our body.

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The world is nothing but relationships-Interactions!

The Quantum Interactions:

In quantum electrodynamics, exchange of photons between the electron and the nucleus hold the atom together. The electromagnetic interactions occur via the exchange of photons which have a long range but no mass. The photons are macroscopic. Plus the electrons exchange photons between themselves. The electric repulsion between two electrons, for example, is mediated through these photon exchanges. In the end, the two electrons fly apart, having repelled each other through the exchange of the photon.

The full interaction between the electrons will involve a series of photon exchanges, and as a result the electrons will appear to deflect one another along smooth curves. Something like exchanging glances. The exchange of virtual photons, on the other hand, can take place over indefinite distances because the photons, being mass-less, can be created with indefinitely small amounts of energy.

Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED):

Feynman succeeded in combining quantum electrodynamics with special relativity in 1949. QED combines the photon (light) and electron. At the subatomic level, exchange of photons between the electron and nucleus hold the atom together. If electron and anti electron collide, energy is released. One electron goes forward in time releases a photon of energy and the same electron then goes backward in time. To paraphrase Wheeler, ‘All electrons in the world are same but for a twist ’. Wheeler proposed all the electrons look alike it is because they are the same electron, from big bang to doomsday and reverse, on and on, in time. That takes us to science fiction and concepts like reverse time universe.

QED deals with two parameters, charge and mass of particles, photon and electron.

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The photon represents the unit of electromagnetic radiation. However, photons are particles of a special kind, mass-less and always travelling with the speed of light. Photons of light have both inertial and gravitational mass (even though they have zero rest mass) and exhibit all the characteristics of material bodies. Electromagnetism is as material as breath, and an equally incredible candidate for the vital field.

The Photon Electron Interaction:

The photon is absorbed by the electron which continues its path with a different velocity (different inclination of the world line) and after a while, the electron emits the photon again and reverses its direction of motion.

Application of quantum mechanics and wave particle duality:

Quantum mechanics though based on uncertainties is practically very useful.

Uncertainty! You can have the cake and eat it too!

• Wave–particle duality is exploited in the electron microscopy, where the small wavelengths associated with the electron can be used to view objects much smaller than what is visible using visible light, like viruses.

• DNA – X-ray diffraction studies are used to study complex structures in the body. Similarly, neutron diffraction uses neutrons with a wavelength of about 0.1 nm, the typical spacing of atoms in a solid, to determine the structure of solids.

• Transistors, the forerunner of computers are based on the Schrodinger wave equation which predicts that the outer electrons in a metal are bound loosely to the nucleus and roam freely in the entire lattice system of the metal or conductors. A slight change in electric field can push the electrons out, creating a current. Remember, the copper in the enzymes of our body is a metal. We are constantly handling these subatomic interactions at a sub-cellular level. In contrast, semiconductors, which can play the dual role of conductors or insulators, are used to amplify or control the flow of electricity in radios, television and computers.

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• 'eon lights: An electric current is passed through a tube filled with neon gas exciting the electrons so that they jump to a higher orbit. When they return back to original state, they emit a quantum of light.

• Lasers: Light Amplification of Simulated Emission of Rays.

Lasers are used to at supermarket counters for billing, 3D television, holographic pictures or in stereo recorders. In light bulbs and Sunlight, the decay is random or incoherent or out of phase. So, different waves cancel each other. The atoms can be made to decay in synchronized or coherent manner (something akin to synchronized swimming). What is true of atoms is true for light and that was how laser was born. Lasers are used in retinopathy, atherosclerosis etc.

More on the Wave 'ature of the Human Body:

What we see in nature as solid matter is not solid enough. Universe is made of atoms but the atoms are nearly empty. The body has organs-tissues-cells-DNA –atoms and subatomic particles (particle nature). The human body is also made up of atoms. So, it is mostly non- solid .The human body is made up of particles or fermions which are interacting constantly, so that it can only be described by Grassman’s numbers. The atoms of human body vibrate at high frequency 1015 Hertz. We don’t have the technology to view this at present.

Harold Saxon Burr measured fields around life forms (L-fields). The fields are affected by sunlight, moon cycle, storms, seasons etc. and perhaps by EM radiation. These fields serve as a template when the molecules, tissues etc. are undergoing a turnover. This may in some way explain Kayakalp or Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapy.

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Morphic Resonance:

Rupert Sheldrake’s work with plants and human has shown the existence of mind fields or morphogenetic fields.

Mind is made of thoughts and emotions. Emotion is energy in motion. Is the mind made up of waves or is it made of particles, let’s call them Mindons?

Think, of anger expressed.

For example, someone is angry with me and gives me an angry look.

A virtual mindon strikes my mind. My mind may absorb the energy and change itself in terms of configuration or vibrations and then give back the same energy. There is a continual exchange of this energy. If I knew it was coming back, would I be angry?

As humans, we have a choice. We may return the same energy back or transmute it to a positive energy before returning it back.

All such interactions both virtual and real are stored as imprints,

• Outside, at cosmic level in the Ȃkāsic records .

• Inside ourselves at the atomic or quantum or maybe in the void.. the Chidākāsha.

And the two, Akāsha and Chidākāsha are connected.

You can know this if you have experienced ‘the wave- spread’ during meditative states, first hand.

We Share Our Brains!

There is evidence now that EPR correlation occurs between human brains. It is well-known that meditation produces increases in inter-hemispheric correlations in a subject's EEG recordings.

In their experiment, Grinberg- Zylberbaum and Ramos (1987) studied subjects meditating together and looked for both inter-hemispheric and inter-subject correlations of the EEG recordings.

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Two subjects meditated side by side, in a Faraday chamber for twenty minutes by which time their brains were in tune. After that, one meditator was shifted to another Faraday chamber.

When the subjects were meditating separately, one of them was stimulated by flash lights and he was supposed to mentally communicate this signal to his partner. The stimulated subjects showed evoked potentials on EEG which were transferred to the partner. The control subjects did not show such effect.

The subjects were separated by more than 14 metres. Even when the distance was changed the transference effect persisted at the same degree.

If it were due to local effects, then the signals would be attenuated to some degree.

Superstring Theory (SST):

SST is based on elementary units of matter like QFT but instead of point particles, it takes strings as elementary units that break and reform as in Feynman’s diagrams. So, renormalization is not required. SST posits that the ultimate building blocks of nature are tiny vibrating strings. There is no solidity of matter. All matter is made of strings, a 100 billion, billion times smaller than a proton. Unfortunately, one does not have the instruments to see these strings. Our 3D eyes can see only solids. You need your third eye to open!

Take the analogy of a microscope. If not for the microscope, we would not have seen microbes. If we had a microscope that could magnify matter to billion, billion times the size of an atom than a human being would be seen as vibrating strings. And these strings would vibrate differently for Mr A and Ms B, differently in health and disease. The superstrings are incredibly tiny vibrating objects too small to detect.

SST could well be the Theory of universe. SST unites four forces of nature into one comprehensive theory. The forces are but different manifestations of one force governed by superstring. SST resembles S matrix theory in that infinite number of particles are accepted (teaching us acceptance). Infinite variety of particles is nothing but resonances of the same string with no particle fundamental to another. The vibration could travel along a string.

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SST-The Analogy of the Violin String:

The string theory is compared to that of the violin and for that matter any stringed instrument would do. The violin string unites all the musical tones and rules of harmony. Vibrating strings of different tones, new chords create a new harmony. Gravitational interaction is the lowest vibration of the string in the form of circular string or loops. Higher excitations mean different matter or different energy. No force or particle is more fundamental than another force. All particles are different vibratory resonances of vibratory strings.

If we have a string attached to two points, we can set it in motion. Its motion will radiate an emission of energy called a musical note. Changing the length of the string by our fingers, we can generate different notes. We can attach another string and get a different note with two strings and this will continue. If we take a thicker string (multiple of the diameter of the original string), we have yet another vibration.

Strings and the striking –the interaction is what generates the music, harmonics or entire orchestra. The drums are nothing but strings laid in another fashion, again vibrating when struck. The world is nothing but interaction of these frequencies of vibrations. The rhythm is a vibration of superstrings or the Dance of Nataraja.

And where am I headed with all this?

Is The Body Solid?

What we know about human body as of now is about the solid aspect only and we still don’t know all. But the body is > 99% of this solidity is empty space.

If we had an instrument to see the electron clouds, we would perhaps see different hues of electron clouds moving between the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen that make up the human body. And see how the clouds changed colour when we hit our hand against the wall! And imagine the influence of our mind, again a form of energy on the cloud. When we feel sad, the cloud becomes darker and when we laugh, the cloud becomes brighter or something to that effect.

Then at a grosser level we could see the EM emissions (commonly called aura) making a dance of colours...

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Think of it. ‘There is no miraculous healing. All healing is superstring healing’.

Implicate Order, Enfolded Order And Undivided Wholeness:

In 1980, Bohm proposed the enfolded order, the universe curled on itself. Space, time, do not have a separate existence; they are reflections of a deeper order. In the sense, they are special cases of general law. Bohm explained this with the help of origami patterns, making small cuts in a folded piece of paper and then, literally, unfolding it. Widely separated elements of the pattern are, in actuality, produced by the same original cut in the folded piece of paper. Here the cuts in the folded paper represent the implicate order and the unfolded pattern represents the explicate order.

If we choose any one domain, let us say light and analyse it deep enough we should reach the TOE. As is said in scriptures, take any one virtue and follow it totally, you will reach the Ultimate. Thought (concept) and reality are as distinct from each other as the observer and observed are distinct in the explicate order.

The Cartesian system used to measure space or the curvilinear system used measure space –time are but concepts used to simplify description and analysis of the visible world and are not the absolute reality in spite of their usefulness.

It is difficult to visualize the implicate order.

To explain implicate and explicit order, Bohm place a drop of ink in a jar of glycerine and rotated it, the drop spreads and disappears. When the jar is rotated in opposite direction it reappears.

Hologram & Implicate Order:

In a holographic reconstruction, each region of a photographic plate contains the whole image. Now, the word ‘implicit’ is based on the verb 'to implicate'. This means ‘to fold inward’ ... so we may be led to explore the notion that in some sense each region contains a total structure ‘enfolded’ within it.

Real world is an extension of the hologram, each part in some sense contains the whole... 26 D in 10D, 10 D in 4D.

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Chapter 8


A hologram is a three- dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser beam. To make a hologram, a laser beam is split into two. The object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of the first laser beam. Then, the second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern (the area where the two laser beams commingle) is captured on a film.

The developed film appears as dark and light lines which has little resemblance to the original object but when viewed again with a laser source, gives a reconstruction of the 3 dimensional virtual image of the original object. The three-dimensionality of such images is not the only remarkable characteristic of holograms. If the hologram of an object is cut and visualized, the entire picture appears in both the halves. Dividing further each part still gives the whole image which is lighter.

For example,

If a hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to contain the entire image of the rose, albeit hazier. Even if the halves are divided again, each bit of film will always be found to contain a

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smaller but intact version of the original image. Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole.

The film consists of an interference pattern the implicate order. When viewed again it becomes the explicit order. Besides light, holograms can be created by other wave fronts too.

Hologram of whole shutter







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Reconstructed hologram of part shutter







Holographic Universe- The whole in part

According to physicist Prof David Bohm, the universe has no real existence and despite appearing to be solid is only a fantasy, based on a hologram. He was studies plasma systems when he became interested in holograms. He found that when a gas becomes plasma the individual electrons start behaving as a unified whole as if by self organized behaviour.

Prof.Bohm interpreted that the whole universe is a hologram hence communication is instantaneous. Bohm believed that the reason the two electrons communicated at a speed faster than light in EPR was not because there was some signal going fast but because the two are essentially one and their separateness is an illusion. The particles are extensions of some universal phenomenon. There is another dimension beyond or beneath our own (or many other). Others like Hal Puthoff called it the zero point energy.

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Hologram and the Human Brain:

In 1920 , Wilder presented his theory that memory storage occurs in different parts of the brain at specific locations. While doing surgeries in epileptic patients he discovered that on stimulation of the temporal lobe , patients relived their past memories as a ‘flashback’. He called the stored memories engrams.

Karl Lashley in 1950s followed this up with experiments on rats wherein rats were trained in maze –running. He found that maze running was retained in spite of excision of parts of brain tissue suggesting that memory storage was more generalized than specific.

Neuroscientist, Karl Pribram, a contemporary of Bohm working simultaneously and independently on the storage of memories in the brain, deduced a similar model to show that memories are dispersed throughout the brain. Pribram found that in patients with brain injury no specific memories were lost but they were generally blurred .According to Pribram, each memory is embedded in every part of brain and not restricted to some part as was believed. In human cognitive processes, each thought is instantly cross-correlated and integrated with every related thought or information. This is possible only if we consider a holographic view.

Pribram proposed that the brain was constructing a reality from a set of frequencies of sound, light, touch etc. In fact, we are sensitive to many more frequencies though we generally do not use them.

This explains ESPs, synesthesias and a whole lot of paranormal phenomena. It also explains why the blind man’s hearing is sharper. Also, the Hughling’s Jackson’s theory of recovery from stroke supports the holographic model. Memories are not coded in neurons or inter neurons but in the networks interlacing the brain and is hence capable of storing vast amounts of information. It has been estimated that the human brain has the capacity to memorize something in the order of 10 billion bits of information during the average human lifetime.

Hologram helps to give meaning to our perceptions. In fact, objects are perceived as would a camera, in pixels of light/ dark or colours not as an image.

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The image is then created by our brain with the aid of this information. To put it in simple words, we first break the world into frequencies when we perceive it with are our senses and then reconstruct reality from the available frequencies, using our brain. But we send these frequencies through filters. Therefore, we can never see the world as it is but see it as our filters are.

In the holographic model, past experience serves as a reference beam.

Pribram’s theory says that our brain constructs reality from a wide range of frequencies presented to it. Which means that our reality is not out there but in

here (? Maya and also law of attraction).

Out there is a vast ocean of waves and frequencies and brain construct concrete reality from this probable abstract functions. Both are real or both are unreal (sat-asat). According to the darshanas, the object does not reach my eye but the I reach the object through my eyes which is very interesting. This information came from a teacher .I am yet to confirm it.

Shuffling the Brain of Salamanders:

Paul Pietsch experimented with salamanders to challenge Pribram but found that salamander brain retained memories even if it was were minced and re-transplanted (see his book “Shuffle Brain”).

Bekesy and the Phantom Limb:

It is a well known phenomenon that amputees retain apparent sensations in the amputated part called the phantom limb. Bekesy studied this state with the help of vibrators. In the 1960s, Bekesy demonstrated in blindfolded subjects that sensations could be experienced outside the body. By attaching vibrators to knees, he could so alter perception of patients that they felt the sensations between the knees.

Also, the lower part of the face has a hologram for the arm. So in short, when we feel pain, the pain is not in the limb but in our brain.

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Reconstructing the Image:

It was seen in the 1960s that each brain cell in the visual cortex responded differently to different stimuli, some fired in response to horizontal lines, others in response to vertical lines. According to neurophysiologists Russel and Karen DeValois, the brain acts as frequency analyser and uses Fourier mathematics to decode the visual images. Same technique is used computerized EEG scans now.

Dissipative Structures and Brain:

Aharon Katchalsky proposed that brain may function as a dissipative structure with a capacity for non-linearity, sudden shifts, self organization etc. just like the chemical structures.

Dissipative structures in the brain are considered self-organizing macrostates of spatio-temporal coherence especially seen in the visual neurons. They follow non–linear dynamics with successive visual stimulation.

Dissipative Structures and the Placebo effect:

Dissipative structures imply a higher order in a seeming chaos. Higher the order, more is the stability of structure (or function as in the case of the human mind).

If you have played ‘Magic bricks’ or any such computer game, you will easily understand the dissipative nature of healing. At every click there is a rearrangement of the bricks within a flicker of a second. Success means you have attained to ‘one’ ness- the last brick.

The placebo effect is not about how many patients the placebo cured. It is about how many patients the healer or doctor was able to successfully mind-wash.

A person may heal temporarily and then get another disease. So, how much cognitive restructuring was achieved is important to prevent disease. And lastly,

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how much spiritual restructuring was achieved is equally pertinent to the permanency of the healing process.

Holographic Paradigm & Telepathy:

Telepathy could be accessing communication at a holographic level. Information can travel from the mind of individual 'A' to that of individual 'B' at a far distance point (for experiments see Sheldrake and Grinberg).

Gremlin Effect or the Ghost in the Machine

The Gremlin effect is a tendency for equipment to fail at crucial times could be due to mind control. A machine using a device called REG, random event generator was used to test such malfunctions. Jahn and Dunne demonstrated that volunteers could change the events outside of them, by a phenomenon called psychokinesis.


Argentinian-Italian researcher Hugo Zucarelli studied holophonics or the hologram in relation to acoustic phenomena, which allows people to locate sound even if heard in one ear. Zucarelli has also developed the technology of holophonic sound. When we extend this further, we are stumped. Researchers have discovered, for instance, that our visual systems are sensitive to sound frequencies, that our sense of smell is in part dependent on what are now called “cosmic frequencie”, and that even the cells in our bodies are sensitive to a broad range of frequencies. This means we could see with our ears.

We are aware how blind people are acoustically sensitive and about people who can touch and sense colour. ESP then is no longer paranormal but at once scientific, an evolutionary possibility.

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Hologram & Mind:

Stanislav Grof tried to explain altered states of consciousness using the hologram. In the 1950s, while researching LSD as a psychotherapeutic tool, one of Grof’s female patient suddenly regressed to a female of a species of a prehistoric reptile. She gave relevant information about the male of her species, which was later confirmed by a zoologist. This was in spite of the fact that the woman had no prior knowledge about such things. There were many patients that followed.

On one occasion Dr Grof had an after death communication with a soul of a young man who wanted to communicate to his family that he was alright. He provided the address and on checking the telephone directory could contact his parents, who were relieved and perhaps grateful too.

Dr Grof was working with psychedelic drug therapy using LSD (lysergic acid diamine) but after it was legally banned he started using the holotrophic breath method , which is not very different from the Bhāstrika Prānāyām of Patānjali. This led some people to get ‘Out of Body Experiences’. There were “good trips” and “bad trips” but there was a lot of healing of the inner world and the physical body. The transpersonal realm is a realm of metaphors seen as archetypes. Grof saw all kinds of experiences in his patients during the LSD trips and even without drug and called these experiences transpersonal experiences. We had no explanations for these accounts but now hologram or akasic record theory can explain most of these manifestations.

(see Stanislav Grof “Beyond the Brain” and other books)

Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) and Hologram:

There are at times thirty odd personalities sitting in one body. To some extent our role playing causes us to behave in a multiple-istic way but MPD is the extreme of a fragmented whole. A study observing the EEG patterns of multiple

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personalities found a change of the basic patterns, most neurologists would confirm that people do not change EEG patterns when there are overwhelmed by emotion. You may be raging or excited but will maintain your imprint on EEG.

People change their muscle tone, heart rate variability, blood sugars, allergies etc. One patient admitted for diabetes reversed her condition.

MPD is now called DID- dissociative identity disorder.

[Dr Richard Schwartz has described non-pathological multiple personalities and family system of therapy.]

MPD and Ageing:

One patient who could reverse ageing believed that she kept young by visualization (parallel processing). One personality did her cooking, another her laundry, the third took care of finances etc. so she could relax. This is not surprising for Indians. The Himalayan yogi especially the tantra followers are well versed in the science of rejuvenation. People on the Aghora path are also adept at parallel processing (see Dr Svobobda).What is interesting for is to understand that when mind and body can be connected, the switch is instantaneous. When we demystify the whole process, the way the patient will look at his illness will change and the section on prognosis will have to be deleted from all medical texts. Cross controlled trials will cease to have meaning. Objectivity has not stood the ground in hard core physics and it cannot be expected in a living system called ‘man’.

I have seen in practice that there are some people especially celebrities who have young skin and hair in spite of a total confusion going on in their lives. Some are near suicidal. And there are others who are intelligent, integrated with hardly any issues in life who look old and haggard. Could it be that the former people though not having an overt dissociative disorder (MPD) are in some way dissociating mind and body?

Taking the parallel track/world hypothesis, could we heal a disease in here without really helping the integrated whole? Our parallel self could still be suffering.

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The Difference between Schizophrenia and MPD:

A MPD may have many personalities in one body, some of whom can be highly intelligent. A transcript of MPD counseling appears as though more than one soul might be residing in one body. Headaches and ESPs are common. Other physical characteristics are also noteworthy like change in handwriting or EEG. The person gives various names to the different personalities. The cause is sexual or physical abuse usually in early childhood or severe trauma in adulthood. The patient’s mind and body appear to be split.

On the other hand the patient with schizophrenia appears to have a split mind while the body is one and the person can be dysfunctional. The split or schism may have occurred because of parenting issues.

Treatment for MPD is mainly psychological. Schizophrenia may respond to anti-psychotics medicines.

In computerized EEGs of schizophrenia patients both with or without drugs, delta EEG activity is seen over the entire cortical surface greatest over the frontal lobes. There is a relative decrease in blood flow an indirect evidence of reduced neural metabolism. There are studies suggesting left hemispheric dysfunction.

Hologram and Dreams:

Dr Montague Ullman a Psychiatrist from New York conducts research in dreams. Paid volunteers with no known psychic ability are asked to sleep in a room in the lab where as another person outside that room tries to concentrate on selected paintings and tries to induce the sleeper to dream about them. Dreams could perhaps be a connection between the implicate order and the explicate order of man. Fred Alan Wolf postulated that people may be visiting parallel universes in their lucid dreams.

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Palmistry and Hologram:

Herman Weinreb, neurologist from New York has found the ulnar loop more frequently occurring in Alzheimer’s sufferers.

Holistic therapies like foot reflexology and ear acupuncture and diagnostic tools like iridology use the hologram model.

In Germany, a computer based scanner uses a computer to diagnose the palm.

Can we apply the holographic principle to the universe at large?

We could but our brains construct an innate perception that our universe has three spatial dimensions depending on our prejudices. To see the whole in the part, we will need a laser-sharp perception and a laser-sharp interpretation. Are we ready, yet?

Anatomically, we are far evolved. Perhaps, we may have crossed the mark but spiritually or mentally are we willing to let go the self erected, egocentric separateness? A few amongst us are able. So, it can’t be far for the others who are willing to tread their path.

Real World Analogy of Hologram:

Each part in some sense, contains the whole... 26 dimensions in 10 dimensions and 10D in 4D. Every electron in our body is connected to everything else.. and all attempts at division are superfluous.

Consensus Reality:

If something appears the same to many of us is because we are all a part of the whole and we create a consensus reality. According to Wheeler and others, the physical world is made of information, with energy and matter as manifestations of information. Even during NDEs and OBEs we retain our cultural consensus. People who believe in hell-fire and brimstone get nightmarish visions. It is better to construct a positive reality of this life and after-life.

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We don’t have to be good out of fear. There are plenty of positive available in the ‘now’.

Personal Resonance:

According to psychologist Robert M. Anderson, even though all information is available to us, we tap only that which is personally relevant to us.

Who am I?

Am ‘I’ a 3 D projection of another ‘I’ in 2 D or 5 D, is a matter of speculation.

Am I real or just a projection on the 3 D space screen or the 4 D space-time screen?

Whether we are actually living in a holographic universe is uncertain but a holographic lens to our vision of the world may solve some riddles pertaining to it and puzzles prior to the big bang.

Oneness, Bohm’s Unbroken Wholeness:

Quantum theory reveals a basic oneness of the universe. It shows that we cannot decompose the world into independently existing smallest units.

At an unmanifest level, we have the implicate order or unfolded order and on the manifest level we have the explicate order. The undivided whole, the implicate order is inherent within the part or explicit unexpressed. Parts do not and cannot make up the whole. There are no ultimate particles, quantum states, spectra and continua.

Parts are considered in terms of the whole, and in such terms, they constitute relatively autonomous and independent ‘sub-totalities’. I am as important as any other on this Earth. WHAT POWER! And yet I am as insignificant as a grain of sand.

The Upanishads on talking about REALITY have this to say,

‘Aum poornam-adaha, poornam-idam poornaat poornamudacchate

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Poornasya poornamaadaay poornamevaa vashishyate

That is whole, this is whole, from that whole this whole has arisen

Even when we remove the whole from the whole only the whole remains

Can we appreciate the brilliance in these two lines?

Is this not holo-language?

Hologram is not enough to describe the Universe because the universe is dynamic. This implies that nothing is fundamentally separate or autonomous, the whole universe is in a continuous flux, and hence is referred to as the holomovement (movement of the whole). Hologram is static whereas holomovement is dynamic.

In the words of the astronomer Fred Hoyle, “Present-day developments in cosmology are coming to suggest rather consistently that everyday conditions could not persist but for the distant parts of the Universe, that all our ideas of space and geometry would become entirely invalid if the distant parts of the Universe were taken away.”

Black Hole- the Beginning of Holographic Universe:

When studying black holes it was realized that all information about the material sucked into a black hole is stored at the surface. Similarly, the entire content of the Universe can be stored in a two-dimensional shape that will enclose it. It is impossible to determine what is inside a black hole. No detailed information can emerge across the horizon and escape into the outside world. But whatever goes inside whether matter or energy, does leave a trace. The energy is reflected in the permanent increase in the mass of the black hole, through the equation, E = mc2. In addition, if matter was in angular motion while entering the hole, its angular momentum is added to the black hole's angular momentum.

We can draw conclusions about the mass and momentum of a black hole by its effects on space-time around the hole. Black hole respects the laws of

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conservation of energy and angular momentum but the second law of thermodynamics, appeared to be violated. Wheeler proposed that when matter disappears into a black hole, its entropy is gone for good, and the second law is made irrelevant. In 1970, Demetrious Christodoulou, solved the problem. He showed that in black hole mergers, the total area of the event horizons never decreases. More is stored in less space or volume by increasing the surface area.

A black hole resembles the Chidākāsha within the human body. All information is stored here. It suggests that our universe, which we perceive to have three spatial dimensions, might instead be ‘written’ on a two-dimensional surface, like a hologram. A 3D movie stored on a 2D film and then reconstructed.

The Final Step of Unification:

The final step was joining quantum theory with relativity theory.

Both these theories are notions of essentially a static and fragmentary mode of existence, parts of a whole. In relativity, movement is continuous, causally determinate and well defined. In quantum mechanics, movement is discontinuous, not causally determinate and not well-defined.

Both contradict one another in this respect, a virtual paradox!

Relativity is concerned with separate events connectible by signals and quantum mechanics is concerned with a discontinuous ill-defined quantum state.

Where Failure is Success!

The motive of actively seeking a ToE was essentially intellectual and academic to begin with but along the way yielded a bounty of unexpected fruits like Lasers and Television. And today though most physicists are sceptical about deterministic absolutism at the root of the universe, most would like to clear the errors and anomalies in their existing theories.

Lee Smolin proposed that the layers of nature may be like the layers of an onion, and that the number of layers might be infinite. This would imply an infinite sequence of physical theories. This theory however is not universally accepted.

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The Ever Elusive Theory of Everything:

Gödel’s theorem implies that pure mathematics is inexhaustible. No matter how many problems we solve, there will always be other problems that cannot be solved within the existing rules. Because of Gödel's theorem, physics is inexhaustible too. The laws of physics are a finite set of rules, and include the rules for doing mathematics, so that Gödel's theorem applies to them. Stephen Hawking was originally a believer in the Theory of Everything but after considering Gödel's Theorem, he concluded that one was not obtainable.

Ultimately, it boils down to the fact that the Ultimate chooses to be elusive, and a theory of everything , even the doctor’s theory is not a destination but is only the path where much is to be gained as ‘Joys of the Road’.

The Creative Observer:

In 1951, David Bohm, when discussing about electron said that observed phenomena can be understood only as a correlation between various processes. If observation and measurement are processes, then the end of this chain of processes always lies in the consciousness of the Human Observer. Observation is not only necessary to observe properties of an atomic phenomenon but it is necessary to bring about these properties in the first place. If there was no observer there would be no observable phenomenon. If there was no conscious observation there would be no world. If I ask it (subatomic particle) a wave question, it will give me a wave answer. If I ask it a particle question, it will give me a particle answer. In short, the particle or electron does not have objective properties independent of I, the observer.

Extending this to the macroscopic world, everything is based on the story that we tell ourselves. Our interpretation of the world creates our world. Consensus reality is the reason behind a seemingly stable world. All situations or manifestations are created after being held in consciousness in an energy form for some time. Amazingly, one can change situations and outcomes with

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positive and directed thought. We have the capacity to do this healing on our own or with a spiritual healer assisting.

Depending on our level of intention and conflicting unconscious resistance, change can occur slowly over time and other times it is instantaneous.

The reality that is in front of us reflects back our dominant thought patterns, whether we are conscious of them or not. When doing intentional healing from a distance, quantum physics can explain why some people heal from pain and conflict and while others never move forward for a very long time. There is a collective belief system that also affects how fast we can flip into a new reality, sometimes referred to as the morphogenetic field.

When there is no separateness, where is the question of distance? Where is the measure of space? And if the space-time continuum is valid, as has been apparently proved, where is the question of time? Past, present and future are all in the ‘now’. Self healing, instant healing, distance healing are therefore, not only possible but scientific enough to merit consideration.


We have strong beliefs in certainty of the material world when the world itself is based on uncertainty. We expect diabetes patients never to get cured when actually their sugars, their insulin receptors; their islet cells; their genes; their DNA; their RNA; their proteins and their atoms are in constant flux. A simple change in mind can change the colour of the eyes which was present since birth whereas almost all diabetes arises after birth. A person could shift to his healthy self in a parallel world and change his sugars in a brilliant shift of his mind.

According to research at the Michigan University, beliefs affect the perception of pain.

Dr Pert’s Contribution

Dr Candace Pert, a member of the team that discovered the opiate receptor has done pioneering research on how the chemicals inside our bodies form a dynamic information network, linking mind and body. She has established a bio-molecular basis for our emotions, helping us to understand ourselves, our

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feelings and the connection between our minds and our bodies. We are beginning to understand how we could interpret happiness or sadness in more scientific ways. Her research looks into matters like why we feel and not what we feel. What happens to our body or energy when we feel thus?

Immune cells have neuropeptide receptors and as also the other parts of the body. The immune system appears to be an extension of the brain.

Was Darwin Wrong?

Darwin theorised that the universe and life arose from matter or rather molecules which went to create bio-molecules and these subsequently evolved by natural selection to form man and woman. I use the word theorised because many so called scientists forget this basic fact whilst discussing evolution. Darwin’s assumption of things billions of years ago is no different from Cameron’s universe a hundred or thousand years from now (Avatar series beginning 2158). Once you have decided what you want to tell, you can always find references.

A basic fact was ignored for many decades. The matter stuff can and does change. It may change into entropy, collapse into an event horizon or yield an evolved dissipative structure better than its predecessor. All of this probably occurs at random. We do not know.

But when it comes to the living organism we see a different picture. We don’t see a man going back to an ape physically. He does ape the ape sometimes. It’s a different matter that the ape may argue that he is the one more evolved.

Matter cannot have a thought. Matter cannot attach a meaning to things. So, what is it that will tell matter that so and so will have a survival advantage far in the future? What made the intelligent scientists skip this natural question?

I can understand the psychology of the scientists of the West. There was a cold war going on between science and religion for a long time. Religion had hurt the sentiments of scientists so they were on reactive, anti-establishment mode. Embracing Darwin’s shaky science was a referral for them.

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But in India the story was different. While our western trained scientists were teaching British Science at the universities, the ashrams were vibrating alive with the experience of consciousness. Today, most scientists accept consciousness under some name or the other.

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Chapter 9

Entry of Consciousness!—Choice

So who or what converts possibility into actuality?

Consciousness does, because consciousness does not obey quantum physics. It is consciousness, through the conversion of possibility into actuality that creates what we see as manifest. In other words, consciousness creates the manifest world. An observer's looking is essential in order to manifest possibility into actuality. Consciousness is not made of material stuff. Consciousness is transcendent.

Since there has to be some entity which is responsible, for want of a better world perhaps it is called consciousness though this may not be very appropriate. This basic substratum that exists in all sentient and non sentient things is beyond both relativity and quantum physics. The choice exists even in an unconsciousness state albeit unawares. The exact nature of which, is beyond the human mind to know. This substratum is in fact the basis of the material world. The world is a big blob in the ocean of this substratum -a big wave collapsing. When Sant Jnaneshwar made the wall to move, he had some control on the consciousness in the wall.


That takes us to the question, what was here before the big bang?

Was the universe created at the big bang, it always was or did it come into being on first observation? This is difficult for us to grasp if we think with a 4 D mind. The universe could have been created 20 billion years ago instead of 14 billion but ‘I’ chose to see at that time. This is what is called self referral.

John Wheeler was the first to talk about delayed choice. The universe remained in possibility until there was self-referential quantum measurement. Very simply put, an observer's looking is essential in order to manifest possibility into actuality.When the observer looks, only then does the entire thing become

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manifest, including time. We shudder at the possibility that ‘I’ am responsible not only for things I do but also for things that happen to me.

Hidden Variable Theory:

Bohm proposed the hidden variable theory of quantum physics. Space-time itself is considered part of an explicit order that is connected to an implicit order which can be called pre-space. The signal, screen, and television set in electronics in this analogy represent the implicate order whilst the image produced represents the explicate order

Everything from 'othing?

World has come from nothing. There was no time before space either.

Pascual Jordan suggested that a star has mass and hence energy. But the calculated energy in gravitation field is negative. So, total energy of the system is zero. Since the system has zero energy, there is no violation of the law of conservation of energy, hence universe can be created from nothing. According to George Gamov, original universe had zero energy.

Universe came from not matter –energy but pure space -time ….. the Shoonya of Buddhism?

In 1973, Ed Tyron proposed that the universe was created from vacuum fluctuations. .….a random lucky quantum leap into a full-fledged universe.

We have virtual bosons spinning around in the ZPF(zero-point field). They travel throughout vacuum and interact. These particles like all particles have a spin property and a magnetic field property.

Hungarian theoretician Laszlo Gazdag believes that the magnetic impulse is registered as minute vortices in vacuum like recordings on a CD. The information in a given vortex corresponds to the magnetic momentum of the particle which created it. It is information about that particle. So, when we have

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lived a previous life we leave our imprints in the akasic sands or akasic clouds of time.

Vacuum is not empty, it contains the zero point field. The zero point field provides enormous energy even at absolute zero temperature when all other energies vanish (Zero point energy –Boyer 1975).The Earth is bound to lose momentum as it is moving, and someday would have succumbed to pressure of the Sun’s gravitational field if not for the influx of energy from the Zero-point field, ZPF of the vacuum state.

So, we have moved from nothing to ether, back to nothing and to ether again!

In medicine, we moved from shamans to hospitals and are moving back to the shamans again.

Torsion Wave Theory:

Torsion wave theory was proposed by the Russian scientists to explain events in the vacuum state. Torsion waves spread at 109c. According to Mueller, vacuum is an ultra weak background that acts as a morphogenetic field. The vacuum pressure wave has a particular frequency and may have been travelling for a few billion years but our ears cannot perceive it because it is below our hearing range.

This is as far as the 3D human is concerned but in Samadhi states one hears

many more octaves, the classical being the anāhat naad . Though most people

express the anāhat naad (sound without a striking) as aum, it is close to aum

but not aum. It has a unique quality. It is not reproducible.

Torsion waves may contain information. It may contain the ākasic records of the contemplatives.

John Wheeler’s Participatory Anthropic Principle:

So all of the past time, in that respect, becomes manifest right at that moment when the first sentient being looks. We create the particle universe. Haldane

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said that the world is my idea and has no objective reality. Our perceptions show us illusions. It is very easy for us to accept that I create the photon or rather the interactions between photons. But if I extend the principle it means that I create all the photons in the world …. And ultimately, I create my world.

If we think we are nothing but the brain, which is made up of atoms and elementary particles, how can a brain which is made up of atoms and elementary particles convert a possibility wave that it itself is? When it is itself made up of the possibility waves of atoms and elementary particles, it cannot convert its own possibility wave into actuality.

Only a conscious person can do the observation. There is no detachment between measured and measurer. World began with the first observation, may be a camera eye. Since existence of matter depended on measurement, existence of universe depended on some sort of consciousness.

Self Awareness:

According to Prof Amit Goswami, the universe is self-aware, but it is self-aware through us. That consciousness must be an emergent phenomenon of the brain is now discarded by most scientists. The patterns scientists observe in nature are intimately connected with the patterns in their minds …seeing through yellow glasses. Fred Hoyle also talks about intelligent universe and conscious evolution. The fish had an intention to swim out of water and evolved to be an amphibian, wished to fly so became an avian and we are evolving ever day on account of our intention.

�ecessity could be the mother of invention or mutation but intention is certainly

the father.

Upward Causation:

According to upward causation, all cause moves from the elementary particles. There is no free will. We are what the elementary particles make us.

Downward Causation:

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The downward causation theory suggests that consciousness or pre-consciousness was at the beginning of the universe and is there at every moment .We pre-consciously create our every moment. There is a free will in everything we do.

Consciousness is supreme and all things flow from it.

The material world of quantum physics is just a possibility.

Quantum physics doesn't depict objects the way they are. In quantum physics, objects are seen as possibilities, possibility waves.


So then the question arises, what converts possibility into actuality?

Because, when we see, we only see actual events. That's starting with us.

When you see a chair you see an actual chair, you don't see a possible chair - ‘the quantum measurement paradox’

Do you see the paradigm-changing view right here ? —how consciousness can be said to create the material world……

The Hunt for Holy Grail of Science, Search for the God particle...

It’s a different matter that God cannot be a particle. What has to be everywhere cannot be at one place as suggested by the term ‘particle’. A God wave or a God field would be more appropriate.

When matter was dissected further and further, we reached a stage when we had innumerable charged particles. There were supposed to be 12 fundamental particles and 4 fundamental forces or interactions. Of which, 11 particles are found but the last is not yet found.

All these so called particles are vector quantities. In the sense, they have a sense of direction but no mass. Their existence depends upon their interaction with particles of similar mobility in a field called the Higgs field. The interaction confers mass on them.

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To understand the common substratum of all these particles, Higgs with five others hypothesized the Higgs boson in 1964.The Higgs field has constant non-zero strength everywhere, even in empty space. The Higgs boson is a very short lived boson associated with this field, which soon disintegrates into other particles.

The 'ature of Higgs boson:

It is a scalar entity with zero electric charge, zero spin and zero colour charge. It is also its own anti-particle.

Higgs mechanism is the mechanism through which particles get mass.

Think! No mass, no matter, no existence.

And the interaction gives us weight.

Then, is my God The Higgs boson?

I would find it easier to love a God who is neutral than a God who is All- mighty yet lets us suffer. The Higgs field just adds weight to my thoughts.

If I think positive, He or H-b makes my world positive or otherwise being equally true.

To quote Wayne Dyer says, “If you say ‘I AM WELL’, you become well.”

Avdhoot Baba Shivananda insists that one should say, “I am in perfect health”.

My grandmother would tell us to think positive because God is added a suffix of ‘Tathatsu’ to our thoughts.

The Chārvākās and the Bhāktās are in the same boat but sitting back to back.

Now ‘law of attraction’ becomes scientific.

No need to pay through your nose for that weekend seminar in lofty Himalayas to attract the money you have paid for your trip.

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Just contact your own Higgs field wherever you are. If it can be activated in the Himalayas it can be activated right here.

The Experiments at CER'

Starting in the 1950s, atom smashers gave strongly interacting particles, the hadrons (mesons, proton, neutron).The Tevatron was the first the particle accelerator built. It created two highly energetic beams of subatomic particles whipping around a large circular tube but going round in opposite directions. The first one had protons. The opposite had antiprotons, electrically negatively, charged antimatter twin of proton.

The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Geneva built at the Swiss-French border is underground and has a length of 200 miles and needs energy of 14 trillion volts. It has multiple international teams working on the same hypothesis. The purpose is to discover a new set of particles, mainly the much hyped God particle or Higgs boson. On 13th December 2011, scientists suspected from the scatter that there was indeed a fundamental particle that could explain basics. After all the fanfare and media hype, the big bang failed.

On 4 July 2012, the CMS and the ATLAS experimental teams at the LHC independently announced that they each confirmed the formal discovery of a previously unknown boson of mass between 125–127 GeV/c2.

'o creator, only creation!

I mean… no absolute creator. The relative creator exists depending on our

consensus reality and going by indeterminism, if we say there is a creator, we

could be right, if we say there isn’t one we could still be right. But a consensus

reality of something positive is probably empowering for most people. A stone

God, a tree-God, a man-God or a God man, we may need them all. Sat/asat, or

existence/non- existence is what the ground is called in Vedanta. Reality is

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beyond existence / nonexistence or it is existent and non-existent at the same

time. And there is an equal place for atheists.

Gautam Buddha is considered an agnostic. He did not say that God exists nor

did he say God is not because He knew. He told us that we all are Buddhas.

Becoming a Buddha is not to know God or know that there is no God. It is about

knowing that ‘you do not know’ and ‘you may never know’. Being a Buddha is

to know that you are a Buddha. Buddha was perhaps talking about the

Indeterminancy Principle.

Two friends were travelling through a village tired and hungry when they happened to cross a well-grown mango orchard. They were no guards and they took the liberty to wander inside the precincts.

After the initial Ah! Ooh! , one of the friends could not resist himself. He immediately climbed a tree and treated himself to the pleasures of the luscious fruit. The other was still dazed and searched the length and breadth of the place looking for enterprising, elusive Gardener.

Both were right in their own place.

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Chapter 10

Differences between Classical and Quantum Physics

Classical Physics:

Newtonian physics is not wrong, it is limited. Newton’s physics stops working at the speed of light and relativity has to be brought in. And today we are moving into subluminal and supra luminal realms.


Classical physics assumes that there is an external world which exists apart from us, OUT there and IN here. It talks about existent things only. Newtonian physics still works in the visible macroscopic universe but it does not work in the subatomic realm.


Newtonian physics says that if such and such is the case now, then such and such is going to happen next.

e.g. Measure of momentum

It is a combination of how big an object is, how fast it is going and the direction that it is moving .Since we can determine both the position and the momentum of the object at a particular time, it is not a very difficult affair to calculate where it will be at some point in the future. If we see an airplane flying north at

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two hundred miles per hour, we know that in one hour it will be two hundred miles farther north if it does not change its course or speed or both… a position and a momentum which we can measure.


People think that physics is only about things that are not living, such as pendulums and balls. The assumption is that if we cannot somehow observe it then it is not real. And if someone claims that he sees what I do not see then he is superstitious. But science says that both are superstitious and both are not.

Paradox of Objectivity of Observation:

To observe something objectively means to see it as it would appear to an observer who has no prejudices about what he observes. The problem that went unnoticed for three centuries is that a person who carries such an attitude certainly is prejudiced.

Classical physics is deterministic, static and mechanistic.



The proportional distances between an atomic nucleus and its electrons are enormously greater than the distances between the Sun and its planets. Study of relativity theory, for example, can produce the remarkable experience that space and time are only mental constructions!


Quantum physics is holistic. Quantum physics shows us that we are not as separate from the rest of the world as we once thought or believed. We are part of a whole.


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Quantum says that particles are dynamic, interacting with the rest of the world. There is continual creation, transformation and annihilation (Utpatti, stithi and laya).


Quantum mechanics does not and cannot predict specific things. It does, however predict probabilities. Probabilities are the odds that something is going to happen or the odds that it is not going to happen. We not only influence our reality but, in some degree, we actually create it .There is no independent observer and no independent observation. Participator involvement in the external world is the shocking new concept given by quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics is based upon the idea of minimal knowledge of future phenomena (we are limited to knowing probabilities only ) but it leads to the possibility that our reality is what we choose to make it. New physics or quantum mechanics, tells us clearly that it is not possible to observe reality without changing it. Subatomic particle is not an object. Subatomic particle is a quantum, which means a quantity of something, what that something is however, is a matter of speculation. Quantum mechanics views subatomic particles as tendencies to exist or tendencies to happen. It acknowledges that a complete understanding of reality lies beyond the capabilities of rational thought. Subatomic ‘particles’ constantly appear to be making decisions. Quantum physics deals with nonexistent things, the potential.

Instantaneous Communication:

Subatomic particles seem to know instantaneously what decisions are made elsewhere, and elsewhere can be as far away as another galaxy.


According to quantum mechanics, however, it is not possible, even in principle,

to know enough about the present to make a complete prediction about the future. An object moving through space has momentum and position. We cannot predict both in certain term but only give them a probability.

In spite of indeterminacy, quantum mechanics can be entirely expressed in yes-or-no terms about individual experiments, just like classical mechanics, and that probabilities can be derived as a law of large numbers and need not be postulated.

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Thankfully, most astrologers predict things we like to hear! or they would be

creating our unwanted future.

Remember, release of neurotransmitters resembles a quantum phenomenon.


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Chapter 11


For centuries health and science have marched hand in hand. Discoveries in science have changed the perspective of disease and health. Our concern for health and a search for a panacea have fostered scientific inquiry. But Alas! Even the greatest breakthroughs in science have not brought health and well being to the vast majority of mankind. The people of today are not healthier than men who lived a hundred years ago in spite of great strides in biology, technology and pharmacology.

The word ‘health’ from its very root suggests wholeness, a sense of well being and the W.H.O has reiterated this in principle. But when it comes to application, we remain far from the ideal. Allopathy, the official medical discipline in most countries is far removed from this concept of health. A great majority of resources in terms of finance, manpower and ideas are focussed on treatment of sickness and not promotion of health.

Coming back to our topic, holistic well-being is the state of integrated wholeness where the individual is not only disease-free but bouncing with unlimited energy and a zest for life, at times in spite of illness. To understand this, we will have to dig deep at the very root of causation.

What tilts the balance from wellness to illness?

Today’s lifestyle diseases which make up for more than 70% of ill-health cannot be explained away by the germ theory of disease. Even in the germ theory, the perplexing question will always remain, what makes A more susceptible to a particular germ than B? Recent advances in the field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) have ventured to explain some of these issues.

Hall in one of his experiments found that participants could consciously increase the stickiness of the white blood cells from blood and saliva.

While treating his patients, one principle every practising doctor learns by default is the principle of uncertainty which is explained away citing biological tissue as being unpredictable. But tissue cultures, behave in a much more

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predictable fashion than whole human beings and they can be manipulated for certain outcomes. So much, for the reductionist approach!

When we go deep, deep enough from tissues to cells to atoms to subatomic particles in human bodies, we arrive at the same cross roads that left the atomic physicists awestruck half a century ago.

• What is it that would make a man agree, to take on illness?

• What are the lessons he wishes to learn from the illness?

This brings consciousness into play.

We know that healing is influenced not only by the medicines we dish out to the patient but also by our intention to heal the patient and the patient’s faith in these two. The placebo and nocebo effect are clear supporters of the point.

To put it bluntly, there is either no faith-healing or all healing is faith- healing. To draw a parallel from quantum theory, the observer changes the observation and here the intention of the doctor changes the outcome for the patient. So, faith healing or energy healing is basically quantum mechanics at its very best and refined state.

How does disease occur?

Germ theory:

In the year 2009, there was an epidemic of swine–flu in Pune. Doctors were wearing masks in Pune and they expected that the flu would spread to Mumbai. There were hoardings all over the place. But fortunately for the public, the Ganesh festival arrived and throwing all caution to the wind, people moved in hordes. Going by newspaper reports, not a single case of swine flu was reported. Whether the increased production of tamiflu had any bearing on the epidemic is a matter of speculation and perhaps intense contemplation. I hear from the grapevine that the MNC companies will not risk it again with India. Meanwhile, Tulsi syrup manufacturers made a brisk profit.

Gene Theory:

• Is disease because of genetic causes?

• If yes, then the question arises, why did we get this set of parents?

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• We chose our parents or did our parents choose us? (see Understanding past lives)

• Why do two identical twins not get the same illness at same time?

• Do we have an engram /script/karmic seed for the illness created in this life or a past life?

• Is it a Karmic order?

• If it is a genetic problem, why not at birth?

And our genes haven’t changed significantly for 10,000 years. The last major anatomical change occurred 50, 000 years back. If most of cells and 99% of our atoms are replaced very year then why do the new cells get sick? The new cells are not derived from the dying diseased old cells but from the healthy stem cells (see epigenetics).

Genes are not fixed entities though DNA is fixed. The body creates genes.

In terms of physics, chromatin and DNA are the enfolded or implicate order and the genes make the unfolded or explicate order.

In terms of the Karma theory, the DNA is the sanchit and genes, the prārabdha. Karma deserves a serious re-look. We can no longer afford the ‘I believe’ or’ I do not believe attitude’. If actions in this life are going to affect my DNA of next life, then I need to know.

Genetic Determinism:

All these years we have believed that certain illnesses are determined by genes but genes themselves are indeterminate, dynamic or fluid in nature. Our DNA is inherited at birth but genes are created ‘as and when’. What makes the genetic potential change into an actual illness is far beyond our present understanding. How can something which is indeterminate determine something?

These phenomena are molecular yet not ‘only’ molecular. Only around 4% of DNA codes for proteins, the rest of DNA has integrative function. We do not know what its function is. Very little is known about our integrative processes, e.g. neuroendocrine system, assimilation, storage of memories etc.

From our present knowledge of genetics, we understand that the genes, the nutrients, the organism and the environment function as an interactive system

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and there is a to and fro information exchange. The genes influence the organism and vice versa. The purpose is two-fold --survival of organism and survival of species.

The ‘adaptive response’ of the genes may actually harm the parent to give a future advantage to the generation or may harm offspring to preserve the parent’s life.

In a classic example when rats were given a drug to induce diabetes, their offspring developed spontaneous diabetes.

When a strain of bacteria is rendered defective so as to lack a lactase enzyme, it cannot metabolize lactose. But when subcultures are grown in media in which lactose is the only nutrient, lactase reappears.

So, we cannot predict that diabetes will increase in India. The next generation may be highly resistant to diabetes. If bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics, why not we?

What happens in the bacterial cell is equally relevant in the islet cell. The only interfering factor is human’s belief(read doctor’s belief).


Epigenetics is defined as heritable mitotic and meiotic changes in gene expression that do not involve a change in the DNA sequence.

Diseases like diabetes and arthritis are epigenetic diseases. We are born with a certain genome inherited from our parents but do not manifest these diseases till later life.

Epigenetics means outside of genetics, a change in the encoding system but without a mutation in the germ line. In multicellular organisms, the DNA is the same in all cells of the body but each cell is different in structure and function because of epigenetics. Epigenetics is essential to development and differentiation.


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Cell Regeneration:

I have raised myself from a single celled embryo to a trillion celled adult.

Where was the blue print for all the growth?

What told the ectodermal cell of the neural tube to go do the brain or the skin?

It can’t be the DNA because they can be put on a slide and they will remain there creating nothing.

If I cut a part of my finger, it usually grows to the same shape as though growing into a mould. It is said that the astral body carries a template for the organs. In Sheldrake’s experiments, it was shown that non-local morphogenetic fields do exist.

To come back to our topic, we have the template for the healthy cell so we can grow it over again.

Stem Cells:

The cells of our body arise from undifferentiated totipotent fetal stem cells. Recent research by Dr Eva Mezey and colleagues of NIH has shown that adult undifferentiated cells from the bone marrow migrate to the brain in response to illness and in health to cause neurogenesis in places as complex as the frontal lobe. The number of new neurons is albeit very small compared to the total neurons in the brain but the fact that new neuron growth occurs will revolutionize medicine.


The Chinese believed that Chi arises from the bone.

The Receptors:

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The penultimate mediation of cellular function and probably a key step in information processing is the binding of the ligand to the receptor. According to Dr Pert, the receptors are responsible for 98% of data transfer. These receptors or the CAMs (cell adhesion molecules) are depicted as complex artistic structures in medical illustrations and we as medical students start looking at them as fixed entities. The receptors are vibrating molecules which change every nanoseconds as does the ligand. Both are merrily dancing in there, signalling to each other. Their resonance or dissonance is what matters in the final action. In this regard, Dr Luc’s research is very pertinent.

Another misconception which persists is that the receptor is ligand- specific. ‘the lock and key model’. There is much more flexibility than we wish to believe.

How do emotions and receptors connect?

According to Dr Pert, emotions reflect the vibratory dance of the receptors. My personal take which is purely based on experience is that it is a two way process. In fact, the receptors may reflect the emotional resonances in a greater way. But to the patient this minute details don’t matter especially if we bring in Prof. Bohm here and his signa-somatic.

To understand what resonance means think of a number of grandfather clocks vibrating differently on the same wall. After some time all of them start moving at the same rate (Bentov). Or two sitars kept side to side, strike one string on one and the other vibrates(resonates).

Gene- 'utrient and Gene -Environment Interaction:

Our possible personalities and not our actual personalities are determined by the germ line. The influence of environment on the mind is significant. The genes interact with each other and the environment. Even words have an effect on how our genes express themselves. The early years of life are important especially the first six years in the development of the personality (See Edwin Conklin ‘Heredity and Environment in the Development of Man, 1920)

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In the case of bacteria growing under ideal conditions, the number of bacteria increasing per second is proportional to the number present in the beginning.

Gene-Environment Interaction:

The connection between genes and environment has been shown in laboratory animals.

A mechanical force applied to the cell membrane was transmitted to the nucleus causing an instantaneous mutation in the DNA. This was called hypermutation by Michael Leiber. The genome is highly adaptive. Exposure to a chemical produces an adaptive mutation.

The fine tuning in the D'A and micro R'A:

There are two major post transcriptional changes in gene expression, unfavourable methylation of DNA and histone modification which cause disease. Hypermethylation of DNA can lead to silencing of tumour suppressor genes causing carcinogenesis (cancer). Histone modifications and micro RNA are other areas which need consideration but are clearly outside the scope of this book.

The pharma industry has recognised the role of post transcriptional changes in diseases and is looking at gene therapy and blocking drugs but we need to look at the human mind which alters things in the first place.

The Role of Mind in Epigenetics:

Dr Bruce Lipton, a biologist has discusses this in his book ‘The Biology of Belief’.

‘Every word has its energy and produces some physiological changes in the time-binding apparatus in accord with the idea which we associate with the sound of the word ’- attributed to Karpinski.

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This resonates with Bohm’s idea of meaning.

How do we create illness?

Seen from a deeper level, there are different reasons why illness is created.

For example,

• We suppress or repress our emotions - fear of facing the intensity of emotion leads to somatisation or a bodily ailment.

• Illness is a form of regression- we are seeking love and caring.

• Illness is kind of avoidance behaviour- we are avoiding action at physical level.

• It is Karmic –to learn lessons, determined by events prior to this birth.

• It is due to social influence/scalar EM waves etc.

Chapter 12

Mind –Matter Connection:

We mistake muscle strength to be a function of muscle and we are right in the limited sense. That is our 3 D experience. But most of us have seen more. Have you not heard of someone in great pain and bedridden, get up and run when faced with a life threatening situation like fire or of the mother who lifted a car to save her baby?

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I once had a petite lady patient who was barely 35 kg and had lost her first newborn. The obstetrician on duty requested that I keep her in the medical ward. She became so violent that four strong people could not control her. After a lot of struggle when all were tired, I single-handedly managed to somehow, calm and restrain her till the nurse gave her a shot. And I weighed only 42 kg. I had to literally sit on her like the village wrestler. Later, I wondered how I could manage it.

It is unfortunate that we, doctors, do not study well-being but disease. Allopathy is a study of people who are sick. Healings are either considered spontaneous healing (GOK-God only knows) by doctors or at the other extreme as miracles by patients. Spiritual healing is natural not supernatural*, a consequence of the anatomy of the universe (Renee Weber). Consciousness is primary and it conceives, constructs and governs visible matter.

Mind is energy. Since mind is not matter it has to be energy. When we lose someone we feel a deep sense of loss and a kind of a stab in the heart. It’s a physical sensation. There are chemicals involved. When we are deep asleep or as years pass by, the grief is lessened. But does energy just disappear? It has to be stored somewhere.

Macrocosm in the Microcosm:

It is Hermes Trismegistus who said , ‘As Above, so Below’.

And more so when it comes to deep below! Isn’t it?

As a corollary, as inside, so outside.

This refers to isomorphism of the macrocosm and microcosm, or reflection of macrocosm in the microcosm (yat Pindi tat brahmandi).

See Pendulum and chakra book for more details.

Psycho-somatic, Soma-significance and Signa-somatic:

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When we talk of psychosomatic, we talk of the mind, the body and a connection between the two. In soma significance, we do not see a separateness of the two but the smooth flow of mind into body and vice -versa. This concept is finding more and more acceptance. Dr Candace Pert in her audio-book ‘Your body is your subconscious mind’ tells us how. The neuropeptides or ‘the molecules of emotions’ are the mediators of this expression. According to Dr Pert, all honest emotions are important and not just happy thoughts. A release of long repressed anger can give a jump-start to the immune system. You may express it in an acceptable way and not let it fester.

Dr Pert has noted that the AIDS virus uses a receptor normally used by the neuropeptide. So whether the AIDS virus will enter a cell or not depends on how much of the natural peptide is around which again is a function of the emotional state of the patient.

Robert Dilt’s neurological levels explains the different levels of a human interaction starting with the environment going to identity and beyond. Mind and matter are just not interrelated but an undivided whole. This was stressed by Hippocrates, himself. The observer has to be there for matter to exist. The observer stuff brings consciousness into play. When we say observe, time is automatically included. So, we extend our thinking from the body to physics.

Soma Significance

The Significance or Meaning of the Body:

The mind and body are essentially one and not two things connected, for example, writing and the meaning of the written word, the striking of particular strings and the musical note etc. So, if the meaning changes, so does the flow. Therefore, any change of meaning is a change of soma and any change of soma is a change of meaning.

As a meaning is carried into soma, it gives rise to a changed state of body. If you sense an event say a snake as a threat, you set off the whole pharmacopeia of flight/fight hormones in motion all giving highly specific effects on your body. And when the snake turns out to be a plastic one, the reverse happens.

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Everything in your body happened as a result of the meaning you attached to the event either now or sometime earlier. Your reflex is a reaction. So, you have the transmitters or cellular messengers primary, secondary or tertiary doing your transmission. To elaborate, you attached the meaning danger to a snake which evoked the flight/fight response in your body and the imprint has stayed with you. Now, every time you hear the word snake, your body re-acts, reflexively.

Believe it or not, you are always in control. Whether I laugh when being belittled or stop the adamant behavior of my insulin receptors, it is I who orchestrates the whole symphony or cacophony. I don’t need much outside help except for a few music lessons, perhaps. Every toxic chemical I pump into my body acts via my messengers, act only if I allow them to act. None of my patients who had decided to leave the world saw the next morning, in spite of my best efforts. And the worst prognostic criteria did not deter those who wanted to stay till the next morning. They received a ‘surprised me’ while they cheerfully munched their breakfast in bed.


The opposite is also true. A healthy young man loses a limb in an accident and loses his will to live. So, there is a two-way movement of energy. The perception carries the meaning back in the other direction.

Signa-somatic is the other side of the same process. Every meaning at a certain level is affecting the body at a more visible level, e.g. mistaking a rope for a snake in the dark and the fight /flight that follows .Switch on light and the response of the soma changes. It is not possible for us to elucidate the totality of meaning in all circumstances. To make it simple, we do not and cannot know the purpose of a certain event or the purpose of our being here. We just need to know what we see now and do what is appropriate in the present and the next moment will unfold for us with a new meaning.

That is the magic of living.

So, meaning and intention are seen to be as inseparably inter-related as two sides of one activity or two sides of the same coin.

Understanding the Interface of Mind-Body:

A change of meaning is a change of being, meaning and intention.

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So, this is different from psycho-somatic. With psycho-somatic, you say that mind affects matter as if they were two different substances or entities. But there are no two different substances, there is only one flow. If the meaning changes, then so does the flow. As in physical sciences, when it is found that what is observed is only similar to what they had in mind and not identical, then from a consideration of the similarities and differences, they get a new idea which in turn is tested.


Energy to Matter Conversion:

Emotions are energy in motion......but stored as matter in body. Emotions are positive or negative with respect to our state of balance. Past hurts need closure if we are to heal. We go to a renowned healer who clears the physical illness but we cling to our past hurts and recreate illness. A cognitive and spiritual understanding is a must if need to remain disease-free after the healing.

This was noted by Dr Usui the founder of modern Reiki when his patients relapsed. Taking responsibility for one’s healing is at the heart of all holistic systems.

The world is nothing but relationships!

We cannot decompose the world into independent units. There are no building blocks but a complicated web of relationship between parts of a whole.

As we have seen, the electron is an electron with respect to a proton.

For hostility or affection – two are needed.

There are local variables and a non local connections...each event is influenced by whole universe -synchronicity. We cannot delineate details of this synchronicity.

There is an order + probabilities.

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There are hidden variables, unknown to us. In the day to day functioning of our world, non- local events are not important or we can’t see the importance until things go wrong, hence they are ignored.

Physics no longer exists as certainty and therefore biology or physiology is as uncertain as the fermions which make up our body.

Since in any case we create or co- create our external world, then why not order a designer body?

Cell Turnover:

Most cells in the body are replaced every year, then why do the new cells get sick? And at an atomic level nearly 99% atoms are replaced. In fact, the new cells are not derived from the dying diseased old cells but from the stem cells. If it is a genetic disease, why was the problem not present at birth? Our genes haven’t changed significantly for 10,000 years and our anatomy hasn’t changed for 50,000 years but the incidence of disease has. Moreover, genes, DNA etc cannot explain behavioural disorders.

We can discuss this in relation to epigenetics and diabetes. Let us say that a type 2 diabetes patient has three stem cells A, B and C. At the beginning Cell line A is undergoing epigenetic changes.

Why? Because of faulty lifestyle or stress

If the causative factor is corrected at this stage, the cell lines B and C can be saved (note:there are many stem cells not just three).

But instead of correcting the causative factor people opt for chemicals. Every additional external impact can change the epigenetics. As we know, even a physical pressure on the cell membrane can alter gene expression. So, more cell lines get affected.

One more important factor is the mind. How mind translates into physical expression is speculative at this time. We still don’t have enough information on the ‘mindon-photon’ symmetry but it won’t be long before we discover it.

We are in fact reversing diabetes many times in a year and recreating it again.

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How many times we do it will depend on the islet cell turnover or the insulin receptor turnover rate.

Today, we know that bone marrow stem cells are continuously being sent to different organs including the brain to create new cells.

Memory of illness:

Memory is stored throughout the body. Dr Eric R. Kandel, Nobel laureate 2000, neurophysiologist of Columbia University has theorized that memory resides at the level of receptor, especially the spinal cord and ganglia. Which memory rises to the surface and what remains buried inside makes all the difference.

Memory is intention driven or made conscious by intention.

Even subconscious memory can affect health and well being. Release of these forces or stored energy either at a NDE/ OBE, through EFT / EMDR/spinosacral balancing/chiropraxis /Rolfing/ Reichian therapy can cause a quantum jump in healing the buried hidden memories or core emotional trauma.

In Dr Hunt’s studies on Rolfing, deep seated muscle memory was found to be released.


When the body was seen as a machine, naturally doctors became mechanics who could fix the machine in spite of our lifestyle. The service engineers were forgotten. Medical students are under tremendous stress but are not taught how to deal with it. When we talk of fighting illness, what energy are we sending to the patient in NLP terms? The innate healing power of the patient is ignored. If the patient gets well, the doctor gets the credit. If the patient doesn’t recover, he has to face both failure and suffering. As medicos, we are not taught to deal with death and dying. We think death is a failure of our knowledge and try to avoid talking to patients about death.

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With more and more specialization, there is more reductionism. The family doctor who saw the patient as a whole in his social context has disappeared and we have a totally mechanical system in place. Moreover, a conservative estimate reports that 20% illness is iatrogenic illness. Spirituality is totally lacking in medicine except in the WHO declaration papers.


Absence of disease is not equal to health. In the words of Swami Satchidananda, change ‘I’ to ‘we’ and you move from illness to wellness. Stress is the basis of most diseases from hypertension to common cold. The common factors range from CRF in the hypothalamus to IL-6 or other interleukins at the cellular level, the least common multiple (LCM)and greatest common factor GCF) of all illness in a way.

Mind and Holomovement:

As life begins in the embryo, there is a totipotent stem cell which is capable of changing into any differentiated cell- symmetry to asymmetry.

At subatomic level, its equivalent is holo movement.

What is Health Science?

It is study of the structure of movement, not the movement of the particle, a paradox in itself. What you could say is health science is the study of the likely flow.

Lack of Holomovement:

If we are in phase with the universe, there is a rhythm and flow, which leads to joy, spontaneity, intuition, intrinsic kinship and compassion. If we are out of phase of holomovement, we block positive and health-giving rhythms. This dysarrhythmia leads to disease. Seen from another angle, the primary cause of

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disease is disconnectedness from the flow and rhythm of whole (Web of causation). However, the effect on the body can differ depending on genes etc.

The web of causation includes our emotions, habits, beliefs, energy expenditures, values and so on. We can squander or preserve our organismic integrity with our thinking. If integrity is lost, there is disintegration of whole and loss of ease….. dis -ease.

What is Disease?

Descartes viewed the mind and body as separate (or so his followers believed). The body was seen as a machine and the mind was separate-the Descartian split. This mechanistic view of the human condition is what determined healing and the remedies that followed. But with humans, as is so with subatomic phenomena, the cause and effect is not linear (acausal). Pasteur, like Hippocrates was aware of the mind -body- environment interaction though other people know him only for his Germ theory.

Why do commensal bacteria turn hostile?

Why does one of a pair of identical twin get diabetes and the other escape?

Why, of all the people exposed to radiation, a few do not get cancer?

If we are to heal, we should know why a disease occurs and not how it operates. It is easy to say that certain changes occur in the neurotransmitter system in depression but to assume that the changes preceded the depression would be a fallacy.

We know that there is insulin resistance well before the onset of clinical type 2 diabetes. But both insulin resistance and diabetes could be the result of a more basic change somewhere else.

The Web of Causation:

The web of causation is a network of interacting systems of factors like viruses, diet, exercise and among others involves the minds of your doctors, CEOs of pharmaceutical companies, shareholders and stake holders etc. but most

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importantly your own mind. In a particular case, one key mechanism dominates others in the web.

Newtonian mechanics fails when we are dealing with high speeds or atomic phenomena, so relativity comes in the picture. Relativity also fails when we move to subatomic phenomena. Similarly, there are infinite causes for a single disease. It is not about the agent or the host but more about the agent-host interaction. As we can see, wound healing, the orchestra of neuro-endocrine system and the growth of an embryo are all holistic phenomena. Healing is relatively easy to understand. We don’t have to understand the infinite causes. It is impossible to know even if we try. But if we try to know who we are i.e. the co-creators we can create health again.

If all the health and ill-health factors could be laid on the table it would make a complicated and interesting matrix which could take the mathematicians on a joy ride.

Role of the Doctor in Causation and in Cure:

The cardiologist next door has his daughter’s wedding coming up. How does this affect the number of new heart cases?

The Participatory Universe:

We have already seen that there is no objective observation and there is no independent observer. The observer himself is participating in the observation which changes the outcome of observation.

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The Schrodinger’s cat is alive or dead not as I see it but how I want to see it. Reality does not happen without measurement taking place.

The Universe is a dream. Remember the rhyme, “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream”?

Disease Mongering:

Payer defines disease mongering as trying to convince essentially well people that they are sick or slightly sick people that they are very ill. This strategy has also been called “the corporate construction of disease” [ Ray Moynihan, Iona Heath and David Henry in the British Medical Journal]

What happens when you conduct diabetes camps, invent blood sugar testing machines, newer insulin or dialysis machines?

There is no evidence based medicine, there cannot be. What we have is inference based medicine.

Transmission of Subluminal Waves and Scalar EM Energy:

It is rumoured that EMF and ELF could be used to manipulate minds by inducing people to do certain behaviours on a mass scale. Any experiment gone awry could lead to increase in the crime rate. Dangerous experiments like the use of dioxin and the Death Ray weapon (electron gun with remote mind control mode) speak volumes about our insensitivity.

Benefits of Scalar Energy:

Antoine Prioré was a radar technician in the Italian Navy. His machine, called the Prioré machine was able to cure diseases in animals. Neither Prioré nor his collaborators were aware of how this happened.(? by scalar EMF) .French scientists managed electromagnetic cures in 1960-70s in animals working with the inventor Antoine Prioré.

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According to Bearden, scalar energy can reverse damaged cells and recreate normal cells by affecting cell differentiation. No pathogen can resist action by curved space-time engines.

Why the research was stopped is not understood. One reason could be because of the dangers of thought inception through scalar EMF. Second, might be due to the impact it would have on the pharma industry. I am investigating this matter. For more see

But what impressed me most is that if this machine could affect thought then it would imply that thought belongs to the scalar EM family and matter-mind connection gets established. That is my chief area of work. Of course, I am aware that lot of research is needed in this field but thinking laterally is important for me.

Schumann Resonance:

According to Lewis Hainsworth of Austria, brain waves respond to circulating rhythmic signals. EM pollution can affect the brain. There are natural Earth waves which send ELF signals which are probably related to health and ESPs, (extra sensory perceptions). CM Anderson of Harvard observed that patients with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) heard a persistent oscillatory sound which was at 10 Hz. The fact that it was measurable denotes that it was not a hallucination.

My foray into dowsing is an attempt to understand more of these phenomena with least cost. In any case, since I have no access to hi-tech machines I thought I use the Rishi –technology.

The S Matrix in Health and Disease:

Study of living organisms in a laboratory when they are in a non-living state or are stripped off their environment amounts to loss of interactions. The results then don’t hold true in vivo.

How is the information about quantum mechanics applicable to us?

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Just as our body is analogous to the macrocosm, we have thought processes which follow the likeness of quantum processes. The structure of matter is not mechanical and neither is our mind. We have an interactive, integrating, holistic system for a mind. And the mind in fact is a subtler extension of the body. Both are intimately connected. A sick mind makes the body sick and a sick body makes the mind feel ill. They are de-coherent or dissonant in illness. Treating the two separately is the greatest mistake doctors make (Hippocrates and Aristotle had said much about this).


Due to spontaneous decay, different atoms/electrons will collapse to their ground-state randomly. They are not in tune with each other. So, fewer atoms or electrons will be in- phase as time passes by. This is called decoherence .

Now, let us consider the heart and brain. Both have a spontaneous rhythm of their own. If wave-fronts from the two oscillators are locked ‘in- phase’, they are considered coherent. Same is the case of various cells of any organ. They may be ‘in phase’ or just tune out, so that disease sets in. Within the cell, the cells organelles need to be ‘in phase’ for cell function to proceed normally.

De- Coherence and Disease:

Disease cells separate themselves from non-local fields of intelligence. They are clamouring for attention. Illness is a messenger saying that you need to give yourself attention; you need to take a hard relook at yourself.

Coherence and phase lock-in of the mind and heart:

Coherence was first studied with respect to interference of light waves. When two light waves travelling in tandem, cross each other’s path they may create a

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synergistic wave of a larger amplitude (constructive interference) or one with diminished amplitude than either one of the original waves (destructive interference). This depends on the whether the waves are in phase or out of phase. Two waves are said to be coherent if they have a constant relative phase- locked in.

If two waves are coherent, they will cancel each other totally when the trough of one falls on the peak of another. The two waves behave as though related to one another. At any time, if the first wave changes, the second will change in the same way. All types of EM waves can show an effect similar to light waves.

In health, cells are freely locked-in in a rhythm called coherence. In disease, this phase lock-in is disturbed. The cells become random or autonomous with the immediate environment and sometimes even the whole system.

The diseased cell tunes itself out from non-local fields of intelligence. It plays truant, becomes autonomous.

The Heart Coherence:

While studying the effects of the autonomic nervous system on the heart, we study the variation in the heart’s beat-to-beat patterns, which is called heart rate variability. The heart is quite sensitive to changing emotional states. In fact, emotions and autonomic system is closely linked.

Stress causes a predominant flow in the sympathetic wing of the autonomic nervous system while the parasympathetic nervous system controls the relaxation response. A coherent heart rhythm pattern indicates a state of balance and synchronization between both the parts of your autonomic nervous system. Positive emotions and coherent heart rhythms cause both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems to operate in a harmonious pattern we call emotional coherence.

The Heart Coherence Pattern shows on a monitor as smooth sine waves, while negative emotions cause disordered and chaotic rhythms displayed on a computer screen as rough and jagged patterns. (for more see The Institute of Heart Math /

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The heart generates the body’s largest bio-magnetic field which can be measured using SQUID magnetometer but unfortunately 99% of this is under -accommodated. That is we simply don’t love ourselves enough. What we could do in healing is use our heart’s own EMF which comes free (see Unconditional Love).

Coherence can be achieved by various techniques like biofeedback to regulate heart beats.


Caroline Myss has developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific emotional/psychological/physical/spiritual stress patterns with diseases. Myss has identified a syndrome called ’woundology’, characterized by a person's reliance on the power of his illness to manipulate his or her world, as opposed to attaining an independent, empowered state of health. Myss studied the language of symbols, myths, and archetypes, and created a profile of 12 archetypal patterns which reflect the individual’s “Sacred Contract”, the agreements the soul made prior to birth. Read more about contracts in my book ‘Understanding Past lives’.


Miracles are as common in today’s world as in the past but now there are people who are at least trying to find a scientific ground for it. The quest of most well meaning scientists is not to detract people from faith but steer people towards faith in themselves. All scholars of healing are aware that ‘faith’ wherever it may be reposed, is the most essential ingredient in healing. Finding a scientific ground makes miracles reproducible. There is less scope for exploitation of gullible public under the mantle of piety.

A 4 volume 1737 book published in France by Louis Basile Carre de Montgeron called “La Vérité des Miracles” is supposed to describe the

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convulsionaries of Paris and their high pain thresholds. Today, we know from bio-feedback studies that high pain thresholds can be achieved through training. As regards the convulsions the subjects had, it appears that many of them might have had a Kundalini syndrome.

Our news reporters when they pick up such news somewhere, depending on the channel’s affiliations will either eulogize the event or debunk it and thus making it lose space in the scientific domain.

[In an interesting article submitted by Dr Rex Gardner in 1983 to British Medical Journal, a systematic comparative study of contemporary miracles with seventh century miracles reported by Venerable Bede was presented.]

Actuality and Possibility:

Two scientists set out to investigate the miracles of Satya Sai Baba. One was an open minded westerner, Haraldsson and another an easterner, Dr Abraham Kovoor of Sri Lanka.

Both were looking with their own conditionings and true to science, both actualized what they wanted to see.

One criticism about quantum possibility is that you see a chair as an actual chair and not a possible chair. The fact is… that is what we want to see.

When Sai Baba could demanifest himself in one place and appear at another place he was actually proving the possibility of the possibility theory.

Now, people can be divided into those who worship Sai Baba, those who disbelieve him and the neutral. Those who want to believe him will not see the science part, those who disbelieve will deny the experience in spite of evidence and those who are neutral will be disinterested.

How many of us will be actually willing to demanifest our body even if Sai Baba would teach us the technique? It requires fearlessness to even think about it. You are not certain that it will manifest again so you need to feel absolutely safe to have no body.

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Demanifesting the body is a far- fetched thing but we can’t even think of demanifesting a small lipoma which has appeared in our skin.

Interestingly, one doctor I know attended a Yoga retreat and without her conscious knowledge de-manifested some lipomas from her calves in four days.

Holography and The Law Of Attraction:

There are people like Wayne Dyer and Rhonda Byrne who are constantly manifesting through the Law of attraction. But thousands of others miserably fail. The fact is one in thousand try to use the law. Of thousands who use the law, one succeeds. So, the 999 who tried and failed helped Wayne Dyer to succeed. One will have to teach thousands of people to manifest things before one can really manifest. And the teachers know the rules. If you read the story of how Byrne made ‘The Secret” you will know. She literally brainwashed everyone who came into her fold onto the ‘her secret’, when she had not yet manifested it. They all tried for her. And when their turn comes someone else will have to try for them. That’s the real secret. Giving, not getting.

Another issue which is raised in the law of attraction is the ‘limits of karma’which are invalidated the minute you cross the 4th dimension.

Quantum & Health

How does quantum mechanics translate into health and disease?

The cellular receptor is fluid in nature and dynamic—a set of vibrations or probability waves. It is not a structural reality as portrayed but a conceptual representation. So, we can change the receptor because concepts can be changed. Dr Bruce Lipton in discussing beliefs mentions that in multiple personality disorders, the colour of iris changed with change in personality. If this is true it should have been front page news across the world for one week.

{We are kept away from positive news but promos of ‘Ek tha Tiger’ keeps us occupied for a month on TV, while the subliminal signals of advertisements fill someone’s coffers.}

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We actually grow our whole body during our foetal life. There is no doctor who comes and transplants our organs. We have the whole blue print with us, along with the switch- off gadget. We know when to stop. During embryogenesis, the mind in every cell is totally functional. Remember, the DNA is same in all cells - muscles, brain or hair. So, we would be naïve to think the software as materially borne. We also hear that a bed- ridden patient who could barely move (power < grade III) returned to functional capacity in an emergency. We dismiss these as stray incidents. If physicists were studying medicine, Thomas Young for example, they would not brush away these anomalous facts.


Retrospective versus Prospective Analysis:

Today, there is an emphasis on prospective studies in medicine. While working at a large public sector company which preserved all medical records, I had the opportunity to review past records and the patients’ progress.

I studied issues like what is better, medical treatment or intervention for CAD?

Which sulphonyl urea drug , 2nd generation or 3rd generation is better in type 2 diabetes?

What is the effect of clopidogrel plus aspirin or aspirin alone, daily aspirin or alternate day aspirin in CVD? And many more issues.

I had not prescribed these medicines to most patients. The doctors who worked before me had given them. Assuming that each prescription would be given in the best interest of the patient and to the best of knowledge of the prescribing doctor, the results gain some validity. None of the doctors were researchers. There was no pre-formed bias of what should be the right prescription because most of the doctors had followed standard regimen. What answers I got had more validity than a prospective trial.

On the other hand, what happens in a prospective study is that an experiment is set up to test a new drug against an old drug or placebo. There is an observer bias for the drug which may be communicated subliminally to the patient even in case of a double-blind trial. We assume that the drug in the tablet does not know that it is the drug!

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My intention to see that the drug is better, changes the results. Even if the doctor is disinterested in the results, the company testing the drug definitely is. This is what I called inference-based medicine.

In a retrospective analysis, there is no scope for this interference. Each prescription was given with the most positive bias and that is the way it should be. In spite of this, the results could be different for different patients. What is there before us, is evidence. If a lay person would look at the results, we will have still more authentic information. Studies by Jahn and Dunne have experimentally demonstrated the effect of intention even in a macroscopic world and drugs act microscopically where the scope for probabilities is more. Ask yourself, “Would I go to a doctor who believes that he should only treat me and not wish me well?”


Uncertainty is the greatest boon to mankind.

Having a gene for diabetes does not cause diabetes. But if you keep thinking that you have a family history of diabetes, it invites trouble. Takes me to the question,

Should the doctor ask for history of diabetes in the family?

Should we convert possibilities into reality or actuality?

It is a fact that family history is not treatable. Why not wait and deal with the symptoms when they appear, until then ask all people to eat healthy, exercise, check up etc. universally irrespective of family history.

Uncertainty is certain.

The only certainty in the universe is uncertainty!...a paradox

As incredible as it seems, it has been verified repeatedly by experiment that uncertainty is the rule. So, learn to live with uncertainty. Uncertainty still works. When you accept it, it works better for you. We cannot predict whether a particular person will heal but can tell with certainty how many can heal. We cannot tell the lifespan of a healthy young man at 20, but we can predict how

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many people from a thousand healthy 20 year old people in a particular community will cross 80 or 90 years.

The Human Energy Field-or Urjyavalay:

Each atom or molecule generates an EMF around itself and so do humans. According to Barbara Brandon, there are 9 layers in this energy field but only 3 are visible. Alex Grey had intuitionally gauged these layers and pictorially depicted them. At the energy level, all human beings look alike though they appear different at the material level.

According to plant biologist Rupert Sheldrake, information is stored in the morphic field around the organism. The morphic field and the organism influence each other.

Kirlian photography:

Kirlian photography, discovered in 1940, is basically an electrography which shows the EM emissions of the human body.


Polycontrast Interference Photography an off-shoot of Kirlian measures the aura of a person and chakras. The person is bathed in full spectrum light. A photograph is then taken with standardized conditions using a filter and then analysed through software. If the body is deficient in any colour, it absorbs the colour from the surrounding environment. The area surrounding the person will show an excess of the remaining colours. If a person has no deficiencies, his aura will be white.

The PIP or RFITM gives a measure of these emotions. Though a step forward, these are still crude approximations. One reason that this science has not progressed is that for most scientist mind still remains ‘dicey’. Studying the body as an extension of mind puts them on guard. A silent carry-over of the emotion of fear from the Middle Ages?, I wonder. They relegate the study of the mind to the psychologist, whom they call a shrink. It is we who are shrinking.


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Valerie Hunt , a kinesiologist studied electromyography, EMGs in Rolfing. Muscle EMG had a frequency of 250 Hz maximum. She found that there were very low amplitude fields associated with the chakras with a frequency around 1600 Hz. The human energy fields respond to stimuli like loud sounds and flashes of bright light even before the brain responds. The EMG response was quicker than the EEG. Brain is probably overrated.

Dr Valerie Hunt did a spectral analysis of the human aura using Fourier transformations .

The frequencies in general lie between 100 to 1000 Hertz.

There were two blue bands at 10-240 and 800Hz

Yellow- 400-600Hz

Red -640-800 Hz

Green -240-400 Hz

Violet -900 Hz

White all frequencies at 1500 Hz

In later part of Rolfing cream was seen at 1100 Hz

In another of Dr Hunt’s studies, the auric fields are seen to be randomly disorganized and scattered in the absence of ambient electrical field. Sensory feedback was so impaired that people were unaware of the location of their bodies. The clairvoyant person present described that the energy was not flowing but jumping between chakras and people. Inside the body energy produced a fish-net pattern. When there was no electrical field people were more connected. They drew each others’ energies weakening their aura (psychic vampires). They felt danger and began sobbing.When magnetism was decreased they lost balance and had neurological impairments. Grounding is essential to living life in the 3rd dimension or we feel spaced out. I have discussed this in detail in my book on chakras


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The EM fields can be seen by the naked eye. Children and clairvoyants can readily see them but anyone with a wish can observe it. You may try seeing your own aura with the help of a mirror.

Learn to defocus, cross your eyes to put them out of focus and relax into the head. The fields will appear before you. Animals use these faculties, naturally. Our intense focussing and overuse of left brain has limited our powers.


In 1957 , Paul Nogier, published ‘Treatise of Auriculotherapy’. Dr Terry Oleson of Pain Management Clinic of University of California discovered that the ear microsystem can be used to diagnose accurately what is going on in the body and heal. He could bring about rapid de-addiction in 12/14 narcotic addicts in 5 days with minimum withdrawal symptoms.

The Placebo Effect:

Control studies on drugs show that a placebo has nearly 35% success rate as that of the active drug in most cases. But anecdotal reports give us a clearer picture of the placebo effect. Cancers have healed through placebo effect. Arthritis has improved with sham surgery. It is just the wave –particle function, one of which collapses on observation.

According to Dr Larry Dossey we are intricately related to the forces that create sickness and health, to our cultural beliefs, attitudes of friends, family and doctor and the images we hold of the world and the words we use to describe the universe.

Asking the Wave Question:

Now, let us assume that 35% responded to placebo and 65% responded to drug.

What happens when we look at 35% success rate with placebo?

There are two wave functions here.

• First, answers the question, why did the other 65% not respond to placebo

• Second, why did the 35% in the drug trial not respond to the drug?

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The two questions depend on the investigator. Suppose for every drug available in the market, we had a placebo and an independent authority was conducting the trial, we might different results.

And the most important thing is that the doctor itself can act as a placebo.

Chapter 13

The Healer Is Human!

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“Do not believe that he who seeks to comfort your lives is not troubled among

the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life has much

difficulty and sadness and remains far behind yours. Were it otherwise, he

would never have been able to find the words” (Rilke quoted by Dora Kunz)

What Is Healing?

A doctor seeing malfunction in the body can intervene at a physical and chemical level but healing refers to returning the patient’s body, mind and the social environment to wholeness. Cosmic interaction is also important.

The next question is how we can heal instantly. If you have been on board with me while I was discussing time, you know by now that past, present and future are all in the ‘now’.

Now, no sensible person would say that you could go back ten years and change the marks on your SSC certificate. What we mean here is that what happened post-SSC, can be changed. If getting lower marks decreased your self -esteem and as a consequence led to obesity then obesity can be healed. Healing is not simply removing signs and symptoms. It is a feeling of wholeness, fulfilment and completeness.

What is it ..Spontaneous Remissions or Self-healing?

Self healing will occur only when we are ready. For healing to manifest, one must be ready to let go off the illness. First and foremost, we must take responsibility that at some level and for some reasons we have created the illness. This is not initiating a self-blame but coming to a self-understanding. With this new understanding, stems growth and renewal. The corollary is even simpler and full of hope. We can do the healing ourselves, instantaneously.

One of the main reasons that people do not take responsibility for themselves is because they are overwhelmed by medical jargon, so they fail to understand the web of causation. Secondly, they might have simply regressed to childhood. For them, depending on an external agency is at once soothing and endearing. People prefer to stay with their illness for years when simple measures like diet, exercise, mind management, would avert, revert or stall many of their afflictions.

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As the human body is physical matter and the mind corresponds to the energy of classical physics though not yet proven, the body-mind should follow all the laws of physics. Since consciousness has been accepted by some physicists at least, the soul (human equivalent of consciousness), finds its respectable place in both causation and healing. We know from well carried out studies that prayer, even intercessory, heals.

According to Dr Larry Dossey, a non-petitionary prayer is 2-4 times more effective than petitionary prayer.

Is Healing some kind of a Miracle?

To the faithful, yes but from a purely quantum point of view, all healing is in the quantum mind and follows the laws of psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI).

And if faith is going to save lives and resources, why not use it?

The history of science tells us that all theories in physics are limited both in time and extent and they are always recycling. So, your grandmother is as right as your grand -daughter. If any scientist challenges you on this, it means that he has not read well and is not reading. Question his credibility to call himself a scientist.

Today, we are questioning Darwin’s evolutionary theory or Einstein’s Big Bang.

Distance Healing:

Long distance healing is possible through prayer. This can be explained by the non- local communication of EPR. One may use the name of God here to get a leverage but an atheist is as much eligible to heal as anyone else.

The keys are readiness and intention.

If we consider the hologram in any quantum model, distance healing is a direct possibility.

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Can 'egative Intentions Harm Us?

It would be unethical to carry out experiments with negative intentions on human beings but experiments in plants have proved that they do.

In humans, the following should hold true instead of saying that bacteria should not multiply (negative intent), we can affirm that our immune system is strong. The subconscious mind sometimes does not register the word ‘not’ and may cause problems.

Dean Radin’s Doll Therapy:

The following experiment was carried out.

Subjects created a doll in their own image and gave it to the healer along with a list as to what makes them feel nurtured and comfortable. The healer sitting away from the patient sent thoughts to the doll. The patient was wired to a bio-feedback machine and was observed by the doctors.

The ectodermal activity of patients during nurturing was different than at rest indicating a relaxation response but at intervals the ectodermal activity showed arousal and on verifying it was discovered that the healer had stroked the doll.

Radionics works similarly.


Dr George De La Warr and Dr Ruth Drown developed an instrument to detect, diagnose and heal at a distance. The machine detects radiation from living tissue. By using hair as antennae, photographs are taken. These photographs showed tumours , cysts inside liver and cancers in brain . There is a centre at Pune in India which uses radionics with Homeopathy to heal at a distance.

Reference "Biomagnetism" and "Using Sound Waves To Probe Matter" by De La Warr in England 1965 and 1967.

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Instant Healing:

Both mind and body belong to the physical universe. Yes, mind is as much physical as electro-magnetism is. All we have to do is, unlearn our old belief systems and replace them with new.

Instant healing is based on the principle of instantaneous communication. In human terms, time is the interval between two thoughts and this time can be dilated. Space is the interval between two simultaneous thoughts. Time and space are one. Hence, instant healing is not only possible it follows the laws of the physical world.

SST and Healing:

We need to understand the strings first and then learn to manipulate them!

Higgs boson was postulated in 1964 and is not yet discovered. As so, when it comes to the mind theories, we need to wait and search. Let’s us not prematurely debunk them by saying that they are not scientific.

I do not believe what you are saying simply because I do not understand what

you are saying, is not science.

A scientist would say that he disagrees with you because he has another seemingly valid alternative theory for the same phenomenon. Just as Newtonian physics is not wrong, just limited, chemical medicine and surgery are not wrong but limited. You need to get the Ca colon out. But what to do to prevent cancer primarily or secondarily goes beyond the field of allopathy.

Sham Surgery:

In an interesting case study, subjects with knee osteoarthritis underwent sham surgery. The reduction of pain was comparable to actual knee surgery. In the classic experiment, Moseley and co-workers studied the effect of arthroscopic surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee establishing two treatment groups and a sham-operated control group. They found that patients in the treatment arms did no better than those in the control group. The fact that all three groups improved equally, points to the placebo effect in surgical interventions.

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Moseley JB, O’Malley K, Petersen NJ, Menke TJ, Brody BA, Kuykendall DH, Hollingsworth JC, Ashton CM, Wray NP (2002). “A controlled trial of arthroscopic surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee”. �ew England Journal of

Medicine 2002; 347 (2): 81–8.

Can we do Sham Angioplasty?

Medical ethics will not allow sham angioplasty. But we could follow up failed angioplasties to check whether they may have acted as placebos or nocebos.

Actually, in the 1950s unstable angina was treated with internal mammary ligation. Even when a sham surgery was done, pain decreased.

Psychic Surgery:

Psychic surgery is a controversial procedure involving an incision on the abdomen with bare hands and removal of clots which is followed by closure of the incision. The wound heals without a scar. I haven’t seen the procedure myself, though I would love to. However, I have seen a video-recording of psychic surgery on a medical doctor, done by Orbito, the Philippino surgeon. I have met this doctor and his doctor wife, who did the video-recording. They come across as people who wouldn’t bluff. This doctor like many others had no symptoms, I wonder what the clots meant. Is it the person’s karmic burden?

Orbito became world famous after he performed surgery on actress, Shirley

McLaine. He was arrested by Canadian authorities as a quack. The surgeons

could have called him instead to close their patients’ abdomens. Just consider

the economic savings to their country and they could keep him under scrutiny.

The other psychic surgeon, Zé Arigó also called ‘the surgeon of the rusty knife’

lived in Brazil from 1921 to 1971. He is reported to have performed surgeries,

channelling the spirit of Dr Adolf Fritz.

Fuller , John G. 1974 , ‘Zé Arigó The Surgeon Of The Rusty Knife’, �.Y.


SST and Psychic Surgery:

What if Orbito is a soul from another dimension?

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He, a 10th dimensional being looking down at our 4D universe could see internal objects and perform a surgery without cutting the skin. We will see the blood and the wound but not the microscopic reality.

Can we all go to a higher dimension? Theoretically, we can.

Light and Sound Effects

Light as medicine

We are already using the coherence function of light in LASER therapy. Other EM waves can be used in a pulsed manner to heal fractures, PEMF. Colour therapy is used to treat colour deficiencies.

Quantum Chromodynamics of Healing:

Colour therapy may have a scientific basis. If we can treat with infrared, ultraviolet rays why not use the visible spectrum as well? If we use ultrasound as a healing modalities why not try out audible or subliminal sounds?

Jet lag:

It was seen in New Zealand, that water is affected by the Southern pole’s magnetic field. Part of the jet lag problem may stem from this shift in EMF. There is a growing consensus among nutritionists that indigenous, seasonal foods are good for health. Not only do we decrease transport costs, decrease the carbon imprint but also these foods have the same frequency of vibrations as the inhabitants.

PEMF: Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Force

Bassett CA, The Orthopedic Clinics of North America,1984,15(1):61-87

Bassett studied the effect of PEMF in healing of non united fractures. Surgically non-invasive pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) were used in treating ununited fractures, failed arthrodeses, and congenital pseudarthroses (infantile non-unions). This method is highly effective (more than 90 per cent success) in adult patients when used in conjunction with good management techniques that are founded on biomechanical principles.

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If the patient does not heal in four months , bone grafting is done and PEMF continued, taking the failure rate down to 1 to 1.5 % or a success of near 98.5%.The weak electric currents induced in tissues by the time-varying fields, effect calcification of the fibrocartilage in the fracture gap, thereby setting the stage for the final phases of fracture healing by endochondral ossification.

But the greatest success of this method will be when each of us will learn to pulse ourselves with EMF, not only to heal fractures but anything else in our body for free. As I have mentioned earlier, we have an astral template for every organ in our system on which we can build up. We give it energy and its gets converted into matter or mass. PEMF influences the electronic –photonic network.

Why not pulse osteoporosis patients instead of giving calcium, Vitamin D and biphosphonates?

Imagine, the savings in preventing hip fractures, hospital visits and drug costs.

PEMF: Pulsed Electromagnetic Force for different organs.

Nerve regulation- 2 Hz

Bone growth -7 Hz

Lung -10 Hz

Capillaries and skin -15 Hz

Secondly, with massage, acupressure etc. the PEMF gets a jump start.

EMDR and EFT are cost effective therapies have been tried in many psychosomatic diseases.

I will not discuss them here because I have discussed in other books and besides they are freely available through the internet.

MORA device:

A person in UK uses the German-made MORA device based on energy signals to help smokers to quit smoking with a success rate of 90%.

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CORE machine and LIFE system:

Are devices which detect energy deficiency in the human body and deliver micro currents to cure disease (for more info- These are based on research done in USSR.

Spin of Fermions and Sujok therapy:

A post graduate student working with me showed me some fine examples of healing based on spin called Sujok therapy. If we respect the signa-somatic view of Bohm and assume a fermionic system of the human body, whatever happens in the body, for whatever reasons at the fermionic level, will have an effect on the total spin of the macroscopic body and vice-versa. Hence, a reversal in spin of the body in all three axes should reverse the original process.

That is what I believe is achieved by Sujok therapy though they haven’t done any studies of magnetic fields .

If there is a change of spin in the DNA in patients with type 2 diabetes, even an instantaneous healing is conceivable. The challenge is to get the healing on board with main stream medicine minus the paraphernalia of dogmatism and most importantly, it should come free to the patient. We have short- changed our health for too long and outsourced healing to the industry.

Matrix Energetics (ME):

Another therapy which at first feels like a gimmick is matrix energetics. It is as fast(past) as cure is possible for some ailments. The patient is asked to reach a point in past where he or she was completely healthy and once at this point a few taps are made here and there and the patient is restored to well-being. Feels more like shamanism or voodoo but from a quantum point anything is possible.

I can almost hear some of you saying, “You are taking us for a ride in the name of science”

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I don’t blame you. I was exactly like you for a long time till I saw such things happening. I could not rest for the GOK (God only Knows) explanation that my teachers offered. So, I started looking for alternative view-points.

Even in very good hospitals I have not seen a 5 year general cancer survival of greater than 25% and the doctors don’t bother to list in their histories other methods the patients are using.

But when I see cancer survivors outside the hospital they attribute their healing to factors other than the hospital. Hospital was important in the treatment but not in the healing. This dichotomy needs to be bridged.

The system of matrix energetic was founded by Dr Richard Bartlett of Seattle.


Biofeedback focuses on the individual and his power to self-regulate or self heal. Learning to control physiological functions like body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension, you get a feedback through an audio-tone, or visual-light meter.

What Determines Positive Outcomes?

The greatest determinant of a positive outcome is the belief, both of the patient and the doctor, more of the doctor. If the doctor is exceptionally strong-willed and many are, it affects outcomes. I have seen and heard cardiologists telling their patients that they are likely to die if they don’t go for the angioplasty.

It’s a do or die option. And I have seen the wave collapse in the patient’s eye.

And I, the physicist at heart and physician by default I had to fight a mental battle not to let it collapse in my mind when I chose to heal my asthma.

On the bother side, I have seen my patients getting rid of their addiction by visiting a Dargah or temple or heal a renal cell carcinoma with metastasis because their astrologer told them that their life-line was long.

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Individual Responsiveness to Healing:

There are differences in our capacity to give up our fundamental and familiar energy patterns. There is a natural tendency to cling to miscoded information because of the fear of change.

For instantaneous healing to occur, an ideal synchronicity is needed. All things should fall in place. Our self- image bears on our capacity to heal and be healed. This is best illustrated in obesity when a person keeps getting to the original weight after repeated attempts to lose weight.

Role of Healer:

The most important ingredients/determinants in healing are the intention of the healer and the readiness of the patient. Consciously focussed intent is a force, not a fantasy. Intention influences all dimensions of matter, physical, etheric etc. Intention was the greatest controller of bioplasma in the Russian experiments. The healing force comes from the universal healing power not the healers. It is this power, which accomplishes healing. In modern language, it is called the Universal calibration lattice (UCL). The healer is only a conduit.


This experiment was carried out to see how intention can change pre-recorded sounds. In two separate experiments done in 1980 by Gruber, subjects were made to listen to sounds of bleeps of people entering a supermarket or cars passing a tunnel in Vienna. The sounds were played 2 months after they were recorded. Subjects could change the recorded sounds.

Cancer and Quantum Mechanics:

For long cancer scientists had been concentrating on cancer cell growth and had forgotten about cell death. In fact, we all have cancer cells being produced in our body every day. The reason we don’t get cancer is because we destroy the unwanted cells by a process called apoptosis.

In 1999, while working in a cancer hospital, I had this sudden insight into the whole mechanism of cancer. There is this whole dance going on inside us,

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utpatti, stithi and laya [or creation, sustenance and destruction] much like the virtual photons in the subatomic realm. It is in very few cases that the photon is not destroyed and adds on to the electron for a quantum leap.

Suppose we take the example of Mahamrityunjaya japa, which many people in India believe to be healing, it is the laya which is being invoked. I had earlier wondered why a dying person should pray to the destructive principle (in God) to heal. I can’t tire to praise the mind of the rishis. They certainly knew (in Quantum light!) what they were talking about. Apotosis is as important as cell formation for our survival.

When we have the relevant numbers of people believing in mind –body connection, we will see a quantum leap in healing and a paradigm shift in treatment modalities.

'LP and Healing:

The Robert Dilt’s neurological levels beautifully explain the web of causation. The higher you go up the levels, the easier it is to heal. It is your belief that makes you ill or well. Belief becomes biology.

The six levels are: environment, behaviour & actions, skills & capabilities, beliefs, identity, purpose/meaning.

'LP and Cancer:

According to researchers, Dr Richard Bolstad and Margot, cancer is considered a message from the person's immune system, telling them that they need to let go off certain stressful emotions, resolve internal conflicts, and create a life worth living. This model for understanding illness suggests that the continued existence of cancer cells presupposes an ongoing conflict between different parts.

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To integrate the separate parts into whole, different methods like Parts integration, Time Line therapy, re-imprinting, core transformation etc. are used. Some patients take time to heal and they should continue visualising healing. The body is built to heal. We need to remove the variables that impair our innate ability.

The aim of NLP treatment for cancer will be to eliminate the two variables, loss of reason for living and unexpressed hostility.

Plus add empowering variables like

1. Meaning of life - creating a sense of mission

2. Set goals -aligned with that mission

3. Emotional management:

Negative emotions




Let go helplessness, hopelessness

4. Proactive coping

5. Conflict

Intra personal conflict

Interpersonal conflict

When people begin to realize that they may succeed in getting alright, they stop practising healthy lifestyles, why?

They stop because illness is preferred to taking responsibilities. This is a conscious or unconscious preference or attitude.

This preference subconsciously creates a visualization of the desired physical, emotional, mental behaviour. The Visualization is then held in mind, the limbic

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system (emotional brain) which accepts visualization as a program leading to overt changes in the involuntary nervous system.

Potential Meaning of Illness:

The questions you need to ask are

• Why have I created this illness?

• Who is being healed?

• Do I want to live a 100 years?

• What does my disease mean to me?

• Is the illness a challenge or a death sentence?

• Why did I need this illness?

• Was it a replacement for love or nurturing?

• What happened prior to this illness, even 1-2 years back?

According to Bernie Siegel, illness is a message to change and redirect your life. (see Mason for inspiration).

Social Health:

We are constantly recycling, we are one!

We share air with other people, CO2 and O2 with trees and with people. Atoms from the body are exchanged with surrounding space every moment. We are exchanging energy with people of all creeds.

Is there any scope/space for division?

Antimatter and Matter in Society:

If we believe that the world is made up of equal number of people with positive energies and negative energies, the world would have been annihilated. We have a surplus of either of the two and hence the world is still going strong. It is an individual’s choice to call the surplus positive or negative.

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Importance of Group Therapy:

In individual therapy, the person crystallizes emotions - virtual is converted to real. Group therapy helps a person break this bondage. A healing grid is built up .Plus social support and reinforcement occurs.

Social 'exus in Illness:

After recovery, the patient goes back to same difficult environment. Hence, the environment is important for healing to be permanent.

Socio-cultural beliefs about time:

We have already seen what ‘time’ is and what ‘now’ is.

When time is seen as an eternal present, there is an absence of hurry and self induced stress. The Okinawa centenarians follow Okinawa time. In non-linear time, death is a concept that makes very little sense.

Spiritual Aspects:


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Consider 2 prisms side to side. The first prism will split white light into seven colours. The second will reunite the seven colours into one white light again. Similar is the case with the universe. The whole universe comes from one (symmetry) and is diversified into many or manifested through the veil of Maya or whatever other name you may choose to call it. It will return again to unity. At the macrocosmic level, the manifestation and de-manifestation is done through the yogic technique of Sri Vidhya.

The Sri Yantra used for Sri Vidhya is a sophisticated version of the prism for splitting up higher energies to give material things (bhoga) and it is also its reverse prism, when it takes one from bhoga to moksha. Even in cultural beliefs, we have hidden science.

Symmetry means oneness or order!

SU(3) Symmetry of the Mind:

When I look at the mind and compare it with physical laws, I am surprised at the symmetry. Besides Bohm, the other person to consider the mind-physics interaction is Nobelist Brian Josephson of Cambridge who believes that mind can be included in the implicate order.

The principles of gratitude, forgiveness and unconditional love converge on the SU (3) symmetry.

Forgiveness is one of greatest denominators of the symmetry of healing. When practically dealing with it, the issues are so complex that I have decided to write another book on it.

Whether there is also an E (8) symmetry with mind is yet to be seen.


If we are grateful for something then more of the same gets added to our life.


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Dr Caroline Myss discusses forgiveness in healing. Caroline Myss is a bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine and the science of medical intuition.

In quantum terms, unforgiveness sets up a decoherent rhythm. You don’t need a PhD to understand that. All of us have gone through some grief. Just close your eyes and feel the pricking pain in the heart or the unrelenting stabbing feeling in the back. It is real for you and me. And if the mainstream scientists do not have an instrument to measure it or a chelating agent to dissolve it, it is fine. No one has a right or reason to invalidate your feeling or mine.

This is a story I read when I had almost finished this book. I think it appeared at the right time to highlight an important link in the whole healing process.

“ At a Shivyog retreat in the US a man suffering from multiple sclerosis was

asked to forgive himself. Initially, he did not find a reason to forgive himself

believing that he had done no wrong. He was then led to the memory of a past

incident where he had ignored the pleas of his ailing grandmother one night

only to find her dead in her bed the next morning. He was punishing himself.”

I have no idea whether this man has recovered but know of others who have healed of many dreaded illnesses after releasing hurt. My take is that one may not find a Master to lead you to the event horizon but you can well begin with yourself and forgive yourself and thus release yourself and others.

Unconditional Love in Healing:

Love sets up a wave of coherence at the level of the emotional heart. The heart chakra denotes a balance between the mind and heart (emotion). Emotion is nothing but an interaction with environment. I have discussed the chakra system in another book so I will leave further elaboration.

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“There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer. If only you could love

enough, you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world”-

Emmett Fox

Theory of Everything:

So far, we discussed the theory of everything as related to the material or physical universe. But as a doctor it does not help me much unless I can bring healing on board. To do this, I have to include mind and perhaps soul or the more acceptable word, consciousness.

Healing as a Moving Meditation:

Ponder. Healing is returning to the infinite, beyond the 4th dimensional space- time continuum. Healing -centeredness is a mysterious state of high energy and absolute calm. How you get there is immaterial to healing. Faith in healing helps you get there but is by no means compulsory.

The nature of this resourceful state is

It is active+ passive at the same time.

There is movement + stillness simultaneously.

There is action+ inaction - effortless effort.

There is being + non-being

To heal we need to accept responsibility. Healing is a facilitation. No one can heal you. Only you can heal yourself.


Just like living, dying is also an art. In past life regression therapy, we die in advance to live better. When we look at the whole schema of phenomena from the subatomic level, death fails to threaten us because there can be no death, there is only a phase transition. Even the Earth is now understood to be a

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living entity, so how can we as humans cease to live even in our ultimate disintegrated material form?

Our thoughts as energy can only be transformed into another form and cannot be annihilated. Soul, as most people believe is immutable. If we understand this then the looming spectre of death fails to scare us.

In PLRT, how is it that we are able to visit our past lives or those of others?

Since I have discussed the hologram, you will understand that we do not have to travel in space. It is only a metaphorical referral. We essentially have access to all information right here in the body.

Can we really go back in time or is it a figment of imagination?

Both,yes and no. I have discussed this in detail in my book on past lives. For now, remember we have anti-matter that apparently travels back as matter travels in front.

And for all the electrons that travel forward with us, there is a distinct possibility that at some dimensional level, the same number of positrons are travelling back. As of now, we have not got a hold on the mind-matter correlations. So, we will have to wait before we draw any false conclusions.

Anecdotes of healing with PLRT are informative and useful. If you would seek to learn about the atomic reactors before switching on you nuclear powered electricity board, you would be in darkness. There are enough intelligent people doing the job for you. So, relax and use the method if you wish to.

The ‘I AM’ effect

A Near Death Experience (NDE) can take a person beyond the space-time and matter-energy continuums. Knowing that you are not just the body causes a big shift in perspective. Same is the case with Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) or astral travels. In deep Samadhi states, you expand to include the whole of

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macrocosm and yet you are present in the tiniest part of microcosm. Healing then becomes an immediate possibility.

DNA does not explain life. We have our DNA intact at death but we are DEAD!


Bootstrap Philosophy: 'o building blocks!

The bootstrap philosophy says that there are no fundamental entities. You lift the bootstrap and the whole boot follows.

For years, physicists have been trying to break down atoms to get at fundamental building blocks. In the bargain, we have got television, lasers etc. but now we are beginning to understand that there may be no fundamental entity or entities. There are no fundamental laws, no fundamental equations, no fundamental properties etc. The universe is a dynamic web of interrelated events. And they can dissipate into order or settle into fractals. In fact, observed patterns of matter are reflections of the pattern of the mind. Suddenly, the mind becomes more important than the instruments of the world outside. Every particle consists of all other particles. Each involves the other. Deep down there and up high above there is a Dance but no Dancers. There is Creation but no Creator.

Good bye to Determinism:

A class average tells very little about a particular individual. Mob psychology is different from the mind of the individuals that form the mob. A critical number of 33.33% can change things in favour of a group. The whole is not equal to sum of its parts.

An individual electron’s behaviour cannot be predicted but we can predict the behaviour of a large mass of electrons and yet we have been taking the liberty to predict the properties of electrons.

Physics- Mind Correlation:

It’s a small world:

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Theoretically speaking, a butterfly fluttering its wings in Texas could cause a typhoon in Tokyo six hours later (butterfly effect). Swami Vivekananda said that not an atom can move without taking the world with it. Atomic events are not arbitrary though they may not be due to local causes. In New age, subatomic events can move the universe. When we understand subatomic phenomena, all at once the mysteries of faith healing, prānic healing, knifeless surgery start to unravel and we can only marvel at the ingenuity of the unknown Who or What

that tricks us into believing that unreal is real and surreal is unreal?

When the scientist slips into the shoes of the healer, the exploitation of unsuspecting faithful by unscrupulous healers will come to a halt.

The Future of Medicine:

We need to build healthy attitudes and have lifestyle medical schools. We don’t need more doctors and we don’t need any more research in human biology. Leprosy and tuberculosis have reappeared, psychiatric illness and depression are increasing, anti-depressants drugs can increase suicides.

Of the 475 drugs tested in India during the last five years, only 17 were license for use and left 80 people dead. Why do research when we have enough live models of health (like the Okinawans)? We are fooling the world with our research. All the research money could be spent well to get free potable water, sanitation and a means of livelihood that would add meaning to the lives of many. Modern medicine proclaims the patient guilty when things go wrong and the health care system innocent- ‘It’s not our fault’ attitude.

Today, we use infrared, ultraviolet and LASER to treat diseases, ultrasound to relieve muscle spasm, PEMF to heal disunited fractures. Every LDL particle in our body is under the control of our mind and unfortunately also under the control of other peoples’ mind. In Holism or a holographic model, I am the other. Without the other, I would not exist. This brings a moral dimension to research.

Intention to heal is very important to bring about coherence. We are slowly moving to holism and higher dimensions in healing. In New Age medicine, there will be a paradigm shift. Health care goals will be determined by the patient and will be appropriate to needs of his total person. Symptoms will be

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probed at a deeper level. For example, a burning pain in the stomach could be a result of acidity, a colonization of Campylobacter, stress at work or a feeling of being unworthy. The patient will be allowed to interpret his symptoms with the doctor’s facilitation. I, the doctor cannot say that it is acidity because my books say that in 70% cases it is acidity.

There is a major flaw in our thinking that holistic is alternative medicine. Some of the alternative therapies are holistic in their approach but the converse is not true. Holistic medicine is not the same as alternative medicine. In holistic medicine, you take the best of all systems and avoid the weaknesses. The tools may remain the same but the approach to care will differ. It is about what patient has got the illness and not what illness the patient has got. The social context of the illness is very important. Having been disillusioned by allopathy for a very long time, a trend is developing in society that alternative is the best. This assumption is not only erroneous but potentially dangerous.

Here, I would like to draw a parallel between thought and illness. When we study thought we study the content, concept and the context of thought. The content changes both with concept (belief) and context. For example, high blood pressure may be found in a 20 year old after a 100 metres dash. Our concept is that the high blood pressure (content) is normal in the context of exercise. We would not say it if the person was at rest or if we believed that blood pressure should not rise. To the three Cs, in the context of healing, I may add a fourth C-contact. New contacts (coincidences, healer, book etc.) allow new breakthroughs.

What is happening in a reductionist approach is that we study disease under experimental conditions and extrapolate the findings to health. Just to take an example of calorie requirement. We believe that so many calories are required for health because we have arrived at that figure by studying a large section of population, both healthy and undernourished and then confirmed by experimentally verifying it.

What happens when we come to know that a certain person has lived for 35 years without food or water? Or if people start living on energy/prana? Our concept fails. We are so stuck up in our concepts that we brush aside these incidents as freak/stray. A physicist would never do it. Every anomaly has to be

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accounted for, even if this means we have to rewrite our medical books. That is true scientific temper.

Holistic healing is not simply removing signs and symptoms. The process of removing them is equally important. For example, if we prescribe a diet to a patient for heart disease, he may follow it but he will feel a loss of control which will lower his self-esteem, which in turn will be reflected in his life dealings. On the other hand, if we inform and empower him, he may still make a safe and healthy choice but the choice is left entirely to him.

Molecular biology has advanced but clinical medicine is lagging behind.. Even, in the study of molecular biology, mind is missing. Remember, the electron does not have objective properties independent of my mind. According to Capra, value free science is a myth. Energy is not neutral or value free. (Bohm 1978). In fact, we never have evidence based medicine only inference based medicine. How long are we going to keep the mind out of healing?


While I was contemplating on the Higgs boson with regards to the mind, the following thoughts crossed my mind and I thought I will share them with you.

When we say a silent prayer in the yoga class, we call it “tuning in”. You are supposed to tune in to the highest in you, be it God, peace, love or your mother. We establish a resonance with this high frequency so we start vibrating at a higher amplitude. Reflecting back, we see that whenever we tune in to a higher frequency either a thought wave in ether, a torsion wave in ZPF or creative wave in the bosonic field, we become co-creators.

The law of attraction then becomes simple. If we can keep the thought for 17 seconds as is said, then manifestation is likely to occur. Affirmations reinforce this same mechanism. To the bosonic field, it does not matter but to our 3D brain it is important that we don’t slip into negativity. And to interpret this in terms of parallel universes we collapse our wave function to the universe of our choice and see that it stays there.

Creative visualization is visualizing or shifting to your parallel self in the mind till it becomes your reality. New Age Guru have been screaming from every platform and hoarding that you are the creator and it now makes sense to me.

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If some of us don’t succeed in changing our destiny then it is because we can’t let go off the present.

Certainly, the connections between ether (akasha), ZPF and bosonic fields needs more study.


I would have never understood it so well if not for a beautiful performance of Ardhanarishwar. I was wondering what it represents the potential energy (Shiva) with kinetic energy (Shakti) or the wave particle duality.

We will take the wave-particle duality for consideration.

Shiva and Shakti are continuously dancing…

Now, it is Shiva and then it is Shakti

But there is neither Shiva nor Shakti

There is always a Shiv-Shakti

What I see as Shiva is what my brain registers as Shiva (See Pibram). Same with Shakti.

I have taken the example from Hinduism because it is a well known concept. But with the limited knowledge I have of Taoism, Celtic thought, Kaballah and other ancient philosophies the same concepts hold good. If you are well versed in those philosophies you can apply them here. All knowledge is universally accessible but seen through our limited fields or perspectives.

Reading this book, the readers may wonder if I am representing an atheists’ view-point.

Sorry, I am not. I am only interested in the healing properties of physics and I have nothing to do either with atheism or the holocausts. The nuclear bombs were cast out of ‘fear’. To be fearful we need both physics and the psyche. ‘Only physic’ is not sufficient.

When I was reflecting on the parallels between Vedanta and New physics, one thing was striking. Technology has progressed in the last two centuries but

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science was advanced even in ancient times. If the rishis were intelligent why did they not develop technology?

May be they didn’t need to. If one could see with naked eyes why would glasses be needed?

If one can go the cell, see it and heal it then why would a machine be needed?

Or did they perhaps know the dangers of technology?

But the real point is whether we can acquire the same faculties today without leaving our homes or offices.

Adi Shankararchya, the great exponent of Vedanta after audaciously declaring a scientific and evolutionary/revolutionary viewpoint of the universe ‘Shivoham or I am Shiva’ writes an ode to devotion in Narada Bhakti Sutra .

Why did he feel or think that bhakti was needed?

Emotions are an integral part of organismic evolution. We cannot ignore them and say we are dealing with the whole.

I asked the same question in a different way to one of my yoga teachers “Is my sensitivity affecting my growth?”

She assured me that sensitivity is the basis of evolution.

If you can’t be sensitive towards others, you cannot be merging into wholeness. Thick hides build walls. For evolution, we need to break walls.

Self Realization:

When we read in scriptures that we can make this birth our last birth most of us will think it impossible. When we understand higher physics, it seems possible that we can rid ourselves of all bondages just not in this life but this very moment. But are we ready to stop creating drama? Most of us love the drama.

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This I can say because I have meta-observed my life and the lives of many of my patients.

We will do anything to defend our failures and illnesses. We kind of bask in the melodramas of our creation. Then, no amount of this healer-talk can help us. And if we like the drama, we should be allowed to play it out. After all, the world’s a stage and we are actors, so why not?

My readers will wonder whether I am confused because I am writing on varied topics -about stress, mind, dowsing , scoring , past lives and then about the boson .

But I don’t think so. I can see things more clearly than ever before. Each aspect of life is valid at a different level of reality.

The NDErs of Raymond Moody’s books were not hallucinating, the OBErs in the Monroe accounts did visit other worlds which are as real as this world. But once you reached a still higher, deeper universe or meta-dimension you see the limited -ness of the other dimensions.

It is good to learn about OBEs and the schools out there. If I am going to forgive my brother after I die why not forgive him now?

Social Responsibility:

I am aware this is a little ‘moral’. Skip it if it causes dis -comfort to you. I see the link with health.

The great ethical question then is. “Do we need the research at CERN?”

We have millions dying without food and water. There is risk of producing anti-particles which could wipe out the universe. We may generate scalar EM and cause more crime. Then we will blame innocent, hard-working, toiling parents while we sit in AC rooms and talk about parenting.

True, technology has given us Laser and MRI but technology produces diseases first and then sets out to develop diagnostic tools and treatment which people can ill- afford. Ninety percent of the world’s population could live happier without such research. All they need is healthy unprocessed local food, clothing, shelter and love.

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Imagine someone has a laser gun that can influence your thoughts and nothing can be done by you to counteract. Do you really want to live in such a world?

Freedom of expression is good but you can still live without it. But if you don’t have the freedom of thought then life ceases to have meaning.

Part 3

'otes, Experiments and Interpretations

Accelerating Expansion of the Universe:

In the early 1990s, one thing was fairly certain about the expansion of the Universe. It might still have enough energy density to stop its own expansion and collapse again, or it might have so little energy density that it would never stop expanding, but gravity was certain to slow the expansion as time went on. But the universe is expanding at an accelerating pace. Astronomers theorize that the faster expansion rate is due to a mysterious, dark force that is pulling the galaxies apart.

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In 1930, Fritz Zwicky, while study the Coma cluster of galaxies found a very fast revolution within them indicating that they were unstable. To confirm this, he measured the mass of the galaxies. He firstly calculated the mass of the universe from the density of stars (from the volume and average weight of a star). He then calculated the mass by Newton’s law of motion as applied to a galaxy.

Distant stars on the spiral arm of galaxy orbit around the galactic centre at different rates. Galaxies and stars rotate around each other. If we know the time, we can calculate the mass. Mass necessary to bind clusters is 20 times greater than the mass measured by luminosity in the first method. So, there was a difference in mass. Zwicky called this the Dunkle Materie or dark matter which was responsible for the gravitational pull of the stars. But this finding was ignored by the scientific world.

In 1970, astronomers found that H2 gas around the galaxy rotates faster than expected. Astronomers believed that all galaxies behaved like the planets in our galaxy. They believed that Mercury moved the fastest and Pluto was the slowest (10700mph/10500mph). If Pluto would move faster, it would fly off from its orbit. [Pluto is no longer considered a planet].

The gravitational pull of the Sun would not be adequate to keep it in place. Since the galaxies don’t fly off there must be some massive invisible halo to keep it in place.

Vera Rubin showed that the distribution of galaxies was not uniform but clumpy. She studied the Andromeda galaxy .Vera had expected that gas swings at the periphery of the galaxy would be lower than at the centre but was surprised to find that the velocity of gas was constant. This was confirmed in other galaxies too indicating the presence of dark matter.

Black Body Radiation:

In 1900, Planck, while studying black body radiations questioned why steel becomes red- hot and not white-hot or blue-hot? The colour is due to radiations of light. If light was a wave-like phenomenon, then it was not possible. Let us see how.

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At the beginning of last century, the atom was pictured as having a nucleus with electrons attached to it with springs which vibrated on application of an external force. The atoms absorbed and radiated energy. This theory hypothesized that heated objects emit more high frequency light (violet) compared to lower frequency light (red) and that heated objects radiate infinite energy. The reality is that moderately heated objects emit red light and that too in a limited amount, not infinite.

Planck postulated that radiated energy was not in the form of waves but the energy transfer occurred in discrete packets. However, this is not discernible to us because the size of each packet is tiny as given by the Planck’s constant (Planck’s constant, h=6.5, 10 -27erg –second).

So, what we now have is that light, a form of EM energy is not continuous but granular...made of packets...quanta, which are now called the photons. Since all energy moves in waves, this light energy also moves in waves. But the wave energy is radiated in packets.

Planck had sought to create an atomic theory for black body radiations but had unintentionally created an atomic /particle theory for light.i.e. the black body will generate light not as a wave but as a packet or quantum or multiples thereof with an energy equivalent to hν. Planck was the first physicist to talk about light radiation as energy packets and black bodies as quantized oscillators. The oscillators give their entire energy to the electromagnetic field, creating a quantum of light, as often as they are excited by the electromagnetic field.They absorb a quantum of light and begin to oscillate at the corresponding frequency. To make it simple, quantized effect is an ‘all or none’ effect. Either all can be given or none can be given.

Young’s Double Slit experiment:

Young was a both a medical practitioner and physicist. In 1803, while experimenting on optics, Young placed a narrow card board (1/30th inch) with two vertical slits to screen sunlight and selectively reflected it on to a wall to yield fringes of light. The slits could be kept open or closed. When the light was let through one slit only, the wall was illuminated uniformly in a particular area, so that when light was let in through both slits one would expect more of the wall to be illuminated and appear brighter. But what happened was to the

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contrary. There were alternate light and dark bands like a picket fence on the wall and these were not uniform. The centre band was the brightest and the intensity decreased on both sides.

From this observation Young inferred that this was due to interference of light waves as happens with sound waves and concluded the light was a wave phenomenon as against Newton’s corpuscular theory of light. The brightness was due to reinforcement and darkness due to cancellation of waves (waves and crests, see diagram below).

[Young used sunlight. Subsequently monochromatic light was used.]

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Young ‘s


Later, when Einstein proved that light was made of particles, the photons, this experiment was revisited. If light was made of particles then, the interference

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would be difficult to explain. When light is let in through one slit at one time, it illuminates a particular area whereas when light is let in through both slits a part of the previously illuminated area becomes dark, how?

We can predict the movement of a large group of photons because they behave as waves, but what about a single photon let in through the slit, where will it land on the wall? In fact, there are always areas where the photons never go. Einstein speculated that photons were guided by ‘ghost waves’. Ghost waves were mathematical entities which had no actual existence.

If we accept that light has a particle nature and when there is experimental evidence that says that the particle will never be in a certain position, then the uncertainty principle is violated. To explain this we will have to accept non-locality, i.e. Something beyond the photon communicating with the photon, telling it where to go and where not to go. In other words, the photon from slit 1 knows whether slit 2 is open.

A wave particle nature of light:

It was Christian Huygens who first proposed a wave theory of light, and demonstrated that light waves might interfere to form a wave-front. It was later overshadowed by Isaac Newton's corpuscular theory of light. The corpuscular theory could explain reflection but was not very consistent with defraction. It was Aristotle who said light was a wave, then it was Newton who called it particle, then Young called it a wave, Planck a granular wave and now quantum scientists think it is both.

Does light consist of particles or waves? When one focuses upon the different types of phenomena observed with light, a strong case can be built for a wave picture.

Einstein proposed that light has a dual nature –wave + photon.

There is a continual transformation –wave nature at the expense of particle nature.

Whether it shows the property of a particle or wave depends on the apparatus it is forced to interact with.

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Wave particle function of light:

By the turn of the 20th century, most physicists were convinced by the phenomena like interference, diffraction and polarization that light could be fully described by a wave function , with no necessity for invoking a particle nature. Most commonly observed phenomena with light can be explained by waves. But the photoelectric effect suggested a particle nature for light. Later electrons too were found to exhibit dual natures.

Phenomenon Can be explained as wave

Can be explained as particle

Reflection Yes Yes Refraction Yes Yes Interference Yes No Diffraction Yes No Polarization Yes No Photoelectric effect.

No Yes

Polarization of Light:


Photoelectric Effect:

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Most commonly observed phenomena with light can be explained by waves. But the photoelectric effect suggested a particle nature for light.

E photon =hv

Copenhagen interpretation

Bohr, Heisenberg and Neumanncomplementarity and entanglement of quantum particles

Just as it is nonsensical to discuss the wavelength of a ‘pulse’down a string, particles cannot be said (which corresponds to the inverse of wavelength). of the particle is relatively well defined, the wave is pulseill-defined wavelength (and thus momentum). And conversely, when momentum (and thus wavelength) is relatively well defined, the wave looks long and sinusoidal, and therefore it has a very il

The EPR article (see below) entanglement, which is chcombination of the states of two systems (for example, two particles), that once interacted but were then separated and are definite state. They may be particle or wave state or spin

The Doctor’s Theory of Everything

Most commonly observed phenomena with light can be explained by waves. But the photoelectric effect suggested a particle nature for light.

Copenhagen interpretation of wave-particle duality:

Neumann proposed this explanation for the dualitycomplementarity and entanglement of quantum particles.

to discuss the wavelength of a ‘pulse’ wave travelling cannot be said to have perfectly precise momentahe inverse of wavelength). Moreover, whe

is relatively well defined, the wave is pulse-like and has a very defined wavelength (and thus momentum). And conversely, when

momentum (and thus wavelength) is relatively well defined, the wave looks long and sinusoidal, and therefore it has a very ill-defined position.

(see below) highlighted the strange nature of quantum characteristic of a quantum state. Entanglement is

combination of the states of two systems (for example, two subatomic ), that once interacted but were then separated and are each

y may be particle or wave state or spin-up/spin

Page 202

Most commonly observed phenomena with light can be explained by waves. But the photoelectric effect suggested a particle nature for light.

explanation for the duality-

wave travelling have perfectly precise momenta

Moreover, where the position like and has a very

defined wavelength (and thus momentum). And conversely, when momentum (and thus wavelength) is relatively well defined, the wave looks

defined position.

quantum aracteristic of a quantum state. Entanglement is a

subatomic each not in a

up/spin-down state.

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The Copenhagen interpretation implies that the state of the two systems undergoes a collapse into a definite state, when one of the systems is measured.

De Broglie himself had proposed a pilot wave construct to explain the observed wave–particle duality. In this view, each particle has a well-defined position and momentum, but is guided by a wave function derived from Schrödinger's equation. The pilot wave theory was initially rejected because it generated non-local effects when applied to systems involving more than one particle.

Photon in the Box:

A box concept was a constructed to study the same duality phenomenon as EPR and photons(wave-particle )were observed. Einstein presented a thought experiment in which electrons were introduced through a tiny hole into a sphere whose inner surface served as a detection screen. Each electron was released by clock time. Though the electrons were widely distributed across the sphere, they appeared as distinct scintillating points and not as a hazy wash as would happen if light was made up of waves.

Sitting outside the box one could observe either the position or the momentum of the electrons. If we define both simultaneously then the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is invalidated.

Just as in the Copenhagen interpretation, it was predicted that are two states(wave +particle) one superimposed on another. The moment observation is made, the superimposition stops and either one happens... the wave-particle function collapse into one of the two states.

Determinism :

The principle of determinism states that if the initial state of atoms / objects is known we can predict all about the future course.

In deterministic physics all processes are time reversible. They can proceed backward and forward THROUGH time.

Determinism is a denial of arrow of time. With the arrow of time wiped out, there is no longer a special moment (present) which follows the past and is

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antecedent to a future. All of time is given en bloc with the future as determined or undetermined as the past. This is an echo of what De Broglie had said many years back.

But there are a number of processes that are irreversible e.g. radioactive decay, weather and evolution. Nobel laureate Ilya Prirogine who has worked on dissipative structures states that all processes are not time reversible. Moreover, he believed that there is no way to know the initial state of a system. Therefore determinism is not possible.

Hidden Variables:

Certain physical parameters which are easily defined in the macroscopic world through classical physics are indefinable when it comes to atomic phenomena.

For example, we can calculate both the momentum and position of a moving car at any given moment simultaneously. But we cannot define the momentum and position of an electron, simultaneously and accurately. Measuring one parameter alters the other.

Another example is measuring the spin of the proton in all the three axes. If we measure the spin along x-axis, we miss the spin along y and z axes.

Bell Rings a Bell!

John Bell, 3 decades after the EPR article proved that the presence of local hidden variables is inconsistent with statistical predictions of quantum mechanics. Bell was testing the hidden variable theories. But incidentally, he struck gold with non-locality.

Using the example of two electron or photons configured in the singlet state, consider that after separation, each electron or photon will have spin values for each of the three axes of space, and each spin will have one of two values; call

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them ‘+’ and ‘− ’. Call the axes x, y, z, and call the spin on the x-axis x+ if it is ‘+’ on that axis; otherwise call it x−. Use similar definitions for the other two axes.

The simplified model is as follows. There are 2 spinning electrons.

Each electron can spin in one or other direction such that the total spin of the 2 electrons is zero. Electron has a tendency to exist in certain places and a tendency to spin about a central axis which cannot be pre-determined with certainty.

The electron acquires a spin about a certain axis during the experiment (not before, not after). Remember, the two electrons are spinning in opposite directions. If we keep these two electrons apart, the combined spin will still equal zero. Then, when they are far away, their individual spins are measured. Now measuring electron number one, we find the spin to be up, then we conclude that the spin of electron number two must be down.

To complicate issues further, the observer is free to choose the axis of measurement. We set up what we want to see. When we choose electron one as spin up, the spin of electron two which is miles apart, becomes spin down. The two are in some way connected.

Spin up spin down

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[Is this an indication to the possibility of distant healing? Do we set up the results of our diagnostic tests.]

“Schrödinger's cat” paradox

Many Worlds Interpretation:

In 1957, Hugh Everett formulated the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, which does not single out observation as a special process. In the Copenhagen interpretation the observer was seen as external to the observed field sitting in the macroscopic world whereas the observation was made in the quantum world. In this interpretation, every event is a branch point. The cat is both alive and dead—regardless of whether the box is opened—but the “alive” and “dead” cats are in different branches of the universe that are equally real but cannot interact with each other. The quantum world had parallel tracks but the macroscopic was singular.

Everett, a PhD student working with Prof Wheeler, defied this split and proposed that both the cat/photon and the observer split into two (or more). At least the mind of the observer is thought to be an integral part of the observation process.

So, we have one part of the observer looking at one set of observations and the other looking at another part of observation. This was not acceptable to the inflexible minds of the physicists’ community and Everett had to re-size his dissertation. Everett then chose to quit theoretical physics.

In the many-worlds interpretation of the cat, both alive and dead states of the cat persist after the box is opened, but are decoherent from each other. In other words, when the box is opened, the observer and the cat split into an observer 1looking at a box with a dead cat, and an observer 2 looking at a box with a live cat. But since the dead and alive states are decoherent, there is no effective communication or interaction between them. This is possible if we understand that the human being is not a body but a wave- particle duality.

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The Schrodinger wave function is universal and applies to every observed phenomenon in the macroscopic world as well. The concept has large implications for health. We have discussed multiple personality disorders earlier. When opening the box, the observer becomes entangled with the cat, so “observer states” corresponding to the cat’s being alive and dead are formed; each observer state is entangled or linked with the cat so that the “observation of the cat's state” and the “cat's state” correspond with each other. Quantum decoherence ensures that the different outcomes have no interaction with each other.

The same mechanism of quantum decoherence is also important for the interpretation in terms of consistent histories. Only the “dead cat’ or “alive cat’ can be a part of a consistent history in this interpretation.

I see the live cat and my parallel sees the dead cat but we have no means of communication. If my parallel communicates with me then my psychiatrist labels me a multiple (personality disorder) and if I communicate with my parallel, her psychiatrist calls her a multiple.

Regarding the occurrence of quantum coherence at a macroscopic level, it is interesting to note that the classical electromagnetic field exhibits macroscopic quantum coherence. The most obvious example is carrier signals for radio and TV.

On one hand, large-scale (macroscopic) quantum coherence leads to novel phenomena, the so-called macroscopic quantum phenomena. For instance, the laser, superconductivity, and superfluidity are examples of highly coherent quantum systems, whose effects are evident at the macroscopic scale. On the other hand we deny the part of the observer.

Relational interpretation of EPR:

The relational interpretation makes no fundamental distinction between the human experimenter, the cat, or the apparatus, or between animate and inanimate systems; all are quantum systems governed by the same rules of wave

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function evolution, and all may be considered “observers”. But the relational interpretation allows that different observers can give different accounts of the same series of events, depending on the information they have about the system.

This is the systems approach and has a reflection in the web of causation.

The live cat or dead cat also observes (in terms of physics not human terms) but cannot relate its experience to us because we have set up the experiment that way. If the cat had to set up the experiment , it would be different or if a clairaudient present could read the cat’s mind or in future we have a graph for the cat’s thoughts and one for the lever’s thoughts.

Bohm and the Singlet Pair!

Bohm’s interpretation of Aspect’s experiment: EPR_B,

Bohm was an outsider in the physicists’ world .For him mind mattered.

In Bohm’s interpretation of EPR, two hydrogen atoms interact and fly off in different direction. In the so-called singlet state of the atomic pair, the state after dissociation, if one atom’s spin is found to be positive with respect to the orientation of an axis at right angles to its flight path, the other atom would be found to have a negative spin with respect to an axis with the same orientation. Like the operators for position and momentum, spin operators for different orientations do not commute.

This insight suggested to Bohm another way of understanding Aspect’s discovery. Bohm believed that the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. He argued that at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something. According to David Bohm, Aspect’s findings imply that objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram. To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, one must first understand a little about holograms.

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Fish in the Aquarium

Bohm devised the following analogy to explain instant communication. Consider a fish in an aquarium. You can see it directly as well as with two cameras and different angles. The two screens of the display depict two view- points of one, the fish. As you watch they appear related in their activity. Both turn at the same time, both move upwards at the same time etc. It appears that they are instantaneously communicating with one another but they are not, because they are both the same fish. This is what happens to the subatomic particle in Aspect’s experiment. There is no separation in the first place .The separation is an illusion. You can watch CCTV cameras in the supermall for an hour to understand this.

What Is The Fundamental Theory of Holography Like?

Holography relates to information as the stuff the world. Keith Floyd, a psychologist asserts that the brain cannot produce consciousness. Rather, it is consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain as well as the body and everything else around us that we interpret as physical. Such a shift in our view of biological structures has caused researchers to point out that medicine and our understanding of the healing process could also be transformed by the holographic paradigm.

If the body is but a holographic projection of consciousness, it follows that we need to be more responsible for our health .What we see as miracles or spontaneous remission of disease may actually be due to changes in consciousness altering the hologram of the body. So many NDEs have resulted in a return to health. Classical example is that of Anita Moorjani. Even past life regressions can turn things around. Techniques like visualization may work because the imagery registers a new hologram.

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In a holographic model, everything is possible. We are the creators of our life both in our dream states and the big dream state. Pribram pointed out that seemingly random events appear pre-determined in a holographic universe (determined by us and hence changeable). It is probably known which horse is going to win. Synchronicities are not coincidences but at some level a part of the web. What goes around does come back.

The Superhologram:

Today, many physicists are researching the concept of the universe as a hologram.

The universe can be considered as a hologram where apparent reality is a projected illusion. What we see as real is not real. The source of all events may be consciousness which works its way through electromagnetic energy to give a solidity pattern. Matter could be taken as quantum fluctuations in the middle of the empty universe. In Super hologram, space -time itself breaks down…. past, present, and future all exist simultaneously.

The superhologram contains every subatomic particle that has ever been or ever will be – and consequently all phenomena of the universe or even pre-space, for that matter. It may be seen as a sort of cosmic storehouse of “All That Is.”

Quantum Laws:

In the quantum world,

1. Particles show tendency to exist

2. Subatomic particles are restless and fast- always switching states

3. Subatomic particles are interconnected

4. Each element shows identical atoms -all oxygen atoms are identical, whether in a table or in the human body. All particles of a given kind are completely identical; they have exactly the same mass, electric charge, spin and other characteristic properties. All electrons in the world are similar .Wheeler commented that it is the same electron doing the rounds. Actually it is more of an electron cloud, the particle is the bump in the cloud.

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5. The electrons are specified by a set of integral numbers, called ‘quantum numbers’ which indicate the location and shape of the electron orbits. They are quantized.

6. All charged particles carry electric charges exactly equal (or opposite) to that of the electron or multiples thereof- like standing-wave patterns in a vibrating string.

7. Subatomic particles can be grouped into families.

E.g. The baryons can only have spins of l/2, 3/2, 5/2, …

The mesons have spins of 0, 1, 2, etc.

Quantum Leap:

Quantum leap or Atomic electron transition is a change of an electron from one quantum state to another within the atom. It appears discontinuous as the electron jumps from one energy level (orbit) to another in few nanoseconds. It is also known as atomic transition or quantum jump. The electron does not flow through like a wave. It jumps like a ping-pong ball!

In the electron, quantum leaps cause the emission or absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the form of quantized units called photons. The time taken for a leap is very small, nanoseconds to seconds. The farther the electron jumps the shorter the wave lengths of the photons emitted, meaning that they emit different colours based on how far they jump.

The electrons glow, the atoms glow and molecules glow with their own colour. This is where colour therapy may have a role. The electron is related to light via the photons. Light is ‘all’ photons whereas an electron is photon and something more. You transfer photons with a particular energy through a colour and a lot of things change for the electron. Of course, ‘you’ the observer, have a great role to play in the whole interaction. Although changes of quantum state occur on a submicroscopic scale, in popular dialogue, the term “quantum leap” refers to a large increase.

Quantum Mechanical model of 'euro transmitter release: Beck and Eccles

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The nerve impulses that cause the release of neurotransmitters in the pre-synaptic cleft follow the quantum model.

Human consciousness could affect the function of the synapse through the quantum tunnelling effects of electrons between the bi-lipid layers of synaptic vesicles and pre-synaptic membrane. The tunnelling affects exocytosis of neurotransmitters.

Quantum Relativity

Speeds in the subatomic realm are very high!

Since speeds are high, in the atomic realm, space and time could be viewed as one- Einstein’s relativity.

When the subatomic particles are confined to a small space they become very restless, reacting to the confinement, why?

They are so restless that they move at tremendous speed.

The speed of an electron is 600 miles /sec.---- velocity of e- in the Hydrogen atom =1/100th of velocity of light ‘ c’. Since the speed here is very high coming close to the speed of light, the quantum theory had to include relativity theory. So, the quantum-relativistic models came up.

Relativity says that mass is nothing but a form of energy, this is continued in the subatomic realm as well, E= mc2 - mass into energy. Energy is associated with activity or processes.

The four dimensional aspect of particles and matter energy equivalence:

The Space aspect relates to the mass of particles /objects

Time aspect relates to energy, activity, dynamics

Applying E=mc2 to quantum world:

Relativity theory has made the structure of electrodynamics much more elegant by unifying the concepts of both charges and currents in the electric and

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magnetic fields. We can now understand the mechanism of creating particles from energy and generating energy from particle collisions.

The kinetic energy generated can be used to form the masses of new particles. The paradox in the subatomic realm is that when two particles collide with high energies, they generally break into pieces, but these pieces are not smaller than the original particles.

They are again particles of the same kind and are created out of the energy of motion, ‘the kinetic energy’ involved in the collision process. The only way to divide subatomic particles further is to bang them together in collision processes involving high energies. This way, we can divide matter again and again, but we never obtain smaller pieces because we just create particles out of the energy involved in the process. The subatomic particles are thus destructible and indestructible at the same time. Only when the dynamic, relativistic view is adopted does this paradox disappear. The particles are then seen as dynamic patterns, or processes, which involve a certain amount of energy appearing to us as their mass.

The kinetic energies required for the collision experiments are achieved by means of huge particle accelerators, enormous circular machines with circumferences of several miles in which protons are accelerated to velocities near the speed of light and are then made to collide with other protons or with neutrons.

E=mc2 & the Hydrogen Bomb!

Einstein realized that matter and energy are actually different forms of the same thing. Matter can be turned into energy, and energy into matter. A hydrogen atom, the simplest of atoms has a single proton. This subatomic particle has a mass of 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 672 kg. This is indeed a very miniscule quantity. But material world is full of hydrogen atoms (90%).

1 kg of pure water H2O has 111 grams of Hydrogen or 0.111 kg of Hydrogen.

If this mass was turned into energy at the speed of light ‘c’= 300,000,000 m/sec and the equation, E=mc2, we have ,

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Energy in 1 kg of water = 0.111 x 300,000,000 x 300,000,000 = 10,000,000,000,000, 000 Joules

This is a huge amount. This is equivalent of burning 10 million gallons of gasoline! Is this conversion practically possible? It could occur if all the matter in water could react with anti matter but anti matter is scarce in the world. It is very costly to manufacture antimatter in the laboratory.


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I have tried to give you a glimpse of the microcosm in the quantum world and you would have hopefully soared into the lofty realms of stellar wonders. But as a doctor what I really wanted to tell you is that there is connectivity throughout the universe and beyond. All divisions in this world whether they are based on race, religion, caste, creed or sex are superfluous and illusory. How long more can we stay with our blinkers on? The contemplatives in all ages and across continents knew exactly what they spoke. Their laboratory for experimentation was their own mind.

All facts and experiments are illustrating oneness to us. Today, we not only have a theoretical construct of this oneness but empirical evidence to prove this hypothesis. What is urgently needed is a ‘dialogue’. Even great scientists like Einstein and Bohr could not sit across the table and talk. If you glance at the wide array of studies in different fields, they are pointing to a unified wholeness but for some reasons have become cloistered and segregated.

I have drawn parallels in physics and medicine for comparison but they exist in all other fields.

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For example,

QED- Psychodynamic theory and therapy

Cosmology –transpersonal psychology, astral travel

Big bang- birth- perinatal events and rebirthing /PLRT

When the atom itself is indeterminate, are we not making a big mistake by labelling people?

So what if my genes, DNA or proteins had a particular configuration one year back. I have changed most of what was me a few hours back. It may not be possible to change a genetic defect like the absence of a limb though salamanders can and sometime in distant future, humans will. But most of which is cellular and sub-cellular and especially genetically adapted in recent years like arthritis, diabetes etc. can be reversed.

All the healings we witness today are scientific. Charismatic healers have a tremendous control on people’s mind and people are willing to change their minds in their presence. Few however have lasting changes because unless we do a cognitive restructuring, we keep pooling up negative emotions and recreate the same disease or another to replace it.

The physicists didn’t mind including mathematics in their theories and could spend a lot of time figuring out wave functions of hypothetical entities like alive+ dead cat but the mind and soul was kept out. As long as they discussed matter and energy there could be no objection but when they proposed to set a theory of universe, mind and soul had to be included since both are a part of the universe. Here I have attempted to bring physics and mind on board .The physicist and the physician will be sitting opposite each other doing a mini Gestalt. It may be an attempt to bring the physicist and physician in me trying to find an integral wholeness.


Love is the basis of healing and the lack of it is the basis of suffering. It may sound too Cliché, philosophical, religious, puritanical, high –handed or plain obnoxious. But truth needs no defence.

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If only we could love ourselves enough!

We could have the FREEDOM to speak the TRUTH and all other values that will naturally flow from it.

The future of medicine appears bright. We only need to get the basic science research to the community and ignore commercial interests so that more and more people can live healthy, happy, long lives.

This brings me to the closing of a beautiful journey and the beginning of another. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this book. All the referencing, the musings and the graphics have been more of a play than a task. Every word I have typed in here is filled with the healing intention. I was feeling most blissful at the thought that someone somewhere is going to be healed. I admit that nothing here is new. It all old wine in a new bottle except that it took me twenty years of ‘wine tasting’ and twelve months of formulating a right recipe to arrive at the finest cocktail that my limited self could deliver. It’s been my pleasure. Hope you enjoy it too.

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Ȃsuri– disempowering or negative with respect to divine (sur /positive) ;sur=in tune,in phase

Utpatti: generation, production, creation- matter or thought

Stithi: maintenance,homeostasis

Laya: desolution, apotosis

Bhoga- sensual enjoyment, bondage, manifest

Moksha- liberation , freedom, return to unmanifest

Kshetra-field , any field …from an energy field to a field of knowledge.

Pind- microcosm, subatomic realm

Brahmānd- macrocosm, cosmos

Yat pindi tat brahmandi: A saying which means that whatever is there in the microcosm exists in the macrocosm. To the philosopher this is an allegory but to practicing yogi, it is experiential. One can travel astrally through the various chakras in the body. And this travel is as real as a man’s existence in this 3D universe, equally real or equally unreal.

Bhākta- creationist, devotee

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Chārvāka- evolutionist,atheist

Sat /asat –existence/non existence, real/unreal, manifest/unmanifest – reality is considered existent and non -existent at the same time.

Purusha- the matter principle in the Sankhya philosophy

Prākriti- the energy principle in the Sankhya tradition, and the two are equated as in relativity.

Srividhya: the science of both manifestation of desired objects (bhoga) and liberation from desires or de- manifestation(moksha)

Māyā: the veil of ignorance that shrouds reality from us, perhaps the principle of indeterminancy?

Drk drasya viveka: how the observer and observed become one in the act of observation.

Shoonya: the void at the beginning of time from where the visible universe manifested. The Eastern philosophies have the view that universe existed before manifestation, in seed a form, the pre-space notion?

Hiranyagarbha: Cosmic womb.

Ȃkāsha: ether/space, the subtlest element of nature.

Parāvāni: intuitive communication

Chidākāsha: the inner space or the inner void.

Tathatsu: So be it –tat(that) astu (be it)

Parātha: An Indian flat circular bread which multilayered.

Sanchit Karma: unexpressed accumulated seed karma

Prārabdha: expressed karma. Detailed in ‘Reflections on the Bhagwad Geeta’

Psyche: soul

ESP: Extra Sensory Perception

SQUID (magnetometer): superconducting quantum interference device

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Rolfing: a massage technique aimed at the vertical realignment of body, deep enough to release muscular tension at the skeletal level.

SST: superstring theory

Langrangian function: is a complex mathematical function but for our purpose we could explain it as principle of least action /effort; principle of least time and principle of least resistance

SU(3): Special Unitary Group triplet from the Gell -Mann’s Standard model of the atom

ELF waves: Extra Low Frequency waves

CRF: Corticotrophin Releasing Factor

GOK: God Only Knows

Hundreth Monkey : the last monkey who causes the evolutionary shift.

When individuals in a species learn new behaviour, the causative field for that species changes. If the new behaviour remains for long enough the morphic resonance affects the entire species even those not present in that environment

Lyall Watson described this principle as the Hundredth Monkey Principle.

Dr. David Bohm states that the same thing is true of quantum physics. One subatomic particle affects the behaviour of all subatomic particles

Butterfly Effect:

Lorenz was studying weather conditions. He plotted his observations into a computer. When he selected three decimal places instead of six in the records the results graphs predicted huge fluctuations. The implications would been a small miniscule fluctuation in one place (a butterfly fluttering its wings) could cause a tornado in another place.

EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization Response

EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique

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Further Reading: Social Learning Theory and the Health Belief Model Irwin M. “The Essential David Bohm” Edited by Lee Nichol, Routledge, London, 2003

Anita Moorjani,” Dying to be me” Hay House, 2012

Arthur Zajonc, “Catching the light: Entwined History of Light and Mind”, New York, Bantam Books 1993.

Astin J.A, Harkness E, Ernst E, “The Efficiency Of Distant Healing, A Systematic Review Of Randomized Trials”, Annals of Internal Medicine, 2000, 132(11) , 903-910.

R.C. Byrd “Positive Therapeutic Effects Of Intercessory Prayer in CCU”, Southern Medical Journal, 81(7) 826-829.

Caroline Myss , “Anatomy of the Spirit” Bantam Books, 1998.

Caroline Myss, “Why People Don't Heal and How They Can”, 1997.

Caroline Myss, “Sacred Contacts, Awakening your Divine Potential” Hay House 2004, Transworld digital 2010.Available on Amazon.

Conklin Edwin Grant, “Heredity and Environment in the Development of Men.” Princeton University Press, 1920 accessed through internet archives.

Dora Kunz, “Spiritual Healing”, New Age Books, 2000

Dr Candace Pert, “Your Body Is Your Subconscious Mind”, audio book.

Dr Candace Pert, “Molecules of Emotion: The Science behind Mind-Body Medicine”, Simon and Schuster, 1999

Dr Larry Dossey, “Healing Words- the Prayer and Practice of Medicine” Harper Collins, 1993.

Dr Masaru Emoto , The Hidden message in Water’ ,

Dr Richard Bolstad and Margot Hamblett, “Healing Cancer: NLP Meets Chi Kung .Part A: A Research Based Approach to Mind-Body Healing of Cancer”

Dr Richard Gerber, “Vibrational Medicine”, Rochester, Vermont, Bear & Company, 2001.

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Dr Robert Svobobda,“Aghora-the left hand path of God ”, Sadhana Publications, 1986.

Dr Valerie Hunt, “A Study of Structural Integration from Neuromuscular, Energy Field and Emotional Approaches” ROLF INSTITUTE , 1977

Dr Valerie Hunt,”Infinite Mind: Science of Human Vibrations of Consciousness”, Malibu Publishing..

Edwin A Abott, “Flatland” 1884. Available on www.internetarchives.

Elizabeth A Rauscher and Russell Targ, “The Speed of Thought: Investigation of a Complex Space-Time Metric to Describe Psychic Phenomena” Journal of

Scientific Exploration, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 331–354.

Erwin Schrodinger, “What is Life” 1944 available at www.internetarchives.

Eva Mezey and Karen J. Chandross, “Bone Marrow: a possible alternative source of cells in the adult nervous system”, European Journal of Pharmacology. Frank W. Putnam, “The Switch Process in Multiple Personality Disorder and Other State-Change Disorders Dissociation 1:1, March 1988

Fred P. Gallo, “Energy Psychology”, Florida, CRC Press, 1999.

Fritjof Capra , “The Turning Point- Science, Society and the Rising Culture.” Flamingo,1983.

George Gamow ,“My World Line.”

H.G. Wells, “The Time Machine -An Invention”, William Heinemann Ltd. Reprint, 1952.

Harold S Burr, “Blueprint for Immortality: the Electrical Patterns of Life” Essex, England, Saffron Walden, 1972.

James Gleick, “Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman”, DoubleDay Publications Group 1992, Abacus 1994

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Joseph W. Mason, “A Heart Attack Can Save Your Life” Jaico Books,2000

Lynn Payer , Disease-Mongers: How Doctors, Drug Companies, and Insurers

Are Making You Feel Sick’. 1992

Marilyn Ferguson, “The Brain Revolution”, New York, Bantam Books 1973.

Marshall H. Becker, Victor J Stretcher and Irwin Rosenstock, “Social Learning Theory and the Health Belief Model”

McCormack J, “Seeing what you want to see in randomized controlled trials : versions and perversions of UKPDS data” , BMJ 320 ,2000, 1720-1723.

Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe”, New York, HarperCollins, 1991.

Michio Kaku and Jennifer Thompson , “Beyond Einstein – The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe”, Oxford University Press 1997.

Okasha A., “Computerized EEG and Evoked {Potential Mapping of Brain Function (Brain Electrical activity Mapping Beam)” Editorial, Egyptian J.Psychiatry (1987), 10 :3-7 Paul Davies, “Superforce” , Simon and Schuster, 1984.

Philip M.Coons, “Psychophysiologic Aspects of Multiple Personality Disorder” Dissociation 1:1 March 1988. Rupert Sheldrake and Pamela Smart, Experimental tests for Telephone Telepathy” Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 67, 184-199 (July 2003)

Sheldrake Rupert, “The Sense of Being Stared At”, NY Crown Publications, 2003

Shirley McLaine –“Going Within, A Guide to Inner Transformation”, Bantam Books, 1990

Ganga Stone, “Start the Conversation”, Warner Books,1996.

V.R. Doipode, “Atomic Physics, S I units Edition”, Ideal book Services, 1973

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Vialatte F.B. et al , EEG paroxysmal gamma waves during Bhramari Pranayama: A yoga breathing technique” RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Laboratory for Advanced Brain Signal Processing, Japan May 2007

Wilder Penfield, “The Mystery Of The Mind: A Critical Study of Consciousness and the Human Brain” Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ

www.cheniere,org by Col.Bearden

Your body’s many cries for water

Books by the author

My Little Book of Understanding and Overcoming Stress

Other e-books

Demystifying the Chakras –An Easy Guide to Self Healing

FAQs in Health & Well -being with their Honest Answers-Part I

Flex your Spiritual Muscles- Your Guide to Metaphysical Fitness

Good bye, Anger

How I Healed Myself –My Journey through Asthma

Learn My Secret- Study Less, Score More

Obesity Workbook- A step by step manual to help you lose weight holistically

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Reversing Diabetes-The Diabetes Educator’s Training Manual

The Bhagwad Geeta- Musings of a Scientific Mind

The Mysterious Science of Dowsing

Understanding Past Lives & the Soul’s Journey

About the author

Dr Kunda Silimkhan, M.D. trained as a physician, now conducts stress release workshops at workplaces and schools and guides students before exams to teach them how to learn as well cope with anxiety and panic.

The author has conducted the following programs.

Group sessions at workplace /community

Physical Health:

Therapeutic Lifestyle Change, Medical Nutrition Therapy,

Self- healing for Diabetes, Obesity Workshop,

Cardiac Rehabilitation, Stress management, Scientific Yoga.

Mental Health:

Anger Management, Time Management,

Grief management, Goal Setting,

Assertive Training, Job Satisfaction,

Managing Change, Appreciative Inquiry,

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Creative visualization for achieving goals,

Emotional Freedom Technique,

Healing through Journaling

Healing through Reading, NLP and Health,

Bio-feedback, Ho’opono’pono,

Inner Child Healing, Chakra Seminars

Social Health:

Team building, Enneagram,

Creative Problem Solving, Communication Skills

Disaster Management-Psychosocial aspects and Gender Sensitivity

Community Participation in Nutrition and Health

Special programs for students

RFITM testing (Resonance Frequency Imaging-Aura Scanning)

Follow-up individual counselling after group workshops

Goa Lifestyle Project-A program designed along the lines of North Karelia Project of Finland, started in 2003 and running at the micro level.

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