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Page 1: The 3 B’s for a successful 2011: babies, boomers and brides

Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

CreativeSage: #Netsol chat Wed., 1/19, at 1 pm EST, "SmallBiz Trends for 2011"?not sure if I can chat Wed., but I recommend: #netsol

CathrynHrudicka: #Netsol chat Wed., 1/19, at 1 pm EST, "SmallBiz Trends for 2011"?not sure if I can chat Wed., but I recommend:

wgbiz: New at #wgbiz: Wanna Grow Biz? Join The #NetSol Twitterchat With Rieva Lesonsky

shellykramer: RT @wgbiz: New at #wgbiz: Wanna Grow Biz? Join The #NetSol Twitterchat With Rieva Lesonsky

susan_w: Today's the day! #Netsol Tweetchat at 1 p.m. ET w/ @Rieva, she'll be talking abt Smallbiz trends for 2011

Growsmartbiz: Today's the day! #Netsol Tweetchat at 1 p.m. ET w/ @Rieva, she'll be talking abt Smallbiz trends for 2011

netsolaffiliate: RT @susan_w Today's the day! #Netsol Tweetchat at 1 pm ET w/ @Rieva, she'll be talking abt Smallbiz trends for 2011

__contagious__: Netsol News: Shes an expert on #smallbiz ownership. Join #netsol today as @rieva reveals smallbiz trends for 201...

bcvirgil: Hey @Smallbizlabs #netsol tweet chat today at 1 pm EST, "SmallBiz Trends for 2011", would love if you can join!

Rieva: Join #netsol and me today to talk about #smallbiz trends for 2011 during Tweet chat:

burkesan: RT @netsolcares: Shes an expert on #smallbiz ownership. Join #netsol today as @rieva reveals smallbiz trends for 2011 during Tweet chat:

bcvirgil: Hey @DigitalTrends #netsol tweet chat today at 1 pm EST, "SmallBiz Trends for 2011", would love if you can join!

bcvirgil: @AdamBroitman I hear that! Next time! If you follow #netsol we will post the transcript this week..

bcvirgil: Hey @trendhunter #netsol tweet chat today at 1 pm EST, "SmallBiz Trends for 2011", would love a shout out!

susan_w: RT @Rieva: Join #netsol and me today to talk about #smallbiz trends for 2011 during Tweet chat:

Growsmartbiz: RT @Rieva: Join #netsol and me today to talk about #smallbiz trends for 2011 during Tweet chat:

rosaliemo: This is your year! Find out #smallbiz trends for 2011 and get ahead of the game at the #netsol tweet chat with @rieva TODAY at 1 pm EST

bcvirgil: Heyy @MikePaetzold #netsol tweet chat today at 1 pm EST, "SmallBiz Trends for 2011", would love if you can join!

colbcox: RT @rosaliemo: This is your year! Find out #smallbiz trends for 2011 and get ahead of the game at the #netsol tweet chat with @rievaTODAY at 1 pm EST

Page 2: The 3 B’s for a successful 2011: babies, boomers and brides

Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

bcvirgil: Hi @ArtOfTheSpa #netsol tweet chat today at 1 pm EST, "SmallBiz Trends for 2011", would love if you can join!

DCeventjunkie: Grab your lunch and join #netsol tweetchat, today 1-2:30 EST ?Small Business Trends for 2011? w/ @rieva

ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie: Grab lunch & join #netsol tweetchat, today 1-2:30 EST ?Small Business Trends for 2011? w/ @rieva

zenaweist: RT @shashib: Grab ur lunch and join #netsol tweetchat, today 1-2:30 ET ?Small Business Trends for 2011? w/ @rieva

windycitysocial: RT @shashib: Grab ur lunch and join #netsol tweetchat, today 1-2:30 ET ?Small Business Trends for 2011? w/ @rieva

heylovedesigns: @dceventjunkie @Rieva @shashib ooh! I may have to join in today. Seeing lots of things I can relate to on event page #netsol

heylovedesigns: RT @DCeventjunkie Grab lunch and join #netsol tweetchat, today 1-2:30 EST ?Small Business Trends for 2011? w/ @Rieva

NewPR: #Smallbiz starts with ONE good idea and good ideas come from @netsolcares tweetchats. Join #netsol today at 1PM ET w/ @rieva for new ideas.

Smallbizlabs: @bcvirgil I'm attending the 1:00pm EST #netsol tweet chat on 2011 trends.

shashib: @CathyWebSavvyPR @Growsmartbiz @heylovedesigns Thanks for RTs of #netsol Tweetchat

shashib: @windycitysocial @zenaweist Thanks for RTs of #netsol Tweetchat

DCeventjunkie: Join me on Twitter for the #NetSol Small Business chat w/ @Rieva at 1pm! (@ Network Solutions)

rosaliemo: RT @shashib: Grab your lunch and join #netsol tweetchat, today1-2:30 EST ?Small Business Trends for 2011? w/ @rieva #netsol

shashib: Only a few minutes to go : Twitter for the #NetSol Small Business chat w/ @Rieva at 1pm!

NewPR: RT @netsolcares: Join us for a #NetSol tweet chat on KEY SMALL BIZ TRENDS FOR 2011in 30 min. with@rieva:

Growsmartbiz: "Join us for a #NetSol tweet chat on KEY SMALL BIZ TRENDS FOR 2011in 30 min. with@rieva:" -@netsolcares

wgbiz: Join us for a #NetSol tweet chat on KEY SMALL BIZ TRENDS FOR 2011in 20 min. with @rieva: #trends

nssmbinsights: RT @DCeventjunkie: Join me on Twitter for the #NetSol Small Business chat w/ @Rieva at 1pm! (@ Network Solutions)

bcvirgil: #NetSol tweet chat on small biz trends for 2011 in 20 min w/ @rieva!:

wgbiz: Lots of giveaways during 2day?s #netsol chat. Hosting Pkg, Big Book of

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

Social Media Case Studies & Rieva?s new eBook on biz #trends! 1pm

DCeventjunkie: Lots of giveaways during 2day?s #netsol chat. Hosting Pkg, Big Book of Social Media Case Studies & Rieva?s new eBook on biz #trends! 1pm

ladiosapoderosa: RT @DCeventjunkie: Lots of giveaways during 2day?s #netsol chat. Hosting Pkg, Big Book of Social Media Case Studies & Rieva?s new eBook on biz #trends! 1pm

bcvirgil: RT @shashib: Only a few minutes to go : Twitter for the #NetSol Small Business chat w/ @Rieva at 1pm! Join us! #NETSOL

susan_w: RT @bcvirgil: RT @shashib: Only a few minutes to go : Twitter for the #NetSol Small Business chat w/ @Rieva at 1pm! Join us! #NETSOL

putitaway: RT @wgbiz: Lots of giveaways during 2day?s #netsol chat. Hosting Pkg, Big Book of Social Media Case Studies & Rieva?s new eBook on biz #trends! 1pm

susan_w: RT @DCeventjunkie: Lots of giveaways during 2day?s #netsol chat. Hosting Pkg, Big Book of Social Media Case Studies & Rieva?s new eBook on biz #trends! 1pm

rosaliemo: 10 minute countdown to the tweet chat with @Rieva. She's going to help us get ahead of the game with 2010 biz trends! #netsol

Growsmartbiz: Lots of giveaways during today?s #netsol tweet chat. Hosting Pkg, Big Book of Social Media Case Studies & Rieva?s new eBook on biz #tbos

bcvirgil: Lots of giveaways during today?s #netsol tweet chat. Hosting Pkg, Big Book of Social Media Case Studies! Participate to win! #tbos #NETSOL

dariasteigman: Combo of #netsol& #solopr (and a couple other things IN the office) is really going to challenge my ability to multitask for next 90 min.

rosaliemo: @dariasteigman Thanks for making time for us :-) We love it when you stop by! #netsol

DCeventjunkie: @dariasteigman You can do it!! #netsol #solopr

dariasteigman: @DCeventjunkie @rosaliemo Choices. Choices. I'm going to do this. #netsol #solopr

shashib: pssst ! Did you know @rieva new eBook "Hot Businesses and trends book " JUST came out: #netsol

wgbiz: Welcome to #netsol tweet chat. We are discussing key #smallbiz trends for 2011 with @Rieva. Join us!

DCeventjunkie: Welcome to #netsol tweet chat. We are discussing key #smallbiz trends for 2011 with @Rieva. Join us!

wgbiz: Rules: 1) Stay ON TOPIC! 2) Send ?s for Rieva to @DCeventjunkie 3) Use #netsol in all tweets 4) Have fun!

DCeventjunkie: Rules: 1) Stay ON TOPIC! 2) Send ?s for Rieva to @DCeventjunkie 3) Use #netsol in all tweets 4) Have fun!

Page 4: The 3 B’s for a successful 2011: babies, boomers and brides

Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

Rieva: @DCeventjunkie Thanks I am happy to be here to anser your questions #netsol #smallbiz

susan_w: RT @wgbiz: Rules: 1) Stay ON TOPIC! 2) Send ?s for Rieva to @DCeventjunkie 3) Use #netsol in all tweets 4) Have fun!

bcvirgil: RT @DCeventjunkie: Welcome to #netsol tweet chat, discussing key #smallbiz trends for 2011 with @Rieva. Join us! #netsol

shashib: So glad that @dceventjunkie new member of the #netsol team is moderating this tweetchat with @rieva Pls welcome her

rosaliemo: It's go time! Join us to chat about 2010 small biz trends: #netsol

gnosisarts: Could the mod. for netsol pls ensure your chat is added/updated on the wiki? #netsol

susan_w: We're on the #netsol tweetchat w/ @Rieva talking abt SMallbiz trends for 2011! Join us 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. happening now!

wgbiz: Start off w/an INTRO: 1) message about you and your business and whatever else we need to know #netsol

DCeventjunkie: Start off w/an INTRO: 1) message about you and your business and whatever else we need to know #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @dceventjunkie: Start off w/an INTRO: 1) message about you and your business and whatever else we need to know #netsol

shashib: @rosaliemo wake up ! it's 18 days into 2011 #netsol

wgbiz: Be sure to participate! Everyone who contributes will be entered to win one of our giveaways. #netsol

DCeventjunkie: Be sure to participate! Everyone who contributes will be entered to win one of our giveaways. #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @susan_w: We're on the #netsol tweetchat w/ @Rieva talking abt SMallbiz trends for 2011! Join us 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. happening now!

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @shashib: So glad that @dceventjunkie new member of the #netsol team is moderating this tweetchat with @rieva Pls welcome her #netsol

rosaliemo: @shashib doh! #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @DCeventjunkie: Start off w/an INTRO: 1) message about you, yr business & whatever else we need to know #netsol

susan_w: @CathyWebSavvyPR great to have you join us! #netsol

nssmbinsights: RT @ClickWisdom: RT @susan_w: We're on the #netsol tweetchat w/ @Rieva talking abt SMallbiz trends for 2011! Join us 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. happening now!

CathyWebSavvyPR: @DCeventjunkie Glad to see you've found a great new "home." good to see you! #netsol

rosaliemo: RT @DCeventjunkie: Start off w/an INTRO: 1) message about you and

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

your business and whatever else we need to know #netsol

ClickWisdom: @cathywebsavvypr Hi Cathy! Nice to see you on the chat. #netsol

ActiveIngreds: hi guys just joining for the first time! #netsol

EquipmentEngine: Equipment Engine - We provide a free marketplace for businesses to buy and sell equipment - - does that work? #netsol

MsSocSec: RT @DCeventjunkie: Welcome to #netsol tweet chat. We are discussing key #smallbiz trends for 2011 with @Rieva. Join us!

shashib: Waving ! @putitaway great to see you here #netsol tweetchat. Is your motto I can organize you ;) #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: I'm a 20 year PR pro using my Inner Geek Girl to guide Small Biz through ins & outs of marketing/PR & social media #netsol

ActiveIngreds: what does #netsol stand for? #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @ActiveIngreds hi there - good to see you on a different chat! #netsol

susan_w: Thinking abt starting a new biz this is gr8 tweetchat to join! we're talking smallbiz trends for 2011 now w/ @rieva use hashtag #netsol

dariasteigman: Biz owner (21+ yrs), blogger, entrepreneur, biz columnist, & comms pro. [And waving to @shashib.| #netsol

ActiveIngreds: @CathyWebSavvyPR absolutely! you too! #netsol

sallyalbright: Hi there. I'm a PR/New Media specialist in DC. Most recently I've been working on political projects. #netsol

DCeventjunkie: @ActiveIngreds Welcome! #netsol stands for Network Solutions, you can find out more about us at

CathyWebSavvyPR: I think so! congrats #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @DCeventjunkie: Be sure 2 participate! Everyone who contributes will be entered to win one of our giveaways. #netsol

ClickWisdom: Blogger, entrepreneur, web content strategist, SEO #netsol More -->

susan_w: @clickwisdom gr8 to see you! Thx for joining #netsol

ActiveIngreds: 20+ yrs mktng, strategy, innovation - immersed in social media & loving it. consultant, wannabe blogger, aiming for the big. #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: chat tip: if you want a link 2 be clickable - make it not cc @DCeventjunkie #netsol

ActiveIngreds: @DCeventjunkie thanks so much #netsol

wgbiz: @sallyalbright @dariasteigman @CathyWebSavvyPR @ActiveIngreds @ClickWisdom Welcome! Tks 4 joining in today #netsol

DCeventjunkie: @sallyalbright @dariasteigman @CathyWebSavvyPR @ActiveIngreds @ClickWisdom Welcome! Tks 4 joining in today #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @ClickWisdom: Blogger, entrepreneur, web content strategist, SEO More --> #netsol

shashib: Waving back ! @dariasteigman Do glad to see you ! Hope 2011 started off fantastic for you #netsol

ilabelu: as a printer, how can i take advantage of social media to gain more customers? #netsol

bcvirgil: @DCeventjunkie: Be sure 2 participate! Everyone who contributes will be entered to win one of our giveaways. #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @activeingreds: 20+ yrs mktng, strategy, innovation - immersed in social media & loving it. consultant, wannabe blogger.... #netsol

mycrowdca: RT @ilabelu2011as a printer, how can i take advantage of social media to gain more customers? #netsol #socialmedia

ClickWisdom: RT @sallyalbright: Hi there. I'm a PR/New Media specialist in DC. Most recently I've been working on political projects. #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @dariasteigman: Biz owner (21+ yrs), blogger, entrepreneur, biz columnist, & comms pro. [And waving to @shashib.| #netsol

wgbiz: Q1:What are some top trends small biz owners should keep their eyes on in 2011? #netsol

DCeventjunkie: Q1:What are some top trends small biz owners should keep their eyes on in 2011? #netsol

Smallbizlabs: Hello to all. I'm a smallbiz owner who is way too old for brides and babies, but I'm still interested in the trends #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @shashib waving - I made it! #netsol

DCeventjunkie: @CathyWebSavvyPR Ah, yes for twetchat! Cheers :) #netsol

heylovedesigns: Hello! Looking forwarding to chatting #netsol. Launched Hey Love last year and specialize in print design, parties and sweets #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q1:What are some top trends small biz owners should keep their eyes on in 2011? #netsol

rosaliemo: Here we go! Q1:What are some top trends small biz owners should keep their eyes on in 2011? #netsol #netsol

dariasteigman: @shashib Starting with a bang (the good kind). Hopefully for you too? We have to catch up one day soon. #netsol

JustinGutwein: Hi. Owner/Producer for @shineonstories. Trying to create video content for biz, nonprofits, etc that people want to watch. #netsol

ActiveIngreds: @ClickWisdom arent you sweet -thank you! so good to see you here! #netsol

Rieva: @Smallbizlabs these days you're NEVER too old for anything #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @DCeventjunkie: Rules: 1) Stay ON TOPIC! 2) Send ?s 4 @Rieva 2 @DCeventjunkie 3) Use #netsol in all tweets 4) Have fun!

Page 7: The 3 B’s for a successful 2011: babies, boomers and brides

Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

ActiveIngreds: RT @rosaliemo: Here we go! Q1:What are some top trends small biz owners should keep their eyes on in 2011? #netsol

Tinu: Location: The #netsol tweet chat. Join us.

jasonkintzler: Jumping on the #netsol chat as advised by my man @shashib :) #netsol

Tinu: Q1:What are some top trends small biz owners should keep their eyes on in 2011? #netsol

shashib: RT @Rieva: @Smallbizlabs these days you're NEVER too old for anything #netsol

susan_w: Q1:What are some top trends small biz owners should keep their eyes on in 2011? #netsol #smallbiz

shellykramer: Q1 My thoughts on trends to pay attention to/integrate: Video, Content Marketing, Improved Web Presence #netsol

dariasteigman: A1. Mobile. Mobile. Mobile. 1/2 of world is using them. Increasingly business opportunities. #netsol

Rieva: A1 #netsol there's a lot going on theues year. Keep your eye on demogrpahic changes, food trends in particular

jasonkintzler: A1: location - whether it be text-based or app-based. #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: Q1: Many customers are sill learning 2 use social media & blogs, but Marketers & brands will see mobile as big trend #netsol

shellykramer: Join in to today's #netsol #smallbiz chat - happening right now!

rosaliemo: Hi Tinu!! RT @Tinu: Location: The #netsol tweet chat. Join us. #netsol

ActiveIngreds: Q1 - social CRM & getting it on with mobile #netsol

TRethore: Just joining #netsol chat - strategy consultant, helping orgs work better and achieve goals. Align strategy, people, process. #netsol

susan_w: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol there's a lot going on this year. Keep your eye on demogrpahic changes, food trends in particular #smallbiz

shellykramer: RT @Tinu: Location: The #netsol tweet chat. Join us.

bcvirgil: RT @jasonkintzler: A1: location - whether it be text-based or app-based. #netsol

shashib: Thanks @jasonkintzler I know you can offer more than a tip or two for Small Business #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @tinu: Q1:What are some top trends small biz owners should keep their eyes on in 2011? #netsol

shellykramer: RT @DCeventjunkie: Rules: 1) Stay ON TOPIC! 2) Send ?s 4 @Rieva 2 @DCeventjunkie 3) Use #netsol in all tweets 4) Have fun!

CocoDivas: Very curious. What's #netsol about?

Rieva: A 1 #netsol yes mobility is a hot trend too. for tech & food

davidcarondc: Only 30% of the market has smartphones. mobile web growing as

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

always. look for mobile video to be on the rise. #netsol

DCeventjunkie: @Tinu @shellykramer @JustinGutwein @heylovedesigns AH, familiar faces! #netsol

EquipmentEngine: Content generation is overloaded. Businesses need to create a leap in value for customers to make competition irrelevant #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @justingutwein: Hi. Owner/Producer for @shineonstories. Trying to create video content for biz, nonprofits.... #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @rosaliemo: Here we go! Q1:What are some top trends small biz owners should keep their eyes on in 2011? #netsol #netsol

dariasteigman: @ShellyKramer Agreed re video. It's huge, & it's high on my "to do" list for 2011. #netsol

TRethore: @susan_w @Rieva in what way? demographics have been on radar for several years; what's diff for 2011? #netsol #netsol

susan_w: @dariasteigman Is a mobile strategy important for a consultant solopreneur? #netsol

ClickWisdom: Q1: Mobile app development. This area is growing. #netsol

Rieva: A1 It's important to remember to keep an eye on the big cities since they break the trends & then u can bring them to your area #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @susan_w: Q1:What are some top trends small biz owners should keep their eyes on in 2011? #netsol #smallbiz #netsol

deniseshopkins: How do content marketing and demographic trends tie together? #netsol #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @CocoDivas topic: 2011 small biz trends guest @rieva see @DCeventjunkie: 4 Questions host @shasib from #netsol

ActiveIngreds: Q1 - #India will be even bigger market/resource (for small and large biz both) #netsol

shellykramer: @EquipmentEngine That's why creating valuable/resourceful content is a good strategy. Esp since much of competition is not. #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @rieva: A 1 #netsol yes mobility is a hot trend too. for tech & food

shashib: RT @shellykramer: @EquipmentEngine That's why creating valuable/resourceful content is a good strategy. Esp since much of competition is not. #netsol

shellykramer: You know we're here for ya, woman!! @DCeventjunkie @Tinu @JustinGutwein @heylovedesigns #netsol #smallbiz

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A1 Keep an eye on the big cities since they break the trends & then u can bring them to your area #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @davidcarondc: Only 30% of the market has smartphones. mobile web growing as always. look for mobile video to be on the rise. #netsol

FranchiseKing: Good afternoon, my Small Business friends #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

bcvirgil: In the food business? Or just hungry? Read Rieva?s top food industry trends for 2011 #netsol

mgallizzi: @susan_w Yes, I think mobile can be a good differentiator/competitive edge. Specifically, SMS, mobile web, etc #netsol

davidcarondc: SEO will be huge for non establised, smaller companies. #netsol

ActiveIngreds: @socioinnovation @debdeb thank you! #netsol

EquipmentEngine: @shellykramer @EquipmentEngine: It is becoming challening to weed through all the content - how will you stand out? #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @bcvirgil: In the food business? Or just hungry? Read Rieva?s top food industry trends for 2011 #netsol

Rieva: A1 #netsol baby boomers turn 65 this year. Up til now we've been just talking about it. Also the "echo boomers" are coming of age. (cont)

FranchiseKing: RT @bcvirgil: In the food business? Or just hungry? Read Rieva?s top food industry trends for 2011 #netsol

heylovedesigns: @DCeventjunkie I'm liking the babies & brides trend I saw on the event page. Maybe it's my industry but seeing lots of requests #netsol

JustinGutwein: It's getting to the point where you are foolish not to have a some form of mobile app. ?@ClickWisdom: Q1: Mobile app development. #netsol?

CathyWebSavvyPR: A1: in addition to mobile, a big trend will be seeing more small biz consumers use social media 2 connect w brands #netsol

shellykramer: Agreed! @ClickWisdom Mobile web performance, BEFORE app dev is probably key, but both important to consider #netsol

ClickWisdom: @franchiseking Hi Long time, no see. #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @cathywebsavvypr: RT @Rieva: A1 Keep an eye on the big cities since they break the trends & then u can bring them to your area #netsol

shellykramer: RT @davidcarondc: SEO will be huge for non establised, smaller companies. #netsol<-- and attention devoted to LOCAL SEO is key, as well

shashib: WOW ! The king is here @FranchiseKing #netsol

jasonkintzler: A1: Don't jump at every wiz-bang. Groupon for example, is only relevant to a few - especially outside of metro areas. #netsol

Rieva: A1 #netsol As the echo boomers grow up, they will need stuff/products that small businesses can sell to them

shellykramer: RT @bcvirgil: In the food business? Or just hungry? Read Rieva?s top food industry trends for 2011 #netsol

mgallizzi: Very costly. I don't recommend an app. See RT @ClickWisdom: Q1: Mobile app development. This area is growing. #netsol

TRethore: @mgallizzi specifically, how? What shd #smallbiz do differently as a result of increase in apps, SMS, mobile, etc? #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

nssmbinsights: RT @ClickWisdom: RT @cathywebsavvypr: RT @Rieva: A1 Keep an eye on the big cities since they break the trends & then u can bring them to your area #netsol

davidcarondc: People ask friends what they bought and talk about it on #SM Social Media - Twitter Facebook Etc... #netsol

dariasteigman: @susan_w Good Q. At a minimum, mobile optimization. B/c people are looking for you online. #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @shashib: WOW ! The king is here @FranchiseKing #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol baby boomers turn 65 this year. Up til now we've been just talking about it. Also the "echo boomers" are coming of age. (cont)

ClickWisdom: RT @davidcarondc: SEO will be huge for non establised, smaller companies. #netsol

ShineOnStories: ?@shellykramer: Q1 My thoughts on trends to pay for 2011 attention to/integrate: Video, Content Marketing, Improved Web Presence #netsol?

bcvirgil: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol As the echo boomers grow up, they will need stuff/products that small businesses can sell to them #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol As the echo boomers grow up, they will need stuff/products that small businesses can sell to them

davidcarondc: @shellykramer @davidcarondc Very true! Local SEO is ESSENTIAL for a local business owner. #netsol

FranchiseKing: RT @shashib: WOW ! The king is here @FranchiseKing Thanks, Shashi! #netsol

ActiveIngreds: absolutely RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol As the echo boomers grow up, they will need stuff/products that small businesses can sell to them #netsol

Rieva: A1 #netsol THis year is also one where many Americans are tired of recessionary thinking. I call it frugality fatigue. They're ready 2 spend

DCeventjunkie: @heylovedesigns Lots of requests? Always a good thing! #netsol

susan_w: RT @mgallizzi: @susan_w it's a Q consultants ask that dont have brick-n-mortar & wonder how mobile applies their marketing #netsol

FranchiseKing: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol As the echo boomers grow up, they will need stuff/products that small businesses can sell to them #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @davidcarondc: SEO will be huge for non establised, smaller companies. #netsol

DCeventjunkie: @ShellyKramer Good woman ;) #netsol #smallbiz

mgallizzi: @ClickWisdom Agreed on mobile video. That, and QR codes (both can work together) (QR codes at if not sure) #netsol

agentmagnetic: Hi, Jason here. Global Marketing director for a DC area software company. #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

ClickWisdom: @mgallizzi Depends on the app... #netsol If it makes money, initial cost is not bad.

mgallizzi: @CathyWebSavvyPR Agreed on social media connecting to brands. Social media is fueling mobile. #netsol

bcvirgil: RT@Rieva: A1 #netsol As the echo boomers grow up, they will need stuff/products that small businesses can sell to them #netsol

mgallizzi: YES RT @shellykramer: Agreed! @ClickWisdom Mobile web performance, BEFORE app dev is probably key, but both important to consider #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @mgallizzi: @ClickWisdom Agreed on mobile video. &QR codes (both can work togeth) (QR codes at if not sure) #netsol

ShannonRenee: I'm here, I'm here #netsol

wgbiz: Q2: What key shifts will make 2011 different from 2010? #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: A1: Need to do this myself - get my blog ready 4 mobile via mobile plugins - for cell/mobile 2011 trend #netsol

DCeventjunkie: Q2: What key shifts will make 2011 different from 2010? #netsol

ClickWisdom: @shellykramer You mean mobile website optimization? If so, yes. Agree. #netsol

Rieva: A1 #netsol pick your niche & sell

FranchiseKing: Please join us, Small Business friends. Go to enter #netsol good discussion going on now -Trends

TRethore: #netsol Good new prod ideas. How do these trends impact existing #smallbiz - especially professional service companies? #netsol

mgallizzi: @netsolcares Thank you :) Looking forward to helping and contributing my expertise. #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q2: What key shifts will make 2011 different from 2010? #netsol

jasonkintzler: A1: First, use social as a tool to connect and thank your customers, not to market to them. That's different. #netsol

DCeventjunkie: @davidcarondc So true! #SM #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: A1 Also - let's not forget IPads, tablets & hybrid tablet/e-readers as subset of mobile trend #netsol

Rieva: A2 #netsol the recession is over. THat will change thinking and spending habits

agentmagnetic: Mobile Video was mentioned as a trend to watch in 2011. Any thoughts on which platform? #netsol @davidcarondc

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol THis year is also one where many Americans are tired of recessionary thinking. I call it frugality fatigue. They're ready 2 spend

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

mgallizzi: @TRethore Apps last, mobile friendly website-first. SMS list if applicable. SMS is the new e-mail list. #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q2: What key shifts will make 2011 different from 2010? #netsol

shellykramer: RT @ActiveIngreds: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q2: What key shifts will make 2011 different from 2010? #netsol

FranchiseKing: @ShannonRenee Hello, Doc! #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q2: What key shifts will make 2011 different from 2010? #netsol

jonmikelbailey: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: A1 Also - lets not forget IPads, tablets & hybrid tablet/e-readers as subset of mobile trend #netsol

shashib: RT @jasonkintzler: A1: First, use social as a tool to connect and thank your customers, not to market to them. That's different. #netsol

EquipmentEngine: Marketing automation will be big - the ability to attack mid-funnel inefficiencies with tools like Marketo, Eloqua, etc. #netsol

wgbiz: RT @jasonkintzler: A1: First, use social as a tool to connect and thank your customers, not to market to them. That's different. #netsol

DCeventjunkie: RT @jasonkintzler: A1: First, use social as a tool to connect and thank your customers, not to market to them. That's different. #netsol

mgallizzi: @susan_w Interesting. 10 years ago, people were asking if they need a website. Now, we will question if we need a mobile website #netsol

Rieva: A2 #netsol But it's a slow recovery, so be patient. DOn't expect customers to FLOOD into your doors. They're still looking for value...

susan_w: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol As the echo boomers grow up, they will need stuff/products that small businesses can sell to them

bcvirgil: RT @Rieva: A2 #netsol the recession is over. THat will change thinking and spending habits #netsol

shellykramer: @ActiveIngreds Less focus on "social media is magic" and more on "how does this equate to ROI" + more listening, better strategy #netsol

Rieva: A2 think about what you can offer them to make them come to your biz & stay

wgbiz: RT @jonmikelbailey: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: A1 Also - lets not forget IPads, tablets & hybrid tablet/e-readers as subset of mobile trend #netsol

DCeventjunkie: RT @jonmikelbailey: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: A1 Also - lets not forget IPads, tablets & hybrid tablet/e-readers as subset of mobile trend #netsol

mgallizzi: @clickwisdom With 300k+ apps on Apple store, and 200k+ apps in Android, making money with an app is harder than it sounds #netsol

JustinGutwein: RT @jasonkintzler: A1: First, use social as a tool to connect and thank your customers, not to market to them. That's different. #netsol

wgbiz: RT @susan_w: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol As the echo boomers grow up,

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

they will need stuff/products that small businesses can sell to them

DCeventjunkie: RT @susan_w: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol As the echo boomers grow up, they will need stuff/products that small businesses can sell to them

TRethore: Hmmm. How does that work? what makes it 'applicable'? RT @mgallizzi: @TRethore SMS list if applicable. SMS is the new e-mail list. #netsol

shellykramer: @EquipmentEngine I'm not sure I agree re marketing "automation" - esp not as it relates to #smallbiz owners #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @mgallizzi: With 300k+ apps on Apple store, and 200k+ apps in Android, making money with an app is harder than it sounds #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @Rieva: But its a slow recovery, so be patient. DOnt expect customers to FLOOD into your doors. Theyre still looking for value... #netsol

Rieva: A2 #netsol Be on the lookout for changes in spending habits among your customers. How can you give them a boost?

susan_w: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol Many Americans are tired of recessionary thinking. I call it frugality fatigue. They're ready 2 spend #smallbiz

FranchiseKing: "Listening" seems to be a trending topic in social media. You know; the @chrisbrogan "listening posts" types.. #netsol

shashib: RT @EquipmentEngine: Marketing automation will be big - the ability to attack mid-funnel inefficiencies tools like Marketo, Eloqua #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @shellykramer: Less focus on "social media is magic" and more on "how does this equate to ROI" + more listening, better strategy #netsol

davidcarondc: @agentmagnetic @davidcarondc All mobile devices - iphone, ipad, android, blackberry. #netsol

mgallizzi: @ShellyKramer Agreed. Do-It-Yourself solutions for apps are cheaper, but most apps are $10k+ from my research/discussions #netsol

maslipka: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @shellykramer: Less focus on "social media is magic" and more on "how does this equate to ROI" + more listening, better strategy #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @jasonkintzler: A1: First, use social as a tool to connect and thank your customers, not 2 market to them. That's different [yes] #netsol

jasonkintzler: A2: In 2011, businesses become their own publishers - bypassing traditional media outlets. We can reach r own cust. now. (& keep em) #netsol

shellykramer: Email is still VERY powerful. Important not to overlook that in your marketing efforts #netsol

susan_w: RT @FranchiseKing: RT @Rieva: A1 As the echo boomers grow up, they will need stuff/products that small businesses cn sell 2 them #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @Rieva: A2 #netsol Be on the lookout for changes in spending habits among your customers. How can you give them a boost? #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

ActiveIngreds: RT @shellykramer @ActiveIngreds Less focus on "social media is magic";more on "how does it equate 2 ROI" +more listen'g,better strat #netsol

simplyleapcoach: RT @Rieva: A2 #netsol Be on the lookout for changes in spending habits among your customers. How can you give them a boost?

FranchiseKing: RT @mgallizzi: @susan_w Interesting. 10 years ago, people were asking if they need website. Now, question do we need a mobile site #netsol

elijahmay: RT @shellykramer: Email is still VERY powerful. Important not to overlook that in your marketing efforts #netsol

ShannonRenee: A2: more apps and the new thing...1st FB, then Twitter, then LBS...??? to come in 2011 #netsol

TRethore: How differentiate? Many in 'connecting' game RT @jasonkintzler: A1social =tool to connect, thank cust, not market to them Thats diff #netsol

susan_w: @FranchiseKing Hi there! So glad you joined today! #netsol

deniseshopkins: RT @jasonkintzler: Use social as a tool to connect and thank your customers, not to market to them. That's different. #netsol

coachlaura: RT @cathywebsavvypr: A1 Also - let's not forget IPads, tablets & hybrid tablet/e-readers as subset of mobile trend #netsol

Rieva: A2 #netsol. Social media is popular. But make sure you're using it & getting ROI back. People think it's free--nothing is free Time is $

FranchiseKing: @Rieva And, if they ARE spending, are they using their charge cards? #netsol

agentmagnetic: @davidcarondc In terms of video platform such as Flash. #netsol

wgbiz: Q3: What key struggles do you think small biz will face in 2011? #netsol

DCeventjunkie: Q3: What key struggles do you think small biz will face in 2011? #netsol

Pr1ncessRose: RT @shellykramer: Email is still VERY powerful. Important not to overlook that in your marketing efforts #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @shannonrenee: A2: more apps and the new thing...1st FB, then Twitter, then LBS...??? to come in 2011 #netsol

shellykramer: @jasonkintzler Agreed re content mktg. But not all #smallbiz owners get this. Or have any idea what to do. Big challenge for them. #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @TRethore I think @jasonkintzler - may have been reacting ot @rieva's "pick yr niche & sell" #netsol

susan_w: @ShannonRenee Welcome!! gr8 to see you! #netsol

shashib: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q3: What key struggles do you think small biz will face in 2011? #netsol

ShannonRenee: A2: new ways to use what is out there, such as using LBS to drive traffic to non-place businesses #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

mgallizzi: @TRethore Good question on SMS and if it's applicable. Depends on the business. I'd say most often it is - a lot of applications #netsol

davidcarondc: Look for coupons to drive traffic to brands #Facebook Pages. #Nabisco is king of offers! #netsol

susan_w: RT @wgbiz: Q2: What key shifts will make 2011 different from 2010? #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q3: What key struggles do you think small biz will face in 2011? #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @coachlaura: RT @cathywebsavvypr: A1 Also - let's not forget IPads, tablets & hybrid tablet/e-readers as subset of mobile trend #netsol

mgallizzi: @TRethore I think I might write a blog topic on that, actually. Good question :) *makes note* #netsol

DanMorrisVPS: What is LBS? #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q3: What key struggles do you think small biz will face in 2011? #netsol

TRethore: YES! What's ur metric? RT @Rieva: A2 #netsol. Social media is popular. But make sure using it & getting ROI. Not free--Time is $ #netsol

Rieva: A3 #netsol the key struglles are about $. It's still a bit hard to come by. Start by establishing a financial relationship...

susan_w: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol pick your niche & sell #smallbiz

Growsmartbiz: RT @Rieva: A1 #netsol pick your niche & sell #smallbiz

FranchiseKing: @susan_w Hey there #netsol

jasonkintzler: @TRethore don't try to sell them anything. let your product/service do that on its own. #netsol

Rieva: A3 #netsol Get to know your banker. Go to a credit union.

simplyleapcoach: A2 Shifts from 2010 to 2011? People are waking up and want more again. They are tired of talking about the economy & what's wrong. #netsol

mgallizzi: RT @Rieva A2 #netsol. Social media is popular. But make sure you're getting ROI back. People think it's free--nothing is free Time is $

TRethore: @mgallizzi RE: blog - send me the link then; I'd love the answer! #netsol

shashib: @bryanrhoads Thanks @rohitbhargava wrote a great article. Join us at the #netsol #smalliz tweetchat happening now

mgallizzi: Location Based Service RT @DanMorrisVPS: What is LBS? #netsol

ShannonRenee: A3: small biz will have same struggles, not enough time to RUN biz and DO biz, tech cuts both ways, a help & hindrance #netsol

rosaliemo: RT @Rieva: A2 Social media is popular. Make sure youre using it & getting ROI. People think its free.nothing is free Time is $ #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

Rieva: A3 #netsol Another challenge is, as I said, customers want to spend, but spend cuatiously

EquipmentEngine: E-mail, social, apps - these are simply distribution tools. Small biz should use all. DaVinci used paint because that was the medium #netsol

mgallizzi: @CathyWebSavvyPR I'm thinking lead generation will be a struggle for business in 2011 A3 #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: A3 key 2011 smallbiz struggles - balancing adapting 2 news trends - while not leaving other customers out #netsol

davidcarondc: @agentmagnetic @davidcarondc HTML5 is key. Safari = quicktime, Firefox = ogg, Chrome = h264, IE = flash. a web developers nightmare! #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q3: What key struggles do you think small biz will face in 2011? #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A3 #netsol Another challenge is, as I said, customers want to spend, but spend cuatiously

mgallizzi: Interesting RT @ShannonRenee: A2: new ways to use what is out there, such as using LBS to drive traffic to non-place businesses #netsol

shashib: RT @ShannonRenee: A3: small biz will have same struggles, not enough time to RUN biz and DO biz, tech cuts both ways, a help & hindrance #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @Rieva: A3 #netsol Another challenge is, as I said, customers want to spend, but spend cuatiously #netsol

susan_w: RT @jasonkintzler: A1: 1st, use social as a tool 2 connect & thank yr customers, not 2 market 2 them. That's difft. #netsol #smallbiz

Growsmartbiz: RT @jasonkintzler: A1: 1st, use social as a tool 2 connect & thank yr customers, not 2 market 2 them. That's difft. #netsol #smallbiz

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @mgallizzi: Location Based Service RT @DanMorrisVPS: What is LBS? #netsol

Rieva: A3 #netsol It is important to balance. YOu have to do the basics, but take time to learn new things. Go to events. Read blogs

mgallizzi: Agreed RT @Pr1ncessRose: RT @shellykramer: Email is still VERY powerful. Important not to overlook that in your marketing efforts #netsol

ShannonRenee: @clickwisdom @susan_w @FranchiseKing I'm hanging w/ the cool kids yippee #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @mgallizzi: I'm thinking lead generation will be a struggle for business in 2011 A3 [it's a perrenial problem] #netsol

Robert_Rose: Agreed! RT @shellykramer: Email is still VERY powerful. Important not to overlook that in your marketing efforts #netsol

JustinGutwein: A3: Your business isn't special just by using Social Media anymore. You now have to define your voice and stand out. #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

TrainingVOD: RT @ShellyKramer Join in to today's #netsol #smallbiz chat - happening right now!

susan_w: so true! RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: A1 Also - let's not forget IPads, tablets & hybrid tablet/e-readers as subset of mobile trend #netsol

ActiveIngreds: Q3 going to sound crazy but i think larger cos will start thinking more like small cos- organic,granular,entrepreneurial, imble,etc #netsol

EquipmentEngine: Customer experience is critical in 2011 - find ways to delight your customers - stop spending so much on acquisition #netsol

TRethore: @jasonkintzler RE: service sell self - agreed. But be proactive too. That suggests highlight client wins from my work w/out bragging #netsol

dariasteigman: Q3: Spending money. As econ picks up, impt to invest in your business. But also hard to pull the levers in this environment. #netsol

simplyleapcoach: I agree @shannonrenee - SMBs will have the same struggles, like not enough time, in 2011. My hope is that there are more solutions! #netsol

jonmikelbailey: A3 I think they will face coming to terms with the fact that social media is not an easy button #netsol

ShannonRenee: A3: so many sm biznesses have trouble balancing everything #netsol

bcvirgil: I agree RT @mgallizzi: Im thinking lead generation will be a struggle for business in 2011 A3 [its a perrenial problem] #netsol

shellykramer: #netsol Q3 Struggles for #smb - Time. Understanding importance of shift in mktg tools available, learning to integrate them into biz

Rieva: A3 #netsol. DOn't forget your brand. You need to understand what your brand stands for and use that in your marketing materials

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A3 It's important 2 balance. U have 2 do the basics, but take time 2 learn new things. Go 2 events. Read blogs #netsol

shellykramer: RT @JustinGutwein: A3: Your business isn't special just by using Social Media anymore. You now have to define ur voice/stand out. #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @franchiseking: RT @mgallizzi: @susan_w 10 yrs ago, ppl were asking if they need website. Now, ques do we need mobile site #netsol

Rieva: A3 #netsol. YOu're right. Balance is a BIG issue. I'm working on an aritlce about sleep. #smallbiz owners don't usually get enough. I don't

FranchiseKing: RT @Rieva: A3 #netsol. DOnt forget your brand. You need to understand what your brand stands for/use that in marketing materials #netsol

shashib: RT @Rieva: A3 #netsol. DOnt forget your brand. You need to understand what your brand stands for & use that in marketing materials #netsol

ClickWisdom: @mgallizzi Why do you think lead gen will be struggle in 2011? #netsol

ShannonRenee: A3 sm biz can stand out b/c they have opps to bld customer relationships & loyalty, this is how tech can push them over the top #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

TRethore: @CathyWebSavvyPR RE: lead generation problem...Alternative = focus on referral. Define what = gd referral rather than pursung leads. #netsol

susan_w: RT @jasonkintzler: A2: In 2011, businesses become their own publishers bypassing traditional media outlets. #netsol #smallbiz

ActiveIngreds: RT @simplyleapcoach: I agree @shannonrenee -SMBs will have same struggles, not enough time, in 2011. hope there are more solutions! #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @jonmikelbailey: A3 I think they will face coming to terms with the fact that social media is not an easy button #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @mgallizzi: 10 yrs ago, ppl were asking if they need website. Now, ques do we need mobile site [& will it wrk on tablets] #netsol

mgallizzi: @CathyWebSavvyPR Ah, good point on it being a perennial problem. How about small businesses telling a story in 2011? Stories sell #netsol

sallyalbright: RT @JustinGutwein Your business isn't special just by using Social Media anymore. You now have to define your voice and stand out. #netsol

wgbiz: RT @shellykramer: RT @JustinGutwein: A3: Your business isn't special just by using Social Media anymore. You now have to define ur voice/stand out. #netsol

jonmikelbailey: RT @Rieva: A3 #netsol. DOnt forget ur brand. You need to understand what your brand stands for & use it in your marketing materials #netsol

DCeventjunkie: RT @shellykramer: RT @JustinGutwein: A3: Your business isn't special just by using Social Media anymore. You now have to define ur voice/stand out. #netsol

FranchiseKing: @Rieva 5 hours sleep is all I get. More would be better? #netsol

shellykramer: @Rieva Agree with your answer, but MANY #smbiz owners don't read ANY blogs. As such, they have no idea the info that's available #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @jasonkintzler: A2: In 2011, businesses become their own publishers bypassing traditional media outlets. #netsol

TRethore: #netsol Q3: how get in front of 'right people' via social media? #netsol

susan_w: RT @Rieva: A3 #netsol the key struglles are about $. It's still a bit hard to come by. Start by establishing a financial relationship...

davidcarondc: Proper client relationship training is essential to getting new clients & maintaining existing ones! #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @TRethore: RE: lead generation problem...Alternative = focus on referral. Define what = gd referral rather than pursung leads #netsol

Rieva: A3 #netsol % is a good night's sleep for me. Sad

sallyalbright: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @jasonkintzler: A2: In 2011, businesses become their own publishers bypassing traditional media outlets. #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @justingutwein: A3: Your business isn't special just by using Social

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

Media ... You now have to define your voice and stand out. #netsol

FranchiseKing: RT @sallyalbright: RT @JustinGutwein Your business isnt special just by using Social Media You have to define your voice/stand out. #netsol

Rieva: A# #netsol I meant 5 hours is a god night's sleep.

rosaliemo: RT @davidcarondc: Proper client relationship training is essential to getting new clients & maintaining existing ones! #netsol

susan_w: RT @Rieva: A3 #netsol Get to know your banker. Go to a credit union. #smallbiz

simplyleapcoach: Ditto to 'Balance is big' as a challenge for small bizs @rieva @shannonrenee - here's to more sleep and #naps in 2011! #netsol

shashib: A3 : You as a Small Business owner are more important than any tools you use ;) #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @TRethore that's a Great idea - not just focus on leads, but shift to referrals (paraphrased) #netsol

FranchiseKing: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @jasonkintzler: A2: In 2011, businesses become their own publishers bypassing traditional media outlets. #netsol

shashib: "Giving away the first Big Book of Social Media Case Studies now! Congrats @activeingreds! DM us your information! #netsol" -@netsolcares

ClickWisdom: Q#: Getting referrals. They cost less than seeking new biz. #netsol

mikehalston: You should follow those who follow you so they can DM. RT @netsolcares: Giving away.. DM us your information! #netsol

shellykramer: RT @TRethore: #netsol Q3: how get in front of 'right people' via social media? #netsol<-- quit thinking there's such a thing

susan_w: RT @ShannonRenee: A3: small biz will have same struggles, not enough time 2 RUN biz & DO biz, tech cuts both ways, help & hindrance #netsol

deniseshopkins: RT @shashib: You as a Small Business owner are more important than any tools you use #netsol

ShannonRenee: A3 "everybody" is using SM, it's not unique...what can be unique is HOW it is used #netsol

wgbiz: Q4: What are some tips for identifying key markets in 2011? #netsol

DCeventjunkie: Q4: What are some tips for identifying key markets in 2011? #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @shashib: A3 : You as a Small Business owner are more important than any tools you use ;) #netsol

Rieva: You're so right. @ShellyKramer #smbiz #netsol Read blogs people. There's so much useful info there

jonmikelbailey: RT @shashib: A3 : You as a Small Business owner are more important than any tools you use ;) (BRILLIANT!) #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A3 #netsol. YOu're right. Balance is a BIG issue. I'm working on an aritlce about sleep. #smallbiz owners don't usually get enough. I don't

JustinGutwein: RT @shashib A3 : You as a Small Business owner are more important than any tools you use ;) #netsol

agentmagnetic: With Google dropping H.264 it will be more xpensive for SMB's to build Video on the [Mobile] Web. #netsol @davidcarondc

BRADYCOMPANY: RT @shashib: A3 : You as a Small Business owner are more important than any tools you use ;) #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @ShannonRenee: A3 "everybody" is using SM, its not unique...what can be unique is HOW it is used #netsol

susan_w: RT @Rieva: A3 #netsol Another challenge is, as I said, customers want to spend, but spend cautiously #smallbiz #trends

ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q4: What are some tips for identifying key markets in 2011? #netsol

mgallizzi: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR RE: lead generation problem, Alternative=focus on referral. Define what = gd referral rather than pursung leads #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @shashib: A3 : You as a Small Business owner are more important than any tools you use ;) #netsol

simplyleapcoach: RT @wgbiz: Q4: What are some tips for identifying key markets in 2011? #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q4: What are some tips for identifying key markets in 2011? #netsol

Rieva: A4 #netsol You need to read what your target market reads. Watch swhat they watch. Go tot he sotre they shop in 2 see what they like

lacorbeau: MT @ShellyKramer #netsol Q3 Struggles for #smb - Time. Understand imp.of shift in mktg tools available, learning 2 integrate them into biz

TrendsDC: 'hardy' & #netsol are now trending in #DC

mgallizzi: Like RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @shashib: A3 : You as a Small Business owner are more important than any tools you use ;) #netsol

shashib: A word from the #netsol tweetchat sponsor - check out our Facebook Small Business community

wgbiz: "Giving away the first Big Book of Social Media Case Studies now! Congrats @activeingreds! DM us your information! #netsol" -@netsolcares

DCeventjunkie: "Giving away the first Big Book of Social Media Case Studies now! Congrats @activeingreds! DM us your information! #netsol" -@netsolcares

TRethore: True. But avoid hubris. RT @shashib: A3 : You as a Small Business

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

owner are more important than any tools you use ;) #netsol

heylovedesigns: @Rieva sleep? What is that? Looking forward to your article! #netsol

ShannonRenee: A4: identifying key mkts for sm biz? stay in your lane, monitor who's coming into it & go after them #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @BRADYCOMPANY: RT @shashib: A3 : You as a Small Business owner are more important than any tools you use ;) Well said! #netsol

FranchiseKing: Don't become enamored by a "tool." Do some business, instead! #netsol

Rieva: A4 #netsol Ask yourself what your concerns are and see if you can build a business or a marketing idea from that

rosaliemo: RT @FranchiseKing: Dont become enamored by a "tool." Do some business, instead! #netsol

mgallizzi: Youtube? RT @agentmagnetic Google dropping H.264 it will be more xpensive for SMB's to build Video on the [Mobile] Web #netsol @davidcarondc

susan_w: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q4: What are some tips for identifying key markets in 2011? #netsol #smallbiz

Growsmartbiz: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q4: What are some tips for identifying key markets in 2011? #netsol #smallbiz

bcvirgil: RT @DCeventjunkie: "Giving away the first Big Book of Social Media Case Studies now! Congrats @activeingreds! #netsol" #netsol

FranchiseKing: RT @ClickWisdom: Q#: Getting referrals. They cost less than seeking new biz. #netsol

Rieva: A4 #netsol Sometime the obvious is right in front of us and we don't see it.

shashib: RT @Rieva: A4 #netsol Ask yourself what your concerns are and see if you can build a business or a marketing idea from that #netsol

shashib: RT @rosaliemo: RT @FranchiseKing: Dont become enamored by a "tool." Do some business, instead! #netsol

ShannonRenee: A4 so oft sm biz tries to be big fish in big pond...know your niche, be big fish in sm pond, folks want what you have #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @Rieva: A4 #netsol Ask yourself what your concerns are and see if you can build a business or a marketing idea from that #netsol

susan_w: good point! RT @ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q4: What are some tips for identifying key markets in 2011? #netsol

davidcarondc: @ClickWisdom @DCeventjunkie define your "perfect client" list and target them 85% of your effort! the other 15% everyone else #netsol

susan_w: RT @Rieva: A4 #netsol You need to read what yr target market reads. Watch what they watch. Go tot he sotre they shop in 2 see what they like

Rieva: A4 #netsol big concerns coming up is caring fro an again America. Older people need products. Shirts with bigger buttons. Zippers. Velcro.

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

TRethore: Best part? referral = implicit recommendation. No tools, marketing, SMS, etc. required. #netsol

ShannonRenee: A4 key is to let folks know you have what they need...SEO, key words, anayltics, research, networking, referrals...tried & true #netsol

simplyleapcoach: True about life not just business: @rieva A4 #netsol Sometimes the obvious is right in front of us and we don't see it.

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A4 Read what yr target market reads. Watch what they watch. Go 2 the store they shop in 2 see what they like #netsol

ActiveIngreds: yeehaw!! I won I won I won!!! Thanks so much guys!! @netsolcares #netsol

rosaliemo: RT @Rieva: A4 You need to read what your target mkt reads. Watch what they watch. Go 2 the store they shop in 2 see what they like #netsol

JustinGutwein: A4: I find that by sticking to my guns of the type and quality of work that I do, my markets find me. #netsol

loisgeller: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A4 Read what yr target market reads. Watch what they watch. Go 2 the store they shop in 2 see what they like #netsol

Rieva: A4 #netsol can you supply those. Expand what you're doing and provide to a peripheral market

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q4: What are some tips for identifying key markets in 2011? #netsol

TRethore: RT @JustinGutwein: A4: I find that by sticking to my guns of the type and quality of work that I do, my markets find me. #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A4 #netsol Ask yourself what your concerns are and see if you can build a business or a marketing idea from that

Tinu: rt @JustinGutwein I find that by sticking to my guns of the type and quality of work that I do, my markets find me. #netsol #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q4: What are some tips for identifying key markets in 2011? #netsol

ShannonRenee: A4 referrals are low hanging fruit than most ppl overlook...remember, birds of a feather hand together #netsol

bonniemorris: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A4 Read what yr target market reads. Watch what they watch. Go 2 the store they shop in 2 see what they like #netsol

BeckyMcCray: A4 Identifying key markets for 2011: look for intersections, between your knowledge, industries, and problems. You = solution. #netsol

BeckyMcCray: @shashib hi, Shashi! #netsol

simplyleapcoach: A4 #netsol - Key Market: look at what your current customers have in common w/each other, then look at what you have in common w/them

ShannonRenee: I seem to be on some sort of adage kick...I'll get over it in a minute

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript


Rieva: A4 #netsol. You also need to distinguish between a trend and a fad. My new ebook help you do that: Special price here:

wgbiz: RT @davidcarondc: @ClickWisdom @DCeventjunkie define your "perfect client" list and target them 85% of your effort! the other 15% everyone else #netsol

DCeventjunkie: RT @davidcarondc: @ClickWisdom @DCeventjunkie define your "perfect client" list and target them 85% of your effort! the other 15% everyone else #netsol

jasonkintzler: So many familiar faces here. Nice to see everyone's smiley mugs. #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @BeckyMcCray: A4 Identifying key markets for 2011: lk 4 intersections, betwn yr knowledge, industries, & probl. You = solution #netsol

susan_w: Awesome #netsol is trending in DC!

shashib: Folks ! Please welcome @BeckyMcCray editor of and helper of small business #netsol

mgallizzi: #netsol Q4 Read trend blogs, listen, watch & observe where and how customers are interacting with business.

ActiveIngreds: RT @BeckyMcCray: A4 Identifying key markets for 2011: look 4 intersections, betw your knowledge,industries,problems. You = solution. #netsol

DreamsChanced: RT @BeckyMcCray: A4 Identifying key markets for 2011: look for intersections, between your knowledge, industries, and problems. You = solution. #netsol

mgallizzi: RT @Rieva: A4 #netsol Sometime the obvious is right in front of us and we don't see it.

Rieva: A4 #netsol Relationships are key. They make your customers want to do biz with you & bring new customers in thru referrals

ShineOnStories: RT @davidcarondc: @ClickWisdom @DCeventjunkie define UR "perfect client" target them 85% of your effort! the other 15% everyone else #netsol

shashib: RT @susan_w: Awesome #netsol is trending in DC!

CASUDI: @CathyWebSavvyPR what is #netsol?

Tinu: Sometimes "build it & they will come" works. If so, marketing, advertising, website promotion is for when you want to grow faster. #netsol

FranchiseKing: RT @Rieva: A4 #netsol. You need to distinguish between trend/fad. New ebook help you do that: Special $ here: #netsol

kstaxman: RT @trethore: RT @JustinGutwein: A4: I find that by sticking 2 my guns of the type & quality of work that I do, my markets find me. #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

susan_w: RT @BeckyMcCray: A4 Identifying key markets 4 2011: look 4 intersections, between yr knowledge, industries, & problems. U=solution. #netsol

simplyleapcoach: Hi @BeckyMcCray and welcome! cc @shashib #netsol

Tinu: Hi @BeckyMcCray! #netsol

mgallizzi: @simplyleapcoach Ohh, I like it (about life) @rieva A4 #netsol Sometimes the obvious is right in front of us and we don't see it.

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @mgallizzi: Q4 Read trend blogs, listen, watch & observe where & how customers are interacting w biz #netsol

ShannonRenee: A4: identifying key mkts for sm biz? check out your competitors, see what is and isn't working for them #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @Tinu: Hi @BeckyMcCray! #netsol

susan_w: RT @Rieva: A4 #netsol Relationships R key. They make yr customers wnt 2 do biz w/ U & bring new customers in thru referrals #smallbiz

Growsmartbiz: RT @Rieva: A4 #netsol Relationships R key. They make yr customers wnt 2 do biz w/ U & bring new customers in thru referrals #smallbiz

ActiveIngreds: RT @simplyleapcoach: Hi @BeckyMcCray and welcome! cc @shashib #netsol

shashib: I should probably announce to the whole world that @Tinu actually took a day off ;) #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @mgallizzi: @simplyleapcoach @rieva A4 Sometimes the obvious is right in front of us and we dont see it. #netsol

FranchiseKing: RT @shashib: Folks ! Please welcome @BeckyMcCray editor of and helper of small business #netsol

mgallizzi: @jasonkintzler Nice to see you, and "meet" you here :) #netsol

mgallizzi: Woohoo! RT @susan_w: Awesome #netsol is trending in DC!

wgbiz: RT @netsolcares: Thanks for participating, giving away a copy of Rieva's ebook to @mgallizzi Congrats!: DM us your info #netsol

susan_w: RT @Tinu: Sometimes "build it & they will come" works. If so, marketing, advertising, website promo is 4 when U wnt 2 grow faster. #netsol

DCeventjunkie: RT @netsolcares: Thanks for participating, giving away a copy of Rieva's ebook to @mgallizzi Congrats!: DM us your info #netsol

mgallizzi: RT @Rieva: A4 #netsol Relationships are key. They make your customers want to do biz with you & bring new customers in thru referrals

wgbiz: Q5:What are the ?3B?s? and what do they mean for small biz? #netsol #smallbiz

DCeventjunkie: Q5:What are the ?3B?s? and what do they mean for small biz? #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript


thefloormaven: Hello everyone glad to be here #netsol

Tinu: @shashib That was SUPPOSED to be a secret! LOL! #netsol

shashib: RT @davidcarondc: @ClickWisdom @DCeventjunkie define your "perfect client" list and target them 85% of your effort! the other 15% everyone else #netsol

susan_w: @Tinu Hi there, so glad you joined! #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q5:What are the ?3B?s? and what do they mean for small biz? #netsol #smallbiz

ColinStorm: RT @shashib: RT @rosaliemo: RT @FranchiseKing: Dont become enamored by a "tool." Do some business, instead! #netsol

murray_tracy: #netsol hi all. Popping in during lunch.

JessBayerDC: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q5:What are the ?3B?s? and what do they mean for small biz? #netsol #smallbiz

LucidoBizCoach: @shashib @Rieva: A3 #netsol RE importance of brand, I always say: Pay attention to every single customer touch point--it's your brand total.

Rieva: A5 #netsol Love the 3 "Bs" Babies, Boomers & Brides. 3 ver hot demo areas. THey're hot now and will be hot for years to come

susan_w: RT @Rieva: A5 #netsol luv the 3 "Bs" Babies, Boomers & Brides. 3 ver hot demo areas. THey're hot now & will B hot 4 years 2 come #smallbiz

ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q5:What are the ?3B?s? and what do they mean for small biz? #netsol #smallbiz

Growsmartbiz: RT @Rieva: A5 #netsol luv the 3 "Bs" Babies, Boomers & Brides. 3 ver hot demo areas. THey're hot now & will B hot 4 years 2 come #smallbiz

shashib: Hi @SimplyLeapCoach Nice to see you here ;) #netsol

rosaliemo: RT @Tinu: Sometimes "build it & they will come" works. If so, mktg, advrtsing, website promo is for when you want to grow faster. #netsol

Tinu: @susan_w Great to see you here. I have to come to whatever the next in-person meet is. Miss you guys. #netsol

Rieva: A5 #netsol Babies for instance. Since 1987 almost ot more than 4 million kids born a yr in US. That's an "official" boom year

FranchiseKing: @susan_w Do that Number thing again in a Tweet. For the King #netsol

susan_w: @murray_tracy Thx for joining! jump in the convo #netsol

shashib: Great point @LucidoBizCoach A3 RE importance of brand, Pay attention to every single customer touch point--its your brand total. #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @Rieva: A5 #netsol Love the 3 "Bs" Babies, Boomers & Brides. 3 ver hot demo areas. THeyre hot now and will be hot 4 years to come #netsol

DCeventjunkie: @murray_tracy Hi Lady! Jump in! #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

Rieva: A5 #netsol Babies continually need stuff. Products & services. There's STILL not enought day-car ctrs in US. Kids furniture is really hot

NewPR: RT @Rieva: A4 #netsol Relationships are key. They make your customers want to do biz with you & bring new customers thru referrals #netsol

FranchiseKing: Billy, Bobby, and Bunny? #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @CASUDI it's @networksolutions run by @shashib - host @dceventjunkie - guest @rieva 1/month topic 2011 small biz tends - til 2:30 #netsol

murray_tracy: @susan_w thanks! #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A5 #netsol Love the 3 "Bs" Babies, Boomers & Brides. 3 ver hot demo areas. THey're hot now and will be hot for years to come

Tinu: We're talking about "Babies, Boomers & Brides" - if you're having trouble picking a niche, pay attention to the #netsol chat.

ShannonRenee: A4 the 3 B's are valuable if UR prods/svcs are for those demos #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @Rieva: A5 Love the 3 "Bs" Babies, Boomers & Brides. 3 ver hot demo areas. Theyre hot now and will be hot for years to come #netsol

EquipmentEngine: Every small business should read "Delivering Happiness" by Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh in 2011 - Game changer on building relationships #netsol

susan_w: @FranchiseKing gr8! only 4 U! LOL!! #netsol

Rieva: A5 #netsol #2 B Brides. those once bac=bies born in 1987 are turning 24 this year. Avg age women get married=26. Lots of weddings come

davidcarondc: RT @rosaliemo: RT @Tinu: Sometimes "build it & they will come" works. this is a passive approach -people advertise because it works #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @Rieva I would think that brides are spending less in the last few years - for babies - their's no choice #netsol

simplyleapcoach: @rieva not to mention Education. At some point, hopefully soon, we'll be investing more there. Great opportunity. #netsol A5

Rieva: A5 #netsol In my new ebook: I talked about the many ways you can make $ in wedding industry

FranchiseKing: @susan_w Thank you! #netsol

mgallizzi: #netsol #Q5 3 Bs 4 #Smallbiz: Balance between social media/marketing, Belief in yourself, and giving Back to community

rosaliemo: RT @EquipmentEngine: Every #smallbiz should read "Delivering Happiness" by @Zappos in 2011 - Game chngr on building relationships #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @EquipmentEngine: Every small biz shld read "Delivering Happiness" by @Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh - Game changer on building relshps #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

bcvirgil: RT @simplyleapcoach: @rieva not to mention Education. At some point, hopefully soon, well be investing more there. Great opportunity #netsol

shashib: I could not have said it better @CathyWebSavvyPR Welcome @CASUDI #netsol

davidcarondc: Lookout for HTML5 to replace flash elements accross the web. #netsol

JustinGutwein: A5: Be honest. Be Direct. Be good at what you do. (Yea, I kind of cheated) #netsol

deniseshopkins: RT @Rieva: #netsol The 3 "Bs" Babies, Boomers & Brides. 3 ver hot demo areas. Hot now and will be hot for years to come #smallbiz

Rieva: a5 #netsol And after those echo boomers get married, they're going to start having babies of their own, leading to yet ANOTHER baby boom

Tinu: rt @EquipmentEngine Every small biz sld read "Delivering Happiness" by Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh- Game changer on building relationships #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @mgallizzi: Q5 3 Bs 4 #Smallbiz: Balance between social media/marketing, Belief in yourself, and giving Back to community #netsol

ActiveIngreds: I get the babies and boomers but why brides (feels like a small contingent and short timeline but I guess they spend) #netsol

ShannonRenee: @Rieva agreed, the wedding industry is hot, hot, hot & will be #netsol

FranchiseKing: @Rieva Another way to make money in the wedding industry is to get married. #netsol

shashib: RT @Rieva: A5 Babies continually need stuff. Products & servcs. Theres STILL not enoughtday-car ctrs in US. Kids furniture relly hot #netsol

JustinGutwein: Let's hope so! RT @davidcarondc: Lookout for HTML5 to replace flash elements accross the web. #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @JustinGutwein: A5: Be honest. Be Direct. Be good at what you do. [I like your 3 Bs] #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @ShannonRenee: @Rieva agreed, the wedding industry is hot, hot, hot & will be #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @shashib& @CASUDI - if you two haven't met on twitter - both a good small biz connectors & peeps #netsol

murray_tracy: @EquipmentEngine on my to be read list. Maybe I'll bump it up. Relationships are soo imp #netsol

Rieva: A5 #netsol And of course boomers. Need products & services, but today's older boomer do NOT think of themselves as seniors

ClickWisdom: RT @rieva: A4 #netsol Relationships are key. They make your customers want to do biz with you & bring new customers in thru referrals

bcvirgil: RT @JustinGutwein: A5: Be honest. Be Direct. Be good at what you do.

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

(Yea, I kind of cheated) Amen! #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A5 #netsol #2 B Brides. those once bac=bies born in 1987 are turning 24 this year. Avg age women get married=26. Lots of weddings come

Rieva: A5 #netsol do NOT make the mistake of marketing to them as 65 year olds used to be marketed to

Tinu: @davidcarondc @rosaliemo True, but sometimes people focus too much on word spreading and not enough on doing business. #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @EquipmentEngine: small biz should read "Delivering Happiness" by Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh in 2011-Game changer on bldg relatships #netsol

kstaxman: RT @cathywebsavvypr: @shashib& @CASUDI - if you two haven't met on twitter - both a good small biz connectors & peeps #netsol< I agree

FranchiseKing: RT @ShannonRenee: RT @JustinGutwein: A5: Be honest. Be Direct. Be good at what you do. [I like your 3 Bs] #netsol

ShannonRenee: @ActiveIngreds brides spend A LOT of money for one day, there are a lot of moving pieces and a lot of ppl can make money #netsol

EquipmentEngine: How do small business owners feel about Paid Search? Are you testing Facebook, LinkedIn, Bing etc? #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: Q5:What are the ?3B?s? and what do they mean for small biz? #netsol #smallbiz

ClickWisdom: RT @tinu: We're talking about "Babies, Boomers & Brides" - if you're having trouble picking a niche, pay attention to the #netsol chat.

davidcarondc: @ClickWisdom: RT @rieva: A4 #netsol Relationships are key. Market the bahjeses out of your existing clients. it cost 6x less capital #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @EquipmentEngine: small biz should read "Delivering Happiness" by Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh in 2011-Great read! #netsol

ClickWisdom: Hi @casudi Are you joining the #netsol chat?

shashib: Keep this link for ltr @Rieva 's talk on Babies Boomers & brides at the #growsmartbiz conf in Nov in DC #netsol

mgallizzi: RT @bcvirgil: RT @JustinGutwein: A5: Be honest. Be Direct. Be good at what you do. (Yea, I kind of cheated) Amen! #netsol

ClickWisdom: @equipmentengine I love paid search. #netsol

FranchiseKing: RT @bcvirgil: RT @EquipmentEngine: small biz should read "Delivering Happiness" by Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh in 2011-Great read! #netsol

kstaxman: RT @trethore: YES What's ur metric? RT @Rieva: A2 #netsol. Social media popular But make sure using it getting ROI Not freeTime is $ #netsol

Rieva: A5 #netsol @ActiveIngreds Not a short time line for brides at all. The new boomers started in 87. in 09 4.1 million born...

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

ActiveIngreds: @ShannonRenee so it's not jsut the bride but all the other folks surrounding her too? #netsol

davidcarondc: RT @ShannonRenee: @ActiveIngreds brides spend A LOT of money for one day -Market the companies that provide those services #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @shashib: Keep this link for ltr @Rieva s talk on Babies Boomers & brides at #growsmartbiz conf in Nov in DC #netsol

susan_w: Check out Rieva's new book! "26 Hot Businesses to Start Right Now!" #netsol #smallbiz

Tinu: @EquipmentEngine Testing it all. If you don't advertise/market you don't grow. Question for me was, am I ready to grow? #netsol

Rieva: A5 #netsol @ActiveIngreds THat's at least 22 years of brides...and likely more

wgbiz: Q6: What are new #tech #trends in 2011? #netsol

DCeventjunkie: Q6: What are new #tech #trends in 2011? #netsol

kstaxman: RT @cathywebsavvypr: Q5 3 Bs 4 #Smallbiz: Balance between social media/marketing, Belief in yourself, and giving Back to community #netsol

DCeventjunkie: Woot!! RT @TrendsDC: 'hardy' & #netsol are now trending in #DC

dariasteigman: Glad there's a market for babies & brides. I'll stick to other sectors. This market make my eyes glaze over. (Sorry.) #netsol

Tinu: RT @shashib: Keep this link for ltr @Rieva's talk on Babies Boomers & brides at #growsmartbiz conf #netsol #netsol

ActiveIngreds: @Rieva sorry I meant being a bride has a short timeline (typically about a year of prep), hence my Q #netsol

davidcarondc: @tinu very true. That's why you need a good team/staff and a strategic plan! #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q6: What are new #tech #trends in 2011? #netsol

shashib: That is smart thinking @rieva and all of these are cyclical from generation to generation ref to 3Bs #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: A5: my "3 B's" Be aware of yr customer's needs, Be willing 2 create/curate content 2 answer needs, Be yourself! #netsol

ShannonRenee: @ActiveIngreds you got it...begin w/ engagement thru honeymoon...almost everything is bought #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q6: What are new #tech #trends in 2011? #netsol

Tinu: rt @susan_w Rieva's new book! "26 Hot Businesses to Start Right Now!" #smb #netsol

davidcarondc: Don't put all your eggs into one batch. Test the waters then dive in! #SM #SEO #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

Rieva: Q6 #netsol Tech this days.: apps, everyone wants an app. To use and offer for their biz. Mobility big tech trend too. Computing in the cloud

ActiveIngreds: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: A5: my "3 B's" Be aware of yr customer's needs, Be willing 2 create/curate content 2 answer needs, Be yourself! #netsol

dariasteigman: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: A5: my "3 B's" Be aware of yr customer's needs, Be willing 2 create/curate content 2 answer needs, Be yourself! #netsol

leah_jean25: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: A5: my "3 B's" Be aware of yr customer's needs, Be willing 2 create/curate content 2 answer needs, Be yourself! #netsol

bcvirgil: Let?s take it to the cloud! Read more from Rieva about the advantages of cloud computing #tech #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @kstaxman @cathywebsavvypr Q5 3 Bs 4 #Smallbiz Balance betw social media/marketing,Belief in yourself,& giving Back to community #netsol

Tinu: @davidcarondc Yes! I learned that team/staff lesson the HARD way. #netsol. Still re-building, one year later.

CathyWebSavvyPR: @kstaxman that one was good - but was not mine - please rt & credit it to @mgallizzi (I was Rting them) #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @cathywebsavvypr: Q5 3 Bs 4 #Smallbiz: Balance betw SM/mktg, Belief in URself & giving Back to community [like UR 3 Bs too] #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q6: What are new #tech #trends in 2011? #netsol

Rieva: Q6 #netsol Research chos not enough retailers have mobile commerce sites. And conusmers want them

murray_tracy: @DCeventjunkie more geolocation services? #netsol

dariasteigman: Boomers, on the other hand ... more interesting. B/c it spills over into multiple areas (e.g. workforce, health care) #netsol

JustinGutwein: Q6: Video is the most sharable, engaging content on the web. The key is to create videos that people actually want to watch! #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q6: What are new #tech #trends in 2011? #netsol

davidcarondc: A4: mobile credit card processors, PFD document signatures on iPads. #netsol

thefloormaven: 3'b's - be agile, be smart- be kind. #netsol

mgallizzi: #netsol Q6 Tech trends for 2011: Increased mobile web usage, mobile payments, QR codes, printing from smartphones, LBS

CathyWebSavvyPR: Q6 - new tech trends in 2011 - we kinda coverd that: Mobile; tablets/ereaders/hybrids; #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @Rieva: Q6 Tech this days apps,everyone wants an app.To use & offer for their biz. Mobility big tech trend too.Computing in cloud #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

EquipmentEngine: Invent solutions if you want to make your competition irrelevant - or you can sit back and wait for Google to do it before you #netsol

murray_tracy: I agree! RT @Rieva: Q6 #netsol Research chos not enough retailers have mobile commerce sites. And conusmers want them

mgallizzi: thanks Cathy! :D RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: @kstaxman that one was good - but was not mine - please rt & credit it to @mgallizzi #netsol

ShannonRenee: A6 tech trends for 2011, my crystal ball says LBS, video & mobile #netsol

mgallizzi: nice and simple. :) RT @thefloormaven: 3'b's - be agile, be smart- be kind. #netsol

JustinGutwein: Where's my 'Like' button? RT @thefloormaven 3'b's - be agile, be smart- be kind. #netsol

davidcarondc: RT @thefloormaven: 3bs - be agile, be smart- be kind. - YES! Vitally important! #netsol

shashib: RT @thefloormaven: 3bs - be agile, be smart- be kind. #netsol

Rieva: A5 @thefloormaven: 3'b's - be agile, be smart- be kind. #netsol ~ I would add BE flexible

mgallizzi: RT @Rieva: Q6 #netsol Research chos not enough retailers have mobile commerce sites. And conusmers want them

heylovedesigns: Q5: The "3 B's" 4 me means baby showers, 1st bdays, bridal showers, engagement parties, announcements, invites, anniversary parties #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @Rieva: Q6 #netsol Research chos not enough retailers have mobile commerce sites. And conusmers want them

rosaliemo: RT @mgallizzi: nice and simple. :) RT @thefloormaven: 3bs - be agile, be smart- be kind. #netsol

ShannonRenee: A6 tech trend: I'm curious to see if QR codes will really take off & become mainstream, these could be great sm biz if used right #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: Q6 2011 ech trends- balancing connecting w/ tech savvy consumers, w/o leaving less tech savvy behind #netsol

mgallizzi: @Rieva Great point. Smartphones are changing the retailer / consumer relationship. Price shoppers have advantage #netsol

Smallbizlabs: Q6 : Mobile payments taking off. #netsol

heylovedesigns: (RE last post) The 3 B's being babies, brides, and boomers. My exact main demographic :) #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @ShannonRenee that tweet was not mine - was Rting: @mgallizzi's 3 B's #netsol

bcvirgil: Giving away another Big Book of Social Media Case Studies now! Congrats @davidcarondc! DM us your information plz! #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @mgallizzi: @Rieva Great point. Smartphones are changing the

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

retailer / consumer relationship. Price shoppers have advantage #netsol

ActiveIngreds: Q5 be true be grateful and just be. #netsol

wgbiz: RT @ShannonRenee: A6 tech trends for 2011, my crystal ball says LBS, video & mobile #netsol

DCeventjunkie: RT @ShannonRenee: A6 tech trends for 2011, my crystal ball says LBS, video & mobile #netsol

Rieva: Definitley RT @Smallbizlabs: Q6 : Mobile payments taking off. #netsol

rosaliemo: @heylovedesigns Lucky you!! #netsol

shashib: RT @Smallbizlabs: Q6 : Mobile payments taking off. #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: Q6 2011 tech trends- balancing connecting w/ tech savvy, w/o leaving less tech savvy behind #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @ShannonRenee: A6 tech trend: Curious 2 see if QR codes will take off & become mainstream, could be great sm biz if used right #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @Rieva: Definitley RT @Smallbizlabs: Q6 : Mobile payments taking off. #netsol

DCeventjunkie: @ShannonRenee Yes, interested to see where they go also #netsol

netsolaffiliate: RT @netsolcares Giving away another Big Book of Social Media Case Studies now! Congrats @davidcarondc! DM us your information plz! #netsol

Rieva: Q6 #netsol The point is U need to stay abreat of the tech trends so you can keep up.

shashib: Mainstream yet or not @ShannonRenee I am a fan and have them as my email signature as well #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Smallbizlabs: Q6 : Mobile payments taking off. [ read articel on dangers of mobile payments - double edged sword] #netsol

shashib: RT @netsolaffiliate: RT @netsolcares Giving away another Big Book of Social Media Case Studies now! Congrats @davidcarondc #netsol

heylovedesigns: A6: tech trends - just signed up for @square so I can accept payments on the go. Convenient for those who want more payment options #netsol

Rieva: Q6 #netsol Hope you're reading @Growsmartbiz every day. We talk trends, tips and strategies

murray_tracy: RT @Rieva: Q6 #netsol The point is U need to stay abreat of the tech trends so you can keep up.

CathyWebSavvyPR: @ActiveIngreds that tweet was @mgallizzi's not mine... #netsol

mgallizzi: Starbucks just introduced mobile initiatives today RT @shashib RT @Smallbizlabs Q6 : Mobile payments taking off #netsol

ActiveIngreds: have to cut out shortly guys - when is the next #netsol ? #netsol

ShannonRenee: A6 tech trend: backing off from joining every community & focusing on

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those that serve your bizness, your customers #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @mgallizzi Q5 3 Bs 4 #Smallbiz Balance betw social media/marketing,Belief in yourself,& giving Back to community #netsol

shellykramer: RT @DCeventjunkie: RT @ShannonRenee: A6 tech trends for 2011, my crystal ball says LBS, video & mobile #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @ActiveIngreds: have to cut out shortly guys - when is the next #netsol ? cc: @dceventsjunkie @shashib?

CathyWebSavvyPR: Q5 3 Bs 4 #Smallbiz Balance betw social media/marketing,Belief in yourself,& giving Back to community #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A5 @thefloormaven: 3'b's - be agile, be smart- be kind. #netsol ~ I would add BE flexible

ShannonRenee: @shashib I like QR codes as well, some non-tech conf places have started adopting them for event check-ins #GWU #netsol

ShineOnStories: RT @ShannonRenee: A6 tech trends for 2011, my crystal ball says LBS, video & mobile #netsol

Rieva: A6 #netsol Many consumers go out without a purse--pays for everything fr phones. If you don't offer mobile solutions, U don't get the biz

mgallizzi: Fascinating to watch mobile shake up industries: GPS devices, cameras, video cameras, health, etc. #netsol

heylovedesigns: @ShannonRenee agreed! There are so many social networks out there, I can't keep up and most likely don't need to use most of them #netsol

shellykramer: RT @Rieva: A5 @thefloormaven: 3'b's - be agile, be smart- be kind. #netsol ~ I say Be Agile, Be Listening, Be Strategic

rosaliemo: @ActiveIngreds Thanks for joining! We haven't scheduled the next tweet chat yet, but follow @netsolcares for updates! #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: Q6 #netsol Tech this days.: apps, everyone wants an app. To use and offer for their biz. Mobility big tech trend too. Computing in the cloud

mgallizzi: RT @ShannonRenee A6 tech trend: backing off from joining every community & focusing on those that serve your bizness, your customers #netsol

icanewfriend: RT @shellykramer: RT @Rieva: A5 @thefloormaven: 3'b's - be agile, be smart- be kind. #netsol ~ I say Be Agile, Be Listening, Be Strategic

shashib: RT @Rieva: A6 #netsol Many consumers go out without a purse--pays for everything fr phones. If you don't offer mobile solutions, U don't get the biz

wgbiz: Q7:What are some tips on how to trend spot to become better aware of our audience?s needs? #netsol

DCeventjunkie: Q7:What are some tips on how to trend spot to become better aware of our audience?s needs? #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

Tinu: A great tech trend would be if sm biz realizes our power to shape the world. Just the minds here could create a shift. #netsol

FranchiseKing: RT @Rieva: A5 @thefloormaven: 3bs - be agile, be smart- be kind. #netsol ~ I would add BE flexible #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @Rieva Agreed - mobile phone payments are great - until you lose yr phone or hackers figure out how 2 hack in #netsol

FranchiseKing: RT @ShannonRenee: A6 tech trend: backing off from joining every community & focusing on those that serve your biz, your customers #netsol

richfishcares: RT @Rieva:#netsol Many consumers go out without a purse--pays for everything fr phones. If u dont offer mobile solutions, U dont get the biz

mgallizzi: RT @Rieva #netsol Consumers go out without a purse--pays for everything fr phones. If you don't offer mobile solutions, U don't get the biz

rosaliemo: RT @Rieva: A6 Many consumers go out sans purse--pays for everything w phones. If you dont offer mobile solutions, U dont get the biz #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Tinu: A great tech trend would be if sm biz realizes our power to shape the world. Just the minds here could create a shift. [!] #netsol

Rieva: Q7 #netsol Being a trendspotter=paying attention. Read. Watch. Listen. Trade magazines are great places to get industry info b4 hits wide

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A6 #netsol Many consumers go out without a purse--pays for everything fr phones. If you don't offer mobile solutions, U don't get the biz

ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q7:What are some tips on how to trend spot to become better aware of our audience?s needs? #netsol

shellykramer: Q7 Start with LOOKING at the analytics on your website. Also monitor the so med space - how else will u know what aud wants/needs #netsol

Tinu: RT @wgbiz: Q7:What are some tips on how to trend spot to become better aware of our audience?s needs? #netsol

FranchiseKing: I'd like to propose a one-week halt on ALL new apps, new tech-products and all new communities. Then we can all breathe a bit. #netsol

Rieva: Q7 #netsol Ask your customers what they want. Survey them. Online surveys are easy & iunespensive to do. We use @Zoomerang at our company

Tinu: @CathyWebSavvyPR I submit as evidence - how many people here told our clients how big FB/Twitter/blogging could be before it was? #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @sharonmostyn why thank you very much - sorry to miss your chat - once a month conflict with #netsol

bcvirgil: A7: Great tips from Rieva on how to spot trends for your business #netsol

shashib: Stay tuned we will announce the next #netsol tweetchat on

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript @CathyWebSavvyPR @ActiveIngreds

DIVAStyleCoach: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Tinu: A great trend: if sm biz realizes power 2 shape world. Just the minds here could create a shift. [!] #netsol

Rieva: Q7 #netsol If you're in the fashion biz, look to the tweens and Teens. Lots of trends starting there

DCeventjunkie: RT @FranchiseKing: I'd like to propose a 1wk halt on ALL new apps, tech-products and new communities. Then we can all breathe a bit #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Tinu: @CathyWebSavvyPR I submit as evidence - how many people here told our clients how big FB/Twitter/blogging could be before it was? #netsol

ActiveIngreds: @rosaliemo @netsolcares done. thanks. #netsol

Tinu: RT @Rieva: Q7 #netsol Being a trendspotter=paying attention. Read. Watch. Listen. Trade magazines - get industry info b4 hits wide #netsol

ShannonRenee: A7 trend spot for UR audience: listen, what they're asking for, what they say they wish your sm biz or UR competition offered #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @shashib Stay tuned we will announce the next #netsol tweetchat on

Rieva: Q7 #netsol YOu can subscribe FREE to my new TrendCast. Starts Feb 1:

shashib: We are so lucky to have @rieva as editor of #netsol Small Business blog

netsolaffiliate: RT @shashib Stay tuned we will announce the next #netsol tweetchat on @CathyWebSavvyPR @ActiveIngreds

bcvirgil: RT @ShannonRenee: A7 trend spot for UR audience: listen, what theyre asking for, what they say they wish your sm biz #netsol

pixelthatphotos: RT @Rieva: A5 #netsol Love the 3 "Bs" Babies, Boomers & Brides. 3 ver hot demo areas. THey're hot now and will be hot for years to come

shashib: RT @Rieva: Q7 #netsol YOu can subscribe FREE to my new TrendCast. Starts Feb 1:

wgbiz: Q8: First it frozen yogurt then it was cupcakes. Is it worth getting involved in the next biggest fad? #netsol

DCeventjunkie: Q8: First it frozen yogurt then it was cupcakes. Is it worth getting involved in the next biggest fad? #netsol

mgallizzi: #netsol A7 Re: Spotting trends - Indulge in blogs/news. Observe. Listen. Attend events. Talk with people and customers.

Tinu: RT @Rieva: Q7 #netsol YOu can subscribe FREE to my new TrendCast. Starts Feb 1: #netsol

ShannonRenee: A7 trend spot: watch your industry sector via trade mags/blogs, association news, industry influencers #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

bcvirgil: Agreed! RT@shashib:We are so lucky to have @rieva as editor of #netsol Small Business blog #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @Rieva: A6 #netsol Many consumers go out without a purse--pays for everything fr phones. If you don't offer mobile solutions, U don't get the biz

ColinStorm: A7 #netsol: ask. talk to folks about what they are doing/using, find out what they perceive to be missing. Find tools that plug those holes

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: Q7 #netsol YOu can subscribe FREE to my new TrendCast. Starts Feb 1:

Tinu: RT @shashib Stay tuned we'll announce the next #netsol tweetchat on #netsol

Rieva: Q8 #netsol People have declared cupcakes dead. I don't think they're dead and still lots of room for growth mobilely (cupcake trucks) & ...

ricktillery: @DCeventjunkie even if frozen yogurt is no longer a "fad" I still love it... #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: Q7 #netsol Ask your customers what they want. Survey them. Online surveys are easy & iunespensive to do. We use @Zoomerang at our company

kstaxman: RT @mgallizzi Q5 3 Bs 4 #Smallbiz Balance betw social media/marketing,Belief in yourself,& giving Back to community #netsol

Rieva: Q8 #netsol in smaller cities and towns. THis week LA TImes declared pies are the nex cupcakes.

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q7:What are some tips on how to trend spot to become better aware of our audience?s needs? #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q8: First it frozen yogurt then it was cupcakes. Is it worth getting involved in the next biggest fad? #netsol

heylovedesigns: RT @Rieva: trendspotter=paying attention. Read. Watch. Listen. Trade magazines are great places to get industry info b4 hits wide #netsol

thefloormaven: mobile is the tech trend for '11 but big hurdles -capabilty is there but the industry has to put consumer trust before capabilities. #netsol

ActiveIngreds: @shashib how do you have a QR code as your email sig?! #netsol

patlovenhart: MT @Rieva: Q7 #netsol Ask yr customers wht they wnt...nline surveys R easy & iunespensive 2 do. We use @Zoomerang at R company

karlboehm: @DCeventjunkie re:Q6: What are new #tech #trends in 2011? #netsol you should check out @DCfutad @Ad2DC @dcadclub

davidcarondc: Q8: Tickle me elmo is classic. Don't you wish you had stock in Toys R us? #netsol

Smallbizlabs: Q7: Biggest trend spotting mistake is overestimating the rate of change and near term impacts. Easy to get ahead of trends #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

ShannonRenee: Q8 fads are great for the early adopters, late comers often miss the boom...if UR sm biz can get in, stake claim, then go for it #netsol

Rieva: Q8 #netsol In my new eBook: I say "adult" ice cream is really trending.

murray_tracy: @DCeventjunkie Q8: good question. Methinks not, tho cupcakes are yummy. #netsol

pixelthatphotos: Or you can adapt your offering to address those demos @ShannonRenee A4 the 3 B's are valuable if UR prods/svcs are for those demos #netsol

davidcarondc: People talk about what they love - and they talk even more about what they don't! keep your image spotless. #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: Q7: stay ahead of trned by reading online, chatting w/ ppl at events #netsol

heylovedesigns: Q8: yes, and that fad shall be mini doughnuts! Seriously though, even if froyo and cupcakes are "dead," they're still in demand #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @Smallbizlabs: Q7 Biggest trend spotting mistake is overestimating rate of change & near term impacts.Easy to get ahead of trends #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Smallbizlabs: Q7: Biggest trend spotting mistake is overestimating the rate of change and near term impacts.... #netsol

mgallizzi: @thefloormaven What do you mean consumer trust before capabilities? Interesting. #netsol

Rieva: Q8 #netsol Adult ice cream trucks successfully hit the streets of NYC. 1 biz went from 1 turcdk to many trucks to new retail location

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q8: First it frozen yogurt then it was cupcakes. Is it worth getting involved in the next biggest fad? #netsol

heylovedesigns: Q8: With fads, to stay hot you have to take something that is trendy, but making it your own so you can stand out. #netsol

Rieva: Q8 #netsol Adult ice cream is exotic flavors. Some have liqor in them.

ShannonRenee: @pixelthatphotos adapt if the sm biz can still be true to its mission & core competencies #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @Rieva: Q8 #netsol Adult ice cream trucks successfully hit the streets of NYC. 1 biz went from 1 to many trucks to new location #netsol

rosaliemo: RT @Rieva: Q8 Adult ice cream trucks successfully hit the streets of NYC 1 biz went from 1 trk to many trucks to new retail location #netsol

pixelthatphotos: RT @rieva A5 #netsol #2 B Brides. babies born in 1987 are turning 24 this year. Avg age women get married=26. Lots of weddings to come

CathyWebSavvyPR: Q8 - If I hadn't gotten onvolved in Twitter/FB/LI/Blogs in 2007 - where would my biz be today? I'd be astruggling old chool PR type #netsol

DCeventjunkie: A #DC #trend this Summer? #dcfoodies RT @Rieva: Q8 #netsol Adult ice cream trucks successfully hit the streets of NYC.

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

ShineOnStories: Q8: The fad is worth it if it's something you are passionate about. Why not create a fad by doing what you are passionate about? #netsol

ilabelu: its only a fad if it fizzles out too soon. what good is that...where's the sustainability? #netsol

KimBrame: RT @shellykramer: Q7 Start with LOOKING at the analytics on your website. Also monitor the so med space - how else will u know what aud wants/needs #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: Q8 #netsol Adult ice cream is exotic flavors. Some have liqor in them.

shashib: Just thought of something I learnt at @Pattee270inc panel : To spot tech trends form a biz advisory board to help you spot trends #netsol

Rieva: Q8 #netsol Adult ice cream will be BIG this summer. @shashib says not healthy. He's right. So here's a healthy trend: more vegetarians

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @heylovedesigns: Q8: W/ fads, 2 stay hot you have 2 take something that is trendy, but making it your own so you can stand out #netsol

ShannonRenee: A8 fads are tough, you never know how long it last, if it become mainstream & they're usually boom & bust cycles #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @DCeventjunkie: A #DC #trend this Summer? RT @Rieva: Q8 #netsol Adult ice cream trucks successfully hit the streets of NYC. #netsol

mgallizzi: @ShannonRenee Love QR codes. Wrote about 27 uses here for whatever it's worth mainstream in Japan #netsol

Rieva: Q8 #netsol More Americans wasnt vegetarian options. SO if you own a retaurant, make sure you have plenty of veggie cchoices for them as well

CathyWebSavvyPR: @heylovedesigns love your answer to Q8 - am following #netsol

murray_tracy: RT @ShineOnStories: Q8: The fad is worth it if it's something you are passionate about. Why not create a fad by doing what you are passionate about? #netsol

Tinu: RT @shashib: Just thought of something I learnt at @Pattee270inc panel : To spot tech trends form a biz advisory board to help #netsol

Tinu: RT @mgallizzi: @ShannonRenee Love QR codes. Wrote about 27 uses here for whatever its worth mainstream in Japan #netsol

wgbiz: Q9:The age-old question: What can small bizzes do to increase business in 2011? #netsol

DCeventjunkie: Q9:The age-old question: What can small bizzes do to increase business in 2011? #netsol

ShannonRenee: A8 remember, a lot of our grands & parents though TV would be a fad, even some mainstays have passed away like walkmen #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @mgallizzi: @ShannonRenee Love QR codes. Wrote about 27 uses

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

here for whatever its worth mainstream in Japan #netsol

JustinGutwein: RT @ShineOnStories --> Q8: Why not create a fad by doing what you are passionate about? #netsol

patlovenhart: Yes but low-tech custmrs too MT @thefloormaven: mobile is the tech trend 4 '11 but big hurdles..consumer trust before capabilities. #netsol

bcvirgil: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q9:The age-old question: What can small bizzes do to increase business in 2011? #netsol

mgallizzi: @ShannonRenee There is barcode fragmentation between MS Tag, JagTag, and QR codes. Not helping QR code momentum #netsol

ilabelu: adult ice cream sound like it should be novelty shapes #netsol

ActiveIngreds: Fads are great man. just have to plan for short term economics with them. #netsol

Rieva: A9 #netsol Want to grwo biz in 2011? talk to your customers. Many haven't spent in 2 years. Reward their loyalty. Ask for referrals.

ActiveIngreds: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q9:The age-old question: What can small bizzes do to increase business in 2011? #netsol

davidcarondc: PR is essential. all companies should have a department or staff member working on PR materials. it's "free" publicity #netsol

FranchiseKing: @Smallbizlabs Steve #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @JustinGutwein: RT @ShineOnStories --> Q8: Why not create a fad by doing what you are passionate about? #netsol

Rieva: Q9 #netsol Expand organically. Sell women's clothes? Can you add a younger line and sell to teens?

ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q9:The age-old question: What can small bizzes do to increase business in 2011? #netsol

Rieva: Q9 #netsol If you don't SELL online start TODAY. There's now excuse if you own a retail store, not to sell online as weel

kstaxman: RT @thefloormaven: 3'b's - be agile, be smart- be kind. #netsol< how true & what SB's can do best act quickly & respond to market

bcvirgil: RT @Rieva: Q9 #netsol Expand organically. Sell womens clothes? Can you add a younger line and sell to teens? #netsol

heylovedesigns: @DCeventjunkie DC should totally have an ice cream truck! I read about one in an article last year and have wanted one ever since #netsol

Rieva: Q9 #netsol Market wisely. Do a marketing plan. It's differenct from a biz plan. I explain the difference on @businessonmain.

mgallizzi: .@DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011: GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

ActiveIngreds: RT @Rieva: Q9 If you dont SELL online start TODAY. Theres no excuse if you own a retail store, not to sell online as well #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

ShannonRenee: A9 KNOW what you do, tell folks you do it and do it with excellence #netsol

FranchiseKing: Another mobile trend and the winner of a cool contest; A DC truck- #netsol

shashib: RT @Rieva: Q9 #netsol If you don't SELL online start TODAY. There's now excuse if you own a retail store, not to sell online as weel

shashib: RT @Rieva: Q9 #netsol Expand organically. Sell women's clothes? Can you add a younger line and sell to teens?

bcvirgil: Great blog post from Rieva on how to increase business in 2011: #netsol #netsol

shashib: RT @davidcarondc: PR is essential. all companies should have a department or staff member working on PR materials. it's "free" publicity #netsol

ColinStorm: A9: know who you are and hit that market with laser focus. #netsol

ilabelu: RT @DCeventjunkie: Q9:The age-old question: What can small biz do to increase business in 2011? that is the million $ question. #netsol

lafauce: RT @davidcarondc: PR is essential. all companies should have a department or staff member working on PR materials. it's "free" publicity #netsol

shashib: RT @Rieva: Q9 Market wisely. Do a marketing plan. Its differenct from a biz plan. I explain the difference on @businessonmain. #netsol

Rieva: Q9 #netsol I am a fervent beleiver that EVERY business needs a website. EVERY one. If you don't have a site BUIULD ONE NOW!!!

wgbiz: A question came in earlier @Rieva, from @ilabelu: "as a printer, how can i take advantage of social media to gain more customers?" #netsol

DCeventjunkie: A question came in earlier @Rieva, from @ilabelu: "as a printer, how can i take advantage of social media to gain more customers?" #netsol

ladiosapoderosa: Really enjoying this trend. RT @DCeventjunkie Q9:The age-old question: What can small bizzes do to increase business in 2011? #netsol

ilabelu: RT @Rieva: Q9 #netsol If you dont SELL online start TODAY. Theres now excuse if you own a retail store, not to sell online #netsol

ShannonRenee: A9 set a growth goal & do incremental steps to reach it...keeping UR current customers satisfied, while reaching for new ones #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: A9 #netsol Want to grwo biz in 2011? talk to your customers. Many haven't spent in 2 years. Reward their loyalty. Ask for referrals.

FranchiseKing: RT @bcvirgil: Great blog post from Rieva on how to increase business in 2011: #netsol #netsol

kstaxman: .@mgallizzi& I found that Tweet on #netsol great tag you & @CathyWebSavvyPR are now on my follow list too G8 Tweets

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

bcvirgil: RT @Rieva: Q9 #netsol I am a fervent beleiver that EVERY business needs a website. EVERY one. If you dont have BUILD ONE NOW!!! #netsol

thefloormaven: @mgallizzi mobile is high tech, but indsty needs to show it takes data security seriously. Right now it's all abt. more app capbty #netsol

shellykramer: @lafauce @davidcarondc Smart blogging + social strategy also compliments smart PR. PR alone, today, isn't enough, IMHO. #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: Q9 #netsol Market wisely. Do a marketing plan. It's differenct from a biz plan. I explain the difference on @businessonmain.

FranchiseKing: @shashib Like @newpr #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @Rieva: Q9 I'm fervent beleiver EVERY business needs a site. EVERY one. If you don't have a site BUILD ONE NOW!!! #netsol

shellykramer: RT @Rieva: Q9 #netsol If you dont SELL online start TODAY. Theres now excuse if you own a retail store, not to sell online #netsol

wgbiz: @Rieva, from @EquipmentEngine "How do small business owners feel about Paid Search? Are you testing Facebook, LinkedIn, Bing etc?" #netsol

DCeventjunkie: @Rieva, from @EquipmentEngine "How do small business owners feel about Paid Search? Are you testing Facebook, LinkedIn, Bing etc?" #netsol

ilabelu: what is the investment in $ and time to sell online. ROI? #netsol

patlovenhart: early bird too RT @heylovedesigns: Q8: ...2 stay hot U have 2 take something that is trendy, but making it yr own so U cn stand out. #netsol

Rieva: For @ilabelu #netsol. Find out which social media sites your current customers are using. Build a presence there. I

jonmikelbailey: RT @Rieva: Q9 #netsol I am a fervent believer that EVERY business needs a website. If you dont have a site BUILD ONE NOW!!! #netsol

JessSolomon: A9: Partner and collaborate on time-bound initiatives/campaigns. RT @wgbiz Q9:What can small bizzes do to increase business in 2011? #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @Rieva: Q9 If you dont SELL online start TODAY. Theres now excuse if you own a retail store, not to sell online #netsol

shellykramer: @DCeventjunkie @Rieva @ilabelu Ask yourself "What ELSE can I be doing for my customers? What other svcs + solutions can I offer" #netsol

ejfass: YES! RT @DCeventjunkie: A #DC trend this Summer? #dcfoodies RT @Rieva: Q8 #netsol Adult ice cream trucks successfully hit the streets of NYC

mgallizzi: @thefloormaven ah, I see. I think you might be talking about spying apps/apps sharing information unsecurely. Agreed #notgood #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @shellykramer: Smart blogging + social strategy also compliments smart PR. PR alone, today, isn't enough, IMHO [yes!] #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

Rieva: If you have a physical location , put signs up about following you on Twitter or becoming a fan of your biz on FB @ilabelu #netsol

wgbiz: RT @mgallizzi: .@DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011: GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

DCeventjunkie: RT @mgallizzi: .@DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011: GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

ladiosapoderosa: RT @thefloormaven: @mgallizzi mobile is high tech, but indsty needs to show it takes data security seriously. Right now it's all abt. more app capbty #netsol

Rieva: All businesses should put their colcial media handles on invoices, biz cards, email sigs, etc. #netsol @ilabelu

murray_tracy: Be where they r. RT @Rieva: For @ilabelu #netsol. Find out which social media sites ur current customers are using. Build a presence there.

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @DCeventjunkie: Qufrom @EquipmentEngine "How do small biz owners feel re: Paid Search? Are U testing Facebook, LinkedIn/Bing etc? #netsol

Smallbizlabs: Met with Bahn Tech yesterday. They are #1 paid iPhone barcode scanner app. Stunning growth curve #netsol

ShannonRenee: @Rieva and if you have a physical location...claim your bizness on LBS sites, passive marketing when folks check in #netsol

patlovenhart: RT @mgallizzi: @ShannonRenee luv QR codes. Wrote abt 27 uses hre 4 whatever it's worth mainstream in Japan #netsol

ladiosapoderosa: RT @jesssolomon @wgbiz A9: Partner/collab on time-bound initiatives/campaigns. Q9:What can small biz do to increase bus in 2011? #netsol

Rieva: RT @ShannonRenee: @Rieva if you have a physical location...claim your bizness on LBS sites, passive marketing when folks check in #netsol

bcvirgil: Starting February 1st, visit and sign up for a weekly TrendCast from Rieva #netsol #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011: GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

ColinStorm: RT @mgallizzi: .@DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011:GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

FranchiseKing: @pixelthatphotos The ones getting married make money! #netsol

Jillfoster: Great tech trend: if #smbiz realized power to shape the world. Just the minds here could create a shift #netsol via @CathyWebSavvyPR @Tinu

shashib: RT @DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011: GENERATE CONTENT.

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

susan_w: RT @ShannonRenee: RT @DCeventjunkie 2 increase biz in '11: GENERATE CONTENT Blog Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of yr niche! #netsol

thefloormaven: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @shellykramer: Smart blogging + social strategy also compliments smart PR. PR alone, today, isnt enough #netsol

dave_bentley: RT @mgallizzi: .@DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011: GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

JustinGutwein: RT @mgallizzi: .@DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011:GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

davidcarondc: for effective SEO content is king! make sure your keywords are in your content! #netsol

shashib: RT @Jillfoster: Great tech trend: if #smbiz realized power to shape the world. Just the minds here could create a shift #netsol via @CathyWebSavvyPR @Tinu

zoomerang: RT @Rieva: Q7 #netsol Ask your customers what they want. Survey them. Online surveys are easy & iunespensive to do. We use @Zoomerang at our company

Rieva: Fads can make you a lot of $ in the short term, but you have to know when to get out & that is very tricky #netsol

susan_w: RT @bcvirgil: Starting February 1st, visit and sign up for a weekly TrendCast from Rieva #netsol #smallbiz

Jillfoster: ?@ClickWisdom: RT @tinu: We're talking about "Babies, Boomers & Brides" - for picking a niche, pay attention to the #netsol chat.?

CASUDI: @CathyWebSavvyPR I dont do FB but suggest it to small biz ~ we have started a FB for our non profit #netsol

ladiosapoderosa: RT @davidcarondc: for effective SEO content is king! make sure your keywords are in your content! #netsol

sandramp: RT @shashib: RT @DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011: GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

JustinGutwein: Video boosts SEO! RT @davidcarondc for effective SEO content is king! make sure your keywords are in your content! #netsol

ladiosapoderosa: RT @JustinGutwein: RT @mgallizzi: .@DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011:GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

susan_w: RT @DCeventjunkie: A #DC trend this Summer? #dcfoodies RT @Rieva: Q8 #netsol Adult ice cream trucks successfully hit the streets of NYC

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

Jillfoster: (...tardy but earnest) RT @shellykramer: We're here for ya, woman!! @DCeventjunkie @Tinu @JustinGutwein @heylovedesigns #netsol #smallbiz?

Rieva: You're right. @CASUDI #netsol Even if you don't want a personal Facebook page, your business should have a "fan" page

shashib: Here is a resource A Quick Start Guide to Using QR Codes for Marketing #netsol

ShannonRenee: RT @Rieva: You're right. @CASUDI Even if you don't want a personal Facebook page, your business should have a "fan" page #netsol

Tinu: @Jillfoster Hi Jill! #netsol

ShannonRenee: @Jillfoster welcome to the party ;) #netsol

zoomerang: RT @shashib: RT @DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011: GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

Tinu: RT @shashib: Here is a resource A Quick Start Guide to Using QR Codes for Marketing #netsol

ShannonRenee: @susan_w I haven't seen one food truck in DC...did they take the winter off? #netsol

zoomerang: RT @Rieva: All businesses should put their colcial media handles on invoices, biz cards, email sigs, etc. #netsol @ilabelu

ahoffman50: RT @Tinu: RT @shashib: Here is a resource A Quick Start Guide to Using QR Codes for Marketing #netsol

mgallizzi: .@ColinStorm :) So many good strategies/tips in Content Rules book. It talks about the HOW #netsol

JessSolomon: Love this. RT @DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011:GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

murray_tracy: @Jillfoster hiya! #netsol

thefloormaven: RT @shashib: Here is a resource A Quick Start Guide to Using QR Codes for Marketing ahh Shashib the resource man! #netsol

ShannonRenee: A9 to increase biz in '11: let folks know you have a it up, if you don't, no one else will #netsol

bcvirgil: Thanks for joining #NetSol! For more small business tips, check out the NetSol Blog: #netsol

Jillfoster: Hello @Tinu! Thx for sharing time and know-how in this chat. ...apologies to be late to ball game cc @shashib @DCeventjunkie #netsol?

meetusinghal: RT @shashib: Here is a resource A Quick Start Guide to Using QR Codes for Marketing #netsol

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

davidcarondc: Proper website design + #SEO + #SM + #Video = Success Online #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: Fads can make you a lot of $ in the short term, but you have to know when to get out & that is very tricky #netsol

murray_tracy: Gr8 bk! RT @mgallizzi: .@ColinStorm :) So many good strategies/tips in Content Rules book. It talks re the HOW #netsol

pixelthatphotos: Q6: Mobile payments - HOT. I'm able to take payments through my #Ipad while in a meeting with clients talking about their #wedding #netsol

shashib: RT @netsolcares Congrats to @kstaxman! You are the winner of a free hosting package today! Thanks for the great discussion. #netsol

ShannonRenee: A9 increase biz in '11: follow #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: For @ilabelu #netsol. Find out which social media sites your current customers are using. Build a presence there. I

Rieva: This has been the fastest 1.5 hours . Thanks for coming. Thanks #netsol. You can find me every day at @Growsmartbiz&

ColinStorm: RT @shashib: Here is a resource A Quick Start Guide to Using QR Codes for Marketing #netsol

CASUDI: @Rieva @ShannonRenee where I come from EVERYTHING is custom/ one of a kind :-) FB for ...U name it #netsol

pixelthatphotos: RT @Smallbizlabs: Q6 : Mobile payments taking off. #netsol

Smallbizlabs: RT @bcvirgil Thanks for joining #NetSol! For more smallbiz tips, check out the NetSol Blog: #netsol

Jillfoster: Hey hey trouble makers & #smallbiz champs @shannonrenee @murray_tracy #NetSol ;)

bcvirgil: RT @netsolcares: If you'd like to join us for the next tweet chat please email [email protected]. #netsol

davidcarondc: RT @pixelthatphotos: Q6: Mobile payments - HOT. Im able to take payments through my #Ipad - Best invention of 2010! #netsol

rosaliemo: From: @netsolcares Congrats to @kstaxman!U are the winner of a free hosting package today! Thanks for the great discussion. #netsol #netsol

ShineOnStories: Proper website design + #SEO + #SM + #Video = Success Online #netsol via @davidcarondc

wgbiz: RT @pixelthatphotos: RT @Smallbizlabs: Q6 : Mobile payments taking off. #netsol

DCeventjunkie: RT @pixelthatphotos: RT @Smallbizlabs: Q6 : Mobile payments taking off. #netsol

bcvirgil: Thanks to everyone for all the great discussion! We'll get the tweet chat transcript posted on the site soon at #netsol

patlovenhart: Besides getting to know your customers, do research to make sure you're not missing any target audiences. #netsol THANKS! This was

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript


pixelthatphotos: @heylovedesigns @square That's what I use for my IPAD, it works great for people who want to pay with Credit Cards #netsol

PrettySL: RT @davidcarondc: PR is essential. all companies should have a department or staff member working on PR materials. it's "free" publicity #netsol

greenurbanism: RT @JessSolomon: Love this. RT @DCeventjunkie To increase biz in 2011:GENERATE CONTENT. Blog. Tweet. Share. Curate. Become the voice of your niche! #netsol

murray_tracy: @ShannonRenee @Jillfoster lol! A lil of each? #netsol

startupjrny: You must stay insightful for the future present to predict future trends and react accordingly. #innovate #quote #netsol

B2Cmarkets: RT @DCeventjunkie: RT @pixelthatphotos: RT @Smallbizlabs: Q6 : Mobile payments taking off. #netsol

shashib: Thank you for joining us on the #netsol tweetchat for smallBiz . Watch for recap blog post on #netsol

wgbiz: Woot! You rocked this chat, thanks Rieva!! #netsol RT @TrendsDC: Rieva, @rieva is now trending in #DC

DCeventjunkie: Woot! You rocked this chat, thanks Rieva!! #netsol RT @TrendsDC: Rieva, @rieva is now trending in #DC

ShannonRenee: RT @Jillfoster: Hey hey trouble makers & #smallbiz champs [me] @murray_tracy #NetSol ;) [wassup Lady?]

murray_tracy: RT @shashib: Thank you for joining us on the #netsol tweetchat for smallBiz . Watch for recap blog post on #netsol

Rieva: @DCeventjunkie How cool I LOVE that I'm trending in DC. #netsol #DC

mgallizzi: Really enjoyed the Twitter chat with #netsol folk. Look forward to the next one! Speaking of which, when is the next one? :)

davidcarondc: @pixelthatphotos @Square is am excellent tool. I use it 2; along with #Google #Checkout, @Paypal and @Volusion. The more the better. #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Rieva: This has been the fastest 1.5 hours . Thanks for coming. Thanks #netsol. You can find me every day at @Growsmartbiz&

ladiosapoderosa: RT @ShineOnStories: Proper website design + #SEO + #SM + #Video = Success Online #netsol via @davidcarondc

ColinStorm: @mgallizzi sounds great, I've heard of it, but not read it. Def hoping 2011 takes us from "ooo, tools!" and more into the how. #netsol

heylovedesigns: Enjoyed my first tweet chat. Sorry to anyone in my twitter feed who didn't

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Small Business Trends for 2011 – Tweet Chat Transcript

want to read, but hopefully you found something useful :) #netsol

JustinGutwein: Thanks to everyone involved in the #netsol chat!

CathyWebSavvyPR: Great #netsol chat w @Rieva 2011 small biz trends. Great chat moderating by @DCEventJunkie. Thx 2 host @ShashiB

ladiosapoderosa: @mgallizzi My Klout is about the same. But I surmised it's because my tweet number is off by about twenty thousand+. App. ur #netsol tweets.

thefloormaven: RT @Rieva: Youre so right. @ShellyKramer #smbiz #netsol Read blogs people. Theres so much useful info there. Amen to that Rieva #smbiz

BridgetAyers: RT @shellykramer: RT @Rieva: Q9 #netsol If you dont SELL online start TODAY. Theres now excuse if u own a retail store, not to sell online

davidcarondc: I had a lot of fun and learned a ton! thanks @netsolcares for the chat! #netsol

zoomerang: RT @Rieva: A2 #netsol. Social media is popular. But make sure you're using it & getting ROI back. People think it's free--nothing is free Time is $

davidcarondc: RT @Rieva A2 Social media is popular. But make sure youre using it & getting ROI back. People think its free nothing is free Time=$ #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @davidcarondc: I had a lot of fun & learned a ton! thanks @netsolcares for the chat! [ditto] #netsol

CathyWebSavvyPR: @heylovedesigns you are no longer a chat virgin #netsol

ClickWisdom: RT @shannonrenee: A9 to increase biz in '11: let folks know you have a it up, if you don't, no one else will #netsol

ClickWisdom: @mgallizzi I enjoyed your tweets in #netsol chat -- thanks.

ClickWisdom: RT @rieva: Q6 #netsol Research chos not enough retailers have mobile commerce sites. And conusmers want them

ShannonRenee: If you missed today's #brandchat& #netsol, do searches & read the tweets, great info shared by ppl living it, not just theorizing

DVStrategies: Great cross-learning this week for #consultants, #communications folks working to change the world from #NPCons #netsol chats.