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The Regulatory Environment

Ed MayDirector of Business Development, AMIItron Inc.

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Agenda• Highlighting State Compliance

with EPACT 2005 Section 1252

• Legislation Moving in110th Congress

• Status of Technical Standards(ANSI, ZigBee®)

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• Meter Reading Cost & Efficiency

• Revenue Cycle Improvements• Operational Improvements

• Voluntary Time Based Rates / Opt In

• Revenue Protection / Theft Detection

• Outage Reporting

• Support for Intelligent Grid

• Mandatory Time Based Rates / Opt Out

• Remote Disconnect / Prepayment

• Demand Response

• Enterprise Meter Data Management

• Smart Meter

• TOU / Demand / Net Metering

• RTP / CPP / Hourly Rates

• New Products & Services / Voluntary TOU

• Home Automation



2-WayOpen Protocols

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Definition of Advanced Metering

• FERC: A metering system that recordscustomer consumption [and possibly otherparameters] hourly or more frequently and thatprovides for daily or more frequent transmittalof measurements over a communicationnetwork to a central collection point.

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What is AMI?

“In the course of Department of Public ServiceStaff’s review of the utilities’ AMI plans, itbecame apparent that the utilities do not have aconsistent understanding of what physicaland/or functional characteristics an AMI systemshould include.”

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AMI Defined

• AMI is the use of smart meters, with advanced two-waycommunication technologies, that enables utilities to:

– Meet their business & operational needs for meterdata collection

– Empower ALL their customers to actively andfrequently participate in demand response andenergy conservation

– Help move toward a smart grid

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Section 1252: Procedures, Not Outcomes

� Section 1252 says: “Not later than 18months after enactment, each electric utilityshall offer each of its customer classes…atime-based rate schedule to enable them tomanage energy use and cost throughadvanced metering and communicationstechnology”

� PURPA Section 111(a) says: “Each stateregulatory authority…shall consider eachstandard” and then “make a determinationconcerning whether or not it is appropriate toimplement such standard”

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EPACT 1252 Proceedings Status Summary

• States with open proceedings: 27• States with closed proceedings: 12• States deciding to adopt 1252: 3• States declining to adopt 1252: 13• States deferring decision: 5

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True, not many states have said “yes,” but…

• Because a state declined adoption of1252, that doesn’t mean it’s notpursuing time-based rates anddemand response– For example, California, Texas,

Oregon, New York

• Some states have deferred actionuntil individual utilities file their nextrate case or IRP

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Notable states

• New York– Declined to accept EPACT Section

1252 standard, but are requiring AMIbe offered to all customers “to theextent feasible and cost effective”

– PSC is currently reviewing IOU’s AMIplans

• Ohio– Accepted EPACT Section1252

standard– Currently hosting AMI workshops

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Notable states, cont.

• California– Did not open docket for Section 1252– All three IOUs are in various stages of

major AMI deployments and/or PUCauthorizations

• Maryland– Deferred Decision on Section 1252– PSC created 2 AMI initiatives:

PHI Collaborative andAMI/DSM Collaborative

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Notable states, cont.• Texas

– No EPACT Section 1252 decision to date– PUC recently finalized advanced metering

rules– Rules require compliance with open

standards• Connecticut

– Did not open EPACT docket for Section 1252– Legislature passed energy bill that required

IOUs to submit AMI plans and TOU pricingplans to commission, which are currentlyunder review

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Legislation in 110th Congress

• Smart Grid Legislation– Senate Bill – HR 6– House Bill – HR 3221

• Energy Tax Legislation– House Bill – HR 2776– No companion bill in Senate– Accelerated depreciation for

qualified energy managementdevices, including smart meters

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Legislation in 110th Congress, cont.• Highlights of Smart Grid bills

– Creates Grid Modernization Commissionto facilitate smart grid technologies,including interoperability protocols

– Smart grid assessment andreport to Congress

– R/D funds for DOE– Federal matching funds for

smart grid investments– Requires states to consider cost

recovery for smart grid technologydeployments by utilities

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“The success of AMI systems further requires an openstandard that enables multi-vendor, interoperableequipment.”


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Open Standards make for Interoperability

– Five key standards• Services Oriented Architecture• Web Services• ANSI C12.19• ANSI C12.22• ZigBee®

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ANSI C12.22– Standard addressing for network datagrams containing

C.1219 data tables– Application-layer standard– Can work across any network/medium: BPL, PLC, WiFi, RF,

IP, telephone– In the stages of ratification

ANSI C12.22


Private WiMaxPLC

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What is ZigBee?

• 65,536 network (client) nodes

• Full Mesh Networking Support

• 27 channels over 3 bands[2.4GHz, 915MHz, 868MHz]

• 250Kbps data rateNetwork coordinatorFull Function nodeReduced Function node

Communications flowVirtual links

Data Rate (Mbps)









0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000


IEEE 802.22

WiMaxIEEE 802.16

IEEE 802.20• Standards based

• Radio + protocol

• Mesh networking

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Ret ail Ap ps

Customer Self-Service

Utili ty

Ap p s




Meter Relay






Utility PriceSignals

Utility PriceSignals


Visionfor Energy Management and Conservation

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Simple Awareness

Direct Load Control

Price Response

DR + Conservation

•New Regulation•Enhanced Competition•Mandatory Programs•Voluntary Participation•Demographics•Economics•Social Acceptance

Energy Management




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ZigBee Members Involved with EnergyEfficiency

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Open Standards Working Together

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Regulatory Bodiesare charting the course

“…a HAN communications system in support of demandresponse applications based on an open standardarchitecture that complies with nationally recognizednon-proprietary standards such as ZigBee,HomePlug or equivalent…”

Advanced Metering rules approved May 10, 2007

“open standards and protocols that comply withnationally recognized non-proprietary standardssuch as ANSI C12.22…”

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Regulatory Bodiesare charting the course


Adoption ofopen communications protocols and standards for the

Victorian Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) program

“The current Victorian approach:The Victorian approach will achieve open communications ateither end of the AMI system… That is, the open standardZigbee AMI profile is likely to be prescribed for the HAN…”

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Regulatory Bodiesare charting the course


The following list provides the features and functions proposed by Staff forinclusion in a standard for AMI systems to be adopted by the Commission:

a) ANSI compliant (must meet all ANSI standards).h) Utilizes open standards-based communication protocols and platforms, e.g.,broadband, PLC, internet, XML, MV-90, Zigbee, DNP3, etc.

Notice seeking comment - defining AMI

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Ed MayDirector of Business Development, AMIItron [email protected]

Thank You.

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