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  • FOREWORD by Steve L Chong ......................................................................................................

    INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... What is Entrepreneurship? ........................................................................................ How Do I Use This Playbook? ................................................................................... Do I Have What It Takes? ............................................................................................

    STEP ONE: BREAK THE RULES ................................................................................ A. Dreaming Your Company Vision .............................................................................. B. Designing Your Company Mission .......................................................................... C. Developing Your Business Strategies ......................................................................

    STEP TWO: KNOW THY CUSTOMER ........................................................................ A. Researching Your Marketplace ................................................................................B. Marketing Your Company .........................................................................................C. Selling Your Goods ..................................................................................................

    STEP THREE: GET ORGANIZED ...............................................................................A. Establishing Your Brand Identity .............................................................................B. Capitalizing Your Business Venture .........................................................................C. Forming Your Business Organization ......................................................................

    STEP FOUR: CRAFT A BUSINESS PLAN ..................................................................A. Writing Your Marketing Plan .....................................................................................B. Writing Your Operating Plan .....................................................................................C. Writing Your Financial Plan ......................................................................................

    STEP FIVE: PROMOTE YOUR BRAND ......................................................................A. Producing Your Marketing Materials ........................................................................B. Coordinating Your Marketing & Sales ......................................................................C. Growing Your Business Network .............................................................................

    STEP SIX: CHIEF YOUR OPERATIONS .....................................................................A. Governing Your Enterprise .......................................................................................B. Monitoring Your Communications ............................................................................C. Controlling Your Finances ........................................................................................

    GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................











  • Copyright Notice

    The ENTREPRENEURS PLAYBOOKHow To: Startup Your Dream Business

    Copyright 2012-2014 by Steve L. Chong

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical

    with prior permission in writing from the publisher.

    ISBN: 978-0-9858523-9-9

    Visit us

  • Dear Future Entrepreneur,


    Congratulations on your special purchase of The Entrepreneurs Playbook!In your hands is everything you need to manifest your dream life into reality.

    This business startup guide was lovingly created to show you play-by-play the ABC's of ENTREPRENEURSHIP. It is inspired by our belief that anyone - regardless of background, age or education level - can live the Real American Dream of Business Ownership.

    Becoming an entrepreneur is an incredible journey of self-discovery and sacrifice. Our mission is to help you capture your business dreams from the initial spark of creative inspiration to the development of your Big Idea to the ultimate delivery of your company' s goods and services.

    It is said, the best opportunities in life are the ones we create from the heart. Look around, everyday people are waking up to the epiphany that they can profit from their passion. With owning your own enterprise, you can enjoy a lifetime of income, true job security and have the TIME of YOUR LIFE.

    Thank you for your business!

    In Freedom,

    Steve L. ChongAuthor of The Entrepreneurs Playbook


  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.

    ~ Albert Einstein

  • [This is a self-initiation into the world of the entrepreneur.]

    NO DOUBT .... that if you are reading this RIGHT NOW, it is your hearts desire to launch your dream business and live the life of a successful entrepreneur. Can you imagine?

    IMAGINE .... BEING TELEPORTED TO THE FUTURE!What Would You Attempt If You Knew You Could Not Fail?

    TAKE YOUR TIME to picture your dreams coming into clear vision, see the details, noticing who is with you, what is around you, and what you feel like. Imagine it in full color and dimension. See yourself in the middle of your vision fulfilled.

    THE TRUTH IS your creative mind is an exceptional, amazing, magical workshop where ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE with true intention.

    IN FACT your thoughts and ideas are the very dream seeds from which your company will grow. The power is literally in your hands when you open your heart .... YOU ARE THE CREATOR.



    IMAGINE .... OWNING YOUR VERY OWN COMPANY!What If Time, Money and Energy Were Not An Issue?

    IMAGINE .... WAKING UP EXCITED EVERYDAY!What If Your Passion Became Your Business?






    TODAY .... Please understand that today you can decide to be the captain of your own FATE - the master architect of your own DESTINY. Then believe that the greatest tragedy in life is to let all of your time slip through your fingers without being able to realize your dreams.

    So why do most people spend their time living a life they don't love? It's because traditional thinking dictates that you work for someone else - building someone else's dream and making them wealthy, not you.



    But by choosing to startup your own business enterprise, you are now declaring your Personal Declaration of Independence in order to liberate yourself from the chains of the typical 9-to-5, merry-go-round, rat-race lifestyle.

    The success of your venture is only limited by your imagination, character and strength of will. So go forth with hearts filled with passion in order to actualize what your mind's eye has seen!


    What Is Entrepreneurship?

    How Do I Use This Playbook?

    Do You Have What It Takes


  • Freedom To:

    Freedom To:

    Freedom To:

    Freedom To:

    Freedom To:

    Freedom To:






    Successful entrepreneurs are driven by more than just money, they follow their hearts to find true happiness and joy in life. When you are truly passionate about what you do, you give 110%.

    Become the controller of your destiny rather than being controlled by your miseries. With self-employment, you are able to fully leverage your creativity and show your leadership.

    Business ownership provides the potential for unrestricted income, instead of a fixed salary. Trading your time for money is an endless trap. Enjoy supporting yourself through your business endeavors.

    Authentic entrepreneurship is about blurring the line between work and play. Take that leap of faith, choose your own terms, set your own intentions and manifest all of your life dreams.

    In the past, working for an employer and depending on them to take care of you represented job security. Today, job security comes from within and by building a successful business.

    When you are working for yourself, you have the flexibility to choose when you work, how you work and with whom you work. Own your time, achieve work/life balance and bring your ideas to life.

    What is Entrepreneurship?In a word, Entrepreneurship is FREEDOM.



    Governing Your Enterprise

    Monitoring Your Communications

    Controlling Your Finances


    Dreaming Your Vision

    Designing Your Mission

    Developing Your Strategies

    Step Three:GET ORGANIZED

    Establishing Your Brand Identity

    Capitalizing Your Business Venture

    Forming Your Business Organization


    Producing Your Marketing Materials

    Coordinating Your Marketing & Sales

    Growing Your Business Network


    Writing Your Marketing Plan

    Writing Your Operating Plan

    Writing Your Financial Plan


    Researching Your Marketplace

    Marketing Your Company

    Selling Your Goods

    How Do I Use This Playbook?This playbook is about the art, science and magic of entrepreneurship. It is divided into 6 chapters, each representing a vital step in the startup business process. Each step also contains the 3 critical action steps to bring it to fruition.










    Successful entrepreneurs are strongly persuasive salesman and bold marketers who are able to promote the benefits and features of their products to the marketplace and target customer base.

    Successful entrepreneurs are goal-oriented and take personal responsibility for their entire company and operations. They take a proactive approach to capitalizing on opportunities while optimising risk.

    First and foremost, successful entrepreneurs engage in their labor of love. They are self-motivated, not needing someone who holds them accountable or forces them to be efficient and productive.

    Successful entrepreneurs are crafty like beavers, always enterprising in thought and willing do whatever it takes to deliver the goods and services that their target markets truly want, need and desire.

    Successful entrepreneurs adibe by the laws of karma, always practice the Golden Rule and conduct themselves by an upstanding Code of Ethics in all their personal and professional dealings.

    Sucessful entrepreneurs realize that running a business is not just a job, but a dedicated 24/7/365 lifestyle that requires daily focus, extreme perserverance and excellence in execution.

    Sucessful entrepreneurs rely on their natural instincts, trust their gut and listen to their inner-voices to show them the best next moves towards reaching their business dreams and life goals.

    Last and certainly not least, the successful entrepreneur acknowledges that creating a business that lasts requires time, energy, vigilience, dedication to craft, and continuous improvement.

    Do You Have What It Takes?If you believe that you can embody a majority of these following attributes and characteristics, you may have the mindset of the entrepreneur. If you have none or just a few of these characteristics, self-employment would seem like the wrong career choice.


  • In the GRAND GAME of business and in life, your time is your most precious commodity - it is the very currency of life.

    That's why for the entrepreneur, TIME IS MONEY. Spent wisely, incredible accomplishments can be achieved. Time wasted, it is gone forever.

    Do not be a part of the unthinking majority. Harness the power of free enterprise, unleash your entrepreneurial spirit and startup the business of YOUR dreams - TODAY.

    Isnt It Time To Break the Rules of Conventional Thinking and Go Into Business For Yourself?


    "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of." ~ Benjamin Franklin


    DESIGNING YOUR COMPANY MISSIONWhat Is The Purpose of Your Business?

    DREAMING YOUR COMPANY VISIONWhat Do You Want to Achieve?


  • By Dreaming Your Vision you can create a clear Big Picture of your business organization's future in the marketplace. Your company vision will need to provide the inspiration to guide all your business decisions.

    Envision My Ideal Customers

    Envision My Unique Strengths

    What Activities Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Spirit?Identify the passions you can build a profitable business and your entire life around.

    Who Will Purchase Your Companys Goods?Identify the core customers you will focus your marketing campaign directly to.

    What Is Your Special Offering To the Market?Identify how your leadership, skills and talents can meet the needs of the marketplace.

    Envision My True Passions

    DREAMING YOUR VISIONWhat Do You Want to Achieve?

  • Define My Core Values

    Define My Core Advantages

    By Designing Your Mission you can give your business its main reason for being in the marketplace. Your company mission defines the non-financial reasons of why your organization exists.

    Why Does Your Company Exist?Identify the fundamental reasons for your business organization to be in the marketplace.

    What Does Your Company Stand For?Identify the central beliefs and principles that will guide your business activities.

    What Does Your Company Do Better Than The Competition?Identify how your business and its produtcs will out-perform similar companies.

    Define My Core Purpose

    DESIGNING YOUR MISSIONWhat Is The Purpose of Your Business?

  • Construct My Business Objectives

    Construct My Business Timelines

    By Developing Your Strategies you can focus your passion and direct your business venture. A strategy-focused company operates more efficiently with their capital, customer service, resources and assets.

    Where Do You See Your Company in 1 year, 3 Years and 5 Years?Identify how you define success and a clear vision of exactly what you want to achieve.

    How Will You Reach Your Companys Goals?Identify the practial tactics your business will employ to reach your visualized outcomes.

    What Deadlines Have You Set For Each Company Goal?Identify the schedule of action steps necessary to meet your target completion dates.

    Construct My Business Goals

    DEVELOPING YOUR STRATEGIESHow Will You Actualize Your Dream?


    What Activities Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Spirit?

    Who Will Purchase Your Companys Goods?

    What Is Your Special Offering To the Market?

    Where Do You See Your Company in 1, 3 and 5 Years?

    How Will You Reach Your Companys Goals?

    What Deadlines Have You Set For Each Company Goal?

    Why Does Your Company Exist?

    What Does Your Company Stand For?

    What Does Your Company Do Better Than the Competition?


    DESIGNING YOUR COMPANY MISSIONWhat Is The Purpose of Your Business?

    DREAMING YOUR COMPANY VISIONWhat Do You Want to Achieve?


    Isnt It Time To Break the Rules of Conventional Thinking and Go Into Business For Yourself?

    Isnt It Time To Break the Rules of Conventional Thinking and Go Into Business For Yourself?


    "Every company's greatest assets are its customers, because without customers there is no company." ~ Michael Lebeouf

    Are You Ready To View The World Through The Heart and Eyes of Your Customers?

    SELLING YOUR GOODSHow Will You Turn Prospects Into Paying Customers?

    MARKETING YOUR COMPANYHow Will You Attract Loyal Customers?

    RESEARCHING YOUR MARKETPLACEHow Much Demand Is There For Your Products?

    This is more a commandment than a step - the ultimate key to success is to understand, then to deliver exactly what your marketplace desires.

    Possessing customer knowledge is pivotal to gaining the correct perspective, materializing your visualized outcomes and successfully fulfilling your customers' needs and desires.

    The ability to acquire and retain customers is absolutely necessary to earning an income and sustaining a business venture.


  • Analyze My Market Niche

    Analyze My Competitors

    By Researching Your Marketplace you can determine the market opportunity for what you can supply. Obtaining market research will tell you who your customers are and where your industry is headed.

    What Are The Defining Dynamics Of Your Marketplace?Identify the demographics, lifestyle traits and buying power of your target market segment.

    Who Exactly Are Your Target Customers?Identify the defining characteristics, common interests and profile of your core customer base.

    Who Else Offers Similar Solutions?Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your direct and indirect competition in the marketplace.

    Analyze My Target Markets

    RESEARCHING YOUR MARKETPLACEHow Much Demand Is There For Your Products?

  • Choose My Pricing

    Choose My Product Placements

    By Marketing Your Company you can get the word out about your new business and its core values. With an intelligent marketing campaign, your current and future customers can learn the about your startup business.

    How Will You Create Value For Your Customers?Identify the benefits and competitive advantages of the products and services you are bringing to market.

    How Much Should You Charge?Identify the profit-minded and sustainable pricing structures for all your companys product lines.

    How Will Your Companys Goods Reach Their Target Markets?Identify all the distribution channels where your products and services will be available for sale.

    Choose My Product Line

    MARKETING YOUR COMPANYHow Will You Attract Loyal Customers?

  • Set Up My Quality Control Program

    Set Up My Customer Service

    By Selling Your Goods you can begin generating business revenue to operate your commercial enterprise. Without paying customers purchasing your goods, there simply will be no business.

    How Will You Produce Your Companys Products?Identify the details of your production and delivery cycles from start to finish.

    How Will You Meet Your Customer Requirements?Identify the details of how your company will ensure that consumer quality demands are met.

    How Will You Keep Your Customers Happy?Identify the processes your company has in place to help you consistently exceed customer expectations.

    Set Up My Manufacturing Process

    SELLING YOUR GOODSHow Will Turn Prospects Into Paying Customers?


    What Are The Defining Dynamics Of Your Marketplace?

    Who Exactly Are Your Target Customers?

    Who Else Offers Similar Solutions?

    How Will You Produce Your Companys Products?

    How Will You Meet Your Customer Requirements?

    How Will You Keep Your Customers Happy?

    How Will You Create Value For Your Customers?

    How Much Should You Charge?

    How Will Your Companys Goods Reach Their Target Markets?


    SELLING YOUR GOODSHow Will You Actualize Your Dream?

    MARKETING YOUR COMPANYHow Will You Attract Loyal Customers?

    RESEARCHING YOUR MARKETPLACEHow Much Demand Is There For Your Products?

    Are You Ready To View The World Through The Heart and Eyes of Your Customers?Are You Ready To View The World Through The Heart and Eyes of Your Customers?


    "In the successful organization, no detail is too small to escape close attention." ~ Lou Holtz

    Are You Willing To Take The Legal Steps Necessary To Make Your Business Official?

    FORMING YOUR BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONWhat Legal Form Is Best For Your Company?


    ESTABLISHING YOUR BUSINESS IDENTITYWhat Image Will Your Company Present?

    Once you have chosen your company's goods, it is critical to build a solid business organization around them.

    Organizational Planning is a dynamic process that demands continuous re-evaluation and constant revisioning. An organizational plan is basically a to do list for an organization.

    Be proactive to ensure that all risk factors, legalities and local regulations are considered and dealt with properly.


  • By Establishing Your Brand Identity you can communicate your companys Unique Selling Points (USP). Creating an impactful brand message is key to reaching and communicating your Market Niche.

    Select My Brand Tagline

    What Slogan Best Clarifies Your Unique Selling Points?Identify a specific phrase or group of words that best expresses your company vision and values.

    Select My Brand Logo

    What Images or Words Best Symbolize Your Company?Identify the distinctive graphic designs, shapes or text graphics that best represent your business.

    What Will Your Company and Its Products Be Called?Identify the product names that best personify and uniquely represent your business.

    Select My Brand Name

    ESTABLISHING YOUR BUSINESS IDENTITYWhat Image Will Your Company Present?

  • Determine My Startup Resources

    Determine My Startup Budgets

    By Capitalizing Your Venture you can open and operate your business while on your road to profitability. There is a startup capital investment associated with operating any growing new business.

    How Much Seed Money Is Necessary To Open?Identify the total expenditures that you new business will incur before its launch.

    What Are Your Sources of Securing Business Capital?Identify how you will meet your new companys financial requirements and obligations.

    How Will You Utilize Your Captial Funds?Identify how your financial future will enford with your projected income, projected expenses and cash needs.

    Determine My Startup Costs


  • Structure My Business Licenses

    Structure My Business Insurance

    By Forming Your Organization you can ensure the success of future company decisions. Business ownership comes in many forms, due your due diligence and choose whats best for you and your family.

    What Form of Ownership Is Best For Your Company?

    What Laws Do You Need To Comply With?Identify the local rules, permits and regulations necessary to keep your business legal.

    How Are You Mitigating Business Risks?Identify all of the safeguarding measures you will set in place to protect your companys and personal assets.

    Structure My Legal Business Entity

    FORMING YOUR BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONWhat Legal Form Is Best For Your Company?

    Identify the best suitable corporate business structure (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation) for your new business enterprise.


    What Will Your Company and Its Products Be Called?

    What Images or Words Best Symbolize Your Company?

    What Slogan Best Clarifies Your Unique Selling Points?

    What Form of Ownership Is Best For Your Company?

    What Laws Do You Need To Comply With?

    How Are You Mitigating Business Risks?

    How Much Seed Money Is Necessary To Open?

    What Are Your Sources of Securing Business Capital?

    How Will You Utilize Your Capital Funds?

    FORMING YOUR BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONWhat Legal Form Is Best For Your Company?


    ESTABLISHING YOUR BUSINESS IDENTITYWhat Image Will Your Company Present?


    Are You Willing To Take The Legal Steps Necessary To Make Your Business Official?Are You Willing To Take The Legal Steps Necessary To Make Your Business Official?


    "Before everything else, getting ready is the key to success." ~ Henry Ford

    Every new startup company can benefit from the preparation of a well-thought-out and organized business plan.

    Beginning the process of Startup Business Planning will instantly help you to focus your attention, prioritize your actions, gather your team, and allocate your resources effectively.

    As a living document, an updated business plan serves as a benchmark to measure the progress of your enterprise over time.

    How Will You Measure Your Profitability?WRITING YOUR FINANCIAL PLAN

    WRITING YOUR OPERATIONS PLANHow Will You Achieve Your Business Vision?

    WRITING YOUR MARKETING PLANHow Will You Acquire Loyal Customers?


    Are You Ready To Put It All Into Words and Commit Your Plans to Paper?

  • WRITING YOUR MARKETING PLANHow Will You Acquire Loyal Customers?

    Describe My Products Lines

    Describe My Sales Promotions

    By Writing Your Marketing Plan you can detail the vision, mission and values of your business. The marketing plan should outline and detail all of your companys promotional and advertising activities.

    What Exactly Is Your Companys Business?Identify exactly what your business will do and the value it will provide to its target demographics.

    What Exactly Is Your Company Selling?Identify the unique features, benefits and competitive advantages of all your goods and services.

    How Will You Market Your Company?Identify the marketing strategies and promotional tactics you will use to get the word out about your business.

    Describe My Business Concept

  • WRITING YOUR OPERATIONS PLANHow Will You Achieve Your Business Vision?

    Describe My Business Location

    Describe My Company Inventory

    By Writing Your Marketing Plan you can detail the vision, mission and values of your business. The marketing plan should outline and detail all of your companys promotional and advertising activities.

    How Are Your Goods Being Produced?Identify the production process for each of your companys products and services.

    Where Are The Best Locations For Commerce?Identify the best suitable places to establish your base of operations and conduct business.

    How Will Your Track Your Business Assets?Identify the systems you will have set in place to protect company products, resources and supplies.

    Describe My Manufacturing Process

  • How Will You Measure Your Profitability?WRITING YOUR FINANCIAL PLAN

    Describe My Break-Even Point

    Describe My Balance Sheet

    By Writing Your Financial Plan you can measure your progress towards your sales projections. The Financial Plan outlines your feasibility and estimating startup capital requirements and profitability potential.

    How Much Cash Do You Generate?Identify the projected sales forecasts for each of your companys products and services.

    When Will Your Company Begin To Show A Profit?Identify how many units of your products and services need to be sold in order to cover total costs.

    What Is Your Companys Financial Standing?Identify all of your companys assets, liabilities and calculate your total net worth.

    Describe My Cash-Flow


    What Exactly Is Your Companys Business?

    What Exactly Is Your Company Selling?

    How Will You Market Your Company?

    How Much Cash Do You Generate?

    When Will Your Company Begin To Show A Profit?

    What Is Your Companys Financial Standing?

    How Are Your Goods Being Produced?

    Where Are The Best Locations For Commerce?

    How Will Your Track Your Business Assets?


    How Will You Measure Your Profitability?How Will You Measure Your Profitability?WRITING YOUR FINANCIAL PLAN

    WRITING YOUR OPERATIONS PLANHow Will You Achieve Your Business Vision?

    WRITING YOUR MARKETING PLANHow Will You Acquire Loyal Customers?

    Are You Ready To Put It All Into Words and Commit Your Plans to Paper?Are You Ready To Put It All Into Words and Commit Your Plans to Paper?


    "Your premium brand better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get the business." ~ Warren Buffet

    Now that you have created your companys brand identity, you need to promote it to your target audience.

    Creating a successful and memorable brand will express your Unique Selling Point, attract your target customers and enhance your reputation.

    No matter how innovative your products and services may be, impactful branding will set your company apart from the competition.

    How Are You Positioning Your Company And Its Products In The Marketplace?

    GROWING YOUR BUSINESS NETWORKHow Will You Increase Your Profit Potential?

    COORDINATING YOUR MARKETING & SALESHow Will You Keep Your Customers Happy?

    PRODUCING YOUR SALES MATERIALSHow Will You Market Your Products & Services?


  • PRODUCING YOUR SALES MATERIALSHow Will You Market Your Products & Services?

    Construct My Press Kit

    Construct My Web Presence

    By Producing Your Sales Materials you can speak directly to your niche market. Creative brand promotions are vital to increasing demand for your products as well as deepen customer customer loyalty.

    What Emotions Does Your Marketing Elicit?Identify ways to present your business in the best light throughout various media channels.

    Are You Sharing Your Business Success With The Media?Identify ways to package and present your companys promotional materials to members of the media.

    What Is The Status Of Your Online Properties?Identify ways to drive people to your company website, social media and directory listings.

    Construct My Sales Collateral

  • Manage My Public Relations

    Manage My Sales Promotions

    How Will You Publicize Your Business?Identify strategies that will generate news stories and free media attention for your brand.

    How Will Your Company Foster Goodwill?Identify strategies that will create a good public image for your business.

    What Does Your Company Do Better Than The Competition?Identify strategies that will increase company brand awareness and to boost business sales.

    Manage My Publicity Program

    COORDINATING YOUR MARKETING & SALESHow Will You Keep Your Customers Happy?

    By Coordinating Your Marketing and Sales efforts you can share your business dream with the world. Your marketing campaign consists of all the activities you use to promote your company brand.

  • GROWING YOUR BUSINESS NETWORKHow Will You Increase Your Profit Potential?

    Expand My Business Alliances

    Expand My Market Share

    What Individuals and Companies Can Help Your Company Prosper?Identify all the potential contacts and organizations you can collaborate on business projects together.

    What Organizations Can Help Your Company Improve?Identify all the potential companies you can partner and develop profitable business relationships with.

    How Will Your Company Reach More of the Marketplace?Identify all the potential new customer opportunities and new distribution channels you can sell your goods.

    Expand My Business Connections

    By Growing Your Network you can forge mutually beneficial business relationships that will build your brand. Networking extends a base to support your company goals and increase your return on investment.

  • What Emotions Does Your Marketing Elicit?

    Are You Sharing Your Business Success With The Media?

    What Is The Status Of Your Online Properties?

    What Individuals and Companies Can Help Your Company Prosper?

    What Organizations Can Help Your Company Improve?

    How Will Your Company Reach More of the Marketplace?

    How Will You Publicize Your Business?

    How Will Your Company Foster Goodwill?

    What Will Your Company Do To Increase Revenues?



    GROWING YOUR BUSINESS NETWORKHow Will You Increase Your Profit Potential?

    COORDINATING YOUR MARKETING & SALESHow Will You Keep Your Customers Happy?

    PRODUCING YOUR SALES MATERIALSHow Will You Market Your Products & Services?

    How Are You Positioning Your Company And Its Products In The Marketplace?How Are You Positioning Your Company And Its Products In The Marketplace?


    "When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps." ~ Confucius

    A successful business enterprise does not just appear magically - you have to pay attention to all the details.

    Owning a successful business operation hinges on how well you manage all of your business activities and how well you capitalize on opportunites in a timely fashion.

    Just as important as careful design, the intelligent operation of your business is required to bring your dream seeds to fruition.

    What Can My Company Do To Maximize Profits and Minimize Losses?

    CONTROL YOUR FINANCESAre You Watching Your Budgets & Spending?

    MONITORING YOUR COMMUNICATIONSAre You Getting Your Brand Message Across?

    GOVERNING YOUR VISIONIs Your Company Headed In the Right Direction?


  • GOVERNING YOUR VISIONIs Your Company Headed In the Right Direction?

    Captain My Business Priorities

    Captain My Business Activities

    By Governing Your Enterprise you can optimize the performance of your startup. Safeguard your assets and wisely allocate your resources while applying focused attention on proper business governance.

    Are You Supervising Your Goal Timelines?Identify the current status of your company objectives and review the milestones reached along the way.

    What Will You and Your Company Accomplish Today?Identify your daily goals and create a prioritized action item list.

    Where Are You Investing Your Companys Time, Energy and Money?Identify all of your companys current and on-going projects and record your completed tasks.

    Captain My Business Vision

  • MONITORING YOUR COMMUNICATIONSAre You Getting Your Brand Message Across?

    Track My Sales Promotions

    Track My Promotional Budgets

    By Monitoring Your Communications you can evaluate and optimize your marketing campaign efforts. Properly understanding your customer's perspective will increase your overall return on investment.

    Where Are All Your Companys Advertisements?Identify all the advertising vehicles and media channels you will employ to get your ads viewed or listened to.

    What Are You Doing To Boost Sales Revenues?Identify all the promotional campaigns and events your company is currently running to increase customers.

    What Are You Spending On Marketing?Identify where all your companys advertising and promotional dollars are being invested.

    Track My Advertising

  • CONTROL YOUR FINANCESAre You Watching Your Budgets & Spending?

    Supervise My Cash Flow

    Supervise My Net Worth

    By Controlling Your Finances you know where your money is, where it comes from, how much you have, and where you spend it. Your Financial Statements prove feasibility and measure profitability.

    What Are Your Companys Sources of Income?Identify how and where your companys sales revenues are being generated.

    What Are Your Startup and Business Operating Costs?Identify all of the costs associated with launching and running your business enterprise.

    What Is The Financial Value of Your Business?Identify the total value of all your business assets after subtracting your total business liabilities.

    Supervise My Cash Flow


    Are You Supervising Your Goal Timelines?

    What Will You And Your Business Accomplish Today?

    Where Are You Investing Your Time, Energy and Money?

    What Are Your Companys Sources of Income?

    What Are Your Startup and Business Operating Costs?

    What Is the Financial Value of Your Business?

    Where Are All Your Companys Advertisements?

    What Are You Doing To Boost Sales Revenues?

    What Are You Spending On Marketing?

    CONTROL YOUR FINANCESAre You Watching Your Budgets & Spending?

    MONITORING YOUR COMMUNICATIONSAre You Getting Your Brand Message Across?

    GOVERNING YOUR VISIONIs Your Company Headed In the Right Direction?

    What Can My Company Do To Maximize Profits and Minimize Losses?What Can My Company Do To Maximize Profits and Minimize Losses?


    Accounting: The bookkeeping systems in place to track and report financial transactions.

    Advertising: The paid announcements in print, radio, broadcast, and electronic media designed to attract public attention to your brand.

    Angel Investors: Private individuals who provide financial backing for a business startup in exchange for equity.

    Assets: The property, resources, rights, and items of value that a business owns.

    Balance Sheet: An accounting statement of a companys financial status at a given point in time.

    Brand: The image or personality of a company as perceived by its customers.

    Brand Loyalty: The willingness of customers to continue purchasing a company's products.

    Break-Even Point: The moment when sales revenue equals expenses.

    Business Concept: A summarization what a company is all about; the Big Idea.

    Business Plan: A written document that describes in detail how a company is going to achieve its goals.

    Capital: The wealth and assets used to create additional wealth and assets; equity.

    Cash-Flow Statement: A report that details the monies coming in and out of a business over a time period.

    Company Vision: The ultimate goal and Big Picture of what a business has set out to achieve.

    Competitive Advantage: The superiority a business has over its competitors.

    Core Values: The non-changing, fundamental beliefs that define an organization and dictate the decisions of the company.

    Cost of Sales: The total cost to purchase and/or manufacture a company's products.

    Corporation: A legal and taxable entity separate from its shareholders.

    Distribution Channels: The ways and means of getting a company's goods to their customers.

    Demand: The willingness to buy a product at a given price during a given time period.

    Demographics: The particular characteristics of a population such as age, gender, economic status, level of education, marital status, family size, and interests.

    Elevator Pitch: A concise verbal presentation of your Big Idea.

    Entrepreneur: A person who owns, organizes and operates a business or businesses in the free enterprise system.

  • Financial Budget: A projection of future performance; the estimate of revenues, expenses, and profits for a given time period.

    Financial Plan: A statement that forecasts revenue, expenses, and the capital needed to become operational.

    Freedom: The power to determine action without restraint.

    Income Statement: A report of a companys revenues and expenses and the resulting profit or loss over a given period of time.

    Income Taxes: The annual charge levied on a company's net income.

    Industry Trends: The direction the line of business and overall market is taking.

    Inventory: The supplies, goods for sale, equipment, and raw materials held by your company.

    Joint Venture: A agreement by two or more businesses to work on a project together.

    Liabilities: The financial obligations, debts and claims on the assets of a company.

    Limited Liability Company (LLC): A business structure that combines the tax advantages of a partnership with the liability protection of a corporation.

    Logo: An image, symbol or graphic that represents a company.

    Market: A distinct group of potential buyers.

    Marketing Plan: A coordinated action program for communicating the value of your products/services to your customers.

    Market Price: The price at which a good can be sold in the open marketplace.

    Market Research: The exploration of the size, characteristics, spending habits, and needs of your target market, the industry as a whole, and the competitive landscape.

    Merchandising: The promotion and display of brand merchandise goods in a retail outlet for sale.

    Mergers: The joining together of two or more companies.

    Mission Statement: A phrase that defines a companys purpose.

    Net Profit: The amount of money remaining after all expenses have been met.

    Networking: Activities to developing profitable business relationships.

    Net Income: A company's profit after taxes.

    Net Worth: Total assets minus total liabilities; the equity of a company.

  • Operating Expenses: The amount paid for the cost of doing business.

    Operations: The activities an organization uses to fulfill its vision, mission and values.

    Partnership: Two or more companies operating a business together, sharing profits and losses.

    Publicity: Generating newsworthy stories that attract attention to a company and its products.

    Public Relations (PR): The process of maintaining of a good public image for a business organization.

    Press Kit: A specialized package of company branded materials for members of the media.

    Pricing: Determining what a company will receive in exchange for its products & services.

    Profits: The income earned after all expenses, overhead and production costs have been subtracted.

    Return on Investment (ROI): A performance ratio that measures the profitability of a business bydividing net profit by net worth.

    Revenues: The amount of money a business generated during a period of time.

    Risk: The measurable possibility of losing value.

    Sales: The exchanging of goods or services for money.

    Sales Promotions: The activities designed to introduce prospects to your products and to increaserevenue.

    Sole Proprietorship: A business entity with one owner who operates the enterprise.

    Startup Capital: The seed money needed for a new business to go from conception to company.

    Strategic Alliance: A relationship formed by independent companies with a vested interest in mutualsuccess.

    Supply: The amount of product available to customers.

    Target Market: The specific group of consumers a company intends to sell to.

    Unique Selling Point (USP): The special benefits about a product or service that set it apart from thecompetition.

    Vision Statement: An aspirational description of the ideal picture of a company in the future.


    for your BUSINESS!

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