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Page 1: Teaser trailer analysis #3

This teaser trailer for final destination 5 also starts with the institutional logo, the logo is not still but animated as it makes it looks likes it’s going towards your face reinforcing that the film could be shown in 3D as well as 2D format. The non-diegetic sound is very sharp at the start and zooms in straight to the next scene which fades in really quick and sharp to synchronise with the non-diegetic sound to make this effect really effective.As this is a teaser trailer it will have a lot of short takes and loads of fade in and out scenes to make the trailer flow all throughout.

The couple of seconds of the trailer shows a lot of fast scenes of different types of vehicles and because this film has a wide audience due to its mainstream audience, they would already know what type of narrative story this film has and would then guess the reason for these different types of fast phase scenes of the vehicles. The sound used in this uses a diegetic

sound of the vehicles to make it more realistic and show how fast they are going, there is no awareness of characters yet as all is showing fast phase scenes of the cars, rollercoasters and motorbikes. A voice over is then used of a man saying ‘you have to follow a sign’ perhaps indicating all the different types of vehicles heading straight ahead.

This teaser trailer is very straight forward with a lot of photomontage throughout this trailer as because it is 5th film that they have produced target audience will only watch it if they’ve seen the other films that they have already produced, otherwise they won’t know the narrative structure of the film and what it is about. Furthermore with this trailer it uses different camera angle and shots such as a close up shot of the eye, which zooms in into different characters eye and although it is the same image it still shows a graphic eye match due to the camera zooming in to the eye and then the camera zooms out onto the face. The non-diegetic sound is synchronised to relate to the scene of zooming in to each other eye, there is no other sound effects used in the background.

Moreover with this trailer there is no voice over of what is going on and to show what the film is about due to the fact that they have already made ones previously for the other existing ones they have produced therefore, some trailers worked well of having not as much narrator or sound grabs from the official film due to the audience already know what they should be expecting with the film. Towards the end of the film it then shows the title of the film but due to it being a franchise film the title is very simple and doesn’t spell the whole title of the film to shows that it is a popular film. This film is not a typical horror film due to it being more thrillers, but the film still follows a horror convention code of using the main house colour theme of black, red and white. This is shown throughout any horror products as it symbolises to the genre of horror.

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