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By Don Pickard 



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Chapter 1

1. In the beginning the Word was. The word of I'Hua Mazda spoke through

the gods. Thus was the word with all lawfully ordained gods crowned by

The Great Spirit E-O-IH.

2. I'Hua Mazda, The Creator, was, before any other was brought into

life. Therefore all things came into being through the expression of 

I'Hua'Mazda, the everlasting word.

3. All things came to be through Him; and without The Great Spirit none

entered into the consciousness of themselves as a separate I AM.

4. What came into manifestation came through the Spirit of I'Hua'Mazda,

whose word is continually echoing throughout creation: and Life itself 

shall always be to mankind the evidence of The Light beyond all men.

5. Ever doth light shine into darkness; nor can the dark overcome the

light, because both conditions are alike unto I'Hua'Mazda, The One GreatLife of All.

6. Came a man whose life was ordained before his birth into corpor, and

this man was born iesu, and named Joshu.

7. None amongst mankind was sent to testify to him, or introduce him,

for in himself he personified the All-Light within the limitations of 


8. Nor spake he other than as directed by the light beyond all other 

lights; for he sought not that which is reckoned glory in the sight of 

men. He spoke as inspired, and his words were words of truth, directed

unto his own nation.

9. The light, the truth light, that illumines all mankind, had always


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been with men, since the beginning; and at no time had mortals been left

to flounder in darkness, unsupported by the hosts of the higher heavens.

10. I'Hua'Mazda spoke through many iesu, and thus planted faith in

I'Hua' Mazda so that it was firmly rooted on the earth.

11. He came unto his own, and only a minority of his people recognized

that he was iesu. Thus these who perceived the real authority behind

him, blessed Eloih, The Great I AM, who had given them a prophet, iesu

at birth.

12. In the main his own people did not take him to themselves, becauseof a spiritual darkness over them, and the influence of idol-worship.

In particular Baal and the goddess Astaroth.

13. Yes to as many who believed in his doctrines and carried them out in

their lives, he was able to reveal the secret mysteries, the art of 

healing, the hidden gnosis; so that these grew wiser in spiritual

perception than all the rest.

14. To as many who embraced faith in The Great Spirit E-O-IH, was the

door opened to the true path in life that leads to eternal resurrection

and ascension for the soul.

15. Joshu revealed the true, the real Father, and the grace of the

Father shone brightly in his deeds and words; he sought nothing in life

for himself, desiring only to do the will of Eloih to the uttermost

humanly possible.

16. We saw the glory of The Great Spirit in him and loved deeply that

which we saw.

17. Grace was poured plentifully into him, and he gave it top all who

asked of him. In the name of The Great Spirit E-O-IH he blessed them


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18. As Chine had invoked the sacred name of E-O-IH and raised his hands

in blessing on the sick, even to raising the dead, so likewise did the

last of the prophets.

19. He revealed the full meaning of the laws Moses had taught. He came

not to abolish the law, but to re-state it, to express it in terms of 

mortal conduct.

20. Thus those who accepted his doctrines did already in the earth-life

begin the life of resurrection and ascension. The real power becametheirs by faith in the name of The All-Person, The Creator, The Great

Spirit E-O-IH.

21. Other faiths had not this power, and so were impotent; and this

truth holds just as true today as it did in the earth-life of the last

of the prophets, the iesu Joshu.


1. I, The Great Spirit, write the gospel of Iesu. It is the words I

write on the soul, and they express themselves as that which is acted out

as living illustrations in the life of Mine iesu.

2. Not only is the doctrine of truth, the deeds also are of truth. Thus

are My illustrations doubly illustrated, that all may understand.

3. Of what useful purpose all the gospels ever inspired, if they change

not a man in his course? My gospels come with real power of spirit,

full of potency, and change a man so that he becomes to himself as a new


4. By My Spirit doth a man perceive the truth in My words, so that he is


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sure of the path in life he must follow.

5. Not a little glory do I preach, unto one nation, in one cycle of the

history of a star-world. I speak through many iesu in order to reach

the many.

6. Time cometh when iesu have done that which I inspired them to do,

which was, to establish Me in the hearts and minds of the many: and when

that labor is finished, I raise up many, not of iesu, and I qualify them

by My inspiration so that continuity is in all our labor.

7. For without continuity in a labor, from beginning to end, it becomesa thing disjointed, and confuses mortals; because they fail to see a

logical progression in it.

8. So I inspire mortals to sift and sieve for the pure truth in all

doctrines. Yes, I inspire t hem with capacity to perceive the true and

the false even in that which is purported to have come of Me.

9. I give to each generation the capacity to possess greater knowledge than

those before them. In their judgement, that which could not previously

be seen for what it was, is now plain for all to see.

10. They judge accepted doctrine by My Light within their 

understanding. Thus the true and the good stand out, but the false and

that which cometh not of Me, also stands out in their judgment; and so

it falls by the way, because it is not at-one with truth spoken and

truth acted out in life itself.

11. Iesu speaks My words. They speak not of themselves. Therefore will

those who follow in their path speak My words, and not their own. Judge

thou all gospels with this in mind.


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Chapter 3

1. I ask not that mortals have faith in Me through the

wonders in magic performed, but through the doctrine,

reaching the heart.

2. Gospels that overawe mortals by emphasis on miraculous

come not of Me. They are inventions of angelic minds

having used my doctrines in part for their own purposes.

3. A gospel revealing normality of development from infancy

of iesu can seem reasonable. Judge to see which is of Me.

4. Some iesu have performed great feats; others worked no

miracle, yet My Power and My Wisdom overshadowed each. Judge

on the merit contained in the doctrine.

5. As the development is in nature, so likewise with the

spirit of a mortal. Nothing that promises quick salvationhath My Wisdom in it.

6. It is the blending of many elements that make the spirit

strong. This is orderly growth.

7. I have given thee of My Powers to reason, discern and

conclude; use these powers. Use thou these powers to good

purpose and the true gospel of iesu thy spirit will impart

to the corporeal senses.

8. Whatever thou believest, in time it will be My Voice,

speaking in soul-words to thy spirit that will become he only

truth that is, truth to thee.

9. Then shalt thou discard former part-revelations of truth


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whether in thy gospels or any sacred writings established

by men and angels. My gospel I will write on thy soul, Myself.

Chapter 4

1. That the many shall find faith in the true and real Father, and be

happy in life, are thee words written.

2. As the womb is to the unborn child, so is corpor to the spirit of a

mortal. Corpor is no more the real life than is the womb the real life

of the unborn child. The real life begins when mortals die to corpor,

and see it no more through the senses of corpor.

3. Alike to those having faith in the true and real Father, and those not

having faith in this which we declare true.

4. Therefore rejoice in life; because thou art already immortal.

5. This truth cancels the premises upon which other faiths wereestablished. Thou may'st call on Gods, Lords, and saviors till thou art

weary of praying, and nothing will disprove the reality thou shalt

encounter in Es.

6. Thou wilt enquire of those in "Life", who will declare:- "We are

sustained in "Life" by the true and real Father". When sufficient have

echoed these woes, thou wilt perceive the irrelevance of much believed

necessary for salvation.

7. Because of thy great, almost sudden joy, thou wilt desire to convey

this to mortals; but few will believe, being unwilling to shed their 

beliefs. Thy own happiness will be marred by this unbelief in mortals,

who know not the true and real Father.

8. The Creator hath given each immortality by virtue of the fact of 


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mortality. Nor can the words of any created be of more effect than the

words of The Creator, or change this in any way.

9. "Life" is The Creator's gift; and is His alone to give.

10. If men seek for happiness in life, release from the burden of guilt,

then this gospel will be of greater effectiveness than promises made,

in which they cast themselves helplessly on another for salvation.

11. Iesu spoke as moved by The Great Spirit, and their doctrine differs

not from our words. Iesu and we are one in The Creator's emancipated


12. Happiness in life comes of faith in the true Father, who writes

living truths upon the soul by direct inspiration.

13. A greater gospel than any heard hitherto is this gospel. It is

written both in words touched by The Spirit with "Life", and by The

 All-Person on the soul.

14. The Great Spirit E-O-IH is The One Life of all who enter "Life".

15. No greater gospel will ever be revealed to mortals. It is, the

highest truth any man receives; it gives the soul deep and utter peace.

The lesser beliefs left too many question marks and doubt to be of any

permanent value.


1. Faith is the hope within, that faith in the unseen will be

vindicated. It is the belief in the mortal heart that the unseen is! -

that in it are unseen worlds you will one day see; just as you see and

hear in the earth-life.


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2. Iesu sees and hears the unseen just as mortals see and hear things

around them. There is no need for them to have faith in the unseen;

because it is plain and obvious. But not so is it with the majority of 


3. The mortal has faith in things objectively perceived through the

corporeal senses. Even these do not always see reality as it really is;

so to just have all-faith in these, is open to question. Yet the mortal

has more faith in these than in the unseen, where the real is seen as it

actually is.

4. Iesu speak of The Great Spirit, The Creator, who is not seen as a man

sees his friend, face to face, yet is seen in all things, when faith

opens the eyes to see properly. Yet the mortal will rather prefer one

seen face to face; as a man sees his friend; and so he worships not the

true Father, but a substitute for the true Father. So his faith is not

faith at all. He worships iesu, not knowing what he does. He hath

nothing more than faith in idol-worship.

5. Iesu tells man to worship the Father only; but man understands not the

greatness of the All-Person; cannot take him in, for The Great Spirit

escapes his limited definitions. So the mortal defines a thing within

his own limits, and proclaims- "I have faith in God". The pretense

holds no matter with us!

6. Iesu speaks of faith in THE GREAT I AM. They establish Jehovih in

the understanding of some mortals. That is their labor. Later come

false angels who use suitable portions of the iesu doctrine and slant it

so mortals have faith in them. So iesu doctrine, as it reads in your 

sacred scriptures, is a combination of the true and the false.

7. Neither can the mortal know which is which till he finds the real

Father for himself; who opens his eyes to see things as they really


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are. Then the mortal has faith in the true Father and nothing can shake

his faith.

8. So faith grows. It becomes hope vindicated. It is no more just

hope, but solid facts, axioms established and vast eons of time. Thesechange not because the wind carries some sudden new philosophy that

lasts a couple of thousand years.

9. To have faith in Jehovih is to become as a man high on a mountain who

looks both down and up., His perspective of things is more balanced.

The scenes below tell him of mortals immersed in busyness, rarely

looking up. The scenes above spell out the vastness of The Eternal;for wherever he looks there is never a boundary to be seen. So he

returns to the valley below, but is never as one solely concerned with

the affairs of mortals. His perspective of life is a true one, and he

goes his way in life, with the heart set on a good few of his fellow

mortals ever discern.

10. The Faithist in The Great Spirit is as a pilgrim in corpor. He willpass through it, and will bid it farewell without reluctance or 

lingering regrets; because nothing belonging to the order of the

permanent was to be found in it. The Gods and Goddesses of Jehovih will

seem to smile on him, as if giving encouragement. He will become his

own savior.

11. Two opposing kingdoms will struggle within him for supremacy.

Unless he has faith in Jehovih, his own kingdom of heaven will be drawn

down by corpor and will become a shambles. Behold, O mortal! The

Kingdom of heaven is within, and also is the kingdom of the tetracts,

whose captain is the Satan.

12. Then cometh the prince of the worldly spirit, laying just claims to

those ruled by his spirit. In vain shalt thou call upon thy sacred names

for salvation. To that condition which is in affinity with thyself must


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thou go, because thou art ruled by the spirit that ever is in opposition

to Jehovih.

13. Iesu declared true faith in all ages, which was in the pacifist

disposition; that fought not, killed no living creatures, and lived inmortal life ever knowing the eye of Jehovih read the deep secrets of the

heart at all times. It was a true faith because no pretence was in it.

14. What greater pretence can any man have than to believe he will be

changed in the twinkling of an eye? No realistic faith could possibly

lead to such conclusion; therefore that faith becomes an unreal faith,

and encourages deceit.

15. Shall a sword be complimentary to a cross? To believe this is to

believe heaven governed by the same laws that govern mortals, and it is

not so. The true cross in the heart of the Eternal is not as the cross

in thy scriptures.

16. Iesu would not speak false. Therefore that which is false in thyscriptures cannot be of iesu; for whoso takes to heart true iesu

doctrine will always find the true Father, and have faith in Him.

17. To find The Father. To reveal The Father. This is all, and for His

Glory alone.

18. Neither mortal nor angel can truly be happy in life, or find a

worthwhile meaning to their own life, until they find the Father.

19. A life of separateness from The Father must always take the soul

away from the Father. Faith in The Father is the end of such a road in


20. The Father has implanted the star of true faith in everyone. None

need walk in darkness. The Father will always speak in the still,


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gentle voice, to the one seeking Light, and lead the seeker for truth

in His own ways.

21. The Father is very close to everyone; and is easiest of all persons

to know.

22. Extreme liberty gives The Father to each person. They have liberty

even to reject The Father if they so choose; and The Father will be just

as loving a Father in spite of rejection.

23. So dearly hath The Father loved mortals that He has been with them,

right from the beginning; and never once has He left them devoid of Light.

24. All iesu lives revealed The Father. It was the purpose intended.

Nor sought iesu a glory bestowed on them by mortals or anyone.

Inconceivable would be the idea of establishing a religion based on

themselves as the foundation stone.

25. Iesu put it plainly, saying:- I am mortal. Worship not me. Worship

only Jehovih, The Great Spirit.

26. This was the foundation stone of their doctrine. In this did they

all speak with one accord, though thousands of years separated them in

time and place.

27. Those amongst mortals who follow in their spirit today say the same

things. They reiterate the ancient faith, and speak not a new doctrine.

28. Whatever new doctrine comes to mortals, comes not of Jehovih nor 

those who are one with Him. The ancient doctrines contained all that

was sufficient, and required nothing added to them.

29. These revelations are contained in Oahspe and are all-comprehensive,


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yet the revelation of truth is always unfolding.

30. There is one true faith., All others are deviations or perversions

of doctrines taught by iesu from Zarathustra to Joshu, and are a blend

of truth and error very cunningly mixed.

31. Iesu say:- I am mortal, as you. Worship not me. Worship Jehovih,

The Great Spirit. Neither let others come and lead you into idolatry,

lest you go down into darkness for a long time.

Chapter 6

1. I am the true vine. It is My Life that flows throughout the

universe, sustaining all.

2. Unto Gods and Goddesses, Lords and Lordesses, angels and mortals

alike, I am the true vine.

3. This life I give to all, ever sustaining, ever renewing, ever changing the forms that hold the life.

4. Life of the One Life of All is the life of each person; neither is

there any life separate and apart from the One Life of All.

5. This symbol intersects the sacred sign of My Name; and as it is the

center of the true cross, so shall it be the central truth in thy life.

6. The true vine is, the Tree of Life; and thou art as a single blossom

on that tree. Fear not the blossom shall fall to the ground and die,

for it shall never become apart from Me, who am its source of Life.

7. The blossom gives way to the development of the ripening fruit. In

the same way thy corporeal body gives way to thy spirit-body. The end

in mind in both cases is the same.


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8. Though the Life dwell in the form, the form itself is not the Life.

The Life is greater than the form. Greater than death is My Power of 

Life; for I create death to serve the Life.

9. Before creation, The Life was. The Life was, before anything. The

Life shall always be. The Tree of Life is from everlasting unto


10. Though the blossom seem to fall to the ground and perish, as a

mortal sees it, yet is the Life active even in the fallen blossom; for 

death in this still serves the Life to be manifested in the future.

11. Thy corporeal body falleth as the blossom; yet the Life within thy

spirit suffers no loss on account of this.

12. The life of spirit in Es is more full than the manifestation of life

in corpor. By the seeming death of the blossom doth the Life become

renewed with great vigor.

13. The fruit will come to development only in Es. In corpor, at best,

it will be show the promise of things to come.

14. The true vine nourishes all. It gives of itself forever.

Chapter 7

1. The love of The Great Spirit broods over all creations. It is like

the tender care and watchfulness of a loving mother over her children.

The spirit of the mother, in The Father, enables the heart to respond

with love.

2. The Father and Mother are One Person. The head and the heart blended


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together become male and female in one person. Whoso sees this in

mortality is greatly blessed; for they will have seen the Divine image

shining forth.

3. Whoso hath seen iesu, hath the Father and Mother seen. Whoso hasthe spirit of iesu, blends head and heart together. Whoso does this,

becomes one with The Father.

4. The Divine image is in two separate parts in corpor. They become one

in Es, both in one person; and this is true love. Nor can any know true

love properly until the two become one, and the one become one with the

Great Spirit.

5. As a lighted candle is to the brilliant light of the sun, so are the

ideas of love in corpor to the ideas of love in Es. One is pale and

insignificant, the other resplendent in glory.

6. Same holds true of ideas as to love enshrined in sacred writings.

They are not worthy to bear comparison with the glory resplendent.

7. If love roots not in the family.

Chapter 8

1. One man says:- I am Kristian, I worship Kriste. Others declare

different names, believing they are the true worshippers and the others

in error.

2. I say unto you that they are all in error. Each has inherited a

fragment of iesu doctrine, which hath been highly colored, and stands

unrecognizable as pure doctrine.

3. That they stand in opposition to each other declares the spirit of 

oneness in the higher worlds is not in them. Iesu spoke of harmony and


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that which unites diversity in unity. This is the real spirit of iesu.

4. If there cannot be unity amidst great diversity in things spiritual,

how can those without faith ever find a faith worth having? What

mockery of the Spirit is this, that makes religion a stumbling block, somaking it harder to find faith?

5. There are but two classifications of all mortals; those having faith

in the Father, and those without faith in the Father.

6. Does not the fact that mortals have the power to destroy their world

highlight the fact that they have but that one world in which to live,and so ought to live in harmony?

7. So the power of possible evil unconsciously impresses this truth on

their minds, as perhaps no amount of sermons could ever do. Harmony

stands before men of reason, and at the same time, the alternative that

is terrible to contemplate.

8. In no period before Kosmon have the opposites stood so clearly as

they do now. In no other way can it be brought home to mortals that

only one way of life will work, which is unity and harmony amongst the

nations of a whole world.

9. There is but one universal faith, and if you are not part of it,

nothing can prevent the slide into darkness, chaos and anarchy. Not in

the power of politicians does salvation lie, but in the power inherent

in the universal faith to make mortals change course.

10. Therefore iesu stressed the fact that all men and women are brothers

and sisters unto one another; and all are children of The Great Spirit.

Until this is embraced without reservation, the path to darkness widens

all the time.


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11. Therefore shall you choose the destiny you desire, and the only

proposition is which faith shall you embrace - that which is eternal,

or the beliefs that hide the Father; in which the unbeliever remains

in unbelief?

Chapter 9

1. The Father, The Great Spirit E-O-IH, is the eternal True Shepherd.

Iesu, being one with the Father, accurately reflects the heart of the

Father, and in themselves become as assistants to the Shepherd


2. As with iesu and their labor with mortals, so it is with the Gods and

Goddesses of Jehovih and their holy angels, in their own labor, with

angels abiding in the first resurrection. It is part of one endless

labor, continuous in the history of all evolving star-worlds.

3. Soon as some flocks are protected, others have wandered, and danger awaits them. This is happening all the time. The True Shepherd must be

eternally vigilant. There is always danger somewhere.

4. The True Shepherd labors in all endless time, saving to the uttermost

all who get lost or are drawn down into darkness. The rest-periods in

between labor are few and far between, sometimes centuries apart.

5. Not a little scheme of salvation occupies the minds of many in Es;

but a vast scheme, involving countless worlds like yours, as each

develops in its history until it arrives in the arc of Kosmon, in the

etherean heavens.

6. And when the knowledge of The True Shepherd rests in the hearts of 

the many, then is a short respite from the labor of thousands of years.


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7. Therefore iesu reflect on a small scale, things that are labor in

heaven on a vast scale. It is all one labor; for as iesu are one with

The Father, so are thousands of millions high-raised angels also one

with The Father.

8. The Shepherd, the true and beautiful shepherd, seeks that which was

lost in the vastness of endless creations and saves them all.

Therefore, whosoever is one with The Father, will do such work in Es in

order to promote the greatest happiness in life for the maximum number 

of persons.

9. This is the pure motive for all labor in heaven, and is its own

reward; for we shall have done that which was well pleasing in His


10. Jehovih speaks to each soul at some time, saying:- "My son! My

daughter! Come, My beloved, labor with Me. Be thou helpmate and

companion with Me forever."

11. Such is the love of The Creator, who invites us to co-operate in

such labor. By our co-operation, in vast units of thousands of millions

acting as one, are many star-worlds lifted up from darkness into light.

Chapter 10

1. I am The One Great Light of the universe. thy light is a borrowed

light, a reflected light that comes of Me.

2. The light in iesu is My reflected Light. I have toned it down,

adjusted it, lest mortals be overwhelmed by its brilliance. Therefore

iesu reflect the highest degree of My Light mortals can behold.

3. Others in past stole of My Light in order to glorify themselves.


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Because of this, the light of iesu in thy scriptures comes to thee as a

light dimmer than it originally was.

4, A borrowed light, a stolen light, what does it matter? All that

matters now is that mortals recognize the true source of Light, which isof Me, Thy Creator, and not another.

5. Whether light cometh of iesu doctrines, or of My direct inspiration,

matters not. Sufficient is it that it cast a light upon the soul, and

then in the understanding of mortals, as to Me, The Great Spirit.

6. Whoso asketh of Me for light, unto him or her will I give. My Lightis a redemptive light; for it casts its rays on the soul and magnifies

all contrasts so they are lit up for all to see.

7. My light formeth first as a center point of light in the soul, then

extends outwards in all directions. Whosoever is guided by My light

sees all things as they really are, and is not confused.

8. Nor need Mine contend with any for opinions sake. My Light giveth

them confidence in their own judgment. They need no second opinion as


9. Mine approach Me directly. They do not go through a second person.

For this reason Mine as known as direct worshipers. They know a line of 

light connects them with Me forever, which cannot be broken.

10. I am the Light that is with each corporeal world, from its infancy

to its old age, when it is incapable of sustaining life anymore.

11. I force none to accept My light. As they are prepared to receive

and withstand My light, so do I lead each one on in life.

12. I make them flames of light, for My Light shall shine most


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gloriously in them, who are created My highest lights in creation.

13. Their light shall be seen in Es, a thousand times brighter than the

light of thy corporeal sun.

14. All who desire may receive of My Light. To all who ask of Me, do I


Chapter 11

1. Suffer each person to believe whatsoever they choose to believe.

Reveal thou Me, O My beloved, but with discretion; for liberty unto allis the first law of heaven, and shall be binding upon all.

2. Suffer all things with patience. If a mortal or angel butt the head

against a wall, it but proveth folly. It doth not disprove Me. That

which testifies to Me hath all the time in the world in which to

register on their understanding.

3. Behold! I give to mortals and angels alike, extremes in liberty.

But at the same time I make each accountable to Me. Even those who

oppose Me still have this liberty to oppose.

4. To interfere not with the rights of others; it hath been the labor of 

thousands of years to convince mortals and angels to concern themselves

with their own concerns.

5. Nor shall this right of liberty be infringed. Even if for a time

darkness seems to triumph over light, yet shall liberty be not violated.

6. Be most circumspect, O My beloved, in all revelations of Me, to give

mortals no excuse to say that My religion was forced on them against

their will. Not even truth shall force itself upon another.


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7. Put My revelations before others with discretion, with moderation in

persuasiveness. Let wisdom come through suggestion, rather than seem to

vindicate itself behind the word "authority".

8. Suffer the fool to be foolish; the wise to be wise. The discrepancy

between these extremes will narrow as the experiences in the school of 

life come to pass in time.

9. Let whoso that hath faith in Me say so in their own words, and in the

strength of their own convictions. Yet give the same liberty to whoso

denies a Creator; that liberty shall be equal and alike to each.

10. Do unto others as thou would'st have thy Creator do unto thee. In

obedience to this will all the spiritual laws in creation be on thy


11. Give unto all liberty to think their own thoughts, utter their honest

opinions, do within reason and respect for the rights of others, whatever they choose to do. For upon such a base are My heavenly kingdoms


12. Whoso will desire to labor in the building of such a Kingdom shall

be inspired by these guidelines in the proper way. Otherwise all plans

set in hand will come to nothing.

13. Nor shalt thou in the name of liberty deprive the individual of his

or her rights; for nothing thou canst say to justify such a course, can

ever justify itself in My sight.

14. Herein are the laws of freedom; the heritage and birthright of 

everyone who enters life.

Chapter 12


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1. The imperatives of The Eternal are not burdensome; they delight the

spirit. They are written on the heart in a way each can comprehend.

Thou hast all-freedom even in the interpreting of these; and more is

motive and intention of mortals esteemed than the degree of attainmentso far.

2. Highest and foremost of all imperatives is to love the Creator to thy

greatest capacity to reciprocate His Love. Next to this, to live the

highest light thou knowest each day, trusting He will guide thee to yet

higher light. Upon these two imperatives hang all the law and the

doctrines of the prophets.

3. In obedience to these is man's highest delight in life; neither is

heaven strict in judgment as to man's attainment. That man has tried to

do his best, is sufficient; for he can do no more than this, nor is

anything beyond this expected of him.

4. Thus is the spirit at the heart of iesu doctrine summarized in thefewest of words, so that none may say it is ambiguous, or open to

contention as to the meaning of words.

5. It may be put in even fewer words:- Love Jehovih utterly and

completely, and do what thou wilt. Nor is this open license to do what

the personal self desires, for in loving Jehovih, the personal self will

be of no consideration. Chiefest joy in life will be to do whatsoever 

things are pleasing unto The Father. Nor wilt thou err in this, for 

spirit will be thy teacher and faithful guide.

6. Jehovih gave man the gift of commonsense. Apply it and thou wilt not

err in anything as to sound doctrine. That which mortals cal

commonsense is Jehovih's dots and commas.

7. Form thy base on a sound foundation, and a true Kingdom of heaven may


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be built, stone by stone. The Great Architect will be principal

adviser, yet thou wilt think it all done by thyself.

8. Iesu doctrine is never open to contention as to the meaning of words.

it is said so all may understand. Only the false will use it andwrangle about the dots and commas.

9. Be guided by the impulses of the heart even if the head whispers

'caution'. For it is these impulses ever coursing through the universe

that tell Gods and angels what is best to do.

10. Judge thou all doctrine; then see if thou canst devise a better. Byfollowing this process is the highest light ever determined.

Chapter 13

1. Ever forward, O mortal. Ever onward. No going back. Ever forward.

Beyond the gate of death, advancing ever forward. For thy world and

its heavens is impelled by a Divine hand to do the same. Neither hathit will or desire separate from this. So the whole of creation ever 

moveth forward, forward, onward forever, without end!

2. Neither cometh the spirit of man back into the womb. Man born from

the womb comes into life as Spirit in a body of corpor, and hath no need

to do this twice, let alone a hundred times.

3. Iesu warn mortals against doctrines not in harmony with the doctrines

of The Great Spirit. Iesu stress their mortality, as if to say, regard

me not as other than man, as any man.

4. Beloved, look upon the scenes of thy world with eyes to see. Thou

wilt only see it through such eyes once in all eternity. Nor wilt thou

ever see it through the eyes of another.


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5. Creation moveth forward constantly. It goeth not back. Neither doth

the spirit of man go back. To believe otherwise is to imply the Creator 

is perchance lacking in inventive skills, which cannot possibly be.

6. By the very tenets of its philosophy doth reincarnation judge itself,

and the general movement of thy world and its heavens in the etherean

 Arcs, contradicts it flatly. In logic it is illogical, because the

inventive skills of the Creator are infinite; and nothing is repeated or 

duplicated exactly the same in all creation. Why should man enter the

womb again? It is both unnecessary and irrelevant.

7. Therefore rejoice with us in the ever new inventions of Jehovih, Who

creates for us heaven upon heaven, full of surprise; whose delight is to

witness His children's surprise and joy.

8. Beautiful hast Thou created corpor, O Jehovih! Yet more beautiful

are the spheres beyond. O Jehovih! Such beauty, that ever unfolds

before my spirit-senses, full of magnificence and unsurpassable glory.Who but Thee, O Father, could'st carry thy children onward and forward

forever, in all the vastness of eternity?

9. Therefore heed not the little schemes of salvation that sprout up like

mushrooms, only to disappear in a brief hour, as if they had never been.

10. R3member, O mortal, unto the One whose creations span thousands of 

millions of years, these philosophies mean nothing. Nor does heaven

rise in anger to protest at the spread of untruths. For in the course

of time, the merit in all doctrines proveth itself, and reality only

need wait.

 Almost with indifference to the strange notions mortals cherish, does

creation in a family of planets move remorselessly onwards, in its vast

circuit of millions of years duration.


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Chapter 14

1. Sin and saviors go hand in hand together. Yet angels sin as well as

mortals. So how can the doctrine of redemption through saviors helpangels? Indeed the sins of angels are far more terrible than the evils

in mortal life.

2. Behind all doctrines of salvation by saviors lie the schemes of 

cunning angels to do in heaven that which dictators do on earth. Thus

the mortal claiming the name he believes will save him, finds out too

late he has been deceived, and is more a prisoner in bondage than ever before.

3. The promised salvation turned out to be increased bondage, as the

angels false to Jehovih, planned the extensions of their heavenly

empires; and then took to war against other similar empires.

4. The believer was bound to them because he bound himself to thatparticular name in the earth-life.

5. He therefore called for iesu, but Kriste is not iesu, and this he

does not know. He calls for Jesus, or any other honored name, little

guessing there was a true Brahma and a false Brahma, a true Buddha and a

false one. Nor was Mohammed in any better situation.

6. So confusion comes about because mortals think Jesus saves, or 

rather, Joshu of Palestine saves. They know not the iesu never claimed

to be saviors in themselves; at best were prophets, iesu at birth, who

showed the way, through faith in The Creator alone.

7. And the only way leading to Life is in Jehovih, the Creator. There

is no other way upwards. The other ways end up in hells and knots, when

such kingdoms finally crash in ruins.


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8. Tragic to behold such a kingdom crash in ruins. Sometimes the

deceived angels cast their leaders into vast hells, other times they

seem to want to prove their loyalty even more.

9. In the end, the eyes of the blind are opened. The way to life is

pointed out to them, and they then begin the long labor of equalization

of the evils of the past, then following the right path to their own

highest light.

10. Whether you believe the true doctrines of the iesu, or the false

doctrines of heavenly usurpers, one fact cannot be in dispute. Either way is no easy path to the higher worlds.

11. Therefore be thou wise, O mortal. Because thine own savior in the

earth-life and thou wilt avoid much heartache in heaven. Let not thy

heaven be one of promises never realized.

Chapter 15

1. O Iesu, Joshu, son of Jehovih, still rise the voices from earth

speaking that which is grief to thy spirit. Thy have permitted idol

worship to rest in the heart; and it cannot easily be plucked out. Will

they ever love the idol more than they love Jehovih?

2. Thou art idolized against thy will. Truly they know not whom they

worship. Thou canst not away with it, O son of Jehovih. It becomes a

cross to bear until the full glory of Kosmon comes. Suffer thou this, O

son of The Great Spirit. Soon shall it all be of the past that hath

gone forever.

3. Beloved, The Father will pluck their idols from them if they will not

give them up. The heavenly times and seasons cannot wait the

convenience of mortals. Thou canst not say to Jehovih:- I am not yet


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ready to cast out my idol. Pray give me more time to decide.

4. The times approach when mortals shall sense the changes happening in

the unseen worlds, and know that such events shall affect them. The

heavenly proceedings wait upon no man; they come at their own appointedtimes.

5. In the past men worshipped many gods, and were confused. Jehovih

reduced their numbers. Came in time less abundance of names and finally

three-in-one. Even these are cast out, so that no more shall confusion

remain upon the earth. Only Jehovih, The Creator, shall be worshipped.

6. This which is to come, all the iesu declared, in that only The

creator was to be worshipped. We inquire:- why prefer mortals an idol

to Jehovih, the loveliest of all loves? In what way hath Jehovih failed

them? And when we have searched for all causes, we can but say:- O

Father of All-Light, forgive them; they know not whom they worship!

7. O mortal, perceive the leniency of heaven; mortals are more sinnedagainst, than guilty of sinning, in this context. Therefore are they to

be pitied, as most sins arising out of ignorance are so regarded in Es.

8. This leniency does not apply, however, to angels who were the cause

of mortals worshipping false gods. Justice is severe upon them; and

these two contrasting views should be borne in mind by all mortals;

firstly, pity unto mortals who have been led astray, and severity unto

angels who so led them; for these had no excuse at all, for what they

did, they did in full knowledge of the consequences.

9. Worse than all sins of the flesh, as mortal failings are called, are

sins of the spirit. Nor will this be different in any cycle of time,

and such a point comes across frequently in the gospels familiar to



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Chapter 16

1. Whoso would commune with Es must withdraw from the preoccupations and

interests of corpor and find the silence within them. We observethat most mortals are afraid to be alone with their own thoughts; as if 

the condition was somehow strange and frightening.

2. We will not contend with the thoughts that are uppermost in your 

mind. Yet thoughts, did mortals know it, form the gateway for communion

with the world of Spirit.

3. Thoughts of mortals can be disguised from others. The same thoughts

are plain to read in Es, and cannot be hidden. The thoughts and

emotions declare themselves in the aura of a person, and so are read by

any who will.

4. Thus we draw nigh to you, bringing the gifts of Spirit as our 

blessing. The only condition of receiving is the desire to want toreceive and the faith that reality in communion is literally as we


5. Thus often peace is not found, because the mortal does not put

himself in the right condition to receive. You cannot receive the gifts

of Spirit against the babble of many voices all speaking at once. For 

spirit-gifts come more of passive expectation that things done, in the

sense of labor one diligently sets the mind to performing.

6. O loss of peace, why should it be, when all around are messengers

bringing peace? O ceaseless babble of many voices, when will these

cease, that mortals may hear the still small voice within themselves? O

man of many thoughts and words, let them fly away for a time; and give

way to the thoughts of another world.


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7. The peace of Jehovih waits for every man to receive. It cannot force

itself upon the unprepared or unbelieving. It waits, within the silence

of a mortal's world of inner thoughts, as a guest expecting an

invitation to enter.

8. Is it not true? "our hearts are not at peace, until we find our 

peace in Thee."

9. Beloved, in the quiet of morn, or the evening, the unseen messengers

of peace await thy summons.

10. By thought to thought, of Spirit to spirit, is the communion of 

peace bestowed.

11. None can describe in words what it is. Yet unto many, even in

corpor, it is amongst the brightest jewels Spirit doth offer.

12. Whoso hath this peace, is richer than any who have greatpossessions.

Chapter 17

1. What is in the heart must come out. How can a mortal determine the

heart's condition? How transmute impure thoughts to thoughts that are

pure? Purity lies in such more than the symbols of an outer 


2. How shall the impatient man become one with infinite patience? How

shall the warrior-type become meek and gentle? Ho shall the lion and

the lamb within the heart lie side by side quite happily?

3. Iesu nature is sustained on the diet of the highest and purest foods;


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because the blood-stream carries the invisible essence of soul, by which

the disposition of the heart is formed.

4. The purity within, the best of mortals would attain, comes first by

attention to the type of foods that pass into the system. All thereligious disciplines in the world are of little purpose if separated

from this.

5. Even the rite of bathing becomes no more than the outer symbol of an

invisible sacrament. It is never substitute for the real thing. To

retain pure thoughts for a single hour, who can do this?

6. Therefore take care as to the kind of foods that nourish the body.

These determine the nature of the heart's disposition, and thus the

thoughts that pass into the mind.

7. Think not these things unimportant. The Kingdom of heaven opens its

doors gladly to the non-resistant. The doors are closed against the

warrior who would storm a kingdom by force.

8. Thus the disposition of the heart, the thoughts in the mind, these

are more governed by diet than all the religious disciplines of 

self-mortification ever practiced.

9. In certain teachings it is stated that nothing can enter a man and

define him. The truth is, what enters his mouth plays a large part in

determining what the man is; and it is a part far greater than such a

teaching would have you believe.

10. Take great thought as to what you shall eat and drink, for the soul

essence is carried by the blood-stream and shapes the person

accordingly. Purity is largely a matter of control over the kinds of 

nourishment that one partakes of.


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11. Nor will all the spiritual disciplines aimed at making the heart

pure, ever come to pass, without considering this. Thou wilt not still

the passions. They will rise with renewed power and destroy thy

spiritual labor.

12. Beloved, the condition of the heart declares the condition of the Es

man, the real man; and it lies within thine own province to determine it

to great extent.

Chapter 18

1. I am the spirit of the ancient faith, that is resurrected in every

generation; ever renewed by the power of life within itself. I live in

the young; in whom I plant new ideas of love, justice, and the

brotherhood of man.

2. I am the hope eternal that dwells in the spirit of man. I am the

spirit in the human spirit none can harm. Driven from home,. persecutedby darkness, I rise in every age, as a guide and beacon to the human


3. I am the wind that cometh and goeth, asking permission of none to do

that which I please. I am the living spirit that answers to none. I am

The One beyond all laws.

4. Mine alone is the power and the glory. Mine alone, is the life of 

all. None created I equal to Myself in power. I am Highest of all.

5. The Spirit is free; cannot be bound. Confine thou My Spirit and it

breaks loose with effortless ease; nor can My Spirit in the living ever 

be restrained for long.

6. I, The Great Spirit, create each to be free. Thou shalt bow before


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none, nor be in bondage to them. If it be thy desire, thou shalt be

free even of Me, Thy Creator. I will have none take from thee my gift

of liberty.

7. I am the fete against which is no appeal. That which I decree, isforever. All My creations shall be eternally free.

8. I am the promise that lives on in the heart, of the fulfillment of 

ideas in the human mind. I am the realization of all that is holy and

noble in the best of mankind.

9. I am The Spirit that ever was. Before creation, The Spirit was!Before the thoughts were formed in the mind, I, The Great Spirit, AM!

10. Even the thoughts in thy mind thou formest of Me, are one with the

works of My hands. Even the faith that forms in thy mind, is one with

the works of My hands.

11. Therefore rejoice, O children of men, in thy right to be free; andfrom henceforth teach thou everyone that Thy Creator is their guarantee

of liberty.

12. The truth of My words, when embraced by the heart, shall soon or 

late set all men free. None shall impose or dictate to thee.

Nevertheless, all shall answer unto Me for that which they do within the

context of everlasting liberty.

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