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Page 1: The Great Escape - Home for S. Douglas Woodward …...Summer 2015 The Great Escape--The Nazis Come to the Americas 7 The Thesis: Adolf Hitler escaped the Fuehrer bunker on April 22

The Great Escape

S. Douglas Woodward

Summer 2015

The Nazis Come to the Americas

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• 40 years of research, teaching and writing on prophecy, alternate history,

mysticism, and the occult. Relevant: America’s support of Nazi’s after WWII.

• Authored 10 books over the past 6 years.


• Business executive with Microsoft, Oracle, Honeywell, and Ernst & Young LLP

Who is S. Douglas Woodward?

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Lecture Drawn from Power Quest

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• Both written in 2012

• “Alternative history of


• Focus on German/U.S.


• Much more detail

• Extensive footnoting

• Sensitive to accuracy

& proving the point

• Can read in any order

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Primary Narrative Sources Utilized

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Additional Resources Researched (1)

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Additional Resources Researched (2)

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The Thesis:

Adolf Hitler escaped the Fuehrer bunker on

April 22 or April 28, 1945.

He arrived in Patagonia, Argentina

sometime between June 28 to July 28, 1945.

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Ten Essential Elements to the Story1. Enormous volume of research performed by credible


2. Planning for “post-WWII” was a substantial effort beginning in 1942.

3. “Going underground” was understood by Allies even during WWII.

4. Still, U.S. leaders determined it was strategic to partner with Nazis.

5. Bodies found were “doubles”—all “evidence” was manufactured.

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Ten Essential Elements to the Story (2)6. Not contested: Thousands of Nazi’s were brought into

U.S. or aligned with U.S. intelligence. Gehlen, von Braun, Muller all U.S. agencies assets.

7. Infamous NAZIs escaped to Argentina: Mengele, Barbie, Eichmann

8. Top Ally leaders uniformly agreed that Hitler had escaped Berlin.

9. Most participants in the escape/cover-up later confessed to the lie.

10. Hitler’s suicide in the bunker: a cover story concocted for the masses.

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• The True Great Escape!

• Martin Bormann, Operation Eagle Flight, August 10, 1944—planned in Strasbourg

• $1B CASH to Argentine Bank, art treasures, tons of gold. Worth $50B in today’s money.(Times of London, NY Times, 1996)

• “The Ratlines”—developed by the Catholic Church, U.S. & the Peron’s in Argentina

• Before becoming pope, Pope Paul VI led the project!

The Plan for the Nazi Escape

Hotel Maison Rouge, Strasbourg

Martin BormannSummer 2015 The Great Escape--The Nazis Come to the Americas 10

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Plan Exposed in 1944!“They [the Nazis] had better means for

preparing to go underground than any

other potential underground movement

in the entire previous history of the

world. They had all the machinery

of the well-organized Nazi state. And

they had a great deal of time to prepare

everything... Himmler [and Bormann]

planned with the utmost coolness.”Curt Reiss, Correspondent, 1944

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• 22 predecessor intelligence groups rolled into the CIA• Took over Henry Morgenthau’s “Operation Safehaven”

(Nazi money trails became Nazi recruitment)

• Dulles Head of “Office of Policy Coordination” (OPC)

• Henry Kissinger began as WW III planner for Dulles. • Despite National Security Act of 1947, 10,000 Nazis

entered U.S. with fake ‘paper-clipped’ dossiers

Allen Dulles: U.S. Mastermind

“If ever the spy Allen Dulles should arrive in Heaven

through absent-mindedness, [Dulles] would begin to

blow up the clouds, mine the stars and slaughter the

angels.” - The Soviet newspaper, Pravda, 1951

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U.S.-NAZI Intelligence Alliance

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• Reinhard Gehlen, NAZI Intel

• Deal cut with Allen Dulles

• All Soviet INTEL Gehlen’s entire “Soviet Desk” into CIA

• Exaggerated Russian Threat to Build Empire

• NASA NAZIs JFK Assassination?

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• President Truman’s anti-Nazi decrees ignored

“Departments of State and Justice led a massive cover-up – which continues even to this day.”

Loftus, America’s Nazi Secret.

• Vatican, U.S. government, Red Cross and Argentina partnered to create “the ratlines”

• Partnership borne out of mutual hatred for Communism and financial benefit to Vatican.

• The “rot” within the Justice Department continues 70 years later—never cleansed.

U.S. Imported NAZI War Criminals

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Other Key Nazis Escaped to Argentina

“Among the more prominent Nazi war criminals who escaped Europe to Argentina via the Vatican ratline were the following: Josef Mengele, the infamous “Angle of Death” physician at the Auschwitz concentration camp; Klaus Barbie, the Gestapo Genocidal criminal known as the “Butcher of Lyon” for his torturing of prisoners, including women an children, in France; and Adolf Eichmann, the notorious SS officer who was a major organizer of the Holocaust.”

Jerome Corsi, Hunting Hitler (2014), citing Peter Levenda, Ratline: Soviet Spies and Nazi Priests, and the Disappearance of Adolf Hitler (2012)

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Nazism Survives – Did Hitler?

The New York Times declared in the

early 1950s that “Nazism is not dead

in Germany.” Given the time and

opportunity, “a form of Nazism could

again rise to power. Materially

speaking, Nazism was smashed into

a pulp by 1945,” but the “vigorous

roots remained.” - New York Times, January 19, 1953

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The Official Story—Not So Historical

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Dr. Hugh Trevor-Roper

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Official Story—Hugh Trevor-Roper

• Russians had bungled the case—no confidence Hitler was truly dead.

• General Dick White, commander of British military intelligence, “invited” Trevor-Roper to undertake the study, in September 1945.

• The “politically correct”, historical version published 1947 by Hugh Trevor-Roper, was entitled The Last Days of Hitler.

• U.S. Major Edward L. Saxe was asked to review, comment & approve.

• His memo on T-R’s findings was 9 October 1945. Therefore, T-R took less than 4 weeks to gather his findings and write the report.

• Only 7 witnesses, 6 in Russian prison—all unavailable. 1 testified and later recanted his statements. His complaint: “I was under pressure.”

• Ally leaders must “close ranks”. Couldn’t admit Hitler had escaped.Summer 2015 The Great Escape--The Nazis Come to the Americas 18

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But Trevor-Roper Later Discredited

• Professor of Modern History at Oxford. Faulted for not writing a major work of history. Died with lots of unfulfilled contracts.

• “In 1983, fell into disgrace when German Magazine Stern asked him to authenticated the so-called Hitler Diaries. Trevor-Roper staked his reputation on his judgment that the diaries were authentic. He suffered international embarrassment when the diaries were proven to be a forgery… This so sullied [his] career than when The Times of London published his obituary, the headline was: “Hitler diary hoax victim dies at 89” making no mention of his wartime work investigating Hitler’s death for British Intelligence.”

(Corsi, Hunting Hitler, p.32-33.)

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Many Contradictions from

“Witnesses”1. Hitler killed himself by biting down on cyanide. No gun used.

2. Hitler took cyanide pill as he shot himself.

3. Hitler shoot himself in temple. No trace of cyanide.

4. Hitler shoot himself in the mouth. No cyanide.

5. Hitler’s gunshot wound was in center of his forehead.

6. The couch was covered in blood. No, there was very little blood.

7. His body (and Eva’s) were burned. Partially. Totally. Not at all.

8. No bodies were found at all… Maybe buried in shallow grave. No, blown to smithereens– only a few fragments remain.

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Hitler Doppelgangers Played a Part

• 1995, Hugh Thomas, British Physician, wrote The Murder of Adolf Hitler: The Truth about the Bodies in the Berlin Bunker.

(See pp. 123-151. Cited by Corsi, p. 49.)

• Bodies produced were “look ‘a likes’”—stand-indoubles, doppelgangers.

• Toxicological testing, no cyanide residue.

• “Eva” double killed by shrapnel in her chest.

• All dental work: “tampering” after-the-fact.

• “The whole story of the alleged suicides… is farcical.”

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Witnesses Abound: Hitler Escaped

• “I think I can say with certainty that the Fuhrer is alive. I have received word through a special messenger [a SS Sturmbannfuhrer] . . . After his death had already been announced.” The courier reportedly relayed the following message from [Gen.] Hermann Fegelein: “The Fuhrer and I are safe and well. Don’t worry about me, you will receive further word from me, even if is in not for some time.”

Hans Fegelein, father of Hermann, husband of Eva Braun’s sister.

• The reports of his death & body burning “are a smokescreen.”

Alford, Sava, Hirschfeld, Nazi Millionaires, (2002)

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FBI Documents Suggest Hitler Was Alive

• Hoover: “if Hitler should at any time get into difficulty wherein it was necessary for him to find a safe retreat, he would find such safe retreat at [their—Eichhorn’s] hotel (La Falda) where they had already made the necessary preparations.”

Letter to American Embassy in Buenos Aires, 13 Nov 1945

• “While the FBI could not prove Hitler was in Argentina, J. Edgar Hoover wanted to put the US Embassy… on alert because the FBI suspected he was in Argentina and wanted the US Embassy personnel in Buenos Aires to know where to look to find him.”

Jerome Corsi, Hunting Hitler

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FBI “Docs” Show Hitler Suicide Faked

“With all of the new found evidence coming to light, it is possible and even likely that not only did Hitler escape from Germany; he had the help of the international intelligence community.

Released FBI documents prove that they were not only aware of Hitler’s presence in Argentina; they were also helping to cover it up.

It would not be the first time the OSS helped a high ranking Nazi official to escape punishment and capture.”

Investment Watch, July 22, 2015

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U.S. Counter Intelligence Report, 1945

• “VON LEON told GLOCKEL that he had heard from a friend of his in Berlin that ADOLF HITLER is now a guest of one EICHHORN, living on a farm called LA FALDA, in ARGENTINA. Hitler’s host, Senor Eichhorn is an Argentinian of German Descent and is an ardent admirer of Nazi philosophy...

• ADOLF HITLER reached Argentina by a German submarine and while on route to Argentina, a famous plastic surgeon remolded HITLER’S facial features. [No verification on this.]

John V. Lapurke, U.S Counter Intelligence, report filed 25 September 1945.

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Eisenhower States “Hitler escaped”

• “There is ‘reason to believe’ that Hitler may still be alive, according to a remark made by Gen. Eisenhower to Dutch newspaperman.”

“Ike Believes Hitler Lives,” The Stars and Stripes, (London),7 October 1945.

• But Ike would reverse his opinion that Hitler was dead.

• In 1948, his book on WWII, Crusade in Europe, Eisenhower commented, “Hitler had committed suicide and the tattered mantle of his authority had fallen to Admiral Doenitz” (Ike, p. 424)

• However, “The pressure to be politically correct weighed on Eisenhower as he was preparing to enter politics” (Corsi, p. 70)

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Conclusion of World War II, Europe

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Montgomery, Eisenhower, Zhukov

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Russian Commanders Admit Hitler Escaped

• On June 10, 1945, the commander of the Soviet Zone in Germany, Marshall Georgi K. Zhukov, stated that Hitler “could have taken off at the very last moment, for there was an airfield at his disposal.”

• Soviet commandant of Berlin, Col. Gen. Nikolai E. Berzarin, said, “My personal opinion is that he has disappeared somewhere into Europe—perhaps he is in Spain with Franco. He had the possibility of taking off and getting away…”

• The Soviets asserted Hitler escaped until 1953!

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Georgi K. Zhukov

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Stalin Contended Hitler Escaped• “I asked the Generalissimo [Stalin] his views on how Hitler died. To

my surprise, he said he believed that Hitler was alive and that it was possible he was then either in Spain or Argentina.”

Secretary of State James F. Byrnes. Conversation at the Potsdam Conference, quoted from his book, Speaking Frankly, cited by Jerome Corsi, Hunting Hitler

(2014), p. 2.

• Top FDR aide, Harry Hopkins, also verified this was Stalin’s opinion.

• Stalin launched “Operation Myth” in 1945, because he suspected his generals were lying. There was a body—but it was not Hitler’s.

• Burning bodies? Maybe. Only a skull fragment kept—someone’s!

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Hitler’s Skull Fragment Discredited

• Later, Russians maintained they had partial skull of Hitler.

• Several Russian studies tried to use dental work from skull as proof that the “new” Russian account was true… in 1963

• In 2009, “Hitler’s Skull” was tested using DNA technology by Nicholas Bellantoni, State Archeologist for Connecticut—forTV documentary broadcast by History Channel

• Found to be from a 40-year-old woman!

• Last evidence of a body proven not credible.Summer 2015 The Great Escape--The Nazis Come to the Americas 31

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Heinrich Müller, “GESTAPO Chief” • Gregory Douglas 1995 book, included transcript of 1948

U.S. interrogation of Müller. Much confirmed in 1999.

– Faked death certificate (11706/45) “Killed in fighting”

– Grave opened, 9-25-1963, 3 men. But no Heinrich.

– Warrant issued for arrest in 1973… year of his death!

– Story exposed @ Clinton’s Executive Order 13100 (1999) Nazi War Criminal Inter-agency Working Group.

• Müller worked for U.S. Army Intel, lived in Georgetown.

• Müller, not Bormann, likely planned the escape.

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Müller Also Planned Bormann’s Escape

“It was the day I had returned from Berlin and a personal meeting with General Lucius D. Clay, military governor of the US Zone of Occupation. General Clay had offered me the position of his civilian deputy, but I had turned it down... During the press club dinner, the British agent and I discussed the fascinating and bizarre disappearance of Reichleiter Bormann; this source said flatly that Müller had engineered Bormann’s escape, using the device of a concentration camp look-alike to throw future investigations off the scent.”

Paul Manning, CBS Correspondent, Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, 1981.

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“Escaping the Bunker” Theory #1• Left from Chancellery Garden, 9 PM on April 22, 1945.

• Flown out via twin-rotor helicopter, FA 223 V51, to Hoerching Airfield, Linz, Austria.

• According to Müller, Hitler and at least two other passengers then departed from Hoerching in a four engine Ju 290A airplane for Barcelona, on April 26, 1945 at about 8 P.M.

• It landed on April 27, 1945 [in Barcelona]. Mueller stated to his U.S. interrogators he received confirmation the plane landed safely. Baumann, H. D.; Hansig, Ron T., Hitler's Escape. (2014)

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“Escaping the Bunker” Theory #2• Hitler and Braun escape through Old Reich Chancellery tunnel

from Hitler’s private quarters to U-bahn to Fehrbelliner Platz.• Junkers Ju 52 took off from Hohenzollerndamm.

Capt. Peter Baumgart piloted the plane.• Midnight, 4-28-45, Hitler, Braun, Bormann, Fegelein, plus 6 soldiers

began the long walk through the tunnels.• Gustav Weber, Hitler’s double, began his act. Braun’s double,

(name unknown) with hair and make-up… she looked identical.• Group flew to Tønder, Denmark, then Travenmünde. Changed

airplanes to Ju 252 and flew to Barcelona, Spain.Dunstan, Simon/Williams, Gerrard; Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler (2011), pp. 160-163.

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Where Was Hitler Headed?

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• Patagonia is enormous, 4x Texas

• Hitler disembarked probably 200 miles south of Mar del Plata

• Drove to ranch, remained 1-2 days

• Hitler & Braun flew to San Carlos de Bariloche, in Rio Negro.

• Near Huapi National park in Argentina. “Alpine” Ski resort.

• Supposedly Hitler seen there as early as late June, 1945.

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Time Magazine Article of July 23, 1945

“Off the submarine base at swank Mar del Plata, fishermen trolled through the wintry, misty Argentine dawn. Out of the gray murk loomed the bulk of a big submarine. Its engines silent, it rolled gently with the waves... Just before daylight, the submarine got under way, slid silently through the naval base’s narrow entrance. The sub swished past a sentry, standing with his back to the sea, and blinked a surrender signal to the control tower. The German submarine, U-530, commanded by Lieut. Otto Wermouth, 25, had arrived. The date was July 10th, 1945.”

Hansig, Ron. Hitler's Escape, 2nd Edition

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Six U-boats in vicinity, 2 groups of 3

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• Also two theories on which U-boats used, and when they arrived.

• Dunstan and Williams claim 3 U-boats, U-1235, U-880, U-518 broke from “Gruppe Seewolf.” 28 April, to Fuerteventura, Canary Islands.

• After 3-4 days, embarked for 53 days at Sea, Hitler, Eva, and Blondi

• SS Gen. Fegelein arrived on U-880 July 23, before Hitler on July 28.

• July 30, Argentine Curtiss biplane, arrived in Bariloche at dusk.

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Why Argentina?

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• Resembled Berchtesgaden, Obersalzberg, Bavaria.• Large German Population, blossoming since the

1870s; however, English owned best lands—Germans pushed further south… to Patagonia.

• By 1939, 60,000 members of Argentine Nazi Party.• Many friends there, e.g., Eichhorn’s La Falda Hotel.• Sparsely populated—remote area—huge/forested.• Juan and Eva Peron, a fascist regime, hosted Hitler.• Bariloce was only 25 miles from Chilean border.


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Hitler’s Estancia in Argentina, Inalco

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• The Berghof… named after his home in the Bavarian Alps

• 6,000 square feet

• 1,050 acres, banks of the lake

• Protected on 3 sides by dense forest—only access by lake

• Hitler moved into the residence in June 1947.

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Email:[email protected]

Woodward’s web site:

Books on Amazon: S Douglas Woodward

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Information on S Douglas Woodward

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The Nazis Came to the Americas

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Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!

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Appendix 1:

What Was Hitler’s New Agenda?

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American Export: Theosophy & Nazis

• Theosophy, along with Sir Edward Bulwar-Lytton’s The Vril, German occultic ideology

• The Secret Doctrine of Blavatsky – Aryan race, Teutonic superiority, coming of the Gods

• Rudolf Glauer, (Baron von Sebottendorf) Founder of Thule Society in 1919. Author— Bevor Hitler Kam (Before Hitler Came)

• Himmler’s Ahnenerbe – “Unearthed the past”

• Third Reich—obsessed with becoming like godsSummer 2015 The Great Escape--The Nazis Come to the Americas 44

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• Secret team of psychics named Doktor Greenbaum, from the Kabbalah, the ‘tree of life’

• Nazi mediums connected with “black forces, invisible hierarchies” N. Goodrick-Clarke, The Occult Roots of Nazism (1992)

• Soviets grabbed the psychics – U.S. had no interest


• Military Intelligence and CIA tested and used REMOTE VIEWING, while denying, downplaying, and denigrating the validity of all these abilities

• U.S. Government turned clairvoyance into a weapon of war (by 1977, U.S. “military mediums” were active)

Doktor Greenbaum

Tree of Life – Kabbalah

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• “Zwillinge, Zwillinge!” (Twins, twins) – 1,500 studied but only 200 survived

• Ghastly research on Jews, Gypsies, dwarfs, and the deformed –”The Angel of Death”

• Dr. Black – “Absorbed with becoming gods” (Carol Rutz)

• Mengele’s escape– South American sightings – the “Ratlines”

– Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil (d. 1979)

Dr. Josef Mengele & Auschwitz

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Mengele – A Mentor to the CIA?• The CIA “Shuttle Service” – Brunner, von

Bolschwing from Christopher Simpson’s account: Blowback (1988)

• The 10-year Gap in Mengele’s Diary (1949-1959). What was he doing then?

• Witnesses: Programming Children of Nobility

• The “Mengele Interviews” – DID, Manchurian Candidates and the Satanic Strategy

• The Plan: Hybrid Breeding – “The Chosen Ones”

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Appendices 2:

The Financial Partnership

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• American “Robber Barons” drove German

reparations (from 1919 Treaty of Versailles)

• Union Bank Corp, Fritz Thyssen

“Trading with the Enemies Act” (1942)

• George Herbert Walker, Prescott Bush

• Attorneys: Allen & John Foster Dulles

• American Corporations built Auschwitz

• Complicit Corporations : Ford, GM, IBM,

Standard Oil, DuPont, IT&T, GE

U.S. Elite Supplied $ to the Nazis

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I.G. Farben – The Key• Internationale Gesellschaft Farbenindustrie

• “The State within a State” - The Wehrmacht

• American Directors—Prominent & important

– Henry Ford, Max Warburg, Charles Mitchell

• Created Zyklon-B – Gas Chambers

• Not divested until 2004!

• I.G. Farben contributed 30 %

of the 1933 Hitler National

Trusteeship (or takeover) fund.

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“With IBM as a partner, the Hitler regime was able to substantially automate and accelerate all six phases of the twelve-year Holocaust: identification, exclusion, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation, and even extermination.”“The Reich became IBM’s largest overseas customer.” – Edwin Black

Holocaust Computerized by IBM

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Appendices 3:

The Infusion of Nazi Technology

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Werner von Braun & NASA• Dornberger, Ley, Oberth, Rudolph

• V2 Rockets – Wunderwaffe, Peenemünde

• “London got in the way” – H.L. Mencken

• Freemasons vs. Nazis @ NASA, Hoagland

• A Secret Space Program? Soviets> <U.S.A.

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Hermann Oberth - the UFO Cover-up

“Today we cannot produce machines that fly as UFOs do. They are flying by means of artificial fields of gravity. This would explain the sudden changes of directions… This hypothesis would also explain the piling up of these disks into a cylindrical or cigar-shaped mothership upon leaving the earth, because in this fashion only one field of gravity would be required for all disks...Finally, this assumption also explains the strong electrical and magnetic effects sometimes, but not always, observed in the vicinity of UFOs.”

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Does U.S. Have Flying Saucers?

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Appendices 4:

The Eugenics Partnership

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Partners to Purify ‘Nordic’ Race• Aryans by any other name?

• Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes in the 1920s, financed by the Rockefeller Foundation

• IBM developed the tabulation machine for Nazi tracking of Gypsies, Jews, and the decrepit

• NAZIs traveled to Cold Springs Harbor; Americans traveled to German Institutes

• Tide turned against Eugenics @ 1935 Berlin Eugenics Conference when Clarence Campbell praised the Third Reich’s plan for racial purity

• American Press’ conscience then awoke

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America Champions of Holocaust

“While we were pussy-footing around, the Germans were calling a spade a spade.”

– Leon Whitney, American Eugenics Society

“The Germans are beating us at our own game.” – Joseph DeJarnette, superintendent of Western State Hospital, VA.

“It is unfortunate that the anti-Nazi propaganda… obscure(s) understanding and the great importance of the German racial policy.”

– Clarence Campbell from Eugenical News, 1936

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