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Page 1: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.


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Typed by Robeen

50 points = death

100 points = barley survived75 points =


125 points = a survival story 200 points =

awesome finish

Page 2: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

MARCH 31 2015 2:00 PM

You’re on plane and you wake up from a nap and

remember that you’re on a plane from British Columbia to China when the emergency light turns on.

You hold on to your parents hand. But you grab someone else’s but then you notice that the planes engines are on fire. You franticly look for your parents.

You here the speaker comes on. You hear the screaming. You hear the pilot tell everyone to sit down and we are expecting bumpy conditions so please sit down and buckle up, thank you.

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Page 3: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

MARCH 31 2015 2:05 PM -3:00 PM

You feel the plane start to descend. You tear up because you cant see your parents, you’re stuck and you want to go home.

You crash into the ocean and look around. There is no one around anymore and you wonder what's going on you want it to be a dream but it simply cant be you start to cry.

You feel like you want to leave and never come back. You can’t it’s impossible because there are no boats in sight, no coast guard and no rescue party. You believe so you start and build a makeshift S.O.S with stick, stones and leaves.

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Page 4: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

MARCH 31 2015 3:02 PM - 5:00 PM

You notice a small rescue helicopter flying by. But you haven’t started a fire and it’s already getting dark and too dark to see you so the helicopter leaves you, stranded, alone, cold and afraid.

You begin to notice small fruit such as: bananas , strawberries , mangos and apples which will make you set for food. Now and all you need is a shelter so you scavenge for wooden sticks and rocks.

You tried to make a shelter but you can’t so you burry half of your body in the sand to keep warmer and then you try fall asleep, but you can’t.

Do you continue to try to sleep

Try to work all night

Page 5: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

MARCH 31 2015 10:00 PM -11:00 PM

You start to remember your parents and think back, back all the way till you see yourself in grade 2 talking with your friends. You hear the bell ring and see your parents then they start to fade. You run to the while your past self walks around thinking your parents are never coming back.

You suddenly wake up you thought it was all a bad dream but still isn't a lie your still stranded with nothing.

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Page 6: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 8:00 AM - 9:26 AM

In the morning you wake up and think “what a night” and say “Mom are we there yet” and remember about all the things that happen the crash, the missing people and most important your missing parents.

You start to try to make a fire to signal a helicopter. You do succeed but then realize that there aren’t any helicopters around.

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Page 7: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

MARCH 31 2015 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM

You decide to work all night finding some more resources and go into the woods with no protection.

You stumble upon an ancient Mayan temple and then you decide do swim to the nearby glowing island or to go or do you decide to back and investigate tomorrow.

Go now and explore to night

Come back tomorrow

Try to swim to another island


Page 8: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

MARCH 31 2015 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

You decide it’s best to come back in the morning. You look in the temple and find that there are many mummy like humans. They're frozen in daylight and look dead.

You find an old artifact on a pedestal. You decide to keep it but then its start glowing. It slowly opens and smoke like fog drips out. You see an alien on the inside some how still alive.

You have to decide to: keep the alien, a pet, let it loose on the island or put the little guy down.

Keep the alienLet it loose on the island

Put him downUnd


Page 9: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

MARCH 31 2015 10:30 PM – 12:00 PM

You decide to enter the temple and get stuck ‘IT’ A TRAP” you scream before you get stuck. They have pity on you and let you go and you go to sleep back on the beach.

You wake up to get out. You wake up you notice that temple has transformed into a giant ufo and your trapped now stuck in space, forever.

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50 points

Page 10: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

You let the creature loose not knowing of the small alien’s power

You regret this a year later when the alien evolves, colonizes on earth and created a human verse alien warfare.

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Page 11: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

You decide to keep the alien thinking that it is domestic and peaceful, and it is surprisingly is nice and stays as your pet.

You live the rest of your life with you amazing super powered pet you name Predator. You find that the stupid FBI thinks that they can dissect your pet. You keep him alive by giving him a steak once a weak.

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Page 12: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

You decide that the alien is to dangerous so you put the small critter out of its miserere.

You find out a year later that alien technology is created causing hover cars and faster than light travel. You now ride a jetpack to school everyday which no last 5 seconds.

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Page 13: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

You decided to go swim to the nearby island and you find a colonized race of hyper intelligent. They great you with you honor and peace.

You find that they have learned english by creating a voice modifier that changes their voices that sounds some one coughing with a chicken bone in their throay to english

You hear that they want you to try their challenges to decide if humans are intelligent or not.

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Page 14: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

You go to your first challenge it is a metal chair and they ask you “do you want to sit”.

SitDon’t Sit

Page 15: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

You begin to think about that your going to go crazy because no one is coming and that you'll be there forever.

You here a faint sound, it is the coast guard! And then they come and pick you up then you are re united with your parents.

You learn that all the people swam to a nearby tanker ship that saw your plane go down.

You think that one day you will fly on a plane again but for now you just want to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.

The End

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Page 16: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM

You decide to sit down then you get shocked it classic!

You are forced to leave with no treasure no food and no escape.

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FAIL 50 points


Page 17: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM

You decide not sit and look and the chair send a electric shock so you’re okay and not harmed.

You next challenge is to decide which is better fire or water?


Page 18: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

You chose water and you are right the water puts out the fire and you move on to the next stage.

You are now faced with a challenge a alien guard jumps into the small arena.

You a given a choice of weapons a bow and arrows, a sword and an axe.




Page 19: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

You chose fire and that failed horribly. The water puts out your fire you are then thrown out.

You left on the island forever.

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, W




Page 20: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

You chose bow and arrow which turns out to be affective. You easily defeat the guard and are given a ancient relic which seems to glow.

You don’t do anything with the relic but just merely keep the artifact.

You forgot that you are still stranded on the island and a year later they find you passed out but still alive.

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Page 21: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

You chose sword and you easily are defeated because you cant lift it.

You are now a prisoner on their ship and you are thrown into a small jail cell.

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Page 22: THE CRASH TYPED BY: ROBEEN MAHARJAN Next Page Typed by Robeen 50 points = death 100 points = barley survived 75 points = boring 125 points = a survival.

APRIL 1 2015 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

You chose the mighty axe of warriors and end up timing out against the alien guard. You’re given an award for your bravery and for helping them.

You are sent home with resources and are teleported home safely and you see your parents.

You recall the events a year later with your friends you call it the worst time of your life but your friends simply call it the crash.

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