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Page 1: The Outspoken

The Outspoken Read the Truth


English 4

Group 3

Page 2: The Outspoken
Page 3: The Outspoken

Solar Panels in Costa Rica

Every day the temperature of the Earth is rising. We can feel and see the changes. In Costa Rica we also see a lot of

changes, this year, Arenal Dam, largest hydro electrical plant in Costa Rica, started with one of the lower bookings in the

last seven years water. The cost of electricity bills even forced some industries to explore destinations outside the country

to spend part of their processes in the pursuit of savings and competitiveness.

For this reason, ICE allows clients to have their own generation plants, as

part of a pilot program created in 2000. A very low rate of customers are

participating of this plan, but the latest count registered 200 inscriptions.

The sun is a star and has practically unlimited energy. Most of this solar

energy is wasted. With all this constant changes happening, people should

see the solar energy as an option. The challenge is to make use of the solar

energy directly and in a non-polluting fashion. The solar power is still used in

two primary forms. The first one is thermo solar, where the heat of the sun is

used to heat water. The second form is the photovoltaic power, where

electricity is produced directly from the sun with no moving parts.

It is said that Henry Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect. The

photovoltaic effect is the production of electricity directly from the sun. Over

the years the photovoltaic power has increased, and became more practical.

Also it is one of the most promising renewable energy sources in the planet. This power does not require a lot of

maintenance and large scale installations to operate. One of the advantages is that a turbine is not necessary to generate

energy. The panel has cells that lasts for decades. This energy provides users a way to generate their own energy.

This solar energy has a lot of advantages for the customers. First,

the bill of electricity is going to be much lower than usual. Second,

as the panel generates throughout the day, when the intake of

the house in the house is low, the excess energy goes to the ICE

network. Although, this process of installing and buying the panel

isn’t cheap, the investment is worth. In Costa Rica, the interest on

buying panels is still very low. On the other hand, foreigners are

more interested about panels and their benefits. Another

important advantage is that the return on investment for

installing a solar panel takes from 4 to 6 years depending on the

installed equipment and consumption.

From now on, we need to consider a change in the current energy system to eliminate or use much less fossil fuels. There

are alternative technologies available for the use of solar energy that can allow the diversification of energy sources. The

main problem for the users and general population is the economic factor. Because it is very expensive and takes a lot to

get the investment back, the majority of families in C.R., can’t afford a solar panel in their houses. To continue to create

awareness about the situation and benefits, the government must help and support this kind of projects. Solar energy has a

lot of benefits since it does not pollute. We have the power as users and consumers to be the leaders and decide the

direction of this change in energy systems.

Liliana Zheng

Page 4: The Outspoken

To Counter the Indifference of the people Costa Ricans or “Ticos” are known for living in a tiny space in the American continent. Also, they are known for being a bit

behind on technology; but, above all, Costa Rica is well known for being a “green country”. A minority of people contribute

to the environment every day, and the other part are contaminating. But the biggest group is cataloged as “indifferent”. The

reality of Costa Rica is that people don’t care about the

environment, even though the education and blurb of

some companies are high enough to embrace the

whole country.

Why is it good to save water? Water is vital to grow

food, keep everything clean, provide electricity,

control fire, and last but not least, to stay alive! But

the demand of it has a great impact on the water

reserves. There are some natural water supplies these

supplies are called “fountain heads”. We are using

this fountain heads during the whole year to supply

water, but the more we consume the less water the

fountain head has, threatening it to extinction. If this

happens the whole where you live will run out of

water, forcing AyA to supply water from other

fountains starting to affect the whole country and therefore, the planet.

Why is it good to use less energy? Saving energy has many advantages.

One of them is to save money. Who doesn’t want to have more money

at the end of the month? But the most important thing of all is how it

affects the environment? Money is a good enough reason, but after

each time you turn on the light a part of the resources is consumed

forever, like carbon or gas. Carbon and gas are nonrenewable resources,

they aren’t so far of being extinguished, limiting ourselves the ways to

generate power, forcing the ICE to substitute the energy production

using hydropower (or other electricity suppliers), threatening to waste

this resource.

People in the whole world use chemicals for almost everything. To wash the car,

to clean themselves, to clean the house, to get rid of pests, etc. These chemicals are the most important thing to pay

attention. After using any chemical it will probably end up on the grass, killing the grass and therefore altering the cycle of

carbon via external factors. Also, most of the products, after using them, become gaseous, in some cases affecting the ozone

layer by increasing the hole size and letting more ultraviolet rays to go in the planet affecting every single life form in every

single space on earth, forcing the human to buy more things to protect itself, increasing the demand of products and therefore

more energy, petroleum, coal, gas, etc.

Exhorting the people on what are the most known methods to help the environment of the country or earth may be helpful

to solve the indifference or ignorance of people, trying to minimize the continuous pollution. Helping Costa Rica to become

neutral carbon isn’t a work for one or isn’t the work of the government. It is a job for all of us! It’s our responsibility to start

saving the Earth. Yes, saving it because we are losing it. The earth is dying, and the only way to help the planet, and ourselves

is to become conscious of what we are doing to it, that is destroying it.

Claudio Andrade

Page 5: The Outspoken

C-Neutral country by 2021

A goal has been stated, “We will be a carbon neutral country in 2021”. Can we make it on time? What can we do as individuals

to achieve the objective? How are industries and institutions cooperating with the aim. What are the local, regional and

country authorities to walk toward it along with the citizens and communities. In this article we are going to find out how

this is happening, and why it is important for every inhabitant to know how to greenify himself/herself and the country,

accompany us in this wonderful exploration.

Municipal governments are implementing regional

programs with the aim of making conscious among the

individuals of what can they do to be a green citizen.

Several organizations with the sponsorship of

authorities have put to speed programs consisting of

several parts, classifying and recycling the garbage form

the dump trucks and providing adequate garbage bins.

Another aspect of it is the community awareness part,

making each community and individual conscious about

what kind of garbage they produce, how it is recycled,

and how the contaminating effects and consequences

can be minified.

What can we as individuals make to help achieving the

goal is to reduce the consumption of plastics especially

non degradable ones; see if the product that you will be

buying has slow degradation time, and if it doesn’t do I

really need it also classify garbage according to its category. Another expression of a green conscience is to take care of nature

and its valued resources. Remember not to throw garbage to the rivers, plant your own trees and avoid deforestation. Allow

yourself to be a friend of the nature; a constructor of a better planet. We only have one so let’s take care of it.

The Costa Rican government can make several ecological advancements. It can commit more hydro electrical plants, enact

more wind farms at the coastline were the wind is strong, implement wavecolectors and energy extraction from volcanos.

Actually, in Costa Rica, 95.1% (According to CEPAL Study) of the energy is supplied by renewable means. The other 4.7% is

produced by non-renewable means mostly diesel plants. We as citizens must claim for broader

support of clean technology and resources, and that the government really involves itself

into the greener and cleaner country that everybody needs.

On the emission angle, the authorities and citizens must make a combined effort to be able

to reduce the carbon thick particles that fill our atmosphere, putting to work more efficient

public transportation systems with wider coverage. The cars made before the 1990 weren’t

built for low carbon emissions; so, if you own one of these models be sure to check the

catalytic converter, filters and computer calibration. If you want to acquire a new car, try

that it is a hybrid, help the nature, and it will help you!

If this country wants to reach the goal by 2021, it must actively involve itself into it; not just by telling it, but really being an

active player in its own process of greenifying and cleaning process. We as citizens must help with the evolution of this actions

to allow the formation of a more beautiful land. Are we going to make it? Yes, of course we will! This goal is a very splendid

complement to celebrate along with our bicentenary.

John Moya

Page 6: The Outspoken

Why Bullying

In the last years, we have seen that bullying is an issue very treated in schools and high schools. But what is it truly. Is

unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior

is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Students that are being bulled are victims of rejection,

discrimination and violence, because they are not equal to the rest. Kids who bully use their power such as physical strength

and popularity to control or harm others. Power imbalance can change over time and in different situations, even if they

involve the same people.

Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors,

attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from

a group on purpose. The problem above can be performed in three ways:

physical, verbal or through internet. Because this situation is occurring,

several organizations have been taken the task to investigate the causes

of the problem. One of the main reasons, is because the abuser or bully

is abused at home or feels a need to draw attention to feel popular or

important. What they often don’t know is that these actions can mark

the affected person for the rest of his or her life.

Bullying, in most of the cases occur in high school. This doesn’t mean that

students are locked in the bathroom in all the recesses, some simply

receive hurtful words or humiliating messages. Nowadays, many young

people are victims of this problem only because of their musical, sporting

taste or even sexual preferences. Kids who are bullied, are the targets of bullying

behavior. Some factors put children at more risk of being bullied, but not all children with these characteristics will be bullied.

Sometimes, these children may need help learning how to respond to bullying.

The consequences of bullying can occur at the moment or in the future. For example, there are girls who suffer from bulimia

or anorexia because their classmates called them fat. Similarly, there are some that hurt themselves physically and they fall

in depression. One of the major concerns, is that many of those affected have come to commit suicide because of the

pressure, depression and desperation they feel. Some kids don’t defend the

others, because they feel fear, that they can be bullied. But there are some

that are not afraid of this bullies and make justice for the ones that can’t.

In my opinion, bullying is an issue that should be given more importance.

Not only they have to help the victims, it is also recommended to work with

the abuser, to change his/her attitudes. Nowadays, there are organizations

that are responsible for combating this phenomenon, but it is necessary

that each of us do our part to fight this situation back. It is very sad to see

that there are little kids suffering and losing their courses because of this

awful situation. It is important to impulse the kids that are being bullied; to

report this with their teachers and parents, so they can take action on this

and put a big punishment to those bullies.

Fabiola Cedeño

Page 7: The Outspoken

Think Before Acting

We can say that violence is when someone attacks other people, physically and with words. This is something that comes

since people were kids. When we are violent, we don’t know. Because in the majority of the cases people act like this way

naturally. Also, it is normal for people to be a little bit violent because there are always reasons for us to get angry. The

problem is when we cannot control ourselves.

Now, is it possible for people to be always calmed? I think it

is possible; it is just to get the control of our mind. If there are

people who cannot deal with this, or they think that it is so

difficult for them, they have to look for psychological help.

Psychologists are specialized people in treating people’s

feelings and look for solutions with therapies. Sometimes this

becomes harder and it depends on how much they are

interested in doing a therapy.

Actually, in my perception the problem what we have is that

since we were kids, we were playing with violent video

games. These video games have a big impact in our lives.

Because the main idea of those video games is to kill people and

destroy cities. This is hard because, when these people are older, it

is not going to be easy for them to be pacific people.

Discrimination is when we separate somebody from our society. This is another important point, because we are seeing a

lot of cases where people are discriminated by different reasons, for example their nationality or their skin color. This is not

correct, because at the end, we all are humans beings. In our world, we

are losing feelings of fraternity. In Costa Rica we can see a lot of cases

of discrimination with people from our neighboring country.

After reading all this about violence and discrimination, can we build a

pacific country where violence and discrimination don’t exist? It could

be possible if everyone agrees. The difficult part is that we are millions

of people. But we don’t have to become discouraged, we have to be

positive and we have to do our changes which are needed to be the

example to follow. We have to remember something, and that is that

impediments are only in our minds.

Javier Delgado

Page 8: The Outspoken

Be Tolerant and Accept Them

Violence is defined as “intentional use of physical force or power, against oneself, another person or against a group, which

either results has a high likelihood in injury or psychological harm.” Discrimination defined as “an action that denies social

participation to categories of people based on prejudice.” So is spite of this, how children, middle age people, old age

people and immigrants, seem to be affected by violence and discrimination.

Nowadays, children are the most affected by violence and

discrimination that they receive from other. In the first place, we

have this from their parents, they are hurting their kids with

punches. They can´t control it. The reason of losing their patience,

is that because we are forgetting that in one time we were

children, and that we needed to do our things to grow up. Also,

we see these actions with babysitters, that treat kids like slaves,

and there are some proves in the internet with homemade videos.

Broadly speaking, now we have this phenomenon called bullying,

that is becoming popular and that a lot of people are practicing

against of children. This is the act of discrimination and hurting

someone, because of the appearance or their point of view, and it

affects them in an emotional way. We can also mention that

middle age, and old people are recurrent with these actions.

Middle age and old people are not exceptions to this problems even if

society thinks they are. For example some night clubs, do not accept

people under 40 or they look at them in a weird way. The same with

alcohol or drugs, because we think they cannot handle it, and that

those are only for the youngest. Well, maybe we are so immature

that we feel superior to them. On the other hand they confront

problems with social status and discrimination regarding of money.

We can mention work issues, because of the age. Seemingly they are

not the only ones that suffer with work or social status. Also the

immigrants are being affected by this problems.

The society we are living in today lacks of tolerance towards

immigrants. For example: job possibilities in Costa Rica and in USA

suffer a lot of discrimination with the payment and schedule. The

way they are treated by “normal” people is not the best. The citizens

are treated them like animals, but in a really bad way. We also take advantage of them. Most of the time, some people use

them for prostitution, because they profit of the language. So what can we do to correct this?

In conclusion, it has been proven, children, middle age, old people and immigrants, are daily affected by violence and

discrimination. According to the author Brian Celio “As much as it hurts, I would rather miss someone than hit someone.”

So is this the solution to this actions? To let somebody go is not the best. It is better if they learn some respect and how to

treat people that are different from each other. Maybe with this we would have a better world.

Karla Ruiz

Page 9: The Outspoken


Discrimination is a big problem in our society, because many people do this act often. For start the discrimination is an act

of reject to things, people, etc… Is a reject that can be for color like discrimination by ethnicity, also for disability people,

because for this people is very difficult to get a work. Others kinds of discrimination can be based on sexual orientation or

pregnancy discrimination.

Due to the differents kinds of discrimination, I consider that is important know these kinds. So I pretend to explain these.

For example the gender discrimination is based in reject according to if is woman

or man. Many women are rejected for just be woman and this is reflected in

the jobs, because in some jobs the salary for women is less than the salary of

men. Also the men think that the women are useless and that the women

cannot do the same thing that them. So discrimination is generated by them

thinking they are weak and cannot perform the work a man does.

Discrimination by ethnicity that is given to people who are set apart by race, by

color of skin, hair and others. In many cases this rejection of dark-skinned

people is for ignorance, because they think they are bad people, because it was

always considered as a color white symbolizes purity and innocence, while the

black color symbolizes evil , the dark. And this is why seeing a person with dark

skin is generated a fear to these people. But this discrimination is made by the

ignorance of the people, because they think are best that others and that's why

discrimination is given by ethnicity.

People with a problem of disability also have a lot of discrimination in society,

because they are in a difficult state for employment. When speaking of a

disabled person is to refer to someone with a mental, physical, intellectual

disabilities ... Which often prevents them do different tasks. The main place where

this rejection occurs is on jobs, because many companies do not like hiring these people because they are complicated to

accommodate them in a job that suits your needs, becoming this an act of rejection for have a disability.

Sexual orientation is something repulsion, because today there are many people who have a profound emotional, affection

or sexual attraction to people of the same gender or more than one gender. They are discriminated against because they

are individuals who are considered like disobedient of the God's command, so that the Christian people generate rejection

of them as having a sexual orientation inclined to the same sex. Also the parents are the primary to reject a gay or lesbian


With pregnancy discrimination is exactly the same, many parents discriminate against their daughters for being pregnant at

a young age and in many cases are thrown out of their home. The society is stronger when critics and reject, mostly in jobs.

When a woman wants to get a job is complicated because many companies want to hire only men, because women can get

pregnant in any time and that would imply an inability of much time that would affect the company. Today there are laws

that help women to not suffer such discrimination in their jobs.

I think everyone should try not generate much rejection, because we are all equal, regardless of how others are, must be

respected. We must put aside ignorance and not discriminate against a person for the simple fact that it is black, or by

pregnancy. Everyone must have and apply a very important value that is called respect. It is a value that we must not only

put into practice but also teach our children.

Solange Soto

Page 10: The Outspoken

Change the Way You Think

Imagine, living in a perfect world, who treats people how we deserve. All with the rights no matter which is our skin color,

religion, economic situation, if you are a woman or a man. It will be the ideal world with the ideal life style. But, since many

years ago, the human race, has developed a superiority ego, and started believing that someone is better than other.

However with this thought, the violence appeared hand on with this. The feeling increased an irrational thought all around

the world.

Some people have the wrong concept with this aspect because there is a huge difference between discrimination,

stereotype, prejudice and then violence. Let’s start with

the concept of discrimination, this is when you and I

discriminate, in other words “separate” from the society

because, he, she or it does not have certain requirements

to fit into a group. The stereotype, this concept is related

with the perception you have about something or

someone. A very easy example: you hear in the news, that

most drug dealers are Colombian. So, when you meet a Colombian person, you will think that he or she is also a drug

dealer. The stereotype can became a prejudice; this action is to prejudge something or someone without knowing the

origin; because of the stereotype that exists about it.

We cannot leave behind all these concepts together with the violence suffered by the people every day in the environment

they develop in. Why women are today attacked? Because everything discussed above, the stereotype that man has about

her and the prejudice, and then the discrimination forcing her to do what is for him, what a woman should do. But

nevertheless women in the 21st century do not want

to feel with little freedom and depend on their

husbands. This is when violence begins to

appear, because his stereotype, and the ideas

he has are being changed. There is something

essential, not only can think of violence against

women and not just physical violence.

There are many groups around the world who

are discriminated and violent. A few weeks

ago, I read an article about how they are

treating homosexuals in Russia. The concept

that there is with this people and how they

“make fun” of them is assault and at points

where it has come to death. These are a small

group of people that are discriminated daily. Was there any time we thought about the consequences of these people? No,

I think not, because we are still doing it. First the emotional and psychological part, how we make that person feel inferior;

making believe that he or she can not belong to the society and take part of it freely with the same rights. In some cases

this has to develop into suicide even in very young people because of this discrimination that sometimes turns to violence.

So, what if our prejudices and stereotypes change and we can see all the people equally, without labeling? Over the time,

discrimination has been eradicating in many places with a fairly large population. Obviously, this cannot be done from one

day to another, it will take many years, and it may not be eradicated in 100%. But this is the minority that remain with

these ideas. So we can change this situation! It is entirely possible! We do not have any excuse to keep it the same.

Maria Chávez

Page 11: The Outspoken

Health Improvement

Over time, health has been an important topic for humans. To know human body and how it works, they have to

experiment in order to have knowledge. This will help to mitigate the production and transmission of disease. Also,

technology helped to investigates in a secure way of finding new diseases and developed new ways to facilitate the

application. Because of the benefits of the health advances, the government has an important role in the health system.

The main goal is to improve health and quality of life through the prevention and treatment of disease. It requires

surveillance of cases and health indicators, and through the promotion of healthy behaviors.

The progress plays an important role in disease prevention efforts in both the developing world and in developed countries.

For me, one of the basics developments is measure. Measures such as vaccines have contributed greatly to the health of

populations and increases in life expectancy. Vaccination can prevent a lot of disease. Is the most effective method of

preventing infectious diseases. The effectiveness of vaccination has been widely studied and verified; for example, the

influenza vaccine. Thanks to this

administration worldwide we have a

good control of all disease.

From the beginnings of human

civilization, Leviticus is believed to

be the first written health code in

world. The book dealt with personal

and community responsibilities and

included guidance regarding the

cleanliness of body, sexual health

behaviors, protection against

contagious diseases and the

isolation of lepers. After years pass

by, Louis Pasteur involved the

development of systems of

inoculation including the first

vaccine for rabies. Another

important discovery was the penicillin

by Alexander Fleming. This discovery

would be one of the most important discoveries of the Twentieth Century for its ability to kill bacteria and fight infectious

disease. Jonas Salk developed the first effective polio vaccine. Through mass immunization, the disease was wiped out in

the Americas.

Other developments were the pills. In 1960, Searle receives FDA approval to sell Enovid as a birth control pill. The

development of the first highly effective contraceptive transforms women's lives around the world and opens the door to

the sexual revolution. In the early eighty’s, a mysterious epidemic was identified as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

(AIDS). It was caused by the Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is now a global pandemic. More than 23 million people

with AIDS have died since 1981. Millions more are living with HIV.

As years continues, the Human Genome Project was formally established. Once achieved this information was have major

public health ramifications. Until these days, a lot of progress in health has been done. There still a lot of investigations and

research for better vaccines and health programs. A lot of achievements happen such as Safer, healthier food, family

planning and safer work places. I hope that new information comes out and helped the people they need.

Liliana Zheng

Page 12: The Outspoken

To improve it

Significant changes in the health care sector have been set in motion or very accelerated, much of this activity has focused on improving patient care and lowering costs. There are also numerous opportunities the for health medics to improve population health. The engagement in population health improvement is critical because quality of life and functional status are ultimately what matter to people. These results are directly affected by the prevalence of unhealthy behaviors and the incidence of disease. In addition, the high and rising prevalence of chronic diseases, which is increased by unhealthy behaviors, is like the single most important factor in the growth of health care costs. In fact, an effective strategy to improve health results and ensure long time sustainable health care cost reductions is for representatives of public health to help individuals be as healthy as possible in their homes and communities. An example of what we need are community health, where charity hospitals conduct needs assessments of community health, and adopting implementation strategies addressing these needs, once every three years. In conducting a needs assessment, a hospital may consider input from a broad range of persons located in or serving its community, including representatives of public health. With their patient care experience, hospital medical staffs themselves have a unique understanding of the health needs of the population they serve and can play a leadership role in developing a hospital’s implementation strategy to reduce the population’s disease burden. These activities have the potential to result in improvements in the health of communities across the country. Taking advantage of new opportunities to improve the health status of the population has been and will be both professionally and personally rewarding to representatives of public health. On the other hand, changing of paying representatives of public health solely to take care of those who are sick to one in which they are paid to ensure people are healthy is an idea whose time is coming.

Luis Claudio

Page 13: The Outspoken


Globally, there are estimated around 45 million people who are blind. But 80% of visual loss can be prevented or cured. Probably the cost of rehabilitation and lost productivity due to blindness has a significant impact on individuals, families, communities and nations. Particularly this occurs in the poorest areas of the world. The leading causes of avoidable blindness and visual impairment are cataract, trachoma, river blindness, some conditions in children, such as Vitamin A deficiency and retinopathy of prematurity, and the lack of glasses and low vision aids. Through the years, people have done a radical change in their lifestyle. People have done this because they have improved their knowledge in technology. Each day they we can see that there is a new release about technology. Those releases go from little things like cellphones to big things like robots. Something important is that technology hasn’t abandoned medicine area. Always there have been many experts working in this area, trying to improve people’s lifestyle. Nowadays, there is an electronic eye. This technology was developed by a German company named Retina Implant. What this eye does is that transforms the light in electrical impulses. Those electrical impulses are given to the optic nerve. It has a microchip with light sensors, which is implanted beneath the eye retina. This little thing has 1500 microscopic electronic light sensors.

The optic nerve is available to receive those

signals from the microchip and send it to the brain. Something interesting is that it works whit external energy. So, patients have to have a wire from the eye to the ear where doctor placed an external battery. This implant has already been tested in a couple of patients in Germany. Actually, in United Kingdom, there is the first clinic trial, where some researchers are trying to improve the German version making some changes. It’s really good to see that there is at least one option for those people who are suffering today. The only thing that is going

slow down is time. Because researches are always ready to help each other. We only have to

wait to those things that someday will change our life to make it better.

Javier Delgado

Page 14: The Outspoken

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