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Page 1: The monthly newsletter of San (A. {from that he will do a great job as he has in many ... year JohnVossIsthe teacher this go around. ... Malathion, Isotox,Sevin, and ...

August 2011

The monthly newsletter of the San Diego BonsaiClub,San Diego,(A.

Message {from th ResidentAs most of you know, SDBCwas established 46

years ago. During these years, many dedicatedvolunteers haveworked very hard to bring the club tothe point where it is now, which is to be one of thebiggest and most successful clubs in the nation. Alsoby opening our new pavilion, we have made a mark inhistory.

All of the volunteers have a variety ofbackgrounds from culture and profession, and even adifferent view of the art of bonsai. Butwe all have thesame goal, which is to enjoy the art of bonsai and pushthe club to the highest point of success. Fromtime totime, there are also low points in our club history overdisagreements in howwe conduct SDBC business. Asa result, some folks stay and continue the challenge,while others decide to leave and someone else will stepin to continue the tasks. Being a board member is avoluntary activity, and the board members have a rightto leave or stay. In the last two months, we lost two ofour board members. Jim Rendina, FirstVP, resignedfrom his position. Jim did a lot for our club. He did awonderful job as our librarian and we are all sorry thatwe lost him, but we will always remember him. Next,Joyce Goldman our secretary, resigned at the last clubmeeting. She is a very hardworker and always keptour board and club meetings in order. We will miss herat our board meetings, and we wish her the best. Ihope that she has the time to enjoy bonsai in the nearfuture.

aqugust firogmmThis month’s programwill be conducted by John

Wang (pronouncedWong). Most of you will rememberhim from last February’s program. His humor andenthusiasm was great. We look fonNard to more reallygreat bonsai information from him this month.

John did an apprenticeship in Japan, under SeijiSakurai at Sakurai Sansei‐En in Koshigaya, Japan.That kind of experience gave you an amazingly quicklearning curve. John did lots of wiring and styling trees,on old valuable client trees and also on really amazingraw stock. He has a well-rounded experience andbrings that to us for our continuing bonsai education. Itwill be great!

Pleasegive meyour ideas and requests for futureprograms as it is now time to start planning for ourfuture. You can e-mail me with any of your thoughts [email protected]. Dave Rochester, FirstVP

Dave Rochester has accepted the offer of FirstVPfor the rest of 2011 until next election and I am 100%sure that he will do a great job as he has in manyother capacities in the past. We are looking for amember to fill up our club secretary’s position and alsowe need Fall Show Chair. Please let me know if youare considering any of these roles.

We try very hard and we pay lots of money tobring bonsai artists from different areas and withdifferent talents and views to our club meetingdemonstration. We usually start our club meeting at10:30AM, which goes for half an hour. At 11:00AM,we start our program, and amazingly by 12:00 PMevery body get impatient and asks for the food andraffle. Starting our August meeting, the programwillstart at 11:00AM andwill proceed to 1:00 PM. Afterone o’clock, we will start the food and raffle. This way,we will have enough time to allow our demonstrator togo complete their routine, and will also us to focus onobserving, asking questions, and self learning. Pleasemake plans ahead of time, to support our newschedule.

I do appreciate all our club volunteers, past andpresent, for doing such wonderful job for our club.You will always be remembered.

Keep In Mind “Bonsai Is Our Hobby”.

7169 “Far

Picture taken from videoby M. Ramirez

Photography, 2009.

Page 2: The monthly newsletter of San (A. {from that he will do a great job as he has in many ... year JohnVossIsthe teacher this go around. ... Malathion, Isotox,Sevin, and ...

editor's flowsThe summer is here and your main concern should be to

keep your bonsai happy. Read more on page 4, Marty providesguidance in his article for summer care in Bonsai Ideas #116.

We had a bus trip to LosAngeles and there are a few picsto show the group at San Gabriel Nursery, Chikugo‐en BonsaiNursery (Gary lshi), and the Roy Nagatoshi Nursery. Everyonehad a great time and

There is a GSBF convention coming up in October inRiverside, and we would like to encourage everyone who canmake it to attend. Headlines will be Kathy Shaner, PedroMorales, Roy Nagatoshi, and Ryan Neil. In addtion to theheadliners, there will be workshops, seminars, demos,excursions and various activities planned. Go to the GoldenState Bonsai Federation web site and you will see all theinformation that you need to plan and make arragements.

There is change taking place in our club. See Abe'sPresident's message on the cover for more details. Whilechange may be stressful, it occurs in many forms. Learning tomanage change in a graceful manner is a key to long life andhappiness. Enjoy the August edition of The Bonsai Vifire!

When o n e views his treesThe iiiusionof sight mustFeeiwinci anci wa rm s u n

Marty Mann August 2011

The BonsaiWire is a monthly publication of the San Diego Bonsai Club. All articles are provided by SDBC members. All articles mustbe received no later than 10 days after the dub meeting by the The Bonsai Vlfire Editor, Mario Condit ([email protected]).Shirley Kavanaugh Jr. is responsible for folding, labeling, and mailing. If you have any questions about article placement or specialrequests, please call the editor (see below for contact information) and leave amessage. Iwill try to respond to you as soon as possible.

7he (gunsni WuThe BonsaiWire is published monthly by the San Diego Bonsai Club, Inc. a non-profit, educational organization 501 (c) (3).

finn @iego Jgonsai Club {Board members’ President: Abe Far (619) 234'3434 I Corporate Secretary: TBD

[email protected] - Past President: Steve Valentine- 1‘"t Vice President: Dave Rochester [email protected] - Public Relations: TBD

[email protected] - Japanese Friendship Garden,- VP for Membership: Cary Valentine Bonsai Curator: - Librarians:

(760) 445-2548 Fred Miyahara Tyler Doren & David [email protected] (619) 286-8602

- VP for Education: Steve Valentine [email protected] 0Tool Sales Managers:(760) 445-2548 - Bonsai Pavilion, Safari Park: David lnglish & Rich [email protected] Curator: SteveValentine

- VP for Special Projects: (760) 445-2548 ° Benefit Drawing Mgr: Jason TuckerBarbara French-Lee SDBC & Safari Park Liason: 0RefreshmentCoordinator:(619) 557-0556 'lyn Stevenson Nellie Downie, (858) [email protected] (858) 486-4805 0The BonsaiWire Editor:

0Treasurer: Maria Barbosa - Web Master: Kevin Grey Mario Condit(619) 606-6523 [email protected] (619) [email protected] [email protected]

- Fall Co-Chairs-2011: TBD

This newsletter printed byThe UPS Store ( Clairemont Dr., San Diego, CA 92117, Ph: (858) 490-1690 Fax: (858) 490-1695)

- Historian: Cary Valentine

August 2011 San Diego Bonsai Club Page 2 of 8

Page 3: The monthly newsletter of San (A. {from that he will do a great job as he has in many ... year JohnVossIsthe teacher this go around. ... Malathion, Isotox,Sevin, and ...

{gaginner Class,“ EEWe are starting a new bonsai class, it is the last one for this

year John Vo s sIs the teacher this go around. John'Is a professionalgnursery man John has a double degree, in soil science andornamental horticulture form CalPoly. He then signed up while atEcollage for a bonsai club on campus. When they closed the club, heEasked, where he could get bonsai help and was given the nameEof Khan Komai a teacher that we all knew very well. He has awonderful nursery and hehas also taught beginning bonsai classes.EHe also had 2, one man bonsai exhibit's while he was at CalPoly.gJohn has been doing bonsai for 30+ years, so he has a lot to shareEwith you.i The material for this set of classes will be trees that werefspecially picked for you all at Roy Nagatoshi's nursery. The treesare foemina junipers and you will be learning upright formal style.

jRoy also is one of the head liners at the up coming GSBF conventionEin Riverside. Please bring soft gloves with you to all 3 classesPlease call 760-445-2548 (e‐mail [email protected] Cary) to getEyour name on the list. There are still a few spaces left. Even if youéhave taken it before, you will always learn something new.

53%;;at...the;a"fi r m e r ;Below are acouple ofpics of 7 ' " assessment

our beginner students andinstructors. Gary is fitting a potwith mesh and wire to hold theroot ball in place. Marty istrimming and showing how tocleanup the material near thebranch forks.

Ted provided assessments ofbonsai material in order to providesuggestions on how to improveon the tree's design and futurepotential as a true bonsaispecimen. Thank you Ted, foryour time and for your help.

Jutermedinte ClassWOW! We are so lucky to have Jon & ,

Teri Petrescusharing with us their slideshow trip to China and the BCI BonsaiConvention. Joining them on this tripwas Dave Woodall, Barbara French-Lee, :Susan Baker and John & MargretJackson. 80, we will have many membersto help on the sight that you will see.They will share with you Chinnese bonsai,how they were treated like royalty, this forsure you will not want to miss. This issomething for everyone and I know you willreally enjoy and learn a lot from their slideshow. I know we really enjoyed it and reallyappreciated them sharing this with SanPu Kai meeting last month.

Steve Valentine,Vice President Education

Pictures by Cary S. Valentine

The work at the SDBC Pavilion is continuingdespite the opening that we had back in May.

, To the left,' you can see

the assemblyof a bench,which will beused byweary parkvisitors. As

‘ they sit onthe benchand gaze atthe pavilionscenery andthe bonsai,they willeasily get lostin the small

. wonderlandof this oasisin the park.

San Diego Bonsai ClubAugust 201 1 Page 3 of 8

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$nn @iego gonsnigonsni Jalens

#116 aqugust, 2011 ByMarty MannDeciduous trees that have large amounts of foliage

need to be moved out of full sun into shaded or partiallyshaded areas to protect leaf surfaces and fine surfacerootage. Keep rotating all full grown material on aregular basis to expose them to even light conditions.Maintain high humidity and good air circulation. Theseactivities protect the bonsai as well as improving thematuring fall colors.

Summer is the time to monitor the Shari and Jinportions of your styled trees. Apply a secondapplication of Lime-Sulfur (Ortho Dormant Spray) to thedampened dead wood areas to protect against woodrot. Avoid seepage of this chemical into the soil and rootarea. Avoid live wood surfaces. Consider applications ofMiniWax Wood Hardener.

This is not the best time to consider transplantingmost material however, certain plants such asPomegranate, Ficus, Buttonwood, Cotoneaster,Pyracantha and most Bamboos can be repotted or trans‑planted during the warm weather. Material that hadrecently been defoliated, such as Maple, Olive, Privet,Zelcova, Ginkgo can be transplanted just prior to there-emergence of the new growth. Remember thattransplanting of any material during these warm monthsis risky but it can be done if proper after-care is taken.Keep them cool and not too wet. Generally speaking,anything done during the summer months should bedone with restraint and proper attention given to theeffect of warm weather.

Propagation by cuttings of softwood or semi‑hardwood material can be done in July. Keep cuttings inshade and in a sandy, moist mixture. Don't rush totransplant any cuttings just because the new signs ofgrowth tell you that they have 'taken'. Let them harden‑off first.

This is a period of extraordinary activity for gardenpests. The warm air and frequent watering encouragesaphids, scale, mealy bugs, red spider mites, and, fun‑gus-both above and below ground level. Keep at themall with insecticides; Malathion, Isotox, Sevin, and fungi‑cides-Triazicide, Ortho Funginex, or Ortho Garden Dis‑ease Control. Each is designed to do its own thing.Read the product labels carefully.

Now, the last important seasonal suggestion.Vacationing bonsaiists must rely upon automatic watersystems or the ‘goodwill’ assistance of bonsai friends tocare for the trees. Don't trust the automatic wateringsystem without the back-up of someone who can checkfrom time to time to audit its functions. Be reminded thatsummer vacationing puts an additional burden on the'bonsai sitters'. A suggestion would be to let them wateryour trees for you for a few days before you leave to besure that they are following your instructions. Try

August 2011 San Diego Bonsai Club

forming a mutual watering pact with fellow bonsaiists.You do for them when you can and they will do for you.It's a great working arrangement and considerably saferthan trusting your 'babies' to strangers.

Enjoy your summer and look fonNard to the beautifulcolors of the fall season.

fiequoin {Bus 7 r i pJune 23-24, 2012. We depart by bus to Wuksachi

Lodge,BBQ Dinnerwith the ranger Sat. evening (subject

to confirmation), explore the park on Sunday and returnin the aflemoon with a box lunch provided.

Approximate Cost is $214 per person based on 2people sharing a Standard roomand $223 per personbased on 2 people sharing a Deluxe room. This costsincludes the above plus taxes and tip to the driver.

A refundable deposit of $100 per person is due attime of sign up and osts are based on 40 people on thetrip. i will be available to answer any questions you mayhave.

Jiozl {Bus 7fiPWe had a wonderful trip to three Bonsai nurseries

in the LA area. The weather and traffic allcooperated to allow our travel to go smoothly andmany found some great plants to bring home.


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% San (Die 0 (Bonsai C[u6 s:‑Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Members

I- July 10th, 20111. Call to Order: The meeting of members of San Diego Bonsai Club was called to order at 10:30 am. by Abe Far,

President. A quorum was present.2. Approval of Minutes: The minutes for the June 12, 2011 meeting were approved.3. Reports> Abe Far, President: (1) Reviewed the financial position of the Club and heard comments and concerns from members,including members of the Audit Committee. (2) Confirmed the Audit Committee, consisting of Bob Meyer, Alan Burrows,and Patrick O’Brien. (3) The Club’s financial records have been accumulated and are now digitized. (4) Jim Rendina’sletter of resignation has not been accepted.> Treasurer, Maria Barbosa: (1) Explained that the books for 2009 have been balanced, although with adjustmentsmade for prior years where information was lacking. Taxes were filed on an extension in 2010 using an accountantapproved by the Board. Maria continues to work with the accountant to reconcile numerous past-year issues. (2)Currently, accounting is being accomplished using information provided on bank statements. The 2010 and 2011 booksare to be entered into Quicken to make regular reporting and tax preparation simpler. Maria intends to have this completedby the end of August. (3) Balances: Club Money Market = $2,149.24; Club Operating = $5,633.70; Pavilion: $20,152.28.> VP Membership, Cary Sullivan-Valentine: (1) 1 new member and 2 returning members were introduced. (2) Volun‑teers are needed for the GSBF Convention. They will work in the areas of registration and security. Those volunteeringwill receive equivalent registration to the Convention. Those volunteering for a full day will also receive the conventionpin. (3) A card is being sent to Kathy Shaner following her surgery.> VP Education, Steve Valentine: (1) Thanked everyone for their patience on the room mix up for the Beginner Class.Thanked Dave Rochester for a wonderful beginner class series. (2) Thanked Ted Matson for chairing the IntermediateClass and sharing his vast knowledge. (3) Announced Board approval for three Mas Takanashi Grants for 2011. The re‑cipients are Christina Far, Patrick O’Brien, and Martha Choy. (4) Neil Auwarter, 2011 winner of the Bill Murphy Award,was presented with a certificate and a check for $100.> New Pavilion Safari Park Liaison, ‘lyn Stevenson: (1) Saturday, the 16‘“, is the regular work day at the Pavilion. At12 Noon there will be an update meeting to review the financial status and proposed projects. Mario Condit may also at‑tend so that the video he is preparing can be reviewed.> Vice President Special Projects, Barbara French-Lee: (1) A bus trip to the Sequoias has been scheduled for June23, 2012. Cost $218 per person/double occupancy (standard room) or $247 (deluxe room), based on 40 people partici‑pating. Cost includes: the trip, a BBQ, walk, lunch, tax, and tip. Breakfast the morning of the 24th is not included. A$100/person deposit must be received by the October 2011 meeting. The cancellation policy without penalty is 60 daysbefore the trip. (2) A shopping trip to the Nagatoshi, lshii, and San Gabriel nurseries is scheduled for Sunday, July 24.Cost $35 each. The bus will leave Balboa at 8 a.m..

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 am. Ted Matson, former President of GSBF, wasintroduced. The next regular meeting will be held Sunday, August 14, 2011. The next SDBC board meeting will be heldfollowing that regular meeting.

zYflove J 0 4 Jgus 7 r i p fliesRespectfully Submitted,

Joyce Goldman, Corporate Secretary

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Page 7: The monthly newsletter of San (A. {from that he will do a great job as he has in many ... year JohnVossIsthe teacher this go around. ... Malathion, Isotox,Sevin, and ...
Page 8: The monthly newsletter of San (A. {from that he will do a great job as he has in many ... year JohnVossIsthe teacher this go around. ... Malathion, Isotox,Sevin, and ...
Eric Jacobson

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