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Page 1: The Local Association of Girl Guides Aldershot · 2017. 2. 19. · THE LOCAL ASSOCIATION OF GIRL GUIDES ALDERSHOT Newspaper Article c.1940-41 Girl Guides Contribute to War Ambulances

THE LOCAL ASSOCIATION OF GIRL GUIDES ALDERSHOT Newspaper Article c.1940-41 Girl Guides Contribute to War Ambulances

Ottawa, June 21. – (CP) – Ontario Girl Guides have contributed $5,000 in response to an appeal by the chief commissioner for Great Britain to guides of the Empire for $100,000 for special war purchases, it was announced here today by Mrs H.F.H. Hertzberg, Ontario deputy commissioner of the Canadian Girl Guides.

The money will be used to purchase the first two air ambulances of the war to be specially constructed for use by the Royal Air Force, and a motor lifeboat. Newspaper Article c.1940-41 Guides Working For the Empire Expansion of Activities Demands More Trained Leaders – Record of Patriotic Endeavour Amazing The Girl Guide association in Hamilton is playing a part in doing, not only war service, but also service on the home front. In their war efforts the local association members, commissioners, Guiders, Guides and Brownies contributed almost $300 toward the gift of an air ambulance and life motor boat, given by the Guides of the British Empire. For this purpose, it was the aim to raise £20,000, yet the enthusiasm was so keen that the total mounted to more than twice the aim, being £48,475 5s. 5d. The result was that instead of two units being given, there were two air ambulances, the life motor boat, 20 fully-equipped motor ambulances for the navy, £10,000 to equip “quiet rooms” where the troops might go to read, write or rest, and £5,000 to equip two huts (Trefoil huts) for the YMCA in England and Scotland. As the life motor boat made her first voyage and was damaged during the battle of Dunkirk, it was decided to select the name, Guide of Dunkirk. First Anniversary The association is marking its first anniversary of Red Cross work at Rowanhurst this month. One year ago, in October, the members pledged themselves to do volunteer service by making surgical dressings and knitting. This has been given regularly each Saturday afternoon. For many months the Guides and Brownies have been raising funds to equip a bed in the Canadian hospital in England, by doing odd jobs, collecting newspaper and silver paper or tinfoil and being generally thrifty. The Hamilton association is self-sustaining and it is interesting to note that at present there are 28 Guide companies and 11 Brownie packs carrying on in preparing 1,300 girls between the ages of seven and 16 years, mentally, physically and morally, to fulfil the duties that lie before them as good citizens and home-makers of tomorrow. In order to proceed with this important work it is necessary to have well-trained leaders, 18 years and over, and the association is extending an invitation to any person willing to help. This is an important year, since many of the companies are giving a welcome to evacuee children from over the seas and there is a tremendous amount of work to be done.

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Feb Mar May June Oct Nov Jan Feb Apr Mrs. Airey, Arthur X Mrs. Bristo, Geo. X X X X Mrs. Conner, Kennedy Mrs. Cameron, M. X X Mrs. De Graf, J. X Mrs. Dunkin, G.S. X X X Mrs. Durness, Wm. Mrs. Duncan Mrs. Fitzpatrick, J.W. Mrs. Gallagher, Howard X X Mrs. Hancock, J. X X X Mrs. Herman Mrs. Horsley Mrs. Jakes X X X X X X X X Mrs. Johnson, Robert Mrs. Jamison Mrs. Laing, Arthur Mrs. Lillycrop, John X X X X X X Mrs. Linden X X X X Mrs. Moulton, Griffind X X X X X X Mrs. Preston, Wm. Miss. Pride, Betty X X Mrs. Parry X Mrs. Ross Mrs. Scotchburn, Conrad X X X X X X X X Mrs. Stevenson, Harry Mrs. Stevens, Gilbert X X X X X X X X X Mrs. Scheer, Roy X X X X Mrs. Storey, Russell X X X X Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Wells, Fred Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wheelton L.A. Mrs. Wickens Mrs. Zimmerman, Geo. Miss. Culver, Maisie X X X X X X Mrs. Minato Mrs. Goodbrand, Chas. X X X Miss Atty, Dorothy X X Miss Gallagher, Helen X Miss Eydh, Helen Mrs. Dalgiesh, Norman X Mrs. Rockwell Mrs. Dashpur Mrs. Harrison X Mrs. Chesney

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February 1940 The first meeting of the Local Association of Girl Guides was held in Fairfield School with Mrs. C. Scotchburn (former Guide Captain) acting as chairman. Mrs. Whytrek of Hamilton was introduced by Mrs. Scotchburn and outlined to those present how to form a Guide Company and Local Association. Mrs. Whytrek took charge of the election of officers – those named were as follows – President Mrs. C. Scotchburn Secretary Mrs. G.E. Stevens Treasurer Mrs. J. Lillycrop Leaders for the Girl Guides as follows – Captain Miss Helen Gallagher Lieutenant Miss Sylvia Harding Brown Owl Miss Dorothy Atty Tawny Owl Ava Sinclair Mrs. Whytrek answered many questions in regards to the Girl Guide Movement and the duties of a Local Association. Mrs. Stevens moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Whytrek for coming tonight and so kindly assisting us. Mrs. Scotchburn suggested the possibility of having a play put on by the Thespian Society of Hamilton, half of the proceeds to go to the Guides, this was discussed and approved and a date set.

Charity Scotchburn March 1940 The second meeting of the Local Association of Girl Guides was held in Fairfield School on the evening of March 7. Mrs. Scotchburn the president prsided and plans were completed for the play. It was decided to accept the offer of the Thespian Society to put on the play “Right Ho J[eeves]” by P.G. W[ralelunar]. It was decided Mrs. H. Jakes act as refreshment convener and refreshments were to be served to the players. Plans were also made to have the girls sell candy during intermission of the play. Miss Gladys Lennard, District Commissioner from Dundas, spoke to the Mothers on Guiding and the duties of the Local Association. Attendance 17 Charity Scotchburn May 1940 The third meeting of the Local Association of Girl Guides was held in Fairfield School on the evening of May 2. Mrs. Scotchburn presided and introduced the speaker for the evening. The financial report showed a balance of $20.20 on hand. It was decided to leave the making of the uniforms for the girls until after the Dom. Annual meeting in Toronto May 20, when the possibility of a new style uniform will be discussed. A Report of the District Annual (held at Mrs. Wm. Hendrie’s in Hamilton) prepared by Miss Calver was read by Mrs. Stevens, [telling] activities for the coming year. It was moved by Mrs. Lillycrop and seconded by Miss Calver that the report be adopted as read. It was moved by Mrs. Jakes and seconded by Mrs. Lillycrop that Miss Calver and Mrs. Dalgiesh be named a ways and means committee. Mrs. Allen Scott, Camp Commissioner of Hamilton and county gave a very interesting talk and showing of Lantern slides on Camp Life for Girl Guides. The girl guides joined the Mothers in enjoying this programme. The local girls who participated in the swim were given a rousing applause for their performance at the Municipal Pool on April 27th. The meeting closed with singing vestpers and taps led by Miss Read of Hamilton. Attendance 15 Helen Eydt has joined the company as Company Leader (formerly of Hamilton Guides) Charity Scotchburn June 1940 The June meeting of the Local Association was held in Fairfield School with the president presiding. It was moved by Mrs. Stevens and seconded by Mrs. Lillycrop that Mrs. Moulton be convener for the uniform committee.

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It was moved by Mrs. Moulton and seconded by Mrs. Lillycrop that the following be sent for, for prizes for the highest in the cookie sale 2 Guide Belts } Prizes 2 Brownie Belts } Buttons for Uniforms A note was received from Miss Lennard for the Guides and Brownies telling them of the grand contribution to the Empire Gift. Miss Lennard is sending a thanks badge to the girls. $19 was collected toward the fund for the air ambulance. It was decided to have the enrolment of the Guides at Oaklands Park toward the end of June. The Frazer plaid was chosen by the girls for their ties. The enrolment of the Guides took place on the evening of June 27th with the red ties and the fireplace forming a suitable setting for the impressive ceremony. Miss Lennard, the district commissioner, enrolled the guides, assisted by Miss Morrison and Miss Cowper. Each guide is enrolled, saluted the flag and the Company of Guides – a presentation was made to Miss Sylvia Harding in honor of her approaching marriage. Refreshments were served around the fireplace and a sing song enjoyed the evening closed with taps and vespers 29 Guides were enrolled. Charity Scotchburn October 1940 The October meeting of the Local Association of Girl Guides was held in Fairfield School with the president presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. It was moved by Miss Culver and seconded by Mrs. Storey that Mrs. Moulton be appointed convener of the uniform committee for Brownies. It was moved by Mrs. Moulton and seconded by Miss Atty that the following books be sent for – 1 Brownie Tests 1 Leaders Guide to Brownie Programmes Moved by Miss Culver and seconded by Mrs. De Graf that the executive of the Service Auxiliary be asked if the Girl Guides and the association might help them with war work. It was decided to hold a Hallowe’en Tea to raise funds. It was also suggested that we make stuffed toys to have for sale at this tea. National Guide Day was announced to be a broadcast by her Royal Highness Princess Alice on Sat. Oct 26 – 9-9.30 Attendance 8 Collection 1.05 Charity Scotchburn November 1940 The November meeting of the Local Association of Girl Guides was held in Fairfield School with the president presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. D. McDonald from the Aldershot Service Auxiliary outlined what we might do regarding war work. It was suggested the Girl Guides could collect tinfoil and other scrap metal. Also labels to be redeemed. The mothers were asked to cooperate in this effort. Mrs. McDonald explained the work the Service Auxiliary are doing and suggested that we arouse interest in sewing for the bombed victims of England. She explained the need is urgent for warm clothing for children. It was moved by Mrs. Jakes and seconded by Mrs. Gallagher that we send notices to mothers regarding the meetings. Mrs. Scotchburn thanks Mrs. McDoanld for her kindness in coming to our meeting and regretted the small attendance. Attendance 6 Collections .65 Charity Scotchburn January 1941 The January meeting of the Local Association was held in Fairfield School, Thursday January 9th with Mrs. Moulton presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

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It was moved by Mrs. Dalgiesh and seconded by Mrs. Storey that the secretary write to the mothers of the girls who have not been coming to the guide meetings in regard to turning in their uniforms. It was moved by Mrs. Jakes and seconded by Mrs. Lillycrop that the Local Association help in any way possible to find suitable assistants for the Guide Captain and the Brown Owl. Plans were made for the enrolment party for the Brownies and it was decided that Mrs. Jakes contact the Mothers of the Brownies regarding refreshments. Attendance 8 Collection .75 Charity Scotchburn February 1941 The February meeting of the Local Association was held in Fairfield School, Thursday Feb. 13th. Mrs. Scotchburn, the president presided. Previous minutes read and approved. It was decided to hold over the election of officers for the coming year until next meeting as there were so few present. The president read the official “Outline of the duties of a Local Association”. The Guide Captain, Miss Helen Gallagher explained the work the guides are doing in regard to the quilt for the Lady Bessborough Shield. Each Guide is doing one appliquéd square 16 x 20” with their own original design of a campfire scene. The finished quilt will go to the war relief for England. It was decided to hold over reading of reports until next meeting. The Captain extended an invitation to the Local Association to attend the Guides First Birthday Party.. It was decided t send one dollar ($1.00) to the Provincial Executive toward the financing of the work of the province in reply to a letter received from the Provincial Commissioner. It was also decided to send letters of thanks to the Trustees of Fairfield School and to Mrs. Bailey in their kindness in letting us use the school. It was agreed we should send for the “Canadian Guider” Magazine for the use of the Local Association. Attendance 7 Charity Scotchburn April 1941 The April meeting of the Local Association of Girl Guides was held in Fairfield School Thursday April 10th. Mrs. Scotchburn the president, presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. It was moved by Mrs. Bristo and seconded by mrs. Hwoard Gallagher that the present officers continue for the coming year. It was moved by Mrs. Bristo and seconded by Mrs. Gallagher that the Local Association send for a Guide hat and belt for the new lieutenant. It was decided to change the meeting night from Thursday to Friday evening and meet in private homes. Attendance 5 May 1941 The May meeting of the L.A. of the Girl Guides was held at the home of Mrs. H. Gallagher on the evening of May 9th. The president, Mrs. Scotchburn, presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. It was moved by Mrs. Lillycrop and seconded by Mrs. Bristo that we donate $1.00 to the Girl Guides for their birthday cake. It was moved by Mrs. Jakes and seconded by Mrs. Gallagher that we help the Guides with the cookie sale in May. It was suggested that the Guides have a lunch at the ratepayers picnic at Oaklands. Miss Dorothy Atty, our Brown Owl, gave a very interesting report on the activities of the Brownies outlining the Brownie promise and law and also explaining the first aid, nature studies and games they had. The Brownies are buying war saving satamps with their funds on hand – the need for new Brownie uniforms was mentioned. The L.A. will quilt the blocks the Guides made up. In the contest for the quilt the Local Guides had the honor of having their quilt come fifth place for Ontario. The meeting closed and the hostess served tea. Members Present 8 Charity Scotchburn

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Dec 5, 1941 The Dec. meeting of the L.A. of Girl Guides was held at the home of Mrs. G. Stevens on the evening of Dec 5. The president Mrs. Scotchburn presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. It was moved by Mrs. Limm and seconded by Miss Culver that the treasurer provide funds for Mrs. Moulton for new Brownie uniforms. Moved by Mrs. Lillycrop and seconded by Mrs. H. Gallagher that the L.A. give the Guides their colours for their second birthday in Feb. The possibility of a church parade was discussed for the psirng and left to the Captan to make the necessary arrangements. It was moved by Mrs. Stevens and Seconded by Mrs. Lillycrop that the L.A. give the Lieutenant a Christmas gift. Members Present 10 Charity Scotchburn Jan. 1943 The January meeting of the L.A. met at Faifield School with the president in the chair. The captain and lieutenant gave interesting reports of their work with the girls. A letter was read from a girl guide in England, thanking the guides for their gift to them at Xmas and asking for pen pals. Ways and means of raising funds were discussed – the good will apron was suggested and it was decided to start one at each end of the district – travelling from door to door and each person sewing in 10¢, the money for war charities. 5 members were present Collection 1.00 April 1943

On Monday evening April 29th Mrs. Lionel H. Millen, Provincial Commissioner of Girl Guides, entertained the Aldershot Local Association of Girl Guides for the purpose of introducing the new District Commissioner Mrs. W. J. Deadman.

Mrs. Millen presided and outlined the duties and privileges of Guides, guiders and Local Associations and told of the valuable work done by Guides at Coventry and other towns of England.

Arrangements were discussed for holding the meeting of the East Aldershot Guides at Maplehurst School in the fall, as the distance to Fairfield School was felt to be too far. Mrs. Scotchburn reported that through Mr. Fellows permission of Maplehurst Trustees had been granted to use the Maplehurst basement, or since there were no seats in the basement, a classroom could be used if everything in the room was left in the same order at the end of the meeting as it was in the beginning.

At Mrs. Mayberry’s suggestion it was decided to have a Guide Outing in June. The following officers were added to those already in existence:

Mrs. Unsworth Vice President Mrs. Mayberry Camp Convener Mrs. Thomas Badge Convener Mrs. Hansen Assistant Badge Convener It was requested that names of leaders to train for licensed Camper’s courses should be given to Mrs.

Deadman as soon as possible. It was suggested by Mrs. Millen that members of the L.A. pay an annual fee of 50¢ for members and that

we endeavour to get more associate members. A Dominion Round Table Conference is called for May 31 to June 1 in Toronto. It was hoped some

guiders or members of the L.A. would be able to attend. It was reported that the All-Round Cord won by Helen Eydt some months ago had not been received yet and our new commissioner is looking into the matter.

Mrs. Millen presented the District Commissioner to Mrs. Deadman who was enthusiastically received. The meeting adjourned after which our hostess served a dainty lunch. Oct 1943 Our new District Commissioner, Mrs. W.J. Deadman opened her home for the October meeting of the Aldershot Local Association – date? Mrs. Deadman presided and outlined the duties of the Local Association and offered much valuable encouragement. The dividing of the 1 Aldershot Company of guides was fully discussed with the suggestion of new leaders being of first importance. It was decided to ask Verna Green to be the new Brown Owl for the 2nd

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Aldershot Company and with Joyce Schur, Brown Owl, as assistant, the captain of the guides 1st company Miss Gallagher to take over the second company with Mrs. Jackson as lieutenant. For West Aldershot it was suggested to ask Mrs. E. Davis to be the new Captain and Audrey Head lieutenant. (Audrey cannot take it just now) The former Brownie leaders being the same, Winnie Keller and M. Storey. Mrs. Deadman suggested that we stress camp activities during the coming year. The Guides and Brownies and Executive of the Local Association were invited to a Hallowe’en party at the home of our new commissioner (to be held on Hallowe’en). The meeting adjourned and the hostess served refreshments. Helene Deadman District Commissioner Nov 1943 The November meeting of the Local Association was held on the afternoon of Nov 30 at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Stevens, the Commissioner Mrs. W.J. Deadman presided. The meeting opened with the reading of the Guide prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Treasurers’ report was given by Mrs. Scotchburn in the absence of Mrs. Lillycrop. Mrs. Deadman then gave an inspirational outline of Guiding, speaking of our responsibility in developing guiding, stating future citizens of character should lead the nation. Reference was made to the International Guide meeting held in New York, Sept. 1943. The Commissioner also explained how we are directed by the Imperial Council of Girl Guides of London England. In Canada Miss Winifred Kidd being chief commissioner, Canadian Headquarters at Ottawa, then there is the provincial council, then the district commissioner who acts as liaison officer. In this way reports are received from the guiders and handed up from district to provincial and Dominion Headquarters. The following Delegates were appointed to the annual convention to be held in March at Toronto, Mrs. Robert Todd and Mrs. Albert Unsworth. Mrs. Bullock and Mrs. Eydt were named auditors for the Local Association. It was moved by Mrs. Nash and seconded by Mrs. Jackson that Mrs. Crouchley be acting Treasurer. Mrs. Nash was appointed camp convener in place of Mrs. Mayberry. Mrs. Bullock, Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Frank Limm were named to assist Mrs. Moulton on the uniform committee. It was decided on the yearly fee of 50¢ for membership in the L.A.

It was moved by Mrs. Scotchburn and seconded by Mrs. Crouchley that the monthly collection be voluntary.

It was moved by Mrs. Scotchburn and seconded by Mrs. Eydt that the no 1 Guide Company be reimbursed to the amount of $2.50 for camping insurance.

It was decided that L.A. meetings be the first Thursday of each month, in the evening. Mrs. Atkins and Mrs. Bullock were appointed to telephone re meetings those in the Burlington exchange, with Mrs. Unsworth and Mrs. Eydt to phone those on the Hamilton exchange. Mrs. Bullock kindly offered her home for the next meeting, Jan 6/44.

The meeting adjourned with the hostess serving refreshments. Members present 14 Collection 2.10 Helene Deadman District Commissioner

Jan 1944 The January meeting of the L.A. was held Thursday evening Jan 6th at the home of Mrs. Bullock, the commissioner, Mrs. W.J. Deadman presided. The meeting opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A very encouraging Treasurers’ report was given by Mrs. Crouchley. Suggestions were discussed for the Birthday Party for the Girl Guides with Mrs. Bullock appointed refreshment convener, to be assisted by Mrs. Scotchburn, Mrs. Crouchley and Mrs. Frank Limm. Arrangements were made for the annual meeting to be held Feb 3rd at the home of Mrs. Crouchley. Members present, Mrs. Bullock, Mrs. Eydt, Mrs. Deadman, Mrs. Scotchburn, Mrs. Crouchley, Mrs. Stevens. Collection $1.25 Charity Scotchburn

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February 1944 The February meeting of the L.A. was held Thursday evening Feb 3rd at the home of Mrs. Wm. Crouchley. The president, Mrs. Scotchburn presided. The meeting opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. An encouraging Treasurers report was given by Mrs. Crouchley. Mrs. Albert Unsworth read the guiders Report from First Aldershot Company and Second Aldershot Company, also the Brownie Report. These were seconded by Mrs. R. Todd. Mrs. Stanley Nash gave an interesting report on the Camp Activities of the year. Seconded by Mrs. John Eydt. The Secretary’s Report was read by Mrs. Gilbert Stevens covering the activities of the L.A. since its inception in 1940. The president announced the special classes for guiders and L.A. members to be held the week of Feb 21st in Hamilton, Mrs. Wayne Corner, the new field secretary to speak Feb 23, 2.30-5.30. Plans were discussed for the Birthday Party for the Guides and Brownies. It was moved by Mrs. Eydt and seconded by Mrs. Crouchley that the March meeting be postponed. It was moved by Mrs. Kladt, seconded by Mrs. Unsworthy that the sum of 44¢ be paid to Mrs. Eydt for material bought for handkies. It was suggested that the commissioner Mrs. Deadman ask if Mrs. Coombs has been able to locate a helper to come out to first Aldershot Company. The election of officers took place as follows: President Mrs. Robert Todd First Vice President Mrs. Albert Unsworth Second Vice President Mrs. Stanley Nash Secretary Mrs. Richard Bullock Treasurer Mrs. Wm. Crouchley Our new president Mrs. Todd, announced “Thinking Day” Feb 22. Members present – 9 Collection $1.80 Pearl Unsworth April 1944 The April meeting of the L.A. was held at the home of the Commissioner, Mrs. W.J. Deadman on Monday, April 3rd at 8pm. In the absence of Mrs. Todd, president, Mrs. Deadman presided. The meeting was opened with the Guide Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved being signed by Mrs. Unsworth, 1st Vice-President, in the absence of the President. Treasurers report was given and bill presented by secretary in connection with expenses for birthday party and uniform committee. This was paid. Mrs. Deadman read letter from Mr. Fellowes acknowledging receipt of $2.00 for Maplehurst School janitor for work in connection with birthday party. Mr. Fellowes assured us of the co-operation of the school board in any future activities of the Guides but suggested that at such times we form our own committee to care for arranging room etc. Mrs. Deadman then explained the tax levied on Guide Companies, Brownie Packs and Local Associations. The 1st and 2nd Guide Companies and 2nd Brownie Pack were financially able to meet their levy of 10¢ per head, the Guiders had all sent in their 25¢ per person. The 1st Aldershot Brownie Pack is however without funds. It was moved by Mrs. Scotchburn seconded by Mrs. Sprung that the L.A. pay the 1.20 for the pack the money to be repaid at some future date. Motion carried. Mrs. Deadman reported that as the L.A. had been without funds last year, the 1943 levy of 5.00 had not been paid. At the annual meeting in London, names of those in arrears had been posted, ours being among them. It was suggested by Mrs. Scotchburn that we take up our yearly membership fees of 50¢ in order to pay this. This was done and $7.00 collected. Mrs. Deadman read a letter from Mrs. Hobbs re camp. This was given to Mrs. Nash to secure further information. The Commissioners reported on the excellent work the Guiders were doing also on enrolment of Guides and Brownies and work on Brownie tests. She reported that Mrs. Scotchburn’s sister, Miss Culver had been helping Mrs. Davis as acting lieutenant of the 1st Aldershot Co. and asked that a letter of thanks be sent to her. The commissioner also reported on the illness of Joyce Schur, Brown Owl for the 2nd Aldershot Brownie Pack and suggested a letter of appreciation be sent to her also one to Mrs. Pladt who arranged for our birthday cakes.

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Mrs. Bullock gave a report for the uniform committee. It was agreed to hold a meeting at her home on Wed 19 to cut out and sew on uniforms. Plans were then discussed in regard to raising money for the L.A. A tea was suggested also cookie sale. Plans for these to be completed at the next L.A. meeting. Mrs. Bullock agreed to have material ready for an autographed quilt at the next L.A. meeting. Mrs. Thomas reported for Badge Committee It was moved by Mrs. Deadman and seconded by Mrs. Nash that Mrs. Scotchburn be made honorary President. Motion carried. Suggestions for a rally in Oaklands Park were advanced, plans to be completed next month. The members presented were:

Mrs. Deadman Mrs. Unsworth Mrs. Nash Mrs. Sprung Mrs. Millan Mrs. Arthurs Mrs. Crouchley Mrs. Henderson Mrs. Scotchburn Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Job Mrs. Terry Mrs. Bullock Mrs. Ringer Mildred Todd

May 1944 The May meeting of the L.A. was held at the home of Mrs. R. Todd on Monday May 1/44. Mrs. Tod, President presiding. Meeting was opened with the Guide Prayer. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Signed by Mrs. Todd. Mrs. Bullock then gave report of uniform committee. It was arranged that the uniform committee should meet at the home of Mrs. C. Thomas on Tuesday May 9th as there were still several uniforms needed. A report was given in reference to the guard of honor formed by the Brownies at the wedding of their Tawny Owl, Miss Verna Green to Mr. Harry Taylor. Mrs. Deadman gave us a very thrilling and colourful account of the hike taken by the 1st Aldershot Guide Company and in her own very humorous manner described her very wet 2 point landing when crossing the creek. It was decided to postpone a Church Parade of Guides and Brownies until September. The purchase of tickets for the Guides for hidden Valley was discussed but no decision was reached. A Rally day was to be arranged for on May 27th. Through the kindness of Miss Townsend and Mrs. Scotchburn this to be held at Oaklands Park. Mrs. Nash gave a report and read correspondence in regard to camps for the summer. The Treasurers report was given and 2.35 received in collection. Also 1.00 in membership fees. Mrs. Nash moved and Mrs. Scotchburn seconded that the charter be kept at the District Commissioners. It was arranged to hold a tea at Mrs. Deadman’s on Sat June 10th from 3 to 6 o’clock. A sale of home baking to be included. The members were given sheets on which the collection subscriptions for an autograph quilt. The next meeting of the L.A. was to be at the home of Mrs. C. Thomas May 29th. Mrs. Crouchley moved that the meeting be adjourned. Roll Call Mrs. Unsworth Mrs. Scotchburn Mrs. Crouchley Mrs. Sprung Mrs. Ringer Mrs. Henderson Mrs. Nash Mrs. Deadman Mrs. Millan Mrs. Todd Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Bullock Mrs. Atkins Mrs. J. Stevenson Mrs. H. Stevenson Mildred Todd June 1944 The June meeting of the L.A. was held at the home of Mrs. C. Thomas on Monday May 29 Meeting was opened with the Guide Prayer. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, signed by Mrs. Todd, President. Treasurers report was given by Mrs. Crouchley, and collection of 1.40 received, Membership fees 50¢

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Uniform committee report was given by Mrs. Bullock who reported that all Guides at this Company were now in uniform. There were still some Brownies to equip, but as the Brownies were having their last meeting for the summer this week, it was decided to hold any activities in their direction over till the Fall. There was a discussion regarding a Guide and Brownie picnic to be held in Hidden Valley Park. Arrangements to be left to the Commissioner, Guiders and Brown Owls. Mrs. Deadman, our Commissioner, then gave a very interesting report on the Guide Rally held in Oaklands Park. She asked that a letter of thanks be sent to Miss Townsend thanking her for her kindness in allowing the Rally to be held there. The commissioner reported that Mrs. Davis, Captain of the 1st Aldershot Company was leaving the Company due to ill health and a new leader would have to be secured. Plans were discussed for securing a flag for each Guide Company, funds from tea and autograph quilt to be used for same. The date of tea to be held at Mrs. Deadmans was changed to June 14th and committee appointed. Mrs. Nash, Convener, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Scotchburn, Mrs. Crouchley, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Stevenson. An invitation to a Rally to be held at McMaster College by all the Guides of Hamilton was read. Mildred Todd September 1944 The September meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides was held at the home of Mrs. E. Bullock, Monday Sept 18th at 8 o’clock, Mrs. Todd, President presiding. Meeting was opened with the Guide Prayer. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved, signed by the President. The Treasurer reported a balance of $43.50 in the Bank. Mrs. Unsworth who was not present sent word that she would have the October meeting. Mrs. Nash moved, Mrs. Thomas second that the meeting be on the 1st Monday of each month, the next to be on Oct 2nd. Mrs. Bullock reported that all uniforms were now paid for and that after paying for material and buttons we had $1.55 balance. There had been 13 uniforms made and enough material left for one uniform that was ordered. On the quilt she reported that $17.70 had already been handed in. The material for the patches had been donated. The Commissioner, Mrs. Deadman gave a report on Guide Activities. First a report on our loss of Miss Gallagher, an account of her funeral with the Guide guard of honor etc. Mrs. Davis, Miss Culver, Mrs. Taylor had left. Miss Schur was carrying on as brown Owl of the 2nd Aldershot Brownie pack with Mrs. Ringer assisting her. Mrs. Jackson had taken Miss Gallaghers place as Captain of the 2nd Aldershot Guide Company with Mrs. Armstrong as Lieutenant. The Commissioner was very pleased to announce that Miss Helen Eydt was taking Mrs. Davis place as Captain of the 1st Aldershot Guide Co. The Guiders had met at Mrs. Deadman’s Wed. Sept 13th to discuss and outlined work for the winter. Plans were then drawn up for the cookie sale on Oct 14th. 300 packets of cookies to be ordered. Selling price was 2 dozen for 25¢. A prize would be given to the patrol and six of each company and pack that sold the most cookies. Company must stay in their own district. It was reported that Patrol leaders and seconders had been meeting to pass tests. Regular guide and Brownie meetings commenced 1st company and Pack, Sept 18, 2nd Company and Pack Sept 21st. There was to be a Brownie Hallowe’en Party on Oct 20th and Guide Party on Oct 27th at the home of the Commissioner. Guides and Brownies must attend three meetings before being eligible to attend parties. Mrs. Bullock reported flag poles, carrying belts and cords had arrived also out for stationary. A motion was made by Mrs. Scotchburn and seconded by Mrs. Sprung that we order stationary. Mrs. Ringer offered to look after this. The secretary presented a bill for flag poles etc. for 17.18, also 1.10 for stamps, stationary, etc. It was moved by Mrs. Davis seconded by Mrs. Scotchburn that these bills be paid. A suggestion was made that a prize be awarded for the Guide who had the best record of neatness during the season. It was moved by Mrs. Henderson seconded by Mrs. Sprung that these prizes be given. It was suggested that L.A. meetings alternated between the two districts and that the Christmas meeting be made a special one. Plans to be discussed at a future meeting. Plans for distributing cookies and collecting money for same to be completed at the October meeting. Collection was taken amounting to 1.84. Mrs. Crouchley moved the meeting be adjourned. Members present were Mesdames Thomas, Todd, Crouchley, Scotchburn, Deadman, Ringer, Sprung, Henderson, Davis, Nash, Bullock. Pearl Unsworth October 1944

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The October meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides was held at the home of Mrs. A. Unsworth Monday Oct. 2nd. Meeting opened with the members saying the Guide Prayer. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, signed by Mrs. Unsworth, Vice President in the absence of Mrs. Todd, President. Treasurers report was given. Moved by Mrs. Crouchley seconded by Mrs. Scotchburn that the treasurer’s report be approved. Our Commissioner Mrs. Deadman reported in regard to the Dedication services for flags to be held in November. She reported that the girls are already practicing for same. The Secretary reported that letterheads printed with the L.A. crest and plain envelopes had been donated by __________ . It was moved by Mrs. Davis seconded by Mrs. Jackson that a letter of thanks be sent. The unknown Committee reported that Headquarters could not supply jean for Guide uniforms. It was moved by Mrs. Crouchley seconded by Mrs. Jackson that a letter of thanks be sent to Mrs. R. Noyes, Toronto, for her donation of a guide and Brownie uniform. Committee reported cookies were all ordered and depots were arranged at the homes of Mesdames Crouchley, Eydt, Davis, Deadman, Bullock, Thomas and Henderson. It was moved by Mrs. Sprung seconded by Mrs. Henderson that the refreshments for the Hallowe’en parties be hot dogs, doughnuts and apples provided by the Local Association. The following testers were elected Mrs. Nash, Mrs. Crouchley Cooking Mrs. Unsworthy, Mrs. Bullock Sewing Mrs. Scotchburn, Mrs. Ringer, Mrs. Henderson Child Nursing Mrs. Nash moved that the meeting be adjourned. Members present Mrs. Haley Mrs. Sprung Mrs. McMillan Mrs. Crouchley Mrs. Nash Mrs. Jackson Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Henderson Mrs. Scotchburn Mrs. Deadman Mrs. Eydt Mrs. Bullock Mrs. Ringer Mildred Todd November 1944 The November meeting of the L.A. of the Girl Guides was held at the home of Mrs. Haley on Monday, Nov. 7th, 1944. Meeting opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer. Secretary’s minutes of previous meeting were read and approved, signed by the President Mrs. Todd. Mrs. Crouchley, Treasurer gave a most encouraging report of having 51.78 on hand. Bills for party expenses were presented and paid amounting to 12.34. Mrs. Thomas reported 5 badges presented to Guides. Commissioner reported Miss Schur had retired and Mrs. Ringer had taken her place as Brown Owl with Miss Munroe as Tawny Owl of the 2nd Aldershot Pack. Miss Helen Eydt as Captain and Miss Zimmerman as Lieutenant had charge of the 1st Aldershot Company. Mrs. Deadman gave an account of the Guide and Brownie Hallowe’en parties and thanked the Local Association for providing refreshments and prizes. She then reported Guiders meeting having been held at which Mrs. Har[ting] had given them instructions regarding Flag Dedication and holding a Court of Honor. November 12th would be the date of Dedication at West Plains Church with Rev. B[ur]y and Rev. Lusd[in] officiating. Mr. Todd had drilled the 2nd Aldershot Company in their marching. Mrs. Thomas moved and Mrs. Haley seconded that we present Mrs. Davis and Miss Schur with thanks badges. Mrs. Ringer moved and Mrs. Henderson seconded that we send $5.00 to Provincial Appeal. It was agreed to send letters of invitation to all Guide and Brownie Mothers to attend next L.A. meeting which we hoped to hold in Fairfield School. Mrs. Todd agreed to contact Mrs. Tyrell for permission to do so. A committee to arrange for refreshments was appointed consisting of Mrs. Crouchley Mrs. McMillan moved and Mrs. Unsworth seconded the motion that we present each patrol of the Guides with a “Lone Wolf Trail” book. Mrs. Bullock reported another 3.15 to be given to Treasurer from proceeds of quilt. She also offered to request loan of flag holders from Eastern Star for the Flag Dedication.

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Mrs. Crouchley arranged to look after refreshments for the next meeting assisted by Mrs. Scotchburn, Davis and Ringer. Collection was 2.00 Mildred R. Todd December 1944 The December meeting of the L.A. was held in Fairfield School Monday, Dec 4th, Mrs. R. Todd, President presiding. Meeting was opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer. Mrs. Todd welcomed members and expressed her pleasure at such a large attendance. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Signed by the president. Treasurers report gave a balance of 37.74 on hand. Bills were presented for 75¢ postage and $1.50 for Lone Wolf Patrol Books. A short report was given regarding the quilt. Mrs. Jackson Captain of the 2nd Aldershot Co. thanked the L.A. for the Lone Wolf Patrol Books. Mrs. Davis moved and Miss Culver seconded the motion that a badge Committee be formed with Mrs. Thomas as convenor and testers as members. Mrs. Nash gave a report on the Camp activities. Mrs. Bullock reported for Uniform Committee A Ways and Means Committee was appointed. Following were nominated to same. Mrs. Eydt, Scotchburn, Unsworth, Windsor, Stevenson and Terry. Mrs. Scotchburn moved and Mrs. Davis seconded a motion to send cards to notify mothers about each L.A. meeting. The next meeting was to be held on Monday January 8th at Maplehurst School. Our birthday meeting would be on Feb 22nd in West Plains Sunday School. Commissoners report was read and was a most interesting report of all work done since Sept. opening. The Commissioner then read a letter regarding classes for leaders next year. Mrs. Todd appealed to the L.A. to finance two girls to attend this camp. Mrs. Scotchburn moved and Mrs. Davis seconded that we do this. The Commissioner to select two girls. Mrs. Deadman presented Mrs. Davis and Mrs Todd presented Miss Schur with thanks badge. Collection was $5.70 Meeting was then adjourned and refreshments served. There were 31 ladies present Mildred Todd Hostesses – Mrs. Crouchley, Ringer, Davis, Scotchburn January 1945 The January meeting of the L.A. of the Girl guides was held at Maplehurst School, January 9th at 8pm, Mrs. R. Todd presiding. Meeting opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer. Minutes of previous meeting were read, approved and signed by Mrs. R. Todd, President. Treasurer reported Balance on hand 39.91. Bills presented were for stationary and postage of announcement letters. Mrs. Scotchburn moved Mrs. Atkins seconded that a P.O & R be purchased for Mrs. Thomas badge secretary, also booklet “Hints on Badges”. Badge secretary reported that Mrs. Deadman was appointed tester for music and writing. Mrs. Todd for skating. Mrs. Deadman read letter from Mrs. Norton expressing regret at being unable to attend birthday meeting. It was suggested she be invited for some other meeting. The Commissioner reported the program for the birthday party would be given by the Guides. She had a letter from Mrs. Hewit promising posters from Toronto to advertise Girl Guide week and birthday party. A display of work by the girls would be given. Mrs. Todd agreed to look after transportation for next meeting which would be held in Fairfield School.

Mrs. Scotchburn moved Mrs. Nash seconded the motion that a thank you pin be sent to Mrs. Stevens in acknowledgement of her untiring efforts to help the Guide movement in Aldershot.

There were 12 members present, collection 2.80 Mrs. Sprung moved the meeting adjourn. Mildred Todd Hostesses – Mrs. Sprung, Mrs. Nash

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Annual Meeting February 1945 The annual meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides of Aldershot was held on Monday Feb 5th in Fairfield School. Mrs. Todd, presiding. Meeting was opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer. Minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed by Mrs. Todd. Treasurer reported 29.91 on hand. Bills for postage etc were presented and approved. Badge Secretary Mrs. Thomas reported new testers – Mrs. Brunner for Homemaker and Laundress, Mrs. Deadman and Mr. Hallawell for Book Lover, Mrs. Terry and Mrs. Mann for Writers badge, Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Atkins for tests for Brownies Golden Hand. Annual Reports were then given by Secretary, Treasurer, Badge Secretary, Uniform and Camp Convenors. Mrs. Deadman, Commissioner, gave a very interesting report on the years work and progress of Guiding in this district. She thanked the L.A. for their help and backing in the various parties and projects undertaken this year. Mrs. Todd invited Mrs. Scotchburn to take the chair for the election of Officers. Mrs. Scotchburn expressed the appreciation of the members for the work done by the officers and the Commissioner during the past year. Mrs. Eydt as nominating officers asked that the officers be returned to office for another term. Mrs. Deadman moved Mrs. Ellis seconded that the following names be submitted President Mrs. R. Todd 1st V.P Mrs. S. Nash 2nd V.P. Mrs. A. Unsworth Secretary Mrs. E. Bullock Treasurer Mrs. W. Crouchley Carried unanimously. The following convenors were chosen Badge Committee Mrs. C. Thomas Uniform Committee Mrs. Garr Mrs. A. Unsworth Camp Committee Mrs. S. Nash Ways and Means Committee Refreshments Mrs. J. McMillan Mrs. K. Riley Auditors elected were Mrs. J. Eydt and Mrs. J. Stevenson. Mrs. Todd then resumed her office. Arrangements were completed for the Birthday party. Mrs. Deadman asked for loan of radios for the party so that the special broadcast to Guides and Scouts might be listened to. Mrs. Atkins, Solange and Bullock agreed to furnish radios. It was moved by Mrs. Eydt seconded by Mrs. Scotchburn that four patrol leaders be sent to the leaders camp instead of two. Mrs. Deadman asked for more testers for the 1st Company. Mrs. Scotchburn agreed to contact people for same. It was agreed to ask Mrs. Norton to speak at the April meeting to the be held in Fairfield School. Mrs. Eydt moved Mrs. Ellis seconded that letters of notification of meeting should be sent each month. The next meeting to be held in Maplehurst School March 5th. Collection was 2.55 Mildred Todd March 1945 The March meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides was held at Maplehurst School, Aldershot on Monday March 5th at 8pm. Mrs. R. Todd, president presiding. Meeting was opened by the reading of the Guide prayer. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Signed by the President. Treasurers report was given by Mrs. Scotchburn acting in Mrs. Crouchley’s place. Mrs. Crouchley, Treasurer, was absent through illness. A Balance of 50.31 was reported. It was moved by Miss Culver seconded by Mrs. Eydt that outstanding bills be paid.

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Mrs. Thomas reported badges won by 7 Guides and 1 Brownie. The Commissioner reported that the Brownies of the 1st Aldershot pack were now training for tests for their Golden Hand and that four testers would be needed. The following volunteered Miss Culver for Intelligence, Mrs. Unsworth for Handicraft, Mrs. Eydt for Service leaning a tester for Physical Health still to be secured. Moved by Mrs. Atkins, seconded by Mrs. Scotchburn that we purchase ½ dozen Brownie Handbooks for use by testers. Moved by Mrs. Nash seconded by Miss Culver that Mrs. Unsworth and Mrs. Bullock go to the Annual Provincial Conference at Toronto on March 23 and 24th. Fee of 1.00 each to be paid by the L.A. Mrs. Norton is to speak at the April meeting at Fairfield School on April 9th. All members are asked to bring a guest. It was moved by Mrs. Scotchburn seconded by Mrs. Henderson that the L.A. purchase 30 yards of flannelette to be used by the Guides in making babies nightgowns. These would be the hand made article needed on their Needlewoman test and also were to sent to the Overseas Project. The Commissioner gave a pleasing report on the birthday party and also mentioned that efforts were being made to enable the Guides to attend a camp this year. Mrs. Todd thanked Mrs. Scotchburn for acting as Treasurer. Collection was 3.95, Annual membership fees collected 3.50 Members present 20 Meeting adjourned and refreshments were served. Mrs. C. Thomas, Mrs. R. Henderson were hostesses. Mildred Todd April 1945 The April meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides of Aldershot was held in Fairfield School, on Monday April 9th. The meeting was opened by the singing of the National Anthem. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Signed by Mrs. R. Todd, President. Treasurers report was read by the Secretary in the absence of the Treasurer, Mrs. Crouchley. A balance of 50.28 was on hand. Mrs. Todd reported a meeting of the ways and means committee at her home on April 6th when plans for the June tea were discussed. Mrs. Deadman then introduced Mrs. Coombes, Divisional Commissioner and Mrs. Stanley Norton. Mrs. Norton gave a most interesting talk on Girl Guiding, afterwards inviting the members to ask any questions. These she answered, giving us all many pointers and a great deal of enlightenment on many phases of the movement. Mrs. Nash moved a hearty note of thanks to Mrs. Norton. Mrs. Todd moved, Mrs. tobias seconded the adjournment of the meeting. The next meeting to be held May 7th at the home of Mrs. Todd. Thirty six members were present, 12 Guides. Collection was 5.27. Mildred R. Todd May 1945 The May meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides of Aldershot was held at the home of Mrs. R. Tod on Monday May 7th. Meeting opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer. An interesting discussion in regard to this prayer took place. Our Commissioner told us this prayer was really only for enrolled Guides. A suggestion was made that all members learn the Guide Promise. Minutes of previous meeting were read, approved and signed by the President Financial report was then given by Mrs. Wm. Crouchley, Treasurer, who reported 47.39 on hand. Mrs. Thomas reported for Badges given out. Arrangements were made in regard to tea to be held at Mrs. Deadman on June 1st. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Crouchley were to convene the bake table. Mrs. Nash, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Sprung for the misc. table. The Commissioner gave an interesting report on the Guide and Brownie activities. Eleven Brownies were trying for their Golden Hand. It was agreed that the 4 prizes for the neatest Brownies and Guides be books. Mrs. Todd was commissioned to buy these. Mrs. Nash moved, Mrs. Scotchburn seconded the motion that Mrs. Todd be empowered to spend up to $1.50 on each prize also to purchase a compass for each Guide Company. Mrs. Unsworth and Mrs. Bullock gave their report of the Conference in Toronto which they attended as delegates.

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It was moved by Ms. Riley seconded by Mrs. Crouchley that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr. Henry Eydt thanking him for his donation of rope to the Guides for their life saving equipment. It was moved by Mrs. Davis seconded by Mrs. Scotchburn that the Guide insurance be paid by the Local Association. The Guides and Brownies to repay same from Company and Pack funds. Meeting was then adjourned and refreshments served. Collection was 2.75 Mildred Todd June 1945 The June meeting of the L.A. of the Girl Guides of Aldershot was held in Fairfield School, Monday June 4th, Mrs. R. Todd, President. Meeting opened with reading of Girl Guide Prayer. Minutes of previous meeting were read, approved and signed by the President. The Commissioner read a letter in regard to the use of the Guide Prayer and suggested all members of the L.A. learn Guide Promise and Law. Treasurers report announced balance on hand to be $75.06 President thanked Mrs. Deadman for having had the tea at her house. The amount raised was very gratifying. President asked thank you letters be sent to Mr. Garr and Mr. Laidman for posters made for tea, also to Rev. Mr. Hackett for address given Guides at Parade. It was announced that two girls had tied for neatness prize at 1st Aldershot Company. Moved by Mrs. K. Riley seconded by Mrs. Parry that extra prize be given. Moved by Mrs. Crouchley seconded by Mrs. Haley that neatness prize be awarded annually. Mrs. Thomas, Badge Convenor, reported 5 Badges awarded. President announced Guide Rally to be held at Burlington on June 16th. The death of Agnes Baden-Powell, founder of the Girl Guides was announced. Commissioner gave her report on Guide and Brownie work of the district. She asked for volunteers to help with 1st Aldershot B Pack. Miss T. Searey had agreed to act as tester for music, Miss M. Searey for art. A cookie sale was to be held in October. A Mother and Daughter Banquet to be held in September. It was suggested we ask the W.I. to help with this. It was moved by Mrs. Windsor seconded by Mrs. Thomas that Secretary write Mrs. Pladt, president of the W.I. about this. Moved by Mrs. Davis, seconded by Mrs. Parry that meeting adjourn. Eighteen members were presented. 3.70 collection. Mrs. K. Riley was convenor for refreshments Helene Deadman, Chairman October 1945 The October meeting of the L.A. of the Girl Guides of Aldershot and Waterdown was held on Monday, Oct 1st at the home of the Commissioner, Mrs. Deadman. Meeting was opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer. Minutes of previous meeting were read, approved and signed by the Chairman, our Commissioner, Mrs. Deadman. Treasurers report gave a balance on hand of $86.62 Badge Secretary reported 3 Golden Hands, 2 second class and 5 Health Badges awarded during the summer months. Letters of resignation were read from the following Mrs. Armstrong – Lieutenant, 2nd Aldershot Guide Company Miss Winnifred Kellar – Brown Owl, 1st Aldershot Pack Miss Irene Storey – Tawny Owl, 1st Aldershot Pack Mrs. Thomas – Badge Secretary Mrs. K. Riley – Refreshment Convenor Mrs. R. Todd – President, L.A. Letter of thanks to L.A. was received from Miss g. Zimmerman. Our Commissioner explained the ruling that a L.A. according to the P.O. & R must have as its Chairman the District Commissioner. This had necessitated the resignation of Mrs. Todd as President. Mrs. Todd has assumed office as Lieutenant of the 2nd Aldershot Guide Company the position left open by the resignation of Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. Armstrong was taking the position of Official Tester for the District, she would also be in charge of any rallies.

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It was moved by Mrs. Crouchley and seconded by Mrs. Eydt that Mrs. Cook of Waterdown be made Honorary President carried unanimously. The following officers names were submiteed Mrs. Nash 1st Vice Chairman Mrs. A. Unsworth 2nd Vice Chairman Mrs. Rankin 3rd Vice Chairman Mrs. E. Bullock Secretary Mrs. W. Crouchley Treasurer Mrs. J. McMillan Badge Secretary Mrs. K. Garr } Mrs. A. Unsworth } Uniform Convenors Mrs. Robinson } Mrs. H. Stevenson ] Refreshment Mrs. C. Davis ] Convenors Mrs. J. Eydt } Auditors Mrs. J. Stevenson } Moved by Mrs. Todd seconded by Mrs. Scotchburn that these officers be elected. Carried. Six Hundred boxes of cookies have been ordered and are to be sold next week. Depots to be at the homes of Mrs. Eydt, Thomas, Davis, Henderson, Bullock. Letters of thanks re banquet were asked to be sent to Mrs. Pladt, President W.I., Mrs. Outerbridge, Mr. Donkin, Mr. Dagleish, Miss Helen Eydt. Mrs. Eydt moved, Mrs. Ellis seconded the motion that these letters to be sent also $10.00 to the W.I. in appreciation of their work that made our Mother and Daugther Banquet such a success. Our Commissioner made a strong appeal for new Brownie Leaders for 1st Aldershot Pack also helper for Mrs. Ringer. Our support was asked for the National Clothing appeal. It was decided to obtain all necessary information regarding L.A. Pins and have it ready for the next meeting. It was moved by Mrs. Scotchburn, seconded by Mrs. Riley that the Secretary send the money for the Guie Calendars on order. Carried. Mrs. Rankin was announced as President of a Guide Mothers Club of Waterdown, this club to help the Guides with all small immediate needs. It was agreed the L.A. would meet at 1st Aldershot in Nov, Waterdown in December. Mrs. Riley volunteered to ssecure a door for cupboard for 1st Aldershot Co. Meeting was adjourned. Our hostess served refreshments. J. Nash. November 1945 The November meeting of the L.A. of the Girl Guides of Aldershot and Waterdown was held in Fairfield School Monday Nov. 5th. Mrs. Stanley Nash presiding as Mrs. Deadman, our Commissioner, was unable to be present. Meeting was opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer. Minutes of previous meeting were read, approved and signed by Mrs. Nash. Treasurers report gave a balance of $74.88 Badge Convenors report was read by Mrs. J. McMillan, Badge Secretary. Sale of 923 boxes of cookies was reported and members hose homes were used as depots were thanked. Report on Hallowe’en Parties, 2nd Aldershot Brownies and 1st Aldershot Guides had their parties at the home of the Commissioner. 1st Aldershot Brownies party was held at Fairfield School. Several mothers were also in attendance. Waterdown Guides had a very successful party which was attended by most of 2nd Aldershot Company. 2nd Aldershot Guides and 2nd Aldershot Scouts held a joint party in St Matthews Sunday School. An appeal was made by Mrs. Nash for Mothers to help with 1st Aldershot Brownies who are without either Brown Owl or Tawny Owl. Our Commissioner is taking leadership of this Pack till leaders can be found. Mrs. Unsworth reported for Uniform committee. Ten Brownies had bought material for uniforms. Moved by Mrs. Unsworth, seconded by Mrs. Scotchburn that material be bought for flags for Guides.

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Committees to make newcomers welcome. Mrs. Rankin, Mrs. Nash, Mrs. J. McMillan, Mrs. A. Unsworth, Mrs. C. Scotchburn were named. The next meeting would be held in Waterdown at the home of Mrs. Fernie. Transportation Committee of the following was formed, Mrs. Scotchburn, Unsworth, Eydt, Nash, Stevenson and Bullock. Mrs. Unsworth was named as refreshment convenor for February meeting. Six local association pins were on hand and were sold for 35¢ each. Fifty Guide Calendars were on order but had not arrived. Orders for 32 were taken. The Secretary to contact absent members regarding balance. Collection 1.86 Helene Deadman December 1945 The December meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides of Aldershot and Waterdown was held at the home of Mrs. E Fernie, Monday Dec 3rd. Mrs. Deadman presiding. Meeting was opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer in unison. The Commissioner reading the Guide Laws. She then extended a welcome to the several new members present. Minutes of previous meeting were read. Mrs. Stevens moved Mrs. Eydt seconded the adoption of this report. Carried. Minutes were signed by the Commissioner. The following were read. Letters of the Thanks for refreshments for Flying up party from Miss H. Eydt, Capt, 1st Aldershot. Mrs. R. Todd, Lieut, 2nd Aldershot. Letter of resignation from Mrs. Thora Jackson, Capt 2nd Aldershot, letter re cupboard for 1st Aldershot. Mrs. Deadman asked the members opinion re a gift for Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Eydt moved and Mrs. Scotchburn seconded the motion that a gift be purchased. Mrs. Deadman and Mrs. Bullock to purchase same. $3.50 to $5.00 to be allowed. Carried. The matter of the cupboard for 1st Aldershot was taken up. It was agreed that this was very necessary as valuable equipment had already been lost through lack of same. Mrs. Deadman reported she has approached the school board Mrs. Crouchley moved Mrs. Ellis seconded that the L.A. send a letter to Mr. Akam secretary of the board in regard to the willingness of the L.A. to assume part of costs of cupboard. Carried. Financial report from the treasurer showed $62.25 on hand. Mrs. Deadman reported that a mistake had been made in the price of the L.A. Pins. Headquarters had charged 35¢ instead of 60¢. They had let this price stand for 6 already sold but in future the price was 60¢. Badge Secretary reported 2 Sewing, 1 Cook, 1 Child Nurse badges and 2 Golden Hands. Mrs. Eydt moved, Mrs. Terry seconded, the motion that that a Thank you pin be sent to Mrs. Thomas, our former badge secretary, who had moved to Paris. Carried. Mrs. Unsworth and Mr. Rankin reported for Uniform Committee. It was moved by Mrs. Mann, seconded by Mrs. Atkins that 3 Guide Patterns and 2 Brownie Patterns be purchased. These to be the property of the L.A. but in the keeping of Mrs. Garr, Mrs. Cornfield and Mrs. Unsworth. Convenders of the uniform committee were asked to keep track of available secondhand uniforms. Commissioner asked that members be nominated at December meeting to act as […] to packs and companies. The following were named as publicity Committee. Mrs. Scotchburn, Ellis, Sprung, Stevenson, Aitken, Anderson. These to handle details for Boy Scout and Girl Guide week Feb 18 - 22nd. Commissioners gave a very interesting description of the two flying up ceremonies also the history of the cookies Sales. She reported warrants cancelled for Mrs. Braden, Waterdown Company, Mrs. Armstrong, 2nd Aldershot. Warrants were issued for Mrs. Armstrong as District Capt, Mrs. Horning Capt and Miss Berniski Lieut of Waterdown Co. Moved by Mrs. McMillan seconded by Mrs. Atkins that the LA buy 20 sticks of the Brownie semaphore flags. Sixteen semaphore flags were given out to be made. Mrs. Deadman explained the necessity of individual ground sheets. Mrs. Bullock agreed to inquiry about same. Commissioners reported Guides were looking after their own Xmas parties. Mrs. Terry moved Mrs. Atkins seconded that the Provincial appeal of 10¢ per member be paid. Carried. Mrs. Scotchburn moved Mrs. Crouchley seconded the meeting be adjourned. 26 present, collection 3.15 Helene Deadman, D.C. January 1946

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The January meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides of Aldershot and Waterdown was held in Maplehurst School Jan 7th. Mrs. Deadman presiding. Meeting opened with the Guide Prayer followed by Guide Laws read by the Commissioner. Minutes of previous meeting were read by Mrs. J. McMillan in plce of the Secretary, Mrs. Bullock, who was absent thru illness. Moved by Mrs. Stevenson seconded by Miss Culver, minutes be adopted as read and signed by the Commissioner. Treasurers report showed balance on hand $56.21. Provincial appeal of $2.40 for 24 paid up members had been sent. Moved by Mrs. Scotchburn seconded by Mrs. Atkins that 93¢ balance be paid [by] secretary. Commissioner reported cupboard at Fairfield School for 1st Aldershot Co would cost approximately $15.00. Further inquiries re this are to be made. Moved by Mrs. Ellis seconded by Mrs. Webber that a letter of Thanks be sent to Dr Peterbridge for the use of mimeograph for this months notices. A discussion followed as to method of notifying members about meetings, telephone or letter. It was agreed letters should be sent. Moved by Mrs. Crouchley seconded by Mrs. Tobias that letter of thanks be sent to H. Vickers and Son for C[eliry] donated to Christmas party. Mrs. Webber offered some brown material to back awning sent by Mrs. Bullock. This would make about 24 sit-ons for Brownies. Moved by Mrs. Unsworth seconded by Mrs. Nash that more material be purchased. Committee of Mrs. Garr, Webber and Stevenson appointed. Commissioner showed several clips that could be put on belts to hold these sit-ons. Discussion followed as to whether L.A. should buy these and retain ownership. Commissioner promised to get further information about this for next meeting. Mrs. Garr reported purchasing 1 new Guide Uniform. Mrs. Jackson was turning in her s and Miss Galaghers uniforms. Mrs. Unsworth updated all Brownies would be in uniform by next meeting. Mrs. Rankin reported 12 calendars had been sent to Waterdown instead of six. Mrs. Horning would try to sell remainder. During February Brownies and Guides will hold a visitors day Committee re this 1st Aldershot Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Laport 2nd Aldershot Mrs. Nash, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Atkins Waterdown Brownie Proficiency Testers appointed Mrs. Nash Book Lover Mrs. Webber Gardening Birthday Publicity Committee reported they will be holding a meeting to arrange details for Party. Secretary to contact Mr. Akam regarding using Fairfield Auditorium. Commissioner reported on Christmas Parties. 1st Aldesrhot at home of captain Eydt, tree presents and carol singing both at party and around neighbourhood. 2nd Aldershot at home of Acting Captain Todd and Boy Scouts invited. Presents exchanged. Waterdown S.S. Basement Party for Guides and Mothers. Guides drew names for presents for mothers. 1st Aldershot Brownie Pack at Fairfield School – Christmas tree and presents. 2nd Aldershot at Commissioners home. Mrs. Atkins acting as hostess in absence of commissioner. Collectioin 22¢. 14 Members and visitors present. Moved by Mrs. Rankin meeting be adjourned. Helen Deadman, D.C. February 1946 The annual meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides of Aldershot and Waterdown was held in Fairfield School, Monday Feb. 4th at 8pm. The Commissioner, Mrs. Deadman, presiding. Meeting was opened with the Guide Prayer followed by the reading of the Guide Law by the Commissioner. Minutes of previous meeting were read by the secretary. Moved by Mrs Atkins seconded by Mrs. Parker these be accepted and signed by the commissioner. Treasurers report was read by Mrs. Crouchley showing a _______ balance. Secretary and Treasuers and Badge Secretary’s annual reports were read. Moved by Mrs. Scotchburn seconded by Mrs. Atkins that these be adopted as read. Reports were given by uniform convenors, Mrs. Unsworth, Garr and Rankin. Commissioner gave report on Guide and Brownie activities. Letters of thanks were read from Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Wm Crouchley tendered her resignation as treasurer.

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Mrs. J. Eydt read nomination lists and following officers were elected Honorary Presidents Mrs. Scotchburn, Mrs. Cook Chairman Commissioner Mrs. W. Deadman 1st Vice Mrs. S. Nash 2nd Vice Mrs. A. Unsworth 3rd Vice Mrs. C. Rankin Secretary Mrs. E. Bullock Treasurer Mrs. D. Ellis Badge Secretary Mrs. J. McMillan Auditor Mrs. J. Eydt Uniform convenors appointed were Mrs. Garr, Cornfield, Unsworth. Mrs. Scotchburn was appointed Ways and Means Convenor with Mrs. Robinson, Fernie, Eydt, Terry and Parker. Refreshments convenor Mrs. H. Stevenson, Windsor and Binkley. Discussion re news items in Hamilton Spectator. Secretary to write letter about same. 5 Posters were to be ordered for Guide Week. A vote of thanks was extended to all responsible for the donation of material and making 29 sit-ons for Brownies. Swivel clips for same had been ordered. Mrs. Garr donated lock for cupboard. A further investigation re cost of cupboard was necessary as information had been received that same would cost much more than originally thought. Mrs. Eydt reported auditing company, Pack and L.A. Books. The Guide Birthday Party is to be held Feb 21st in Fairfield School. Mrs. Bullock agreed to send out invitations for same also to act as refreshment convenor. 21 members and 1 visitor were present. Collection 2.71. Meeting was adjourned. Helen Deadman, D.C. March 1946 The March meeting of the Local Association was held at the home of Miss Eloise Anderson, Waterdown, March 4th. Meeting opened with members repeating Guide Prayer. Commissioner then read the Guide Law. Mrs. Bullock, Secretary read minutes of previous meting and moved their adoption, seconded by Mrs. Levey. Commissioner reported that swivel clips could not be purchased for under 25¢. H.Q. would have clips for 5¢, but they were not on hand at the moment. Bronwies would have to tie sit ons on belts till clips could be obtained. Treasurers report was read by Mrs. Ellis and seconded Mrs. Crouchley. Commissioner reported on letter from Mrs. Little re publicity. Clippings were to be gathered and forwarded to Mrs. Little. Mrs. Fernie, Mrs. Scotchburn, and Mrs. Mann were appointed to clip news items of Guide activities. Mrs. J. McMillan reported the following badges 9 Golden Bars 1st Aldershot Brownies 1 Proficiency Badge 2nd Aldershot Brownies 2 Proficiency Badges 1st Aldershot Guides 1 Second Class 1st Aldershot Guides Mrs. Unsworth and Mrs. Cornfield reported on uniforms. Mrs. Cornfield agreed to trace Brownie uniforms in Waterdown. Inspections were to be held on the following nights. 2nd Aldershot Guides, March 9th, Mrs. Nash and Mrs. McMillan guests. 1st Aldershot Guides, March 11th, Mrs. Scotchburn, Mrs. Ellis guests. 2nd Aldershot Brownies, March 14th, Mrs. Atkins, Mrs. Parker guests. Waterdown, March 19th Mrs. Bullock reported on Spectator Guide publicity. Commissioner announced the following events to come Lady Baden Powell in Hamilton first week in June. Provincial Annual meeting Saturday April 6th at General Brock Hotel, Niagara Falls Rally to be held here in June. Tea to raise funds for L.A. to be held at Commissioners home June 12. Mrs. Terry agreed to be convenor for a table of plants.

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Commissioner gave reports on birthday party. Moved by Mrs. J. McMillan seconded by Mrs. Scotchburn that letters of thanks be sent to the School Board for use of auditorium, Mrs. Garr for lettering posters, Mr. Sinclair, Mrs Jakes, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Wilkinson and Langords Drug Store for displaying posters. Helene Deadman, District Commissioner April 1946

The regular meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides of Aldershot and Waterdown was held in Maplehurst School on Monday, April 1st at 8pm. Meeting was opened with members repeating the Guide Prayer, the Commissioner reading the Guide Law. Minutes of previous meeting were read by the Secretary who moved their adoption, seconded by Mrs. Unsworth. Treasurer gave financial report showing a balance of 69.28. Treasurer moved adoption of report seconded by Mrs. Stevenson. Letter of thanks for flowers was read from Mrs. Nash. Badge Secretary Mrs. Jean McMillan gave badge report. 5 badges being won by 2nd Aldershot Guides. Waterdown Uniform convenor reported 2 uniforms had been turned in. Mrs. J. McMillan reported having visited 2nd Aldershot Guides. Mrs. Ellis reported visiting 1st Aldershot, accompanied by Mrs. Tudge. Mrs. Savell and Mrs. Pearson had visited Waterdown Guides but were not present to report. Commissioner reported enrolling Mrs. Burton, also reporting how Waterdown Company was progressing under good leadership of Mrs. Horning. Mrs. Unsworth and Mrs. Davis agreed to take charge of White Elephant table at June tea. Moved by Mrs. Crouchley seconded by Mrs. McMillan that money be sent to Mrs. Rankin to cover treats given to Guides. Commissioner gave very interesting report on Annual meeting and dinner. Mrs. Rankin and Mrs. Bullock were appointed delegates to attend Annual Provincial Meeting. Commissioner reported on Guide Calendars and it was arranged to order same thru Burlington Co. Several members took Brownie Ground Squares to make up. Invitation was received from Waterdown to attend their church Parade on May 26th. Mrs. Unsworth moved Mrs. Ellis seconded the motion to buy 3 Lone Wolf Trails for Waterdown. It was announced that the Cookie Sale would be held in September. Meeting was adjourned. Irene Nash May 1946 The regular meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides of Aldershot and Waterdown met in Fairfield School, Monday May 6th. Mrs. Nash 1st Vice President presided in the absence of the Commissioner. Meeting was opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer followed by the Guide Law. Minutes of previous meeting were read. Secretary moved their adoption seconded by Mrs. Unsworth, minutes signed by Mrs. Nash. Treasurer read report showing balance of 56.24. Badge Secretary gave her report. 3 Lone Wolf Trail books were presented by Mrs. Nash to Mrs. Rankin for the Waterdown Guide Company. Miss E. Anderson turned in some Brownie Ground Squares. Mrs. Crouchley, Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Aitken were put in charge of Bake Table at June Tea. Moved by Mrs. Stevenson, seconded by Mrs. Davis that delegates to Annual Council have expenses paid. Moved by Mrs. Windsor seconded by Mrs. McMillan that the L.A. buy world flags for 1st and 2nd Aldershot Companies and, as Waterdown Company have a flag that they be given an equal value in equipment. Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Windsor and Mrs. Rankin agreed to act as joint convenors for June tea. There being no further business, meeting was adjouned. Hostesses Mrs. Windsor and Davis. Collection 3.03. Helene Deadman, D.C. June 1946 The regular meeting of the L.A. of the Girl Guides of Aldershot and Waterdown was held in the Sunday School of the United Church, Waterdown, Monday Juen 3rd, Mrs. W.d. DEadman, Commissioner, presiding. Meeting was opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer followed by the Guide Law.

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Minutes of previous meeting were read by the Secretary. Moved by secretary mrs Bullock seconded by Mrs. Nash that minutes be adopted. Treasurers report gave a balance of $43.64. Badge Secretary Mrs. j. McMillan reported Joyce Ellis, 2nd Class and Cooks badge; Marion Stevenson, 1st Class; Helen McMillan Emergency Helper and 1st Class; Peggy Bulllock Golden Barr; Jean Terry and Dorothy Todd, Book Lovers. Mrs. Unsworth reported one uniform needed and as there were not at HQ it was decided to borrow one for the time being. Mrs. Bullock to get in touch with Mrs. Garr for Barbara’s uniform. Letter from Mrs. Garr of resignation from uniform committee was read. Commissioner reported Policy now on hand covering all Brownies and Guides. Commissioner reported on success of Church Parade and lecture by Mr. Bourne. Mrs. Unsworth reported she had more material and would make into Brownie Ground Squares. Tickets for rally were given out. It was moved by Mrs. Nash seconded by Mrs. Parker that 5.00 be sent to Mrs. Coombes to help with expenses of rally. Treasurer reported having sent 2.30 to Shower of Dimes. Moved by Mrs. Scotchburn seconded by Mrs. Crouchley that outstanding bills be paid. Moved by Mrs. Windsor seconded by Mrs. Ellis that we ask the W.I. to cater for a mother and daughter banquet to be held in September. Arrangements were completed for the June tea. Moved by Mrs. Nash and Mrs. Mann that meeting be adjourned. Collection 5.11 Members Present 29 Hostesses Mildred Todd October 1946 The regular meeting of the L.A. was held at the home of Mrs. W.J. Deadman on Monday, Oct 7th at 8pm. Mrs Deadman presiding. Meeting was opened with the reading of the Guide Prayer and Law. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Moved by Mrs. Bullock seconded by Mrs. Henderson that minutes be adopted as read. Treasurer reported 106.11 on hand, $89.65 having been raised at June tea. She reported having sent Mrs. Horning money voted for camp equipment, also cheque to Toronto for flags. Mrs. Bullock reported HQ could not supply flags just yet. Mrs. J. McMillan gave badge report: 7 badges to 2nd Aldershot Pack, 2 badges to Waterdown Co. To 2nd Aldershot Co, 3 2nd Class Badges, 1 1st Class Badge, 11 Proficiency Badges and 3 All Round Blue and White Cords. Several of these badges were won at Camp [__________ (Kiawa???)] and Mrs. Deadman announced that as many girls that wished to go next year would be able to.

Mrs. Emery was appointed Uniform Convenor. Commissioner reported 1008 boxes of cookies sold. Brownies – 1st Aldershot – 241, 2nd Aldershot – 235;

Guides - 1st Aldershot – 105, 2nd Aldershot – 109, Waterdown – 318. Letter was read from Mrs. Fisken re banquet, also one from Mrs. Coombes acknowledging 5.00 for rally

expenses. Moved by Mrs. Atkins seconded by Mrs. Stevenson that we send letter of thanks to W.I. in regard to their

splendid work at the Mother and Daughter banquet. Moved by Mrs. Nash seconded by Mrs. Crouchley that we send enough money to W.I. to insure at 25.00 profit.

Mrs. Deadman announced her retirement as District Commissioner and introduced Mrs. R. Todd to take her place.

Mrs. Todd read letter of resignation as Brown Owl from Mrs. Winn Wright. She announced Friday, Oct 18th as date for flying up ceremony and asked the Local Association to provide refreshments.

Commissioner asked for ideas for community work that could be done by Guides. Moved by Mrs. Windsor seconded by Mrs. Atkins that Secretary purchase new stationary ands supplies. Moved by Mrs. McMillan seconded by Mrs. Emery that meeting adjourn. Collection 2.60, 11 present Hostesses Mrs. Stevenson and Hendeson Mildred Todd

November 1946

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The regular meeting of the L.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Wm Crouchley on Monday Nov 4th at 8pm. Mrs. Todd presiding.

Meeting opened with members reading the Guide Prayer and Law. Minutes of previous meeting were read by Secretary. Mrs. Bullock moved minutes be adopted as read

seconded by Mrs. Stevenson and signed by Commissioner Mrs. Todd. There was no financial report, Treasurer being absent. Commissioner thanked L.A. for providing refreshments for Flying Up ceremony. Badge Convenor Mrs. J. McMillan reported on Flying Up Ceremony. Uniform Convenor, Mrs. Laura Emery reported re ordering uniforms. It was decided that L.A. would buy in

any brownie or Guide uniform and re-sell to girls needing them. Mrs. Emery agreed to look after this. Moved by Mrs. Henderson and seconded by Mrs. Sprung that $24.00 be given Mrs. Emery to use for expense incurred by ordering uniforms, etc., also buying in secondhand uniforms.

Commissioner reported that Mrs. Nash wished to retire as Vice President also Camp Convenor. Mrs. Henderson agreed to act as Camp Convenor, Mrs. Sprung assisting her for 2nd Aldershot Co, Mrs.

Windsor agreed to act as Camp Convenor for 1st Aldershot Co. Commissioner announced that Guiders would present a play at L.A. Dec meeting in Waterdown. She

emphasized the great need for leaders and asked L.A. members to try to find new leaders Secretary gave report re letters to members each meeting. It was decided to form Contact and

Transportation Squads, Mrs. Windsor, Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Emery to act on Transportation for December meeting.

Mrs. J. McMillan spoke in reference to Mrs. Deadman expenses as Divisional Commissioner. She reported that the D.C. has to pay all travelling expenses incurred in visiting various companies. Miss Cameron had suggested that the L.A.s get together and help in this expense. Moved by Miss Culver, seconded by Mrs. McMillan that Secretary get information about this before next meeting.

A suggestion was made that the L.A. give Mrs. Deadman a present. Moved by Mrs. Greene, seconded by Miss Culver that a pin be bought and presented at the December meeting. Moved by Mrs. Henderson, seconded by Mrs. Greene that the meeting adjourned. Collection 3.80, Members 19 Hostesses Mrs. Crouchley, Windsor Helene Deadman, Division Commissioner December 1946 The regular meeting of the L.A. of the Girl Guides was held Dec in Waterdown Public School, 8pm. Division Commissioner Mrs. W.J. Deadman was in charge of meeting owing to the absence of Mrs. Todd. Meeting was opened by reading the Guides Prayer. Minutes of Nov meeting were read by Secretary Mrs. E. Bullock who moved their adoption, sesconded by Mrs. Rankin. Mrs. Bullock, on behalf of the L.A., presented gold tenderfoot pin to Mrs. Deadman who was very pleased with same and thanked the L.A. Treasurers report was given by Mrs. Ellis. Mrs. Deadman reported on expenses for Division Commissioner, at present only Secretary’s expenses were needed to be met. Moved by Mrs. Scotchburn, seconded by Mrs. Crouchley that 5.00 be given Mrs. Armstrong, Division Secretary. It was agreed that new L.A. Stationary should have Wentworth Division printed on it. Paper to be put up in pads that could be sold to other L.A.’s or Companies. Mrs. Deadman gave vote of thanks to Mrs. Crouchley for having November meeting. Division Commissioner gave a brief talk on need for new leaders and testers. It was decided that L.A. would help wherever necessary with Christmas Parties. Moved by Mrs. Scotchburn, seconded by Mrs. Ellis that neatness award to Patrols and Sixes be made an annual award. Mrs. Horning, Capt of Waterdown Guide Company, reported that she was starting a Brownie but would need an assistant. Mrs. Deadman invited any members to attend a Brownie Leaders Conference to be held at her home on Jan 6th. Secretary announced Guide Calendars will be sold by the Guides. There being no further business, Mrs. Henderson moved Mrs. Ellis seconded that meeting be adjourned.

I. Nash January 1947

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The regular meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides of Waterdown and Aldershot, was held in Maplehurst School on Monday, January 6th at 9pm. Mrs. Stanley Nash, Vice President acting as Chairman. Meeting was opened with the Guide Prayer. Minutes of previous meeting were read. Adoption of minutes was moved by Mrs. Bullock, Secretary, seconded by Mrs. Moore. Report of Treasurer was moved by Mrs. Ellis, seconded by Mrs. Scotchburn. Letter of thanks for flowers from Mrs. Todd was read. Uniform convenor Mrs. Emery reported $10.40 on hand. Nearly all Guides in uniforms, a few Brownie uniforms still needed. It was announced that World Flags would be dedicated on Feb 21st just before the birthday party. Means of raising money for L.A. was discussed and it was decided to hav a card party at St Matthews church. Mrs. Moore, Webber, Long offered to many for same. A letter of resignation from Mrs. Todd was read. Owing to ill health, Mrs. Todd was obliged to reign from Guiding activities for a year. Secretary gave report on presentation of gold Tenderfoot Pin to Miss H. Eydt and read letter of thanks for same received. Reports on Christmas Parties were given by 1st Aldershot Mrs. Unsworth 2nd Aldershot Guide Co Mrs. Bullock 2nd Aldershot Brownies Mrs. J. Emery Waterdown Mrs. Horning. It was moved by Mrs. Unsworth, seconded by Mrs. Ellis that a letter be sent to Mrs. Deadman thanking her for having 2nd Aldershot Guide and Brownie Christmas parties at her house. Mrs. Clarke gave an interesting display of sewing done by Waterdown Guides. Moved by Mrs. Moore, seconded by Mrs. McMillan that meeting be adjourned. 18 present, 3.65 collection Helene Deadman, Division Commissioner February 1947 – Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Local Association of the Girl Guides of Aldershot and Waterdown was held in Fairfield School on Monday, Feb 4 – 8pm. Mrs. W.J. Deadman, Divisional Commissioner, presided. Meeting was opened with the repeating of the Guide Prayer. Minutes of previous meeting and annual report were read by Secretary who moved their adoption, seconded by Mrs. Stevenson. Financial report, also annual financial report was read by the Treasurer who moved their adoption, seconded by Mrs. Emery. Mrs. Deadman explained two items in report re Shower of Dimes and Provincial Appeal. Mrs. J. McMillan, Badge Secretary, gave her annual report 1st Aldershot Guides total of 8 Badges in 1946 2nd Aldershot Guides total of 36 Badges and 3 All Around Cords in 1946 Waterdown Guides total of 7 Badges in 1946 1st Aldershot Brownies 9 Golden Bars, 3 Golden Hands, 3 Brownie Wings 2nd Aldershot Brownies 3 Golden Bars, 5 Golden Hands, 22 Proficiency Badges, 5 Brownie Wings Mrs. McMillan moved, Mrs. Emery seconded the adoption of this report. Mrs. J. Emery, Uniform Convenor, for 2nd Aldershot Company and Pack gave her annual report and returned to treasurer $ _____ being balance of $ ______ used to finance uniforms. Balance was used for stamps, money orders, etc. All Brownies but two and all enrolled Guides but two were in uniform. Mrs. Emery moved, Mrs. Long seconded the adoption of this report. Mrs. A. Unsworth uniform convenor for 1st Aldershot gave annual report. Letters of resignation from Mrs. Nash, Bullock and McMillan were read. Commissioner presented Mrs. Bullock with her Captains warrant and Mrs. J. McMillan with her Lieutenants warrant. Commissioner gave annual report of all work done by Guides and Brownies of the district. Mrs. Scotchburn took the chair and read nominations for elections. Officers for 1947 President 1st Vice Mrs. A. Unsworth 2nd Vice Mrs. C. Rankin 3rd Vice Mrs. H. Stevenson

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Secretary Mrs. Scotchburn Treasurer Mrs. D. Ellis Badge Secretary Mrs. E. Mann Uniform Convenors Mrs. J. Emery, Mrs. A. Unsworth, Mrs. Cornfield Refreshment Convenors Mrs. Webber, Windsor, Binkley Camp Convenors Mrs. Henderson, Greene, Fernie Auditors Mrs. J. Eydt, J. Stevenson, Mr. Brown The Birthday Party and Flag Dedication was announced as being Feb 21st at 7pm. Waterdown Guides are holding a bazaar on Monday, Feb 17th. All members are invited. 2nd Aldershot Mothers were holding a card party Feb 6th to raise funds for the L.A. Waterdown intended to hold one in the near future. Commissioner spoke on Mrs. Conants appeal for parcels for Britain. Mrs. Jones moved Mrs. Webber seconded the meeting be adjourned. M. Stevenson

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Mrs. J. Tomlinson Aldershot Mrs. K. Riley Aldershot Mrs. M. Windsor Aldershot Mrs. N. Nickens Brighton Beach, Aldershot Mrs. F. Salvage Brighton Beach, Aldershot Mrs. A. Long Aldershot Mrs. W. Long Aldershot Mrs. C. Scotchburn Aldershot Mrs. Wm. Crouchley Aldershot Mrs. D. Ellis Aldershot Mrs. A. Unsworth Aldershot Mrs. Haley North Shore Blvd, Aldershot Mrs. Armstrong North Shore Blvd, Aldershot Mrs. C. Thomas North Shore Blvd, Aldershot Mrs. R. Todd North Shore Blvd, Aldershot Mrs. G. Terry Aldershot Mrs. F. Jackson Aldershot M. Sprung Aldershot E. Mann Aldershot J. McMillan Aldershot Miss G. Culver Mrs. W.K. Crevson 421 Med Art Bldg, Hamilton Mrs. John Parry Willow Cove, PQ Mrs. Irene Chestney Willow Cove, PQ Mrs .Erland Greene Willow Cove, PQ Mrs. C. Davis Willow Cove, PQ Mrs. Ringer Willow Cove, PQ

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