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The Bloodshed of These Gentle GiantsBy: Lauren VogelWhales are dying because of whaling. Many people dont care, do you?How to Learn MoreAnd Reply to this Article...HOW CAN WE STOP IT?What are the effects of whaling?What is whaling?Title PageA whale breaching.

How to Learn MoreAnd Reply to this Article...HOW CAN WE STOP IT?What are the eEffects of Whaling?What is Whaling?Title PageHow to Learn Moreand Reply to this Article...To learn more about whalinggo to the websites below:To respond to this Feature Article, go to the Watsons Winners Blog to help stop Whaling!!! You can help too!http://greenpeace.org

How to Learn MoreAnd Reply to this Article...HOW CAN WE STOP IT?What are the effects of whaling?What is Whaling?Title PageHOW CAN WE STOP IT?...

Whaling has been going on for far too long, in fact whaling has been going on since prehistoric times! Korea whaled back in 5000 BC! And Norway has whaled as long as 4,000 years ago! No one cares it seems, the whales are all going down. But no, not without a fight! There are many organizations to stop whaling. One of them is a show on animal planet, its called Whale Wars. The people on the show battle against Japanese whalers. If you are looking for a little less violent group there are the Steve Erwin boats that help out a lot with stopping whaling peacefully. Japan by far whales the most. They lie to organizations that they are not whaling even though they are. Japan mostly uses parts of the whale for food. Even though whale meat is considered a delicacy in Japan not a lot of people buy it, it has become more of a sport to Japan to whale the most. Iceland is a mix, some people agree with whaling some people dont. Even so there are 13 whaling stations around Iceland, that is why Iceland is known for whaling. POWER WORDS!Whale Wars- a show on animal planet.

Thousands of elephants are chased down and left to die for their tusks.

How to learn more and reply to this article...HOW CAN WE STOP IT?What are the effects of whaling?What is whaling?Title PageWhat are the effects of whaling?

POWER WORDS!Food web: a series of organisms related by predator, prey and consumer-resource interactions; the entirety of interrelated food chains in an ecological community.

Japan, Iceland and Norway, they all whale but they never look at the effect. The effect is that harmless gentle giants die. Think about it if all whales die it will ruin the food web. These gentle giants deserve a life as much as we do, some kinds of whales are almost instinct. 75% of people who vote say whaling should be banned, yet it never changes. Japan puts down giant nets and kills whatever is in the net including whales. Whales need your help! They dont deserve to die for perfumes, make-up, and oil for our well being. Would you rather have make-up and oils or whales?

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