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  • 8/9/2019 The Status Quo Crusher Revolution: A Call to Arms for the Emergence of Humanity 2.0


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  • 8/9/2019 The Status Quo Crusher Revolution: A Call to Arms for the Emergence of Humanity 2.0


    The Status Quo Crusher Revolution: A Call to Arms for the Emergence of Humanity 2.0

    Copyright 2015 Deb Ozarko. All rights reserved.

    Written and designed by:Deb Ozarko

    Cover photo:Patrick Nelson

    Images on pages 29, 33, 44, 50, 69, 73, 81, 82, and 84:Deb Gleason




    - Buckminster Fuller

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    S H A R E T H I S 3

    CONTENTSDisclaimer 4

    Who is this Written for? 7

    The American Dream... 10

    The Culture of Addiction 16

    Breaking Addiction 24

    The Power of Grief 26

    The Journey to Crusher 30

    What Ive Learned... 35

    The Old Story (chart) 45

    The New Story 46

    The Birth of the Status Quo Crusher 51

    Old Story vs. New Story Chart 54

    Who is a Status Quo Crusher? 56

    Purpose 60

    The Choice 62

    The Meaning of Life 67

    Status Quo Crusher Declaration of Independence 70

    The End...and the Beginning 74

    Now What? 77

    You Say You Want a Revolution! 78

    The Unplug Podcast 80

    About the Author 82

    Acknowledgements 83!+
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    DISCLAIMERIf reasons, excuses, opinions, judgement, people-pleasing, fear, and hand-me down belief systems are your modus

    operandi, the words on the following pages will be meaningless to you.

    If surrender means resignation to indifference, these words are not written for you.

    If being means parking yourself in front of an electronic mind thief, this manifesto is not for you.

    If likes, retweets, and followers are what define your self-worth, you will find nothing of value in this document.

    If slogging your way through life in a meaningless job that pays the bills so you can buy crap that you dont need is

    the reality youve accepted, this is not for you.

    If your life is defined by outdated stories that keep you trapped in victim pain, this manifesto is not for you.

    If the culturally conditioned illusion of the external world trumps the truth in your heart, youve handed your life away.

    Please pass this on to someone who hasnt lost their raison dtre.

    Lastly, if Truth offends you, better leave your head in the sand.

    The real you is not a puppet to be pushed around by the stories of a false reality. By reading on you agree to reclaim

    ownership of your life because dammit, you matter!



    - Christopher Columbus!+
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    NOTE:This manifesto was not written to define or convert you. Its a simple invitation to explore a more expansiveworldview aligned with truth. The words on the following pages have been written to remove the blinders and exposethe reality of a world gone sideways. What follows will piss off, challenge, and arouse those who are ready to become

    more whole. This manifesto aims to inspire critical thought and selfless action for a more authentic world congruent

    with the essence of what it means to be truly human.

    This is not a how-to manual with a passive supply of dumbed-down answers. Instead, this manifesto was written

    to energize important questions. Anything in this document that may appear as an answer is simply a step towards

    another question. You already have everything needed in your heart to engage your truth. To assume otherwise

    is arrogant and perpetuates the co-dependent insecurity that comes from looking outside of yourself for what is

    desperate to emerge from within. This manifesto was written to activate the emergence.

    As you read through this document, you will notice the repeated mention of overlapping concepts such as scarcity,

    addiction, and separation (self explanatory but explained in greater detail throughout the document). The only way

    to transform the world and ourselves is to understand the roots of the disease responsible for such immense

    personal and global destruction. By approaching disease from various angles, its possible to dismantle it from a

    broader perspective.

    It is time for each of us to reclaim our essential nature and evolve from the immature adolescent consciousness of a

    toxic paradigm into the wise adulthood of the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

    This is the way of humanity 2.0 the status quo crusher.!+
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    - Norman Cousins

    Photo: Jessie Culzon via Flickr!+
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    WHO IS THIS WRITTEN FOR?Lets start with something really important.

    Status quo sucks!Its a self imploding paradigm meant to keep us small and separate based on the crumbling foundation of conformity,

    consumption, judgement, scarcity, fear and indifference.

    Its also a paradigm that robs us of our passion, our presence, our sense of purpose and also our fundamental need to

    act on our dreams for a better world.


    So if youre fed up with todays selfish, unfeeling world of mindless groupthink, this manifesto was written for you.

    If you know theres more to life than a paycheque, Facebook and reality tv, this manifesto was written for you.

    If the deluge of dogmatic mind-leech messaging in todays culture pisses you off, this manifesto was written for you.

    If the empty gossip of celebrity cellulite, twerking, and shallow vanity makes you crazy because you crave meaningful

    conversation that inspires positive change, this manifesto was written for you.

    If you see beyond the false promises, scarcity tactics, and hype of mainstream culture, this manifesto was written

    for you.

    If youre fed up with seven-step life hacks, four minute workouts, and three steps to insanity, this manifesto was

    written for you.!+
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    WHO IS THIS WRITTEN FOR?If you know that your body deserves more than the latest fad diet, tight buns, hot abs, and gluten-free water, this

    manifesto was written you.

    If words such as Prozac, Lexapro, and Zoloft elicit thoughts of soul numbing zombie food, this manifesto was written

    for you.

    If you are completely fed up with the separation in todays world, this manifesto was written for you.

    If living an intentional life of paradigm-altering purpose ignites your fire, this manifesto was definitely written for you.

    Still with me?

    Then lets crush status quo cause in the wise words of Winnie the Pooh, Youre braver than you believe, stronger than

    you seem, and smarter than you think.

    And the world needs you!!+
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    - David Stevens

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    THE AMERICAN DREAM...We live in a world of delusional illusion.

    In 80 short years, the American Dream has morphed into the most devastating global nightmare to infect the minds

    of humanity. Freedom through material prosperity and self-serving success has caused global oppression, rampant

    greed, rapacious consumption, runaway climate change, and widespread unhappiness. As a species, weve become

    an indomitable infestation of destructive parasites paving the way for our own demise. Conformity, consumption,

    judgement, fear, addiction, lies, and indifference have separated us from everything that matters including ourselves.

    With over seven billion homo sapiens currently inhabiting planet earth, we should feel anything but separate, but the

    widespread epidemic of depression and loneliness clearly shows the extent of our collective insanity. Weve lost our

    capacity to care.

    This is not the end of it though. The outer world as we currently perceive it is a direct reflection of the collective

    inner world of humanity and its evident on a more personal level that weve lost our intrinsic ability to discern

    truth from lies.

    Lets dissect this a little further.

    As a species, we no longer know how to care for our bodies. Six-pack abs, tight buns, shapely thighs, and fat-busting

    life hacks are the paragon of wellness as the fitness-meets-porn industry would have the gullible masses believe.

    Contrast this with the metaphoric couch potato growing sicker and fatter as life passes by in lonely anonymity and the

    collective mindset is poisoned by warped extremes. Culture has taught us that the body is something to narcissistically

    pride or venomously loathe. Either way, weve disconnected from ourselves in ways that permit the carte blanche

    objectification of all bodies, regardless of race, gender, or species. The body as an object bodes well for no living being.

    Were the only species on the planet who has lost its instinctive ability to properly feed itself. The corporate food

    monoliths feed us unfathomable animal cruelty, pesticides, genetically modified organisms, processed junk,

    confusion, and lies. Add to this a multi-billion dollar diet industry skillful in the art of manipulative hypnosis and the

    gullible masses eagerly jump on the latest and greatest weight loss trend even if it means identifying as a modern

    day cave dweller.!+
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    THE AMERICAN DREAM...Mainstream media has created the kingdom of fear. It poisons the mind by sensationalizing the minutia of all of the

    worlds pain. It is the most powerful tool to manipulate the minds of the masses. It shapes beliefs and attitudes and

    defines what is acceptable in order to maintain the status quo. We now have wars on terror, wars on drugs, wars on

    cancer, wars on poverty, wars on germs, and wars on one another. Wars create fear. Fear creates compliance. Numb

    the minds of the conforming masses, keep them running on the treadmill of fear and compliance is a sure win for the

    profiteers of this madness.

    Technology has nullified all possibilities for inner peace. We live in a perpetual state of impatient distraction under the

    guise of busy. We now have so many devices to escape ourselves that weve become hopelessly lost in the mental

    purgatory of progress. Our minds have been iFried into obscurity. Technology may have given us everything we

    thought we wanted but it has stripped us of everything that we truly need.

    The new age self improvement movement preys on our low self worth with empty promises for salvation. For the

    right price, you too can become an enlightened gazillionaire! The endless stream of books, programs, seminars, and

    workshops have reaped material bliss for the gurus of abundance but theyve done little to return us to wholeness. We

    manifest, attract, and affirm with the devotion of hope in our minds as lack lingers on in our hearts. We can talk the

    talk, but the walk still fills us with pain. Weve mastered the feng shui of our furniture but have conveniently forgotten

    that the roof still leaks.

    Like a devious pusher, the advertising industry hypes the mindless consumption of unnecessary stuff to feedaddictive behaviours that create insecurity, unhappiness, debt, and planetary destruction. Weve been taught to want

    more than we need as we chase after the latest and greatest shiny new toy. The strategic planning of obsolescence

    has created the selfish culture of iWant and in the process, our spirits have been stripped of their significance. Weve

    become the zombie apocalypse we so deeply fear.

    All this while the medical-pharmaceutical complex waits in the wings ready to medicate the anxiety born from the the

    appearance we will never have, the food that poisons our bodies, the fear that never leaves, the sense of worth we will

    never feel, the technology that numbs our minds, and the consumption that destroys our souls.!+
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    THE AMERICAN DREAM...As long as we have a cultural narrative that suppresses the essence of who we are - love, compassion, and unity - in

    favour of negative human traits such as greed, selfishness, and fear, we will always exist in opposition to one another.

    Opposition breeds separation and ensures that we are exploitable by the cultural entities who prey upon these negative

    characteristics. Todays prevailing paradigm is one that celebrates, aggravates, and stimulates the ugliest qualities

    of humanity. By inculcating these characteristics and rewarding them financially, weve been seduced into a cultural

    hysteria that has caused us to mindlessly destroy the planet and each other.

    This cultural narrative is the soul thief known as status quo. This is what we call normal.

    But what if our beliefs about health are what harm our bodies?

    What if our beliefs about food are what makes us sick?

    What if our beliefs about love are what prevent us from loving?

    What if our beliefs about self-worth are what make us feel insignificant?

    What if our beliefs about relationships are what perpetuate loneliness?

    What if our beliefs about emotions are what prevent us from feeling?

    What if our beliefs about knowledge are what prevent us from wisdom?

    What if our beliefs about work are what make us feel anxious?

    What if our beliefs about intimacy are what make us feel unworthy?

    What if our beliefs about money are what trap us in scarcity?

    What if our beliefs about dying are what prevent us from living?

    What if our fear of discomfort is what traps us in pain?!+
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    THE AMERICAN DREAM...What if all that we fear is an invitation to become more whole?

    What if all weve been taught is selfish is the gateway to selflessness?

    What if all we believe to be true is a lie?

    What if all weve been taught to believe about ourselves is the greatest lie of all?

    You see, we werent born into this world to loathe who we are as we separate ourselves from all that matters. Weve

    learned this. And just as weve learned it, so too can we unlearn it.

    Unlearning becomes easy when we remember that everything weve been taught as truth in the status quo paradigmof separation is an illusion. If we flip by 180 degrees all that culture sells us as truth, wed clearly see the ignorance

    of this illusion. Its then that we expand into the reality of the truth that has, and always will reside within.

    We are at a critical point in our evolutionary history where we must induce a paradigm shift in our collective

    consciousness. Weve become complicit in a flawed system and its up to us to change it. The world as we know it

    is in an overdue state of widespread collapse. Its no longer a question of if, its a question of when. In order to be

    balanced, we have to acknowledge where were currently standing and it isnt pretty. The world of today is no longer

    worth saving. Its far too broken. Its time to allow it to fall into oblivion so that the more beautiful world we know in our

    hearts can finally be birthed.

    The breakdown that is occurring is a sign that a more evolved idea is trying to emerge. Because this idea is bumping

    into outdated beliefs, were living through startling crisis and breakdown. The good news is that breakdown always

    precedes breakthrough. This is true both in the micro and the macro in our own lives as well as on a global scale.

    These are all signs that weve been living with a world view that is too confined. A more expansive way of being has

    been activated and we are collectively being called upon to wake up to our true potential.!+
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    THE AMERICAN DREAM...Breakdown, crisis, and challenges are evolutionary catalysts for the next stage of our conscious evolution. Whats in

    the way, is the way, as pain and breakdown lead us to greater purpose and solutions that align with the truth of who we

    are. The illusion we call reality is on its way out and the way out, is in.

    When we shift the paradigm from head to heart, we extend our circle of compassion for all life on this planet. Its then

    that we co-create a more passionate, compassionate, loving, and interconnected world that is more congruent with

    what it means to be authentically human.




    - Carl Gustav Jung!+
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    - Gloria Steinem!+
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    THE CULTURE OF ADDICTIONCollectively, our hearts and minds have been cloaked in the shroud of illusion that has separated us from all the

    matters. Enslaved by the sickness of separation, the minds of the masses have been poisoned by the hand-me-

    down belief systems that fuel addictive behaviours and scarcity fears. We no longer feel safe - in our heads, in our

    hearts, and in the world. Its clear that weve been duped - not out of intended malice, but out of the willful ignorance

    perpetuated by the cultural trance.

    Were birthed to the world a cog in the wheel to feed the culture of addiction/paradigm of separation. Unless we have

    enlightened parents, no one escapes with their authentic life. We live in a society that has set us up to fail so that we

    never realize the truth of who we are.

    Weve become a culture of unconsciously conscious addicts conforming to outdated belief systems, mass media,technological trends, dysfunctional thought patterns, worn-out stories, compulsive habits, low self-worth, self-

    destructive behaviours, and excessive consumption neurotically searching for distractions to ease the pain of the

    longing in our hearts to become so much more of who weve always been meant to be.

    Weve been taught to think rather than feel. Our thoughts are conditioned by a culture designed to demoralize us so

    that we support its destructive ways. We rarely think of anything true, beautiful, and meaningful. Its appalling what

    weve allowed ourselves to become.

    Were enculturated into a paradigm that has been engineered to leave us feeling anxious, exhausted, distracted,

    selfish, depressed, and willing to consume what we know in our hearts destroys the most sacred gift of all - life.

    Existing in a haze of unease, we eat, drink, surf, smoke, text, excuse, and buy our way out of the pain that never leaves.

    A hit of distraction and were in the clear. Culture rules. No questions asked.

    The prevailing mindset of today is one of addiction. We stuff our feelings to feed the machine. When discomfort creeps

    into consciousness, better to numb it than to feel it. The blue pill of illusion beats the rabbit hole of truth any day

    because once we know, we cant un-know. With truth comes consciousness. With consciousness comes responsibility.

    With responsibility comes what the sleeping masses dread - change. And so it goes on and on... samsara - maya - the

    endless cycle of life, suffering, death and rebirth caused by the ignorance of illusion and the subsequent denial of truth.!+
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    THE CULTURE OF ADDICTIONMany institutions and industries such as media, politics, religion, corporations, education, and health care have a

    vested interest in how we think, feel, behave, and act. An addicted society is a compliant society. A compliant society is

    a fearful society. A fearful society is a selfish society, and a selfish society is a profitable society. Addiction is fear made

    manifest. Fear is the enemy of truth and the provocateur of separation.

    Soygal Rinpoche, in his international bestseller The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (pgs. 20-21) writes:

    Sometimes I think that the greatest achievement of modern culture is its brilliant selling of samsara and its barren

    distractions. Modern society seems to me a celebration of all the things that lead away from the truth, make truth hard

    to live for, and discourage people from even believing that it exists. And to think that all this springs from a civilization

    that claims to adore life, but actually starves it of any real meaning; that endlessly speaks of making people happy,but in fact blocks their way to the source of real joy.

    This modern samsara feeds off the anxiety and depression that it fosters and trains us all in, and carefully nurtures

    with a consumer machine that needs to keep us greedy to keep going. Samsara is highly organized, versatile, and

    sophisticated; it assaults us from every angle with its propaganda, and creates an almost impregnable environment

    of addiction around us. The more we try to escape, the more we seem to fall into the traps it is so ingenious at setting

    for us.

    He goes on to write:

    Obsessed, then, with false hopes, dreams, and ambitions, which promise happiness but lead only to misery, we are

    like people crawling through an endless dessert, dying of thirst. And all that this samsara holds out for us to drink is a

    cup of salt water, designed to make us even thirstier.

    Todays society fosters so much self loathing that weve become ashamed of everything that is real about us our

    bodies, our gender, our feelings, our sexual orientation, our needs, our purpose, our loveour essence. We may say

    that we value freedom, but when it comes to our addictions, weve chosen our own enslavement. Were addicted to the

    illusion. Were addicted to the lie.!+
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    THE CULTURE OF ADDICTIONAddiction is so pervasive in todays world that it has been perversely normalized. Were addicted to concepts,

    strategies, ideas, trends, and behaviours. Gluten-free anyone? Were addicted to our iPhones, our computers, our tv

    shows, our anxiety, our pain, our fatigue, our impatience, our unease. Were addicted to busy - filling our lives with

    noise and activity, however meaningless and trivial, to ensure that were never left in silence with the truth that lives in

    our hearts. Weve become a culture that is so addicted that were addicted to addiction a population of automatons

    desperately attached to a selfishly separate way of existing.

    Soygal Rinpoche again writes from The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (pg. 60);

    We are fragmented into so many different aspects. We dont know who we really are, or what aspects of ourselves we

    should identify with or believe in. So many contradictory voices, dictates, and feelings fight for control over our innerlives that we find ourselves scattered everywhere, in all directions, leaving nobody at home.

    We are so addicted to looking outside of ourselves for everything in life that weve forgotten the truth that lives inside.

    Weve become so hopelessly lost that our collective ignorance has removed us from all that is real and meaningful. The

    illusion may be normal, but because its based on a lie, it will never be real.

    Dudjom Rinpoche speaks of the unconscious, living corpses that the masses have become in todays culture of

    separation and addiction. Soygal Rinpoche in The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (pg. 17) expands on this

    by writing:

    Most of us do live like that; we live according to a pre-ordained plan. We spend our youth being educated. Then we

    find a job, and meet someone, marry, and have children. We buy a house, try to make a success of our business, aim

    for dreams like a country house or a second car. We go away on holiday with our friends. We plan for retirement. The

    biggest dilemmas some of us ever have to face are where to take our next holiday or whom to invite at Christmas. Our

    lives are monotonous, petty, and repetitive, wasted in the pursuit of the trivial, because we seem to know nothing of the

    better. And so our lives drift on, unless a serious illness or disaster shakes us out of our stupor.

    We cram our lives with compulsive, frivolous activity in order to distract ourselves from the real issues confronting our

    personal inner world as well as the collective outer world.!+
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    Denial makes it easier to keep an addiction progressing smoothly along and, being a lie, its just a better form.

    - Geoffrey Wood

    In its simplest form, addiction is attachment. Attachment comes from the ignorance of truth fueled by the minds

    habitual tendency towards distraction from the authentic Self. Addiction/attachment is at the root of separation and the

    cause of the bulk of todays personal and global problems.

    Attachment can plague us in varying degrees. Its a fine line between habit and addiction and habits easily morph into

    addictions. The prevailing declaration of addiction can be found in two simple words - I cant.

    We often perceive addiction as something extreme. Personified as the raging drunk, the strung-out junkie, the

    compulsive gambler, the sex addict, what we fail to realize is how pervasive addiction truly is on the sliding scale of

    I cant. We selectively label what is not socially acceptable as addiction, but heres the rub, if I cant has a grip on

    the psyche, addiction is present.

    What do I mean by the sliding scale of I cant? Here are a few typical examples:

    I cant give up my iPhone.

    I cant give up Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.I cant give up my coffee.

    I cant give up my cheese, yogurt, sour cream, eggs, (name an animal secretion).

    I cant give up my chicken, fish, steak, bacon, (name an animal species).

    I cant give up my Coke, Pepsi, Big Mac, Whopper, Slurpees, (name a crap food).

    I cant stop being busy.

    I cant stop watching the news.

    I cant not watch(name a television show).

    I cant leave my job to live my dreams because (name an excuse). (Addiction to a story - a false psychological fear)

    I know that its bad for me, but I cant stop smoking (taking tylenol, drinking Red Bull, eating donutsetc) .!+
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    THE CULTURE OF ADDICTIONI cant run that fast, walk that far, write that well...blah, blah, blah. (Addicted to self limiting beliefs).

    I cant, I cant, I cant.

    Along with addiction comes a plethora of ingeniously packaged defence mechanisms designed to deflect truth. This

    is what we label denial. Denial is cunning in its manifestation and wears the many masks of: excuses, rationalization,

    intellectualizing, blaming, justification, minimizing, joking, agreeing, threatening, generalizing, and projecting.

    Its important to note that denial differs from lying. Those who lie know whats true, but choose to speak or act falsely. In

    denial, the lines are cognitively blurred between what is true and what is false. As a result, denial leads to an absolute

    belief in the self-created lies.

    When we peek under the hood of I cant, we see the rationalized (rational lies)resistance of I wont that accompanies the

    fear of change. Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, There are many ways of going forward but only one way of standing still.

    Its such a strange world

    Many people sense their deep-rooted unease on some level as they hopelessly grasp for fallacious solutions outside of

    themselves. Using the outer world to change our inner world only makes matters worse as it takes us further from our true

    Self. As a collective, our addiction to external distraction is the most common affliction in the modern world today. Technology

    is the most seductive addiction with its fast-paced, ever-changing, quick-fix thrills. We no longer know patience, compassion,

    empathy, presence, or how to really listen to one another. Our attention span lasts as long as the latest tweet.

    In his thought-provoking book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispenza writes (pg. 155):

    When we keep the diversion up, guess what eventually happens? We grow more dependent on something outside of us to

    change us internally. Some people unconsciously delve deeper and deeper into this bottomless pit, using different aspects

    of their world to keep themselves preoccupied - in an effort to re-create the original feeling from the very first experience

    that helped them escape. They become overstimulated so that they can feel different from how they really are. But sooner

    or later, everyone realizes that they need more and more of the same to make them feel better. This becomes an all-

    consuming search for pleasure and ways to avoid pain at all costs - a hedonistic life unconsciously driven by some feeling

    that wont seem to go away.!+
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    THE CULTURE OF ADDICTIONOur addiction to sameness ensures the cultural of conformity. We fear our true selves. We fear our souls. Conformity

    removes us from the sacred essence of who we are meant to be. It traps us in the paradigm of scared. Scared is the

    sacred within our hearts forgotten.

    The most ubiquitous addiction imposed on the collective psyche is found in the violent belief system surrounding the

    consumption of animal flesh and secretions. We destroy animals en masse as we grasp at false truths derived through

    our own arrogance. To complicate matters, the addiction to these foods alters brain chemistry and renders the mind

    incapable of the critical thought required to return to the spiritual essence that unites all life. Weve become mentally

    addicted to a cruelty-based belief system and physiologically addicted to the consumption-based effects that accompany

    it. The machine reaps such outrageous profit from this psycho/physiological addiction that it goes out of its way to ensure

    its survival. Is it any wonder why the violence inherent in this barbaric industry is cloaked in such impenetrable secrecy.

    Because of our flippant cultural acceptance, weve become a relentless force of merciless violence wreaking planetary

    havoc from our voracious appetite for the flesh of suffered corpses. We are fine with our beliefs as long as they support

    the illusion of human superiority. Gratuitous violence can be found in every dollar spent to feed the machine. Do it

    again. Kill for me so I can feed my addiction is the message conveyed as we dole out our cash for the shrink wrapped,

    sanitized body parts of the brutalized corpses that line the grocery store shelves. Factory farmed vs. grass-fed, free

    range, local, organic no matter how we phrase it, feel-good labels warp the mind but not the truth. Slaughter is

    murder, end of story. Every dollar spent is a reflection of our beliefs a vote for the way we choose to see the world. This

    vote, as insignificant as we may perceive it to be, is of critical importance. Its a vote we can collectively leverage to createmassive destruction or paradigm shifting transformation. This is the power of free will. To be conscious or not to be

    conscious this is the ultimate question.

    Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. - Thomas Edison

    Venerable Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in his 2010 talk titled Eating for Peace: Mindful Consumptionsaid:

    In the US, animals raised for food are fed more than eighty percent of the corn we grow and more than ninety-five

    percent of the oats. We are eating our country, we are eating our earth, we are eating our children. And I have learned

    that more than half the people in this country overeat.!+
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    THE CULTURE OF ADDICTIONMindful eating can help maintain compassion within our heart. A person without compassion cannot be happy, cannot

    relate to other human beings and to other living beings. And eating the flesh of our own son is what is going on in the

    world, because we do not practice mindful eating.

    Every one of us can transform himself or herself into a bodhisattva doing the work of awakening. Because only

    awakening can help us to stop the course we are taking, the course of destruction.

    Who have we become to demand the destruction of so much life with the addiction that fuels our beliefs, choices,

    behaviours, and actions?

    Gandhi once said, The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

    His words speak to a deep truth about the quality of our relationship with non-human animals that mirrors where we

    are in our collective evolution.

    Why, despite our unconscious choices, do we still gravitate so innately towards animals and nature? The answer is easy

    because animals and nature are truth. They were never indoctrinated into the lie. They only become part of the lie when we

    impose our separation-based belief systems on them, and then they become the tragic victims of our addiction to the lie.

    Dont you think we owe it to the animals, the natural world and ourselves to evolve into the more compassionate

    species weve always been meant to be?

    To have compassion means to have passion for all things, not just between two people, but for all human

    beings, for all things of the earth, the animal, the trees, everything the earth contains. When we have such

    compassion we will not despoil the earth as we are doing now, and we will have no wars.

    - Jiddu Krishnamurti

    I used to think that it was the walls of slaughterhouses that needed to be demolished in order to live in a more peaceful

    world. What Ive come to realize is that its the walls around our hearts that must be demolished before we are ever to

    live peacefully within ourselves and with all others. As long as the walls around our hearts exist, it wont matter how

    many walls of oppression are demolished because there will always be other forms of oppression to replace them.!+
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    THE CULTURE OF ADDICTIONThe human heart has the capacity to hold an enormous amount of love and compassion. We are a species that is designed

    for compassion. By our very nature, we are compassionate. Anything less than that is the lie weve accepted to separate

    us from all other life. The reason we do what we do to those we perceive as other is because were asleep at the wheel.

    We are the only species on the planet who doesnt know who we are because weve bought into the illusion of separation.

    If we were to remember who we really are, we would never be able to treat others the way we do with our choices,

    behaviours, and actions. Our spiritual amnesia is destroying the most sacred gift of all life.

    What can we expect from an insane culture except more insanity? We have the choice to live the lie or not. Were the ones

    who created it. Were the ones who can un-create it. Just as weve chosen ignorance, so too can we choose truth. Its only

    possible for truth to become the dominant force on the planet when we allow ourselves to remember the unity that lives

    in our hearts. The most important thing that we can do in our lifetime is to dare to care about the sacredness of life forall living beings.

    To break free from the culture of addiction is not to use yesterdays solutions, but to dare to think the previously

    unthinkable, to speak the previously unspeakable, and to act in ways that were once out of the realm of consciousness.

    When I cant becomes I can we free ourselves from the mental confines of old patterns and beliefs and new

    possibilities emerge. When I can becomes I will and is followed by congruent action, the paradigm is forever altered.

    Once we expose ourselves to truth we break the cultural addiction and everything changes. We start asking questions that

    engage critical thought as we liberate ourselves from the hand-me down belief systems that have trapped us in addictive

    thought patterns created by the paradigm of separation. As we grow and expand, our circle of compassion expands, our

    worldview expands and were able to see truth more clearly. As we expand, we experience more meaning in our lives.

    When we set our hearts free - with no barriers to entry - we awaken to the truth that has been existent within us all

    along. Its then that we heal our collective wounds and live from the passion and purpose required to co-create a more

    loving and peaceful world.

    Once freed from the culture of addiction, its impossible to ever conceive being a part of it. We become the status quo

    crushing force of nature that the world so desperately needs.!+
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    1. STOP:The stories, excuses, habitual

    patterns. STOP the mental noise!

    2. BREATHE:Intentionally. Eyes closed,

    into your heart.


    begins with you.

    4. FEEL WHAT IS REAL:No labels,

    judgment, or edits. Let it out!

    5. ACT FROM TRUTH:Be authentic and

    congruent with what is real for you.

    No excuses.

    6. DARE TO CARE:Connect to your heart

    and let it lead the way.

    7. INSPIRE OTHERS:The power of

    example - be the change.

    8. REPEAT:Enough said!!+
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    Photo: Huffington Post



    - E.A. Bucchianeri!+
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    THE POWER OF GRIEFWhy write about grief in a status quo crusher revolutionary manifesto?

    Because grief is something we all share - whether were conscious of it or not.

    Grief is a taboo word in the status quo paradigm of separation. In an unfeeling world where the labels of good and

    bad pervert what is perfectly natural (i.e. feelings and emotions), grief is considered a social faux pas. Its suppressed,

    repressed, oppressed, stuffed, analyzed, downplayed, medicated, and ignored. Left unattended, it finds ugly ways to

    express itself through the likes of chronic depression, fibromyalgia, tumours, anxiety, emotional paralysis, addiction,

    and a host of other unpleasant maladies. There are no shortcuts from pain to peace.

    Grief is a complex beast deserved of the utmost respect. It cannot be controlled, comforted, or rushed. It must be

    honoured for what it is - an intricate visceral response to the finality of loss. We cannot think our way out of grief. Until

    we allow ourselves to feelthe enormity of its power, we will forever be hostage to its pain. A status quo crusher knows

    that the only way out of grief is to succumb to its pain. A status quo crusher also knows that they can never become

    the most fully expressed version their authentic Self with the burden of prolonged grief weighing them down. Grief is a

    process with its own delicate timeline, but it was never meant to become an identity.

    Grief is the price we pay for love but it should never prevent us from loving. When we allow grief to move through us as it

    is meant to, we greatly expand our capacity to love. Wherever we find grief authentically expressed, love is close at hand.

    One cannot exist without the other. Grief reveals to us the frailty of our humanity. When we surrender to its power, we

    are transformed. When we allow it to bring us to our knees, we emerge more whole and become solidly grounded in the

    core of our authentic being. This is when we no longer just feel love, we embody it.

    In The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Sogyal Rinpoche writes (pg. 320):

    Whatever you do, dont shut off your pain; accept your pain and remain vulnerable. However desperate you become,

    accept your pain as it is, because it is in fact trying to hand you a priceless gift: the chance of discovering what lies

    behind sorrow. Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can

    become your greatest ally in your lifes search for love and wisdom.!+
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    THE POWER OF GRIEFSo many people fear the pain of loss that they never allow themselves to love. This avoidance of love is at the root of many

    of todays problems. Could this be why we live in such a spiritually desolate world so devoid of kindness and compassion?

    The only possible outcome of love held back is loneliness, pain, and a lifetime of regret. The pain of the could haves,

    should haves and would haves is far greater than all else because it lingers in the heart as a constant reminder of

    who we never allowed ourselves to become. Our fear of pain is what creates our lack of love. Grief and pain are what lead

    us to love. We can only love as deeply as we grieve.

    Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth.

    - Benjamin Disraeli

    Most of us are grieving something. We grieve the childhood we never had, the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship,or the death of an animal companion. We grieve the clearcut forests, the billions of animals killed for food, the dying

    oceans, the innocent victims of senseless wars the state of the world. We grieve what we love and lose and it hurts.

    When were deep in the throes of grief, its like were trapped on a leaky boat in the middle of a turbulent ocean without

    compass, paddle, rudder, or sail. We have no control over direction, and even if we did, were clueless about which way to

    turn. In the fleeting moments of clarity, were ambushed by forceful waves of anguish that have us clinging for dear life to

    the hope that one day it will end. Were utterly lost in the prodigious sea of uncertainty.

    Loss of any kind creates an abrupt identity crisis. The identity we once knew no longer applies. Were no longer somebodys

    daughter, son, partner, friend, or companion. Were no longer the person we once knew ourselves to be. Were not only

    thrown into the manic sea of uncertainty, were thrown into crisis over who we are with no idea of who we are about to

    become. Uncertainty can be a frightening place when the mind resists its inevitable intrusion. When the heart takes the

    lead however, uncertainty is liberation.

    A sense of identity is critical in how we move through the world. When this foundational component of our being is

    disrupted, it forces us to search. Many remain lost as they aimlessly grasp at a false sense of hope or illusory solutions

    in an external world. At best, they remain trapped in low-grade unhappiness a self-created purgatory. At worst, they

    succumb to life-numbing addiction a self-created hell.!+
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    THE POWER OF GRIEFParadoxically, the return to Self is surrender letting go of all semblance of control with trust in the process, faith in the

    outcome, and unwavering belief that the universe will always lead the way towards the next smallest step. Its important

    to note that surrender does not mean giving up. Rather, surrender is living where most fear to live. It means dropping all

    thought, following the internal impulse, and free falling with faith into the unknown while knowing from what lives in the

    heart that everything will be ok.

    With trust as the compass and faith as the rudder, the sea of uncertainty becomes navigable as we captain our ship

    towards a brave new world.

    It takes courage to look within, but when we do, we reveal the essence of who we are the authentic being of presence, the

    internal compass of truth, and the limitless reservoir of love. We allow our soul to emerge as it eagerly guides us towards amore expansive way of being.

    Grief helps us redefine ourselves and has the tremendous capacity to lead us towards a profound sense of purpose. The

    humbling beauty of grief is how it reveals our immense capacity to love. Through surrender, were able to release the

    limitlessness of our core being and evolve into the person weve always been meant to be a heart-powered status quo

    crusher with a selfless mission to leave the world a better place.




    -Author Unknown!+
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    - Leo Tolstoy!+
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    THE JOURNEY TO CRUSHEROn January 28, 2010, my mother died.

    It was sudden. It was ugly. It was complicated.

    I was denied the chance to say goodbye. I was robbed of closure.

    The story is unimportant, but the remaining reality is that a dear friend, confidante, supporter, nurturer and all around

    amazing human being was gone. Forever. In the blink of an eye.

    Not only did I lose someone I loved so deeply that I felt a part of myself die, I also lost the privilege of caring for her as she

    always had for me. Selfish, perhaps, but honest nonetheless.

    My world was forever altered never to be the same.

    What followed was a tumultuous period of grief, anger, self-loathing, uncertainty, and a depression that overwhelmed my

    soul. A year and a half of emotional turmoil ending with a final debilitating crash. Six weeks of hell where I could barely

    care for my own basic needs the dark night of the soul.

    Depression was not something I knew much about.

    I was hopelessly lost.

    Its not news that depression is rampant in todays cultural makeup and not at all surprising in a culture that feeds the

    suppression of authentic expression emotional or otherwise. The truth about depression that Ive since discovered is that

    its simply a blanket term for unresolved emotions. And I was guilty of just that the suppression of unresolved emotions. I

    couldnt cope. Grieving my mother brought up so many other parts of my life that I need to grieve. I was overwhelmed.

    Im normally the type of person who expresses feelings without reservation, but in this case Id made the unconscious

    decision to distract myself from feeling the full depth of loss by signing up for an Ironman triathlon. For those who dont

    know Ironman, it is an all-consuming venture requiring immense physical, mental, and emotional bandwidth for months

    on end. Ironman became the ideal mind/body distraction to ignite the perfect future storm.!+
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    THE JOURNEY TO CRUSHERIt wasnt until I crossed the Ironman finish line that I finally crashed. I thought I would discover the real me when I heard

    the words Deborah Ozarko, you are an Ironman but it only highlighted the agony of my emotional pain. The emptiness feltat this symbolic line engulfed my soul and I plummeted head-first into the emotional abyss that Id strategically dodged

    until that moment. I was soon to learn that it never was about becoming an Ironman, it was about becoming so much more.

    The Ironman finish line became the metaphorical start line for a whole new me.

    Six weeks of tenacious depression became the universal prerequisite to jolt me into an awakening. Eventually I reached a

    threshold where I was so sick of myself that I knew that something needed to change. That something was me.

    Emerging from the abyss, I searched for solutions that guided me on an intensive 18 month spiritual journey of healing.

    I found the courage to face the all-encompassing darkness head on as I opened my heart to the pain I once feared.

    There were endless layers of grief, but as they dissolved, I felt myself expand. As my heart healed, I discovered a passion

    for life that opened me up to so much more.

    I unplugged from status-quo and simplified my life to what mattered most: passion, presence, purpose, gratitude,

    spontaneity, laughter, kindness, compassion, service, and love.

    Whether we lose someone dear to us, experience a health crisis, or are blind-sided by personal tragedy, were quickly

    snapped into the reality that today this very moment is a beautiful gift that must be cherished with our full presence. A

    wake-up call to feel, heal, and be real.With that, I developed an insatiable hunger to get to know the real me.

    Ive always been a critical thinker with a deep connection to my core values of love and compassion. These essential values

    have been the primary drivers of my life. I discovered however, that although Ive lived my life with integrity and purpose,

    my deepest core gifts to the world had been seriously under-utilized. It wasnt until my world was tragically altered that

    I was jolted into the stark reality of the brevity of life. As I looked at my mirrored reflection one day, I felt a palpable shift.

    I knew that I was looking into the eyes the soul of the person who was ready to step up like never before. When my

    mother died, my identity was altered from daughter to orphan. As I healed however, I realized that I was so much

    more than a premature orphan with a story of tragedy I was a leader, a champion, a role model, an educator, and an!+
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    THE JOURNEY TO CRUSHERinspirational force to be reckoned with. I had become part of a revolutionary awakening of consciousness sweeping the

    planet. I became someone who was prompted by a calling to live authentically with a deep sense of purpose in order toleave the world a better place where I could say on my deathbed, I lived the greatest expression of Deb Ozarko possible.

    I lived my calling and didnt hold back. I became someone who could provide hope and transform lives by inspiring the

    union of head with heart simply by being the best version of myself guided by purpose and telling my story.

    My personal journey towards wholeness was challenging, emotional, beautiful, dark, inspiring, frustrating, humbling,

    heartbreaking, and enlightening.

    Ironically, the greatest gift received from losing someone I loved so dearly, was the gift of life. My own darkness, once

    exposed to the light, generated more light than I could possibly imagine. It was this light that revealed a vibrant passion forevery single breath. Every single heartbeat. Every single moment.

    My soul was fully alive. Death taught me to live more fully right now.

    This awakening has given me an expansive worldview where I now witness the world from the lens of someone who sees

    the current illusory reality as a means to a necessary end so that something more authentic to the heart of humanity

    can be birthed. The possibilities for a new reality are endless - and have been all along. Ive come to discover that there

    are only four things that matter - life, purpose, service, and love. With this realization, a new paradigm has already been

    birthed in my heart and my mission is to enlist an army of compassionate warriors to join me as we collectively leave the

    old world behind. My intention is to serve my greater purpose of inspiring others to embrace the infinite potential within

    that has been culturally repressed for far too long. When we wake up to the beauty inside ourselves, we wake up to the

    beauty within all. Its then that we forever alter reality.

    This is the birth of the status quo crusher. A person who lives with passion, lives with purpose and changes the world by

    first transforming their own world. A person who fearlessly breaks ground for an entirely new paradigm by becoming the

    invitation for others to explore a kinder, more compassionate and interconnected way of being.!+
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    WHAT IVE LEARNED...Many years ago a wise friend said to me that sometimes we have to lose ourselves to find ourselves. In fact, I now believe

    that the only way to reveal who weve always been meant to be is to lose who weve always thought ourselves to be.

    What is it that snaps us out of the comfort zone of mediocrity? For many of us, a rapid awakening occurs through

    tragedy when the world we think is real is demolished by an event so sudden that were forced to examine our perceived

    identity. Reality as we once knew it, forever altered, forces us to look within our hearts for the only real salvation truth.

    The grounds for a new reality become fertile for growth as the previously suppressed seeds of our essential nature are

    activated by the deep desire for transformation. To heed the wake up call is to never again see the world as it once was.

    This equates to a quantum leap in consciousness. To use the metaphor from the movie The Matrix, to swallow the red pill

    of awakening means forever leaving the illusion of ignorance in favour of the reality of truth. The truth is indeed the only

    thing that will ever set us free.

    Being fully alive in a world trapped in a culturally conditioned coma is not easy. The monotonous conformity of a fearful

    species of voracious consumers makes me want to scream from the highest mountaintop - WAKE UP!But I know

    this will only fall on the deaf ears of a humanity that has lost its desire for autonomous expression. Instead, I have

    come to realize that the most potent inspiration for those with the flickering of awakening in their hearts is, in the

    wise words of Mahatma Ghandi, to be the change that I wish to see in the world. To define this world is to define the

    purest version of my Self. So with this I ask, what is the change that I wish to see in the world and who must I become to

    embody this change? My answer: The world that I wish to see is a loving world where compassion for all living beings -

    without exception - is the norm. The world that I wish to see is one where every human soul is expressed with uneditedauthenticity; where selfless trumps selfish; where simplicity, community, purpose, and creative expression are what make

    the world go around. The world I wish to see is a world where love obliterates fear and separation is replaced by unity;

    where indifference is replaced by passion, and the toxicity of judgement is relegated to the history books of a primitive

    species who once lost its way. To live in this world, I must first embrace these qualities and embody the powerful truths

    existent in my core. Embodiment is awakening. Awakening is enlightenment. Enlightenment is remembering that there is

    nobody I have to be except the most fully expressed version of who I was birthed to be. This is a deep truth that applies to

    each and every one of us.!+
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    WHAT IVE LEARNED...Awakening emerges from transformation which takes dedicated work. Like an athlete who strives with unwavering

    commitment to be the best at their sport, the spiritual athlete strives with unwavering commitment to be the mostauthentically expressed version of their highest Self. Despite days where performance may falter, the outstanding athlete

    never gives up. The same applies to the spiritual athlete. Being the best at anything including being the best version of

    our authentic Self means conscious perseverance with purposeful passion fueled by the power of the heart.

    I was once asked how I maintain such a focused attitude of inspired hope as the world we know unravels around us.

    My answer I refuse to live in a world where there is no hope. I believe in the transformative power of the human heart

    and have faith it will materialize in ways that alter the course of humanity. Either that or we perish. Personally, I dont

    like the alternative so I choose the long shot of awakening. I recognize that Im either naive or tapped into something

    greater. In my heart, I firmly believe the latter. I refuse to live in the shadows of how others live - or of what might becomeshould the sleeping masses continue their reckless pursuit towards self-annihilation. When we own the truth of our

    potential and trust ourselves enough to engage it, miracles happen with ease. I can speak with confidence to this fact.

    My journey of healing united me with truth. I connected with my heart. I found peace in pain. I found strength in faith. I

    learned to welcome the absence of certainty to allow the emergence of who Ive always been meant to be. Above all else, I

    focused on how I could leave the world a better place by serving in ways that inspire others to engage the limitlessness of

    their own potential.

    The frailty of life prompted me to ponder the end of mine with heartfelt sincerity. How could I live my life right now as the

    greatest expression of Deb Ozarko so there would be no regrets on my last exhale? By living each moment with the end

    in mind - essentially living backwards - I realized that there are no regrets. I know the legacy of awesome that I will leave

    because Im living it now. I know how I will leave the world a better place because Im living it now. I know how people will

    remember me because theyre experiencing all of me now. By living each day with the end in mind, Ive freed my soul and

    liberated my mind for the daily opportunities to live more, give more, be more, and love more.

    Along my journey Ive learned many profound truths that I will share in the hopes that they will resonate with you.

    (Note: Ive learned the hard way so that you dont have to).!+
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    WHAT IVE LEARNED...1) There are few absolutes in life:

    The only certainty is uncertainty.

    The only constant is change.

    The comfort zone will always conne.

    What you dont know that you dont know will always be greater than everything that you know.

    Everything in the physical world will die.

    Wisdom (the heart)always trumps knowledge (the intellect).

    There is only one you.

    You are here to leave the world a better place.

    Love is all that matters.When these absolutes are accepted, embraced, and embodied, life takes on indescribable meaning.

    2) Where fear stops us, this is where we need to go. Fear is an invitation from the soul to expand and become more.

    Courage is not the absence of fear. Its the willingness to act in spite of it.

    3) Theres no value in creating the future from the past. Wisdom doesnt come from attaching to what once was, it comes

    from becoming better because of what once was.

    4) Wisdom is the embodiment of knowledge. Wisdom has soul. Wisdom is truth. Its never about what we know or what

    weve learned, its about who we become as a result of what weve learned. Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens.Wisdom changes the world.

    5) When we live life from the inside-out rather than the outside-in, we become who weve always been meant to be.

    Were powered by the truth in our hearts rather than the culturally imposed beliefs of an outdated paradigm.

    6) Life is simple in both its joy and its pain. Everything else is a story. Get over it. Live life - dont let it live you.

    7) We are all exquisite creators. Each of us has a purpose unique to our being. It is our duty to express this purpose

    without reservation. Anything less and we not only rip ourselves off, we rip the world off. The greatest purpose that we

    all share is to experience the fullest glory of life by being the greatest version of who weve always been meant to be.!+
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    WHAT IVE LEARNED...8) We are here to be givers, not takers. Healers, not harmers. We are here to leave the world a better place because of

    our existence, not because of our departure.

    9) Potential isnt worth anything unless its activated from deep within the soul.

    10) If we arent living the life that we yearn for then we must ask - whose life are we living?

    11) Like-minded community is essential for accelerated awakening. When we connect with others on the same path, we

    inspire as we hold each other accountable to be so much more than who weve been conditioned to be.

    12) We will never evolve beyond our own self imposed limitations until we get out of our way. When we let go of the stories

    of how we think things need to be, we move into the present so that we can prosper into the future.

    13) We all thrive on inspiration. Through inspiration we discover the aspects of ourselves that are inspiring to others. Its

    then that we are bold enough to begin to reveal our greatness.

    14) The power isnt in the choices we make, the power is knowing that we have choices. We are growing, evolving beings

    every moment of every day. We have the choice to nurture this growth or stunt it with the choices we make. This is the

    ultimate choice.

    15) When we claim our uniqueness, miracles happen and life unfolds in ways we could never previously imagine.

    16) Feeling is the language of the soul. The soul desires all of it what we label pain as well as what we label joy. The

    full range of feeling is what creates expansion. The soul is here to grow and expand so it can guide us towards thegrandest version of our true Selves. What we know means nothing. What we feel means everything. Suppressed

    feelings harm the body and burden the soul. Expressed feelings aid the body and liberate the soul. The body and the

    soul are intricately intertwined. Enlightenment is embodiment and embodiment means feeling without mental or

    chemical suppression.

    17) Love, joy, and truth are interchangeable and one always leads to another. When we live from the greatest depths of

    our own love, joy, and truth, we give the collective permission to live from this empowering light as well.!+
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    WHAT IVE LEARNED...18) The more we are, the more we can become. The more we become, the more we can still be. Life is not a process of

    discovery, its a process of creation. Its not about finding ourselves, its about deciding who we wish to be. We are nothere to create ourselves from the experiences of others. We are here to design life as we choose so we can live it on

    our own terms. We are here to shape our world, not to be shaped by it. Each time we expand beyond our perceived

    limits, there is endless room for growth to discover who we have the potential to still become.

    19) Emotion is the power which attracts. What we are passionate about, we will experience more. What we fear, we will

    experience more. How consciously we choose determines the quality of our lives.

    20) Gratitude is the open door to abundance. Gratitude is profound in its magnificence. It humbles. It empowers. It

    transforms. When were in the energy of gratitude, we naturally become peaceful, content and loving. In gratitude,

    there is no fear, scarcity, or doubt. Simply by being thankful for what is, we instantly provide relief from any internaldiscomfort or suffering - physical or mental. Gratitude is one of the most powerful energies on the planet.

    21) True abundance arrives when we feel joy, health, happiness, vitality and a sense of purpose throughout our daily lives.

    Abundance is the feeling that arrives when were connected to something greater that our selves. When we open our

    hearts and minds to the richness of life surrounding us in every moment, we experience the reality of abundance

    regardless of our current life situation.

    22) When the conversations in our head match the conversations we have out loud match the actions we then take, it is

    then that we are living from truth.

    Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

    - Mahatma Gandhi

    23) Think big, dream bigger and implement. In pursuit of every dream, there is nothing more powerful than action to

    make it happen.

    24) We are here to live, laugh, love, and serve. We need to feel worthy. In the pursuit of self-worth, we need to know that

    weve made a difference in the lives of others. By serving a purpose greater than ourselves we do it all. We live. We

    laugh. We love. We serve. We leave the world a better place.!+
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    WHAT IVE LEARNED...25) Ive determined that my level of happiness is entirely dependent on how connected I feel to myself. I believe that we all

    share this truth. Im happiest when meditating, dancing, kayaking, hiking, canoeing, swimming, or cycling. I thrive onsimplicity, spontaneity, and feeling the oneness with nature and animals. Im most effective when I feel strong, rested,

    vibrant, and healthy. By knowing the needs of my soul, I determine the non-negotiables in life that keep me connected

    to me. Let your soul speak, follow its lead, and youll never go wrong.

    26) Our conversations shape our reality. The most important conversations are the ones we have with ourselves. Always

    tell yourself the truth for if you cant tell yourself the truth, you know no truth.

    27) We are never alone when we choose a more powerful place to stand for ourselves. By remaining steadfast in the truth

    of our experiences, we attract others who live more consciously. Its this collective energy that lifts the world. As

    Margaret Mead once said, Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, itsthe only thing that ever has.

    28) Life is organic. It unfolds moment by moment. Control is an illusion created by an external culture. Theres great

    liberation in living without a plan and allowing life to unfold organically.

    29) The more deeply we embrace the power in our hearts, the more internally referenced we become. This is what frees

    us from the seductive world of illusion and empowers us to live from the truth within.

    30) The path to liberation is to lose the need to know. The intellect traps us in excuses, opinions, judgements, fears,

    beliefs, and stories. When we lose the need to have all the answers, we free ourselves for endless possibilities. The

    intellect is the box of illusion. The heart is the limitless field of truth.

    31) The body is a conduit for the soul to express itself. Its a conduit for our emotions to move through us. Its a conduit for

    the subtle energy of intuition to speak to us. Its also a conduit for our thoughts to inspire us. The body is a conduit for

    energy. When we remember that the body is a channel for the energy that animates it, we develop a relationship to the

    body that is kinder, more loving, and respectful.

    32) Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but it can be altered. The powerful energy of our authentic emotions can

    be transformed into paradigm shifting action.!+
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    WHAT IVE LEARNED...33) When we think too much, were no longer present. When were no longer present, were no longer conscious. When

    were no longer conscious, habitual patterns obscure truth. The only way out, is in. By losing our minds, we access ourhearts and expand into presence, passion, purpose and joy. This is the shift from head to heart.

    34) Creativity, spirituality, wellness, joy, work, and love should all mean the same thing in life. This is the manifestation

    of purpose.

    35) Becoming more whole and transforming in a way that is congruent with the truth of who we are does not happen in

    our heads. It doesnt happen because we have new information, new knowledge, a new book, or a new philosophy. It

    happens because we allow what lives inside of us to emerge and come alive.

    36) Passion is the inner fire that drives us to express who we really are. Passion is inspiration in action. If we deny

    passion, we deny our soul. No passion, no life.

    37) What we do for ourselves, we do for others. What we do for others, we do for ourselves.

    38) Spirituality is seeking our own internal experiences rather than learning from the experiences of others. It invites us

    to reject the thoughts of others in order to create our own through the truth that lives in our hearts.

    39) Truth is comforting to those who do not wish to ignore it. Then, not only is truth comforting, its also inspiring. Truth is

    what mobilizes the soul for action.

    40) Intuition is the voice of the soul. The more we act on it, the more it serves us.

    41) Every day is a new opportunity to become more. The only level playing field that we all share is the 24 hours in every

    day. How we live these 24 hours determines the quality of our lives. Whenever passion trumps fear there are no limits.

    When the heart leads, life rocks for ourselves and for the world.

    42) The world cant be changed by being just like it. The only way to truly make a difference is to be different. In the wise

    words of Gandhi, You must be the change you wish to see in the world, and given the state of the world, nothing less

    is acceptable.

    43) Youre not living if you avoid hard work, pain, mistakes, and screw ups. There is no such thing as failure, there is

    only feedback.!+
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    WHAT IVE LEARNED...44) You cannot predict the future from the past. You cannot predict the future period.

    45) All that matters is life, truth, and love.

    46) Our pain can be the source of our greatest strengths. Do we shrink away or do we expand? If we shrink away from

    every source of pain, we get smaller and smaller until we forget who we are. If we expand to remember that our

    hearts are big enough to hold all pain, our lives expand, our world expands, and we reveal who weve always been

    meant to be.

    47) Actions speak louder than words. Words mean nothing without action. Action means everything and needs no words.

    48) Truth requires no defence. Only illusion requires defence.

    49) Life is a delicate balance between being and doing. Most people are so busy trapped in their heads, spinning their

    wheels doing that theyve forgotten the being part of the human equation. We live in a culture of doers - which leads to

    stress, unhappiness, and burnout. Its in the being that we reconnect to the truth of who we are. This is what fuels the

    doing in a more authentic and purposeful way. Being is the fuel for creation. Doing is creation itself. One cannot exist

    without the other.

    50) When we move ourselves to the top of our to-do list, not only do we change our world, we change THE world.

    51) Theres tremendous power in the word no. Rejecting cultural indoctrination is one of the greatest personal acts of

    liberation that can be made to return to the authentic Self. Living from love, eating from love, choosing from love, and

    acting from love is the return to the true Self.

    52) We can only say YES as powerfully as we can say NO.

    53) Being able to carve a path of simplicity through what is culturally complex is what transforms our lives.

    54) No matter who we think we are, we are always so much greater than that.

    55) Fear is what makes us selfish - 100% of the time. Love is what makes us selfless - 100% of the time.

    56) If we stay in our comfort zone for too long, we begin to die. Bit by bit, day by day. Not a physical death, but a spiritual

    and emotional one.!+
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    WHAT IVE LEARNED...57) Life is a series of one time only moments never to be repeated. The past shapes us, the present makes us, and the

    future guides us to more of who were meant to be.

    58) We dont need to overcome fear, we need to master love. When we master love, fear bites the dust.

    59) Nothing of any great significance has ever been achieved by playing it safe.

    60) Confusion and frustration always precedes growth. The discomfort means that a more expansive idea is trying to

    emerge through old conditioning. Trust the process, allow it to unfold organically and great things always happen.

    61) Where there is pain, there is purpose. The most life-altering gifts are found in the deepest recesses of our pain.

    62) Theres nothing more exciting than discovering who we really are with the infinite possibilities that await us.

    63) Believe in what everyone else doesnt - miracles. Faith is what moves mountains.

    64) The more I know, the more I realize that I dont know...and the more I have yet to discover.

    65) Your true authentic self if the greatest gift that you can give yourself and the world.

    In the end, nobody will care about the stuff we owned, the car we drove, or the homes we lived in. Nobody will care about

    our accomplishments, awards, degrees, or titles. Nobody will care if we were smart, athletic, fat, thin, rich, or poor. In the

    end, all that matters is the truth in our hearts. Did we li

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