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Page 1: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 31, 2017 · 31/12/2017  · The world will welcome 2018. Let it be a year to imitate an image of the Holy Family who accepted their

Saturday December 30 5:00 pm Michael Horan and Eleanor Gilsenan

Sunday December 31

7:30 am Connie Pflueb and Gloria Zwick

9:00 am Robert Miele and Stephen Faughnan

11:00 am Anna Gaydos and Ruth Coveleski

5:00 pm Michael Horan and Donna Tracy

Monday January 1

11:00 am Donna Tracy and Robert Chiarello

Tuesday January 2

8:00 am Donald Shachat and Anna Geist

Wednesday January 3

8:00 am Mark L. Brigham and Peter Vicovari

Thursday January 4

8:00 am Tony Leonett and Margot deTucker

Friday January 5

8:00 am Rocco Rosa and Robert Gillette

Saturday January 6

8:00 am Lawrence Krieger and Louise Marchetello

5:00 pm Deceased Members of the Werner Family and

Fr. Ed Hinds

Sunday January 7

7:30 am Jim and Marie Meagher and John Hearn

9:00 am Peter Galelli and Helen M. Sacco

11:00 am Adam Rosowicz and Walter Kossmann

5:00 pm Margaret Gorzelnik and George Carlson

Weekly Memorials

The Lamp burning before the Blessed Sacrament the week

of December 31st is for the intention of all parishioners.

The Candles on the altar the week of December 31st are for

the intention of all parishioners.

Hear our Prayers for those who are ill especially Anthony

LaFerrara, Neiko Pagaling, Judy Latalladi, Carmela Cecere,

Marie Conlan, Mike Mulane, Evey Staromano, Caroline Palluzzi,

Don Tracy, Mary Cecere, Maddie Niebanck, Charlie Spencer,

Eliot Leibowitz, Eileen Keohane, Laura Flynn, Josh Crucilla, Bob

Moore, Dennis Kelly, Barbara Perleth, Bill Waller, Patrick Duffy

and for all our deceased especially Betty Walsh and Rose


Thursday, January 4

Walking with Purpose: 9:30 am; Parish Center

Marian Prayer Group: 10:00 am; South Room

Knights of Columbus Meeting: 8:30 pm; West Room

Friday, January 5

Eucharistic Adoration: 8:30 am; South Room

Saturday, January 6

Pastoral Council Meeting: 8:30 am; South Room

Sunday, January 7

Food Collection: Parish Center Lobby

Faith Formation: 8:30 am; 10:15 am; School

Faith Formation Grade 7: 5:00 pm in the Church


The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 31, 2017

Eucharistic Adoration Friday, January 5 In the South Room

The Epiphany of the Lord January 7, 2018

First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6

Isaiah speaks poetically of the coming of the Lord. He describes

how “darkness covers the earth” but light and glory appear over

God’s chosen people.

Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6

Paul tells the Ephesians that the Jews and Gentiles are now co-

heirs of the promises God has made. He explains that both

groups are now members of one body through Jesus Christ.

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12

After Jesus’ birth, three astrologers from the east came to Jeru-salem and inquired about the newborn king of the Jews. King Herod became greatly angered, and asked the astrologers to bring him more information about the child once they had found him, so that he too could pay homage to the infant. However, Herod’s true plan was to kill Jesus. The wise men were warned in a dream not to return to him and they took a different route to return home.

Mass Schedule January 6th & 7th

Fr. Bob Saturday 5:00 pm and Sunday 7:30 am

Fr. Dan Sunday 9:00 am and 11:00 am

Fr. Matt Kranc Sunday 5:00 pm

Reconciliation January 6th

Fr. Bob Saturday 4-4:30 pm

The parish office will be closed on

Monday, January 1, 2018

in celebration of the New Year.

Page 2: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 31, 2017 · 31/12/2017  · The world will welcome 2018. Let it be a year to imitate an image of the Holy Family who accepted their

BAPTISM: Arrangements should be made one month in advance by calling Deacon Joe Wisneski at 973-635-4976. Parents are

expected to attend an instructional session with a Baptism Team. Baptisms are celebrated at 12:30 pm Sundays.

RCIA-RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: The R.C.I.A. invites non-baptized persons and those baptized into another

faith to participate in a faith journey in preparation for becoming a Catholic. If you are interested in any aspect of R.C.I.A., please

email Deb at [email protected] or call her at the parish office at ext. 23.

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Congratulations! In order that we can together plan for your big day, couples should notify the

Church and begin to prepare at least one year in advance of the date. Please email Fr. Bob at [email protected] or call Fr. Bob at

the parish office ext. 22.

MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOME BOUND: If a family member or someone you know is recuperating from a hospital stay or is

homebound for any length of time and would like to receive Holy Communion, please let us know. It is a priority for the parish com-

munity to support and be present to those who cannot be with us for the celebration of the Eucharist. If you would like a priest or

deacon to visit a family member who is hospitalized, contact Peggy at [email protected] or call her at the parish office ext. 25.

SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call the parish office at 973-635-0625 to arrange for a priest.

FIRST RECONCILIATION AND FIRST EUCHARIST: Children preparing to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First

Eucharist begin preparation in first grade. To register, visit our website at

St. Patrick Church

From the Pastor’s Desk

A Treasure called Family Many of us connect with Harry Chapin’s popular ballad from 1974 titled, “The Cat’s in the Cradle.” This was a 1974 folk rock song about a father who spent great amounts of time and energy making a successful living and the man ’s son who asked to share in his father’s life. Many critics believe that the son represents the family as a whole. The intent of the ballad is to make the listener ponder the balance of time spent with family, and the time spent earning money and gaining wealth. As the son grows into adulthood the father grows wiser and begins to pose the same question to his son about spending time together only to receive the same reply, “I don’t know when Dad, but we’ll get together then.” The song brings to light that sometimes “THEN” may never occur as the father begins to come to terms with the belief that he wasn’t a terrific role model, and his son grows up to be just like him. The song is a criticism directed toward society in that many parents wish to spend more time with children, but lack the chances to do so in that like the father in the song who loves his son, it is easy for parents to become so busy trying to provide for their children that time spent together gets put off to a day which never arrives.

This weekend the Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family, sometimes it gets forgotten that Jesus lived as a member of a family who was nurtured with people skills and love by Mary and Joseph. Most theologians suspect that many of the human qualities that Jesus exhibited must have been passed down by Mary and Joseph who were present to him throughout his formative years, and taught Jesus an assortment of skills. The celebration of the Holy Family awakens all that parents are the primary teachers of their children in ways of faith; and pass down the traditions of the faith to their offspring that steers a child to pray, attend church, and live a value centered life. The Church, Catholic Schools, Religious Education and Youth Ministry only complement teachings from the home. Today’s celebration of the Holy Family opens eyes to recognize and appreciate a unique treasure which is family; therefore quality time together is essential. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to witness families who gather for a meal prioritizing an I-phone over the enjoyment of verbal conversation. The Christmas Season brings an assortment of relatives, friends, and acquaintances together, which frequently creates a passageway for discussion on family concerns. One honorable quality at family gatherings is the ability to actively listen to others since most people have so much to say. It takes skill, patience, self control and sensitivity to generate quality time in conversations that engages wholesome communication. I imagine Jesus was taught to be a good listener as he always was ready to hear the story of another without interruption. Like Jesus, we should strive to be solid listeners to family, friends, and distant relatives whom we may be in disagreement with pertaining to issues that surface in conversation so that respect is generated to the feelings, needs and wants of all rather than insisting on getting across our personal agenda or seeking to justify our points of view. I have often witnessed circumstances whereby everyone in a room has something to communicate, but the message is chopped off by those so impatient to articulate their own story. The Feast of the Holy Family also suggests that it is essential never to downgrade family life, ridicule the importance of fam-ily, or make light of struggles in sustaining viable relationships within the family. Like today, during the days of Jesus there were many threats to family life, but different. Infant mortality and maternal mortality was high since there were poor medical standards and hygiene. There was food insecurity; as well as political instability. Today’s Gospel from Luke brings forth the importance of Jew-ish faith in the life of the Holy Family, who followed Jewish tradition and laws. As Jesus is presented in the temple it becomes clear that somehow the Holy Family stuck together within the tension and threats that plagued their lives, which invites us to do l ikewise in the 21st century with the changing structure of family life due to many single parents, same sex relationships, and unmarried couples with children.

Tomorrow begins a New Year! The world will welcome 2018. Let it be a year to imitate an image of the Holy Family who accepted their trials, and persevered due to their love for each other and quality time spent together.

In Christ’s love,

Fr. Bob

Page 3: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 31, 2017 · 31/12/2017  · The world will welcome 2018. Let it be a year to imitate an image of the Holy Family who accepted their

Welcome New Parishioners

A warm St. Patrick welcome to those new to our parish espe-

cially Sophie Narayan and Sal, Jiah and Aria Zito. We look for-

ward to getting to know you!

Are you seeking a parish community in which to pray, to learn

and to be of service to others? Our doors and hearts are open to

you-Welcome! Contact Peggy Gentile at the parish offices for

additional information at 973-635-0625 ext. 25.

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 31, 2017


Congratulations to the couples united in the Sacrament

of Matrimony at St. Patrick Church.

Daniel Jeffrey Vohden and Kelly Rae Lofredo

December 22, 2017

Stephen Robert Chiarello and Margaret Elizabeth Conte

December 23, 2017

May the Lord richly bless their unions.

Forget-Me-Not Weekend

Our monthly food collection is next weekend, January 6 & 7.

Your generous donations are shared with the local community

as well as our brothers and sisters in Paterson! All food dona-

tions (your bags or ours!) can be brought to the Fr. Ed Center

after masses or the basket in the back of church. Thank you! HELP WANTED!

Do you have a current or former career in media relations, pub-

lic relations, or copywriting? We are seeking a few people to

provide no more than 5 hours, spread across the year, to sup-

port parish communications to local news sources. If interested,

contact Marty Gilligan at [email protected].

Save the Date! February 3, 2018

St. Pat’s Saturday Seminar continues in 2018 with an educa-

tional session on Estate Planning, Long Term Care insurance

and Power of Attorney information from 9 am-12 pm. More info

to follow!

Flu Prevention Tips for our Parish Nurses:

1. Get the flu vaccine.

2. Avoid close contact with people who are sick-When you

are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them

from getting sick, too.

3. Stay home when you are sick-If possible, stay home from

work, school, and errands when you are sick to help pre-

vent spreading your illness to others.

4. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when cough-

ing or sneezing-It may prevent those around you from get-

ting sick.

5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth-Germs are

often spread when a person touches something that is con-

taminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes,

nose, or mouth.

6. Practice other good health habits-Clean and disinfect

frequently touched surfaces at home, work, or school, espe-

cially when someone is ill. Get plenty of sleep, be physically

active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat

nutritious food.


Happy New Year! It is a great time to join one of our choirs. We have groups for all ages, and we also welcome instrumentalists at all our masses. Visit for more information! Rehearsals this week: Wednesday, 5:30-6:05pm: Morning Song Choir for grades K-3 Wednesday, 6:15-7:15pm: Girls Choir for grades 3-8 Thursday, 6:15-7:15pm: Boys Choir for grades 3-8 Thursday, 7:30-9:15pm: St. Patrick Choir for adults and high school Saturday, 4:00-4:50: Saturday Choir for adults Sunday, 8:15: Boys Choir and instrumentalists Sunday, 10:15: St. Patrick Choir Sunday, 3:45: God Unplugged for teenagers Please check our website (above) or contact Maggie Hanson at [email protected] if you'd like to participate in music at our parish.

Have a question? Want to provide feedback?

The Parish Town Hall is scheduled for Wednesday, January

17th at 7 pm in the Father Ed Parish Center East/West Room.

Hear updates from Father Bob, staff, and Pastoral Council—

bring a friend—ask a question—share your thoughts!


Investors Bank has a fundraising affinity program for us. When

you or anyone you know link your Investors Bank accounts to St.

Patrick Church, the bank will provide us with quarterly donations.

These donations will be equivalent to .25% on the average bal-

ance of all personal checking accounts and .15% on the average

balance of all personal savings accounts (including money mar-

ket accounts, CDs, and IRAs).

It costs nothing to link your account

Your interest rates and account features are unchanged by

account linking

Your banking information (the products you use, your bal-

ances, etc.) remains strictly confidential and the parish does

not receive any of your information

Getting started is easy! Simply complete the enrollment form

located on our website, go into any Investors Bank branch and

complete the form or visit the Investors Bank website:

If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Sofronas at

[email protected] or 973-635-0625. Thank you for helping

to raise funds for St. Patrick Parish!

Page 4: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 31, 2017 · 31/12/2017  · The world will welcome 2018. Let it be a year to imitate an image of the Holy Family who accepted their

Please help Catholic Charities continue its mission by donating

clothing, shoes, and household items in the donation bin located

in the parking lot. Your generosity is appreciated. If you have a

large pick up, need a receipt, or have a question, please call

their toll free number, 877-343-3651. Thank you!

In Need of Care and/or Prayers?

Please remember that in accordance with HIPPA laws, hospitals

cannot contact the parish with the names of our parishioners

who have been admitted. If you know of someone in a hospital

or nursing home who would like to be contacted or prayed for,

please call the parish office. This information is confidential and

can be passed on, if requested, to our Nurses, Caring Ministry,

Eucharistic Ministers to the sick and included in our prayer inten-



This Week in Youth Ministry

Winter Antioch Team Meeting: Tues., Jan. 2; 7-9:30 pm, YMC

Spring Antioch Team Meeting: Wed., Jan. 3; 7-9:30 pm,

At St. Vincent Martyr

Winter Antioch Team Day: Sun., Jan. 7; Begins with the 11:00 am

Mass in the Church

Service Opportunities: Sign up by emailing Maggie at [email protected]

Baking Muffins for Eva’s Village: Sat., Jan. 13, 9:00 am-12pm; Parish Center Kitchen


January Faith Formation Classes

Grades K-6: January 7 & 8 and 21 & 22

Grade 7: January 7

Grade 8: January 21

Grade 7 families: Save the Date: February 4, 2018

7th Grade Retreat ~ Details to follow

The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth cordially invite you to join

them for The Feast of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Seton

Associate Commitment Ceremony on January 6, 2018 at

11:00 am mass in the Holy Family Chapel in Convent Station, NJ.

A light lunch in Academy Study Hall will follow mass. For more

information, visit or call 973-290-5470. In case of

inclement weather, call 973-290-5478. Snow date is January 13,


Travel to Italy

Are you interested in making a spiritual pilgrimage to Italy and to

the Shrine of St. Pio in San Giovanni Rotundo? Travel to Italy

September 20-29, 2018 with Fr. Owen and St. Rose of Lima Par-

ish in East Hanover, New Jersey. Included sites are San Giovanni

Rotundo, Avellino, Pompeii, Naples, and Rome. In Rome, we will

attend a papal audience, tour famous monuments and attend an

Ordination to the Diaconate. If interested, please contact Tanya

D’Souza at [email protected] or at 973-599-

2944. Limited spots available!

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