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Page 1: The Geology OWBC: Chapter 2


Chapter 2:

An Ill Wind blows, bearing Dark Omens

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This chapter is brought to you by Angry Nanny.

No seriously, I has ideas and I needed to lay them out. I need to run an heir poll so I know who to concentrate my plot on for the next

generations, but to do so I suppose I should finish this one don’t you think?

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Your pink army grows master… *heavy breathing* “IT LIVES!!!”

*lightning crashes, thunder rolls*

S’Cuse me I had an Igor moment there. *cough* My pink army is already 24 strong and it’s only the first freakin’ generation. I included three for Molly since she technically lives here too and I should add

three more for Trent’s Servo which I named Marty.

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Birthdays were had by Obsidian and Onyx, on the same day since the two were so close in age. Trust me there’s a reason for the moving of the timeline, I has plotz…but first we need one more.

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The only boy of this generation, Olivenite grew up quite hot if I do say so myself. And somehow the red hair

and purple skin just grows on you, even though the two colours clash

horribly. By this point the older girls had gotten as many scholarships as

they could and headed off to college. Only Olivenite and Basalt remained at

home. These were his transition clothes, he just knew how to tone

down the clash with some awesome neutrals in clothing. *snuggles


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Trent: Must we do this? I mean, I love my red dreads…

Geodessa: Oh don’t be such a sour fuss pot; we get to wait for grandbabies!! Family sim is tickled pink at the thought of it. I ever so

hope they will be as well behaved as our babies were.

Trent: Your sunny disposition is always a great comfort to me, my love.

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Everyone, meet Marty. Activated by Ollie to prevent the shudder-inducing Geodessa stalking that would occur had Trent activated him.

And also I get points for completing the founding generation’s FT requirements. *dances*

Olivenite: Now Marty, my parents are aging and I need someone to look after them while I’m away at college with my sisters, can I count

on you?

Marty: Yes, purple Master. I will perform as programmed; watch the elders.

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Trent: So am I still hot?

Geodessa: Well… the kids are out, the house is quiet…

Trent: Oh…totally, I get it.

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Geodessa: Thank you for being with me. I love you forever Trent.

Trent: Thank you for rescuing me from eternal boredom as a Dormie.

Geodessa: Bedroom?

Trent: Bedroom.

*hearts them*

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Olivenite took Basalt with him to Archimedes Arcade and who should he run into?

Ani-Mei: Ollie!! Aren’t you the handsome little prince? You grew up nice.

Olivenite: I know you, you’re the Shiny One mom talked about.

Ani-Mei: It’s Lady Starr actually, to you anyway. But Shiny One is nice too. Are you watching over the Bad Apple?

Olivenite: The what? Oh, Basalt. Yes, she’s with me…somewhere here.

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Basalt is off doing Bad Apple stuff, like playing with the remote control car with Unsavoury Charlatan hovering uncomfortably close

by…but she remained oblivious, playing with the car, making adorable faces…

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Basalt: Vrroomm!! Beep Beep!! Move tuxedo dude!! You’re in my Bad Apple space!!

*rams car into UC*

She truly does her own thing, Bad Apple style. Oh no, let me guess I just sealed her heirship didn’t I? D’oh…

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Basalt: Hey!! There’s a slide in here!! Whee!!

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And her brother was playing pool. At least Basalt is away from UC. That’s good right? He may as well get started on the xylophone

trick, in fact they all should soon…

As well as be prepared for what was coming.


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Samantha Cordial had been sensing some ill intent drifting on the winds coming off the ocean, towards the sleepy town for some time now. Her sister Kimberly, relished in the idea of havoc about to be

wreaked on this place; all the Dark Witches were. She had to see the High White Witch, she would know what it was…

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Upon arriving though, she didn’t find the High White Witch…only Phoebe.

Samantha: Phoebe, where’s the Elder? I must speak with her urgently.

Phoebe: Well hello Phoebe, nice to see you, how have you been? A greeting would have been nice.

Samantha: Where is she?

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Phoebe: You’d like to see the Elder wouldn’t you Sam? But alas she is not available right now. She’s on her annual research retreat; you know that. I am in

charge in her stead.

Samantha: Fine. I guess I have to tell you then. Did you not sense the ill omens being carried on the wind as of late? I fear something is about to happen.

Phoebe: Of course I did. Do you think I’m that incompetent? I just don’t know what you expect me to do about it. I have not the knowledge of the Elder yet.

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Samantha sighed; Phoebe had a point.

“Do you know who I can ask about it then?”

Phoebe: Of course I do, but good luck getting him to do anything. He’s enough trouble to the Elder already, he will not likely want to speak to an underling of

your class.

Samantha: All I can do is call right?

Phoebe: Sure, whatever you say…now I’ve got potions to mix, excuse me.

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“You want me to what? That’s hilarious, really Sam.”

Samantha raised her head in an attempt to calm down before repeating her request.

“I just think that it deserves some attention my Lord Gabriel. Why is that so funny?”

Gabriel: Okay, I know, I know. Let’s talk outside okay?

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Samantha: The omens just appeared recently. I don’t know what to do about it. Our house is under a cloud of gloom because my dear

twin sister thinks that the omen is a sign that the Dark Powers have a chance to rise.

Gabriel: I know, I have been feeling it too, so has Ani-Mei but she’s so enthralled with her new purple play things that she hasn’t noticed. So

I sent the kids out to scry for me. But Chanteri is somewhat distracted…I think he has a thing for one of the Geology girls.

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Samantha pursed her ruby lips in concentration; or rather attempted to. Lord Gabriel has always been the object of desire for many of the younger female

witches, and she was no different. The High White Witch calls him a big distraction to her students, but he just laughs her off and vanishes . Some of the girls think he’s a god of some sort, others just say he’s a really powerful warlock, he never confirms or denies any of the rumours of either so they’re left guessing. She tried to hide the warmth that crept into her cheeks as he stared at her with

those sapphire-blue eyes of his…

“Umm, ahem. So what do you think I should do? I want to do something.”

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Gabriel: Honestly, just what you’ve been doing. Keep watch, and report anything odd or strange to the Elder, or me; yeah to me is

better. I can persuade the Elder much better than you could.

Samantha felt her heart flutter; to him? Like directly? Oh dear…

“Sure I will, thank you my Lord.”

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She knew she was staring again; but she couldn’t help it. If only she could…no that was selfish of her. He was a level A warlock, and she

only a lowly level D. The two levels rarely talked to one another; it was kind of like an unwritten rule that the levels do not mix. But still, it

didn’t stop her from thinking about what it would be like to be held in his strong arms; having his gorgeous eyes see only her…

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Meanwhile, on the other side of the chasm that separated the Fortress of Eternal Darkness from the Palace of Never Ending Light,

plans of a different sort were being discussed.

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Kimberly: I want to be the first one to greet this dark omen!! My idiot twin is all twitter about stopping it; I want to show it the front door.

Shelby: Of course you do Kimberly Cordial, you’re our most enthusiastic Dark Witch, you make the Matriarch proud…unlike that

disappointment Robin.

She spat on the floor at the mention of Robin’s name, the Dark Witch who betrayed them by marrying a white-lighter.

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Kimberly: Oh is she dead yet? Can I kill her? Pleasssee???

Shelby: Patience dear; one thing at a time. And Orion already claimed that mission, sorry.

Kimberly : Pooh. But I get the other one right?

Shelby: Yes, you do. Don’t worry about that.

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Shelby: So your mission is this: locate the Ill Omen and find out what its intent is, then do whatever you can to assist it. Do well and a promotion to a level C Dark

Witch is yours.

Kimberly: Understood. Anything else?

Shelby: Not at the moment. Just find the Ill Omen first, then we’ll see what happens afterwards.

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Shelby: You’re such an eager beaver, I love it.

Kimberly: And my sister?

Shelby’s smile vanished instantly.

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Shelby: Oh I care not for the white-lighter. Just tolerate her, since our most ancient laws forbid killing kin; even if they are a pain in the ass,

do what you need to so you can succeed in the mission.

Kimberly: Easy for you to say; I have live with her.


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Meanwhile, by the beach of Belladonna’s main cove; the Ill Omen was readying their plan of attack.

“Y’arr so you know why we be here right? Run aground in this cursed cove?”

The three others nodded in agreement.

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“The Diviner be here in this berg; I feel it in me bones. To have the Diviner is to control the seven seas and all the riches they be

hoarding in the briny deep. To crack open Davy Jones’ locker, the Diviner is the key.”

“We know cap’n, we ‘eard all this before.”

“Don’t be sassin’ me boy!! I’ll have yer head!!”

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“But how we gonna find the Diviner pa?”

“Aye, that be the beauty part boy; we have a secret weapon.”


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The pretty blond pirate wench beside him chimed in.

“Caspian, you know better than to question your father. He will tell us when it’s time to.”

Caspian: I know ma, I just curious.

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“I just don’t get why we gotta hide here like some common bilge rat father. Why can’t we be looking out there for the Diviner?”

Captain Black Star stared at his daughter; she always did have the mouth in the family.

Black Star: Cuz it not be time to show our hand my dear.

“And we do not yet know what may be out there daughter.”

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Caspian eyed his sister with contempt; she was always the one who could get away with back talking their father. If he did that he got the back of his father’s hand, or conveniently swiped at with any near by

object. However the high point of being the only boy is that he got the ship when his father died, and then he’d be captain. And his first act as

captain would be to make Ariel walk the plank and feed her to the sharks off the coast where no one would ever find her body. He

chuckled inwardly at the thought.

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Ariel: Father, daddy dearest, let me go out into the landlubber’s town and search for the Diviner, I can bring back all sorts of information

using my feminine wiles.

Caspian: You mean whore yourself out to drunken bar rats!! Father, please don’t let her go, let me go instead.

Ariel: I am no whore!!

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Black Star: None of ye will be going ashore!! Thar be strange things out there… tis not the Belladonna Cove we know anymore.

Caspian and Ariel both began to protest but their father’s loud bellow silenced them quickly.

“All good things come in time.”

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Basalt: HA!! Bet y’all didn’t see that coming!!

Anyway, this is the end of the chapter and that means HEIR POLL TIME!! Yes all kids are now in college, which means I can finally see Basalt’s

personality but not her wants though.

First Born, Basalt Geology : FO/R and generation 2’s Bad AppleAquarius5/7/7/7/9

I knew she had high playful points. But no idea what her LTW is.

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Second Born, Breccia Geology: K/PO


LTW: Be Visionary

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Third Born (technically fourth but can’t count Onyx), Obsidian Geology: R/PL


LTW: 50 Dream Dates

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Fourth Born (the baby of the family and only boy) Olivenite Geology: FO/PO


LTW: Be City Planner

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And Onyx, who sadly cannot be heir since she’s not related to Geodessa but she has awesome Smustle eyes!!

Generation 2’s Alien Baby, Onyx Geology: FA/KVirgo

10/6/10/1/8LTW: Graduate 3 Kids from College

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