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Page 1: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Technology Adoption:Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support

Innovations 2000

February 27-March 1, 2000

Orlando, Florida

Slides on Innovations Conference page at www/

Page 2: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Technology Adoption:Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support

Child of………..

1998 League conference presentation using the same survey and (almost the) same responders

Page 3: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.


• Dr. Alice Villadsen, PresidentBrookhaven CollegeDallas County Community College DistrictDallas, Texas

• Dr. Sunil Chand, Executive Vice PresidentAcademic and Student Affairs Cuyahoga Community CollegeCleveland, Ohio

Page 4: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

So, What’s it all About?

Page 5: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Topics for Today

Sources of Funding

Encouragement of Faculty


Awards and Rewards


Current Status



Page 6: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Sources of Funding


• Release Time

• Internal grants

• State Funding

• Industry Partnerships (e.g. IBM, Apple Kodak - hardware)

• College Foundation

• Volunteers

Seed and start-up

2000• Tax levy• Federal grants - Title


Systemic change

Page 7: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Encouragement of Faculty

Page 8: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Encouragement of Faculty

1998•Internal financial and workload procedures (RT, seed grants & stipends, overload)•Travel•Training•Smart facilities (offices, classrooms)•Technology Development Labs

Page 9: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Encouragement of Faculty1998

• Internal financial and workload procedures (RT, seed grants & stipends, overload)

• Travel

• Training

• Smart facilities (offices, classrooms)

• Technology Development Labs

2000• Help Desk

• Academic Technology Plans

• Challenge Grants

• WWW access

• Consortia with other colleges

• Promotion & advancement

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Encouragement of Faculty (contd)


Focus on initiation and experimentation


Focus on development and growth; institutionalization

Page 11: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Initiation to Institutionalization: Evidence from the Toys

1998• Desk top PC’s• Smart facilities• Smarter facilities• Connectivity (hard:

internal and to web)


2000• “A big DL Office and

computer support - VCR’s, PC’s, Proximas, Zip drives, control panels”

• Elmos, Pentium II and III, LCD panels

• “Pervasive network facilities”

Page 12: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Initiation to Institutionalization: Evidence from the Toys (contd)

1998• Desk top PC’s• Smart facilities• Smarter facilities• Connectivity (hard:

internal and to web)


2000• “We now have four

TV studios”• Blackboard &

CourseInfo 4.0• WEB-CT Ver. 2• Etudes• MS Frontpage 2000• Asymetrix Toolbox

Page 13: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Initiation to Institutionalization: Evidence from the Toys (contd 2)

1998• Desk top PC’s• Smart facilities• Smarter facilities• Connectivity (hard:

internal and to web)


2000• Compel• Perception (!)• JavaScript• Perl (of wisdom)• Connectivity (soft:

WWW, consortia, listservs, students)


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From Platforms to People


• From systems, to... • ….Teaching and Learning


Page 15: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Awards and Rewards1998

• Innovation of the Year

• Showcasing individuals

• Conference, stipend, grant support

• RT

• Latest technologies

• More work

• None


2000• Promotional growth

units• Advanced courses• Camaraderie

Group and workplace

Page 16: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Organization: Classroom Technology

and Distance Learning Initiatives 1998

• Don’t know

• Instructional Tech under academic officer or (s)he holds all Tech responsibility

• Joint reporting

• Team management


Titles, titles, titles...

2000• “Distance learning tries to

coordinate with … Also have a Director of Instructional Tech...”

• “College Without Walls reports to Associate Dean of Instructional Development. Title III reports to… There is a Director of CWW and a Director of DL”

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Organization…. (contd)1998

• Don’t know

• Instructional Tech under academic officer or (s)he holds all Tech responsibility

• Joint reporting

• Team management


Titles, titles, titles...

2000• Separate

• Learning Technology and DL work closely together

• ‘That’s a real good question. At the moment I’m not sure anyone is...”

• Alternative Learning Division

Where are the titles? What’s going on?

Page 18: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Constancy (in the Changing World)

1998 2000Cost-benefitanalyses?

Yes: 11%No: 22%Huh?: the rest

Constant; noresultsreported yet

New JobDescriptions?

Yes: 25%No: 75%

Constant, butare JD’s inoperationnow?

Page 19: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

So, Where are We Now?

• On-line courses: YES 100%

• Range from 20 to 60+ sections each year

• Credit and non-credit (just now beginning)

• Average enrollment per section: 25 - 30

• Overall annual enrollments: 400 - 1800

• Growth: YES 100%

Page 20: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

So, Where are We Now?

• Universal E-Mail To:

Full-Time Faculty YES 100%

Part-Time Faculty YES 50%; Soon 100%

Students YES 40%; Soon 100%

Page 21: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Dreaming…… but not Snoozing

• Wireless

• Netmeeting & Videoconferencing

• Desktop video; desktop ATM

• Portals

• Virtual reality

• Voice recognition

• Academic applications software

Page 22: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Reality: Lessons on What Works1998

• Training on technology

• Resources - funds; equipment for students and faculty

• RT

• Technical support for hardware, software, course and Web applications

2000• Training on teaching &

learning strategies and their integration with technology; course design & management; “sustained faculty development”

• Resources

• RT

• Technical support: “stable servers”

Page 23: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Reality: Lessons (contd)1998

• Allow time

• Engage faculty in technology decision making and leadership

• Deal with workload early on

• Don’t jam technology down

• Keep current

2000• Don’t let IT dictate the


• Allow time for experimentation, learning and implementation - up to 3 years to fully implement in a course

• Always have a backup plan; technology does not always work

• Connect students to students; create on-line, interactive communities

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Reality: Lessons (contd 2)

1998• Focus on learning, not on

technology; bad teaching will create bad technology applications

2000• Focus on the education:

identify learning goals and find technology to help achieve them; “these are art courses, not technological courses”

Page 25: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

Reality: Lessons (contd 3)1998

• Ensure planned and public commitment by the college

• Keep Board informed

2000• Tech courses “struggle to

reproduce the interactions and chemistry of a traditional classroom. I’m concerned that I see signs of burnout in some of our technology innovators - we need to acknowledge and address this issue”

• I have no understanding of the thinking of District.

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So, What’s Up, Docs?

Page 27: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

What’s Up


• Leadership must understand the innovations they promote

• There are many unresolved issues

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What’s Up2000?

Clear shift to Faculty- led Initiatives and Faculty


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What’s up, Docs? (contd)


• More technology could be used

• I have had mixed experiences using technology, both on the human and technical levels

• Make (technology deployment) a concerted not sporadic effort; have course design/management in place before mounting a course

Page 30: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

What’s up, Docs? (contd 2)


• Dramatically shorten the time to learn and infuse technology into the curriculum

• Temper the rush with quality control

• Plan and implement (not vice versa)

• “Our focus regarding technology adoption is in the physical, not virtual, classroom”

• Technology is better used to supplement rather than to replace traditional instruction

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So, What is up, Docs?

Page 32: Technology Adoption: Faculty Perceptions of Administrative Support Innovations 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Orlando, Florida Slides on Innovations Conference.

“I am very proud to be a part of such a fine effort.”

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