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Page 1: The Shop Around The Corner Script

The Shop Around The Corner Script

- 'Morning, Mr. Pirovitch.- Good morning.

- Always the first one.- It's none of your business.

Let me tell you,it doesn't hurt to be too early.

What for and why? Who sees you? Me.And who sees me? You.

What does it get us?Can we give each other a raise? No.

What are you doing with that bicycle?You can't take it.

Better not let Mr. Matuschek see.

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Why don't you tell him?It's all right with me.

You know where I was last nightwhile you were home soaking your feet?

Running my legs off for Mrs. Matuschek.

"Pepi, go to the dressmaker."And when I come back:

"Pepi, will you please pick up a packageat the drugstore?"

- Good morning.- Good morning, Miss Kaczek.

Good morning.

- How's your boy?- Much better, thanks.

- We called Dr. Hegedus.- He's a very expensive doctor.

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What can you do?

I thought I'd cut down on my cigarsfor a few weeks.

- Good morning.- Good morning, llona.

- That's a new silver fox! It's stunning!- Thank you.

- It must have been pretty expensive.- It was.

I hesitated a long time before I bought it.

I said, "No, I can't afford it."Still, I couldn't take my eyes off it.

- I said, "No, I have no right to..."- And then he said, "Go on and take it."

- Trying to be clever.- Shut up.

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Good morning.

Pepi, go to the drugstoreand get me a bicarbonate of soda.

- What's the matter?- Do you feel well?

It's all right.

- Good morning, good morning.- Good morning.

- Want to hear a joke?- No.

What's the matter, folks?

Not awake yet? Look at me.I bet I haven't slept half as much as you.

Friends, Romans, countrymen,to tell you the truth...

...I had quite a time last night.

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We don't want to hear the poor girl's name.

- Kralik, how was the dinner last night?- Oh, yes, that's right.

Kralik had dinner with the boss last night.How was it? Tell us all about it.

- Are you a partner now, Mr. Kralik?- Don't be funny.

How was it?

It was a very nice evening,and I enjoyed myself.

- I bet the food was good.- You can imagine.

Tell me, is it true Mrs. Matuschekhad her face lifted?

How could I know that?

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- How old did she look to you last night?- Well, .

She had her face lifted.

I think Mrs. Matuschekis a very charming woman.

- Who said she isn't?- Don't try to make something out of it.

I didn't say Mrs. Matuschekis not charming.

But I said she is. What's wrong with that?

So the food was good?

Seven courses,not including the hors d'oeuvres.

- Were you sitting next to her?- I was. What do you think of that?

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- I bet you were brilliant.- No, I kept still and tried to learn.

- Your bicarbonate, Mr. Kralik.- Thanks, Pepi.

- Bicarbonate?- I had a little too much goose liver.

What's the matter? Wasn't it any good?

Now, look here, vadas.Just a minute. Folks, come over.

Did you hear... I want you to hear this.

Did I make any derogatory remarkabout the goose liver?

- No, not any!- Not one word!

I merely saidthat I had too much goose liver.

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- "A little too much goose liver."- That's right.

"A little too much goose liver."Not one word more, and not one less.

- Good morning, Mr. Matuschek.- Yes, good morning.


- Good morning.- Good morning, Mr. Matuschek.

Who put this . suitcase in the window?

I did, Mr. Matuschek.

- I guess it's all right.- Thank you, Mr. Matuschek.

- Yeah. Pepi.- Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

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Go across the street to the drugstore,and get me some bicarbonate of soda.

Yes, sir.

Allow me, Mr. Matuschek. May I help?

There we are, Mr. Matuschek.

- Pirovitch. Want to hear something nice?- Yes. What is it?

A letter from a girl.

"My heart was trembling as I walkedinto the post office...

"...and there you were, lying in box .

"I took you out of your envelopeand read you...

" you right there...

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"...oh, my dear friend."

- What is all this?- You see, I wanted to buy an encyclopedia.

Encyclopedia? What're you talking about?

You come to a time in your lifewhen you get tired of going to cafés... halls every night,and you want to improve yourself.

You want to study something about art...

...literature and history,how people live in Brazil.

Tell me what has all this to dowith the letter?

You know I can't afforda new encyclopedia...

Page 11: The Shop Around The Corner Script I was looking through the adsin the paper...

...and I got on the wrong page,and I came across this ad, and...

Wait a minute, I have it right here.Here, read that.

"Modern girl wishes to correspondon cultural subjects...

"...anonymously with intelligent,sympathetic, young man.

"Address: Dear Friend,Post Office Box ."

I know those ads.The papers are full of them.

- How long has this been going on?- We've exchanged four letters.

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- Four letters?- And she's no ordinary girl.

Now listen to this:

"Are you tall? Are you short?

"Are your eyes blue? Are they brown?Don't tell me.

"What does it matterso long as our minds meet?"

- That's beautiful.- It is, isn't it?

Now, wait a minute.

"We have enough troublesin our daily lives.

"There are so many greatand beautiful things...

" discuss in this world of ours...

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" would be wasting precious moments...

"...if we told each other the vulgar details...

"...of how we earn our daily bread,so don't let's do it."

Mr. Kralik.

Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

I can buy two dozen ofthese cigarette boxes at Miklos Brothers.

What do you think of it?I think it's great. Well, open it.

No, Mr. Matuschek, it's not for us.

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But you haven't listened to it.It plays Ochi Tchornya.

Even if it played Beethoven'sNinth Symphony, I'd still say no.

I just don't like the idea.

It's wonderful how you make upyour mind so quickly.

I've been in this business for years.

It took me a whole hour to decidethat I like this box.

But, of course, you're a genius.You know so much more than I.

- Mr. vadas.- Coming, Mr. Matuschek.

- Miss Novotni.- Yes, Mr. Matuschek?

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Look here, what do you think of this?

I want your honest opinion.Don't let me influence you.

All I want is your honest opinion.

Well, Miss Novotni?

I think people who smoke cigarettes...

...and love to hear Ochi Tchornyawill like it.

I'd even go further.

I think it'll make music loversout of smokers...

...and smokers out of music lovers.It's sensational!

Yes, well.Mr. Kralik, have you thought it over?

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Yes. I still think it's inadvisable.

Well, give me one reason.

Let's say that a man smokes cigarettes a day.

That means that times a dayhe opens this box...

...and times a dayhe has to listen to Ochi Tchornya.

It's a perfectly terrible idea.

It's imitation leather, the glue's no good... two weeks it will fall apart,and all you'll have is Ochi Tchornya.

You don't have to tell methat it's imitation leather. I know that.

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You sell things and let me do the buying.

- Excuse me, Mr. Matuschek.- Yes?

Miklos Brothers is callingabout the cigarette box.

Miklos, yes.

Yes, Mr. Miklos.

Can I call you back in about five minutes?

I'd like a little more time to think about it.

No, no, it's not the price.

It's just that I'm not quite sureabout the whole idea.


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Yes, Mr. Miklos.


You can't expect meto make up my mind in five minutes!

If that's the case, then I'll have to say no.

I'm sorry.

- Good morning, madam.- Good morning.

- A lovely bag, don't you think?- Yes, very.

It's an imported model.

We have it in pigskin,several different colors...

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...and with or without fitted accessories.

- I really didn't come in to buy a bag.- I beg your pardon. What can I show you?

To tell you the truth,I really didn't come in to buy anything.

That's perfectly all right.

If you wish to look around,make yourself at home.

Yes, thank you.

I wonder if I could see Mr. Matuschek.

Unfortunately, Mr. Matuschek is quite busyat the moment.

- I could call him if you wanted.- I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

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If you tell me your wishes,it's possible I could take care of them.

I noticed in your shop windowthat you're having a summer sale.

Yes, everything in the shopis marked down percent...

...some articles even more.Take for instance this compact.

Yesterday you couldn't get itfor a penny less than . . Now it's . .

- Yes, that's a wonderful bargain.- Everything in the shop is a bargain today.

Yes, I imagine you'll be doing big business.

I have no doubt of it.You were very wise to come early.

It'll be such a rush,we won't be able to help the customers.

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- Maybe you should take on extra help.- We probably will.

Maybe you could use me.I'm looking for a job.

That wasn't very nice,letting me go through the whole routine.

I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to.Could you help me get a job here?

I'd like to, but there's no opening.

But you just told me you'd need someextra people because of the rush.

Look around for yourself.

You can seewhat kind of business we're doing.

I beg your pardon.

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Yes, madam?

How much is that belt in the window,the one that says . ?

- . .- Oh, no.

- May I tell you my qualifications?- Lf I could do anything for you, I'd do it.

I'm not inexperienced.

I know the situation, and there's no chance.

I worked for two yearsat Blasek and Company...

...and months at Latzki Brothers.

Even if you'd worked at Mintz and Kramer...

I did! I took care of the finest clientele.

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We don't deal with that class here.We have middle-class trade.

What trade do you think they have?

They'd take me back now.

- Why don't you go back?- That's another story.

If it was up to me, I'd put you to work.But I'm not the boss.

- Then why don't you let me see him?- He's in sort of a bad mood today.

I'll take a chance.Maybe I can cheer him up.

Young lady, I've been here for nine years,and I know Mr. Matuschek inside out.

I can predict his every reaction.

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I could tell you word for wordexactly what he'd say.

Mr. Kralik, I beg your pardon.

Just one moment, please.

It's all right.

So, you know every reaction of mine?

You know me inside out?

You know what I think,even before I thought of it.

You're not only a genius,you're a mind reader.

- Mr. Matuschek...- Never mind.

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Good morning, madam.I am Mr. Matuschek.

- Good morning, Mr. Matuschek.- Here, please, sit down.

I don't know what the difficulty is...

...but I can assure you,that the word "impossible"... not in the vocabularyof Matuschek and Company.

- I am so happy to hear you say that.- I mean it.

- Mr. Matuschek.- Yes, madam?

I was at Blasek and Company...

Oh, madam. I'm sure you'll findmuch nicer things in my shop.

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No, I mean, I worked there.I'm looking for a job.

No, no, that's impossible.It's out of the question.

- But...- I have no time. I'm very busy.

I'm very sorry.I'm afraid you're just wasting your time.

But I've got to have a job.

- Mr. Kralik.- Just a moment, Mr. Matuschek.

- Have you tried Baum's Department Store?- Every entrance.

I don't know what to tell you.Maybe after inventory.

- When will that be?- In a week or so.

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- Kralik!- Just a minute, Mr. Matuschek.

Please, may I leave my address?

If we need anybody, you'll be the first.

My name is Klara Novak, Duna Street, .

And if you need me in a hurry,you can phone - .

It's the grocery store downstairs.

Ask for Johanna,and tell her you have a message for Klara.

"Business message for Klara."Yes, I have that.

- Yes, Mr. Matuschek?- Close the door.

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Why did you put me in that situationin front of the whole shop?

I'm very sorry, sir, but it was not my fault.

- Whose fault was it? Mine?- Yes.

What's the matter with you, Kralik?You're my oldest employee.

I do everything I canto show my appreciation.

I ask you to my house.

- I'm very grateful, sir.- You have a funny way of showing it.

You know how muchI value your judgment...

...and on every occasion you contradict me.

Whatever I say, you say, "no."

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From now on, I say, "yes."Yes, Mr. Matuschek. Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

Certainly, Mr. Matuschek.Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

- That was a nice party last night.- Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

- Yes, I had a lot of fun, didn't you?- Yes.

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself so much.

That little poem that you wrotein Mrs. Matuschek's guest book...

...did you make that up yourself?

It's sort of half and half.

- How do you mean?- Half Shakespeare and half me.

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I just changed the lines aroundto suit the occasion.

I made that last line rhymewith Matuschek, that's all.

- Mrs. Matuschek liked it very much.- Thank you.

You made a fine impression on her.

Mrs. Matuschek thinks a lot of you.

And you know,I think a lot of Mrs. Matuschek.

- Mr. Matuschek?- Yes?

I've found a customer for the cigarette box.What price shall I quote?

Well, let me see.

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It costs us . and I think we get five percent...

Let me take care of this, Mr. Matuschek.

Look, there's no use waiting now.Believe me.

If there's an opening, you'll be the first.

Just a moment.Tell me, would you buy a box like this?

Mr. Matuschek,I couldn't buy anything at the moment.

No, I want your opinion.Your honest opinion.

Now, don't let me influence you.I just want your opinion.

Do you like this box?

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Yes, I do. I think it's lovely.

Yes. Why?


I think it's romantic.

What's romantic about it?

Well, cigarettes and music, I don't know.

It makes me think of moonlight and...

...cigarettes and music.

- There's the woman's point of view.- Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

- Mr. Matuschek.- Yes, Miss...

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- How much are you selling it for?- Let me see. . .

. ?

Yes, . .

That's a bargain! That's a real bargain!

Good morning, madam.It's a lovely box, isn't it?

Oh, yes. It's a candy box, isn't it?

Yes, madam, a candy box,and I should say, a very unusual one.

May I open it for you?

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Yes, madam. That's Ochi Tchornya.It's a very popular classic.

No, that would never do.Where do people get ideas like that?

Imagine, every time you takea piece of candy... have to listen to that song.I couldn't buy a thing like that. Too silly.

I know just what you mean, madam.

Yet some customers like itfor the very thing you object to.

We've sold quite a few.

- Really?- Yes, madam.

There's no denying that we all havea weakness for candy.

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I don't mean to say anythingagainst candy.

No, I only mean that sometimeswe are inclined to overdo it a little.

I suppose so.

Madam, have you any ideahow many pieces of candy you eat a day?

No, I never gave it a thought.

We pick up a piece of candyabsent-mindedly...

...and then we take another piece.

Before we know it,we've gained a few pounds.

That's when our troubles begin.Massages, electric cabinets.

I know it.

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Now, this little box makes youcandy-conscious.

That's what we designed it for.

Every time you open it,the little tinkling song is a message to you.

"Too much candy, now be careful."

How much is it?

It's . reduced from . .It's a real bargain.

- I'll take it.- Thank you, madam.

What do you say now?

I think people who like to smoke candyand listen to cigarettes will love it.

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Don't let me influence you.

I want your opinion, your honest opinion,that's all I want.

- Good morning.- Good morning, sir.

- 'Morning.- Good morning, Kralik.

I've got a big dinner date tonight.

- With the boss?- No, he never invites me anymore.

How do you figure him out, anyway?

I give up. It's certainly very difficultto get along with him these days.

He never talks to me anymore.

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I hope he's feeling more cheerful today.

He better,because I'm going to ask him for a raise.

A raise?

Do you mindif I ask you a personal question?

- No, go ahead.- It's confidential.

Yes, sure.

Suppose that a fellow like mewants to get married.

That's wonderful! That's the best thingthat could happen. Who's the girl?

Wait a minute.What did I say? I said, "suppose."

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I said, "a fellow like me." I didn't say me.

How much does it cost you to live,you and Mrs. Pirovitch?

- Leaving out the children.- Why fool yourself?

Well, let's say temporarily.How much does it cost?

- It can be done.- Yeah?

Yes, and very nicely.Naturally, you can't be extravagant.

Suppose a fellow getsan apartment with three rooms.

Dining room, bedroom, living room.

What do you need three rooms for?You live in the bedroom.

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- Where do you eat?- In the kitchen. You get a nice big kitchen.

Where do you entertain?

What are you, an ambassador?Who do you want to entertain?

If someone is really your friend,he comes after dinner.

Oh, no.

- Good morning.- Good morning, Miss Novak.

- How's your wife, Mr. Pirovitch?- Oh, my goodness!

I forgot to call Dr. Hegedus.

- Something serious with your wife?- No, she couldn't be better.

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- Why do you want to call him?- Lf I don't, he'll come.

Excuse me, I'd better telephone him.I hope it isn't too late.

Miss Novak?

Yes, Mr. Kralik?

I noticed that you wore a yellow blousewith light-green dots yesterday.

No, Mr. Kralik. As usual, you're mistaken.It was green with light-yellow dots.

Everybody else thoughtit was very becoming.

I don't remember remarkingabout your neckties.

If you think I couldn't say anythingabout your neckties...

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...just ask Mr. vadas.My blouse is none of your business.

I'm sorry. Mr. Matuschek seemsto think it is my business.

Yes, that's right. I'm working under you.

I'll call you every morningand describe what I'm going to wear.

Before I select my next wardrobe,my dressmaker will give you samples.

- Imagine you dictating what I should wear.- I don't care what you wear.

For a circus pony, it's all right.

I have my own troubleswithout your blouse...

...between Matuschek and me.

I sold as much yesterday as anybody else.

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For a rainy Monday three weeksbefore Christmas, . isn't bad.

- Did you tell Mr. Matuschek that?- Yes.

And what did he say?

"Not to come in that blouse."

- Tell him I won't.- I will!

Good morning.

I caught him in time. Saves me five pengo,and that counts when you're married.

- Is this tie all right to wear to work?- Quite all right.

Tell me, who is the girl?

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Well, you know that girlI was corresponding with?

- Yes, about the cultural subjects.- Yeah.

Well, after a while,we got on the subject of love...

...naturally on a very cultural level.

What else can you do in a letter?

She is the most wonderful girlin the world.

Is she pretty?

She has such idealsand such a viewpoint on things...

...that she's so far above the girlsyou meet today, there's no comparison.

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- So she is not so very pretty?- Don't say that.

I'm sorry.The main thing is that you like her.

- Yeah, I hope I will.- What do you mean?

You love a girl,and you don't know if you like her?

Well, that's just the question.I haven't met her yet.

- What? You haven't met her yet?- No.

I keep postponing it and postponing it.

I'm scared.

This girl thinks I'm the mostwonderful person in the world.

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And after all, there is a chanceshe might be disappointed.

Yes, there is a chance.

- On the other hand...- You might be disappointed, too.

And I don't dare think about it.

Pirovitch, did you ever get a bonus?

Yes, once.

Yeah, the boss hands you the envelope.

You wonder how much is in it,and you don't want to open it.

As long as the envelope's closed,you're a millionaire.

You keep postponing that moment and...

Page 47: The Shop Around The Corner Script can't postpone it forever.

I'm meeting her tonight, : in a café.

- A red carnation?- Yeah.


She's using one for a bookmarkin a copy of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina.

I'm wearing one in my lapel.

I haven't slept for days.

I'm sure she'll be beautiful.

Not too beautiful.What chance would a fellow like me...

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- What do you want, a homely girl?- No.

You knock on wood for me.

Just a lovely, average girl.

That's all I want.

Thank you, my good man.

'Morning, everybody.

Here, keep the change.Send your boy through college.

Thank you, sir.

I see by the expressionon your underpaid faces... wonder where I get money.

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No, Mr. vadas, I don't wonder.

- What do you mean?- I mean, I don't wonder.

Good morning, Mr. Matuschek.

This window looks terrible.

There isn't a shop on the streetthat doesn't look better.

It's a wonder we get any customers.

We'll stay tonight after closing hoursand redecorate it.

- I'll have to get out of it some way.- Klara, you haven't got a chance.

I have an engagement tonight at : .I have to go home first. I have to change.

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Ilona, did you notice the blouseI wore yesterday, the green one?

With the light yellow dots?I thought it was simply stunning.

I'm so glad.I'm planning to wear it tonight.

Hello? Yeah, hello, darling.

Well, you were sleeping,and I didn't want to disturb you.

You came home late last night.

I thought perhapsyou'd like to sleep a little longer.

No, I'm not angry.Did you have a good time?

That's all that matters, isn't it?

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But, Emma, I don't understand it.Only last Monday I gave you...

No, I'm not complaining.It's quite a bit of money.

Yeah, all right.I'll send it over as soon as possible.

Yeah, goodbye.

Come in.

- What is it?- I'd like to talk to you for a moment.

- Is it important?- It's important to me.

Is it importantto Matuschek and Company?

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Not exactly, sir.

Well, then, I'm sorry. I'm busy.You'll have to see me later.

- Pardon me, sir.- What is it now?

Sir, for several days your attitudetoward me seems to have changed.

- Has it?- Yes, Mr. Matuschek, it has.

Really, I'm completely at a lossto understand it.

After all, I do my work.

And you get paid for it?

Yes, sir.

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- Every month?- Yes, sir.

Yes, everything seems to be all right then,doesn't it?

Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

Did you see him?

I'm not goingto stand for this much longer.

What does that man want of me?Why does he always pick on me?

- You are his oldest employee.- That's a fine reason.

He picks on me, too.The other day he called me an idiot.

What could I do?I said, "Yes, Mr. Matuschek, I'm an idiot."

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I'm no fool.

Listen, maybe he has business worries.

Or maybe he has some troublewith his wife.

Is that true, Pirovitch?Is he having trouble with his wife?

I don't know, it's none of my business.

I'm talking to Kralik. What do you want?I don't know anything. Leave me alone.

Kralik, don't be impulsive,not at a time like this.

Not when millions of peopleare out of work.

- I can get a job anywhere.- Can you? Let's be honest.

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I'll take a chance. I'm no coward, you know.I'm not afraid.

- I am. I have a family.- Well, I haven't.

Think it over.

Those were nice letters, weren't they?

It's already been paid for.Leave it downstairs at the desk.

Mr. Kralik, do you think I'll haveto work tonight? After all, I'm a child.

- No, you don't have to stay.- Do you mean it?

- I'll straighten it out.- Thanks, Mr. Kralik!

- May I help you?- No, thank you.

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I put all the imported bags over thereon the shelf. Is that how you wanted it?

I'd appreciate it if you'd tell meif there's anything wrong.

Since when have you become interestedin my opinions?

I want to please you, Mr. Kralik.I'm working under you.

- You don't have to keep harping on that.- No, I didn't mean it that way at all.

Regardless of what I think of you...

...I believe that anybodywho works with you...

...and doesn't get a great deal out of it,is just plain dumb.

Just what do you mean?What do you think of me personally?

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I mean, since you ask... matter what anybody else says,I think you're a gentleman.

I try to be.

You have no ideawhat that means to a working girl.

What a girl goes through in some shops.

Take for instancewhen I was with Foeldes Brothers & Sons.

The sons were all right,but the brothers, Mr. Kralik...

That's why I like it here so much.

When you say, "Miss Novak, let's goin the back to put bags on the shelf"...

Page 58: The Shop Around The Corner Script really wantto put some bags on the shelf.

And that's my idea of gentleman.

I just don't believein mixing bags with pleasure.

Mr. Kralik.

- Yes, Miss Novak?- About that blouse...

- I'm sorry, but I had to do that.- I want to thank you. I'm glad you did it.

After thinking it all over, you're so right.

- That blouse was awful.- Oh, no, not awful.

It was. I wouldn't admit it at the time,but what woman would?

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We hate to admit we are wrong.That's why we are so feminine.

This is the first timeyou've shown a little sense.

- Quite a change in you, Miss Novak.- I know it, Mr. Kralik.

If you keep this up,we'll get along much better.

- Thank you, Mr. Kralik.- That's quite all right, Miss Novak.

I was planning to wearthat awful blouse tonight.

- I have a date with...- Tonight?

Didn't you hear what Mr. Matuschek said?

We have to stayand decorate the windows.

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- I almost forgot.- Yes.

Would it be possible,do you think you could spare me tonight?

And then maybe Mr. Matuschekwould let me off.

So that's why I'm a gentleman.That's why you've learned from me now?

- I don't understand.- You want the night off?

- I have to, Mr. Kralik.- You're out of luck.

That was such an obvious trick.I almost fell for it, too.

I have to get off tonight.It's terribly important.

For the last six months,you've just antagonized me and...

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You haven't been very nice to me either.

Whatever I do, it's wrong.

If I wrap a package, it's not right.

If I make a suggestion,and some of them are very good...

- don't listen.

Everything has to be done exactlyyour way, and then you don't like it.

When I first came into this shop,I was full of life and enthusiasm...

...and now I'm nothing.You've taken my personality away.

You're a dictator, that's what you are.

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Mr. Kralik, any day nowI may be in a position...

...where I don't have to work anymore.Then I'll really tell you what I think.

As for that blouse, I think it's beautiful,and I'm going to wear it tonight.

Mr. Kralik, I don't like you.

Mr. Matuschek,may I speak to you for a moment?

What is it?

Do you think you could spare me tonight?

Let me see, we need three people,to dress the "A" window.

- Mr. Kralik?- Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

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Can you get alongwithout Miss Novak tonight?

Mr. Matuschek,I'd like to talk to you for a moment.

- You want to go, too?- Yes, I'd appreciate it very much...

What is this? Does everybody wantto leave? Is this the interest you show?

- Once a year, I ask you to stay.- I'm sorry, if I'd only known yesterday.

You want a special invitation. Next time,I'll send you an engraved announcement.

I have talked everything overwith Mr. Kralik. I know his ideas.

Miss Novotni and I can managethe novelty window by ourselves.

Did I ask you for your advice?

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What do you mean you talked this over?Who's shop is this?

Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

So you want the evening off, Mr. Kralik?

That's all right. I think we can manage.

This is the first time in yearsI have asked a favor.

I gave you the evening.What more do you want?

- Do you want a brass band?- You're being unjust.

I'm being unjust?

Once a year,I ask six ladies and gentlemen...

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...six, mind you, when next door,a shop twice as big as mine...

...employs only four.

Good morning, madam.Is there something I can show you?

Have you any traveling bags for menwith a zipper?

We have all typesof traveling bags for men with zippers.

Thank you very much. I'm doing somewindow-shopping for my husband.

- He'll be here tomorrow.- I'll be delighted to serve him, madam.

- Thank you. Good morning.- Good morning, madam.

Six people who stand around herefor days telling jokes...

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...and talking about the movies,while I pay the gas and the rent...

...and the light, and the taxes,and their salaries.

Good morning, Matuschek and Company.


Just a moment.

Mr. Pirovitch.

Yes? Mama, I called you.

We are decorating the windowafter closing hours... we won't have to have dinnerwith the Laszlos. Isn't that wonderful?

Yes, I knew you'd be glad.Goodbye, Mama.

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Six people I ask, one day a year,to be so kind... to redecorate a window.

And you have the nerve, Mr. Kralik...

...the oldest employee in the place,who should set an example.

You spoke like this to me yesterday.What did I do then?

The whole week you've treated melike this, and without any reason.

Without any reason?

Maybe I have more reason than you think.

It's obviousthat you're not satisfied with me.

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You can draw your own conclusions.

In that case,I think there's just one thing to do.

Perhaps we'd better call it a day.

Matuschek and Company.Yes, Mrs. Matuschek, he's here.

Mrs. Matuschek on the telephone.

Hello, Emma.

No, I'm not coming home tonight.

All right.

All right, I'll send it right over.

Put pengo in an envelopeand have Pepi take it to Mrs. Matuschek.

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Pepi is out. He has quite a few deliveries,and he won't be back until after lunch.

Mr. Kralik and I always have lunchat Farago's.

It's only a few blocks from your home.We can deliver it. Right, Mr. Kralik?


No, thank you, Mr. Kralik.

Mr. vadas.

Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

I don't like to break in on your lunch hour.

It's perfectly all right. It'll be a pleasure.

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Thank you, Mr. vadas.

Mr. Kralik...

...will you come to my office.I'd like to talk to you.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Kralik...

...l've been thinking all dayabout what you said this morning.

I'm sorry, Mr. Matuschek.I'm afraid I lost my temper.

No, I think you were right.

I really believe that you'd be happiersomewhere else.

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Do you think so, sir?

Yes, I'm sure of it.

I guess there's nothing more to be said.

No. Let me see.

You're naturally entitled to a month's pay.

That's pengo.

- That's right, isn't it?- Yes, sir.

Will you, please, sign this receipt.

And here's a letter...

...which certainly won't handicap youin seeking employment.

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Thank you, sir.

I guess we might as well say goodbye.

- Goodbye, Mr. Matuschek.- Goodbye.


What happened?

"To whom it may concern:

"I wish to state that Mr. Alfred Kralikleaves my employ of his own accord.

"Mr. Kralik started with Matuschek andCompany nine years ago as an apprentice.

"With diligence,he advanced to the position of clerk.

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"For the last five years,he has been our first salesman.

"We have found him reliable,efficient, resourceful.

"We can recommend him without reserve.

"He carries with him our best wishesfor his success in his future career.

"Hugo Matuschek."

Kralik, I still can't believe it.There's no reason.

The boss doesn't have to give you a reason.

That's one of the wonderful thingsabout being boss.

Well, I wanted to get off tonight.

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I got off all right.

- Kralik, you're not going?- No, I couldn't face her tonight.

This morning I had a position, a future.

I'm afraid I sort of exaggeratedin my letters.

I showed off a little, and she's expectingto meet a pretty important man.

I'm in no mood to act important tonight.

Well, I...

My dear Kralik, I think I speak for all of us,when I say this is a shock and a surprise.

We all feel we are losinga splendid fellow worker...

...and we certainly wish you the luckwhich you so rightfully deserve.

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Now, Kralik,we are going to see each other soon.

If you have an evening with nothing to do,you know where we live.

- All right, Pirovitch. Goodbye.- Goodbye, Kralik.

Ilona, I'm going to miss you.

I don't understand.

It's nothing unusual. It happens every day.Somebody gets fired and...

- Goodbye, llona.- Goodbye, Mr. Kralik.


Flora, you'll noticewhen you look through my sales book...

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...I cancelled slip number five,but I deducted it from the total.


If I had anything to do with younot getting the evening off, I'm sorry.

It's my fault that you got into this trouble.Believe me, I'm sorry, too.

That's all right.

- It's true we didn't get along.- No.

I guess we fought a lot,but losing a job at a time like this... something you don't wish...- On your worst enemy.

- I didn't say that, Mr. Kralik.- Let's not quarrel anymore.

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- Goodbye.- Goodbye, Mr. Kralik.



Oh, you have.

How soon can you come over here?

Yes, well, come right away. I'll... Right.

I'll be waiting here.

You may all go home.We'll finish the windows tomorrow.

- Excuse me. Good night.- Good night.

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Hello. Is this Mrs. Hojas?

This is Mr. Pirovitch, Mr. Kralik's friend.

Yes, I know he isn't there yet.Will you, please, tell him when he comes...

...that we are not working tonight,and I am coming over.

Yes. Thank you.

I hope you don't mind, Mr. Matuschek.

He probably feels pretty low tonight,and I thought...

You don't have to explain. What you doafter working hours is your own business.

Thank you, sir.

You haven't changed your mind,by any chance, Mr. Matuschek?

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You've got the evening off, haven't you?Well, go home.

He is the best man you had.Why did you let him go?

I warn you, Mr. Pirovitch.

His whole life he lived in this shop.He was almost like a son to you.

And you were so proud of him.

You invited him to your homeagain and again.

Mr. Pirovitch, you want to keep your job,don't you?

Yes, Mr. Matuschek. I have a family.

Two children.

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In that case,mind your own business and go home.

Yes, Mr. Matuschek.

- Good night.- Good night.

Good night.

- Good night, Mr. Matuschek.- Good night, vadas.

I beg your pardon.

I'm not quite certainif I delivered Mrs. Matuschek's message.

She told me to remind you to call herif you don't work tonight.

Yes, you told me, vadas.

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Mr. Matuschek, the last time I hadthe pleasure to be at your apartment...

...was several months agowhen you sent me after your briefcase.

Today I had a chance to get a glimpseof your new dining room set.

It's exquisite, really.

I can imagine what it'll look likewith all the lights on at a dinner party.

- It must be simply stunning.- Thank you, vadas.

- Good night, Mr. Matuschek.- Good night, vadas.

- Good evening, Mr. Matuschek.- Good evening.


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- So it's true?- I'm afraid so, Mr. Matuschek.

Here we have a complete recordfrom our operatives...

...two of our most reliable men.

"Report on Mrs. Emma Matuschek.

"On December Mrs. Matuschekleft her residence on vales Street, ...

" : p.m.

"She walked two blocks upto Karto Street where she engaged a taxi.

"At : the taxi stopped at the cornerof Trantor and Bralter Streets.

"There, Mrs. Matuschek was joinedby a young man."

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Mr. Matuschek, your suspicion was right.It was one of your employees.

Both our operatives identified him lateras Mr. vadas.

- vadas?- Yes.

Ferencz vadas. Danube Place, .

There is such a man in your employ,isn't there?

Yes, yes.

Twenty-two years we've been married.

Twenty-two years I was proud of my wife.

Well, she...

...just didn't want to grow old with me.

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If you'll send me your bill,I'll take care of it immediately.

Thank you, Mr. Matuschek.

- Good night.- Good night.

Good evening.


No, Mrs. Matuschek.This is Miss Kaczek speaking.

Good evening. Who?

Pepi? No, Pepi isn't back yet.

I see, Mrs. Matuschek.He did some errands for you.

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Oh, you don't say!

He forgot to pick up a bottle of perfumeat Chabot's?

Isn't that too bad!

Yes, I'll give a good scoldingto the little rascal.

Have a good time, Mrs. Matuschek.Good night.

- Mr. Matuschek! Don't do that!- Go away! Go away!

No, Mr. Matuschek!

Why don't you go in, Kralik?

I really think you should go inand keep your date.

Now, Pirovitch,just do me a favor and deliver my note.

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All right.

Pirovitch, I don't want to knowwhat she looks like.

If she's bad looking,I've had enough bad news for today.

If she's lovely, it'll be more difficult,so don't tell me.

No, I won't.Now, what's the name of that book?

- Anna Karenina, by Tolstoy.- Anna Karenina.

- And a red carnation as a bookmark.- Red carnation.

Now, let me see. Just a minute.

- Do you see anything?- Not yet.

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- There's a beautiful girl!- Really?

- very beautiful, but no book.- No book.

- Wait a minute. I think I see it.- Yeah?

Right here under the window. Yes.

- "Anna Karenina by Tolstoy."- That's right.

And a carnation.

I can't see her face.She's sitting behind a clothes rack.

- There's a cup of coffee on the table.- Yeah?

She's taking a piece of cake.

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Kralik, she is dunking.

- Why shouldn't she dunk?- All right.

- All right.- All right.

She is leaning forward now. She...

- Can you see her?- Yes.

- Is she pretty?- very pretty.

She is?

I should say she looks...

She has a little of the coloring of Klara.

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Klara? What, Miss Novak of the shop?

Now, Kralik, you must admitKlara's a very good-looking girl.

Personally, I've always found hera very likeable girl.

This is a fine timeto talk about Miss Novak. Now...

If you don't like Miss Novak,I can tell you, you won't like that girl.

- Why?- Because it is Miss Novak.


...shall I give the note to the waiter?- No.

What do you want to do,let the poor girl wait?

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Why shouldn't Miss Novak wait?

For the last six monthsshe's fought with me every day.

But still, she wrote those letters, my friend.

I know. My misfortune.

- Goodbye, Pirovitch.- Goodbye, Kralik.

Thank you.

- Excuse me, miss, could I have this chair?- Oh, no! No, you can't!

I'm expecting somebody.He should be here any minute.

That's all right. That's...

Carnation, huh?

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A few nights ago we had a case with roses.Turned out very nice, very nice.

But once, about three months ago,we had a very sad case with gardenias.

She waited all evening and nobody came.

And when we cleaned the café,underneath one of the tables...

...we found another gardenia.

Imagine, the man must've come in...

...taken one look at her, said, "Phooey,"and threw away his gardenia.

Is your clock a little fast?My own says : and yours says : .

Listen, you have nothing to worry about,a pretty girl like you.

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If he doesn't come,I'll put on a carnation myself.

- Waiter.- Yes, sir.

- Hello, Miss Novak.- Good evening, Mr. Kralik.

It's quite a coincidence.I had an appointment here, too.

- You haven't seen Mr. Pirovitch by chance?- No, no, I haven't.

All right. Well, I think I'll wait.

- Do you mind if I sit down?- Yes, I do.

You know,I have an appointment, too, Mr. Kralik.

Oh, yes, I remember. Yes.

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- My, your friend seems to be a little late.- And I'll thank you not to be sarcastic.

I know you've had a bad day,and you feel very bitter.

- Still, that's no reason...- Bitter? Me?

About leaving Matuschek and Company?

When I got home and sat at the phone... five minutes I hadwhat amounts to two offers.

I congratulate you. I wish you good luck.

I see you're readingTolstoy's Anna Karenina.

Yes, do you mind?

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No, no, I just didn't expectto meet you in a café...

...with Tolstoy, that's all.It's quite a surprise.

I didn't know you cared for high literature.

There are many thingsyou don't know about me, Mr. Kralik.

Have you read Crime and Punishmentby Dostoyevsky?

- No, I haven't.- I have.

There are many thingsyou don't know about me, Miss Novak.

As a matter of fact...

...there might be a lotwe don't know about each other.

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People seldom go to the troubleof scratching the surface of things... find the inner truth.

I really wouldn't careto scratch your surface, Mr. Kralik...

...because I know exactly what I'd find.

Instead of a heart, a handbag.

Instead of a soul, a suitcase.

And instead of an intellect,a cigarette lighter which doesn't work.

That's very nicely put.


Comparing my intellectwith a cigarette lighter that doesn't work.

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Yeah, that's a very interesting mixtureof poetry and meanness.

Meanness? Let me...

Don't misunderstand me.I'm only trying to pay you a compliment.

Mr. Kralik, please!I told you I was expecting somebody.

Look, if your party doesn't show up,would l...

Don't worry about that.My party will show up.

So you don't have to entertain me.

- Have you read Zola's Madame Bovary?- Madame Bovary is not by Zola.

Mr. Kralik, are you still here?

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Are you deliberately tryingto spoil my evening?

Why do you want to do me harm?Why do you hate me so?

- I don't.- I suppose you love me.

Why should I?What've you done to make me love you?

- I don't want you to love me.- I don't!

Do you knowwhat that tune reminds me of?

Yes, thank you.Two dozen unsold cigarette boxes.

No, no. Wrong again.

It reminds me of a girl out of a job.

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- A very nice girl, too, I thought.- You thought that. How you can lie!

But that was before you startedto make fun of me...

...and giving imitations of mein the locker room.

And I'd like to take this opportunity,Miss Novak... inform you that I don't walklike a duck...

...and I'm not bowlegged.

- Aren't you?- No, I'm not.

Well, I have information to the contrary.

Mr. vadas assured me that you haveyour trousers specially made.

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That's a lie!

- So that's the kind of a man you trust.- No!

I've never been to a tailor in my life.

If you think I'm bowlegged,I'll pull up my trousers.

Would you like it if made remarksabout your red hands?

- That's what you did.- After you started making fun of my legs.

My hands aren't red at all!

No, after I called your attention to them.

Let me tell you something, Miss Novak.

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You may have beautiful thoughts,but you hide them.

As far as your actions,you're cold and snippy like an old maid.

You'll have a tough timegetting a man to fall in love with you.

An old maid?So, no man could fall in love with me?

Mr. Kralik, you're getting funnierevery minute.

I could show you lettersthat would open your eyes.

No, you probably wouldn't understandwhat's in them.

They're written by a type of manso far superior to you it isn't even funny.

I have to laugh when I think of youcalling me an old maid.

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You little insignificant clerk.

- Goodbye, Miss Novak.- Goodbye, Mr. Kralik.

Doctor, I would sayit's a nervous breakdown.

What do you think?

It appears to bean acute epileptoid manifestation...

...and a pan phobic melancholiacwith indication of a neurasthenia cordus.

Is that more expensivethan a nervous breakdown?

Pardon me, Mr. Katona.

Precisely what position do you holdwith Matuschek and Company?

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I would describe myself as a contact man.

I keep contact between Matuschekand the customers...

...on a bicycle.

Do you mean, an errand boy?

Doctor, did I call you a pill-peddler?

- Hello, Mr. Kralik.- How is he?

I want to thank youfor your splendid reaction to my call.

- Is it serious?- It was a terrible shock.

I have to get over it.

This thing must be kept in strict confidencebetween the three of us.

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Me, Mr. Matuschek, and you. Here.

Thank you for coming, Kralik.

Sit down.

Do you remember the last timeyou came to my house for dinner?

I said that if things go well,I might take it easier...

...and maybe by Christmasmake you manager of the shop.

Now I have to take it easier.

Would you care to work for me again?

No, don't even think about it, sir.

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Is it possible that I ever distrusted you?

I hated you.

I couldn't stand your presence any more.

That's how far jealousy can drive a man.

But that's all over now, sir.

When I first got that anonymous letter,I laughed.

My wife having secret rendezvouswith one of my employees.

My wife!

But how could you suspect me, sir?

You see, you were the only one ofmy employees who had been to my home...

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...and you sent my wife flowers...- But that was...

You don't have to tell me.

When that poison gets into a man's mind...

- Just try to understand.- I do understand, sir.

Here are the keysto Matuschek and Company.

Thank you, sir.

What shall I do about Mr...

vadas? I want him dismissedas quietly as possible.

No scandal.

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Don't even mention the subject to him.We won't lower ourselves.

very good, sir.

This will be the biggest Christmasin the history...

...of Matuschek and Company.

- I know it will.- Yes, sir. Goodbye.

- Kralik?- Yes, sir?

Now that you're the boss,if you want to give yourself a raise...

I'll talk it over with myself,and if I don't want too much money...

...l'll give it to myself. Thank you, sir!

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- Congratulations!- Thank you!

Goodbye, Mr. Matuschek.

Pepi, I don't know how to thank you.You saved my life.

Don't mention it. It was a pleasure.

If you want anything else,you know where to reach me.

I'm still nothing but an errand boyat Matuschek and Company.

In other words, you'd like to be a clerk?

I wouldn't put it that brutally.

- When I get feeling better...- But then you might change your mind.

Who knows how longyou'll have to stay here.

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You're a pretty sick man, Mr. Matuschek.This isn't just an ordinary breakdown.

All right, you're a clerk.Now, get out of here!

Thanks, Mr. Matuschek!

Kralik, I think I speak for all of uswhen I say heartiest congratulations.

What a load off my mind.Now we're all one little happy family again.

Be assured of my cooperationto the fullest extent.

I want you to be a great success.

From now on, you're going to the office,aren't you?

That's right.

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If anybody deserves it, it's you, my boy.

Nice little ring, isn't it?

I had a little luck last night, too.Real diamond.

My grandma gave it to me.

That's what you getwhen you're a good boy.

Some get apples, I get diamonds.

- Good one?- Yeah.

By the way, I have some unusual ideasfor that window display.

Thank you, vadas.The rest of us can take care of the windows.

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Right now, I'd like you to gointo the stockroom...

...and you know those big suitcaseson the top shelf?

- The black ones?- That's right, and the big brown suitcases.

- On the bottom shelf?- On the bottom.

I want you to take allthe big black suitcases from the top shelf...

...and move them to the bottom,and the big brown ones...

...from the bottom shelfand move them to the top shelf.

- You don't want to do it?- I didn't say that. Of course I'll do it.

- I'm a good soldier.- All right, do it right away.

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Thank you.

- please.

Is this the Atlas Employment Agency?

This is Mr. Katonaof Matuschek and Company speaking.

We have an opening for a new errand boy.Now see here.

I want a educated, healthy boy,good family and no bad habits.

Send me four or five. I'll look them over.Right away, if you please.

Tell them to ask for Mr. Katona,the sales department.

All right.

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What's the matter,didn't you ever see a clerk before?

- Who made you a clerk?- Yes, who did this dreadful thing?

I can't give you the whole story.I'm tied up with my word of honor.

If it hadn't been for me, this place wouldbe closed on account of suicide...

...and you'd all be out of a job.

Matuschek and Company, good morning.Yes, Mrs. Matuschek.

Don't miss this, folks.

Hello, Mrs. Matuschek.

Yes, this is Pepi speaking.

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That's right.

I didn't bring you that bottle of perfume?

Well, you're never going to get it!What do you think of that?

Your perfume days are over, Mrs. M!

Yes! This is Pepi speaking.

You want to speak to Mr. Matuschek?That's too bad.

At the moment he's up in a balloonwith two blondes.

Now watch this.

You wouldn't like to speakby any chance to Mr. vadas?

That got her. Draw your own conclusions.

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You sent for me, chief?

vadas, I'm a little worried about you.

Will you be comfortableunder a former, fellow clerk?

Working under a younger man?

Kralik, this is the age of youth,and I always ride with the times.

You're a smart young manand my hat's off to you.

Let's stop beating around the bush.You and I never got along.

- You really think so?- Admit it. You don't like me.

I don't? Wait a minute, Kralik.You are the boss.

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That's right,but I'm not going to be a "yes" man.

You know what I'll do?I'm going to contradict you.

I do like you!

- Anything else bothering you?- Yes. I don't like you.

That's every man's privilege.I thank you for being so frank.

Now I know my problem,and it's up to me to change your mind.

I don't think it'll be so hard.

I heard the funniest joke.Do you want to hear it?


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Yes, this is Matuschek and Company.


You're calling for Miss Novak.

What's the matter with her?I hope it's nothing serious.

Fine, I'm glad to hear that.Tell her not to worry.

Unless she's absolutely all right,tell her not to come today.

No, there's no hurry now.

Tell her to be sure and take good careof herself. All right.

- Really, Kralik, that's a wonderful attitude.- What's so wonderful about it?

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I've been around, and I have my eyes open.

If anyone didn't agree with you here,it was Miss Novak.

Just leave Miss Novak out of this.

Don't misunderstand.I have nothing against Miss Novak.

On the contrary, she's a nice girl.Only sometimes, she went too far.

Not another word about Miss Novak.She's a fine girl and a hard worker...

...and she's a good salesgirl,and you shut up!

You misunderstand me.I didn't mean any offense.

- I was agreeing with you.- I don't want you to agree with me!

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You're fired.

You're fired. Get out of here,you two-faced, double-crossing...

...two-timer! Go on. Get out of here!

Folks! Folks!


Did you hear what he called me?Remember it on the witness stand.

He called me a double-crossing two-timer!

I told you to get out of here! Get out!

Don't you push. Don't you push!

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What right have you got to fire me?Does Mr. Matuschek know?

No! Mr. Matuschek doesn't knowanything about this.

I'm the manager,and you don't work here anymore!

How do I know you're the manager?Prove it to me in black and white.

You're going to get it in black and blue.

All right! Nice little caseof assault and battery.

You'll hear from my lawyer.What about my salary?

Get the man's salary.

- Here it is, Mr. vadas.- We have everything prepared.

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- We don't want to waste any time.- Pardon me, sir. Your garments.

I'm entitled to a letter of reference.

I forgot it. Flora, take a letter.

To whom it may concern:Mr. vadas has been in the employ...

...of Matuschek and Company for two yearsduring which time he's been efficient... a stool pigeon,a troublemaker, and a rat.

If he doesn't clear out,he'll get a punch in the nose.

Truly, Alfred Kralik,Manager of Matuschek and Company.

- Good morning.- Good morning, Miss Novak.

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I suppose you're surprised to see me back.

Naturally. I'm glad you have yourjob back again. I congratulate you.

I hear you haven't been feeling well.

That's all right, thank you.I wanted to see Mr. Matuschek.

Here he is. I'm Mr. Matuschek.

Mr. Kralik, don't make any jokes.Not today.

Please, if you want to pick on me,do it some other time.

I don't know what to say.

I'm trying to tell you that Mr. Matuschekisn't here, and that I'm the manager.

Haven't you got any heart at all?I'm not well, I can hardly see straight.

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Everything is just going round and round.

I ask you a simple question and instead ofany consideration, you try to frighten me.

Excuse me.


Mr. Foeldes?

Hello, Mr. Foeldes.

Yes. Well, thank you very much.

Yes, it all happened this morning.

That's right, Mr. Foeldes.

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No, Mr. Matuschek won't be with usfor a while.

Now, please, Mr. Foeldes.I don't own the shop yet.

I'm only the manager.

Goodbye, Mr...

Miss Novak! Klara! Klara!

- Good evening, Miss Novak.- Good evening, Mr. Kralik.

I hope you'll forgive this intrusion, but I...

Being in charge of the shop,I feel like a father to our little family.

Anyway, how are you, young lady?

I'll be all right, Mr. Kralik. Please sit down.

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Thank you.

Christmas is coming, and we'll missa good worker like you in the shop.

So you better get well.

I'll be all right in a day or two.

That doesn't meanthat you should neglect yourself.

I'm very serious about this...

...because I feel responsiblefor the whole thing.

- You?- Yes.

Oh, no, Mr. Kralik.I think I can relieve your mind.

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It wasn't your fault at all.

No, there's a much bigger reason,unfortunately.

Shouldn't you call a doctor?

No, I don't need to see a doctor.

My trouble is what one might call...


It's my own personal problem,and I'll come out of it.

I'm sorry.It's a shame you have to go through all this.

As long as it's only psychological,you won't...

Only psychological!

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Mr. Kralik, it's true we'rein the same room...

...but we're not on the same planet.

Miss Novak, although I'm the victimof your remark...

...I can't help but admire the exquisite wayyou have of expressing yourself.

You certainly know howto put a man in his planet.

Aunt Anna has something for you!

She has? Why doesn't she come in?Come in, Aunt Anna!

This is Mr. Kralikof Matuschek and Company.

- I'm glad to meet you.- How do you do?

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- I hope it's good news.- I'll tell you later.

Mr. Kralik, it was kind of you to drop in.

I don't want to spoil your whole evening.

I have nothing to do.Go ahead and read the letter.

Don't worry about me.

- Lf you don't mind.- Not at all.

- Good news?- very good news.

I can promise you I'll be back in the shoptomorrow, and I'll be on my toes!

I'll sell more goods than ever before.

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That's quite a change in you.It's amazing what one letter can do.

If I weren't feeling so happy,I'd be very annoyed with you.

With me? Why?

Why? Because you spoiledmy date last night.

I wasn't so wrong when I asked younot to sit at my table.

This gentleman did come to the café.

He looked in the window,saw us together, and misunderstood.

- He thought you and I were friends?- He must have. Listen.

"Tell me and be frank.I think you owe it to me.

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"Who is this very attractive young man?He's just the type women fall for."

- I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble.- It's all right. I'll straighten it out.

It won't hurt him to be a little jealous.

He doesn't seem to be much of a man,this friend of yours.

I mean, he walks away.

He's afraid to come over to the tablewhen another man is there.

No, Mr. Kralik, he's wasn't afraid,I can assure you.

He's tactful. He's sensitive.

He's not the type of man who wouldwalk up to a table uninvited.

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It's difficult to explain a man like himto a man like you.

Where you would say, "black,"he would say, "white."

Where you would say, "ugly,"he says, "beautiful."

And when you say, "old maid," he says:

"Eyes that sparkle with fire and mystery...



I remind him of gypsy music.

Speaking of gypsy music,we've had a lot of trouble...

...selling those Ochi Tchornya boxes,haven't we?

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- That doesn't make any difference.- You can consider one box sold.

Yes. I've just had an inspiration.I'll give one to my friend for Christmas.

Miss Novak, you're taking an awful chance.

Why don't you give him a wallet?I'm sure he'd be crazy about it.

Any man would be. A wallet is practical.Besides, we have those imported pigskins.

- I'm not interested.- I'd make you a special price.

No, I'm sorry.

Besides being a practical thing...

...a wallet is quite romantic.

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On one side he has your last letter,on the other side, a picture of you.

When he opens it, there you are.

And that's all the music he wants.

Why, Mr. Kralik, you surprise me.

That's very well-expressed.

I must admit, that's very nice.

No, just the same,I'm going to give him a cigarette box.

There's not much more I can say.

Except that I wishboth of you a Merry Christmas.

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- Thank you, Mr. Kralik, good night.- Good night, Miss Novak.

- Rudy!- Yes, Mr. Katona?

Do you know what time it is?

- A few minutes after : .- And you're still here?

- Don't contradict me, just listen!- Yes, Mr. Katona.

You have to be faster,especially on Christmas Eve.

Am I asking too much?

- No, Mr. Katona.- All right.

I have great news.

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I talked to the hospital,and Mr. Matuschek is much better.

- That's wonderful!- Can we visit him?

Let's all get togetherand buy him a nice Christmas present.

Let's get him a little Christmas treefor his hospital room.

That's all very nice, but the best presentwe could give him is a bare-looking shop...

...with nothing in it except moneyin the cash register.

Now, come on, folks!

Let's make this the biggest Christmas Evein the history of Matuschek and Company.

Where's Klara! Klara! Miss Novak!

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Coming! Yes, Mr. Kralik, what is it?

- How are you today?- Fine.

Good. We're expecting terrific businesstoday. It's going to be tough.

But don't overdo it.

Miss Novak, may I ask a favor of you?

With pleasure, Mr. Pirovitch.

I wanted to buy one of thoseOchi Tchornya boxes, but Kralik tells me... took the only one that really works.

That's right. I bought it for my boyfriend.

He's coming tonight.We're going to celebrate Christmas Eve.

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- Mr. Pirovitch, can you keep a secret?- On my word of honor.

When I come back Monday,I might have a ring on my finger.

Maybe, you never know.

What? That's wonderful!

And that's the young manwho'll get the cigarette box?

Then let's drop the whole thing.

You see, I thought of giving itto my wife's uncle for Christmas.

I'm sorry,can't you give him something else?

It's not so easy. You see, I don't like him.

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I hate to spend a nickel on him.Still, I must give him a present.

I thought if I have to give him a present...

...I might as well give him somethinghe won't enjoy.

The box costs . .

That's a lot of money, but it's worth itto ruin my wife's uncle's Christmas.

I'm sorry, Miss Novak.I forgot you always liked those.

No, no, Mr. Pirovitch. Speak freely.

If you were in my position...

...what would you give him?

That's hard to say.

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What would you say to the idea of...

...let's say, maybe, a wallet?

That's an inspiration.

- One of those imported pigskins?- That's what I was thinking of.

You can't miss.

If I would get such a wallet, I would be... of the happiest men in the world.

On one side... Here, I'll show you.

On one side, I put a picture of my wife...

...and on the other side, my little baby.

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When I open it,it says, "Papa" and not "Ochi Tchornya."

Thank you, Mr. Pirovitch. I'll think it over.

Kralik, you'll get the wallet.

Mr. Matuschek, what are doing here?Since when are you back?

I'm supposed to be a pretty sick man,that's what my doctor tells me.

But after all, it's Christmas Eve.I couldn't stay away any longer.

Can you imagine me,over two weeks in the hospital...

...without seeing a single customer?

The only piece of leather goodsin the place was my nurse's handbag.

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And where do you think she got it?At Blasek and Company!

And they expect me to get well?

- Have you been by Blasek and Company?- Oh, yes.

- What kind of business are they doing?- They're busy, but no comparison with this.

Good. This is all right.

Mr. Matuschek, take it easy. Don't overdo.

No, I'm not, don't be. I'm not a fool.

I came around to find outif the shop was still here. And then I go.

- Merry Christmas, Mr. Matuschek.- Same to you.

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- Do you think Eric would like that briefcase?- I don't know. I'm not so sure.

Pardon me, ladies.I can't see very well without my glasses.

Could you tell me the priceon that briefcase?

. .

. ! My, what values you get here.

I wonder how Matuschek and Companycan do it.

If you don't know, Mr. Matuschek,who should?

How much is it?

. .

That's wonderful.

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That's the biggest day since ' .You should be very proud.

I want to thank youfrom the bottom of my heart.

Two hours ago when I walked in here,I was a sick man.

But you, Kralik, and you, Pirovitch,you're the best doctors.

And you, Klara and llona and Flora,you're wonderful nurses.

Thank you.

Pepi, you know what I think about you.

Yes, sir.

This morning when I receivedthe little Christmas tree you all sent me...

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...I was deeply moved.

I read your little note over and over.

And it made me very happythat you missed me...

...and hoped that I'd be coming back homesoon again.

You're right, this is my home.

This is where I spent most of my life.

No Christmas is complete without a bonus.

- Kralik.- Thank you, sir.


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- Pepi.- Thank you, sir.

Flora. Here.

- Ilona.- Thank you, Mr. Matuschek.

And Pirovitch.

I've called you names on several occasions.

When you see the bonus,you'll realize that I didn't mean it.

Thank you, Mr. Matuschek.

I guess that's about all.

Here, what's your name?


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- Well, Rudy.- Good boy.

Thank you, Mr. Matuschek.

It's all right, Rudy.

Too much.

We'll leave the shop just as it isuntil after the holiday.

I want you all to go home nowand have a very Merry Christmas.

Thank you.

Well, Kralik...

... . .

That's wonderful.

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Thank you, Flora.

Well, I think I'll have a...

...little dinner now,and celebrate Christmas.

Have you ever been to Biro's?

No sir, I'm afraid that's way over my head.

Christmas only comes once a year.How about joining me...

...and we'll break a bottleof champagne together?

- Mr. Matuschek, I'd love nothing more...- You have another engagement?

No, not another word.I wanted to be sure that you weren't alone.

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Have a wonderful time,and Merry Christmas.

The same to you, sir.

Well, Pirovitch.

I presume you're going to havea nice party at your house tonight.

Yes, I should say.

You probably have some guests?

No, just my wife, my boy,and my little baby and myself.

That's all we want, and we are very happy.

- Well, Merry Christmas.- Merry Christmas, Mr. Matuschek.

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- Merry Christmas, Mr. Matuschek.- Thank you, Flora.

- Please, give my regards to your mother.- Thank you.

Still hanging around the shop,Mr. Matuschek? Can't get away from here.

You'd better hurry home, son.

You're probably celebrating Christmaswith your family. Am I wrong?

Yes, Mr. Matuschek.See that girl over there on the corner?

- Yeah.- I'm her Santa Claus.

- Good night, Mr. Matuschek.- Good night.

Mr. Matuschek, I don't know howto thank you for that marvelous present.

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After all, I'm only working herea short time.

That's all right. What was your name?


- How old are you, Rudy?- .

That's a wonderful age.You've got your whole life ahead of you.

- It's up to you what you make of it.- Yes, sir.

You better not squander that money.Go home and give it to your mother.

- My people don't live here in town.- Is that so?

- Have you no other relations here?- No, Mr. Matuschek.

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You're all alone in Budapeston Christmas Eve?

That's right.

Rudy! Do you like chicken noodle soup?

I certainly do.

And what would you think of roast goosestuffed with baked apples?

And fresh boiled potatoes and butterand some red cabbage on the side?

I'd love it!

And then cucumber salad with sour cream?

Then a double order of apple strudelwith vanilla sauce.

Sounds wonderful!

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You're going to have it, Rudy.Come on. Here, taxi!

- It's lovely, I'm sure he'll like it.- I think so, too.

Merry Christmas, Klara. I hopeit all turns out the way you want it to.

- Thanks, llona.- Good night.

- I'm sorry, I'll be out in a second.- That's all right, no hurry.

I decided to follow your advice after all.

Want to see something?

That's beautiful.

Why don't you try it on?

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I'd like to see what it looks like on a girl.

- Are those real diamonds?- They're pretty near.

I didn't know you had a girlfriend.

Yes, it probably isn't easy for youto imagine anyone...

...could like a man of my type.

Let's not start all over again.

It's Christmas, and I'd like to be friends.Beside, you're wrong.

- Do you mind if I tell you something?- No, not at all.

When I first came to work here,something very strange happened to me.

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I got psychologically mixed up.

- You don't say?- Yes.

I found myself looking at youagain and again.

I just couldn't take my eyes off of you.

I kept saying, "Klara Novak,what on earth is the matter with you.

"This Kralik is nota particularly attractive man."

- I hope you don't mind.- No, not at all.

Now, here comes the paradox.I found myself falling for you.

- I can't believe it.- Yes, and very much so.

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- You certainly didn't show it.- In those first few weeks...

I know you won't misconstruewhat I'm going to say to you.

After all, I'm happily engaged.At least it looks that way.

Go on.

In those first few weeks,there were moments in the stockroom...

...when you could have swept meoff of my feet.

Now I'm getting psychologically mixed up.

I was a different girl, then.I was rather naive.

All my knowledge came from books,and I'd just finished a novel...

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...about a glamorous French actressfrom the Comédie Française.

That's a theater in France.

When she wanted to arouse a man'sinterest, she treated him like a dog.

Yes, you treated me like a dog.

But instead of licking my hand, you barked.

My mistake was I didn't realize that thedifference between this glamorous lady...

...and me was that she was withthe Comédie Française...

...and I was with Matuschek and Company.

Well, that's all forgotten now.

Now you're going to see your girlfriend.By the way, is it serious?

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Yes, very.

Maybe we'll both be engagedMonday morning.

I think we will.

Don't misunderstand me.I just said in my case, it might happen.

As a matter of fact,I can tell you, it will happen.

How do you know?

We won't go into that.

Mr. Kralik, what do you mean you know?

I guess I might as well tell you.He came to see me.

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- Who?- Your fiancée.

Yes, he came last night.You shouldn't have told him who I am.

I spent an uncomfortable hour.

Apparently, he didn't believe it whenyou wrote that I meant nothing to you.

I can't get it into my head.Coming to see you?

- That doesn't sound like him at all.- I've straightened everything out.

You don't have to worry.In a little while you'll be Mrs. Popkin.

Mrs. Popkin?

That's the name, isn't it?That's the name he gave me.

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Oh, yes, that's right. Popkin. Popkin.

A very nice fellow. I congratulate you.

Thank you.

I think he's a very attractive man,don't you?

Yes. For his type, I'd say yes.

You would classify him as a definite type?

Absolutely! And don't try to change him.

Don't put him on a diet.

- Would you call him fat?- I wouldn't, but that's a matter of opinion.

I think that little stomach of hisgives him a nice, homey quality.

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That's what you want in a husband, isn't it?

- Yes, that's what I want.- And you're perfectly right.

If I were a girl and had to choosebetween a young, good-for-nothing...

...with plenty of hair,and a solid, mature citizen...

...l'd pick Mathias Popkin every time.

Anyway, he has a fine mind.

Didn't he impress youas being rather witty?

He struck me as rather depressed,but it's unfair to judge a man...

...when he's out of a job.

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Out of a job! He never told me!

That shows you how sensitive he is.

You have nothing to worry about.

He feels that both of youcan live very nicely on your salary.

Did you tell him how much I make?

He's your fiancée, and he asked me.

When I told him what salary you made,he was a little worried...

...but then I promised him you'd get a raise,and he felt better about it.

Let me tell you, mentioning that bonusdidn't do you any harm at all.

This is terrible.

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I'm outraged!I had no idea he was materialistic like this.

If you could read his letters.Such ideals, such a lofty point of view.

- I could quote you passages.- For instance?

"True love is to be two, and yet one.

"A man and a woman blended as angels.

"Heaven itself."That's victor Hugo. He stole that.

I thought I was the inspirationfor all those beautiful thoughts.

Now I find he was just copying wordsout of a book.

He probably didn't meana single one of them.

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I'm sorry you feel this way about it.

I'd hate to think I'm spoilingyour Christmas.

I'd built up such an illusion about him.I thought he was so perfect.

I had to come along and destroy it.

That's all right.

I guess I really ought to thank you.

Klara, if I'd only known in the beginninghow you felt about me...

...things would have been different.

We wouldn't have been fightingall the time.

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If we quarreled, it wouldn't have beenover suitcases and handbags...

...but over something like whetheryour aunt or grandmother...

...should live with us or not.

It's sweet of you to try to cheer me up.

I think we'd better say good night.

You have an engagement and so have l,and we shouldn't be late.

Do you know what I wish would happen?

When your bell rings at : and you open the door...

...instead of Popkin, I come in.

Please, don't make it more difficult for me.

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- I'd say, "Klara, darling"...- No, you mustn't.

My dearest, sweetheart Klara,I can't stand it any longer.

Take your keyand open post office box ...

...and take me out of my envelopeand kiss me.

Mr. Kralik, you must...

Dear friend.


Dear friend?

Are you disappointed?

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Psychologically, I'm very confused...

...but personally, I don't feel bad at all.


When you came to the café that night,I was pretty rude, wasn't I?

- Oh, no. No.- Yes, I was. Don't you remember?

Why, I called you bowlegged.

I was going to prove to you that I wasn't.

I was going to go out to the streetand pull up my trousers.

Would you mind very muchif I asked you to pull them up now?

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