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Page 1: THE SMALCALD ARTICLES · TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 9858 North Street 9858 North Street Reese, Michigan 48757 The monthly newsletter of 2019 Trinity Lutheran hurch & School (The Lutheran


9858 North Street

Reese, Michigan 48757


Trinity Lutheran Church & School (The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod)

9858 North Street, Reese, MI 48757 Website: (church) Website:

Google Calendar: (master) TrinityReese2015 (school)Schooloffice1921 Pastor: Daniel Burhop Principal: Levi Bringold

The Trinity Tidings The monthly newsletter of Trinity Lutheran Church

1 Letter from the Pastor 2 Continued Letter from the Pastor/ Board of Elders 3 Letter from the Vicar 4 Church picnic 5 Financial Statement/ Scrip 6 In Our Continued Prayers/ Memorials & Gifts / Thank you 7 Letter from Music Director/ Music Teacher 8 Worship Anew

9 Hear the Word 10 Principal News 11 Pre-School 12 Childcare & Teachers 13 Lunch Menu/ Fun Dates 14 Trinity Happenings/ Area Happenings 15 Poem 16 Boards/Staff


Secretary: Heather Dennis Board of Directors Chairman: Brent Dankert Board of Directors Vice Chairman: Scott Briggs Board of Finance: Randy Bittner Board of Elders: Ken Zimmer Board of Trustees: Rob Pike Board of Stewardship: Betty Wiseman Board of Evangelism: John Dohrmann Board of Education: Eric Rupprecht Board of Worship: Jeff Sommerfield Board of Social Ministry: Milinda Bader Youth Board: Mike Reinert Parish Education: Connie Ackerman Cemetery Board: Tom Bauer Treasurer: Julie Neumann

Staff: Childcare Director: Vickie Bull Caregivers: Sheila Aguilar, Shelby Agui-lar, Shelly Aguilar, Amanda Ward, Kristina Springsteen , Lindsay Harmon, Tammy Harmon Media Supervisor: Beth Dankert School Secretary: Shannon Britton School Custodian: Greg Wright School Cook: Amy Wendland—Patti Bittner Office Coordinator: Lena Mossner Financial Coordinator: Gary Weiss Church Custodian: Tricia Ray Youth Director: Christina Weidner

Teaching staff: Pre-School: Julie Wheeler Pre-School Assistant: Jennifer Mailley Kindergarten: Cindy Briggs 1st & 2nd Grade: Christina Weidner 3rd & 4th Grade: Kamie Pike 5th & 6th Grade: Cindy Briggs/Levi Bringold 7th & 8th Grade: Levi Bringold/ Carol Eyster Computer: Beth Dankert Music 1-8: Miss Hannah Bjornstad/Mrs. Yagiela Handballs & Choir: Miss Hannah Bjorn-stad/Mrs. Yagiela

“Teaching About CHRIST, Leading To CHRIST, Caring Like CHRIST.”

Thank You To All The Volunteers Who Make This Newsletter Possible And To All The Members Of Trinity Who So Willingly Give Of Their Time And Talents To Serve Their Lord In Various Capacities!


9858 North Street Reese, Michigan 48757 989-868-9901 Pastor Daniel Burhop Principal Levi Bringold

June & July 2019

OFFICE HOURS (Church) M-F 9:00 am — 3:00 pm Mrs. Mossner

OFFICE HOURS (school) M-F 7:30 am—3:30 pm Mrs. Britton

From the Pastor:


Happy 501st! Last year we celebrated the 500th anniversary of the posting of the 95 Theses and the start

of the Reformation. During this year, we are taking a look at some of the other events that continued

the Reformation in Germany and throughout the world.

This month we take up a document that was written in 1538, almost 20 years after the posting of the 95

Theses. As you can see, this wasn’t just a quick “flash in the pan” movement. The Lutheran Refor-

mation was something that our church fathers wrestled with year after year, pouring over Holy Scrip-

ture and what it teaches about our faith. Near the year 1538, there was a call for a church council,

when Christian leaders would come together to discuss what the church teaches. In preparation for

this council, Luther was asked to write what we know of as the “Smalcald Articles”. While this coun-

cil never happened the way it was supposed to, this writing was adopted by the Lutheran Church, and

is part of our Book of Concord, that our church subscribes to as a clear teaching of our faith, rooted

and in agreement with what Holy Scripture says.

Page 2: THE SMALCALD ARTICLES · TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 9858 North Street 9858 North Street Reese, Michigan 48757 The monthly newsletter of 2019 Trinity Lutheran hurch & School (The Lutheran

Board of Elders Deaths: 2 Transfers Out: 0 Baptisms: 2 Confirmation: 9 Releases: 0 Affirmation of Faith: 0 Transfers in: 0 Membership as of 5/26 Baptized 1032 Communicant 840 Associate 13


While there is much to consider in this document, I want us to focus on what Luther takes up in The Second Part

of the document: “The Articles That Refer to the Office and Work of Jesus Christ; That Is, Our Redemption”.

These were the articles of faith that the Reformers said we could not compromise, because they dealt with our

salvation, and to question them would be to question our salvation.

Here is what Luther writes about “The Chief Article”:

“The first and chief article is this:

Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, died for our sins and was raised again for our justification (Romans 4:24-25).

He alone is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29), and God has laid upon Him the iniquities of

us all (Isaiah 53:6).

All have sinned and are justified freely, without their own works or merits, by His grace, through the redemption that is in

Christ Jesus, in His blood (Romans 3:23-25).

This is necessary to believe. This cannot be otherwise acquired or grasped by any work, law, or merit. Therefore it is clear

and certain that this faith alone justifies us. As St. Paul says:

For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law. (Romans 3:28)

That He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. [Romans 3:26]

Nothing of this article can be yielded or surrendered, even though heaven and earth and everything else falls [Mark 13:31].

For there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)

And with His stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

Upon this article everything that we teach and practice depends, in opposition to the pope, the devil, and the whole world.

Therefore, we must be certain and not doubt this doctrine. Otherwise, all is lost, and the pope, the devil, and all adversaries

win the victory and the right over us.”

This is a great reminder to us of what we as the Church and as Christians should hold on to and keep in front of

our minds at all times. It is perhaps the clearest place to see what Luther and our other church fathers held dear

on to tightly. They risked much, even death, to confess this faith, to pass it on to their children and on to us.

As we head towards the summer months, when so many things can distract us from Christ, take time to reflect

on these teachings and to pray that the Holy Spirit would keep us in this faith.


If you have a secret sorrow,

a burden or a loss,

an aching need for healing...

Hang It On The Cross.

If worry steals your sleep

and makes you turn and toss,

if your heart is feeling heavy...

Hang It On The Cross.

Every obstacle to faith

or doubt you come across,

every prayer unanswered...

Hang It On The Cross.

For Christ has borne our brokeness

and dearly paid the cost

To turn our trials to triumph...

Hanging On The Cross.

By Logan Parker

Page 3: THE SMALCALD ARTICLES · TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 9858 North Street 9858 North Street Reese, Michigan 48757 The monthly newsletter of 2019 Trinity Lutheran hurch & School (The Lutheran

Trinity Happenings

Area Happenings

Vicar Timothy Sheridan

3 14

THANK YOU to all those who donated Golden Books. They are so appreciated! The basket will be left in the Narthex above the coat rack during the summer in case anyone is cleaning out a closet, toy room or getting ready for a garage sale and would like to donate Golden Books. THE YOUTH BOARD is active and making plans for the summer and beyond. Your help is needed. Students and parents of incoming 7th-12 grade are invited to a meeting on June 11th at 6:00 pm in the youth room. We will brain storm on activities and events we would like to pur-sue as a group. We hope to see you there. If you cannot attend, but have input please contact Julie Neumann at [email protected]

EVERYONE IS INVITED to join Mary Martha for a potluck, on June 13th at 6:30 pm. Our guest speaker will be Kaitlin & Vicar Sheridan. SUMMER CHURCH SERVICE: Please remember that, beginning June 9th through Labor Day, service will be held at 9:30 am only on Sunday. Monday night service will continue to be held at 6:30 pm. FUTURE SUMMER QUILTERS: If you are interested in quilting, you are welcome to join the church quilters this summer. Please contact Virginia Weihl if you or someone you know is interested. VBS VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED: Please sign-up in the narthex. ATTENTION CHURCH CAMPERS: Church campout will be held June 14th—June 16th. Cost will be $35 a night. Payment should be written to River Valley Campground. Payment should be given to Beth by June 2rd.

ABELE’S GREENHOUSE gift cards are available through the scrip program now. They are $20 each and remember they do have an expiration date of June 15th. Get them in the office or the scrip table in church.

VLHS OPEN HOUSES will be held Tuesday, June 18th, 5:00pm-6:00pm. ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN—MICHIGAN GENERAL CALL FOR GOODS: In fewer than the first ten days of regular operations 423 boxes of humanitarian relief were assembled by Orphan Grain Train–Michigan. These include clothing, bedding, medical equipment, and hygiene and school kits. Early dona-tions and gifts from individuals and congregations have made the opening work possible. Now is time for a general call for willingness throughout the church and community. Donations of clean serviceable clothing of all sorts (infant, children, adult) are welcomed. Medical supplies, bicycles in working condition, and blankets are also the kind of primary goods needed. A much fuller list can be found online at under the “Donate” but-ton. Donated items may be delivered to the OGT-Michigan Center Tuesdays or Thursdays (9:00 am—noon) or by special arrangement by calling 989-600-2264. The OGT-M Center is located at 126 E. Main, Sebewaing. Already, volunteers are actively preparing desperately needed aid for people world



As Kaitlin, Thomas, and I near the end of our time at Trinity, at least two of us have reflected

many times on how many milestones have marked the year we have spent among you all here in Reese.

We came to you newly married, having tied the knot last June 9th. Less than a month later, on July 1st, we

moved into the house on Gugino MD Street (eventually we figured out that the “MD” stood for “doctor

of medicine”). The day after Labor Day, we found out Kaitlin was pregnant. Thomas was our secret until

Reformation Sunday, October 28th, when we shared our news with the congregation. Thomas’s name

remained a secret until he was born May 4th of this year.

Our first year of marriage, our first home together, the birth of our first child, all played out here

in Reese, with Trinity Lutheran Church and School as the main backdrop for this chapter in the life of

our growing family. Of course, Trinity has not been merely a “backdrop.” Our other milestone here that

has encompassed all the rest has been vicarage year.

I don’t have the words to fully convey the gratitude we feel toward the members of Trinity –

Reese. But I do wish to say thank you to everyone for the kindness you have shown to my family and


To Pastor Burhop, who was a constant source of guidance and friendship, who facilitated for me

countless ministry experiences and was gracious as I made mistakes, and who models a truly gentle and

caring pastoral demeanor both publicly and behind closed doors, thank you.

To Levi Bringold and the Trinity School staff, who welcomed me into their daily routine and

allowed me to learn with their students as they gave me ample opportunity to develop my own skills as a

teacher, thank you. (I should probably also thank our students for bearing with me in this! In all serious-

ness, our Trinity students and childcare kids were a joy to teach and to get to know.)

I am indebted to Hannah Bjornstad for constantly encouraging me and working with me, tire-

lessly and always joyfully, on learning to chant the liturgy. Whatever progress I have made, I owe to her!

To those who help keep our church and school running, especially our office and custodial staff,

as well as our volunteers, and those who saw to our needs when it came to the vicarage house, thank you.

To all of our devoted board members, thank you for allowing me to see how a congregation is run and

for modeling godly lay leadership.

Finally, my warmest appreciation to the members of Trinity Lutheran Church. As temporary

members of your community, Kaitlin and I appreciate those of you who welcomed me into not only your

pulpit, but also welcomed us into your homes. Thank you to all of you who generously gave us gifts at

the holidays, for Pastor Appreciation Day, and on the occasion of Thomas’s birth. Thank you for step-

ping out in faith by reentering the vicarage program through our Fort Wayne seminary and working to

accommodate the unique situation in which Kaitlin and I found ourselves. Your encouragement, hospi-

tality, and trust have meant everything to me.

Years ago, a friend told me that there are no goodbyes for the Christian; it’s only until we meet

again. Not only do we all, as God’s children, have the assurance that we will all meet again, but the Inter-

net and social media have ensured that we can always remain in touch on this side of Paradise too. Please

feel free to follow our lives post-Trinity on Facebook! I will also be leaving my personal email address

with the church office. We’d love to hear from you!

Please keep us in your prayers as we return to Fort Wayne to complete my final year of prepara-

tion for entering the Office of the Holy Ministry. May our risen Lord bless and keep all of you, now and


Your servant in Christ,

Vicar Sheridan

Page 4: THE SMALCALD ARTICLES · TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 9858 North Street 9858 North Street Reese, Michigan 48757 The monthly newsletter of 2019 Trinity Lutheran hurch & School (The Lutheran

School Lunch Menu—

Thank you

June is the month with the longest daylight

hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

June is international men’s month

June has the shortest daylight hours of the

year in the Southern Hemisphere.

In 2009 June was the 662 most popular name

for girls in the USA.

First weekend in June: National Doughnut


Adopt-a-cat month

Candy month

Dairy month

Iced Tea month

Fight the Filthy Fly Month

4 13

Fun Dates in June & July

July is National Ice Cream month

National Blueberry month

National Hot Dog month

National Picnic month

National Pickle month

Canada Day

Independence Day

Sometimes the hot, long days of July

The Tour de Donut is a 30 mile bike race in Illinois where riders take 5 minutes off their time for each donut they eat along the way. Are called the "dog days of summer".

Thank you for another great year of supporting the

Trinity hot lunch program. Please keep us in mind

in the fall when you are going

through your gardens. Friday take-outs will start

again in September.

Thanks again;

Amy & Patti

June 30th

More information to be


in the church


Page 5: THE SMALCALD ARTICLES · TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 9858 North Street 9858 North Street Reese, Michigan 48757 The monthly newsletter of 2019 Trinity Lutheran hurch & School (The Lutheran

5 12

We have had a very busy and blessed school year, meeting lots of new friends and spending time with old ones. Heading into the summer we are looking forward to a new Summer Program full of STEAM activities, walking field trips, VBS, and playing with friends new and old. The secret is out and friends are sending friends to Trinity Lutheran Child Care for loving Christian care for their children. We always accept donations of goods and services to improve our center. Our summer program themes include farms and farming, princesses and pirates, area churches, arts, cooking, family and space. If anyone has knowledge of or in any of these areas and would like to share with our children please feel free to contact me at the child care at your convenience. Thank you and God bless, Vickie Bull Child Care Director * The childcare infant room is currently full. Starting June 10th, we will have opening again.

K, 5th, 6th & 8th GRADES: Wow! This year seemed to fly by. It was a great year with the kindergarteners, fifth, sixth, and eighth graders. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support throughout the year. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer and we can all come back refreshed and ready for a new year in the fall. Good luck to the eighth graders as they transition into high school. Mrs. Briggs 1st & 2nd GRADES: It has been a wonderful year. Every year it amazes me how fast the school year truly flies by. I love watching the progression that they all make throughout the year. I started with a group of 1st graders that were still working on sounding out every word and just starting to learn math facts. Now I have a group of 1st graders that are confidently reading on their own and have learned all of their addition facts and quite a few of the subtraction facts. They are very much ready to be 2nd graders next year and to be the leaders in the class. When it comes to my 2nd graders it’s always a little bittersweet. I’ve had them for two years and watched them grow and change in many ways. They come into my room want-ing help with everything and not ready to try things on their own. Now they want to do everything on their own. They are a great group of leaders that are ready to test their skills in 3rd grade next year. That all being said, I think we are ALL ready for the summer and break before returning in the fall. I hope that everyone has a fun, safe and relaxing summer break., Mrs. Weidner. 3rd & 4th GRADES: The end of the year brings a close to many things and a beginning to others. We finished our year with a track and field day at Immanuel, Frankentrost, a fun day at Greenfield Village, and a school picnic featuring our very own famous cooks. We are looking forward to a relaxing summer interspersed with memorable events that include VBS, band summer camp, pool parties, family vacations, and more. Thank you for your relentless prayers and may you continue to ask God for His blessing upon our school year to come. Mrs. Pike and the 3rd/4th Grades 5th and 6th GRADES are finishing reading “THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE” from The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis, what a great story! We're finishing up the Revolutionary War in Social Studies and then the students have requested the chapter on WWI and WWII. In 7th and 8th we're just putting finishing touches on a persuasive essay about Abortion, the students have learned a great deal as we researched this topic that has been in the news so often lately. We are reading an anthology of classic short stories for the end of the year and we have been watching "The Adventures of the Speckled Band" film after reading this Sherlock Holmes story. I am encouraging summer reading and our class trip to the U. P. is coming up! Mrs. Eyster

Just a reminder- that if you are looking for scrip after services we are located in the family room now. Please stop in and see us to pick up what you need. We have many cards available that can be purchased for Graduation or Father’s Day gifts. Don’t forget if you purchased Abele’s gift cards- they have an expiration date of June 15th. Any questions please ask.

Thank You.

Trinity Lutheran Church and School Financial Update: 4/30/2019

Monthly Goal

This month we were:

$20,457 below our Monthly Goal

Monthly Income

Weekly Offerings $49,298

Sunday School $83

O Give Thanks $1,993

Missions $1,580

Thrivent Choice $3,043


Tuition $2.710

Other $1,812

VBS $0

Total Income $60,555 $81,012 needed*

*Monthly Budget from 2018-2019 Mission and Ministry

Plan which is $2,782 more than last year.

Fiscal Year Balance

This is the 9th month of the fiscal year.

Year To Date Balance

General Fund & School $64,652

Child Care $21,071

Total* $85,723

*Total fiscal year income minus actual spending

Mortgage Balance

$ 0.00

Page 6: THE SMALCALD ARTICLES · TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 9858 North Street 9858 North Street Reese, Michigan 48757 The monthly newsletter of 2019 Trinity Lutheran hurch & School (The Lutheran

Continued Prayer:

David Hughes, Mark Otto, Jeanette

Prayer Request: Betty Bender, Cindy, Conner Bekemeier, Mike Bender, Jillian Chapman, Ron Carter, Becky Edwards, Pas-tor Hakes, Silas & Wesley Karkanen, Lavern Kaufman, Elsie Marx, Payton Matzke, Jean Reinhardt, Robert Scherzer, Eileeen Schrader, Marian Schrader, Barb Solgat,


Betty Bender, Jennifer Elbers, Elsie Marx, Helen Reif, Beneva Schemm, Marian Schrader


Justin Guerrero (stationed in Alaska) 2354 Central Ave. Unit 21, Eielson, AFB AK 99072 Brandon Bierlein, (Dyess AFB) Texas, 7 Queen Annes Lace, Abilene, TX 79606


Helen Reif, 5750 Sheridan Road, Unionville, Michigan 48767 Please inform the office if you know of anyone else who should be added to any of these list.

In Our Continued Prayers


In Memory of : In Memory of: Howard Bittner– General Fund Waldo Roebe– Mission Fund

In Honor of :

Sandy & Jim DuRussel 50th wedding anniversary — other Fund

In Memory of: Tim Kaul—School– Church– Organ-Building Fund-General Fund

In Memory of: In Memory of:

Dale Sahr—General Fund Doug Daenzer– General Fund

6 11


Dear Members of Trinity: Thank you for all the wonderful acts of kindness that have been shown to our family, during the most difficult time in our lives. What reassurance to have knowing we will all meet again in heaven. Tim loves & cherished all of our Trinity family. We want to thank everyone who help wit Tim’s funeral arrange-ment; the funeral dinner, beautiful cards, home and funeral home visits, food & funeral dinner. Also, all the won-derful memories honoring Tim’s life. We sincerely appreciate everything that was done for us & please continue to keep our whole family in your prayers. We know Tim is tending to God’s enteral garden in heaven.

The family of Tim Kaul

Preschool 3’s Preschool 3’s is a Christian playgroup where we gather together 2 mornings a week. The first year of school is important to learn how to play with others. We use words to express our wants. We learn to take turns. We know how to stand in a line. We learn how to open and shut a locker. We know that there is a time for playing, and time for sitting and listening. We followed a schedule. We have great play centers, a daily craft, and exercise time on the playground or in the gym. Holidays are celebrated with games and stories and of course food. Weekly Bible lessons were talked about with the kids each day and then sent home for parents to read. Trinity Lutheran School provides a great education. Thank you Trinity Lutheran Church members for your support financially and your prayers Our last day of class was May 30th. We stayed after school for a lunch time picnic. We had time to tell our friends: See You Next Year! Preschool 4’s We will end our school year on Monday, June 3 with a celebration in church. The 12 preschoolers will sing songs and receive a certificate. May God continue to guide these young preschoolers in their faith. Preschool 4’s is a kindergarten readiness program where we aim to learn our ABC’s and numbers. We have daily Jesus time with Bible stories and songs. In Christ’s Service, Ms. Wheeler

Page 7: THE SMALCALD ARTICLES · TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 9858 North Street 9858 North Street Reese, Michigan 48757 The monthly newsletter of 2019 Trinity Lutheran hurch & School (The Lutheran

School office hours: Summer hours: call to see in Mrs. Britton will be in DATES TO REMEMBER: June 1st State Track Meet June 2nd Graduation Sunday June 3rd Pre-School & Kindergarten Graduation June 6th School Picnic June 7th Last Day of School June 12th 4th Quarter Grades Released INTERESTED IN TRINITY? ALL you need to do is fill out the registration form and pay the $50.00/per child deposit. (This deposit is put toward your Educational Fees.). Please see Levi Bringold or Shannon Britton for forms and if you have any questions. (989)868-4501 Registration information is available in the office or online at .

We would love to have you come for a visit. Please continue to keep Trinity Church/School in your prayers

so we continue to be A GREAT, JOYful PLACE TO GROW in 2018-19!

From the Principal



I can hardly believe that the end of the school year is so close! When I think back to all that we have done and accomplished musically at Trinity Lutheran School, it is clear that the kids have worked hard and learned a lot. Each group has sung or played in church four times, including performances for Veterans Day, the Christmas Play, Music Fest, our Spring Concert, and I am sure I am missing something. It has been such a joy to spend time with and get to know the children of our school, learning myself how to teach and connect with them better. I almost dread the quiet summer brings to this building! Though the church year is not over, our yearly activities are coming to a close. Our last choir practice will be June 6

th with

Pentecost as our last Sunday to sing. Thursday choir has be-come a joyful foil to the school day, allowing me to connect with adults who truly care about the music they learn and the commu-nity they create! Handbells, though we did not meet as often, was also a point of joy for me, learning music at a much faster rate than a school group would. Thank you all for your participa-tion and your dedication to our music here at Trinity!

In Christ’s Service Hannah Bjornstad

It feels like I was sitting here typing up tidings to kick off the year just a week ago, but it has already been a whole school year. Now we have a graduation service on June 2nd for the 8th graders, high school graduates, and college graduates at the end of the 10:45 service on June 2nd. We have a school that is full of hope and these kids often speak of what they aspire to be when they grow up. The optimism in these students makes every day a joy to be here. While we have a school full of sinners, we still are able to talk about Jesus and all that He has done for us and the hope we have in Him. God continues to bless the school through this congregation, the teachers, the staff, the families, the students, and the volunteers. What a blessing to work in such a place. But now it is time for summer and the students will go back home, and that is when a few of us are able to get some other things done, and sometimes we need volunteers for a variety of summer things. Let us know if you are available to make a difference with us this summer. Have a blessed summer! Levi

Page 8: THE SMALCALD ARTICLES · TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 9858 North Street 9858 North Street Reese, Michigan 48757 The monthly newsletter of 2019 Trinity Lutheran hurch & School (The Lutheran

Sundays 11:30 am WAQP-DT 49 WAQP Charter Cable 2 Direct-TV Channel 377 Tuesdays 7:00 pm Charter Cable 191 (Public Access

Hear the Word

June 2nd "Advocate" Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler The followers of Jesus do not wander through the wasteland of this world alone. We have a Guide! (John 14-15-21)

June 9th "My Spirit Makes My People" Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler God sends His Spirit upon both the selfish and group-ish to make His people (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

June 16th "Getting to Know Jesus" Guest Speaker: Pastor Paul Schult There's a big difference between knowing about someone and really knowing them. Pastor Paul Schult introduces us to a different way of getting to know Je-sus. (Philippians 3:8)

June 23rd "What Does God Love and Hate?" Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler God's Values - 10 Commandments (Exodus 20:5-6)

June 30th "Who Is the God of Israel?" Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler God's identity - Creed

June 2nd

, 2019 – Seventh Sunday of Easter – The Ascension of our Lord Observed Psalm 47; New Testament: Acts 1:1-11; Gospel: Luke 24:44-53 “What Are You Doing Here?” - Sermon Text: Acts 1:1-11 - Rev. Bill Mueller The disciples of Jesus stood in amazement at the ascension of Jesus. They saw Him ascend into Heaven. They were bewildered, confused, and simply dumb-founded. What are you do-ing here the angels asked them. Jesus will return! In whatever situation of life we find our-selves, the same question needs to be asked of us – what are you doing here? June 9

th, 2019 – The Day of Pentecost

Psalm 143; New Testament: Acts 2:1-21; Gospel: John 14:25-31 “Let Us Go!” - Sermon Text: John 14:31 - Rev. Dr. Thomas Ahlersmeyer Two thousand years after He walked the earth, Jesus continues instructing and living among His people. Bringing the voice and presence of Jesus to His disciples is the work of the Holy Spirit. This work is celebrated through the celebration of Pentecost. June 16

th, 2019 – The Holy Trinity

Psalm 8; New Testament: Act 2:14a, 29-33; Gospel: John 8:51-59 “Before Abraham Was, I Am” - Sermon Text: John 8:51-59 – Rev. Dr. Walter Maier III Christ’s statement, “Before Abraham was, I am,” gives us wonderful assurance that the Triune God is the God of our salvation. Jesus’ words also lead us to think of the various ways in which He can be described as our Savior. June 23

rs, 2019 – Second Sunday after Pentecost

Psalm 3; Old Testament: Isaiah 65:1-9; Gospel: Luke 8:26-39 “How Much God Has Done” - Sermon Text: Luke 8:38-39 - Rev. Thomas Eggold In today's reading, after Jesus drove demons out of a man, He told him, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” Christ crossed the lake to restore this man, not only so that the man would be “dressed and in his right mind” but so that this once ostracized and isolated outcast could go home, could be reunited with his family, could rejoin his community and could carry with him a message of “how much God has done” for him. This is what Christ has done for us as well. June 30

th, 2019 – Third Sunday after Pentecost

Psalm 16; Old Testament: 1 Kings 19:9b-21; Gospel: Luke 9:51-62 “To Jerusalem!” - Sermon Text: Luke 9:51 - Rev. Shayne Jonker “When the days drew near for Jesus to be taken up, He set His face to go to Jerusalem.” Je-sus purpose, His mission was to go to Jerusalem and be crucified for the world's sin, rise from the dead, and ascend into Heaven. He came to be taken up, and to take us up together with Him.

9 8

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