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Page 1: The Newsletter of October 2019 Hendersonville …...“I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my strength.” —Psalms 121:1 DIRECTORY UPDATE Sara and Chuck Emel

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The Newsletter ofHendersonville

Presbyterian Church

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October 2019VOLUME 34 NUMBER 10

As the school year has started again, I am reminded of my schooldays. It seems as if summer never lasted long enough, and before Iknew it I was headed back to the classroom one more time. Whilemy school days as a youth are finished, my education is not.I will be learning from God the rest of my life. As I have said manytimes in many sermons over the years, you will never graduate from beingdisciples of Jesus. God has so much to teach us. As Jesus said in John 16:13-14, “However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into alltruth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He willspeak, and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take ofwhat is Mine and declare it to you.”The Holy Spirit will lead our church and guide us into all truth. He is good at it.He has taken me through times of intense learning. Whether the area of learningwas from the Bible, theology or in living the life of faith, no one teaches like theHoly Spirit. Even during times when I thought I was taking a break from learning,the Holy Spirit didn’t stop teaching me. In fact, I am willing to say that theselessons being taught by the Spirit seemed deeper than the times of formallearning.So, what is the Holy Spirit teaching you now? What learning curve does Godhave you on? What areas of your life is the Holy Spirit giving you instruction? It isgood to try and identify what the Spirit is teaching you so you can be a willingparticipant. Is He teaching you patience or mercy? Maybe He is teaching youtheologically to strengthen your understanding of the person and work of Jesus.Is He showing you more about His power and its use?Don’t worry if you were a good student or not while in school. I believe learningthe things of God is based on the Spirit’s incredible ability to teach, and ourwillingness to receive and know what He is teaching. I want to encourage you topay attention to what God is teaching you.For His Kingdom,Tom

Page 2: The Newsletter of October 2019 Hendersonville …...“I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my strength.” —Psalms 121:1 DIRECTORY UPDATE Sara and Chuck Emel

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Session Highlights - September 16, 2019

UPDATEVolume 34 Number 10October 2019

The Newsletter ofHendersonvillePresbyterian ChurchPastorRev. Tom PitmanEditor:Brenda BradshawProduction:Church Office

Deadline for submissions is the21st of each month.


Deacon’s Meeting - Oct 7, 6 pmSession Meeting - Oct 14, 7 pm

The complete minutes of session meetings are posted on the SessionBulletin Board in the Fellowship Hall as soon as they are approved.

The stated Session meeting was held on September 16, 2019 at 7:00 pmin the church parlor. All Elders were present. In the absence of PastorTom due to illness, the Session elected Elder Haynes to be theModerator of the meeting.Elder Mitchell reported that the Finance Ministry will meet on October 2,2019 to consider the 2020 church budget.Elder Haynes reported for Pastor Tom that Ilene G. Moore was baptizedat the King Street service on Sunday, September 15, 2019 by PastorTom. Ms. Moore had received Jesus as her Lord and Savior about amonth prior to the baptism at the King Street worship. Also from PastorTom, the Vision Team plans to meet on Sunday, October 13, 2019.The Session approved inviting Ken Priddy, a member of the EPC’sChurch Revitalization Task Force, to meet with the Session regarding thedenomination’s two-year revitalization program. The group is seeking torecruit 30 churches in the denomination to participate in this program.The Session approved to send $1,000 to EPC for emergency relief forthose affected by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas. The Session alsoapproved to spend up to $50 for a banner inviting the public to theDecember Christmas musical.The Session recognized with sadness the recent passing of missionaryRachel Baron.Work is continuing on updating the church website, but is delaying itscompletion until the Vision Team completes its work. The effort iscontinuing to try to replace the radio broadcast of the Sunday morningworship service with video for viewing by shut-ins.It was noted that there is sometimes a breakdown in contacting memberswho are not attending services, as well as the care of our shut-ins. A taskforce consisting of Elders Bradshaw, Broyles, and Hever was approvedconsider ways to improve the tracking and care of shut-ins and toimprove the contacting of those not attending.The Session approved the start of the new Sunday morning worshipschedule to be October 27, 2019. Work is continuing on preparing thefellowship hall to be ready for the King Street worship services.The slate of Elder and Deacon nominees for the year 2020 has beencompleted. The nominees are as follows: Elders – Mimi Jamieson (1year); Marvin Thomason (2 years); Brenda Bradshaw (3 years); JohnVan Wagoner (3 years); Sara Emel (3 years); and Grant Sitler (3 years).Deacons – Bob Thrower, Betty Muller, Deanna Crawford, and DorothyConrad. The Congregational meeting to elect these new church officerswill be held on Sunday, October 6, 2019 in the sanctuary following the10:55 worship service.A list of inactive members to be removed from the church rolls wasapproved. This list may be reviewed by contacting the church office.The church has received a letter of thanks from Habitat for Humanity fora gift of $1,665 for the agency’s 2019 Thrivent Build Home. The Sessionapproved the request from Wilbur and Betty Buck to have their namesremoved from the church rolls as they have moved to Charleston, SC.—Brenda Bradshaw, Recorder

Deadline for the UPDATE is the21st of each month. If you haveinformation or articles for theNovember UPDATE, please getthem to us by Ocrtober 21.You can leave written copy/photosin the Communications mailbox inthe Church office, or send elec-tronically to the church office ordirect to Brenda Bradshaw :

[email protected] for your cooperation!



Our Christian sympathyis extended to herfamily and friends.

Marguerite MartinSeptember 7, 2019


Page 3: The Newsletter of October 2019 Hendersonville …...“I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my strength.” —Psalms 121:1 DIRECTORY UPDATE Sara and Chuck Emel

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Wed 4:30 Handbells 6:10 Adult Choir



SCHEDULE10:55 Service

October 13 Handbells

New Choir Members arealways WELCOME.

Those interested in joiningmay call Gayle at 692-3211Ext. 6 or just come to theChoir Room on Wednesdayat 6:10.


Our Creative Beginningschildren need Easter basketsevery year for their Easter egghunt. If you eat ice cream soldin plastic tubs, please wash andsave them, and leave yourempty ice cream tubs in thekitchen for Gayle to collect. The

children decoratethem in the Springto use as Easterbaskets. It isnecessary to beginsaving now to

accumulate enough to have onefor each child.




The Kirkin’ of the Tartans will beat 11:00 in the Sanctuary.

Rehearsal for the carriers will be at 8:30 in the Sanctuary.Refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 for

the Kirkin’ participants and those who are not in Sunday school.(Carriers “re-gather” in our line formation at 10:30).

Fellowship time with refreshmentswill be after the 11:00 service, as always.A service of prayer, including a sermon,

will be led by Pastor Tom Pitman at 8:30 in the chapel.King Street will join the 11:00 Traditional service for the Kirkin’.

CREATIVE BEGINNINGS FALL PROGRAM is Thursday, October 31 at10:00 a.m.FOR YOUR INFORMATION:Tom Sheppard’s books, Poems That Rhyme, Because Most Don’t, andExpositions on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and Gayle Stepp’sbook, The Circle Unbroken, Stories Remembered, Adapted andEnhanced are each available for purchase on Amazon.Gayle also has copies available in her office, and they are available forpurchase at the Heritage Museum, Genealogical Society, and Traveland Tourism.

“I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, fromwhence comes my strength.”

—Psalms 121:1

DIRECTORY UPDATESara and Chuck Emel64 Crossbill Lane, Unit 2Hendersonville, NC 28792Chuck: 713-882-7373Sara: 713-882-0413New Email:[email protected]


Page 4: The Newsletter of October 2019 Hendersonville …...“I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my strength.” —Psalms 121:1 DIRECTORY UPDATE Sara and Chuck Emel

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You’re Invited!Your Presbytery Mid-Atlantic Women’s Council is planing an inspiringtime of worship, prayer, fellowship, fun and breakout sessions to help usdo amazing things with our churches in our communities. You must alsobe ready to REST. The event will take place at the beautiful CarawayConference Center and Camp in Sophia NC, just south of the Greens-boro-High Point area. See:

Exciting Break-out Sessions are planned—and some will be offered multiple times, so you can make a schedulethat’s just right for you.Mentoring . . . “Go make disciples...” Discover ways we all can mentorothers, equipping them to respond to God.Expressing the Kingdom of God Through Creativity. . . We will learnthe many ways that we shine the love and light of our Creator as weinvite the Holy spirit into our creative process of developing variousforms of art, crafts, dance and more.My Race/My Ministry/My Church . . . We will take time to explore theministry God has set before you and how the Lord may intend thatministry to support the larger Body of Christ.Becoming all things so that . . . Don’t misread that. It doesn’t saydoing all we tend to find outselves. 1 Corinthians 9 has muchto say about how we might approach our responsibilities to our familyand to the people God has placed in our midst.EPC Resources. . . This session will help us understand theresources available thorugh the PMA and especially our national“The Well” offerings.

Free time options include. . .Crafting for Dolls on Mission, nature trails, rocking chairs with beautifulviews, and more!

For more information or to register:For more information and to register go to:, thenclick on Menu, then click on Fall Retreat. Feel free to ask Diana Pitmanany questions you may have.

CostHotel Style Room - $220/person Lodge-style Room - $160/person5 meals/2 nights/2 ladies per room 5 meals/2 nights/10-15 ladies in room

The Women in Ministry will holdtheir October meeting on Monday,October 14. Please join us in theFellowship Hall at 9:30 for coffeeand pastries. The program willbegin at 9:45. Our guest speakeris Peggy Law from the Feed theKid’s Coalition. Feed the Kids is a501(c) (3) which is comprised ofteams from many faith-based andcivic organizations in Henderson

County who care aboutthe health and welfareof our local children.Our Fellowship Circlemeeting will follow theprogram. ALLWOMEN OF THECHURCH AREWELCOME

Women in Ministry

Many at HPC will fondly rememberRev. Fields. He died at CarolinaVillage Medical Center after a fall inLate July. A retired Episcopal minis-ter, he served for several years asVisitation Chaplain here at HPCvisiting our shut-ins.Military honors will be performed bythe Henderson County Honor Guardat a service at St. James Episcopalat 2 pm on October 5.Rev. Fields served in the Army AirCorps during WWII. He was 94.

Crafting for a CauseThe Women in Ministry is hostinga craft day onSaturday, October12, from 1-4 pm inthe Fellowship Hallwhere we will bemaking items forthe OperationChristmas Childboxes.We will be making:

• No sew drawstring pouches(for marbles or beads)

• Plastic canvas crosses• Crackle “washer” necklaces

painted with finger nail polish• Pencil cases made from Ziploc

bags and washi-tapePlease join us for an afternoon offun, fellowship, and crafting!

The Rev. Ladd B Fieldspassed away on Sept 12


Page 5: The Newsletter of October 2019 Hendersonville …...“I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my strength.” —Psalms 121:1 DIRECTORY UPDATE Sara and Chuck Emel

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Fall is here and thoughts of the holidays enter ourminds. What an exciting time of year as we see greenand red boxes appearall around the church

and know that for each box filled,another child from developingcountries or disaster-torn areas willreceive gifts and the Good News ofJesus. We hear from volunteers whodistribute shoeboxes that often thereare children outside that do notreceive a box and do not learn aboutthe love of Jesus. Won’t you donate afew extra items so another child maybe reached? We who are so blessedare blessing others!The Operation Christmas ChildCommittee and Creative Beginnings Christian Preschool want to thankall of you who gave of your time, talent, and “tithe” to make our TeacupRaffle and Bazaar such a success. The total amount will be splitbetween OCC and the preschool.We thank …..

• Our pastors, church leadership, and church staff for allowing us tohave the event and being so supportive throughout this past year.

• The artisans and crafters who donated their time and talents to theTeacup Raffle. There was something here for everyone—what anamazing variety of God’s gifts!

• Those of you that baked—such yummy treats that were enjoyed byour shoppers.

• Those of you who decluttered or downsized and donated your useditems to the bazaar. You made a lot of people very happy withtheir “treasures.”

• All who volunteered their time on Friday to help price items and setup for the bazaar. It was amazing to see how much was done insuch a short time.

• Those that volunteered for the bazaar itself. Your smiles andwillingness to help symbolized Christian love and caring.

• Those that volunteered to help with clean up or haul unsold items tovarious charities—you were amazing, and the Fellowship Hall wascleaned up in no time.

We are also grateful to those who have already participated in the “Buya Box” program. It’s not too late—you can still buy one or moreBoxes this month for $25 each or “Send a Box” for $9.

Emergency EvacuationIf, for any reason, we need toevacuate the church building, ourdesignated “gathering point” is outback at the large pecan tree in thechurch parking lot. Each class orservice congregation should try toexit together by the nearest safeexit. Class teachers should bringtheir class roll for that day to helpaccount for all people. Parents: DO NOT try to go to yourchild’s class room. Their teacherswill bring them out to the gatheringpoint, and you may only add to theconfusion. If need be, we mayproceed from the gathering pointand go across the street to theHome Trust Bank parking lot. Hopefully we will never need this,but it is important for you to know. —Your Safety & Security Team

As we near the finishing stretch,please add a few items to yourcalendar:

• November 16: Pack-A-BoxParty

• November 18-25: CollectionWeek

• November 24: OCCDedication SundayPlease continue to look forbargains on items needed forthe Pack-A-Box party: schoolsupplies, washcloths,hairbrushes, flip-flops,sunglasses, tee shirts, and“WOW” items such as tools forolder children. There is always ashortage of items for the boysages 10 – 14. Bring items for thePack-A-Box party to church anddeposit them in the large OCC boxnear the church office. “We areGod’s workers, working together.” ICor. 3:9


Those who helped set up got got a “first dibs” buying spree!

The team joined in prayer beforethe doors opened

OCC - Continued


Page 6: The Newsletter of October 2019 Hendersonville …...“I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my strength.” —Psalms 121:1 DIRECTORY UPDATE Sara and Chuck Emel

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Fall has just begun, but it’s never too early to start thinking about howwe can be a blessing to others less fortunate this Christmas season. Fora number of years volunteers from HPC have participated as bellringersfor the Salvation Army. Just sign up for a couple of hours on the datethat is assigned to us. This year, tentatively, our date will be Friday,December 6. We’ll be ringing from 10am until 8 pm at a location inHendersonville yet to be assigned.

If you need more information, or to reserve your times slot, talk with EdJoran (828)-702-0318, or email him at: [email protected]

If you can help with kitchen choresin the upcoming months, pleasetell Brenda Bradshaw [email protected] or828-777-8990.We need folks to help during foodpreparation 2:30-5:30; to help atthe check-in desk, and to helpclean up as soon as dinner is over.The “Order of the Apron” volun-teers are a great group to workwith, and it’s FUN!By the way, our young childrenhave signed on to volunteer oneWednesday night Supper eachmonth. Please take the time tothank them.



The Member Life Ministry wantsto remind you that they will bereorganizing Dining Togethergroups in January 2020 insteadof in October this year.If your group wants to continue together in the meantime, that willbe fine.Look for an announcement abouthow to sign up for 2020 laterthis Fall.

You’re Invited!Calling all knitters and crochet folks!

We are blessed to be a blessing!

We’re meeting on the second Wednesday of every month starting inSeptember from 9:30 to 11:30 am in the conference room next to thefellowship hall. We will be making prayer shawls, baby hats, and babyblankets. The prayer is for the receiver of the shawl or blanket to knowthe love of God, feel embraced by Him, and beencouraged in their journey.Come to learn, teach others, read scripture, and prayfor others!If you have any questions, contact Barbara Norris681-5383, [email protected] or Judy Van Wagoner697-5963, [email protected] will be accepting donations of yarn, knittingneedles, and crochet hooks, so clean outyour craft cupboards!Sep 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11, Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 11, Apr 8, May 13


Page 7: The Newsletter of October 2019 Hendersonville …...“I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my strength.” —Psalms 121:1 DIRECTORY UPDATE Sara and Chuck Emel

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Children & Youth & FamiliesCreative BeginningsChristian Preschoolis now in session!

Thank you to the congregationalmembers who so selflessly gave toour scholarship fund, and blessedour little ones, who otherwise,wouldn’t be able to attend. Thankyou for being a light to them!It is that time of the year, when webegin to link our grocery cards tothe preschool, in order to gain our“Tools for Schools Rewards.” There are 4 great ways to helpCreative Beginnings:Ingles Tools for Schools - Linkyour Advantage card to ouraccount 11006. You may linkonline at www. or atyour local Ingles.Office Depot - Link your accountto ID number 70201197. You maylink in the store or online at Teeter Together inEducation - Link your VIC card tocode 5192 at the checkout register.Staples - Sign-up for a rewardscard and use Creative Beginningsphone number 828-692-3211. Wewill receive rewards for any pur-chases you make, or recycled itemslike print cartridges.Our new email address for thepreschool is:[email protected] October 31st, at 10:00am, wewill be having our Annual HarvestProgram and Brunch for thepreschool families. We would loveto have some volunteers sign-upto be our greeters that morning. Please contact Judy Todd,chairman of Creative BeginningsBoard of Directors, if you areinterested. Thank you so much,for all the support that you give ourpreschool! God is growing us, andmaking beautiful things out of us.Your Servant in Christ,Michele Zaragoza

We need Teachers, Classroom Assistants, athome Crafters (BYO scissors) and otherhelpers! Contact Lorna Bashore at 692-3211

Children are beginning a study on Prayer inSunday school.

Please prPlease prPlease prPlease prPlease praaaaayyyyy

Please be praying for ourchildren and youth duringthe month of October!Prayer requests are for:

• Creative Beginnings Christian Preschool to fill available spotsand have an amazing year

• The Children’s Ministry to grow and thrive• Our children and youth to be reaching out to their friends

at school and home to share about Jesus and what theyare learning

• The youth retreat, for hearts to be open to the move of God• For protection for Michele Z and Lorna B, on staff at church

and working with the littlest ones• For volunteers to be raised up to serve with our children

October Table Talk:Pastor Tom will be giving lessons on basic spiritual warfare.Childcare for nursery-aged children is available, sign up with Lorna.

Top: Acting out Jesus sleep-ing in the boat during astorm.Left: Principal Mr Laughteracting as the rich young rulerWould YOU like to get in onthe act? Volunteers needed!

At Bruce DrysdaleElementary School


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The college year has begun againand InterVarsity Christian Fellowship(IVCF) is actively involved ininteracting with students, sharing thehope and love found in a relationshipwith Jesus Christ. John Hanna servesas Carolinas’ Reginal Director in North and South Carolina. He overseesIVCFchapters on 25 campuses throughout both states. He also supportsthe Area Directors and works with the Regional Leadership Team tocarry out vision for student transformation, campus renewal, andleadership development.The Lord has opened new doors for IVCFin the Carolinas’ Region. Staffmembers are reaching out to new communities on their existing cam-puses in addition to initiating ministry at new schools. An example ofexpanded ministry at an established chapter is a new work plantedamong black students at NC State University last school year. A staffmember is beginning small group gatherings with them this fall. An areaof extended ministry is happening among fraternity and sororitymembers at East Carolina University and Clemson University, andanother is the work among Community Colleges. Exciting new ministrieshave been planted at Forsyth Technical Community College, HorryGeorgetown Technical College, South Piedmont Community College,and Pitt Community College, and most recently at Blue RidgeCommunity College here in Henderson County.To prepare the IVCF students for the fall kickoff, John and his leadershipteam planned a 4-day conference in August called Launch 19. Thistraining prepared students to befriend and share Jesus’ love. Now thatthe semester has started, the first 4-6 weeks of school are focused onmeeting, engaging, and inviting new and returning students into a Christ-centered, welcoming community. IVCF staff and students are involved inNew Student Outreach activities. They plan fun, engaging events suchas ice cream socials, game nights, barbecues, and outside field gamesto attract interest, initiate conversations, and invite new students tocommunity. In the next few weekends, as the New Student Outreachwinds down, each IVCF chapter will hold their chapter retreat. Timeaway from campus, at the beach or in a mountain get-away, will allowstudents and staff time to reflect, solidify relationships, and for somewho don’t know Jesus, an opportunity to hear the good news and take

another step towards faith.John and his wife Shelly live in Boone, NC.Their daughter Molly is in her second yearat UNC Chapel Hill—involved in IVCF oncampus and attending a local church nearcampus. Daughter Katie is a high schoolsenior, a talented dancer, and beginning theprocess of completing college applications.John asks us to pray for new believers toplug into discipling relationships and a local

church; for new IVCF chapters at the community colleges—especially atBRCC; for God to provide funding for the Carolinas’ Region; for upcomingchapter retreats to challenge and encourage students and staff tocontinue the hard work they have started.



Students pray for success of Launch 19

These two funds were establishedin September 2013 to replace theno longer available, long-standingLovett Fund. The only source ofmonies now for missionary trans-portation costs for Table Talks orto preach; shortfalls; or specialneeds not covered by the church’sannual Benevolence support, isfrom the Missionary Care Desig-nated Fund.When Henderson County organi-zations our church supportsthrough Local Missions are in needof extra monies for their support,the only source is the Local Mis-sions Designated Fund.This is a reminder that, should youwant to give to either of theseaccounts, please write your checkto the church and on the bottomstate either “For Missionary CareDF” or “For Local Missions DF.”Both committees thank you.

Designated Fundfor Missionary Careand Local Missions

Remember to pray forDavid Demirgianaboard the mission shipLogos Hope

As the Logos Hope travels aboutSouth America, David and his ship-mates find many ways to share thelove of God and the good news ofredemption through our SaviorJesus Christ.Here is David (foreground) with hisRed Light Ministry team who goonto the city streets at their ports ofcall and engage people of the nightwho may never have heard theGospel before!


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Let’s show our love toour shut-ins

with cards, prayersand visits.

* At HomeSee Church Directory

* Don Bentzen* Geri Sorrell

* Ardie Steven

Beverly DavidsonMountain Home

Health and RehabMarie-Louise HathawayCherry Springs Village

Chris LewisCarolina Reserve - Laurel Park

Rosie PardueWesley Court Assisted Living

916 Wesley CourtBoiling Springs, SC 29316


Hospital Visitation Schedule

Oct 6 Darlene Davey 595-9105Oct 13 Carol Morain 404-805-7698Oct 20 Ed Joran 702-0318Oct 27 Ragena White 458-8229

Thanks to all involved in hospital visitation

Table Talks for October 2019Oct 2 Spiritual Warfare -”The Kingdom of God”Oct 9 Spiritual Warfare -”The Believer’s Protection”Oct 16 Karl Gessler Band -”How to Cross the Country without MoneyOct 23 Spiritual Warfare–”An Understanding of the Demonic”Oct 30 Spiritual Warfare–”The Authority of a Believer”

Please keep in prayer:Don Bentzen Carol BrinkleyBeverly Davidson Hjordis HuntDave Radcliffeand all those in military service.

WATCH OUR 10:55 SERVICE LIVEGo to our website, click on Worship

and follow simple instructions.Also available on our Facebook page

(#hendersonvillepc).Video of past services are available on our website

and on YouTube.You may also listen to the service live on the radio

WHKP – 1450 am or 107.7 FMand it may be heard live at

2019 Deacons Come, join with your brothers and sisters in prayer. This isa non-structured, very casual, time to sit before the Lord.Community prayer starts at noon and lasts about one hour.Come as you can and leave whenever—even if you canonly stay for a few minutes.

Church Office hours have changed. The new hours are:Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am–4:30 pm

Friday. 8:00 am–12:30 pm.


For prayer chainconcerns, please call:Tanya Jones at 692-8678 orthe church office.

Holy Communion is servedregularly at HendersonvillePresbyterian every first Sundayof the month at the 8:30 AM

service and the 10:30 AM KingStreet service—both held in thechapel—and on the first Sundayof even numbered months at the10:55 am service in the sanctuary,as well as at special servicesthroughout the year.The Lord’s Supper will next becelebrated on Sunday morning,October 6, at all three services.We invite you to join us for thesecommunion opportunities.



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Last month I attended our Womenin Ministry for the first meeting ofthe year. I enjoyed getting betteracquainted with other churchmembers and I learned andbenefited from the program lead bythe president, Sherri Jones.The study was of the Biblicalaccount from Jesus of the sheepand the goats. A DVD study wasused and it was clear, enjoyableand a great way to further morediscussion.I tell you this in my library reportbecause Sherri checked out theDVD from our own church library.A perfect opportunity for me toshare more about our library withyou. Remember, it is not just abouta great selection of books.The back room of the library holdstremendous Christian Fictionbooks . . . but, there is more to thatroom! In the right back corner youwill find a vast amount of Christianreference material, all available forcheck-out. Then, turn around tothe right and you will find shelvesof DVD studies—many done byfamous Christian speakers andwriters. You will find interestingstudies for personal growth or forsharing in small group or SundaySchool settings. Most of theseselections have been donated bymembers who have used thestudies for their own use andpassed them on to our congre-gation for library check out.So come in and peruse ourselections. —Sara Emel



Barbara SmithJoyce MasonDon GarlandLaura MorrisLarry JonesNorma Irvin, Ralph Miller, Liz MyronGlenn MacDonald, Justice GesslerPat NeuenschwanderConnor Jacob HovendonMary FranksJane Meherg. Elizabeth DeRidderJoAnne ThomasChris LewisRay PalmerClara Bayne, Susan HurannaLinda ColeCalvin ComptonJanet BrinerDan Demirgian, Jan StewartMary Saby

Audio CDs of the Sunday morningworship services, and Table Talkprograms may be purchased for $2.00per CD. Please call the church officeat 692-3211 to order copies. CDs arealso available on loan from the library.



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HELP WANTEDHELP WANTED: We need a fewmore helpers who are able to sit inthe balcony on a Sunday morning(probably only one Sunday amonth) to help with the LiveStreaming of our 10:55 service.It isn’t difficult, and training takesjust a short while. Please contactSharon Mitchell to volunteer:[email protected], or828-290-2121

Saturday • October 19, 2019 • 9 am–1 pmHendersonville Presbyterian Church

With so many needs for care all around us, there’s a real demand fortrained Stephen Ministrers to walk with hurting people. In fact, as morepeople learn about the value of Stephen Ministry, the demand is likely tokeep growing.If you have thought about the possibility of becoming a Stephen Ministerand would lilke to know more, mark October 19 on your calendar. That’swhen Hendersonville Presbyterian Church will host a Stephen MinistryIntroductory Workshop for churches throughout western North Carolina.It will describe what Stephen Ministry is and offer a sample of StephenMinister training. Members of our congregation are welcome to attend atno cost. For others cost is $15/person or $50 for group of four or morefrom the same congregation.Please feel free to share this information with friends in other congrega-tions, as well asother HPC members you know who might be goodStephen Ministers.If you would like to receive care from a Stephen Minister, talk with PastorTom Pitman or to John Lampley. If you know of someone you believewould benefit from a Stephen Minister’s care, encourage that person torequest a Stephen Minister from Pastor Tom or from John, or ask thatperson’s permission to make the request yourself.

For more info or to register, go to: Talk with John Lampley.


IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE “ORDER OF THE APRON,”please call Brenda Bradshaw to volunteer - 777-8990 - email: [email protected]


Sink & Salad Marilyn Frenier Ginny Woodham Caryl Mobley2:00–5:30 PM John Woodham Larry Mobley

Table Setting Marilyn Frenier Anne Carlin Marilyn Frenier Anne Carlin Marilyn Frenier

Deep Sink (1) 6PM Rick Spindler Jeanie Joran Betty Sweigert Bill Jones Ralph MitchellDeep Sink (2) 6PM Pam Van Tassel Ed Joran Gil Broyles Isabelle Ashley Pam Van Tassel

Dishwasher Tommy Brendel Don Haynes Lynne Hemenway Ralph Mitchell Don Haynes

Asst. Dishwasher Judy Van Wagoner Ragena White Eloise Murray Darlene Davey Betty Sweigert

Dishes - 6PM Darlene Davey Bob Briner Linda Gilbert Dorothy Managan Eva House

Salt/Pepper P/U Tanya Jones Eva House Becky Haskins Side Table P/U Larry Jones TBD Children Dick House Clay Haskins

Check-In Desk Marlene Jimenez Carol Broyles Betty Muller Marge Hever Marlene Jimenez

Position OCT 2 OCT 9 OCT 16 OCT 23 OCT 30Carolyn CavalloneEsther Jacobson

Mary Rose Ed Foster

If you are able to help where you see TBD below, please call Brenda at 777-8990. Thanks!

Sherri JonesBarbara Green

Brenda Bradshaw

Go to andclick on GROW. Then click onTABLE TALK and then on thelink that says “Click here towatch the Holy Spirit equippingClass." The videos are Labeled1, 2, 3 and 4.


TABLE TALKSVIDEO now availableon church website!


Page 12: The Newsletter of October 2019 Hendersonville …...“I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my strength.” —Psalms 121:1 DIRECTORY UPDATE Sara and Chuck Emel

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Paul D. Norcross is a writer, pastor, and Bible teacher from the hills of New England.His signature book Dining at the Master’s Table: Learning to Hear the Voice of theLord, has helped bring countless Christians around the world into closer relationshipwith Jesus Christ and learn to hear His voice.He is the author of numerous books and workbooks designed to help teach Christianshow to walk by faith and operate all nine manifestations/gifts of the Holy Spirit indeeper intimacy with Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father.In addition to pastoring a local church, Dr. Norcross is also the founder and presidentof Kingdom Faith Ministries International, a para-church ministry dedicated to teach-ing God’s people to hear the voice of the Lord. Many of his books are currently beingused in more than 80 Bible schools, colleges, and courses of instruction for pastors inover 23 countries.For more information, please visit:www.KingdomFaithMinistries.ORG

—Biographical statement adapted from

The congregation is invited to a seminar led by

Dr. Paul Norcrossbased on his book Dining at the Master’s Table and others he has written

Learning How to Hear the Voice of the LordPart I - Nov 15-16 • Part II Nov - 22-23

From 7–9:30 pm Fridays and 9 am– 4 pm Saturdays No cost. There will be a break for lunch Saturdays—on your own.



Hendersonville, NCPermit No. 16

Hendersonville Presbyterian Church699 North Grove StreetHendersonville, NC 28792-3729Tel: 828 692-3211Fax: 828 692-6872e-mail: [email protected]


Dr. Paul Norcross


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