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The Book of Storms Lessons in Dreamtongue

By Jadoa Tai Alexander

Table of Contents What is an empath?


Stage 1: Awakening the Sleeping Empath within You

• Barriers to Psychic Evidence

Stage 2: The Basics of Empath Language

• The Five Levels of Dreamtongue

Stage 3: Developing Empathic Awareness

• Generating a Beta Message

Stage 4: Developing Empathic Sensitivity

• Alpha Associating Exercise

Stage 5: Connecting to Your Inner Empath

• Managing Mental Noise

• Empath Totems

Stage 6: Developing the Eyes of an Empath

• The Looking Ahead Delta (LAD) Exercise

• Co-Patterning

• Empath Training

Stage 7: Discovering Your Power

• Selecting a Gamma Tool

• To Develop you Gamma Power Source

• Creating Your Own Gamma Tool

• Empowering Your Gamma Tool

Stage 8: Interpreting Dreamtongue

• Section 1

o Interpreting the Empathic Language of another Person

o Beta Language

• Section 2: The Language of Alpha

• Section 3: The Language of Theta

• Section 4: The Language of Delta

• Section 5: The Language of Gamma

Stage 9: The Expressive Stage

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What is an Empath? To get straight to the point: Empath is a form of identity emerging in the twenty-first century.

The term has been used in literature and in film, but the reality is that there are ever increasing

numbers of people who identify with the Empath concept.

An Empath is a person who was born with unique variations in the central nervous system. This

means how the brain is configured and how the nervous system works in the body. This has not yet

been studied and quantified by science. Instead it is being brought forth by individuals who are

becoming self-aware of these qualities and who explore this experience through creative and

intuitive outlets.

A high degree of overall sensitivity is the general indicator for this type of person. All of the sensory

organs of an Empath have low thresholds thereby resulting in unusual sensitivity to light, smell, and

sound (as well as other subtler senses). Although underlying sensitivity is the unifying factor

behind all Empaths, how this sensitivity is "managed" or "funneled" varies from person to person.

An Empath also possesses a very sensitive emotional nature, that is typically difficult to self-

manage. Books have been written on "highly sensitive people" and those materials are relevant to

this topic. However, being highly sensitive is only one part of the formula for Empaths.

As a result of the interaction between an extremely sensitive neural network and the concurrent

emotional nature of a person with this profile, Empaths are highly intuitive. The word intuition

needs to be better understood when used in communications but I will save that for a later article.

A better understanding of intuition leads to a better understanding of what actually constitutes an

Empath. For now, I only want to say that Empaths are highly intuitive which means they tend to do

things by feeling, by sensing, by reacting to proprioceptive queues, and by following "hunches, gut-

feelings," etc. This includes critical decision making, reacting, and acting upon influences in their

own lives predominately from intuitive queues. This process can lead to better or worse results

depending upon the development of the Empath.

Empaths are driven by their own intuitive natures. This can be for good or bad. There is no

virtue implied in the term "Empath." After nine years of studying Empaths online, and thirty in

general, I have found that the majority who step forward suffer from some form of mental distress

or disorder. This does not mean that the majority of Empaths suffer from mental "illness", instead it

implies that the majority of Empaths encountered in my research profess to some sort of "struggle"

with their own uniqueness. Since my training is in mental health counseling, I found this to be

fascinating and made this area a special part of my research. My model does not supplant the

medical model of mental illness but does suggest that "excess wiring" (so to speak) and "diverse

thresholds" may require other interventions beyond medical treatment. I firmly believe in

adhering to the standards we have established in all medical and psychological fields of science. Yet

this belief does not inhibit my desire to explore and discover through, what I call, the "panheuristic"

process. Ask me about the panheuristic process in my Yahoo Empaths group.

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Empaths are driven by deep intuitive connections that are largely unconscious, as if sitting on top of

a vast oil reserve in the ground and being a conduit (oil well) for this massive amount of energy.

Most of what an Empath senses or "knows" cannot be verified immediately which creates a terrible

psychic conflict for the person. The over abundance of real and imagined stimuli are frequently

overwhelming. Sorting out the two is even more so. That is why I am a major advocate of

structured training!

Imagine having vast amounts of information floating around in your head but no direct way to

access it or express No way to sort it out or use it in any clearly defined way. Most of what it is

cannot be proven immediately but does get proven over time. (I am skipping over a great deal of

points here, just to make a point).

The stress of taking in the emotions of other people, of sensing information on a continual basis, of

being a "human sponge", of being driven by deep inner forces that are not understood, all create a

"torture chamber" of sorts within the average Empath. This does not have to be as melodramatic as

I make it sound, but please understand - it frequently is for the subject.

I refer to this state in the Book of Storms as the "unbonded" Empath. Before figuring out who you

are, you must figure out what you are, and reconcile the two. It's called the Book of STORMS for a

reason! Learning about your internal storms, the nature of "storms", and how to "manage your own

inner weather" are all par for the course. Empaths identify with many forms of nature and

frequently feel affinity towards storms. Obviously, it is a powerful personal smbol for me. I have

always felt "connected" to storms. As a metaphor, storms offer an unending supply of creative


Many Empaths suffer from anxiety due to an overload of incoming stimuli and intuitive information.

Some suffer from depression due to being overwhelmed with all the "storms" going on inside. It is

not uncommon for an Empath to tell me that he or she has been diagnosed as "bipolar/manic-

depressive." Now, that does not mean that if you were diagnosed as bipolar that you are

automatically an Empath - it just means there is a possibility that we are quick to put medical labels

on things without fully investigating them.

The interesting questions that arise are: Are Empaths more susceptible to mental illness? OR Is the

mental illness/distress the result of being an unbonded Empath? Which comes first? This research

still goes on. I have met plenty of well adjusted Empaths - yet will still find that they seek some sort

of comfort somewhere, either in mild medication or counseling, something to soothe those internal


The professional fields of Psychology & Psychiatry do not yet recognize these factors and continue

to leave all the issues "clumped" together, undifferentiated. I originally planned this work for a

doctoral thesis but will not be pursuing that in this lifetime now. Instead, I am putting it into a user

friendly format in hope that an emerging self-awareness among Empaths will take place, creating a

positive wave of change for the planet. Anytime the "collective mind" of the human race can change

towards the better and grow, good can happen on new scales. Yes, I am an idealist. We frequently


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Now, for a more popular explanation! An Empath is a type of "psychic", but instead of reading the

"future" or viewing remote objects, the Empath specializes in reading people. I only mention all this

because there is now a huge overlap/confusion between the two words. The "free for all" mentality

of the new age movement seized upon the Empath term after we flooded it on the internet, so

everyone , everywhere threw in what they had or knew to the concept. I suggest using the word

Empath as a hybrid form of psychic, more of a realistic/grounded version of our potential for extra

sensory perception. An Empath is sensitive to the visible as well as the invisible. An Empath reads

body language, tone of voice, body movements, the words people choose when they speak, the

words they avoid, the logic they use; and the hidden things that only an Empath can sense inside

another person. A fully developed Empath reads on what could be considered a 360 degree scope. I

have this entire 360 scope mapped out in great detail in a teaching model I call the PHI Model of

Consciousness or P.H.I. P.H.I. stands for "panheuristic intelligence" which is ultimately what I am

advocating. My research has been inspired by the work of Dr. Timothy Leary and the many brilliant

souls who elaborated on his work. It is also inspired by the profound teachings of the Buddha, from

the very core and heart of what I believe the Dharma to be.

Empaths are extremely powerful people. In the next article I will tell you what I mean by that and

introduce the first course. The first course is very basic. Yes, I know - you could be very advanced

and beyond all that, but start the first course in Empath 101: “Dreamtounge” starting with the

basics. That way, by the time you get to the advanced stuff - you will excel and feel wonderful about

your growth!

Dreamtongue is a course in empathic communication and is the pre-requisite for all classes to

follow. To benefit from the course start with the introduction and then work with each lesson

separately and in order. You can work at your own pace. Some people will be ahead of you, some

will be behind, and others will be starting just after you.

Work at your own pace. Post questions as needed and share your experiences with the materials

inside the Yahoo group. Do not be concerned with others being ahead of you or of feeling that you

are too far behind. Just work in your own timeframe and you will be fine. This process has been

tested over the years by many people.

Dreamtongue Nine Stages to Becoming (for) an Empath

I would like to welcome and introduce you to an extraordinary program of Empath development.

There are many wonderful approaches and theories to psychic phenomenon and the development

of psychic abilities, but this one is quite unique in that it emphasizes the learning of a "psychic" or

"intuitive" language. Understanding intuition as a form of language will "open your wings" and free

you to a whole new world of possibilities and perceptions.

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I have labeled it "Dreamtongue" to reflect the creative perspective, which is critical in tapping in to

your own Empath nature. It suggests a provocative image that tugs at your unconscious and your

creative juices.

My approach of learning Dreamtongue, the empathic language, is one that is based on decades of

direct experience and observation. I have taught thousands of people to find the sleeping psychic

within themselves and to awaken the incredible force of their unconscious minds. Overtime I found

that the "psychic" side of a person was really just a tiny little iceberg poking out of the waters of the

unconscious sea, that what was really there was the potential to be an Empath.

This approach has shown that people who identify with the term "Empath" benefit the most from

this information and these techniques. So, whether you would just like to develop your psi abilities

or if you are looking to become a fully developed Empath, this information will get you on the right


I have been a professional Empath, teacher, lecturer, and researcher for the past thirty years. In

working with thousands of people and literally hundreds of programs, I have discovered a unique

approach for accessing Empathic abilities. At the request of my students over the years, I have

finally put the program into print.

In this course you will discover tools and methods that not only trigger your own intuitive abilities,

but you will also discover many fascinating hidden parts of yourself. Empath development is a

journey of self-discovery and awakening of potential. When your Empath (implicate) nature begins

to unfold, your entire potential begins to unfold.

Dreamtongue is a language that you already speak. It is a continuous flow of incoming and

outgoing communication between somewhere deep within your subconscious and the rest of

life, the rest of the universe around you.

The problem is, that the normal language of your conscious mind cannot translate the language of

the psychic unconscious, what I am calling Dreamtongue.

The job of the conscious mind is to interpret the five primary senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and

hearing. The conscious mind is rightfully preoccupied with incoming physical stimuli. Yet there is

so much more going on around us. Most of what is happening around us cannot be detected by the

five primary senses. Once you learn the art of interpreting the empathic language you will find that

an abundance of intuitive communication is available to you at all times!

This course is also about bringing the realm of intuitive perception & phenomenon down to earth,

directly into your hands, into your life. It offers you specific tools that you can use, with clear

instructions on how to do so. It does not leave you wondering or hanging in any area.

So many of my students have said to me that psychic abilities and experiences seem to be things

that only happen to other people. The techniques they had tried were not working for them. They

felt as if they were somehow different and excluded from any psychic experience. Although

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"psychic experience" is not at the core of Empath development, it is a vital part of it, so it is

addressed in this work.

Every person has full psychic capacity. The problem is simply that the potential interpreter of

Dreamtongue, the conscious mind, is misinterpreting the messages. By teaching you the

Dreamtongue process I can show you how to become your own interpreter and to expand with

your capacity to grasp intuitive knowledge.

By learning the intuitive language of the Empath, which is truly an artform as much as it is a

language, you will open your life to a powerful new resource. Your ability to help yourself and

others will expand significantly. As your awareness grows, so too will your empathic abilities. I

encourage you to put these lessons in use. The more you use the information the more it expands

for you.

This is the primer for Dreamtongue, it outlines the initial training for becoming a budding Empath.

Now, I invite you to learn a "new" language. Just as if you were studying Japanese or Russian . By

doing so you open your world to new possibilities, and your life to new discoveries about yourself,

and the incredibly intuitive world around you!

How to get the most out of this course This course represents a full self-training program for becoming an Empath. Each chapter outlines a

mini-stage in the training. In order to get the most from the book I recommend that you pace

yourself. A rapid pace would be equal to about two weeks per stage.

All of the material will be shared at a faster rate, so please work on pacing yourself. In order to get

the benefit of each stage read the lesson first, then review what you have learned.

Begin to practice the exercises before moving to the next lesson. Make sure that you are

comfortable with what you have learned and have started the exercises before moving on to the

next stage. Discuss your questions, your growth, your concerns in the Yahoo Empaths group for


If you follow these simple guidelines you will be amazed at the process of transformation that you

will set in motion.

Stage 1 Awakening the Sleeping Empath Within You

To begin with you are already psychic. That means you are already receiving information through

levels distinct from your ordinary senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Therefore, there

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is no actual need for you to develop "psychic abilities." If you practice "psychic development"

exercises that is fine and it is your own choice but it can be a waste of time without perspective.

You may or may not have realized this part of yourself yet. Every person, and in fact, every living

thing on this planet is psychic (and by that I essentially mean that we are all "interconnected" on

levels that are not readily apparent - yielding more information than we have currently

acknowledged or understood.) Many years of experience and research have helped me discover

some important facts that have led me to this conclusion that every living thing is psychic.

I will be sharing those points of information with you throughout this book. What is important for

you to learn is how to recognize and utilize all of the information that is already coming to you. It is

through your intuitive abilities that you will begin to nurture your Empath nature.

You will find within these lessons intense guidance and support for realizing your empathic

potential. The process of learning the empathic language, Dreamtongue, automatically takes you

through all of the stages of becoming an Empath. You can pass through the stages again and again,

growing more each time, spiraling open from within.

An Empath is an "active psychic." By active psychic I mean a person who is capable of using their

psychic abilities at any point in time just as they would any of their other abilities. I propose this

image over that of someone who is "trying to do something remarkable or extraordinary." Most

psychic information is very mundane and even useless.

Specifically, Empaths have highly attuned sensitivity to the emotional and mental states of others,

as a result of active psi abilities. Everyone has a psychic potential, but not everyone knows how to

access or utilize that potential on a regular basis, in a useful way. Until this part of our brains is

properly mapped out by science most work in this area will be guess work. (speculation)

The primary venue for "psychic connection" occurs between people and living things, so psychic

communication takes place primarily between people. Empaths are "psychic" about people; more

so than about objects, times, or events. Therefore, the term Empath here indicates an active people

focused psychic, a person who listens to and utilizes the silent language of Dreamtongue to enhance

relationships and communications. In theory, an Empath should be an expert in relationships and

communications. We'll hold that thought for now.

I will use the words psychic, intuitive, and empathic interchangeably throughout the lessons,

gradually redirecting the terms towards a more "empathic goal."

Intuitive information is always present within your mind. You may not be aware of that


The problem or challenge is that intuitive information is largely received and stored in your

unconscious. The way to tap into that information is by listening in to a very subtle dialog that is

occurring in your head even as you read this. It is possible that you have many dialogs, voices, or

thoughts going on in your mind at all times, drowning out the intuitive information available to you.

This is the problem of the discursive mind. There is a exercise that I teach, called "focused sitting"

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that tames this issue very effectively. It is addressed in the second course called "The Psychology of


That internal dialog is the result of your conscious and unconscious communicating with each other

in a continuous feedback loop. You may or may not have noticed this dialog before. Most of us

notice the nagging, critical version of an inner voice that dissects our thoughts and feelings. Most of

us are preoccupied with that voice. Yet there is a more powerful, more "REAL" voice just

underneath all that inner mental noise.

It is a very small and soft "voice" or form of information, often referred to as the small still voice

within. I call this your "dream voice." This dream voice is the "sound" of the dialog between

your conscious and unconscious minds.

That dream voice is the one that urges you at times to turn right on a street, to pick up the phone

and call someone, or to avoid a certain place at a certain time. Often we ignore that voice and think

later that we should have listened. It's more of a feeling than a sound, yet it is something

somewhere in-between, an echo. It is through these pages and my teachings that I send out my

silent echo. I visualize Empaths like whales and dolphins around the oceans of the world. We have a

level of communication available to us that is not limited by time and space. I send my silent echo

to all who can hear and all who will come.

How often have you said something like, "I kept thinking that I should call you but I just didn't," or,

"something kept telling me to drive down that street but I just thought I was being silly?"

This tiny little messenger comes from the feedback loop between your conscious and unconscious

mind. It is difficult to listen to this voice because it speaks a different language, the empathic

language of Dreamtongue. An important distinction between the "conscious mind voice" and the"

unconscious mind voice" is as follows:

The "conscious voice", the rational waking mind, speaks loud and clear. It's primary mode is to

analyze, break things down, and utilize those things.

The "unconscious mode," the intuitive subconscious mind, speaks in whispers, shades, and

metaphors. Its primary mode is to synthesize, put together, and reveal more gestalt workings.

When the intuitive voice is trying to tell you something it is often a matter of guessing the message.

It is very much like talking to someone who speaks a different language than you. Occasionally you

can get the gist of what they are trying to say but it is mostly guess work.

This is where most of us struggle with intuitive nature. We are often aware that we are receiving or

sensing some information but do not know how to interpret it. The dream voice comes from the

sleeping Empath within. I use that metaphor to encourage a subjective feeling, like having a

rosebud inside that has yet to bloom. The potential of awakening a sleeping Empath within, invites

growth and transformation on many levels.

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Your inner Empath/psychic is sleeping because it is within your unconscious, its "eyes" are closed

but it still sees, its ears are closed but it still hears. Your inner Empath whispers to you when you

are awake. It is your best friend and your guide. It is you, in your fullest capacity.

When you sleep you travel into your unconscious where the barrier between you and your inner

Empath disappears. In your sleep you experience the language of your unconscious through

dreams. Once you awaken that language fades into the background and becomes the quiet dream

voice once again.

I call this language Dreamtongue and you can learn this language through nine stages of self-

training. These stages appear in the outline below:

Stage 1 (Preparation) Identifying/Recognizing the Empath Within

This stage involves gathering information, dispelling myths & misinformation, clarifying and

defining concepts, and setting goals.

Stage 2 (Education) Learning the Basics of Empathic Language

This stage involves becoming familiar with the idea of Empathic language and learning about the

five levels of Dreamtongue.

Stage 3 (The Beta Stage)

This is the first level of empathic language. Here you learn about Beta messages and how to

recognize them. This stage trains the senses to plug into Empathic information flow.

Stage 4: (The Alpha Stage)

This is the second level of empathic language. Here you learn about Alpha messages, how to

recognize them, and how to interpret them. This stage trains your awareness and heightens your

empathic sensitivity.

Stage 5: (The Theta Stage)

This stage introduces you to the third level of empathic language. Here you will learn about Theta

messages, how to trace them, and how to deal with the mental noise that drowns them out. During

this stage you will develop a channel between your waking mind and the "sleeping" Empath within


Stage 6: (The Delta Stage)

This stage brings you into the fourth level of empathic language. Work in this stage involves

accessing Delta messages and tapping into their many uses. During this stage you will bring your

inner Empath up from the depths and into the light of your waking mind.

Stage 7: (The Gamma Stage)

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The fifth level of empathic language introduces you to an entire universe of possibilities. At the

Gamma level Dreamtongue occurs in its full composite form. During this stage you will learn the

final category of empathic information and be prepared for learning the art of empathic

communication. At this stage you develop your power source as an Empath.

Stage 8: The Receptive Stage

In this stage you will learn the basics of interpreting and working with the empathic language of

Dreamtongue. You also learn the key points of interpreting Dreamtongue in day-to-day events.

Stage 9: The Expressive Stage

This is the final stage of beginner's Empath training. Here the goal is to learn the expressive side of

Dreamtongue which occurs through five different channels.

Now, let's move farther on into the first stage of your training. You are probably like most people

and have doubts about your own psychic ability, intuition, empathic nature, etc., as well as the

subject of psychic phenomenon in general.

Empath development does not have to be discussed in the context of "psychic phenomenon" but I

do so to build a bridge from past concepts to future concepts. You will see how this plays out in

future lessons.

There is so much information and misinformation about the field of Psi that often people are simply

left feeling confused about the subject. The information I will share with you will help clear up that

confusion. If you have a strong interest in pursuing your own empathic development and turning it

into a useful part of your life, then you are in the right place.

The fact that you are reading this material already says something about you. You already have the

power to break away from the masses and to think for yourself. This is a strength, a power, if you

will. The power to think for yourself is the foundation to becoming an Empath.

You also have the power of curiosity, which is the sign of a vital and growing intelligence. Your

powers of independent thought and curiosity draw from an undercurrent of a sense and feeling

about life.

You are not only directed by your intellect and your senses, you experience guidance from an inner

push and pull that words cannot really describe. These powers or qualities indicate an Empath

waiting to happen or already in progress.

The first step to becoming an Empath, an active psychic, is to acknowledge the sleeping

psychic/Empath within you. The purpose of this chapter is to assist you in that process.

Read the following information carefully, as if you were dining on a delicious meal. Savor each part

and let yourself be aware of what you are experiencing. Read over the material two to three times

until you feel connected to what you have read.

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Right now an extraordinary part of yourself is gestating within your unconscious, sleeping in the

midst of an ordinary life. What may frustrate you at time is that this extraordinary part of yourself

tends to stay asleep, only stirring occasionally.

When the sleeping Empath within you stirs you catch little glimpses of information, get hunches, or

feelings about things. Then when you want information from your inner Empath it is either

comatose, not responding at all, or it is mumbling in its sleep incoherently.

This idea that your psychic awareness sleeps within you is a vital image, a tool that you will use to

learn the art of Dreamtongue and to awaken your powers of Psi. It is a metaphor that works like a

tool. All metaphors are tools in Dreamtongue.

To understand the relationship between your waking and sleeping mind, consider the following

analogy. There is an ancient myth that has appeared in various cultures. It is a story of a great but

tragic love story between the Sun and the Moon. In most versions of the story, the Sun is the

powerful god that is smitten by the Moon, a beautiful and elusive goddess.

The tragedy is that the two can never be together. As the Sun "moves" around the Earth pursuing

the Moon, so too does the Moon continue to move. The Sun searches in the day for the Moon who

lives only in the night. It is only for a brief moment at dusk or dawn when the two may catch a

fleeting glimpse of each other, which fuels their passion for continuing the chase through the skies.

The story of the Sun chasing after the Moon is a perfect analogy for understanding your empathic

nature. The Sun is the conscious mind, the source of light and sensory information; the Moon is the

unconscious mind, the source of dreams and intuitive information. The Sun is the direct light, the

Moon only reflects light.

Empathic information is like "reflected" information rather than direct perception. With the

waking mind (the Sun), people search for evidence of psychic phenomenon, the Moon (which is the

sleeping mind). Most of the time the evidence eludes the search and only brief glimpses of the

psychic happen.

For those of us who have searched for the hidden side, the psychic side of ourselves, the journey has

often been lonely and long. Our passion for the search burns within due to each glimpse no matter

how fleeting was the moment.

When you are awake you are using your conscious mind (the Sun). Your unconscious mind (the

Moon) is not usually visible during this time. When you sleep the waking mind recedes and the

unconscious mind emerges. The Sun sets, the Moon rises.

During sleep and dreams you wander, fully immersed in psychic territory. This is why dreams are

often rich with psychic information. When you wake up again, the unconscious recedes and so too

does the empathic self.

The Sun, the Moon, and the Earth are all part of the same gravitational field. Gravity is the invisible

connector between the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth. In your consciousness, your dream voice is

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the connector between your conscious and unconscious minds. Gravity is a key metaphor is

growing strong with your Empathic connections.

What is important to learn from this analogy is that your intellect and your empathic self are polar

opposites of your mind. Polarities, yes, but of one mind. They are each part of your one mind, but

when you are in one state, you are opposite of the other.

Just as when you are in China you cannot be in America at the same time. The passing through

states of mind is a form of traveling. In learning to become an Empath you will be learning to

become a traveler. Your thoughts and your awareness will travel.

As with any extensive traveling, you will fare much better if you learn the native tongue of the

places you will visit. In psychic territory, the unconscious, the language is Dreamtongue, a language

that communicates what is far beyond the grasp of the conscious mind.

In your normal waking state the unconscious is still present, but acts as a hidden force until you do

something to access it. Occasionally it spills over or makes itself known to the conscious mind.

Traditional psychotherapy has many methods of revealing the unconscious. For example, the

Rorschach inkblot tests reveal the content of the unconscious. Often the unconscious reveals itself

spontaneously, in the idea of the "Freudian slip." A Freudian slip is when you say or do something

to reveal what you really think or feel, without consciously intending to do so.

In the same fashion, empathic information is always present in your mind but you may have to do

something to access it. Sometimes it will reveal itself spontaneously in a hunch, a feeling, a glimpse,

a reaction, or a bit of information. The point of becoming an Empath is to learn to retrieve the

information at will.

Part of recognizing your Empath nature involves identifying the barriers that hide it from you. One

significant barrier is the attitude of science towards psychic phenomenon and the ways that society

has adopted that attitude.

The reason that science struggles with the issue of psychic phenomenon or parapsychology is that

they are "using the Sun to find the Moon." A similar point occurs in the joke about the man looking

for his car keys under a streetlight. He had lost his keys somewhere in the house but there was

more light under the street lamp.

Science turns on a light and says that anything that is not under that light does not exist, this is the

"empirical method." What Empaths say is that the scientists need to go feel around in the dark to

discover more about reality. Scientists say that there is nothing beyond that light. I realize that is an

over simplification of the issue but it gets to the point.

Psychic interactions take place outside of that light, through the unconscious mind, the sleeping

mind, in relatively unexplored territory. That is the very definition of psychic, the activities that are

occurring outside of the light, outside of conscious awareness.

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If someone says show me psychic ability you may not be able to show them in that instance. Just as

if someone said show me an atom to a scientist, they might not be able to produce evidence of an

atom in that moment.

Many things are "invisible" to the senses, or outside of the light, but that does not mean they are

nonexistent. The scientist would say that they need certain conditions or instruments to show the

atom. An Empath would say the same: psychic functioning requires certain conditions.

Yet the problem in demonstrating psychic evidence is not really in dealing with facts, the problem is

dealing with bias. There is a pervasive prejudice against identifying psychic phenomenon. There are

plenty of printed materials on this issue and I encourage you to do some research to see for


There are several sources of this prejudice. All of which you must learn to identify in order to

recognize your own psychic potential. I will narrow these sources of prejudice to four general

categories: myth, belief systems, misinformation, and fear of the unknown.

Barriers to Psychic Evidence

1. Myth

There are all kinds of myths about psychic phenomenon. There are also a great deal of "popular

ideas" about Empaths; ideas that have been randomly generated by opinion rather than serious


There are many things people believe about psychic phenomenon that are not true and are actually

counterproductive to developing psychic ability. Let's look at four of them together:

Myth # 1 -- "Psychic ability is a supernatural phenomenon." There is nothing supernatural

about psychic abilities, if supernatural means beyond or against nature. They are as natural as sight

and hearing. Psychic abilities are part of human nature. They are the result of subtle interactions

between the brain and nervous system with the environment (environment includes other living


Some believe that psychic functioning is an extension of the immune system, serving to detect

harmful influence and to ward off danger. Eventually psychic powers will be explained through

nuclear, electrical, chemical, and biological terms. The model of "Empath" includes psychic

functioning as part of being alive, of being human.

Myth # 2 -- "Psychic ability is a gift that only some people possess." Because psychic

functioning is a natural part of a human being everyone has psychic abilities. Some people are more

likely to pay attention to psychic perceptions than others and therefore may develop their ability to

use them more readily.

Different temperaments and personalities will respond to psychic potentials in different ways. A

person who is more feeling oriented may pay more attention to psychic messages, whereas a

person who focuses in their intellect may ignore psychic messages unless they are very intense. An

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Empath is closer to a "personality type," so not everyone would be an Empath without


Myth # 3 -- "Psychic ability means the ability to see into the future." While premonitions of

future events do occur, this is the least common of psychic events. The majority of psychic

functioning occurs in the form of remotely obtaining information already in play.

Telepathic communication, empathic reading of individuals, obtaining information via extrasensory

means, such as remote viewing (clairvoyance) are the more common psychic experiences. Empathic

ability, which is the result of "integrated psychic ability" is continuous and pervasive within an

awakened Empath.

Myth # 4 -- "Psychic ability is unlimited and unconditional." Many people seem to think that if

someone is psychic, that this means they have unlimited powers that work unconditionally one

hundred percent of the time. I hate to be the one to tell you, but no human ability works that way.

Vision and hearing have limits and conditions, and so does psychic functioning.

Psychic abilities are influenced by as many factors as influence any person. Examples of what

conditions influence psychic functioning are: how relaxed or tense a person is, what a person pays

attention to, a person's belief systems, emotional states, values, needs, desires, perceptions, and so

on, and so on.

These are just a few of the myths that people have about psychic phenomenon. Can you think of

other beliefs about psychic phenomenon that people have or that you have yourself? Are you

willing to test out those beliefs or to consider other points of view? If so, then read on.

2. Belief Systems

Another major barrier to searching for psychic evidence involves the belief systems that people live

by. Philosophical and religious beliefs may act as a barrier to understanding the psychic. An

example of such beliefs would be the thought that psychic abilities come from an evil force.

If a person believes that psychic phenomena come from an evil force then all of their own mental

energy goes into resisting psychic experience, or into fear of what might happen if they "give in" to

their psychic perceptions. This leads to patterns of self-fulfilling prophecies where people begin to

undermine themselves and their experience. This is very common.

Many people are superstitious. It is important to understand that being superstitious and pursuing

psychic development are two separate activities. Yet when the two occur together confusion and

distortion are often the result. Anyone can fall into superstitious thinking unintentionally. As

Empaths we have to make a conscious commitment to recognize and avoid superstitious thinking.

Being superstitious means incorrectly attributing a cause to an event. People do this all the time. It

is the result of reaching conclusions based on misperception and erroneous thinking. Superstitious

thinking has plagued the subject of psychic phenomenon but is a separate problem of human


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Another belief is that reports of psychic phenomenon are just nonsense. The thought that psychic

abilities do not exist is just as much a belief as any other belief. A person, who claims to be

pragmatic and rational, dismissing the psychic as nonsense, has a belief that existence is just a

hollow space filled with solid objects that have no connections between them. We cannot rule out

discovery. Keeping our minds open to possibility is the key to the future. It always has been.

There is an underlying assumption to such beliefs that simple mechanical laws govern all existence

and that nothing else is possible. Science itself has long since progressed passed such simplistic

beliefs but many people still subscribe to them.

3. Misinformation

You may have noticed at this point that all of these categories overlap. I have divided them up this

way so that you can give more thought to how each area relates to your experience. I have

separated out this category of misinformation to specifically address a more modern problem.

Misinformation is the result of incorrect examples and the perpetuation of misleading stereotypes.

In short, this problem originates with the media: television, the movies, as well as popular fiction.

The entire subject of psychic phenomenon has been clouded over by movie images of extraordinary

feats and special effects.

Thanks to the media most people's idea of something psychic happening involves someone's eyes

rolling up and the wind starting to blow. For some reason the wind seems to always be blowing in

movies when something psychic is happening. I can assure you that for the majority of the time,

when your psychic senses are at work, the wind will not usually start to blow. If it does, chances are

that it is just a coincidence.

Movies and television portray psychic events as dramatic, intense, frightening, and typically

fantastic. When the truth is, most psychic events are very subtle and usually related to ordinary

situations. The media frequently ties in psychic abilities with the media's version of "occult

practices." As you learn to access your psychic abilities there will not be any special effects, surreal

music, wind blowing, or earth shattering visions in most of your experiences.

Another source of misinformation comes from the popular fad of telephone psychics. I am not a

supporter of this practice for several reasons. Once a service becomes part of big business, and

turns into an industry, then it is more susceptible to being misused, and subject to more fraudulent


You will find as you complete your training, psychic information results from genuine connections

between living things and especially between people. The big business of psychic phone services

has created a media image of "psychics" that is communicating to the public at large that "psychics"

are just a commercial gimmick. It is yet another form of misinformation about a subject already

greatly misunderstood.

I decided to stop working as a professional psychic counselor when this fad first began. I am sure

that there are many gifted psychics who are working with this trend who are finding ways to make

it work for them. Personally, I did not want to be associated with that trend. It is a matter of opinion

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and personal preference. I am an advocate for clarifying and developing the field of psychic


Another fallout from this kind of misinformation is the idea that psychics are supernatural

entertainers. Some people have the idea that if you are psychic that means you should perform

impressive feats like entertainers who sell themselves as psychic. Being psychic has nothing to do

with showmanship, unless the individual wants to be an entertainer. That is a personal choice.

4. Fear of the Unknown

The last general category regarding barriers to psychic evidence deals with the fear of the

unknown. This is a primitive and instinctive fear that all people possess on some level.

To illustrate this fear and its relevance to us as human beings, I like to give the following example:

Let's imagine that you and a group of people are with me high up in the mountains somewhere. We

are all standing in front of a large cave. The mouth of the cave is a large opening leading into utter

blackness. The inside of the cave is so dark you cannot see one thing within it. Now imagine that I

have instructed you and the group that on the count of three I want all of you to run immediately

into the cave.

I count, one....two.....three! What happens? What would you do? What would most people do? Are

you likely to just run blindly into the cave. Well, a few people might, but most would not.

Fortunately, we are each equipped with some survival instincts that protect us from such


Opening up your empathic nature is like venturing into that cave. You may have the curiosity and

desire to discover what is in it, but some part of you is not comfortable with stepping into the

unknown. The world you live in is primarily a world of perceptions, held together by beliefs and


Venturing into psychic territory can lead to discoveries that challenge those beliefs and

perceptions. This built in protective instinct can also act as a barrier to you accessing your empathic

talents. If this is the case for you, then the more you learn the more you will progress.

Now look and feel inside of yourself and answer the following questions.

Do you sense the presence of your inner Empath, a presence just beyond your awareness; a part of

you that longs to bud forth, to emerge into this world, and to fully express?

Have you been an observer of your dreams, your feelings and sensations, of people, and life?

Do you know things in ways that words cannot describe?

Do you find signs and symbols popping up in your life in meaningful ways?

Chances are you have already recognized your inner Empath. Chances are you have already

discovered that you and your inner Empath are one and the same. It is now a matter of learning the

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hidden language of your Empath nature and applying all that you learn through this special


Dreamtongue will allow you to understand more about your Empath nature and the psychic nature

of existence itself than ordinary language will ever provide.

As you complete this chapter you are completing stage one of your training in Dreamtongue. To

help you get the most from this stage and each stage, a review of the primary points appears at the

end of the chapter.

Stage 1 Review 1. The goal of stage one is to prepare for learning Dreamtongue, to identify and recognize your

own Empath nature, and to scrutinize myths and misinformation about psychic


2. You are already psychic, which means you are receiving information on levels other than

your direct senses. You can develop further into an Empath.

3. An Empath is a person who has learned to integrate psychic abilities into his or her own life.

4. The story of the Sun and Moon represents the relationship between the conscious (waking)

mind and the unconscious (sleeping) mind.

5. Your dream voice is the result of the invisible connections between your conscious and

unconscious mind.

6. The language of this dream voice is called Dreamtongue, the empathic language.

7. Multiple barriers are present within each person, which make it difficult to provide psychic

evidence. These barriers reside within you as myths, belief systems, misinformation, and

fear of the unknown.

8. Through Dreamtongue you can learn more about your Empath nature and the psychic

nature of the world around you.

Stage 2 The Basics of Empath Language

Now that you have studied Lesson One you have essentially completed the first stage of preliminary

training in Dreamtongue.

The idea is to formulate an understanding of your own empathic nature by examining your beliefs

and by considering some very basic information.

If you are unsure about what you established in stage one then please re-read the chapter.

Although you will receive these lessons at a steady rate, please remember to pace yourself. Work at

the speed that benefits you the most. There is no hurry. The more effort you put into each lesson,

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the more benefit you will receive from them all. Once you are sure that you are finished with the

first lesson then you are ready to learn Dreamtongue.

Dreamtongue is the language of the unconscious, the language of dreams and the empathic levels of

the mind. Here I want to give you working definitions of the terms conscious and unconscious. This

is the foundation of the language.

The conscious mind is the part of you that uses words to think and to deal with information. The

conscious mind involves all those things of which you are aware at any given moment. The normal

flow of the conscious mind deals with sensory input from the eyes, ears, nose, taste buds, and sense

of touch.

The conscious mind is synthesized from the verbal centers of the brain, the language centers. Any

thought or perception organized by words, by language, and, of which you are aware, is occurring in

your conscious mind.

Remember the analogy that your waking mind is the Sun? The Sun provides light and light is

awareness. When you become aware of something it has entered your conscious mind.

The unconscious mind deals with information as well but does not directly use words. You

process stimuli without words and it is this processing that I am referring to as the unconscious. It

is still possible to receive information without being aware of it. The classic example is that you can

be sitting in a room with a clock ticking and not be aware of the sound. Your ears still pick up the

sound but you are not paying attention to it, therefore no thought is attached to it. In other words, it

does not enter your conscious mind.

Another example might be that subtle shifts in temperature and motion occur when someone is

walking up from behind you, but you are not consciously aware of that person. Your own body

chemistry and nervous system may respond to those shifts but no thought is attached to them. You

are then receiving information about a person coming up behind you but not from what you see or

hear directly. This information is being processed through your unconscious mind, your nonverbal


The potential for receiving information in this way is proprioception. Some people have used

proprioception to explain away empathic abilities but in so doing they are throwing the baby out

with the bathwater. Proprioception is just the tip of the iceberg, the tip of the unconscious mind.

The unconscious goes much deeper than proprioception. Anything that is occurring within your

body is part of your unconscious. In fact, to truly understand and define the unconscious would be

to say that your body itself is the unconscious!

You are all mind and all body. There is no separation from the two. Once you work with that

understanding you will be amazed at how much empathic information has been knocking at your

door, just waiting for you to open that door! The world of infinite possibilities opens up when

you understand that mind and body are one thing. Yet our language cuts the two in apart no

matter how carefully we choose our words.

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Just as the conscious mind links to the verbal centers of the brain, the unconscious links into the

associational centers. The associational centers are more like the memory of things seen or the

memory of things heard, rather than being involved with actual seeing and hearing.

Now this is important: the associational centers form the channel between the conscious

mind and the unconscious mind. This is the place where the small still voice within originates.

The dialogue inside of this channel is the dream voice, the place where Dreamtongue occurs.

To break these definitions of conscious and unconscious down into usable forms I will say the

following: The conscious mind communicates with words as language; the unconscious mind

communicates with associations as language.

When you look at a decorated Christmas tree your senses tell you that it is a green tree with objects

attached to it. It is probably not doing anything other than holding still and blinking with small

lights. Yet, a deeper perception of the tree is occurring involving all types of feelings that are the

result of associations.

When you look at a Christmas tree you do not just see a tree with objects on it, you see Christmas

past and present, you have many feelings of all sorts, you associate it with all types of experiences.

Since you have probably had a lot of practice with responding to Christmas trees, most of your

associations to the tree flow readily into your conscious mind. When you are not aware of those

associations they remain dormant in your unconscious.

Empathic information, by definition, originates within your unconscious. It usually stays there

unless it creates an impulse strong enough to surface in some fashion. Empathic information does

not have the direct link to sight and hearing as does sensory information.

Sensory information communicates to you externally then is taken internally for processing.

Empathic information works exactly the opposite. Empathic information originates internally and

then can be communicated externally. Empathic information is by definition, always a response

to something.

Too often people try to measure empathic information by the same standards as sensory

information. It is equivalent to the fellow looking for his keys under the lamp because there is more

light. It does not work to treat empathic information and sensory information as the same

phenomenon. Therefore you cannot use the same instruments or procedures to measure them.

Dreamtongue is the language of the unconscious, the language of dreams, of symbols and

associations, of archetypes, and the levels of empathic awareness. It is a language rich in meaning

and impact on our lives. Normal verbal language is very limited by comparison.

Dreamtongue is like communicating in holograms. A hologram is a special type of photography that

produces a three dimensional image. If the photographic plate is shattered into pieces, each piece is

capable of producing the full three dimensional image of the original. Each piece contains the

essence of the whole.

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Advanced theorists in science and philosophy have proposed that the universe itself is one singular

hologram of which we are all a part. Each part then contains the essence of the whole. Dreamtongue

speaks with symbols and associations that are in effect holograms. Any part of Dreamtongue

contains the essence of every other part, so if you only get a tiny bit of information, that tiny bit

contains the entire message. With all of this said, Dreamtongue is remarkably simple and beautiful.

After many years of working with my own empathic perceptions and those of my students I have

discovered that there are five primary levels of empathic perception. These five levels constitute

the "grammar" of Dreamtongue. Just as in verbal language there are nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc., in

Dreamtongue there are betas, thetas, alphas, etc. Learning about these levels and the "mechanics" of

the language will help you speak and interpret the language. I also refer to these categories as the

"alphabet" for intuitive language, emphasizing the holographic interchangeability within each piece

of information.

Yet it is not imperative that you memorize the structure and parts of Dreamtongue, unless you want

to teach Dreamtongue. Once you begin working with it you will find that it is a "living" force which

empowers you naturally. It is your own natural language, coming from your heart, your soul, and all

levels of your being. So study the parts and mechanics but do not be bogged down by the words.

The words are to help your conscious mind become more open and receptive to empathic language.

In this lesson you will pass through stage two of your preliminary training by learning about the

five primary empathic levels and the types of communication that originates from each level.

Throughout this course you will learn each distinctive level and then by stage eight you will learn

how each level weaves into the amazing empathic language of Dreamtongue.

The Five Levels of Dreamtongue In normal language you learn parts of speech and the rules for using the language. First you learn

the alphabet, then small words, then more words, and eventually how to put the words together.

Learning about the five levels of Dreamtongue is just like learning the empathic alphabet. The

empathic alphabet is simpler because it only has five letters! These five letters also constitute a set

of "grammar rules" for the flow of Dreamtongue.

Sounds incredible that such a powerful language has only five letters, but remember that the

language is holographic. An entire message is available in one bit of information. To make the

empathic alphabet usable by the conscious mind I have used Greek letters to describe them. Please

note: I am not utilizing the Greek letters to parallel any other system which also refers to Greek


The five letters of the empathic alphabet are (in order): Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. It is

not important here to know the actual Greek letters for we are not talking normal written language.

Remember Dreamtongue works by associations, not by literal definition.

To keep these five letters distinct as empathic language I have paired or associated them with five

images from a traditional empathic teaching, the five Tattwas from the Tibetan magickal traditions.

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This association comes from my efforts to weave together the fine connection between Eastern and

Western insight through the field of Empath Psychology. Dreamtongue has it's roots in Eastern and

Western Mysticicism, serious metaphysical schools of thought and philosophy, and especially

Transpersonal Psychology.

If you continue your study and progress into a detailed analysis of the Chakra system, you will find

the associations between the five empathic levels and the Chakras to be quite profound.

The association between the brain wave patterns, the empathic levels, and the Tattwa symbols may

seem arbitrary at first, but one you have a solid grasp of those symbols you will be ready to learn an

amazing silent language.

The Basics:

Beta -- is symbolized by the yellow square Tattwa

Alpha -- is symbolized by the silver crescent Tattwa

Theta -- is symbolized by the red triangle Tattwa

Delta -- is symbolized by the blue circle Tattwa

Gamma -- is symbolized by the purple oval Tattwa

Now you have the five letters of the empathic alphabet. At this point they have no real meaning to

you. When you first learned your ABC's you simply copied them down or recited them because the

teacher asked you to do so. Eventually you found out that you put the letters together to spell the

words you use.

Dreamtongue originates from how your mind/body whole communicates and functions. Next I have

tied the empathic alphabet into brain waves. Brain waves change as your activity and state of being

changes. There are four general levels of brain waves that relate to the empathic alphabet and a

fifth category which is unique to Dreamtongue.


Beta (association: yellow square)

When the brain is aroused and actively engaged in cognitive or mental activities,

it generates beta waves. Beta waves are of relatively low amplitude, and are the

fastest of the four different brainwaves. The frequency of beta waves ranges from

15 to 40 cycles a second. The level of brain wave activity for each state is not critical information

here. I mention it just to show that the brain does divide into levels of functioning but mainly to

show that we are using symbolic associations for those levels, rather than scientific measures. I

encourage research into brain wave activities if you wish to advance your studies.

When you are actively engaged in a conversation you are generating beta waves. A person

delivering a passionate speech is in a high beta state. In Dreamtongue, Beta is your conscious

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waking state. The more active and alert you are the more Beta you generate. Beta is the mainframe

for the software in your brain, in other words, the "foundation" for your conscious mind.


Alpha (association: silver crescent)

Alpha brainwaves are slower and higher in amplitude. Their frequency ranges

from 9 to 14 cycles per second. You are generating alphas when you relax, are

near day dreaming, near sleep, or just entering sleep.

The most intense Alpha state is the hynogogic state, which is right before you fall asleep. Alpha is

fertile ground for empathic receptivity; it is the primary channel of empathic awareness.


Theta (association: red triangle)

Theta brainwaves, are typically of even greater amplitude and slower frequency

than Alpha waves. This frequency range is normally between 5 and 8 cycles a

second. You normally only generate thetas when you are in deep sleep or in the

middle of a powerful meditation.

The R.E.M (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep and dreaming are associated with Theta. Theta is

the inner screen upon which you view empathic information and imagery.



Delta brainwaves are of the greatest amplitude and slowest frequency. They

typically range from 1.5 to 4 cycles per second. Typically, 2 to 3 cycles a second.

You generate deltas when you are in deep dreamless sleep, so deep that it would be difficult to

wake you. It is also possible to generate deltas when you are in profound states of meditation and

altered states of consciousness. Fully actualized and trained Empaths can generate a Delta state

with their eyes open.


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Gamma is distinct from the above four states. Delta involves brain waves at 1 to 4 cycles per second.

So it seems we have run out of brain waves doesn't it?

Gamma is not associated with specific brain wave states; rather it is the source state of

consciousness. It is the potential for consciousness and the potential for any brain wave state. It is

the holographic potential of the mind expressed as a unified field, the mental equivalent of

"implicate order" a concept you will be introduced to in later lessons.

Gamma is the source of consciousness which eludes the microscope and the trained eye. You

generate gamma simply by "being". Gamma is not identified in other systems, it is unique to


Let's look at what you have learned so far. There are five letters of the empathic alphabet. Each one

is labeled with a Greek letter. Each letter is symbolized by a Tattwa symbol. Each symbol relates

roughly to a brain wave state. The final part of this lesson ties in specific types of empathic

functioning related to each empathic letter.

Beta is related to empathic activity expressed through the physical body and through

physical objects. Beta events are psychokinesis, mind over matter, influence by thought, moving

objects with the mind, etc.

What normally comes to mind with Beta events are images of someone willing the needle of a

compass to move, or bending spoons, or the more dramatic idea of levitation. Yet psychokinesis or

telekinesis is better understood through phenomenon like empathic healing.

The ability of your empathic mind to influence your own body and the body of another better

captures the nature of Beta. Beta messages are discussed in the following chapter.

Alpha is related to general empathic sensitivity. The Alpha state is a more receptive state than

Beta. Beta "generates," Alpha 'receives." In Beta the waking mind you are more in a state of

generating or sending out signals. In the Alpha state you are opening up your awareness to greater

degrees of receptivity.

In Alpha you become more aware of internal signals and can better focus on your dream voice. You

are tuning out some of the outside world and are listening in to the internal word of the


The Alpha level relates to generalized types of empathic functioning like sensing emotions, sensing

danger, unusual feelings that are "signals", general or vague intuition, hunches, and feelings in

general are Alpha messages.

Theta is what I like to call "psychic" central. It is the place where empathic information is

processed. When you are asleep and dreaming a vivid dream you are in a Theta state and in that

state empathic information is woven into the fabric of the dream.

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Theta involves mind to mind communication, or telepathy. Telepathy is when two people speak

Dreamtongue to each other at the Theta level. Telepathy is possible between all living things plant

or animal. Telepathy involves the process of listening or empathic hearing.

It is not a matter of "reading another person's mind," which is more of a stage trick. It is the result of

two or more nervous systems becoming synchronized or linked in some fashion. The

communication can involve thinking the same or similar thoughts or having the same feelings,

physical or emotional. Theta is the "point" where we connect with others.

Delta is the source of all the empathic information that is processed in Theta. Here

information exists as holograms, composites, and gestalts. Delta is related to the very function of

empathic perceiving. It is the level of empathic vision or "clairvoyance."

Here information comes as pictures, images, and symbols, all which contain information that can be

translated into feelings, thoughts, and words. Delta is the sleeping Empath within you. Sleeping

because it is shut off from the senses but very active and very powerful within your


Gamma is the level that baffles everyone and even eludes the serious researchers of

parapsychology. Gamma is the place beyond all of our senses and awareness. From Gamma comes

perception of future and past events. It cannot be clearly defined nor can it be fully controlled.

The previous four levels of empathic functioning relate to the interconnectedness between living

things. The abilities of precognition, seeing into the future, and retrocognition, seeing into the past,

result from an understanding of existence that is not available to our conscious minds. Although a

veritable universe of speculation exists in this area, I encourage you to keep an open mind with

regards to explaining Gamma phenomenon.

At the Gamma level we enter the world of metaphysical and spiritual knowledge, something that

best communicated through Dreamtongue, through symbols, myths, archetypes, ideas, and

associations. Dreamtongue involves at first a deep understanding and connection with Gamma,

then in the advanced stages, it involves a very careful and deliberate use of words and images to

evoke and process information.

All five levels of empathic functioning do not occur independently of each other. They are all

happening at the same time within you right now. You learn them separately but eventually

you merge your understanding of them all working in unison. The Delta state is active within

you right now even though you are not in a deep sleep, but it is active in the unconscious.

Each part of your self communicates with every other part creating a continuous flow of

Dreamtongue. In the following chapters you will learn how to understand and develop each level so

that you too will learn the exquisite nature of empathic language.

Stage 2 Review 1. The goal of stage two is to educate yourself about the basics of empathic language.

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2. The conscious mind communicates with words for language. The unconscious mind

communicates with associations through symbols, images, archetypes, and feelings.

3. There are five "letters" to the empathic alphabet. Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma.

These letters also act as "rules of grammar" for understanding the flow of Dreamtongue.

4. The five letters are symbolized by Tibetan Tattwas: the yellow square for Beta, the silver

crescent for Alpha, the red triangle for Theta, the blue circle for Delta, and the purple oval

for Gamma. This association provides a geometric link, or visual dimension to Dreamtonge.

5. The five letters represent the five levels of empathic functioning which are related to brain

wave functions and empathic functions:

a. Beta: rapid brain waves, mind over matter; the continuum between consciousness

and matter.

b. Alpha: relaxed, relaxing brain waves; empathic sensitivity, psychometry, blind

sensing, intuition.

c. Theta: REM brainwaves, telepathy, empathic dreams, empathic hearing.

d. Delta: profoundly slow, deep brain waves, empathic source, empathic seeing


e. Gamma: pure consciousness as unified field effect, precognition, retrocognition.

6. Dreamtongue is the result of all of these levels interacting with one another on a

continuous basis. All levels are active at all times but specific states are more conducive to

accessing a particular level. I have tied in classic psychic terms, such as "telepathy" and

"clairvoyance" for a reason.

Becoming a fully actualized Empath involves a total integration of the personality with one's

abilities and the understanding of one's abilities. To become an awakened Empath is to "become

whole", first and foremost. So the subject of psychic phenomenon is not treated as a separate

category in this beginning course.

Ø Keypoint: Now, to reach amazing levels of empathic awareness within yourself, I want you to

stop thinking of intuition and psychic perception as "abilities," and start thinking of them as a form

of language. This is the secret discovered by my work in the School of Empath Psychology. This is

what will accelerate your learning and your development as a fully actualized Empath.

Stage 3 Developing Empathic Awareness

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In the previous lesson you passed through stage two of your training in Dreamtongue. You are on

your way to becoming a fully actualized Empath, which in it's full realized form, is called an


You have learned the core parts of the empathic alphabet and how they relate to the levels of

empathic functioning. In this lesson you will learn the details of the Beta level, how to recognize and

interpret Beta messages, as well as how to understand this first level of Dreamtongue.

Beta is the first level of the empathic language. This stage introduces you to plugging your five

primary senses into available empathic information. Remember the sleeping empathic within you is

functionally separate from your conscious mind and does not normally use your primary senses. To

the empathic within you, Beta is the outer world, the surface world, the outermost regions of your


For all practical purposes Beta is everything that is perceived by your eyes, ears, nose, taste buds,

touch, etc. You are in a Beta state when you are awake and alert. A Beta state occurs as you are

generating an abundance of brain wave cycles per second. The more active you are the more brain

waves you can generate.

You might want to call Beta the "nonempathic" level, but don't. There is no such thing as a

nonempathic level. Empathic phenomenon occurs because of an innate connectedness between all

things, especially living things. Due to the fact that your primary senses are active in Beta, your

brain has been conditioned to rely on those senses for survival.

Your primary senses are your outermost senses but they, too, have deep roots in the unconscious.

Through the Beta stage of your training you will learn to use what your outermost senses provide in

order to interpret empathic information.

Beta is you as a whole solid entity with mass, density, weight, etc. The empathic part of Beta is

actually your eyes, ears, nose, etc.; empathic because these organs take signals in to your interior

world, your psyche. They are essentially gateways to your inner world. These gateways are limited

by their physical dimensions but are very practical tools.

The limitation of those senses is represented by the yellow square of Beta . The yellow is light,

awareness, boxed in on four sides. The four sides indicate an orientation to the physical world by

representing north, south, east, and west in their respective places.

All of this information sounds very fundamental and elementary – and it is. But if you make an

effort to learn it you will be prepared for more complex courses that provide truly amazing insight

into empathic functioning.

Since information from the primary senses is dominant at the Beta level for most people,

information from the innermost senses hides behind the conscious mind. As you will learn, the

innermost senses are Alpha, Theta, and Delta. The omniscient Gamma mind, which you possess,

cannot really be described as a sense.

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At the Beta level information from your primary senses floods your brain on a continuous basis,

keeping your awareness busy most of the time. Direct empathic information, information that is not

apparent to your primary senses, is typically drowned out by all the activity in your waking mind.

All the activity in your waking mind is a form of "mental noise," which is almost always louder

than your dream voice. The dream voice is always present and always available.

Your dream voice is simply your empathic awareness at the Beta level. It is the connecting

point between your innermost and outermost senses. Beta is then, the vehicle for the entire

process. This makes Beta VERY important: not something to avoid, skirt around, or ignore. Instead

Beta is your key to powerful empathic functioning.

Now let's wrap the previous two paragraphs together. Beta is the vehicle for the entire empathic

process and that vehicle is your full body/mind system. Beta is the receiver and the sender of

information. The Beta senses are constrained by physical limitations but are rooted in the deeper

senses, which have no physical constraints.

Your body is your Beta level. Your waking mind is your Beta level. Other than empathic dreaming,

much of your empathic work will occur while you are in Beta, or are awake. To become an active

empathic, you must connect your normal waking state with your empathic nature. You do this by

understanding the nature of Beta and by understanding that empathic information is available

through sensory information.

To understand how empathic information is available through sensory information requires

rethinking some more beliefs about empathic abilities. In working with students to open their own

empathic channels, I often have them do an exercise where one class member stands in front of the

group while the rest attempt to retrieve empathic information about that person.

Frequently students express concern that impressions they have come from what they can see and

are therefore logical conclusions or guesses. Usually they spend so much time trying to avoid

sensory information and guessing that they do not tap into their empathic impressions. The point of

understanding the Beta level is that you can take any Beta message (sensory input) and follow it

like a thread until you go to deeper levels and discover empathic information.

For example, a woman once stood before the class who had several qualities that some people in

the class associated with being a nurse. They said that her shoes, her haircut, and her overall

demeanor somehow made them think that she was a nurse. The people who were arguing within

themselves that this conclusion was the result of obvious signs as well as guessing, could get no

further information. They were putting too much effort into resisting their primary senses.

There were others who followed their sensory information and traveled into deeper territory.

Someone saw a yellow sweater, even though she was not wearing anything yellow. Someone else

saw fire all around her and two small children. After the session she told us that her and her two

siblings were rescued from a fire when they were young, and yes, she received a yellow sweater as

a present only days before this class.

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The point is to not discount sensory information. It is the beginning of a train of information

that is available to you. Remember that empathic language works through association. You can

follow sensory information by first acknowledging it, not by resisting it. Then allow associations to

form around those perceptions.

If you see someone slumped over and visibly unhappy, then recognize that conclusion as a Beta

message, the first level of empathic language. Associations and impressions will then begin to form

and as you examine those associations you are following that information down into deeper levels

of perception.

What we have established so far is that: A Beta message is any signal picked up by your primary

senses. In the same way that your body is your Beta, the vehicle for your entire empathic process, a

Beta message is the vehicle for an entire empathic message.

If you are into highlighting, highlight the sentence you just read. It is a place to focus your

awareness, and that focus acts like a magnet attracting associations. Those associations act as links

to deeper senses. When you make associations and observe the impressions you get from them, you

are following information to deeper levels. You are traveling into your unconscious, where your

awareness is the flashlight.

When you see a person who is visibly sad or feeling bad in some way your first impression is the

Beta message. At this point you may make an association of someone breaking up in a relationship.

That does not mean that the sad person has just broken up with someone, although it can. What it

means is that you have started a flow of associations. By starting that flow you begin to connect

with that person empathically.

One of the most important points I can share with you about empathic perceptions is that

they are more likely to occur when there is a specific need for them to occur. If the sad person

who you saw was in significant distress and needed help that you could offer, your flow of

associations would rapidly take you to that conclusion: to help. If you know the person and they are

significant in your life, the chance of getting specific information is greater. The need is established

by the relationship or by the level of distress.

The use of divination tools is another form of Beta messages. The use of tarot cards, for example, is

a way to utilize your Beta abilities. The cards serve as visible objects where you can focus your

mind and make empathic associations.

You will learn more about the use of tools in lesson seven.

At the Beta stage it is important to be alert, aware, and observant. The greater your ability to

concentrate and focus, the greater your mastery of Beta will be. Pay attention to details without

getting hung up on them. Take in your environment with open awareness.

Here is a personal example of how I have used Beta messages for my own situation. Once when my

daughter was about two years old, my wife and I had taken her to a park. While my wife was

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pushing my daughter on a swing, I did my usual "Beta sweep" of the park, concerned about any

potential safety problems, in a park that occasionally has transients hanging about.

With heightened awareness I simply did a gradual 360-degree turn, taking in everything my senses

could determine. I looked at the people, the trees, the cars, anything that came into vision. In my

sweep I saw a woman walking on a distant sidewalk. From the visible level she appeared to be a

fairly young, well-dressed, average woman walking through the park. But that Beta message was

filled with something else. I began associating negative or unusual feelings to her.

From the visual level there was nothing wrong with her appearance or her activity. Still a red flag

went up inside of me once I caught sight of her. She was far enough away that I could watch her

without being rude. The negative feeling inside of me kept getting stronger, like a radar signal that

was strengthening. I watched as the woman walked around the park and then turned, heading

straight towards us. At this point my dream voice was saying "red alert, red alert," but there was

nothing obvious to go by.

The woman walked right up to me. Once I could see her eyes I saw that she appeared distressed,

confused, and possibly very unstable. Her body movements were slightly distorted as she pointed

to my child in the swing and asked, " Are you the father of that child?" I simply answered, "Yes, I

am." She did not appear to believe me for some reason. She asked, "Are you sure?" I reassured her

that I was the father of that child.

She made an odd face and then marched off to another couple with a baby. We never did know for

certain what she was up to or what was wrong with her but received ample warning to be on the

alert for her. It is my educated opinion that empathic abilities work best when there is danger or

urgency involved in a situation.

I shared this example with you to illustrate how a Beta message, something I saw with my eyes, led

to a deeper message (alpha). The more you are aware of what you see, hear, smell, and touch, the

more you will be able to link your senses to your empathic awareness.

Don't wait for some mysterious message or feeling to emerge in order to retrieve empathic

information. Simply look around you. Feel the environment around you with your eyes. Do not put

sensory information in a category separate from empathic information. It is all one and the

same, it's all information. Empathic information can be enhanced by sensory information and

sensory information can be enhanced by empathic information.

At times sensory information and imagination act as a form of mental noise that makes it hard for

the beginning empath to process empathic information. Strong emotional states can interfere with

empathic reception. Imagined fears and intense desires are also at work within your psyche.

This type of interference, or mental noise, is discussed in Lesson Five. Learning how to discern

empathic impressions from mental noise comes from practice, experience, and increasing the

connection with your inner empathic. Now, on to deeper levels of Beta.

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Beta relates to empathic activity expressed through the physical body. Not only through the

physical senses but also through physical states. These states can be electrical, chemical, or nuclear.

Empathic energy, or internally generated energy (innergy) is always present within you. This

energy can impact your physical, emotional, and mental state. It can also impact the physical,

emotional, and mental state of another person.

Whenever you extend your empathic energy outside of yourself to another person or an object, this

activity is called psychokinesis or telekinesis. Psychokinesis is intentionally sent Beta energy. The

origin of that intent can be either conscious or unconscious.

Unfortunately, movies and television have imprinted on most people the image of psychokinesis

(PK) as lifting large objects with the mind and flinging them across a room. The dramatic portrayals

of PK as superhuman and supernatural make it seem to be the most unlikely of all empathic

abilities. Yet it is very human and very accessible by anyone.

The best application for PK is through what has been popularly called empathic healing. If you

concentrate on another person you can send your own empathic energy to that person. There are

many people in the world who have devoted themselves to the idea of healing and helping others.

They have trained and conditioned their empathic energy to work with thoughts of repair,

regeneration, healing, love, and compassion.

When a healing empath concentrates on another person she is sending Beta messages of healing,

love, and compassion. For a healer to do this, their own body fills up with the healing energy, their

Beta state, with energy of love, healing, and compassion until it over flows and transfers to another

person. Which leads to another important point.

Can empathic energy be used to generate harm or negativity? First, look at how the process works.

The sender would have to first fill up with harmful and negative energy until it overflowed. They

would then have to be capable of directing that energy to another person while consumed with the


Who would be the first victim of such an attack? You guessed it, the sender. It is not impossible but

the sender pays a great cost and is consumed by the energy before being able to send it.

Generating a Beta Message To generate a Beta message simply requires an action. Every action you take, no matter how

small, generates a Beta message. Your physical presence in a room generates a Beta message. Beta

energy is something you generate all the time to move your body.

You can learn to generate Beta energy in more creative ways. Symbolic gestures associated with

specific intent can be very powerful Beta messages. For example, each time you want to send

healing energy you can touch your heart with your hands as you focus on the target of your healing.

Some people like to touch their forehead as they concentrate on receiving empathic information.

The classic images of witches and magicians gesturing with specific intent certainly comes to mind

when considering ways to generate Beta messages.

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Observe your own body language and expressive gestures to see how you are already performing

this empathic act. The type of gestures and movements you associate with specific empathic

functions should be unique and meaningful to you personally. With practice you will find creative

and meaningful movements which will evolve from your own empathic practice. I have developed a

system of hand gestures that communicate dreamtongue messages; I call this system "xenchi" (zen

chee), which is a course unto itself.

Beta is the foundation for creative action or "ritual." Hand gestures, for example, are Beta messages.

If your hand gesture contains within it an Alpha message, or association, regarding relaxation and

calm, then you can send Beta energy to calm and relax someone.

Creative actions or rituals generate a theme of Beta messages for specific goals: healing, restoring,

protecting, connecting, celebrating, sharing, etc. For example, an empathic healer moving his or her

hands over the area around someone's body to generate healing energy, is what I mean by ritual.

The moving around of the hands is not really necessary but it acts as a Beta channel.

The most exciting action you can take to send a Beta message is one we normally take for granted:

The act of talking generates Beta messages. The power of the human voice carries Beta signals. This

also works the other way around. When someone is talking to you they are sending you Beta


Remember, Beta messages contain other messages within them. When someone speaks to me, I get

empathic impressions from their voice and their choice of words. This is an area you can grow

strong in as you advance in your development as an empath.

Last, but definitely not least, what you could call the "most empathic" level of Beta. It is only the

"most empathic" level in the traditional sense of what we think of as empathic or even "psychic".

Since Beta is essentially your body/mind, messages that originate from within your unconscious,

from the inner empathic, are felt within your body. This form of Beta message takes the form of

physical sensations and changes. Empaths are all about feeling: not just emotionally but through

physical states as well.

These Beta messages can be through: an increase or decrease in body temperature, an increase or

decrease in physical tension (such as around the stomach area), specific sensations on the skin,

tingling or pain in the body, an increase or decrease in sense of weightiness (suddenly feeling

heavier and slower, or feeling lighter and faster), and so on.

Beta is the level of "gut reactions," bodily responses to empathic perceptions. You may not be

consciously aware of what your body is responding to at first. Many years ago I was at a

Laundromat when this man walked in and sat down in a chair. There were plenty of other people

there and I had no response to them. But when he walked in my whole body suddenly felt very

heavy and slow. My stomach was tightening and my whole body suddenly seemed to be rebelling

against me.

When I looked at the man or was near him the feeling intensified. From the immediate Beta level,

what was visible to my eyes, he did not appear to stand out from any of the other people in the

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Laundromat. Nevertheless, I could not stand to be around him. I grabbed my clothes out of the

washing machine and took them home wet. I did not know why I had to leave but knew enough to

trust what my body was telling me.

A week later I was driving down the road when an unmarked police car pulled me over. I wasn't

speeding and didn't have a clue why they were pulling me over. A detective came up to my car

window and mentioned my name and address, and asked if I was that person. I said that I was. He

then pulled out a photograph and asked me if I had ever seen the person in the picture. Guess who it

was! You got it, the man from the Laundromat!

It turns out that he was waiting in the Laundromat to get up the nerve to rob the bank right next to

it. He was armed and dangerous. You might be wondering how the detectives knew I had been at

the Laundromat. Could they be Empaths as well? It turns out that I had thrown away some mail at

the Laundromat, which of course, had my address on it. They had gone through the trash after the

robbery looking for clues.

The moral of the story is: your body is just as much a part of your empathic mind as any other part.

Pay attention to feelings and responses within your body. When someone is intending to do harm

or has a strong potential to do harm, they are sending out intense Beta signals.

Beta messages through the body are especially strong when there is danger or imminent

threat near you. I personally believe that empathic abilities are natural skills primarily developed

for the purposes of safety and protection. Eventually our culture will recognize that and we will

develop greater means of protection and security.

Although Beta messages through the body tend to be uniquely patterned around the individual,

there are some general patterns for you to learn. The most consistent pattern deals with feelings of

expansiveness versus feelings of contraction.

Feelings of contraction, drawing in, closing up, tightening, usually occur in response to a negative or

harmful influence. It can be from the presence of danger or from the presence of something or

someone you just do not like. How your body responds to your environment is determined by your

perceptions, beliefs, and general feelings.

Feelings of expansion, opening up, relaxing, usually occur in response to a positive or pleasant

influence. Some people begin to feel "giddy", restless, or excited before receiving some good news

or encountering a much-desired event or person.

Areas of empathic sensitivity vary from person to person, but common areas for Beta body

messages are the

temples & forehead,

the back of the neck,

the throat,

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the chest,

and the stomach.

Pretty much down the center of the body following the path of the spine. The spine carries the

central nervous system down from the brain to the rest of the body and serves as the pathway for

empathic information.

Some empathic traditions of yoga have identified seven empathic centers in the spine. These seven

centers have been called "chakras." The way people tend to receive Beta body messages along the

center of the body appears to correlate fairly well with the idea of the seven empathic centers.

The Tattwas, like the for example, are said to be geometric shapes that are genetically programmed

into the central nervous system that stimulate the empathic centers. Visually focusing on a given

Tattwa or visualizing a Tattwa, is said to stimulate the particular energy of that shape. The yellow

square is related to Beta energy, which is how empathic information is generated externally and

received internally through the body.

At this point you should have an initial understanding of Beta, the first letter of the empathic

alphabet. Remember, you are learning the alphabet first. As you learn the other four empathic

letters, your understanding will grow as you see how they combine and interact to form the

empathic language.

Through Beta you can see that your very environment speaks to you in Dreamtongue, a silent

language that forms from the actions, events, and objects around you. To an empath the movement

of the world itself is poetry, is a language far beyond words and ideas.

I have talked to you about getting signals from the actions and words of people, but the fullness of

Dreamtongue comes from looking at a beautiful sky, a sunset over water, a field of wild flowers, an

intense thunderstorm, etc. When you begin to observe the world around you, listening to what it is

saying to you, you will begin to hear the language of Dreamtongue.

In hearing the language you will also feel it. In feeling the empathic language you will learn to

interpret it and to speak it. I wrote the Book of Storms in dreamtongue language and continue to be

amazed by the power of it.

Stage 3 Review 1. The goal of stage three is to understand what Beta is and what forms a Beta message can


2. Beta is the body/mind as a whole unit, the container of the entire empathic process.

3. A Beta message is any information that can be perceived through the primary senses.

4. Beta energy is empathic energy that is generated by a person and is normally called

psychokinesis, or PK.

5. Beta energy or PK can be used for healing or influencing objects & people.

6. A Beta message contains all the other levels of empathic information.

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7. Internal empathic impressions form external Beta messages in the body through feelings

and sensations.

8. Understanding Dreamtongue begins by learning to observe and listen to the world around


Stage 4 Developing Empathic Sensitivity

In Lesson three you learned about Beta and Beta messages. You learned that your mind/body is

your primary Empathic instrument and that all activity around you are Beta messages. You speak

with Beta through your body and your movements.

Each Beta message contains potential Empathic information and how you respond to that Empathic

information depends upon how you view your world. Life itself is a flow of Beta activity and you

yourself can generate Beta energy to heal and shape the life around you.

In short, you have learned your first Empathic letter and are now ready for your second. Be patient

with yourself as you move through this material. What you learn in each stage will expand as you

move through the stage following it. Progress at your own rate and relax into the experience.

You are now entering stage four of your preliminary training as an empath. As far as the

information part goes, we are leaving the familiar waking world of Beta and are entering into the

classical domain of "the Empathic." If I were to discuss Beta and Alpha as territories I would

describe Beta as the outermost rim of the territory, the external world, and Alpha as the vast

expanse of your interior landscape.

Alpha is the internal world of your psyche. It is the place of dreams, imagery,

memory, myth, emotion, and shadows. Where Beta is the bright yellow light of the

Sun enclosed by the four sides of a square,

Alpha is the light reflected from the surface of the Moon, apas symbolized in a

silver crescent. The silver crescent is an excellent symbol for Alpha the


The Moon reflects the light of the Sun but is covered in partial darkness from a shadow. The partial

Moon light of the crescent represents the partial consciousness of Alpha and the shadow over the

Moon suggests the presence of the unconscious.

An Alpha state occurs when you slow your brain waves down to around 8 to 13 cycles per second.

This can be done by closing your eyes and relaxing. Visualizing a peaceful scene and taking a few

deep breaths will take you even deeper into Alpha. Alpha is just under the surface of your waking

mind and is always available to you.

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A common, yet outdated , term for Empathic ability is "the sixth sense." This implies one more sense

past the five primary senses. In fact we really have more than five primary senses. In addition to

sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, we have a kinesthetic sense which detects movement and

body orientation.

There are even subtler senses within the body. All of these senses form a ladder that extends down

into the unconscious levels of the mind. For now, I will keep the primary senses lumped into the

first five of Beta and refer to Alpha as the sixth sense.

Alpha as the sixth sense acts like a compass or divining rod within your body/mind. It

generates vague or undefined information that can create a sense of a push or a pull within you. A

pull would be a desire to move toward something, a push would be a reaction to move back from

something or someone.

Remember my story about the bank robber? In Dreamtongue the Beta message was " a man in the

Laundromat," but within that Beta signal was an Alpha message as well. The Alpha message was a

pushing away, a desire to get away from that man. It was an Alpha message because it did not come

with explicit instructions or explanations.

I did not get a Empathic news flash saying, "Attention. Attention. That man has a gun and is

dangerous. He is about to rob the bank next door." Instead my body translated the Alpha message of

something wrong into a Beta message of a sense of heaviness and constriction in my body. Here you

can see how Beta and Alpha work together.

As you advance through this training you will learn how all five levels are not at all separate and

distinct. They are really a continuum, a ladder of consciousness. You are learning each one

separately in order to strengthen your understanding of each level.

In the language of Dreamtongue Alphas are hunches, intuitions, general feelings, inclinations,

unexplained reactions/responses. If an Alpha message is strong enough it will push its way up (or

out) through the body and become a Beta message.

Whether a Empathic message is heard as an Alpha or a Beta depends upon two things:

(1) You as an individual. Are you more aware of your feelings or your body states, or both?

(2) The intensity and importance of the message.

You are continuously receiving Alpha messages throughout your day. Not all of them are important

enough to signal you through your body, unless you are an extremely sensitive to your body states.

If you are a person who tends to not really pay attention to your body states or feelings, then you

may not be noticing Alpha or Beta messages.

Have you ever walked in to a place and thought, "I have a bad feeling about this?", or , " I have a

good feeling about this?" If so, then you were acknowledging an Alpha message.

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Alpha is the level of Empathic impressions. These impressions are usually not very clear or

distinctive and therefore require interpretation. It is in the process of interpreting Empathic

impressions that many people lose the message or reach inaccurate conclusions.

In this chapter I will provide you with information that will help you work in a focused way with

Alpha messages. Some of this information will require that you practice certain skills. How often

you practice will be determined by your desire and your schedule. Needless to say, the more you

practice the better the results.

Alpha is also the "emotional level," in the same way that Beta is the "physical level." Empathic

messages come in through emotional responses. The distinction between a normal emotional

reaction and an Alpha message depends on what is occurring around you.

If you get upset because someone is yelling at you then that is a normal emotional reaction. If you

think of something upsetting and then you get upset, that is a normal emotional reaction. If you are

talking to friend and enjoying yourself, and then for no apparent reason you get upset - that could

be an Alpha message.

Here's an example: Several years ago, I was walking through the mall doing some shopping. It was

a nice day and I was feeling carefree. As I was walking, thinking about different stores and getting a

bite to eat, a feeling of intense sadness "fell" over me. It was sudden and strong. I had to sit on a

bench to try to figure out what was happening.

I reviewed everything that I could think of: was there something worrying me- no, was there a

problem I was putting off - no, could I think of anything that was making me sad - no. So I decided I

should go home to see if I could determine what was wrong. When I got home I could not find my

cat Leto, one of a set of twins. I was very fond of my twin kitties Leto and Ghanima. Eventually I

found him dead under the bushes by my house.

There was no evidence of what had killed him. He had been fine before I left that morning. I had felt

the time of his death when I was at the mall. The sadness that came over me, unprovoked, was a

strong Alpha message. Unfortunately, Alpha messages are not usually clear enough to know what to

do. It will be through Theta and Delta that you will learn about the direct and distinctive Empathic


The Alpha level relates to overall Empathic sensitivity. Here I would like to give you a working

definition for Empathic sensitivity. This part is a little complicated but very useful to learn. Learning

about the nature of Empathic sensitivity will help anyone who feels they have trouble accessing

Empathic information.

Normal sensitivity is measured in thresholds. Sensitivity to touch, to temperature, and to pain is

measured by how much of each stimulus is needed before a person can feel that stimulus. The point

where there is enough pressure or stimulation to feel the touch, heat, pain, etc., is the threshold.

Alpha messages originate from within you due to some distant or unapparent stimulation or

pressure. The amount of "internal pressure" required in order for you to recognize a Empathic

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message is your Alpha threshold. It is your Alpha threshold that determines your level of Empathic

sensitivity. This threshold varies throughout the day and can vary from day to day.

Empathic sensitivity can be developed as a skill. You can expand your Alpha threshold which, in

turn, increases your Empathic sensitivity. This is the essence of stage four of your training. To

expand your Empathic sensitivity you must first learn how to compare Alpha with Beta states.

Beta and Alpha act as mirror images of each other. They are like the Sun and the Moon, with the

Moon reflecting the light of the Sun. Beta takes signals in to your body/mind and Alpha receives

signals internally from within your unconscious. Beta information is encoded by your senses but

Alpha is information not perceived by your senses.

The lack of sensory input is what makes Alpha messages difficult to recognize and interpret.

If you cannot see it, hear it, or touch it, how can you know what it is? What is missing is the means

for the Alpha message to get encoded into some usable form.

Alpha messages are encoded by associations. Remember from chapter two: the associational

centers form the channel between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. This is the place

where the small still voice within originates. The dialogue inside this channel is the dream voice, the

place where Dreamtongue occurs. Alpha is the whisper of your dream voice. Alpha messages are

harnessed by forming associations to other information, especially symbolic imagery.

Forming associations to Empathic impressions is the key skill of the empath. When an Alpha

message arises within you and you do not immediately recognize it's purpose, you can make

associations with it and discover its meaning. This is done much like the process of what is called

"free association." Free association works by having someone present words to you one at a time

and you say whatever comes to mind without censoring.

I have used the free association method with students for over thirty years now and have found it to

be very effective for developing Empathic sensitivity. I have students stand one at a time before the

class. The students remaining in their seats have the task of focusing on the person in the front of

the room and allowing whatever impressions to form.

The actual exercise involves speaking out loud, calling out any imagery that forms without

censoring. Of course, I recommend some common courtesy and common sense here. I discourage

statements of impending doom or statements that are embarrassingly intimate.

What normally happens is people call out one word responses and someone writes these

associations down into a list. Occasionally, a sentence, a description, or an image comes through.

Then the person who patiently stood in front of the room while everyone "read" them gets to

review the list and make comments about the associations/impressions. This is a practice I

recommend in Dreamtongue study groups called "echos" (empath circles).

Here is the vital point: the purpose of the exercise is not to extract Empathic information,

although that certainly does happen. The purpose is to learn how to make associations readily and

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at will. You simply open your thoughts up by allowing images, words, descriptors, to come to mind

without censoring them.

Here are the guidelines for developing your Empathic sensitivity by practicing Alpha


Alpha Associating Exercise 1. Sit in a comfortable position so that you are reasonably relaxed. Remember, relaxing slows

down your brain to an Alpha level.

2. Focus on an object or person. If the object or person is in front of you, then you look at the

target without paying attention to details. You simply take in the overall image without

focusing on a specific part of the target. Remember you are not looking for information with

your eyes. Some people prefer to close their eyes during this part but that is a matter of

personal preference. You can even hold an object in your hand to practice associating. When

you Alpha associate while holding or touching something it is called "psychometry."

3. Allow thoughts, words, pictures, etc. to come to mind without censoring them. Do not

decide which thoughts are Empathic and which ones are not. If you do that, then you are

censoring and that impedes the process. Just let whatever pops into your mind to come

forward. The skill of Alpha associating develops by actually speaking the associations out

loud or by writing them down. To keep from being slowed down you might want to use a

tape recorder or have someone write your associations down.

4. The "knack" or skill comes by catching the very first impressions, the more immediate the

associations the better. Any time spent on analyzing or judging the associations cuts off

the Alpha message. Receiving and interpreting Empathic information are two different

functions. For the beginner it is very difficult to perform these two functions at the same

time. For the sake of practice, do your receiving and your interpreting separately. Do not

strain to "get" information. Empathic information is immediate. It's already there. Your only

work is to retrieve it.

5. Do not spend too long on any one target. Do your focusing and associating for a period of

five to ten minutes at the very most.

6. After you are done associating then review your list of impressions. It is at this point that

you can evaluate or analyze the information for content. If there is no Empathic content

then do not worry, the purpose of the exercise is to develop the skill of Alpha associating.

When there is a Empathic message that needs to come through then this skill will be


You are successful with Alpha associating when you allow impressions to form without

censoring them. As you increase your ability to make Alpha associations your Empathic sensitivity

increases. Your Empathic sensitivity is measured by the extent of your ability to make Alpha


Alpha messages normally come to you when there is a need for you to know something. That need

is determined by your interest in the information and the seriousness of the information. If

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someone you know really wants or needs to get in touch with you, their feelings will generate a

Beta message (remember: Empathic energy generated and sent out is a form of Beta).

Your reception of that message can occur at any level. If the person sending you the signal is in

distress, then you might receive the message at a Beta level, with a physical reaction - let's say, a

constriction in the chest. If the signal is not that strong, the emotions are not that intense, then you

might receive the message at the Alpha level. As an Alpha message it might come as a vague feeling

of "something you need to do," or a general feeling that pulls you in the direction of that person.

One woman told me about the time when a friend of hers was in town, but her friend could not

reach her by phone. She said that she decided that day to go out to lunch to a restaurant that she

had never gone to before. She didn't know why but she really wanted to go there. When she got

there she saw her out of town friend and they connected. The feeling or desire to go to that

restaurant was the Alpha message. The out of town friend sent out a signal by wanting to make

contact and the receiver responded by going to the same restaurant on the same day.

By contrast, if someone just says to you, "If you're Empathic, then read my mind," or something to

the equivalent, there may not be a real need which generates Empathic activity. For some, the need

to prove themselves may be strong enough, and sometimes the person making the challenge may

actually have a need that is coming through in that moment. Empathic connections can be very

intimate and not everyone will allow that intimacy - either consciously or unconsciously.

Alpha messages are the most common Empathic events. They occur all day and every day. Most

of them are minor and never really surface into your awareness. Some are very useful and make

developing your Alpha skills a practical matter. Alpha as your whispering dream voice is usually

trying to tell you something that you can use.

Many times have I been searching for an address while in my car and I come to an intersection not

sure of which way to turn. At that point I get a feeling of a pull to turn left. My dream voice is

saying," turn left, turn left." My intellect is saying, "no turn right, the information that I have

suggests that I turn right."

How many times have you been in that situation? The intellect is usually loud and clear. The dream

voice is soft and easily drowned out. I have learned many lessons the hard way by ignoring the

Alpha message and going the wrong direction.

There is what I call a cliché in psychic development classes about teaching the act of "creating

parking spaces." As I mentioned earlier, I do not think you want to take on the formidable task of

psychically lifting and moving an automobile. Instead, you can let your Alpha sense guide you to an

area where someone is getting ready to leave and take that space. Your Alpha sense will guide you

and pull you in a desired direction if you let it. Let's keep ourselves grounded.

Alphas can also guide you in decision making of all types. It is at this point that I instruct

students to keep in mind that Empathic ability is merely one of their many abilities. Empathic

ability is not to be your sole resource and method of operations.

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You can gather facts through your waking mind, to analyze, evaluate, and use those facts through

your intellect. Your Empathic nature can greatly enhance your intellectual skills but should not be

used as a replacement for them. The most effective Empaths are the ones who integrate empathic

ability with all of their other cognitive functions.

Alpha messages can guide you in communicating with others, either through speaking or

writing. When you are talking with someone, pay attention to the Alpha messages you are getting

during the conversation. Keep in mind that Alphas are not clear messages but instead are

inclinations, pushes, and pulls.

Your skill at using Alphas will be influenced by your ability to recognize your own emotional states

and needs. If you are talking with someone who you are angry with, regarding a specific situation,

then the anger that you might feel during the conversation is not an Alpha message.

Being unclear about what is and what is not an Alpha message leads to many wrong conclusions. If

you relax while you are talking to that person you can open up your Alpha sensitivity to them and

get the signals you need to communicate more effectively. I will teach you an empathic breathing

technique in the next lesson which will help you move into a relaxed Alpha state no matter where

you are.

Your understanding of Beta and Alpha will expand as you learn the deeper Empathic senses in the

following lessons. In order to complete your fourth stage of training and to prepare for the

following stages you need to start a journal. Get a notebook or blank book of some sort. Label it

"Dreamtongue Journal."

After you finish this chapter make your first entry into the journal. Write in it what you have

learned so far about Dreamtongue, about Beta and Alpha. As you do this, do not write the words

Beta and Alpha, instead use the Empathic alphabet:

for Beta use

for Alpha use

If you can turn these "thoughts" into NONVERBAL thoughts by using symbols instead of words, then

you are already developing the ability to speak and understand Dreamtongue.

Begin to record times when you experience or have experienced Beta messages through your body,

have generated healing or mental influence, and Alpha messages of all types.

Practice Alpha associating and record the experience in your Dreamtongue journal. Pay attention to

your dreams and enter them in the journal. Observe the world with its many wonders and

problems, and record your observations and responses. This is your journal as an empath.

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Even though you will complete the ninth stage of your preliminary training as you complete the

ninth lesson, keep this journal for at least a year's time. Treat it as an important part of your


It will become a mirror of your growth and as well as a source of additional information from

hidden levels. Information that you may not be aware of during your writing will become apparent

when you read back over your journal later on. Now let's review.

Stage 4 Review 1. The Alpha level is the beginning of the classical psychic domain. The goal of this stage is to

increase your Empathic sensitivity.

2. Alpha acts like an inner compass or divining rod, guiding you with feelings, hunches, inner

pushes and pulls.

3. Alpha is the level of Empathic impressions. These Empathic impressions are not clear and

distinctive at this level of reception.

4. Alpha is more the emotional level, in the same way that Beta is more the physical level of

Empathic functioning.

5. Empathic sensitivity can be measured by the extent to which you make Alpha associations.

6. Empathic sensitivity can be developed as a skill.

7. The Alpha associating exercise is described in this chapter. Regular practice with this

exercise can lead to greater degrees of Empathic sensitivity.

8. Alpha messages are more likely to occur when there is a need for information.

9. Alpha messages can be used in decision making and in communicating, along with other

intellectual abilities and sound judgment.

10. Completing stage four of empath training includes beginning a Dreamtongue journal for at

least a year.

Stage 5 Connecting to Your Inner Empath

You now have the basic tools of an empath: awareness of the Beta and Alpha skills. From chapter

four you have gained information about Alpha messages and empath sensitivity. You were

introduced to the process of Alpha associating, allowing impressions to forms spontaneously

without censoring.

With just the first two empath letters you can begin to recognize and identify the language of

Dreamtongue as it happens around you. The silent but powerful language is being spoken by

everything around you. It is flowing from every person you meet, usually without his or her

awareness of it.

Dreamtongue passes into your being and resonates deep within your psyche. You generate the

empath language at all times, it flows from your center out through your mind/body into the world

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around you. To communicate with Dreamtongue requires that you look at life with the "eyes of an


All of life is a language. Every living thing, every event and action, every object in existence is a

part of that language. The movement and the relationship between every single thing are the silent

words of Dreamtongue. You hear this language with your heart, speak it with your soul, and your

thoughts can be the channel between the two.


Theta is the channel between your innermost empath sense and your outermost awareness.

Whether or not Theta will someday be identified with a specific organ in the brain, like the pineal

gland, the hippocampus, or the hypothalamus or if it remains simply as a "construct", is not

important to your training as an empath.

It will eventually happen that science will "discover" empath abilities and will link them to specific

parts of the brain. I project that empath abilities will be related to every part of the brain but will be

specifically connected to the brain stem area, the amygdala, and the limbic system; areas that are

tied into emotional responses, as well as general body responses. To become an empath only

requires that you are aware of your empath center, or the inner empath as I call it in this course.

The purpose of this chapter is to increase awareness of your own empath center and to strengthen

your connection to it. Of course you are already connected to your inner empath, so what has to be

developed is enhanced awareness and skills for strengthening that connection.

Theta awareness is deeper within your body/mind than Beta and Alpha, it is in your unconscious

mind. Beta is your waking state, Alpha takes place just below your waking state, but Theta is

normally only available to you during sleep. In Theta your brain waves slow way down to around 4

to 7 cycles per second.

You can consciously reach Theta through a profound meditational state with discipline and

practice. I teach a specific type of meditation for Empaths called "focus sitting," which helps you

maintain a direct channel to Theta. Yet there are other ways to access Theta and learning those

other ways is the goal of stage five of your training.

Theta is the level of vivid dreaming. When you are asleep and in a Theta state, R.E.M. (rapid eye

movement) occurs as you dream. In Theta your body/mind takes everything that is going on within

it and uses that material to produce a dream.

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Dreams are the result of physiological states, mental and emotional states, memories, imagination,

and empathic states. All of these states weave together into a tapestry we call dreams. Some dreams

occur at the Alpha level and have that Alpha vagueness about them. Alpha dreams are general

feelings and reactions, indistinct images, etc. Theta dreams are typically the vivid dreams that seem

very real and colorful.

Dream research shows that everyone dreams every night and that all dreams are typically in color.

The problem for some people is that they do not remember their dreams and/or do not remember

the color. Memory of dreaming or the colors in the dream are often lost by the time a person wakes

up. The place where this dream activity occurs is the Theta level.

Theta is the level where inner impressions and activities form into composite images and ideas. It is

in Theta where the more defined empathic messages are available. A Theta message usually occurs

as a thought that enters your awareness. "Oh, I need to call John," or "The phone is going to ring," or

"This person is from Arkansas." Theta messages are basically specific by design. By specific I do not

mean always exact. By specific I mean that there is more content to the message than just a general


One morning I ran into a friend that I had not seen in a while. We hugged and greeted each other.

During the hug the thought popped into my mind, "She has been out west." I had no conscious

reason for thinking that thought. There were no visible (beta) signs. So I asked her and she said yes,

that she had just returned the day before. There was specific information but the exact state was

not named. I have had countless experiences where the exact information was named but that is not

always the case. This is an example of a Theta message.

Theta is the level of telepathy, for lack of a better word. The working definition for telepathy is

mind-to-mind communication, or what I believe is more accurate: nervous_system-to-

nervous_system communication. Telepathy occurs as two living things link up with each other at an

empathic or unconscious level. Telepathy does not mean that you are reading a person's mind, like

reading a ticker tape print out. There can be word for word communication but the more common

type of telepathy involves just getting the same emotions and overall ideas of another person.

The sender of the message (either intentional or unintentional) may be thinking of you but not

know how to reach you. You, as the receiver of the message may get a body sensation as a response

to that message but would probably not notice it; you might get an Alpha response but it could be

too vague to understand, if the message is persistent and you are paying attention, then you may

have a Theta response in the form of a thought, "I need to call John." This whole process involves a

telepathic connection but is not called telepathy until the thought occurs which encodes the


Telepathy includes the sending as well as the receiving of messages. As an empath you will

learn to do both. How well you send or receive depends a lot on your personality. A person who is a

good listener and is sensitive to the feelings of others tends to be a good receiver. A person who is

easily distracted and is not really interested in other people's thoughts and feelings generally has

difficulty receiving.

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When a person is self-absorbed they have difficulty receiving. At any given moment when you are

exclusively focused on one thing or activity, you may not notice a telepathic message. Sending a

telepathic message only requires that you think of the person you are sending it to while you focus

on the thought. The more connected you feel to the person while you are sending the thought, the

more direct the message will be.

The type of relationship you have with the sender/receiver also determines the quality of the

telepathy. The closer you are to someone emotionally the greater your telepathic connections. If

you feel comfortable being close to someone, you are more likely to experience a telepathic

connection with that person. That is why if strangers asks you to "be telepathic" with them, the

connection may be elusive as you may not be comfortable being so intimate with a stranger.

Telepathic connections are very intimate. This is why you always hear of mothers detecting their

child in distress or lovers doing the same. If a stranger comes up to you and asks you to read their

mind, there is very little connection between the two of you for any telepathy to occur. Empath

abilities work by their own natural laws and understanding these laws will help you to function as

an empath. Theta messages are determined by the strength and quality of the relationship between

two or more people.

As I said before, Theta messages have content that is specific but not always exact. Since Theta

messages originate from within your unconscious without the benefit of the eyes or ears they are

not encoded into clear signals. The empath mind encodes them with the associations you form,

either consciously or unconsciously.

The big difference between Alpha and Theta comes with how associations are made. In Alpha you

learn to make empath associations consciously. In Theta the associations are already made at an

unconscious level that rise up to the conscious mind. Your unconscious encodes the message

using whatever materials are available to it, just like it does when you are dreaming. Functioning in

a pure empath state, Theta is like dreaming while you are awake.

Your unconscious tends to be very creative when encoding information. It relies on symbology,

analogy, myth, beliefs, perceptions, feelings, memories, imagination, ideas, and even special effects,

in order to paint a Theta message for you. Imagery that is symbolic rather than actual is Theta


Let's say you are out driving around when someone at your house tries to send you a message to

pick up a gallon of milk. You know by now that the message they are sending out is a Beta signal. If

you receive that signal at the Theta level, through telepathy, it may take a variety of forms. It may

come through clearly as the thought, "Hey, I need to stop and the store and buy a gallon of milk." It

may come through partially, "I think I need to stop at the store," with no particular thought about

the milk. The intent may not come through; you might just start thinking about the person sending

the message without associating any information.

It is possible to be unaware of the telepathy. You might pull into a store parking lot, walk into the

store and go up to the dairy section without really thinking about what you are doing. The message

could be encoded symbolically where you suddenly start thinking about dairy cows but you do not

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make any associations with the information. You get home and tell the sender that you were just

thinking about dairy cows. They tell you," I have just been trying and trying to send you a message

to pick up a gallon of milk!"

Theta is the level where empath impressions are encoded and the place where telepathy is

processed. In Alpha the dream voice is heard as a faint and distant whisper. Theta is the dream

voice, the voice of your inner empath. In Beta the dream voice is not heard at all, only felt through

the body. In Alpha the dream voice is faint and often drowned out by the mental noise of Beta. In a

pure Theta state the voice would be loud and clear. The problem for you and me is that we are

normally trying to hear the dream voice while awake, in a Beta or Alpha state. What is needed is a

stronger connection to the inner empath

There are two methods you can use to strengthen your connection to Theta: reducing mental noise

and using an "empath totem."

First let's look at mental noise and how to manage it. I say "manage" because you will never

completely get rid of mental noise. Mental noise is all of the activity of your waking mind. It is every

conscious thought, perception, feeling, and reaction what is going on at the Beta level. Mental noise

is generally very loud and distracting in contrast with the quiet soft nature of your dream voice.

Mental noise can be any or all of the following:

1. What you are actively seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting at any given moment

creates mental noise. If you are trying to listen to your dream voice and someone is revving up a

motorcycle outside your window, that sound creates a lot of mental noise from your reaction to it.

Until you learn to follow these Beta signals down to deeper levels, they tend to be very distracting

and drown out the dream voice of Theta.

2. Your conscious thoughts act as mental noise. When you are analyzing, judging, evaluating, and

trying to interpret information, this creates mental noise. Critical thoughts are mental noise. Self-

criticism is the most oppressive form of mental noise. Thoughts of "I can't do this," " This is

pointless," "This is something only other people can do," are the most distracting forms of mental


3. Imagined impressions are also mental noise. Imagination is very useful in empathic

functioning because it serves as an endless reservoir of imagery. Through imagination you are able

to make Alpha associations, which is a way to mentally feel around in the unconscious, searching

for empath content. Imagination is material that is fashioned by your psyche. Anything fashioned by

your imagination has the potential to encode empath content.

Do not be afraid of imagination, it is not the nemesis of empath evidence. Imagination is a powerful

ability that can be utilized in many ways. I will give you an example of this in the following

discussion of "empath totems." Still, imagination can also generate mental noise. When your

imagination generates images that do not have empath content, then it is mental noise.

4. Memories can also act as mental noise. Remembered impressions can interfere with empathic

impressions. If you are empathically trying to determine what to get a loved one as a gift, and the

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memory of all the things you've gotten before, or the memory of things they've told you keeps

popping up, this acts as mental noise which drowns out the empathic information available through


Typically these four types of mental noise are all happening together in one big mesh of mental distraction. The Beta mind is a busy place with heavy traffic. The next important skill for an empath is to learn how to manage mental noise.

Managing Mental Noise Apart from practicing overall stress management, taking good care of yourself, and having private

time to reflect on your life, the best way to manage mental noise is to create a conditioned

relaxation response within yourself.

There are many advanced ways of creating a relaxation response within yourself, but I offer here a

simple method useful for Empaths. I call this exercise , "empathic breathing."

1. Set aside 10 to 20 minutes a day for empath breathing.

2. Be consistent and do not skip days. Under even the worst conditions you can squeeze in 5

minutes for the exercise.

3. Practice the exercise when you are awake and alert. Do not do it right before going to sleep

or within the first fifteen minutes of waking up.

4. Practice the exercise where you feel you have enough privacy and with the least amount of

distraction. Do not try this exercise with the television on or where you can hear human

voices. Hearing people talking is very distracting.

5. Sit in a comfortable position where you can hold your spine erect. Do not strain or sit stiffly.

Make sure pillows support you (or a chair) and that you feel stable before you begin.

6. The exercise is very simple; it involves counting your inhalations and your exhalations.

Learning empathic breathing prepares you to learn the focused sitting meditation I

mentioned earlier. Your first goal is to be able to do three sets of ten breaths. When you first

start this you may not be able to do all of the breaths in perfect order. You will build up to

this in time. Do not strain or do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Relax and

breathe normally between breaths when you need to.

7. Your second goal is to be able to take long slow breaths that start in the diaphragm and fill

up to your chest. This inhalation is then held to the count of four and is followed by a long

slow exhalation.

8. The first breath begins by inhaling slowly through your nostrils, filling your lungs from the

"bottom up." Fill up your lungs without straining. When your lungs are full then hold the

breath to the count of four. Exhale slowly by pursing your lips and blowing out a long silent

whistle. Empty your lungs as much as possible without straining. When your lungs are

empty hold to the count of four again. This counts as one breath.

9. Repeat for up to ten breaths. Controlling and counting the breaths develops the concentration

and focus that you need in order to manage mental noise. When you first do this you may only

be able to do one set of ten breaths. You may not even be able to do ten breaths, so do what you

can. Whatever you do will start to work for you. It is important that you do not do anything

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that will make you uncomfortable. The idea is to relax and work with your breathing. Your

breathing becomes something you are creating and refining. Each time you sit you work on

improving your breathing and learning to relax into the experience.

10. Your eventual goal is to perform three full sets of ten breaths. You can do more sets if it

suits your capacity. As you do your sets count your breaths and keep your thoughts focused

on the count. Other thoughts and images will come into your mind, simply let them be. Do

not try to do anything with those thoughts and images.

11. Sometimes you will find yourself traveling through different states of consciousness while

you do this. Other times you will stay in a Beta state throughout the exercise.

Empath breathing is one of the best things you can do for yourself for many reasons. It will help you

learn to manage your mental noise and it will help you increase your overall energy level as well. After

you have practiced empathic breathing for a period of time, which differs from person to person, you

will be able to literally turn down the mental noise in your head by taking ten breaths and counting

each one.

Empath Totems Another way to strengthen the connection to your inner empath is to work with an empath totem.

An empath totem is a symbol that you choose to represent your own empath nature. It can be in any

form you select with no limits. It is only important that the symbol have meaning and connection

for you. It becomes your logo as an empath. In the same way that European families had family

shields and crests representing their lineage, an empath can establish a totem to represent their

particular link to the empath levels.

An empath totem is formulated at the Theta level, using symbology and association. Yet all levels of

the empath are incorporated into the totem. To choose a totem simply requires that it be the one

you desire, you feel connected to, that has meaning for you, and that it feels right.

Totems can evolve, change, grow, diversify, and transform. Whatever totem you choose now for

your empath training will go through many stages of development as you grow in your life. The

totem acts as a mirror of sorts reflecting the obvious and hidden parts of your psyche. It grows and

changes as you grow and change. It becomes the connection to your empath self and acts as an

extension of you. It is one of the most beautiful and powerful of the tools available to Empaths.

Many fascinating uses and experiences with totems have been shared with me over the years.

A totem does not need to be secret but it does need to be sacred or special. It is a tool that is

empowered when you treat it with respect and with purpose. It can be an abstract symbol, it can be

a traditional symbol; it can be represented by an animal - real or "imaginary," It can be mythological

or entirely created by your imagination. It will be the vessel into which your empath nature will

flow. A totem acts as a tangible or visible connector to your essentially invisible empathic nature.

Select a totem in your own time. You may already have one in mind or you may need to work on

it for a while. You may be drawn to a totem by an Alpha or Beta message, or it may come to you

through a dream. Once you have selected your totem you can begin to take steps to externalize it.

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You can externalize your totem in different ways. You can obtain pictures that have your totem in

them. You can obtain objects, jewelry, and decorations of your totem.

You can create your totem through any type of medium you desire. After a while, your totem will

take on a life of it's own directed by and connected with your own empath nature. Eventually you

will be able to retrieve empath impressions through your totem. In this capacity your totem can act

as a Guide. Just having a totem acts as a grounding mechanism for your empath nature, energizing

you and reinforcing the connection with your Theta level.

Record the selection of your totem in your dreamtongue journal. Also indicate in your journal your

empathic breathing sessions. You may just want to record how long the session was but it would

better serve your training record if you were to record your response to each session for the first

three months. After three months empathic breathing will become a natural skill for you and you

could just comment on it as you like.

This completes the fifth stage of your preliminary training. At this point you have many thoughts

and activities in motion that are shaping your development.

Before closing this chapter I want to share one very intense Theta experience, where imagery was

used in a symbolic fashion. Alpha and Beta impressions were also involved, but the Theta image

was very clear.

Back in 1978 I was sitting in a meditation group. We sat in a circle in a quiet room meditating

together for about an hour. I was relaxed and was calmly observing images as they passed through

my mind. Suddenly the outlined images of a map appeared in my mind. It looked like an outline of

the southern portions of the U.S. and the northern portions of South America.

The image stayed in place and I became intrigued. A red spot appeared on the map near the South

American portion. I watched as the red spot grew larger and larger. It was as clear as if I were

watching it on TV. The spot grew into a large and vicious looking dragon. The dragon became larger

than the map as it twisted and growled fiercely. An intense feeling of horror and grief flashed

through my body like a gust of wind. Then the image and the feeling disappeared.

When the meditation was over I shared the images with friends but no one could offer any

explanations. I did not have any further feelings or information about it. So I went home that night

and turned on the TV. Within minutes of turning on the TV news bulletin came on showing

Jonestown, Guyana. They described the discovery of more than 900 bodies and the nightmare that

had taken place. The time that this discovery was made was the same time that I was seeing the

image of the dragon.

I have never forgotten that experience. Many such events in my life have caused me to lose interest

in debating with people about the existence of empath phenomenon.

Stage Five Review 1. The goal of stage five is to learn about accessing Theta messages and to learn how to

strengthen your connection to Theta (the inner empath).

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2. Learning Dreamtongue involves looking at the world through the "eyes of an empath,"

seeing that all life is language.

3. Theta acts as an inner channel between your outermost and innermost senses.

4. Theta is normally only available to you while you sleep and dream.

5. Theta messages typically occur as thoughts and symbolic information.

6. Telepathy is a Theta function. Telepathy occurs when two living things link up in some form

of relationship.

7. The ability of sending and receiving in telepathy is shaped by the personality of the sender

and receiver.

8. The relationship between the sender and receiver will determine the strength and quality of

the telepathy.

9. Theta uses imagination to encode empathic impressions.

10. Empathic breathing is an important skill used for managing mental noise.

11. An empath totem can be used to strengthen and nourish your own empath connections.

Stage 6 Developing the Eyes of an Empath

You now possess three of the empathic letters of Dreamtongue: Beta, Alpha, and Theta. At this stage

in your training you are observing the world around you more closely, you are practicing alpha

associating, you are keeping an Empaths journal, and you are practicing empathic breathing.

These four elements combined are shaping and feeding your empathic nature, preparing you to

function as an actualized or bonded Empath. By the time you reach stage eight you will be speaking

and interpreting Dreamtongue and will begin the experience of "co-patterning," where your inner

empath melds with your waking mind, synthesizing a new and emerging self, a psychic "rebirth" as

an empath.

This process is equal to an infant growing into a toddler by learning to walk. Your empathic nature

is like a dormant developmental stage that requires for you to take tiny steps first, and then in time

learn walking. In the same way that you learned how to talk in small stages, learning more about

the world as you learned more words and became more capable of interacting with the people

around you.

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You are now learning Dreamtongue where you will become more capable of interacting with the

empathic level of the world, where an entire new universe will become available to you.

In Lesson Five you learned about the Theta level and about telepathy. You learned about empathic

breathing and about empathic totems, both powerful tools for strengthening and enhancing the

connection with your inner empath.

In Stage Six of your training that connection is very important. I highly recommended getting fully

comfortable with all prior lessons before you start to work with Lesson Six. You are going to use

that connection like a rope to pull your inner empath up from the depths of your unconscious into

your waking mind.

First you are going to use that rope, that connection, to travel down into the deepest empathic

sense, Delta, and then you are going to use that connection to bring Delta awareness up and into

your Beta state. This is a process I call "co-patterning." You will learn about "co-patterning" by

reading this chapter but it is not an experience that occurs automatically. It is something that you

can trigger, and it is something that happens naturally in stages and when you are

ready for it.


Delta is the deepest level of measurable consciousness. You generate Delta brainwaves, which cycle

between 1 to 4 per second, when you are in a deep profound sleep. It is also possible to enter a pure

Delta state through profound states of meditation and deep states of trance. If your consciousness

were an ocean then Delta would be the current just above the ocean floor.

Delta is the core of Theta, it is the "place" of the sleeping empath. The circle of Delta is like an egg or

a seed containing the fullness of your empathic nature. Delta is what is nurtured by the practice of

empathic breathing and the use of an empathic totem. Through empath training you fertilize and

gestate Delta, like an egg to be hatched. In time the egg opens and the inner empathic emerges

within you and begins to grow within you like a fresh new life.

Delta is the fourth letter of the empathic alphabet and the fourth level of empathic

functioning. At the Delta level empathic information is processed through inner vision by what was

traditionally called, "clairvoyance," which means clear seeing.

Now this inner vision is often referred to as "remote viewing." It is the ability to see images within

your mind without the benefit of your eyes. All functions of visualization and the use of imagery

originate in Delta.

In Theta images drawn from the Delta level are used symbolically. For example the symbolic image

of a tree may emerge as an empathic impression. The tree may represent the overall life of a person.

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If the tree is full of leaves and fruit, the empathic impression would be one of abundance,

prosperity, health, and happiness. If the tree is bare it may indicate lack or unhappiness. It would

depend on the associations you make while you focus on the image of the tree. If you see one of the

branches breaking off the tree it could mean that someone or something is leaving, or a loss of some

sort. The imagery of Theta is typically symbolic in this way.

In Delta the function of "remote viewing" involves more of an actual perception of images. A Delta

message of a tree would be the image of an actual tree somewhere. A Theta message of a tree would

be the symbolic use of the image. How do you tell the two apart? The answer is: by intent. The

image of a tree originates in Delta because all imagery originates in Delta.

Delta images are either fashioned by imagination, memory, or by remote viewing. How you

use the imagery is up to you. If you decide in your mind to use an image as a symbolic focus for

empathic information, then that image will respond to your attention in a symbolic way. It is, after

all, your mind and your thoughts.

All the images of inner vision are technically symbolic since they do not originate with the eyes

directly. If your intent is to see a person or place through remote viewing, then that intent will

guide the process. For the most part, symbolic and actual imagery overlap since the empathic mind

works with gestalts, or holograms.

Over the years many students have come to me complaining that they are not very good at

visualizing. Some say that they cannot visualize at all or that they never "see" any empathic images.

If you feel that visualizing is a problem for you or you just want to improve your ability to visualize,

then some basic information and practice offered in stage six will help.

First of all, visualizing occurs in degrees. Just thinking about an object is a form of visualizing.

Right now, as you read this, think of a red delicious apple. Just by reading the words "red delicious

apple" you immediately start to form impressions. Even if you did not immediately see the red

apple in your mind, you at least started thinking about it.

Now try to picture the apple, not just the shiny red outside, but imagine yourself biting into the

apple. Think about the crisp texture, the sweet flavor, and the delicious juice. Think about the

contrast between the shiny red peel on the outside and the white crispy wetness inside. Think

about the soft wafting scent of the apple.

Which of any of these images did you respond to the most? If you responded to any or all of them

then you have been visualizing. Still, I understand that it is the act of forming the actual "picture" of

the object where some people have their greatest struggle with visualizing.

To get a sense of how you visualize, do the following simple exercise:

First close your eyes and imagine that you are at home in your bedroom (unless you really are in

your bedroom, in that case choose another equally familiar room). Then try to picture the room: try

to see the bed, the furniture, any wall hangings, etc. You may have more response to picturing

familiar objects like those in your bedroom. They are not really like actual photographs with vivid

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color and sharpness, are they? Visualize yourself moving around the room observing colors, shapes,

objects, etc.

Do this for about five minutes then open your eyes again. Notice the quality of these "images." They

tend to be only remotely visual. You are not using your eyes to see these images; you are using

memory and imagination to create images. If you have ever daydreamed or let your mind "wander"

off to distant thoughts, then you were visualizing. The very process of thinking is a form of

visualizing. You are thinking and visualizing all the time. By focusing your thoughts into one area

you can bring a visualized picture into your mind.

The good news is that the practice of empathic breathing will also enhance your ability to visualize.

As you do your breathing sessions you will notice images coming and going within your mind. As

you progress in your training these images will become clearer and more abundant. Part of this

involves learning to relax. The more relaxed you become the easier it is to visualize. When you

are tense and breathing shallow it is more difficult to visualize.

The other good news is that your empathic totem is ready and waiting to improve your

visualization skills! As you do your empathic breathing exercise, begin to incorporate your totem

into the practice. You have probably done this already. As you are counting your breaths you can

picture your totem in your mind. Do not try to force the image of your totem, just be aware of your

totem and let any images of it appear. Record these experiences in your Dreamtongue journal.

You can also "talk" an image. You may receive a Delta message about a specific place; let's say a zoo.

Someone wants you to meet him or her at the zoo but they cannot reach you by phone. At the Delta

level you get a mental picture of the zoo but you do not see the image in your mind. You may notice

this message at the Beta level through a body signal, or at the Alpha level with a general feelings, or

at the Theta level with thoughts and symbols.

The thoughts at the Theta level may be of animals or of an animal. You might start thinking about

giraffes for no apparent reason. You are in the grocery store looking at broccoli when suddenly the

thought of a giraffe occurs to you. You ask yourself, "Why am I thinking about a giraffe?" The picture

of a giraffe may not be in your mind but the thought or word is there.

In thinking about an image you are talking the image, which often leads to the picture itself. At that

point a picture of your friend standing at the zoo gate could form. From there associations may

follow where you connect with the idea of the zoo and eventually the person.

The most memorable experience I have had with Delta overlaps with another empathic talent called

" astral traveling," or "out of body experience" (O.B.E.) It is debatable whether or not we actually

leave our bodies to travel around or whether we are "seeing clearly" another place. It is at the Delta

level that such experiences take place. I have had numerous out of body experiences of different


One of the most powerful Delta visions I have ever had occurred after the death of my grandmother.

It happened after I had moved to another state and had not seen her in a long time. She had made a

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tremendous impression on me as a child and I felt very close to her. She had gone to bed and quietly

drifted away in her sleep. It was just the way she had always said that she wanted to go.

When I got the news I went and sat on the couch. I thought that I was going to be hit by a wave of

grief but instead, something very different happened. I closed my eyes and at the same time it was

like I was opening my eyes somewhere else. As my outer eyes closed, my inner eyes opened. I was

looking directly within her house over a thousand miles away. In this instance, the vision was sharp

and three-dimensional. It was as if I was physically in her kitchen. I could see every aspect of the

kitchen, the table and chairs, the floor, and even small plants in her windowsill. I could move

through the vision. I looked into her living room and throughout the house. The remarkable clarity

and lifelike quality of the image remained intact as I examined her entire house.

There was another level to this experience, though. It is more related to Gamma, the next stage of

your training. While I was looking all through her house I could here her voice talking to me. I could

not see her anywhere but I could hear her in every room. My visual movement through the house

was like I was trying to find her. She kept talking to me the entire time. Then, after I had gone

through the house, I opened my outer eyes and was back on the couch. I could not remember

anything that she said during the vision, for it was like another language, but I was filled with an

incredible sense of peaceful calm. I never did feel any sadness about her death after that. Whatever

it was that she had told me helped me to understand and accept where she now was.

That was an example of my most vivid Delta experience. A more common example might deal with

finding a lost object or "looking ahead" to see if someone is at home or not. A good way to practice

Delta skills on a daily basis is by the "looking ahead" method.

The Looking Ahead Delta (L.A.D.) Exercise Athletes do laps, Empaths do LAD's. The purpose of this exercise is twofold. First, the Looking

Ahead Delta exercise helps you begin to develop your visualization skills in a practical manner.

Second, the L.A.D. exercise trains your Delta level to work with your conscious Beta level. This is the

pulling the rope to bring up your inner empathic from the depths. This is an exercise that you can

do throughout your day without taking out any more time from your schedule.

A L.A.D. consists of visualizing something before it happens or before you know about it. For

example, before you check your mailbox, visualize what is inside.

Other types of L.A.D. possibilities:

Before you open a package visualize what is inside.

Before you enter a room, visualize who and/or what is inside.

Before calling someone, visualize what he or she is doing.

Before taking a walk, visualize what you might see.

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Do this two to three times a day or as often as you like. Do it in ways that are comfortable and

convenient for you. Do not push it or become too concerned with it. This is an exercise that needs to

be fun and relaxed. Straining too hard to do a L.A.D. exercise works to the opposite effect, by closing

off the Delta channel. When you first start you will have to remind yourself to practice.

Eventually it will become second nature, where you will form mental pictures ahead of an event.

Here is the key to this exercise: in the same way that Alpha Associating is practiced without

concern over empathic content, L.A.D.'s are performed without concern about empathic

images. The purpose of the exercise is to train your Delta awareness to become a conscious

function. In time the strength you develop in your Delta level will be useful for remote viewing.

It is the same as in weight lifting. After you lift weights you do not instantly get the full desired

physique. After steady work for a length of time you end up with the body you wanted. When you

are doing a L.A.D. exercise you do not become instantly clairvoyant, but in time your capacity for

clairvoyant imagery increases. Some of your L.A.D. results will have empathic content, that's fine as

long as you understand that when there is no empathic content the L.A.D. is still good.

The sixth stage of preliminary empath training is the final stage involving normal empathic

functioning. By normal empathic functioning I am referring to the general abilities I have talked

about so far: empathic sensing, telepathy, and clairvoyance.

There is still another stage but the next stage, Gamma, involves the extraordinary aspects of the

empathic world. Some Empaths may want to work only with the first four levels of Beta, Alpha,

Theta, and Delta. This is a personal choice. You can focus your development as an empath on any

one level or combined levels.

The full nature of Dreamtongue, though, comes from the deepest empathic level of Gamma. If you

are interested in developing the full set of empathic letters and learning the art of the empathic

language, then you will begin here, in stage six, to work with "co-patterning."

Co-patterning Co-patterning is a word that I coined to refer specifically to a deep level of empathic development in

Empaths. It resulted from intensive work with groups of students who were interested in profound

levels of change and personal transformation. It took several years to really understand what it was

and how it works. The simplest explanation for co-patterning is: the process of awakening the

sleeping empathic within and merging it with your conscious mind.

To break down the definition into Dreamtongue components:

co-patterning is the process of awakening (making conscious) the sleeping empath (Delta level)

within and merging it with your conscious mind (Beta).

Your sleeping empath within is really just a dormant or remote part of yourself. It is not actually

separate or different from the rest of you. It is a potential that you carry and can realize by

developing skills related to that potential. The elusive nature of empathic phenomenon is due in

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part to the dormant or undeveloped side of empathic potentials. There are times when the Sun and

the Moon can be seen in the sky together but it is not very often.

As you grow as an empath, your conscious mind and your empathic mind gradually

synthesize. This affects your personality, your behavior, and your perception of the world. Many of

you who read this already know yourself as an empath. Others sense their empathic nature and

want to awaken it.

There are unique challenges to being an empath. There are no institutions or traditions set up to

support and guide Empaths. There have been no schools or guidelines developed to help Empaths

deal with their unique relationship to the world and society before now.

I established the School of Empath Psychology back in 1997 to form some sort of foundation for

future Empath research and development. This is the work that I am undertaking by sharing


Dreamtongue is the language of transformation and inter-connectedness. It does not have to be

referred to as "dreamtongue", that is only a creative label. It is "holographic language." As your

empathic mind melds with your waking mind, you begin a personal transformation, I call that

transformation co-patterning.

Co-patterning can begin spontaneously or through training. An intense emotional experience

may initiate the co-patterning process. A symbolic or spiritual experience may also initiate co-

patterning. Anyone who is aware of their own deeper empathic nature as they move through the

day-to-day world has started the co-patterning process.

Empath training helps you get a handle on the process of empathic transformation. It provides a

structure within which to grow and emerge as an actualized empath. The combined elements of

empath training also initiate co-patterning. I will restate this as:

Empath Training - By beginning to observe the world with greater awareness (of yourself & others),

- Combined with practicing Alpha Associating,

- Combined with practicing empathic breathing,

-Combined with the use of a empathic totem,

- Combined with Look Ahead Delta Exercises,

- And recording your training experiences & observations in an Empaths journal,

- You can initiate the co-patterning process yourself.

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There are endless topics and areas of empathic development. All of them are interesting and useful,

but I have found that concentrating on the Empaths training is the most powerful and direct way to

tap into your empathic potential.


Stage 6 Review 1. The goal of stage six is to bring Delta awareness into your conscious mind.

2. Delta is the deepest level of measurable consciousness.

3. Delta is the level of inner vision or remote viewing.

4. Theta uses Delta imagery symbolically.

5. Delta imagery is closer to actual objects, places, and persons.

6. Intent guides empathic functioning.

7. The Theta practices of empathic breathing and using an empathic totem enhance

visualization skills.

8. Visualization occurs through thinking and picturing.

9. Stress and strain shuts down access to the Delta level.

10. The sixth stage of empath training is the last stage of normal empathic development.

11. Co-patterning is the process of uniting your empathic mind with your waking mind.

12. Co-patterning can occur spontaneously or through the Empaths Training.

13. The Empaths Training was summarized in this lesson.

14. Dreamtongue originates in Gamma, the deepest level of empathic functioning.

Stage 7 Discovering Your Power

In the last stage you learned direct ways to tap into your inner vision and about the experience of

co-patterning. Once co-patterning is complete your waking mind and your empathic mind will be

one and the same. Little is required at the point in order to access empathic information.

If you have read chapter six and have started the L.A.D. exercises, then you are ready to move into

stage seven of your empath training. Stage seven introduces you to Gamma the fifth and final letter

of the empathic alphabet. In the advanced stages of your training you will learn how to translate the

English alphabet by using empathic language, revealing the "Dreamtongue" level of written and

spoken language.

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A discussion on Gamma can either be made out to be very complex or very simple. The world is

fully of complex "gamma books." The purpose of this chapter is to make Gamma very simple and


The problem with going farther than Delta is that we have run out of brain waves. Delta waves cycle

between 1 to 4 per second, so going past Delta seems impossible. In fact, everything about Gamma

seems impossible. Yet Gamma experiences occur. Gamma is not related to a specific brain wave

pattern, for it is the combination of all brain wave patterns.

Gamma is consciousness as an energy field, a whole unit of interconnected functions.

Understanding the "field effect" is a vital turning point in your development. Grasping the

implications of the field effect can take you out of the realm of "superstitious thinking" into a

rational and grounded appreciation for empathic functioning. This is an important step in our

progress as Empaths.

In some older traditions Gamma has been called "the aura," where others have called it

the "L-field." It is not limited to your head area or to your psyche. The best image of

Gamma is suggested by the Tattwa akasa as a basically oval light surrounding your entire

body. (Representing the field effect itself).

Gamma is the source of consciousness combined with the overall effect of consciousness. It is the

source of the other levels of empathic communication in Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta. As the source

of consciousness Gamma could be called the "spirit."

So, as you might guess, as we move into the Gamma level we are moving into metaphysical

territory. At the Gamma level we enter the world of metaphysical and spiritual speculation,

something that is best communicated through Dreamtongue, through symbols, myths, archetypes,

ideas, and associations.

Gamma events are the result of the ultimate nature of all things, whatever that may be. Gamma is

representative of that "one step beyond our ability to perceive or comprehend." Gamma events are

more difficult to explain because they occur outside of our understanding of reality. Gamma events

are precognition: empathic messages about future events; retrocognition: empathic messages about

past events; communication with other levels of consciousness or beings as they might be called.

At the Gamma level issues of life after death, communication with the deceased, channeling,

reincarnation, and the nature of reality all come into play. As I mentioned before, some empaths

prefer to work at just the normal empathic levels and do not necessarily go as far as the Gamma

level. Gamma is more difficult to work with because it is indefinable, yet at the same time, it is

easier to work with because all things are an expression of it.

There is a great paradox at this level; involving the mind trying to know or perceive past its own

limits. The results of the paradox, unfortunately, are an endless amount of speculation, fantasy, and

wishful thinking. What is "true" or "truth" remains to be seen. That does not mean that we should

overlook or avoid the Gamma level. It just means that we should be more vigilant and grounded

when it comes to investigating Gamma experience.

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Conventional use of language fails to express the complete nature of the Gamma level. "What"

Gamma is communicates through Dreamtongue, as a holographic language that conveys

much more information through symbology than what is available through literal use of

words and ideas.

At the Gamma level Dreamtongue occurs in its full expressive form. Communication and

information are available through creative and archetypal imagery. In the next chapter you will

learn the art of empathic language as it occurs on the Gamma level, using the full empathic alphabet.

For now, your focus is on understanding Gamma as the fifth empathic letter and the fifth level of

empathic functioning.

One of the misconceptions that people have about any kind of "psychic functioning" is that it mostly

means the ability to tell the future. From this belief, many people who try to develop their empathic

natures spend a lot of time focusing on predicting the future in some form. Precognitions do occur

but the strength of empathic ability rests in the day to day connections of telepathy, alpha

associating, and remote viewing.

The idea that we can predict the future is fraught with many problems. If we can predict the future

does that mean, then, that the future is already set? Does learning about future events change future

events? If so, then what is the value of learning future events? The idea of seeing into the future

presents an unsolvable puzzle to the human mind. It does not fit into any understanding of reality

as we know it. Yet it happens.

In my work as a empathic consultant over many years, I have had incredible moments of

pinpointing future events for people. The events would happen and everyone would be amazed,

including me. Other times I could not tell a person their name if I were looking at their driver's


Information about the future comes from a place inside that cannot be directly manipulated. It is

extremely easy for us to fool ourselves. The laws of chance alone make guessing accurate at least

half the time. All too often what appears to be an accurate prediction of the future is really the

result of guessing, logical, and critical thinking, imagination, and the desire to believe.

Now, having said that, there are awesome moments when images and information about the future

actually do come through the empathic mind. Let's just be as realistic about it as we possibly can.

The most common forms of precognition come through dreams. Have you ever had a dream that

came true? Many, many times I have had dreams of people, places, and events, a year or two before

I ever knew the people or the places. It creates an odd feeling when you walk into a place and meet

a person you dreamed about two years before. This feeling has been called deja-vu. I believe that

most deja-vu experience comes from empathic dreams that eventually become reality.

Precognition as a empathic ability often occurs spontaneously and without warning. This

type of Gamma information suddenly appears in the mind through feelings, impressions, thoughts,

or images. Gamma messages can interact with any of the other levels since Gamma is the source

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place of the levels. The most direct form of precognition is the spontaneous kind, for it usually

relates to information that is needed in the moment.

People have tried for centuries, if not millennia, to manipulate precognition. Divination is an art

form that has evolved for the purpose of manipulating precognition. The tools of divination help the

empath focus their empathic impressions and empathic intent. The common tools of divination

include tarot cards, scrying tools, numbers, runes, I-Ching, and yes, even tea leaves.

It does not matter what the tools are for all your empathic mind needs is a place to focus. The use of

a visual object to gain empathic information from Gamma is a Beta function. Therefore the use of

tools can establish a channel between the Beta and the Gamma levels.

Another form of precognition is the premonition. A premonition is more like a "sense" of

something about to occur. People who fly the same airline or airplane all the time are often the ones

who decided not to take the flight the day of an accident; because it did not feel right for some

reason. A premonition is a Gamma message about a future event that is felt at the Alpha level

through a sense or impression.

The other end of Gamma abilities deals with retrocognition, or empathic information about

the past. Retrocognition is what you hear about when an empathic is working on solving a crime

with the police. Information and impressions are pieced together to track a killer or to just

determine what happened. This information can come through any of the channels but is often

accessed through Theta and Delta. In retrocognition you can access Gamma information about the

past, information that will come to you as thoughts and images.

So you see, Gamma interacts with all the empathic levels. Gamma is the power source to the

other levels. Working with Gamma strengthens Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta functions. To work

with Gamma is to develop your power source as an empath and is easy to initiate. To begin working

with Gamma only requires that you select a tool or tools that you will use to focus your empathic


Selecting a Gamma Tool A Gamma tool is one that is used in divination. Divination is the artful way of processing empathic

information. Again, traditional tools of divination are the Tarot cards, runes, numbers, tea leaves,

crystal balls, a bowl of water, yarrow sticks for I-Ching, regular playing cards, and so on. No one tool

is better than the other except that a specific tool will work better for one individual than for


I encourage you to take your time with this stage, to have fun, and to be very creative. Selecting a

Gamma tool requires some experimentation. Trying different tools until you connect with just the

right one. You may select more than one, but there will always be one that is more powerful for you.

Ultimately you will not need tools to process empathic information but they can be an asset in the

early stages of your development.

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Before selecting a tool be sure to consider the following information. The traditional tools

were created by people who were connected to their own Gamma level, their own personal power.

The best tools are the ones you develop yourself or the ones that you use in your own personal way.

That is why there are so many cards and systems available today.

There is an empathic renaissance occurring. People are realizing the creative force behind empathic

and spiritual methodology. If you do choose a traditional tool, then be flexible and realize that it will

eventually have to be shaped to fit your own inner nature. The books and the guidelines will help

you get started but the true guidance comes from within. That is the whole point.

To Develop Your Gamma Power Source: 1. Select one tool. (You may add more later, but the goal is to focus!) The tool may be traditional or

one you develop yourself. I will describe how to develop one yourself shortly.

2. The tool needs to be a physical object. If your tool is a "spirit guide" or an empathic totem then

create or acquire a physical object that represents your connection to the guide. This can be a piece

of jewelry, a picture, a symbolic object, etc.

3. If the tool is jewelry then take exceptional care of that jewelry. Keep it on your person at all

times. When you want to access empathic information touch or gaze at the object. If the tool is a set

of cards or other traditional objects then make a special place to keep and preserve them. How you

treat the tool forms an "aura" of expectation and preservation of energy.

4. If you use a box or area to store your Gamma tools, be sure to include an image of your

empathic totem on or in the area. We are working with the "art of intent" here, not superstitious

thinking. For example, let's say your empathic totem is a hawk and your choice of tools is a set of

Tarot cards. You can build or acquire a wooden box to store the cards. You could carve or burn the

image of a hawk into the lid of the box. This way you have connected your Gamma tools with your

empathic totem. The goal is to have all levels interact.

5. The use of tools establishes a Beta presence for your empathic nature. You can extend this

presence in different ways. Your object or the container of your object can be anointed with a

scent that you associate with your own empathic nature. The choice of an oil or scent should be

made empathically by listening to Dreamtongue: through a Beta, Alpha, Theta, or Delta message.

Any colors associated with your tools can be chosen in the same way. The more associations you

form to your tools the stronger your connection to your power source.

6. If you find yourself using a tool and you are not feeling connected to it, then change. Do not

become burdened with trying to make it work. Your empathic nature is already present; it simply

needs a means to express. Listen to your inner empathic, it will guide you.

7. Change and evolve your tools over time. Do not worry about jumping around from one thing

to another. You will find yourself always coming back to the thing that empowers you the most. The

process of being drawn back to something is a very powerful Gamma confirmation.

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8. Be sure to include your observations and developing relationship with your tools in your

Dreamtongue journal.

Creating Your Own Gamma Tool The creation of new Gamma tools is very prevalent today. You can find countless versions of Tarot

cards, empathic reading cards, and spiritual guidance cards. There are many systems of divination

available to you right now. Any one of them may be your Gamma connection. You can also be the

creator of one. As an empath you only need a place to focus your attention. Once focused you can

listen the language of Dreamtongue.

To create your own tool or tools first decide what kind of method you want to use. There are

two types of method in divination:

the "drawing method"-- where empathic information appears to be drawn from a source, and

the "projective method" - where empathic information is projected onto images and patterns.

The projective method is commonly done through cards, stones, and patterns. You can design a set

of cards which contain images that are meaningful to you. The number of cards, the meaning of the

cards, how they are to be laid out, and the guidelines for their use can all be empathically

determined by you.

The projective method is also done by something called, "scrying," which involves gazing into a

translucent substance like water or a crystal ball. By focusing your attention into a bowl or pool of

water you can project Delta images to gain information. To use the projective method simply

requires that you have something visual on which to focus. The rules, guidelines, and things that

you use to establish your focus are completely up to you.

There is no secret formula needed in order for them to work. Your own empathic nature is what

works; the tools are just the means to an end. You could grab a clump of dirt and throw it on the

sidewalk, then look for patterns in the dirt. It is your empathic mind which organizes the

interpretations you get. So be creative and be adventurous.

The drawing method can be done in many ways. For example, you may select a necklace as your

Gamma tool. Let's say it is an ankh. You might rub this ankh with patchouli oil once a week, because

the scent of patchouli is compatible with your empathic nature. When you smell the patchouli you

are reminded of your growth as an empath.

To use the drawing method you would train yourself to touch the ankh in a specific way, such as

holding it between the thumb and index finger with your left hand. You associate this act with

drawing empathic information into your awareness, so that each time you do this you access one or

more levels of Dreamtongue.

The selection of an object and the ritual you design to access it is completely determined by you.

The important thing to remember is to decide in advance how you are going to use it so that you are

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clear enough to focus when you need to. Be creative and be flexible. Let the process grow and shape

itself through experience.

There is one last practice to put into place. The practice of empowering your Gamma tools. This is

really self-empowerment with the tools as the focal point.

Empowering Your Gamma Tools The last piece to put into place involves connecting with the world around you. As an empath it is

vital that you connect with the Earth, the natural rhythms and cycles that are occurring around you.

If you are in the house, in the car, at work all the time, then you can lose your connection to the

pulse of life around you. To empower your Gamma connection requires that you find a specific

activity in order to connect with the Earth in your own personal way. Consider the following


1. Select a place outdoors that is special to you in some way. Listen to the Dreamtongue

messages you get while selecting an area. Listen to how your body responds, to the feelings you get,

the impressions that come to mind, the images that appear. You probably already have such a place

in mind; it is a place where you need to go from time to time.

2. It does not matter if this is a public or private place, as much as it matters how you feel and

respond to it. It can be a park, a beach, a backyard, a courtyard, a tree, a river, a stream, a pond, a

path, a garden. It can be anything as long as it feels right to you and you can associate connecting to

the Earth through the place.

3. Make a point to visit this place at least once a week. There are no rules for how often you do

this; it is just that you maintain the connection. Sometimes you will need to go there more often and

other times less often. There will be times when weather affects your access to the place. The place

itself will go through cycles and growth, which will be a part of your process. If your place is a park

that gets bulldozed down for a parking lot then your growth will involve transferring the energy of

that spot to a new place.

4. Take your Gamma tool(s) with you when you go to the place. You may design a ritual

(process) for your empowerment time. You may just sit in contemplation. Your time may involve

walking or creating or whatever. You must guide and determine these things for yourself. This

inner guidance is the power of the empath that you need to develop.

5. Record each time you visit your power source in your empaths journal. Some may use the

time at the power source for journal writing. You may find yourself writing more directly in

Dreamtongue (from the empathic level) by doing this.

6. Always go alone to this place. This maintains the focus and the concentration behind your

development. You might desire to share this spot with a special person but I encourage you to keep

this practice intact. Of course, the only really guiding principle comes from within you and all

choices rest with you. You may find other places that are better for sharing with others.

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You now have all five of the letters of the empathic alphabet:

You have been introduced to how they relate and work with each other. These letters combine into

messages and impressions that originate from your empathic senses. To understand your dream

voice, which speaks in the language of your unconscious, involves hearing with your body, mind,

and soul, the messages that come from all levels of life.

Normal literal language conveys very little information compared to Dreamtongue. By beginning to

understand the five empathic letters you are seeing how a symbol can represent so much more

information than a word, as well as how a word can be a symbol. This understanding of how a

symbol can convey more information than a literal word is the beginning of your knowledge of

Dreamtongue. It is the language of an empath. It is a key to levels of information not available to

your primary senses.

When you have selected a Gamma tool or tools, and have begun the practice of empowering

yourself and those tools, you have completed stage seven of your training as an empath. You are

now ready to begin working with the art of empathic language.

Stage 7 Review 1. The goal of stage seven is to understand Gamma as the source of the other four levels of

empathic functioning and to develop a means of working with this power source.

2. Gamma, unlike the other functions, is not related to brain wave activity.

3. Gamma is consciousness as a field of energy, also called the aura.

4. Gamma events involve precognition, retrocognition, channeling, issues of Life after death,

other forms of life, and other levels of reality.

5. Precognition often occurs spontaneously when there is a need. Divination is a means of

accessing precognition intentionally.

6. Divination is the artful way of processing empathic information.

7. Selecting a Gamma tool connects an empath to her or his own power source.

8. You can create your Gamma tool or use traditional ones.

9. The final practice of empath training is to empower your Gamma tools on a regular basis.

10. Dreamtongue is the language of the empath using symbols to convey more information than

literal language.

Stage 8 Interpreting Dreamtongue

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Section 1 In stage seven all the pieces of your empath training were set into place. You learned about Gamma,

the source of empathic information and ways to empower that source. At this stage you will have

chosen a tool or set of tools to work with your empathic source and will have begun the practice of

empowering your tools.

You are now ready to learn the basics of interpreting and working with the empathic language of

Dreamtongue;.to learn how the letters of the empathic Alphabet fit together to form words, images,

and messages.

This lesson will be like a spelling primer, introducing you to pieces of the empathic language that

you can use to learn the larger forms of expression; think of it as an "empathic dictionary." You can

learn this primer by first focusing on the areas that are of interest to you. In time you can learn the

other areas for greater expansion of your abilities.

The language of Dreamtongue, by any name, is spoken by all living things. At the nuclear level of the

atom, all things can be considered to have life. Dreamtongue is the interconnected

communications between all things.

You are more likely to be aware of the empathic language between people, but it occurs between

animals, plants, and insects as well. Dreamtongue occurs through all of nature, for mother Earth

herself is a living thing. The Earth speaks to you through Dreamtongue. As your understanding of

this greater meta-communication process increases, so too will your empathic abilities.

Since Dreamtongue is the all pervasive language of existence there is no end to the possible uses

and formats available to an Empath. As a student of Dreamtongue you have stepped into a

wonderful world of limitless possibilities. To guide you in your learning of the empathic language I

have chosen one area to focus the lesson. I will focus on the interactions between people. After

learning about interactions your journey will have just begun as you explore Dreamtongue

communication with animals, plants, and beyond.

In the same way that you can fit into a new culture or country by learning the language, the learning

of Dreamtongue will help you become a citizen of a larger empathic world with vast amounts of

new information. Your challenge as a budding Empath will be to learn how you can use that

information and how that information impacts your life. To deal with those challenges I encourage

you to work with an "Empath's Circle," described in the next lesson.

Interpreting the Empathic Language of another Person The five levels of Dreamtongue, indicated by the five empathic letters, apply to every aspect of


The following symbol composite represents every person you encounter:

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Where is the physical body, appearance, body language and behavior.

is the emotional and psychological state, the person's overall comfort level, the

individual's orientation to an experience, the associations the individual is

making, and the general mood that is being conveyed.

is the individuality, what is unique about the individual mentally/intellectually, the specific

personality, the individual's experience in life, the education, and memories, the thoughts and ways

of thinking, and the types of imagery the individual uses to communicate (including the types of

words most commonly used by that person).

is what shapes the personality, it is the contextual world view of the individual,

the individual's perception of things, it is to a larger extent the unconscious which

is filled with imagery from all levels. It is the own empathic awareness of that

person whether conscious or unconscious. Delta is the type of "pictures" someone

paints with their overall communication.

is the very soul of the person, it is the values and the beliefs that the individual holds

dear; it is what gives meaning to that person's life, it is what is loved and what is enjoyed

by that person. It is the source of pleasure as well as of pain, it is the guiding force of that

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life either consciously or unconsciously, and it is the essential energy state of that person.

Everything you can understand about the five empathic levels as related to yourself also applies to

other people. As an empath you will use your understanding of yourself to understand others. What

you know about yourself, you know about everyone else.

Each level of empathic language has five levels of expression. For example, the Beta level of body

language has five levels of expression:

Beta Language 1. "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" (the Beta of Beta) describes the Beta level of body

language -- the level where your body speaks for itself. The Beta level of body language comes from

how you are using your body. A person doing aerobics uses his or her body to exercise. To figure

out what the Beta level of a persons body language simply answer this question, " What is it they

are using their body to do?" Once you know that, you know how the empathic energy is being

utilized on the physical level.

Empathic energy is always present and is always in use: physically, emotionally, mentally, and

spiritually. Observation of action is the first pathway to empathic perception. Inexperienced

Empaths like to debate over this point by saying, "the whole thing that makes me an 'empath' is that

I can perceive things that are not visible."

To advance in your abilities you must understand that all perception/communication exists on a

continuum. Beta represents the "outermost" extent of the continuum and Gamma represents the

innermost extent of the continuum. Your ability to move from one end of the continuum to another

represents the level of mastery you have developed over your own empathic functioning.

When you combined observation of action/body language with observation of intuition you amplify

your perception many times over. True empathic functioning does not solely rely upon extra-

sensory perception. Instead it relies on heightened degrees of sensitivity and awareness.

Heightened sensitivity and awareness act as a greater conduit to intuition. It is critical to grasp this

principle before proceeding in the lesson.

2. "Acting How You Feel"-- (the Alpha of Beta) indicates how emotional states reflect in your

body behaviors. On this level your body acts as a empathic mirror. Your form follows your thoughts.

When you are sad you slump and when you are excited you stand up straight.

Most people show what they are feeling by their expressions and by the way they are holding their

bodies. Some people are expert at hiding their feelings (except from us Empaths, right?). To know

the Alpha level of a person's body language answer this question, "What emotional state is the

person projecting through their posture, movement, and expression?"

Now, keep in mind, as we go through this list, we are going deeper and deeper into the person. If

you are doing consultations this is an excellent map to follow.

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3. "Acting Out Your Thoughts" (the Theta of Beta) sums up the Theta level of body language -

when your body reflects your thoughts. I refer to you when describing these levels because you

must keep in mind that you do all the same things that other people do. Use your self to study these

levels. Observe your own behavior and you will learn a lot about other people.

When you gesture to express your ideas or experiences you are using Theta body language. For

example, hand movements to show the width or height of something. A person who gestures a great

deal with their hands while talking is likely to be a person who is very connected in some way to the

Theta level. This type of person is frequently very intuitive.

To pinpoint the Theta level of a person's body language answer the following question, "How is this

person using body to communicate thought?" Some people use their bodies in a very minimal way

to express their thoughts. This kind of behavior can indicate a person who is very guarded and

possibly fearful, although there are other possibilities to consider. Once you pinpoint the Theta

level, or any level for that matter, you empathically connect with that level.

4. "The Freudian Slip On A Banana Peel" (the Delta of Beta) happens at the Delta level of body

language and occurs through unconscious body signs. For example, you may be standing farther

back from someone you do not like or trust, or standing close and leaning in towards someone you

are very interested in, without being aware of it. If this behavior is intentional, then it comes from

the Alpha level with a desire to communicate a feeling. When you are not aware of the body

language you are expressing, the unconscious level of Delta is at work.

This type of body language indicates when a person is most open to empathic probing and

communication. It takes tact and skill to work with this level of communication. Intuition regarding

Delta body language can form profound empathic links for an Empath performing a "empathic

reading." To assess the Delta level of a person's body language, ask a test question. You form the

test question by your impressions and intuition. First determine what your impression is about the

person's behavior.

For example, if you have the impression that the person is uncomfortable, ask, "Are you feeling

uncomfortable?" If the subject is surprised and denies feeling uncomfortable (yet you keep getting

the impression that he or she is definitely uneasy), chances are real high that you have tapped into

the Delta level of the body language.

A word of advice -- be sensitive to what test questions you ask. If someone is revealing something

very awkward to you by body language, don't just pull the rug out from under them. An empathetic

and supportive approach is a critical empathic skill. I have been shocked and dismayed by

individuals who claim to be "Empaths" yet display little to no empathy.

5. "Aura Reading" pertains to the (the Gamma of Beta) Gamma level of body language, how

holographic or spiritual information is conveyed through your body movements and states. It is

truly amazing to realize just how much communication is going on at any given point in time! Being

an Empath means being aware of this communication and acting upon that awareness.

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The truth of Dreamtongue is that everything is communication! Period. An Empath is a person who

trains to understand, read, and use this universe of communication. Since the Gamma level

expresses through all the other levels, all expressions through the body relate to the Gamma level of

body language. You can single out the Gamma level by considering the aura, the overall energy

impression of the person. It is the gestalt, or combination of all factors.

Think of Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta as puzzle pieces. When you put them all together you get the

Gamma. Gamma expressed through Beta specifically relates to the energy states of expansion

versus contraction, relaxation versus tension, withdrawn versus open; all perceptible through Beta.

Your ability to read Beta body language develops by simply observing human behavior. Specifically

noticing body posture, gestures, movement, and spatial relationships trains your empathic

awareness to read Beta language. As you add Alpha to your repertoire, you will begin to notice the

feelings or responses you have to what you are observing.

Reading the aura can start with your eyes (Beta) and reach into deeper levels of information. All

living things have an energy field (Gamma). This is like a light around the body. You and everyone

around you has this light around their body. This light only registers through specialized

instruments and empathic senses.

There are ways to train your eyes to see the aura. What I offer involves learning to see the aura in

your mind's eye. The following is an exercise you can practice with a friend.

Training Yourself to See Auras

First, have someone stand in front of you about three feet or more away. Practice taking in their

entire image without focusing on any details. You will notice that as you do this you are not just

looking at the body, you are also developing a mental image of the person. As you become more

aware of the mental image you will see light and energy around the person.

When you first start this exercise I want you to only concern yourself with developing the ability to

see this energy field and not worry about interpreting it. After you have developed the ability to see

the aura (Gamma field) immediately when you see a person then begin to interpret what you are

seeing. Refer to the Lesson Seven for understanding Gamma.

Also, keep in mind that interpreting empathic data involves all level of your being. I do not endorse

exercises where you have someone stand in front of a white wall in order to see the aura. This

method relies on unintentional tricks of the eye and nervous system and does not truly reveal

anything about auras.

Beta energy also occurs and expresses through speaking as well as body language. The Beta voice

occurs when spoken language focuses on external events and observations. Spoken Beta deals with

declarative and directive statements, such as "There is the house," and," This is my dog," and, "Pick

up the book." Whenever you are declaring what something is or trying to direct activity around you,

then you are using a Beta voice. You will learn more about empath voices in the next lesson.

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Section 2: The Language of Alpha Alpha Language is the general language of the psyche, the emotional and

psychological state of the person. I will refer to this as "emotive language" for the

sake of this lesson. Emotions filter through body language in Beta and through

subtler ways in Alpha. Remember, Alpha signals come to you through general

feelings and impressions.

What you read about the Alpha level of a person is first your responses to

that person, then their responses to you. The back and forth activity of responses between two

people is the Alpha level of empathic communication.

Your ability to read the Alpha level of a person influences how well you can read and understand

your responses to the person. Understanding the five levels of Alpha is an important part of your

development as an expert traveler in the "Empath InnerNet," the superhighway of empathic


"For Every Action Their Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction." (the Beta of Alpha) The Beta

level of emotive language involves your reactions to physical events, objects, and people. When you

are attracted to someone you will send out Beta emotions, either consciously or unconsciously.

When feeling repelled by someone or something you will also be sending out equally strong Beta


Remember: Alpha works with a push/pull process. This push/pull is a form of attraction versus

repulsion. A Beta emotional signal is usually strong and sensed on all empathic levels. When it is

very strong you simply perceive it at the Beta level using the primary senses. Your own responses

often are clues to reading the Beta level of a persons emotive language.

Ask yourself this question when in the presence of someone, "Am I feeling an invisible push or pull

with this person?" If the answer is yes to either the push or the pull you are getting a Beta level

Alpha signal (or in other words, the person is creating enough emotional energy to make a physical


"An Ocean of Emotion" (the Alpha of Alpha) accurately describes the Alpha level of emotive

language that involves the expression of emotional and feeling states. Expressing your emotions can

be through personal statements like, "I feel happy," or "I am really excited for you." Yet verbal

statements about emotions and feelings are just the tip of the iceberg. Alpha signals related to

emotional/feeling states are the most prevalent form of empathic signals occurring when two

people are interacting.

Alpha dynamics:

You are responding emotionally to the person you are encountering, they are responding

emotionally to you.

You have a pre-existing emotional state and so do they.

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You are responding emotionally to things inside your self and so are they.

They are responding emotionally to their surroundings and so are you.

All of these signals are flying around when two or more people come together, like currents in an

ocean. As an Empath you sense these currents at the Alpha level. When you pair Beta signals with

Alpha signals you can get a good reading on most situations.

Empaths could serve very useful functions in political situations.

There is one major complication at the Alpha level of emotive language. Most people tend to cover

their own emotional states. This can be for two reasons: the basic need for privacy and because we

have specific things that we do not want people to know. The Alpha level is where we are

vulnerable, so the Alpha level is also where we put up our defenses, our guards, and our walls.

As an Empath you will learn how defenses and walls are strong Alpha signals. In the same way that

you can read someone's emotional state you can also read their "walls". The strength and intensity

of the wall (or resistance) are normally equal to the strength and intensity of the emotion it is


Normal defenses that are put up for basic privacy are often flexible and negotiable. Defenses that

are rigid and fiercely defended represent "dangerous" territory. By that I mean it is an area where

the person is most vulnerable and probing around there could lead to all types of problems.

Learning how to handle dangerous territory and such complicated interactions comes through

experience and advanced training. Your sophistication as an Empath will develop over time, you

must trust in your own process.

"Starting To Read Minds" (the Theta of Alpha) occurs through the Theta level of emotive

language. Here is where you respond to someone's internal states, such as their thoughts and

beliefs. You could be riding on an elevator with a person and that person may not be responding to

you at all. They may not even seem to be aware of you. Yet you are getting all kinds of obvious and

empathic impressions that the person is very angry. Sometimes it is not obvious, yet you still get the

Alpha associations of anger coming from that person. The anger is not a response to you. The anger

is a response to something they are thinking.

When you get such signals from a person, those signals represent the Theta level of emotive

language. What you do with such signals is up to your best judgment and personality. You may get

an Alpha association that guides you to offer kind words to the person, which in turn relieves that

person due to your action. The other possibility is that you get an Alpha association to leave that

person alone.

Your first and most immediate impression is usually the most empathic one. I want you to

notice that reading the Alpha level does not involve so much answering a question as much as it

does learning to sense "currents." When in Alpha take your snorkel and seahorse inner tube, for you

are getting into deep waters!

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"Empathic Link-Up" (the Delta of Alpha) describes the Delta level of emotive language. This level

requires more practice and skill to perceive than the previous levels. If Alpha is the empathic ocean

then this level is caverns under the ocean floor. Delta emotive language involves an overview of

how the person perceives life, as well as their orientation to the world. Signals from this level

involve a common theme used in movies when portraying empathic events: seeing through the eyes

of another person. Yet at this level it does not involve seeing what they are seeing, as much as it

involves seeing things the way they see it.

To give you a "nondramatic" example that many people relate to: when I go to the movies or watch

a television show with someone, I pick up the Delta level of their emotive language very strongly.

The way it occurs is that I end up perceiving the movie the same way the other person is perceiving

it. If it is a movie that I would normally enjoy tremendously, and I am watching it with a person who

does not enjoy it and does not understand it, then I experience the movie the same way they do. If

they feel bored with the movie then I feel bored with it. Later I might watch it alone or with

someone who enjoys the same films, and then find the movie exciting and wonderful.

Another example of the Delta level of emotive language is when two people are seeing the same

event from two entirely different points of view. If neither one is able to see it as the other does, an

argument usually ensues. As an Empath you can develop the ability to see things from the

perspective of the other person that will help tremendously with your communication skills.

As you begin to make this empathic link-up with other people, it will become very important for

you to know how to distinguish your own thoughts and perceptions from those of others. You can

ask questions here to separate your thoughts from someone else's. Examine each thought you are

having and ask yourself if this is your normal way of thinking. Break down each thought with

another question until you feel as you have separated your thoughts from your link-up partner. As

with all good empathic skills, practice makes perfect.

"The Empathic Snapshot" (the Gamma of Alpha) The Gamma level of emotive language involves

an overall response to a person, one that is more immediate, like a first impression. A Gamma first

impression is really like a empathic snapshot. It gives you a complete picture immediately of all

levels of a person. The problem with working with a Gamma first impression is the speed of it. The

empathic snapshot occurs within a second of meeting someone.

For most people many thoughts flood after that first second and the initial impression gets lost.

When you first meet someone each second counts as one impression. The very first few

impressions are the most empathic. All impressions that follow become imbued with conscious

evaluations and judgments.

Learning to catch your Gamma snapshots, your immediate first impression requires practice. Most

first impressions are followed by a flood of afterthoughts. Catching those empathic first

impressions involves remembering that very immediate response/thought you had in a given

moment. This is a talent you can develop by repetitive practice.

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Section 3: The Language of Theta Theta Language is the actual mental content of a person, your basic mind reading

stuff. Where Alpha is the emotional/psychological state that results from the

mental content. Some would say that the emotional/psychological state causes the

content but we do not need to debate psychology here. For the purposes of empath

training, mental content and psychological states are treated as two different


"Mind Talk" (the Beta of Theta) occurs at the Beta level of mental language and involves the

thoughts a person is having about the present environment, the people and objects interacting with

the person, and the person's present activity. There are many good opportunities for telepathy at

this level. This is the level where you think about calling someone, then the phone rings and it is the

person you were about to call. This is the level where you know someone's location and/or what

the person is doing even though you are nowhere near at the time.

This is the level of common and frequent telepathy. The signals at this level are usually fairly

strong since these signals come from present activity. When someone says, "read my mind," this is

the level you are trying to access. The problem is that when someone says "read my mind," they are

no longer sending out Beta mental signals because they stop and focus inside themselves. Once a

person starts to focus within, that person starts sending out Alpha signals instead, which can only

be "sensed" instead of "read".

When it comes to mind to mind communication at this level it is better for the person to pick a color

or flavor and to hold that color or flavor in mind. The point is for the target to be experiencing that

color or flavor. Once the target person is experiencing a color he or she will then be sending out a

Beta signal of mental language. The signal is still not as strong as it would be during engagement in

actual Beta activity.

"Reading Feelings" (the Alpha of Theta) occurs at the Alpha level of mental language, which

involves the conscious thoughts a person is having about their own emotional feeling states. The

more people are aware of their own emotional states the more control they may have over those

states and the more integrated those states can be with their whole being.

I wanted to avoid the cliché here, but I cannot -- the more in touch people are with their own

feelings, the more likely it is that the signals they send you about their emotional state is deliberate.

This is not an absolute rule but rather a guideline. At the Alpha level of mental language you are

more likely to pick up the emotional states of which the person is unaware and would not want for

you to perceive.

In other words, if a person is deliberately sending you a signal about their emotional state, it may be

a controlled or contrived message. For example, let's say you encounter someone who is hostile or

competitive with you. For whatever reason that person does not want you to know about these

feelings, so he or she deliberately projects signals of a calm, friendly, and pleasant nature. The

signals being sent you are not the Alpha signals of mental language, instead they are contrived Beta

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signals. As an Empath you can sense that the signals are incongruent, or do not fit, with what you

are sensing. What you are sensing are the actual Alpha signals of the person's mental language.

When people are unaware of a strong emotion they tend to send out Alpha signals of their mental

language in obvious and empathic ways. If a person shows genuine interest in something you are

doing, not only would that generate obvious signals but the thoughts the individual had about his or

her own emotional state would generate Alpha signals of mental language. Someone could be

thinking, "I really like this. It is very interesting," and in return, you get the mirrored telepathic

response, "They really like this. They find it very interesting."

"The Direct Connection" (the Theta of Theta) is the level of direct telepathy, the Theta level of

mental language. This is the level of mind to mind connection, or as I said earlier, nervous system to

nervous system connection. This level involves the thoughts a person generates at any given time.

This is the level where you are directly receiving the thoughts of the other person. How you encode

and interpret those signals will be unique to you.

Often at this level, Dreamtongue occurs as thoughts in your own head. The person may start

thinking about a musical seen the week before. Suddenly you start thinking about musicals too, but

you may not think about the exact one. This could lead you to say something like, "Do you like

musicals?" He or she could then say, "That's funny, I was just thinking about a musical I saw last


How many times has something like this happened to you? Thousands of people have shared these

types of experiences with me over the years. This type of telepathy occurs all the time with people

but often goes unrecognized.

"Visual Thoughts" (the Delta of Theta) occur at the Delta level of mental language. The empathic

messages here involve what people are thinking about the things they are seeing. The signals do not

directly involve the actual images themselves but instead involve the active thoughts the person is

having. For example," It looks like a light is on in the house," or "This gift looks like a book." The

word look does not have to be in the thought, it could be "There's that bag of pretzels I've been

wanting." Sometimes telepathy at this level involves verbal descriptions of visual images, like the

example of the person thinking about a giraffe while connecting to her friend at the zoo.

"Spiritual Questing" (the Gamma of Theta) is reflected in the Gamma level of mental language.

This level of reading a person empathically involves perceiving the individual's thoughts around the

meaning of life, philosophical questions, and spiritual understanding. Many of these thoughts are

"unspoken" or unformed into clear thoughts.

Often if you pick up a Gamma signal of mental language it will occur to you as a question that the

person has on a deep level. This type of signal normally comes by focusing and spending more time

with the person, such as in a formal empathic reading. In classes where I teach empathic counseling,

I emphasize this level because it reaches into the heart of what a person is really asking during a


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As you learn more about your own Gamma level, you will find your ability to reach the Gamma level

of another person will improve tremendously.

Section 4: The Language of Delta Delta Language is the level of pictures, images, forms, shapes, and patterns. This is

the "world of the empathic," the stuff from which movies are made. Profound

levels of empathic functioning occur at this level and exist within all people. Yet

the level is so remote from our conscious minds that it seems unreal to most

people. The most representative skill of Delta is called remote viewing. The Delta

skill of remote viewing involves seeing actual things but Delta language involves

both actual and symbolic imagery. Delta is visual language in all of its forms.

"Seeing What The Killer Sees" (the Beta of Delta) is a phrase that really gets your attention,

doesn't it? The Beta level of visual language is the favorite level of Hollywood films. There have

been numerous films and TV shows where someone can see through the eyes of a killer and has to

somehow stop them. Well, I hope you never have to deal with such an experience unless you are

looking for it.

Signals from this level involve directly seeing what another person is seeing through your own

inner vision. Although empathic vision often appears represented as dramatic and sensational,

seeing what another person is seeing is more likely to occur in a very ordinary context.

Once my wife had gone to a nearby grocery to pick up a few items. After a half an hour went by I

expected her to be home any minute. Well, another half hour went by and she wasn't home. So I was

a little concerned. Another half hour went by and she still wasn't home, so I was getting very

concerned. I decided to make a telepathic link with her by focusing on her.

I focused all my thoughts on her with the intent of knowing where she was at or what she was

doing, primarily to know that she was okay. Within a few minutes I saw clothing items and the

inside of a store. I could see her hands holding up some pants and then setting them back down

again. At the Alpha level I felt a sense of calm and reassurance. When she came home she told me

she had gone to the clothing store and was looking at some pants. Not quite as exciting as tracking a

killer, but hey, it can come in handy. I should have called this, "Seeing What The Shopper Sees."

"The Empathic House Of Mirrors" (the Alpha of Delta) is the tricky Alpha level of visual language

where the empathic messages are distortions of what a person is seeing based upon the emotional

state he or she is experiencing. If someone is in a very happy state then the world looks beautiful

and exciting. If the person feels depressed or disappointed the world can look menacing or ugly. If

someone is afraid of water the beach could look very threatening. If someone loves chocolate a

fudge brownie might be the most beautiful thing in the world at that moment.

At the Alpha level of visual language the quality and status of an image are your signals.

Unless you are seeing what the other person is seeing this type of signal does not register very

clearly. Where it does apply is my example of going to the movies with someone who does not like

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the movie. Since I am looking at the same thing they are looking at, the Alpha visual signal registers

for me, and I can feel the same way about what I am seeing as the other person feels.

This level is a "empathic hall of mirrors" because you are receiving feelings from another persons

viewpoint which gets entangled with your own viewpoint. It is hard to tell the difference between

your own responses and those of the other person. The best way to sort the responses out is to ask

the person. It is perfectly legitimate to ask questions during a reading in order to sort out empathic

messages from mental noise. This helps refine the connection. If you are working at this level but

not in a reading context, then ask yourself the question, " Is this my own response?".

Draw from all of your intuitive levels to answer the question then consciously acknowledge the

answer. Each time you come to a confusing message then ask the question again. It is just like

feeling your way through the House of Mirrors, looking for the doorways. Once you have sorted out

the responses you are experiencing, then you can probe deeper into the information you are


"The House of Mirrors Continues" (the Theta of Delta) as you move deeper in your empathic

connection to others. Here in the Theta level of visual language you are still moving through images

of your own thoughts that reflect the inner thoughts of the other person. To keep this level clear

just remember: When people are thinking about what it is they are seeing, those thoughts

become signals. If the person I am with is thinking," This movie makes no sense," and I receive that

signal, then I begin to think," This movie makes no sense." At the same time this happens, I am

aware that the movie makes sense to me, but I have picked up the other person's thought that in

turn shaped how I saw the same event.

At this level it is not the thought you measure but the influence of the thought on your

perceptions. It is a very subtle distinction that you do not need to worry about, just keep in mind.

Dreamtongue is the basis of a new technology and this lesson is simply for outlining the parts of

that technology for future reference. When you are actively functioning as an Empath you will be

experiencing more of an unbroken flow rather than all these distinct parts. Learning the

components of Dreamtongue only helps strengthen your unbroken flow.

"The Empathic Dream Connection" (the Delta of Delta) occurs at the Delta level of visual

language. This Delta/Delta level involves a fairly rare form of empathic connection. A Delta signal of

visual language is a empathic vision of another person's empathic vision. This would happen if two

people are seeing the same object and event by remote viewing at the same time. Yet it would be

difficult to establish if each person were having an independent remote viewing or if one was

seeing the inner vision of another.

I do not have a real life example of this process but there was a Hollywood example once, in a movie

from the late seventies. I will not describe it here but if you are interested in hearing this example

just post a request. What is more likely to occur at this level sounds even more fantastic and that is:

two people having the same dream together at the same time.

Theta is the primary level of dreams but Delta involves even deeper forms of dreaming. About

fifteen years ago I had an intense experience with this phenomenon. A girl that I liked very much

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and had very strong feelings for, was about to leave the country. I had never really expressed my

feelings to her. She was going back to her native country and was not planning to return. For

different reasons I was unable to get to her in time to say good-bye.

One night after she had already made it back home, I had an amazingly vivid dream. In this dream I

met her on a downtown street. The image of the street and area of town was clear and extremely

lifelike. In the dream we hugged, cried, and said our good-byes. In the dream I told her my real

feelings for her and she did the same. It was an overwhelmingly emotional dream. We held each

other tightly afraid to let go but, as dreams go, I awoke.

Within days I sent her a letter and told her all about the dream. Before the letter had time to even

get to her, I received a letter from her. In that letter she told me all about having the exact same

dream. She described it exactly as I had described it. When she got my letter she immediately wrote

back saying how amazed she was at what had happened and how our letters had crossed in the

mail. This is one example of connecting through Delta visual language.

"Spirit Vision" (the Gamma of Delta) is the Gamma level of visual language and it involves seeing

symbolic spiritual imagery about a person. Sometimes people claim to see a guardian angel, a spirit

guide, or a spiritual design within a persons aura. Holographic images from Gamma frequently

appear in visual forms of some sort. Whether or not there are actual guardian angels or spirit

guides remains a personal decision for each individual Empath to decide.

Images of a persons past incarnations can appear at this level as well. Information about the

persons past can appear through the Gamma level of visual language. To work with the Gamma

level of visual language requires a comfort and an interest in symbols, myths, and creative

expressions. I have written a small book I use in spiritual awakening classes called, "The

Auroraportes." It is written in Dreamtongue using the Gamma level of visual language as the focal

point. It conveys the dynamic influence of symbolism in our search for meaning. Symbolism that

occurs deep within this level of a psyche is rich with powerful information.

I later took the format of the Auroraportes and expanded it into a complete work that is now called

"The Book of Storms." Once you tap into this level within yourself you will be able to do it with

another person. When you work at this level with another person you are working with what

constitutes spiritual guidance. Symbolic messages are holographic, which means they contain

information about the whole person or their whole life. Symbols contain vast amounts of

information in contrast to the limited information of literal messages. The word spiritual here does

not imply any doctrines or dogma of any sort. I use the word spiritual to refer to the overall quality

of someone's life.

Section 5: The Language of Gamma Gamma Language is the meta-language of the spirit, it is the whole (holographic) nature

of a person that expresses through countless means. All the above levels of Dreamtongue

are in fact Gamma language. Gamma language expresses spiritual questing, spiritual

needs, and spiritual understanding.

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The word spiritual here means a connection to existence and meaningful relationship with all of

life. Gamma is the spiritual language. This is the deepest level of empathic functioning.

"The Creative Urge" (the Beta of Gamma) emerges deep from within the Beta level of spiritual

language and involves perceptions/expressions of beauty and joy in the physical world. The

recognition of beauty (aesthetics) and the emotion of joy trigger unique patterns within select parts

of your brain.

Messages regarding the sanctity and the beauty of nature, of physical life, of physical love, of art,

and movement are all Beta messages of spiritual language. As Gamma signals, these messages

originate from within you at the deepest level of your self. Gamma signals are often felt as intense

creative impulses.

"Spiritual States" (the Alpha of Gamma) occur at the Alpha level of spiritual language. This level

involves signals of spiritual emotional states, states of wholeness, joyfulness, clarity, love, internal

freedom, and peacefulness. These signals result from an awareness of the holographic nature of

things, or put another way, the oneness behind all things.

You normally receive information at the Alpha level of spiritual language when something inspires

you or touches you in a significant way. Standing before a waterfall, watching the sunset, holding a

baby, or reading inspirational materials can generate these signals within you. When you can read

these states in another person you are accessing their Alpha level of spiritual language.

"The Universal Mind" (the Theta of Gamma) can be found through the Gamma level of spiritual

language. It is the place where all rational explanations fall short.

The entire area of metaphysics, including religion and all spiritual topics, come into discussion at

this level. This is a level that is personal and significant to each person in some unique way. How

you interpret it and what you decide about it is a personal choice and experience.

To give you one example that relates to empathic nature, I would mention the subject of channeling.

I have had a very profound experience with channeling that I will not recount here. What I will

share is that the result of that experience has led me to understand channeling as a means to tap

into our higher natures. Whether we call these higher natures spirit or whatever, is of no matter.

We all have a higher nature.

From my channeling experience I learned to call my higher nature my "sovereign self." I do not

think that other beings use our bodies to speak during channeling, but that is just my opinion. It

merely involves greater parts of ourselves that speak, using Dreamtongue, to convey information

from our deepest levels. Still, the problem with defining these experiences comes with defining


We do not really understand our own ultimate natures, so how can we understand where to draw

the lines between our consciousness and other levels of consciousness? What is useful to know is

that channeling is a way to tap into your own Gamma level. To channel only requires that you learn

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to trust in yourself enough to let this level open up inside of you. Channeling is nothing more than

speaking out loud with your dream voice. You can do it alone or with other people.

If you do work with channeling, try to record it through writing or on tape, so that you can put it in

your Empath's journal. You will be amazed at what can potentially come through you. Many

subjects open up at this level. The concept of the collective consciousness of the planet; the

collective unconscious; Jungian archetypes, and ideas of a "universal mind" all come into view at

this level of empathic communication. We have barely skimmed the surface in this discussion.

"Walking between the Worlds" (The Delta of Gamma) If the last level is the place where all

"explanations fall short," you can imagine that this level will be even more of a challenge to the

intellect. The Delta level of Gamma refers to the "inner observer" , the "inner eye," as the part of you

that sees existence from the innermost level. This inner observer is more like the "eyes of your


The closest anecdotal information related to this level involves moving out of one's body and into

other dimensions, worlds, universes. Whether or not these dimensions and worlds would be

constructs of the brain or actual locations cannot be always determined at this point in our

development as a species. To explore this level further I would direct you to books related to

shamanic journeying and Eckankar.

"The Door" (the Gamma of Gamma) At this pure Gamma level we can only be aware of the

potential that we are each interconnected with the rest of existence. The pure state of Gamma is

where we are all connected and therefore have access to the "universe" itself. It can be thought of as

the "door in which we entered this existence" and the "door by which we will exit."

If there is communication between worlds, if noncorporeal beings of any sort exist, this would be

the place through which those communications would occur. This is the place of the great mystery.

Here, our brains cannot wrap around the ultimate reality. Instead we are challenged to find this

door and to explore on our own. Some say it leads to a great Abyss that cannot be traversed. Others

say they have crossed that Abyss and returned with new vision and inspiration. Whatever lies

beyond what the human brain can conceive/perceive is to be found within this "door" of the

Gamma level.

Throughout this lesson you were introduced to a primer of Dreamtongue components. So far we

have identified 25 key levels of communication available to an Empath. What is more important is

that you get a feel for all of these parts, more than memorizing them. The parts always work

together into a whole tapestry of information.

Rarely, if ever, does any one part of Dreamtongue occur without all the others present in some

degree. Yet, as I mentioned before, learning about the parts will help you have greater

understanding in working with the whole. There is so much to share here, but this is all that is

necessary for this stage of your preliminary training. Understanding the parts of the language will

help you better listen to and interpret the flowing messages of Dreamtongue occurring around you


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You can use this lesson as a reference guide as you begin to notice Dreamtongue more and more in

your life. What lies ahead in future courses will bring all of this information to life and will pull a

veil away from your eyes. A veil that you did not even know was there. To become an awakened

Empath is something far greater than just realizing you are an Empath. Your intuition will tell you

when you are ready.

Stage 8 Review

1. The purpose of stage eight is to begin to develop an understanding of the language of

Dreamtongue, from the receptive end; to establish some basic guidelines for interpreting

empathic language components.

2. Beta language is empathic language conveyed through the body and through actions.

3. Alpha language is emotive language which conveys emotional and psychological states.

4. Theta language is mental language which conveys mental content.

5. Delta language is visual language which conveys direct and symbolic imagery.

6. Gamma language is the spiritual language which conveys holographic and symbolic


7. All levels of Dreamtongue occur together blended into a flow of information.

This concludes Lesson 8. Lesson 9, the final lesson for this course is next.

If you are interested in receiving academic credit for this course just post a request for the details.

The School of Empath Psychology offers a Masters level certification for individuals who complete

the entire set of courses.

Contact me by sending a mail to Empaths AT MySilentEcho DOT com

Stage 9 The Expressive Stage

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Welcome to the final stage of your preliminary training as an Empath. If you have read each

lesson in order and started each of the practices as described, then you have set powerful wheels in

motion. With that, you have activated your own empathic potential and are nourishing its growth

and development. The process of co-patterning has already begun where your empathic mind and

your waking mind are merging into one. This process continues over time and sets in motion

evolutionary stages that will be covered in future lessons.

In stage eight you learned about twenty-five receptive levels of Dreamtongue and what kind of

information comes through each. You are now ready to begin learning about the expressive side of

Dreamtongue, which involves ways of communicating empathic levels through writing, speaking,

and interacting empathically. Dreamtongue is the language of the Empath. It is born of your heart

and flows through your actions, your eyes, and your words. As you open up within yourself to the

emerging empathic presence within you, your awareness of Dreamtongue grows like a small sprout

into an abundant healthy vine.

Expressing Dreamtongue is a creative act. Creativity is the key to accessing the deepest inner

levels of life and the abundant interactivity between all lifeforms. It involves turning speech,

written words, or any form of communication into a creative motion which allows for all levels of

Dreamtongue to flow. As I mentioned before, channeling is a direct way to speak Dreamtongue, but

channeling will not be the choice for everyone. The fact of the matter is that channeling can happen

in multiple forms. In some of the advanced courses I will show you how you can actually channel

empathic information through your daily actions and conversations. In this final stage of your

training you can begin to understand the expressive levels of Dreamtongue and ultimately put the

expressive and receptive levels together to begin to master the language. I have a special course

where I teach Empaths who are familiar with Dreamtongue how to access Dreamtongue levels of

communication utilizing the English alphabet. The result of the course is to learn how to "read

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names." I developed the system for "name reading" and used it in consultations for years. It's

amazing how much information can be accessed through the process. Successful completion of this

course prepares an Empath to deliver a professional service to others. This service can be used for

guidance, counseling, and training purposes.

There are five expressive levels of Dreamtongue. Expressing and emoting are parts of Empath

abilities that fall under the category of "effluence." Empaths generate effluence all the time; either

consciously or unconsciously. There is an "art" to effluence that can only be mastered by advanced

Empaths. By advanced I mean those that have truly been trained and have developed clear skills

sets and experience. In the final advanced levels of coursework I will train you to be a "Master

Empath" by taking you through intensive skill development. For now I will introduce you to the

subject of expressive Dreamtongue. By learning the expressive levels you will learn to use the voice

of an empath. By developing the voice you will be able to deliver empathic messages through

speaking. This will take practice and time to perfect, but it is an exciting aspect of empath


The Beta voice is the directive voice. It is good for giving orders, telling someone what to do,

making something happen, and getting things done.

Parents and teachers use a Beta voice when directing children. Leaders use a Beta voice to direct

followers. Coaches use a Beta voice to direct teams. Police use a Beta voice when they ask for your

ID. Any time you want to get something done you use a Beta voice when it requires speaking. To

generate a Beta voice requires that you be in a Beta state. It requires energy, emphasis, clarity,

strength, and steadiness. A Beta voice is calm, steady, confident, and very direct. The more direct,

the more truthful, the more accurate the communication, the more Beta strength it has. The tone is

steady, calm, and focused. Shouting is not a Beta tone, yet the amplitude of the Beta voice can be

increased when there is sufficient strength to the intent. Shouting is usually the result of someone

losing control. A Beta voice can only be maintained when someone is truly in control of his or


Beta expressions deal with concrete and literal matters. "The box is heavy," or "I have to work

today." Beta expressions deal with obvious facts. When someone is speaking to you with Beta

expressions the communication is about literal or actual facts," the store is two blocks south on the

right side of the road." These expressions can be spoken or written. A technical book or set of

instructions is a good example of written Beta expression. Practice your Beta voice by being a

leader on a project and giving orders, directing a play, or taking charge in a situation.

People who speak with predominantly Beta expressions are usually more literal or concrete in their

thinking, which tends to be confined to what their senses can detect. A Beta personality is one that

is confined intellectually by rigid ideas and thinking, but could be gifted with physical skills. You

will learn to identify Beta personality types in time. (along with the other groups).

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The Alpha voice is the persuasive voice. It is good for convincing, enticing, seducing,

encouraging, reassuring, emoting, and guiding. Therapists use an Alpha voice when talking with a

client. Mothers and fathers use an Alpha voice when encouraging or reassuring their children.

Lovers use an Alpha voice when seducing their partners. Singers use an Alpha voice when they sing.

Liars use an Alpha voice when they lie. An Alpha voice is one that conveys and provokes emotion. A

speaker might use an Alpha voice to deliver a persuasive speech. It is the emotional content and

degree of emotional stimulation that determines the extent of the Alpha voice. An Alpha voice is one

that is based upon emotion, emotion of any sort for any purpose. A calm, loving, reassuring voice is

an Alpha voice. An angry, vicious voice is an Alpha voice. An Alpha voice delivers and provokes

emotional qualities. Any tone may be used with an Alpha voice. The tone is determined by the

emotion involved. As an Empath you will become more and more sensitive to the emotional (Alpha)

content of voices. To generate an Alpha voice involves experiencing an emotion that is conveyed

through your voice.

Alpha expressions often deal with reactions and responses to things. An Alpha expression is

usually something like, " I really don't like him," or," She makes me feel all excited inside," or," That

movie was so scary!" Alpha expressions deal with the relations between people and things, and

with the responses that something provokes. Someone who uses Alpha expressions frequently is

someone who is very sensitive and emotionally responsive. An Alpha personality is someone who

feels things very deeply and who is largely driven by their emotions. (Sound familiar?) Alpha

personalities are intuitive and tend to be the ones who are aware of his or her own empathic

nature. Practice your Alpha voice by reading aloud poetry, singing a song, or trying to persuade

someone to see your viewpoint on a topic.

The Theta voice is the probing voice. It is good for questioning, investigating, researching,

inquiring, analyzing, evaluating, understanding, educating, training, and penetrating. Lawyers use a

Theta voice in the courtroom. Detectives use a Theta voice when investigating a case. Consumers

use a Theta voice when grilling a salesman before buying an item. Students use a Theta voice when

trying to learn a topic. Educators use a Theta voice when explaining a topic. A Theta voice is one

that probes for and utilizes information. The Theta voice is information driven and oriented, not in

the declarative way of Beta, but in an analyzing, synthesizing, and penetrating way. The Theta voice

is used to reach, to probe, and to discover.

Theta expressions are primarily questions or statements made to illuminate the nature of a

fact. The more available the information the less the degree of Theta in your voice. If you ask a

grocer how much does a loaf of bread cost, you are using a very small degree of a Theta voice. You

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are asking a question, so technically it is a Theta voice, but the information is readily available. The

grocer would gladly tell you the price. If you were a prosecuting attorney and you were asking a

defendant if he committed the crime, you would be using a full Theta voice. The greater the intent

to penetrate and to probe, the stronger the Theta in the voice. In a self-actualized Empath the Theta

voice can become very strong and must be used carefully. A person who has a lot of Theta in their

voice is often a person of strong intellectual ability and has an analytical mind. A Theta personality

is shaped around logic and higher degrees of knowledge. A Theta voice can be conveyed with clear

and steady annunciation using varying tones. Practice your Theta voice by conducting an interview,

taking a class and asking lots of questions, or solve a mystery through detective work.

Note: a demand for information is not a Theta voice, it is a Beta directive. The types of voice you are

using often changes several times in every conversation. As an Empath you can sharpen your skills

by observing the changes in voice during conversations with people. Always note these

observations in your Empaths journal. What you will learn in time is how voices get layered with

different levels of empathic activity. In time you will be able to empathically "read" a person based

upon the voice of the person.

The Delta voice is the pure voice of the Empath. Since Delta is the nest for your empathic nature,

and "rests" within your unconscious mind, you may have never used or encountered a Delta voice.

The Delta voice can be used to convey empathic messages, which are messages that are not heard

by the ears or seen by the eyes. This is a very advanced topic but I did want to introduce you to it

now. Dreamtongue is the Delta voice of Nature. Nature speaks to you all the time in a Delta voice. A

Delta voice can be a sign, a symbol, an omen, a gesture, or an action. A Delta voice can be conveyed

through words, when the words contain symbolic and hidden meaning. I recommend eighteen

months of work as an Empath before pursuing a fully developed Delta voice. I usually offer Delta

voice training as an internship for serious students. This means that everything that you do over the

next year and a half as an Empath will prepare you for using the Delta voice. Anyone interested in

pursuing advanced empath training will need to get academic credit for this course. For more

information on how to do that just write me at [email protected] .

Since people have not yet consciously developed the Delta voice in our society, we can look at the

Delta voice of the world around you. Delta messages come as signs and omens. After decades of

work with a mystical system called the Qabalah, the number eleven became a significant Delta

message for me. Everywhere I would go and everything I would do, I would somehow always

encounter the number eleven. It still happens now when I need guidance or a confirmation with

something I am doing. The study of omens and signs is the study of Delta messages. The experience

of synchronicity is a form of Delta language. Synchronicity is when two apparently unrelated things

happen together as if they were connected. Synchronicity is the result of the interconnectedness of

all things. Synchronicity would be something like one day saying," Gee, I think I am going to go back

to school," and on that same day you get a package in the mail from a local college inviting you to

attend a program. It is like life talking back to you, guiding and confirming your direction in life.

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The Gamma voice is the "sovereign" voice. This voice can take many forms, but it is always the

voice of your greater self, the part of you that is unconfined and unlimited. It does not matter

whether this is only a hypothetical construct, a psychological state, or a spiritual phenomenon. It is

the direct filtering of your consciousness as an energy field that is inter-linked to all other energy

fields. Information from the sovereign level is very difficult for the conscious mind to process

because there is no verbal language to facilitate it. What happens in channeling is that a person

opens up to their sovereign level and lets "the energy pour into the mind." The mind then has to

translate that energy into words and states. The problem is that there are no words which directly

translate the energy from Gamma. Here your mind has to be creative at its maximum potential.

Theoretically, at the Gamma level you have access to the past, present, and future. The visionary

power available in Gamma can be overwhelming to some individuals. Opening up Gamma is

accessing the unlimited potential of consciousness. It taps into many levels of the self, most of

which are unexpressed and connected to higher levels of reality. I do not teach channeling in early

Empath training, I only mention it in context so that if you decide to work with it you will have a

sense of what you are getting into.

Your ability to work with all of the voices will develop as you observe the forms of voice occurring

around you. The more observant you become as an Empath the more you will develop. Observation

is your first power and experience is your best teacher in this field. What is difficult for most of us is

that it is a lonely experience. There are no Empath Universities, Empath Temples, or even Empath

Clubs. (?) The experiences you have, and the needs you have are virtually left unaddressed, and

unsupported. This is why I encourage the development of Empath Circles which I will explain at the

end of this lesson.

This completes the introductory lesson of Dreamtongue, covering the receptive and the expressive

levels of empathic communication. If you are interested in pursuing the full coursework then I

encourage you to sign up with The School of Empath Psychology. There are no fees – it simply sets

up a student record for you so that you will have a transcript for your work.

As a supplement I would like to introduce you to the Nine Empathic Cycles which govern all

communication & experience.

The Nine Cycles Now one final lesson to help you get started with functioning as an Empath. There are nine

empathic cycles which determine the types of messages you will receive through empathic

language. These cycles affect you and the people you encounter. When interpreting Dreamtongue

for yourself or for others it is useful to be acquainted with these cycles. I teach these cycles to

people who are interested becoming empathic counselors. You may choose to do some counseling

or advising as an Empath and will find this knowledge useful. If you do not choose to work as a

professional Empath, this training and information can enhance any work you do and all

relationships in your life.

There are nine cycles that can be perceived empathically in a "reading" or empathic counseling

session. The cycles tend to follow each other but this pattern is easily disrupted by conscious

choices and actions. Free will is always a powerful influence on empathic information. The

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visualization for understanding these cycles is to see them as a set of nine concentric rings. All nine

cycles are always active but usually one at a time predominates. The predominant ring emerges as

the outermost ring and will manifest in external events. The cycles also help you put the empathic

messages you receive into a context.

Cycle One - (solar) This cycle involves the process of discovering and developing the Self/Identity.

During this time people are focused on "who am I", "what is my life about", the roles they play in

their lives, etc. The big question during this phase is, "Who am I?", "Who do I want to be?", "Where

do I belong?" and so forth.

Cycle Two- (lunar) This cycle involves the he process of growing and changing. During this cycle a

person is experiencing many changes and/or the opportunity to change. This is typically a very

unstable time, leaving the person with feelings of uncertainty, and often confusion. The big

questions are "What's going on?", "What's going to happen?", and "What choices do I make?" It is

common for people to seek consultation during this cycle.

Cycle 3 -- (terrestrial) This cycle involves the process of karma and responsibility. During this cycle

a person is feeling that life is getting very complicated and sometimes overwhelming. Many

energies tend to be at work during this phase, yet changes are not very big during this cycle. On the

surface things appear to be stuck or staying the same. Often there is a persistent issue or challenge

that must be met during this phase. The big questions tend to focus on, "What is the work for me

during this time?"

Cycle 4 -- (pyrrhic [fire]) This cycle involves process of skill and mastery. During this cycle a person

is experiencing a sense of optimism, success, and overall sense of control over life. Passion and

drive are strong during this phase. People tend not to seek out readings/counseling during this

cycle, but often in a session it is possible to discern approximately when the cycle will emerge.

Cycle 6 -- (aquatic [water]) This cycle involves the process of healing and regeneration. During this

cycle a person is feeling the need to withdraw from the pace of things, often from relationships and

responsibilities. Energy appears to be low and outward action is not the priority during this time.

The priority is to heal and take care of oneself. Often there is not a specific question during this

cycle. There is more of a sense of "searching for something."

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Cycle 7 - (aerial [air]) This cycle involves the processes of creativity and relating (relationships).

During this cycle a person is primarily focused on a relationship or relationships. Social events and

important connections are made during this time. When relationships are stable, creativity seems

to be the focus during this cycle. Issues tend to be focused on others.

Cycle 8 - (geometric) This cycle involves the processes of intellect and vocation. During this cycle

issues of career and direction are prominent themes, this includes education. Career changes and

directions are often the key issues during this cycle. Often choices and opportunities are abundant.

Intellect is the strong force during this phase (whether that is a good or a bad thing), therefore

knowledge and facts are more important than intuition alone.

Cycle 9 - (implicate) This cycle involves the processes of empathic awareness and ""mystical

communion". By mystical communion I mean an increasing awareness of a reality greater than

oneself and all the implications that follow. During this cycle deeper levels of meaning are being

revealed about any and all of the other cycles, often through symbolism, dreams, and spiritual

revelations. The predominant issues center on, "What is the meaning of life," and "What in life are

my alignments?" Synchronicities are often abundant during this time.

The dominant cycle will influence the types of activity and messages that you receive through

empathic language. Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma levels all process the nine cycles. There is

a very special pattern that is revealed when you take the empathic levels of communication and

combine them correctly with the nine cycles. I will share this pattern in a later course. Over time

you will learn how to determine the dominant cycle of another person. Perception of the active

cycle normally occurs at the Theta level, as a thought that enters your mind. It is usually

accompanied by other empathic messages and alpha associations. As you grow as an Empath, your

sensitivity to the cycles will become quite adept. In the meantime you can use your Empath tool's to

determine the present cycle you are in or that of another person.

Now, on to a topic that will help you accelerate your growth as an Empath:

ECHO (Empath Circles / Houses of Origin)

An Empath Circle is a study group of budding and mature Empaths who meet for the purpose of

supporting each other, sharing resources, and empowering their development as Empaths. Anyone

can form an Empaths Circle but there are guidelines that need to be considered. Anyone with

experience in working with groups, clubs, organizations, etc. knows that group work is potentially

very hazardous territory. Whenever people gather in groups many things begin to happen and

"these same things" have happened in EVERY group since the beginning of time. Personalities

emerge, compete, manipulate, act out, and generally undermine the group unity. No one sets out to

do that but it tends to happen anyway. This always happens and should be expected. What can

make the difference is a commitment by each member to develop and participate in a plan to

handle these issues as they arise. The key is open and honest communication. Any issue that is not

openly addressed creates an empathic illness in the group. If you would like to sponsor a School of

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Empath Psychology study group in your community send a letter of intent to:

[email protected].

Here are some general guidelines for forming an Empaths Circle.

Forming an Empaths Circle/ House of Origin (ECHO)

1. Before you start an Empaths Circle, ask yourself the following questions:

Why do you want to do this? What are your motives?

What do you want to get out of the circle?

Would it be better for someone else to start the circle? Why or why not?

Would it be better for you to join an existing circle if available?

Explain your commitment to starting and maintaining the circle.

Explain your commitment to the health and equanimity of the circlle

Are you comfortable as an organizer or would you seek an organizer?

Write your answers in detail on paper. Be prepared to share what you write with anyone interested

in joining the circle. Nothing should be secretive or hidden- this is key to setting a quality level to

the energy you will be maintaining.

2. The goals of an Empaths Circle are support, fellowship, and growth. A stable and harmonious

environment is essential. Plan when, where, and how you are going to meet. Plan how you will let

others know about the circle.

3. Ask anyone who is interested in participating in the circle to answer all the questions in #1 in

writing. The purpose of writing this information is not as a commitment but as an expression of

openness which is key to the Empaths Circle.

4. Empaths who are compatible in nature will be drawn together. Personalities can be very different

and the empathic connection still very strong. People must be free to come and go as they wish but

this is better done with respect to the integrity of the group. New members must be accepted by all

existing members. This is not an elitist membership requirement, it is a empathic necessity. Any

unmanaged conflict or tension in an Empaths Circle gets magnified many times over by the nature

of the group. The group must be unanimous in all of its decisions or the power of the group is lost.

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Although you may be the organizer, there can be no leader, for the group must lead itself. If you

have a problem with this concept then you will not be effective as a leader of an Empath Circle. Each

member must contribute equally. If you find followers collecting around you then please note that

you are in for serious trouble. You do not have to take my word for it. You can find out the hard way

if necessary. I have over thirty years of experience and have many stories I could share. If you have

the need to have followers then please do it through a different type of group. Take this as

experienced advice. If the people who want to join the circle are unwilling or unable to be equal

partners with you then you are in for some powerful dynamics of the unconscious, which will have

a tremendous cost for everyone involved. Please read this paragraph again before proceeding.

5. I recommend limiting the group to eight Empaths. The circle needs to be intimate and fully

available to each person. If it gets too large the dynamics become unmanageable and the focus is

easily lost. A circle can be formed with as little as two empaths but should not go larger than eight.

A vital and healthy ECHO may split up into two new groups, which is a positive direction for all


6. Put a limit on your meeting time in order to keep the energy focused. Two hours represents a

good upper limit to work with. There is flexibility here but be sure that you are able to maintain a

focus with the time you use. The structure of the time is part of the support which benefits the

growth of the Empaths.

7. In the same way that you chose an totem for your empathic nature, you can select a empathic

totem for the circle. It is best to do this when there are two or more of you, rather than doing it on

your own. The consensus in choosing the totem initiates the beginning power of the circle. From

that point Empaths will be attracted to your circle by the nature of the totem. An Empaths Circle is

also called a "house of origin" because it can function like the nest or birthplace of your Empath

abilities. An ideal Empaths Circle would function as an empathic family or support group. Yet, keep

in mind, distinct and realistic boundaries are necessary for healthy relationships.

8. The agenda of the meeting is to be set by all participants. The organizer can keep a clipboard or

notebook for each person to write in the agenda for the meeting. One agenda item per person

should be recorded. If someone wants more than one it can be requested from the group. Although

a group unity is formed, the power of the circle comes from the individuality of each Empath and

the contributions made by each.

9. The style, format, and character of the circle are shaped by the participants. You will see the circle

grow and evolve over time. In the same way that you practice your own personal empowerment,

this is a way to receive group empowerment, which can potentially be an incredible experience.

10. Any problems between Empaths or between an Empath and the rest of the circle should be dealt

with openly and honestly. This point cannot be stressed enough. A persistent problem that cannot

be resolved usually represents one or two people who do not feel compatible with the circle. This

issue should be handled with kindness and support. The person who is unhappy with the circle for

any reason can be helped to start a separate circle. The existing circle should offer help and

resources to get this person started. Note: this section pertains to normal disagreements and

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mature behavior. If there is a member who is disruptive and unstable, creating chaotic and

unreasonable problems, then the issue has to be dealt with in another manner. Unfortunately, such

unstable personality types are drawn to this kind of work so you will have to be alert and aware of

this potential problem. I will not elaborate on this issue here but I do have supportive information

for anyone conducting an Empath study group.

11. When an existing circle is full, an interested Empath should be guided to an available circle or

helped to start a new circle. Keeping a waiting list is a good idea for a couple of reasons. It gives

opportunity to new members but it also tests out the motives & sincerity of the applicants. Anyone

who is willing to wait for membership, and does so, is usually a more solid candidate. Some one

who angers quickly or who is impatient is going to be a problem in the group anyway.

12. Circle time can be used to share experiences, learn information, practice skills, create, celebrate,

and renew energy. How you do this is determined by the group. Keep in mind, that when choices

are not unanimously agreed upon, there will be an energy imbalance in the group. Working towards

a unanimous goal greatly amplifies the empathic qualities of the group.

13. You will notice many interesting things happening in the group. You will notice people taking on

specific types of roles. A Beta Empath will likely emerge, one who generates a lot of influence and

activity; An Alpha Empath will appear, one who is like the thermometer of the group, sensitive to

the currents of the circle; A Theta Empath will emerge, one who is always probing and analyzing (it

is the Theta Empath who is likely to try to be the leader, not the Beta/ the Beta Empath is usually

unaware of the influence they generate); there will be a Delta Empath who is very quiet and deep;

and there will be a Gamma Empath who is spiritually focused and who often works with some form

of channeling. The truth is, most Empaths are a combination of these qualities in fascinating ways.

14. It is important for the circle to develop its own code of ethics. Each circle must have its own

code of ethics shaped by its specific members. New Empaths must feel comfortable with the

existing code of ethics and should contribute something to it at some time.

15. Someone should record the content of the meetings for the benefit of anyone who is absent. The

circle will need to develop a benign policy regarding attendance. Erratic attendance creates irritate

energy but a flexible circle is a healthy circle.

16. No Empath should ever dominate another. A mature Empath must show as much respect to a

budding Empath as he or she would expect in return.

17. Be creative and have fun. Play is a form of expression and growth. A joyful circle is a powerful

one. A somber heavy circle is likely to be empathically constipated! Always be aware of the

personality of your Empaths Circle and encourage open discussion of it.

In this course I have given you all the essential information for growing and developing as an

Empath. Your best learning and growth will come from direct experience and application of this

information. There are volumes more of information to share with you, which will come in the

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coursework ahead, but for the purposes of your training you are now well equipped. This is the

beginning of an incredible journey. It is a journey of awakening and of personal transformation.

Listen to the language of Dreamtongue in your life and you will always be guided and supported in

path. Listen with your heart, your soul, and your mind. In time you will speak and understand the

language as if you had always done so. This is only the beginning.

Stage Nine Review

1. The goal of stage nine is to understand that the expressive side of Dreamtongue involves

creative application of your empathic awareness; also to be introduced to the five levels of


2. The Beta voice is the directive voice.

3. The Alpha voice is the persuasive voice.

4. The Theta voice is the probing voice.

5. The Delta voice is the voice of the Empath.

6. The Gamma voice is the sovereign voice.

7. The Nine Cycles of Dreamtongue interpretation are outlined in this stage.

8. Guidelines for forming an E.C./H.O. are offered in this lesson.

This is the conclusion of the "Dreamtongue" course. To receive credit towards Master's certification

contact [email protected] .

Course Two: "The Psychology of Energy"

© 1996-2007 Jad Alexander All Rights Reserved

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