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  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    The Channels of


  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    What is distribution?

    The process of

    getting productsfrom production

    to the consumer

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    The Two Components of Distribution

    1. Selecting, developing and managing distributionchannels

    2. Physically distributing goods and servicesthrough those channels

    Problems in doing these things:

    - Which channel to select? Advantages andDisadvantages

    - Logistics how does the product physically getthere

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Different options

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Distribution Policy

    - Policy regarding how a business

    wants its products distributed to


    - There are four types

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Intensive Distribution

    - try to get the product sold in as manydifferent places as possible

    - Advantages- Increase sales- Increase recognition

    - Disadvantages- Lack of control of retail locations

    - Intensive competition

    - Product examples: Coke, Gum, others?

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Selective Distribution

    Try to control the distribution of

    product but not exclusively


    Some control over where product is sold Can still cover a large area


    Legal implications purchase minimums

    Missing out on possible sales Examples?

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Exclusive Distribution

    Exclusive distribution contractswith one or two businesses in acertain area

    Advantages Control over image

    Favourable agreements

    Disadvantages Can severly limit sales

    Geographical problems


  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Integrated Distribution

    When business owns both

    distribution and manufacturing


    Total control of product

    Keep sales revenue


    Handle all expenses Handle all difficulties


  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Types of Channels

    Direct Channels Product goes directly from producer to the


    Examples Trade Services Lemonade stand

    Integrated distribution

    Marketing agents

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Types of Channels

    Indirect Channels Use distribution intermediaries who make a

    profit off holding on to the product

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution




    Importers Foreign made product goes to

    exclusive importer who sells to retailoutlets in a geographical area

    Wholesaler Buy products from domestic

    manufacturers and sell them to retailstores and other businesses

    Retailers Sell product to consumers

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Advantages of the Wholesaler

    for the Retailer Buy in bulk lower costs per unit

    Warehousing hold on to greater amount of product in case needed

    Risk bearing retailer has less risk for owning large quantitiy of a product withunknown or changing demand

    Financingretailers dont have to borrow money to pay for extra stock, they can useprevious sales of smaller quantities to buy more

    Buying saves the time and effort of f inding mulitple suppliers

    Transporting Wholesalers usually deliver without charge (in the price of the product)

    Managing Wholesalers will provide advice on inventory management and play amajor role in controlling inventory levels for their customers

    Promoting wholesalers pass on free promotional materials

    Providing market information they know whats hot, what not and what is on thehorizon

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Retailer success

    The five Rights

    The Right Merchandise

    The Right Price

    The Right Time The Right Place

    The Right Quantities

    Read pages 298-300 and defineeach of these

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Specialty Channels

    Any distribution that does

    involve a retail store

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Types of Specialty channels

    Vending machines

    The Internet



    Television Sales

    Questions for you to answer

    1. For each of the above, list one product that you couldsell effectively using that specialty channel

    2. What is an advantage of each of the specialtychannels mentioned? What is a disadvantage?Discuss with a partner and use pages 301-306 to help.

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    What to consider when selecting a

    distribution channel

    Each person in the class will be assigned one of thequestions from pages 308-310

    read, summarize and report to the class next day

    Is the channel directed at an industrial and/or institutionalconsumer?

    What is the income level of the target market?

    How large is the local market?

    What are the buying habits of the consumers?

    Will the selected channel reach a suffcient number of consumers?

    Is it a seasonal or high fashion item?

    Can the channel become a competitive advantage?

    Is the product custom made?

    Will the product spoil?

    What is the unit value of the product?

    How large or how heavy is the product?

    Does the product come with a manufacturers warranty?Is the product price sensitive?

  • 7/30/2019 The Channels of Distribution


    Channel Captains

    When one company controls the

    relationship in the distrubtion

    chain due to volume and/or


    Wal-mart example

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