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Page 1: The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, ch. 16
Page 2: The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, ch. 16

Hello, dear reader, and welcome to the Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, chapter 16! This time around, it's time for some college fun, but before that, let's visit Salahuddin and Aadam, shall we?

So, you've finally emerged from your lab, have you Sal? Recovered from your latest loss? What wicked plan do you have in mind now?

"Aadam! Would you please come over? I need to talk to you."

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Aadam was in his room, reading. Or so he told himself. He hadn't been able to concentrate all evening. Not that reading about someone else's imaginary adventures would really be of use in his current situation, either. But he had to do something. Or at least pretend to.

There he was, still living with his father after witnessing for himself what a dangerous man Salahuddin really was. After losing his high school sweetheart to a giant cowlike plant called Dolores. After seeing how everyday life in the house was, how he, his girlfriend Joy and his friend Marsha were pawns in a game the rules of which none of them knew. There he was, still unable to do anything. Still unable to save himself and his girlfriend and run from his father.

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As he heard his father call, Aadam put away his book, angry with himself. He would have done it. He would have run, taken Joy with him and run far away, where Salahuddin couldn't find them. If it weren't for one thing.

The man was his father.

Yes, his own flesh and blood. And no matter what had happened, no matter how badly things were wrong with him, Aadam knew that he loved his son. And he had found out that he could not, no matter how hard he tried, hate his father, either.

In fact, he loved his father, and felt sorry for him. He could not leave Salahuddin all alone. Not now.

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Aadam got up and sighed. He was tired and confused. He was scared for his life, and Joy's. Marsha was currently away at college, but Aadam wasn't convinced he wouldn't have to be scared for her life, too. But there was no way out.

Straightening up, Aadam called back: "Coming, Dad."

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"Alright, here I am."

"Have a seat, son. We need to talk, about something important."

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"Okay, then. Shoot."

"Very well, son. As you know, since our latest plan turned out less than successful, I have been spending long nights in my laboratory, trying to find a new direction for us. And I think I have found a solution"

"You have?"

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"Yes, I believe I have. I have been in contact with my former colleagues at the Mad Scientist association, and they have, kindly enough, confirmed that there is, indeed, a way to bring back the dead."

"There is?" Aadam asked, startled. He couldn't believe his ears. Had his father lost it completely, or could it perhaps be true, after all?

"Yes, there is. What we need to do is to build a device. If correctly constructed, my former colleagues tell me, it can be used to contact the Grim Reaper himself."

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Aadam gasped.

"You don't suppose... suppose that it could be something like the mysterious... well, something they had at the Secret Society? It looked a bit like a phone to me. A scary one."

"Really? That is very interesting. I believe that the Secret Society may well be in possession of such an item. It is a pity that you no longer have access to their premises, am I right?"

"Yeah. Only students may enter their premises, it's an age old rule and I doubt they'd be able to change it even if they wanted to."

"Yes. They did seem eager to help, but I doubt their helpfulness would be endless. Especially if they happen to know the value of this item, it may be very difficult indeed to gain possession of it. But fortunately, it is possible to construct such an item, if one has the correct skills."

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"Yes, Aadam?"

"We don't have any of those skills."

"Oh yes, in fact we do. I am a former Mad Scientist, so I have quite a few necessary skills, and also contacts whom I can ask for advice. Also, you have quite a few skill points yourself, and one quite an essential ingredient: a college education."

"What does college have to do with it, Dad?"

"Well, Mad Scientist skills alone are not enough. I need someone to help me, someone in the Paranormal career. Which, as you well know, is only open to one who has a higher education."

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"And that's it? Really, that's it? Just build a device that can contact the Grim Reaper and get Mom back?"

"Yes, Aadam. Simple and beautiful, is it not?"

"We don't need to hurt anyone? Or threaten to hurt anyone?"

"Exactly, son. Clean and peaceful, exactly the way you would want it."

"Yeah, I guess..."

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"Listen, Aadam. I know you are still upset over the girl dying. But this time, it is not the way it will be. This time, we will succeed, and no one will get hurt."

"Well, I guess... My family is bound to put up a fight if we succeed, though. Have you considered that?"

"I have. But if we then show that we want no further harm to anyone, I doubt they would want to resist. After all, they are bound to see how happy Author is to be back, and to be with me. Now, son, if you would please find today's newspaper and see if there are any vacant positions in the Paranormal field."

Aadam was maybe not entirely convinced by this last argument, but as he didn't know what else to do, he went and took the paper inside from the porch anyway.

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Moments later.

"Do you find anything?"

"Nope, no Paranormal jobs today, Dad."

"Well, I suppose we could not have wished to be that lucky. Keep looking daily, Aadam. There is bound to be an opening position relatively soon. The college degree requiring careers do show up quite frequently, do they not?"

"Yeah I guess. Just no luck today."

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So, now that those two are finished, we get to go to college with the kids, finally. So, how does it feel to be a young adult, Beth?

"Please give me a makeover! I want rid of this ridiculous outfit!"

Don't worry. I'm not going to leave you like that. I'm not that cruel, you know.

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Not that your brothers look any better. Well, Baudolino actually looks decent, but I think we'll get him something less dark anyway.

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And well, Marsha would like to go shopping as well, wouldn't you?

"Creator, please help?"

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Now that's better, Baudolino. Looking like the young adult you're supposed to be. Who are you calling, by the way?

"The registrar. They just told me that I can have the biology major just as I wanted to."

Ah, very well. So Baudolino studies biology, Beth and Bill take up political studies, and Marsha chooses drama.

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"Alright! It's good to be in decent clothes again, isn't it, Marsha?"

"Oh yeah. I feared I would be stuck in that dress for all of college."

"Yeah. Wouldn't have been fun."

Except maybe for me. But really, it would have irritated me the most, anyway.

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"Beth! Best friends don't cheat at chess!"

"Sorry, Mar! I just can't help it – no nice points, remember?"

"Oh yeah, that. Too bad I have to catch you, though."

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And there's my boy Bill. Always sneaking on the computer to play when he can. He's playful like a true Bookacy.

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Now, welcome to Baudolino's Art! This is Baudolinos first business, the one that he purchased while still living at home. Now we're opening it, as he's supposed to manage five of these, so we'd better start early. As the name implies, this business sells art.

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And here we go. Thanks, Amy, for our very first star! First of many, I hope.

So, Baudolino and Bill do a lot of selling, as they both want to earn the badges.

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Marsha is the cashier.

"Ouch! This stupid machine does this every time! Maybe it's broken?"

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And Beth restocks.

"Hmm... If a customer has bought one 'Meaning of Fruit', to replace it, we need... Umm..."

And every now and then we swap and take breaks in turns, so no one hopefully starves or wets themselves.

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"Listen, young lady! This is outrageous! I cannot believe it! One of your employees is green! Green! You need to tell him to wash the paint off immediately, if this is to be a serious business and not a circus!"

Yeah, I have no idea why she was complaining about Bill.

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"But... that's my brother. He's an alien m'am. There's no paint to wash off."

"An alien? You have to be kidding me, young lady! There is no such thing as aliens! And if there were, that would be outrageous!"

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"Now you listen to me, lady! My brother is my best buddy, so don't you go around insulting him! He's an alien and as such one of the coolest persons I know! So if that doesn't please you, you're free to get out of our art gallery!"

You tell her, Beth!

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And what is an art gallery without a comfy couch to sit on and admire the art? Or, well, discuss fried eggs.

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So yeah, the couch is mainly to allow the employees gain comfort. If customers occasionally do, too, that's a plus.

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Back at the dorm.

"Man, this sucks. We have to do homework by ourselves?"

Yes, yes you do. Influencing others to do it gives such a small rise to your class performance that it's no use. But don't worry, there are always suckers who will write your term papers, though. If you collect the influence, that is.

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Just a random shirtless picture of Bill. I just realized I haven't taken enough pictures of him lately. Not that shirtless pictures are hard to get or anything. He wanders around in his jammies most of the day. I love my handsome shirtless alien!

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Turns out the guitar I forgot to pack into someone's inventory last time around is still here. Well, not complaining. Rock on, random dormie, and earn us some extra money!

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So, I suppose it would be The Bookacy Family Greek House Greek House time, then. Laura, pledge the kids in!

"Woo, I'll be played soon, won't I?"

That would be a yes.

"Woot! I'll celebrate the event by running around and cheering like mad!"

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"How to repeatedly fall for the tricks of Legacy kids - by Laura Carl... *sigh* Baudolino Bookacy."

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"Yay, I'm in!"

Good work, Beth. Only three to go, then...

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What do you mean "you're not the type of member we're looking for right now", Laura? Bill is a Bookacy, and a main house Bookacy at that! He's exactly the type of member you are looking for!

"But I don't know him at all, and he's asking to be in my Greek House!"

Your Greek House?

"Well, I guess it's technically your Greek House... But I take my placeholding duties very seriously! It's not like I should take just about anyone in!"

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"Help! The bouquet is on the way and I cannot run like a headless chicken to avoid sims who want to get into the Greek House!"

That is kind of the meaning, Laura.

"But what about my placeholding duties?"

Sigh. Just let the poor boy in. He's Adrian's alien son, after all. You like Adrian, don't you?

"Adrian's kid? Well in that case! Why didn't you say so?"


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Well, two kids in. Not too bad. The rest will probably roll the want soon, so we're not in a hurry. Meanwhile, life goes on.

*giggle* "This is always so much fun, Bill!"

"Yeah, I love read hands too. And pillow fighting."

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"Beth always told me how cool her brothers were when we were teenagers. Guess she was right!"

"Runs in the family."

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So yeah, the current generation are all quite playful. When left on their own, they're always pillow fighting or tub-pirating. Or dancing. And tub-pirating. And pillow-fighting. And dancing some more.

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"Hey, Beth, now that you are a member, you can pledge me in, can't you?"

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"But of course, Marsha! I'll ask Laura to come over right away!"

Oh. So she still has to do the getting to know Laura to get in. I was kind of thinking that as she is buddies with Beth, that could be enough. Well, not that it matters, really: as a popularity sim she is more than happy to be buddies with everything that moves.

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"... and it would be nice if someone would let me have a very first woohoo, so I wouldn't have to talk about the topic all the time."

"Umm... yeah, I guess so, Laura."

Actually, it's not just Laura. Pretty much all my college sims talk about first woohoos all the time, which is kind of funny as they haven't had those yet.

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"... Gerbits, gerbits, vooooo gerbits! I'm in the Greek House, Creator! Voooo gerbits!"

That's nice, Marsha. Vo gerbits right back at you.

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So, time to work on Baudolino's business a bit again. Hey, Bill!


I said work on Baudolino's business, not block the bathroom and listen to your mp3 player!

"You're no fun."

I love you too. Now get back to work, those paintings won't restock themselves.

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Yes, much better. You help your brother, and he'll help you in turn.

Alas, the reporter didn't stay to give us a review. Oh well.

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So, level five already, Baudolino?

"Yeah. Surprisingly fast, isn't it, C?"

Yes, I feared it would be more painful. Maybe I am learning something about businesses.

"Well, you'd better. I want four more you know."

I know. Let's not think about that now, okay? Now rush up behind the cash register, there seems to be a line forming. And try to ignore your brother discussing handcuffs with some random townie.

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"Mrs. Jacquet, I am certain you have always wanted this wonderful grilled cheese themed painting. It is such a unique masterpiece! You absolutely must have it on your wall!"

"Yes, I must! I never knew that I always wanted it, but I did!"

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Beside arts, also other important topics are widely discussed among the customers and workers of Baudolino's Art.

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"Uncle Abraham! So good to have you here! I am sure you want to have this beautiful painting called 'Handle and Spout'! It would look great on your wall, and I'm sure aunt Kendra would also appreciate it!"

"Well, it does sound good..."

"It's a unique masterpiece!"

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"Well, in that case! And it's good to help my favorite nephew out with some stars, right?"

"Absolutely, uncle Abraham! Now, here's your unique masterpiece. Great doing business with you, uncle."

"Likewise, kid."

"Bill, we're out of 'Spout and Handle', would you restock it please?"

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"Hi, aunt Kendra! No, I don't know where the burglar went, haven't seen one here, but would you like to come inside and have a look at our unique masterpieces?"

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"Hmm... this painting truly is beautiful. The form of light, the balance..."

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"Thank you, mr. burglar, for your purchase! Now if I could just find the enter key... There you go! Thanks, now I suppose you'd better hurry up before my aunt stops being distracted by our unique masterpiece."

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"Dammit, the burglar got away! And you're dazzling me to buy the painting, aren't you?"

"Yes I am, aunt Kendra. Aaaand... that's a sale! Thank you for choosing Baudolino's Art. Say hello to uncle Abraham from us, will you?"

"You've dazzled him to buying your paintings too, haven't you?"

"Well, kinda, yeah."

"Alright, I'll tell him you said hi. If you see our Bianca on the campus, you tell her hi from Mom and Dad."

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"Hey Nicole! I can sense that you'd want this beautiful 'Meaning of Fruit'."

"How could you guess, Bill? I so want this 'Meaning of Fruit'!"

"Well, it has food other than grilled cheese on it, so..."

"Yes, food other than grilled cheese – marvelous!"

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"I would recommend this beautiful 'Meaning of Fruit' to you, sir."

"The unique masterpiece? Like the one I have two of already?"

"Yes, sir, exactly like that one!"

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Discussions in our gallery:

"I can see a friend of art when I see one, uncle Abraham! Enjoy the form of light, and the warm colors..."


"That woohoo I never had was totally great, Jan!"

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Having couples simultaneously in businesses sometimes gives you an added bonus, as they tend to interact on their own, and like it.

"My wife just accepted my romantic hug! I like this business!"

That's nice, Stephen.

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Back in the Greek House, things are just as busy. With three popularity sims in the house, there are often several guests for dinner.

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And some mornings are busy, because our placeholder is not having the best of days.

"Fire, fire!"

Calm down, Laura, the fire department is on its way. Just get out of the way if you can.

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And sometimes it's time to take care of family relationships. By whacking each other with pillows.

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Speaking of family relationships:

"Hmm... I guess I should give mr. Chamcha a call", muttered Marsha one evening, "it's been a while and he asked me to report regularly."

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"Hi mr. Chamcha, it's me, Marsha!"


"Sure, everyone is in bed by now, there's no one here. Why?"


"Always the Crime business! You're always working so hard, sir!"


"Yeah, I understand, of course you need to protect yourself from competitors."


"Oh, everything is just fine here, I'm learning a lot and making new friends and all kinds of fun stuff."

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"That is very nice to hear, Marsha. Have you made friends with your housemates?"


"That is wonderful. I am delighted that you all come along so beautifully."


"Oh, really? That is fascinating."


"Yes, I think you have mentioned, a Legacy, yes, I think so. Do they have an heir picked out already?"

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A few moments later.

"Any luck today with the Paranormal career, Aadam?"

"No, Dad. I wonder what's up, I've been looking every day, but still nothing."

"Well, I suppose that we just have to keep trying."

"I guess so. Dad, what's the deal with Marsha?"

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"Why, son?"

"Well, I heard you on the phone with her. Are you using her as a spy or something?"

"Well, not really, son. I have seen it best that I have a valuable source of information close to the family. What she tells me about them may prove useful in the future. For instance, today I got to know that no heir or heiress has been picked yet as for the current generation."

"What do you need this information for, Dad? Why does Marsha have to be a part of this?"

"Well, currently Marsha is not really part of anything. I agree with you, having too many cooks may ruin the soup. And if my current plan succeeds, we may never need the information I am gathering now. But one must always be prepared."

"I see."

"Very well, Aadam. Keep looking for the Paranormal positions, one is bound to eventually come up."

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Meanwhile, back at the ranch. Or rather, in Baudolino's Art.

"Mr. Landgraab, please ignore the kicky bag. Think of this beautiful painting, how much you like it and how good it would look on your wall!"

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Ouch! Hey, stop that, you're losing my business stars! Bill, Baudolino, anyone! Come send these two off the lot, now.

Don't worry there, mr. Ramirez. They'll stop soon enough, I promise.

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"You like it, uncle Adson?"

"Well, it sure is beautiful. Maybe buying it would make me feel less lonely..."

"Missing Rebecca?"

"Yeah. I haven't been the same since... since it happened. Abraham is working on something, he's always asking me these technical questions about the Paranormal. I think he believes he could bring her back, but I don't really grasp how it would be possible... So I'll let him play around, if it makes him feel better, but I don't want to get my hopes up."

"I'm sorry to hear that, uncle Adson."

"Thanks. It's so good to know I've got the family behind me."

"Yeah, you do.


Dazzle? It's a relationship boost, I bet it would make you feel better."

"Oh well. Dazzle away, kid."

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"So, Laura. I hear that you've had that 'fall in love' want locked in your panel for... Well, about a generation. And Creator says that she'd feel bad if she left you in college for another generation. She also says that she generally wants to get family sims together with family sims, because that way she can half the amount of baby craziness by putting two baby crazy sims in one family, to squee about the same babies."

"Okay... Where are you getting at?"

"Well, we were kind of wondering, me, Bill, and the girls, if you'd let us play a little matchmaker?"

"Umm... Well, I guess, it depends."

"Because we happen to know a family sim, a nice guy who doesn't have a girlfriend yet."

"Well I guess meeting him wouldn't hurt. He's a relative of yours, then?"

"Yep, a cousin. Great, I'll let the girls know, they're all excited about getting you and him together."

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"Okay, Barry. This is Laura. We are best friends. Laura: Barry."

"Cool to meet you, Barry. So you are a cousin of Beth, Bill and Baudolino?"

"Boo! Show them, Gerbits, don't be such wussies! I'm sorry, did you say something?"

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"*Sigh*. I guess now may not be the best moment. Never mind, Barry."

"Okay. Voooo Gerbits!"

"So, Laura, perhaps some other time? Like, well, I guess we're going to have a party in a couple of days, as it's constantly in at least three want panels, and we'll invite Barry no doubt."

"Sure, okay."

"And well, then you'd have time to try and look your best, you know?"

"Hey don't get too excited, we haven't even properly met yet!"

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing, Barry. Just concentrate on the Gerbits."

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So, in a couple of days it was indeed time for a party. Relatives and buddies old and new gathered to pillow fight, bowl and eat Greek House pizza.

"No Greek House grilled cheese? There used to be Greek House grilled cheese when I was young."

Give the kids a break, Adrian. Why do you think they are enjoying living on their own so much? They might enjoy the pizza for a change.

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"Umm... Honey, are you about done? I'd need to go, too."

Hey, the exact same scenario happened in a Greek House party a generation ago! Is old age setting in early for you two or what?

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"Hey Barry, wanna play kicky bag?"

"Sure, Laura. I'm sorry I was a bit distracted last time. So you're the placeholder for the Greek House of my cousins?"

"I hope you two don't mind", said Beth, turning on her heels, "I think I'm going to pillow fight with Mom or something. My work here is done."

Indeed, Beth. Thanks.

"No prob, C."

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"Well, didn't find Mom, but Baudolino has a dirty joke for me, about spatulas!"

Cliche alert, cliche alert!

... yeah. Couldn't resist this picture.

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"Umm Dad, I had enough of dirty jokes for today, I don't really need you to be discussing handcuffs with my friends."

"But Beth! I'm a nice sim. Me and this nice young lady are just discussing crime here, we find it an interesting topic!"

"Yeah, yeah. And I can't even escape to the bathroom because my brother's in there. Great."

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So, you're making new buddies too, Bill? Who is this?

"Pillow fight, wheeee!"

Sigh. Hey, you with the scarf, who are you?

"Name's Ira, miss."

One of the kids' new buddies, I assume?

"Yep. Pillow fight, wheeee!"

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"Hey cousin, it's been such a great party, good to see you around!"

"Good to see you too, Bonnie. So I hear a party in your place next week?"

"Yeah, totally! With bubbles. We live with Thomas you know, he loves bubbles."

"Okay, bubbles sound good. See you there, then. I guess the party's over, we'd better go."

"Yep, that was the final party score, hurry up!"

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Umm... I wouldn't tub pirate in there if I was you, Beth...

"Ahoy! Wind in the sails! Sorry, C, what did you say?"

I was just suggesting you might want to clean that tub.

"Oh, sure thing! I'll go find a pledge I could influence. It sure is getting kind of filthy around here."

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Where are you running, Baudolino?

"Have a final exam, must not be late!"

Generally my sims aren't terribly worried about their exams. Some of them walk even though they're about to be late. Even Baudolino, the wealth sim, only runs if he really is in a hurry.

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"You were right, Beth." *whack*

"About what?" *whack whack*

"College life, it's so much fun!" *whack*

"Yeah, it's so care free!" *whack* "No worries about jobs or kids, just class performance. And even that builds up so effortlessly most of the time, I could swear it happens by itself!"

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"The benefits and drawbacks of being friends with Legacy Greek House members, by Beth Bookacy."

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"Waaaaah! It's messy here!"

First you take a shower, splash the water so that it covers all of the bathroom floor, and then you cry over the room being messy. Hmph, messy sims.

Don't get me wrong, Laura, I do like you, but actually I'm kind of glad right now that I decided not to marry you in the main family. Generations and generations of super-messy, urgh!

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"Yuck, what is THAT?"

That? It is called a microwave oven, Bill. And no reason to yuck, there is nothing yucky about microwave ovens. Besides, your brother wanted one.

Speaking of Baudolino, I guess it's time to work on that business of his, so get yourselves in a cab, chop chop!

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Meanwhile, back in Alphabetia, Aadam had found a moment alone with Joy. He had been thinking hard lately, and was in desperate need of advice.

"Honey, you look worried", Joy said.

"Well, I am worried."

"About what? Despite the usual", added Joy with a small, sad smile.

"Mostly about Marsha. I talked to Dad the other day and..."

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"So he's using her as an information source? And you are supposed to help him resurrect Author using some magical device he believes he can construct?"

"Yeah, I'm supposed to find a job in the Paranormal career and help him construct such a device."

"Well, that does sound... well, a bit crazy. But not as bad as taking someone as a hostage and threatening them with a monstrous sim eating plant unless he gets Author..."

"Yeah, well I suppose that this is kind of tame for Dad's plans", replied Aadam with a quirky smile. They had both learned to deal with their situation with dark-toned humor.

"So yeah", Aadam went on, "it doesn't seem that Marsha is in immediate danger as an unsuspecting source of information... But what if the situation changes?"

"I see the problem. I'm worried about her too. Poor Marsha, she's so young and all too trusting."

"Yeah. And the worst of it is, she has every reason to trust Dad. We're talking about the man who raised her, after all."

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"Yes, indeed", said Joy with a sad tone in her voice. "How could she ever turn against the man who took care of her when she was a little, unwanted townie girl?" Joy paused for a moment, and then went on, "If you can't do it, how could she, who doesn't even know all those things you've so bitterly learned?"

Aadam was quiet for a long moment. "You're right. No matter what, he's still my father, and I care about him. I can't turn my back at him", he said with growing anguish.

"That's what I feared", said Joy with a sigh.

"I can't accept what he's done, but I can't abandon him, either. I'm not ready to give up on him."

"I know. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe there is something you can do to protect your other family, and Marsha."

"I certainly hope so. Because I can't take it if something bad happens again."

"I know you will do your best. And if the little girl who was my companion so many times should ever need my help, I will do my best to provide it", Joy finished with a determined look.

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And here we go again.

"Mr. reporter, we would like you to purchase this painting, or several if you please, and well, a nice review would be cool too."

Alas, no such luck. He seemed to like the business, but still didn't stay long enough to write a good review.

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"Hey Blair, can you please hold on a sec? I'm kind of trying to do your job here, I need to concentrate on the cash register."

"Yeah, mister, I want to do some shopping in here, get lost!"

"But I'm coming back from a break, I need to get behind the cash register! Baudolino is standing behind the cash register, I can't get to it!" *whine*

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"Hey aunt Aurora, uncle Andrew, you are cute, I know, but we're kind of closing for the night, so..."

"Sure, kid, just a little more cuteness okay?"

"Okay, and welcome back to be cute tomorrow. We'll open early."

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And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens in prestigious art galleries at night.

What, don't all gallery owners do this?

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"Thanks for supporting our good cause, uncle Adson!"

"You sold me another one, didn't you?"

"Yeah. And you liked it."

The hard sell interaction is fun to watch. The customer looks so confused and hesitant, and all of the sudden they're shaking hands with the seller. Generally, it seems to work nicely if the two sims have a good relationship. Dazzle is great, but the energy drain is a bit of a bummer sometimes.

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"Yay, I'm learning to restock!"

It's about time, you're about done with your first business.

"I am?"

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Yep. In fact, you are done right about... now!

"Hey, cool! I'm platinum! Thanks, mr. Landgraab!"

Yes, thanks, Malcolm, for our final star.

"You just sold me another painting, didn't you?"


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"Blair, thanks for your valuable work. You can go home now, we can manage the closing ourselves."

Yes, thanks Blair. You did make a pretty good cash register guy really. For this business you are no longer needed, but maybe we'll see you in a future one.

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"Hi there, umm..."


"Yeah, Kacper, right. Remember me, Laura? We used to beat the stuffing out of each other before I became placeholder for this Legacy."

"Sure I do! Good times, good times."

"Indeed. Listen, Kacper, would you be so kind and write my term paper for me?"

"But of course! For old times' sake!"

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Hi there, Marsha. Whatcha doing out here, all alone?

"Scary. Inside. Safe here."

Oh. What's so scary in there?

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Oh. I see. Don't worry Marsha, it's nothing out of the ordinary. You're not in any kind of a danger, I promise.

None of my other sims flee the mascot fights. I guess it is the combination of niceness and relative shyness.

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"Hey, C?"

Yes, Baudolino?

"Is this, by coincidence, the same cheerleader uncle Arthur talks about?"

The one who used to cheer on him and Meadow woohooing? Yes, the very same. Why?

"Woo! I beat the cow mascot! Time for a victory dance! And maybe an inappropriate cheer or two, if I'm lucky!"

"Just guessing, C, just guessing."

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"Hey, we're buddies! I so wanted to be buddies with you, Laura!"

"Me too!"

Seems like my mwahaha-plan is working, then. Good, good.

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"Hooray! I've made a new buddy and I got in the to Greek House!"

Good for you, Barry. Personally, I could have used you for yet a free influence or two, but well, the campus is full of suckers, right?

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Toga toga toga! Party time in the Greek House! (Like it isn't all the time, with three popularity sims and one quite party minded wealth sim.)

Baudolino seems to love smustling by himself upstairs, when everybody else is downstairs. Hmm.

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Well, I guess we now know where he gets that from.

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"Hey, Ira?"


"I know you're a buddy of my brother. Wanna be buddies with me too?"

"Sure, Beth!" *whack*

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Umm... Nicole? I wouldn't use that tub. Especially not for bathing.

"But Creator, I cannot be dirty in my children's toga party!"

Yeah, well that was kind of the point... I'm not sure if bathing in that thing would actually make you any cleaner. Then again, this is The Sims, after all, so it just might.

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"Hi there! Who are you?"

"I'm Ryker. And you?"

"Beth. Welcome to the party. I was wondering if you'd like to be my aspiration fodd... I mean, friend?"

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"Maybe I should have left this Legacy family well alone..."

Maybe. I love influence.

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The poker table, ah the attraction. I'm a bit torn about it really. It's a fun object, but it's a bit irritating when sims spend hour after hour glued to it. It's nice for parties and stuff, though.

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"Nice being buddies with you, aspir... Ryker."

"Thanks, I guess. Nice being buddies with you too."

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"Jump, I say, jump!"

Marsha does this quite often. She wanted a handheld game as a teenager, and I gave in. Now she's addicted. She makes the funniest faces when playing, though.

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"It's been cool living here in the Greek House with you guys, but Creator says I might not be living here much longer."

"You won't? Why?"

"Plans, she says."


"Is there some other kind?"

"I guess not. Well, it's been nice living with you too, I hope we get to keep you for a little bit longer."

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So yeah, this is the kind of plans I had in mind. Not as sinister as the expression mwahaha-plans would make you think. But anyway.

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Mwahaha-plans, step two. Going nicely.

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No? Barry, come on, she's a family sim and all! What's not to like?

"Clashing personalities, non-matching turn-ons..."

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Whine whine whine. Go take care of those turn-ons, then!

"Yes, m'am."

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Now that's better! So, where was I?

"I believe you were going to give me that first kiss I've wanted since I was a teenager?"

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Ah, yes, indeed. You may proceed.

Well, looks like I'm not going to have a Greek House placeholder much longer. Which is only good, since four sims are much easier to manage than five.

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Meanwhile, at the villain headquarters.

"Hi honey. You said you needed to talk to me. It sounded serious. What is it, Joy?"

"Well it kind of is... Are you sure your father is not behind the door or anything?"

"Positive. I passed through the crypt on my way here – he's snoring in his coffin."

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"Okay, good. Well, yeah, I guess we could say that this is serious. You see..."


"Aadam, I'm pregnant."

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"Pregnant? But that's great, honey! We're going to have a baby!"


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"Wait, pregnant?" Aadam said, in a suddenly horrified tone. The situation started to dawn to him, and the rush of happiness he had felt at first was overcome by worry. "Umm... I guess we have a slight problem then."

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Suddenly Joy, who had been entirely calm for the whole the conversation, burst into tears.

"I... I don't know... what... what to do... We're going to... going to have a baby... and we live here... with your father... I... I don't want to... put the baby... baby in danger... but..."

"But neither staying nor leaving sound like safe options", Aadam finished the sentence in a contemplative tone.

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Aadam went and grabbed his girlfriend by the shoulders.

"It's okay, shh... I guess it's my turn to hold you and tell you it'll be okay... Listen, honey. Try not to worry, it's not good for the baby. I will take care of you, no matter what happens, and we will figure out a solution together. I promise."

And this, my dear readers, is where I am going to leave you this time. I hope you have enjoyed the ride, and warmly welcome you to come along for the next chapter of The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures. Happy simming to all!

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