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Page 1: The 13 Colonies Round Two
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Penn. Del.&Mary Virginia N&S Caro. Georgia

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Question 1 - 10

• Name the of the Founders of Pennsylvania

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Answer 1 – 10

• William Penn

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Question 1 - 20

• Why was Pennsylvania founded?

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Answer 1 – 20

• Religious Freedom for the Quakers

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Question 1 - 30

• What were a couple of characteristics of the Quaker religion.

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Answer 1 – 30

• They didn’t believe in war and refused to fight• They believed in tolerance of all people and

their beliefs

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Question 1 - 40

• How did Pennsylvania get it’s name?

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Answer 1 – 40

• Penn from William Penn• Sylvania …meaning the woods or heavily


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Question 1 - 50

• If King Charles II didn’t like the Quakers, why did he let William Penn go there and form a colony?

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Answer 1 – 50

• William Penn’s father had loaned the King money in the past. Penn was a friend of the King. By letting the Quakers go to America, the King was “getting them out of his hair” in England.

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Question 2 - 10

• Who was Delaware founded by?

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Answer 2 – 10

• Swedish Settlers

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Question 2 - 20

• Who founded Maryland?

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Answer 2 – 20

• Lord Baltimore and Son.

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Question 2 - 30

• True or false:• Delaware was founded for economic reasons.

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Answer 2 – 30

• True

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Question 2 - 40

• Maryland was one of the first colonies to be settled by which major religion in Europe.

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Answer 2 – 40

• Catholics

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Question 2 - 50

• What was the real last name of Lord Baltimore and his Son?

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Answer 2 – 50

• Calvert

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Question 3 - 10

• Who founded Virginia?

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Answer 3 – 10

• John Smith

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Question 3 - 20

• Why was Virginia settled?

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Answer 3 – 20

• For economic reasons… hoped to find Gold

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Question 3 - 30

• What became Virginia’s most important source of income?

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Answer 3 – 30

• Tobbacco

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Question 3 - 40

• What were some reasons Jamestown almost did not succeed?

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Answer 3 – 40

• Poor drinking water• Disease• Wealthy men did not want to work• Trouble with the Native Americans

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Question 3 - 50

• What was the name of the first Virginia Colony that disappeared and who was it’s founder?

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Answer 3 – 50

• Roanoke• John White • 25 pts. for half right

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Question 4 - 10

• Who founded the Carolinas?

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Answer 4 – 10

• A group of 8 Nobles – Proprietor Charter

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Question 4 - 20

• Why were the Carolinas founded?

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Answer 4 – 20

• For economic reasons

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Question 4 - 30

• True or False:• Slaves in America were first brought into the


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Answer 4 – 30

• False

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Question 4 - 40

• What is the Mason Dixon Line?

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Answer 4 – 40

• The line specified as the dividing line between the Northern and Southern Colonies. It runs along the top of North Carolina.

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Question 4 - 50

• What was the difference between the settlers of North Carolina and South Carolina?

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Answer 4 – 50

• The settlers in North Carolina were mostly small farmers who farmed their own land.

• The settlers in South Carolina mostly had large plantations and slaves to work the land.

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Question 5 - 10

• Who was the founder of Georgia?

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Answer 5 – 10

• James Oglethorpe

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Question 5 - 20

• Why was Georgia Founded?

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Answer 5 – 20

• As an experiment to allow people in debtors prison in England a chance to work in America and pay back their debt.

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Question 5 - 30

• True or False:• The experiment placing debtors was a huge


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Answer 5 – 30

• False

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Question 5 - 40

• True or false:• Georgia was the last colony formed in the


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Answer 5 – 40

• True

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Question 5 - 50

• What Spanish Colony was Georgia located next to and what significance was that for the rest of the colonies?

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Answer 5 – 50

• Florida. It was significant because if the Spanish wanted to come North to attack the England colonies, they would have to go through Georgia first. It was a buffer zone between the two Countries.

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