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w w w . p a t r i c k g a r d n e r . c o m


Your proper ty exper t s in Mole Va l ley

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Ashtead Residents’ Association 8 Cats Protection - Give a cat a home 55

Surrey Hills Onward Learning 10 Recipe 2 - Turkey, Leek & Mushroom Pie 58

Want to run but need support? 16 Surrey’s celebrity leftover cookbook 62

Recipe 1 - Turkey Frittata 20 Children’s Page 64

Review of the year - quiz 30 How to spot a hibernating hedgehog 66

Census collectors recruitment drive 32 Super duper science facts 68

Leatherhead Residents’ Association 34 What’s on? 70

Tradition started by Vaughan Williams 36 Surrey CC Buy with Confidence Scheme 74

Leatherhead Theatre 38 December crosswords solutions 77

Polesden Lacey needs volunteers 40 January large & gen knowledge crosswords 78

Spot the difference 40 MV Police column 80

WEA Courses 2011 42 ‘Hub’ opens in Epsom High Street 82

When the snow came - a story 44 Transition Ashtead 84

Digital camera for QEF 46 ‘One strike’ to lead to loss of benefits 86

Winter first aid advice 48 Gardening: common snowdrop 88

Andy’s Blog 50 Gardening: Winter flowering irises 90

Crossword 1 52 Book reviews 92

Meredith’s Memories 54 Useful numbers 94

What’s in here this month?

Solutions on page 10

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From the Publisher

HH appy New Year to you all and I hope you had (or are having) a lovely break. I think we alldeserve to put our feet up from time to time, I’m a great believer in being kind to one’s

self - hence no new year’s resolutions for me - life’s tough enough as it is without setting goals(achievable or unachievable).

At the time of writing, our recent heavy snowfall has melted and we are awaiting our next spellof sub-zero weather. I have to say that I do love the snow, but, as an advertiser said to me theother day, ‘I love it when it comes and I love it even more when it goes’! I know exactly whereshe’s coming from. I think most adults love it as much as children do, but only for a day or so,then the reality kicks in - the shops are decimated, trains and buses stop running, the streetsare treacherous to walk on, appointments are cancelled, post doesn’t get delivered, everythingjust closes down, which isn’t very funny when you’re trying to run a business or need to travelto work. However, that said, the sight of children and adults sledging down the slope in thehorse field at the top of Barnett Wood Lane a few weeks’ ago was very amusing and looked likegreat fun. The horses looked a bit confused though...

My partner Matthew and I always try to organise a few social events in January rather than totry and fit everything in during the couple of weeks coming up to Christmas, which is alwayshectic. I find January is a great time to meet up with friends as it’s always such a quiet timefor most people and diaries are not so full. These little ’soirées’ also serve to cheer up whatcan be a rather dreary month after the excitement of Christmas and New Year.

St John Ambulance sent through their winter first aidadvice and I have popped this onto the middle pages foryou to pull out and keep, especially if we are in line formore of the same weather that we had at the beginningof 2010.

Wildlife Aid tell us how to spot a hibernating hedgehogand what to do if we find one wandering around looking alittle ‘lost’ - page 66.

For those of you who are thinking of taking up running, myfriends Nicky and Alan at Run to Live are continuing withtheir well-known running groups, using their walk-runtechnique, suitable for absolute beginners, page 16. Ibumped into one of their ex-novices at the shop inBarnett Wood Lane, who has now caught the running bugand, when I saw him, had just finished a five mile run,despite telling me that he was a true ‘couch potato’ inthe past! Nice one.

As ever, lots of new businesses have joined this month,these are all nestled within the magazine in theirrespective ‘categories’ and are looking forward toreceiving your custom, as indeed are all my regularadvertisers who have helped to ensure that this magazineis one of the most well-read and anticipated in the area.Thank you.

Zen GeorgePublisher01372 [email protected]

AdvertisingThe Ashtead & Leatherhead Localprovides local businesses withaffordable, quality advertising. Adscost from £53 +VAT per month, perquarter page for a 10,000distribution (yes, really!) and can bedesigned where required.

Technical & Legal stuffWhilst every care has been taken toensure that the data in this magazineis accurate, the Publisher cannotaccept, and hereby disclaims, anyliability to any party for loss ordamage caused by errors or omissionsresulting from negligence, accidentor any other cause.

No part of this magazine may bereproduced, stored in any retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form -electronic, mechanical, recording,photocopying, or otherwise - withoutprior permission of the Publisher.

All in-house artwork and editorialpresented in this magazine remainsthe copyright of Zen George.

© Zen GeorgeAll rights reserved 2011.

01372 [email protected]

© Cover design/photography by Andy Newbold 01372 383018

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Shops & Services

Page 8: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


The “big idea” for the Government is “The BigSociety”. As a concept it offers many attractionsand is very much in keeping with the ethos ofthe Association. It also appears to have thepotential to be an idea of its time, as theGovernment is forced to face unpleasantrealities in public finance and reforms theoperation of local government but aims tomaintain priority services.

The concept seems to have struck a chord withmany and it is difficult to fault the desirabilityof tapping into the reservoirs of goodwill andskills in our society through voluntary effort forpublic benefit. Many already provide their timeand skills to provide voluntary assistance inmany worthwhile endeavours, so why not buildupon it?

The Coalition’s “Programme for Government”stated that:“The Government believes that it is time fora fundamental shift of power fromWestminster to people. We will promotedecentralisation and democratic engagement,and we will end the era of top-downgovernment by giving new powers to localcouncils, communities, neighbourhoods andindividuals.”

At the time of writing this article theGovernment is due to launch the Localism andDecentralisation Bill, which will detail how itenvisages facilitating and supporting localinitiatives. The purpose of the Bill however willbe to: “devolve greater powers to councilsand neighborhoods and give localcommunities control over housing andplanning decisions.”More specific objectives included in the Queen’sspeech were to:

• Return decision-making powers on housingand planning to local councils.

• Give residents the power to instigate localreferendums on any local issue and thepower to veto excessive council taxincreases.

• Provide greater financial autonomy tolocal government and community groups.

I envisage that this ambitious approach will facesome significant obstacles, even in a placewhich in many respects should be ideal. Theability of communities to respond positively willvary, depending upon a variety of factors.

Ashtead should however be well placed tomake a positive contribution. There is a longtradition in the Village of voluntary activitythough many organisations, of which the ARA isone. Many residents have great affection forour community and I am certain that, despitethe increased demands of modern life, there aremany who would be prepared to offer theirhelp, should suitable opportunities bepresented.

Increased responsibilities and a wider range ofactivities will require greater involvement andcommitment by community groups. We havealready experienced a significant increase inconsultations, which can be a time consumingtask. These proposals are therefore likely toplace a significantly greater onus upon thevoluntary sector and community groups.

The practical implications of these proposalswill take some time to emerge. They shouldhowever provide excellent opportunities formore residents to be directly involved in thedevelopment and operation of our community.If some involvement may appeal to you,please let me know([email protected]), as weare starting to plan for what could be achallenging and rewarding new era.

ARA Telephone Number

Please note that the old number 279944 is nolonger available, as following unsatisfactorydiscussions with BT we have decided that wecan no longer use its services.The new number is 07733 621614.

Paul Le VershaChairman

The Big Society - a new era?

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Shops & Services

Contact us for information on

Personal Financial PlanningInheritance Tax Planning, Pensions, Income Protection Mortgages

InvestmentsISAs, Unit Trusts, Annuities, Trust Fund Management

Corporate Financial PlanningStakeholder Pensions, Medical Insurance, Group Risk Insurance

Cameron House, Church Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8EQTel: 01372 374444

Email: [email protected]

Charlwood Leigh is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA)

Financial Planning and Wealth ManagementCharlwood Leigh has been based in Leatherhead for over 40 years advising

a wide range of personal and corporate clients on how to managetheir assets, save tax and protect their families. We would welcomethe opportunity to meet you and discuss your affairs in confidence.

Our first meeting will, of course, be at our expense.

Page 10: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

Hunt ScottChartered Surveyors

• RICS Homebuyer Reports• Property Valuations• Rent Reviews• Business Rating

Have your new homeinspected before you buy -the RICS Homebuyer Report

Tel: 01306 886536Email: [email protected]


296 High Street, Dorking, RH4 1DZ

Regulated by RICS

New Year Resolutions

Someone described a New Year Resolution as something that goesin one year and out the other.

Hopefully, though, a resolution to acquire a new skill has a morelasting outcome.

Why not make this the year when you learn something new - to usea computer, make digital photographs, write creatively, learnFrench...

Surrey Hills Onward Learning offers all of these opportunities – andmore – at the Leatherhead Institute and Ashcombe School, Dorking.

If the ‘great outdoors’ appeals to you, we have vacancies in our evening classes in Gardening- Beds and Borders or Vegetables and Salads; and a new Geology class is starting onWednesday afternoons studying the characteristics of the rocks and minerals that create ourlandscapes.

Or if you prefer the ‘great indoors’, we have vacancies in Art History (Spanish Art onTuesday evenings, Northen European Art on Wednesday mornings), in Local History, andalso in Bridge (for those who have some knowledge of ACOL and the principles of bidding).

For further information on our classes, please phone 01372 363708,collect a brochure from the Leatherhead Institute or local libraries, or

visit our website

Page 11: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


• Fully Qualified, friendly DSA

Registered Driving Instructor

• Leatherhead based business

• Pass Plus Tuition Available

Mrs Lynne WebbRSG School of Motoring

T: 01372 458876E: [email protected]


Shops & Services

Page 12: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


EE nn g l i s h m a n ‘ sg l i s h m a n ‘ s C a s t l eC a s t l e

9-15 Church Street, Leatherhead(next door to the theatre)

Opening Hours:Monday - Saturday 9am-5pm

00113372 372 37586575865

Shops & Services

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HHaappy Newppy New YearYearffromrom CairdsCairds

SomeSome warm cowarm commenmments fts fromrom 2012010!0!

Reviewed by Roberts on 2nd September 2010

Extremely professional and efficient service.

Reviewed by benh on 20th July 2010

From start to finish, we found dealing with Cairds a pleasure. Any issuesarising were dealt with swiftly, even if they were not really within theremit of an estate agent. In an industry which doesn't have the greatestreputation, we found Cairds to be a breath of fresh air!

Reviewed by Tony Stockhausen on 13th July 2010

Excellent service throughout.

Reviewed by Mrs B on 23rd June 2010

From the start a very professional team, excellent communications.Refreshing approach - would highly recommend.

Page 15: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Reviewed by Stephen on 9th May 2010

Brilliant service... Maria and Louise have been outstanding in their help.

Reviewed by PC on 6th May 2010

Very efficient, dynamic and delivered what they promised.All staff highly committed.

Reviewed by T on 28th April 2010

Extremely professional and friendly service received from the minute Iwalked into the office as a prospective seller/buyer. They really go theextra mile and are a pleasure to deal with. I would thoroughlyrecommend to anyone thinking about selling their house.

01301372 221672 2216787835 The Street, Ashtead, KT21 1AA

AAssppiirriinngg to a stronger 20to a stronger 2011!11!

Page 16: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

Want to run, but need support?Here at Run to Live we love running for lots of reasons. You know the obvious benefitsfrom running such as an increase in fitness, help in strengthening bones and weight loss (ifthat's what you are looking for). But, do you know about the 'other stuff' such as helpfrom depression, stress relief, building self esteem and most importantly havingfun? Interested? Then we are here to help.

Run to Live offer a fully structured and supported 10 week program giving you theopportunity to go back to running school and learn how to run. It sounds silly, of courseyou all know how to run, we just make it simple, teach the basics, give you lots ofsupport, encouragement and enthusiasm. You also get the benefit of our mistakes andadvice to get you up to three miles as safely as we can. The course is suitable forabsolute beginners. We follow a gentle walk-run system, gradually decreasing thetime walking and increasing the time running.

The next courses are:Course 19 Mondays 10th January to 14th March 2011 - 7.15pmCourse 20 Fridays 15th January to 18th March 2011 - 9.15am

All beginners courses are 10 weeks long and are led by experienced personnel. The cost is£35 per 10 week course and booking is easy, just contact Nicky on 07855 926714 [email protected] to register your interest now. 2638801

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Shops & Services

Page 18: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


PPAYROAYROLL BURLL BUREAUEAU• Accurate, personal service• Over 25 years’ bookkeeping

experience• Security-sealed payslips (ready to post)• Statutory payments (sickness,

maternity, paternity, adoption etc)• Online filing of P45 & P46 returns• End of year payroll returns• Comprehensive management reports• Payroll software accredited by HMRC

ContaContact Davct David Fiid Finnignnigan for more dan for more detaetailsils

01372 361186 || 07973 [email protected]

Shops & Services

I am looking for two recruits!Would you like to earn extra money?

This is the best time of year to start yourown Jo Magdalena business

Stunning Jewellery

25% discount on personal purchases

Low start up cost

Convenient on-line orderingConvenient on-line ordering

Being your own boss

Free training and supportFree training and support

Work the hours you choose

Christine McParlandIndependent ConsultantEmail: [email protected]: 07957 627298Web:

Page 19: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



0137201372 372084 /372084 / 37283728353574 Church St, Leatherhead, KT22 8EN

All types of fireplaces available | Wood & Multifuel StovesAlso Gas & Electric Fires & Stoves | A large range of fireside accessories

Everything you need for your fire | Including Coal & LogsWhy not give a fireside gift this Christmas?

Shops & Services

‘Gentleman Charlie’Chimney Sweep

I offer a professional, friendly and CLEANservice with a FREE smoke test, from £40

Your chimney must be sweptevery year for your safety.

07533 644805w:

e: [email protected]

Page 20: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Word processing & colour laser printingservices, established in Ashtead since 1993

letters | mailshots | leaflets | flyersnewsletters | envelopes/labels | reports

tables/charts | presentations | spreadsheetsPlease contact Melodie Hunt

for an Information & Pricing Folder01372 277808

[email protected]

TAXlilineneTax self assessment and accountancy services

• Local business• Free initial home or office visit• Affordable fixed fee• Personal and friendly service• Over 12 years’ experience in filing self

assessment returns• Bookkeeping/Accounts preparation• Sole traders, taxi drivers, sub-contractors

welcome• No late or inaccurate returns due to

electronic filing


8 Mulberry Court, Ashtead, KT21 2LN

01372 277685 / 07773 523 350E: [email protected]

Shops & Services

• 350g leftover vegetables such as potatoes,parsnips, broccoli, carrots or sprouts

• 175g leftover turkey, a mixture of brownand white meat

• 30ml (2tbsp) vegetable oil

• 6 large eggs, beaten

• 50g leftover stuffing, crumbled

• Handful of parsley to garnish

Recipe of the month # 1

1. Heat a large non-stick frying pan. Chop allthe vegetables into bite-sized pieces nobigger than 2cm. Tear or slice the turkeyinto bite-sized chunks.

2. Add the oil to the hot pan, then thevegetables and turkey. Sauté over amedium heat for 3-4 mins or until thevegetables begin to crisp and are pipinghot. Crumble in the stuffing.

3. Beat the eggs with salt and pepper, thenpour into the pan. Season with salt &pepper. Stir gently for about 1 min or untilmost of the egg has set. Shake the pan tolevel the surface and cook for 3 mins untilthe base is golden and top almost set.

4. Pop under a hot grill and cook for 1 min oruntil the top has set. Scatter over theparsley and serve hot in wedges.

Quick and easy to prepare, this recipe uses up yourleftover turkey and vegetables. Try adding some leftoverham/gammon as well.

Ready in 15 minsServes 4

Page 21: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


159-161 High Street, Epsom(Opposite Pizza Express)

01372 744000

Shops & Services

CCllaasses insses in “Fet“Fetch”amch”amPupPuppy Playgrouppy Playgroup

Everyday ObeEveryday Obediencedience1-2-1 Cons1-2-1 Consultations for Behaviourultations for BehaviourOnly reward based methods used

For more information, please phone:Sally Thorn

01372 386637Mobile 07740 580311

NOW Kennel Club Listedand working towards

Kennel Club Good Citizens Award

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EmmaScissorhandsQuality hairdressing in thecomfort of your home

• Cut & blow dry

from £20

• London trained

• Specialising in

cut, colour & hair


Call Emma07894 269189

GGiifftt VoucVouchers Now Available -hers Now Available -WoulWould maked make a unique anda unique and

ununusual giftusual gift


OnOn love, life,love, life, workworkandand relatrelationshionships.ips.WhatWhat doedoes 2011s 2011hold for you?hold for you?hold for you?hold for you?hold for you?

CCall Ann Sincall Ann Sinclairlair07732 78987907732 789879

Unit 17 Kiln Lane Epsom KT17 1DH(3rd left , past car showrooms, after Sainsbury’s turning)

Showroom open: Mon - Fri 9-5 Sat 10-3For free advice and a huge range of samples

01372 747177

Vertical BlindsConservatory Blinds Roller Blinds



Local Company inEpsom for 15 years

Measure andFitting by ExpertsWood Blinds

50% OFFSelectedRanges


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20% OFFSelectedRanges

Shops & Services

Page 24: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services


Contact Joseph01372 373844

[email protected] available on request


For a prompt, reliable &competitive service,please call us today

Ashtead: 01372 411211(24hrs: 07050 261787)

• Repairs toexisting systems

• Maintenance &takeovers

• Installation ofnew intruderalarm systems

• Free survey &quotation

• 24hr monitoringstation

• Pets, no problem• True 24hr

callout service(365 days of the year)

It’s snow problem for SmartCare!Offering ‘brrrr… illiant’ service in all weathers...What makes a good care agency? Ask 100 differentpeople, and you will probably get 100 differentanswers! One thing everyone tends to agree onhowever is ‘reliability’. There’s no point employingthe services of a carer if you are unable to relyupon them when you need them the most. Therecent weather we have been experiencing is afantastic example of this… after all, it’s inconditions like those we have been experiencingrecently that people are at their most vulnerable.

At SmartCare, our carers have battled theelements and been in attendance at all appointments. It’s not been easy but with somecareful planning (and a highly dedicated team) it has very much been a case of ‘business asusual’ during the snow and freezing weather… which is exactly as it should be. Takingsimple steps such as fitting snow chains to our vehicles and carrying the necessaryequipment means we have been able to maintain our service.

We’d therefore like to take this opportunity to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone for goingthe extra mile in difficult conditions. And if you are looking for a ‘reliable’ agency, thenyou’ve come to the right place!

Freephone 0800 542 0808 | 01372 230757

Page 25: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


• 1 to 24 hour care• Holiday or respite care• ‘Sleep in’ or night care• Weekend care

• Shopping• Domestic help• Meal preparation• Companionship

Freephone: 0800 542 0808Tel: 01372 230757E: [email protected]:

Staying independent in later lifemight be easier than you think

If you're looking for a little assistance...then look no further

CQC Registered

Ryebrook Studios, Woodcote Side, Epsom, KT18 7HD

Whatever the circumstances, ill health, frailty, mental or physical disability…we are here to help. We believe that arranging care shouldn’t be complicated,in fact it just takes 4 easy steps from your first call to right through to usformulating a written care plan for you or your loved one.

Shops & Services

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Shops & Services



LIMITED STOCK!Super Luxury Velvet - Immense Quality

HALF PRICERRP: £69.99 m²

Our Price: £34.99 m²Plus many more discontinued bargains

Up to 66% off

100%Wool Loop £9.99 m²

Page 28: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local




Personal 24 hour service from aprivately funded family business



Shops & Services

Page 29: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


24 ho24 hour nursur nursing cing careare

••LoLongng Term and RespiTerm and Respite Ste Staytay

••FullFull progprogramramme of actime of activitiesvities

••DayDay CareCare

••Care QCare Quauality Colity Commissionmmission

- Excellent 3 St- Excellent 3 Star Rar Ratatinging

••For further dFor further detaetailsils pleaplease contact Mrsse contact Mrs Helen Lockyer,Helen Lockyer,

thethe ManManager, on 01ager, on 01372372 274274552552

Email: [email protected] Website:

43 Sk43 Skinneinners Lane, Ashtrs Lane, Ashteaead, Surd, Surrerey, KTy, KT21 2NN21 2NN



Shops & Services

Page 30: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

To assist elderly and/or disabled persons to remain independent intheir own home. We can provide highly trained care staff to help with:-

Bathing & showering •• Meal & snack preparationGetting up in the morning •• Going to bed at night

Supporting with day to day activitiesAssisting with taking medication 272240

41 The Street • Ashtead • KT21 1AA

Established 1991Established 1991

Quality Home Care

Answers on page 39

Page 31: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


• Accredited Members of the BritishInstitute of Cleaning Science

• Reliable and skilled tradesmen

• Secure keyholding for your peace of mind

• No minimum term contract

• 100% Environmentally Friendly cleaningproducts used

• Convenience - we can organise additionalservices

• No monthly fees, pay only when you usethe service

• One-off cleans to complete housekeeping

• OVENSSingle £30 Hobs £15Double £50 Extractors £15

• CARPET CLEANSLounge: £35Hall & Stairs £40

• FULL DEEP CLEANPlease call us for aquotation

• GUTTER CLEANINGPlease call us for a quotation

The Old Bakery,Rear of 76 The Street, (behind Watson’s),

Ashtead, KT21 1AW

Tel: 01372

All our staffare fullytrained,

insured andvetted.


Caring for those you care about

• Person-centred 24hour care

• Unrestricted visiting• Excellent cuisine

• Integrated socialactivities programme

• Deferred PaymentPlan

41 Skinners Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2NN

Tel: 01372 276052

Shops & Services

Page 32: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Recruitment campaignlaunched for 29,000

Census Collector roles

One of the largest current campaigns in theUK has begun as recruitment gets underwayto fill over 29,000 temporary part time andfull time vacancies to make the 2011 Censusa success – and we need your help!

A total of 35,000 people will be required todeliver the census, which will take place on27 March 2011. The majority of vacanciesare for Census Collectors who contacthouseholders to collect completed censusquestionnaires and assist where required.Over 29,000 of these roles are available in2,000 locations across England and Wales.

These roles provide flexibility aroundworking hours – there is the choice ofworking 15, 25 or 37 hours a week, soindividuals can fit the work around theircurrent commitments.

There are still vacancies for CensusCoordinators to lead and motivate a team ofapproximately 15 field staff and for SpecialEnumerators to deliver questionnaires toorganisations such as care homes, hotels,prisons etc. and help with their completion.

These are great opportunities to earn someextra cash close to home, as well as helpingout the local community. Information fromthe census will be used to make importantdecisions around future policies, planning,services and funding for local communitiesfor years to come.

There are a number of ways you can helpwith recruitment:· if you are looking for extra work,

particularly during the evening and atweekends, register your interest andapply at

· tell your friends and family and directthem to

The Census Recruitment TeamFor more information, go to:

Your Friendly, Reliable, Local Cleaning Service

01372 [email protected]

• Domestic Cleaning

• Spring Cleans

• End of Tenancy Cleans

• Drive & Patio Cleaning• Ashtead based family run cleaning business serving

the local area since 2005• All work is covered by both Employers’ and Public

Liability Insurance• At First Choice we take great pride in all work

undertaken and believe that our strength lies in offeringa friendly, flexible and totally reliable service

Shops & Services

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Shops & Services

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Only one day after the closure of the HighStreet consultation, Rod Shaw of MoleValley District Council was able to give usan initial report on the survey. Whilstthere were a few more returns to beprocessed, it appeared that only about 340returns had been made. When youremember that the potential number wasabout 80,000, this is really a quiteinsignificant return rate. Of course this isnot a decision making survey, so much asan opinion poll on some of the questionswhich appear to divide the community.Never the less there were some commonthemes, and a few people had introducedsome new ideas.

This survey has to be read in conjunctionwith the results obtained from the traderswho were interviewed face-to-face. Thishad produced a more representativereturn, which will have to be taken withappropriate loading to that of theresidents’ survey.

Nevertheless, the aspirations of thetownsfolk will now have to be distilled intoa coherent plan for both the short-termand long-term future of the Town.Discussions with the various stakeholderorganisations seemed to concentrate on thevery short term. In particular the‘waterless feature’ at the crossroads - as itonce was. For many, the burning issueseems to be the repair of the marblecladding, and the degradation of thepaving. We were told that it would costsome £10,000 to repair the marble wallfacings. Against the background of the longterm question of whether the featureshould be retained or not, the debateappeared to offer little. However aftersome probing questions, we were told thatthis budget cost was probably on the highside to give the officers a comfortablecushion, and that it need not all be spent.

It was agreed that the broken slabs neednot be replaced with identical marble, butthat if the outer damaged slabs were

replaced with those from the inside, then aset of similar slabs could be fixed on theinside which might not match the exteriorones, but which may therefore be a bitcheaper. Our Leatherhead Southcouncillor, David Sharland also suggestedthat as some of the marble slabs hadalready fallen off, it might be worth boltingthe rest of the panels into position beforethey fell off. One can only applaud thiscommon sense suggestion which seemed tohave passed by our technical advisors.

So now we must await the outcome of theofficers’ attempts to thread the variouswishes into one or more rationalprogrammes for the future development ofour Town.Perhaps we can then get a higher approvalrate, or will apathy still silence the wishesof the Townsfolk?

Hubert CarrChairman


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• Well-Established Modern Practice• Fully Air Conditioned• Same Day Emergency Service• Cosmetic Dentistry including ToothWhitening & Advanced Facial Aesthetics

• Full Disabled Access• Hygienist Service• NHS For Children• Easy ParkingDDrr Sue TSue Taylor Dr R Woodriffe Dr M Talaylor Dr R Woodriffe Dr M Talbot Dr Tbot Dr T ThanThan

Phone Now for an Appointment01372 363670

135 Cobham Road, Fetcham, KT22 9HX

Health & Beauty

Page 38: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Please go to tocheck timings and make on-line bookings,

or call the box office on01372 365141

AN EVENING IN VIENNAWith the Candlelight OrchestraSaturday 8th January 7.30pmTickets: Adult £19.50, Friends/Groups £17.50, Children £9.50Early Bird tickets prior to 31st December: Adult £18.50, Friends/Groups £18.50,Children £9

This popular programme will feature some of the most famous and well lovedmusic by amongst others, Johann Strauss II and Franz Lehar, including highlightsfrom The Merry Widow, Die Fledermaus and The Land of Smiles, performed byacclaimed Candlelight Orchestra featuring guest soloist from Candlelight Opera

PRIDE & PREJUDICEWednesday 12th January 1pm and 7.30pmMatinee Tickets: Adult £10 and Children/Students, £8.Evening Tickets: Adult £15 and Concessions/Friends, £12

Chapterhouse Theatre Company present Jane Austen’s most enchanting andromantic novel as a splendid evening of theatre that will surely melt your heartthis winter.

Take a step back in time with Chapterhouse Theatre Company as we meet Elizabeth Bennet and hersisters. Whilst their interfering mother engineers various courtships, sisters Elizabeth and Jane mustpursue their own quest for true love.

FIREMAN SAM ‘PONTYPANDY ROCKS!’Saturday 22nd January 2pmTickets: Adult £13, Child £11 and Family £44.Early Bird family ticket: £40 before 31st December

Station Officer Steel has booked a surprise guest star to perform at the festival,it’s a big secret. With so much to plan and prepare Norman Price and MandyFlood are told to stay out of mischief but Naughty Norman is determined to findout who the secret superstar guest will be... at any cost. The Hero next door isback, ‘rock on’ down to Pontypandy to join in all the fun.

HOLLIE STEELSaturday 29th January 7pmBritain’s got Talent star Hollie Steel will be performing alongside some very talentedyoungsters at the Leatherhead theatre. Hollie will perform show stopping numbers fromOliver, Cats, Phantom of the Opera, Fame, Westside story, My Fair Lady and many more.

THE INTERNATIONALHARP ENSEMBLESaturday 15th January 7.30pmTickets: Adult £15 and Friends £12.50The International Harp Ensemble is the largest harpensemble of its type in Europe which comprisesBritain’s finest young talent. The ensemble willperform works from classical to modern withincredible passion, perfection and energy. Abeautiful sight and sound not to be missed. With aspecial guest appearance from the dynamic andtalented dancers from “Dance Shack”.

Page 39: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



MarMargaretgaret SpiceSpiceMA, BMA, BA (HA (Honsons.), MBAC.), MBACP, BICAP, BICA

AAsshtead Prachtead PractiticeceTel: 01Tel: 01372372

• AbuseAbuse• AnxAnxietyiety• DepreDepressionssion• BerBereavementeavement

• LLoss ofoss of CoConfnfidenceidence• RRelationshelationshipsips• All asAll aspects ofpects of


YogaAshtead, Leatherhead & Epsom

All levels welcomeAmanda SkellyPhone: 07507 550672Email: [email protected]:

Health & Beauty

Fun & Varied Exercise ClassesPilates

Please contact for info on Pilates Mat Classone-to-one studio or group sessions

Keep FitMon/Wed 7.45pm-8.45pm

Polesden Lacey Infants School

Adult TapSuitable for beginners or thosewith some previous experience

Please contact for info

Helen Stevens01372 378787 | [email protected]

Certified Studio & Mat Pilates InstructorCertified Fitness InstructorCertified Dance Teacher

Review Of The Year 2010

1. Canada2. Alexander McQueen3. Paul4. Junior Apprentice5. It was in 3D6. Sandra Bullock's7. It erupted (causing an ash cloud that

led to air travel disruption)8. MX9. Toy Story 310 Play tennis (their Wimbledon match

was the longest in tennis history)

H o m e o p a t h yThe natural approach

to healthcareGive your health a boost

Meike Lawrence MBSH RSHom

01372 452994Bookham based practice

Page 40: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


PL Needs YOU!Volunteer Coffee Morning

Saturday 29th January 10am-12pm

The Volunteer Coffee Morning is anopportunity for people to find out howthey can get involved. We haveapproximately 600 volunteers here atPolesden Lacey already involved ineverything from room stewarding,gardening, retail to estatemanagement, driving the shuttle bus,marketing, accounts, dressing up asFather Christmas… The place could notfunction without them! We are alsoinvolved in a project to look at ways ofexpanding what we offer – eg one-offvolunteering rather than regularcommitments and also options for

families to get involved etc. In return we offer the chance to learn new skills, makefriends, social events (including free Christmas lunches which are happening thisweek!), endless cake… There is also a Polesden Volunteer Club which meets regularly.

Spot the difference

Answers on page 53

Page 41: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Health & Beauty

Take aTake a bibitete outout of wiof winter!nter!FFRREEEE eessttiimates formates fornew dnew dententuresures

Natural looking, comfortable and ata price to put a smile on your face!

Astek Dental Centre19 Cannon GroveFetcham, KT22 9LG


Mon 9-6, Tues 9-6, Weds 10-8, Thurs 9-6, Fri 9-6, Sat 9-580a The Street, Ashtead, KT21 1AW 274343

Back, Neck & Shoulder MassageOnly £15 in January! (usual price £26.50)

Mon, Tues & Wed only on production of this advert

Page 42: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


For your 2011 diary there is a fantasticrange of courses, covering all manner ofdiverse and fascinating subjects, such as:

- People of the Portsmouth Roadwith Jenny GoldsmithLooking at life and lives over time alongthis busy road of communication

- European CathedralsWith Keith HastedDiscovering their splendour

- Making Friends with your Computer- Digital Image Editing Manipulation- Putting your Digital Images to WorkAll three courses with Terry Pullen

- Wild Habit Walks in our S.E. AreaWith Peter CreaseyOne visit near the South Coast (firstmeeting in the Barn Hall, Bookham)

- WeatherGordon Tripp

- Central AsiaWith Guy Arnold

- Modern Architecture & the OlympicAgeWith Keith Hasted

The following courses bagan inSeptember, but there is still anopportunity to join in the New Year:

- Medieval Europe- Current & International Affairs- Philosophy- British Prime Ministers (20th CenturySalisbury to Blair)- Family History- AstronomyLooking at our Solar system- Rock ‘n’ Roll Dancing

10 week courses are £75, 7 weeks £56,6 weeks £48 and 5 weeks £42.

Brochures with further informationcan be found in all local libraries, theOld Barn Hall (Bookham), LetherheadInstitute, Leatherhead Helpshop, bytelephoning Joy tapping on 01306713355, or contacting the

If you are looking for somethingdifferent on which to spend yourChristmas money, or have some sparetime during the day,why not attend acourse, taught in aninformal, friendly andstimulating environmentby well-qualified Tutors.If applying, and onmeans tested benefits,then the course may befree.

WEA Courses for 2011

Page 43: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Health & Beauty

Page 44: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Ruth knew it had been snowing as soon as shewoke up. Perhaps it was the subtle change inthe quality of light from behind the bedroomcurtains? Perhaps it was the slight chill in theair? A more likely explanation was the piercinghigh pitched squeal of joy from her youngestchild.

The world seemed to grind to a halt when thesnow came. The school was closed, the carwasn't going anywhere and Ruth had to resignherself to a housebound day with threechildren and a husband. Sam was going towork from home so the computer would befully occupied and the children would have tobe quiet.

Sarah and Daniel shovelled down somebreakfast and raced outside to build asnowman. Ben was still in bed. He had wokenbriefly, looked out of the window, grunted"Cool" and disappeared back under the duvet.This time last year he would have been outwith his siblings but the onset of puberty hadmuted his enthusiasm for any physical exertionfirst thing in the morning.

The younger two children were busyconstructing an ambitious but slightly lopsidedsnowman at the front of the house and Ruthwatched them as they laughed together. Shecould see neighbours clearing snow from theirdriveways and reminded herself to check onMrs Parkes at number 43. Mrs Matsby fromnumber 41 brought out a steaming cup ofcoffee for her husband, brushed the snow fromher bird table and loaded it with several neatlycut portions of bread. Peter Clarke fromnumber 40 was setting off on a shoppingexpedition. He left with a determined stride,a rucksack on his back, a fetching bobble haton his head and two long ski poles.

Ruth's favourite neighbour was Mr Murray fromnumber 46. He was a lovely man who smokeda pipe and had a twinkle in his eye. He had astrong spade and would always clear thejunction at the end of the road so that carswouldn't skid into any oncoming traffic. Hedidn't have any grandchildren of his own and abox of Quality Street would appear on theirdoorstep a couple of days before Christmaswith a note wishing the children a 'Happyholiday and a full stocking..."Ruth gave a thumbs up to the children and

waved to Mr Murray before going to the kitchento tidy breakfast away and wash the floor. Shehad just finished and was about to sit downwhen Daniel and Sarah flung open the door,dumped wet clothes and wellies and demandedfood. Ben emerged, still in his dressing gownand Sam called out for a cup of coffee.

'Mr Snowball', Daniel and Sarah's snowmanstood proudly outside their house. His headwas significantly too large for his body but hispebbled smile was resolute. It was a valianteffort and Ruth tried to ignore the fact thather new red scarf was draped around his fatneck. The family were summoned to admirethe masterpiece but as they gazed out of thewindow, gravity got the better of Mr Snowballand his oversized head toppled to the groundleaving only the trace of his smile in the snow.

Sarah and Daniel mourned the decapitation ofMr Snowball but were soon distracted fromtheir grief by hot chocolate, biscuits and aDVD. Ruth did some ironing and Bendisappeared back to his room to a world of'Facebook' and 'You Tube'.

After lunch, they all decided to go and re-buildMr Snowball. Even Sam was going to join thembefore he cleared the driveway. They foundgloves and boots and made their way outside.

Sarah gasped. It was a miracle! Mr Snowballwas back together again. He had healedhimself! His head was a perfect sphere, Ruth'sred scarf was neatly tied round his neck and hispebbled smile was victorious. Daniel wasbaffled but mocked his younger sister for hernaivety. Snowmen couldn't heal themselves!He loved a mystery and immediately started tolook around for clues.

Sam and Ben started a snowball fight and Ruthwent to check on Mrs Parkes at Number 43.She gave Mr Murray a wave and a smile as shewent past and he responded with a wink.Mr Snowball stood majestically in the frontgarden. His smile was steadfast and protrudingfrom his mouth was a rather handsome woodenpipe.

Copyright Sarah LottDecember 2010Website: [email protected]

When the Snow Came

Page 45: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Health & Beauty

Mr N. Patel B.D.S., U.Lond., L.D.S., R.C.S.

Mr N. Stretch B.D.S., U.Lond., L.D.S., R.C.S.

Nurse Led Clinic01372

Leatherhead Town Centre

Plus Get One Free worth £49** T&Cs apply offer available until 31st January 2011

New Year ~ Amazing OfferCourse of IPL Hair Removal Treatments10% Discount on Course of 6 treatments

No More Waxing!IPL/Laser Hair Removal £49 per Area/Session

Page 46: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Leatherhead Decorative Fine Arts Society presentsdigital camera to QEF Neuro Rehabilitation Services

Chris Evans, former Chairman of the LeatherheadDecorative Fine Arts Society (DFAS), officiallypresented a state of the art Canon 450D DigitalSLR camera to Claire Bonfield and Joel Morrison,clients at QEF Neuro Rehabilitation Services BrainInjury Centre in Banstead on 18 November 2010.

DFAS is a charity that supports local organisationswith creative projects and provides funding forequipment they are unable to afford.

The art department at the QEF Brain InjuryCentre needed a digital SLR camera for clients touse for their art work. Two clients attendedexternal short courses to study studio

photography at SCOLA in Sutton and have already been able to make use of thecamera.

Eileen Jackman, Principal of QEF Neuro Rehabilitation Servicesthanked DFAS saying, ”Our clients will make very good use ofthis beautiful camera, especially with their Photoshop projectsand their work in support of external courses at SCOLA.”

Joel Morrison (left), Claire Bonfield (centre)QEF clients receive the cameras from Chris

Evans, former Chairman of the DFAS

Natural BeautyLeatherhead’s Haven for Relaxation

Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage £19(30 mins)

Full Body Massage £30(1 hour)

Back Massage with Trainee £10(limited availability)

6a Bridge Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8BZ


January Specials

Health & Beauty

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Last winter - not so very long ago really -St John Ambulance 4x4 crews played animportant role in providing front line firstaid where traditional ambulances wereunable to reach casualties. We are on thealert now and have also prepared somefirst aid tips for people to use if they comeacross an emergency and help might takesome time coming.

How to differentiate between a sprainand a fractureSometimes it can be hard to tell thedifference between a strain/sprain and afracture, they all can be painful, tenderand swollen. If you are unable to bearweight on the limb, if there is any obviousdeformity or have any doubts about theseriousness of the injury then always seekmedical advice.

Fractures need to go to hospital, butbeforehand, you should make sure theinjured person is kept still and the breaksupported with your hands or by beingbandaged (in a sling if an upper limb break,or bandaged to the uninjured leg, if a lowerlimb break).

In the case of a sprain it can be treatedusing the RICE procedure (Rest, Ice, makeComfortable and Elevation). The injuredpart should be rested and supported and, ifa recent injury, an ice pack should beapplied to reduce swelling, make sure thatthe ice does not come into direct contactwith the skin. Apply a comfortable supportto the injured part with soft padding heldin place with a support bandage, finallysupport the limb ion a raised position tohelp minimise bruising.

What to worry about if you hit your headMost head injuries are minor and involve aheadache which improves with rest andpainkillers. In some cases the headache canworsen, there may be nausea, confusion,strange behaviour – immediately or within48h. If this happens they should go to

hospital as it may be something moreserious such as a bleed on or within thebrain. If diagnosed early and caught earlymost head injuries are very treatable. Thisis why learning what to look for on a firstaid course is so important

How to spot signs of hypothermia andfrostbiteHypothermia and frostbite are rare but it’suseful to know the symptoms.

Hypothermia develops when the bodytemperature falls below 35°C (95°F). Theeffects vary depending on the speed of theonset and the level to which the bodytemperature falls. Moderate hypothermiacan usually be completely reversed.

Symptoms include:− Shivering and pale, cold, dry skin.− Disorientation, apathy or irrational

behaviour; occasionally belligerence.− Impaired consciousness or lethargy.− Slow and shallow breathing.− Slow and weakening pulse.− In extreme cases the heart may stop.

TreatmentIf someone has been brought in fromoutside, immediately replace wet clothingwith warm, dry garments. They can berewarmed by bathing if they are fit, youngand able to climb into a bath unaided. Thewater should be warm but not too hot –about 40°C (104°F).

Put the casualty in a bed and ensure thatthey are well covered. Give them warmdrinks or high energy foods such aschocolate to help rewarm them.

With frostbite the tissues of the extremities– usually the toes and the fingers – freezedue to low temperatures. In severe cases,it can lead to a permanent loss of sensationand, eventually, tissue death (gangrene) asthe blood vessels become irreversiblydamaged.

St John Ambulance winter first aid advice

Page 49: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


If possible move them into the warmthbefore you thaw the affected part. Gentlyremove rings, gloves and any otherconstrictions such as boots. Warm theaffected part with your hands on your lap,or under the casualty’s armpits. Rubbingthe affected areas must be avoided as thiscan damage the skin and other tissues.

Place the affected part in warm water ataround 40°C (104°F). Dry carefully, andapply a light dressing of fluffed-up, drygauze bandage.

Support and raise the affected limb toreduce swelling. An adult may take twoparacetamol tablets for intense pain. Takeor send them to hospital.

Warning - DO NOT:− put the affected part near direct heat− attempt to thaw the affected part if

there is a danger of it refreezing− allow the casualty to smoke.

If someone has become hypothermic over alonger period of time, owing to being in acold house for instance, then it isimportant to warm them slowly. Theelderly and very young are particularlyvulnerable. Cover the person with layers ofblankets and warm the room to about 25°C(77°F). If the casualty is conscious, give awarm drink such as soup or chocolate. Callfor emergency assistance and keep an eyeon them until the ambulance arrives.

How to avoid exacerbating respiratoryproblems due to the coldAt this time of year, especially with theweather conditions the way they are, somepeople that suffer from respiratoryconditions, such as asthma and bronchitis,will suffer more than most. It is importantto follow the guidance given to you by yourGP. If you have to venture out then makesure you have any medication you mightneed, such as inhalers, with you. If younotice your condition getting worse, thenconsult your GP as there may be otherunderlying conditions like a chest infectionfor example.

St John Ambulance is the nation’s leadingfirst aid charity. We believe that nobodyshould die because they needed first aidand didn’t get it. Yet every year, up to150,000* people die in situations wherefirst aid could have given them a chance tolive. St John Ambulance teaches peoplefirst aid so that they can be thedifference.* Using death registration data from the Officeof National Statistics, 2008 (for England andWales), April 2010.

Surrey St John Ambulance has six 4x4vehicles currently in action supporting theambulance service, enabling patients andcasualties to be reached where normalambulances cannot go.

For more information about first aid adviceor courses please call 01483 450000 or

Visit our Café atSt George’s Christian Centre,Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead.

Open to all from 10am-2pm, Mon-Fri,for a coffee break, delicious snacks

and hot lunches.A warm and friendly welcome awaits

you from Rosie and the team

The Caféat St George’s, Ashtead

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Art, Jewellery & Gifts

Answers on page 86

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


9 10



13 14 15


17 18


20 21

22 23


1 Cattle (4)

3 Came about (8)

9 Organise (7)

10 Passenger coaches (5)

11 Garden pests (12)

13 Once a year (6)

15 Expose (6)

17 Formation of society (12)

20 Fastening together (5)

21 Equalise (7)

22 Troubling (8)

23 Upper limbs (4)


1 Very dark grey colour (8)

2 Not the best (5)

4 Deferred payment (6)

5 Incredible (12)

6 Set aside (7)

7 Hurry (4)

8 More and more (12)

12 Wool covers (8)

14 Louder (7)

16 Type of ape (6)

18 Internal (5)

19 Casserole (4)


Page 53: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


“Very many thanks for the article in theNovember edition - we were overwhelmedwith the numbers of people who came intothe 'Christmas Special' market and I'm surethat was down to your excellent magazineand the publicity that we received for thisevent. We have already broken last year'srecord for the amount of money donatedto the RNLI so we are delighted with thesuccess of our markets.” C hris Townsend,Ashtead Friday Market, APMH.

Art, Jewellery & Gifts

22 Bri22 Bridge Strdge Streeeet,t,LeaLeaththerheaerhead, KTd, KT22 8BZ22 8BZ

Tel: 0Tel: 01372 3773631372 377363

∗ BBespespoke Framoke Framinging

∗ FramFramed Origed Originals &inals &

LimitLimited Edited Edition Prion Printsints

∗ Gifts & JeweGifts & Jewelleryllery

∗ CaCardsrds

∗ Ready Made FramReady Made Frameses

& M&Mountsounts

Amanda DaubeneyAnimal Commissions

Portraits of dogs, cats, rabbitsAll animals considered

To discuss a commissionplease contact Amanda07989 951509

[email protected]

Spot the difference answers1. Trouser Colour2. Smiley Badge3. Eyebrow4. Shoe Laces5. Mug6. Mountain7. Eyes8. Jumper pattern9. Moustache10. Stones

Page 54: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


My first job when Ileft school was as ajunior shop assistantat Mouldsdepartmental storein LeatherheadHigh Street. At thattime my father wasbusy developing hisbuilding business inAshtead. In hiswisdom he thoughtit not fitting that hissons should driftinto the family firmwithout finding their

own job and the experience of working foranother employer. So when his time came, mybrother John served his carpenter’sapprenticeship with Champions, whose joineryworks then stood where now is the Brewerypublic house car park.

My second year at Moulds was spent serving inthe builders department which proved usefulinformation in the coming years when I left tojoin the workers on the Worsfold firm. As the‘new boy’ I did all kinds of work, getting thefeel of things and helping where needed andlooking for the way forward. I did quite a lot ofpainting and decorating which I always enjoyedand kept my hand in throughout my years withJ Worsfold Ltd. I can distinctly remember thefirst time I lined a ceiling, walking the plankwith both hands over my head holding thepasted folded paper and brushing it intoposition on the ceiling as I felt my way acrossthe room.

We had a skilled plumber on the staff at thattime and the work interested me. I learned allI could from Fred Bailey. It is normal to servean apprenticeship to learn all the skills of aplumber, not a thing you could ever learn from

text books such as, for instance, the highlyskilled art of lead beating.

So, with much guidance and patient oversightfrom Fred, I learned much of the necessaryknow-how for everyday plumbing. Anotherindelible memory is of the first call I had todeal with a burst lead pipe. My plumber’s mate

on that occasion was my uncle, who was a busdriver, he knew as much about plumbing as Idid about bus driving. I approached the jobwith some trepidation, armed with blowlamp,moleskin wiping pad, plumber’s solder andvarious other tools, and eventually ‘Meredith -Plumber’ came away satisfied with missionsuccessfully accomplished! The word plumbercomes, of course, from the Latin word‘plumbum’ for lead.

Big changes are about to come, these were thelast years of lead and iron as the basic materialsfor domestic pipework. Plastic and coppertube will soon be the normalmaterials for such purposes.Meanwhile... it is now 1941 andtime to leave civvy street. RAF,here I come,

Meredith - Instrument Repairer

Meredith - Plumber

Mr Meredith Worsfold was born in 1922, and still lives in the village of Ashtead and haswritten two books on the village entitled ‘Ashtead The Street in the 1920’s’ and‘Meredith’s Memories - Recollections of Ashtead Village and Other Stories’ Meredith Worsfold in 1930

Meredith’s Memories

The site of Moulds, Leatherhead

Page 55: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Art, Jewellery & Gifts

Pretty and sweet natured, they are agentle and shy pair of 1 year old sisterswho adore other cats. They wouldrequire a calm environment, and timeand patience to allow them to gainconfidence. Given the right caringowner, they are sure to become lovelycompanions. No young children.


Please ring Rosemary on 01737 350307if you wish toknow more about Jaffa & Jodie, or our other cats, Ewell & District Branch

Jaffa &Jodie

As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time,we will find you the perfect feline Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)

Page 56: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local









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Page 57: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Avant-Garde offers a pre-booked Mercedes private car hire that is professional, reliable and friendly.

Airports Executive & Corporate Travel Business AccountsSpecial Occasions Sporting Events Theatre Weddings Local

Fully Licensed, Insured and CRB Checked by Council

01372 Email: [email protected]

CT CARSAudi VW Specialists

• Established 1990• Small, local, friendly garage between Leatherhead and

Guildford• Servicing and repairs (ABS brakes, clutches, tyres,

exhausts, diagnostics, airconditioning)• Free loan car• We are also Seat and Skoda specialists, but we can

also accommodate other manufacturers, just call us

Open View FarmEpsom RoadWest Horsley

KT24 6AP

Tel: 01483 285792

Why use a generalist whenyou can use a specialist?

Email: [email protected]:

Local Taxis & Motor Services

Page 58: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Food & Drink

• 2tbsp vegetable oil

• 500g (18oz) diced, cooked turkey

• 2 leeks, washed and thickly sliced

• 150g (5oz) button mushrooms, wipedand quartered

• Sprig of thyme, leaves picked

• 15g (½ oz) butter

• 1tbsp plain flour

• 300ml (½ pt) milk

• Chicken stock cube

• Black pepper

• Pack ready-made puff pastry

• Little milk and beaten egg forglazing

Recipe of the month # 2Leftover Turkey, Leek & Mushroom Pie

This filling pie, packedwith tender turkey piecesand fresh vegetables,makes a heartwarmingfamily meal.

Ready in 45 mins

Serves 4

1. Preheat oven to 220°C (425°F, gas mark 7). Heat oil in a frying pan and frythe leeks and mushrooms for about 10 mins until softened and slightlycaramelised, add cooked turkey and thyme leaves.

2. Meanwhile. make a white sauce: melt the butter in a small saucepan andadd the flour, stirring well with a wooden spoon to make a paste. Cook for1 min. Pour over the milk a little at a time, whisking continually until youhave a thick sauce. Crumble in the stock cube and season with pepper totaste.

3. Mix the turkey and vegetable mixture with the sauce and pour filling into adeep pie dish.

4. Grease the edges of the pie dish with a little butter. Roll out the pastryand transfer to the pie dish to make a lid. Trim the pastry from around theedges and press down to seal.

5. Brush milk or egg over the pastry to glaze it. Prick it with a fork and placein the oven at 220°C (425°F, gas mark 7) for 15-20 mins. The pastry shouldbe risen and golden brown when you take it out.

6. Allow the pie to stand for 5-10 mins, then serve with a simple boiledvegetable accompaniment.

Page 59: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Food & Drink

Pepe Estevez looks forwardto welcoming you to his

renowned Italian restaurant

Pre-Xmas Promotion Mon-Fri(Monday 6th-Friday 24th Dec inc)

Set Lunch - £19.50 - Three coursesSet Dinner - £21.50 - Three courses

Booking strongly advisedÁ la carte dining always available

LLoonndondon Rd,Rd, MickMicklehaleham, RHm, RH5 6EH5 6EH

01301372 372

Christmas Lunch£49 - Four courses

New Year’s Eve Dinner£57 - Four courses

For a genuine relaxed and informal Thai diningexperience, Surachart Thaweesin (Paul) andPhiwnaul Suebsang (Au) and family would like toextend a very warm welcome to you from ThaiPinto, their family-run Thai restaurant in the veryheart of Leatherhead.

All of our dishes are prepared using locally sourcedingredients where possible, spices and herbsessential to the unique flavour of Thai cuisine areimported directly from Thailand from our specialistLondon based importer.

Our Head Chef, Patchanont Wetchapakdee (Nont)can boast many years’ experience in the art of Thaicooking and has worked in some of the finesthotels in Bangkok and throughout Thailand.

Thai Pinto also offers an excellent takeawayservice. We can cater for private parties in yourhome. The restaurant is also available for privatehire, please contact us for further details.

Please look out for our monthly specials, theseinclude classic Thai dishes as well as moremodern contemporary styles of Thai cuisine.

WWee look folook forward to welcrward to welcomoming you sing you soonoon

Ashtead Art Lovers wouldnot be growing withoutThe Ashtead &Leatherhead Local. Thankyou Zen, for such a greatmagazine. Mell Fraser

“The Rotary Club of Leatherheadis very grateful to the Ashtead &Leatherhead Local for its ongoingsupport and promotion of theclub's community and fundraisingactivities, which has generated agreat response from across thearea." Simon Edmands, Rotary Clubof Leatherhead

Page 60: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go tobed with satisfaction.” George Lorimer

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue thatcounts.” Winston Churchill

“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems asthough you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is justthe place and time that the tide will turn.” Harriet Beecher Stowe

“Some are destined to succeed, some are determined to succeed.”H. H. Swami Tejomayananda

“Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles,discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes thestrong soul from the weak” Thomas Carlyle

“What makes the difference between wishing and realizing our wishes? Lots ofthings, and it may take months or years for a wish to come true, but it's far morelikely to happen when you care so much about a wish that you'll do all you can tomake it happen.” Fred Rogers

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man'sdetermination.” Tommy Lasorda

Will you look back on life and say, “I wish I had”, or “I’m glad I did”?

Louise White LCH.DipT. 01372 801951 M.07946 564556 E. [email protected]


The New Year is usually accompanied by resolutions, dreams and wishes and adetermination to succeed in all…and if you believe you can, you will…STAYfocused and do not allow the obstacles to distract you or to act as a reason to giveup. Below are some determination quotes to motivate you when the obstaclesappear too challenging and the reasons to give up are countless!

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Food & Drink

Page 62: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Clubs & Activities

Surrey’s first celebrity leftover cookbook

A football legend and a Strictly Come Dancingwinner are among the stars to contribute toSurrey’s first ever celebrity leftover cookbook.Match of the Day presenter and ex-Englandcaptain Gary Lineker and celebrity dancers,Camilla Dallerup and Flavia Cacace have giventheir leftover recipes to the free publication aspart of Surrey Waste Partnership’s campaign toreduce food waste.

The book, ‘Why not give your leftovers amakeover’, is part of the campaign to encourage

residents to reduce their food waste. Ten celebrities have backed the Love Food Surreycampaign by each offering a leftover dish.

Featured TV Chef Prue Leith said: “Eating up everything or not wasting the leftovers is notjust good for the economy and the environment, it is also very satisfying and makes you feelhappily smug!”

To get your free copy of the limited edition celebrity cookbook, send an A5 stampedaddressed envelope (1st class - 66p/2nd class - 51p) toLove Food Surrey, County Hall, Penryhn Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, KT1 2DN,or visit to download an electronic copy.

WWee rreeaallllyy oought to tught to think ahink aboutboutgetting Tiger a scratcgetting Tiger a scratchinghing post!post!

Page 63: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Clubs & Activities

• Dorking - Mondays & Tuesdays• L/head Leisure Centre - Thursdays

LeRocCommences in L/head Leisure Centre

on Thursday 6th January(Bring this ad for ½ price entry

on your first visit to Leatherhead)

07944 971195 | 01737 [email protected] |



Tues: Members £8 / Others £9Thurs: Members £7 / Others £8

From 7.45pm to 11pm

Leatherhead Leisure CentreWeekly from 13TH JANUARY

Thursdays 6.30-7.45pm £8

07944 971195 01737 [email protected]

Page 64: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Children’s page

Answers on page 91

Page 65: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


“You are doing a hugeamount to pull thecommunity together invarious ways.” ChristineKerton, Ashtead Residents’Association, StandingCommittee

BarnesmeadWoodfield LaneAshtead

MoorlandsThe Marld


We want you to have peace of mind whenyou leave your children with us, knowingthat they will be loved and cared for in afriendly, safe and cheerful environment.

• ChChildrenildren from 3 monfrom 3 months-5 yeths-5 yearsars• LeLeararning environing environment ofnment of the hthe highestighest cacalibrelibre• FaFamilymily vavalues andlues and atmosatmospherephere

YYou are very welcome to visit uou are very welcome to visit us; pleases; pleaseteletelephone to arrange an appoiphone to arrange an appointmentment.nt.

We lWe lookook forward to giving you aforward to giving you and ynd yourour childchildthe suthe support ypport you deserve aou deserve and may need whennd may need when

comcombining work abining work and parend parenting.nting.Liz Chambers, Managing Director

BEd. (Hons), Cert. Ed., Dip. SLD, P.P.A., O.U.(The First Years of Life)

01372 276825 /

Education & Tuition

Page 66: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


How to spot a hibernating hedgehog...

At this time of year, if you are out and about in yourgarden or walking in the countryside, you may wellencounter hedgehogs curled up and motionless.Many people in this situation assume that thesehedgehogs are dead – but chances are they are justhibernating!

Wildlife Aid founder Simon Cowell MBE admits thatif you don’t know what you are looking for, it can behard to tell if a hedgehog has died, is unwell, or isjust having its winter sleep. “I can understand whysome people aren’t sure, as a hibernating hog has avery slow heartbeat that isn’t easily detected – andsometimes doesn’t seem to be breathing at all,”says Simon. “In the last few days we’ve already had

four hedgehogs brought into Wildlife Aid by members of the public who were concernedthat these animals might be dead or dying. It is good that people are so concerned butin most cases there really is nothing to worry about.”

Simon adds, “if you see a hedgehog that is still up and about at this time of year, andscurrying around, then that is when you’d be right to be concerned! By now, allhedgehogs should be in hibernation and if they’re not then there is something wrong.So, if you find a hedgehog in your garden in the middle of winter and it’s movingaround then our advice is to pick it upcarefully, take it indoors and weigh it. Thisis the best way to tell its condition. Ahealthy hog should weigh over 600g. Anyless is a bad sign, especially below 500g.That’s when you should call Wildlife Aid andarrange to bring it in to us to be examined.”

The volunteers at Wildlife Aid have longexperience of caring for sick and injuredhedgehogs – releasing them into thecountryside as soon as they have recoveredand are ready to go back to the wild. Thecharity helps any and all species of wildlifeat its Leatherhead animal hospital based inRandalls Road, and gives advice to thepublic on what to do if you find a sick orinjured wild animal.

Check out the charity’s or call thehelpline on 09061 800132 (callscharged at 50p per minute).

Page 67: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



Tuition in your own home byexperienced, qualified ladytutor, specialising in older,

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£25 per hour or £15 per half hour

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Page 68: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local






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p69 NEW.pdf 13/12/10 11:23:22

Page 70: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



Saturday 1stEnjoy a gentle ramble across the wider Polesden Lacey estate to work off thatChristmas pudding! Prebooking recommended, but please pay on the day. £4. Forbooking or further information, call 01372 452048

8th-9th, 15th-16th, 22nd-23rd,29th-30th (alsoweekends in Feb)

For the first time the house at Polesden Lacey will remain open at weekends for specialsneak peek tours. Discover the secrets behind life at Polesden Lacey, past and present,and learn about Mrs Greville’s famous collection. Tours must be booked on arrival andwill take place at various times throughout the day. Normal admission prices apply.For further information, call 01372 452048

Saturday 15th

Dorking Concertgoers - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor Grzegorz Nowak WeberOv. Der Freischütz Brahms Double Concerto violin soloist Gabriel Ng cello soloist IreneEnzlin both students from the Yehudi Menuhin School Dvorak Symphony No.9 "From theNew World" . Dorking Halls, Reigate Road, Dorking. 7.30pm-9.30pm. Tickets £12- £27,Students half price; Children under 16 quarter price. Info &,, 01306 740619 & 01306881717

Tues 25th -Saturday 29th

The Leatherhead Operatic Society presents The Full Monty - The Musical at the EpsomPlayhouse. 7.30pm-10pm If you enjoyed the film you will love the musical. Tickets £18from Society Box Office (07787 870012) or Epsom Playhouse (01372 742555 / 742227). Concessions are available for Seniors and groups. More info:

GO50 at Age UK Surrey offers guided Walks, Cycle Rides & Nordic Walks for the 50+ age group.This is just a taste of what’s on offer.

For more routes and information please contactRichard Jeffries on 01483 534706, or email [email protected]

January Guided Walks (Walking boots or other suitable footwear recommended)

Monday 3rd Epsom Common, 4 miles, meet 9.45am at Epsom Common Stew Ponds car park onB280, KT18 7TR (Mainly flat, but can be muddy)

Monday 10th Mon 10th – Buckland, 5 miles, meet 10am near shops in Buckland, RH3 7BB (Cross thelower part of North Downs Way)

Tuesday 11th Kingswood, 8½ miles, meet 10am at Margery Wood NT car park, Margery Lane, KT207EJ (via Banstead Heath towards Tadworth)

Thursday 20th Burford Bridge, 3½ miles, meet 10am at Rykers Café car park, A24 north of Dorking,RH5 6BX (Hilly walk including North Downs Way)

Friday 21st Epsom Common, 4 miles, meet 9.45am at Epsom Common Stew Ponds car park onB280, KT18 7TR (Mainly flat, but can be muddy)

Friday 21st Epsom Common, 4 miles, meet 9.45am at Epsom Common Stew Ponds car park onB280, KT18 7TR (Mainly flat, but can be muddy)

Wed 26th Milton Heath, 4½ miles, meet 10.15am at Milton Heath CP, off A25 Westcott Rd, downthe lane signed ‘Bury Hill Fisheries’, RH4 3JT (Explore Dorking)

January Guided Cycle Rides (Please bring a bike suitable for off-road cycling )

Tuesday 11th Box Hill, 13 miles, meet 10am at Rykers car park, A24 north of Dorking, RH5 6BX(Challenging)

Tuesday 18th Earlswood Lakes, 15 miles, meet 10am at Earlswood Lake car park, RH2 7QB (Easy)

January Guided Nordic Walks (bring your own poles)Walking boots or other suitable footwear recommended

Wed 12th Denbies, 4½ miles, meet 10.15am at Denbies Vineyard car park, off A24 north ofDorking, RH5 6AA (From Denbies towards Norbury Hill)

Page 71: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


What’s On?


oror BunthBunthornorne’se’s BrBrideideBy W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan

Performances at:

The Leatherhead TheatreFriday 4th and Saturday 5th March

and The Borough Hall, Godalming, 22nd to 26th FebruaryMusical Director: Robin Wells, --- Stage Director: Pat O’Connell

FULLY SFULLY STAGEDTAGED ---- P---- PROFESSIROFESSIONALONAL ORCHESORCHESTRATRAPatience is one of Gilbert and Sullivan’s most acclaimed comic operas satirising the

aesthetic movement in England in the 1870’s and ‘80s. Lovesick maidens,resplendent Dragoon Guards and the odd poet or two all combine to provide a

delightfully humorous story of love and rejection.

Evenings at 7.30pm Saturday Matinees at 2.30pmSociety Box Office 01252 703376

For Leatherhead also from the Theatre 01372 365141 or

Cycling in a winter wonderlandIf you’re a keen cyclist and fancy a challenge, whynot come on a guided cycle ride on Tuesday 11thJanuary? Meet at Rykers Café car park on the A24just north of Dorking for a ride that takes in NorburyPark and Ranmore Common, and is suitable forexperienced off-road cyclists.

GO50 cyclists are a hardy lot - and they’re afriendly, welcoming group, so you’re sure to meetnew friends.

The GO50 programme from Age UK Surrey aims tointroduce people in the 50+ age group to a healthier

lifestyle and the benefits of regular exercise. Socialising as you exercise addssignificantly to the beneficial effects. Regular exercise can lower blood pressure, fightdepression and defend against heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

All our cycle rides are free (although a suggested donation of £2 would be verywelcome, with all donations going directly towards maintaining the programme). Anexperienced volunteer cycle leader will greet you when you arrive and lead the way.There’s no need to book – just turn up.

Join in, get fit and have fun! Contact Richard Jeffries ontel 01483 534706 or email [email protected] for more details.

Page 72: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local





Ashtead WI, APMH, 7.30pm. Mr C Read - Treasures from a Victorian RubbishDump. Visitors welcome, for info contact Sandra Brown 01372 276736

Thursday 6th(weekly)

Come sequence dancing, Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. 7.45pm-10.15pm. £2.50,Doris Gibson 01372 374160.

Thursday 6th(mthly)

Leatherhead Barn Dance Club. 8pm-10.15pm, first Thurs of the month. AbrahamDixon Hall, Letherhead Institute. £2.50 Ruth & Jim Gwilliam, 01403 750844

Thursday 6th(weekly)

Day Centre Luncheon Club, arrive 10.30-11am, lunch served at 12.30pm, £3.50 pervisit. Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Some vacancies currently exist.More info from Mary Fenton Jones 01372 276042

Friday 7th(weekly)

10.30am -11.30am Leatherhead Country Market, Leatherhead Parish Church Hall.From homemade cakes to homegrown plants and lots more. Refreshments served.Christmas Market Thursday 23rd.

Friday 7th(weekly)

10am-12pm. The Sewing Room, Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. Now featuringChristmas stock of haberdashery (fabric, ribbons, stickers) and beautiful greetingscards. (Not 24th or 31st)

Friday 7th(weekly)

Coffee morning serving home made cheese and fruit scones. Ashtead PeaceMemorial Hall. Started in the 1980’s to raise funds for APMH maintenance andprovide a friendly venue for people to meet friends, new visitors always welcome.

Mon 10th,Thurs 13thorThurs 20th

But Is It Art? Looking at 15 images & who & why they were created. Perhapsknowing more about a painting or sculpture will make you change your mind aboutloving or hating these. 7.30pm: £10 inc refreshments. Tel: 01372 272235, [email protected]

Monday 17th

Mole Valley Police "Ashtead Focus Group Meeting", Ralli Room, APMH, 7pm (approxone hour) An opportunity for local residents to raise Police related issues. Themeeting following January’s is to be held on Monday 21st March 2011 at 7pm. Formore information, please go to the Mole Valley Ashtead page of Surrey Police’swebsite:

Friday 14thAshtead Friday Market, 9am - 12.30pm. Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall.Supporting the RNLI - free entry. Cakes, collectables, plants, cards, jewellery,gifts, wool, bric-a-brac and much more.

JanuaryWalksSat 1stSat 15thSat 22ndSat 29th

Winter walks in and around the beautiful Mole Valley with Ian and Flip Cargill,Moderate pace and fitness. 1-2 hours, 2-4 miles, dependent on weather. Donationto charities. More info 01372 363589, maps can be found 1st 10.30 am West Humble Station.Sat 15th 10.30 am Top of Woodlands Rd EffinghamSat 22nd 10.30 am Meet at Leatherhead LibrarySat 29th 10.30 am Mill Way CP opposite Nower Wood Headley

If there’s an event in February you’d like mentioned, please contact me before Wednesday 12th JanuaryAll entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details correct at time of going to print.

Page 73: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


What’s On?

Out of Africa

A not-to-be-missed evening. Ashtead Choral Society willprovide an exciting evening of music inspired by Africa. Takea journey through Africa with works by the late DavidFanshawe and a moving Mass arranged by Guido Haazanproviding the magical African harmonies. Be intrigued by an

African Drumming Ensemble and Balafon playing by Victoria and Chris Hurn.

The Missa Luba, an African Mass is a version of the Latin Mass based on traditionalCongolese songs. Arranged by Father Guido Haazen, a Franciscan Friar from Belgium itwas first performed and recorded in 1958 by a choir of Congolese children fromKamina. In African Sanctus the Latin Mass is juxtaposed with live recordings oftraditional African music, which the composer had recorded himself between 1969 to1975 during a journey up the Nile. The choir will be joined by a rock band, Africandrums and the composer’s favourite soprano soloist, Maria Kesselman. Jane Fanshawe,the composer’s widow, is hoping to attend the concert and to give a short talk on thebackground to African Sanctus.

The concert to be held in St Martin’s Church, Epsom on Saturday 15th Januarywill commence at 7.30 pm. Tickets for this amazing concert, which includeinterval refreshments, are priced at £12 and can be obtained from the ACSon 01372 275369 or at the door on the evening of the concert. Seats areunreserved so please arrive in good time.

Page 74: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


• High efficiency combination boilerchanges from £1600 +VAT, inc five yearparts and labour guarantee

• System updates• Unvented hot water• All heating work undertaken• Fully insured• New Gas Safe Registered• Member of Institute of Plumbing

SamWheeler01372 807222 / 07808 923435

email: [email protected]:


The cold wintry days and nights can take itstoll on the house boiler, and finding a traderthat is fair, honest and reliable to do the jobcan be quite difficult.

Don’t get stuck in the cold if your boilerbreaks down and you need a trader to help.Surrey County Council’s Trading Standardsteam run the Buy with Confidence scheme,which brings together hundreds of businessesfrom across Surrey.

These businesses have been certified by yourlocal Trading Standards team to ensure theywork in a fair, honest and reliable way, soyou don't get ripped off.

Top tips for avoiding rogue traders:• Never hand over all the money to a

tradesman before the work has beenfinished.

• Make sure you get references first handfrom local residents that have usedtraders before.

• If you receive flyers through the postfrom local tradesmen, always do furtherresearch before you decide to employthem.

• Never accept work from a trader whoknocks on your door.

• Use the Buy with Confidence website.Buy with Confidence lists hundreds oftraders from electricians, plumbers,gardeners and even car services. Thescheme also lists traders specialising insmaller jobs for under £75.

All traders are monitored on an ongoingbasis, and you can give your views on howmembers are performing at any time.

Case study

Lynda Sullivan’s 87-year-old father fromSurrey, who asked to remain anonymous,paid out more than £23,000 over a twomonth period for work that was later valuedat £6,000.

The situation came to light when Ms Sullivannoticed large sums of money beingwithdrawn from her father’s bank accounton an almost daily basis during 2008.

She said: “I contacted Trading Standardswhen I realised my father had beenfrequently writing £3,000 cheques tobuilders. The builders wrote the cheques outfor him and he signed them. Because of hispoor short-term memory he had no idea howmuch they had been paid or what for.

For details of traders you can trust,please call: 01372 371 666

Don’t get stuck in the cold this winter

Page 75: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


House & Garden

Visitour showroom-






Page 76: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


HandyFellowHandyman Services

• General Handyman• Home improvements• Gardening / Outdoor• Decorating• Electrical• Plumbing• Design & ‘work with you’

Get all those odd jobs done by anexperienced and fully insured handyman.

No job is too small.All work guaranteed.

Call Mark Money on07890 23380201932 863610 [email protected]



The Old SawmillNorwood FarmElveden RoadCobhamKT11 1BS

Tel: 07944 026856or: 01372 373409

House & Garden

Page 77: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Tel: 01372 802803 (24hr voicemail)Mob: 07976 814032E: [email protected]


• Full range of services• All work compliant withwater regulations

• Certified to service & installunvented hot water systems

• Call us for FREEadvice



• Interior / Exterior• Domestic & Commercial

• Friendly, reliable service

• High standards

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• Many happy customers

• References available

01372 2701372 2783837676

07900 9707900 9726268383

58 Overdale,Ashtead, KT21 1PT

Bathroom FittingKitchen Fitting

Painting & Decorating(Interior & Exterior)


FencingSmall Extensions

Fully insured. Prompt Service.Family business est. 20 yrs.

Contacts:Howard Davies on 07967 199343Wayne Davies on 07969 981662OR 01293 430187 (evenings)

[email protected]

EAN: 962265

Davies PropertyMaintenance

Large & Gen Knowledge CrosswordsDecember solutions

General KnowledgeAcross: 1 Victoria Cross, 7 Tombola, 8 Brian,9 Musk, 10 Williams, 12 Roadie, 14 Merino,16 Idolatry, 17 Isle, 20 Roach, 21 Finland,23 Stock Exchange.

Down: 1 VAT, 2 Camps, 3 Oboe, 4 Italic,5 Origami, 6 Sandstone, 8 Ballet, 9 Mardi Gras,11 Riyadh, 13 Avocado, 15 Prefix, 18 Spawn,19 Inch, 22 Doe.

Large Crossword

Across: 7 Organise, 9 Amount, 10 Atom,11 Altogether, 12 Credit, 14 Retiring,15 International, 17 Specimen, 19 Vessel,21 Motionless, 22 East, 23 Delete, 24 Trebling.

Down: 1 Grater, 2 Calm, 3 Disaster, 4 Target,5 Footprints, 6 Internal, 8 Entertainment,13 Detectives, 15 Improved, 16 Invested,18 Mended, 20 Easing, 22 Eels.

House & Garden

Page 78: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local

78Solutions in next month’s edition

Across1. Dark greenish-blue,

one of the threeprimary colors (4)

3. Substance thatinitiates oraccelerates achemical reaction(8)

9. Dresses (7)10. Old Testament

mother-in-law ofRuth (5)

11. Game in whichhidden articlesmust be found (8,4)

14. ___ and buts,objections (3)

16. Card game (5)17. Flightless Australian

bird (3)18. Piece of

ornamented cloththat protects theback of a chair (12)

21. Country, capital

Port-au-Prince (5)22. Bright red (7)23. Having more than

one spouse at atime (8)

24. Capital of WestGermany between1949 and 1989 (4)

Down1. Mixed drink (8)2. Unaccompanied (5)4. Hardy and sure-

footed animal (3)5. Wife of William

Shakespeare (c1556-1623) (4,8)

6. Capital ofCameroon (7)

7. Threesome (4)8. Composing material

for someone elsewho is the namedauthor (12)

12. Indian side dish ofyogurt and choppedcucumbers (5)

13. Cookery termmeaning coveredwith breadcrumbsor cheese (2,6)

15. Instrument thatshows the time by ashadow cast onto agraduated plate (7)

19. Outburst

resembling thedischarge offirearms (5)

20. Retailestablishment (4)

22. Character inTolkien’s Lord ofthe Rings, ___Gamgee (3)

General Knowledge Crossword

Across7 Citrus fruit (5)8 Lively (9)

10 Largest desert(6)

11 Considered (8)

12 Petrol (8)

13 Sections of aplay (4)

15 Childhooddisease (7)

17 Flows freely (7)

20 Retained (4)

22 Diligence (8)

25 Cheerful (8)

26 Gaped (6)

27 Transport for thewounded (9)

28 Buildingblock (5)

Down1 Divided (9)2 Mashed or


3 Underwaterbreathingdevice (7)

4 With child (8)

5 Confidential(6)

6 Two wheeledvehicles (5)

9 Rice wine (4)

14 Sudden crisis (9)

16 Way in (8)

18 Away from thewest (8)

19 Not yetseventeen (7)

21 Wiped out (6)

23 Twenty four hourperiods (4)

24 Laziness (5)

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8


10 11

12 13


15 16 17 18


20 21 22 23


25 26

27 28

Large Crossword

Page 79: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


• Family Safety Improvements• Security/Timed Lighting• New Additional Sockets• Home Extensions• Great Design Ideas

Professional, approved and locallyrecommended electrician offeringa wide range of services including:

Steve Hinchey

01372 376750 / 07748 741926e: [email protected]

House & Garden

Page 80: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



Firstly, we would like to wish everyone a HappyNew Year. 2011 brings new and demandingchallenges and changes for everyone andSurrey Police is no exception. Some plannedmoves of officers will be taking place from thismonth and we hope you will wish your previousofficers well in their new roles, as well aswelcoming their replacements into yourcommunity.

PC 2175 Jason Woods will be moving fromAshtead to cover the Goodwyns, Chart Downsand North Holmwood area. He is beingreplaced by PC 3239 Fran Davey, who is movingacross from her previous role in LeatherheadTown.

PC 2188 Chris Lewis will be moving fromGoodwyns, Chart Downs and North Holmwood,to join PC 2056 Gaynor Grout in LeatherheadTown.

There will be handover periods, where theofficers can work alongside each other to gainexperience of their new areas but the aim isthat the moves will be completed by March.

Also, in an effort to keep you informed aboutchanging trends in how crimes are beingcommitted, we welcome this opportunity toprovide you with some up-to-date informationabout car-key burglaries.

• Modern cars have very sophisticated locks,immobilisers and other security devices andthis means that the only way to start thevehicle is to have the key. The followingadvice will help prevent you becoming avictim of this crime:

• Thieves are selecting cars they want tosteal from outside houses. They will lookfor any opportunity to steal keys that areleft hanging up in the kitchen or hallway orleft on a flat surface - and will actuallytarget them. It is therefore vital thathouseholders hide their keys from view.Many houses have glass panels in the frontdoor, where visitors can see into thehallway. Please remember this whenchoosing a location for any items of value,including the keys to your car.

• A common place to keep car keys is justinside the front door on a table or hook.

This can enable a would-be thief to “fish”the keys off the table or hook by using asimple implement inserted through theletter box.

• If you have a garage, always make sureyour car is parked and secured in itovernight. If the garage is directlyattached to your house, you should ensurethat the connecting door is secure andlocked and treated in the same way as anexternal door.

• Never have anything containing yourregistration, name or address attached toyour car keys. This makes it far too easy toidentify the purpose of the keys.

• Use, or consider investing in, a good homesecurity system. Again, it is worth makingenquiries with several firms beforedeciding on what type of system is mostappropriate. Also, you can call on the freeadvice of our Crime Reduction Advisor, PCMike Bessent, who is happy to conduct ahome security survey of your premises andprovide you with impartial, expert adviceto consider. Mike can be contacted on01483 637410 or by email [email protected]

• Report any suspicious activity to the police.

Neil Clarke, 13363Neighbourhood Team [email protected]

Tel: 01483 630809

To contact Surrey Police, telephone 0845 1252222. In the event of a crime in progress or anemergency, telephone 999

Your local team can also be contacted by emailto [email protected]

New Year Message from Mole Valley Police

Page 81: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


House & Garden

M D Edwards & SonCressida House, 10 Humphrey Close, Fetcham, Surrey KT22 9PZ

e-mail: [email protected]

TTeell:: 00113372 472 45067750677

Friendly Family run local business established over 25 years.Kitchens and Bathrooms supplied and installed

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Kitchen facelifts also undertaken,Choose from large range of door styles,

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new hinges, drawer runners, etc. No job too small.

Telephone Beverley Edwards for a free estimate

MM DD EEddwwards &ards & SonSonKitchen & Bathroom Specialists

Page 82: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Mayor Clive Smitheramofficially opens the hub along with volunteers and trustees

‘Hub’ opens on Epsom High StreetAn advice centre run by disabled people and carers forthe benefit of disabled people has opened its doors.Volunteers at the Epsom Hub, set up with the help ofSurrey County Council, will promote disabled people'sindependence by helping them make more informed

choices about the care and support available to them.

Michael Gosling, Surrey County Council Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, said: “Thecounty council is committed to making sure disabled people get the help they need to leadtheir lives how they want. This new centre is further proof of our determination to promotegreater choice and independence and our aim is to open many more across Surrey.

“Organisations run by disabled people for disabled people really put the focus on individualneeds because those who receive services are best placed to give advice and informationabout the support that is available to others. Whether help is needed with direct payments,the blue badge scheme or mobility equipment, the hub volunteers are on hand to draw ontheir experiences to give valuable guidance and information.”

Liz Gallacher, a volunteer at the hub, said: "All volunteers are specially trained to advise on arange of issues. We have already helped a lot of people, offering confidential advice and often‘signposting’ them to the relevant information source or agency that can provide the supportor information they need. Also, many people who care for a disabled person, are unaware oftheir rights and the benefits they may be entitled to and we are able to help provideinformation about these."

The Hub is at 131 Epsom High Street and is open Monday to Friday between10am and 3pm. Call 01372 744479 or email [email protected].

Alternatively visit the website at

Page 83: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



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Page 84: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Recently, two of us from Transition Ashtead attended the ‘EnvironmentalGroups Biodiversity Conference’ organised by Surrey Wildlife Trust. Sadly overthe last fifty years there has been a significant drop in our wildlife species,mostly in the countryside. Urban areas and local environmental groups arebecoming more and more crucial in helping maintain and enhance habitats sobecoming more and more crucial in helping maintain and enhance habitats sowildlife can thrive and survive in the UK.

High on the agenda was how urban communities can create not only more diversehabitats, but also make wildlife friendly ‘living corridors’. In Ashtead we are very

lucky to have Ashtead Common and Ashtead Park, but there is much scope across thewhole village to improve habitats and make better links between them. One of the reasonsfor the decline in hedgehogs is not the lack of gardens, but the increasing use of solidfences instead of hedgerows to define our boundaries (the clue is in the name – hedge-hogs!). Small mammals and reptiles need to be able to get around safely, unseen by us andpredators, to forage for different food and to roam around to find a mate. They need safecorridors of wild habitats to use for their homes and ‘transport system’. Just think how vitalour roads and train system is for us - our wildlife needs to get around too!

We are lucky to have a lovely pond at the heart of our village,and it’s great to see the new arrival of two young swans, theheron, ducks and coots (or moorhens - I am no expert!) We wouldlike to know what other native wildlife you have seen in the pondover the last year. Unfortunately, terrapins are also living in thepond, which is disastrous for wildlife. They have probably alreadychomped their way through many fish, dragonflies, frogspawn,and newts, but they can even eat moorhens and ducklings.

Are there any other ponds in the village? Have there been any inthe past, which are now silted up or covered over with trees andplants? We need to do some detective work, digging into thehistory, and talking to older Ashtead residents to find out whatthe village environment was like 50+ years ago.

Since 2007, Natural England has been mapping the UK for Traditional Orchards (5+ trees).They have done this with aerial surveys, with volunteers following up their findings on theground. Traditional Orchards provide particularly important habitats for wildlife - as manyas 1800 species can be found in them, including, for example, the rarely-seen LesserSpotted woodpecker. If you have an orchard in your garden, please let us know.

So how good is our village for wildlife? How can we make it better? To address these issues,Transition Ashtead plan to start an environmental group. Its first job will be to survey ourgreen spaces. If you have a passion for Biodiversity and the environment, startthe New Year by getting involved with this new group! Please contact me on thenumber below.

Caroline Cardew-Smith 07768 806201

For more information about Transition Ashtead or to join any of ourAction Groups, see our website at Contact ourAction Groups, see our website at Contact ourSecretary Fiona on 07766 976866 or email [email protected]

Transition AshteadWorking towards a sustainable Ashtead

Ashtead Wildlife

Page 85: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


House & Garden

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Page 86: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


‘One Strike’ Actionwill lead to loss of

benefits for fraudstersCouncil is set to crack down on benefitfraud with new ‘one strike’ action.People who claim benefits could lose someor all their benefits for four weeks if theyfail to give accurate and full informationwhen they submit a claim or fail to reportany change in circumstances.

Mole Valley District Council hasimplemented the government’s ‘onestrike’ policy that means people whocommit benefit fraud could now facehaving their entitlements withdrawn ifcaught.

Benefits that can be withdrawn or reducedinclude, but are not limited to, HousingBenefit, Council Tax Benefit, Employmentand Support Allowance, IncapacityBenefit, Income Support, Jobseeker’sAllowance and Pension Credit.

The sanction affects fraudsters who havebeen prosecuted, issued with a formalwarning under caution, or received a fine,for offences committed after April 1,2010. Any second offence within a five-year period could result in benefitpayments reduced for up to 13 weeks.

Mole Valley District Council’s PortfolioHolder for Finance and Assets, CouncillorBen Tatham said, “We hope these newarrangements will act as anotherdeterrent to stop individuals committingfraud. Already fraudsters run the risk ofbeing taken to Court and having a criminalconviction against their name, receiving afine and having to repay the benefit thatthey have already incorrectly received.Now anyone caught and found guilty ofcommitting benefit fraud will immediatelyreceive a drastic loss of income on a rangeof benefits for four weeks. I hope thisshows that benefit fraud simply does notpay.”

If you suspect someone ofcommitting benefit fraud in MoleValley, please phone the FraudHotline on 01306 879284, where youwill be able to speak to a trainedinvestigator. All calls are strictlyconfidential and your identity willremain anonymous. Mole ValleyDistrict Council is committed tohelping those in genuine needaccess services that will help them.

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Crossword Solution

Across: 1 Cows, 3 Occurred, 9 Arrange,10 Buses, 11 Caterpillars, 13 Annual,15 Reveal, 17 Civilisation, 20 Tying,21 Balance, 22 Worrying, 23 Arms.

Down: 1 Charcoal, 2 Worst, 4 Credit,5 Unbelievable, 6 Reserve, 7 Dash,8 Increasingly, 12 Blankets, 14 Noisier,16 Gibbon, 18 Inner, 19 Stew.

Page 87: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


House & Garden

Page 88: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local




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Common Snowdrop - Galanthus nivalisMany people’s favourite flower, the well-knownsnowdrop is widely celebrated as a sign of winterending and the arrival of spring. William Wordsworthdedicated an entire poem to the “Chaste Snow-drop,venturous harbinger of Spring”.

Snowdrops are not a native plant to Britain andwere probably brought here in the early sixteenthcentury. Since then, they have naturalisedthemselves in woodlands and can grow inspectacular abundance in some areas. It is forbiddento collect bulbs from the wild as the plants are now endangered in theirnon-domestic habitat. There are about twenty species of snowdrop. Reachingbetween 7-15 cm tall, they produce their dainty white and green blooms betweenJanuary and April depending on climate, location and species. ‘Giant’ snowdrops areactually a completely different genus called Leucojum. Their common name isSnowflake and they are much larger and flower in spring or early summer.

The perennial, herbaceous snowdrop grows from small bulbs that should be planted‘in the green’. This means the plants will rarely grow if you just plant the bulb.Instead, new plants should be divided carefully from existing clumps while the leavesare still showing but after the flowers have died down.

House & Garden

Page 89: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


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House & Garden

Page 90: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Familiarity may not always breedcontempt, but it may breed carelessness.Some of the best flowers in my garden areunder my very nose, yet I cannot seethem for looking. When I consider howbeautiful are the flowers of the ‘Algerianiris’, Iris unguicularis, and how easy it isonce established, I feel ashamed to haveit in only one place in the garden, giving itscarcely a thought from one end of theyear to the other. Until it comes intoflower, when for a brief moment, I realisehow lucky I am.

I think the Algerian iris is easilyoverlooked because it’s one of thoseplants that requires so little attentionfrom the gardener. It comes fromcountries in the Mediterranean, so isaccustomed to hot dry summers, and cool,wetter winters. It emphatically does notneed a rich soil. Provided you can find, ormake, an area of infertile, gritty,preferably limey soil in a south-facingborder (say against the house wall), youhave solved its cultivation problems moreor less permanently. If it does not flowerwell one year, it is more likely to bebecause the summer before was drearyand sunless than because the clump isovercrowded.

So what is it like, this paragon ofbeauty thriving on neglect? It has flowersbetween 5 and 8 cm across when fullyopen, at the top of 15 cm, smooth stalks.Inside, the three ‘falls’ (the petals whichcurve over) are hairless, light purple, butwith delicate mauve feathering on a

yellow background; they mighthave been painted by an orientalartist of infinite skill. The three‘standards’ are also light purple.The exterior of the petals,however, has an ivory pallor and isthin enough for a hint of thefeathering to show through.

If you pick an unopened flower andbring the bud inside, it will open quicklyin the warmth and reward you with asweetly-scented flower that will last for aday or two. This is certainly the best wayof examining the flower, or even paintingit.

Flowers begin to unfurl in my gardenclump in the last days of December, andthough each flower lasts only a few days,there is a succession of them well intoFebruary. The timing of flowering dependswhere in its geographical range theancestors of your plant was found. It maybe as early as the autumn or as late asFebruary.There is a white-flowered form called‘Alba’ and a dwarf sub-species called I.cretensis. There are two namedselections, quite widely sold. ‘MaryBarnard’, is even more beautiful, with adeeper, more luxuriant purple. ‘WalterButt’ is much paler, to my mind a littlewishy-washy, with shorter, broaderfoliage. It is probably the most scented. Ifanyone ever offers you either of these,grab them. The best time to replant therhizomes (roots) is September, as soon asthe autumn rains have started; theyshould be put in the soil a little deeperthan you would the rhizomes of ‘bearded’irises, and in as large pieces as you canmanage. If you are lucky, they will flowerin their first winter - and never disappointyou thereafter.

© Ursula Buchan, 2010

Page 91: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Many many thanks for yourwonderful advertisement for ourChristmas Bonanza held at BockettsFarm on 5th November. Although adreary day we raised just over£1800 for Save The Children.Your support was muchappreciated.Linda Jackson, Secretary, Fund-raising Friends

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House & Garden

Page 92: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


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Montefiore's epic account is seen through kings,conquerors, emperors and soldiers; Muslims, Jews,Christians, Macedonians, Romans and Greeks;Palestinians and Israelis; from King David viaNebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, Herod,Caesar, Cleopatra, Jesus and Saladin, to Churchill,King Hussein, Anwar Sadat and Ariel Sharon. In thecourse of its history, Jerusalem has been destroyedtwice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, andcaptured and recaptured 44 timesTheextraordinarily rich history of this small city in theJudean hills forms nothing less than a history ofthe world.

Shades of GreyJasper Fforde £7.99A brand new tour de force from theauthor of “The Eyre Affair”.Hundreds of years in the future,after the Something thatHappened, the world is an

alarmingly different place. Life is lived accordingto The Rulebook and social hierarchy is determinedby your perception of colour. Eddie Russett is anabove average Red who dreams of moving up theladder by marriage to Constance Oxblood. Until heis sent to the Outer Fringes where he meets Jane –a lowly Grey with an uncontrollable temper and adesire to see him killed. If George Orwell hadtripped over a paint pot or Douglas Adams favouredcolour swatches instead of towels . . . neither ofthem would have come up with anything aseccentrically brilliant as Shades of Grey.

A Kind ManSusan Hill £10.00Susan Hill proves once againthat she is one of our verybest storytellers in thistransfixing parable of greedand goodness and anextraordinary miracle.

Tommy Carr was a kind man;Eve had been able to tellthat after half an hour ofknowing him. There hadnever been a day when hehad not shown her some

small kindness. The birth of a daughter, JeannieEliza, crowns the young couple's happiness - just asher shockingly early death casts them low.In some ways it is no wonder that one of them fallsill, for grief takes its toll, and one Christmas evenEve's sister Miriam is remarking that Tommy looksunwell. But what happens next is entirelyunexpected, not least for the kind man.

Peter Rabbit Finger Puppet BookBeatrix Potter £7.99This simplecounting bookwith a softfinger puppet ofPeter Rabbitwill really helpadults to bringthe pages alive.The PeterRabbit puppetis cleverly stitched into the book so it can’t getlost, and is integral to every page! A great fun readto share with very young children.

Barton’s Bookshop,2 Bridge St, Leatherhead01372 362988Email: [email protected]

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USEFUL NUMBERSAge Concern01372 386911Ashtead Art Group01372 272987 (Jan Cheeseman - Mem Sec)Ashtead Bowling Club01372 274690 (Jenny Williams)Ashtead Chess Club01372 813487 (Richard Jones)Ashtead Choral Society01372 272835 / 278359Ashtead Cricket Club01372 276286 (Sarah Culhane)Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group01372 279501 (Di Stirling)Ashtead Friendship Centre01372 274288 (Don Butt)Ashtead Good Neighbours01372 277350 (Marian Guess)Ashtead Horticultural Society01372 274708 (Sue Jones)Ashtead Library08456 009009Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall01372 272921Ashtead Residents’ Association07733 621614 (Judith Weller, Membership)Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild01372 276511 (Julia Mitchell)Ashtead Women’s Institute01372 276736 (Sandra Brown)Childline0800 1111Citizens Advice Bureau01372 375522Cruse Bereavement Care020 8393 7238Electricity (EDF)0800 783 8866Epsom General Hospital01372 735735Fetcham Singers (ladies choir)020 8393 7153(Barbara Bruce)Gas (Transco)0800 111999(minicom/textphone for deaf/hard of hearing0800 371787)Leatherhead Choral Society01372 277742 (Vivien Redman)Leatherhead & District Angling Society01372 377654Leatherhead Community Association01372 360508Leatherhead Helpshop01372 363385

Leatherhead Horticultural Society01372 375605 (Len Skilton)Leatherhead Leisure Centre01372 377674Leatherhead Library08456 009009Leatherhead Lions Club020 8224 5356 (David Careswell)Leatherhead Museum01372 386348Leatherhead Orchestra01372 376871 (Membership Secretary)Leatherhead Police Station0845 1252222Leatherhead Residents’ Association07986 430935Mid Surrey Community Mediation07513 524241Mole Valley Carers Support01306 640020Mole Valley District Council01306 885001Probus Club of Ashtead01372 276742 (Brian Light)Probus Club of Leatherhead01372 450930 (Andrew Crawford)Rotary Club of Ashtead01372 727573 (Keith Allardyce)Rotary Club of Leatherhead07753 821964 (Simon Edmands)Royal Association for the Deaf01306 881958Royal British LegionLeatherhead/Fetcham Branch01372 811422Ashtead Branch 01372 817492

Samaritans01372 375555Shopmobility Leatherhead01372 362400St Helier HospitalMain switchboard 020 8296 2000Surrey County Council08456 009009Surrey Trading Standards01372 371717Volunteering Centre, Leatherhead01372 383456Water (Sutton & E Surrey Water)Emergencies/general 01737 772000Wildlife Aid09061 800132 (24 hr helpline, calls 50p permin)

Page 95: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


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