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    Global Awakening NewsCommentary and Guidance for Enlightened Change During Rapidly Changing Times


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    The Human QuestionBegan on February 20, 2013 Completed on July 26, 2013

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    The human question, for those focused on spiritual evolution,concerns the viability of humans on Earth as a vehicle

    for the evolution of spiritual beings.

    This is a companion essay to Queen of the Machine as there is the directinfluence by the forces underlying biology upon spiritual consciousness. Thereare more details that I simply cannot go into and thus this essay is set up as acollection of related notes with section separators. It is one offour companionessays that were to be included with the end of the A-List Updates. The serieswas originally summarized in the January-March 2013 Update.

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    Four concluding essays to the A -L i s t , by Alex Kochkinwith editorial and critical assistance from Tish Van Camp:

    The H um an Quest i o n came about from a decades-long ongoingexamination and re-examination of the potential and appropriateness of extanthumans as a vehicle for spiritual intelligences to learn and evolve through. Thisprocess required examining how things were in the next levels up from human,which in turn required examining more of the state of the souls and higher levelbeings that were hooked into the human level of awareness.Link:

    Queen o f t h e M ach i n e essay came about from explorations of the energeticspaces underlying 3d and from assessing the state of the correction energies.The implications of the situation with levels below 3d density have yet to beexplored enough. Perhaps it will be answeredpost-correctionsby those whohave learned the most from this demented realm of existence quaintly referredto as 3d. My preliminary observations are that there is evidence of a primaryor primal root template that has been suppressed and distorted from theinception of all that which the Dark manifested or came to dominate. When thedark side machinery is removed through the larger transformation process thatis underway, then what remains?Link:

    Dea t h a n d T r a n s fi g u r a t i o n emerged from over a year of contemplatingthe state of the ascension process and of those at their human levels who had an

    affinity for this. Background to this probably spans most of my human lifetimehere and my knowledge that true life exists without any need for a conflictingduality and the illusion of death.Link:

    P r ob l ems o f D i ssi p a t i o n developed through the consideration of the largerquestions of the relationship between higher self/higher level beings and humanself and the seeming inability to meaningful influence changes at the humanlevel. This touches upon what I have come to regard as an additional flaw in thegreater creation process. Link:

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    Summary Introduction

    Modern humans began as tribal-social animals with a capacity forselfcenteredness. Social programming has shifted humans more towardselfcentered, social-tribal animals,with only the rarest of exceptions. These are

    the most concise descriptors I can offer.

    Without the presence or involvement of a spiritual intelligence, the humanvessel would simply be a self-aware animal with idiosyncratic tendencies andvariations in physical appearance not unlike other more complex life forms onEarth today.

    Overall, the bio-physical state of humans mirrors a fallen realm in that it isgoverned by spiritually deranged impulses and operates both as omni-predatorand omni-parasite with regard to one another as well as the entirety of theplanetary environment.

    The very nature of the human body, its maintenance requirements, and its baseimpulses are inherently limiting to spiritual intelligences.

    Driven by the necessity for physical food, water, air, the human body takes inmyriad substances and organisms, all of which require energy to process.While there are finer or subtle energies involved in maintaining the cellulartemplates, the mind of the cells has been habituated to grosser forms of energyderived from the chemical breakdown of gross plant and animal materials intomyriad specific substances more suitable for the assimilation by body cells.

    Amongst this intake of material substances are parasitic and predatory macroand microorganisms that require additional energy expenditures to counteract.Like any animal, gross matter is converted into varied forms of raw materials andenergy for the body. Gross material waste by-products are excreted mainlythrough the digestive tract, skin, and lungs. Like most animals, there is also theprogrammed impulse to reproduce or replicate more of itself or face geneticextinction. This is reinforced upon the human self through various social memes.

    As an animal organism, the human form is subject to various influences from acorrupted operating environment (nature). This is itself a spiritual problem inso far as it is based upon and perpetuates, consumption, parasitism, predation,and decay.

    We might do well to bear in mind that human of 3d Earth is merely oneparadigm of density-creation for spiritual beings to study and learn through.

    All of this becomes a major spiritual problem when essentially nave spiritualbeings go beyond limited visiting to learn, and eventually arriveen masse,

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    enthralled by and addicted to an infinite range of sensory and emotive stimulithat an environment such as this produces. When we factor in the effects fromDark anti-creational forces, a gravely serious spiritual problem arises.

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    Stories of fallen angels, aliens, etc. who engineered human genetics, etc. arebarely the whole picture. These stories, to the extent that they have a basis in fact,are merely descriptive versions that are a byproduct of limited human awareness,one rooted in a distorted reality at that.

    The main story is that of spiritual intelligences entering into human form, toexperience being play actors in the very material setting of Earth. This had itsown influence upon what was done with human genetics. Over thousands ofyears, the separation grew between the projected aspect of a higher level beingand its human level. This growing separation is as much the result of the darkforce interferences as it is the erosion or dissipation of the spiritual intelligence ofthe greater level/soul being.

    After a while, it became nearly impossible to hold onto much of any spiritualmemory upon entry in human 3d form. Like a type of rapidly growing dementia.Now this is being reversed. Those who have been associated with the true Lightare coming to know this, those who have been associated with the Dark arecoming to know this as well. The truth for most is overwhelming, frighteningeven at times.

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    There has been to this day, a relationship between higher level beings and theformation of a human self one that has generally not been healthy or productivefor any of the levels involved. This is now changing due to the influence of thecorrection energies and pressure at the level of spiritualized human selfs.

    One of the underlying reasons for this ongoing problem can be found in thecreation process that gave rise to individuated soul and other higher level beings.

    In the fallen realms of conflictual duality this has been a very serious problem ashigher level beings sought to explore and individuate into lower levels of density.Part of the problem has to do with there not having been adequate strengthening

    of the higher oneness connection as the denser levels were plumbed. By way ofsimplistic analogy, the farther down one descends a rope or bungee, the strongerit must be to bring you back up.

    Why have so many higher levels beings remained stuck in the human earthreincarnational cycles, projecting parts of themselves, like players addicted to avirtual reality game whose rules are rigged against them? Why have so much oftheir former human selfs been allowed to drift like ghosts in an astral region

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    populated by dark forces and others of like kind? And how is it that their humanpresences for the most part seem to have no conscious connection to their higherlevels? Why have the soul and higher level beings not been more involved incorrecting an obviously corrupt and false reality?

    One reason for this is, that in becoming entangled with the fallen realms, therewas an unforeseen problem of the retrieval of portions or aspects of themselves.As above, many soul beings and other larger beings lost connection with theirtrue origins and this carried over to a type of carelessness or lassitude with theirexplorations of 3d density. The 3d levels became too much a place of stimulusand excitement from thrills and fears and all the rest that goes on down here. Asfar as human selfs are concerned, the main problem was a lack of understandingon the part of their higher levels as to the dangers of entering here without asufficient recall to home system.

    Over time there has been an accumulation of human-level beliefs projectedupwards beliefs that were for the most part based on the falsehoods of a corruptearthly reality. Since one of the attractors for higher level beings was to learn andto have full 3d experiences, what was learned became more like a human junkfood diet of distorted notions and beliefs. These became the basis for explorationof 3d again and again, accumulating more distortions from the fallen realm. Likethe human level social inertial ballast we discovered from our social scienceresearch, the higher level beings became ballasted with much of the detritus froma degenerate existence. As always, there were and are exceptions.

    This insufficiency to recall aspects of themselves is also related to a tendencytoward a dissipation of spiritual energies, especially as they came into contactwith the dark realms. And of course it is closely connected to the problem of a

    lack of understanding in the higher realms of the particulars of and seriousness ofthe situation of spiritual beings caught up in the dark creation matrix.

    To transcend the ballast effects of human bodily and social existence upon thespiritual true Self, it is essential to know the difference between ones host vehicleand its unique Earthly context and ones true nature as a spiritual being that hastemporarily lost clear and direct communication with its true home origins.

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    Physical Body, Subtle Bodies, Light Body, and Beyond(Begun February 2013 Completed July 2013)

    I wish to make a distinction between three generalized states in the context of thelarger transformation and ascension process.

    Thephysical body has various interdependent systems with interdependent highlevel regulators or processing centers. The endocrine system and central nervoussystem would be good examples of this. Those who trace the electro-spiritual

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    currents are aware of the coincidence between physical structures and grosserenergetic structures. Acupuncture is a well-known example.

    The subtle bodies are essential to the function of the physical levels and have ahigher vibrational correspondence to the physical systems. Part of the basic

    protection systems for most 3d biological organisms is to sense possible dangersand avoid physical risks.

    This became part of the armature of the emotional body that has been used toelevate and enhance sensory inputs to the spiritual intelligences that form anembodied personal self. This has also been one of the addictive hooks that hascontributed heavily to spiritual beings seeking endless stimulation throughhuman and other embodied states. Some may develop long-term agendas orshopping lists for when they are embodied. Some have them forced upon themthrough the Dark side manipulations of karma.

    The lightbody is a higher level energetic vehicle that can take any configuration,not just humanoid and can occupy an enormous space and span manyvibrational levels of existence. Unlike the lower level subtle bodies, it has no needfor structures that correspond to human functions. Beyond the lightbody, is theoriginating matrix of the individual soul or higher being, its first differentiationfrom Creator of All.

    In some cases there is a separation underway in which much of the personalmemory and spiritual consciousness of what has been focused through ourhuman vehicles will be flowing into a new vehicle, a lightbody. This upshiftingis something we have discussed over the years.

    Spiritual Psychology

    In previous material, I have offered a simplified schema to the functionalstructures of human consciousness. To recapitulate, there is the middle self thepersonality self you a higher human self that is like a compact referenceedition that derives from your greater being and a lower self which has theclosest relationship to your physicality. Underlying these are the inconscientlevels whose basement would be the corrupted machinery of physicality.

    Spiritual psychology has its origins with the need of various esoteric schools tohelp students and initiates understand the various levels of their inner personalbeing. In general its purpose was to help bring about the control or mastery bythe higher mind (or by dark forces) over physical and emotional and egoicimpulses of the human individual.

    - from October 2010 A-List Update, Part-2:

    The introductory pages referred to on page 11 of the October 14th Update concernthe book, Living Within a compilation by A. S. Dalal from the work of

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    Aurobindo and Mirra. It is an excellent little primer on the internal workings ofthe various levels of mind that spiritual aspirants have to deal with.

    It is unfortunate that little or nothing is discussed in terms of the interferencesand influences of dark forces upon ones state of consciousness. And it fails to

    address the deeper problems of the inconscient machinery and its resistance tospiritual change. Thus it reflects on certain weaknesses in Auribindo and Mirraswork. As always, my referral is not an endorsement of any specific practicessuggested in the book.

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    Summary of A Little History

    Humans most recent legacy encompasses more than 12,000 years of obligatoryhard work to grow grains, legumes, and other seeds and fruits, raise animals for

    their milk, hair, skins, and to eat their flesh. During much of this period groups ofhumans were at violent war with on another with short interludes of relativepeace. Even in the early days thousand of years ago, there is recorded over theEuropean continent remnants of centuries of continuous inter-tribal-socialwarfare. Accumulation of primitive surplus was used not for creative expression,but to make stockpiles of crude armaments.

    In some ways the simpler hunter-gathers were at least not enslaved to workingthe land nor governed by hierarchical social control political systems thatcivilizations were given to. Of course, their physical existence was barely anupgrade over that of the animals they hunted.

    The basic requirement of consuming food required humans to become organizedpredators and parasites upon other living creatures the plants and animals aswell as one another. Ironically, the process of metabolizing these grosssubstances also made them subject to macro and micro-scaled pathogenicparasites which could destroy the host creature if left unchecked.

    Without higher level spiritual intelligence to guide them, humans tend to defaultto a state not unlike ant colonies. Ants will propagate parasitic insects to convertplant or other materials into substances that the ants can readily assimilate. Thisof course usually results in the death of the host plant/environment. And so theants move on and adapt this mode wherever advantageous. When ant coloniesreach certain capacities, new colonies or subsidiary colonies are formed and theprocess burgeons. Some ant colonies thrive upon wars of conquest upon oneanother.

    Early human colonies engaged in much the same behavior as they arrogantlyintroduced various systems to convert materials in their immediate planetaryenvironment into substances they could more readily assimilate. Herd and farmanimals, earthworms, invasive plants, dangerous pathogens, etc.

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    To support the process of large-scale social system dynamics, humans wereprogrammed with social control memes. These included organized religion tohelp rationalize their modes of existence and thus labeled anything andeverything as sacred that might be convenient to their tribal-social survival

    interests. The notion of human superiority over all life would be anotherexample, one that mimicked in the 3d as below, the arrogant insanity of Darkforce entities that believed themselves the epitome of creation gods. Converselythere are humans today who virtually worship anything that appears tooriginate in nature as if it were something holy. (A topic that is touched on inthe essay Queen of the Machine.)

    As below, so above a grotesque process was replicated and adapted from thehigher levels of the deranged spiritual beings all the way into the lower levels of3d density, and lower even. At various vibrational states, the Earth itself isriddled with interdimensional parasitic entities, some of which mimic parasitesthat infest biology.

    In addition to direct parasitism in the range of 4d astral, 3d, and lower levels,there have been ways that the dark attacked or fed off of the light of creator-ensouled beings at their higher levels, at times precipitating the damage orremoval of entire aspects. This could also extend into their lower energystructures in the 4d astral, 3d material planes, and levels below that. Ways tofacilitate this parasitic pattern were naturally imbedded in the creation ofmodern humans on earth by fallen beings not unlike back doors incomputer software to allow surreptitious access.

    In addition, a propensity for war and conflict was imbedded by ET/alien gods

    into their human flocks. Humans were genetically engineered and selectivelybred to favor parasitic and predatory behavior. Social engineering over manythousands of years was used to reinforce this and to train humans to maintaintheir own imprisonment. This imprisonment was also a trap for spiritual beingsthat became caught up in the cycles of human existence.

    And thus it is no surprise that humans have been at war with one another formany thousands of years. There were periods of war lasting for centuries withonly brief interludes. Today, much of the human world is in a state of permanentwar with itself and with a planetary environment that cannot support the extanthuman population. This is due to much more than the machinations of an insane

    human power elite or the influences of higher dimensional Dark forces.

    Those who understand enough of this can better appreciate and assess itsimplications for human and higher level existence. In looking at the sweep of thesituation on Earth involving humans, there are those of the higher realmsconsciousness that have unequivocally vowed this situation is never again tooccur. And at levels that resonate to the Divine templates for life, there is acorresponding consciousness that precedes the machine mind programming

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    and that also vows never again. This is something one could call revolt of thecells and the revolt of matter

    Some of the foregoing is also discussed in essay Queen of the Machine.

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    Note:For supplemental background, please see the Appendix: A Little More History.

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    The Spiritual Problem

    The primary interest of the higher realms in the human situation is in itspotential for rapid and comprehensive spiritual evolutionary growth that can

    emerge from the spiritual insanity of the human-Earth level of existence. Thechanges here are also an important development in the dissolution of Darkforces, correction of the fallen realms, and the return of the Light.

    This is something that I have discussed many times as high level correctionenergies to support the prime directives of separating the Dark from the trueLight and for maximizing the opportunities for all concerned to learn and evolveas spiritual beings from all that has transpired in the fallen realms. Toward theseends, correction energies have been reaching into the levels of density at thelevel of human matter and below and simultaneously working to help greaterlevel beings to learn and reconstitute themselves. This process includes what Ihave been referring to as the press pot filtering, one from below movingupward, and one from above moving downward. This is rapidly separating thatwhich is of the true Light from that of the Dark and its influences. More refinedversions of this are already underway in the next levels up.

    Extricating or ascending the spiritual essence of humans has proven difficultgiven the reluctance and outright refusal to change and evolve by human selfswho have no clue as to their true nature or origins. This has its correspondence athigher levels which presents as a type of clueless reluctance by those greaterbeings entranced and addicted to the human game. At the human levels ofconsciousness, when presented with devastating catastrophe and suffering, thehuman self has preferred to remain, run, or hide among what is mostfamiliar,just like so many other types of animals.

    At different times over many thousands of years, various teachers have attemptedto introduce new ways of living and being to people, but no matter what the modeof society or economy of living, the same problems have been there: parasiticconsumption and the drive to survive as individuals and tribes, no matter theeventual cost.

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    Many times it has also been tried to descend the Divine supramental consciousness from the higher realms to facilitate the transformation of humans and Earth.Each time it has failed for various reasons.

    Up to the present time, modern civilization has given rise to countless millions

    of humans who have no idea how to live except to buy toxic artificial foods andconsume them in toxic living and working environments and who spend most oftheir lives trying to maintain an existence in a caged environment, subordinate toothers who may have some measure of material privileges over them, and on itgoes in a hierarchical structure that is under the control of a web of higher levelparasites, some of which are not even human. This process is self-replicating asthe growing numbers of humans breed more of themselves and project variationsof the social control matrix upon their offspring.

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    Overall, the innate nature and condition of extant humans and their physicalvessels is best left to the merciful discretion of those forces which are charged bythe Divine with the cleaning, clearing, and correction from the Dark forceinfluences upon the entire Earthly environment, including that of the Earth Itself.

    The Divine template that was used by the Dark in the making of humans on Earthcan be brought forth in a higher vibrational world, a new Earth and worked withby those higher level beings/soul beings that have learned how to conductthemselves and who maintain a connection of higher Oneness.

    It is possible at some point in the future that the Divine template can bebrought forth through those rare humans who possess the adequate spiritual and

    humanly functional capacities and who are also connected with the higher realmsand Oneness.

    The Earth as a creational garden can also be resurrected from the Divinetemplates. Present day 3d Earth is not the time or place for this, however.

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    A Grand Unification

    The following section was posted recently at the NES forum:,958.msg6057.html#msg6057

    This concerns a process of voluntary/conscious unification of consciousness thatfunctions in parallel or in-line with the unification of ones main energy centersand ones subtle and light bodies of ones entire spiritual being.

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    Our remarks are mainly addressed to those who are focused on a conscious andcontinuous ascension. This is my focus now, as there is nothing of any greaterimportance.

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    A few years ago we published various articles in Global Awakening Newsconcerning the ascension and transformation process and additional material inthe succeeding A-List Updates. There is now a substantial body of teachingmaterial that has been presented as freely and directly as possible.

    While it is important for our own greater understanding and spiritualdevelopment as spiritual beings, it serves no good purpose to dwell on theactualor perceived inadequacies of the greater level/soul beings which have a humanpresence, nor does it serve any good purpose to blame Prime Creator for adefective product.

    Many higher level beings have become excessively dissipated or fragmented.Some may find this too terrible to be aware of, but it is far better to be aware ofthese problems and perhaps even play some role in helping to correct them evenwhile you are still embodied in human 3d.

    So many greater level beings/soul beings are learning that they must clean upafter themselves, pull all of themselves together or to consciously dissolve orreabsorb damaged or lost fragments or aspects themselves. Some suffereddamage due to attacks by the Dark, including so many that have had a humanpresence here on Earth.

    This dynamic of pulling yourself together would be an as below version forgreater beings/souls beings and corresponds to Creator of All calling in all ofItself.

    The same process applies for ones human self in the conscious ascension processof a spiritualized human self. What micro-fragments of yourself will you hold onto (or will have a hold on you) and thus interfere with your own consciousascension process? This would be the as below version corresponding to asimilar process that your soul being/greater level being undergoes.

    I have explained most of this previously and in earlier writings. To dwell on this

    further now only causes unnecessary distress and unfounded shame or blameissues for partially awakened humans who are not ready to understand this.

    One of the concluding essays, Problems of Dissipation discusses this in a largerframework.

    The unification process may be occurring for more and more of those humanlevel selfs who are most prepared. It has an energetic correspondence with

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    merging or over-lapping of the main energy centers that make up each of themain aspects of your greater level being as well. (See articles on the CrystalBody exercises for examples.) Some may merge these centers, some energycenters may remain differentiated. It really is unique to each.

    With these energetic changes, there is less emphasis on form (humanoid orother) and more emphasis on energy flow and direction with a strong integrity toones dynamic structures all of which are needed to support a more evolved andunified field of consciousness and of being.

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    In previous essays I have discussed the importance of a high attractor, as wellas attending to ones completions and detaching of ones human level from thisrealm, etc. This leads to a greater energetic capacity between your middle self andlower self (that which has been closest to the base human level). The result can belike two traveling companions that have more capacity together than they do astwo separate entities. This dynamic also applies to the human self in itsremerging into its own higher level of being or vice versa. Eventually it becomes amutual process.

    This is the main point of understanding enough of spiritual psychology, notendlessly processing ones memories and psychological dysfunction fromchildhood, memories of social injustice, etc. These serve no useful spiritualpurpose and it is best to simply let go of personal baggage.

    To do this requires the human self to know that is not human, and know it is aspiritual being. (Of course, Peirre Teilhard de Chardin is famously quoted on this

    but that was only a fragment of the whole.)

    Are you human or are you a spiritual being who has been having humanexperiences?

    This no mere koan, it represents a very important step, one that I have addressedbefore. It bears directly upon the most important of beliefs held at your humanlevel beliefs that influence your ascension and re-integration with your owngreater level being. This is one of the considerations behind the extensivestratifications that have been developed for the ongoing ascension process at thenext levels up. Those who are still focused upon mundane human concerns

    personal or collective will find that that is what remains for them in theirascension process from 3d into higher levels. Those who are still fighting thegood fight need to know that the war is over. Period. Let it go. And at whateverlevel you may be so engaged.

    As long as you are a human-identified human there will be a tendency to think oract passively, waiting for help to arrive, demanding an end to that which is un-right, waiting to see how things go, hoping for this or that, wondering what side

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    is the right one to support, etc. Please stop.

    Once your human self surrenders itself up to its higher level of being, there comesa final stage of detaching from ones physical moorings.

    Concerns and fears dissolve away at that point and ones thoughts are effusedwith a mutual love and affection between ones greater being and that aspect thathas been human you in this lifetime.

    There is no how to step-by-step manual for this. For each it is unique. However,over the years, we have provided much by way of background and guidance aswell as explanations of the working principles which are most in common withthe whole process.

    As your process progresses, ones thinks less and less as a human from a humanpoint of view about human concerns and more and more as a spiritual beingthat identifies with the Higher Oneness and their Divine origins. For a while thiscan be a continuous waking/sleeping meditation/contemplation. Whatever oneshigher attractor might be from a spiritualized human level point-of-view,expansion into your Divine nature as a spiritual being becomes the high attractorand the high attractor becomes you.

    As always, focused intent is essential.


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    Supplementary to The Human Question

    Binary or Quantum? Dual Mind as anAberrationJuly 29, 2013,1431.msg6079.html#msg6079

    Note: The original posting: The Human Question can be found at:,1428.msg6075.html#msg6075

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    Once again I find relevant analogy from the realm of human computer technologyto serve the point of spiritual learning.

    Is the human Self -- you -- operating as a binary processor or a quantumprocessor? Is this some new koan to contemplate? If it is, is it quantum/unitymind or binary dualistic mind doing the contemplation?

    Or are these also false dichotomies that are simultaneously true?

    And is this yet another koan to drive dual mind crazy?

    If so, which version of mind is doing the contemplating?

    How well can you appreciate the humor in all this?

    Is human reality of 3d an illusion, a projection of something Other? Andcould this be yet another false dichotomy that is part of a sophisticated matrixcontrol meme?

    You see, in simply thinking about these things, there are many potentiallyexhausting mental loops.

    The dual mind tends to be compartmentalized into black and white and as itwith most, they can only consider, process, and grasp (grok) one state orcondition or another other, but rarely both together. Most can only consider one

    or two related or divergent concepts at the same time, rarely more than that.

    The prevalence of all those little view screens on all those electronic gadgetsliterally and figuratively constricts and narrows ones field of view and erodeshuman capacity to discern and reflect upon complexities using language. Rarefew are still able to think or communicate transmitting or receiving with anydepth or clarity.

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    And so, the title of this piece may cause some frustrations for those who arehabituated to thinking via one condition or another, presuming them to beseparate or opposed, or one to be somehow better than the other, etc. Andagain, the dual mind sets to work trying to apply its inherently constrainedcognitive consciousness to grasp something that can only be comfortably lived in

    from an expanded multi-dimensional or multi-vibrational state of consciousness.

    If dual mind problems werent enough to deal with, there are also those directinternal processes related to spiritual ascension that involve bringing somethingof your lower self onboard and online as well as that of your higher self ofyour higher being.

    Somewhere, sandwiched in between, is the human personal self which has itsown version of a higher level of awareness that is an interface to ones highest Selfof your own greater being as well as an interface to the lower self and thebody/cellular consciousness.

    How many have made attending to connecting their lower, middle and higherlevels their priority?

    Are you a human reaching for a spiritual enlightenment, a spiritual beingimprisoned in an insane reality, or a spiritual being that resides in a human hostof 3d density?

    Once you have made the shift to spiritual being, then you can have a humanexperience with discernment,freely choosing what to retain, what to discard, etc.You become your own higher self. It becomes you. Until then, there is too muchconfusion of illusion and delusion. There is no more dual mind. There is only

    That Which Is Having the Experience and That Which Knows.

    While there may be some question at times of dark entities manipulating onesthoughts, this is mostly a distraction of human mind with the real culprit foundin ones internal human dynamics that have been innocently neglected for mostof lifetime of human.

    The main source of split/dual mind is found in the workings of the lower selfthat is mostly neglected or deliberately distorted through perversity ofpsychology.

    Left on its own, the lower self tends to have an affinity for the machine code ofthe bodily vessel. Over time the lower self can develop some self-awareness, oftentrying to mimic the personality self, not unlike the way children will mimic adultlanguage patterns and mannerisms. (If you pay close attention to children doingthis, they are actually doing quite a fair job of mirroring the social programmingand ridiculous dull wittedness of adults they are exposed to.)

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    So it is that the lower self can pick up all sorts of stuff from a confused andinternally conflicted personal self and can react to these thoughts and impulses inits own way. It is quite capable of presenting its questions and challenges andinsights to the human personal self. But, like with the simple innocence of achilds innate communications, the human personal self usually ignores or

    pushes this away. In the instance of a debilitated personality (middle) self, it canbe more readily influenced by the lower self or from dark side external influences.

    One day when the personal self faces some major life change or change inconsciousness, there is this other facet of self that may seem to beunsupportive and or in opposition. To the extent there is any internal dialogue,this can develop into an antagonistic stalemate if the human personal self fails topay attention or in rare cases the lower self, in concert, with the higher level of abeing imposes a new situation upon the personal or ego self.

    These dynamics are usually mistaken and distorted beyond all recognition bypsychologists and spiritual teachers alike. And thus, more error is generated andTruth seems ever elusive and the human self seems pushed farther into a hole.

    Like completely clearing off a cluttered desk top and only placing upon it what isessential, and nothing more a clean mind space is essential, only attending tothat which is truly most important.

    As to the matter of what is real or not, well there is the bus rule. A non-physicalbeing is joined in a human host. The human host however is not fully aware ofthis, but somehow gets the notion that it is all an illusion. To test thishypothesis the human host is positioned in front of a moving bus. Splat. Thespiritual dimension of the humans consciousness is ejected and returns home.

    A mental note is made to remember this next time that the operating rules in3d density are different from those at much higher levels. Next time around, thebeing encounters a train, and splat! Nothing learned from previous busencounter. This begins to approximate a popular definition of insanity as therepetition of the same thing, always hoping for a different outcome which nevercomes. (This is addressed a more seriously in the forthcoming final essay,Problems of Dissipation. )

    Thus two very different operating paradigms are both true. If you are notoperating in 3d density, then it may be of interest, but it has no first effect upon ahigher level observer.

    This last remark closely relates to the problem of dissipation that we haverecently been discussing. (See companion essay on Problems of Dissipationwhich will published soon.)

    Now then, are you a spiritual being, first and foremost and always?


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    Postscript 1:

    A book was published in 1976 with the amazing title of The Origin ofConsciousness in the Break Down of the Bicameral Mind, written by thepsychologist-philosopher Julian Jaynes. His book represents a massive thought

    exercise on the part of a human dualistic binary mind trying to analyze aproblem that cannot be resolved within the frame of reference of ordinaryhuman-centric thought. Nevertheless, Jaynes did manage to push the envelopeand presented that a self-centered, self-reflecting, future-projecting,consciousness developed in humans around four thousand years ago. He alsomade the distinction between consciousness and mere mental activity related toones bio-physical state. With very little background, he also made a point theearlier humans who were organized into complex social hierarchy were beinginfluenced or otherwise manipulated telepathically by entities unknown. Apioneering work, to be sure, he did not have the benefit of spiritual oversight,only a voice in the head that helped guide his process. For all the weaknesses inhis book, he nevertheless has picked up on important clues that from a spritiualinformed point of view makes for some interesting reading.

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    Postscript 2:I am reminded of the story with many variations about a devoutly spiritualperson who was forced to the roof of their house to escape a flood. They sobelieved in their social programming that god would reward their devotionand miraculously rescue them from the roof. Believing this, they turned downone form of assistance after another until the flood swept them away. Arriving in

    heaven they asked why god did not save them. The reply they receivedimmediately asked what their problem, given that they were sent help innumerous forms and each time they had rejected the help, preferring instead adelusion.

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    of Related EssaysAnt ColoniesJuly 2013

    Original Sin?June 2013

    A Little Personal RetrospectionBegun January 2013 edited July 2013

    Reflections from Social Science ResearchWritten late 2012 edited July 2013

    A Little More HistoryBegun 2012, completed July 2013

    From Baraka and Dead Can Dance

    The Human Condition(short YouTube clip)

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    Ant ColoniesJuly 2013

    Humans and ants have more in common than most realize. Both live their livesruled by the influence of the queen of the machine. Some ants are mostly

    predatory. Other are more agriculturally oriented. Ant agriculture is not muchdifferent than human agriculture. Both will persist in their activities until theenvironment is no longer capable of sustaining their activities and they will moveon to new territory or alternate resources to exploit in their pursuit of the powerof multiplication.

    One example for those who are non-gardeners are those ants that will cultivate(farm) certain types of insects on host plants in order to extract the nutrients thatthe ants require. They will do this until the host dies and can no longer supporttheir parasitic lifestyle.

    This no different than humans who do the same on a larger geographical scalewith animals such as cows or sheep, etc. Both are examples of the use of a type ofan intermediate bio-technology top convert raw materials (insects or forage)into various foods for the colonizers.

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    Original Sin?June 2013

    H.R. Giger created visual representations of the monsters from his nightmaresand gained global attention through the movie series Alien. It is my sense thathe had developed an ongoing relationship with the consciousness of the queen ofthe machine and it was from that that he produced the hideous images that hisart and the movies are noted for.

    However, there is no particular form of appearance for this entity.

    Religions such as Catholicism, have promoted variations of original sin. Thereis a grain of truth to this, of course. But the sin is not the fault of human selfs orhumansper se, as these demented belief systems would have everyone believe.Responsibility lies with the demented and self-deluding dark side creator godsthat came to believe they were the pinnacle of creation. Overall they could neveracknowledge that perhaps they themselves were somehow defective.

    The bulk of the psychological realm drove all this deeper and further distortedhuman level consciousness even more human beyond the scope of the religiouscontrol systems to reach those reach

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    A Little Personal RetrospectionBegun January 2013 edited July 2013

    Recently I was reviewing notes and elements from Fund for Global AwakeningtheIOOW-2000 social science research, and other projects. What first stood out

    to me was remembering the extraordinary lack of interest shown by so many whootherwise would have found this work of great value to their own work. Alreadyat the year 2000, various leading personages were incredibly self-absorbed intotheir own deep ruts that they could not looking beyond their own limitations.

    Rare few could even believe that was someone who genuinely sought to broadenand expand the possibilities to stimulate spiritual awakening. Most projectedupon us their own twisted agendas and therefore presumed that we too had someulterior motives. Some who had started their own body of work were in fear ofthe implications of our work on their own self-centeredness, afraid they would nolonger be the center of attention and petty power if they were to be part of

    something more. Others feared that their work would be diminished by ourwork and the quality of its presentation. Given that our work was far moreencompassing and deeper and broader in scope than anything they were familiarwith or encountered, jealousy and fear prevented them from participating. Evenwhen it was explained to them, these others leaders could not acknowledge thatwe really had been paying attention to their needs and professed higher goals andthus were offering something that would elevate everyone.

    New-agers were already plugged into various cult/guru relationships and if wedid not present ourselves as some dramatically exciting new channeled source oras a guru with a weird name, then our message was not even considered. Those

    with money to give away and who were dilettantes at social altruism weremostly interested in feeling good about spreading their charitable money aroundso thinly that would be assured that nothing would develop of any importanceand durability. (A bit like spreading out tons of seed, watering it a little, and thenmoving on. The seed sprouts and dies in the field of course.)

    We found a remarkable disability in so many to follow a complex discussion ortrain of thought. Nearly everyone hid behind the stupid notion that we had toprovide things in bite sized pieces so people would hear something of ourmessage and maybe take a moment or two more to take in another sound bite.

    Those advocating this were nearly always apologetic, as if they were themselvescapable of deep though and consideration of complex matters. Of course theywere not and while they could not admit it, they too were already attuned andaddicted to instant emotional and mental impressions. A 60-secondinformational message on television was already considered excessively long.The standard was 15 seconds in which to make the pitch.

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    The introduction of the latest in Internet and mobile technology only made itpossible for these people dig ever deeply into such ruts and to quickly trim whatlittle remained of human mental faculties for critical thinking. Fifty years ago, itwas possible to have long discussions with a limited number of friends andcolleagues, sometimes extending over days or years as a complex discourse could

    take place. But even then most were going for the fast and easy. The money,the prestige, etc. Even simple and traditionally slower paced occupations likeagriculture were like this, fast and easy. More high-tech machinery, chemicals,processing, the whole thing. Everything regulated like a manufacturing assemblyline.

    In reviewing old files and audio-visual materials, I recalled how our body of workwas not only aimed at encouraging the bridging of social control memes, it wasalso to try to steer some energy away from polarity conflict and even reach somepeople who otherwise were driven by petty greed in business and politics.

    There was at the time the need to explore the possibilities for a genuinegrassroots movement toward enlightened cooperative community. Towards thisend we applied both the research and the social movement and media campaigncalled Decade of the Heart. People were very willing to take the money we hadavailable as salaries or consulting fees and seemingly had no problem withproviding nothing of any value to the work in exchange. Yet they objected whenwe found cause to terminate their services.

    We held many meetings with individuals of substantial material resources whoprofessed to be spiritually inclined and who professed agreement to ourvisionary goals, including that of promoting global awakening. In nearly allcases, petty self centeredness dominated, and without exception, high profile

    individuals who wore a public veneer of altruism and spiritualhighmindednessand positive future ideals were found to be terrified at theprospect of sharing anything in a genuinely cooperative manner.

    They were overall shocked that there could be any organization whose founders(that would be us) had no narrow agenda and were working toward a cooperativeplatform to advance such truly high goals. In other words, they felt that to beseen with us on a common platform would diminish them in the view of others,thus they preferred to be the dominant fish in their own little ponds. Thisproblem went far beyond the narrow mindedness of the not invented heresyndrome. We even tried offering the possibility of matching funding to help

    start the new cooperative work.

    Our last effort was to appeal to the mixed or conflicted interests of altruisticcapital, knowing there were many individuals who had substantial personal orcorporate/philanthropic financial wealth who could support the emergence ofsomething akin to Google/Yahoo, etc. that was aligned with the Light and not theDark. Even with very large financial incentives, this (the Global Interchange)could not proceed.

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    Our encounters with various leading personages and social luminaries alsoprovided the basis for our future assessment as to non-viability of a globalspiritual awakening among humans and that today, those who actually make theeffort for a conscious ascension process would be less than three percent, and

    more likely less than one percent no matter what facilitation or supportivestimuli were provided. Through our work on behalf of global awakening we alsodiscovered deeper details of the extent of influence the Dark forces.

    Since 1994, we were one of only a few on planet Earth who promoted the termglobal (spiritual) awakening and actually worked toward this.

    Eventually we closed down all this work permanently.

    The ruts of narrow mindedness were already too deep and there were onlythose rare few who had no material resources and only their own limitedcapacities who expressed enthusiasm for such things.

    We had to give it a try, but it was all too little and too late and by 2005 it wasobvious there was not even any point in trying to promote the book, the research,or a social grassroots campaign.

    We found this to be a similar pattern when trying to facilitate some form oflandbased conscious and cooperative community.

    From 2006 until present, I set about making public what I truly found and what Itruly knew was Real, what was not real, and why.

    It is now time to bring all of this work to a close.

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    For those coming in late, these Updates and the original Global Awakening Newshave been a mixture of on-the-spot reportage with insights and commentary fromthe inception levels for the larger transformational process. These have beenshared in near real time and in retrospection upon earthly and cosmic events andprocesses that have brought us to this point in time.

    The main purpose has been to assist those who choose for themselves to take the

    next steps in spiritual evolution. Toward this end we have provided the necessarybackground to understand the nature of this reality and the greater realities andthe necessary background to understand the fundamental falsehood of thehuman social-earthly reality and the problems at the higher levels of being.

    We explained the nature of the Dark or fallen reality that is governed byconflictual duality and disclosed the existence and principles of the non-fallencreation and higher Oneness. Along the way we have provided a few practices

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    and processes to assist in extricating ones human level consciousness from thismatrix.

    The correction energies remain one of the most significant aids to rejoin thegreater Oneness and be extricated from a vibrational state that has no viability.

    This well applies to human and to levels beyond.

    If you have not identified a high attractor, try developing a high affection for thecorrection energies they are after all a high attractor whose origins are withtrue Creator.

    To those who still can only regard reality from a human 3d perspective one mightwant prefer to call all this a lament for humanity. When one regards this from ahigher level perspective, one could characterize this as the start of something newand wonderful and that there is nothing to lament as a terrible and horrendoussituation is brought to its end,

    The Dark control system is like a tar pit that will engulf everything that is unableto move beyond its reach.

    You cannot have it both ways being successful and thriving in the matrixcontrol system and your spiritual evolution as a spiritual being.

    You choose. You can.

    But there is no going back to what you imagine once was.


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    Reflections from Social Science ResearchWritten late 2012 edited July 2013

    The present state of human 3d level consciousness is not something to misplaceones hopes in. There are no solutions possible to the problems of the 3d earthly

    human experience from the human level of consciousness, nor from withinhuman society. This has been tested and re-tested over prolonged periods of timespanning thousands of years. Furthermore, there is a fundamental problem withthe human biological state as a vehicle for higher consciousness. I initiallyexplained part of this problem from an extra-creational point of view in the essayMaking Things, Ways of New Creation... -- .

    The other part of this problem has to do with the initial corruption of thehuman vehicle in which processes of the human body provided a material basisfor a degenerating spiral of consumption and entropic decay coupled to an

    inconscient survival impulse. This became a no-win situation for the descensionof higher consciousness, as it became a trap in which the Dark entwined the trueLight in a seemingly endless cycle of parasitism and decay, at times aided by thenavet of the higher level/soul beings. This was also discussed in the A-ListUpdatebeginning on p.18

    There are those human selves who are mostly identified with the matrix worldand their limited human existence has barely any connection to their own humanlevel higher mind and practically no connection to any of the higher levels ofconsciousness.

    In many respects, one can see how this is a world of the walking dead and itdoes not require risking oneself to visit to a big-box retail store to be aware ofthis. Furthermore, as more human selfs literally vacate 3d fro 4d, for a time,many will have left functioning human vessels, many of which become host towhatever is ready to move in.

    In the large-scale social science study conducted at the turn of the millennium(see end notes), we found that 21.5% of the USA population functioned as socialinertial ballast that serves to pull all those around them down to the denseignorance and stupidity of the walking dead. Also, approximately 30% of theUSA professed opposition to the death penalty and nearly 60% professed supportfor it.

    Subjectively, one might add to this group those who are overly endowed withanother type of stupidity that masquerades as intellectual learning and whocould not see the signs or the proverbial writing on the wall even if they walkedright into the wall. Then there are the survivalists who will stubbornly try topersist because that is what they do. And there are the die-hard supporters ofthe status quowho still believe in the national voting system, the extant politicalparties, and working the system to vote for whatever promises to minutely

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    elevate their social status. Some are pro-war, some are anti-war, but they allrevolve around war. Looking at the larger mix of population, a majority of adultsin the USA support the wars, the death penalty, the use of torture, etc.When you also factor in the misguided and myopic new age, all-is-happy-goldenage crowd, there is very little left of the population.

    In varying fractions, these attitudes are common throughout the world.When you apply a final filter for those who truly are of spiritual orientation andwho might believe they are more than self-centered human social-tribalanimals, we find it to be roughly 10% of the population, up to 15%.When you take into account additional filters as to how much those in this lattercategory are still firmly attached to the control matrix reality, the percentagedrops to the 1% to 3% range.

    There is some possibility that the correction process will upgrade theconsciousness of some portion of the 10% to 15% while freeing them from thedeath-grip of the dark energies. How long this process may take is not knownuntil it has run its course. Most of this will occur in what we would call a 4dvibrational level that closely resembles a familiar human-earth environment butis more malleable to focused thought.

    Unless you know with absolute certainty that you have some new missionrelative to the processes underway, it is suggested to attend to ones own gentleyet thorough completions process for all the reasons given in previous essays.

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    Now we have the problem of underdeveloped and extremely impaired thought

    processes of humans. While it is innate to the human vehicle, it has been taken tonew extremes under the deleterious influences of toxic chemicals andelectromagnetic radiations, unhealthy foods, and accelerated by all manner ofInternet and telecommunications technologies. These technologiesfundamentally and primarily serve to weigh everyone down globally, not just inthose obvious pockets of socially-reinforced stupidity. The carefully cultivatedsocial inertial ballast and dulling effects of higher education exert theirdeadening effects globally, and in nearly real-time.

    Fear mongering, disinformation, misdirection, and a full range of doublethinknow dominates the thought processes of those who would believe themselves to

    be waking up to social reality. The linguistic values of awakening have beensubverted and perverted to cross-couple ignorance and falsehood with spiritualawakening. Someone says lightbody and fifth dimension and the new agersperk up and nod their heads and say oh yes just like the religiouslyprogrammed will when certain imbedded programming is repeated, like secondcoming and everyones heads nod as they say, oh yes. Someone says thepowers that be are ET/alien bad guys and therefore everything else they saymust be true. Or that ET/aliens will rescue humans. And all those programmed

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    to believe will nod their heads saying oh yes and look to the skies for rescue.

    Few will think about who or what the various alien agendas might be. Fewerstill can make the connection with the religious programming of a secondcoming or whatever savior it is these doctrines promote.

    Just because someone had something like an NDE and connected with the lightand lightbeings does not mean they know which is up and down upon theirreturn and just because they experienced contact with a lightbeing does notmean that they met a being of higher consciousness of the higher light. In somecases it has been just the opposite.

    Someone else says they are against the war and that magnetizes everyone whoimagines they must agree and say oh yes. Some like to promote free will tochoose or that you create your own reality and those in that queue will nod andsay oh yes.

    True freewill does not exist in the human realm, and it is one of the cornerstonesfor blaming humans for all the ills of their existence, and blaming humans for theexistence of the dark. And on it goes. (There are those rare exceptions who havetruly found access to their spiritual true self and thus have achieved something oftrue freewill.)

    With the Internet, there is an endless parade of deceivers and psychological-opsto test and measure various themes and to track the longevity and extent of thespread of the latest fear mongering or titillating rubbish. Witness the growingnumbers who are so foolishly gullible that they spread this nonsense aroundusing web posts and email and social networking accounts.

    The human level of knowing, learning, discerning, etc. has contributed to awellspring of deceptions that has in turn affected and infected higher level beingswhich had projected something of themselves into this realm expecting to learnsomething while having a human experience. Yes, there have been some with ahigher spiritual mission of course. In the human realm there is an expressiongarbage in, garbage out and this has been one of the influences upon higherlevels. Another major corrupting influence at the higher levels has been variousagencies of the Dark. So many larger beings with a human presence here arenave and mostly helpless to effect any change at the human3d level.

    Of course if you want to manifest fame, wealth, or power, that is relatively easy todo, but sooner or later those human and non-human agencies of the dark willcome to collect their due from you.

    Those who are immune to the allures of a social and material reality based uponfalsehood and who can function with sufficient detachment are best able todevelop the capacity toKnow from their higher level of being, their supramentalconsciousness, their higher self, etc. And those who possess an adequate measure

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    of genuine learning from their human level experiences and who know thescore are best able to develop the discernment necessary to steer a clear course.


    End notes:

    Re: IOOW-2000 (In Our Own Words 2000 social science research):While not presented explicitly, the typologies and statistically projected corebelief systems are a gentle exposition of primary control memes used toreinforce the illusions and delusions of human social existence. In addition todiscovering these typologies, we presented ways they could be readily bridged byindividuals who had already moved slightly beyond the main socialprogramming.

    While there are variations in emphasis relative to various geographic regionsnationally and globally, the pervasiveness of the social control memes isinsinuated into the vast majority of humans today. In 2000, the USA presented aunique situation given the large portion of first and second generationhouseholds not born in the USA.For anyone not familiar with this groundbreaking research and its publicpresentation, the following print-publication formatted PDF files can bedownloaded:

    Executive Summary

    A New America, An Awakened Future table of contents

    Overview of the main typologies discovered

    Explanation of social inertial ballast from the research:

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    A Little More HistoryBegun 2012, completed July 2013

    One of the largest human problems is the seemingly inherent lack of capacityto think, to reason, to evolve through cognitive processes. Indeed throughout

    acknowledged human history from the recent ancient period to present day, therehave always been those extraordinary, rare few individuals who explore, develop,and share new discoveries. But overall, the vast majority of humans were alwaysat a low level of social and spiritual awareness. This problem existed beforefluoridation and toxic foods, before electronic gadgets plugged into peoplesheads, and before the proliferation of EM radiation pollution.

    As far as innovation, what is accepted and takes hold are those of the mundaneand profane which benefit and reinforce the experience of material density in thecontext of a conflict-duality paradigm and aggrandizement of the human ego-personality self. These do not lead to spiritual advancement.

    Indeed, there are those rare situations of sharing what has been seen andappreciated of sublime beauty, but this is not part of the human collective sharedexperience, rather something only for those operating in a rarified space thatappreciate such expressions when they encounter it.

    The human shared experience has been long dominated by and mired in dualityconflict and the exigency of physical survival of the individual and social-tribeand the species genes. To understand how this came to be requires reviewing theorigins of the dark, the fall of spiritual consciousness in the dark realm, theorigins of the present day human species, and the history of the populating of this

    planet with 3d density bodies.

    The 20th century was dominated by war and economic crisis. The interludesbetween major wars and crises were periods of building capacity for even greaterscale of warfare for global control and small scale military actions. The entireperiod leading up to the 20th century was dominated by war, military economy,and military technology. Following WW2, there was the Korean War (whichofficially never ended) and then the Vietnam war, a innumerable worldwidesecret wars to control the fate of nations. During the most recent three decades,a state of permanent war has been the new normal, and with it the deploymentof the prerequisites for a globalized police state along with massive militarybuildups, and a high-tech social control systems that go far beyond anythingdeveloped in the 20th century.

    As with most wars, humans continue to willingly join to fight whatever the enemyis that is presented to them by those who were responsible for engineering andmanaging the wars.

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    Even before there was a human power elite with common bloodlines under acommon set of dark overlords, human were involved in extensive warfarespanning centuries even in Neolithic times. Of course the pace of such warfarewas slower than the speed of a nuclear missile or directed energy weapons, butthe basic dynamic is much the same. So now let us set this early heritage aside

    and look at recent centuries.

    The USA was envisioned by Dark forces and their human agents to be anearthbased death star a term borrowed from the Star Wars movies. It wouldbecome the preferred base of operations from which to prosecute the finalstages of their global economic and political control over the entire planet and itspopulations. Once sufficient global domination was secure, the planet would inturn become a base camp from which to project this dark power to other planetsand to the stars beyond. (Presently we are in a period of the catastrophic end ofcivilization, including catastrophic social and planetary destruction originatingwith humans and space energies.

    During the early period of colonizing and extinguishing the indigenouspopulation, the European-colonial process of extending a global network ofpower was well underway. This would eventually rival the empire of Rome andancient Atlantis. Everywhere they went they conquered through deception,stealth, local corruption, and military power.

    Once colonial power colonizes and loots the material wealth and labor of thoseunable to defend themselves, another colonial power takes the loot and wealth ofthe previous power, in an inexorable process of consolidating and centralizingpower amongst a relatively small group of elite who share only what is needed tobuy the loyalty of many layers of minions.

    Eventually the corruption of nearly all humans is complete with several billionhumans believing similar things to be normal: exploitation of others toaccumulate wealth, consumerism, prestige, nationalism, and of course acceptingthe unconscious impulse to survive and perpetuate all of this through biologicalreproduction.

    At a collective level there has long been the notion of the supremacy of humans,per se, over all that comprises Earthly creation. This dark control meme hasbeen reinforced by religions as well as the non-religious who promote the darkparadigm, at times openly represented as that of Lucifer and which today is

    loosely configured under the rubric of human sovereignty.

    The present generation of adults arises mostly from the post-WW2 baby-boomgeneration and the older members of generation-X. The baby-boomersincluded a small but significant fractional component that opposed all wars,rejected the values and beliefs of a decrepit parental generation and rejected theauthority of the State.

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    There were many variations and bifurcations of these groups, but there was nosignificant portion of any fraction that found a path to true knowing in thespiritual sense.

    Attempts to introduce various soft corrections through new social or political orspiritual models failed to take hold. Today, humanity is on sliding rapidly to thevery edge of an abyss from which there is no possibility of return or recovery.The small fraction of humans who are only now in the process of awakening tothe possibilities of a spiritual existence find themselves seemingly trapped in themorass of the masses.

    With narrowness of mind, inculcated over countless generations and false idealsimplanted to provide some ongoing impetus for human society everywhere, it isno wonder that it has not been possible to introduce anything that is outside therealm of duality and conflict. Those who might have been leading lights wereeither taken out directly by the dark and/or became so wrapped up in their ownself-importance that they were unable to embrace anything outside of their ownlittle self-created box.

    The correction energies represent one of the solutions to dissolving the tar-pitlike bonds that keeps the true light trapped in a human matrix. Each self that isawakening to their true nature must also strive to develop and maintain thehighest vibratory state possible and not let themselves be held back by the defaulttendencies of humans who lack the capacity for detachment, discernment, andspiritual aspiration.

    It is this separating out of the true light from a heavily compromised reality

    matrix that is of greatest concern. What is to be done with the matrix and itsdenizens is nothing to concern yourself with, it is out of your hands.Now you need all your energy and attention to focus on your own process.All the learning from this realm is important to the further development of yourgreater being and this creation. Once the lessons are understood, the details ofhuman history are unimportant and will mostly fade from all memory into themost obscure of all cosmic archives.


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    Global Awakening News The Human Question July 2013From Baraka and Dead Can Dance

    The Human Condition

    Host of the Seraphim from Baraka and Dead Can Dance/Lisa Gerrard or

    It is a curiously significant titling of this piece, as it carries much ambiguity withthe term host and evoking something of higher beings.

    I show these images and include a link to the music since it evokes accurateimages of the human condition. Some will see this and think how terrible theconditions are in the world for those relegated to such an existence. But I cannotsee it this way. First of all, some of the most impoverished and abused humanscan learn and retain the capacity for qualities of loving care and a modicum ofspiritual consciousness.

    I see little difference between these images and those who may believe they arematerially well off, with a car, a solid roof over their head, a paying job, etc. theytoo are foraging every day through the increasing detritus and decrepitude of adisintegrating civilization, perhaps packaged in a corporate conglomerates bigbox store.

    The control systems matrix programming paints a veil over nearly everyonesawareness and dulls their minds so they imagine they are doing okay and thatthere is a future for themselves in this life or perhaps one for their children ifonly

    The human condition has not fundamentally changed much over millennia.


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