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Page 1: THE d(d graduate study at AMEND says be Bits on a buclre' went to ·the Eastman School of nurny by Cardinal Key.

ta­:0 the lloclra ave. ,

otller ~ their

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QUESTION 328 THE SOUTIIEASTE ... ~ . . ;;- .. .


·student Sues College Paper

1 5p.rin~onor Rolls Total 101

Poet Laureate ·E·.~·'J_; .'~Pratt Talks 'To. C~ea·tiv.e __ :W.ri.ters





tion 32/81\

ctS sse Frank Wieneke, Hartshorne,

_..juniOJ', consulted R. W. Fleak, busl­tteas law professor, last week about his (Wieneke's) suit agalDst.. The Southeastern on a charge of mi:i-

Ten students have been placed .. on, the President's .~onor .roll •. and Edwin ~ohn Pratt, Poet laure~t. l:w~ held ?.(oncky noon in the col- state colleges, inclu~g ninety-one on the Dean • lionor of Ca~ada, ~d

1 Miss Alice ·~; l~g(l -ca.feteri' Attending_ were will have a COD8tl~-·

roll for t,he spring semester. , Marriott, Oklahmta Writer,! were membe~ Of·St,gma Tau Delta and of ccin.,troi. instead~· fl'Q be named on the Pieeldent's gue~ speakers at the .tw9-day ~e ~liM. .f~u}ty. b o ~ r ·d, if propoaflll

honor roll a student. must have no Creative Writers Conference; epon-. · Mrs. Floy. Perkinson Gates, head an:1e_n•~ent No. t3 ' (State Questllm representation of ..facts, grade lower than A, and for the sored by Sigma Tau Delta; nation: ~~ tn-a !:nglis.h . department and IlL . Diajority vote rn

The suit had come &~lout as the Dean's honor _roll a atudent must al honorary Engli8h fraternity, on sponsor of :Sipa Tau Delta, had Jul~ 4. . I

result ·of the publicaUon ·of a llat have no grade. lower than B. the Southeastern campus Monday isSqed lnVI.tatioris ·to club women Gf student officers in the laat lasue Those named on the President's and Tuesday. · . all over~ so)ltlieastern Oklahoma to pt the student newspaper. In tlie horior roll are Ro~rt Engles, Mr. Pratt lectured ana read fr.o~ ~ttend, the c~ference. list was the name Mrl. ~ Dorothy quy, Harry Hewett, _Jr., ~poetry yesterday morning, .and "'File subject !lf Miss Marriott's W'meke as vice chairman of the Harward~- addera, John MacDon- Miss Marriott spoke Monday morn.. ·speech was ."Toofs of the Creative Pittsburg county group at the col- aid, and Alvin White, Durant; lng to a ~ge audience of .studentJ!,, ·yvrite·r.". ~ ill~!15sing it, -she said le~e. [t should have read Frank James p h, Bokchito; Juet carl ! faC?ulty, ana club women in. the ad-· all w.Ao ~te. need diction. They Vdeneke. · · Bass, Graham; Richard Lee Win- ministration auditorium. They read ~hould .. ~ow -~t a word means

Wieneke told a Southeastern re- ~ers, Stringtown; and Harold John 1manuscripts submitted to them and-l''!Uld s~o~d -~ 8Ure the reader portett Monday that he would press Cottbett, Vinita. .. · · consulted with the writers. . · Jmows. Thtf\vriters need more than

l fth~ suit on the' grounds .that his Those named on the De8.n's1lon- The c~cluding event of.ihe con- ~ <;oll~ge __ diction~es; "they need un-~ bachelor'a status had been chal- or roll are Marilyn Holt, Antlers; ference ~ a reception last I)lght, &:~dg,ed editipP8. . ..

lenged, and that his name had been Leslie A. Neely, Ardmore; Leo sponsored by Sigma Tau, Ii5elta,".J Besides tjie dictionary Miss Mar­misspelled. - Williams, W a 11 ace Williams, honoring·Mr. Pratt in the home of 't riott S'ald :th~ w.riter should have a

· He stated that _the story, which Thomas Lowe Jr., an~ Daniel Ma- Mr .. and Mrs. D. W. Swinne_Y, 823 good h&ndb~k .of g:Fammar. The . made it appear that h~..¥fUJ mar_. lone, Atoka; Marian D~vla and Wes~ ~m: The ~eats · wer-e tJ;te 1-w:p~er l'!e,eds· for research to con-ried, had been a source! c;,r em~>;ar- Marjprle Davis •.. Battiest; Phil college facult~... English . majo~; 1 :ruJt _encrclope~, the World Al_

,raasment to him. Although he has Barker, Bennington; Jam~s Hous- out-of-town VlBltors · for tlle. con- m&naC?, a mYthology book, old .,~ ......... ,,,. · ~ mot.hing against the institution of toii

1 Jimmye Charlene Parker, BeL ference, and friends in teres~ in maga.pnes an~ newspapers, gov-

Dlarriage, Wieneke dec~aret;t emph- to~ Wi11iams, Orvill, BosWell; creative writing. 1. · .- - .' emll?'ertt ~oc~ents, and the Li-atically that he is not manied now Frank Pounders, Bristow; Alfred A luncheon fOil' · Miss -M~ott· brary of Co~e~. . nor has ever been. ~. Forrest W. Carter, Broken _ : .

Edito~ . Dick Lawhorn of The Bow:; Way_ne Balle)V, Delton ~- S d ' PI . •' 1'75 ·s' SC , 1St d t South~tern W88 not available at in, I Harold Huddleston, Charleen tu ents an .-_ . . . . . . . u en s

•'press time to make a statement. Robinson, Caddo; yerla Faye Byrd, For Hoi a· Jia' ys ;·:. PJG:C_ tjce._. Teach!ng by w:·eneke after due conaidera- C~W-ute; .Freddie Joe Baker, Col- g

tiion~ said ·he might consic:ler drop- bert; Ralph Kyker, Duncan. : . ~ Approxim.ateiY.' 175 students are the • pi~ his suit agalnst Ule paper if ~am~' G. Bradshaw, James Many Southeast.ern students ax:e enrolled~ .in practice teaching tion

a ·correction were printed in this rn;rt, Harvey Clifton, James Col- undecided about their plans for the. Murses. 'ihls . .osamuner, a greater .......... Jm issue: . A correction of the article -,vfck. Jr., Helen Doraey, Mlnne- Fo\ll!th of July and Election· .day n\unb~.r than:_ b_~ been enrolled in membj~rs. • lse h in this w~ Ellis, William Evans, Wil. holi<J.ays, but o~ers have ..... ade . • s~-v:e~ _Y~~s, -according to Dr. A. 11~---------. appears e w ere paper. nej ~ Evalul, Billie Jo French, planS ranging from going home to L. !Pool,: Pire~fOI' of RWJSell Train-

(See TWO, Pap''> a . pienic on the lake. Classes .will ing_Scliool . . O~~ma should have be dismisSed Friday, July 2,' -and an .ai;IUI)dahee ·of teachers in the

Cl b M k :. b will be convened Wednesday mom- t\J,ture, 'he .. ad.A~


Reynolds Will Pl~y Violin Here I u s a .e ~r or ing, July 7, ' • · , :~re :SJ:.e • 70' Students enrolled

Qay Contril)ution·s When aaked the questt,on, "~ow 1n R~ -w~school. a· few 1n baa ~ ~ ::!.t talk U: · A wiolln recital by Creech Rey- I are you going. to spend the 'holi- ]unl~r .Jiig~Ool. and more than that rt waa decided u.'t

nolds IWill be preeented 1n the -col- i!'en organizations have contri- tfva?" Kany repUed as J. "W. can baidry .b!i1 ¥ndled in the low- shoulcl be ddhe to -nt lege administration audlto~um to- buted to the arbor day contrlbu- Hose!f and ~ck lAwhorn. ~~ ~ gradt;a. ~J.fih ~terature 1s the to beat tht! heat. A poll wM morrow night at 8 o'clock. tiona aponeored by Cardinal Key, reply was, I am • _gain~ hODie; f4Lvolilte .au~~ this aummer With taken the .Wdents to eee w

Mr Reynolds 18 • In hill third na;tionai leaderehip sorority, for While Lawhorn-a ~r was. "I 35 students eili.blled-lin the four_ bad ~ und th sol U "" · · · the P'ti"I'VWA of beauUfication of the ......,.ing t tak th famll ho h ' · · · anyone .. o e u on. • ' serie&' of summer concerts in this r -r-- am 6~" . o e e y me our D;lormng course. . H ~ th nsulta· l

part of the country, and bi8 play- ~utheastem campus. toM~ and ·eat ·fried chiCken.~· . \ · .. · . B~ BO~ STEWART ,_ ing has received an entlmBIUtto !l'hese clube ave donated money . These undecided actually bad no. L . Ell . • . .&.~ H sits aroUnd and waits for a -.... reception whe~ver heard Mr. to purchue pllmta that J;lave been ldea...what they would do the four . OU '. _ .,.. 'IYIGJ G$ wind EIJ,EN PdRT on the ·otJaeh

i Reynplds ap~ed on the summer set out on the southwest comer of days they will not., be in, school. :Wolters - erald Job hand fliya a hard game of~ ~ ente,rtainment ~ea at Southeut- the lilJrary lawn. Orvill Davis said, I don t know. . .... • -becatse it feels flO cool wben _..

ern, summer. • Organi2Jed groups w.hicb conbri- on~ hpur what I~ do then~." Miss Lou Ell~ May, ~uate of stops. JERRY !4WRENCII tllll1lli Mr. ReynolW. was born tn Okla- b~ted to tb~ tunda are the A Ca- Ed1thi Lindley said _that ahe SoU:theasl;ern ~ the spnng class stayin~~~of class helps, but ..

homa and received h1a education pella Choir, Phi Alpha .The_ta, Sig- "doesn:t ha~~- the least idea." Atl:' o~ 194~·, is adve_JltiSin~ ~ger of for , . LA:WRENCE, ..... , at Oklahoma A. & )(., where he ~a ~u Delta. Blue Key, Pi Omega other j mdefini~e. auwer was __ Ltg- !Jte ~al,;ers· : Jferald, a weekly well, ~ever mind; abe pulls a, , won several contests, and was .ae- Pi, Pi Kappa Sigma, Delta Kappa gie COOper's, Ill either sta! here ·news~pe~. ~or-- _the summer. Wal- shade~ ,

lected . as the only violiniat from G~a, Tribes CouncU. Daughters or go home." . · ters is _'~e : c~y seat of Cotton When BILLiE !!:RENCH, A~ the southwest, to play in th.e ~ of 1 tbe American Revolution, and The most inq-.iaiti~e ~er ~o~ty in soutb-.veste~ Oklahoma. y KING, ~RT ;EARLS; aacl American .. Youth Orchestla, con- th~ Fortntgh~y 9Iub. . came from .~arl St~bbs whoa:e ·· Miss ){_ay w~ editor of The BETIY DAWSON were !~

· ducted by Leopold Stokowsld, on fte arbor- day cont_ribution is answ~ waa, I think I U gQ··home. $outh~~~rn· ~ the school year each replied, .. 1 don't!" . _I its tour-"of south America. He then onr of the projects sponsored an- Wh~? It see~ that .Mark Win- _ 1946-~7 •.. an~_ d(d graduate study at AMEND says be Bits on a buclre'

went to · the Eastman School of nurny by Cardinal Key. Cardinal ters plans, will requir~ the most the V~'V-ea::stty~ ot. -_Oklahoma school un(ler j the shower-two = , Music at Rochester, New York, to Key meqlberahlp is composed of energy. He ~~ana to 'work and of jOu~ ~m:mg the last year. tJt4t ia. BOB !!;WING Bits _ /receive his maater,s degree. jtm,ior1 and senior' women . chosen play baseball. A.n9ther requiring .She wm~ret~ , to the University and thinks about how •much ~

Mr. Reynolds is a first violiniat fott sbholarllhtp, leadersJlip, and much · energy is ~s. Ka. thleef?- in th~ fall. . lik~ ~ter, wblle MODDIE BAT; (See 0!0:, Pllp I) personality development. (See ~ Pap- 2) ., ' 0 sits under a dade' tree. wltb •

. I , . , G d ~. t•· ~ Seniors bi . box full of beer. , ·!

6 sse Students Is l,t IIMurph~'s P~l Room,,#. ·. -·. · T:'.t:!~7n Orders fan, ' ARD~~~ . Work For KSEO "M.ule Barn,~1)r M~n's Do~~? :. · ... · .· -G~~t~n~ · ~enlors who wishl=eti~y~=7:~~~~7:1

. 1 I . , . · · .-to . order ·invitations should turn ·00llin water . .JDo.ty RIDJ)X.. Six Southeutem st~dents play By J..-e Beeeoa bee;~ they just aren t overstoc~- their .otders · in~ -to Annaboille Nel- just ts-'f ' ll 'I\AI'dArl

an 1mportant part in Radio Station If you should call telephone num- ed~• with · energy so earlY. · ~ .the son by \omO'rrow noon. th.:r n;;;ea . 1 you r--_,., I KSEO's daily broadcasts. ber 1264, and the voice at the o~er morning. " ·· · - ·The graduatiDg senior class met ~~ GWVER does ·

The students work throughout end ot the wire should answer, The greatest baWe of the day June ·u ·at l.O·iS-a: ' m in room A- -'>..i ... - , • ~ ~~ da in diff t fields f radio "Jake's Mule Bam," or "Murphy's comes at 12:30 whea the boys com'" ' · , · · · · stuQ.7JUt§ on a pallet at~e Tex • 'Ule Y et:en o 1

1 , • . - - 306 and elec~ officers. They are oma--with he.; handy little work. Frank Desmond starts the Poql Room, Cueball spe~. ing in from 11.20 claaaes mak~ an. Mrs. Louella · ~ Daniel. ·Crowder, 1~ close b PAUL . dtl.y With an early morn!Dg news do~t hang up! The operator has lmJK?SSible attempt to beat te the pr~del}t.;. Pat· Hardy, Caddo, vice-> ~ toyUte Jake to ~ . report.and works unW ten o'clock not given you the wrong number. dinner table thoee .who have al- president-· Mildred Whisman Ma-~hiB :::S NINA FAYE HARD when lthe microphone Ia turned The n!JMber called Ia the men's ready been wai~ in the ~.dill, aecr~tary-treasurer, and Lee ;;:;;J;;;;tit all u with. ''What's ver to Frank Pounders. At 11:~ doi'UlltQry, apd chances are James roo~ 30 minutes. . . 'Roy· HickS, W~a, reporter. to" Nose ., .. ~for this writer

Jack carter comea on wlth Kr. Parrish or Charles Robertson has Shortly after the evening m~. : • The - ~hiLirrnan .. of the invitation .. ~ it' ~· t" .. Ys and No and con.uea work- ansWered the telephone. which 1s served at 8 o'cl~ .. the 'conuiuttee . is . Annabelle Nelson. e\f, s 0

• • ". ;

inl' throughout the day. AJ8o on I4fe for the 29 men living in the boya begin to make preparatipn ~or. James :-Morrisoil; associate profes- · - zl hand are Ceclle Elkins, who works do~tory never sees a dull mom- their evening entertainment:- A: few sor of hiStory, uc:i Mlu Ruth Hall, J \

faa scriPt writer and delivers ~- e~t. There is always aomething to of the mo.t indU8trlous, J. W. aaeociate. : protessor of buain'eu 8'f8 rENTS~ ~ men's programs, and Bill watera, be ~ed fl'om every converaa- Hoaey, Travis FUller, and JWggte edueatio~ · were telected 88 span-~ FOB UMMEB ~N: , 1 eDCfneer. . tioll, ·even if It is only ·~· Cooper, for tnetanee, ~u~ · \heir ·.ors. :- .. · . , - ~ent for tlle 8UDUiler ::t

Jack Put.plan, whose radio work Sullivan serlouely engaged in tell- boo~ under· their ~ and ·head .. : ' sion11laa reacJl~ a total of 9'78

is along agricultural linea, l8 al8o ing one of his f&moua "sea atorl~," for .the'library to,briash up on th~ · · VI:LJ:NG · denU. F.our hundftd and e1PQt reporter fot the Durant Daily or :k!rry Hunter talldng about· his "studiea." Others «0 to m~ea,. ~.Jts m· ~ClASSES four, &re-~en. 492 .,-e women, &1lfl

. n.mocrat. larp number of pl friends. ~ball ~ea. aw1mming, etc. · · _ _ ,1 - 389 are veterans. . 1 Jerry Sanders, former student Tb.e IIChool day begina as the SWI _others, llke r.e.J~e., J.qleon, re- · · ~· !· R. -~e, librarian for the Tqtld enrollment this SU1IIJIMfr .

Winner of West PoJnt NaUon- boya get out of bed one by o~e and fuse to tell where they _spend their ·ata~ tra~ }\brary. pve a talk nwnlllei:s 108 more than 1ut -­al:E)ebate conteat, also worked with stumble in to breakfut. THis is evenings. Lealie is oae of the qul.e~ to Jlni'Uah and ccmaulted mer, I ~d· veteraD8' ~ tbe station before acceptmg a poal-:- pro~ly the oaly meal eaten with shy boys who can be .een aneak.. with ~era about tbe uses of n~ 80 more _tban that of : t1aD with 11. atatton 1n North Caro. any amount of llllence. Not because ing In the back door about 10 ~~-g · n~~~ last Wednes- SUJiiJner. · liM,. • i the jooya ~ 1n a bad mood. but o'clock at Dlaht. . ~· ' _·

1• ·. · ,· _. . • , t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;========;;;;:;;:'#


Page 2: THE d(d graduate study at AMEND says be Bits on a buclre' went to ·the Eastman School of nurny by Cardinal Key.

ft"'S A BOY FOB 0 . W. McOLA.RYS .

DID IIIII., ....... :.


w .. ~evl tor of ._The .. Southe&lftern during the . An ari exhibit of the work of art spring semester, ~ now 1 writing majora who have graduated from •porta news for the Durant Dally Southeastern will be held here next Dem~rat. He baa ~ ~1 column f8.ll.. Any graduate who baa not called "Gommenta by ·Cnmnock." left any of his art work in the

English Department T~) Use V5sual Aids



...:.for-' . W.&.TC~I

DUXOint8 IJiwu.aY

.&.cc• oaua

GEM I Credit leUJekr•


35 . Y ecr• Ber'Dilatl Sorilheulem Strulena

""'" department, and who would be In· terested in exhibiting something,

shol!lld contact Mi8s Baker, a.s- ;:=::t;=====~=======::;====~===ii soeiate professor of art, before the

"'f Good FOod ~~~

~DMA~(J ...


ETTIRING GUIDES P.raion-made of the Rnest transe ~rent. drawing instrument ce~ ~d :Wnl not curl, fade, or br.alc. M14NY STYLES--there ls a guide *" every purpose, Siz!ll ra~ge ...,.,. ~· to 1 ~·-priced .from $1..50 up. I

, I .


fall term begins.


' ri~. A. E . Shearer, dean of the college, ~ be in Okmulgee to­morrow, Friday, and Saturday wOtrking a.s a member of tbe COJdt mittee on standards and proced­ures for the renewal ·of teacher

rr. ··c. LUNCH · Roo 1 CB!f.,~ ,f.~!,ER

113 West Main

certificates. ThiB study is in . con-1~~~~~~~~~;~;:;;;~;==~~~~~~ nection with the .Oklahoma Com·11 ~on on Teacher EducatiOn and

Certification, supported by ·the State of Oklahoma, the Oklahoma .Eaucation Association, and nation­'al foundation for .the improvement of t~aching. __ ....... ___ _ OKLA.-AT-LARGE STUDENTS PIAN SWIM, WIICNEB BOAST : Oklahoma - at - Large studentS, sponsored by Dr. John ~orris,

professor of geograph¥, wm. have a swimming and a wiener roast to­morow. The students will JDeet in front of the library at 4 :30 p· m. .Arra.'ngemen~ have been lnade

to have a truck for 'transportation. A f~ of 50 cents for each student

. &rld each guest D)ay be paid to . either Mattie Lou Rowl~ secre­

tary-treasurer, or Mrs. 'Mabel 1;-ewis by 9 o'clock tonight. ,

- ---·UAU.ODUL FL9W·­I'Oa OOOA.8le•


· Lee1111.r~ Fleral '

. .

STEAKLEY·· 1·Chevr let

- . ' . -. ... '




Page 3: THE d(d graduate study at AMEND says be Bits on a buclre' went to ·the Eastman School of nurny by Cardinal Key.

'-~arquise On.Jnala, laqaeline, Nataral-Po~ Cowe· BXJe~u~N r.u.. Sa• s,.._, ..

322 W. Kaba Plaolle I I


·socks Bright Colors · ~ T


4 for $1:00-d) .tl}. fr"'~



See Our New Modern CabinB Soon To Be Completed At Catlilih Bay

c•IUB-C&flf' 'DBAUU ...;...,;_ __ fa __ _

Brllflll, ~.,..,..,. flltll Jelaut.• C.,.,.

GOODMAN & GOODMAN ·. Durut, OklahoJU

&til aDd BY~

. . . , . . ..

· Then, a soft, · fu!I . skirt . ~rape~ to:.·t}te ap­proved -new lerigth. . .•.. and ~he ·.: pattern of white1 dots sugge$ts t}le-co'?}DJ!~~1o£ fal~-ing snolfllakes. . - · · · · ·.. . _

• '• I ' ~ :, " ;,F

Sizes lO I'to 20;in seveJ."&l novel- coloJ'S." . . ..... \ .. , "" .. . • · ' • > '· : _:. ~ ..

· Nw17 :B;efr~-' ~rad• .u- . • ~- · \ .·: f

•' .

I o t• ~ •

'$ ·t :o· , r .·95" I ...


···~·~· .

· AJ.LF.Y' CAit · w.~· ,l'lleae•

Page 4: THE d(d graduate study at AMEND says be Bits on a buclre' went to ·the Eastman School of nurny by Cardinal Key.

Whitworth To In Senior Rec

....... . 'WBBNESDAT. JUNE

F lty Ente~a.ln Davidaon, Hugo; Cheeter c. :ne1411, Bettye su cage, Jonee, VJMiw. QCU · . Idabel· Irma Dean Luak. India· ippi; Alan E. Amend, Ola, Arkau-

StudentS At eo nola; 'Jesse G. Walker, Keaefto; as; Arthur G. Alexander, Bemy, . Roy Lockhart Jr., Loree Wllllaru, Tenn..,..; J.- G. a:-· Dal·

The college faculty entertained Madill;. Glen Crouch, KcAleater; las, Texas; Emma enablp, the students of Soutbeastem With Fr,ankie Jean Abemathy, :McCul"- James Hager, Alvin P er, DeDL a . tea party Tuesday, June 15, from tatn; Jacqueline Jackman, Vema eon, Texas; Betty W Sadl•, 4:30 to 6 p. m. on the campua in Martin, Mead; Myrtle Aabford, Ok· Texas; David E. Bryant, Jr., Sher· front of ?the administration build- lahoma City; ~rrell Plummer, man, Texas. 'ing. Poteau. 1

Miss Lucy Leonard, chalnnan of Evelyn Tucker RlngHng· Alta ~----------+---"'"'!

MU ,RRArY __ Frmeral Home

A..JDIULA.l'f~ 8B. ICB D'AY, or NIG · Plao~~e 181

GU W. Mala

the · faculty hospitality committee, R~th Hobbs, Fr~cts Lois Hobbs. greeted· the guests. The receiving SaNa.nna;· Evelyn Moore Jlazble line consisted of President T. T. Moore, S;uder; A. J. Palm~, Grady Montgomery, .Miss Jo Apn Mont- Tindol; Terral; Claud White, Lime go~ery, Dr. and Mnl. A. :n Shear- Wlaite. Tushka; Lawrence· Teague, er, Dr. and Mk's. M. K. Fort, Dr. Utica; Wtllie Ewing Belch4f, Vi­,and Mrs. A. L. Pool, Mr. and :Mrs. nita; Wanda oienn, Wilburton;

1a. L. McPheron, Miss Sally Leon- Oleta Crain Yuba. . ard, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W~ Logan. -----' --'-·------------,.----+---

Mt.Mains-H~witt Vows Read June 11

' 0

' :Miu Tess .McMains of Denison, ,, became the bride of Ch;arlea

Gassy) · Hewitt lot Kadtll in a n ceremony June 11 iD. the' of the bride. ·, .

1 Mrs. Hewitt, a junior, i8 past reatdent of the J'omen's A~etic

tation at southeastem11 and been active in many other

clubs: Mr. Hewitt a senior; was a member of the Savages' 1946 Okla­lbma Cqllegiate conference cham­

ionship' football eleven.

~~ Roy Hicks \ . Will Give Reading . Lee Roy Hicks, graduating s~nior

With a ·major in 'speech, will. _!gi~e a reading of Tennessee Wilhams and "Donald Win~m's play, ' You Touched Me," j.n the. aclministra­Ue~n auditorium July 15.

TAYLOR'S -Beaa&7 Sbop

A New Perm­aneot means A New Look for

JOU. . ''See your Bea.utlcJan a a you would your Phyalclall f o r Expert Advice ,and trea.tment on all beauty problema.'•

Baln Water ...... I f'agler'• 'Belllitg 6 .. ., I.Pil-.71 .....

·-·KA.Ill a•.&.rs Yeu. .. .u..

Qll'.lBTBU n• 1'0!11

. I


JEWELER , Pllou 78 t•w . ..-•

The play is th~ story of an old aea ea.ptain who is- .completely dominated by mr sinister sister, and h18 revolt ag;.ainst that donii_ nation. ·

Hicks is a meyJber of Alphal Psi ------------­Omega, College Players, Sigma :-----+---------1'au Delta, Pi 0Jllega Pi, and Blue l Key. While a student of southeast:. WHAT.. PRICE BEAU:I'Y1 $'11 he has appeated in the follow- u•. • .. ~ •• ~. te -- ....... i!lg plays: 'The Little Foxes," ,-oar belt J!'lan. 7ft a1n• oa ''Smilin' Thru," .,Night-Mwrt F8n." •• for yo,.- •nfeadoaal .....V II!Dd "'Death Takes a Holiday." earel i ... ,

. Try All ClMive-OD Permaaea.t ; "All Work GaanmtllecP


. VIVI ANN!'S Bea'JdJJ Salon

Welcome I Slimmer Students tJ1Ul 7'eac,.ra 1 l •

T,hrough The Summer Jlonti,B . I·

I ' ' You Get Fut, Efficient Service at l

(One Day Service)

. fvN,QIJE · CLEAN.IlS PJaeae 1011 ·· · Flo7d F. Kabuay 1iiO N. 6tll

' . I


A:t studi stud th18 more mer week


soutli um

AID can 1

· :;~ =~

indue 1 upon " the Ia t under.

tilth or (B

uy ~ struc Not&ii dee me

• from) scrt thia I

trom, ~ ~·tegcl

for su · ' deem


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