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Page 1: The Marvel


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Table of Contents

The Universe ................................... 1 - 2

The Avenger’s Initiative

Captain America ............................. 5 - 6

Ironman ........................................... 7 - 8

Thor ................................................ 9 - 10

The Hulk ........................................ 11 - 12

Page 3: The Marvel

the universe

idea that the cosmic rays that gave the Four their powers could have been an attempt at extraterres-trial communication. When the exact combination of cosmic rays was detected again, Richards did, in fact, contact an alien being. The alien was actually branded a heretic for his search for knowledge, and the Fantastic Four helped it ward off its breth-ren who sought to destroy it. Richards and the Entity found themselves adrift in time and space, drawn back by their inquisitiveness to the begin-nings of the universe. The question was how did existence come from non-existence— the question was the fire, born of their need to understand, and it became the spark that lit the fire of creation. The Entity merged with the energies and forces that became creation, but because it searched for only for truth, it lacked the knowledge to form anything but chaos and destruction. Richards, still outside of time, had searched always for knowledge, and the pair could bring balance to the creation before it returned to the void. The universe was created—a sentient, conscious universe that, in trying to un-

The Marvel Universe is renowned for the presence of fantastic superhuman beings, the supernatural, and the cosmic. Some have claimed it is the “prime reality” in which events of univer-sal significance occur (and, indeed, megaversal and/or Omniversal significance), though other cross-dimensional entities state it is no more signif-icant than any other reality in the overall scheme of things. Regardless of whose claims are right, this reality is designated as number 616 (thus, “Earth-616”) to differentiate it among the infinite numbers of alternate realities. No one can know for absolute certainty the events that led to the ex-istence of the 616 reality— the fact that various in-dividuals have experienced or witnessed differing origins only compounds the difficulty. One such account was how Sise-Neg became Genesis. Sise-Neg was a mystic of the 31st Century who found a way to draw mystical energy into himself. How-ever, since the mystical energy was limited by the number of sorcerers in his time, he determined the best way to seek ever-increasing power was to trav-el back in time when there were increasingly fewer magic-users to dilute the ambient energy. He was continually drawn back further and further in time, encountering Doctor Strange along the way, until he reached the beginning of time itself and found he had ultimately absorbed near-infinite power. Finally discovering himself to be a god but realiz-ing that he had a responsibility to re-create reality, Sise-Neg released his power to create a Big Bang. A somewhat similar situation had Reed Richards and an alien from the future traveling to the begin-nings of the universe. When investigating the ori-gins of the Fantastic Four, Richards struck upon the

derstand itself, gave birth to growth, to struggle, to life. Perhaps only one being truly knows the origins of the universe, preciesly because he was there previous to its existence. Prior to the creation what has become the Marvel Universe, there was anoth-er universe which was collapsing in on itself. The being known as Galen set out into space in order to find a way to save his world. Unable to find a way from stopping the destruction of the universe, Galen and his shipmates decided to plunge their ship into the Cosmic Egg, the focal point which the universe was collapsing. The Cosmic Egg exploded into what is known as the Big Bang. The Marvel Universe was created in a massive explosion and mass and energy condensed to form the universe. Galen emerged from the Big Bang as Galactus and shortly after other cosmic beings (Eternity and Death) came into existence. Numerous intelligent races would eventually evolve but most became extinct while few left behind a single survivor. These survivors formed a brotherhood known as the Elders of the Universe. Perhaps the fact that

multiple beings have experienced multiple origins of the universe actually means that the 616 reality is always in a state of flux, constantly re-writing itself as time goes on. Nevertheless, there has been evidence pointing to an all-powerful entity, the one the cosmic Living Tribunal calls “The One Above All.” The Fantastic Four recently encountered such a being when storming the gates of heaven to res-cue their friend Ben Grimm from death. The being took the form of a kindly artist toiling at his draw-ing board. He praised the Fantastic Four for their persistence in exploring the Marvel Universe and promised extraordinary new wonders to be discov-ered as the years go by. The mysterious cosmic be-ings known as the Celestials began experiments on evolution of intelligent races across the universe, which created races like the Kree and Skrulls. Continuing their experiments, the Celestials land-ed on Earth and experimented on the ancestors of the human race. This in turn lead to the creation of the Eternals, Deviants and gave some humans the ability to develop super powers.

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the avengers initiative

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Captain America

Steve Rogers was a scrawny fine arts stu-dent growing up during the Great Depression. His alcoholic father died when Steve was a child, and his mother passed away from pneumonia after he graduated high school. In early 1940, appalled at Nazi Germany’s horrific atrocities, Steve attempted to enlist in the army. Failing to pass physical re-quirements, he was invited to volunteer for Oper-ation: Rebirth, a project intended to enhance US soldiers to the height of physical perfection via the inventions and discoveries of Professor Abraham Erskine. Rogers eagerly accepted and became the first test subject. After injections and ingestion of the “Super Soldier Serum,” Rogers was exposed to a controlled burst of “Vita-Rays” that activated and stabilized the chemicals in his system. The process successfully altered his physiology from its frail state to the maximum of human efficien-cy, including greatly enhanced musculature and reflexes. Soon after, Professor Erskine was assassi-nated by a Nazi operative, leaving Steve the sole beneficiary of Erskine’s genius. Renamed “Project: Rebirth,” variations of the Super-Soldier serum were subsequently tested, under inhuman con-ditions, on African-American soldiers. The most successful of these was Isaiah Bradley, and Proj-ect: Rebirth’s resources were eventually absorbed into a multinational superhuman research project dubbed Weapon Plus. Rogers was assigned to serve as an who served both as a counter-intelli-gence agent and a symbolic US hero to counter Nazi Germany’s propaganda successes head by the Red Skull (Johann Shmidt). Wearing a costume based on his own design modeled after the Amer-ican flag, Steve was given a triangular bulletproof shield, a personal sidearm and the codename Captain America, the Sentinel of Liberty. He was also provided a cover identity as a clumsy infan-try private at Camp Lehigh in Virginia. His first opponents included the Red Skull himself and

Nazi attempts to duplicate Erskine’s serum with their own super soldiers. During a mission to the African nation of Wakanda, “Cap” befriended the nation’s ruler T’Chaka and obtained a sample of the rare metal Vibranium. Subsequent experiments with this metal produced a uniquely indestructible Vibranium-steel alloy disc, which proved impos-sible to duplicate. The disc was given to Cap as his new shield. Barely out of his teens himself, Rogers made friends with the army’s camp mascot, teenager James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes. Barnes accidentally learned of Rogers’ dual identity and offered to keep the secret if he could become Captain America’s sidekick. Rogers agreed, and trained Barnes. Throughout 1941, Cap and Bucky shared many adventures stateside and throughout the world. When the US entered World War II, Cap and Bucky teamed with the android Human Torch, his mutant sidekick Toro, and Namor the ocean-dwelling Sub-Mariner as the Allied force the Invaders. In the closing days of World War II in early 1945, Cap broke through Nazi troops for his final wartime confrontation with the Red Skull, who was seemingly slain by bombing debris (but lived on in suspended animation). Days later, Cap and Bucky arrived in England too late to prevent brilliant Nazi scientist Baron Zemo from obtain-ing and launching an experimental drone plane armed explosive device on it. Rogers and Barnes reached the plane, but when Bucky tried to de-fuse the bomb, it exploded in mid-air. Rogers was hurled into the freezing waters of the North Atlan-tic. The US government presumed both were dead. However, Bucky was secretly retrieved by Soviet operatives, while Cap was recovered by Nazi agent Lyle Dekker, who hoped to exchange bodies with him. Cap escaped Dekker’s base by air, but was shot down and fell back into the ocean. Due to the Super-Soldier serum Captain America survived, entering a state of suspended animation and even-tually freezing in solid ice.

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Anthony “Tony” Stark was born to Howard Anthony Stark and Maria Collins Carbonell Stark, owners of the prominent US firm, Stark Industries. As a boy, Tony was fascinated with building and controlling machines. At the age of 15 Tony entered the undergraduate electrical engineering program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and graduated with two master’s degrees by age 19. Tony went to work for Stark Industries, but showed more interest in living a reckless playboy lifestyle than using his engineering skills. At the age of 21, Tony inherited Stark Enterprises when his parents were killed in a car accident secretly orchestrated by rival corporation Republic Oil (later ROXXON). Still lacking in business acumen, Tony promoted secretary Virginia “Pepper” Potts to be his executive assistant and left the majority of his workload on her so that he could avoid what he saw as a burden. Tony personally attended a field test of his military hardware at one of his international plants; however, soon after his arrival Stark’s party was attacked by a gang of terror-ists led by the Sin-Cong rev-olutionary Wong Chu. During the skirmish, a land mine went off and lodged a piece of shrap-nel near Tony’s heart. Taken back to Wong-Chu’s camp, Tony shared a cell with Professor Ho Yinsen, a world-famous physicist. Wong-Chu demanded that the two scientists devel-op advanced weaponry for his forces. Knowing that he could not live long with the shrapnel so close to his heart, Tony proposed that he and Yinsen devote their gifts to creating one of the battlesuits he had been developing, equipped with a magnetic field generator to prevent the shrapnel from reaching his heart. The armor they created became the first true Iron Man armor and was equipped with crude magnetic weaponry for defense. While the armor’s battery was being powered, some of Wong-Chu’s men attempted to break in on the proceedings. Yinsen went to create a diversion and was shot to death by Wong-Chu’s men. When the battery had

finished charging, Tony went into battle as Iron Man and tore Wong-Chu’s camp apart. He eventually re-turned to the USA with the aid of US Marine James “Rhodey” Rhodes. Tony offered Rhodey a job with his company should he ever need one. At first, Tony found his new life a torment; his armor’s chest plate had to be worn constantly and required frequent recharging. He kept the armor a secret from every-one, including his fiancée, Joanna Nivena. Turning suicidal and drinking heavily, Tony was supported by Joanna, with whom he shared his secret iden-tity. Joanna encouraged him to use his armor as a super hero, but ultimately called off the engage-ment knowing Tony would not be the family man

she desired. Tony worked to improve the Iron Man armor and claimed Iron Man was

Tony Stark’s personal bodyguard to disguise his identity. Tony played

a dual-role with the formation of theAvengers both as the sponsor and, as Iron Man, as a founding member along with Thor, Ant-Man (Hen-ry Pym), the Wasp (Janet van Dyne), and the Hulk. While pursuing Namor the

Sub-Mariner, Iron Man came across the comatose body of

Captain America (Steve Rogers) Rogers), the famous World War II

super hero, preserved on ice. Revived, Captain America joined the Avengers and

became an important teammate and friend to Tony. Later, Tony helped establish the international su-per-spy agency SHIELD to combat terrorist threats. During these early years as a super hero, Iron Man battled Mandarin, Hawkeye, and the Black Wid-ow(Natasha Romanova). Tony found himself drawn to the beautiful Whitney Frost, but she proved to be the daughter of the Avengers’ foe Count Nefaria and a high-ranking member of the Maggia crime syndi-cate. Seeking to steal Tony’s inventions, she pitted agents such as Whiplash (Mark Scarlotti) and Glad-iator (Melvin Potter) against him.


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Thor is one of several powerful ancient beings who dwell in a magical realm called Asgard. Through history, these beings have been revered and worshiped as gods. Ages ago, Odin, lord of the Asgardian gods, desired a child who would one day exceed him in power. Odin wooed Gaea, the earth goddess, and from their union Thor was born in a small cave in Norway on Earth. Odin took him to be raised in Asgard by his wife, Frigga.The young Thor grew up alongside his adopted brother Loki, the trickster, who was always jealous of his more favored sibling. Thor grew in power and popularity and on his eighth birthday, Odin had the hammer Mjolnir created for him, enchant-ing it with powerful magic. Odin decreed that Mjolnir would be presented to Thor when his son had been proven a worthy warrior. After spending the next eight years training and performing heroic deeds, Thor was given the hammer and declared the greatest warrior in Asgard. While Thor contin-ued to engage in many heroic battles and adven-

tures through the years, he grew headstrong and proud. On one occasion, Thor broke a truce be-tween the Asgardians and their enemies, the brutal Frost Giants, nearly starting a war. To teach his son a lesson in humility, Odin sent Thor to Earth in the mortal body of a crippled medical student, Donald Blake. Stripped of his hammer, his pow-ers and memories of being an Asgardian, Thor, as Blake, graduated medical school with top honors, gained a reputation as a caring family doctor and a brilliant surgeon, and opened a private practice in New York City. He worked beside a caring and skillful nurse, Jane Foster, and the two fell in love.After 10 years on Earth, Blake received a subcon-scious prodding from Odin to vacation in Norway where alien Kronans were preparing to invade Earth. Fleeing into a cave (which, unbeknownst to him, was also his birthplace) Blake discovered a plain walking cane in a secret chamber. When Blake struck the cane against a boulder, he trans-formed into Thor while the cane became Mjolnir. Thor fought against the Kronans and their invasion was thwarted. Tapping the ground with Mjolnir, Thor was able to transform back into Don Blake, holding the simple wooden cane once again. Blake returned to New York, using his secret identity of Thor to fight crime, defend Earth and contend with the jealous and hateful Loki, who plagued Thor with many devious tricks and out-right confrontation. One such trick led Thor and other heroes, including Ant-Man (Hank Pym), the Wasp (Janet van Dyne), and Iron Man (Tony Stark) to fight the Hulk (Bruce Banner). Learning of Loki’s manipulations, the heroes, along with the Hulk, bested Loki and agreed to continue their partner-ship, forming the Avengers.While Thor faced many struggles as an Avenger, his personal life as a hu-man was also tumultuous. Despite the sincere love between Blake and Foster, Odin was displeased by the relationship between a god and a mortal. He forbade Blake from revealing his identity to her, creating a strange love triangle between Foster, Thor and Thor’s alter-ego, Blake.


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The Incredible


Robert Bruce Banner was the son of an alcoholic who deeply hated him. Banner’s mother showed much affection for her child, who returned her love, but this only served to fuel his father’s rage. Dr. Brian Banner was an atomic physicist who worked on producing clean nuclear power as an energy source, but he was afraid his exposure to it mutated his son’s genes. Bruce showed signs of high intelligence at an early age which strength-ened his father’s belief. Brian became abusive to Bruce and when his mother intervened, Brian murdered her. He frightened Bruce to keep quiet, but his own bragging landed him in a psychiatric institute. As a child Bruce was withdrawn, possibly developing a split personality to help deal with his pain and rage. His only happiness came from spending time with his cousin Jennifer Walters. Bruce found it hard to develop friendships and often found himself on the receiving end of physi-cal abuse at the hands of school bullies. One such incident sparked him to build and plant a bomb in the basement of his school. The bomb was a dud, and Bruce was expelled, but the military took no-tice of his genius. Eventually, Bruce earned a doc-torate in nuclear physics and started a career with them. Supervising the trial of an experimental gam-ma bomb that he designed for the U.S. Defense Department at a nuclear research facility in New Mexico, Bruce selflessly rushed to the rescue of an ignorant teenager who had wandered onto the testing field as the countdown ticked inexorably to-ward zero. After shoving young Rick Jones to safety in a nearby ditch, Bruce was struck full-force by the bomb blast. He survived, but was irradiated by the deadly gamma energy. At first, Banner would transform into the brutish gray Hulk only at sunset, and revert to human form at dawn. Eventually, his changes into the childlike green Hulk came to be triggered by the release of adrenaline when he was intensely excited, no matter what time of day. The green Hulk possesses little of Banner’s memory and intelligence, and is easily enraged; making him a menace to society.

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