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Page 1: THANK YOU FOR HONORING TRADITION AND ......2012-2013 SJA Giving Campaign Thank You! Thank you for a successful 2012-2013 Annual Giving Campaign! Our Campaign raised $180,000. Thanks



Page 2: THANK YOU FOR HONORING TRADITION AND ......2012-2013 SJA Giving Campaign Thank You! Thank you for a successful 2012-2013 Annual Giving Campaign! Our Campaign raised $180,000. Thanks


As the relative calm of summer settles over the Academy, I have realized what a very busy and highly successful school year it has been. I am excited to share with you an update on the results of fund raising efforts that include the work of the Patron’s’ Association, the Gala, and the Annual Fund. The levels of participation and volunteerism at St. James Academy have been ex-traordinary.

The Annual Fund, which helps support the annual budget and endowment, had a goal of $125,000 for the year. With the generous support of parents, grandpar-ents, alumni, faculty and the Board of Trustees, we raised $180,000. As a Board resolution, 10% of this fund will go to grow our endowment. A portion has been set aside for scholarships, as well. The remainder will be used to enhance the school’s programs for the 2013-14 school year. I want to thank Sandy Doeller and the grade level captains for their excellent efforts. The levels of participation varied, but we had 100% participation from our 8th grade families, 91% from our 5th grade families, 100% from our Board of Trustees and our Faculty and Staff.

This year, Patrons raised $80,000 through annual activities such as: mixed Bag Designs Sale in the fall, Christmas Shoppe in the winter, Horse & Pony Show in the spring. These funds support the Faculty Summer mini Grant program, Fox Hound Fall Festival, Field Day, Grandparents Day, Ice Skating Party, Field Trips, Teacher and Staff Appreciations, parent publications such as the Tower Times, and teacher and classroom requests. In addition, the Patrons contribute to the

Academy’s endowment fund. Thank you to homeroom parents, volunteers, and to the Patrons’ Officers: Angela Class (Presi-dent), Elizabeth Kinser (Vice-President), Amy Wagner (Treasurer), Cheryl King (Middle School Coordinator), Ellen Barralo (Secretary) and Beth Preston (Past President).

The Gala returned to campus for the first time since the 1992-93 school year. Between ticket sales, auction items, and spon-sors, the Gala raised $145,000. Thank you to Gala Chair, Jenny O’Connell, Angela Class and the committee members: Jeannine Feeney, Cindy Franzoni, melissa Rehak,, Amy Wagner, liza DeBolt, Diana Weglein, and elizabeth Kinser, and Steve Huettner. I would also like to recognize the Sponsorship Committee: Beth Rockstroh, Richard Huffman, and Brendan O’Connell.

The monies generated from the Patrons and the Gala will be used toward enhancing school programs for the 2013-14 school year, in particular three key areas: arts, technology and athletics. Within the visual and performing arts, we will be enhancing or adding the following: glockenspiels, brass instruments, rhythm and percussion instruments to the music programs, guest musicians to visit and teach workshops, acoustic choral shells, addition-al wireless microphones, new art tables and cabinets for the art rooms, additional display cases and display boards for visual arts.

Within athletics, we will fund new uniforms, additional scoreboards for Ebs Field and the lower field, sports equipment, and the regrading of the lower field.

As for technology, funds raised will expand the middle School laptop program to provide macBooks for the 6th Grade, lego Robotics and Wedo Robotics in the Grades 3-5, and iPads in Grades K-2. We will add Smart Boards to classrooms, weather sen-sors to the science and challenge labs, and additional software for the resource classroom. In addition, cameras, lights and an additional broadcast panel will be added to the Radio and Television Studio.

Your gifts, your volunteerism, and your support invigorate our faculty to fulfill the mis-sion of the Academy and pro-vide what’s best for students. Parents, grandparents, teach-ers, alumni, and neighbors, we are members of a special community, something rare and unique.

Page 3: THANK YOU FOR HONORING TRADITION AND ......2012-2013 SJA Giving Campaign Thank You! Thank you for a successful 2012-2013 Annual Giving Campaign! Our Campaign raised $180,000. Thanks

2012-2013 SJA Giving Campaign Thank You! Thank you for a successful 2012-2013 Annual Giving Campaign! Our Campaign raised $180,000. Thanks so much to the entire St. James Academy community! We are blessed that St. James Academy provides our children such a wonderful academic environment. Doing your part by contributing allows the leadership of our school to continue the excellence!

Sandy Doeller, 2012-2013 Annual Giving Chair & Trustee of St. James Academy


ANNUAl GIVING CHAIR: mrs. Sandra Doeller

KINDeRGARTeN mr. & mrs. Jonathan PearlsteinPReFIRST ms. Robin Contino & mr. Samir ThapaGRADe 1 mr. & mrs. Gunner Beattie GRADe 2 mr. Dale Horn & Dr. Tracey HornGRADe 3 mr. & mrs. Stephen BelloneGRADe 4 mr. & mrs. edward easterGRADe 5 mr. & mrs. David SchusterGRADe 6 mr. & mrs. Richard KeetleyGRADe 7 mr. & mrs. lawrence HofmeisterGRADe 8 mr. & mrs. Ti Doeller

Development Committee Chair: matt RockstrohDirector of Development: Judith Connelly


Named for Dr. legenhausen, Head of School for 25 years, The elizabeth I. legenhausen Circle recognizes those who contributed $10,000 and above.

Anonymousmr. & mrs. edward C. Kohlsmr. & mrs. John m. lanier, Charles e. Noell III & mrs. Barbara Voss Noell


Named for the Academy’s prominent architectural symbol, the Tower Society recognizes those who contributed $5,000 to $9,999

mr. & mrs. Richard e. Beattiemrs. W. D. Classmr. & mrs. William D. Class IIImr. & mrs. Francis A. Continomr. & mrs. David J. eiswertmr. & mrs. R. Clayton emorymr. & mrs. michael J. Groganmr. & mrs. William Kissingermr. & mrs. James A. O’Polka


Named for the Academy’s prominent location on my lady’s manor, the manor Society recognizes those who contributed $2,500 to 4,999.

mr. F. Karl Adler & ms. Danielle Chappellms. Cathleen e. Blanton ‘75mr. & mrs. Daniel J. Boothmr. & mrs. William A. FoardGartner Foundationmr. & mrs. mark l. lynnemr. & mrs. Robert mintiensmr. & mrs. michael P. Schreibeismr. & mrs. John David Schuster

Page 4: THANK YOU FOR HONORING TRADITION AND ......2012-2013 SJA Giving Campaign Thank You! Thank you for a successful 2012-2013 Annual Giving Campaign! Our Campaign raised $180,000. Thanks

HEAD’S LISTNamed for SJA’s highest academic honor, the Head’s List acknowledges those who contributed $1,000 to $2,499.

Dr. & mrs. Douglas Alexandermr. & mrs. John P. Bennettmr. & mrs. Steve Breitzkamr. & mrs. Steven J. Colnitismr. & mrs. Walter Doeller, IIImr. Joesef edelDr. R. mark ellerkmann & Dr. Ariane Cometamrs. Phyllis G. ensormr. & mrs. James A. FranzoniGlaxoSmithKline Foundationmr. & mrs. T. Kent R. Groffmr. & mrs. C. larry Hofmeister, R. Dale Horn & Dr. Tracey HornDr. & mrs. marc Hungerfordmr. & mrs. Robert Bryan Kilbymr. & mrs. Ned Kissinger ‘88Dr. & mrs. Paul mcAfeeDr. William mitcherlingmr. Richard A. mooremr. & mrs. Theodore Nicholsmr. Richard Opfermr. & mrs. Robert Parker, & mrs. W. Bruce Pitchermr. & mrs. martin F. Portermr. & mrs. matt m. Rockstrohmr. & mrs. Cortright Sandstrommr. & mrs. Robert T. Shaffer IIImr. & mrs. Donald Shepardmr. & mrs. Adam e. Snavelymr. & mrs. Paul e. Stephanoukmr. & mrs. Richard S. Taylor IImr. & mrs. John Waterhousemr. & mrs. Thomas WatsonWells Fargomr. & mrs. Todd C. Workman

RED & BLUE CIRCLENamed for the Academy’s colors, the Red & Blue Circle recognizes gifts from $500 to $999 AnonymousDr. & mrs. Paul m. Apostolomr. mark S. ArmacostAXA Foundationmr. & mrs. William e. Berndtmr. & mrs. R. Bayly Buck IIImr. & mrs. James H. Burch & mrs. Charles Connormr. & mrs. edward eastermr. & mrs. Robert S. Glushakowmr. & mrs. S. Dwight Hannamr. & mrs. Paul m. Holdenmr. & mrs. Kurt J. Huppertmr. & mrs. Richard KeetleyDr. Theodore King, Jr. &Dr. Azar etesamypour-KingDr. & mrs. John lazzaro IIImr. & mrs. Douglas R. legenhausenmr. & mrs. erik J. moranPNC BankValley View FarmsWalk4Hearingmr. & mrs. Samuel l. Walters IIDrs. lawrence & Jenny Wangmr. & mrs. e. Nelson Wareheim, Jr.

HONOR ROLLNamed for academic achievement, the Honor Roll denotes gifts from $250 to $499

AnonymousBank of Americamr. & mrs. Bruce A. Bagganmr. & mrs. l. Brook Behner ‘70mr. & mrs. eliot Benzelmr. & mrs. Jon Blummr. & mrs. Benjamin J. BrockettChoice Hotels International Foundationmr. & mrs. Harvey e. Cottlemr. & mrs. A. P. Ramsey Crosbymr. & mrs. George Diacoloukasms. Kathleen B. Doylemr. & mrs. Janon Fisher IIImr. & mrs. michael A. Fitz-Patrickmr. & mrs. e. Wilson Fowler, & mrs. Steven J. Foxmr. & mrs. Douglas J. Fritzmr. & mrs. John R. GloverDr. J. Christopher Greenawalt ‘85mr. & mrs. Ben Grismoremr. & mrs. Craig S. Hornermr. & mrs. Sean KaiferDr. & mrs. edward T. Knickmanmr. & mrs. Richard P. Kozlowskimrs. marianne l. laceymr. & mrs. Douglas B. lopezmr. & mrs. Henry l. machenmr. Chris l. maddixms. Jean l. mcCulloughmr. & mrs. Gerard A. meyermr. & mrs. Kyle mooremr. & mrs. Harry S. Nirkirkmr. & mrs. Jonathan m. Pearlsteinmr. & mrs. Stanley B. PrestonPrincipal Financial Groupmr. & mrs. John Rowan, & mrs. James l. Rugg, Jr.mrs. Roseanne P. RuppersbergerDr. & mrs. Richard Santangelomr. & mrs. Gordon F. Sheckellsmr. & mrs. James W. Sternberg IIImrs. Jennifer Greenawalt Smith ’82 mr. & mrs. Brian Sternermr. & mrs. Gregory N. Strousemr. & mrs. Brooks W. Throppmr. & mrs. Bryan W. Young

Page 5: THANK YOU FOR HONORING TRADITION AND ......2012-2013 SJA Giving Campaign Thank You! Thank you for a successful 2012-2013 Annual Giving Campaign! Our Campaign raised $180,000. Thanks

ACADEMY PARENTSKINDERGARTEN 46%Class Captain: mr. & mrs. Jonathan Pearlstein

mr. & mrs. Jason Balogmr. & mrs. Douglas Baralomr. & mrs. Jameson Coopermr. & mrs. eric evans mr. & mrs. michael A Fitz-PatrickDr. & mrs. marc Hungerford mr. & mrs. James O’Polkamr. & mrs. Jonathan m. Pearlsteinmr. & mrs. James l. Rugg, Jr. mr. & mrs. Cortright Sandstrom mr. & mrs. John David Schustermr. & mrs. Goedon F. Sheckellsmr. & mrs. Paul e. Stephanouk

PREFIRST 41%Class Captain: mr. Smair Thapa & ms. Robin Contino

mr. & mrs. David J. eiswertmr. & mrs. martin G. Kutlik mr. & mrs. Gerard A. meyermr. Smair Thapa & ms. Robin m. Continomr. & mrs. Thomas Watson

Grade 1 26%Class Captain: mr. & mrs. Gunner Beattie

Dr. & mrs. Douglas Alexandermr. & mrs. Richard e. Beattie mr. & mrs. James H. Burch, Jr. mr. & mrs. William A. Foardmr. & mrs. Richard O. Huffman III mr. & mrs. John m. lanier, & mrs. James l. Rugg, Jr. mr. & mrs. Richard S. Taylor II Grade 2 68%Class Captain: mr. Dale Horn & Dr. Tracey Horn

mr. F. Karl Adler & ms. Danielle Chappell Dr. & mrs. Paul m. Apostolo mr. & mrs. Jeff Beaversmr. & mrs. Stephen Bellone mr. & mrs. Robert J. Betkey mr. & mrs. James H. Burch, & mrs. e. Burling Cocks ‘87 mr. & mrs. edward eastermr. & mrs. eric evans

mr. & mrs. James e. Grant mr. R. Dale Horn & Dr. Tracey HornDr. & mrs. marc Hungerford mr. & mrs. Ned Kissinger ‘88 mr. & mrs. James O’Polkamr. & mrs. Jonathan m. Pearlsteinmr. & mrs. James l. Rugg, Jr. mr. & mrs. michael P. Schreibeis mr. & mrs. Robert T. Shaffer IIImr. & mrs. James W. Sterenberg III mr. & mrs. mark Sucoloskimr. & mrs. Robert l. Weaver

Grade 3 70%Class Captain: mr. & mrs. Stephen Bellone

mr. & mrs. Jason Balogmr. & mr. Stephen Bellonemr. & mrs. Jon Blummr. & mrs. Charles Connormr. & mrs. George Diacoloukasms. Christine Douglas ms. Kathleen B. Doylemr. & mrs. michael J. Groganmr. & mrs. michael F. Heffernan, & mrs. Gregory A. Hobson mr. & mrs. Stephen A. Hopkinsmr. & mrs. Richard O. Huffman mr. & mrs. Sean Kaifer Dr. Theodore King & Dr. Azar etesamypour-Kingmr. David l. mast & Dr. Robin m. motter mast mr. & mrs. Gerard A. meyer mr. & mrs. Kyle moore mr. & mrs. Theodore Nichols mr. & mrs. W. Bruce Pitchermr. & mrs. matt m. Rockstroh mr. & mrs. Barlow Savidge mr. & mrs. John David Schustermr. & mrs. Adam e. Snavely mr. & mrs. Paul e. Stephanouk mr. & mrs. James W. Sterenberg IIIMs. Mary C. Sullivan

CONGRATULATIONSto SJA’s Fifth Grade with 91%, and eighth Grade with 100% family participation! All enjoyed an ice cream party hosted by our Annual Giving Chair and SJA Trustee, mrs. Sandy Doeller.

Page 6: THANK YOU FOR HONORING TRADITION AND ......2012-2013 SJA Giving Campaign Thank You! Thank you for a successful 2012-2013 Annual Giving Campaign! Our Campaign raised $180,000. Thanks

Grade 4 36%Class Captain: mr. & mrs. edward easter mr. & mrs. Douglas Baralomr. R mrs. Grady G. Beckmr. & mrs. Daniel J. Booth mr. & mrs. Jameson Cooper mr. & mrs. edward easter mr. & mrs. michael A Fitz-Patrick mr. & mrs. C. larry Hofmeister Jr. mr. & mrs. Timothy J. long mr. & mrs. martin F. Portermr. & mrs. Sean Radebaughmr. & mrs. michael P. Schreibeis mr. & mrs. Gregory N. Strouse mr. & mrs. Richard S. Taylor II Drs. lawrence Wang & Jenny Wang mr. & mrs. Todd C. Workman

Grade 5 91%Class Captain: mr. & mrs. David Schuster

Dr. & mrs. Douglas Alexandermr. & mrs. Richard e. Beattiemr. & mrs. Stephen Bellone mr. & mrs. William D. Class IIImr.& mrs. e. Burling Cocks ‘87Dr. R. mark ellerkmann & Dr. Ariane Cometamr. & mrs. Douglas Fritzmr. & mrs. James e. Grantmr. & mrs. Ben Grismoremr. & mrs. michael F. Heffernan, & mrs. Paul m. Holdenmr. & mrs. Richard O. Huffman mr. & mrs. Kurt J. Huppertmr. & mrs. Jeffrey lawrencemr. David l. mast & Dr. Robin m. motter mastms. Jean l. mcCullough mr. & mrs. Gerard A. meyermr. & mrs. William T. miller mr. & mrs. James O’Polka mr. & mrs. Stanley B. Prestonmr. & mrs. C. Bradley Rittler, & mrs. michael P. Schreibeis mr. & mrs. John David Schustermr. & mrs. Adam e. Snavely mr. & mrs. mark Sucoloskimr. & mrs. Brooks W. Thropp mr. & mrs. Samuel l. Walters mr. & mrs. John Waterhousemr. & mrs. Bryan W. Young

Grade 6 36%Class Captain: mr. & mrs. Richard Keetley

mr. mark S. Armacost

mr. & mrs. eliot Bensel mr. & mrs. Peter Chaikowsky mr. & mrs. Steven J. Foxmr. & mrs. Paul m. Holden mr. & mrs. Sean Kaifer mr. & mrs. Richard KeetleyDr. Theodore King & mrs. Azar etesamypour- Kingmr. & mrs. Robert mintiens Drs. lawrence Wang & Jenny Wang

Grade 7 39%Class Captain: mr. & mrs. laawrence Hofmeister

Dr. & mrs. Douglas Alexandermr. & mrs. Richard e. Beattiemr. & mrs. Jon Blum mr. & mrs. William D. Class IIImr. & mrs. Webb R. Corbin mr. & mrs. C. larry Hofmeister Jr. mr. & mrs. John O. Nikirkmr. Richard Opfer mr. & mrs. Frank J. Parks mr. & mrs. mark Sucoloski ms. mary C. Sullivan mr. & mrs. Todd C. Workman

Grade 8 100%Class Captain: mr. & mrs. Ti Doeller III mr. & mrs. Grady G. Beckmr. & mrs. l. Brook Behner ‘70 mr. & mrs. John P. Bennettmr. & mrs. Steve Breitzka mr. & mrs. Walter O. Doeller IIIms. Brooke Huff Dowell ‘84mr. W. eric Dowellmr. & mrs. James A. Franzonimr. & mrs. John R. Glovermr. & mrs. William R. Gross, & mrs. George e. Halemr. & mrs. James Horn mr. & mrs. Kurt J. Huppert mr. & mrs. Richard KeetleyMs. Karen Kells-Pamfilismr. & mrs. William e. Kramermr. & mrs. Stephen Kupresmr. & mrs. Timothy J. longmr. & mrs. erik J. moran mr. & mrs. martin F. Portermr. & mrs. C. Bradley Rittler, & mrs. matt m. Rockstrohmr. & mrs. Robert t. Shaffer IIImr. & mrs. Brian Sterner mr. & mrs. Brooks W. Throppmr. & mrs. Bryan W. Young

Page 7: THANK YOU FOR HONORING TRADITION AND ......2012-2013 SJA Giving Campaign Thank You! Thank you for a successful 2012-2013 Annual Giving Campaign! Our Campaign raised $180,000. Thanks

2012 - 2013 ANNUAL GIVING DONORSmr. F. Karl Adler & ms. Danielle ChappellDr. & mrs. Douglas AlexanderAnonymousDr. & mrs. Paul m. Apostolomr. mark S. Armacost AXA Foundationmr. & mrs. Bruce A. Bagganmr. & mrs. Douglas Baralomr. & mrs. Jason Balogmr. & mrs. Robert BaileyBank of America mrs. elena C. Baronowski The Rev. Charles l Barton & mrs. Debra D. Donnelly-Bartonmr. & mrs. Richard e. Beattiemr. & mrs. Jeff Beaversmr. & mrs. Grady G. Beckmr. & mrs. l. Brook Behner ‘70mr. & mrs. Stephen Bellonemr. & mrs. John P. Bennettmr. & mrs. eliot Benselmr. & mrs. William e. Berndtmrs. Ann A. Bergland mr. & mrs. Robert J. Betkeyms. Cathleen e. Blanton ‘75mr. & mrs. m. Barry Blummr. & mrs. Jon Blum mr. & mrs. Daniel J. Boothms. Randi K. Bradleymr. mrs. Steve Breitzkamr. & mrs. Benjamin J. Brockett Arabella Knox Brockett ‘97mr. & mrs. R. Bayly Buck III mr. elliott Buck ‘99mr. & mrs. James H. Burch Colleen O. Casemr. & mrs. Peter Chaikowsky Choice Hotels International Found. mrs. W. D. Classmr. & mrs. William D. Class IIImr. & mrs. e. Burling Cocks ‘87mr. & mrs. Steven J. Colnitis ms. Judith N. Connellymr. & mrs. Charles Connor mr. & mrs. Francis A. Continomr. & mrs. Jameson Coopermr. & mrs. Webb R. Corbin mr. & mrs. Harvey e. Cottlemr. marc A. Cousinsmr. & mrs. A. P. Ramsey Crosbymr. & mrs. William Davis, Jr.mrs. elizabeth A. Davolosmr. & mrs. Thomas R. Dawson mr. & mrs. Robert Deford IIIms. D. lori Dembo

mr. & mrs. J. Richard Dengler mrs. Winifred A. DeWatersmr. & mrs. George Diacoloukas mrs. Patricia R. Doeller mr. & mrs. Walter O. Doeller, IIImr. William A. Dorsey IVms. Christine Douglasms. Brooke Huff Dowell ‘84mr. W.. eric Dowellms. Kathleen B. Doylemr. & mrs. edward easter mrs. Virginia C. eastermr. Joesef edelmr. & mrs. David J. eiswert mr. Jeffrey ellerDr. R. mark ellerkmann & Dr. Ariane Cometa mr. & mrs. David emerick mr. & mrs. R. Clayton emorymrs. Phyllis G. ensormr. & mrs. William e. ensor, Jr. mr. & mrs. eric evansmr. & mrs. Janon Fisher III mr. & mrs. michael A. Fitz-Patrick mr. & mrs. William A. Foard mr. & mrs. e. Wilson Fowler, Jr. mr. & mrs. Steven J. Foxmr. & mrs. James Franzonimr. & mrs. Douglas J. Fritzmrs. Carol J. Fry Gartner Foundationmr. & mrs. e. Nicholson Gault, Jr.GlaxoSmithKlinemr. & mrs. John R. Glovermr. & mrs. Robert S. Glushakow mr. & mrs. Douglas B. Gorhammr. & mrs. James e. Grantmr. & mrs. Donald A. Greenawalt, Jr. Dr. J. Christopher Greenawalt ‘85mr. & mrs. Ben Grismoremr. & mrs. T. Kent R. Groff mr. & mrs. michael J. Groganmr. & mrs. William R. Gross, Jr. mr. & mrs. George e. Halems. Betty l. Hamill ms. Hollace m. Hamilosmr. S. Dwight Hanna mrs. Kathy Berndt Hanna ‘72mr. & mrs. michael F. Heffernan, & mrs. Keith B. Hillmr. & mrs. Gregory A. Hobsonmr. & mrs. C. larry Hofmeister, & mrs. Paul m. Holdenmr. & mrs. Stephen A. Hopkinsmr. R. Dale Horn & Dr. Tracey Hornmr. & mrs. James Horn

mr. & mrs. Craig S. Hornermr. & mrs. Brian Hudkinsmr. & mrs. Richard O. Huffman IIIDr. & mrs. marc Hungerford mr. & mrs. Kurt J. Huppertmr. & mrs. James S. HuttonIngredion Foundation mr. & mrs. Sean Kaifermrs. Amy l. Kaltenbachmr. & mrs. Richard KeetleyMs. Karen Kell-Pamfilismr. & mrs. Steve Kennedymr. & mrs. Bruce W. Kesslermr. & mrs. Robert Bryan KilbyDr. Theodore King &Dr. Azar etesamypou-KingDr. & mrs. Victor F. King mr. & mrs. William Kissinger mr. & mrs. Ned Kissinger ‘88 Dr. & mrs. edward T. Knickmanmr. & mrs. edward C. Kohlsms. Jocelyn Kollermr. & mrs. Richard P. Kozlowski mr. & mrs. William e. Kramermr. & mrs. stephen Kupresmr. & mrs. martin G. Kutlikmrs. marianne l. lacey mr. & mrs. John m. lanier, Jr. mr. & mrs. Jeffrey lawrenceDr. & mrs. John lazzaro III mrs. Victoria lebron Forster-Smith mr. & mrs. Douglas R. legenhausenmr. & mrs. John G. leonard, Jr. mrs. Sally R. loerchermr. R. Gordon long, & mrs. Timothy J. longmr. & mrs. Douglas B. lopezmr. & mrs. mark l. lynne mr. & mrs. Henry l. machenmr. Chris l. maddix mr. David l. mast & Dr. Robin m. motter-mastDr. & mrs. Paul mcAfeemr. & mrs. William D. mcAvoymrs. Carolyn mcCombe ms. Jean l. mcCulloughmr. & mrs. Gerard A. meyermr. & mrs. Patrick A. m. millermr. & mrs. William T. millermr. & mrs. Robert mintiensDr. William mitcherling mrs. Alathea D. miutesco mr. & mrs. Kyle mooremr. Richard A. mooremr. & mrs. erik J. moran

Page 8: THANK YOU FOR HONORING TRADITION AND ......2012-2013 SJA Giving Campaign Thank You! Thank you for a successful 2012-2013 Annual Giving Campaign! Our Campaign raised $180,000. Thanks


mrs. Angela Class, Presidentmrs. elizabeth Kinser Vice-Presidentmrs. ellen Baralo Secretarymrs. Amy Wagner, Treasurermrs. Beth Preston, Past Presidentmrs. Cheryl King, Middle School CoordinatorThe Rev. Charles l. Barton, Rectormr. Karl Adler, Head of Schoolmrs. Patricia Swanson, Faculty Representativems. Judith Connelly, Director of Development

mr. michael J. morsberger ‘76 ms. Kelly e. Newman ‘04 mr. & mrs. Theodore Nicholsmr. & mrs. John O. Nikirk mr. & mrs. Harry S. Nirkirkmr. Charles e. Noell III &mrs. Barbara Voss Noell mrs. Jo Ann O’Donnellmr. Richard Opfer mr. & mrs. James O’Polka mr. & mrs. Robert Parker, & mrs. Frank J. Parksmr. & mrs. Jonathan m. Pearlsteinmr. & mrs. W. Bruce Pitcher mr. & mrs. Charles PlunkertPNC mr. & mrs. martin F. Porter mr. & mrs. P. Noble Powell Jr. Betsy Berndt Powell ‘73mr. & mrs. Stanly B. Preston Principal Financial Groupmr. & mrs. Sean Radebaughmr. & mrs. C. Bradley Rittler, Jr. mr. & mrs. matt m. Rockstrohmr. & mrs. John Rowan, & mrs. James l. Rugg, Jr. mrs. Roseanne P. Ruppersbergermr. & mrs. Cortright Sandstrommr. & mrs. Francis G. SansostiDr. & mrs. Richard Santangelomr. & mrs. Barlow T. Savidgemrs. Jane Scarboroughmr. & mrs. michael P. Schreibeismr. & mrs. John David Schustermr. & mrs. Robert T. Shaffer IIImr. & mrs. Gordon F. Sheckells mrs. Jessie Voss Sheckells ‘90 mr. & mrs. Donald Shepard

mrs. Jennifer A. Smithmrs. Jennifer Greenawalt Smith ‘82mr. & mrs. Adam Snavely mr. & mrs. James SpaccoStanley Black & Decker mr. & mrs. Paul e. Stephanoukmr. & mrs. James W. Sterenberg IIImr. & mrs. Brian Sternerms. Rosemarie G. Sterner mr. & mrs. Gregory N. Strouse mr. & mrs. mark Sucoloskims. mary C. Sullivanmrs. Patricia J. Swanson mr. & mrs. Richard Taylor IImr. Samir Thapa & ms. Robin m. Continomr. & mrs. Brooks W. Throppmrs. Sandra l. Uehlingermr. & mrs. William e. UnkleValley View Farmsmr. & mrs. Stephen Volker Walk4Hearingmrs. Susan C. Wallis mr. & mrs. Samuel l. Walters II Drs. lawrence & Jenny Wang mr. & mrs. e. Nelson Wareheim, lynne A. Warner mr. & mrs. John Waterhousemr. & mrs. Thomas Watsonmr. & mrs. Robert l. WeaverWells Fargomrs. Robin Williamsmr. & mrs. Steven l. Wilsonmr. Donald G. Wolcottmr. Christopher P. Wootenmr. & mrs. Todd C. Workmanmr. & mrs. Bryan W. Young mr. & mrs. Joseph C. Zeiler, Jr.


Mr. Thomas R. Moore ‘79, Presidentmr. Robert S. Glushakow, Vice-Presidentmr. matt Rockstroh, Secretarymr. Christopher P. Wooten, TreasurerThe Rev. Charles l. Barton, Rectormr. Karl Adler, Head of Schoolmrs. Sandra J. Doellermr. R. Clayton emoryDr. Azar etesamypour-KingDr. Susan Grantmrs. Nancy m. Groffmr. S. Dwight Hannamr. edward C. Kohlsmrs. lynn S. lazzaromr. mark l. lynnemr. martin F. Portermrs. Angela Class Patrons’ Presidentmr. Donald A. Greenawalt, Jr., Junior Wardenmr. William e. Berndt, Treasurer Emeritusmr. Trevor C. lewis, Jr., Vice-President Emeritusmr. Richard A. moore, President Emeritus

Page 9: THANK YOU FOR HONORING TRADITION AND ......2012-2013 SJA Giving Campaign Thank You! Thank you for a successful 2012-2013 Annual Giving Campaign! Our Campaign raised $180,000. Thanks

THE SJA LEGACY SOCIETYHonors those who have included SJA in their estate plans. Legacy gifts in-clude bequests, charitable trusts, gifts of retirement assets and life insurance, as well as a variety of life income arrangements. Consider joining these gen-erous donors who will impact many future generations of SJA students and play an important role in the long -term financial strength of the Academy.

ms. Cathleen e. Blanton ‘75mr. & mrs. R. Bayly Buck IIImr. & mrs. Steven J. Colnitisms. Judith N. Connellymr. & mrs. Walter O. Doeller IIImrs. Vivian mcDonald Fishermr. Craig C. Georgimr. & mrs. Robert S. Glushakowmr. Arthur Gompfmr. & mrs. William KissingerDr. & mrs. John lazzaro IIImr. & mrs. Douglas legenhausenmr. & mrs. Trevor C. lewis, Jr. mr. Richard A. mooremr. matt Richards & ms. Sally A. Stocksdalemr. Albert W. Rubeling, Pamela J. Windsor

mr. Karl Adlermrs. m. Patricia Baileymrs. ellen Baralomrs. elena BaronowskiThe Rev. Charles l. Bartonmrs. Ann Berglandms. Randi Bradleymr. R. Bayly Buck IIImr. elliott Buck ‘99ms. Colleen O. Casems. Judith N. Connellymrs. Joyce P. Cottlemr. marc A. Cousinsmrs. elizabeth m. Davismrs. elizabeth A. Davolosmrs. Judith e. Dawsonmrs. D. lori Demboms. Brooke Huff Dowell ‘84

mr. Joesef edelmrs. Phyllis G. ensormrs. Sarah W. ensormrs. Dianne e. Fowlermrs. Carol J. Frymrs. Judith m. Gaultmrs. laura F. Glushakowmrs. Amy m. Gorhammr. Douglas B. Gorhammrs. Hollace m. Hamilosmrs. Amy V. Heffernanmrs. Ivy H. Hillmrs. margaret P. Hudkinsmrs. Catherine H. Huttonmrs. Amy l. Kaltenbachmrs. Helen T. Kesslerms.Jocelyn Kollermrs. Victoria lebron

mrs. Sally R. loerchermrs. Nancy K. machenmr. Chris l. maddixmrs. Anne W. mcAvoymrs. Carolyn A. mcCombemrs. Alathea B. miutescumrs. Jo Ann O’Donnellmrs. m. Jill Rowanmrs. Sharon K. Sansostimrs. Sally A. Savidgemrs B. Jane Scarboroughmrs. Jennifer A. Smithmrs. Gail Spaccoms. mary C. Sullivanmrs. Patricia J. Swansonmrs. Sandra l. Uehlingermrs. lauren Unklemrs. Susan C. Wallisms. lynn A. Warnermrs. Robin Williamsmrs. Kelly J. Wilsonmr. Donald Wolcott


St. James Academy admits students, faculty, and staff regardless of race, ethnicity, region, religion, gender, sexual orientation, language, socioeconomic status, age, or disability to all opportunities available at the school.

The Academy gratefully acknowledges the generous support of all contributors. The Annual Report reflects gifts and pledges received by June 30. every effort has been made to accurately list all donors to Annual Giving. We apologize for any inadvertent errors and request that you report such to the Development Office 410-771-4816 ext. 26.

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