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Name: __________________________ Teil 8,1 Ich lerne erst ein Semester Deutsch. Vokabularbung.Fill in the blanks with the word or phrase from the review and new vocabulary from this section 1.Schler lernen in der Schule oder im Gymnasium. Studenten studieren aber ____________. 2.Bevor man in einem Kurs als Student mitmachen darf, muss man den Kurs ____________. 3.Im __________ sitzen ein Professor und eine Gruppe Studenten oft in einem kleinen Zimmer, wo sie zusammen viel diskutieren und manchmal debattieren. 4.Das __________ an der Uni dauert normalerweise vier, aber manchmal, fnf Jahre. 5.Ein __________ dauert oft vier Monate oder so. 6.In Deutschland beginnt das ____________ normalerweise in Oktober. Das ____________ beginnt im April. 7.Der Professor oder die Professorin steht vor vielen Studenten, liest laut vor und erklrt vieles. Die Studenten hren gut zu, aber sie fragen die Professorin nicht, denn es ist kein Seminar. Es ist eine __________ und die Professorin hlt sie im ___________. 8.- Wo kann man viele Bcher fr Semesterarbeiten und Seminararbeiten finden?- In der ____________. 9.Wenn man das Studium beendet, macht man einen __________. ben wir! Express the following the good, idiomatic German. Remember to use the time expression along with schon for a longer time period or erst for a shorter time period. 1.We have had this dog for seven years. _________________________________________________________________________ 2.My father has been in Chicago for just two week.s _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Theyve already been working there for one month. _________________________________________________________________________ 4.She has been reading that novel for three days. _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Weve been speaking German for twenty minutes. _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Weve been in the lecture hall for two hours. _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Ive been studying here for three semesters. _________________________________________________________________________ 8.Theo has been in the course for just three weeks. _________________________________________________________________________ Kontrolle. Fill in the blanks with information you have learned in this Teil. 1.In German, to indicate that an action began sometime in the past but is still going on, you need to use the __________ tense of the verb. 2.To establish the link with the past, you need to use a time expression that indicates a __________ of time. 3.You also need to use the adverb __________ or __________ with the time expression . 4.These adverbs are normally laced directly in __________ of the time expression. Sie sind dran! Write complete answers to the following questions. Should a question not be about one of your interests, make that clear in German as best you can. 1.Wo wohnen Sie jetzt? Wie lange wohnen Sie schon da? Wollen Sie da bleiben? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Lernen Sie schon lange Deutsch oder erst ziemlich kurz? Wie lange wollen Sie oder mssen Sie Deutsch lernen? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Wie lange studieren Sie schon hier an der Uni? Wie lange werden Sie noch studieren? Wann machen sie Ihren Abschluss? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4.a) Haben Sie eine Freundin/Frau? Wie lange kennen Sie sie schon? Beschreiben Sie sie.oder: b)Haben Sie einen Freund/Mann? Wie lange kennen Sie ihn schon? Beschreiben Sie ihn. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Haben Sie ein Auto? Wie lange haben Sie es schon? Wie lange fahren Sie schon Auto? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Machen Sie Sport? Welchen? Wie lange machen Sie diesen Sport schon? _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Sammeln Sie etwas? Wie lange sammelen Sie das schon? _________________________________________________________________________ 8.Spielen Sie ein Instrument? Wie lange spielen Sie es schon? _________________________________________________________________________ 9.Fotografieren Sie gern? Was fotografieren Sie gern? Wie lange fotografieren Sie schon? _________________________________________________________________________ 10.Malen Sie oder zeichnen Sie gern? Wie lange machen Sie das schon? _________________________________________________________________________ 11.Spielen Sie Computerspiele? Welche? Wie lange spielen Sie schon dieses Spiel? (oder: Wie lange spielen Sie schon diese Spiele?) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Teil 8,2 Es wurde furchtbar kalt! ben wir! Rewrite the following sentences in the simple past. 1.Professor Mangold ist nicht sehr nett. _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Meine Freunde sind immer praktisch. _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Ich habe genug Geld nur fr einen Kaffee. _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Wir haben heute viel Post! _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Es wird ziemlich hei und schwl. _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Viele Kinder werden im Winter krank. _________________________________________________________________________ 7.(Als Kind) habe ich nie einen a child _________________________________________________________________________ 8.Abends wird es sehr kalt in den Bergen. _________________________________________________________________________ 9.Die Kinder sind den ganzen Tag sehr aktiv. Am Abend werden sie sehr mde. _________________________________________________________________________ Im Kontext. You are telling us about a visit you had from some friends recently. Say that: 1.your friends were here for five days _________________________________________________________________________ all were in a restaurant quite often _________________________________________________________________________ 3.the food was good but very expensive _________________________________________________________________________ 4.sometimes you were very tired in the evenings _________________________________________________________________________ 5.but your friends never got tired _________________________________________________________________________ 6.they had a lot of fun (= Spa haben) _________________________________________________________________________ 7.they (your friends) did not have any warm clothes _________________________________________________________________________ sometimes got very cold _________________________________________________________________________ often had your coat and gloves on _________________________________________________________________________ ben wir! II. Rewrite the following sentences in the simple past. 1.Fritz sieht seine Freundin gestern. _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Ich komme immer spt nach Hause. _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Ich laufe heute um acht Uhr zur Uni. _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Beate geht mit Paul ins Restaurant. _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Martinas Tochter ist krank. Sie kommt oft mde zur Arbeit. _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Ich sehe Sie oft in der Bibliothek. _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Es ist keine Kreide im Klassenzimmer. Der Spanischprofessor geht bse weg. _________________________________________________________________________ 8.Die Assistentin hat viele Hausaufgaben fr das Wochenende. _________________________________________________________________________ 9.Wir kommen immer frh zur Uni. _________________________________________________________________________ 10.Die Studenten gehen alle zwei Tage ins Sprachlabor. _________________________________________________________________________ 11.Wir sehen die Geschichtsprofessorin immer im Hrsaal. _________________________________________________________________________ 12.Um vier Uhr luft Vera nach Hause. _________________________________________________________________________ 13.Am Abend gehen viele Studenten zur Bibliothek. _________________________________________________________________________ 14.Am Wochenende laufen Beate und ihre Freundin oft zehn Kilometer durch den Wald. _________________________________________________________________________ Kontrolle. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate answer. 1.To describe an action that began and ended in the past, you need to use a verb in the __________ tense. 2.If the past tense includes just one verb form, the tense is call the __________ past. 3.The simple past tense is used primarily for written and formal narration, not in general conversation. However, the simple past tense of a few verbs is used in everyday conversation. Three of these verbs are: __________, __________, and __________. 4.Four more of these verbs are: __________, __________,__________, and __________. 5.Give two past tense forms for sein: __________, __________. 6.Give two past tense forms for haben: __________, __________. 7.Give two past tense forms for werden: __________, __________. 8.Give two past tense forms for kommen: __________, __________. 9.Give two past tense forms for gehen: __________, __________. 10.Give two past tense forms for sehen: __________, __________. 11.Give two past tense forms for laufen: __________, __________. Sie sind dran! Using the simple past tense, write out what you would say for each of the following situations. 1.Your roommate didnt see you when s/he came back from the library last night because your were out at the movies. I went to bed early, before you returned home. Tell your roommate that you came home late last night because saw a movie and that it was pretty good. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.You told your roommate that you went with a friend. S/He wondered if you had supper before the movie. Tell her/him you went with Barbara and that you had enough money for a drink. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.You told your roommate you ate hot dogs. Tell her/him they were awful, but you didnt get sick. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Your roommate watched the news and then went to bed. The news report indicated that a cold front was due to come through last night. Tell your roommate that you walked home and it got very cold and windy. _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Teil 8,3 Ich musste das nicht machen, aber ich wollte es machen. Kontrolle. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate answer you have learned in this Teil. 1.Sein, haben, werden and a few other verbs commonly appear in the simple past. So do the ___________ verbs. 2.Give two simple past forms for each of the modal verbs: knnen:________________.________________ wollen:________________.________________ drfen:________________.________________ mssen:________________.________________ sollen:________________.________________ mgen:________________.________________ 3.Is mgen employed frequently in conversation? ________ 4.What is more commonly used? ________________________________ Im Kontext. Formulate questions and statements as suggested in the following situations: 1.Friends of yours went to Washington recently. Ask if they were able to see the president. _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Some of the other students in the class just finished a long reading. As the teacher how they were able to read it so quickly. _________________________________________________________________________ 3.You noticed a guest at the dinner table decline meat when it was offered to him. Ask the person sitting next to you why that person didnt want to eat any meat. _________________________________________________________________________ 4.The person you just met is a concert violinist. Find out when she was able to play wel. _________________________________________________________________________ 5.An acquaintance was supposed to return to the department store a garment that didnt fit you. She couldnt return it, however. Ask her why she couldnt bring it back. _________________________________________________________________________ 6.You noticed that I wanted to ask the professor a question. Find out what I wanted to know. _________________________________________________________________________ 7.You heard the boss give me an assignment. Find out what I was supposed to do. _________________________________________________________________________ 8.An acquaintance of yours spent twenty minutes in a bookstore and came away empty handed. Find out what she wanted to read. _________________________________________________________________________ 9.I just got finished registering for the next semester, and I dont look too happy. Obviously, I didnt get the courses I wanted. Find out which courses I have and which courses I wanted to register for this semester. _________________________________________________________________________ 10.You are one of my friends in German class, and you know Ive been stuck in the hospital with a complicated leg fracture. The mid-term in German was scheduled for today. Find out if I had to take the test today or if I was permitted to take it later. _________________________________________________________________________ 11.You see me ready to hand in a huge written assignment, and you begin to have a very uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. Ask me if we were supposed to do an assignment for today. _________________________________________________________________________ 12.You just finished that mid-term in German, and youre upset at a question that contained things you havent had yet. Express your frustration and let me know that you couldnt know that yet. _________________________________________________________________________ 13.Franz and Dieter didnt show up at the soccer field this weekend. They were being punished by their parents for getting poor grades on an English test. Tell me they werent allowed to play soccer last weekend and why. _________________________________________________________________________ 14.I expected you to have to work overtime to plan the agenda for a meeting. Let me know you didnt have to do that at all. _________________________________________________________________________ 15.The last time you saw Uta, she wanted to enter the nursing field. You just read about the brain transplant operation she successfully performed. Tell me that she was supposed to become a nurse, but that she became a doctor. _________________________________________________________________________ 16.You are a German who has just returned from a visit to the US. Tell me you didnt like the beer in the United States (in den Vereinigten Staaten). _________________________________________________________________________ 17.You just completed your Ph.D. in nuclear biology, and I have been congratulating you on all your hard work. Shrug it off with a comment to the effect that you never did like homework. _________________________________________________________________________ Sie sind dran! Answer the following questions as completely as possible. 1.Was wollten Sieimmer haben? Haben Sie es jetzt? Wenn ja, wie lange haben sie es schon? _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Wohin wollten Sie immer reisen? Warum dorthin? Konnten Sie dorthin reisen? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Was durften Sie als Kind nicht machen? _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Durften Sie als Kind Bier oder Wein trinken? Warum oder warum nicht? _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Was sollten Sie neulich machen? Warum sollten Sie das machen? Konnten Sie es machen? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Welche Dinge mochten Sie als Kind? Mgen Sie sie jetzt auch noch? _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Teil 8,4 Was haben Sie gestern gemacht? Kontrolle. Fill in the blanks with information you have learned in this Teil. 1.The past tense you use with most verbs in everyday conversation is called the ____________ ____________ or _____________________________________. 2.Since this verbal construction requires two verb forms, it is not a simple past tense, but a ____________ past tense. 3.The verb form in this past tense that agrees with the subject is the __________ verb. 4.Any verb that is capable of accommodating a direct object is a __________ verb. 5.When such a verb is used in the present perfect, the helping verb is always __________. 6.In the present perfect, the helping verb is always in __________ position in the sentence. 7.The main verb appears in what form? As a_________________________. 8.In the present perfect the main verb is always found at the ______ of the sentence. 9.A past participle has three distinct parts: a.____________b.____________ c.__________ 10.If a verb is regular, will its stem be the same in the past paritciple as the infinitive? _____ 11.If a verb is regular, its past participle will end in a ____-sound. 12.If a verb is irregular, will its stem usually be the same in the past participle as in the infinitive? ________________________________________________________________ 13.If a verb is irregular, the ending of its past participle will be __________. 14.Hybrid verbs that share properties of both regular and irregular verbs are called ____________ verbs. 15.Do such verbs change their stems in the past participle? ________ 16.What ending do these verbs have in their past participle? ________ 17.Name three of these hybrid verbs. ____________,____________,and ____________. ben wir! Write the past participle for each verb. 1.sagen __________________________ 2.fragen _________________________ 3.antworten ______________________ 4.hren __________________________ 5.machen ________________________ 6.zhlen _________________________ Name: __________________________ 7.suchen _________________________ 8.ffnen _________________________ 9.zeigen _________________________ 10.lernen _________________________ 11.fhlen _________________________ 12.schicken _______________________ 13.brauchen _______________________ 14.zeichnen _______________________ 15.rauchen ________________________ 16.feiern _________________________ 17.tragen _________________________ 18.lachen _________________________ _________________________ 20.spielen _________________________ 21.tanzen _________________________ 22.sammeln _______________________ 23.bauen __________________________ 24.kochen _________________________ 25.grillen _________________________ 26.jagen __________________________ 27.angeln _________________________ 28.malen _________________________ 29.nhen __________________________ 30.turnen _________________________ 31.ben __________________________ 32.filmen _________________________ 33.pflanzen _______________________ 34.tippen _________________________ 35.lschen ________________________ 36.speichern _______________________ 37.planen _________________________ 38.wiegen _________________________ 39.fahren _________________________ 40.bringen ________________________ 41.kennen _________________________ 42.lesen __________________________ 43.sehen __________________________ 44.essen __________________________ 45.schreiben _______________________ 46.machen ________________________ 47.schneiden ______________________ 48.reiten __________________________ 49.sprechen _______________________ 50.nehmen ________________________ 51.werfen _________________________ 52.schlieen _______________________ 53.finden _________________________ 54.trinken _________________________ 55.singen _________________________ 56.lassen _________________________ 57.waschen _______________________ 58.denken _________________________ 5.wissen ________________________ ben wir! Stze. Rewrite each sentence in the conversational past 1.Das machen wir immer zu Hause. _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ 2.Jeden Tag lese ich die Zeitung. _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Erika bringt Bier und Wein. _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Mutter sagt das immer. _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Sehen Sie meinen Bleistift? _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Braucht er etwas? _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Was isst das Kind heute? _________________________________________________________________________ 8.Hren Sie das? _________________________________________________________________________ 9.Ich schreibe heute einen Brief. _________________________________________________________________________ 10.Maria wscht das Auto dieses Wochenende. _________________________________________________________________________ 11.Warum antworten Sie nicht? _________________________________________________________________________ 12.Macht er viel Sport? _________________________________________________________________________ 13.Was denken Sie? _________________________________________________________________________ 14.Sie lt die Kinder zu Hause. _________________________________________________________________________ 15.Die Studentin fragt den Professor. _________________________________________________________________________ 16.Schneiden Sie das Brot? _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ 17.Bernd sucht seinen Schlssel. _________________________________________________________________________ 18.Gottfried raucht viele Zigaretten. _________________________________________________________________________ 19.Wir sprechen Deutsch miteinander. _________________________________________________________________________ 20.Kennen Sie unsere Professorin? _________________________________________________________________________ 21.Jrgen ffnet die Tr. _________________________________________________________________________ 22.Onkel Karl bringt seinen Neffen nach Hause. _________________________________________________________________________ 23.Ich nehme zwei Zeitschriften. _________________________________________________________________________ 24.Sie singt dieses Lied immer. _________________________________________________________________________ 25.Das wei ich nicht. _________________________________________________________________________ 26.Hans wirft den Ball gegen die Wand. _________________________________________________________________________ 27.Sie trgt eine Bluse und einen Rock. _________________________________________________________________________ 28.Wir lernen Deutsch _________________________________________________________________________ 29.Martina schliet das Fenster. _________________________________________________________________________ 30.Ich fahre meine Tante nach Osnabrck _________________________________________________________________________ 31.Wir schicken eine Postkarte nach Hause. _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ 32.Er findet den Autoschlssel nicht. _________________________________________________________________________ 33.Jeden Morgen trinken wir Orangensaft. _________________________________________________________________________ 34.Was kaufen Sie fr die Party? _________________________________________________________________________ 35.Marion plant eine groe Party. _________________________________________________________________________ 36.Wir bauen ein neues Haus. _________________________________________________________________________ 37.Kochen Sie Wasser fr den Tee? _________________________________________________________________________ 38.Peter grillt das Fleisch. _________________________________________________________________________ 39.Die Professorin speichert die Noten am Computer. _________________________________________________________________________ 40.Schafen Sie gut?_________________________________________________________________________ Im Kontext.Teil A. You are telling some friends about a party you helped plan for German Club. Write in German the things that you tell them. Tell them that: searched for a house for the party _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Martina said you should use her house _________________________________________________________________________ needed a lot of things_________________________________________________________________________ 4.Peter bought the sausage and meat _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Karl Heinz and Wolfgang bought a lot of vegetables and drinks _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ 6.Peter grilled the meat and vegetables outside _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Heiko cooked a few things inside _________________________________________________________________________ 8.several people played soccer _________________________________________________________________________ 9.and a few other people danced _________________________________________________________________________ Teil B. Describe what you did for homework. Indicate that you: opened your notebook _________________________________________________________________________ Teil 7,2 _________________________________________________________________________ 3.learned the vocabulary by heart [auswendig lernen]_________________________________________________________________________ 4.did all the exercises _________________________________________________________________________ 5.wrote the answers _________________________________________________________________________ 6.made no mistakes _________________________________________________________________________ 7.closed your notebook_________________________________________________________________________ a book _________________________________________________________________________ Teil C. You met a friend after work and went out for the evening. Write that you: 1.met your friend Willi at five oclock _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ 2.and you spoke with Willi for a few minutes _________________________________________________________________________ were hungry and ate in a restaurant _________________________________________________________________________ 4.there you ate pizza and drank beer (or cola) _________________________________________________________________________ 5.then you saw a movie _________________________________________________________________________ 6.and you found it excellent _________________________________________________________________________ was a long day and you were tired _________________________________________________________________________ went (simple past) home and slept well _________________________________________________________________________ Sie sind dran! Answer each of the following questions as completely as possible. 1.Haben Sie neulich etwas gekauft? Was? _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Was haben Sie letztes Wochenende gemacht? Hat es Spa gemacht? _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Haben Sie heute oder diese Woche geraucht? _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Haben Sie heute Sport oder Gymnastik gemacht? Was haben Sie gemacht? _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Haben Sie neulich einen Fehler gemacht? Was haben Sie falsch gemacht und wie haben Sie es verbessert? _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Haben Sie neulich gelacht? _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Haben Sie diese Woche etwas gebastelt oder gebaut? Gegrillt oder gekocht? _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ 8.Haben Sie am Wochenende gearbeitet? Was haben Sie gemacht? _________________________________________________________________________ 9.Spielen Sie ein Instrument oder singen Sie? Was haben Sie das letzte Mal gebt? _________________________________________________________________________ 10.Was haben Sie gestern gegessen und getrunken? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 11.Was haben Sie heute gelesen? _________________________________________________________________________ 12.Haben Sie neulich etwas gefunden? Was? _________________________________________________________________________ 13.Was haben Sie fr Ihren Deutschkurs geschrieben? _________________________________________________________________________ 14.Haben Sie neulich eine interessante Fernsehsendung gesehen? Welche? _________________________________________________________________________ 15.Was haben Sie gestern getragen? _________________________________________________________________________ 16.Wie haben Sie gestern Nacht geschlafen? _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Teil 8,5 gestern, vorgestern, letzte Woche ben wir! Teil A.Supply the German equivalents for the following adverbial past time expressions. 1.yesterday___________________________________ 2.yesterday morning___________________________________ 3.yesterday afternoon___________________________________ 4.yesterday evening___________________________________ 5.the day before yesterday___________________________________ 6.the day before yesterday in the evening___________________________________ 7.the day before yesterday in the morning___________________________________ the past__________________________ Teil B.Supply the German noun phrase equivalents for the following specific time expressions. Remember that the accusative case is used for noun phrases that designate specific time. 1.last Friday _______________________________ 2.last month _______________________________ 3.last winter _______________________________ 4.last year _______________________________ 5.last weekend _______________________________ 6. last May _______________________________ 7.last semester _______________________________ 8.the year before last _______________________________ Im Kontext For each of the situations described, write sentences in good German as directed. Try to use inverted word order for the time expressions in some of the statements you write. 1.Situation: there was an explosion last night. Say that you didnt hear anything last night. _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Situation: Maria is surprised to see your project completed. Tell her that you did it last Tuesday. _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Situation: The substitute teacher wants to work on grammar today. You dont. Tell him that you and the other students learned the grammar yesterday. _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Situation: You just arrived home wearing brand new clothes. Tell your parents that you bought the clothes last month. _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Situation: Your advisor thinks you need a philosophy course to fulfill graduation requirements. Tell her that you took philosophy the semester before last. _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Situation: You are looking at an artists exhibit. As the artist if she painted the picture this year or last. _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Situation: Your professor looks very pale on Monday morning. Ask her if she was sick last weekend. _________________________________________________________________________ 8.Situation: I was wondering when you last saw your aunt and uncle. Say that you and your father saw them last fall. _________________________________________________________________________ 9.Situation: Your friends in Germany have been expecting a letter from you for some time. Say that you already wrote the letter. _________________________________________________________________________ 10.Situation: You had lost your keys. Say that you found them yesterday morning. _________________________________________________________________________ 11.Situation: You cant find your textbook, and the teacher just called one you for the answer to an exercise. Tell him that you left your book at home this morning. _________________________________________________________________________ 12.Situation: Dads car is a mess, and he wants you to wash it. Tell him that you washed the car last Saturday. _________________________________________________________________________ 13.Situation: Your mother thinks youre wearing this suit/outfit much too often. Tell her you wore it the weekend before last. _________________________________________________________________________ 14.Situation: Fritz hadnt prepared for class and couldnt answer the teachers questions. Say that Fritz didnt know that yesterday but he does know it now. _________________________________________________________________________ 15.Situation: Your parents insist that you and your sister just dont eat enough meat. Tell them that you both ate meat last week. _________________________________________________________________________ 16.Situation: I recently bought a new car and had to got to Saarbrcken on business. As me if I drove the car to Saarbrcken this week. _________________________________________________________________________ 17.Situation: The lawn really looks nice. Ask me if I cut the grass [das Gras] this weekend. _________________________________________________________________________ 18.Situation: You had told me about one of your favorite TV shows. Ask me if I saw it last Tuesday evening. _________________________________________________________________________ 19.Situation: You are planning to go on vacation with some friends. Tell me that in the past your family took vacations together. _________________________________________________________________________ 20.Situation: I dont really seem to be up on current events at all. Ask me if I read the newspaper today. _________________________________________________________________________ 21.Situation: One of your classmates has been complaining of a stomach ache and has not been able to eat much. Ask him where he ate last evening. _________________________________________________________________________ 22.Situation: Members of the German Club spent a weekend camping and you heard there was a huge thunder storm on the Friday night of the campout. Ask if they all slept well Friday before last. _________________________________________________________________________ Sie sind dran! Answer each of the following questions as completely as possible. 1.Was haben Sie letztes Wochenende gemacht? Und vorletztes? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Was haben Sie gestern Abend gemacht? Und vorgestern Abend? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Was haben Sie heute Nachmittag gemacht? _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Welche Kurse haben Sie letztes Semester gemacht? _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Wo waren Sie vorletztes Jahr? Gingen Sie noch zur Schule? Oder gingen Sie schon zur Uni? _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Was haben Sie gestern gegessen? _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Was haben Sie vergangenen Winter gemacht? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 8.Was mchten Sie nchstes Semester machen? _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Teil 8,6 Was haben Sie heute mitgebracht? Kontrolle.Fill in the blanks with information you have learned in this Teil. 1.Do separable prefixes look like words in their own right? ______ 2.List six separable prefixes: ________________________ ________________________ ____________________ ________________________ ________________________ ____________________ 3.What do past participles with separable prefixes do with the ge-sound? _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Is the main vocal stress on the separable prefix or the stem of the core verb? ____________ 5.Can a verb serve as a separable prefix? __________ ben wir! Write the past participle for each verb. 1.fernsehen _______________________ 2.anhren ________________________ 3.durchstreichen ___________________ 4.ausziehen _______________________ 5.zumachen ______________________ 6.ausmachen ______________________ 7.mitlesen ________________________ 8.mitbringen ______________________ 9.einkaufen _______________________ 10.ansehen ________________________ 11.hinsetzen _______________________ 12.anziehen _______________________ 13.aufmachen ______________________ 14.anmachen_______________________ 15.mitmachen ______________________ 16.wegnehmen _____________________ 17.kennen lernen ___________________ 18. anschauen ______________________ 19.vorlesen ________________________ 20.zurckbringen ___________________ ben wir! Stze Rewrite each sentence in the conversational past 1.Das Mdchen bringt ihren Bruder mit. _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Die Studentin nimmt das Heft mit. _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Der Professor nimmt die Prfung weg. _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Die Studenten lesen alle mit. _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Die Kinder machen in der Schule alle mit. _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Ich mache das Licht an. _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Und Irmgard macht es aus. _________________________________________________________________________ 8.Ich mache die Tr auf. _________________________________________________________________________ 9.Und der Student macht sie wieder zu. _________________________________________________________________________ 10.Das Mdchen zieht sich schnell an. _________________________________________________________________________ 11.Der Junge zieht sich sehr langsam aus. _________________________________________________________________________ 12.Die Professorin streicht den Fehler durch. _________________________________________________________________________ 13.Die Frau setzt sich hier hin. _________________________________________________________________________ 14.Wir hren Musik an. _________________________________________________________________________ 15.Meine Eltern sehen diese Fernsehsendung immer freitags an. _________________________________________________________________________ 16.Wir sehen frhmorgens fern. _________________________________________________________________________ 17.Wir kaufen im Supermarkt ein. _________________________________________________________________________ 18.Professor Doktor Mangold liest vor. _________________________________________________________________________ Im Kontext. Write complete sentences as directed. Situation A. You are my boss and youre checking up on me. Find out: 1.what I brought along today _________________________________________________________________________ 2.what I took along home yesterday _________________________________________________________________________ Situation B. You are an SI leader who was absent from class the last meeting, and things didnt go too well for me and the other students. Find out: 3.why the professor took away my test _________________________________________________________________________ 4.why the students didnt do the homework _________________________________________________________________________ Situation C. You just came home and find the house different that when you left it. Find out from me, one of your roommates: 5.who turned out the lights _________________________________________________________________________ 6.who opened all the windows _________________________________________________________________________ 7.who turned on the TV and the radio _________________________________________________________________________ 8.who closed the door _________________________________________________________________________ Situation D. You are a colleague at work and you notice that I look pretty tired. Ask me: 9.if I watched TV late last night _________________________________________________________________________ 10.when I watched TV and for how long _________________________________________________________________________ Situation E. Youve been talking to me at a party. Ask me: 11.when I met my husband _________________________________________________________________________ long I have known him _________________________________________________________________________ Sie sind dran! Write complete, logical sentences to each question. 1.Welche Kleidung haben Sie heute angezogen? _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Was haben Sie heute zurUni mitgebracht? _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Haben Sie vor kurzem ferngesehen? Welche Sendung haben Sie gesehen? _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Wen haben Sie neulich kennen gelernt?_________________________________________________________________________ 5.Was haben Sie gestern zu Hause angemacht? _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Was haben Sie heute zu Hause ausgemacht? _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Was haben Sie vor kurzem zu Hause auf- oder zugemacht? _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Teil 8,7Haben Sie etwas vergessen? Kontrolle. Fill in the blanks with information you have learned in this Teil. 1.Do inseparable prefixes look like words in their own right? ______ 2.List six separable prefixes: ________________________ ________________________ ____________________ ________________________ ________________________ ____________________ 3.What do past participles with inseparable prefixes do with the ge-prefix? _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Is the main vocal stress on the separable prefix or the stem of the core verb? ____________ ben wir! Write the past participle for each verb. 1.verbessern ______________________ 2.verlieren _______________________ 3.vergessen _______________________ 4.versuchen ______________________ 5.erklren ________________________ 6.erkennen _______________________ 7.empfehlen ______________________ 8.beginnen ______________________ 9.beantworten _____________________ 10.beschreiben _____________________ 11.verstehen_______________________ 12.verkaufen ______________________ 13.verdienen _______________________ 14.gebrauchen _____________________ 15.erledigen _______________________ 16.entdecken ______________________ 17.benutzen _______________________ 18.berhren _______________________ 19.besuchen _______________________ 20.wiederholen _____________________ 21.zerstren _______________________ 22.verstehen _______________________ 23.erlauben _______________________ 24.bekommen ______________________ Im Kontext. Write complete sentences as directed. Situation A. You and I are at a restaurant. 1.Ask me what the waiter recommended, and tell me you didnt understand him. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ 2.Find out if the waiter explained everything clearly. _________________________________________________________________________ 3.You suddenly realize that you dont have your wallet. Break it to me gently that you lost it or left it at home. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Situation B. You have not seen Herr Schmidt for quite some time, and you bump into him while in the park. 4.Tell him that you didnt recognize him. _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Find out if he visited his son (your old friend) this past summer. _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Ask him where he used to work before (earlier) and if he is now retired (a pensioner). _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Tell him that you just started your job in Austin and that you just sold your house in San Marcos. _________________________________________________________________________ Situation C. You are our teacher and have just discovered that the assignment you gave your students was wrong. 8.Find out if we, the students, discovered the problem. _________________________________________________________________________ 9.Ask if we completed the assignment [-e Aufgabe]. _________________________________________________________________________ 10.Find out who tried to do it. _________________________________________________________________________ 11.Find out who forgot the assignment. _________________________________________________________________________ 12.Find out if any students reviewed (=repeated) some exercises. _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Sie sind dran! Write complete, logical sentences to each question. 1.Wann hat dieses Semester begonnen? _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Haben Sie neulich etwas bekommen? Was? _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Welche Kurse haben Sie fr nchstes Semester belegt? _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Welches Restaurant haben Sie vor kurzem empfohlen? _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Was haben Sie neulich erledigt? _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Was haben Sie vor kurzem verloren? Haben Sie es wieder gefunden? Wo war es? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Haben Sie heute oder gestern etwas vergessen? War das ein Problem fr Sie? _________________________________________________________________________ 8.Was haben Sie neulich nicht verstanden? Was mussten Sie machen? _________________________________________________________________________ 9.Haben Sie neulich etwas verkauft? _________________________________________________________________________ 10.Haben Sie letzten Sommer gearbeitet? Wie viel Geld haben Sie verdient? _________________________________________________________________________ 11.Was sollten oder mussten Sie neulich machen? Haben Sie alles erledigt? _________________________________________________________________________ 12.Wen haben Sie neulich besucht? _________________________________________________________________________ 13.Wen haben Sie dieses Semester vermisst? _________________________________________________________________________ 14.Haben Sie vor kurzem etwas verpasst? Was? _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Teil 8,8 Was haben Sie studiert? Kontrolle. Fill in the blanks with information you have learned in this Teil. 1.Many infinitives of German verbs borrowed from French and English end in ____________. 2.Their past participles end in __________. 3.Where is the ge- prefix located? __________________________________ ben wir! Write the past participle for each verb. 1.funktionieren ____________________ 2.reservieren ______________________ 3.fotografieren ____________________ 4.renovieren ______________________ 5.studieren _______________________ 6.reparieren ______________________ 7.probieren _______________________ 8.identifizieren ____________________ 9.buchstabieren____________________ 10.korrigieren ______________________ 11.diskutieren ______________________ 12.demonstrieren ___________________ Im Kontext. Write complete sentences as directed. Situation A. You have problems with your car and are discussing them with your mechanic. 1.Remind the mechanic the you and he discussed the problem yesterday. _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Find out if hes studied the problem. _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Remind him that the car didnt work right last week. _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Ask him if he and his colleagues have identified the problem._________________________________________________________________________ 5.Ask if they have tried everything. _________________________________________________________________________ 6.And now the biggie: Ask him if they fixed the car. _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Situation B. Stephan is a 6-year-old who has just returned home from school. He is telling you what he and his classmates did earlier today. Write what he says. He tell you that: 7.they spelled their names correctly _________________________________________________________________________ 8.the teacher corrected our mistakes _________________________________________________________________________ 9.we erased (ausradieren) them (the mistakes) _________________________________________________________________________ 10.then you discussed them _________________________________________________________________________ 11.this afternoon we took pictures (photographed) of the classroom _________________________________________________________________________ 12.and we tried a little ice cream before we came home _________________________________________________________________________ Sie sind dran! Write complete, logical sentences to each question. 1.Studieren Ihre Geschwister oder haben sie schon studiert? Haben Ihre Eltern studiert? _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Was oder wen haben Sie neulich fotografiert? Was fr eine Kamera haben Sie? _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Was haben Sie neulich probiert? Wie war es? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Was hat vor kurzem nicht gut oder gar nicht funktioniert? Haben Sie es repariert? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Was haben Sie neulich diskutiert? Diskutieren Sie manchmal Politik? Andere Themen? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Haben Sie schon ein Haus, ein Auto oder etwas anderes renoviert? Was? Wann? _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Teil 8,9 Ich bin gestern Abend ausgegangen. Kontrolle. Fill in the blanks with information you have learned in this Teil. 1.A verb that can govern a direct object is said to be _____________________. 2.All such verbs use ___________________ as the helping verb to form the past perfect. 3.A verb that cannot accommodate a direct object is known as an __________________ verb. 4.If such a verb denotes a change of position or change of condition, it forms the past perfect with the helping verb ____________. 5.The following verbs all use sein when constructing the past perfect. Indicate whether the verb denotes a change of condition (write C) or position (write P): a. werden _____ b. gehen _____ c. wandern _____ d. reisen _____ e. mitkommen _____ f. ausgehen _____g.sterben _____ h. laufen _____ i. frieren _____ j. fahren _____ k. aufstehen _____ l. weggehen _____ m. spazieren gehen _____ n. kommen _____ o. bummeln _____ p. geschehen _____ q. schwimmen _____ r. passieren _____ s. fliegen _____ 6.To form the past perfect of bleiben, use the helping verb __________. 7. The present perfect of sein is formed with the helping verb __________ and the past participle ____________. This is equivalent to the simple past tense form__________. 8.Three verbs that use the helping verb sein when there is no direct object and haben when a direct object is explicitly stated are: __________,__________,and __________. ben wir! Write the correct form of sein in the blank. 1.Peter __________ schon nach Hause gegangen. 2.Ich __________ von Heidelberg nach Hamburg gefahren. 3.Tina und ich __________ durch den Wald gewandert. 4.Warum __________ wir so frh nach Hause gegangen? 5.Ich __________ mit Renate nach Rom geflogen. 6.Wir __________ den ganzen Abend zu Hause gewesen. Name: __________________________ 7.Das Bild __________ von der Wand gefallen. 8.__________ Sie meinen Wagen gefahren? 9.Wann __________ Sie gestern hierher gekommen? 10.Es __________ wirklich kalt geworden. 11.Wir __________ nach Amerika gereist. 12.Was __________ denn passiert? 13.Das Wasser __________ schon gefroren. 14.Ich __________ hier geblieben. 15.Wir _________ in der Stadt gebummelt. 16.Warum __________ Herbert kein Pferd geritten? Im Kontext. Using the situations presented in brackets, write sentences as directed. 1.[It was 28 Celsius today.] Indicate it got pretty warm this afternoon. _________________________________________________________________________ 2.[You dont see my friends.] Ask me if my friends have gone away. _________________________________________________________________________ 3.[I went to bed before you came home.] Mention that you came home late last night. _________________________________________________________________________ 4.[You heard a loud noise on the next street over.] Ask a neighbor what happened over there. _________________________________________________________________________ 5.[You werent at home when I called yesterday.] Say that you went window shopping (bummeln) with Kthe. _________________________________________________________________________ 6.[You just walked sleepy-eyed into the classroom.] Tell the professor you were really tired this morning. (express this two says, once with the simple past and once with present perfect.) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 7.[I didnt see you sister at home last night.] Say that she was in the library all evening. _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ 8.[You know that my family was in the Black Forest recently.] Ask me if we hiked in the woods. _________________________________________________________________________ 9.[The party where we both were was really boring. You left early, but I stayed.] Ask why I stayed there so long. _________________________________________________________________________ 10.[Your parent have always admired the cathedral in Cologne Kln).] Find out if they drove there last weekend. _________________________________________________________________________ 11.[Im visiting you in the Alps on your vacation, and Id like to see your parents.] Say that your family went for a hike through the mountains and around the lake. _________________________________________________________________________ 12.[I just came into the room where you and your friends have guilty looks on your faces. Im suspicious.] Say that nothing happened. _________________________________________________________________________ 13.[I put some water in the ice cube tray an hour ago.] Ask me if the water has frozen. _________________________________________________________________________ 14.[You just came out of the water breathing a bit hard.] Say that you swam 5000 meters. _________________________________________________________________________ 15.[You were told I left work early last Friday.] Find out if I got sick. _________________________________________________________________________ 16.[I expected to see you at the park today, as usual.] Say that you stayed home today. _________________________________________________________________________ 17.[I was under the impression that Professor Huebel was leaving for Europe this month.] Tell me that he flew to Europe last month. _________________________________________________________________________ Sie sind dran! Write complete, logical sentences to each question. 1.Wie war das Wetter gestern? Was ist passiert? Hat es gefroren? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ 2.Wo waren Sie gestern Abend? Was ist geschehen? _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Wann sind Sie gestern Abend eingeschlafen? Wann sind Sie heute Morgen aufgewacht? Wann sind Sie aufgestanden? Wann sind Sie zur Uni gekommen? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Wer ist neulich gestorben? Was war diese Person von Beruf? Wie alt war diese Person? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Beschreiben Sie Ihre letzte Reise! Wohin sind Sie gefahren (gereist)? Was ist geschehen? Was haben Sie gemacht? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Sind Sie mal geflogen? Wohin sind Sie geflogen? Wie lange waren Sie dort? Wie war es? Was ist geschehen? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 7.Sind Sie letztes Wochenende ausgegangen oder zu Hause geblieben? Was ist geschehen? Was haben Sie gemacht? _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 8.Wohin sind Sie gegangen, als Sie das letzte Mal Urlaub gemacht haben? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Teil 8,10 Es hat gedonnert, geblitzt und geregnet. Kontrolle. Fill in the blanks with information you have learned in this Teil. 1.Intransitive verbs that involve a change of condition or position use __________ as the helping verb to form the present perfect. 2.Intransitive verbs that do not involve a change of condition or position use __________ as the helping verb to form the present perfect. ben wir! Write the past participle for each verb. 1.blitzen _________________________ 2.hageln _________________________ 3.regnen _________________________ 4.arbeitet ________________________ 5.warten _________________________ 6.stehen _________________________ 7.donnern ________________________ 8.schneien _______________________ 9.schlafen ________________________ 10.dauern _________________________ 11.sitzen __________________________ 12.wohnen ________________________ Im Kontext. Using the situations presented in brackets, write sentences as directed. 1.[You just moved into my neighborhood.] Say that you lived in Frankfurt for many years. _________________________________________________________________________ 2.[We had a bad storm last night.] Say that there was a lot of lightning and ask me if I saw it. _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Say that it thundered very loudly and hailed this morning. Ask me if I heard it. _________________________________________________________________________ 4.[I was supposed to meet you in front of the library yesterday.] Say that you stood there for a while, but then you left. _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Tell me you waited there for twenty minutes. _________________________________________________________________________ 6.[I went to a meeting that you could not attend.] Ask me where I sat. Ask me if I saw Mrs. Springer. Ask me if she talked a lot, and find out what she said. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ 7.[Klara looks really awful this morning.] Ask her if she slept well last night. Find out when she got in last night. _________________________________________________________________________ 8.[I am a student at the university in Graz. You are an American exchange student.] Say that it snowed a little last winter in Texas and ask me if it snows a lot in Austria. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9.[We all work at a caf near the university.] Ask us if we worked last Saturday. Tell us you stayed home because were sick. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 10.[I wanted to go to the movies with you but couldnt.] Find out how the film was and how long it lasted. _________________________________________________________________________ 11.[I have just bumped into you on the street in New York.] Tell me you flew to New York yesterday. _________________________________________________________________________ Sie sind dran! Write complete, logical sentences to each question. 1.Wo wohnen Sie jetzt? Wo haben Sie frher gewohnt? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2.Wann hatten Sie das letzte Mal Ferien? Wie lange haben die Ferien gedauert? _________________________________________________________________________ 3.Haben sie gestern gearbeitet oder gelernt? Wie lange haben Sie gearbeitet oder gelernt? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4.Haben Sie gestern Nacht gut geschlafen? Wie lange haben Sie geschlafen? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5.Hat es gestern geregnet?_________________________________________________________________________

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