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Page 1: The Mobacy Chapter 20
Page 2: The Mobacy Chapter 20

Very early Monday Morning

Last time we left off, Tamara had been admitted to hospital for premature labour and Salvatore was on the phone telling his mother that the labour

had been stopped.


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“Ah nurse” said the Dr throwing his gloves in the bin “Is this the father?”

At her nod he said “Too late I’m afraid.”

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“What?!” yelled Salvatore.

“Too late for the birth. Your twins

have already been born and are

being wheeled down corridor C to

intensive care.”

Salvatore stood with his mouth

open. He had not one but two

babies and they were in intensive



“She will be going back to her room

shortly. How about we step out in

the waiting area?”

Nurse Margaret went off to do

other things, leaving Salvatore with

Dr Evan’s.

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The Dr and Salvatore went

out to the waiting area.

Salvatore sat down rather

shell shocked.

“You have to understand Mr

Mobacy that premature sim

labour is much faster than

normal labour and


“But it had been stopped.”

“Only momentarily; once a

baby or babies decided to

be born that is it.”

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The doors opened and Tamara

came out on her bed with the

Alderley pushing, he paused for

them to greet her. She barely

opened her eyes to mumble

“Drugs...good, no triplets.”

Salvatore leant over and kissed

her “You did really well Tams.”

“Come we will walk down to

intensive care together” said

the Dr watching Salvatore.

Salvatore looked back at

Tamara unsure of what to do.

“She will sleep, don’t worry.”

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After washing his arms up to his elbows Salvatore was allowed inside the intensive care unit. They passed a rather tiny baby; Salvatore couldn’t help

but stop and stare.

Dr Evan’s seemed to read his mind. “That baby was born a whole day early; your boy’s are considerably larger and stronger.”


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“Yes, here they are.”

Salvatore stared at the two

little babies lying on the

warming beds. He had two


“How can my boy’s be so

much larger?”

“Your wife had them only

five hours earlier then full


“But the sizes, I don’t

understand how they can

be so different to that other


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“Sim babies gestate at a very rapid

pace over the three days of

pregnancy, so the few hours

difference between the little girl

over there, to your boys, to a full

term baby is quite immense in

terms of growth.”

“That’s incredible; I had never really

given it any thought.”

“Most people don’t, which is why I

like to explain this to new parents.”

“Now they are born their growth

will slow down considerably, but

you will see by about lunch time

today they should be large enough

to take home and from there they

should grow and age normally.”

“Thank you so much Dr.”

“The pleasure was all mine Mr

Mobacy. Obstetrics is a fascinating

field to work in. I never tire of

seeing them grow, literally before

my eyes.”

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Salvatore knew he should go to bed; it was now 4am and he had only had about three hours sleep the entire night, but how could he leave the boys

alone? The boys? The poor mites didn’t even have a name that he could tell the nurse when she had asked. They had only settled on one boy’s

name, Riccardo; as they had only expected one baby. He guessed the eldest should be Riccardo, but which one was that? He gently touched one of

the baby’s soft warm skin. “What shall we name you hmm?” He jumped back as the baby gave out a soft grunting sound.

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“They do that.”

“What?” asked Salvatore


“That grunting sound, it’s

normal” said the NICU

nurse smiling.

“Oh good!” Salvatore was

quite relieved. “I wasn’t

too sure if...”

“If you had done

something wrong?”


“You are allowed to touch

them, they aren’t that

fragile. Just be gentle and

quiet and they will be


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The nurse got a bottle and deftly

picked up one of the babies.

“I was here to feed and weigh

them, would you like to feed the

other one?”

“Oh no” said Salvatore his eyes

going wide. The very idea of

picking up one of his tiny son’s

filled him with trepidation.

“I was just off to bed, if that’s all


“Of course it is, you look like you

could do with a good sleep. Some

parents like to help others don’t;

it’s quite alright if you don’t.”

Salvatore relaxed, the nurse

seemed genuine and not

judgmental so he thankfully went

to bed and left her to it.

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The hospital bed might not have been the most comfortable, but Salvatore was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Waking up, he looked out

the window. It was obviously quite late in the morning.

“Darn.” He hadn’t intended to sleep so long. He quickly threw on his clothes and went to Tamara’s room.

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But it was already empty and her bed made.

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He hurried down to the ICU and stopped. In the right crib was a little girl, probably the one from the incubator the day before and in the left was a

large pale looking boy.

“Excuse me Sir!” said a sharp voice behind him.

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“Hands must be washed

thoroughly and non family

members must wear a mask

at all times.”

“But I’m_”

“Not a family member of

either of these two babies.”

“Sorry, I’m looking for my

wife and twin sons, they

were in here last night, the

other nurse knows me.”

“I’m the day nurse, nurse

Michaels left four hours

ago. Now what is your

name?” she asked sharply

without trace of a smile.

Salvatore felt like he was in

the principal’s office. Not

that he’d ever been sent,

but he was sure this is what

it must feel like.

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“Salvatore Mobacy.”

The prune faced nurse

whipped out a folder and

quickly glanced down her


“Your son’s were taken for

their neonatal exam at Dr

Evan’s office half an hour

ago.” She looked at him

disapprovingly. “They may

have even been discharged

by now.”

“Where do I go?”

“You will find Dr Evan’s

office down the hall and to

your left.”

“Thank you!”

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“And don’t run!”

But Salvatore had already gone.

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He knocked on the door

with Dr Evan’s name on it

and barely waited for a

reply before coming in.

“Thank goodness I found

you all.”

“You’re just in time to take

your family home Mr

Mobacy” said the Dr with a


“Sorry I’m late. I overslept

and then I couldn’t find

anybody...” Salvatore

trailed off as he stared at

both babies.

Joanne was holding one

while Tamara picked the

other one up off the

examination table.

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He couldn’t believe how large and plump they both looked.

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“They are both really fine?”

“Perfect health. Take your

boy’s home and enjoy them.”

Salvatore shook Dr Evan’s

hand. “Thank you so much.”

“They may be a little bit

smaller than average, but

nothing noticeable.”

Salvatore nodded and gazed in

wonder at his son’s again. The

change over the last nine hours

had been tremendous.

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“Say hello to Papá,


“Romero, you thought

of another name.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, that’s a great

name, they go together


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Turning to his mother he said,

“So this must be Riccardo. Hi

there little guy.”

“We were just about to get

them dressed; your father is

searching the hospital for


“Sorry about that. So who’s

watching the girls?...Not


“I trust the servo more than

your father now Salvatore. I

was hoping Dr Evans could

see him, but he needs a Dr

who specializes in such things,

plus he has to be willing,

which he isn’t.”

“Well you two get the boys

dressed and I’ll go search for

Papá. I hope he hasn’t gone

too far and gotten himself


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After checking the more obvious places upstairs, Salvatore went downstairs to check the front desk and cafeteria. He’d had no breakfast and the

smell of apple and cinnamon pancakes made him feel even hungrier.

“Aw Papá, why couldn’t you have been down here drinking coffee.”

He quickly grabbed a bottle of iced chocolate and guzzled it while continuing to look.

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Salvatore went back up to

Tamara’s room. They were

ready to go home.

“So he hasn’t come back


“No, and I’m worried” said


“Could he have gone up

stairs?” asked Tamara.

“I shouldn’t have thought so,

but I’ll go check. It’s not like

it’s a huge hospital, we can

always ask them to page him

over the PA system.”

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Salvatore got to the top of the stairs and looked around. Down the far end he could see large glass windows overlooking the general maternity

nursery. The nurse Tamara had seen yesterday was in there talking to a mother. Perhaps he could ask her if she had seen an older man wearing a

green shirt. He didn’t get the chance to as a loud scream came from somewhere to his left.

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“My breast milk!” Screamed Samantha.

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“Aarrggh! Breast milk!” Luigi would have spat the coffee out, but unfortunately he had already swallowed that mouthful and two before that.

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*Basically Luigi is saying "How dare you leave your breast milk in the refrigerator where unsuspecting people might use it. You are an unfit mother!"

Salvatore and some of the

nursing staff quickly arrived on

the scene.

“How dare you!”

“What?” said Samantha taken


"Come osi lasciare il latte nel

frigorifero dove le persone

ignare potrebbero usarla. Tu sei

una madre inadatta donna!"

“Now you just wait a cotton

picking minute!“ said Samantha.

She had no idea what had just

been said to her, but she didn’t

like it one bit.

“We all know about you and

your twins.”

Samantha’s eyes flashed, she’d

had it with people calling her

trailer trash and the rumors that

Brandy Broke was the father of

her twins or worse a stray dog!

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“Now you look here! I don’t

care what rumors you have

heard they are all untrue! Have

you people no brains? How

would that even be possible?!

I’m a teacher and a

respectable married woman.

Also, what do you expect to

find in the kitchen of a

maternity unit? Whiskey?!

Luigi made a dismissive noise

and waved her off like she was

a pesky fly.

“Mr Mobacy we can’t have

your father upsetting the

patients, please take him

home” said nurse Margaret.

“Yes, of course.” Said

Salvatore, who was bewildered

by what exactly had happened.

The other nurse gently

removed Samantha Ottomas

who was now ranting about

Brandy Broke and dogs, back

to her room.

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“Papá what were you doing?”

“I was trying to have a quiet cup of

coffee! Can you believe that

woman just leaving her breast milk

in the fridge?”

“Papá this is the kitchen of the

maternity unit, women do leave

their milk in the fridge. You’re

supposed to go to the cafeteria.”

“Well I couldn’t find it.”

Salvatore sighed and wondered if

he would be getting his father out

of constant jams now. “Look the

nurse said if we clean up nothing

more will be said.”

“About what? Her causing a


Salvatore just shook his head and

went to rinse out the coffee cup. It

had been one heck of a day and it

was only lunchtime.

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Monday Morning main house

Rosa bounded down into the

kitchen and stopped short.

Alice was cooking, which was

most unusual. Normally it

would have been her Nonie

cooking up omelettes, waffles

or pancakes.

“Where’s Nonie?”

“The hospital, your mother

had the baby early.”

“ she okay? Is the baby

alright? Is papa there? What

about Ari?”

The servo made a metallic

sound which could be taken

for a growl.

“I don’t >beep< know. Your

sister is still asleep.”

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“Oh fricken >beep< said the

servo as black smoke arose

from her omelettes.

Alice was not the most

domesticated of servos.

“Papa says friken is a

naughty word.”

“Then you >beep<

shouldn’t say it. Now I will

have to >buzz< make some


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Rosa watched the servo

hunt around for some fresh

ingredients for the

omelettes, all the while

grumbling about not being a

domestic servant.

Rosa wasn’t altogether

comfortable with Alice, but

at the same time she was

fascinated in how she

sounded and how she had

been put together. Not fully

robotic and not fully simlish,

but something in-between.

It fascinated her.

“What? Is my butt running

oil?!” snapped the servo.

“No!” The last thing Rosa

wanted was to get into

trouble with Alice.

“Shall I go check on Ari?”

she added in quickly.

“If you like. Don’t wake her


“I won’t” Rosa called as she

ran out of the kitchen and

left the grumbling servo to

her cooking.

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Rosa ran to the nursery, she wasn’t in her toddler bed. Next she ran to her parent’s room, but Ari wasn’t sleeping on her napping mat either.

What was that splashing sound she heard coming from the bathroom?

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“Oh Ari! Not the toilet, that’s


“Hehe it’s fun!”

So much for Ari being asleep, her

little sister was sopping wet!

Rosa wondered what she should

do. She was too young to give

Ari a bath, but maybe she could

get the wet nightie off. She did

not want to tell Alice that her

sister was playing down the

toilet, she might blow a gasket!

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“Hold still Ari! It has these

tricky buttons down the


“Sorry Rosa, I didn’t mean to

get wet.”

“But why the toilet?

“Because it’s fun!”

Rose frowned and struggled

with the tiny buttons.

Sticking your hands down a

toilet sure didn’t sound like

fun to her. Her sister might

be having her big kid

birthday tonight, but for

now she was still just a

toddler who liked doing

toddler things. After

undoing two of the buttons,

Rosa managed to tug and

pull the nightie off over her

sister’s head before tossing

it into the bathtub.

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Just in time too, as Alice came bustling

into the bathroom looking for them.

“Rosa your breakfast is_ buzz-a-beep-

beep! What is going on in here?!” Alice

was very good at sniffing things out and

this smelt very fishy indeed.

“Oh see you don’t have to worry Alice, I

took Ari’s wet nightie off myself. I was

just going to get her some clothes.”

“You need to >buzz< eat breakfast and

so does your sis_hang on >beep< why

was her nightie wet?!”

“She was just having some water play”

put in Rosa quickly. No need to tell the

servo just where the water was if she

didn’t ask. She didn’t want Ari to get

into trouble.

“Water play?” The servo gave off a

metallic rattling sound which was her

version of a shiver; she hated water.

“We don’t have >buzz< time for water

play! It’s 7 o’clock, and you have to

>ping< get ready for school!”

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Thinking about school made

Alice forget about the wet


“Quickly now!” >buzz

beep<! She picked up Ari

and shooed Rosa back to

the kitchen.

“Are you okay Alice?” Rosa

was nervous about how

many buzzes and beeps

Alice was making. What

would happen if she ran

amok with no adults at


“I’m >ping< fine! Or I will be

>beep< once you are >buzz<

at school!”

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Both girls sat and ate their

breakfast, but not nearly fast

enough for the servo’s liking.

Rosa liked to cut off small

pieces while Arianna demanded

to use her spoon. Watching the

toddler chase chunks of fruit

around and around her bowl

quickly made Alice impatient.

“Can’t you >beep< hurry it

along? Just use your hands and

>buzz< shovel it down!”

Rosa screwed up her nose and

stared at the servo. “Yuck. A

lady should always use her fork

or spoon.”

“Oh fricken >beep<!”

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“Naughty Alice!” said


Don’t you mind her Ari,

you’re doing really well

with your spoon. “

“Rosa you need to >beep<

get dressed now.”

“But I haven’t finished.”

“Too bad! We’re going to

be >beep< late on you first

day if we don’t hurry!”

“Okay, okay. I can be really

fast you’ll see!”

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If it was one thing Rosa did well

it was run quickly. She sprinted

upstairs, got dressed and ran

back down again.

“Come on Ari it’s time to stop

dancing and get you dressed.”

“No >beep< we must get into

the car now” Alice said,

scooping up the toddler.

But Ari can’t go to the school

with us in her underwear!” said

Rosa shocked.

But Alice was already hurrying

to the car with the complaining

toddler tucked

unceremoniously under one


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It was futile trying to get out of

Alice’s grasp; the servo could

easily hold a grown sim under

each arm if she needed to. This

however, didn’t make dealing

with an angry toddler in a car

seat much easier. She still

needed her two hands to do up

the buckles.

“Just hold >beep< still!”

demanded Alice.

“No! I want my clothes!” cried

Ari. At four and a half she knew

you didn’t go places in your


Rosa sat glumly on the other

side of the car, she didn’t like

seeing her sister upset. Maybe

it was her fault, maybe if she

had left Ari’s wet nightie alone,

Alice would have changed her.

She just knew this would be

the start of a horrible day.

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To Rosa the school loomed up as large and frightening. No matter that there were plenty of bright colours and that there was a playground in front of her, the school seemed massive and it went up it seemed nearly to the sky. She stared up to the small level at the very top and wondered if it might be the home of a dragon that swooped down and ate children. She didn’t have long to think as Alice came around with Arianna in tow and

grabbed her hand.

>Buzz beep!< “Hurry up, we are already late!”

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Alice hurried her into the front office. There were already a few children there, who turned and looked at them as Alice

pushed the glass doors open with a bang. Rosa wished she could have sunk into the


“Wow!” Said the blond haired boy his eyes as big as saucers as he looked up at Alice.

“It’s only a servo” shrugged the blond girl. “Our father has hundreds of the things.” The black haired boy gave her a quizzical


“The Mobacy family I hope?” said the

woman. Rosa gulped, the woman had a

disapproving mouth and her eyes looked

pale and scary. Maybe the school didn’t

need a real dragon when it had her.

“Sorry we are late.” Said Alice.

“School starts at 9 o’clock sharp and we

expect students to be punctual” she said,

her lips a thin line.

Arianna clung to Alice, not making a

sound. Maybe if she was really, really

quiet no one would notice she was there

in her underwear.

“The other parents have already left, but

you may as well stay until the children

leave the office.” The stern faced teacher

turned back to the other students.

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“Now as I was saying; we have

two primary classes. Class one is for

those who don’t know how to

study and class two for those that

do. Does anyone know how to

study?” She looked at the blond

haired girl.

“No Miss Trotter” said Simone.

“But I’m sure I will learn very


“I’m sure” said Miss Trotter looking


The black haired boy had excitedly

waved his hand around the entire

time saying “me, me, me.”

As soon as the teacher looked at

him he burst out “I know how to


Miss Trotter regarded him coldly.

“Mr Landgraab the fifth, please

lower your voice and wait quietly

to be called upon.”

“Yes Miss” he said more subduedly.

“Anyone else?”

The blond boy said No, his eyes

never leaving the servo.

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Rosa just silently shook her head when the lady looked at her.

“You should say, no Miss Trotter.”

Rosa tried to repeat what the lady said, but her voice came out like a squeak which made the blond girl giggle; and not Rosa noticed, in a nice way.

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Miss Trotter just shook her head and

turned to the teenage girl sitting on

the couch.

Rosa breathed a sigh of relief that she

could go back to not being noticed.

“Miss Cooke, could you take this

young gentleman to primary class


“Sure thing.” The girl didn’t seem

fazed by the stern teacher at all. Rosa

wished she could be like that.

“No it is not a ‘sure thing’, it is yes

Miss Trotter” said the woman in the

aggrieved voice of someone who has

repeated herself many times.

“Sure_ I mean yes Miss Trotter.”

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“Miss Mobacy say goodbye to

your... caretaker.”

Rosa swallowed nervously, so far

the school seemed rather horrid

and full of very proper rules. If this

was her teacher she was going to

be very miserable indeed. She

hugged Arianna for longer than

normal and wished her mama

would suddenly appear. But she

didn’t; only Alice was there and

even if she had been close to her,

cold hard steel could not replace

warm arms.

“Goodbye Rosa. >beep< I’m sure

you will have fun” said Alice.

“I don’t think so” sniffed Rosa.

“Are you crying?” asked Simone.

“You are a baby.”

But Rosa didn’t have to answer as

the stern lady had clapped her

hands for silence.

“Right, class one form a line and

follow me.”

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Rose looked around, the classroom she had been led to was bright and cheery and it even had a hamster against one wall. The young teacher looked

up from helping a boy with a warm smile, although it dropped a little as she saw the three children.

The three already in the class started whispering, but immediately stopped as Miss Trotter frowned at them.

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“Three?” said Miss Philips

coming over. “You said there

would be two.”

“No it’s three; surely you can

cope with one more child. Or

do you need me to stay?” said

Miss Trotter frowning in

displeasure at the thought.

“No, that’s fine Miss Trotter,

thank you for the offer, but I

can mange six just fine.”

“Good, I would hate to have to

tell Principal Cooke that he

needs to hire yet another

teacher. I will let you get on

with it then.”

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Miss Trotter’s eagle gaze swept

over the classroom before leaving.

Miss Philips felt like making a face

behind her back, but with six

children watching her she could

only sigh softly. The last thing she

wanted was help from Miss

Trotter, however challenging

having six children might be.

James had just learnt to study so it

was certainly doable if she used

the afternoon to teach the Butler

twins. The older woman’s

disapproval of her was obvious;

she was probably looking for ways

to show her up. Telling her to

expect two and getting three

children was no doubt done on

purpose. Well she wouldn’t give

the sour woman the satisfaction.

So long as all the children had their

work done by going home time

everything would be fine; hectic,

but fine.

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She gave the three new children a sunny smile. “Welcome to class one children, I am Miss Philip’s and today we will be doing some arts and crafts as well as learning how to study.” Yes there was no need for Miss Trotter to find out that the craft and painting would be done on a rotating roster,

with study happening at the same time, not at all.

Miss Philips was such a warm enthusiastic teacher that Rosa couldn’t help but smile back. Maybe school wouldn’t be quite so horrid with this lady as her teacher.

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Monday Morning at Vincent, Ray-Ray and Bernardo’s House

Bernardo ran in waving Monday morning’s paper “Have you seen this!”

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His father Vincent quietly looked up from his eggs and continued eating. He was used to his sons sudden outbursts, probably the price of watercolour paints had

gone up or something else trivial.

“You actually went and bought yourself some new clothes!” exclaimed Ray-Ray excitedly.

“No Mama! I couldn’t care less how my clothes look.”

“Well I know that!” said his mother. “You never even changed

what you grew up in!”

“The creator went and put something in called a default.”

“Well thank plumbob for that.”

“That is not what I am talking about. Have you seen this?!”

Bernardo stabbed his finger at the paper while waving it under his

mother’s nose.

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“Berni I can’t focus if you do that, hold it still.”

Ray-Ray squinted and peered closer.

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Handsome black haired, blue eyed

family orientated 27 year old male,

who enjoys watercolour painting and

bees; seeks family or knowledge

seeking female for a serious life long

relationship. Only apply if you are

willing to have lots of children.

5 Maple Lane Eredita or call 477321910

Townies needed for scientific


Make lots of money! No skills needed.

Apply 15 Death Road Eredita.

Eredita Prep School

Monday September 5th

“Hot Norwegian blond. Call Frida at_”

“Not that! The one beneath it, do you know anything about this?!”

“Handsome black haired, blue

eyed family orientated 27 year old

male, who enjoys watercolour

painting and bees; seeks family or

knowledge seeking female for a

serious life long relationship. Only

apply if you are willing to have

lots of children.”



blond. Call

Frida for a

good time

at 047


Spring Sale!

On seedlings at Cromer’s Nursery

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“Oh dear” said Ray–Ray looking up.

“Oh dear?”

“Yes, I told them 26, really I did.”

“Madre! You wrote this?!”

“Well how else are you going to find yourself a girl? Please don’t be upset,

I just thought you could use a little help, what with the way you have

been moping around the house since the shrinks visit.”

“I don’t need my mother’s help in

finding a girl!

“Plus I have these big wants for

engagements, weddings and grand

babies going unfulfilled! I’m an elder

and not one of my three children has

given me even one grandchild!”

“Madre! Ma sei pazzo?! Go and

bother my brother then! Or should I

pay some female to carry my sporn?

The gardener is outside, her mouth is

large but I’m sure she is fertile.

Would that make you happy?!”

“Show some respect” growled his

father from the table.

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“Sorry mama.”

Berni tossed the paper on the table and sat down heavily.

“Did you have to say, handsome? One look at my

snozzle and they will be fleeing for their lives.”

“Don’t.” Said Vincent stabbing his fork into the

table. “Don’t you ever diss the nose son. The nose is what sets us SimItalian

Ausimtralian’s apart. Your nose is something to be

proud of.”

“Yes Papá” sighed Berni. He knew the quickest way to get

his father off his back was simply to agree.

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His father somewhat placated laid down the fork. “What

you need to do is get a job.”

“I have_’”

“Not a job! I know you don’t want in on the family

business, I can respect that-I think. You know if you change

your mind they can always use a hand down at the

restaurant. It helps the family and it’s totally >cough< legit.”


“Hey there are plenty of legit things you can do down there,

it’s no shame to wait tables and it would pay more than

that.” Vincent had once again picked up his fork and waved it the extremely large jar of Honey sitting on the table.

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“Selling jars of $10 honey on the roadside does not constitute a job.

Now if we slapped a label on it saying it had healing properties

and flogged them off at $50 a jar you might be on to something.”

“Papa’ we have already talked about this at least three times! I

am not turning my bees into crooks. It’s against their religion!”

Vincent just shook his head and went back to eating his eggs. He was at a loss to understand all

three of his overly nice children, but his middle son was in a league

all of his own.

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Bernardo turned back to his mother “You need to cancel

this ad, monks do not marry.”

“Berni I noticed you ditched your gown a week ago and I

can see your hair growing back.”

Berni sighed and put his head into his hands “Being a

monk of the order of the bees was just too hard! I

couldn’t take being the daily sacrifice; I’m a failure all


Ray_Ray put her hand on his shoulder. “Just you wait son,

soon you will have piles of mail and lots of lovely girls

ringing the door bell!”

“Mumma mei save me.”

Vincent snorted, retrieved the paper and went to read

the obituaries. It was best to keep up on such matters.

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By the time the school bus dropped Rosa back home it was five o’clock, a long day for a six year old. What she really wanted was to go to her room

and stay there, but the balloons outside reminded her that it was Arianna’s birthday party, which meant seeing even more people. She sighed and

dragged her feet up the few stairs to the entrance way of their house.

“How was school sweet heart?”

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“Mamma! You’re home!”

Rose tossed down her bag and

flung herself around her

mother’s neck.

“Papa and I are so sorry we

couldn’t be there with you at

school for your first day.”

“That’s okay” said Rosa. The

big hug made her feel lots

better and she would rather

not think about school at all.

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“Is the baby here?” she asked eagerly.

“They are”

“They? There’s more than one?!”

Tamara gave her a happy smile. While twins were not something she had wanted, she would not be without either one of her baby’s now.

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Tamara led Rosa into the nursery. Her sister’s toddler bed and the chair had gone to make room for the new cradles. Rosa quietly peeked into each

one. She would have loved to play with the babies, but both were fast asleep.

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“Look at their tiny fingers!”

“I know” said Tamara smiling. “Hurry and get changed now, everyone is in the living room. Your papa has been making a surprise for Ari’s birthday out in the back garden.”

“Ohh what is it?”

“You will just have to find out after Ari blows out her candles!”

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Rosa got a big hug from her Papá when she entered the lounge room and held his hand while her Mamma brought her sister to the cake. Her aunt

Alisa was there as well as a boy who must be her cousin Adriano. Like her he was now a big kid. He gave her a shy wave across the room and she

waved shyly back. She liked her cousin; he was quiet like her. His younger brother’s Bru and Sarbello were there as well, but they were rather noisy

and boisterous.

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Arianna eagerly blew out her candles. She couldn’t wait to be a big kid like her sister.

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Arianna looked around the room, she hoped everyone was watching.

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“Yah! Look at me! Look how tall I am!”

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Arianna quickly grabbed a slice of

cake, followed by Rosa and


“Can you believe the girls are

already six and five?” asked

Salvatore stroking Tamara’s

cheek. “It seems like only

yesterday we got married.”

”Let’s not think about that,

otherwise I’ll have to think about

turning thirty and I don’t want


“Thirty, sixty, it won’t matter so

long as we have each other.”

Salvatore and Tamara danced

slowly while everyone else

danced the traditional birthday


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“Don’t you want to get changed” asked Rosa

“That can wait; I want to see what Papa set up in the backyard!”

“Oh yeah!” said Adri “Let’s hurry.”

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Both girls turned their heads at a snuffling noise and watched their cousin in horrified amusement as he shovelled the cake into his open mouth.

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“Mmm good cake Ari!” he

mumbled with his mouth


“Yuck!” said Rosa. She had

barely had a mouthful while

her cousin licked the

remaining icing off his


“You’re so gross Adri!” said

Arianna screwing her face


He gave a loud burp and


“Last one out back is a

rotten egg!”

“I haven’t eaten my cake

yet!” complained Rosa, but

the other two had already

run off.

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They soon found out what the surprise outside was, a jungle play tower!

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“This is so cool said Arianna and then she laughed. “Look I can see Nonno doing the smustle through the window!”

“Hey Ari, what’s over there?” asked Adriano. “Through that gate?”

“I don’t know. Rosa what’s in there?”

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“Just the grave yard.”

“The grave yard!” exclaimed


“Yeah, that’s where our great

grandparents are buried.”

“Gee Rosa; you don’t seem

scared at all.”

“I’m not, should I be?”

“Well yeah! Ghosts are scary!”

Adri frowned and stared

towards the fenced off area as

if a ghost might suddenly


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Rosa shrugged. “They haven’t scared me. Great grandfather waved at me one time when I was little.”

“Wow.” Adriano stared for a moment longer and suddenly looked scared again “what time is it?!”

“I don’t know, I don’t have a watch and I can’t tell time very well yet, can you?”

“Not really, but I think it’s getting late.”

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“I’m going back inside!” yelled Adriano jumping on the pole. He knew ghosts came out after dark and if it was about to get dark he wanted to be

inside the house!

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“Should we tell him great grandfather likes to float around downstairs?” asked Ari.

“Nah better not, boys are easily scared by such things.” Both girls giggled together before heading back inside to play with their cousin.

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Down in the basement at Angel’s and Ashley’s House

Why am I sitting in this?”

“Because it’s more comfortable”

said Angel. “You might want to

close your eyes while I do the spell.”

“I don’t think I can go through with

this” said Ashley wringing his hands.

“I mean, what if something goes

wrong? This is death we are talking

about Angel! I’ll try some more

potions, whatever you like.

Anything is better than this!”

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“I understand Ashley.”

“You do?”

“Well of course I do.”

“Gosh! Thanks honey! You

know I really thought you

would tell me to man up and

grow a pair.”

“No need for that.”

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“I already did it for you!” said Angel flipping the remote control switch.

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“Tricked my husband for his own good is what!” >Cackle<

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“You can expect a call for him shortly.”


“How many of you are there?”

“NOT ENOUGH IN THIS HOOD THAT’S CERTAIN.” Said Grim before disappearing with Ashley.

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Two hours later.

“So is he processed yet?” ..... “Good, I’ll pay top dollar to get him back.” ..... “He did what?! I’ll kill him!”

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Generation Four Birthday photo shoot



Arianna Mobacy (Ari)

Neat: 7

Outgoing 7

Very lazy 1

Very serious 1

Very Nice 9

Hobby: Science


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isn’t it?”

Adriano Rosi (Adri)


Neat 5

(So why did you eat your

cake like that?!)

Shy 2

Somewhat lazy 4

Playful 8

Nice: 6

Hobby: Tinkering.


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Francesca Rosi


Yes Alisa had another



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Leo Garth


Lottie’s little rocker.


Page 94: The Mobacy Chapter 20

“I got the

crummy game



Luisa Mobacy

Second cousin (Nic’s


Neat 5

Outgoing 7

Very Active 10

Very Playful 10

Very mean 0!

Hobby: sports


Also she loves to follow the


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Massimo Mobacy (Mo)

Took awhile to grow this one

up due to the plot last

chapter, but here he is

finally. I think he has an

interesting face.

Neat 7

Outgoing 8

Active 9

Serious 3

Mean 1

His personality is close to

generation two’s. (Angel,

Vincent and Luigi)

Hobby: sports


“Dats all
