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The Eye of the Storm

The Eye of the StormKjell NordstokkeAssembly 2015 Diakonia-DRAE4th July 2015

The eye of the storm

A region of mostly calm weather found at the center of strong tropical cyclones


To be in the middle of a difficult situation

Storm threatening- the work of diaconal institutions- diaconal presence in church and society

The eye

A moment of silence and clear sky

- illusion: the storm is over- fear: this is the epicenter!- hope: halfway through- time for rest and preparing / reorganizing

What do we see?

- The inside of the eye?- The storm coming?- Or both?

Diaconal institutions in stormy weather- 1Changes in societyEconomic, political and ideological winds blowingMigration collapsing nations refugees Climate changeIndividualismSecularism and return of religion

How do these changes affect diaconal institutions?

Diaconal institutions in stormy weather- 2Changes in the churchLoss of membershipLoss of social / political positionsEcclesiocentrismPublic churchDiakonia as dimension of the church

How do these changes affect diaconal institutions?

Time for a SWOT analysis?

In view of changes in church and society? What is the situation of diaconal institutions? Is this the eye of the storm?StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsStrengthsProfessional competenceHuman resourcesInstallations - buildingEconomyTraditionTrustRelations NetworksIdentity

WeaknessesProfessional competenceHuman resourcesInstallations - buildingEconomyTraditionTrustRelations NetworksIdentity

ThreatsNew Public ManagementEconomic crisisPublic requirements: standards / professionalismSecularization Lack of vocationsLoss of identityTraditionalismOpportunitiesThe threats turned into opportunities? (New Public Management, Economic crisis, Public requirements: standards / professionalism, Secularization, Lack of vocations, Loss of identity)IdentityInnovationLeadership

IdentityThe distinctiveness of diaconal professional praxisThe diaconal institution: shifting from a personal to an institutional approach Diaconal valuesDiaconal narrativesDiaconal rites and symbolProphetic diakonia

The connection between what we are, do, and sayInnovationDiscern signs of time as challenges and opportunitiesAsset-based rather than needs-basedWillingness to reallocate resourcesOpen to structural changesAct 6 as a case of diaconal innovation

Acts 6: The daily diakonia

The practice of innovation:Analysis of the situation: listen to those involvedDiscernment according to vision and missionRestructuring Identifying new leadership

The eye of the storm:A mechanism of exclusionMarginalizing elderly women with from different ethnic backgroundCaused murmuring and danger of splitThe inclusive identity in dangerLeadershipServant leadershipBoundary leadershipVisionary leadershipAbility to articulate diaconal identity in the context of professional praxisAbility to identify and mobilize diaconal assetsAbility to communicate bilingually the language of faith and the language of social praxisAbility to establish strategic alliance

Diaconal assets -1Hospitality

Luke 14:12-14

Diaconal assets -2 Visitation

Luke 7:11-17

Diaconal assets -3Go-between

2 Cor 5:18

Diaconal assets -4Dignification

Matt 5:13-14

Diaconal valuesCompassionJusticePeaceCareetc

The basic directions of diaconal actionTransformationReconciliationEmpowerment

So, what does this mean in the context of daily institutional praxis?

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