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Page 1: The Truth About Right Living ----- A Personal Observation

The Truth About

Right Living


A Personal Observation


James Thomas Lee, Jr.

12/25/96 (1st Edition)

08/09/13 (2nd Edition)

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Copyrighted 1995 by James Thomas Lee, Jr.

Copyright Number: TXu 636-561

ISBN 978-1491054338, 1491054336 (paper)

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Table of Contents

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List of Tables

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TABLE 1. FIVE WORLD-LEVEL SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS ............................................15


TABLE 3. THE FOUR STEPS TO BECOMING A CHRISTIAN ........................................35

TABLE 4. AN AREA OF STEWARDSHIP - CARE FOR SELF. .....................................111


TABLE 6. AN AREA OF STEWARDSHIP - CARE FOR OTHERS. .................................121

TABLE 7. AN AREA OF STEWARDSHIP - CARE FOR POSSESSIONS. .........................126

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This book has been written to share what I discovered during a unique

experience in late 1989 and early 1990. While that experience was not very

pleasant, the discoveries that I made have more than made up for any of those

anxieties which I felt. After having been a Christian for a little over twenty-two

years, I suddenly and without warning lost my job. Since at that time I had been

faithful in the Lord's work for over fifteen years plus had also done very well

within my profession, being released from my employment did not seem logical.

Therefore, from the very beginning, I acknowledged my predicament as having

come from the Lord.

In all, I was out of work for almost five months from the end of November

in 1989 until the middle of the following April. As I faced each day, I had a very

sincere desire to understand what the Lord wanted me to do and also to determine

if He was trying to show or teach me something special. I did not realize it at the

time, but He was about to reveal to me what He truly desires from each of us. For

a number of years, I had not been completely clear about whether He simply

wanted us to be very good people, whether He just wanted our money, or just

exactly what He wanted. I must point out, though, that my confusion was not

related to my faith in Christ or to my dependence upon His finished work at

Calvary. Instead, it was related to how a devoted Christian should go about this

thing of Christian service.

What the Lord revealed to me through my ordeal of unemployment may

not seem so earth shattering to many. In fact, I would have to say that His special

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revelation was probably what we would all suspect anyway. Yet many Christian

people, in my opinion, have gotten this thing of Christian service all turned

around. God does want us to work on His behalf. However, He does not want

that until first we have given Him our heart, our whole heart. Lukewarm

Christianity, which is so commonplace in our time, is not honoring or pleasing to

Him. But merely working hard, without first giving Him the complete love and

devotion that He wants and deserves, is not either.

This book is not very complicated and hopefully should not be difficult to

read. In writing it, my desire has not been to eliminate the cart, but rather to

ensure that we as Christians are not getting the cart before the horse. Chapters

two and three present God's simple Plan of Salvation. After that, the rest of the

book is a presentation of the simple teachings of Matthews 22:37-39, Matthew

6:33, and Romans 14:10-13. My desire is that the reader will find this material

easy to understand and accept and that it will be beneficial to him or her in their

everyday walk.

The second edition of this book was written to clean up some of the poorly

worded statements in the first edition and to show important Bible verses rather

than just refer to them.

James Thomas Lee, Jr.

28 December 1996

09 August 2013

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Chapter 1. Living This Life Rightly


It was that, within this country, most young people

grow up without ever learning the truth about the Lord.


A few years ago, I came to a shocking realization about this nation in

particular and about the world in general. It was that within this country most

young people grow up without ever learning the truth about the Lord. Because

there is not any formal spiritual training within the public school system and

because most homes are not Christ-centered, very few young people actually learn

anything of consequence about God and those statements can easily be applied to

the whole world. As a result of that trend, which has existed in our society for

many years, our nation and even the world suffer from the consequences of at

least five spiritual problems.

Those problems, which are listed below in Table 1, have happened

primarily because of the anti-God focus of the system around us. The first is that

we are a nation which has turned from God. After decades of being taught to

pursue a worldly, self-centered lifestyle, most people live each day without giving

much consideration, if any, to spiritual matters. For the most part, the God of the

Bible is not even in our thoughts. Second, our moral standards have steadily

declined year after year and even now continue to do so such that we are without

question an almost totally immoral society. Because of the media's ungodly

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influence coupled with the secular training in schools and the lack of spiritual

training in both the schools and the home, most young people simply are not given

much in the way of sound moral guidance.

The third and fourth problems are that a growing number of people are

confused about the true religion that is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Because of that they dabble in all sorts of false theologies and philosophies. In

our world today, we have many people trying many different ways to make peace

with God. But if those ways are not Bible-based and Christ-centered they will not

work. Finally, the fifth problem and perhaps the most disturbing of all is that

most young people are growing up with poor values and a bad concept of success,

education, money, power, and the like. It is sad that so many of our youth have to

live with the daily pressures of this existence yet are deprived of the very real joy

of an everyday walk with the Lord.


The fifth problem, and perhaps the most disturbing of

all, is that most young people are growing up with poor

values and a bad concept of success, education, money,

power, and the like.


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Five World-Level Spiritual Problems

1. We are a nation that has turned from God. For the most part, the God of the

Bible is not even in our thoughts.

2. Our moral standards have declined and even now continue to do so.

3. People are confused about the true religion that is only found in the Lord Jesus.

4. Because of that widespread confusion, they dabble in all sorts of false

theologies and philosophies.

5. Most young people are growing up with poor values and a bad concept of

success, education, money, power, and the like.


Table 1. Five World-Level Spiritual Problems

Over the next nine chapters, a three-part theological philosophy for right

spiritual living will be presented. The intent will be to share a better way of life

that will resolve the above five spiritual problems and at the same time show a

person how to please the Lord one hundred out of one hundred times. Each part

of that philosophy will be based entirely on biblical principles. As those truths are

developed, a very clear lifestyle will emerge that will eliminate much or even all

of the confusion about living for God. When this presentation is complete, each

person should have a clear idea about how to properly and spiritually pursue this

life both for a lifetime and also on a day-by-day basis.

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a. Principle One: Having the Right Attitude towards God


The first of the three principles will examine how to

have the right attitude towards God.


The first of the three principles will examine how to have the right attitude

towards God. In leading up to that, though, we shall begin in the next two

chapters by first talking about how to close the sin gap that exists between each

individual and the Lord. In that discussion, one will see how to establish a right

relationship with his or her Heavenly Father. There will be some discussion about

the system around us and also about the devil, who is God's adversary and the

one that rules that system around us.

In chapters four through six where we finally start to consider this first

principle for right living, there will be some further discussion about the devil

particularly in terms of how he has worked within the church. That will then be

followed by an analysis to show how to overcome him and at the same time please

God. That latter part should be especially important and informative to all serious

Christians because it will unlock many of the mysteries about correct spiritual


b. Principles Two and Three

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The second theological principle for right living will

address having the right attitude or right focus towards

the important matters of this life. The third and final

idea about right spiritual living will discuss having the

right attitude concerning matters of stewardship.


The second theological principle for right living in chapters seven and

eight will address having the right attitude or right focus towards the important

matters of this life. The intent in that portion will be to clear up the lack of

understanding, which I once had and which many now have, concerning the

teachings and philosophies of the system around us. Great emphasis in this

society is placed on worldly success. But for an individual that lives only a short

while on this earth how important really is such success? The answer, in my

mind, is not very. Therefore, a new standard for living life smartly, successfully,

and spiritually will be proposed, namely that an individual should strive to live

equally well on both sides of the grave. Following that discussion, the third and

final idea about right spiritual living in chapters nine and ten will discuss having

the right attitude concerning matters of stewardship. See Table 2.

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My Three Principles For Right Spiritual Living

1. The first concept concerns having the right attitude towards God.

2. The second concept deals with having the right attitude or right focus towards

the important matters of this life.

3. The third concept concerns having the right attitude concerning matters of



Table 2. My Three Principles For Right Spiritual Living

c. Learning to Please God


The real truth and proper conclusion for all to reach is

that what God wants for each of us as individuals is

always a perfect match to what is best for us.


From a thorough examination of God’s adversary, the devil, of his devices

of deception and distraction, and of each of the above three principles for right

living, one should easily see the right approach to this life. My opinion is that

those three straightforward, totally Bible-based principles can and should be the

bases or driving forces in each individual’s life.

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To please God, one does not need to be brilliant, have or make a lot of

money, possess a great job, or even pursue any of a number of other worthwhile

earthly pursuits. While such things are nice to have and maybe even nice

achievements to make, such outward signs of success are all well down the line

from those pursuits which are most important. In fact, none of the worldly gains

that most people seek or would seek are necessarily what the Lord requires or

even desires from or for most of us. At the same time, though, one can cover both

sides of that argument by saying that being destitute and miserable is not His way

either. Nowhere in Scriptures does He call any of us to a lifestyle of nonstop

church, no fun, no possessions, poverty, and misery. The real truth and proper

conclusion for all to reach is that what God wants for each of us as individuals is

always a perfect match to what is best for us.

Before we are done with this analysis, it should become clear that many

have been neglectful when it comes to addressing the really important spiritual

issues of this life. They have let themselves be deceived about spiritual matters by

a very clever adversary and by the very subtle workings of the system around us.

In addition, many have let themselves become distracted from God by the cares of

this life, even to the point of not having or taking the time to study about the Lord

as they should. Many have let themselves become overwhelmed, which is really

just another form of distraction, by the complexities of trying to answer all of the

difficult spiritual questions. Many have let themselves be lazy even to the point of

never really getting started. If indeed, as many believe, ignorance is bliss, then the

actual validity of that statement only lasts for a short while because ignorance in

the long term is definitely not bliss. If anything, the opposite is true.

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Many have been neglectful when it comes to really

addressing the important spiritual issues of life. It

should be obvious to everyone that we need to know the

truth about the Lord. It should also be obvious that we

need to know exactly what He expects of us.


Concerning eternal spiritual matters even concerning matters of living this

life rightly, knowledge is much more valuable than a lack of the same.

Consequently, this entire conversation about right living should be viewed as

highly important. It should be obvious to everyone that we need to know the truth

about the Lord. It should also be obvious that we need to know exactly what He

expects of us. Therefore, the next nine chapters will be "how to" chapters so that

each person can know best how to seek and serve the Lord in these present times.

The topics that will be presented will not be difficult to comprehend. There is not

anything that is either theologically or philosophically deep. But many people,

even many highly intelligent people, have completely missed the point.

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Chapter 2. Understanding the Cunning of the Devil


Much confusion already exists at all levels of religious



In thinking about the closing of one's sin gap with God, a person needs to

realize that much confusion already exists at all levels of religious affairs. In this

world, many people are religious. But many people are not religious. Many are

Christian. But many are not Christian. Many Christians know Scriptures and

have a clear, mature understanding of God’s well-documented principles while

many other Christians know very little about either the Bible or God’s principles.

Much, maybe even most, of that confusion exists because of the slanted, anti-God

instruction of the system around us.

To understand just how bad that confusion really is and to see why it is so

bad, one needs to understand the master of that system. One needs to understand

the devil and how he works. In Isaiah 14:12-14 and again in Ezekiel 28:14-17,

Satan is described as God’s enemy and adversary. As such and also as we shall

see, that essentially means that he is by extension also our enemy and adversary.

Isaiah 14:12-14 says, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the

morning. how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne

above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the

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sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the

most High."

a. The Devil's Arsenal - Deception and Distraction


The two chief devices in the devil's arsenal are

deception and distraction, and he uses both to



The two chief devices in the devil's arsenal are deception and distraction

and he uses both to perfection. One of his goals is to oppose God and to even be

God if such a thing were possible. Another is to disrupt humanity. He tries to

keep all of us from the truth about the Lord. He also attempts to ruin our lives

whenever he can or as much as possible. If he can somehow keep one of us from

knowing the truth by using deception, that is, either by telling us outright lies

about God, about the Lord’s salvation plan, or about God’s principles for right

living, then he will do so.

b. The Devil's Use of Deception


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Both theories offer explanations about the origins of

life which are contrary to biblical teachings.


Two examples of his deceptive work come from the halls of science and

academia in the form of the Big Bang theory and the Theory of Evolution. Those

two complex, scientific theories about our origin are unproved. For the most part,

they either deny the existence of God altogether or they at the very least relegate

Him to a meaningless role in some corner somewhere.

Both theories, neither of which can be shown to be true, are clear

examples of the devil's weaponry. Rather than promoting and glorifying the Lord

as we and everything about us should, both theories offer explanations about the

origins of life that are contrary to biblical teachings. With each, Satan has in his

grip a weapon of scientific manufacturing. He uses each with great skill to

explain or more accurately to cloud and to distort humanity’s understanding of the

great mystery of Creation. The result in many or most instances is that God does

not get the glory that is due to His name.


The result in many or most instances is that God does

not get the glory that is due to His name. The devil has

done a very good job of spreading those kinds of false

accusations and making them seem believable.


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Unfortunately, a large segment of society has bought into both of those

two scientific theories. Why? They have accepted them mostly because people

are easily intimidated by the ranting and raving of science. If science says that it

is so then most individuals readily accept that position without question or

hesitation. At the same time, the devil has also used and still uses real-life

tragedies and life’s problems, in general, to build an even stronger case against the

Lord. Through cataclysmic and even everyday happenings, he has been and still is

very adept at blaming life’s difficulties on God despite the fact that the opening

chapter of the Book of James says that God is not the real culprit.

By putting all of those pieces together, the devil has been and still is quite

good at making most spiritually ignorant or spiritually weak individuals think

either that God does not care, that He is out of control, that He has disappeared, or

that He does not exist. None of those are true. But the devil has done a very good

job of spreading those kinds of false accusations and making them seem

believable. He is a master of deception.

c. The Devil Is Very Thorough


Note with all of the various forms of deception how the

devil has sufficiently covered all the possibilities. None

of these devil-initiated forms of deception are true.


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Note with all of the various forms of deception how the devil has

sufficiently covered all the possibilities. For those who would choose to deny

God and be non-religious, Satan has provided the above two unproved theories of

science. Big Bang and evolutionary thinking both provide easy vehicles for

denying God. Then, for those who would choose to believe in God but do not

wish to really know and understand all the facts about Christ and Christianity, he

has given the evidences of a hard, difficult and often frustrating life as refutations

against both God’s goodness and His mercy. None of those devil-initiated forms

of deception are true. None are based on an honest appraisal of all the evidence.

Yet many have accepted the devil’s lies primarily because he is so convincing.

In most instances, he has put together a solid, well thought-out case. As a

result, most people have failed to see through his satanic web of deception. They

have failed to see him as the master that he really is. Yet based on the authority of

Scriptures, he is a liar. He has deceived many in the past and he is still in the

business of deceiving as much and as many of the populace as he possibly can.

Jesus speaking to some Pharisees in John 8:44 said, "Ye are of your father the

devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the

beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he

speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

d. The Devil's Second Device


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He will do whatever he can or whatever it takes to keep

an individual off track and on the wrong subject,

especially when it comes to understanding the truth

about spiritual matters.


The devil is very good at deceiving others. But he does not stop with

deception. Once again, it is important to realize that his first objective is to keep

others from learning the truth about God. Of course, some people will still drift

into churches from time to time, occasionally read a few words from the Bible, or

maybe even converse with a few Christians along life’s highway. Over time, they

may actually accumulate a few assorted pieces of different spiritual truths.

When that occurs, the devil does not waste any time. He promptly goes

into his second mode of operation and uses a technique that has already been

called distraction. Again his motives are clear. He will do whatever he can or

whatever it takes to keep an individual off track and on the wrong subject,

especially when it comes to understanding the truth about spiritual matters. The

devil does not want anyone to know the truth. That is his number one objective.

But for those that do get close to the truth his number two objective is to keep

them distracted so that he can keep them from getting any closer.

e. The Devil's Use of Distraction


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Most people are caught up with this idea of the

American Dream and the earthly pursuits of education,

world peace, good job, and money.


Satan’s distraction comes in a couple of forms. First he tries to distract

people concerning what is really important in this life. Most people are caught up

with this idea of the American Dream and the earthly pursuits of education, world

peace, good job, and money. But even though all of those and many other areas of

life have some value, the true benefit of any one is a distant second to that which

is most important.

As serious as is this distraction, however, there is in my mind a second one

that is greater still and most people probably would not even think about it. In my

opinion, this second example of distraction shows the devil at his absolute best. It

is a distraction that can be easily seen by asking a single, multi-part question.

How many different religious faiths and how many different denominations within

those faiths exist in the world today? As a follow on to that question, one might

even ask how many of each of those is in this country. The answer in both cases

is far more than most would really care to count. Yet that is the very point of the

question. The devil has very cleverly and very successfully lied to and distracted

many of the very people that have chosen to follow the Lord.


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The devil has very cleverly and very successfully lied to

and distracted many of the very people that have

chosen to follow the Lord.


f. The Devil Is At Every Level of Our Existence

If one pays close attention, he or she can observe the devil in every aspect

and at every level of this existence as he cleverly uses his two devices to work out

his same form of devious, satanic magic over and over again. He wants to keep

everyone from God. He works hard and is very successful. Therefore, a person's

objective must be the opposite. We must counter him at every opportunity and

strive to draw closer and closer to the Lord. Once that has been done, we must

endeavor to serve Him not at a level of minimum effectiveness but always at our

level of maximum effectiveness.


One God practically demands that there only be one

truth, one faith. Merely being religious is not good



But how is that done? How does one sidestep all the traps, all the lies, and

all the confusion, and then get to a place of genuine service? There are many

different faiths from which to choose. Yet one God practically demands that there

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only be one truth, one Faith. Therefore, one's first objective must be to eliminate

the false and then to identify that one true Faith. Merely being religious is not

good enough. To put up a good fight against the deceiving, distracting forces of

the devil, we must have the real thing, the one and only true God. Otherwise, we

are wasting our time.

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Chapter 3. Finding the True Faith


The Lord will reveal the truth to all that want it and

especially to those that are willing to seek


For many people, finding the one true Faith perhaps seems impossible.

But fortunately it is not. The devil has a fair amount of power. But he is not all-

powerful. He can do a lot. But he cannot keep the heart that is hungry for the

truth from learning about God. The Lord will allow a person to believe a lie if

that person has the heart to do so. But He will also reveal the truth to all that want

it and especially to those that are willing to seek. This principle is clearly taught

in Matthew 7:7-8, which says, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall

find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth;

and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Plus the

writer of Luke’s Gospel also indicated in Luke 19:10 that Jesus literally came to

seek and to "save" those who are lost and hurting. Thus, the teaching in this

matter is not difficult to understand. For those that really want to know the truth

about Him, the Lord will always provide a way. His desire is for everyone to

know the truth about Him and even then it is almost always His desire well before

we desire it for ourselves.

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a. Becoming a Christian - Seeing Yourself as a Sinner


A person needs to recognize his or her position before



To really know and understand the truth about God and about the one true

Faith, one must begin by having the proper desires and motives. The Lord will

always honor the right kind of heart and attitude. After that, a person needs to

recognize his or her position before God. In Romans 3:23, the Bible teaches that

everyone is a sinner. That verse says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the

glory of God." Before Him, we have all fallen short of His glory and are lacking.

Therefore, the first step towards closing the sin gap with God and towards finding

the one true Faith is to see yourself as the Lord sees you - sinful and undone. We

are all sinners. To deny that is to deny the very truth of God’s Word. To accept

it, though, is the first step towards really closing the sin gap with Him.

b. Becoming A Christian - Understanding the Penalty of Sin

Second, because all that are born of Adam are sinners, then all that are

born of him are also in a lost state of separation from the Lord. Romans 6:23

says, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through

Jesus Christ our Lord." Thus, the penalty for our sins is both physical death and

spiritual death. When someone dies to this life, that person becomes separated

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from the things of this world. That is the first death or the physical death. But if

that same person has left this world not prepared to meet God, that is he or she

still has not closed the sin gap between themselves and Him, then the second

death or the spiritual death, which is discussed in Revelation 21:7-8, becomes

their eternal fate. And that is a fate which means separation forever from the One

who made us. Those verses say, "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I

will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the

abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and

all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:

which is the second death."


We need to correct the sin problem in a quick expedient



According to God’s Word, there will not be another opportunity after the

first death for an individual to close their sin gap with the Lord. Therefore, the

second step towards closing the sin gap with God and to laying claim to the one

and only true Faith is to realize that sin and being a sinner carries a very real,

very lasting, and very devastating penalty. Because of that, we need to correct the

sin problem in a quick expedient fashion so that we can avoid that eternal

separation from God.

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c. Becoming a Christian - Seeing Jesus as Savior


The third step towards the truth and towards closing

that gap is to see the true identity of Jesus, the Christ.


Having confronted our undone condition and seeing the penalty for that

condition the third step towards the truth and towards closing that sin gap is to

see the true identity of Jesus, the Christ. To do that, one must recognize His dual

role as both Sacrifice and Savior. No one would argue that Jesus was a great man.

No one would question His work as a great Healer, great Teacher, or great

Example. He really was all of those. But fulfilling those tasks was not His true

reason for being birthed into this life.

As can be seen from John 3:16, Romans 5:6-8 and many other Bible

passages, Jesus came to earth to offer Himself on our behalf so that by His death

He could make a way for us back to God. In proclaiming that truth, the Apostle

John quoted Jesus by writing that He, meaning Jesus, was the Way, the Truth, and

the Life. Jesus, then, told them, as is recorded in John 14:6, that no one would be

able to come to the Father except through Him, the Son. Those words express the

whole truth as well as anyone can. An individual may try whatever he or she

wishes - being a good person, doing good works, being generous, or whatever.

But that person will never close the sin gap with God except through Jesus. He is

the Way. He is the only Way. As was recorded in John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto

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him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by



The Four Steps To Becoming A Christian

1. The first step towards closing the sin gap with God and towards finding the

one true Faith is to see yourself as the Lord sees you - sinful and undone.

2. The second step towards closing the sin gap with God and to laying claim to

the one and only true Faith is to realize that sin and being a sinner carries a very

real, very lasting, and very devastating penalty.

3. The third step towards the truth and towards closing that gap is to see the true

identity of Jesus, the Christ and the Son of God. One must recognize His dual

role as both sacrifice and Savior.

4. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ so that you may have life. To believe on Him

is to trust Him completely and to commit oneself to Him.


Table 3. The Four Steps to Becoming A Christian

d. Becoming a Christian - Accepting God’s Provision


By faith, one faith in God, the same faith in Jesus

Christ, His Son and our Savior, each of us can close

the sin gap with God, find the one true Faith, and have

true and lasting peace forevermore.


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What must a person do to close the sin gap that exists with God? What

must a person do to overcome the deception and distraction techniques of the

devil? Those may be complicated questions perhaps but they still need to be

answered. Fortunately, both are satisfied by a single answer that is given in John

3:16. That verse says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten

Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

So believe on the Lord Jesus Christ so that you may have life. Many people,

however, do not understand what the Apostle John meant when he wrote those

words. Believing in or believing on Jesus means more than just believing that He

existed or that God exists. The Greek word that was translated "believe" in that

verse means to commit to or to trust in the object of one's belief. Thus, the apostle

was actually writing that saved people must commit to the Lord as well as trust in

Him. So salvation involves commitment and trust.

The devil works very hard to keep people from ever seeing that simple

truth. He causes the intelligent to scoff at a god that they cannot see. He causes

the worldly-minded to become overly absorbed by the things of this world. He

even causes the would-be good person to be confused by all of the different

religions and denominations of the world. I would agree that one can easily

become weary trying to sort through all the various beliefs and theological issues.

But by faith, one faith in God, the same faith in Jesus Christ, His Son and our

Savior, each of us can close the sin gap with God, find the one true Faith, and

have true and lasting peace forevermore.

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e. People Still Walk Away


It is often difficult to separate the true from the false

and the right from the wrong. But based on all of the

evidence, it should be clear that Christianity is the only

true Faith.


Unfortunately, some people do not like being dependent on Christ. They

would rather try to close the sin gap for themselves. Some or many others would

simply like to deny that a gap even exists or simply decide to ignore it and hope

for the best. But those strategies are not consistent with God's way and in the long

run they will not work. Once again, Christ is the Answer. He is the only Answer.

Through Him, we can be made clean. Through Him, we can be set free. Through

Him, we can have eternal life with God. But we must believe and we must

receive. God has done everything that He can. Even more He has done all that

He is going to do. The rest is now up to each of us.

In the course of an individual's life, the devil throws many obstacles before

that life. It is often difficult to separate the true from the false and the right from

the wrong. But based on all the evidence, it should be clear that Christianity is the

only true Faith. It is the only Faith that matters. But even more than that, none of

the other faiths of this world offer to their followers what Christians have in


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Chapter 4. CONCEPT 1: Getting a Hold of God


The first step towards right living in this present world

is to close or eliminate the sin gap that exists between

God and every individual.


The first step towards right living in this present world is to close or

eliminate the sin gap that exists between God and every individual. As was just

seen in the previous two chapters, each person must take that step towards Him by

exercising saving faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Once that

has been done, then that person can go forward spiritually, really start to get a hold

of God and really learn how to please Him by having the right attitude towards


My opinion about how to have the right attitude towards the Lord has

come from forty plus years of Christian experience. Of course, on that first night

in December 1967, when I asked the Lord to forgive me for my sins, I did not

know much about my newfound faith or about the One upon Whom I had called.

In the years since, I have observed and personally experienced very much. When I

began my spiritual journey, I was completely naive about the things of God. So I

have had a lot to learn. Now, however, after so many years, I feel as though I

might have picked up a few things that might be of some benefit to others. For

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one thing, it seems clear to me that many are going about this thing of seeking and

serving the Lord in the wrong way.

a. Many Christians Are Too Entangled

Many Christians are so entangled in complicated theological issues and

debates that they seem to have missed the most important part of their Christian

service. To use a clever expression, some seem to be so heavenly-minded that

they are no earthly-good and vice versa. Others seem to be so earthly-minded that

they are no heavenly-good. While I did not originate that catchy phrase, those

words seem to accurately capture the spiritual condition of a great many.

During the twenty years that I made my personal observation for this book,

I was an active member of four different churches. Of those, only two were in the

same town, which means that only once during all of those years did Linda and I

ever become upset enough to actually quit one church to attend and join another.

We were members of the first church during the early to middle seventies. The

second came in the middle seventies. The third was from the late seventies to the

late eighties. The last was from the late eighties until the middle nineties.

Ironically, each of the four was slightly different. Yet we were able to learn much

from each where some was good and some was not so good. In this chapter, part

of the evaluation will be to highlight a few of our more significant observations

while at those churches. The point will be to ultimately show others how to have

the proper or right attitude toward God.

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b. Our First Church

Our first church was a very good church, even an excellent church. The

pastor was dedicated and highly learned. He was also an excellent role model

which at that time was especially important for someone like me. He was

probably the first Christian to ever really have a major impact on me directly. He

taught me the facts of the Gospel. He shared with me the compassion of the Lord.

He also emphasized to me in numerous one-on-one sessions the importance of

having the right kind of attitude and service towards the Lord. In fact, even

though we have been away from that church for well over twenty years, my wife

and I still tend to use it as a way to measure other churches. More than that, we

still tend to use our recollections of that pastor as our measuring rod for other



Our first church was a very good church, even an

excellent church. The pastor was dedicated and highly



The pastor of that first church hence the church itself took a very strong

position against sin. As a matter of fact, the denomination as a whole was like the

strict, old fashioned, hard-shelled Baptists of a couple hundred years ago. The

normal behaviors that drew fire from the pulpit were such things as the

consumption of alcoholic beverages, committing adultery, gambling, not attending

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ALL church services, and not financially supporting the Lord’s work with at least

a tenth of one’s gross income. Those offenses were normal. Most people were

not and are not disturbed by such positions by the Church.

But in addition to those, even minor offences were treated seriously. The

church and denomination, for example, frowned heavily on things like dancing,

men and women swimming together, attending movies, listening to secular music,

and so forth. In short, that denomination based much of its platform on II

Corinthians 6:17 and emphasized a distinct and strict separation from the things of

the world.

When looking at the church’s stern position on separation, one might

conclude that my wife and I were not content with such strictness. After all, many

normal behaviors were considered wrong. But to say that either of us was

dissatisfied would have been incorrect. We and a couple of thousand others loved

the church including its strict standards. For many years after we had left, she and

I still openly wished that fate would somehow intervene and move us back to that

town so that we could once again worship at that first "real" church. However,

while the Lord has not done as we would have chosen in that regard, what we both

learned and experienced during those few years has carried us from that day until

now. Our overall conclusion was that that church and their pastor truly did know

what this walk with Christ is all about.

c. Our Second Church


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While attending our second church, though, I made an

interesting observation. It was called "once saved,

always saved."


Our second church even though it was of a different denomination than the

first was one that initially seemed very dynamic and alive. From the beginning,

Linda and I were drawn to the church’s music program because they sang the old

hymns that we knew and loved. Even the pastor possessed a certain enthusiasm

and charisma that made us feel like we had found a good second church. We

knew that finding a church such as our first would be difficult if not impossible.

So we were prepared to take whatever the Lord provided fully realizing that we

might have to down scope our expectations a little. After a couple of months, we

joined the church and then jumped right in to participate. Unfortunately, different

things began to happen so that we soon could no longer feel so enthusiastic. In

the beginning, we had been pleased. But in the end we were greatly disappointed

and decided to leave.

While attending our second church, though, I made an interesting

observation. Basically, the preacher preached a belief that I as a still relatively

young Christian had not before encountered. It was called "once saved, always

saved." In nearly every sermon, he would somehow incorporate that same general

theme into his message. As a result, I quickly learned what the whole issue was

about. When one receives Christ as Savior, as I had done in December 1967 and

as was just discussed in the previous two chapters, the Bible teaches that the sin

gap that exists between God and the individual is closed. At that time in my life, I

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had repented of my sins and literally turned to the Lord. The result was an

experience within my own heart that had changed me completely.

The "once saved, always saved" issue addresses the permanency of the

closing of that gap. For instance, if through Christ the gap is closed but the person

then commits some terrible sin, will the gap be opened again? Those that would

respond in the negative by saying "no" are siding with the crowd that believes in

"once saved, always saved". They are effectively saying that the individual would

not lose his or her salvation no matter how terrible the sin. On the other hand,

though, those that would say that the gap would or could be opened again are

siding with people that do believe that a person can lose his or her salvation. I

learned in this my second church that some Christians are sharply divided over

that one issue about salvation. Indeed, whole denominations exist simply because

of how different Christians have chosen on this one issue alone.


I learned, in this my second church, that some

Christians are sharply divided over this one issue about

salvation. Indeed, whole denominations exist simply

because of how different Christians have chosen on

this one issue alone.


d. Our Third Church

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We stayed at that second church for just over a year. When we realized

that it was not the place for us, we left to attend another. Our third church was of

the same denomination as the first only it was much smaller. Instead of the

normal two thousand that we had come to know and expect, the attendance at this

new church was more like that of the second church. The number of Sunday

morning worshippers was closer to two hundred than two thousand and probably

half of those were children that had been brought in on church buses. To say the

least, Linda and I had had to make some adjustments and so we did.


For those ten years and even dating back to the days at

our first two churches, we were consistently where we

felt we were supposed to be doing what we thought we

were supposed to be doing.


During our ten year stay at this third church, she and I both jumped in and

worked. For the first four years, we assumed joint responsibility for one of the

church buses. Each week, we visited our bus kids plus tried to encourage others

to come along with us to church. Four years later, when we were done with that

ministry, we then both became Sunday school teachers. For the next six years, I

taught an adult class while she taught a young children’s class. In addition to

teaching, we also both sang in the choir. I became the church Treasurer and a

Trustee. I led a Saturday night prayer and devotion service. She was leader and

coordinator of a Wednesday night children’s group. We both went on weekly

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church visitation and we attended nearly every service without fail. For those ten

years and even dating back to the days at our first two churches, we were

consistently where we felt we were supposed to be doing what we thought we

were supposed to be doing. We were in our place doing our part and the Lord

blessed us, our marriage, and our family.


At the third church, though, like at the second, I also

made some observations. While I did not have a

solution to the issue, itself, I did at least realize that I

could easily be persuaded either way.


At the third church, though, like at the second, I also made some

observations. For instance, whereas the second church had emphasized a "once

saved, always saved" mentality, the third church had chosen the exact opposite

side of that same issue. They believed that a person could turn from the Lord and

walk away. Interestingly enough, when I had been at the second church I could

understand and go along with the "once saved, always saved" teaching. In my

mind, being once and forever pardoned by God did make some sense. But then

when I got to the third church, I could also see where they were coming from with

their belief about falling away from the Lord even though the two beliefs were

contrary to each other. Consequently, while I did not have a solution to the issue,

itself, I did at least realize that I could easily be persuaded either way. Not only

that, but from having carefully studied the Bible from each point of view, I could

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also see how different people might interpret different verses in different ways and

arrive at each of those respective conclusions.

e. Free Will versus Election


Even though the two sides of that issue are opposites, I

once again felt that an individual could interpret

certain portions of Scriptures and be persuaded either



Another doctrinal issue that I encountered during those years was

something called "free will versus election." Free will proponents believe that

anyone can come to God and close the sin gap with Him. They see such a

movement towards Him as one of personal choice or free will rather than as a

choice made by the Lord through election. To support the belief of free will,

Romans 10:13 is the verse that they frequently use. That verse says, "For

whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." They always

emphasize the word "whosoever."

At the other end of that doctrinal division, however, is the belief of

election which teaches that God has chosen some people to come to Him but has

literally chosen others not to come. Those that have been chosen are called the

"elect" while those who have not been chosen are simply left out. Yet even

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though the two sides of that issue are also opposites, I once again felt that an

individual could interpret certain portions of Scriptures and be persuaded either

way. Romans 10:13 with the word "whosoever" supports free will. But Romans

8:29, for example, specifically talks about some as having been predestined or

chosen to be conformed to the image of Christ. That verse says, "For whom he

did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son,

that he might be the firstborn among many brethren." Election proponents like to

focus on the words "foreknow" and "predestinate." Other verses in the Bible also

seemed to refer explicitly to God’s elect. Therefore, while I did not decide either

way on the issue either, I could at least once again easily see and understand both


f. Speaking In Tongues

As an adult Sunday school teacher, I was drawn into both of the above

debates. However, I was drawn into one more so-called doctrinal issue as well

which was called "speaking in tongues." In Acts 2:1-8, the unlearned,

unintelligent apostles spoke the Gospel to those that had come to Jerusalem for

Pentecost. Ordinarily speaking to a foreigner in his or her native tongue may not

seem like such a big deal. But in their case the apostles were speaking to others

about Christ in languages that they did not even know.

Try to imagine yourself in such a predicament. Someone from another

country has just come to visit. You meet with that individual. Neither of you

share a common language. But you somehow find yourself able to share Christ

with that foreigner. He or she does not speak your language. You do not speak

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theirs. But you are able to speak to that person in their language in words that he

or she can easily understand. Such a circumstance sounds incredible. However,

according to Luke, that occurrence really happened.

The gift of "speaking in tongues" also occurred at other times as well.

Sometimes the speaker was talking to God in an unknown, heavenly language.

Sometimes, it was to other people. But according to the Bible, those events still

happened frequently enough to get people’s attention and to attract a good-sized

following. During the eighties and nineties, "speaking in tongues" was a fairly big

issue in many of the churches. As one might imagine, Christians that did speak in

tongues preferred to worship with others that did and vice versa. Those that did

not tended to worship with others that also did not.


Through the years, I have listened to and studied both

sides of that issue, too. Once again, I can understand

how each group has arrived at their respective



Despite such a division, though, how I or anyone else really feels about the

issue is irrelevant and even unimportant. Through the years, I have listened to and

studied both sides of that issue, too. Once again, I can understand how each group

has arrived at their respective conclusions. Yet none of the arguments matter.

What does matter is that the devil has used, is using, and will continue to use silly

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issues just like these to divide and conquer even those that genuinely want to

serve the Lord.

Those comments were made in chapter two. The very existence of all of

the various Christian issues is enough to prove the point. In my opinion, these

real-life examples, where Christians are literally being divided against each other

by various theological issues, are far more tragic and far more significant than the

simple dilemma of trying to determine who is right or wrong.

g. Our Fourth Church


Our fourth church was totally different from the other

three. Linda and I both felt a newfound sense of



Our fourth church was totally different from the other three. The

denomination was different. The focus of the sermons was different. The attitude

of the people was different. Having experienced various strains of the Baptist

Faith for almost twenty years, Linda and I chose for our fourth church one that

was a complete departure from everything we knew. We decided on an

interdenominational church. That type of church meant that the people were not

Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or any of the other traditional Protestant Faiths.

The church defined itself as one that could cater to all people and one that could

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try to meet the needs of all or many rather than those of just a segregated few.

Linda and I had felt that it was time for a change. We had also wanted to see how

others of the Faith worshipped and lived. So we took the plunge.

Our first sensation at the fourth church was one of amazement that had

come mainly from the uninhibited nature of the congregation. We had always

attended churches where formal dress was considered appropriate. But at that

church, informal attire was almost the order of the day. During summer services,

for example, some young people actually wore Bermuda shorts to evening church.

We could not believe our eyes. But in addition to a more lax dress code, the

sermons were also very different. The preacher did not yell and behave in an

angry or overly emotional fashion. Instead, he talked to that congregation of

about two thousand in three separate services of six to seven hundred each like

one friend might talk to another. The impact on us was incredible.


We were not being bombarded by negative sermons

from the pulpit. The people seemed refreshingly and

genuinely happy. The church was ministering to its



After about twenty years of the other types of worship, Linda and I both

felt a newfound sense of freedom. For the first time in years, we did not feel like

someone was looking over our shoulder. We were not being bombarded by

negative sermons from the pulpit. The people seemed refreshingly and genuinely

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happy. The church was ministering to its community. As a result, we were very

pleased with our fourth church. I might also add that not much, if anything, was

ever said about such things as "once saved, always saved", "free will versus

election", or "speaking in tongues". In fact, no one even seemed to care about

such issues. Consequently, we were very pleased about everything.

h. A Comparison of Our Four Different Churches

Over the years, I have often thought about the above four churches

especially the first and fourth because they were the best for us. Between the two,

both had active congregations of about two thousand. Both had dedicated, well-

educated, and highly organized pastors and staffs. Both made major contributions

to their community. Both emphasized spreading the Gospel abroad. Both offered

a lot of activities for its congregation. Both, in my opinion, were and are excellent

churches. Yet the two were as different as night and day especially in terms of

sermon delivery and focus on standards.

The second and third churches, by contrast, were more like the first in

terms of sermon delivery and standards. But neither of those two measured up

nearly so well. Thus, the obvious question to me was why. Why did churches

two and three which were so similar to church one not do so well? Why was

church four able to do quite well and why was it so gratifying to us when it was

completely different from the first church that we had loved so much? Was it

because the standards were eased? Was it because the preacher talked rather than

actually preach? I have given considerable thought to all of those questions and I

believe that I know the answer. But my answer has nothing to do with different

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preaching styles or standards. Instead, it has to do with something as simple and

as basic as focus.


My answer has nothing to do with different preaching

styles or standards. Instead, it has to do with

something as simple and as basic as focus.


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Chapter 5. Having the Right Focus


The pastor made the startling announcement that that

deacon had just accepted the Lord as his Savior.


While at church number two, I made a second interesting observation and

that observation took me nearly fifteen years to figure out. As was stated in the

previous chapter, the pastor at that second church had preached a "once saved,

always saved" theme in almost every service. On one occasion, he even said that

a Christian, if losing one's salvation really were a possibility, would be better off

to die or be killed immediately after receiving Christ rather than to live a full life

and probably end up losing his or her salvation.

That pastor was very charismatic. He usually made his point in a very

convincing, dramatic fashion. On one Sunday morning, after he had preached his

typical message, I noticed during the invitation at the end of the service that the

head deacon was making his way to the front of the church. At first, I did not

think anything of his gesture. But then the pastor made the startling

announcement that that deacon had just accepted the Lord as his Savior. To say

the least, I was surprised.

a. Head Deacons Are Not Supposed To Be Getting Saved

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Some went forward and got "saved again" two or three

different times. I thought to myself how strange the

practice of getting saved over and over again was for a

church that preached that you cannot lose your



The office of deacon is supposed to be held by a mature Christian, one that

is sound in the doctrines of the Faith and also capable of leading others. My

assessment of this particular individual had always been that he was qualified.

But there he was at the front of the church trying to become a Christian.

Something did not add up. But at the time I did not fully comprehend the

problem. Over the next few weeks and months, I observed others within that

church that I had also believed to be Christians do essentially the same thing. In

fact, some went forward and got "saved again" two or three different times. I

thought to myself how strange the practice of getting saved over and over again

was for a church that preached that you cannot lose your salvation.

b. Another Strange Observation

In our third church, I saw another equally strange phenomenon. At that

church, the position on the "once saved, always saved" issue was just the opposite.

That time the belief was that a person could lose his or her salvation. Linda and I

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had both taught Sunday school for six years at that church while in that

environment. I had taught at the adult level. She had instructed the children.

One of my challenges as a teacher had been to minister in such a way that

my class members would feel encouraged to become involved in church activities.

I tried to get people in my class to join the choir, to go on church visitation, to

become involved in the bus ministry, to be regular in their church attendance, or

to perhaps even teach a class of their own. I also tried to encourage regular Bible

reading and class discussion. In six years, I tried many things. But nothing had

ever seemed to work. We had other adult classes and I saw that nothing had

worked in those classes, either.

At one point, I came to the conclusion that either most of the adult

congregation at our church really did not know the Lord as Savior or that they

were not growing and maturing as Christians. Then, I thought to myself how

strange that lack of involvement was for a church that preached that you can lose

your salvation.


I thought to myself how strange that lack of

involvement was for a church that preached that you

can lose your salvation.


c. The Two Situations Did Not Make Sense

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Why would people keep getting saved over and over

again in a church that taught that salvation could not

be lost? Why would people not take a more active part

in the ministry of a church that taught that salvation

could be lost?


For me the conflict was obvious. Why would people keep getting saved

over and over in a church that taught that salvation could not be lost? Why would

people not take a more active part in the ministry of a church that taught that

salvation could be lost? Neither behavior made sense. Perhaps if the practice of

getting saved over and over had only occurred once or twice in church number

two, then the matter would not have been so noteworthy. Similarly, if perhaps the

practice of nonparticipation had not been so widespread in church number three,

then that matter, too, would not have been so obvious. But those respective

conditions in both churches were the norm. So I could not just accept either as

mere coincidence or casual happenstance. Instead I pondered both of those

illogical behaviors until I eventually came up with what I believe is the most

reasonable answer.

My answer came in the form of my own experience at church number two.

After seeing many of my friends and fellow worshippers exhibit their own doubts

about their salvation, I, too, began to feel similar emotions concerning myself.

Over the course of several weeks I felt myself asking those same disconcerting

questions. What if I were not really saved? What if I had been tricked into

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thinking that my sin gap with the Lord had been closed when it really had not?

From those provoking, troubling self-inquiries, I learned an important spiritual

truth. It is that when we give the devil even a tiny window of opportunity, through

something as simple and basic as self-doubt, then he will quickly move in for the

kill. At those moments when I had begun questioning my own conversion

experience, he was as it were on my right shoulder whispering into my good ear.

d. Feeling Some of My Own Doubts


Once I had performed that self-examination and had

given myself what I felt were the correct answers, I put

away my doubts and never again let the devil get my

goat on that matter.


During that time while still in church number two, I had experienced

exactly what the others in that church were experiencing. The only difference was

that I had not rushed to the altar to try to redo something that I knew I had already

gotten right the first time. Instead I prayed and asked the Lord to give me a verse

or a few verses from the Bible that would help me know for sure that all was well

between Him and me and to also let me know that the sin gap in my life really had

been closed. Then, as He has done on so many occasions, He answered my

simple, sincere prayer. It came in the form of pointing me to the first five verses

of I John, chapter five.

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"Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and

every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is

begotten of him. By this we know that we love the children of God,

when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the

love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his

commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God

overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the

world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he

that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?" [I John 5:1-5]

As I read those words, I gave myself a quick mental test. Did I believe

that Jesus is the Christ? Yes. Did I love God? Yes. Did I love others? Yes. Did

I strive to keep the Lord's commandments? Yes. Was I absolutely sure about all

of those things? Yes. Was I really sure? Yes, really. Once I had performed that

self-examination and had given myself what I had felt were the correct answers, I

put away my doubts and never again let the devil get my goat on that matter.

After that, if I ever felt even a twinge of doubt, I would simply return to those

same verses and repeat that same short test again.

e. Seeing the Devil at Work


In church number two, he had been fooling those that

had felt insecure about their relationship with the Lord.


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The point of my observations at the above two churches and of my own

experience of doubt is simple. A person needs to understand that the devil seeks

to deceive and to distract and that he has something to entice everyone. If each

individual could only learn those simple truths, then the trials and tribulations of

this life would be much easier to understand and handle. In Satan, we are not

dealing with some wimpy, semi-helpless bad guy. To the contrary, he has

awesome, incredible power, and vast resources.

One should never underestimate his grip on humanity. He has fooled

many of society's brightest minds, including the highly intelligent scientists and

scholars that are caught up in the Big Bang theory and the Theory of Evolution,

both of which are unproved. In church number two, he had been fooling those

that had felt insecure about their relationship with the Lord. Because I had

listened to the same sermons as the others and because I, too, had been feeling

some of those same doubts, I understood what my friends and fellow-worshippers

were experiencing. More than anything else, though, I could see that their

anxieties were being caused by the one that seeks to deceive and distract all of us.

The devil had gotten their collective numbers. He was doing a real good job of

stringing them along.

Based on my several years of studying both of the above churches and

their respective predicaments, my conclusion is that the devil had been within

both churches, both number two and number three. Not only that but he had also

been controlling much of the action. He was deceiving and distracting many of

those good Christian people that had earnestly and sincerely wanted to do right.

How was he doing it? What technique did he use? The answer to that two-part

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question is somewhat simple. But that is the part that took me so long to figure


After carefully considering each situation, I am convinced that Satan was

working his satanic magic on the emotions of the people. Those people, probably

not even realizing what was happening, had been hearing the same wrong line

from the devil each week, week after week. Because they were not well-grounded

in God's Word, they were being taken in by his very clever deception. To avoid a

similar fate among ourselves, each of us needs to be on guard and constantly

aware of the fact that Satan is so crafty with his two devices of deception and


f. The Devil's Persuasiveness at Church Number Two


The devil asks, "If you are really saved, why do you . .



In church number two, the devil had been using the repeated sermons

about "once saved, always saved" to wear down an unsuspecting congregation.

To understand how, one must understand the psychology of the message. Most

people have the perception that Christians are very, very, very, very good people

with the emphasis on very good. Even many young Christians have that same

mistaken impression, that is that we are somehow really good people.

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With that in mind, imagine a spiritually young, spiritually immature

follower of Christ listening to a preacher week after week talk about not being

able to lose his or her salvation, while at the same time, the devil is whispering

words of conviction to that same person. For example, the preacher might say

that once you get saved, you will always be saved. But then the devil asks, "If you

are really saved, why do you drive five miles over the speed limit?" The preacher

says again that once you are saved, you will always be saved. But then the devil

asks, "If you are really saved, why did you have that fight with your spouse?"


Am I really saved? If I am, then why do I do so many

wrong things?


From such a scenario, one should be able to see what was happening in

that church as the devil was literally beating up on the person in the pew. Most

likely that sort of internal battle with Satan was occurring within some people that

were actually very good. But after hearing the preacher's words and then being

constantly questioned and challenged by the devil, those individuals finally began

to break down and ask themselves that fatal question. Am I really saved? If I am,

then why do I do so many wrong things? For many, the fear that may have

resulted from that internal struggle was enough to drive them forward to try to do

again that which they thought they may not have done right the first time.

In the second church, the preaching about that single salvation issue had

probably put too much of the wrong kind of pressure on the good people of that

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congregation. Satan was using that silly issue, called "once saved, always saved,"

to keep those Christians from maturing and really reaching their level of

maximum effectiveness for the Lord. As I have stated before, that is exactly how

our evil, demonic enemy operates. We must be wise to it or we will surely

stumble because of it. Ironically, the devil was using the flip side of the same

issue in church number three to again deceive those that earnestly wanted to do


g. The Devil's Cleverness at Church Number Three

I stated earlier my conclusion about the people at the third church. As

their Sunday school teacher, I had tried every way imaginable to get those people

involved in church activities. But nothing seemed to work. Eventually, I

concluded that either most of them did not actually know the Lord as Savior or

that they were not growing and maturing in Him. As it turned out, the latter was

probably true in most cases. But because of that same issue, "once saved, always

saved," the devil had been producing a totally different effect among that group of

worshippers. Unfortunately, even with the different response, he was still

accomplishing the same tragic result. He has created a condition of minimum

effectiveness among a group of Christians. Allow me to explain.


The devil would quickly come back by saying to the

listener, "But you did not do that, did you"?

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Once again the psychology of the message had played a big part. But that

time it was the psychology of hearing the reverse side of the salvation issue. That

time people were being told that they could lose their salvation. So the preacher

would say that trying to sneak that beer when no one was looking is a sin.

However, the devil would quickly come back by saying to the listener, "But you

did not do that did you?" The person upon hearing Satan's satisfying words would

sit up a little straighter and take comfort in the fact of his or her innocence. Then,

the preacher would say that going to a movie, even one rated "G", is a sin.

However, like before the devil would say to the listener, "But you did not do that,

did you"? Once again, the person would find comfort in his or her innocence.

The devil knew and still knows what many may not. He knew that

comfortable people rarely feel inclined to move. So by being drawn into that silly

debate over "once saved, always saved," the preacher had actually played right

into the devil's hand. The people at that church had been able to find comfort in

the preacher's message because they knew that they were not guilty of any of the

gross acts that were being preached against from the pulpit. Those people could

be satisfied by the clear absence of worldliness in their life. So they did not feel

motivated to become more involved in any of the church's ministries. Clearly,

Satan had seized the opportunity to deceive and distract many of the very

individuals that had actually wanted to do right.

h. The Devil's Work Is Not By Accident

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By his own design, Satan had fed the people at church number three the

very lie that would most significantly contribute to their overall nonparticipation

and ineffectiveness. An interesting note to that is the comment made in the

previous chapter about the Lord's letting someone believe a lie especially when

one understands that the people of church number three were actually very good

Christian people. Despite their general goodness, the Lord had let them believe

the devil's lie. He had also let them find a measure of comfort in their deceived

state. Why? My belief is that they had had the heart to believe that lie. Their

heart had been content to hang onto a silly, insignificant issue rather than to

worship the true, living God. Therefore, He let them do so. For most of those

years, even though I had not reacted exactly as those around me, I had still

believed some of those lies, too.


Had it not been for the good training that Linda and I

had gotten at our first church, we also would have

probably been getting saved over and over at the one

church and sitting on the sidelines at the other.


While I was at the second church, I had been able to understand and go

along with the "once saved, always saved" issue. Then, when I had switched

churches, I had found that I could also switch my views on that issue and go the

other way. Since those opinions are opposite sides of the same issue and mutually

exclusive, they cannot both be correct. Therefore, I had obviously been wrong on

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at least one of those two occasions. But the Lord had allowed me to remain in my

ignorant, deceived state. Had it not been for the good training that Linda and I

had gotten at our first church, we also would have probably been getting saved

over and over at the one church and sitting on the sidelines at the other.


Quite simply, a shallow Christianity in this system

around us is not getting and will not get the job done.


Christians need to be aware of a few simple facts about the devil. First, he

is playing for keeps. Second, the battle is real and he is giving it his all.

Therefore, we must be wise to all his ways or we will stumble as a result of his

craftiness. Quite simply, a shallow Christianity in this system around us is not

getting and will not get the job done.

i. Staying Away from Unproven, Minor Issues

Another observation about those four churches is worth mentioning,

namely that neither church one nor four had dwelled on any of those so-called

Christian doctrinal issues. As a result, I saw in those two churches people that

were eager to get involved. I saw many that were happy in their Faith. I also saw

many that were making a significant contribution to the Lord's work. Was all of

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that coincidence or is there really a very negative aspect to being drawn into the

debate over all of those issues of the day.

Based on my experience, I see many negatives in being caught up in any of

those secondary theological issues. Personally I do not care to ever hear about

"once saved, always saved", "speaking in tongues", or "free will versus election"

again. Those issues have no place in my intellect, in my heart, or in my service

towards the Lord. My opinion is that different denominations within the same

Christian Faith exist largely because of those ridiculous issues and others like

them. The result is that the devil is laughing at all of us because we have

continued to stumble down that same path that leads to spiritual instability and



My opinion is that different denominations within the

same Christian Faith exist largely because of those

ridiculous issues and others like them. The result is

that the devil is laughing at all of us because we have

continued to stumble down that same path that leads to

spiritual instability and ineffectiveness.


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Chapter 6. What the Lord Wants from You and Me


That truth reveals the Lord's overall, basic simplicity.


As this part of the analysis is wrapped up, one critically important truth

remains to be seen and that truth reveals the Lord's overall, basic simplicity. As I

have researched and studied various Christian topics and issues through the years,

I have seen over and over that God is very simple, very straightforward and that

the devil is the one that always employs all of the many complicated methods.

According to the first chapter in the first book of the Bible, Genesis,

chapter one, God created the world and set a few things in motion. Both of those

acts were very simple and straightforward, relatively speaking. In the same

manner, He created the first man and made the first woman, again fairly simple

processes for someone like Him. At the other end of the spectrum, however, there

is the devil with his two great works of science, the Big Bang theory and the

Theory of Evolution, trying to use logic and mathematics to remove God

completely from the picture or to at least move Him to some small corner


There is not any concrete evidence to support the somewhat complicated

Theory of Evolution at the macro level or to support the equally complicated Big

Bang theory at the micro level. Consequently, the devil has taken God’s relatively

uncomplicated acts of Creation and with the help of two unproved scientific

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theories, transformed this whole thing into something that is very scientific and

highly complicated.

a. Taking Inventory of Myself


I began to think that maybe I, too, had transformed the

simple into something complicated and that maybe I

had missed the real point in my Christian service.


By the end of the eighties, I began to think that maybe I, too, had

transformed the simple into something that was overly complicated and that

maybe I, too, had missed the real point in my Christian service. My concern,

however, was not related to whether or not the sin gap between God and me had

really been closed. I knew that that matter had been settled years before. Besides

that, I still had the opening verses of I John, chapter five, to give me the added

assurance that I needed if that had been my problem. My concern also was not

related to whether or not I had lived a good enough life. I knew the spiritual truth

about that issue, too, since the Bible teaches that none of us are without sin

whether we are or are not saved.

Therefore, my concern was not with any of those matters. Instead, it was

with whether or not I had really been and was still focusing on the right matters

before the Lord. For over fifteen years, I had been embroiled in most of the silly

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Christian issues that were discussed earlier. At times, I had even taught them to

others. So during the late eighties, I began to wonder if the Lord would really be

pleased with me for having occupied so many of my years for Him in such



I tried to envision what the Lord would say to me if He

were going to give me an instant twenty-year



Because of the nature of my general concern, I tried to envision what the

Lord would say to me if He were going to give me an instant twenty-year

evaluation. Bear in mind that I had not lived my life in a particularly shameful or

wicked manner. But I was still questioning whether or not He would really be

pleased about my having done as I had. Would He be happy, for instance, that I

had been fairly active in His work for a long time or would He be more

disappointed because I had not yet found the correct answer to any of the above

issues? Just what would He say?

At that point in my Christian walk, I earnestly wanted to know what was

most important to Him. I earnestly wanted to know how to get a hold of God in a

very real way - nothing fancy, nothing spectacular or splendid, just something that

was real. So to find the answer, I did what I had done for almost thirty years.

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b. Going to the Source for My Answer


He will also show the truth to all that really want to

know it and even more so to those who are willing to do

a little digging for it.


I began by fasting for seventy-two hours from Saturday evening until

Tuesday evening. During that time, I prayed and asked the Lord to show me

whatever it was that He was trying to make me or help me see. As a Christian, I

live and have lived by a very simple principle. I do not wish to live my fifty,

sixty, seventy, or however many years on this earth only to die and learn that I had

not done with my life exactly as the Lord had wanted. Therefore, in a very human

way, I try to live each day for Him. I often fall short of that lofty objective. But I

still try to be where He wants me to be and doing what He wants me to do. So

when I prayed the above prayer, I was literally asking Him to show me that thing

or those things that were most important to Him and also those things that He

really wanted me to know.

Through the years, I have many times seen the validity of an earlier

comment and I saw it again on that occasion. The truth is that the Lord really will

let a person believe a lie if he or she has the heart to do so. However, He will also

show the truth to all that really want to know it and even more so to those that are

willing to do a little digging for it. Since I was earnest and sincere with Him in

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my prayers, He gave me an answer that to this day I have never questioned. For

one thing, His answer once again reminded me of His basic, general simplicity.

c. Getting the Lord’s Simple Answer


"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God

with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy

mind. … Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”


After having spent so many years caught up in the complex web of

numerous Christian issues, I really wanted something that would be

straightforward and easy to understand, plus something that no one could ever

possibly dispute. The Lord provided me with just the right answer. The Bible

gives each of us a very clear, easy to understand, straightforward, positive

command relative to what the Lord truly wants from each of us. In fact, my

opinion is that this is the most important teaching in the Bible. Therefore, if a

person can only get one thing right in this life, then my feeling is that this is the


"But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees

to silence, they were gathered together. Then one of them, which

was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said

unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and

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with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great

commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy

neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the

law and the prophets." [Matthew 22:34-40]

Allow me to repeat an important truth one more time. That truth is that

the Lord is very simple while the devil is the one that tries to complicate.

Through the years, I have watched many good people argue over a number of silly

Christian issues. But when I asked the Lord after having spent almost twenty

years of my own life arguing some of those same issues the above verses gave me

His answer. It was then that I really saw His absolute, unchanging simplicity. It

was then that I also saw the devil’s never ending attempts to confuse and

complicate that which is so simple. The Lord always provides simple,

straightforward instructions. Yet people, because they are so easily deceived and

distracted by the evil one, have always quickly gotten off track. Of course, these

things should not be. But most of us know that they are. So the question must be

asked again. What does God really want from each of us?

d. What Does God Really Want From Each Of Us?


In as simple terms as humanly possible, my conclusion

is that He actually only wants one thing from any one

of us. He wants our love.


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Does He require that we be real good so that we can close the sin gap with

Him by our own goodness? No. Does He require us to be brilliant enough to see

through the deception of the Big Bang theory and the Theory of Evolution? No.

Does He require us to understand all the ins and outs concerning the validity of

the Faith? No. In as simple terms as humanly possible, my conclusion is that He

actually only wants one thing from any one of us. He wants our love. He wants

us to love Him first and above all. Then, He wants us to love one another as we

love ourselves. Unfortunately, most of us do not do those things. Even among

Christians, most of us do not.

e. How We Fail Him, Part I


Part of the problem is our never-ending captivation

with all the many silly Christian issues.


Part of the problem is our never-ending captivation with all of the many

silly Christian issues. When a person gets caught up with the "once saved, always

saved" issue, he or she tends to put their confidence in that issue rather than in the

Lord. The same is really true of any issue regardless of which way the individual

has chosen to believe. In a manner of speaking, that person’s love for the Lord, by

his or her being misdirected toward a secondary issue, has actually become tainted

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or impure. It is no longer perfect, and in my opinion that impure heart is partly

why God will allow someone in that condition to believe a lie.

It is not that He is vindictive or mean-spirited. It is not that He wants us to

mess up. But if an individual chooses to take hold of a particular issue and then to

be driven and controlled by that issue, then I can see a Lord that will just back off

and say all right. Go ahead. Because He loves us, He allows us many freedoms.

However, one of those freedoms is that He will let someone believe a lie instead

of correcting that individual and forcing him or her back into submission.

f. How We Fail Him, Part II


Another part of the problem is our never-ending

captivation with self. Most people are naturally selfish.


Another part of the problem is our never-ending captivation with self.

Most people are naturally selfish. They care about themselves much too much to

really care more about either God or others. As was discussed in chapter two, the

system around us actually encourages a person to have a self-centered approach

toward this life. We are taught from an early age to seek our own good and to

establish our own life rather than to focus our attention on the good of others.

Almost from birth, each of us is told that getting a good education and job

is supremely important. We are surrounded by things and taught that maximum

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happiness is somehow tied to quantity and substance instead of quality. But to

please God, one cannot fall for that deception and those distractions. To really

please Him, an individual must be driven by a completely different priority

scheme, one that puts God and others before oneself. While education and jobs

do have their places in this life, those worldly pursuits in God’s eyes are not most

important or even among the things to be most preferred.

g. Let’s Make Sure That We Have Gotten It.

So then, one more time, what does God really want from each of us? The

answer does not involve anything fancy or complicated. He just wants our love,

first for Him then for others. But how does one give that kind of love? That is a

question that I cannot and will not try to answer for others. I can only answer it

for myself by offering the following. With all my heart, mind, and soul, I have

purposed in my heart to love the Lord to the very best of my ability. I have also

purposed to love others as He would have me.

In arriving at that point in my life, I have consciously chosen to no longer

be distracted by the fascinating discoveries of science or by the foolishness of

unimportant theological issues. Now I have a completely new approach to life.

This new approach of putting God first and others second is, in my opinion, the

real key, not only to finding real happiness in this present world, but also to

actually getting a hold of God.


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This new approach of putting God first and others

second is, in my opinion, the real key, not only to

finding real happiness in this present world, but also to

actually getting a hold of God.


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Chapter 7. CONCEPT 2: The Right Approach to Life


Under the weight of all of those conflicting forces, I

eventually snapped and said, "Enough is enough."


As a young person, my life was messed up by the basic pressure to be

successful. Because of a single, untimely aptitude test, I had for years felt pushed

to perform well academically. That pressure lasted all through junior high and

high school. At the same time, I had also felt other forces trying to move me in

different directions. For instance, I had felt a certain amount of pressure just to be

a good person and to do the right thing, plus I had felt pressure to be popular and

to try to fit in with my peers. Under the weight of all of those conflicting forces, I

eventually snapped and said, "Enough is enough." I simply could not take all the

pressure any longer. So I withdrew, rebelled, or did whatever one wants to call it.

a. I Have Not Been Alone

In chapter two, the discussion dealt with what I have seen as a widespread

dilemma for all, irrespective of age. As a young person, I may have thought that I

was the only one feeling all of those different, success-oriented anxieties. But

now, over fifty years later, I realize that that initial impression had been wrong

because I see the same types of stress on faces of people everywhere. Today, most

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young people face an extraordinary challenge as they prepare for their futures.

With them now, as was with me then, they almost have to feel the many forces of

this life pulling and jerking on them, driving them in ways that they do not want to

go and often in ways that they cannot always fully understand. But the battle is

not just with the young. It actually hits all ages.

Once a young person has received that coveted college degree, which of

course is nearly a requirement in this system around us, the pressures of this life

not only continue but in many cases even intensify. With maturity, one quickly

learns that this life can be both hard and brutal. Most everyone eventually

becomes a victim in one form or another to the simple treacheries of just living.

At early and middle age, the pressure is to excel at one's profession and to acquire

the appropriate worldly possessions, such as a nice home, suitable automobile,

and so forth. As one moves into older age, the pressure is to become or to remain

financially affluent so that he or she can continue to project that same aura of


Unfortunately, after a lifetime of chasing those types of worldly pursuits,

many of us often hide a heart that has been hurt, made bitter and hard, and

sometimes even just plan discouraged with living.

b. Too Much Negative Pressure


Young people are subjected to too many negative

pressures too soon in life.

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In my opinion, much of the problem originates from within the system

around us, and much of that problem occurs because too much emphasis is

placed on worldly success. Young people are subjected to too many negative

pressures too soon in life. In many cases, those pressures begin even before the

young person has had the chance to really live and enjoy their youth.

Some parents push their children to be computer-literate. Others want

their children to be reading before they start school. Some push their youngsters

towards academic excellence because they think or hope that life will somehow be

better if their child can be smarter while others push their kids towards high

achievement in athletics because they want them to develop a competitive,

winner's attitude.

My feeling is that none of those approaches to life is worthy of absolute or

total acceptance. All are unspiritual. All are superficial. All should be rejected as

the best or even as really good approaches to this life because there is a much

better way that is neither hard nor overly complicated.

c. A Better Approach to Life


One should strive to live equally well on both sides of

the grave.


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In very simple fashion, one can use basic logic and arrive at the proper

conclusion for how to live this life. That conclusion, which is also the main

theme for this part of the discussion, can be expressed by the following statement.

One should strive to live equally well on both sides of the grave. While those

words do not exclude or look down on being successful or even well off, they also

do not endorse that lifestyle, either.

This idea about right living or about living equally well on both sides of

the grave addresses how one should treat various events in life. It also deals with

the level of effort with which one should approach those events. The main

thinking is that an individual should strive to pay the right amount of attention to

each of life's situations. Paying too much attention, on the one hand, can cause

undue stress and anxiety while paying too little can cause one to fall short of his

or her hopes, dreams, and expectations. In all instances, one would be more

prudent to consider life from both sides of the grave.

d. Looking For That Perfect Balance

How can a person know exactly how much effort to use in any of life's

given circumstances? How should a person who desires to please the Lord

approach this life? In my mind, the single answer to both questions is

mathematical. It is also logical. Applying the right effort to any problem first

involves understanding the importance of the problem. Second, it involves

putting that problem into its proper context.

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In many households, that picture of the young person

starting at youth and ending up with a great job

characterizes their ideal of the American Dream. But

let us complicate the picture just a bit and put that

whole matter into its more appropriate context.


Consider the importance of a child learning about computers and also

beginning to read before grade school. Many could correctly argue that such a

young person might have a head start or distinct advantage over other kids. That

child would most likely do much better in school than if he or she had not learned

so much while still young. That child would perhaps be more motivated towards

a higher education and then as a result of all of those things might someday snag

that perfect job.

In many households, that picture of the young person starting at youth and

ending up with a great job characterizes their ideal of the American Dream. The

child grows up and does exceptionally well all through life, and the whole family

is highly pleased.

e. The Seemingly Perfect Life

On the surface, that scenario does not sound too bad. But let us

complicate the picture just a bit and put that whole matter into its more

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appropriate context. Let us assume that everything in the above scenario actually

does come to pass exactly as scripted. The child does do well in school. He or

she does go to a top university on a fully paid scholarship no less. He or she then

rises to become the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a major Corporation. Over

the course of a lifetime, he or she amasses a large fortune, lives in the finest

homes in the best neighborhoods, drives the most luxurious vehicles, and literally

does have it all.

But then one day, the hearse pulls up to the door and they carry the very

successful individual away. A life has ended and the person inside that life is

gone. That individual, who at one time had started out as a young kid with such

great potential, actually rose to that level and achieved everyone's expectations. In

the eyes of many, he or she would be viewed as having been a great success. But

in the real end, the hearse has carried away a dead body and that person is no more

on this earth. Then what?

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Chapter 8. Dealing with the Reality of Life after Death


That means that there is a sin gap that exists between

each individual and God.


As was shared earlier in chapter three, Romans 3:23 says that all have

sinned and come short of the glory of God. That means that there is a sin gap that

exists between each individual and God. Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of

that sin gap is death. That means that eternal death and damnation await the

person that dies to this life without having eliminated that gap. Romans 5:6-8

speaks of Christ as being a free gift from God and also portrays Him as the only

Way that one can actually break that sin gap. Finally, Revelation 20:11-15 talks

about a second death and says that it is for all that have not received Jesus as


"And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose

face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no

place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before

God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened,

which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those

things which were written in the books, according to their works.

And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell

delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged

every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast

into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was

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not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

[Revelation 20:11-15]

Given that all of those Bible passages are true, then if the hard-working,

ambitious youth in the previous chapter had failed to close his or her sin gap with

the Lord, the result is that he or she would spend eternity separated from God. If

that were to happen, then how important would any of those earthly

accomplishments really have been? Because of Revelation 21:8 and the

information given there about the eternal lake of fire that accompanies the second

death, the answer is not very. That verse says, "But the fearful, and unbelieving,

and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and

idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and

brimstone: which is the second death." The person that had accomplished so

much in this life would have been guilty of doing what many have done.

A large segment of society has devoted all its energy and concern to the

events on this side of the grave and for the most part completely ignored the

eternal consequences of having failed to consider those on the other side.


A large segment of society has devoted all its energy

and concern to the events on this side of the grave and

for the most part completely ignored the eternal

consequences of having failed to consider those on the

other side.


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a. A Simple Mathematical Relationship


If the average life span is seventy or eighty years, then

my opinion is that a person logically should divide that

number by the infinitely large number of eternity to

compute the real significance of events in this life.


This is where the mathematical part of the theme from chapter seven

comes into play. If the average life span is seventy or eighty years, then my

opinion is that a person logically should divide that number by the infinitely large

number of eternity to compute the real significance of events in this life. Such a

computation would quickly show that all of the worldly things which typically

dominate people's thoughts and attention really have very little true value when

compared to the never ending realm of eternity. Therefore, the conclusion to me

is clear. If God, the sin gap, and eternity are real, and the biblical evidence

suggests that they are, then no earthly pursuit has any significance or meaning

unless the individual concerned has first paid the right amount of attention to the

needs on the other side of the grave.

b. The Pressure and Stress Are Real

Chapter seven began by looking at the pressure and stress of trying to

prepare for adulthood, plus the pressure and stress for when one actually becomes

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an adult. Those feelings of anxiety pertain to the physical side of life, and they are

real. So parents that try to teach their children work-related skills at an early age

are not beasts or bad people. From their perspective, they are merely trying to

help their child get ready for all of life's difficulties so that that child can avoid

later problems down the road.

Their logic in that regard is not entirely faulty. Those that have

experienced the hardness of life naturally would like for their child or children to

not undergo similar experiences. If that young person can begin soon in life to

prepare for this life, then perhaps some of that pressure and stress really can be

avoided. At least, that is the parent's hope.

c. There is a Better Way


The solution to this problem comes from Matthew

26:39, a verse that shows Christ's attitude at the time

just before He was crucified.


But there is a better way. It is true that life has a physical side and that that

side requires a time of preparation. But our life also has a spiritual side and that

side needs a time of preparation, too. When a parent tries to prepare his or her

child only for the difficulties and needs of this life, then the needs of the other side

of the grave, which relates to the spiritual side, are usually not being met. When

that same young person or even older person follows that kind of leading, whether

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it originated from the parents or not, and commits his or her life to a mostly

earthly path, then again those same needs relative to the other side of the grave are

not being met. For the person in that predicament, a spiritual void or emptiness

exists and will remain in them throughout their life. It will never be quenched.

Over the course of their lifetime, that individual will not have lived equally well

on both sides of the grave, and that lack of balance will have led to a lot of the

stress and anxiety that they will have been experienced.

The solution to that problem comes from Matthew 26:39, a verse that

shows Christ's attitude at the time just before He was crucified. That verse says,

"And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my

Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as

thou wilt." In a prayer to His heavenly Father, Jesus emphasized a willingness

and desire to do His Father's will, not His own. While He was in the midst of His

own personal crisis, His focus was on God rather than on His own particular

difficulties. That shows, in my opinion, that He was rightly concerned about both

sides of the grave. The nature of His prayer was such that He had put aside all of

His earthly ambitions so that He could do that which He had been sent to do.

According to John 3:16 and numerous other passages, Jesus was here

literally to die for all of humanity. So His example during those moments of

agony provides to all of us an important principle for right living. Not only was

He putting God first in His heart, mind, and soul, a principle that was just taught

in chapter six, but He was also backing that attitude up with His own prayers and

personal actions.

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d. Jesus Sidestepped the Traps of this Life


Notice that Jesus did not fall into that trap of putting

Himself or His needs first.


Notice that Jesus did not fall into that trap of putting Himself or His needs

first. By expressing a genuine willingness to submit to His Father's will, He

demonstrated to each of us how one can overcome the stress and anxieties that are

so much a part of this life. A person must realize that the devil will always

deceive and distract all individuals into thinking that they need lots of education,

money, and things to have peace and happiness. But that is a lie. People do not

need any of those things to be happy or to feel fulfilled. The real need in a

person's life is not for more education, at least not unless the Lord has called that

person into a role that requires additional education. The need is also not for one

of those fabulous, high paying, high power jobs unless the Lord has specifically

placed that person in such a position so that he or she can better serve Him from


e. A Major Source of Stress


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The reason people feel so much stress, anxiety, and

pressure in this life is because they do not have the

peace of God in and on their life.


The reason people feel so much stress, anxiety, and pressure in this life is

because they do not have the peace of God in and on their life. They have paid

too much attention to the concerns that are on this side of the grave. By so doing,

they have almost completely ignored the much more important matters of right

spiritual living. The real key, therefore, to having the right approach to this life

and also to living equally well on both sides of the grave is to totally submit

oneself, as Jesus did, to the will of the heavenly Father. While such a solution

might sound terribly basic or even trivial, it is one which works.

Unfortunately, the devil does not sit casually by and let a person pursue a

well-balanced, spiritually-right lifestyle. He will always try to discourage any

action that seeks to bring a person closer to the Lord. In many cases, his

technique is fear. By still using his same devices of deception and distraction, he

can cause an individual to literally worry or fear about the physical needs of this

life. That is why so many people have put such a high value on worldly things

like education, nice jobs, good careers, and money. We, as individuals, have been

and are being tricked into thinking that the physical needs of today are somehow

more important than the spiritual needs both of today and the future. But that is

another lie of Satan.

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f. Striving To Live Equally Well


We must strive to live equally well on both sides of the

grave. One must be able to trust the Lord in all things.


In our scenario with the young person that had reached the top and gained

it all, he or she in the end eventually died and left everything behind. Whether we

like to hear such negative reports or not, each of us is headed for a very similar

conclusion. Therefore, one should endeavor to not be so easily deceived or

distracted by a very clever devil. Satan wants us to live only for today. He wants

us to only concern ourselves with matters on this side of the grave. That is his

goal, to do whatever he can or whatever it takes to keep us from the Lord. To

combat him and all his methods, we must do as the theme of this discussion has

prescribed. We must strive to live equally well on both sides of the grave.

To follow through on that simple approach to life, one must be able to

trust the Lord in all things. The devil will try to cause a person to stumble by

causing that person to fear for the physical needs of this life. But we can oppose

him and rise above that fear by trusting the truth of God's Word. The Apostle

Matthew, in quoting Jesus, gave us the information we need.

"Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What

shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after

all these things do the Gentiles seek) for your heavenly Father

knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the

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kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall

be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for

the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient

unto the day is the evil thereof." [Matthew 6:31-34]

g. Resisting the Devil

Those that would pledge their all to follow Christ have a real challenge as

they must thwart off the never ending attacks of Satan. The devil really is an

awesome enemy. He is very good in this warfare against God. However, we have

the encouragement, hope, and promise of many important Bible passages,

including the one just given, where Jesus told His followers that God could and

would take care of them. The only requirement for those early followers, as well

as for us today, is that we seek Him first. After that, we become the blessed

recipients of His marvelous provision.

I believe that the passage recorded in Matthew 22:37-39 is the most

important in the Bible. It gives a positive command that everyone can understand.

It tells us to love the Lord with all our heart, mind, and soul and to love our

neighbor as ourselves. In this present world with all the complexities of various

religions, we need the simplicity of that easily understood instruction. But I

believe that the above passage from Matthew, chapter six, is the second most


We live in a system where the stress and pressures of simple life are

enormous. Plus they are real. Just trying to make a living during these present

times can be tough and trying to keep perspective about what is truly important

can be nearly impossible. But if we will just strive to live equally well on both

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sides of the grave by daily practicing the lessons of both passages, then we will

have two very important spiritual principles to get us through. While on earth,

Jesus emphasized and demonstrated both of those truths. He taught us b y

example to love our heavenly Father above all and to love our neighbor as

ourselves. He also taught us by example to seek God first and to trust Him for all

our needs. As I pursue each day on this side of the grave, my intents and goals are

to do exactly as He has taught concerning both of those life-giving and lifesaving


One would do well to remember the simple, even simplistic conclusion.

The devil tries to make us focus too heavily on matters on this side of the grave

and focus too little on those on the other side. That is more of his well-disguised

deception and distraction. But we can overcome him and be well prepared for

both sides of the grave if we will consciously and purposely seek the Lord first

and trust Him to orchestrate all aspects of our life.


We can overcome him and be well prepared for both

sides of the grave if we will consciously and purposely

seek the Lord first and trust Him to orchestrate all

aspects of our life.


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Chapter 9. CONCEPT 3: Being a Faithful Servant

Once a person has received Christ as Savior, he or she may embark on one

of several different courses. Some of those courses might cause that individual to

become consumed by one or more of the current-day Christian issues such as

"speaking in tongues", "once saved, always saved," and "election versus free will."

Many people have already followed some of those avenues and I did, too, for a

while even though none of those paths, in my opinion, really lead to what God

actually wants from us.

a. A Quick Review


My belief is that what God really wants from us is our

undivided love. Nothing more than our genuine love

for the Lord is required. By the same token, nothing

less will do.


Based on my experience in the late eighties my belief is that what God

really wants from us is our undivided love. For me, this is the correct and even

the only path to pursue. While we might try many things in this life and may even

become highly involved in many of those things, nothing more than our genuine

love for the Lord is required. By the same token nothing less will do. Such a

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simplistic approach to life might sound terribly open-ended. It is intended to be

like that. In my mind, how a person satisfies that clear, specific requirement in

their own life is very much their own individual decision. I know what I do to

show my love for the Lord. But I do not feel obliged or qualified to tell others

that they should or must do exactly the same things.


If a person wants to be truly happy, he or she will best

accomplish that objective by seeking to live the life that

God wants.


Over the last two chapters what I believe to be the second most important

principle for Christian living was presented. That aspect of our Faith was shown

to be one of trust where each person places his or her complete trust in the Lord

and looks to Him for their physical needs. Many in this life are too highly focused

on matters on this side of the grave. They have placed too much importance in

education, good jobs, fabulous career, making big money, and trying to have it all.

Yet in my opinion, the individual that wishes to approach this life correctly should

strive to live equally well on both sides of the grave. That means to totally submit

to the Lord's will and to trust Him in all areas of your life. If a person wants to be

truly happy, he or she will best accomplish that objective by seeking to live the

life that God wants. That includes trusting Him to meet all their needs rather than

to pursue and be overtaken by all of the dead-end paths of this life.

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b. What Those Two Principles Are Not

One might think from reading the first principle for right Christian living

that life is meant to be sitting around expressing great words of love toward God.

Similarly, one might conclude from reading the second principle that life is just

sitting around waiting for God to give us everything we need. But as the third

principle is examined, the message should be that neither of those thoughts is

correct. Nowhere in Scriptures or anywhere else do we find teachings which

imply that Christians are to just sit around. In fact, the third principle just by its

connotation suggests otherwise because it is centered on stewardship.

c. We Will Be Held Accountable


According to the Bible, God requires each of us to be a

good steward in this life, with our life, and for all our



According to the Bible, God requires each of us to be a good steward in

this life, with our life, and for all our life as the following words by the Apostle

Paul indicate.

"But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at

nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat

of Christ. For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee

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shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then

every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Let us not

therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that

no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's

way." [Romans 14:10-13]

Because each of us must give an account to the Lord, each of us needs to know

exactly what it is that we should be trying to do. Therefore, we need to be able to

define stewardship. We need to know what it means to be a servant of Christ and

to show ourselves faithful.

d. Understanding Stewardship


The real emphasis to me seems to reduce down to an

individual's responsibility to manage his or her life and

property for another.


Many think of stewardship as the giving of one's financial resources and

assets to the Lord's work. However, that definition, in my estimation, is far too

limited because it does not fully cover the complete meaning of this critically

demanding requirement. A more comprehensive definition comes from the

dictionary. The Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines the word

"stewardship" as "the individual's responsibility to manage his life and property

with proper regard to the rights of others." Therefore, as I interpret the meaning

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of stewardship, the real emphasis to me seems to reduce down to an individual's

responsibility to manage his or her life and property for another.

e. We Are Called To Be Good Stewards


We are caregivers, if you will, of those things that have

been entrusted to us by our heavenly Father.


My opinion is that each of us is called by God to be a manager of his or

her life and also to be an overseer of his or her property. We are caregivers, if you

will, of those things that have been entrusted to us by our heavenly Father. If we

accept that entrusted responsibly, as I believe we should, then no one has time or

opportunity to just sit around. Managing one's life and property requires

tremendous effort. Being a good steward is not easy. It definitely does not

happen automatically or by chance. Those tasks, as we shall see in the next

chapter, demand that each of us works hard and does his or her best across many

different areas of life.

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Chapter 10. Identifying Some Areas of Stewardship


To satisfy this important requirement of caregiver, I

have also tried to apply my own rules for good

stewardship so that I might more fully glorify the Lord

in all aspects of my life.


The significance of being a good steward was backed up by Christ as He

taught others about the importance of being trustworthy. In Matthew 25:14-30

and again in Luke 19:11-27, He shared the same parable about three servants that

had been entrusted with another man's money.

"And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable,

because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that

the kingdom of God should immediately appear. He said

therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive

for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten

servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them,

Occupy till I come. But his citizens hated him, and sent a message

after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. And

it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the

kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him,

to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much

every man had gained by trading. Then came the first, saying,

Lord, thy pound hath gained ten pounds. And he said unto him,

Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very

little, have thou authority over ten cities. And the second came,

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saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds. And he said

likewise to him, Be thou also over five cities." [Luke 19:11-19]

Each was expected to put that money to work and then to have some kind of gain

to present upon the man's return. The servants were not given the same amount.

But they also were not expected to bring back the same return. However, each

was expected to do something and each was expected to return something. The

same is true for each of us. While God has not given exactly the same measure to

all, He has given something to everyone and He does expect a reasonable return

on His investment.

In ordering my own life, I have tried to apply the above three principles for

right living. In the process, I have made numerous individual choices that have

been based entirely on the three. For example, I have determined first of all to

love the Lord with all my heart, mind, and soul, as best as I am able, and to love

my neighbor as myself. Those two objectives combine to make up my number

one priority. Second, because I do love God and do desire to put Him first in my

life, I have also chosen to trust Him completely to take care of me and to meet my

needs. I face each day with the realization that He is my Lord and that I must look

to Him for those things that I require. However, my Christian walk does not stop


To satisfy the important requirement of caregiver, I have also tried to apply

my own rules for good stewardship so that I might more fully glorify the Lord in

all aspects of my life. If there are areas in my life that require attention, then I

want to be diligent and responsive to each. For that reason, I have attempted with

the Lord's help to define for my own understanding what stewardship really means

to me. As I have already stated, I do not want to live my whole life doing one

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thing or even a series of things only to die and learn from the Lord after it is too

late that He actually wanted me somewhere else doing something else. My intent,

therefore, is to get it right the first time and to not be caught off guard or out of

position. In accordance with such a lofty objective, as well as to enhance my own

understanding, I have subdivided stewardship into four different categories. My

goal is to be a faithful caregiver to and over each. Those four categories are listed


1. Care for self

2. Care for family

3. Care for others

4. Care for possessions

My opinion is that the Lord has given most of us those same four areas around

which we can and should organize our life.

a. Care For Self


Paul was endorsing a carefully controlled, spiritual

walk before the Lord, one where each individual would

pay very close attention to how he or she might use or

abuse their body.


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The first area is "care for self." In I Corinthians 6:19-20, the Apostle Paul

taught that our body is not our own but that it has been bought by God for a price.

Actually, it was a rather high price. Those verses say, "What? know ye not that

your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God,

and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in

your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." As can be seen from verse

seventeen of that same chapter, Paul was writing exclusively to Christians. I

Corinthians 6:17 says, "But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit." So he

was specifically teaching those that have received the Lord to live a life that

would glorify God. To put that admonition another way, he was writing that they

should tend to matters of self and be wise about the care of their body since it

belongs to God and houses the Holy Spirit.

In that particular reference, Paul was endorsing a carefully controlled,

spiritual walk before the Lord, one where each individual would pay very close

attention to how he or she might use or abuse their body. How does one properly

regard their body and be a good steward? To me, four aspects of this human

existence, as they relate to this idea of "care for self," quickly come to mind. Each

requires almost constant monitoring. They are the spiritual heart, the mind, the

soul, and the physical body. See Table 4.


An Area of Stewardship - Care For Self

1. Care for the spiritual heart - A proper objective, therefore, as good stewards

would be to do those things that bring maximum profit to our spiritual well-being

but to refrain from those that might harm us or only bring minimal gain.

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2. Care for the mind - A person should strive to develop their intellect in a way

that glorifies and honors the Lord.

3. Care for the soul - As a good steward, one should regularly monitor his or her

spiritual growth by asking some basic yet probing questions.

4. Care for the physical body - It is prudent to be realistic about our mortality and

then to strive to do that which is reasonable concerning diet and exercise.


Table 4. An Area of Stewardship - Care For Self.

b. The Spiritual Heart


The bigger, more important part of this would be to

receive Christ as Savior if that decision has not yet

been made.


The spiritual heart relates to the spiritual condition of the heart meaning

that all individuals should have the right kind of heart before the Lord. Certainly,

the bigger, more important part of this would be to receive Christ as Savior if that

decision has not yet been made. After that another would be to keep oneself clean

and spotless in a dirty world. Good stewards do not expose themselves to

situations which that corrupt the heart. Conversely, good stewards do expose

themselves to situations that could bring an even closer walk with the Lord. For

example, a person would probably benefit by not attending certain forms of

unclean entertainment while that same person would most likely profit from

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regular Bible study and church attendance. A proper objective, therefore, as good

stewards would be to do those things that bring maximum profit to our spiritual

well-being but to refrain from those that might harm us or only bring minimal


c. The Mind


The important thing and also that which brings the

greatest joy and happiness is to understand and pursue

God’s Will for your life.


Next, under the realm of caring for self, is paying attention to the mind.

That in my opinion means that a person should strive to develop their intellect in a

way that glorifies and honors the Lord. A person with a high capacity for learning

glorifies and honors the Lord by exercising that ability and learning much. But

the person that may not possess the same capacity for acquiring knowledge can

still glorify and honor the Lord just by consistently doing their best. God does not

call everyone to be a scholar, nor should everyone have to feel that kind of

pressure unnecessarily.

When I was young, I had felt many forces trying to steer me towards an

academic lifestyle. Obviously, a very successful seventh grade aptitude test had

probably had much to do with that. Today I think that many young people might

feel pushed in the same way. But in my mind, that form of pressure should not

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be. The important thing in this life is not to get a fabulous education, great job, or

to make a lot of money. To the contrary the important thing and also that which

brings the greatest joy and happiness is to understand and pursue God’s Will for

your life.

If the Lord is calling a young person to a life of poverty on some remote

mission field, then that person would be better off in that job than as president of a

major corporation. But the other side of this argument is also true. If the Lord is

leading a young individual into a particular field where high salary and great

responsibility are part of the task, then that individual would be better off pursuing

that path than trying to be a missionary on some distant mission field. Remember

that the important thing in this life is to be a good steward of your life.

Concerning the care of the mind, a person should try to learn what the Lord wants

him or her to learn and to serve where and how He wants the person to serve.

This approach to life probably sounds too simple. But like so many of the other

simplistic principles that have been presented, this is one which really works, too.

d. The Soul


Over time, the newborn child of God should grow

spiritually and become more like Christ.


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The third area on my list in caring for self is the care of one’s soul. My

idea of paying the proper attention to this area of a person’s life is to regularly

monitor individual spiritual growth. According to the Gospel of John, chapter

three, when an individual first comes to Christ, he or she spiritually speaking is

like a little baby. In many ways, the young Christian even behaves as an infant

often stumbling and needing help in some very basic ways. But over time, the

newborn child of God should grow spiritually and become more like Christ.

In his writings to the Corinthian church, the Apostle Paul wrote about

putting away childish things.

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I

thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish

things." [I Corinthians 13:11]

To the Christians in Rome, he wrote about being conformed to the image of


"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be

conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn

among many brethren." [Romans 8:29]

Again to the Corinthian church, he wrote about being able to handle the meat of

the Word, like an adult who is no longer satisfied with just milk.

"And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as

unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with

milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it,

neither yet now are ye able. For ye are yet carnal: for whereas

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there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not

carnal, and walk as men?" [1 Corinthians 3:1-3]

All of those passages, plus a few more, teach that the Christian walk is a

spiritually growing process. Therefore, as a good steward, one should regularly

monitor his or her spiritual growth by asking some basic, yet probing questions.

Some examples are given below.

1. What is my attitude toward God?

2. Do I still love Him above all?

3. Do I still love others as myself?

4. Am I still leaning or learning to lean on Him?

5. Am I being a good steward over all things entrusted to me?

Those are just a few of the questions that a person might periodically ask in order

to monitor the care of their soul and to keep a tab on the quality of their Christian


e. The Physical Body


Some are obsessed by diet, others by exercise, while still

others either with both or neither. What should a

spiritual person do?


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The final element on my list for being a good steward of self is for an

individual to watch over the welfare of his or her physical body. In our society,

many have carried that admonition to the extreme. Some are obsessed by diet,

others by exercise, while still others are obsessed either with both or neither. To

me, the question in this matter is simple. What should a spiritual person do? In I

Timothy 4:8, the Apostle Paul wrote that one only profits a little from bodily

exercise. That verse says, "For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is

profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which

is to come." But an earlier reference to I Corinthians 6:19 stated that the body of

the Christian is not his or her own, that it belongs to God and houses the Holy

Spirit. If the first reference is true, then caring for the physical body does not

profit very much. But if the second reference is true, then one should not take

lightly the care of the body which brings us back to the original question. What

does a spiritual person do?

Since both verses are true, the correct answer to that question in my mind

is something that I would describe as “reasonable care.” I recognize that even

under the best of circumstances that my physical body will only survive between

seventy and one hundred years. I know that I live in a physical structure that was

not meant to and will not last forever. Therefore, being excessive in either right

diet or bodily exercise is not wise because I then make myself guilty of devoting

too much attention to an area of life that will someday cease to be. That type of

extreme behavior would not be striving to live equally well on both sides of the


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To me, it is much more prudent to be realistic about our mortality and then

to strive to do that which is reasonable concerning diet and exercise. Eventually,

the young grow old, the strong hard body becomes weak and soft, and the signs of

youth disappear. Those are the real facts of life and death and to ignore them or to

become overly obsessed with trying to undo them is the plight of the dreamer.

Besides that, obsessive behavior on either side of this area of care giving is not the

mark of a good steward.


Eventually, the young grow old, the strong hard body

becomes weak and soft, and the signs of youth

disappear. These are the real facts of life and death,

and to ignore them or to become overly obsessed with

trying to undo them is the plight of the dreamer.


f. Care of One’s Family

Now, we move to the next area of individual stewardship, and this is the

"care of one’s family." If the Lord has given someone a spouse and blessed that

union either with or without children, then my feeling is that that person, in

addition to being required to be a good steward of self, is also expected to be a

good steward over his or her household. What does it mean to be a good steward

of one’s family? To me, the answer takes two forms. One is physical and one is

spiritual. The physical has to do with meeting the physical needs of the family

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plus the training of one’s children for their future. The spiritual pertains to the

closing of the sin gap and also to the family’s spiritual growth and maturity. See

Table 5.


An Area of Stewardship - Care For One’s Family

1. Spiritual - A good steward must take an interest in the closing of the sin gap of

those in the family and also be concerned with the family’s spiritual growth and


2. Physical - A good steward must work to meet the physical needs of the family

plus take responsibility for the training of one’s children for their future.


Table 5. An Area of Stewardship - Care For One’s Family.

g. Tending to the Spiritual Needs of the Family

The Apostle Paul wrote that a man should earn a living and take care of

his family. I Timothy 5:8 says, "But if any provide not for his own, and specially

for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."

That is the physical part of caring for one's family, and its meaning is clear. The

more important part, however, is that which addresses the family's spiritual needs.

Perhaps that one is not as clear. Jesus was sent to earth to die the cruel death of

the cross. The reason was so that He could be our Sacrifice and make a way for

our sin gap with God to be removed.

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As a good steward of one's family, an individual should

first strive to bring all those in the family to Christ.


According to Scriptures, God's plan is that all should have their sin gap

closed, not just a few. That means that whole families should be living for the

Lord not just one or two family members. As a good steward of one's family, an

individual should first strive to bring all those in the family to Christ. After that,

the second important spiritual need within the family pertains to spiritual growth

and maturity. Parents need to disciple their children and teach them how to live

for the Lord, thus demonstrating their own understanding that being prepared for

the other side of the grave is far more important than being prepared for this side.

Parents need to realize that no matter what they or their children might achieve in

this life, the time will come when it will all be left behind.


There is a time when parents should train their

children to serve the Lord. There is also a time when

they should train them on or at least help them to learn

how to make a living. The two, if done correctly, can

and should overlap.


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In trying to be a good steward of one's family, the spiritual side is much

more important than the physical. By now that should be obvious. But both sides

are important and both sides have their places. From all that has been said, one

might conclude that getting a good education, having a nice job or career, and

making a lot of money are bad things. But that conclusion is not correct, either. It

is true that a person should always put Christ first. But one should also work hard

and do their best in this life, too. That is where balance becomes so important.

There is a time when parents should train their children to serve the Lord. There

is also a time when they should train them on or at least help them to learn how to

make a living. The two, if done correctly, can and should overlap.

h. Care for Others


Like one’s care for family, this area also has a physical

and spiritual side.


Being a good steward, as has already been seen, involves responsible

behavior concerning oneself and also in the overseeing and care of one’s family.

The third area of concern for that person who desires to be a good steward is a

"care for others." Like one’s care for family, this area also has a physical and

spiritual side. See Table 6. How does one be a good steward over others? How

can someone be a good steward of his or her neighbor?

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An Area of Stewardship - Care For Others

1. Spiritual - A good steward must take an interest in the closing of the sin gap in

others and also be concerned with their spiritual growth and maturity.

2. Physical - A good steward must not show favoritism, must attend to the

physical needs of others as well as able, and must not commit unkind acts against



Table 6. An Area of Stewardship - Care for Others.

i. The Physical Side

James, the half-brother of Jesus, wrote that showing favoritism to one

person over another does not show love to one’s neighbor as themselves.

"My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord

of glory, with respect of persons. For if there come unto your

assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there

come in also a poor man in vile raiment; And ye have respect to

him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here

in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here

under my footstool: Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are

become judges of evil thoughts? Hearken, my beloved brethren,

Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs

of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? But

ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw

you before the judgment seats? Do not they blaspheme that worthy

name by the which ye are called? If ye fulfil the royal law

according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as

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thyself, ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit

sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors." [James 2:1-9]

He wrote that not caring for their physical needs as appropriate also does not show

a godly love. James 2:15-16 says, "If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of

daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and

filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the

body; what doth it profit?" Finally, the Ten Commandments also indicate that

committing certain acts against our neighbor is not being a good steward to others


According to those clear, unambiguous passages, each of us is required to

take an active role in befriending and helping one another. In God’s economy,

there is not any prejudice, none at all. A person simply cannot exhibit the love of

Christ and at the same time be tearing down or hurting another. My opinion is

that most of us fall short in this particular aspect of stewardship and this is, of

course, addressing the physical side.

j. The Spiritual Side


Nothing in this life is any more important than closing

the sin gap with God. For that person that has already

done that, not much should be more important than

leading others to the same position in Christ.


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But how does caring for others relate to the spiritual side? The answer to

that question comes from a sentiment expressed earlier about the care of one’s

family. Nothing in this life is any more important than closing the sin gap with

God. For that person that has already done that, not much should be more

important than leading others to the same position in Christ. If God has placed

each of us on a different rung of life’s career ladder and if different people are at

that level that can view us, then our duties of stewardship to others should

rightfully begin there. A large part of any believer’s role in this life, in my

opinion, is to show those around him or her how to come to and live for the Lord.

In that sense, we truly are our neighbor’s keeper. In Proverbs 11:30 the writer

complemented that thought by saying that the wise person will bring others to

Christ. That verse says, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that

winneth souls is wise."

k. Only When We Love As We Should


Being a good steward to others and loving others as

oneself is very difficult. But it is also very important. It

can come fairly easily for that individual that truly does

love the Lord then others above all.


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So then, to be a good steward of others, one’s care must be genuine, not

superficial or phony. We must make ourselves somewhat unconditionally

available to all, ready to help, as we are able, whenever a true physical need arises.

We should be friendly and gracious to everyone, and never should one that

embraces Christ reject or be unkind to another. Finally, we should be ready to

share our hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those around us.

Being a good steward to others and loving others as oneself is very

difficult. But it is also very important. Furthermore, when we fail our failures are

very apparent. One that treats people wrongly is soon discovered. Those that turn

their back on others in need are also soon found out. Even those that do not share

their hope in Christ as they should are soon suspect in the eyes of the unbeliever.

Being a good steward of others that the Lord has placed in our path does not

happen automatically. But with some effort, it can come fairly easily for that

individual that truly does love the Lord then others above all.

l. Care Of Possessions

The last area of stewardship is an individual’s "care of his or her

possessions." The Lord has given us a physical body. We have a responsibility to

care for and develop that body so that it can be used for His honor and glory. The

Lord has put certain people in our life as well as in our path and those that call on

Him have a responsibility to be the right kind of godly person to and before those

people. But God has also entrusted us with various possessions such as homes,

automobiles, property, money, and so forth. Even one’s time should be included

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in that list. So what is one’s responsibility as a good steward with respect to those

types of items?


People that have put their faith in Christ and learned to

love the Lord with all their heart, mind, and soul do not

have any spiritual justification for trying to hoard the

things of this world.


To me, the answer is obvious and I doubt that many could or would

disagree in principle. People that have put their faith in Christ and that have

learned to love the Lord with all their heart, mind, and soul do not have any

spiritual justification for trying to hoard the things of this world. Paul wrote in I

Timothy 6:10 that a love of money causes one to err from the Faith. That verse

says, "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted

after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many

sorrows." Ecclesiastes 5:10, which says "He that loveth silver shall not be

satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also

vanity," states that one can never find or have enough wealth to be happy. The

Bible frequently warns against an unhealthy attraction for money and things. But

at the same time, money and things if used correctly and spiritually can be a

tremendous resource.

To be a good steward with one’s possessions, my feeling is that a person

must be exceptionally attentive to all matters of financial management. First, a

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good steward should responsibly dispose of all of his or her financial matters

whether they are past, present, or future. First, good stewards pay their debts and

handle their finances honorably. Second, a good steward should not become too

encumbered by the drawing power of the things of this world. Third and most

important, a good steward should learn to see all of his or her possessions

including time as potential resources for the Lord. See Table 7.


An Area of Stewardship - Care For Possessions

1. A good steward should learn to see all of his or her possessions including time

as potential resources for the Lord.

2. A good steward should not become too encumbered by the drawing power of

the things of this world.

3. A good steward should responsibly dispose of all of his or her financial matters

- past, present, and future.


Table 7. An Area of Stewardship - Care for Possessions.

m. The Vastness of Stewardship


Instead of being a good steward so that we might

obtain, we should try to be a good steward because we

have already obtained.


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In my opinion, stewardship includes many areas of one’s life. But as I

study the Scriptures, I am convinced that trying to be a good steward does not

have any impact on our standing with God or on our position in Christ. We

should not attend to any of those different areas of stewardship so that we can

keep what we already have in the Lord. We also should not do any of the other

things that have been mentioned in this and the other chapters just because we are

trying to protect or enhance what we already have in Him. Instead of being a

good steward so that we might obtain, we should try to be a good steward because

we have already obtained. For me, the conclusion of this whole matter is not very

difficult. As good stewards, we should learn to work hard, be diligent, be content,

and then to let the love of Christ dwell in us richly.


As good stewards, we should learn to work hard, be

diligent, be content, and then to let the love of Christ

dwell in us richly.


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Chapter 11. The Proof is in the Pudding


I knew that I was in trouble. I knew that I needed help.

I knew that more than anything that I wanted God in

my life.


Over these past forty-plus years, the proof for me truly has been in the

pudding. In December 1967, when my spiritual journey began, I saw myself in

the midst of many troubles. At that time, I could not see a remedy for all of my

difficulties. I certainly did not know what to do to fix those things that were

wrong with me. Eventually, out of utter complete desperation, I called upon the

Lord and asked for His help.

From a theological standpoint, I did not even know what I was doing. I

did not know the truth about God, Jesus, or the Bible. I obviously did not know

anything about any kind of spiritual warfare between God and Satan. There were

many, many things that I did not know. But on the much smaller scale of my own

life, I did know at least three things. I knew that I was in trouble. I knew that I

needed help. I knew that more than anything that I wanted God in my life. With

nothing more to go on than those few thoughts and emotions, I sought the Lord.

Like the promises that are recorded in Jeremiah 29:13-14, He came through for

me not only then but He has continued to do so ever since.

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"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me

with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the LORD:

and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all

the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you,

saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I

caused you to be carried away captive." [Jeremiah 29:13-14]

a. We Have Much Personal Freedom


Theologically speaking, the same statements about

freedom are true. Those in Christ and even those not

in Him can choose whether or not to serve Him. They

can also choose the level to which they will serve.


People that live in this country enjoy a great amount of personal freedom.

As adults, we usually do not have others apart from our employer telling us where

to go, when to be there, or what to do. We are allowed to enjoy the benefits of a

democratic government. We are given the opportunity to make many choices for

ourselves. Theologically speaking, the same statements about freedom hold true.

Those in Christ and even those not in Him can choose whether or not to serve

Him. They can also choose the level to which they will serve. In December 1967,

no one made me take the Lord. But based on my own situation at that time, I

reached my own conclusions, made my own decisions, and then acted


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In the spiritual realm as in the political realm of a democracy, people are

allowed to choose. God loves us. He allows us the freedom to make many or

even most of our own decisions. One of the purposes of this book, therefore, has

been to equip every individual with enough good data about right living so that he

or she can make intelligent, logical choices about the Lord rather than having to

rely solely on the biased data of this system around us. The system around us

does not love, need or want God. Nevertheless, either because of a

misunderstanding of the data or because of poor decision-making skills, many

people make bad, unwise decisions. Many times the consequences of those bad

decisions can be and are quite serious as the examples below show.

b. Choosing NOT to be a Good Steward


A general problem of our civilization is that most

people have an accumulation-mode mentality.


For starters, a person can choose to live recklessly and squander all that

the Lord has entrusted to them. If that unwise choice is made, then that individual

may never reach the point of comprehending the importance of stewardship or of

realizing his or her responsibility as a caregiver before the Lord. The result then

would most likely be a lifestyle that crosses somewhere between poverty and

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hedonism. The individual concerned would probably never even realize what is


A general problem of our civilization is that most people have an

accumulation-mode mentality. They want to have. They want to enjoy. They

want to multiply and stockpile their goods and riches. But they give very little

thought to such things as whether or not they are being good stewards before God.

A large segment of society does not realize that there is such a thing as being

spiritually accountable for the handling of one's life and possessions. But the truth

is that God expects each of us to take care of those things which He has entrusted

to us.

c. Choosing to be Worldly-Minded


What is important is that with success, the person often

finds that "enough" is not sufficiently bounded which

in a mathematical sense means that one can never have



Next concerning the types of bad spiritual decisions which people make, a

person can unwisely choose to consume his or her entire life trying to gain all the

world's goods. That individual may or may not succeed in such an undertaking.

But really success or failure is not the issue. The end result is not actually that

important, either. What is important is that with success, the person often finds

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that "enough" is not sufficiently bounded which in a mathematical sense means

that one can never have enough. With failure or with not being able to acquire

very much, a person usually experiences the other extreme and becomes

discouraged and disillusioned about life.

Either way, the conclusion is still much the same. The individual is often

unhappy and dissatisfied. The devil would have people believe that happiness and

joy are somehow tied to being well off and having much. But the truth is that an

individual would be better off and much happier doing with his or her life exactly

as the Lord wishes rather than to pursue all the things of this world. Genuine

happiness and joy are not related to the possession of worldly goods. Therefore,

the most logical attitude, in my opinion, about worldly possessions, good jobs,

and so forth is to have what God wants you to have and then to do with those

possessions what He wants to be done.

d. Choosing NOT To Receive Christ


The truth is that God loves each of us, and much more

than He needs us, we very much need Him.


A third type of bad spiritual decision is that an individual can make the

unwise choice of rejecting Christ and all that He has done. An example of this is

that a person can intellectually comprehend the importance of Jesus as Sacrifice

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and even acknowledge His qualifications as Savior but still reject those biblical

truths. But the truth is that God loves each of us and much more than He needs

us, we very much need Him. A careful study of Scriptures by anyone with the

right attitude, in the right spirit, will show that the sin gap with God is real and

that only Jesus can close that gap. Therefore, each of us, as individuals, needs to

acknowledge our genuine personal need for Him.

e. Choosing Other Religions


The truth is that Christ is the Way. He is the only Way.

No other path in this life brings the genuine, lasting joy

of a close walk with Him.


Next, a person can unwisely decide to reject the superior evidences for

Christianity and believe the lesser truths of other Faiths. For instance, an

individual can study the various religions of the world and then simply by

ignoring or failing to realize that the resurrection of Jesus is the all-important

discriminator which sets Christianity apart, incorrectly conclude that one belief is

as good as another. As a result of that unwise choice, such an individual might

then decide to live a wonderfully clean and pure life so as to please the god of

their imagination. Or he or she might go the other way and choose to ignore all

such matters and then even ignore the reality of eternity itself. But the truth is that

Christ is the Way. He is the only Way. No other path in this life brings the

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genuine, lasting joy of a close walk with Him. Plus no other path in this life can

bring an individual into a peaceful, right relationship with his or her heavenly


f. Choosing the Inferior Theories of Science


Despite all of those things, their theories still back up to

an unknown origin, one that cannot be proved even by

using their own rules.


Lastly, a person can unwisely choose to reject the superior evidences for

God's existence, for Jesus as Lord, and for the validity of the Bible and instead

settle for the unproved theories of Science. Admittedly, Science has put together

a fairly convincing case. Scientists tell interesting stories about how life began.

They produce video graphics and use big words to explain their theories. They

use the power of mathematics, physics, and computers to make their beliefs look

even more credible. But despite all of those things, their theories still back up to

an unknown origin, one that cannot be proved even by using their own rules.

All that they have really done and all that they can really do is hypothesize.

None of the basic, scientific premises about our origin have been shown to be true

and in my opinion none of them ever will be. Therefore, their unsubstantiated

claims about the origins of this life should not be treated as valid. They certainly

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should not be taught as fact to innocent, naive school children. The truth about all

of this which is so abundantly clear to me is that God is real, Jesus is Lord, and

the Bible is true. Everything else is only unproved, unsubstantiated speculation.

g. Choosing the Superior Evidence


My only regret is that I had wasted those first nineteen



Once again the proof for me is in the pudding. A careful scrutiny of all of

the information shows that Christianity has the superior evidence. Added to this

is the fact that I and many others have by experience learned those truths

firsthand. As a nineteen year old kid, in more trouble than I care to remember, I

chose God. I did not even understand what I was doing. However, forty- plus

years later, I am still glad that I made that all-important choice. My only regret is

that I had wasted those first nineteen years.

Today, while many fear and dread the reality of death, I because of my

hope in Christ can actually look forward to my eternity on the other side of the

grave. Today while many puzzle over how we got here, what we are doing here,

and where we are going, I can have total satisfaction about all of those matters and

not once be bothered by even one of them. In closing, I would encourage each

individual to make his or her own choices about the Lord with great care using the

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intelligence and wisdom the He has given. Any decisions, however, should be

made based on all the information not on just the distorted stuff that this system

around us wants us to have.


Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, and

soul. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Trust

the Lord to satisfy all the needs of your life. Then, try

to be the best steward of your life and possessions that

you can be.


Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, and soul. Love your

neighbor as you love yourself. Trust the Lord to satisfy all the needs of your life.

Then, try to be the best steward of your life and possessions that you can be. The

person that practices those three principles for right living will enjoy the abundant

life that Jesus spoke about in John 10:10. That person will also not be taken in by

any of the five problems that were earlier attributed to the system around us. The

final truth must be repeated one more time. Jesus is the Way. He is the only


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American Dream............................................................................................. 27, 87

At Every Level Of This Existence ........................................................................ 28

Becoming A Christian......................................................... 32, 33, 34, 36, 131, 138

Being Too Self-Centered .............................................................................. 78, 134

Believing A Lie......................................................................................... 68, 74, 78

Bible Reference (KJV)

Acts 2:1-8 .......................................................................................................... 50

Ecclesiastes 5:10.............................................................................................. 125

Ezekiel 28:14-17................................................................................................ 21

I Corinthians 13:11 .......................................................................................... 114

I Corinthians 3:1-3........................................................................................... 114

I Corinthians 6:17 ............................................................................................ 110

I Corinthians 6:19 ............................................................................................ 116

I Corinthians 6:19-20....................................................................................... 110

I John 5:1-5.................................................................................................. 62, 72

I Timothy 4:8 ................................................................................................... 116

I Timothy 5:8 ................................................................................................... 118

II Corinthians 6:17............................................................................................. 44

Isaiah 14:12-14 .................................................................................................. 21

James 2:15-16 .................................................................................................. 122

James 2:1-9 ...................................................................................................... 121

Jeremiah 29:13-14 ........................................................................................... 131

John 10:10 ....................................................................................................... 139

John 14:6 ........................................................................................................... 34

John 3............................................................................................................... 114

John 3:16 ............................................................................................... 34, 36, 93

John 8:44 ........................................................................................................... 25

Luke 19:10 ......................................................................................................... 31

Luke 19:11-27.................................................................................................. 107

Matthew 22:37-39.............................................................................................. 97

Matthew 25:14-30............................................................................................ 107

Matthew 26:39................................................................................................... 93

Matthew 7:7-8.................................................................................................... 31

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Proverbs 11:30................................................................................................. 123

Revelation 20:11-15 .......................................................................................... 89

Revelation 21:7-8 .............................................................................................. 33

Revelation 21:8.................................................................................................. 90

Romans 10:13 .............................................................................................. 49, 50

Romans 3:23 ................................................................................................ 32, 89

Romans 5:6-8............................................................................................... 34, 89

Romans 6:23 ...................................................................................................... 89

Romans 8:29 .............................................................................................. 50, 114

Big Bang Theory..................................................................................... 23, 77, 137

Born In Lost State Of Separation .......................................................................... 32

Busy For The Lord ........................................................................ 47, 119, 123, 124

Care For Family .......................................................................................... 109, 117

Care For Others........................................................................................... 109, 120

Care For Possessions................................................................................... 109, 124

Care For Self ............................................................................................... 109, 110

Care For Self -- The Mind................................................................................... 112

Care For Self -- The Physical Body .................................................................... 116

Care For Self -- The Soul.................................................................................... 114

Care For Self -- The Spiritual Heart.................................................................... 111

Church Number Four ...................................................................................... 52, 69

Church Number One ....................................................................................... 43, 69

Church Number Three .............................................................................. 47, 58, 66

Church Number Two .......................................................................... 45, 57, 63, 64

Comparison Of The Four Churches ...................................................................... 54

Creation....................................................................................................... 145, 146

Dealing With The Reality Of Death...................................................................... 89

Deception And Distraction ..... 18, 22, 25, 27, 29, 36, 64, 67, 76, 79, 94, 95, 96, 98

Devil Is A Liar .............................................................................. 25, 27, 63, 94, 95

Devil Is Not All-Powerful..................................................................................... 31

Different Denominations ...................................................................................... 27

Different Religious Faiths..................................................................................... 27

Doubting My Salvation................................................................................... 61, 62

False Security From The Preaching ...................................................................... 67

Finding Real Happiness ........................................................................ 79, 113, 135

Free Will Versus Election......................................................... 49, 54, 70, 101, 132

God Will Reveal Truth.................................................................................... 31, 74

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God's Simplicity........................................................................................ 71, 75, 79

Grave, Life From Both Sides Of ................... 17, 86, 90, 96, 98, 102, 116, 119, 138

Having The Right Attitude Concerning Stewardship ........................... 17, 108, 133

Having The Right Attitude Towards God............................................. 16, 101, 121

Having The Right Attitude Towards The Important Matters...... 17, 93, 96, 97, 102

How We Fail Him........................................................................................... 77, 78

Ignorance Is Not Bliss ........................................................................................... 19

Jesus Is Way, Truth, Life .............................................................................. 34, 136

Lacking God's Peace ............................................................................................. 95

Learning To Please God.................................................................................. 18, 93

Life From Both Sides Of The Grave............. 17, 86, 90, 96, 98, 102, 116, 119, 138

Living This Life Rightly ............................................................. 13, 93, 94, 98, 108

Loving Others As Ourself ..................................................................... 79, 121, 124

Loving The Lord Above All ................................................................... 79, 93, 124

Many Are Seeking And Serving God In The Wrong Way ................................... 42

Many Christians Are Too Entangled............................................................. 42, 134

Mathematical and Logical Solution ...................................................................... 86

Much Confusion About Religious Affairs ............................................................ 21

Not Bombarded By Negative Sermons ................................................................. 53

Not Learning About The Lord .............................................................................. 13

Once Saved, Always Saved..................... 45, 54, 57, 58, 59, 64, 65, 66, 70, 77, 101

One True Faith ................................................................................................ 29, 37

Our First Church ............................................................................................. 43, 69

Our Fourth Church.......................................................................................... 52, 69

Our Second Church............................................................................. 45, 57, 63, 64

Our Third Church...................................................................................... 47, 58, 66

Penalty For Sin...................................................................................................... 33

People Still Walk Away........................................................................................ 37

Prayer And Fasting................................................................................................ 74

Pressure To Succeed ........................................................................... 83, 85, 92, 97

Questioning My Own Salvation...................................................................... 61, 62

Seeing Identity Of Christ .......................................................................... 34, 36, 37

Seeking Direction From The Lord ........................................................................ 73

Self-Centered Lifestyle ................................................................................... 13, 84

Shallow Christianity Will Not Work .................................................................... 69

Sinful And Undone ............................................................................................... 32

Solid, Well Thought-Out Case.............................................................................. 25

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Speaking In Tongues................................................................... 50, 51, 54, 70, 101

Stewardship................................................................................................. 103, 104

Stewardship Is Not Salvation.............................................................................. 127

Strive To Draw Closer And Closer To The Lord.................................................. 28

System Around Us .............................................. 13, 16, 19, 21, 69, 78, 84, 85, 139

Table 1. Five World-Level Spiritual Problems.................................................... 15

Table 2. My Three Principles For Right Spiritual Living.................................... 18

Table 3. The Four Steps To Becoming A Christian............................................. 35

Table 4. An Area Of Stewardship - Care For Self ............................................. 111

Table 5. An Area Of Stewardship - Care For One’s Family.............................. 118

Table 6. An Area Of Stewardship - Care For Others......................................... 121

Table 7. An Area Of Stewardship - Care For Possessions................................. 126

Taking Inventory Of My Life................................................................................ 72

The Devil's Attempts To Complicate.................................................................... 71

Theory Of Evolution ............................................................................... 23, 77, 137

Very Good At Deceiving Others........................................................................... 26

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About the Author

I. Became a Christian on 12/14/67

II. Married with 5 grown children, 17 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren

III. Education

B. A. in Mathematics, Old Dominion University, 1972

M. S. in Mathematics and Computer Science, William and Mary, 1975

M. B. A. in General Business, Liberty University, 1993

M. A. R. in Bible and Pastoral Counseling, Liberty Baptist Theological

Seminary, 2001

IV. Other Writings

Rediscovering theTruth About Creation (8/19/1995).

That Ye May Know The Truth (12/1/1995).

Finding My Way Home (12/14/1996).

The Truth About Right Living (12/25/1996).

The Implementation of a Special Language Interpreter (7/5/1997)

Career, Family, and Living for the Lord (12/25/1997).

A Commentary on the Epistle of JAMES, Chapter One (6/11/1998).

A Commentary on the Epistle of JAMES, Chapter Two (11/3/1998).

A Commentary on the Gospel of MATTHEW, Chapter Five (11/11/2001).

Against "Reincarnation In The New Testament" (11/22/2001)

What I Believe About God and Why I Believe It (12/1/2001).

I Will Build My Church (Matthew 16:18) – A Teaching Outline (4/3/2002)

General Topic Daily Devotions For A 366-day Calendar (11/3/2002)

Bible Character Daily Devotions For A 366-day Calendar (11/11/2003)

A Comprehensive Study of Matthew – A Teaching Outline (11/30/2003)

The End May Be Much Nearer Than We Think (12/17/2006)

Lesson Plan on the Book of Acts (Fall 2008) (8/17/2008)

Lesson Plan on the End Time Truths (Winter 2008) (10/9/2008)

Lesson Plan on the Book of Genesis (Spring 2009) (2/13/2009)

Lesson Plan on the Book of Exodus (Summer 2008) (3/30/2009)

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Against 'The Shift of the Ages' (5/18/2011)

God's Works of Creation (5/18/2011)

Overview of the Whole Bible - Genesis (10/21/2011)

Overview of the Whole Bible - The Minor Prophets (3/8/2012)

Overview of the Whole Bible - The Gospel of Matthew (7/5/2012)

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