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Page 1: The after life of an engineering graduate

The After Life of an Engineering Graduate.

Page 2: The after life of an engineering graduate


• Miss the school and college days.

• "Work in an Office is like a Cage where we are the caged birds"

• Not every office is like a Google or a Facebook.

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SAY Cont .. • Not sufficient pay. "The other guy

has more pay for the same job that I do."

• "Not happy with the job buddy. I wonder if i should try something else."

• " Too much work dude, no time to spend invest on myself.

• "Monotonous work."

• Education system needs a change.

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SAY Cont ..

• Frustrated seeking jobs. Need help to find one.

• Not able to crack interviews

• Ready to compromise for any kind of work.

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DO's: User Behaviors...

• Working on weekends/holidays. No free time to enjoy, or leisure time.

• Engineers switching their interests, to music; or started studying M.B.A(Masters in Batchelor's Administration) bcoz they are no more interested in technical fields

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DO's: User Behaviors...• Guys seeking jobs are ready to accept anything. No

matter what the job is; they are happy to adjust.

• Guys working in dissatisfied conditions/jobs consolidate themselves saying "we will gain good experience from this job."

• Guys demand change in working environments. These are those who are dis-satisfied with their working environment. I see this guy in my office who comes to his office performs the same set of tasks everyday and leaves for home. There is a lack of enthusiasm and thrill in ehat he does.

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Think and Feel (Environment)

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Think and Feel (Environment)

• For an employee to produce best results, he should be able to work in an environment, where his mind is happy. It should not be a place where the employee comes and goes just to fill some data on his P.C. or lappy.

• A person is productive only when he is enjoying his surroundings and environment. A free environment will produce creative, innovative and better ideas.

• Companies like Google show and prove this theory right. Here I totally agree to my friend who desires working conditions like that Google.

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Think and Feel Cont...(Jobs)• Well I personally feel, compromise is a step close to killing one's

soul. Most unemployed are ready to compromise and take up any jobs available to them.

• "Sometimes working in a field is more enjoyable than working in a closed air-conditioned room." Most guys are afraid to take entreprenuerhip as an option.

• Leisure time is missed and compromised by most of the guys. These are the things that we really stop once we move out of college and join the corporate world(Money Mad World).

• "Monotonocity": Working in a monotonous job or environment kills a person's creativity. The guy usually gets bored in such situations. A person is always excited when he learns new things, faces new challenges.

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Think and Feel Cont...(Jobs)• Well a group is seeking for jobs, while there is another goup that are not at

all satisfied.• Some people will never be satisfied with what they have. "Respect what

you have. Else you might regret it once you lose it."

• Some people continue working, tirelessly day and night. Such huge load makes a person unhappy.

• Such work-alcoholism takes a toll on a persons health. They become less efficient eventually.

• Guys do not have enough time to spend with their family and loved ones. Balance between work life and personal life gets disturbed.

• Most of the guys I met quoted:"I really miss the time we had spent in our college and schools". I feel people seem to miss the freeness that they used to enjoy during those days. Their shoulders were less burdened.

• At present they are troubled by activities like searching for jobs; looking for a good pay scale, good working environment.

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Think and Feel Cont...(System)

• I have got people saying that the education system needs a change. They curse the system saying that students simply mug-up the things and pass out.

• True talent is valued in very rare cases.• Also good athletes gave up sports for

Engineering/Medical fields.

• There is a desire for a system where true talent is prioritized and cultivated amongst the youth.

• I guess people are fed up of seeing just Engineers and Doctors in the society.

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The Stakeholders• Are engineering

graduates.• College pass-outs, for

about a year.• They are either

employeed/seeking a job.

• Enthusiasts and passionate.

• Committed and dedicated.

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Needs/Problems• Misses the environment

that he enjoyed during college and school days.

• Desires happiness and balance in day-to-day activities

• Wants to enjoy his work and environment.

• Wants to be productive.• Wants a change in the

system; the way the things are carried out.

• A satisfactory pay-scale.

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Insight• Balance in day-to-day activities: The people whom I met, most of

them are frustrated that they have to spend extra working hours in office, and sometimes even spend their entire weekends and holidays. They are not able spend time on themselves or with their families.

• Enjoy work: Some people want change in their surroundings, and working environment. Some want to get rid of their day to day monotonous activities. In short they need something exciting, something that keeps them interested and cherished.

• Well everyone desires a satisfactory pay scale for what they work. Sometimes there are scenarios where a person is made to work for 10-12 hrs. daily, but he receives a very low pay. This trend is found a lot in start-ups especially.

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Insight Cont...• Missing his college days: Almost all the people i met, seem to miss

their time spent in the college and schools. What i feel here is that they actually miss the freedom they enjoyed during those days. Now in the corporate world they have to work in a much constrained and restricted environment. This constrained environment also looks to inhibit his productivity/efficiency.

• Change in system: Here in India most of the guys in their high school opt for science or commerce. In very rare case you will see someone going for archeology, or take sports as their profession. There is adesire for change in this mentality. Other areas/fields must be encouraged. This change can basically be effective if started right form the school level, where a child is made aware of other fields. A child should be allowed to explore his natural talents.

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