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Page 1: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.

The CrucibleLiterary Elements

Page 2: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.


Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition to the literal meaning of the story, an allegory contains a symbolic, or allegorical, meaning.

Page 3: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.


Allegory is a form of extended metaphor, in which objects, persons, and actions in a narrative, stand for some greater idea.

The underlying meaning has moral, social, religious, or political significance, and characters are often personifications of abstract ideas such as evil, greed, or envy. Ex: Jack and his tribe represent the potential for

evil inside of all men.

Page 4: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.


Thus, an allegory is a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.

The main purpose of an allegory is to tell a story that has characters, setting, etc. that have both literal and figurative meanings.

Page 5: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.

The Crucible and Communism

Allegory: work of literature Allegory: work of literature that tells one story on the that tells one story on the surface while referring to surface while referring to another sub textuallyanother sub textually Comparing the play to the Comparing the play to the

Red ScareRed ScareCan you see how these Can you see how these

historical events are similar historical events are similar to those of the Salem to those of the Salem Witch Trials?Witch Trials?

Page 6: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.


A reference to another work of literature/art/music, an historical event or figure, or stories/people from the Bible. All the girls hope that the new student becomes

their Romeo. A reference to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

Page 7: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.

Foil Where the author creates a character whose

primary purpose is to create a contrast to another character by laying emphasis or drawing attention to the latter’s traits and characteristics through the former’s obviously contradictory ones

Examples: Proctor/Hale Elizabeth/Abigail

Page 8: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.

Tragic Hero A “good” character with a tragic

flaw who is doomed to fail despite his/her good intentions & best efforts. John Proctor is the tragic hero as he

has many positive traits about him, such as his noble characteristics and his honorable and righteous qualities. He however also had a darker side to his otherwise pure nature, his affair with Abigail Williams, leading to his eventual fatal downfall and the downfall of others as a result of one action.

Page 9: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.

Tragic Flaw

The character defect that causes the downfall of the protagonist of a tragedy.

Page 10: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.

Comic Relief

The inclusion of a humorous character, scene, or witty dialogue in an otherwise serious work, often to relieve tension. Giles’s bragging about going to court dozens of

times and his use of the word “fart” in court offers a little comic relief.

Page 11: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.

Elements of Drama Review

Soliloquy: An act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, esp. by a character in a play

Aside: A remark or passage by a character in a play that is intended to be heard by the audience but unheard by the other characters in the play

Monologue: A long speech by one actor in a play or movie, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast program

Dialogue: Conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie

Stage Directions: An instruction in the text of a play, esp. one indicating the movement, position, or tone of an actor, or the sound effects and lighting

Page 12: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.

Irony Review


Page 13: The Crucible Literary Elements. Allegory Allegory—A narrative in which the characters and settings stand for abstract ideas or moral qualities. In addition.

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