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The Atoll

Photo by : Aaron Smith

Cocos (K) Islands News

Berita Pulu Cocos (K) 2

Public Notices

Notis-notis Umum 9

Sports & Rec

Olahraga & Hiburan 14


Kemainan 13

Cocos Moment

Saat Cocos 15

Community Events

Acara Masyarakat 16

In this edition

Isi Kandungan

You can subscribe to The Atoll

electronically by contacting:

[email protected]

The Cocos (Keeling) Islands

comprises of 27 coral islands

forming two atolls—situated

2768km north-west of Perth and

3685km due west of Darwin —

and is an isolated speck in the

Indian Ocean.

$2.00 per issue Thursday 9th August 2018 – Wednesday 22nd August 2018

Hash House Harriers displaying the new solar light supplied and installed by the group (and MAZ) as part of their 2018 Community Projects. Moneys raised for the light pole were from donations from the Shire supported ice machine, that were funded 12 months ago. Look out for more Community Projects initiated by the Hashers!!!


Year 1/2 HI class focused on a unit of work around the book Where the Wild Things Are! and completed an engineering challenge to build a

boat that could carry the character Max, and the weight of some coins!

Cocos Golf Club Monthly Mug win on Sunday. Rohan looks rather pleased with

himself! Green on white

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Latest to 8 August 2018:

August Statistics


Latest 2018 Statistics:



Rainfall Stats

Emergency Contact List

AFP 9162 6600

VHF Ch20

IOTHS WI Clinic 9162 6655

IOTHS HI Clinic 9162 7609

VHF Ch24

DFES HI 9162 7788

DFES WI 9162 7777

VMRS 0406 329 056

VHF Ch20

Shire HI 9162 6649

Shire WI 9162 6740

Watercorp 9162 6722

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling)

Thumbs Up

Feel free to email your

thumbs up to the Shire for


Administration Building (PO Box 1039) Cocos Keeling Islands WA 6799 P | 9162 7707 E | [email protected] W | [email protected]

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Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)


The CRC is now stocking Indigo Home & Living products, including 100% soy candles, organic

shea butter soaps, lanterns, tea-light holders and assorted gift bags. Drop in and take a look,

they make great little presents!


The Photo Competition is now open! You have until the 30th September to submit your entry.

The competition is open to both residents and visitors. One entry per person, good luck!


Don’t forget that the CRC accepts e-waste for

recycling in partnership with the Cocos Islands

Shire Council. We accept batteries, mobile

phones, CD’s and DVD’s, laptops, keyboards

and associated computer equipment.

Proudly supported by

Administration Building (PO Box 1039) Cocos Keeling Islands WA 6799 P | 9162 7707 E | [email protected] W | [email protected]

Page 4: The Atoll · Further information in relation to the proposal including copy of the proposal from Hender Property Group is ... kebelakangan ini di Kuburan Segon.


Between 1930-1941, economy declined on Home Island, yet population grew from 1000 to


10 healthy lifestyle tips for


1. Eat a variety of foods

2. Base your diet on plenty of

foods rich in carbohydrates

3. Replace saturated with

unsaturated fat

4. Enjoy plenty of fruits and


5. Reduce salt and sugar intake

6. Eat regularly, control the

portion size

7. Drink plenty of fluids

8. Maintain a healthy body


9. Get on the move, make it a


10.Start now! And keep

changing gradually.

Gradual changes in our lifestyle are easier to maintain than major changes introduced all at once. For three days, we could write down the foods and drinks we consume throughout the day, and make a note of the amount of movement we made. It won’t be difficult to spot

where we could improve:

- Skipping breakfast? A small bowl of muesli, a piece of bread or fruit, could help slowly

introduce it into our routine

- Too few fruits and vegs? To start with, we can introduce one

extra piece a day.

- Favourite foods high in fat? Eliminating them abruptly could fire back, and make us return to the old habits. We can choose low fat options instead, eat them less frequently, and in

smaller portions.

Healthy/Well - Sihat

Sick - Sakit

Happy - Girang

Sad - Sedih

Laugh - Ketawa

Cry - Menangis

Sleepy - Mengantok

Enthusiastic - Bersemangat

Lazy - Malas

Hard-working/Diligent - Rajin

Cocos Malay Words

Healthy Living Tip

Did you know??? Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

It is hereby notified for public information and comment that the Council has received a request from the Hender Property Group (HPG) based in Perth WA, to lease Lot 224 and have the first right of refusal for Lot

223 Sydney Highway, West Island, which is Trust Land, for the establishment of an Eco Resort.

Lots 223 and 224 have been the subject of various interest over the years by numerous parties.

The project is planned to be constructed over 4 stages. The first stage will incorporate the initial backbone of services, staff accommodation, managers residence, camping facilities and common area, pondoks,

bungalows, restaurant, office/reception and services buildings.

The resort proposes a number of potential employment opportunities for local people for a variety of positions including reception office, housekeeping, gardening, restaurant staff and other resort operations. As the various

stages are completed employment opportunities will increase.

Lot 223 is 5.9582 ha and Lot 224 is 6.0964 ha. Both lots are zoned special use 8 – which is Tourist Resort.

Further information in relation to the proposal including copy of the proposal from Hender Property Group is

available on the Shire’s website

Written comments regarding the proposal must be submitted to the Council on or before Monday 3 September






Disini ingin diberitahu untuk keterangan dan komen umum yang Council telah menerima permintaan daripada Hender Property Group (HPG) yang berasal dari Perth WA, untuk menyewa Lot 224 dan telah mempunyai hak penolakan untuk Lot 223 Sydney Highway, Pulu Panjang, iaitu Tanah Trust Land, untuk pembinaan

sebuah Eco Resort.

Lots 223 dan 224 telah menjadi perkara dalam berbagai keminatan dalam berberapa tahun oleh berberapa


Projek ini dirancangkan untuk di bina dalam 4 peringkat. Peringkat pertama akan menggabungkan tulang-belakang awal serbis-serbis, tempat tinggal pekerja, rumah manager, fasiliti tempat menginap dan kawasan

umum, pondok, bungalow, restoran, opis/resepsyen dan bangunan serbis-serbis.

Resort ini mencadangkan berberapa peluang kerjaan untuk penduduk tempatan untuk berbagai lobang kerjaan termasuk opis resepsyen, pembersih tempat, pengebun, pekerja restoran dan pekerjaan resort

lainnya. Sepanjang setiap peringkat diselesaikan, peluang pekerjaan akan menambah.

Lot 223 ialah 5.9582ha dan Lot 224 ialah 6.0964ha. Kedua-dua lot di zone penggunaan istimewa 8 – iaitu

Resort Pelancongan.

Keterangan selanjutnya mengenai cadangan ini, termasuk salinan cadangan ini dari Hender Property Group

disediakan di website Shire di

Komen tertulis mengenai cadangan ini mesti dimasiukkan ke Council pada atau sebelom Senin 3 September






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Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Decisions are the frequent

fabric of our daily design.

Don Yaeger

Quote of the Day

21 reasons why English is hard

to Learn.

1. The bandage was wound

around the wound.

2. The farm was used to

produce produce.

3. The dump was so full it had

to refuse more refuse.

4. We must polish the Polish


5. He could lead if he would

get the lead out.

6. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the


7. Since there was no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the


8. A bass was painted on the

head of the bass drum.

9. When shot at, the dove

dove into the bushes.

10. I did not object to the


11. The insurance was invalid

for the invalid.

12. There was a row among the

oarsmen on how to row.

13. They were too close to the

door to close it.

14. The buck does funny things

when does are present.

15. A seamstress and a sewer

fell down into a sewer line.

16. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to


17. The wind was too strong to

wind the sail.

18. After a number of injections

my jaw got number.

19. Upon seeing the tear in the

painting I shed a tear.

20. I had to subject the subject

to a series of tests.

21. How can I intimate this to

my most intimate friend?

Joke of the Week

Boats, trailers, vehicles & other building materials outside boundaries

Our ranger will be enforcing the removal of any boats, trailers, vehicles and other building materials located

outside their boundaries and on shire controlled land that are without prior approvals from the shire.

Any offenders will be given a written warning letter from the shire with instructions to re-locate their belongings

into their boundary.

Please take responsibility upon ourselves to keep our islands beautiful.

If you have any concerns or issues regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our ranger on

91626649 or via email [email protected]

Thank you for your co-operation.

Sekoci, trailer, kereta-kereta & pekakas-pekakas pembangunan lain yang diluar boundary

Ranger kita akan mengeraskan pemindahan semua sekoci, trailer, kereta-kereta dan pekakas-pekakas pembangunan lain yang berada diluar boundary dan yang berada ditanah shire yang diletakn tanpa izin

daripada shire.

Sesiapa yang melanggar akan diberi surat amaran dari shire dengan perintahan untuk mengalehkan segalah

kepunyaan mereka ke dalam boundary sendiri.

Tolong ambil sebagai tanggungjawab sendiri untuk menjaga kebersihan pulu-pulu kita.

Jika ada kekuatiran atau perkara-perkara yang mengenai perkara tersebut, silah hubungi ranger kita dinomor

91626649 atau melalui email [email protected]

Terima kasih atas kerjasama semua.

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck where

you do not belong.

N.R. Naravana Murthy

Thought for the Day

Works Update

Since my last update, the following works are currently being undertaken by our outside workforce.

Completion of the final stage of the back lane way fencing on Home Island.

Work have also begun on reinstating the seawall that was damaged through the recent swell events at Twists memorial. This will be completed on Wednesday 8th August. There will be no traffic disruptions from

then on.

An ongoing project on retaining the curbing on the road network on Home Island has begun.

The upgrade of the stairs and ramps is nearing completion at the Home Island Cyclone Shelter.

The new solar hot water system and pipe work is currently being installed at the Cyclone Shelter.

Clearing of vegetation at the chicken plot has been completed. This will allow more air flow through and

keep the mosquito problem down.

Retiling of the ablution blocks in the rental houses on Home Island is progressing well.

Well done to everyone involved.

Berita Pekerjaan

Semenjak berita saya yang kebelakangan, kerjaan berikutnya sedang dijalankan oleh pekerja luaran kami

Penyelesaian peringkat terakhir memasang pagar dijalan belakang kebon di Home Island.

Kerjaan telah dijalankan untuk membetulkan kembali tembok yang rusak bersebabkan ombak besar kebelakangan ini di Kuburan Segon. Ini akan diselesaikan pada hari Rebo 8hb August. Harapan yang tidak

ada gangguan lagi terhadap trafik selepas ini.

Projek yang berterusan akan dijalankan untuk mempertahankan komeng dijalanan Home Island telah


Pembaruan dan penggantian tangga dan ramp di Rumah Seklon Home Island sudah dekat selesainya.

Sistem ayer panas solar dan kerjaan paip sedang dipasang di Rumah Seklon.

Kerjaan untuk melapangkan tanaman diparma kandang ayam telah selesai. Ini akan mengizinkan agin liwat

melalui parma dan mengurangkan masaalah nyamuk.

Pembaruan tile dibahgian bilik ayer dirumah-rumah sewaan di Home Island sedang berjalan dengan lancar.

Kerjaan baik kepada semua yang terlibat.

Ian Evans

Manager for Works and Services

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Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)



The Shire currently has the following full-time position available.

Shire Works Supervisor

The Shire is now seeking applications for the position of Works Supervisor. The Works Supervisor will be responsible for overseeing the Shire’s outside works crews and will report directly to the Manager of Works and Services. Our ideal candidate will be fluent in both Cocos Malay and English and would hold some relevant TAFE trade qualifications. Previous supervisory

experience and a sound knowledge and demonstrated experience with safe Occupational Health & Safety practices is essential.


In order to be considered for the position you must be able to demonstrate your suitability for the position. Before preparing your application check the essential selection criteria outlined in the Position Description (Knowledge & Skills), which can be obtained

by contacting the Shire office on 91626649, to make sure you are eligible to apply.

Your application should include the following documentation:

1. A cover letter demonstrating your suitability for the position making reference to the position description.

2. A Resume which comprises of your personal details including contact number, a summary of your work history starting with

your most recent employment, education*, training achievements.

*A copy of stated qualifications must be included with your application.

3. Please do not submit applications in plastic folders or include original documents. All documentation should be stapled together in the top left hand side of the application. Applications may be posted, faxed, emailed or submitted by hand to the

Home Island Shire Administration Office.


1. Please ensure that the position title is clearly marked in the covering letter of your application.

2. Applications must reach the Home Island Shire Administration Office no later than 12.00pm FRIDAY 31st AUGUST 2018.

If you have any questions about the position please contact Ian Evans, Manager for Works and Services on 08 9162 6649 or

[email protected].

The Shire of Cocos Keeling Islands is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and is committed to selecting the best

applicant. Canvassing of Councillors will disqualify applicants.

Ian Evans

Manager for Works and Services

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Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)



Shire sedang ada lobang kerjaan permanent berikutnya yang terbuka.

Shire Works Supervisor

Shire sekarang sedang mencari pemohonan untuk lobang kerja Works Supervisor. Works Supervisor akan bertanggungjawab untuk mengawasi pekerja-pekerja luaran Shire dan akan melapor langsung kepada Manager of Works and Services. Calon yang terbaik untuk kami akan bisa berbahasa Melayu Cocos dan English dan akan memegang beberapa ijazah trade dari TAFE yang berkenaan. Pengalaman sebagai supervisor dan pengetahuan kuat dan pengalaman yang terbukti mengenai keperluan

Occupational Health & Safety diperlukan.


Untuk dipertimbangkan untuk kerjaan ini kamu mesti dapat menunjukkan kesesuaian kamu untuk kerjaan ini. Sebelum menyediakan pemohonan kamu, periksa keperluan kriteria pemilihan yang diterangkan dalam Position Description (Knowledge &

Skills), yang boleh didapati dengan menghubungi opis Shire di 91626649, untuk memastikan kamu layak memohon.

Pemohonan kamu harus mengandungi surat yang berikut:

1. Sebuah surat lamaran menunjukkan kesesuaian kamu untuk jawatan ini dengan mengkaitkan kepada keterangan kerjaan ini.

2. Sebuah Resume yang mengandungi keterangan peribadi kamu termasuk nomor talipun, ringkasan sejarah kerjaan kamu

dengan tempat kerjaan kamu yang paling baru-baru ini, persekolahan*, penghasilan training.

*Salinan ijazah yang diberi mesti dimasukkan bersama pemohonan kamu.

3. Tolong jangan memasukkan surat dalam folder plastik atau memasukkan surat-surat yang original. Semua surat-surat mesti bersama-sama di staple di atas sebelah kiri surat pemohonan kamu. Pemohonan boleh di post, di fax, di email ataupun di

serahkan dengan tangan di Opis Administresen Shire Home Island.


1. Tolong pastikan yang title kerjaan nyata tertulis di surat lamaran dalam pemohonan kamu.

2. Pemohanan mesti sampai ke Opis Administresen Shire Home Island sebelom 12.00pm JUMAAT 31hb AUGUST 2018.

Kalau kamu ada pertanyaan tentang lobang kerja ini silahkan hubungi Ian Evans, Manager for Works and Services dinomor 08

9162 6649 atau [email protected].

Shire Pulu Cocos Keeling adalah Majikan Peluang Pekerjaan Sesama dan akan taat untuk memilih pemohonan yang terbaik.

Meminta sokongan daripada Memba Council akan membatalkan pemohonan kamu.

Ian Evans

Manager for Works and Services

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Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

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Public Notices (cont’d) Notis-notis Umum (seterusnya)

LAWA's IOTs Service is fully funded by the Australian Government.

Drug offences and you XIII – Commonwealth drug offences – involving children in drugs

These are short articles about legal issues that may interest you. They are not legal advice. You should always get individual legal advice for

your situation.

This is the thirteenth article about drug offences under state-based legislation that is applied to Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands and

under Commonwealth legislation.

This is the ninth and last article about Commonwealth drug offences – that is, offences under Commonwealth legislation. Commonwealth drug offences are dealt with by the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) (we will call it the Criminal Code (Cth)) and the Criminal Code Regulations 2002

(Cth) (we will call them the Regulations).

This article will be about offences due to involving children in various ways in drugs. It is important to note that for all of these offences below,

the child has not committed an offence.

Supplying a controlled drug to a child

If you supply a controlled (illegal) drug to a child you commit an offence. The maximum penalty is 15 years imprisonment or 3,000 penalty units (a penalty unit (PU) is currently $210) or both. This offence is indictable only. This means that it can only be dealt with by the District Court and

not by the Magistrates Court.

Supplying controlled drugs to child for the child to traffic

If you supply a controlled drug to a child, believing that the child intends to sell any of it, (traffic in it) you commit an offence. The maximum

penalty is 25 years imprisonment or 5,000 penalty units or both. This offence is indictable only. It can only be dealt with by the District Court.

If you supply a marketable amount of a controlled drug to a child, believing that the child intends to sell any of it, (traffic in it) you commit an offence. The schedule in the Regulations that lists controlled drugs also set out the amounts that constitute marketable quantities of each drug. A ―marketable‖ quantity is usually measured in grams. Examples are 250 grams or more of amphetamine, cocaine or heroin or 500 or more

grams of ketamine.

The maximum penalty is life imprisonment or 7,500 penalty units or both. This offence is indictable only, but can only be dealt with by the

Supreme Court because the maximum penalty is life imprisonment.

For the purpose of both of these offences, if you have supplied a trafficable amount of the controlled drug to a child, a presumption arises that you believe that the child intends to sell some or all of it. The trafficable quantity for each drug is set out in the schedule in the Regulations that lists controlled drugs and is measured in grams. Examples are 2 grams of amphetamine, 1.5 grams of morphine and 0.002 grams of lysergide


Procuring children to traffic controlled (illegal) drugs or pre-traffic precursors, or import or export controlled drugs or plants, etc

There are a number of offences you can commit where you procure a child to do the illegal drug offence. ―Procuring‖ in this legal sense means

persuading or inducing or getting a child to do something.

In general terms you commit an offence where you procure a child to traffic a controlled drug, or a marketable quantity of a controlled drug. It

includes if you procure the child to sell the drug (which is trafficking).

It also includes that where you intend to sell the drug or believe someone else will, you procure the child to transport the drug, or prepare it for sale (traffic it). Examples might be getting the child to take it around to someone else’s house on their bike, or getting the child to divide the

drug into packages.

It also includes that where you intend to sell the drug or are helping someone else do so, you procure the child to guard the drug, or hide it

(traffic it). You might get the child to hide it in their doll house for example.

If the offence is procuring a child to traffic a controlled drug, the maximum penalty is imprisonment for 25 years or 5,000 PUs or both. If the offence is procuring a child to traffic a marketable quantity of the controlled drug the maximum penalty is life imprisonment or 7,500 PUs or


There are similar offences and similar penalties for procuring a child to:

import/export border controlled drugs or border controlled plants, or marketable quantities of these

pre-traffic controlled precursors, or marketable quantities of precursors (pre-traffic here means if you get a child to sell the precursor

believing the buyer will make a controlled drug from it)

import/export border controlled precursors, or marketable quantities of those.

With all of the offences discussed above you can also be found guilty of the offence if you are reckless (which means careless or unthinking)

as to whether the relevant substance is a controlled drug or precursor, or border controlled drug, plant or precursor.

Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA

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Public Notices (cont’d) Notis-notis Umum (seterusnya)

LAWA's IOTs Service is fully funded by the Australian Government.

Drug offences and you XIII – Commonwealth drug offences – involving children in drugs

Ini adalah majalah pendek tentang perkara-perkara perundangan yang mungkin menarik perhatian kamu. Ia bukan nasihat legal. Kamu harus selalu mengambil nasihat legal tersendiri untuk keadaan kamu.

Ini majalah yang ke tigabelas tentang pelanggaran drug menurut perundangan berdasarkan state yang digunakan di Pulu Christmas dan Pulu

Cocos (Keeling) dibawa undang-undang Commonwealth.

Ini majalah yang kesembilan dan yang terakhir tentang pelanggaran drug Commonwealth - Iaitu, pelanggaran dibawa undang-undang Commonwealth. Pelanggaran drug dibawa Commonwealth diurusi menggunakan Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) (kita akan panggilnya Criminal

Code (Cth)) dan Criminal Code Regulations 2002 (Cth) (kita akan panggilnya Regulations).

Majalah ini tentang pelanggaran yang melibatkan anak-anak dalam berberapa cara yang melibatkan drug. Ini penting untuk diperhatikan yang

for semua kesalahan tersebut dibawa, anak-anak itu tidak melakukan kesalahan.

Menyediakan drug terlarang kepada anak-anak

Kalau kamu menyediakan drug terlarang kepada seorang anak-anak kamu melakukan kesalahan. Hukuman maksimum ialah 15 tahun dipenjara atau 3,000 unit hukuman (satu unit hukuman (PU) pada masa sekarang ialah $210) atau kedua-duanya. Kesalahan ini hanya boleh

dituntut. Ini maksudnya yang ia hanya boleh diurusi oleh District Court dan bukan oleh Magistrates Court.

Menyediakan drug terlarang kepada anak-anak untuk anak itu mendagang

Kalau kamu menyediakan drug terlarang, dang mengetahui anak itu mempunyai tujuan untuk menjualnya, (yang berupa perdaganggan) kamu melakukan kesalahan. Hukuman maksimum ialah 25 tahun dipenjara atau 5,000 unit hukuman atau kedua-duanya. Kesalahan ini hanya boleh

dituntut. Ia hanya boleh diurusi oleh District Court.

Kalau kamu menyediakan jumlah drug terlarang yang berjumlah perdaganggan kepada anak-anak, dan mengetahui yang anak itu bertujuan untuk menjualnya (yang berupa perdanganggan) kamu melakukan kesalahan. Bahgian dalam Perundangan menerangkan drug terlarang dan menetapkan jumlah yang merupakan jumlah yang boleh didagang untuk setiap drug. Jumlah “perdanganggan” biasanya dikira dalam gram.

Contohnya amphetamine, dadah atau heroin yang 250 grams atau lebih, and ketamine 500 gram atau lebih.

Hukuman maksimum ialah dipenjara seumur hidup atau 7,500 unit hukuman atau kedua-duanya. Kesalahan ini adalah hanya boleh dituntut,

tetapi hanya boleh diurusi oleh Supreme Court sebab hukuman maksimum ialah penjara seumur hidup.

Untuk tujuan kedua-dua kesalahan ini, kalau kamu menyediakan jumlah drug terlarang yang boleh diperdagangkan, sebuah sangkaan akan timbul yang kamu ketahui yang anak itu bertujuan untuk menjual separoh atau semuanya. Jumlah diperdagangkan untuk setiap drug ditetapkan dalam daftaran dalam Undang-undang yang menerangan drug-drug terlarang dan dikira dalam gram. Contohnya 2 gram

ampetemine, 1.5 gram morphine dan 0.002 lysergide (LSD).

Mendapatkan kanak-kanak untuk mengedarkan drug terlarang atau bahan pendahulu, atau mengimport atau mengedar drug terlarang atau tumbuh-tumbuhannya, dan sebagainya.

Ada berberapa kesalahan kamu boleh lakukan bila kamu mendapatkan seorang anak-anak untuk melakukan pelanggaran drug terlarang. “Mendapatkan” dalam penerangan perundangan ini bermaksud kamu memujuk atau mendorong atau membuat anak-anak itu untuk

melakukan sesuatu.

Secara umum kamu melakukan suatu kesalahan di mana kamu mendapatkan anak-anak untuk pengedaran drug terjaga, atau jumlah cukup untuk perdaganggan sebuah drug terjaga. Ia temasuk kalau kamu mendapatkan anak-anak untuk menjual drug (yang merupakan


Ia juga temasuk di mana kamu bercadangan untuk menjual atau mempercayai orang lain akan membuatnya, kamu mendapatkan anak itu untuk transport drug, atau mempersiapkannya untuk dijual. Contohnya mungkin mendapatkan anak-anak untuk membawaknya kerumah

orang lain di beskel mereka, atau mendapatkan anak itu untuk membagikan drug ke dalam bungkusan.

Ia juga termasuk di mana kamu bertujuan untuk menjual drug atau membantu orang lain, jadi kamu mendapatkan anak itu untuk menjaga, atau menyembunyikannya. Kamu mungkin mendapatkan anak itu untuk menyembunyikan drug didalam rumah anak patung mereka, sebagai


Kalau kesalahannya ialah mendapatkan anak-anak untuk mengedarkan drug, hukuman maksimum ialah dipenjara untuk 25 tahun atau 5,000 PUs atau dua-duanya. Kalau kesalahan ialah mendapatkan anak-anak untuk mengedarkan jumlah perdagangan drug terlarang itu, hukuman

maksimum ialah dipenjara seumur hidup atau 7,500 PUs atau kedua-duanya.

Ada kesalahan-kesalahan serupa dan hukuman yang sama untuk mendapatkan seorang kanak-kanak untuk:

mengimport/mengeksport drug terjaga dalam daerah atau tanaman terjaga dalam daerah, atau jumlahan perdagangannya

bahan pendahulu yang terlarang yang „pre-traffic‟, atau jumlah perdagangan bahan pendahulu (pre-traffic disini bermakna kalau kamu

mendapatkan anak-anak untuk menjual bahan pendahulu kepada pembeli yang akan membuat drug terlarang daripadanya)

mengimport/mengeksport bahan pendahulu yang dijaga dalam daerah, atau jumlahan perdagangan.

Dengan semua kesalahan tersebut diatas kamu boleh didapati bersalah dalam pelanggaran itu jika kamu ceroboh terhadap adakah benda

berkenaan itu adalah drug terlarang atau bahan pendahulu, atau drug, tumbuhan atau bahan pendahulu yang terjaga dalam daerah.

Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA

Page 11: The Atoll · Further information in relation to the proposal including copy of the proposal from Hender Property Group is ... kebelakangan ini di Kuburan Segon.


Public Notices (cont’d) Notis-notis Umum (seterusnya)

Sewage facility: Water Corporation (Home Island WWTP), Part 103, Home Island, COCOS (Keeling) Islands (W6162/2018/1)

Submissions may be sent to:

The Hon Dr John McVeigh MP

Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government. PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600, Tel: (02) 6277 7990

For a copy of the application, please contact Caroline Conway-Physick on (08) 9965 7406 or email to: [email protected]



Page 12: The Atoll · Further information in relation to the proposal including copy of the proposal from Hender Property Group is ... kebelakangan ini di Kuburan Segon.


Solution on Page 14

Games Page Halaman Kemainan

1. Sound of contempt 4. Do this to a fly 8. Against 12. 12:30 pm or 9:00 am 13. Prefix with dynamic 14. Eccentric 16. Persia, today 17. Water drops 18. Worry 19. Celtic sea god 20. Break a commandment 21. African antelope 23. QB stats 24. First name in cosmetics 26. CPR expert 28. Use it to catch butterflies 30. Tool with sharp teeth 32. Broad ___ of a barn 36. The Beatles or The Who 39. Not closed 41. List ending abbr. 42. Make angry 43. Needle tip 45. Digital recordings 46. Passed away 48. Russian ruler 49. Biblical you 50. Small whirlpool 51. Put to work 52. "__ go, girl!" 54. Blunder 56. Cloudburst 60. Stern's opposite 63. Small bill 65. Compass dir. 67. So-so grade 68. Kind of potato 70. Hallo___ 72. It holds up the flower 73. They make you yawn 74. Round cream filled cookie 75. Mexican moolah 76. Relax 77. Go-___ (small racer)

78. Had a bite

Across Down

1. Grows weary 2. Intelligent 3. Understanding 4. Hindu garment 5. Gradually withdraw 6. Onassis nickname 7. Secret Chinese society 8. Photo or record 9. Either, or; neither, ___ 10. Honk 11. Apple gizmo 12. Ceramic floor square 15. QB's gains (abbr.) 20. What you do with eyes

22. Not used

25. Not the beginning 27. Mao __-tung 29. Peak; uppermost 30. Apprehend 31. "__ Karenina" 33. Allergic reaction 34. Miami-___ County 35. Besides; instead 36. Pass, as time 37. Hot and dry 38. Necessity 40. Cookware 44. Have a go at 47. Tint

49. Ancient mummy king

51. Large coffee dispenser 53. Sugary suffix 55. Pigeon's perch 57. Quartet doubled 58. Actress Witherspoon 59. Note from the boss 60. Baby food catcher 61. Stench 62. Suffix for hard or soft 64. "Return of the Jedi" creature 65. Prophet 66. Cold annoyance 69. Fellows 71. Memorable period of time

72. Health retreat

Page 13: The Atoll · Further information in relation to the proposal including copy of the proposal from Hender Property Group is ... kebelakangan ini di Kuburan Segon.


Games Page (cont’d) Halaman Kemainan (seterusnya) S

ave Yo

ur S


ol (O

f Fish



school of

fish m

ust reach

the safety of the underwater cave

where there is a big food supply.

As you sw

im tow

ards the cave,

there are

a num

ber of


that must be avoided.


w to

get started

1 C

olour your game to

make it

look attractive.

2 If

you w

ould like

to get




take it

to th


Discovery C

entre De


3 Take your gam

e home and cut

out the large tors.

4 Cut out the schools of fish (the

small square tors).

5 Enjoy playing S

ave Your S


with your fam

ily and friends.


w to


1 This is a gam

e for two to four


2 You w

ill need a die.

3 P

lace your

large tor

on th

e S





your te


small tors in front of you in a pile.

4 Take turns to roll the die.

5 M

ove forw

ard the



circles as indicated on the die.

6 If you land on a hazard, you lose the num

ber of small fish in

your school as indicated.

7 If you lose all of your small fish

before you get to the F


H, you

must go back to the S




ten new fish in your school.

8 If you get to the cave (FIN


) before your opponents w

ith some

fish still in your school, you are

the winner!

Page 14: The Atoll · Further information in relation to the proposal including copy of the proposal from Hender Property Group is ... kebelakangan ini di Kuburan Segon.


Sports & Rec Olahraga & Hiburan Sudoku Solutions Crossword Answer

2018 AFL Broadcast Guide Cocos Keeling Islands Time

Round 21

Friday 10th August Essendon VS St Kilda 7mate 4.00pm (live) Saturday 11th August Port Adelaide VS West Coast Eagles GWN7 1.00pm (live) GWS Giants VS Adelaide Crows 7mate 3.30om (live) Sunday 12th August

Fremantle VS Carlton GWN7 1.00pm (live)

Round 22

Friday 17th August

Richmond VS Essendon 7mate 4.00pm (live)

Saturday 18th August Geelong Cats VS Fremantle GWN7 10.30am (live)

St Kilda VS Hawthorn 7mate 3.30pm (live)

Sunday 19th August West Coast Eagles VS Melbourne 7mate 2.35pm

(165 min delay)

Tips to Make Your Small

Business Eco-Friendly

Reduce Commutes - Every day, thousands of people drive, bike or take public transportation to reach work. As a business you can encourage employees or

even offer incentives.

Go Paper less Whenever


Not all customers prefer a paperless office, but giving them a more eco-friendly option

can make a huge difference.

Send meeting documents electronically for staff to review ahead of time and display them with a projector at the meeting in an effort to reduce the number of

printed documents.

Alternatively, invest in tablets so employees can have documents

on hand without printing them.

Use Recycled and Reusable


Make an effort to use recycled

materials whenever possible.

O p t f o r r e c y c l e d c o p y paper, cardboard pens and eco-friendly folders made from

sustainable resources.

In addition, provide water and coffee for your employees so they can refill their reusable water bottles and coffee mugs, reducing the number of coffee pods and disposable

bottles that end up in the landfill.

Use Alternative Energy Sources

Work with your utility providers to see if there are alternative forms of energy available to you (such as solar, wind or geothermal). Some states also provide tax incentives to businesses that choose alternative energy


There are also some smaller things you can do to save energy, such as using LED lighting throughout your business and putting automatic hand dryers in the restrooms to reduce

the number of paper towels used.

E-scrap Your Electronics

You might not even think about it, but you’re doing great damage to the planet by throwing away used and outdated electronics such as computers, phones, televisions

and fax machines.

Be sure to do your research to find the proper way to recycle your electronics if you don’t

Green Living Tips

Page 15: The Atoll · Further information in relation to the proposal including copy of the proposal from Hender Property Group is ... kebelakangan ini di Kuburan Segon.



[email protected]


(08) 9162 6649

Contact for The Atoll:

Isa Minkom

Disclaimer: The views expressed in articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editors or other volunteers who work to produce The Atoll. The editor has the right to withhold, edit or abbreviate items as considered necessary. No responsibility is

accepted for any statement of opinion, any error or omissions.

Letters to the Editor will either be accepted or rejected by the Editor. Items need to be:

Accurate and/or factual

Not defamatory or inflammatory

Identified by author

Have Your Say

Please take into consideration our format when preparing your items/materials to make the most of the spaces available.

The Atoll publication staffs reserves the right to edit the formatting of articles submitted for publication.

To ensure a timely distribution of the newsletter, we request that all items/materials be forwarded before 3pm, 2 days prior to its distribution date. Please contact the Cocos CRC for deadlines.and advertising rates.

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Please contact the

Cocos Keeling Islands

Community Resource Centre

for a full rate schedule.

Translation fees apply

Materials should preferably be emailed to:

[email protected]

Advertisement Rates

Wish to send loved ones special messages on their birthdays and anniversaries?

Drop an email to Isa Minkom [email protected]

A Cocos Moment

The next edition of The Atoll will be

produced on:

Edisi The Atoll selanjutnya akan

dikeluarkan pada:

Thursday 23rd August

All items/materials must be received by:

Semua majalah mesti diterima sebelom:

3pm,Tuesday 21st August

There’s beauty even in storms on Cocos!

Condolences to her family and friends on Cocos

Page 16: The Atoll · Further information in relation to the proposal including copy of the proposal from Hender Property Group is ... kebelakangan ini di Kuburan Segon.


Community Events Acara Masyarakat

We would love to receive your feedback or suggestions on what you would like to read in The Atoll Please contact the Shire at

[email protected]


2018 Photo Competition Opens



Cocos Barefoot Ball

CKI Yacht Club


Council Meeting

Home Island—Council Chambers


Corporate Golf Day

CKI Golf Club


West Island Market Day


18 to 23 SEPTEMBER

ECM Cocos Golf Open

CKI Golf Club


Council Meeting

Home Island—-Council Chambers


P & C School Auction & Fete

21st / 22nd OCTOBER

Club Championships Rd 1 & 2

CKI Golf Club


Council Meeting

West Island—CRC Meeting Room


CKI Lagoon Swim



Council Meeting

Home Island—Council Chambers


West Island Market Day



Golf Club Presentation Dinner

CKI Golf Club


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