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The effecTs of eU climaTe legislaTionon BUsiness compeTiTiveness:A SuRvEY ANd ANALYSIS

mark kenBer

Policy Director, he °Climate Group

oliver haUgen

Policy Manager, he °Climate Group

madeleine coBB

Policy Manager, he °Climate Group

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© 2009 Te German Marshall Fund o the United States. All rights reserved.

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Te German Marshall Fund o the United States1744 R Street, NWWashington, DC 20009

1 202 683 2650F 1 202 265 1662E in o@gm

Tis publication can be downloaded or ree at m. Limited printcopies are also available. o request a copy, send an e-mail to in o@gm

gmf p sTe GMF Paper Series presents research on a variety o transatlantic topics by sta , ellows, and partners o the GermanMarshall Fund o the United States. Te views expressed here are those o the authors and do not necessarily represent the views o GMF. Comments rom readers are welcome; reply to the mailing address above or by e-mail to in o@gm

ab ut gmfTe German Marshall Fund o the United States (GMF) is a non-partisan American public policy and grant-makinginstitution dedicated to promoting greater cooperation and understanding between North America and Europe.

GMF does this by supporting individuals and institutions working on transatlantic issues, by convening leaders to discussthe most pressing transatlantic themes, and by examining ways in which transatlantic cooperation can address a variety o global policy challenges. In addition, GMF supports a number o initiatives to strengthen democracies.

Founded in 1972 through a gi rom Germany as a permanent memorial to Marshall Plan assistance, GMF maintains astrong presence on both sides o the Atlantic. In addition to its headquarters in Washington, DC, GMF has seven o ces inEurope: Berlin, Bratislava, Paris, Brussels, Belgrade, Ankara, and Bucharest.

Te Climate Group ( is an independent, not- or-proft organization working internationally withgovernment and business leaders to advance smart policies and technologies to cut global emissions and accelerate a lowcarbon economy. Its global coalition o companies, states, regions and cities around the world recognize the economic andenvironmental imperatives o taking decisive action now. Te Climate Group was ounded in 2004 and has operations inAustralia, China, Europe, India, and North America.

Tis paper would not have been possible without unding rom the ransatlantic Climate Bridge, an initiative jointly launched by German Foreign Minister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier and German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel toconnect and support those working to address the challenges o climate change, energy security, and economic growth atthe local, the state, and the ederal level in the United States and Germany.

Te writing o this report was supported in part by a grant rom the Norwegian Royal Ministry o Foreign A airs.

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he E ects o EU Climate Legislationon Business Competitiveness:

A Survey and Analysis

Climate & Energy Paper Series

September 009

M k K , P D , °C G *

O H , P M , °C G *

M C , P M , °C G *

Ex S

I O j

B k



R A x: I w Q

*M k K T°C G A , M K B k CD k P j w O B H w w


*O H T°C G L H U L S E , M H

, , *M C T°C G S w k w T C G ’ M C - k

, , w f S U B I C , L

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he E ects o EU Climate Legislation on Business Competitiveness:A Survey and an Analysis


D U S - -


E w E , U S , , w k

w U S -à-

w x F , ,

, , k , w ’

R E U S w


q k , w w -

, - x M -

w E E U E S

(EU E S)

EU E S 5 w -

, EU’ D - - -


w $15 $ , ,


G F 5 , w EU E S

x k ,

5 EU E S w( , w) k -

’ , ,- - ,

w w

k :

• The EU ETS has not resulted in significantcosts to business to date, especially whencompared to the impact of other factors suchas energy price fluctuations and the economicdownturn. A w

EU E S, w q

W w EU E S w

w w - -

w M , w , “ w ”

C w

w EU

B ,

• So far there has been no major impact oncompanies’ competitivess: they have notrelocated their operations, reduced theirworkforce, or lost market share as a result ofcarbon pricing. , w EU E S


N j w

Executive Summary

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he German Marshall Fund o the United States4

-, k


w ,

x , , k ,

• One exception is the aluminum smelter,

due to the predominance of electricity costsin its overall cost structure. k

- CO2 w —

, x -


• Company decision-making has taken carbon pricing on board, but climate legislation hasnot led to fundamental shifts in strategy.EU E S, k


, w

C - -

, k k

• Companies have improved their monitoringand reporting of emissions and realizedenergy efficiency gains.A ,

k w

B w k



• While they have fared well so far relativeto their non-EU competitors, some heavyindustrial emitters fear possible competitiveimpacts in the third phase of the EU ETSbeginning in 2013.S




w S ,

, ,


O , ’ -


w x , w E j


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he E ects o EU Climate Legislation on Business Competitiveness:A Survey and an Analysis


Project context: Creating an evidence base

j U S C

- - , q


S 5, E — w -— (GHG)


E S (EU E S) ,

-- A C

E S A , k U S H R J

A A , U S S w


x E j w ,

- EU E S EU E S w w

— w

G w q (A x), w w

q A z

, q

x EU E S (P 7)

Survey subject: European businesses undercurrent emissions reduction legislation

W w w w j

E W w k

C H R , w w w

k , 1


, w w

k j /

k , 1 8 CO2 8, 5

EU E S (C M k D )

: (1) C , j U K - ; ( ) J J , U S -

w E ; ( ) , U K -

w ; ( ) L , F - ,(5) U K - ; ( ) G -

; (7) ; (8) ;

( ) A ( )

F M z ’ G 5 k w ’

S x w x (

) EU E S w

x EU E S ( , ,


1 ://www k/ / /

Introduction and Objectives1

Concernsabout thecompetitivenessof U.S. businessesunder such a

system echomany of thoseexpressed inEurope just a few

years ago.

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he German Marshall Fund o the United States6

Like the EU ETS,the cap-and-

trade programis predicated onthe distributionof a number of

free emissionallowances to

emitters in thefirst years of


State of current legislationin the United States

U S k - -

’ GHG H A C E S A , k w W x -M k B , U S HR H A W x (D, CA- )

E w J M k (D, MA-7 ), J , U S S ,


W x -M k (I) , (II)

, (III) w , (IV)

III - - GHG (CO2, CH4, N2O,


, , w, ,

(P w ) w

GHG w 5 1 , 17 ,

, 8 5

L k EU E S, U S - -

w ,

, -

State of the U.S. policy debate

A 7 w k N I E P

S D k U ,

U S j U S

w (P w 7, 1)

S 1 , , x


U S S ’ 1 7 B -HR S

, “w U

S ” (S R 8, 1 5 C )

w w

“ ” ,

w w U S

k x ,

, - j

S , ’ ” (J 1

R U S C , w “U S

j ( x

, … U S (U S H 8, 1) C k

j k - -

k —



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he E ects o EU Climate Legislation on Business Competitiveness:A Survey and an Analysis


Recentmacroeconomicanalysis of thecosts associatedwith constraining carbon emissionshas generally

shown them tobe small.

j w GHG

Evidence so far in the UnitedStates and Europe

R w

w (S ), w -

- - w

O w , x- w

w w x ,

R (A ; C 8; U S EPA ; H 8) ,

j , k k N ,

- -

“R ,” H F O8 ,

“w x,

[ ] ” (K z 8, 1) W



E w

- - k w A N 8

k , $1 CO2

( w U S ), “

k ”

w “ , , , -” (H 8, )

H w - ,w ,

, “ k j

w ” (H 8, )I , “

j ” k j

, w “ ”

I , w

I , w, R ( 5), M K C E

( ), C ( 8), A ( ), G ( )

A w E EU E S, ex-post w MI q : “

,” “E ‘w k ’,”

“ k ”(E 8, ) O

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he German Marshall Fund o the United States8

G , EU E S -

S —“w w w ”

( ) “ ” ( )—

w , - w

M k , w ,

x - S

q w

O , ’ q k EU E S ,

, w w

1. Companies have found it difficult to quantify effects on their bottom line in the first phaseof the EU ETS, or found no effect at all.

C w w EU

: (1) “ ”

; ( ) “ ” -

( ) F

w x :

• The allocation of free emissions allowances in EU E S ( w


• The relatively low price of carbon.

• The difficulty inherent in disaggregating

• The current economic downturn that has ,


I , P I, w

H w , P II III : “I

, w W P II w


EU E S— ,

( U KO C C Lw


I , w k w


H w , q

k S

E w , w CO2 w


Survey Findings3

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he E ects o EU Climate Legislation on Business Competitiveness:A Survey and an Analysis


Companiesare having adifficult timedisaggregating potential carbon- related costincreases fromthose attributableto other factors,

such as theincrease in energy prices or changesin the operating environment.

w ( , ) x

F , ’

x , w ,

— EU E S

. The impact of the EU ETS is largely in linewith prior expectations.

B , w w

EU E S 5 “I k w q ; w w

x ” ( )— x , , , w ’

x A

18 EU E S, w

, k wnot x

C -


x “ … R w

j w — A ” A

x w

I EU E S, , w


w , w EU A

q , not w w w “A w

” ( )

3. Although costs for some firms are increasing,there is scant evidence of effects oncompetitiveness—but concerns about thefuture persist, especially as the number of free allowances decreases and CO2 costs arereflected in electricity prices.

W k , k

x “ , EU E S

E ,”w , w ,

w w x A w L ,

w :

“ k W

1 w , w

M - , z

w CO2

A -

— w EU E S w

x x - w


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he German Marshall Fund o the United States10

EU climatelegislation “has

moved the climatedebate into the


I x PIII w CO2 w , w A


w E


k ( L M Ex ) k ,

H w , w , w

EU E S w,

k ,



A , - EU E S

“ w A w

” I , EU E S

: “ k ,

I ’

E S ” I , E


4. Companies have not relocated theiroperations during Phase I of the EU ETS.

R , k

P I, : “B

– , w , w

B w


F j k ,

w k C

k w



“ EU E S , PV

S E A ”

5. A market price for carbon has a relatively low impact on how top management runsits business.

W k w

w ,

w “ ( ) “

EU E S” (LW w q

x, ,

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he E ects o EU Climate Legislation on Business Competitiveness:A Survey and an Analysis


“At first, wethought EU ETSwould die quietly after 2–3 years—but it didn’t.”



, w z w


k - , - k k

, ,

E w k : (1) -

k , ( ) / ,( ) x, ( )

F , k w —

, —

, -

k B , k ,

- k

6. But companies are quick at internalizing theEU ETS into their strategic planning.

W w EU E S ,

j w A w

“ w [ ] ,” w ,

- k : “A , w EU E S

w q – — ’ ”

N w “ EU’ O CEO - - EU

C ,” E k



: “ ’ I A q k ”

w H EU

“ ”

“ w C ’ ‘ ’

’ W w U S A ,

w B ’ E C

w ”

F , , w 1 UN E

S R J —w EU E S P I—w ’

w ’

7. Short-, medium-, and long-term effects onstrategic planning vary.

W k w - k -

EU E S , q

A ,


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he German Marshall Fund o the United States12

j - - A : “C

w k , w I ’ w k I

w w ’ w ’ ”

I - , - , w

- q

L - - (1) - ( ) -


- EU E S w w

, w I

w w

8. Cost mitigation measures often begin withinvestments in energy efficiency.


w j “ ;

EU E S ”S ,

w : “ w

w , w z w ”

k k

w k

, w “

w 1 7

A “

w k” w k ,


, z k

w , - k k w

9. Carbon pricing encourages futureinvestments in renewable energy.

A (L )

w , w



E -w

w , U K ’ R w O , w


F ,



, w w

“Carbon pricing is here and is

working, and weare supportive

of it. It hasthe effect of

leading towardlower carboninvestments.”

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he E ects o EU Climate Legislation on Business Competitiveness:A Survey and an Analysis


“All investmentdecisionsnow have acarbon accountassociatedwith them.”

N w w F x ,

S x k

: “[ ] k ” A

, , x

, w


10. Carbon pricing has prompted somecompanies to green their product mix.

C x, w

w “C E

… w k ” (

) w w ,

w k w w- z w-

( ), ( ) B

, w w , w

- , , U K ’C E R

L x,

1 5C GHG F ,

(PCF )

w 1 7 A , w k -

w CO2 k k


; ( ), x ’ ( ), ( ,

), -E j (L w

C ’ )

11. Getting smarter: better monitoring andcost assessment.

C k z

F , w


w W O z

S k , - -


“W xw — w

qA ,

K w A

w w … W k

k ”

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he German Marshall Fund o the United States14

A L :“ w

w ,

w w k

w w w k w

w k ,

, w , A w

w – , ’ ”

1 . Policy measures have helped to mitigatecompetitiveness impacts.

W k EU E S

, w

H w ,

w , w

“ w W ”

’ EU E S

z w

, EU E S’ (

w ) k ( ) w

w w —

R w : x

w- C C A )



G , U K , ,

( 5 U


C H — w

E S M w , L

k w E C M E P

D k

A , C D M (

K P ’ w- j

w EU E S w w




w :“W

W x P I

W w w

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he E ects o EU Climate Legislation on Business Competitiveness:A Survey and an Analysis


“We hope that theEU will maintainthe link betweendemonstrableenergy efficiency

gains andthe allocationof rights.”

13. Assumptions, concerns and hopes for the nextphase: free allowances…

I ,

A w w —w

x :

“W w [ ] w , -

w w

F w w


w ”

w k w k

w k w , ,

, “ ” A , - , q :

“A w E ,w EU w k

w B w k w

W w k k ”

, “ w

” I w ,

I x , ( ) w

, x ,

, k

W ,L ,

- q “EU- E S” w E

1 w w :

“W z … w A w

… P

( , , ) w w

14. …And better consultation.

, z w EU E S

, w EU

F x , EU E S’ x , w ( ) wk EU


w CO2

, S ,

EU E S — x

A w

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he German Marshall Fund o the United States16

“We know [theEU ETS] will last.We know it must.

And we think thatthe United States

will implementa comparable

system that willalso be there for

the long haul.”

EU w - k -z w w PV

“W ( w ) w

w w E E

W w

k ”

E , w k E

“ w ” w

’ “ U S : D w U S ,

w k ” ,

, C

B , EU

I , q k A q q k ,

L , w “ w k

[ ] ” I w , EU E S -

: “W k w w W k w Aw k U S w

w ” (L )

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he E ects o EU Climate Legislation on Business Competitiveness:A Survey and an Analysis


x - - U S q w

w w w E

E E w k

k w


, I ,

Y ,

w w —

— w EU E S P III w x


S w w :

• The EU ETS has not resulted in a significantcost to business, especially when comparedto the impact of other factors such asenergy price fluctuations and the economicdownturn. A w

EU E S, w q

W w EU E S w w w

- - A , , w ,

“ w ”

• The indirect impact of electricity prices onelectricity-intensive companies should betaken into consideration by policymakers.S

F ,


• Companies have not relocated their operationsas a result of carbon pricing or climate

legislation. w w

, x , ,

k N w j w

- A k

• Company decision-making has taken carbon pricing on board but not led to fundamentalshifts in strategy.C - - ,

k , , w

C - -

, k k

• Companies have improved their monitoringand reporting of emissions and realizedenergy efficiency gains.A ,

k w


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he German Marshall Fund o the United States18

B k ,


• In spite a few rough edges, companies findmuch to be commended under the four year-old EU ETS.O


, w Y ,

, , , “

x w ’ w

w w ”

• The prospect of a new cap-and-trade regime for greenhouse gas emissions in the UnitedStates seems daunting, but the experience ofthe EU ETS shows that it is feasibleeven if it requires some mitigating measures at theoutset, such as free allocation of allowances.W


w w EU

k w U S - - w “


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he E ects o EU Climate Legislation on Business Competitiveness:A Survey and an Analysis


A , J E W A P z ( )TheCompetitiveness Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Policies.W , DC: P w C

G C C , RFF D ,P : 8– 1

C , A , P E w , P P , J F( 7) “ E SS ” P IC S S R J 15, : :// / /


C ( 8) “EU E S : A

” #C C7 8

E I U ( )Countdown toCopenhagen: Government, business and the battleagainst climate change. L , U K : EI U

E , A D J k w, P L 8TheEuropean Union’s Emissions Trading System inPerspective. W , DC: P w C


G , M , M B w , M S , R H , D F z k ( )Climate Policy and Industrial Competitiveness: Ten insights from Europe on theEU Emissions Trading System.W , DC:


HM ( )The Green Book: A Guideto Appraisal and Evaluation. L , U K :HM

H , M S , R M , J-S S , ( 8)“I C P P U SI ” W , DC: R F , D P – 8- 7

J , A B , S R P , P R P , R NS (1 5) “E R C U S M :

W D E U ?” Journal of Economic Literature (1): 1 –1

K z , D W K A C ( 8) CO2-Emission Cuts: The Economic Costs of the EPA’s ANPR Regulations. W , DC: HC D A

M K C E ( )EU E S R w: R IC

P w C G C C ( )Capand Trade at a Glance: American Clean Energyand Security Act of 2009.W , DC: P wC G C C

P w , J ( 7)U.S. Federal Climate Policyand Competitiveness Concerns: The Limitsand Options of International Trade Law. D kU , D , NC: N I E P S

P , L , A C , J F , P E w( 7) Data Provenance, Evidence-Based Policy Assessment, and e-Social Science.P

I C -S S R J 15, : :// /

R , J ( 5)Industrial Competitiveness under the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. I E A

S R 8, 1 5 C , 1 S R N1 5–5 (J 7, 1 7) R J

, : ://www /K S


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he German Marshall Fund o the United States20

S , N , S P , V B k , A B w , CC , S C k , D C , S C k k,S D z, N E , S -L G , L H ,G H , D I , B J , N P , HR , R S j , M S k, C ,

V , H W j , D Z ( )Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change. L , U K : HM

C G ( )Business Views onInternational Climate and Energy Policy:Summary and Key Observations. L

U S E P A ( )“EPA A A C E

S A H R 5 111thCongress ” W , DC, J ,

U S H R , C E C ( 8) “CC L D W P :C C /ED C ” W , DC,J 8

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he E ects o EU Climate Legislation on Business Competitiveness:A Survey and an Analysis


Effects on decision-making

1 H w

, , / , x,

, ?

H ()

w ( EU)?

H w- ,


H ?

Effects on costs

5 W , , EU E S



, , ?

7 W w w

EU E S? W ? S ?

8 H w - )

) ?


- ?1 H


Effects on competitiveness

11 H EU E S -

? I , x

1 H EU E S -


1 W EU E S , ,

’ ?

Effects on strategic planning

1 A w - k - EU E S


15 H x w EU E S


1 W x EU E S? A w w


17 W , , w

w ?

Sector-specific question

Question to Electricity/Power Utilities:

18 H EU E S ’

w x ( w

, )

Appendix: Interview QuestionsA

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O f f i c e sWashington • Berlin • Bratislava • Paris

Brussels • Belgrade • Ankara • Bucharest u .org

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