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Page 1: Term 3 To Infinity and Beyond! · To Infinity and Beyond! Maths: Multiplication & Division Length, Perimeter & Area Fractions Literacy: Our class text this term will be Neil Gaiman’s

Term 3

To Infinity and


Maths: Multiplication & Division Length, Perimeter & Area Fractions

Literacy: Our class text this term will be Neil Gaiman’s ‘Fortunately, The Milk.’ Reading and enjoying the story to-gether will lead us into the creation of a portal story and newspaper re-port, both centred around the inter galactic events in the book! We will then round off the term by consider-ing what it might be like to be an as-tronaut, and to help us do this we will be writing letters to Tim Peake.

Science: This term we will be learning about ‘light’ in Science. Through practical investigation, we will explore the nature and reflection of light, as well as considering how shadows are formed.

Topic: We will be focusing on de-veloping our skills as Geog-raphers this term. Within our topic of space, we will be considering the position and significance of Earth and beyond, through learn-ing about the features and qualities of all planets in our solar system.

ICT: Developing our knowledge of pro-gramming through using the Lego Mindstorm programme.

PE As well as continuing with our team games unit from last term, we will be further exploring gym-nastics and yoga.

Music We will be listening to live and recorded mu-sic from through the ages which ties in with our topic of ‘space’, whilst developing our evaluative skills.

Art Our Art this term will revolve around painting. We will study the art of Andy Warhol, before design-ing and painting our own Warhol-inspired portraits.

RE Theme: Kingdom of God Key Question: What kind of King is Jesus? Religion: Christianity

PSHE Money Matters! Learn-ing how to manage money.

DT In DT we will be designing and making a rocket, using our scientific knowledge to carefully craft an effective design.

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