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Page 2: Theatre, Arts, and Music at Clark College

It may begin with finger painting, but a child’s creativity continues with crayons, molding clay and a standard yellow #2 pencil for sketching. As they learn more and get older, artists add to their abilities by learning to work with new mediums, such as oils, ceramics, photography, and utilizing found objects. These techniques are just the beginning.

At Clark College art students gain skills of perception, attention to detail, dedication to craft and an understanding of form and function. All these translate into valuable knowledge they continue to use no matter where their career path leads them.

Consider one student, Phynn Hedberg, a pharmacy technician by profession who wanted to extend her

education and passion for the medical field by studying psychology or psychiatry. She felt that she couldn’t grow within the pharmacy field without adding to her skills and knowledge. So with a husband, who also attends Clark College, and two small children, Phynn returned to college. She chose Clark College because of the cost and convenience.

She took a three-dimensional drawing class from instructor Jenene Nagy, a temporary full-time faculty member who has exhibited at numerous galleries and museums and currently curates at Disjecta, a contemporary art center in North Portland.

“It was a life-changing class for me,” said Phynn. “Not just Jenene’s ability to teach both the history and techniques of art, but she made it relevant to each of us in the class. She gave so much focused attention to each student. She showed us how art is an important means of communication without words and why art is relevant to each of us.”

Phynn went on to take Jenene’s two-dimensional drawing class and now is finishing her Drawing 101 course. “I took them backwards,” said Phynn.


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“I started with the most difficult, but through it I have gained more perspective on the art world, plus I have an internship working at Disjecta, where Jenene is curator, so I’m learning the business side of art, too.” Her internship allows Phynn the opportunity to work with other artists on their installations, as well as support the art center’s administra-tive needs.

Phynn will continue her courses at Clark, but has applied to the Pacific Northwest College of Art for the fall term. Her wish is to complete a four-year degree there and perhaps pursue a master’s degree at another university.

Meanwhile, she and her husband, who is studying software engineering at Clark, juggle their jobs, kids and spend a lot of family time studying together. “When I’m practicing drawing, which right now is in charcoals and graphite because it challenges me and helps me harness my patience, my son and daughter, ages 2 and 3, are using their crayons. The flexibility of class schedules at Clark really helps us.”


Phoenix, the student art and literary magazine of Clark College, is still rising as it captured the top honors from the American Scholastic Press Association for the second consecutive year in 2010. The award category was ‘the best literary and art magazine in the country for colleges with over 2,500 students.’

“I believe art is so important to a person’s education because learning any field requires exposure to a lot of different components….”

- Clark College student Phynn Hedberg

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One possibility Phynn is considering is earning a master’s degree in psychology.Combining it with art therapy would allow her to combine her love of medicine with her passion for art. “Art brings another view to the therapy realm,” said Phynn. “It

takes a person beyond the science; it’s more than just making pretty pictures. I believe art is so important to a person’s education because learning any field requires exposure to a lot of different components, like art, music, languages.”

In addition to the classes she takes and the internship she works, Phynn also served on the Clark College’s nationally recognized Phoenix publication. As a member of the student jury for selection of artwork to be featured in the publication, it gave Phynn another

perspective – publishing and competition – to the art world. She even had a couple of her own pieces being considered.

Another new program started in the past year was Clark College’s, “Art Talks,” that the Associated Students of Clark College (ASCC) and a few community members sponsor. Monthly lectures by nationally known artists, along with artist’s workshops given four-times annually, expose students to the real world of working artists. The workshops allow nationally recognized artists to work with students, teaching their field of interest in art, and then assisting the students with creating their own workshop project.

“This spring we will also have artist Susan Nurell from Eastern Oregon University working on campus,” said Jenene Nagy. “Our Artist-in-Residence” program allows students and the general public to drop in and watch a working artist, ask questions, and then hear a lecture by her. It’s an exciting opportunity for everyone.”

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Clark provides all this exposure in a balanced and accessible education for thousands of students. It happens every day at Clark College, but only because people show their appreciation with a financial gift to support education.

We hope you will stop by campus between May 10 thru June 4 to enjoy the Student Art Show in Archer Gallery and meet the Artist-in-Residence. Please take a moment today to make art relevant for future Clark College students by donating today.

Jenene is just one of many talented and dedicated art instructors at Clark. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Arizona and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Oregon. Her own work includes temporary, large-scale installations built on-site that reflects the architecture. Janene teaches a variety of classes, including 3-D Drawing, Art Appreciation, Painting and Color Theory. “I design my curriculum to accommodate the time I need to work with each student individually,” saidJenene. “Clark College is diverse in its student population, which allows for very good energy and interesting stories and backgrounds in the art class.

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When you hear a certain piece of music, does it bring back a memory? If you are fortunate to play a musical instrument, do you have a favorite piece you play often? When did you first sing a song or learn the basic notes on a guitar, piano, or violin? How would your life be different without music in it?

One vocalist, Shannon Anderson, said she deliberately chose Clark but admits she was surprised by what she got here. “Clark was close to home and with several kids, including one who attends Clark through the Running Start program and one who finished the same program, Clark was convenient,” said Shannon. “I wanted to get my feet wet again being back in school and, truthfully, I didn’t expect much from the music classes since I have been a professional pianist for years. But I have stayed at Clark to learn all I can because it is such a quality program. When I transfer to a four-year university, I will be ready for the discipline, work and expectations because Clark prepared me.”

Shannon is finishing her associate of arts while participating in the college’s Concert Choir, with which rehearses three days a week. She also performs with the Clark College Chorale - a community choir with over 70 members. Her future music degree in vocal performance has her planning for a career as a choral director. “Until I transfer to a university and can complete my music degree, I will continue at Clark learning and performing,” said Shannon.

“My idea is that there is music in the air, music all around us; the world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require.”

Sir Edward Elgar, composer

Music @ clArk

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Years of playing piano had her heading a different direction when a broken hand caused her to rethink her career choices. “But it was always about the music,” she said. “I still teach piano privately, but I love that I can take voice lessons with Clark’s choral director, April Duvic. Plus, I can perform with so many talented people.”

Shannon is the music department’s Edda McCordic Talent Award recipient. This endowment, established over 20 years ago by Clark College librarian, Edda McCordic, has provided scholarship awards to talented students in many disciplines. “Having this opportunity wouldn’t be possible without the talent award or the voice lesson scholarships I received. Without that help, I wouldn’t have gotten as far.”

This spring, the Concert Choir will tour throughout Washington, along the I-5 corridor and into Canada. Shannon is looking forward to the public performances with the group in a variety of venues.

Clark provides these types of educational opportunities in a balanced and accessible way for thousands of students. It happens every day at Clark College, but only because people show their appreciation with a financial gift to support education.

We hope you will stop by campus this spring for any number of music or choral concerts offered. The magic of music is in the air at Clark College. It is providing an exceptional learning experience for students and entertaining audiences in our community. Please take a moment to keep music alive for future Clark College students by donating today.

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“You need three things in the theater - the play, the actors and the audience -

and each must give something.”

- Kenneth Haigh,British Actor

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Clark College has all three things - the play, the actors, and the audience. For those who appreciate entertaining or provocative theater and quality productions, Clark College creates the magic of theater. Theater classes build confidence, speech and communication skills, awareness of surroundings, teamwork, discipline, and attention to detail. So no matter what career paths these students take, their ability to handle a variety of situations is better served for having learned at Clark.

Theater student Roman Sloan just finished acting in the college’s musical production, “The Pirates of Penzance.” Before Clark, he studied at Vancouver School of Arts and Academics. He has always been a part of the theater community in Southwest Washington because of his parents’ involvement.

Roman chose Clark College because he could continue studying theater while getting earning his general education credits completed in an affordable manner. His goal is to transfer to a four-year university and study English and literature.

“I have found the professors at Clark are willing to work with you on an individual basis, and the programs are a very good quality,” said Roman. “The syllabus and learning track here makes sense, and I have put more emphasis on studying at Clark than I ever had before. The courses aren’t easy but, if you’re willing to make the effort, you can be successful.”

Roman received the theater department’s Edda McCordic Talent Award, which was established over 20 years ago by Clark College librarian, Edda McCordic. Her endowment gift has provided scholarship awards to talented students in many disciplines based on each department’s determination.


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“I felt privileged to receive this scholarship because of my theater involvement, and I believe that any gift is a contribution to the creative minds in our area,” said Roman. “I’d tell any donor that they’re investing in people’s futures…people who are learning and performing, both of which are valuable growth tools.”

Roman’s theater experience at Clark allowed him access to learn from working actors in our community. Last year he worked as the staging and lighting crew behind the scenes of “The Producers,” and this year he had multiple roles alongside many other performers in “The Pirates of Penzance.” He said, “The rehearsal process and getting to know the cast was a fulfilling experience – just being around that much talent has added to the learning experience.”

Clark provides all this exposure in a balanced and accessible education for thousands of students. It

happens every day at Clark College, but only because people show their appreciation with a financial gift to support education.

We hope you will stop by campus this May for Richards Greenberg’s production of “Eastern Standard.” As an audience participant, you will receive an entertaining evening and see first-hand the quality of education these students receive. Beyond the applause and positive reviews, our students need financial support to continue learning their craft. Please take a moment today to make that investment for future Clark College students.

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Join us for the next Clark College Theatre show

“Eastern Standard” May 6, 7, 13, 14, 20 and 21 - Curtain at 7:30 p.m.May 13 - Curtain at 2:00 p.m.

Decker Theatre, Frost Arts Center, Clark College

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