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  • 7/28/2019 The Journey Series


    The Journey; Up to This Point

    Published June 9, 2010

    Be sure to read my other Journey articles.

    1 |2| 3| 4

    I want to start with this:

    All this about healing the sick and casting out demons, they have NOTHING to do with gifts of healing

    or any other gift of the Spirit. It is solely operating out of the authority through the name of Jesus.

    If this was truly gifts of healing then it would make sense for there to be a gift of casting out

    demons, and there isnt.

    After going toJesus Culturewith Todd Bentley (2007), I struggled for 3 years trying

    to figure out how to walk this healing thing out.

    Immediately after the conference, the lens I saw life through were completely changed. Whenever I saw

    someone on a crutch, or a cast, or overhearing someone say they were in pain, I could not help but

    think, they could be healed!

    The biggest struggle during that time was what if they dont get healed? Pretty much every single time

    I encountered a need for physical healing, I would let that question get the best of me.

    I knew Gods willingness to heal; I found it logically absurd that God wouldnt want someone well. Heck,

    he created our natural bodies to heal, why wouldnt He want to speed it up?

    Some of the other reasons as to why I never really stepped out was because of fear of man (people are

    going to think Im weird, and if they dont get healed, Im going to look like an idiot) and the fact that I

    had no idea how to approach people who needed healing.

    Every now and then I would hear a testimony from a friend about someone getting healed in a store, or

    some other random place, and it would make me jealous (in a good way). I desperately wanted to know

    HOW they did it. HOW did they pray?
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    About a year into this journey, I started listening to some messages byJaeson Ma. He had testimonies

    of awesome healings in the middle of UCLA campus and various other encounters hes had with the

    demonic/deliverance. From what I remember, he never really taught how exactly to do itit wasnt

    very practical so I found it difficult to follow in his footsteps.

    Jaeson spoke at my youth groups Winter retreat that year (2007), and he ended up doing some

    deliverance on my friend Tim. Long story short, I got to know Tim very well, and during that summer, we

    woke up early in the morning (5-6am) and prayed/worshiped at a park by his house for hours every


    It was around that time we started reading aboutSmith Wigglesworth,John G. Lake, Aimee Semple

    Mcpherson, Kathryn Kuhlman, otherGods Generalsand also listening toBethel Churchs podcast.

    Often,Bill JohnsonandKris Vallottonwould precede the message with awesome testimonies from the

    past week, and it would always provoke us to pursue what Jesus died for.

    Unfortunately, they never taught [practically] on healing the sick, though they had many testimonies of

    people getting healed.

    For the next two years, it was even more ingrained in me to heal the sick, I knew it was THE key for the

    revival that everyone was talking about.

    I still didnt feel equipped to actual step out and do it, so I remained stagnant, waiting for something to

    dramatically shift.

    It wasnt until September 2009 that I went to Simpson University in Redding to attend school. The school

    campus was less than 2 miles away from Bethel Church, so I ended up spending more time there than I

    did going to class.

    Within the first few months, I was able to attend the FireStarters class withKevin Dedmon(and his

    team) and Bethels Healing Room training with Joaquin Evans andChris Gore. It was very helpful and

    there were a few core values that I took from them:

    1.) Its impossible for you to pray and nothing happen

    2.) When I pray, God comes; and when God comes, He does good things, because Hes a good God andHes in a good mood.

    Those core values help me solidify myfaith in His word and His faithfulness(though I dont really agree

    100% with those statements where I am now).

    It was after this point I could say with confidence that God will heal you right now, because I knew

    that God would show up if I prayed.
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    Around this time, I was finally able to minister to a woman over skype whose left eardrum wasnt

    functioning. After praying about 10 minutes, her hearing was 50% restored, and after 50 minutes, her

    hearing was completely restored with the exception of a faint ringing in the ear.

    That was THE first time I knew, was confident, and expected a miracle to happen, and it did.

    The first time you witness the power of God you lose the right to question His willingness, His ability, and

    His ability to use you.

    Soon after this, I started listening to Curry BlakesDHT series, and read a copy of theDHT manual. Those

    2 materials were what helped me the most in terms of understanding authority and the dominion that

    has been given to man.

    A few other things that Curry did was smash bad theology, gave me a renewed zeal to get into the word,

    and made everything A LOT simpler. This will shoot some bad theology and set you free:

    Every Saturday for 3 months, starting in January, I became a part of Bethels Healing room team

    alongside Ryan (and sometimes his wife).


    Bethels healing room is comprised of 2 separate rooms. The actual healing room is where the prayer

    team of 30-70 people minister to the sick.

    The first room where people enter, called the Encounter room, provides a place for people who need

    healing to pray/worship/soak while a worship team plays worship songs.

    People are then called in by groups (A, B, C, D, E) that are given to them on a form they fill out earlier

    before they come in (basic contact information).

    This was the room Ryan/Laura and I would typically stay in.


    Every Saturday from 9am 1pm, there would be anywhere between 150-500 people that would show

    up to receive healing depending on the week (more people during conferences), and we would see 20-

    50 people healed , and grow out almosteverybodys legs every week.

    We ministered to all kinds of people with all kinds of sickness in the span of 3 months.

    Some of you may think that I had it great (in terms of training) but I am here to tell you that MOST of the

    things I learned while ministering to people in the healing rooms, I had to ditchwhen I came home to

    San Jose and started doing ministry on the streets. (I expressed some of my frustration onan older post)
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    During most of this past April and May, I have learned the most (concerning setting people free)

    fromTodd White/Dan Mohlerand reading theElijah Challenge Manual.

    Since then, healing has been a normal part of the day. We do it anywhere, everywhere, at the grocery

    store, at the bank, at the gas station

    This is meant to be a lifestyle, not in the confines of a building or event.

    Up to this point, we have seen ~90% of the people weve ministered to, healed

    Of the ~10% of people who dontget healed, or see very little progress with, about 90% of them are

    bigger stuff like amputees, cerebral palsy, MS, lupus,paraplegics (I dontknow why, but I dont like

    it, and its not o-k)

    I no longer struggle with what if they dont get healed, because thats not what the Word says.I dont have time, nor do I have a need to entertain thoughts that dont line up with the Word

    Even though not everyone has been healed, I dont allow the past to dictate my future. But I allow it to

    push me further to set more people free.

    I no longer have an issue with fear of man (in this context) because I dont expect people to notget healed

    Even if people dont get healed it doesnt matter, because usually theyre not expecting much anyway;

    many are just expecting a sympathetic token prayer.

    I dont struggleas much with approaching peopleTodd White and Dan Mohler helped the most with that. It all really just comes down to being yourself,

    be genuine, operate out of compassion, and YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE.

    Some other times, Ive been at a complete loss for words and have no idea how to approach someone.

    Thankfully, I have people around me that are sometimes crazier than me.

    In my opinion, getting to advanced levels of setting people free is really being a master of the

    basics.Understand your authority, do unto others (Matthew 7:12), and be moved by compassion

    (agape love in action).

    Some extra pointers:

    Healing the sick/casting out demons is NOT about whatyou say, it is about who says it There are no magic words, it is about understanding who you are and understanding the

    nature of authority
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    Keep things simple,how did Jesus do it? Learn the art of MEDITATING. The only biblical way to renew your mind is through the Word,

    so just try to spend 5-10 minutes FILLING your mind with the Word. TryMatthew 10:1,Luke

    9:1,Luke 10:19. I really really really really really really mean this one.

    Hope this helps again, let me know if you have questions, or if you want me to add something, Im

    here to help you out.

    The Journey The Mindsets

    Published July 27, 2010

    Be sure to read my other Journey articles.

    1| 2 | 3| 4

    In myfirst postabout my journey about walking in the supernatural, I talked a little about the mindsets

    that I held, but I dont think I did a sufficient job. So here I go:

    Mindset #1: Ignorance

    What I believed:

    Up until my first encounter with the supernatural power of God, it didnt even cross my mind that

    people could be healed of sickness or delivered from demons. That kind of stuff only happened in

    foreign countries like Africa.

    What it looked like:

    I was a Sunday Christian. I knew I wanted more of God, but I didnt know what looked like. If someone

    mentioned something about the supernatural, I probably would have said, Sure, if God wills it.

    The fruit:

    Didnt help anybody with this mindset. I had wise words, but no power. (1 Cor 2:4)

    How it changed:

    I saw people get healed at a Jesus Culture conference. I heard people testify that theyfelttheir cancer

    sores dissolving; it was too undeniable.

    Mindset #2: Mental Understanding of His word

    What I believed:
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    I finally had a biblical understanding that healing existed and that it was for today. I would defend that

    belief to my death, but I couldnt prove it in experience. I knew God had the ability to heal people, but I

    didnt really believe that God could use me.

    I had the mental understanding of what the Word said, but I still had more faith in the physical situation

    than the ability that God put in me to change it (dominion, authority).

    When I would pray for people, I believed that if I said the right magic words and if there was some

    kind of perfect cosmic alignment, the power of God would be finally released.

    What it looked like:

    I wished with every fiber of my being that I could get people healed. I often failed to even approach


    Whenever I prayed for people for healing during this time, I was always thinking in my mind, I hope this

    works, I hope this works, God you better show up, God you better show up, please be healed.

    My prayers would sound something like God please come and heal, I know you can do it. I spent more

    time persuading and reminding myself that God had power and trying to convince God that I had faith in

    His word more than I did speaking to the problem (Mark 11:23).

    Whenever someone didnt get healed, I had to wrestle through it before I prayed for the next person

    because Id be thinking, Well, they didnt get healedlasttime, so Im not sure theyre going to get

    healed this time. I often let thoughts like that seep into my thinking and it would hinder me from

    stepping out to talk to people.

    In other words, I created a theology based out of my experience. I allowed my past experience to

    influence my future.

    There was a lot of begging and a lot of works. Revival prayer meetings were often about God, give us

    an open heaven, or Let your glory fall so that we could see miracles without actually expressing faith

    through works (James 2:22).

    We often prayed for more boldness, had a lot of great ideas for bringing revival, but there was very little

    action-producing faith.
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    At this point I no longer felt a need to pray and fast or cry out to God for anopen heaven, because I

    knew I already had one.

    I no longer had to beg God because my perspective of Him changed. He was no longer a corrupt father,

    trying withhold blessing from his children, but a loving, faithful Father who sent his Son while

    we were still sinners.

    I knew theologically that God is good but like most other churched people, that was just a vain

    repetition. I didnt act like I really believed that He was good. The God is good, all the time phrase

    came to life again.

    Hes better than you think.

    How it changed:

    I started to listening toCurry Blakes stuff and began to realize that God gave us responsibility. God is

    good, but He is so good that He empowered us to represent Him. I began to realize the finished work of

    the cross and what it paid for and how to live as a new creation in the New Covenant.

    I no longer had to ask God to come, because He set up residence in me when I became a believer. The

    Holy Spirit abides, and doesnt leave

    You dont tell someone whos next to you to come. Its like paging a doctor whos in the room.

    I realized asking God to come and heal was like a U.S. soldier calling the Commander-in-Chief

    (Obama), and asking him to come and shoot the enemy (complete nonsense).

    I knew that God, by Himself, had the ability to heal, but He would much rather do it with me.

    Mindset #4: Authority - Faith ofGod

    What I believed:

    I have all authority in Christ. The devil has none. The law of authority is this:

    The one who is underauthority must submit to the one who has authority. Period.

    The one under authority is the kingdom of darkness. The ones who have ALL authority are those in the

    Kingdom of Light. (Matt 10:1,Luke 9:1,Luke 10:19,Matt 28:18,Eph 1:21-23,Col 2:15)

    We have absolute dominion as light in a world of darkness. (1 John 4:4,1 John 5:4)

    I win. I finally realized that I had power and authority to crush every work of darkness wherever I went.

    Healing the sick was not a matter of asking God, but a matter of speaking to a mountain (Mark 11:23)

    and having believed that what I say will come to pass (2 Cor 4:13).

    What my life looked like:
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    I had this mindset when I first started in Bethels healing rooms. I saw most of the people I prayed for

    get healed. Sometime it was instant, sometimes it took 30 minutes. I saw a few people get out of the

    walker/wheelchair, deafness healed, hundreds of legs grow out, and every kind of pain go.

    How it changed:

    There was a point where healing the sick became a routine. I would go heal someone because I knew

    that I had authority to do it, and I knew that the devil would have to listen to me.

    It was a mixture of catching myself in this mindset, and going to the JGLM LifeTeam Conference in

    Colorado with Curry Blake/Joe Funaro.

    Mindset #5: Ministering Life, walking in Compassion

    Beyond the authority aspect, I realized that I was also ministering Divine life (1 John 5:12).

    Beyond realizing that I had all authority, I realized that the motivation must be about having compassion

    on people (Matt 9:36).


    You can heal the sick without having compassion on the person. If you do it enough, you will realize that

    youre missing something. It is easy to get caught up in the fact that God is working with you to do the

    impossible, and its good to have fun and enjoy it. But the emphasis shouldnt be onwhathappened,

    but who it happened to.

    That is why the best testimonies arent ones like, We saw someones leg grow out, but the ones like,

    A ladys leg grew out and she was healed of 30 years of constant back pain, and she could pick up her

    daughter for the first time without any pain.


    Hopefully this helps!

    The Journey The Motive Behind it All

    Published October 18, 2010

    Be sure to read my other Journey articles.

    1| 2| 3 | 4

    Here are some of the motives people have when doing signs and wonders (obviously not


    because they want to get over their own fears
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    because they want to see what theyre capable of because they want to see the miraculous because they want to be seen by others because they want attention because they want money because they want to build up a ministry/name/reputation because they want to prove someone else (or group) wrong because they want to validate/prove their own beliefs because they want to prove their identity because they want approval from God because they hate the devil because they want to do what Jesus said because they want to steward what they have been given because they want to provoke others to good works because they have compassion for the lost and broken

    Reading through this list, I am sure you can pick out the good and bad motives. But the point I want

    to make is that there is a good, better, and best.

    There is only one motive that Jesus repeatedly mentioned and demonstrated in the gospels, and that

    is, compassion. He did do what His Father said, He did have a hate for the work of the devil, He did

    provoke others to good works, but the only one he preached was compassion.

    Every one of those motives that I listed, Ive done at one point (good and bad), but I have since found

    that compassion must be the first and foremost motive while I am demonstrating this gospel.

    About 8 months ago when I was first starting up, there was a point where I got bored even in the midst

    of seeing many, many miracles. Everything somehow started to become routine and the luster of seeing

    the impossible happen began to wear out.

    I started from pure excitement to see what else I could do with resurrection power (Rom 8:11), to

    feeling completely satisfied because it felt like I was on top of the world, to feeling bored

    because Iwasnt seeing the bigger breakthroughs.
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    I was pondering this to myself when Holy Spirit matter-of-factly said, Youre not walking in compassion,

    youre not serving, youre being selfish. This has been all about you you you.


    I thought for a few minutes and realized what I had done. I was healing the sick for my own satisfaction

    rather than having compassion for people and serving them.

    Healing the sick had become about me, rather than the person in front of me.

    Which miracle I can see today?rather thanHow can I serve my brothers and sisters?

    I can show you a miraclerather thanI want you to experience the freedom that Christ has paid for.


    Why is this relevant?

    Jesus placed a very high value on motive.

    1.) Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you

    have no reward from your Father in heaven. (Matthew 6:1)

    Jesus never said charitable deeds were bad, but if youre doing it with the wrong motive, you have no

    reward from your Father in heaven.

    2.) Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, If You are the Son of God, command that these stones

    become bread If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down All these things I will give You if You

    will fall down and worship me. (Matthew 4:1-11)

    Jesus never denied his ability to do any of those things. The issue was not about the task, but whose

    voice He was listening to.

    3.) And though I have [the gift of]prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and

    though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I

    bestow all my goods to feed [the poor], and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it

    profits me nothing. (1 Cor 13:2-3)

    You can read someones mail, you can have the greatest revelation, you can have mountain-moving

    faith, you can feed the poor, you can die a martyrs death, but if it isnt because of the outworking of

    love, youve missed it.

    Let me explain

    1.) If you are healing the sick for the purpose of getting a name or reputation, or building a ministry (to

    be seen by other people), youve missed it.
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    2.) If you are healing the sick for the purpose of proving your identity, or to prove someone else wrong,

    or prove your theology right, youve missed it.

    If someone challenges you by saying If you are who you say you are, prove it or If you can really do

    what you say you can do, prove it you are being tempted on the level that Jesus was tempted.

    My friendCornelsaid this recently:

    The greatest temptation is not porn, alcohol, drugs, success or wealth. The greatest temptation you will

    face is when you are asked to prove your identity by supernatural manifestations.

    The devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness, and the Pharisees tempted him twice(Matt 12:38,Matt

    16:1). Both times, Jesus passed the test and didnt comply to their request.

    3.) It is possible to do signs/wonderseven other things we have been commanded to do without

    love and compassion.

    Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in

    Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?And then I will declare to them, I never knew you;

    depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness! Matthew 7:22-23

    You can do everything Jesus did, but not actually know Him. You can mimic His acts, but still miss His

    ways. You can have all the supernatural signs and wonders, but not have supernatural Love.

    By thisallwillknowthat you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35

    Again, to reiterate, not every single motive is bad. Healing the sick because you hate the devil and his

    work or because Jesus said to do it are both good motives. But let it first and foremost be because you

    have compassion for people.

    And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but thegreatestof these islove. 1 Cor 13:13

    If youre walking in resurrection power, it is very easy to go back to your church to prove that healing

    is for today. It is easy to confront powerless preaching by demonstrating power.

    It is easy to do miracles just because its exciting, but if compassion is not your first motive,people can

    tell when you are treating them like projects rather than a person.

    It is easy to see miracles everyday, but its just as easy to get to a point where you do it mechanically,

    Ok, be healed. Awesome. Jesus loves you. Bye rather than flowing in compassion and actually caring

    about the person.

    If youre just starting out, its very easy to get caught up with seeing more miracles. Thats not bad in

    itself, but dont stay there, learn to walk in compassion for people.
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    If youre around old friends or skeptics and you want to show them real power, its tempting to get

    caught up in trying to prove that what you have is real, rather than walking in compassion.

    If youre praying for someone that seemingly isnt getting better, its easy to get angry at the devil and

    have that become the driving force instead of having compassion.

    Ifyou didnt think outreach wasnt good/successful solely because you didnt see anyone get healed,

    something is off.

    If you feel like you cant minister to a person just because that person doesnt have a sickness or

    ailment, then youve missed the point. The point is to demonstrate Jesus and have compassion for the

    person you are in front of.

    If the only reason why youre doing the Great Commission is because Jesus told us to do it, rather than

    it being an overflow of the Greatest Commandment, youve missed it.

    The point is NOT to build a healing ministry, the point is to have a life that looks like Jesus; to walk as he

    walked (1 John 2:3-6) and re-present Him (1 John 4:17). In the context of the whole book of 1 John, it is

    overwhelmingly clear that love is the command.

    Love is not contained in healing the sick, but healing the sick is

    an act of love. If you feel like you cant minister to someone if they dont have a sickness, you have not

    learned to love [fully]. Some people just need a glimmer of hope(Proverbs 13:12), some people need

    Wisdom from God (Eph 3:10), some people need some cash to buy food, and some people just need a

    listening ear.

    Let me reiterate, most of these motives I have listed are not bad (or evil), and I have done them myself

    at one point, Im just saying there is one motive that we are told to operate in.

    By thisallwillknowthat you are My disciples, if you have lovefor one another. John 13:35

    My little children, let us notlove in word or in tongue, but in deedand in truth. 1 John 3:18

    On a different point, we, at the house, have decided to take an indefinite amount of time off from the

    internet to answer some questions that we have. We understand that many people have been impacted
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    by what we are doing, but we have failed when we have created a following that looks to us rather than

    the Teacher Himself.

    Self-educate. Take responsibility for the world around you. Get answers for yourself. If you have

    something to say, say it. It is not pride to shout something you know is true and/or if you know that it

    will set people free.

    When Paul said, Imitate me, for I imitate Christ, I think he was saying, Do what I am doing, I

    am following Jesus; you should follow Jesus. He was NOT saying, Copy me, because I copied

    Jesus. He was saying, Copy me, in the sense thatall I am doing is learning to be like Jesus.

    If you make a copy of a copy of a copy, eventually you will look quite different than the Master.

    In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in

    these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom

    he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of his being.

    Hebrews 1:1-3

    Jesus is perfect theologyAnything you think you know about about God, that you cant find in the

    person of Jesus, you have reason to question. Bill Johnson


    If you guys really need to connect with us, email will work.

    So until next time, peace to you, grace to you.


    The Journey In One Year

    Published March 28, 2011

    Be sure to read my other Journey articles.

    1| 2| 3| 4


    In the Beginning (Jan March 2010)

    There were just 3. I had moved in with Ryan/Laura in their apartment in Redding for 2 months.

    We listened tothe DHTand realized how much bad theology we had. With our newly-realized authority,

    we learned how easy it was to walk inboldness, we learned how to talk and act likesons, we learned the

    reality ofpersecution, we learned how torespond to pharisees, we realized that9 out of 10 peoplehad

    1 leg shorter than the other and we started to do iteverywhere, we learned theutmost importance of

    sowing good seedsbecause plants will reproduce after its own kind
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    Every week at Bethels Healing rooms we saw hundreds healed, and we

    realized how how important it was to actually train people to walk and stay in freedominstead of

    creating a supernatural drive-through with temporary satisfaction. We saw hundreds healed, and we

    watched people without their own momentum swing back and forth with symptoms of sickness. We

    learned the importance of teaching peoplehow to fightin addition to fighting for them. We learned how

    to dismantle all kinds ofbad tradition, we learned how topersevereto see the results we were looking

    for, and we learned to place a value on results rather than nitpicking on particular methods.

    A New City, A New Vision (March 2010)

    When we rebooted in San Jose, the team grew to 7-8. Among us, some had given up jobs, education,

    and some even moved away from home to kindle what we started.

    At that time, we were all about bringing the power. Power is the missing link Power is what will bring

    the revival everyone is longing for!!! we thought. Were gonna take over the whole city!

    Within the first few weeks, we realized how sheltered we had been. We realized how much

    christianese we spoke, we realized we really had no idea how to relate to the outside world. We

    learned how to actually be relatable to people we were ministering to, how to talk about the Kingdom

    without any over-spiritualized terms.

    We learned how to be more diligent in follow-up. We learned how to live andgive generously, we

    learnedhow to live out of our spirit instead of feelings and emotions.

    Our influence grew as we started to minister at events, outreaches, teaching people how to bring

    freedom and the Kingdom as a lifestyle rather than an event. We were downtown at the clubs friday

    nights, we regularly visitedWalmart, local malls,Santa Rosa, and we got to go toRhode


    Growth of Influence (April Sept 2010)

    During the first 4-5 months, we tried to incorporate ourselves into several local churches, but most of

    them werent doing anything close to what we had in mind. Most of them were concerned with their

    own congregation, church growth, and rarely did we encounter a church that was actively ministering to

    the lost and one that valuedresultsover our qualifications/training/methods.

    Meanwhile, our group had grown, so we didnt know anything else but to start a house church. I use

    quotes because its such a loose definition. So for 3-4 months, we had a weekly house church meeting

    that we alsostreamed online.
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    We eventually created the same church structure that we were trying to get away from. We created the

    same pastor, man of God, sermon-based structure as in most Sunday morning churches.

    Change of Direction (Sept Dec 2010)

    So after doing house church, we restrategized and started having church

    at a local mall. We realized we werent actually making significant impact on the city our lights were

    covered by our house as we were fellowshipping together so we wanted to have our gatheringin the

    midst of peoplewho actually needed hope.

    It was at about this time we realized how ineffective street evangelism was (in the context of

    discipleship). We had done street outreach stuff for the previous 7-8 months and we had yet to seeeven 1 person get discipled as a direct result of street outreach. When we realized this, we had to

    reassess the effectiveness of what we were doing. Its the definition of insanity to expect different results

    if youre doing the same thing right?

    So we did the mall church for about 3 months. We were hoping to establish a reputation among the

    regulars at the mall by meeting up three times a week at the foodcourt of the mall. We led families to

    salvation, ministered healing and hope to anyone nearby, we gained a reputation among the janitor

    ladies for prayer and healing, and even gained favor among the security team which allowed us to

    promote what we were doing to all the businesses in the mall but we didnt see any lasting fruit.

    We saw the same miracles, lots of encounters, but no one stuck around to get involved. Even the

    families that enthusiastically expressed they would come every week, never showed up.

    On the bright side, we ended up creating a culture where people would actually got to know each other.

    Because we were in a mall setting, we had removed the sermon/worship part of our meetings, so

    everyone had an opportunity to invest in one another, care about, serve, and bear one anothers


    Lessons Learned (Dec 2010 March 2011)

    From there, we decided to combine our previous attempts in establishing a community. We liked the

    fellowship that resulted from the mall church, and we liked the home environment. So, we started our

    house meetings again but made the central focus about loving one another by serving each other.

    Turns out, the Kingdom is really about helping people get healthy in their relationship with God and

    their relationships with people (hey, sounds like the great commandment). Its developing relationships

    with each other, loving one another by actually caring about each other.
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    Turns out, you really only influence people when you demonstrate that you care about them instead of

    having an agenda to change them. Turns out, taking over the city really starts with you loving your

    neighbor as yourself not in words, but in action (1 John 3:18), and then teaching them to do the same to

    those around them (Matt 28:20).

    Relationship is the foundation of discipleshipand this is precisely the reason why mostchurches dontcreate many disciples. They have relegated discipleship into a program instead of a relationship, their

    systems arent conducive to relationships, they are primarily channels of information-exchange rather

    than relationship-exchange.

    Coincidentally, the more relationships that happen, the more people are trained to actually love each

    other, or rather trained to express love to each other. Love cannot be expressed outside the context of


    State of the Ministry (Now TBD)

    So as of now, this is how we do church.Sunday morningsandTuesday evenings, we meet because we

    are interested and care about each other, not because theres going to be good worship or a good

    sermon or because we have a good pastor.

    Worship is good because it has become a lifestyle, not because weve gathered to sing songs. The

    sermon is good because its been tailored personally as we speak with one another and help each

    other with what were struggling with or growing in. There is no more solitary good pastor becauseweve all learned to be pastored, and now pastor one another.

    With these core values in place, we have created an environment for everyone to grow as leaders, for

    everyone to grow in relationship, and for everyone to provoke one another to good works. I think weve

    discovered what being knit together can look like (Col 2).

    Outreach is more of a lifestyle rather than an event. Relationship has taken priority over short-lived

    influence. Longevity over the wow factor.

    We have by no means figured everything out, but we have learned a lot through trial and error. There

    are a few more tweaks we are looking to make in the future, being able to reassess and changedirections has been one of the most vital factors in our growth.

    Heres a bonus on discipleship:
  • 7/28/2019 The Journey Series


    So if you would like to get discipled via skype/phone withRyan, you can send him an email at

    [email protected]. I will be making myself available to do this as well after I return from

    Africa.Dennis,Sue, a few others and I will be in South Africa for 6 weeks (April 5th May 19th). You can

    read more about the triphere.

    Heres an extra bonus on discipleship:

    InJohn 9, Jesus heals a man who was blind from birth. The pharisees were mad and questioned this man

    and his parents about who healed him and how he did it:

    25He answered and said, Whether He is a sinneror not I do not know. One thing I know: that though I

    was blind, now I see.26

    Then they said to him again, What did He do to you? How did He open your eyes?27

    He answered them, I told you already, and you did not listen. Why do you want to hearit again?Do

    you also want to become His disciples? John 9:25-27

    A disciple is not synonymous to a believer. It is absolutely free to become a believer, but it will costeverything to be a disciple. The implication of a disciple is that they want to learn. When someone

    inquires, How did you heal me? How did you know that? How do you know these things? Where did

    you learn how to do that? Why are you doing this for free?, it means that they want to learn, and that

    is an open invitation for you to disciple that person.

    One of the reasons why we are seeing lots of success in discipleship is because we are givingpractical

    answerstopeoples problems. We are givinghope to the hopeless, and that is why people want to

    learn. People want answers, so they come. When you have answers to the worlds problems, the world

    will come knocking on your door.

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