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Page 1: The Redemption Collection: Santu's Story
Page 2: The Redemption Collection: Santu's Story

And we know that God causes all things to work together

for good to those who love God, to those who

are called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28

Page 3: The Redemption Collection: Santu's Story

Throughout the developing world, for numerous

reasons, children with needs, imaginations and dreams are cast aside. Orphaned, abandoned, and often abused, they awaken from their childhood abruptly. The luxury of being a child vanishes in an instant and a new reality

quickly consumes their every thought. Dreams of doing and becoming turn into nightmares clouded out by the immediate need to survive. Without love and education, these young lives are destroyed by drug abuse, prostitution, crime, disease, and violence.

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Page 5: The Redemption Collection: Santu's Story

At the very young age of 7, Santu, a wide-eyed,

innocent and curious little girl was introduced to the world of grief. Both her parents died and, aside from her deep sadness, her place in the world had suddenly shifted. She was now residing among the most vulnerable, the most in need. Santu felt hopeless, but at least she still had the opportunity for an

education, a reason to hope.

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I was raised by my older sister and got to go to primary school while helping my sister do household chores. But that changed at the end of my 5th grade year. My sister decided that it was too expensive for me to continue going to school. I was devastated.

I did not eat for 3 days and I begged my sister to send me to school. I believed that by going to school I could eventually have a good life. As time passed,

my sister continued to persist that I shouldn’t go to school and eventually I had to find shelter at our neighbors’

house and tried to do odd jobs to continue my



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Tiny Hands opened Paradise Home in 2007 in Pokhara and nestled beneath the Annapurna mountain range in the Himalayas. Krishna and Bimala, the parents of the

home, are committed to the children and view them as their own. The children they care for attend school, church, have all their basic life necessities, and receive the love and attention that children need to develop.

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When I was in 9th grade I came to live at Paradise

Home. It was there, that by God’s grace, I was introduced

to the Lord, the One who has the power and desire to, “work all things together for

good for those who are called according to his purpose.”

I had the opportunity to go to school and attend church.

I began dreaming of going to college to become a teacher

so I could help others who share a story like mine.

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My dream has since come true. I am now a teacher at The Tiny Hands Dream School. I choose to teach at the Dream School because its objective is to educate Nepali-children who otherwise would not be able to get a good education, offering them opportunities and benefits of a world-class education, centered on Christ. I can relate with the students’ struggles and pray daily that they too would know that God can (and will) work all the things in their lives together for good.

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It is much easier to see God’s goodness in someone else’s story. When all the years of waiting and the messy details are omitted and the camera zooms out, we can see the pieces begin to fit together making a beautiful, complete picture. The hurt, the hardship, and the devastation begin to be used as fuel for something good. We breathe a sigh of comfort, seeing that hope has prevailed.

The challenge for us is to see God’s goodness at work in our story when the lens is zoomed in. When the everyday mess piles up around us and we are seemingly in over our heads with the daily problems that equal a broken life, something screams

at us, it’s NOT true for you. Your story will end differently. You are the exception. Goodness from this, from your story? No way!

LIE! Believe it not! Instead, believe the God who loves you and scream back – He WILL work ALL THINGS, not some, not the just the pretty things, but the ugly, shame-wrapped, dark things that have been done to me and by me, together for MY good, and His glory, in his miraculous and perfect timing.

Sweet friend, you have every reason to be encouraged today. God is at work in your life! Today, yesterday, last week, He was there, is there, even now, working.

Are you trusting God to work all things

together for good in your life?

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