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Page 1: The Real Benefits of A Spa



by Sylvain Grisé

Page 2: The Real Benefits of A Spa

Salutem Per Acqua – S.P.A.; Although more than a 1,000 Spa’s have opened in Spain in the last 10 years, unfortunately the majority, about 90%, do not enjoy the desired commercial success because of bad design, and the benefits or efficiency of the water area do not meet the expectations of the users. We have experienced an explosion of spa’s in urban areas and in luxury hotels, however the majority have been designed without the sufficient knowledge of thermal therapy, and very often more importance has been given to the aesthetics rather than to the efficiency.

The result is that the benefits real and/or perceived by the users are very poor, even negative, and therefore the customers do not repeat, and the spa operators suffer economical losses, and are very disillusioned with the spa operations.

The spa’s are nothing new; 2,000 years ago the Roman soldiers use them to relax, and eliminate the toxins after their long journeys and battles. Almost every base camp had a thermal facility. The benefits are real, independently of the users’ age; the Roman soldiers were not all senior, nor sick people.


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What is the secret so that the spa can have real benefits for the users?

The basic principle for thermal therapy is the contrast between heat and cold. The heat expands the diverse organs; on the other side, the cold tends to shrink the body. Moreover, the heat produces what is called passive perspiration which contributes to eliminate all types of toxins harmful to your health.

Adrenaline produced by stress situations (not only in accidents; the adrenaline makes us more alert, more agile and stronger, however after a short while it gets converted into a toxin for the body).

Lactic acid; produced when exerting physical effort (in this case active sweating), which later crystallizes and induces muscular pain.

The first positive effect of these contrasts to the organism is the stimulation of the cells, thus improving their nutrition and oxygenation. Another positive effect, amongst many others, is in the circulatory system: during the course of life, the blood circulation leaves deposits of substances which produce in the long run the hardening of the arteries, which sooner or later, together with other factors, will contribute to increase the blood pressure.


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The exercise of expansion and contraction described above, if done in an orderly manner and the adequate frequency, will provoke the elimination of these harmful substances through the urine, and the user will obtain, amongst other benefits, a marked improvement of his physical conditions.

On the other hand, the heat and the water jets produce relaxation of the muscles and an effect of psychological calmness which generate a general wellness state, by eliminating the stress affecting so many people of the modern cities.


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How can we obtain passive perspiration and temperature contrasts?

The ideal way is the Roman Thermal (50ºC and 75% humidity) producing a great quantity of sweat, as well as hydrating the skin, relaxing effect, vasodilatation and constriction. Ideal for passive perspiration.

By comparison the Finnish sauna (80-100ºC and 10% humidity) presents two issues; the heart rate increases quite significantly (can triple in some cases), and the extremely low humidity dries up the skin.

The Hamam (45ºC and 95% humidity) makes difficult the perspiration due to the water saturation in the ambient air. The sensation of sweat that we perceive is due to the condensation between the ambient conditions in the room and the temperature of our skin.


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Other methods should include:

• Whirlpools (36ºC) and Relaxing Pools (38ºC), with their high temperatures, beds and seats with hydrojets, including cervical jets, induce relaxation.

• Cool plunge (less than 10ºC; preferably at 4ºC) A pool of frigid water; the contrast stimulates the blood circulation.

• The Kneipp circuit (for the feet), whilst massaging the calves with pulverized water jets both hot and cold, produces an effect of reflexology at the base of the feet by walking on curved stones.

• The Scotch Hose, water massage through high-pressure hose while client is standing. The therapist alternates hot and cold water to relieve sore muscles and stimulate circulation.

• Essential oils shower, also hot and cold, contributes to a perfectly hydrated skin through the non greasy essential oils; also stimulates circulation through the contrast of temperatures.


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• The Hydrojets are ideal to liberate tensions of the tired and stressed muscles.

• The Floatarium, with a 30% marine salt concentration, allows the body to float, therefore releasing the muscular tensions.

• The Lodarium, as a way to apply the different wraps, Seaweeds, Clay and Fangos, channelling all the benefits of the different wraps, like skin hydration, firming and detoxification effects of the seaweeds, the mineralizing and peeling

effects of the Clay, , and the reducing, firming and hydrating effects of the Fangos.

• The Vichy shower; Inspired by treatments in the French thermal spa city, involves client lying down on a table atop a cushioned mat and under a spray of warm water from a five- to-seven head shower system. It is meant to reduce stress, hydrate, and improve circulation.


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All the steps are based on the continuous contrast between heat and cold. From a temperature of 38ºC, one can not stay more than 10 minutes at a time; at this temperature you need to combine with a Cool Plunge (preferably at 4ºC) every ten minutes to avoid dizziness, for a very simple reason; the high temperature induces the dilatation of the peripheral vessels and the constriction of the vessels of the main organs (heart, lungs, liver, etc.); if the blood flow is constricted for too long, one gets dizzy and may faint. Therefore the necessity for the temperature contrasts (hot-cold), because the cold has the reverse effect; constriction of the peripheral vessels and dilatation of the central vessels, which procures a sensation of high vitality.


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It is recommended that the circuit be supervised by a trained monitor, to make sure that all the customers or users have the opportunity to enjoy the full benefits of hydrotherapy.

The total time used to go through a proper thermal circuit should be approximately 90 minutes.

During the whole circuit it is very important to follow the instructions of the monitor to make sure that no step is overlooked, which could result, for example, in a bad regulation of the blood pressure and the user could feel the symptoms of low blood pressure or headache, which would eliminate the possibility of obtaining the desired positive effects of hydrotherapy.

If we take note of the advices of the experts and build spa with real benefits for the users, they will feel better, they will come back (repeat business), and the operators will be satisfied with the economic results.

Sylvain Grisé

CEO - Vertical Consulting


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