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August 6, 2016

Newsletter, Issue 7

Marion Martin, Editor

Greetings from the State President!

I hope all of you are having a restful summer and staying cool. Your Huguenot Society of Georgia has been busy purchasing Huguenot title books to place in our state libraries, thanks to Treasurer Judith Lowery and Librarian Geoff Oosterhoudt. Your First and Second Vice Presidents have been scoping out nice places for us to have our next meeting and making all the arrangements. We have young people interested in our Zada Bird Brannen scholarship. Your Newsletter Chairman Marion Martin has been hard at work putting together all the notes, photos and other items for our always informative and interesting newsletter! Our Society continues to get prospective members from our website and Facebook page, not to mention word of mouth! It is amazing how many people with Huguenot ancestry are interested in joining our group.

See you at the Atlanta Country Club on August 20th for more Huguenot fellowship!

Janet Walker

Scholarship Winner

Congratulations to SHELBY GOWDY, our Zada Bird Brannen Scholarship

winner for this past year. Shelby is a student at North Georgia College. She

is also a Junior member of our Society. Great job, Shelby!

Donations of Languedoc magazines

Do you have old Cross of Languedoc magazines stacked around your book-

shelves at home? Please consider donating them to your nearest genealogi-

cal library. Prospective members and others will be able to read them,

research, and learn more about our National Society!

Save the Date!

The National Huguenot Congress will meet October 14th & 15th.

Reservation can be made at the Holiday Inn Charleston Historic Downtown.

Phone: 843-718-2327 Website:

Please make your reservations SOON. The hotel is in the historic district of

Charleston, so many of the interesting places in Charleston will be within

walking distance. Charleston is a beautiful city with so much history,

including Huguenot history. The hotel has extended our rate for a couple

days before and after our meetings. Attendance at the Huguenot Church is

on the program. More details will come later as the time draws closer. The

main thing is to get your reservations made soon.

Please note that there will not be transportation for members from the Atlanta area to Charleston, but members could carpool together.

Website update!

We encourage you to visit our updated website and

join the private Facebook Group "The Huguenot Society of Georgia" to find

current information on our state society; and to "like" the Huguenot Society

of Georgia Facebook Page.

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National Huguenot Society Officers

Ancestor Spotlight: Maupin

The Story of Gabriel and Marie Maupin

by Stan Maupin

A history of the emigration of Gabriel and

Marie Maupin to America with a focus on

their Huguenot heritage. Includes a detailed

history of the Maupin family.

French Santee

Here is the link for an entire book called, “The Story of Gabriel and Marie Maupin, Huguenot Refugees to Virginia 1700,” by Stan Maupin:

“French Santee: A Huguenot Settlement in Colonial South Carolina” by Bates and Leland was the book chosen as the award winner by our Na-tional Huguenot Society Scholarly Works Committee this year.

Janet Walker has chosen to place this important new book in many of our Georgia state libraries as her President’s Project during her term in office.

Here is the published description of the book:

At the end of the 17th century, driven by terrible persecution in France, thousands of Huguenots fled their country in search of religious freedom. A large number found what they sought in the fledgling colony of (South) Carolina in the New World Here these noblemen, craftsmen and artisans took up axes and guns and strug-gled to build their homes and survive in the wilderness with their wives and chil-dren. Nowhere was this more evident than on the banks of the Santee River where a group of French and Swiss Protestant refugees arrived in 1687 and where, "a sail from a boat was our first house and the earth our bed. A cabin like that of savag-es...was our second house." Through their letters and tantalizing bits and pieces of recorded history they left behind, their struggles and triumphs to forge a new settle-ment are revealed. At French Santee, they established a wealthy plantation society until time and fate returned the land they had conquered to wilderness once more. This is an in-depth study of the 17th century Huguenot settlement on the Santee River in South Carolina, with biographical sketches of the more than 100 French Protestant families who lived there. Detailed maps, photographs and copies of old plats show the changes in the area as the settlement grew and evolved into the 18th century. The book includes translations of two letters written from Carolina prior to 1700 with explanatory notes and footnotes.

Standing L-R: Organizing Secretary General Janet Walker, Corresponding Secretary Noella Oberlin, Historian General Ed Wilkinson, Registrar General Ann Oppenheimer, Genealogist General Nancy Brennan.

Seated L-R: Recording Secretary General Mary Margaret Buck, 2nd VP General Christine Crossan, President General Jeannine Kallal, 1st VP General Sandra Staley, Chaplain General Joel Strauch.

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Announcement of Upcoming Meeting:

Huguenot Torte Recipe Story about the recipe:

The Huguenot Society of Connecticut was struggling the last couple of

years. The president Fannie Gabriel was elderly and died in October of

2015. In reaching out to help that state society as the Organizing Secretary

General for our Society, Janet Walker received a lovely note from one of its

members. Joan St. Pierre of Weatogue, CT shared this recipe that was a

favorite of the CT state president. Joan would make it when Fannie came

for lunch. Joan said, "She really enjoyed it and spoke of it often."

It is our 45th Anniversary of the Georgia Society!!

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Huguenot Births

Jeff, Ashley and Bo Adams

Tiffany and Chuck Faulk with Emilia

Jane Faulk with her babies

Previous Meeting Our previous meeting held April 30 at Idlehour Country Club in Macon

featured speaker, Dr. Christopher Stokes, who spoke on the Lanier family...

Program Speaker Dr. Christopher Stokes

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2nd Vice President Marjorie Wilson

Sara Sims

President Janet Walker

President Janet Walker with new member Jane

Petsch and Registrar Maureen Wilburn

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